Jeff Gasaway Investigation Report From Plano ISD April 2010

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APR - 6 2010
TIME 3: s-S-

.6Vn... ....

Internal Investigation 736

Jeff Gasaway
Jasper High School Principal
Investigator M K Hinshaw

Plano j SU Personnel Kcport Page I of i

Plano ISO Personnel Report

Personal Information' . ' .

File #:
~ Gasaway, Jeff


http://169. 1 51.l.236/sgweb/PlanoISDPersonneIPhotoPrintableFormat.aspx?!D=4504775 I 0 3/3012010
Plano Independent School District
Investigative Report Form


Investigative Index Control Number: 736

Date Investigative Report Completed: 04-05-10

Investigator Assigned: M K Hinshaw

Investigative Report Completed By: M K Hinshaw

Specific Issues To Be Investigated:

I. Did a PISD employee engage in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment as

defined by PISD policy?
2. If said conduct occurred, did it violate public law or district policy?

District Employee Accused: Jeff Gasaway Employee ID #:


On or about 03-29- i 0, a indicated to a PISD investigator that

the JHS principal had interacted with her in a questionable manner during school year
2008-2009. An investigation was requested into the situation, and the principal was
placed on administrative leave.



On or about 03-11- i 0, Human Resources Executive Director Tamira Griffin requested an

investigation into allegations of against
(PISD Internal Investigative Case 73 i). The case was assigned
for investigation to Security Police Specialists Larry Frazier and Bart Rosebure, During
the course of that investigation, _ suggested to investigators that l
had been sexually harassed by Jasper High School Principal Jeff
Gasaway. After initially claiming to not know the identity of
identified the,,-as_,
Mr. Frazier and Mr. Rosebure followed up on this information by speaking with.
_ on 03-29- I O. Immediately after meeting with......, Mr. Frazier and Mr.

Rosebure reported to me that ~ had divulged the following information to them:

. That during school year 2008-2009, Mr. Gasaway said hello to. in a manner
that made. uncomfortable.
. That during school year 2008-2009, Mr. Gasaway reportedly looked at_body
as .walked down stairs.
. That during school year 2008-2009, Mr. Gasaway brushed against. in the
office manager's office at Jasper.

. That during school year 2008-2009, Mr. Gasaway followed. around at a.

. That during school year 2008-2009, Mr. Gasaway told another administrator (over
a handheld radio) to go to a certain classroom to see an attraetive_
classroom observer.

. That during school year 2008-2009, another __alleged that Mr.

Gasaway hugged. inappropriately. ~ name

The information provided by. was presented to Ms. Griffin, who requested an
investigation into the situation on 03-30- i O. An investigation was authorized by Deputy
Superintendent Danny Modisette.

On the morning of 03-31- 10, , asent the following e-mail message to Mr.


"Hello Mr. Rosebure,

I have thought very thoroughly about our conversation on Monday, and I am very much
conflicted over the correct course of action. For me, this chapter in my life closed last
June, I haven't been bothered personally since then, and I've moved on. Without our
conversation, I would not have ever thought to pursue this matter any further, and I
would prefer not to pursue any further investigation.

Please let me know if you need anything more from me.

Thank you!

I interviewed~ on 03-3 J - 10. Mr. Rosebure was present for the interview.-.,.

Lt 2 stated to me t at'" made an anonymous phone call to Ms. Griffin about this
situation in June of 2009. & reported that_made this phone call from.own
E stated that_felt that the school district handled this matter,
because the conduct in question did not occur again after .phone call to Ms. Gri ffin.
..... reported that. did not wish for the matter to be pursued any further.
I showed _a printed copy of the e-mail message.sent to Mr. Rosebure..
identified it as.own. On this printed copy, _ wrote that. did not wish for
this matter to be pursued further. _ then signed and dated the document.

During the course of my conversation with _,.. stated that the employee who
was allegedly hugged inappropriately
by Mr. Gasaway was_. Mr. Rosebure
and I met with 5 _ on 03-3 I - i O. stated that during school year 2008-
2009, Mr. Gasaway put his arm around .shoulders in a hug-like embrace of greeting.
When he did so, his hand brushed against an area on .side near_. .
reported that "S very short in stature, and in considering _height, the contact near
, ? was inadvertent. . stated that_did not perceive the contact to be
of a sexual nature. -.reported that _later heard rumors stemming from Mr.

