Health & Hygiene

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Max Time : 90 Minutes.

Max Marks : 50
Section I

Q.1) Fill in the blanks:a)

There are __________ bones in the human body.



Types of muscles are _______________ and ______________.



_______________ are blood vessels which carry pure blood from the

heart. ________________ is the biggest.



______________ carry impure blood to the heart. The receiving

chamber is called_______________.


Digestion is assisted by gastric juices and secretions from

_____________ , ______________, and _______________.


(1 )

Functions of the kidneys are ________________________, ____________

and __________________.

(4 )
Section II


5X3=15 mks

Write short notes on any three :a)

Hyg including personal hygiene.


Water borne diseases.


Contact diseases.


Respiratory system.
Section III

Answer all the questions :


5X5=25 mks

What are the sources of water ?

Mention different methods of water purification?



Define first aid ?

Describe the first aid treatment for snake bite ?



Differentiate between arteries and veins ?


Define fracture ?
What are the causes for fractures ?



Define sprain and strains ?

What are the signs and symptom during sprain and strains ?

Ans1. a)



Voluntary and involuntary


Artery , aorta


Veins, auricle .


Liver, pancreas, intestines


Removal of toxins, urine, maintain balance of water in body and

produce erythromycin for manufacture of red blood corpuscles.

Ans.2 a)

Introduction : Hygiene is the science which seeks to preserve and

improve the health of the individual and of the community as a whole. It seeks to
develop in them the concepts of healthy living. Personal hygiene involves all
aspects of the health of an individual. Responsibility for the maintenance of
personal health, therefore lies with the individual.
Personal Hygiene : Sleep means the periodical rest of both body and mind. The
amount of sleep one requires varies with individuals and age. The average
requirement of sleep is from 7 to 8 hours a day.
Bathing : Keeping the skin clean and in healthy condition is essential for good
health. A warm bath in winter and cool one is summer and use of soap are
essential for body cleaning.
Eating and Drinking : Properly cooked food with its full nutritive value is
beneficial for health
Care and Cleanliness of Skin, Hand, Hair and Teeth : Our skin keeps on
secreting sweat and hence if is necessary to keep it clean through bathing and
by removing dust and dirt. Hands and finger are to be kept clean and washed
before taking meals and after a visit to the lavatory. Nails should be kept
trimmed to keep them free from dirt. The hair should be kept clean by regular
washing and combing. Care of teeth plays an important part in keeping fit.
Food and Rest : Properly balanced diet is essential for physical well being food
should be hygienically and properly cooked. It should be chewed well and taken

in proper proportion. Sufficient rest, recreation and sleep are essential for
mental and physical fitness.
Exercise: Organised games and physical exercise are necessary for proper
development of the body and mind.

Water Borne Diseases : Certain diseases spread due to infection carried

through water. These are cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice etc. These
spread as water gets contaminated through vomits or faeces passing into it.
Epidemics are likely to spread if immediate steps are not taken to disinfect water
and to properly dispose off the excreta through efficient conservancy
arrangements. All sources of the diseases ought to be segregated.

Contact Diseases : The germs pass from the sick to the healthy by actual

body contact. Venereal diseases i.e., syphilis, gonorrhea and skin infections are
common examples. Complete segregation of patient can prevent the spreading of
the diseases.

Respiratory System : Two lungs Right and Left are the important organs

of respiration. During breathing in, fresh air goes in to the lungs, the blood
absorbs the oxygen from inhaled air and distributes if to all parts of the body.
Oxygen is most essential for living. Carbon dioxide, a poisonous waste product is
removed from the lungs during breathing out. Thus we see that the process of
breathing in and breathing out are most important for the continuation of life
Ans 3)

Sources of water : Rain water, Surface water, Ground water.

Different methods of purification of water are:Boiling & Distillation,

Pinking : During cholera epidemic potassium permagnate should be used for
pinking of wells
Precipitation : By adding alum or some similar chemical to water which carries
all impurities to the bottom with it and leaves pure water. Water is then passed
through a filter.
Sterilization : By using chlorine gas or bleaching
Clarification : Removal of suspended matter through filtration by passing it
through filter beds of gravel and send or through properly sterilized filters.

Ans 4)

First Aid is the treatment given to the patient in emergencies before

the arrival of doctor.

Snake Bite: In snake bite the poison is injected by the snake through a oair of
hollow and deeply grooved biting fangs. Confirm by seeing the bite mark,
otherwise it may not be a poisonous snake.
First Aid Treatment : Gige convincing reassurance against fear of death. Make
the victim lie down comfortably but not to sleep. Apply a light constricting
tourniquet with handkerchief, bandage or shoe lace above the knee for abite on
the leg and above the elbow for a bite on the arm, so that the poison does not
flows to all part of the body. Wash with soap and water freely. Incise into the skin
across the mark with a blade and suck the blood either with mouth or with a
suction pump. Be careful that there is no cut or wound or ulcer in the mouth.
Evacuate the patient quickly to the nearest dispensary or hospital. If breathing
fails, start artificial respiration.
Ans 5)

Arteries : These are the Blood vessels which carry pure blood from

heart. Aorta is the biggest artery from where the branches of other arteries take
pure blood to each part/organ.
Veins : These blood vessels which connect the small arteries and veins. The
exchange of oxygen and nutrition with carbon oxide by the takes place in
Ans 6)

Fracture : Fracture is a discontinuity or break in a bone, resulting

in the dissolution of the supporting frame work of the body.

The fracture can be caused due to the following :a)

Through direct violence : the bone breaks on the spot where direct


violence is applied by a kick, bullet, blow etc.

Through indirect violence : The bone breaks at some distance place from
the spot of violence. i.e., fracture of clavicle, base of skull etc, when the


force is on out stretched hands or other extremities.

Through forcible muscular contraction : Fracture of patella ( Knee cap)
by contraction of thigh muscular. Fracture of ribs may be caused by


violent coughing.
Diseases of bones : Certain diseases of bones make weak and easily

Ans 7)

Sprains : A sprain is the wrenching of the ligaments and tissues

around the joint.

Signs and Symptoms :


Pain at the joint

Inability to use the joint
Swelling and later bruising.

Strains : A strain is the over stretching of a muscle.

Signs and Symptoms :

There is sudden sharp pain

There may be swelling or severe cramp.
Further exertion is difficult or impossible.

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