Switching Arcs

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A thesis submitted to attain the degree of
(Dr. sc. ETH Zurich)
presented by
Michael Max Walter
MSc ETH Zurich
born on 31.03.1984
citizen of Zurich (ZH)
accepted on the recommendation of
Prof. Dr. Christian M. Franck
Prof. Dr. Volker Hinrichsen

This work aims to systematically and accurately investigate switching arc characteristics in passive resonance high voltage direct current (HVDC) circuit breakers.
The replacement of classical band energy with uctuating wind
and solar power from peripheral locations in Europe will signicantly challenge the European transmission grid in the future. Energy must be transmitted via cables for distances > 50 km and via
overhead lines for distances > 1000 km with low losses. VoltageSourced-Converter (VSC) HVDC is considered to be superior to the
classical alternating current (AC) transmission for long distance energy transfer, because it has signicantly smaller losses and requires
no reactive power compensation.
Mechanical circuit breakers are standard fault protection devices
in AC networks but do not yet exist for HVDC with sucient interruption performance. The current zero crossing, essential for arc
extinction in mechanical breakers, is not inherently available in DC
systems. This makes DC interruption more challenging than AC
interruption. Passive resonance breakers excite an unstable current
oscillation and create articial current zero crossings by interaction
of the switching arc with an LC-commutation circuit. This principle has been successfully applied for Metal-Return-Transfer-Breakers
(MRTB) in operation. It is, however, limited in maximum interruptible current, takes too long for current zero creation and uses a large
capacitor, which signicantly contributes to the breaker costs.
Signicant improvement of the interruption performance is expected if the arc chamber and nozzle design is optimized for passive
resonant creation of current zero crossings in DC circuits. For this,
the improvement of the switching arc characteristic is shown to be


more eective and most probably also more economical compared to
the passive L and C components of the resonance path. The main
goal of this thesis is a systematic characterization of dierent arc
congurations for use in black-box simulations.
For that purpose, a novel arbitrary pulsed current source has
been developed. By creation of complex current waveforms, (eg.
staircase-like currents and spikes superimposed on a current slope,)
the transient and stationary arc characteristic can be measured independently of each other. Thereby, a more accurate parameter determination and a better validation of black-box models is achieved.
In principle, the source could also be used to characterize the arc
completely model-independent, by generation of step currents with
variable slope steepness. Furthermore, a novel improved method
for arc characterization has been developed. A exible model circuit breaker has been used to investigate the eect of blow pressure,
nozzle geometry, nozzle material and blow gas type.
The investigations conrmed that a falling stationary U I-characteristic with decreasing arc voltage at increasing current is a necessary condition for creation of passive resonance. A rising characteristic, the arc thermal inertia and high current gradients act as damping
terms and inhibit passive resonance. For current amplitudes < 2 kA
the following has been shown: a) an increase of blow pressure intensies the falling slope of the stationary U I-characteristic and improves
passive resonance, b) a narrow throat diameter and a large nozzle
throat length exhibit a rising U I-characteristic and should therefore
be avoided, c) nozzle material and blow gas type have shown only
minor inuence on the arc characteristics.
The results gained can be used to improve an existing HVDC
MRTB in two ways: Firstly, if the time for current zero creation (and
with it the total break time) is not important, the switching arc characteristic could be inuenced so that a) the size of the capacitance
is minimized or b) the interruption current amplitude is maximized.
Application for this are MRTB or HVDC load break switches. Secondly, the time for current zero creation can be minimized by suit-

able arc chamber design changes with consequent changes in the arc
characteristic. By this, together with an increase in maximum interruption current, existing MRTBs could be improved for use as
HVDC circuit breakers. Such a passive resonance HVDC circuit
breaker would be a low loss and low cost alternative to the recently
proposed hybrid breakers, which use expensive and inherently lossy
solid state components.

Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die systematische und przise Untersuchung von Schaltlichtbogencharakteristiken in Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom (HG) Leistungsschaltern.
Der Ersatz klassischer Bandenergie durch uktuierende Wind- und
Sonnenenergie aus peripheren Standorten Europas stellt das Europische bertragungsnetz zuknftig vor grosse Herausforderungen.
Energie muss in O-shore-Kabeln ber Distanzen > 50 km und in
bertragungsleitungen ber Distanzen > 1000 km verlustarm zum
Verbraucher geleitet werden. Hochspannungs-Gleichstrombertragung
(HG) wird gegenber der klassischen Wechselstrom (AC)-bertragung bevorzugt, aufgrund der markant kleineren bertragungsverluste bei grossen bertragungsdistanzen und aufgrund der Blindleistungskompensation, welche bei ersterer entfllt.
Mechanische Leistungsschalter zur Unterbrechung von Fehlerstrmen sind Standardkomponenten in AC-Netzen, existieren fr HG
jedoch noch nicht mit ausreichender Kurzschlussunterbrechungsleistung. Die Schwierigkeit der HG Stromunterbrechung ist der fehlende Stromnulldurchgang, welcher in mechanischen Schaltern unerlsslich ist zum Lschen des Lichtbogens. Passiv resonante Schalter
erzeugen durch Wechselwirkung eines Schaltlichtbogens mit einem
LC-Kommutierkreis eine instabile Stromschwingung zur Erzeugung
eines Stromnullurchgangs. Das Prinzip wurde erfolgreich in MetalReturn-Transfer-Breakern (MRTB) umgesetzt, ist jedoch limitiert in
Bezug auf den maximal unterbrechbaren Strom, die Schalter bentigen zu lange zur Erzeugung eines Stromnulldurchgangs und verwenden einen grossen Kondensator, welcher wesentlich zu den Schalterkosten beitrgt.
Eine wesentliche Verbesserung des Unterbrechungsverhaltens sol-


cher Schalter ist zu erwarten, falls die Lichtbogenkammer und die
Dsengeometrie optimiert wird zur passiv resonanten Erzeugung von
Stromnulldurchgngen. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass die Verbesserung
der Lichtbogencharakteristik ezienter und hchst wahrscheinlich
auch konomischer ist verglichen mit der Optimierung der passiven
L und C Elemente des Resonanzkreises. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist
das systematische Charakterisieren von verschiedenen Lichtbogenkongurationen zur Verwendung in Black-Box Modellen.
Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine neuartige Pulsstromquelle entwickelt. Durch Erzeugung komplexer Stromformen (z.B. treppenfrmig
ansteigende Strme und Stromspitzen, die einer achen Stromanke
berlagert sind) kann das transiente und das stationre Lichtbogenverhalten unabhngig voneinander gemessen werden. Dies hat den
Vorteil einer genaueren Parameterbestimmung und einer besseren
Validierung von Black-Box-Modellannahmen. Prinzipiell wre auch
eine komplett modell-unabhngige Charakterisierung des Lichtbogens mglich durch die Verwendung von Schritten mit unterschiedlicher Flanken Steilheit. Es wurde zudem eine neue verbesserte Methode zur Bestimmung von Black-Box-Parametern entwickelt. Ein exibler Modell-Leistungsschalter wurde verwendet, um den Einuss von
Beblasungsdruck, Dsengeometrie, Dsenmaterial und Beblasungsgas zu untersuchen.
Die Untersuchungen haben besttigt, dass eine stationre U ILichtbogencharakteristik mit fallender Spannung bei steigendem Strom
notwendig ist zur Erzeugung von passiver Resonanz. Eine ansteigende Charakteristik, die Lichtbogentrgheit sowie steile Stromgradienten dmpfen hingegen das System und verhindern passive Resonanz.
Es konnte fr Strme 2.5 kA folgendes gezeigt werden: a) Ein Erhhen des Beblasungsdrucks verstrkt die passive Resonanz durch
Erhhen von Steilheit und Spannung der fallenden Charakteristik,
b) ein enger Durchmesser oder eine grosse Lnge des engen Bereichs
der Dse hingegen fhren zu einer ansteigenden Charakteristik und
sollten daher vermieden werden, c) verschiedene Dsenmaterialien
und Beblasungsgase zeigten nur kleinen Einuss auf die Charakte-

Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse knnen auf zwei Arten zur Verbesserung eines bestehenden HG-MRTB Schalters verwendet werden: 1)
falls die Zeit zur Stromnulldurchgangserzeugung (bzw. die gesamte
Unterbrechungszeit) keine Rolle spielen, kann die Schaltlichtbogencharakteristik beeinusst werden, um a) die Grsse des Kondensators
zu minimieren oder b) den unterbrechbaren Strom zu maximieren.
Anwendungen dafr sind MRTB-Schalter oder HG-Lastschalter.
2) Die Zeit zur Erzeugung des Stromnulldurchgangs kann durch Anpassungen in der Lichtbogenkammer minimiert werden, welche sich
auf die Lichtbogencharakteristik auswirken. Dadurch, und durch Erhhen des Unterbrechungsstroms, knnen existierende MRTBs zur
Anwendung als HG-Leistungsschalter verbessert werden. Solch ein
passiv resonanter HG-Leistungsschalter wre eine verlustarme und
preislich attraktive Alternative zu den krzlich vorgeschlagenen Hybridschaltern, welche teure und verlustreiche leistungselektronische
Komponenten verwenden.