Gasaway's tenure at Plano East Senior High School, and it made. think twice about
the physical contact. "reiterated that" believed the contact to be accidentaL. ...

, stated that neither the contact nor Mr. Gasaway's actions towards II served to
create an offensive, hostile, or threatening work environment.

~stated that during the fall of 2009, Mr. Gasaway spoke on the JHS radio
system and suggested to another male administrator that he go to a particular classroom
to see an attracti ve_observer who was in the classroom. _ did not have
direct knowledge of this matter, but .stated that teacher did have
knowledge of the incident. Mr. Rosebure and I spoke with . _ did not have
first hand knowledge of this situation.

On 03-3 I -10, I interviewed Mr. Gasaway. He is the Principal at Jasper High School and
has been with PISD since 1997. Mr. Gasaway denied any impropriety in his interactions
with __or , and he denied any romantic or sexual
involvement with 5 .. or any other staff member. I asked Mr. Gasaway to provide
me with a statement in response to the things _ had told Mr. Frazier and Mr.

Rosebure. That statement follows exactly as it was received:

"At no time have I sent any sort of inappropriate texts, phone calls or e-mails to any
_member . I have never made any advances, made
inappropriate comments or anything to them either. With that in mind, I wanted to

address the three subjects that we spoke about this afternoon.

i have no recollection of last school year hugging'" In the event that I were to
give_a hug, I would not have touched" in an inappropriate manner at alL.

I do recall during the last school year having casual conversation with . At
no time during these conversations did I make advances or have any behavior that I
would consider to be inappropriate towards a . My conversations
were no different than what I would have with . I did not stare at_
as'" was walking away or walking up the stairs. Finally, I do not believe that I ever
brushed b~ having my shoulder touch . If this were to have occurred, given
the tight space of the office manager's room, I might have bumped into. without even
realizing it

End of year party -

had an end of year party at one of. I home,
At this event, I feli as the principal of Jasper that I needed to mingle with the entire
crowd. On a couple of occasions, I did run into a group of that were
outside the home which included . I recall making just casual conversation
with the entire group and did not make any advances towards !. I tried to
spend the entire evening going between groups of staff members, meeting spouses and
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I asked Mr. Gasaway to explain the matter of the classroom observer at Jasper High
School, and he provided the following statement:

"A former student that I worked with at Clark High School who is now in college was
doing observation hours in one of our English classrooms. She had been on the campus
my first year and second year working on college observation hours. This former student
has been on television as well as in a variety of beauty pageants throughout her life. I
called one of my assistant principals over the radio up to the office to meel this former

On the morning of 04-0 I-I 0, I received a phone call from _ IT stated that
could provide first hand information about the incident involving Mr.

Gasaway telling an administrator to go to a classroom to see an attractive classroom

observer. I met with 7 in the presence of Security Police Specialist Ormie
Melton. I recalled a time during the fall of 2009 when a former JHS student
was observing in. classroom. This former student is now a college student and beauty
pageant contestant. 2 I recalled that at one point during the day, Assistant
Principal Steve Ewing and Behavior Specialist Keyar Bhatt came to 1 to
check the HV AC system..found this unusual, but did not think much about it...
7 indicated that. heard that heard Mr. Gasaway on the
radio suggesting that the administrators go to the classroom. I contacted
who is via the telephone. reported tha~had no
direct knowledge of this matter.

In reviewing the circumstances surrounding ! concerns with Mr. Gasaway, it

appears that.called Ms. Griffin in early to mid-June, 2009.£ j i did not identify
? and_did not go on record with a formal complaint. Ms. Griffin and Area
Assistant Superintendent Patty Meyer met with Mr. Gasaway on 06-17-09 to discWis the
matter. No disciplinary action resulted from that meeting, and there was no formal
documentation of or from that meeting.

anonymously reported concerns with Principal
Jeff Gasaway's conduct in June of 2009. That information was addressed at the time by
Human Resources Executive Director Tamira Griffin and Area Assistant Superintendent
Patty Meyer. When contacted about this matter in March of 20 i 0, -. stated that
the conduct of concern did not occur again after.anonymous report.

In regard to the scope of this investigation,.... did not wish for the matter to be
pursued. In the absence of a cooperating complainant,. previously disclosed points of
concern were investigated nonetheless. No evidence was discovered to substantiate that
prohibited conduct occurred on the part of Mr. Gasaway.

