Chapter 2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

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Chapter 2

Bipolar Junction Transistor

2.0 History
The name bipolar is used because both types of carriers namely hole and
electron are used in the transistor, as opposed to field effect transistor, which is
considered a unipolar device.
Transistor was invented by J. Bardeen (1908 - 1987), W. Shockley (19101989), and W. Brattain (1902 - 1987) in 1948. Fig. 2.1 shows the picture of
three transistor inventors. In 1950 the junction transistor was made using molten
germanium. The bipolar transistors produced in 1950s were typically made with
alloyed junction.
The planar technology developed around 1960 started to use silicon as the
semiconductor material. Today bipolar junction transistor enjoys a large market
but they have been challenged by MOSFETs because of cost, yield, power,
miniaturization, and etc.

Figure 2.1: Inventors of transistor John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain
(left to right)

Figure 2.2 shows the picture of first transistor made by three mentioned

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.2: First transistor built in 1948

In 1999, a vertical replacement gate transistor of 50 nm thick was invented by

scientist in Lucent laboratory. Figure 2.3 shows the picture of the Lucent
Transistor. There was other smaller transistor reported during that time by
research laboratory of a university in Ohio State.

Figure 2.3: 50nm transistor built by Lucent Laboratory

Transistors both bipolar and field effect type, are a three terminal semiconductor
device used primarily for signal amplification and switching. It is also formed
the fundamental element for integrated circuit design such as the VLSI
Bipolar junction transistor can be divided into two types namely npn and
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Field effect transistor FET may be broadly divided into JFET, MESFET,
MODFET, and MOSFET, where MOSFET can further be divided into
depletion-enhancement type and enhancement type. In today's VLSI design,
complimentary MOSFETs are used to reduce power consumption and fast
switching application.

2.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Bipolar junction transistor BJT can be viewed as two pn junctions connected
back to back to form np-pn or pn-np structures namely as npn or pnp transistors.
Figure 2.4 illustrates the structure showing two pn junctions.

Figure 2.4: The structure of a transistor showing two pn junctions

Bipolar junction transistor is manufactured in miniature formed by the

fabrication process, which involved oxidation, photolithography, etching,
deposition, ion implantation, diffusion, chemical/mechanical polishing
processes, metallization, and etc.
Like pn junction, the current components of BJT come from two carrier
types, which are the hole and electron. This is also the reason why the transistor
is called bipolar junction transistor.
The current components are diffusion hole, diffusion electron, drift hole,
and drift electron, which are illustrated in Fig. 2.5.
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.5: It illustrates the current components of a p+np transistor

2.1.1 Design Concept of Bipolar Junction Transistor

Bipolar junction transistor has three terminals. One terminal is used to inject
carrier name as emitter E, one is used to control the passage of the carrier
named as base B, and one is used to collect the carrier named as collector C.
Traditional way of designing a bipolar junction transistor is designed in
such that the doping concentration of its emitter is higher than the doping
concentration of the base and collector. The order of doping concentration is
highest for emitter 1018cm-3, followed by collector 1017cm-3 and then base
1016cm-3. To ensure almost 100% of the injected carrier from emitter is
collected by collector, the diffusion carriers have to out number the diffusion
carriers of base and to out number recombination of carrier in the base.
The base is also designed to be much shorter than the diffusion length Ln or
Lp of the minority carriers. This is used to minimize the chance of
recombination of minority carrier with majority carrier in the base.
Bipolar junction transistor that meets the design concept would have high
emitter efficiency and high current gain beta value.

2.1.2 Type of Bipolar Junction Transistor

Bipolar junction transistor can be divided into two types namely npn and pnp
types which have their structures shown in Fig. 2.6.
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.6: Structure of pnp and npn transistor

2.1.3 Symbol of Bipolar Junction Transistor

The symbols of npn and pnp bipolar junction transistors are shown in Fig. 2.7.
The terminal with arrow sign signifies the emitter side. The tail of the arrow
shows the p-type, whilst the head of arrow shows the n-type.

(a) npn transistor

(b) pnp transistor

Figure 2.7: Symbol of npn and pnp bipolar junction transistor

2.1.4 Power the Bipolar Junction Transistor

In normal operation of BJT, the emitter-to-base junction of the bipolar junction
transistor is always forward biased. The collector-to-base is always reversebiased.