At the start of this Ph.D. project, Prof Christian Franck told the
following to me: The times, when a scientic breakthrough could
be achieved by a single genius person, working alone in his chamber,
are long gone. Today, successful science is performed in a team
of researches, working together and exchanging their ideas. This
sentence illustratively expresses that this work would not have been
possible without the support of many people.
I would like to thank Christian for the trust he set in me, to
conde me with one of his key projects. The interesting eld kept
me continuously fascinated and motivated for the last three and a
half years. In the daily work, Christian gave me the freedom to
develop my own approaches, supported me when I needed guidance
and always advised me with his expert knowledge. I believe that it
is a rare skill, to nd such a balance in leading his employees.
Warmly, I would like to thank Markus Bujotzek, Riccardo Bini
and Manolis Panousis from the ABB Corporate Research. Their
experience in circuit breakers research and valuable inputs in discussions, helped to set the right focus in the research work.
Carsten Leu from TU Illmenau was a very welcome discussion
partner during the work on a joint paper. At TU Illmenau, Carsten
applied for the rst time the Drebenstedt method on passive resonant
currents and is therefore very experienced in the eld of experimental arc parameter determination. Carsten contributed the literature
research on the classical parameter determination methods to our
common paper, which also served as a basis for the corresponding
theory section in this thesis.
Thanks to Dr. Timm Teich for careful proof reading of the manuscript
and for his valuable inputs.


Several students worked in the scope of their master and semester
projects on integral parts of the experimental setup. These were:
Michael Leibl, Daniel Rothmund and Andreas Ritter in their semester
project and Andreas Ritter, Moonjo Kang and David Gassner in
their master project. Michael Leibl supported the set up and execution of the rst measurements series on free burning arcs. Daniel
Rothmund built the setup for the second measurement series with
sinusoidal currents and performed experiments on free burning and
radially blown arcs. He also assembled and characterized a exible
coil for the arbitrary current source. Andreas Ritter assembled the
current source modules, programmed the code for the measurement
automation, based on a code structure from Dominik Dahl, and validated the IGBT-controller performance in an intensive measurement
study. Moonjo Kang and David Gassner assembled the model circuit
breaker and they performed a measurement series on blow-pressure
eects and contact movement eects in convection stabilized arcs.
The IGBT controller, a key component for the arbitrary current
source, has been developed by WEMEL GmbH. In particular, I
would like to thank Martin Weidmann from WEMEL for his excellent cooperation in the development phase. At the stage of controller
development it has been uncertain, how the arc would behave as a
load. With his foresight, Martin identied and avoided numerous
technical challenges already in a very early planning phase and was
always eager to maintain maximum possible exibility of the controller hard- and software. This exibility signicantly facilitated
later optimization of the controller for the investigated arc.
A major support in the whole three years was the technical sta
in our team: Thanks to Hans-Jrg Weber, Henry Kienast, David
Brhlmann, Claudia Stucki and Karin Sonderegger.
The mutual discussion with all colleagues in the High Voltage
Group was an important pillar in the daily work. Thanks in particular to my oce mates Ueli Straumann, Philipp Simka, Michael
Strobach, Andreas Ritter, Moonjo Kang and Pascal Higer for the
enriching time and mutual support. Especially, I would like to men-

tion Philipp Simka, who encouraged me to start as a Ph.D. student
in Christians group.
I would also like to express my gratefulness to my parents Erika
and Hansruedi Walter, who always supported me on my way and do
that still.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife Ivana. She always encourages me, in what I am doing and supports me in so many dierent
ways. She is very understanding for the numerous evenings where I
was physically absent, trying to nish some work and for the even
more numerous times when I was physically present but absent in
my thoughts, trying to solve some problem. Thanks to her I found
enough sleep at night after the birth of our son Luka in April to
complete this work.
This work was nancially supported by ABB Switzerland, Corporate Research.

