Sense and Nonsense About Surveys

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Sense and Nonsense about Surveys

Howard Schuman
Contexts 2002 1: 40
DOI: 10.1525/ctx.2002.1.2.40
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sense and nonsense about surveys

Understanding surveys is critical to being an informed citizen, but popular media often report surveys without any guidance
on how to interpret and evaluate the results. Some basic guidelines can promote more sophisticated readings of survey
results and help teach when to trust the polls.
Surveys draw on two human propensities that have served
us well from ancient times. One is to gather information by
asking questions. The first use of language around 100,000
years ago may have been to utter commands such as Come
here! or Wait! Questions must have followed soon after:
Why? or What for? From that point, it would have been
only a short step to the use of interrogatives to learn where a
fellow hominid had seen potential food, a dangerous animal,
or something else of importance. Asking questions continues
to be an effective way of acquiring information of all kinds,
assuming of course that the person answering is able and willing to respond accurately.
The other inclination, learning about ones environment by
examining a small part of it, is the sampling aspect of surveys.
A taste of something may or may not point to appetizing food.
A first inquiry to a stranger, a first glance around a room, a first
dateeach is a sample of sorts, often used to decide whether
it is wise to proceed further. As with questions, however, one
must always be aware of the possibility that the sample may
not prove adequate to the task.

time, George Gallup, using many fewer cases but a much better method, made the more accurate prediction that FDR
would win. Gallup used quotas in choosing respondents in
order to represent different economic strata, whereas the
Literary Digest had worked mainly from telephone and automobile ownership lists, which in 1936 were biased toward
wealthy people apt to be opposed to Roosevelt. (There were
other sources of bias as well.) As a result, the Literary Digest
poll disappeared from the scene, and Gallup was on his way
to becoming a household name.

The percentage of people who refuse to

take part in a survey is particularly important. In some federal surveys, the percentage is small, within the range of 5 to 10
percent. For even the best non-government
surveys, the refusal rate can reach 25 percent or more, and it can be far larger in the

sampling: how gallup achieved fame

Only within the past centuryand especially in the 1930s
and 1940swere major improvements made in the sampling
process that allowed the modern survey to develop and flourish. A crucial change involved recognition that the value of a
sample comes not simply from its size but also from the way it
is obtained. Every serious pursuit likes to have a morality tale
that supports its basic beliefs: witness Eve and the apple in the
Bible or Newton and his apple in legends about scientific discovery. Representative sampling has a marvelous morality tale
also, with the additional advantage of its being true.
The story concerns the infamous Literary Digest poll predictionbased on 10 million questionnaires sent out and
more than two million received backthat Roosevelt would
lose decisively in the 1936 presidential election. At the same

case of poorly executed surveys.

Yet despite their intuitive grasp of the importance of representing the electorate accurately, Gallup and other commercial
pollsters did not use the probability sampling methods that
were being developed in the same decades and that are fundamental to social science surveys today. Probability sampling
in its simplest form calls for each person in the population to
have an equal chance of being selected. It can also be used in
more complex applications where the chances are deliberately made to be unequal, for example, when oversampling a
minority group in order to study it more closely; however, the
chances of being selected must still be known so that they can
later be equalized when considering the entire population.

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intuitions and counterintuitions

about sample size

Photo courtesy of Denise Applewhite, Princeton University

Probability sampling theory reveals a crucial but counterintuitive point about sample size: the size of a sample needed
to accurately estimate a value for a population depends very
little on the size of the population. For example, almost the
same size sample is needed to estimate, with a given degree
of precision, the proportion of left-handed people in the
United States as is needed to make the same estimate for, say,
Peoria, Illinois. In both cases a reasonably accurate estimate
can be obtained with a sample size of around 1,000. (More
cases are needed when extraordinary precision is called for, for
example, in calculating unemployment rates, where even a
tenth of a percent change may be regarded as important.)
The link between population size and sample size cuts
both ways. Although huge samples are not needed for huge
populations like those of the United States or China, a handful of cases is not sufficient simply because ones interest is limited to Peoria. This implication is often missed by those trying
to save time and money when sampling a small community.

Telephone interviewers and survey research supervisor.