Figure 2.8: Voltage bias configuration of pnp transistor

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

The corresponding energy band diagram of a pnp bipolar junction transistor is

shown in Fig. 2.9.

Figure 2.9: Energy band diagram of pnp transistor under voltage bias

2.1.5 dc Operation Mode of Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.10 shows the current components of a bipolar junction transistor under
normal bias.

Figure 2.10: Biasing configuration of pnp transistor

There are three current types flowing in bipolar junction transistor. There are
collector current IC, emitter current IE, and and base current IB.
By Kirchhoff's Current Law KCL,
IE = IB + IC


There is a small portion of the injected carrier recombines with majority carrier
in the base to form part of the base current. Thus, the emitter current IE is equal
to (IC + IB).
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

The ratio of collector current to emitter current is called , which is also

named as h-parameter hFB. This parameter is commonly known as common base


The typical value of ranges from from 0.95 to 0.99. For a good transistor, its
value is closed to one.
The ratio of collector current to base current is , which also denoted as hparameter-hFE. This parameter is commonly known as common emitter gain.


The typical range value of is between 20 to 500.

Substitute equation (2.1) into equation (2.3), it yields
IE = IB( + 1)


The relationship of and parameters shall be

= /(1 - )
= /( + 1)


Example 2.1
A transistor has IB = 0.08mA and IE = 9.60mA. Determine its collector current
IC, , and .
IC = IE - IB
= 9.60mA - 0.08mA
= 9.52mA
= 9.52mA/9.60mA= 0.9917
= 9.52mA/0.08mA = 119
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

= /(1-) = 0.9917/0.0083 = 119

2.1.6 Characteristics of Beta

The beta of transistor increases as the junction temperature of BJT increases.
Thus, it will affect the quiescent Q-point of the transistor. However, if the BJT
is properly biased, the effect is insignificant.
The basic reason for the increase is due to increase of electron-hole pair
EHP at higher temperature as compared to lower temperature.

2.1.7 Reversed Bias Mode of Bipolar Junction Transistor

When the transistor is in reverse-biased mode, there are leakage currents, which
can be measured. They are minority currents, which are drift currents in the
collector-to-emitter and collector-to-base junctions. In engineering sense, they
are referred as leakage currents.
Two types of leakage current namely ICBO at open emitter mode and ICEO at
open base mode are of interest because it affects the operating Q-point of the
transistor as the operating temperature increases. In the industrial analogue
circuit design, ICEO and ICBO values are normally considered as very small in
nanoampere range, which can be ignored.
Figure 2.11 shows the set up to measure ICBO with emitter left open i.e. IC =

Figure 2.11: ICBO measurement

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.12 shows the set up to measure ICEO current with base open i.e. IC =

Figure 2.12: ICEO measurement

Taking into account ICEO and ICBO, the real (real) and (real) parameters shall be

Figure 2.13: It illustrates the ICBO and ICEO leakage current components

Since =

IC = IC(real) +ICBO


(real) = (IC-ICBO)/IE


IC = (real)IE + ICBO


IB = IE-((real)IE + ICBO)


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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor





IC = (real)IB +ICBO(+1)


IB =

(real) =

In open base condition, the collector current IC is



Thus, the open base collector-to-emitter current ICEO is



Note that ICEO value in equation (2.14) is indeed the cutoff base current of a
bipolar junction transistor.
Example 2.2
A silicon bipolar junction transistor has = 100 and ICBO of 0.01A. Calculate
the value of , IC and IB assuming IE = 1mA.

= 0.99
+ 1 101

= 0.99(1mA) + 0.01A
= 0.99001 mA
IB =


= 1mA/101 - 0.01A = 9.89A

2.1.8 Collector Characteristic Curves

By fixing the base current IB and varying the VCC voltage and knowing value,
the characteristic curve of collector current IC versus collector-to-emitter voltage
VCE can be plotted as shown in Fig. 2.14. By changing the value of base current
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

IB, a new collector characteristic curve can be obtained by varying the collectorto-emitter voltage VCE and measuring the collector current IC.
When base current is zero i.e. IB = 0, the transistor is said to be at cutoff.
When base current is increased, the collector current IC is also increased, and
collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is decreased. VCE will decrese until it is equal to
VCE(sat), which is approxiamtely equal to 0.1 ~ 0.2V. At this condition, the
transistor is saturated because IC will not increase any further and base-tocollector junction becomes forward bias (equation (2.19); VCB = VCE - VBE). In
this condition, the current gain formula will not follow.
Note also that at cutoff, VCE is almost equal to VCC and likewise at
saturation, collector-to-emitter voltage is almost zero. i.e.VCE 0V.

