Chapter 4 Product Design Management

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Chapter 4:

Product Design Management

LIM Soon Chong, Johnson (Ph.D.)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

BBT 41002 (PPG), v2.0

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Outline I

Product Design and Development

Who are the designers?
Product Life Cycle
Product Development Process

Understanding Design Needs

What do customers want?
Design Opportunities
Kanos Model
Quality Function Deployment

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Outline II

Product Planning and Development Strategies

One-of-a-Kind Production
Mass Production
Mass Customization
Product Family Design

Technology in Design
Computer-Aided Design(CAD)
Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM)
CAD/CAM System
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

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Outline III

Future of Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing
Augmented Reality
Product Service System


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Product Design and Development


What is a product?
A product is something sold by an enterprise to its customers [3]. In the
technical or engineering perspective, the term refers to engineered product.

Phillips iPod Speaker Dock

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Oral-B electric toothbrush

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Product Design and Development

Who are the designers?

Who design and develop products?

Product design and development is an interdisciplinary activity that is often
achieved by a team of people (in a design team) with different skills and
experience and plays different roles in the team. Three functions that are
central to a product development project [3]:
Marketing: The marketing function mediates the interaction between the firm
and its customers. Marketing function identify product opportunities, market
segments and identify customer needs.
Design: Design function basically define the physical form (and also
non-physical aspects) of a product to meet customer needs. These include
engineering design (mechanical, electrical, software, etc.) and industrial design
(aesthetics, ergonomics, user interfaces, packaging, etc.)
Manufacturing: Manufacturing function is associated with designing, operating
and/or coordinating the production system in order to produce the product.
These includes determining suitable manufacturing processes, purchasing
decisions, material flow and logistics, etc.
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Product Design and Development

Who are the designers?

Voltswagen New Beetle Facts [3]:

Annual Production of 100,000 units/yr, $20,000 per unit
Number of unique parts: 10,000
Development time: 3.5 yrs
Development team: 800 people (internal) & 800 people (external)
Development cost: $400 million
Production investment: $500 million
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Product Design and Development

A Products Life Cycle

Product Lifecycle I

Figure 1 : A products lifecycle [2]

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Product Design and Development

A Products Life Cycle

Product Lifecycle II
The four phases in the lifecycle of a product[2]:
Introductory Phase: large initial expenditure on product research,
development, modification and enhancement.
Growth Phase: product design has begun to stabilize, and effective forecasting
of capacity requirements is necessary. Management of production planning,
supply chain, etc. to cover increased product demand is necessary through
upgrading existing capacity.
Maturity Phase: product is matured and competitors are present. Strategies for
profitability and market share include cost control, reductions in options, and
high-volume production.
Decline Phase: market needs are declining with introduction of new products or
emergence of new technology. Production should be slowed down or even
terminated for cost control.

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Product Design and Development

Product Development Process

Product Development Process

Product Development Stages[2]:

Understanding Design
Functional and Product
Design Review and
Prototype Testing

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Understanding Design Needs

What do customers want?

What do customers want?

Figure 2 : How do we capture voice of customers? [4]

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Understanding Design Needs

Design Opportunities

Design Opportunities I

New product opportunities may comes from [2]:

Understanding the customer: premier issue in new product development.
Companies must be sensitive to the market changes and particularly the needs
of lead users, i.e. users that are well ahead of market trends and have needs
that go far beyond those of average users.
Economic change: e.g. increased income per capita, economic recession, etc.
may affect the demand of products.
Sociological and demographic change: decreased family size may affect the
size preference for family car, mobile lifestyle changes may affect mobile phone
design, etc.

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Understanding Design Needs

Design Opportunities

Design Opportunities II

Technological change: introduction of new technology enabling possible new

products to be introduced to market (e.g. iPod, artificial organs, solar charger,
Political/Legal change: new trade agreements, new laws may affect product
design (e.g. environmental protection laws implicate new greener vehicle
Others: professional standards, new market practice, etc.