There is no finding that Mr. Gasaway violated public law or district policy.

The complaint is not sustained.

A TT ACHMENTS statement
B---Jeff Gasaway statement
C---Jeff Gasaway statement II
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1'(3!31 /20 1 0) Bart R()_~~~.r.e - Cor;v_ersation from, Monday _____~___~~ __~~._____~__.______ ..___~age_1

From: J
To: Bart Rosebure
Date: 3/31/20109:51 AM
Subject: Conversation from Monday

Hello Mr. Rosebure,

I have thought very thoroughiy about our conversation on Monday, and I am very much confiicted over the correct course
of action. For me, this chapter in my life closed iast June, I haven't been bothered personaiiy since then, and I've moved
on. Without our conversation, I woutd not have ever thought to pursue this matter any further, and I wouid prefer not to
pursue any further investigation.

Piease let me know if you need anything more from me.

Thank yout

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To: ,[email protected];,

Date: 3/31/20108:14 PM
Subject: Statement

Below you will find statements about each subject which we spoke about this afternoon.

At no time have i sent any sort of inappropriate texts, phone calls or e-mails to any-'

. I have never made any advances, made inappropriate comm~

them either. Wllh that in mind, I wanted to address the three subjects that we spoke about this afternoon.

i have no recollection of last school year hugging , In the event that i were to give*a hug. I
would not have touched_ in an inappropriate manner at all.

I do recall during the last school year having casual conversation with _. At no time during
these conversations did I make advances or have any behavior that i would consider to be inappropriate
towards a~ My conversations were no different than what I would have wlth,-

. I did not stare at-'as"" was walking away or walking up the stairs. Finally, I do not

believe that I ever brushed by"avlng my shoulder touch,-, If this were to have occurred,
given the tight space of the office manager's room, I might have bumped Into. without even realizing it.

~ had an end of year party at one of s home. At this event, I

felt as the principal of Jasper that i needed to mingle with the entire crowd. On a co~asions, I
did run into a group of teachers that were outside the home which inciuded-.iiiøit. I recall

making just casual conversation with the entire group and did not make any advances towards-"

I tried to spend the entire evening going between groups of staff members, meeting spouses and trying to
make sure everyone was enjoying the party.

Please let me know If you have any questions.

04/09/2010 09: 10 4597528008 PLANO ISD HR ADMIN PAGE 03/04
Page I of 2

Marl( Hinshaw. Re: Statement

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A former student that I worked with at Clark High School who is now in college was doing observation hours in
one of our English classrooms. She had been on the campus my first year and second year working on college
observation hours; This former student has been on television as well as in a variety of beauty pageants
throughout her life; i called One of my assistant principals over the radio up to the office to meet this former
Please let me know If you have any questions.

.....Orlginal Message----
From: Mark Hinshaw :o:Mark;[email protected];:.