Figure 2.14: Collector characteristic curves

2.2 dc Configuration of Bipolar Junction Transistor

There are three biasing configurations for the bipolar junction transistor. They
are common-base, common-emitter, and common-collector configurations. We
shall study each of the configurations in details.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

2.2.1 Common-Base CB Configuration

The transistor is connected with base as common ground terminal as shown in
Fig. 2.15 is called common-base configuration. The current gain is , which is
the ratio of collector current and emitter current IC/IE. The input is at emitter
terminal, whilst the output is at collector terminal.

Figure 2.15: Common-base CB configuration

2.2.2 Common-Emitter CE Configuration

The transistor is connected with emitter as the common or ground is called
common-emitter configuration as shown in Fig. 2.16.

Figure 2.16: Common-emitter configuration

The current gain of this configuration is , which is the ratio of collector current
IC and base current IB. is also called as static forward transfer current ratio
hfe. The input is at base terminal, whilst the output is at collector terminal.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor dc Analysis
Reference to common-emitter configuration shown Fig. 2.17, there are three
currents and three voltages, which are base current IB, emitter current IE,
collector current IC, base-to-emitter voltage VBE, collector-to-base voltage VCB,
and collector-to-emitter voltage VCE. For any other dc biasing configuration,
there always have these currents and voltages.

Figure 2.17: Common-emitter current and voltage

At room temperature 250C, the base-to-emitter voltage VBE is approximately

equal to 0.7V, which is the forward voltage drop of a diode.
The voltage across base resistor RB VR is



Therefore, the base current IB is

IB =



Knowing the beta value, using equation (2.2) and (2.3), collector current IC and
emitter current IE can be determined.
The voltage drop across collector resistor RC is VR , which is

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

VR C = I C R C


The voltage drop across collector and emitter VCE shall then equal to


The voltage drops across collector and base shall follow equation (2.19), which


Example 2.3
Determine if the transistor shown in circuit is in saturation. Assume that VCE(Sat)
is small enough to be neglected.

The collector saturation current is I C (sat ) =




V 0.7 V 2.3V
I B = BB
= 0.23mA .

VCC VCE (sat )




= 10mA . If IB is large





The collector current is IC = IB = (50)(0.23mA) = 11.5mA. This shows that

with the specified , this base current is capable of producing the collector
current IC greater than IC(sat). Since the transistor is saturated, the collector
current value of 11.5mA is never attained.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

2.2.3 Common-Collector CC Configuration

The transistor is connected with collector as the common is called commoncollector configuration as shown in Fig. 2.18.

Figure 2.18: Common-collector configuration

The current gain is +1 since I E = I C + I B . This shall mean that emitter current is
IE = IB( + 1). The input is at base terminal, whilst the output is at emitter
terminal. dc Analysis
The current and voltage shown in Fig. 2.19 depend on the transistor
characteristics and external circuit values.

Figure 2.19: Currents and voltage of common collector configuration

The voltage at base is VBB. The voltage at emitter VE is (VBB-VBE), where VBE =
0.7V for silicon at room temperature. Thus, the emitter current IE is
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

IE =



IE =



Since emitter current is I E = I C + I B and beta is = IC/IB

IB =



The collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is



The collector-to-base voltage VCB is



Example 2.4
Determine current IB, IC, IE and voltage at each transistor terminal with respect
to ground and VCE voltage in the figure. = 200.

Emitter current is I E =

VBB VBE 10V 0.7 V

= 0.93mA

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

IB =

= 0.925mA

= 4.43A

VC = VCC = 20V and VB = VBB = 10V

VE = IERE = (0.93mA)(10k) = 9.3V
VB = 9.2V + 0.7V = 10V.
VCE = 20V - 9.3V = 10.7V

2.3 dc Operating Point

The dc operating point is referred to Q-point (quiescent point). It is a point on
the transistor characteristic curve. If one chooses collector current IC versus
collector-to-emitter voltageVCE characteristics curve then Q-point is the point on
the curve determined by collector current IC and collector-to-emitter voltageVCE
for a fixed value of base current IB derived from the biasing of circuit. Using the
transistor biasing circuit shown in Fig. 2.20, the Q-point on the characteristics
curve can be determined by finding the values of IC and VCE for a given base
current IB determined by the circuit. The line joining the Q-point is known as dc
load line.