Moreover, all of these statements depend on restricting

your interest to overall population values. If you are concerned
about, say, left-handedness among African Americans, then
African Americans become your population, and you need
much the same sample size as for Peoria or the United States.

who is missing?
A good sample depends on more than probability sampling theory. Surveys vary greatly in their quality of implementation, and this variation is not captured by the margin of
error plus/minus percentage figures that accompany most
media reports of polls. Such percentages reflect the size of the
final sample, but they do not reveal the sampling method or
the extent to which the targeted individuals or households
were actually included in the final sample. These details are at
least as important as the sample size.
When targeted members of a population are not interviewed or do not respond to particular questions, the omissions
are a serious problem if they are numerous and if those missed
differ from those who are interviewed on the matters being
studied. The latter difference can seldom be known with great
confidence, so it is usually desirable to keep omissions to a minimum. For example, sampling from telephone directories is
undesirable because it leaves out those with unlisted telephones, as well as those with no telephones at all. Many survey
reports are based on such poor sampling procedures that they
may not deserve to be taken seriously. This is especially true of
reports based on focus groups, which offer lots of human
interest but are subject to vast amounts of error. Internet surveys
also cannot represent the general population adequately at
present, though this is an area where some serious attempts are
being made to compensate for the inherent difficulties.
The percentage of people who refuse to take part in a survey is particularly important. In some federal surveys, the percentage is small, within the range of 5 to 10 percent. For even
the best non-government surveys, the refusal rate can reach
25 percent or more, and it can be far larger in the case of poorly executed surveys. Refusals have risen substantially from earlier days, becoming a major cause for concern among serious
survey practitioners. Fortunately, in recent years research has
shown that moderate amounts of nonresponse in an otherwise careful survey seem in most cases not to have a major
effect on results. Indeed, even the Literary Digest, with its
abysmal sampling and massive nonresponse rate, did well predicting elections before the dramatic realignment of the electorate in 1936. The problem is that one can never be certain
as to the effects of refusals and other forms of nonresponse,
so obtaining a high response rate remains an important goal.

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Calling Spirits from the Vasty Deep

Two characters in Shakespeares Henry IV illustrate a pressing problem facing surveys today:
Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Hotspur: Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them?
New impediments such as answering machines make contacting people more difficult, and annoyance
with telemarketing and other intrusions discourages people from becoming respondents. The major academic
survey organizations invest significant resources in repeatedly calling people and also in trying to persuade
people to be interviewed. Thus far response rates for leading surveys have suffered only a little, but other
organizations more limited by time and costs have seen rates plummet.
Fortunately, research about the effect of nonresponse on findings has increased. Two recent articles in
Public Opinion Quarterly report surprisingly small differences in results from surveys with substantial differences in response rates. One study focuses on the University of Michigans Survey of Consumers and finds
that the number of calls required to complete a single interview doubled from 1979 to 1996. However, controlling for major social background characteristics, the authors also report that stopping calls earlier and making fewer attempts to convert refusals would have had little effect on a key measure, the Index of Consumer
Sentiments. In a second study researchers conducted two basically similar surveys: one accepted a 36 percent
response rate to conserve time and money; the other invested additional time and resources to obtain a 61
percent response rate. On a wide range of attitude items, the researchers found few noteworthy differences
in outcomes due to the large difference in response rates.
It is important to keep in mind that bias due to nonresponse will occur only if non-respondents differ from
respondents on the measures of interest and in ways that cannot be controlled statistically. Thus, while high
response rates are always desirable in principle, the actual effects of nonresponse call for careful empirical
research, not dogmatic pronouncements.

Since survey questions resemble the questions we ask in

ordinary social interaction, they may seem less problematic
than the counterintuitive and technical aspects of sampling.
Yet survey results are every bit as dependent on the form,
wording and context of the questions asked as they are on the
sample of people who answer them.
No classic morality tale like the Literary Digest fiasco highlights the question-answer process, but an example from the
early days of surveys illustrates both the potential challenges
of question writing and the practical solutions.
In 1940 Donald Rugg asked two slightly different questions to equivalent national samples about the general issue
of freedom of speech:
Do you think the United States should forbid public
speeches against democracy?
Do you think the United States should allow public
speeches against democracy?

Photo courtesy of Stony Brook Center for

Survey Research

questions about questions

Telephone survey interviewer using headset and computer

for data entry.