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Understanding Design Needs

Kanos Model

Kanos Model

Dissatisfier: is a product
characteristic that customer takes for
granted, but may not tell you. If its
missing, that will cause
Satisfiers: are the explicit customers
wants. The more, the better.
Delighter: is a pleasant surprise
(Wow! Factor ). It is optional but wont
cause any trouble when it is absent.

Figure 3 : Kanos Model

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Understanding Design Needs

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment I

A method for developing a design quality aimed at satisfying the consumer and
then translating the consumers demand into design targets and major quality
assurance points to be used throughout the production phase [1].
QFD was founded by Profesor Shigeru Mizuno and Yoji Akao in the 1960s
QFDs basic idea is to transform Voice of Customers (VoCs) into specific
design requirements
QFD starts by obtaining VoCs, and then systematically transformed it into
technical requirements

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Understanding Design Needs

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment II

House of Quality (HoQ) is a graphical
approach for QFD
Consists of several areas, such as:

Voice of Customers (VoCs)

Technical Requirements
Relationship Matrix
Requirement Priorities
Competitive Evaluation
Targeted Values
Technical Evaluation
Left: House of Quality [2]

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Understanding Design Needs

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment III

A sample of filled HoQ for designing a Camera:

Determine what customer wants (VOCs)

from market survey.

Translate VOCs into design and process

attribute targets.

Customers importance ratings inserted

Designers evaluate each VOC with

design attributes and give their rating.

Designers importance ratings are


Competitive analysis is performed

Design teams finalized on targeted

attribute values as engineering goal.

Evaluations on these targeted values are

recorded under technical evaluation.
Left: House of Quality of a Camera [2]

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Understanding Design Needs

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment IV

Figure 4 : Cascading HoQs [2]

Full extension of QFD can be cascaded through the product introduction

process via process selection, manufacturing operations and quality control [2].

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

One-of-a-Kind Production

One-of-a-Kind Production

NASAs GPS Satellite Wikipedia Image

Production strategy where products are produced in small batches and driven by
customer orders [7]
Some Concepts [7]:

Make to Stock: only distribution is customer-order driven

Assembly to Order: assembly and distribution are customer-order driven
Make to Order: purchasing, component manufacturing, assembly and
distribution are customer-order driven
Engineer to Order: product design is customer-order driven

Examples: Luxury vessels, space equipments, etc.

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

Mass Production

Mass Production

Ford is the early manufacturer that

popularized the idea of mass production
in the early 1910s till 1920s
Reduced time to market with
standardized parts, components, and
assembly processes
The introduction of assembly line where
specific workers are working on specific
part of a product

Fords Assembly Line for Model-T, year

1913 (Wikipedia Image)

Johnson Lim, Ph.D. (UTHM)

Components and parts can be produced

in high precision with significantly lower

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

Mass Customization

Mass Customization
The use of flexible computer-aided
manufacturing systems to produce
customizable products that are near
mass production efficiency.

Nokia 5110, first customizable phone


Among the strategies of mass

customization, modular design is one
popular methodology adopted where a
product is consists of a combination of
highly customizable and easily
segmented modules. This ensures
easier process for product development,
subsequent upgrade and repair.
Another strategy is late differentiation,
where customization occurs near the
point of distribution (e.g. power adapters
for different countries).