(a) Bias circuit

(b) Characteristic curve
Figure 2.20: (a) Biasing circuit for determining Q-point and (b) showing Q-point and dc load

If there is a sine wave of amplitude 1.0V superimposed on base voltage VBB as

shown in Fig. 2.21 The base current IB varies 100.0A above and 100.0A
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

below the Q-point. The collector current IC will vary between 20.0mA to
40.0mA, which is 10.0mA above and below Q-point of 30.0mA. The
collector-to-emitter voltage VCE will vary from 2.0V to 6.0V as shown in Fig.
2.22, which is 2.0V above and below Q-point of 4.0V.

Figure 2.21: It shows the transitor with ac signal superimposed on dc

Figure 2.22: It shows the transistor dc load line

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

2.3.1 Distortion of Output

The location of Q-point can cause distortion of the output and it determines the
maximum input voltage. The output signal is clipped if the input is driven into
either saturation or cutoff area. Fig. 2.23 illustrates the conditions of output

(a) Driven in saturation

(b) Driven into cutoff

(c) Driven both into saturation and cutoff

Figure 2.23: Conditions of output distortion

Example 2.5
Determine the Q-point for circuit shown in the figure and the peak value of base
current for linear operation. Given that the beta value of the npn transistor is

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Q-point is defined by collector current IC and collector-to-emitter voltage VCE
on the output characteristic curve. The base current is
IB =

VBB VBE 10V 0.7 V

= 186A and the collector current IC is

IC = IB = 200x186A = 37.2mA. The collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is

VCE = VCC - ICRC = 20V - 37.2 mA(300)
= 20V - 11.6V
= 8.84V
Thus, first Q-point is at IC = 37.2mA and VCE = 8.8V for IB = 186.0A
The next Q-point shall be determined at saturation. IC at this point is
IC(sat) = VCC/RC = 20V/300
= 66.7 mA
Now a dc load line can be drawn as shown in the figure. From the graph, VCE at
cutoff is found to be 20.0V.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

From the graph, the operating IC range is 37.2mA 29.5mA. Thus, the
peak base current IB value is Ib(peak) = 29.5mA/200 = 147.5A.

2.4 dc Biasing a Transistor Amplifier

The purpose of dc bias is to make transistor to work as amplifier or alternative
one can say to keep the transistor alive. All three terminals of the bipolar
junction transistor must be biased. Showing here is the most common type of dc
biasing for transistor, which are base bias, emitter bias, voltage-divider bias, and
collector feedback bias. The constant curent bias shall also be discussed briefly.
dc analysis and the effect of temperature for each biasing type shall be
discussed detail. The advantage and disadvantage of each bised type shall also
be discussed.

2.4.1 Base Bias

Circuit in Fig. 2.24 illustrates the base biasing of a bipolar junction transistor.
The base of the bipolar junction transistor is biased using VCC voltage instead of
a separated voltage.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.24: Base bias circuit of bipolar junction transistor dc Analysis
The voltage drop across base resistor RB is (VCC -VBE).
Therefore, base current IB is


Also collector-to-emitter voltage is



From the above dc analysis, it shows that collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is

dependent on parameter. Since beta increases with temperature, it shall
mean that collector current IC will also increase. Increase of collector current
reduces collector-to-emitter voltage VCE. Thus, it affects the Q-point.
Based on the analysis, the bipolar junction transistor baised with base bias
technique is not a good biasing technique unless the operating temperature can
be kept constant.

2.4.2 Emitter Bias

Emitter bias of bipolar junction transistor is shown in Fig. 2.25. The emitter is
normally biased.
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.25: Emitter biasing circuit dcAnalysis
At base-emitter loop,
(IC/)RB+ VBE +



Thus, the collector current IC is

IC =

R E ( + 1) / + R B /


Since RB/ is small as compared to RE and ( + 1)/ 1, the effect of collector

current IC with temperature is minimum. Thus, emitter bias is a good biasing
technique for linear circuit design. The collector voltage VC is


and collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor



Example 2.6
Determine how much the Q-point of the circuit shown in the figure will change
over temperature where increases from 50 to 100 and VBE decreases from
0.7V to 0.6V.

