SMCEU-PTGWO v. SM Packaging Products EmployeesUnion-PMP
September 12, 2007 | Chico-Nazario J. | Chartered LocalDigester !ee, Je"i"e
#D$#, a trade %"io" ce"ter, iss%ed a charter certi&cate to respo"de"t. 'espo"de"t s%bmitted the re(%isite doc%me"ts to the )L' *or ac(%iri"g legal perso"alit+. )L' the" iss%ed a Certi&cate o* Creatio" o* Local or Chapter. #etitio"er &leda petitio"er *or ca"cellatio" o* registratio" allegi"g that #D$# is "ot a legitimate labor orga"izatio" b%t a trade %"io" ce"ter. lso #etitio"er alleges that #D$#, as a trade %"io" ce"ter, ca""ot charter. he Co%rt said that a trade %"io" ce"ter is a legitimate labor org b%t agreed ith petitio"er that a trade %"io" ce"ter ca""ot charter.
he poer gra"ted to labor orga"izatio"s to directl+ create a chapter or local thro%gh charteri"g is gi/e" to a *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io", the" a trade %"io" ce"ter is itho%t a%thorit+ to charter directl+.
#etitio"er is the i"c%mbe"t bargai"i"g age"t *or the bargai"i"g%"it comprised o* the reg%lar mo"thl+-paid ra" a"d &le emplo+ees o* the three di/isio"s o* Sa" $ig%el Corporatio" S$C, "amel+, the Sa" $ig%el Corporate Sta3 4"it S$CS4, Sa" $ig%el )rei"g #hilippi"es S$)#, a"d the Sa" $ig%el #acagi"g #rod%cts S$##, i" all o3ices a"d pla"ts o* S$C, i"cl%di"g the $etal Clos%re a"d Lithograph+ #la"t i" Lag%"a.
5t had bee" the certi&ed bargai"i"g age"t *or 20 +ears *rom 167 to 1667.
'espo"de"t is registered as a chapter o* #amba"sa"g Dia "g $a"ggagaa"g #ilipi"o #D$#. #D$# 8rade 4"io" Ce"ter9 iss%ed a Charter Certi&cate to respo"de".
5" complia"ce ith registratio" re(%ireme"ts, respo"de"t s%bmitted the re(%isite doc%me"ts to the )L' *or the p%rpose o* ac(%iri"g legal perso"alit+. 4po" s%bmissio" o* its charter certi&cate a"d other doc%me"ts, respo"de"t as iss%ed Certi&cate o* Creatio" o* Local or Chapter #D$#-01 b+ the )L'
herea*ter, respo"de"t &led ith the $ed-rbiter o* the D:L; 'egio"al :3icer i" the Natio"al Capital 'egio" D:L;-NC', three separate petitio"s *or certi&catio" electio" to represe"t S$##, S$CS4, a"d S$)#.
ll three petitio"s ere dismissed, o" the gro%"d that the separate petitio"s *ragme"ted a si"gle bargai"i"g %"it.
:" 17 %g%st 1666, petitio"er &led ith the D:L;-NC' a petitio" seei"g the ca"cellatio" o* respo"de"ts registratio" a"d its droppi"g *rom the rolls o* legitimate labor orga"izatio"s. 5" its petitio", petitio"er acc%sed respo"de"t o* committi"g
'ra%d a"d *alsi&catio"
No"-complia"ce ith registratio" re(%ireme"ts i" obtai"i"g its certi&cate o* registratio".
<iolatio"s o* rticles 2=6a, b a"d c a"d 2=>c o* the Labor Code.
$oreo/er, petitio"er claimed that #D$# is "ot a legitimate labor orga"izatio", b%t a trade %"io" ce"ter, he"ce, it ca""ot directl+ create a local or chapter.
'egio"al Director iss%ed a" :rder dismissi"g the allegatio"s o* *ra%d a"d misreprese"tatio", a"d irreg%larit+ i" the s%bmissio"o* doc%me"ts b+ respo"de"t.
"egional irector (im )urt*er ruled t*at respondent is allo+ed to directly create a localor c*apter. ,o+ever *e )ound t*at respondent did not comply +it* t*e /0 mem1ers*ip re2uirement and t*usordered t*e cancellation o) its certi3cate o) registration and removal )rom t*e rolls o) legitimate la1or organi4ations
'espo"de"t appealed to the )L'.
