Managing Data Concurrency and Consistency

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Data Concurrency and Consistency

Data concurrency means that many users can access data at the same time. Data
consistency means that each user sees a consistent view of data, including visible
changes made by the users own transactions and transactions of other users.
Oracle Database offers two isolation levels, providing application developers with
operational modes that preserve consistency and provide high performance.
These isolation levels are defined in terms of three phenomena that must be
prevented between concurrently executing transactions. The three preventable
phenomena are:

Dirty reads: a transaction reads data that has been written by another
transaction that has not been committed yet
Fuzzy reads (nonrepeatable): a transaction rereads data it has previously
read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted
the data
Phantom reads: a transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that
satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has
inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition

Isolation Level

Dirty Read







Read committed Not possible Possible


Repeatable read Not possible Not possible



Not possible

Not possible Not possible

Overview of Locking Mechanisms

Multiuser databases use some form of data locking to solve the problems associated
with data concurrency, consistency, and integrity. Locks are mechanisms that
prevent destructive interaction between transactions accessing the same
Resources include two general types of objects:

User objects, such as tables and rows

System objects not visible to users, such as shared data in the memory and
data dictionary rows

Multiversion Concurrency Control

Oracle provides read consistency to a query based on statement-level read

consistency and transaction-level read consistency (to all the queries in a
To achieve that, Oracle uses the information maintained in its Undo Information
(Rollback segments) to provide these consistent views. The undo segments/rollback
segments contain the old values of data that have been changed by uncommitted
or recently committed transactions.
When the query read data which is has changed with or without commit by
others transaction, the query read data from undo segments/rollback

Statement-Level Read Consistency

Oracle always enforces statement-level read consistency. All the data returned by a
single query comes from a single point in time, its the time that the query
executed. So, a query never sees dirty data or any of the changes made by
transactions that commit during query execution.
Only data committed before the query began is visible to the query. The
query does not see changes committed after statement execution begins.
This consistency enforced to a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE query (DML)

If a SELECT list contains a function, then the database applies

statement-level read consistency at the statement level for SQL run
within the PL/SQL function code, rather than at the parent SQL level. For
example, a function could access table whose data is changed and
committed by another user. For each execution of the SELECT in the
function, a new road consistent snapshot is established.

Transaction-Level Read Consistency

Oracle also offers the option of enforcing transaction-level read consistency.

When a transaction runs in serializable mode, all data accesses reflect the state of
the database as of the time the transaction began. Thus, the data seen by all
queries within the same transaction is consistent with respect to a Single Point in
Transaction-level read consistency produces repeatable reads and does not expose
a query to phantoms

Oracle Isolation Levels

Oracle also offers the option of enforcing


This is the default transaction isolation level.




Each query executed by a transaction sees only data that was

committed before the query began. Oracle never reads dirty data
(uncommitted data).
Can experience nonrepeatable read and phantoms
See only those changes that were committed at the time the
transaction began, plus those changes made by the transaction
itself through INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Can not
experience nonrepeatable read and phantoms.
Using undo segments/rollback segmentes to provide some
information needed
See only those changes that were committed at the time the
transaction began and do not allow INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE

Set the Isolation Level

you can set the isolation level of a transaction by using one of these statements at
the beginning of a transaction:

Use ALTER SESSION statement to set the transaction isolation level for all
subsequent transactions:

Serializable Isolation

Oracle database permits a serializable transaction to modify a data row only if it can
be determine that prior changes to the row were made by transactions that had
committed when the serializable transaction began.
Serializable isolation is suitable for environments:

With large databases and short transactions that update only a few rows
Where the chance that two concurrent transactions will modify the same rows
is relatively low
Where relatively long-running transactions are primarily read only

Oracle Database generates and error when a serializable transaction tries to update
or delete data modified by a transaction that commits AFTER the serializable
transaction began:
ORA-08177: Cannot serialize access for this transaction

When serializable transaction fails with the Cannot Serialize Access Error, the
application can take any of several actions:

Commit the work executed to that point

Execute additional (but different) statements (perhaps after rolling back to a

savepoint established earlier in the transaction)
Undo the entire transaction

Comparison of Read Committed and Serializable Isolation (Lock

both read committed and serializable isolation levels provide a high degree of
consistency and concurrency.
This section includes the following topics:

Transaction set consistency

Row-level locking
Referential integrity
Distributed transactions

An operation (query or transaction) is transaction set consistent if all its reads

return data written by the same set of committed transactions.
An operation is not set consistent if some reads reflect the changes of one set of
transaction and other reads reflect changes made by other transactions.
An operation that is not transaction set consistent in effect sees the database in a
state that reflects no single set of committed transactions.
Oracle provides transactions executing in read committed mode with
transaction set consistency for each statement. Serializable mode
provides transaction set consistency for each transaction.

Row-level Locking

both read committed and serializable transactions use row-level locking,

and both will wait if they try to change a row updated by an uncommitted
concurrent transaction.
The second transaction that tries to update a given row waits for the other
transaction to commit or undo and release its lock. If that other transaction rolls
back, the waiting transaction, regardless of its isolation mode, can proceed to
change the previously locked row as if the other transaction had not existed.
However, if the other blocking transaction commits and release its locks, a read
committed transaction proceeds with its intended update. A serializable transaction
will fails with the error Cannot Serialize Access Error, because the other
transaction has committed a change that was made since the serializable
transaction began.

Referential Integrity

Because oracle does not use read locks in either read-consistent or serializable
transactions, data read by one transaction can be overwritten by another.


You can use both read committed and serializable transaction isolation
levels with Oracle RAC.

Distributed Transactions

in a distributed database environment, a given transaction updates data in multiple

physical database protected by two-phase commit to ensure all nodes or non
commit. In this environment, all servers, whether oracle or non-oracle, that
participate in a serializable transaction are required to support serializable
isolation mode. If not, it will raise an error.
The transaction can undo and retry only when the remote server does support
serializable transactions. In contrast, read committed transactions can perform
distributed transactions with servers that do not support serializable transactions.

Transaction containing DML statements with subqueries should use

serializable isolation to guarantee consistent read.

How Oracle Database Locks Data

Locks are mechanisms that prevent destructive interaction between transactions

accessing the same resource. Oracle automatically obtains necessary locks when
executing SQL statements. Oracle locking is fully automatic and requires no
user action, so the database users never need to lock any resource

Modes of Locking

Oracle uses two modes of locking in a multiuser database:

Share lock


Prevents the associated resource from being shared. This lock
mode is obtained to modify data. The first transaction to lock a
resource exclusively is the only transaction that can alter the
resource until the exclusive lock is released
Allows the associated resource to be shared. Multiple users
reading data can share the data, holding share locks to prevent
concurrent access by a writer. Several transactions can acquire
share locks on the same resource

Deadlocks can occur when two or more users are waiting for data locked by each
other. Deadlocks prevent some transactions from continuing to work.

Oracle automatically detects deadlock situations and resolves them by rolling back
one of the statements involved in the deadlock, thereby releasing one set of the
conflicting row locks. The statement rolled back is the one belonging to the
transaction that detects the deadlock.

In distributed transactions, local deadlocks are detected by analyzing

wait data, and global deadlocks are detected by a time out. One
detected, nondistributed and distributed deadlocks are handled by the
database and application in the same way

Avoid Deadlocks

Deadlocks can usually be avoided if transactions accessing the same table lock
those tables in the same order, either through implicit or explicit locks.

Types of Locks

Oracle locks fall into one of three general categories shown below
DML locks (data
DDL locks (dictionary
Internal locks and

DML locks protect data, for example: table locks lock
entire tables, row locks lock selected rows
DDL locks protect the structure of schema objects, for
example: the definitions of tables and views
Internal locks and latches protect internal database
structures such as datafiles. Internal locks and latches
are entirely automatic

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