For = 50 and VBE = 0.7V
R E ( + 1) / + R B /
20V 0.7 V
10k(51 / 50) + 10k / 50

IC =

= 1.86mA
= 20V - (1.86mA)(5k)
= 10.72V
Therefore, the emitter voltage VE is
VE = -1.86mA/50x10k - 0.7V = -1.072V
and the collector-to-emitter voltage is
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

= 10.72V - (-1.072V)
= 11.79V
For = 100 and VBE = 0.6V
R E ( + 1) / + R B /
20V 0.6V
10k(101 / 100) + 10k / 100

IC =

= 1.90mA
= 20V - (1.90mA)(5k)
= 10.49V
Therefore, the emitter voltage and collector-to-emitter voltage are
VE = -1.90mA/100x10k- 0.6V = -0.79V
= 10.49V - (-0.79V)
= 11.28V
The % change in collector current IC as changes from 50 to 100 is
IC =

1.90mA 1.86mA
x100% = 2.15%

The % change in collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is


11.79V 11.28V
x100% = 4.32%

From the results, one can conclude that the emitter bias circuit is a good way to
stabilize Q-point due to change of caused by temperature.

2.4.3 Voltage-Divider Bias

Voltage-divider bias is the most widely used technique for linear circuit design.
The base voltage VB is biased based on device circuit shown in Fig. 2.26.
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.26: Voltage-Divider bias circuit

If the base current IB is very small as compared to current I2 flows in R2, then
the divider circuit can be simplied and depends on R1 and R2. Otherwise, the
input resistance RIN(base) at the base needs to take into consideration.

Figure 2.27: (a) Divider circuit without input resistance and (b) with input resistance
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

The input resistance of base RIN(base) is defined as RIN(base) = (+1)RE as shown in

in Fig. 2.27. In most cases, RIN(base) is very large as compared to R2. Thus, it can
be ignored in the calculation. Since (+1) , then (+1)RE RE
From Thvenin's theorem, an equivalent base-to-emitter circuit is shown in
Fig. 2.28 and its dc model circuit is shown in Fig. 2.29. The dc model can be
used for the case where RIN(base) is considered as part of input and also the base
current is not assumed to be zero.

Figure 2.28: Thvenin's equivalent circuit of base-to-emitter circuit

Figure 2.29: dc model circuit of voltage divider amplifier

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor dc Analysis
Consider circuit shown in Fig. 2.30, the base voltage VB at point A is equal to
VB =

R 2 || ( + 1)R E
R 1 + {R 2 || ( + 1)R E }


If term (+1)RE >> R2 then the base voltage is approximately equal to


R1 + R 2


Knowing base voltage is VB and emitter voltage is VE = VB - VBE, the emitter

current is equal to
IE =



Since collector current is IC = IE and emitter voltage is VE = IERE, the

collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is equal to
= VCC - IE(RC + RE)


Usually the value of input base resistance RIN(base) = ( + 1)RE is much larger as
compared to R2. Therefore, Q-point is only slightly effected by , which is
temperature dependent.
Example 2.7
Using the circuit shown in the figure, determine the values of base voltage VB
and emitter current IE.
If the transistor is replaced with one that has = 250, what is the change of
base voltage VB?

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

In this example, RIN(base) cannot be ignored since it involves parameter.
RIN(base) = 51(1k) = 51k
R 2 || R IN ( base )

VB =

R 1 + R 2 || R IN ( base )


50k || 51k
100k + 50k || 51k

= 2.01V
= (2.01V- 0.7V)/1k
= 1.31mA
If beta increases to 250, input base reistance RIN(base) is 251k and base
votlage VB is
VB =

50k || 251k
100k + 50k || 251k

= 2.94V
Base voltage VB increases from 2.01V to 2.94V.
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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

2.4.4 Collector Feedback Bias

The circuit of collector feedback bias or voltage feedback bias is shown in Fig.
2.30. It provides base-to-emitter bias. This circuit is good to stablize the effect
on Q-point caused by temperature.

Figure 2.30: Collector feedback bias dc Analysis
The base current IB is
IB =



The collector-to-emitter voltage VCE is

Also the base current IB is equal to
IB =


But IB = IC/, thus,

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor


I C = CC
RC + RB /


Normally the value of RB/ is small as compared to RC. Thus, collector current
IC is fairly independent of .