Sent: Thu, Apr 1, 20109:20 am
Subject: Re: Statement

Thank you Jeff.. Could you pleasê also address the issu€ Wê discussed
i:::on,cerning ~ oomnient over t.hê X'adio rE:!:garding a former st~dent. who WEI,S
obser"ing in a classroom?


~~~ ~¡::,ê.9l::.a.~..g-,'rtj,.~..~.~.m.;i.9..l..,_\i9-,n~ 3 /31/2010 8, 13 Pl-! ~ ~~

Below you will fioQ statements about eaeh subject which we spoke about
this aftexn,oon.

A~ n? time have I sent any SO~iat€~exts i phonê oalls or

e-rnails t:.o any ~ . I have never mË
any advanc~s, rna ~inappropriate comments or anything to them either.
With ~hat in mind. I wanteà to address the three subjects that we spoke
about this ~fter.noon.

I have no recollection of last school ye~r hugging ¡n th",

êVênt that I were to give"- a hug, i would not have
inappropriate manner at all.
touched~ in an

I~o rQc~il during the last sohool year having c~suai conversation with

advanc or.have
lIP any
At no behavior
time du~in9that I would
these consider todid
conversations be Iinappropriate
towards a My conve~sations were no different than
wha~ ! would have wieh I did not ata~e at ~ as
.... was walking away or w~iking up the stairs. Fin~iiyi I do not
beli",ve tha,t I ever brushed by "hnving my Ghou1der touch. ' .
If this wmrê to have ocourred. given the tight space of the office
manti.g'éx's room, I might bumpi:id into" withou.t. even realizini:;r

file://C:\temp\XPgrpwise\4BB46BF1MT A01 PO 181 00168627712BA51 \GW) 00002.HTM

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End 0 f year party -

h~d an end of yea~ party at one of
, s horne. At:: th;i.s eVênt, :i: f@lt as the principal of Jasper
that I needed to mingle with t.he entire c;i:owd. On a couple of
ocoasions, I did run into a ¡roup of eachers that were outside
the hom.. wh;.ch inoluded . f Q. i reMIl making just casual
conversation with the entir.e group and did not make any advances towards
r tried to spend the entire eVêning going between groups
of ~taff members, meeting spouses and trying to make sure everyone was
enj oying the ~arty.
Pl~!\se let me know if you have any ~uestions.

fiIe:/IC:\temp\Xl'grpwise\4BB46BFIMT A01PO 181 00 168627712BA51 \GW)00002.HTM

. .
From: Tamira Griffin
To: Patty Meyer
Date: 3/31/20109:56 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Leave of Absence

Patty, typically the person who inputs the codes is simply told. to used a specific code number. He/she does not need to be given
any particulars, just the code number (19). This would be the same for Jeff, Randall, and Brenda. I would suggest doing this in
normal way to minimize opportunity for error from stepping outside the normal process. Do you have concerns? If so, give me a
call at 28101 and let's visit. Thanks.

~~~ Patty Meyer 3/31/20109:10 AM ~~~

Tamira, the campus OM handles this typically; do we make her aware of the reason? Is this how Brenda and Randall are handled
as well?

Patty Meyer
West Cluster Area Asst Superintendent

~,,~ Nikki James 3/31/2010 8:53 AM ~~~

Hi, Patty. I'm writing you about Jeff Gasaway and my responsibilities under our procedures for administrative leave. My
involvement is only related to the recording of absences in the TSSI system.

Jeff will need to be reported absent through the TSSI system using reason code 19-!eave with pay. This code is only used for
administrative leave absences. Please make sure that the person at your location responsible for absence notification is aware of
this procedure, and that all of Jeffs absences are verified electronically under the correct code beginning 3/31/10.

If there is a concern with the campus office staff being able to see these absences with the admin leave code, you could enter the
absences as personai illness, and then I can change the code to admln leave afterwards. If you want to handle it this wayi just let
me know.

If you or the person responsible for callíngMin/verifying absences has any questions or needs assistance, please let me know.

Nikki James
Ernployee Benefits Manager
Plano ISD - Sockwell Center
6301 Chapei Hili Bivd.
Plano, Texas 75093
Phone (469)752-4760
Fax (469)752-8036
[email protected]

Confidentiality Statement: This email, including any attachmentsi may contain confidential information belonging to the sender.
This information is only for the use of the indivldual(s) or entities for whom it was intended, even if addressed incorrectly. If you
are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. You are hereby notified that you must delete this email,
including any attachments, from your system, and any disclosurei copying, distribution, or any other action in reliance on the
infonnation is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your compliance.
. .
From: Tamira Griffin "[email protected];,

To: "iinda. m [email protected];" "kathy. n [email protected]" "kathy. n ich [email protected]...

Date: 3/30/2010 5:30 PM
Subject: Administrative Leave

Jeff Gasaway, principal at Jasper, is on administrative leave with pay

effective immediately. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

. .
From: Tamira Griffin "[email protected]"
To: Mark Hinshaw "[email protected]", "[email protected]" "sharon..,
CC: "patty [email protected]" "patty. [email protected]"
Date: 3/30/20105:28 PM
Subject: Disable Access

Please disable building, computer, and phone access for Jeff Gasaway,
principal at Jasper, effective immediately. Please let Patty Meyer
know how to access his computer and phone. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

. .
lè.':tlmmrk Cur' btt.'llt,lCc

Plano Independent School District

Human Resources Division

Executive Di rector

Indepeiidtfll School Olsuiri

March 30, 2010

Jeff Gasaway
9301 Woodhurst Orive
McKinney, TX 75070

Oear Mr. Gasaway:

I have determined that it is in the best interest of the Oistrict that you be placed on
administrative leave with pay, pending investigation of allegations of improper conduct.