?ra"ted appeal
s a chartered local %"io", appella"t is "ot re(%ired to s%bmit the "%mber o* emplo+ees a"d "ames o* all its members comprisi"g at least 20@ o* the emplo+ees i" the bargai"i"g %"it here it sees to operate. h%s, the re/ocatio" o* its registratio" based o" "o"-complia"ce ith the 20@ membership re(%ireme"t does "ot ha/e a"+ basis i" the r%les.
Further, although
PDMP is considered as a trade union center
, it is a holder of Registration issued by the BLR, which bestowed upon it the status of a legitimate labor organization with all the rights and privileges to act as representative of its members for purposes of collective bargaining agreement. On this basis
, PDMP can charter or create a local, in accordance with the provisions of Department Order No. 9.
Dismissed petitio". 3irmed )L'.
he 8herei" respo"de"t9 is a" a3iliate o* a
registered )ederation
#D$#, ha/i"g bee" iss%ed a
charter certi&cate. 4"der the r%les e ha/e re/ieed, there is "o "eed *or S$##;4 to sho a membership o* 20@ o* the emplo+ees o* the bargai"i"g %"it i" order to be recog"ized as a legitimate labor %"io".
Ae"ce, the petitio".
i"sta"t #etitio" is
he Decisio" dated 06 $arch 200B o* the Co%rt o* ppeals i" C-?' S# No. 200 is
he Certi&cate o* 'egistratio" o* Sa" $ig%el #acagi"g #rod%cts ;mplo+ees 4"io"#amba"sa"g Dia "g $a"ggagaa"g #ilipi"o is
O"E"E C!&CE((E
a"d S$##;4-#D$#
*rom the rolls o* legitimate labor orga"izatio"s.
W,ET,E" "ESPO&E&T %S "E7U%"E TO SU5M%T T,E &UM5E" O' EMP(O#EES !& &!MES O' !(( %TS MEM5E"S COMP"%S%&G !T (E!ST /0 O' T,E EMP(O#EES %& T,E 5!"G!%&%&G U&%T W,E"E %T SEE8S TO OPE"!TE.9 #ES.
he proced%re *or registratio" o* a local or chapter o* a labor orga"izatio" is pro/ided i" )oo < o* the 5mpleme"ti"g '%les o* the Labor Code, as ame"ded b+ Departme"t :rder No. 6 hich too e3ect o" 21 J%"e 1667, a"d agai" b+ Departme"t :rder No. >0 dated 17 ebr%ar+ 200=. he 5mpleme"ti"g '%les as ame"ded b+ D.:. No. 6 sho%ld go/er" the resol%tio" o* the petitio" at bar si"ce respo"de"ts petitio" *or certi&catio" electio" as &led ith the )L' i" 1666E a"d that o* petitio"er o" 17 %g%st 1666.
he applicable 5mpleme"ti"g '%les e"%"ciates a to-*old proced%re *or the creatio" o* a chapter or a local. he &rst i"/ol/es the a3iliatio" o* a" i"depe"de"t %"io" ith a *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io" or i"d%str+ %"io".
T*e second 3nding application in t*e instant petition involves t*e direct creation o) a local or a c*apter t*roug* t*e process o) c*artering
d%l+ registered
)ederation or national union
ma+ directl+ create a local or chapter b+ s%bmitti"g to the D:L; 'egio"al :3ice or to the )L' to copies o* the *olloi"g
charter certi&cate iss%ed b+ the *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io" i"dicati"g the creatio" or establishme"t o* the localFchapterE
he "ames o* the localFchapters o3icers, their addresses, a"d the pri"cipal o3ice o* the localFchapterE a"d
he localFchapters co"stit%tio" a"d b+-lasE #ro/ided, hat here the localFchapters co"stit%tio"a"d b+-las is the same as that o* the *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io", this *act shall be i"dicated accordi"gl+.
ll the *oregoi"g s%pporti"g re(%ireme"ts shall be certi&ed %"der oath b+ the Secretar+ or the reas%rer o* the localFchapter a"d attested to b+ its #reside"t.
he 5mpleme"ti"g '%les stip%late that a local or chapter ma+ be directl+ created b+ a
national union.
d%l+ co"stit%ted local or chapter created i" accorda"ce ith the *oregoi"g shall ac(%ire legal perso"alit+ *rom the date o* &li"g o* the complete doc%me"ts ith the )L'
T*e issuance o) t*ecerti3cate o) registration 1y t*e 5(" or t*e O(E "egional O:ice is not t*e operative act t*at vests legal personality upon a local or a c*apter under epartment Order &o. ;.