2.4.5 Biasing Using Current Source

Current source biasing has advantage because emitter current is independent of
RB resistance and value of the transistor as shown in Fig. 2.31(a). Thus, RB
can be made as large as possible to increase the input impedance without
disturbing the stability of the bias. Current source also leads to significant
design simplification. It keeps the collector voltage at point V greater than
voltage at base (-VEE + VBE). The circuit in Fig. 2.31(b) has the current ratio
I/IREF which is depending on the design aspect ratio (A/b) of the transistor Q1
and Q2. Thus, the relationship I / I REF =

(A / b ) Q 2
(A / b ) Q1

is established. If transistor

Q1 and Q2 have same design geometry then I is a replica or mirror of current

reference IREF. Thus it is also called the current mirror, a name that is used
irrespective of the ratio of device dimenison.




IREF is also equal to the sum of collector current IC flows in transistor Q1 and the
base current flows in both transistors. Thus,
and IC = I, therefore, current I =

x IREF for transistor Q1 and Q2 that have


same value.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

(a) Basic current source

(b) Current mirror
Figure 2.31: Bipolar transistor biased using current source

2.5 Output Impedance ro

With reference to Fig. 2.14, we assume that the output impedance ro of the
bipolar junction transistor is infinite at amplification region. Thus, we ignore ro
at the gain calculation. In reality the output impedance of the transistor for a
specified IB current is depending on the Early voltage VA and the collector
current IC. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.32. Thus, the output impedance of the
transistor is ro =

A .

At saturation and upon further increase VCE voltage, the depletion thickness
at collector-to-base region increases in such that the effective width W of the
base is reduced. This causes an increase of minority carrier, which is the source
of reversed saturation current IS. Knowing that IS is inversely proportional to W
and IC = IS e V / V , thus there is an increase of IC current.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.32: The figure shows that the output resistance rO has finite value

2.5 Transistor As a Switch

In digital electronic, transistor is configured as a switch that operates between
cutoff and saturation regions. Consider an npn bipolar junction transistor circuit
shown in Fig. 2.33. If the input voltage Vin is equal to VCC and the ratio of the
base resistance to collector resistance RB/RC or the ratio of collector current to
base current IC/IB is less than value, then the transistor is be driven into
saturation. Likewise, if the input voltage Vin is less than the base-to-emitter
voltage VBE of 0.7V, the transistor will be at cutoff. Under these conditions, the
transistor acts like an inverter switch.
From circuit shown in Fig. 2.33, base current IB is equal to IB =

(Vin VBE )
. However, at saturation collector current IC is equal to IC = VCC/RC.

Knowing that IC = IB, thus, the result of RB/RC at saturation is equal to


. If Vin = VCC, then CC


is less than one. This shall

mean that ratio of RB/RC is less than for a transistor to operate as a switch.
This result infers that the ratio of IC/IB current is less than for a bipolar
junction transistor to work as switch.

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Figure 2.33: An npn bipolar junction transistor used as an inverter switch


The majority carrier in base region of an npn transistor is

Explain the purpose of a thin, lightly doped base and a heavily doped


Why collector current IC is less than emitter current IE?


Discuss how the base-emitter terminal and collector-emitter terminal of a

bipolar junction transistor should be biased for normal functioning.


A base current of 50A is applied to a transistor in figure below and a

voltage of 5V is dropped across resistor RC. Determine and for the

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor


Find VCE, VBE, and VCB of the transistor shown in figure below. Deduce
whether or not the transistor is saturated.


Calculate the VCE(max) and IC(sat) for the amplifier shown in figure below
and draw its dc load line. What is the ac range can be applied at the base
without distortion given that = 100?

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2 Bipolar Junction Transistor


Refers to circuit of Q2.7, if you need IB to be 10.0A, what will be the

values of VBB and the Q-point of this amplifier? You may take and =


Among the dc biasing circuits for transistor that you have learnt, name
the one that its Q-point will be greatly affected by temp.variation. State
the reason.

1. Theodore F. Bogart Jr., Jeffrey S. Beasley, and Guillermo Rico, Electronic
Devices and Circuit, sixth edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.
2. Thomas L. Floyd, "Electronic Devices", Prentice Hall International,
3. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", fourth
edition, Oxford University Press, 1998.
4. Robert L. Boylestad, and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory, eighth edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

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