Until resolution of this matter, I am hereby directing you to:

L Not discuss this or any related matter with any Plano iso employee other than
representatives from the Security or Human Resources departments;
2; Have no contact with any Plano ISD student other than your own child; and
3; Not report to any Oistrict facility other than the Central Administration office
unless given permission to do so by one of the individuals referenced above;

Your failure to comply with these directives may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including recommendation for nonextension, nonrenewal or termination of your
employment contract with the Oistrict.

Please contact me at 469-752-8255 with any questions.


Tamira Griffin U'lT

Executive Oirector for Human Resources

Received by:


Oattr '

ArJministrilbon Building 2700 W, 15"' Stræt nano, Texas 75075-7543 469.752.8255 Fax: 469.752.8008 \wlw.gsd.('!:I~
An Eqnal Op¡:ortunity 8ni~oyß'
. ~.

From: Tamira Griffin

To: Mark Hinshaw
CC: Danny Modisette; Patty Meyer
Date: 3/30/20103:29 PM
Subject: Request for Investigation - Gasaway

Mark, I am requesting an investigation into allegations of improper conduct by Jeff Gasaway, Jasper principal. Thanks.
Contract -

.'" . Page 1 of 1


- PFlOluûlC

10: 1958840 Jeffrey Gasaway Type: E

Assignment *
Effective Year: * r-LJ Year: r-LJ

Current Contract: * 1

Next Contract: 51

Current Year: LJ

Renewal IndIcator: * 1 G Advance: * LJ

Status: 51 Generated: "'"

Returnedl Accepted: ini Signature Type: LJ


Sort i Clear Sorted by: (default)
Effective Assignment Renewal Advance Status Year
Current Next Year Contract Name
Contract Name IndIcator
Year Year
Ch 21 Term 3 yr U u Accept 2 of 3 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
2010 2011
y y Accept 1 of 3 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
2010 2010 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
y y 1 of 3 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
2009 2009 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
y y 1 of 3 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
2008 2008 Ch 21 Term 3 yr
record count: 4 of 41

http://teams.pisd.eduJemp10yeelEmpContractSa1aryStartAction. do
Employee Identification -

. . Page 1 of 1


ID: 1958840 Jeffrey Gasaway Type: E

Security Information i! AssIgnment securlty)1 1-9 Documents

JL. ,ei",U;§i;irJi~I~S. )
First: J Jeffrey Status: Active

Preferred: I Jeffrey Badge ID: 51 ffi o

Middle: SSN: I

Last: J Gasaway Verify SSN: I

Title: I 5J DL#: I

Generation: I 51 Dl State: I

Birth Date: J 05-10-1973 _.

Restriction: c
U,S. CItizen: * ~: Yes r No Gender:
(i, Male C
Ethnlcity: J White, not of Hispanic origlG PIN: I
New Ethnicity; * r Hispanic/Latino Race: * P1 White
r.:: Not Hispanic/Latino L~ Asian
C To Be Determined C Black or
r Decline To Provide African
C American
Indian or
Alaska Native
C Native
Hawaiian or
other Paclflc
r-'To Be
rJ Decline to
Last Change: Jeffrey Gasaway Last Change: Jeffrey Gasaway

http://teams.pisd.eduiemploveelEmpJIdentifieationStartAeti on. do 3/3112010


Employee: Active: y
First Middle Last
Preferred: Name Prefix:
Name Suffix:

Horne: ( (..))
Phone Information:
Ext: Security
N y.
Birth Date:
Ethni c . Code: 5. WHITE
Address Information:
Address: .. Address Security: y.

Permanent Address: N
City/State/Zip: Country: lISA

Change date:
Location: District:
Sublocation: School:
Pay' Location: 998 ON LEAVE
Room: 6
Department: l2-

Assignment: J aAO PRINCIPAL

Mode: Lookup Cancel? N



Months of Service:
previous Service Credit, _ District: State: 12 DO

Application Date:
Current Hire Date: S/01/97 Seniori ty Date:
Original Hire Date: 8/01/97 Seniori ty Number:
Termination Date:
Eligible For Monthly Benefit Credit?: Y Salary Change Date:
Miscellaneous Information:

Other Records:
N - Other Names N - Beneficiary N - Categories N - Emergency
N - Academic N - Handicap N - Skills N - Assignments
N - Voluntary Deductions

Mode: Lookup Cancel? N

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