S%ch legal perso"alit+ is ac(%ired *rom the &li"g o* the complete doc%me"tar+ re(%ireme"ts e"%merated i" Sectio" 1, '%le <5
#etitio"er i"sists that Sectio" = o* the 5mpleme"ti"g '%les, as ame"ded b+ Departme"t :rder No. 6, /iolated rticle 2=> o* the Labor Code he" it pro/ided *or less stri"ge"t re(%ireme"ts *or the creatio" o* a chapter or local. he Co%rt disagrees.
rticle 2=> o* the Labor Code pro/ides that a"
independent labor organization
ac(%ires legitimac+ o"l+ %po" its registratio" ith the )L'
he *oregoi"g pertai"s to the registratio" o* a"
labor orga"izatio", associatio" or gro%p o* %"io"s or orers.
Aoe/er, the creatio" o* a bra"ch, local or chapter is treated di3ere"tl+. his Co%rt, i" the la"dmar case o*
Progressive evelopment !orporation v. "ecretary, epartment of Labor and #mployment,
that he" a"
unregistered union
becomes a bra"ch, local or chapter, some o* the a*oreme"tio"ed re(%ireme"ts *or registratio" are "o lo"ger
"ecessar+ or comp%lsor+. Ghereas a" applica"t *or registratio"o* a" i"depe"de"t %"io" is ma"dated to s%bmit, amo"g other thi"gs, the "%mber o* emplo+ees a"d "ames o* all its members comprisi"g at least 20@ o* the emplo+ees i" the bargai"i"g %"it here it sees to operate, as pro/ided %"der rticle 2=> o* the Labor Code a"d Sectio" 2 o* '%le 555, )oo < o* the 5mpleme"ti"g '%les, the same is "o lo"ger re(%ired o* a bra"ch, local or chapter.
he i"te"t o* the la i" imposi"g less re(%ireme"ts i" the case o* a bra"ch or local o* a registered *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io" is to e"co%rage the a3iliatio" o* a local %"io" ith a *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io" i" order to i"crease the local %"io"s bargai"i"g poers respecti"g terms a"d co"ditio"s o* labor.
W,ET,E" "ESPO&E&T<S CE"T%'%C!TE O' "EG%ST"!T%O& W!S O5T!%&E T,"OUG, '"!U=&O.
his Co%rt emphasizes that a direct challe"ge to the legitimac+o* a labor orga"izatio" based o" *ra%d a"d misreprese"tatio" i" sec%ri"g its certi&cate o* registratio" is a serio%s allegatio" hich deser/es care*%l scr%ti"+. llegatio"s thereo* sho%ld be compo%"ded ith s%pporti"g circ%msta"ces a"d e/ide"ce. he records o* the case are de/oid o* s%ch e/ide"ce. %rthermore, this Co%rt is "ot a trier o* *acts, a"d this doctri"e applies ith greater *orce i" labor cases. i"di"gs o* *act o* admi"istrati/e age"cies a"d (%asi-H%dicial bodies, s%ch as the )L', hich ha/e ac(%ired eIpertise beca%se their H%risdictio" is co"&"ed to speci&c matters, are ge"erall+ accorded "ot o"l+ great respect b%t e/e" &"alit+.
W,ET,E" "ESPO&E&T %S ! (EG%T%M!TE (!5O" O"G!&%>!T%O& ?S%&CE PMP %S ! T"!E U&%O& CE&TE"@=&O.