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

Product Family Design

Product Family Design I

Product Family Design (PFD) is a collection of similar product variants

that share common features, but yet each possesses some specific
functions which are distinguished in order to fulfill some alertniche
customer requirements
There are two types of product family:

Scalable PFD: where a family of products adopted common design

parameters (e.g. stretching)
Modular PFD: where a family of products share similar or common product

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

Product Family Design

Product Family Design II

Figure 5 : Example of a Scalable Product Family (Boeing)

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

Product Family Design

Product Family Design III

Figure 6 : Example of a Modular Product Family

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Product Planning and Development Strategies

Product Family Design

Design for X

DFMA for improved assembly process [4]

X indicates a wide range of design focus. Design for X refers to a set of design
know-how that are focused in improving the X domain.
Design for manufacture and assembly: focuses on the effect of design on
assembly. Allows designers to examine the integration of product designs before
the product is manufactured.
Design for Disassembly: focuses on the disassembly of products after
Design for Environment: focuses on reducing the environmental impact during
the design, manufacturing process, consumption and disposal of products.
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Technology in Design

Computer-Aided Design(CAD)

Computer-Aided Design(CAD)

A sample of 3D CAD Model (Wikipedia Image)

Computer-aided design (CAD) refers to the use of computers to

interactively design products and prepare engineering documentation
Speed and ease with which sophisticated designs can be manipulated,
analyzed and modified with CAD makes review of numerous options
possible before final commitments are made
Faster development, better products, accurate flow of information to other
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Technology in Design

Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM)

Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM)

A 5-axis machining center (Makino Corp.)

The use of specialized computer programs to direct and control

manufacturing equipment for manufacturing purpose
When CAD information is translated into instructions for CAM, the results
of these two technologies is CAD/CAM
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Technology in Design

CAD/CAM System

CAD/CAM System
The benefit of CAD/CAM System:
Product quality: CAD permits the designer to investigate more alternatives,
potential problems, and dangers
Shorter design time: a shorter design phase lowers cost and allows a more
rapid response to the market
Production cost reductions: Reduced inventory, more efficient use of
personnel through improved scheduling, and faster implementation of design
changes lower costs.
Database availability: Provides information for other manufacturing software
and accurate product data so everyone is operating from the same information,
resulting in dramatic cost reduction
New range of capabilities: The abilities to rotate and depict objects in 3D form,
to check clearance, to relate parts and attachments, and to improve the use of
numerically controlled machine tools - all provide new capabilities for
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Technology in Design

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

Structural Analysis (Wikipedia Image)

The use of computer software to simulate performance in order to improve

product designs or assist in the resolution of engineering problems for a wide
range of industries. This includes simulation, validation, and optimization of
products, processes, and manufacturing tools.
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Future of Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

MakerBot Replicator 2 (MakerBot)

Additive manufacturing refers to technologies that create objects through

sequencing layering [5]. Example: 3D Printing.
Objects that are manufactured additively can be used anywhere throughout the
product life cycle, from pre-production (i.e. rapid prototyping) to full-scale
production (i.e. rapid manufacturing) in addition to tooling applications and
post-production customization [5].
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Future of Manufacturing

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Virtual Assembly (Microsoft Future Vision)

AR is a live, direct or indirect, view of physical, real-world environment whose

elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound,
video, graphics or GPS data [6].
Applications in design engineering: virtual assembly, CAD model visualization,
virtual product experimentation, etc.
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Future of Manufacturing

Product Service System

Service Design

Designing product & service bundle that

are appealing to customer is a
challenging task
Service is an intangible products that is
also crucial towards customer

An Example of Service (DiGi Mobile)

Service design requires customer

involvement and at times customer may
participate in the design process
(customizable services)
As with products, services can also be
modularized for easier customization

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References I
[1] A KAO, Y. Quality Function Deployment - Integrating Customer Requirements into
Product Design. Productivity Press, 2004.
[2] H EIZER , J., AND R ENDER , B. Operations Management. Prentice Hall, 2008.
[3] U LRICH , K. T., AND E PPINGER , S. D. Product Design and Development, 5th ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2012.
[4] VONDEREMBSE , M., AND W HITE , G. Core Concepts of Operations Management.
Wiley Press.
[5] W IKIPEDIA. 3d printing.
[6] W IKIPEDIA. Augmented reality.
[7] W ORTMANN , J. Towards one-of-a-kind production: The future of european
industry. Advances in Production Management Systems (1991).

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The End

Thank You.

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