Taken literally, forbidding something and not allowing

something have the same effect, but clearly the public did not
view the questions as identical. Whereas 75 percent of the
public would not allow such speeches, only 54 percent would

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reference provided by the question. The form of a question provides the rules of the game for respondents, and this must

Photo by Sheryl Sinkow, Gerontology

Institute, Ithaca College

forbid them, a difference of 21 percentage points. This finding was replicated several times in later years, not only in the
United States but also (with appropriate translations) in
Germany and the Netherlands. Such survey-based experiments call for administering different versions of a question
to random subsamples of a larger sample. If the results
between the subsamples differ by more than can be easily
explained by chance, we infer that the difference is due to the
variation in wording.
In addition, answers to survey questions always depend on
the form in which a question is asked. If the interviewer presents a limited set of alternatives, most respondents will choose
one, rather than offering a different alternative of their own. In
one survey-based experiment, for example, we asked a national sample of Americans to name the most important problem
facing the country. Then we asked a comparable sample a parallel question that provided a list of four problems from which
to choose the most important; this list included none of the
four problems mentioned most often by the first sample but
instead provided four problems that had been mentioned by
fewer than 3 percent of the earlier respondents. The list question also invited respondents to substitute a different problem
if they wished (see Table 1). Despite the invitation, the majority of respondents (60 percent) chose one of the rare problems
offered, reflecting their reluctance to go outside the frame of

Simulated interview for survey workers in training.

always be kept in mind when interpreting results.

Other difficulties occur with survey questions when issues are
discussed quite generally, as though there is a single way of framing them and just two sides to the debate. For example, what is
called the abortion issue really consists of different issues: the
reasons for an abortion, the trimester involved and so forth. In a
recent General Social Survey, nearly 80 percent of the national
sample supported legal abortion in the case of a serious defect

table 1
Experimental Variation Between Open and Closed Questions

A. Open Question
What do you think is the most important
problem facing this country today [1986]?

B. Closed Question
Which of the following do you think is the
most important problem facing this country
today [1986] the energy shortage, the quality of public schools, legalized abortion, or pollution or, if you prefer, you may name a different problem as most important.
1. Energy shortage.
2. Quality of public schools.
3. Legalized abortion.
4. Pollution.

Adapted from: H. Schuman and J. Scott, Problems in the Use of Survey Questions to Measure Public Opinion, Science v. 236,
pp. 957-959, May 22, 1987.
In a survey experiment, less than 3% of the 171 respondents asked the question on the left volunteered one of the four problems listed on the right. Yet, 60% of the 178 respondents asked the question on the right picked one of those four answers.

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Photo by Bob Hofman, ICT&E Netherlands

in the baby, but only 44 percent supported it if the family has

a low income and cannot afford any more children. Often what
is thought to be a conflict in findings between two surveys is
actually a difference in the aspects of the general issue that they
queried. In still other cases an inconsistency reflects a type of illogical wish fulfillment in the public itself, as when majorities favor
both a decrease in taxes and an increase in government services
if the questions are asked separately.

solutions to the question wording problem

All these and still other difficulties (including the order in
which questions are asked) suggest that responses to single
survey questions on complex issues should be viewed with
considerable skepticism. What to do then, other than to reject
all survey data as unusable for serious purposes? One answer
can be found from the replications of the forbid/allow experiment above: Although there was a 21 percentage points difference based on question wording in 1940 and a slightly
larger difference (24 percentage points) when the experiment
was repeated some 35 years later, both the forbid and the
allow wordings registered similar declines in Americans intolerance of speeches against democracy (see Figure 1). No matter which question was usedas long as it was the same one
at both timesthe conclusion about the increase in civil libertarian sentiments was the same.

Interview on the digital divide. In a departure from conventional protocol, interviewer (on right) is sitting next to rather
than across from interviewee.

More generally, what has been called the principle of

form-resistant correlations holds in most cases: if question
wording (and meaning) is kept constant, differences over time,
differences across educational levels, and most other careful
comparisons are not seriously affected by specific question
wording. Indeed, the distinction between results for single
questions and results based on comparisons or associations
holds even for simple factual inquiries. Consider, for example,
a study of the number of rooms in American houses. No God-

figure 1
Attitudes Toward Free Speech Against Democracy

Percent opposing free speech




% Not allow speeches




% Forbid speeches





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Survey researchers should also ask several different questions about any important issue. In addition to combining
questions to increase reliability, the different answers can be
synthesized rather than depending on the angle of vision provided by any single question. A further safeguard is to carry
out frequent experiments like that on the forbid/allow wordings. By varying the form, wording, and context of questions,
researchers can gain insight into both the questions and the
relevant issues. Sometimes variations turn out to make no difference, and that is also useful to learn. For example, I once
expected support for legalized abortion to increase when a
question substituted end pregnancy for the word abortion in
the phrasing. Yet no difference was found. Today, more and
more researchers include survey-based experiments as part of
their investigations, and readers should look for these sorts of
safeguards when evaluating survey results.