'espo"de"t as "ot /alidl+ a"d legitimatel+ created, *or #D$# ca""ot create a local or chapter as it is "ot a legitimate labor orga"izatio", it bei"g a trade %"io" ce"ter.
irstl+, this li"e o* reaso"i"g attempts to predicate that a trade %"io" ce"ter is "ot a legitimate labor orga"izatio".5" the process, the legitimac+ o* #D$# is bei"g imp%g"ed, albeit i"directl+. Seco"dl+, the same co"te"tio" premises that atrade %"io" ce"ter ca""ot directl+ create a local or chapter thro%gh the process o* charteri"g.
the legal perso"alit+ o* a legitimate labor orga"izatio", s%ch as#D$#, ca""ot be s%bHect to a collateral attac. he la is /er+ clear o" this matter.
! T"!E U&%O& CE&TE" M!# 5E ! (EG%T (!5O" O"G.
rticle 212 h o* the Labor Code, as ame"ded, de&"es a
legitimate labor organization
as a"+ labor orga"izatio" d%l+ registered ith the D:L;, a"d i"cl%des
any branch or local thereof
:" the other ha"d, a trade %"io" ce"ter is a"+ gro%p o* registered "atio"al %"io"s or *ederatio"s orga"ized *or the m%t%al aid a"d protectio" o* its membersE *or assisti"g s%ch members i" collecti/e bargai"i"gE or *or participati"g i" the *orm%latio" o* social a"d emplo+me"t policies, sta"dards, a"d programs, a"d is d%l+ registered ith the D:L; i" accorda"ce ith '%le 555, Sectio" 2 o* the 5mpleme"ti"g '%les.
he 5mpleme"ti"g '%les stip%late that a labor orga"izatio" shall be deemed registered a"d /ested ith legal perso"alit+ o" the date o* iss%a"ce o* its certi&cate o* registratio".
Once acerti3cate o) registration is issued to a union its legal personality cannot 1e su1Aect to collateral attack
5t ma+ be (%estio"ed o"l+ i" a" i"depe"de"t petitio" *or ca"cellatio" i" accorda"ce ith Sectio" B o* '%le <, )oo < o* the 5mpleme"ti"g '%les. #D$# as registered as a trade %"io" ce"ter a"d iss%ed 'egistratio" Certi&cate b+ the )L'. 4"til the certi&cate o* registratio" o* #D$# is ca"celled, its legal perso"alit+ as a legitimate labor orga"izatio" s%bsists. :"ce a %"io" ac(%ires legitimate stat%s as a labor orga"izatio", it co"ti"%es to be recog"ized as s%ch %"til its certi&cate o* registratio" is ca"celled or re/oed i" a" i"depe"de"t actio" *or ca"cellatio".
%t 1ears to emp*asi4e t*at +*at is 1eing directly c*allenged is t*e personality o) respondent as a legitimate la1or organi4ation and not t*at o) PMP. T*is 1eing a collateral attack t*is Court is +it*out Aurisdiction to entertain 2uestions indirectly impugning t*e legitimacy o) PMP.
PMP C!&&OT %"ECT(# C"E!TE ! (OC!( O" C,!PTE". %T 5E%&G ! T"!E U&%O& CE&TE" O ; 9
De&"es rade 4"io" Ce"ter.
%"" o) O ;
pro/ides that a *ederatio" or a "atio"al %"io" ma+ directl+ create a local chapter. No similar pro/isio" *or a trade %"io" ce"ter.
C%lli"g *rom its de&"itio" as pro/ided b+ Departme"t :rder No. 6,
trade union center
is a"+ gro%p o* registered "atio"al %"io"s or *ederatio"s orga"ized *or the m%t%al aid a"d protectio" o* its membersE *or assisti"g s%ch members i" collecti/e bargai"i"gE or *or participati"g i" the *orm%latio" o* social a"d emplo+me"t policies, sta"dards, a"d programs, a"d is d%l+ registered ith the D:L; i" accorda"ce ith '%le 555, Sectio" 2 o* the 5mpleme"ti"g '%les.
he same r%le pro/ides that the applicatio" *or registratio" o* a" i"d%str+ or trade %"io" ce"ter shall be s%pported b+ the *olloi"g
he list o* its member orga"izatio"s a"d their respecti/e preside"ts a"d, i" the case o* a" i"d%str+ %"io", the i"d%str+ here the %"io" sees to operateE
he resol%tio" o* membership o* each member orga"izatio", appro/ed b+ the )oard o* Directors o* s%ch %"io"E
he "ame a"d pri"cipal address o* the applica"t, the"ames o* its o3icers a"d their addresses, the mi"%tes o* its orga"izatio"al meeti"gFs, a"d the list o* member orga"izatio"s a"d their represe"tati/es ho atte"ded s%ch meeti"gFsE a"d
cop+ o* its co"stit%tio" a"d b+-las a"d mi"%tes o* its rati&catio" b+ a maHorit+ o* the preside"ts o* the member orga"izatio"s, pro/ided that here the rati&catio" as do"e sim%lta"eo%sl+ ith the orga"izatio"al meeti"g, it shall be s%3icie"t that the *act o* rati&catio" be i"cl%ded i" the mi"%tes o* the orga"izatio"al meeti"g.
Evidently +*ile a national union or )ederation is a la1or organi4ation +it* at least ten locals or c*apters or a:iliates eac* o) +*ic* must 1e a duly certi3ed or recogni4ed collective 1argaining agentB
a trade union center on t*e ot*er *and is composed o) a group o) registered national unions or )ederations.
he 5mpleme"ti"g '%les, as ame"ded b+ Departme"t :rder No. 6, pro/ide that a
duly registered federation or national union
ma+ directl+ create a local or chapter.
Departme"t :rder No. 6 me"tio"s to labor orga"izatio"s either o* hich is alloed to directl+ create a local or chapter thro%gh charteri"g a d%l+ registered
national union
. Departme"t :rder No. 6 de&"es a Kchartered localK as a labor orga"izatio" i" the pri/ate sector operati"g at the e"terprise le/el that ac(%ired legal perso"alit+ thro%gh a charter certi&cate, iss%ed b+ a d%l+ registered
federation or national union
a"d reported to the 'egio"al :3ice i" accorda"ce ith '%le 555, Sectio" 2-; o* these '%les.
"! ;D=
;"%merates re(%ireme"ts o* registratio" *or a trade%"io". 5t also pro/ides that a *ederatio" or "atio"al %"io" ma+ directl+ create a local chapter. No similar pro/isio" *or a trade %"io" ce"ter.
'ep%blic ct No. 6>1 or " ct Stre"gthe"i"g the Gorers Co"stit%tio"al 'ight to Sel*-:rga"izatio", me"di"g *or the #%rpose #reside"tial Decree No. >>2, s me"ded, :therise "o" as the Labor Code o* the #hilippi"es lapsed i"to la o" 2B $a+ 2007
a"d became e3ecti/e o" 1> J%"e 2007.his la *%rther ame"ds the Labor Code pro/isio"s o" Labor 'elatio"s.
rticle 2=> "o i"cl%des the term
trade union center
, b%t i"teresti"gl+, the pro/isio" i"dicati"g the proced%re *or charteri"g or creati"g a local or chapter, "amel+ rticle 2=>-, still maes "o me"tio" o* a trade %"io" ce"ter.
lso orth emphasizi"g is that e/e" i" the most rece"t ame"dme"t o* the impleme"ti"g r%les,
there as "o me"tio" o* a trade %"io" ce"ter as bei"g amo"g the labor orga"izatio"s alloed to charter.
his Co%rt deems it proper to appl+ the Lati"
e$pressio unius est e$clusio alterius
. 4"der this maIim o* stat%tor+ i"terpretatio",
t*e eFpression o) one t*ing is t*e eFclusiono) anot*er.
W*en certain persons or t*ings are speci3ed in a la+ contract or +ill an intention to eFclude all ot*ers )rom its operation may 1e in)erred.
he r%le is restricti/e i" the se"se that it proceeds *rom the premise that the legislati"g bod+ o%ld "ot ha/e made speci&c e"%meratio"s i" a stat%te i* it had the i"te"tio" "ot to restrict its mea"i"g a"d co"&"e its terms to those eIpressl+ me"tio"ed.
T*ere)ore since under t*e pertinent status and applica1le implementing rules t*e po+er granted to la1or organi4ations to directly create a c*apter or local t*roug* c*artering is given to a )ederation or national union t*en a trade union center is +it*out aut*ority to c*arter directly.
he r%li"g o* this Co%rt i" the i"sta"t case is "ot a depart%re *rom the polic+ o* the la to *oster the *ree a"d /ol%"tar+