Courtesy of Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.

given rule states what to include when counting the rooms in

a house (bathrooms? basements? hallways?); hence the average number reported for a particular place and time should
not be treated as an absolute truth. What we can do, however, is try to apply the same definitions over time, across social
divisions, even across nations. That way, we gain confidence
in the comparisons we makewho has more rooms than
who, for example.
We still face the task of interpreting the meaning of questions and of associations among questions, but that is true in
all types of research. Even an index constructed from a large
number of questions on the basis of a sophisticated statistical
calculation called factor analysis inevitably requires the investigator to interpret what it is that he or she has measured.
There is no escaping this theoretical challenge, fundamental
to all research, whether using surveys or other methods such
as field observations.

Section of interview form used in the Surveys of Consumers conducted by the Survey
Research Center, University of Michigan.

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Page from completed, self-administered questionnaire used to study high school students views of grading.

the need for comparisons

To interpret surveys accurately, its important to use a
framework of comparative data in evaluating the results. For
example, teachers know that course evaluations can be interpreted best against the backdrop of evaluations from other
similar courses: a 75 percent rating of lectures as excellent
takes on a quite different meaning depending on whether the
average for other lecture courses is 50 percent or 90 percent.
Such comparisons are fundamental for all survey results, yet
they are easily overlooked when one feels the urge to speak
definitively about public reactions to a unique event.
Comparative analysis over time, along with survey-based
experiments, can also help us understand responses to questions about socially sensitive subjects. Experiments have
shown that expressions of racial attitudes can change substantially for both black and white Americans depending on
the interviewers race. White respondents, for instance, are

more likely to support racial intermarriage when speaking to

a black than to a white interviewer. Such self-censoring mirrors variations in cross-race conversations outside of surveys,
reflecting not a methodological artifact of surveys but rather
a fact of life about race relations in America. Still, if we consider time trends, with the race of interviewer kept constant,
we can also see that white responses supporting intermarriage
have clearly increased over the past half century (see Table 2),
that actual intermarriage rates have also risen (though from a
much lower level) over recent years, and that the public visibility of cross-race marriage and dating has also increased. It
would be foolish to assume that the survey data on racial attitudes reflect actions in any literal sense, but they do capture
important trends in both norms and behavior.
Surveys remain our best tool for learning about large populations. One remarkable advantage surveys have over some
other methods is the ability to identify their own limitations,
as illustrated by the development of both probability theory in

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recommended resources

table 2
Percent of White Americans Approving or Disapproving
of Racial Intermarriage, 1958-1997

Converse, Philip E. The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics. In

Ideology and Discontent, ed. D. E. Apter. New York: The Free Press, 1964.
A profound and skeptical exploration of the nature of public attitudes.

Do you approve or disapprove of marriage

between blacks and whites?




Groves, Robert M. Survey Errors and Survey Costs. New York: Wiley,
1989. A sophisticated consideration of the sources of error in surveys.
Kalton, Graham. Introduction to Survey Sampling. Thousand Oaks,
Calif.: Sage Publications (Quantitative Applications in the Social
Sciences), 1983. A brief and lucid introduction to sampling.




Page, Benjamin I., and Robert Y. Shapiro. The Rational Public: Fifty Years
of Trends in Americans Policy Preferences. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1992. In part, a persuasive reply to Converses skepticism.
Schuman, Howard, and Stanley Presser. Questions and Answers in
Attitude Surveys: Experiments on Question Form, Wording, and

Source: Gallup Poll

Context. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 1981 (Reprint edition with

sampling and experiments in questioning. In the end, however, with surveys as with all research methods, there is no substitute for both care and intelligence in the way evidence is
gathered and interpreted. What we learn about society is
always mediated by the instruments we use, including our
own eyes and ears. As Isaac Newton wrote long ago, error is
not in the art but in the artificers. n

new preface, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1996). Several

experiments discussed in the present article are drawn from this volume.
Stouffer, Samuel A. Communism, Conformity, and Civil Liberties, with
introduction by James A. Davis. New York: Doubleday, 1955; New
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1992. Stouffers keen awareness of both the possibilities and the limitations of survey data is reflected in this classic investigation. Also relevant to todays political climate.
Sudman, Seymour, Norman M. Bradburn, and Norbert Schwarz.
Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Process to
Survey Methodology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996. A clear discussion of survey questioning by three well-known researchers.
Tourangeau, Roger, Lance J. Rips, and Kenneth Rasinski. The
Psychology of Survey Response. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2000. A comprehensive account of response effects, drawing
especially on ideas from cognitive psychology.

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