List of own publications

Several journal and conference contribution resulted as an outcome
of the research in this thesis. The content of selected publications
has been integrated in the text of this work. These publications are
indicated with a star ( ):
[P1] M. M. Walter, C. M. Franck, Optimal test current shape for
accurate model-independent arc characteristic determination,
IEEE Trans. Power Del., (accepted).
[P2] M. M. Walter, C. M. Franck, Improved method for direct
black-box arc parameter determination and model validation,
IEEE Trans. Power Del., (accepted).
[P3] M. M. Walter, C. Leu, C. M. Franck, Optimizing the arc
characteristics for improved designs of passive resonant circuit breakers, 20th Symposium on Physics of Switching Arcs
(FSO), Nove Mesto na Morave Czech Republic, September
[P4] M. M. Walter, M. Kang, C. M. Franck, Arc cross-section
determination of convection stabilized arcs, 18th symposium
on high voltage engineering (ISH), Seol South Korea, August
[P5] A. Ritter, M. M. Walter, U. Straumann, C. M. Franck, Derivations of requirements for small-current switching in future
HVDC substations, 18th symposium on high voltage engineering (ISH), Seol South Korea, August 2013.


[P6] M. Walter, C. Carstensen, J. Biela, C. M. Franck, A new
Method for Investigating the Arc Behavior in HVDC Circuit
Breakers based on a novel Current Source, Cigr Session 2012,
Paris, France, 26 - 31 August 2012.
[P7] M. K. Bucher, M. M. Walter, M. Pfeier, C. M. Franck, Options for ground fault clearance in HVDC oshore networks,
IEEE Conference: Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Rayleigh NC, September 2012.
[P8] M. M. Walter, C. M. Franck, Inuence of arc chamber parameters on passive resonance circuit of HVDC circuit breakers,
Cigr International Symposium THE ELECTRIC POWER
SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE, Bologna, Italy, 13th - 15th
September 2011.
[P9] M. M. Walter, C. M. Franck, Flexible pulsed DC-source for
investigation of HVDC circuit breaker arc resistance, XVIII
International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications (GD 2010), Greifswald, Germany, 5th - 10th September

The following master students have made contributions to this
project in the scope of their master and semester projects.
[S1] Author: A. Ritter, Supervisors: M. M. Walter, M. K. Bucher,
Disconnector and earthing switch operation in HVDC GIS,
master project, ETH Zurich, 2012.
[S2] Author: M. Kang, Supervisor: M. M. Walter, Inuence of
blow pressure and nozzle shape on HVDC circuit breakers,
master project, ETH Zurich, 2012.
[S3] Author: D. Gassner, Supervisor: M. M. Walter, Experimental
study of high current arcs during contact separation, master
project, ETH Zurich, 2012.
[S4] Author: A. Ritter, Supervisor: M. M. Walter, Aufbau, Inbetriebnahme und Automatisierung einer gepulsten DC Quelle,
semester project, ETH Zurich, 2011.
[S5] Author: D. Rothmund, Supervisor: M. M. Walter, Zeitgenaues Znden und Lschen einer Funkenstrecke fr einen Teslatransformator, semester project, ETH Zurich, 2011.
[S6] Author: M. Leibl, Supervisor: M. M. Walter, Bestimmung
der Kennlinie und Parameterfunktionen eines Lichtbogens zur
Beobachtung von Einussfaktoren, semester project, ETH Zurich,







List of own publications


Table of content


List of symbols


1. Problem statement

2. Background and motivation

2.1. Evolution of todays transmission grid . . . . . . . .
2.2. Meshed multi-terminal HVDC networks . . . . . . .
2.3. Short circuit development in VSC-HVDC networks .
2.4. HVDC circuit breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1. Current interruption at high voltage levels . .
2.4.2. Candidate HVDC circuit breaker technologies
2.5. Options for HVDC fault handling . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3. Aim of this work


4. Switching arcs
4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1. Classes of arc models . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




4.1.2. Energy transfer mechanisms . . . . . . . . .
4.2. Nozzle constricted arcs under forced convection . .
4.2.1. Convection stabilized low current arcs . . .
4.2.2. Convection stabilized high current arcs . . .
4.2.3. Ablative arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.4. Characteristic arc cross-sections . . . . . . .
4.3. Black-box arc modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2. Generalized Mayrs equation . . . . . . . . .
4.3.3. Physical interpretation of black-box models
4.3.4. Transformation of stationary characteristic
4.4. Black-box parameter determination . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1. Intrinsic assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2. Stationary and transient arc characteristic .
4.4.3. Classical methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.4. Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. Optimal arc characteristic

5.1. Passive resonance . . . . . . . . .
5.2. Stability prediction . . . . . . . .
5.3. Simulation results . . . . . . . . .
5.4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5. Criterion for desirable arc cooling
5.6. Blow pressure eect . . . . . . .
5.7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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6. Experimental methods
6.1. Arbitrary current source . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.1. Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.2. Creation of selected current waveforms
6.2. LC current source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3. Model circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1. Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2. Nozzle geometry . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4. Free burning arc arrangement . . . . . . . . .






6.5. Diagnostic tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.1. Current measurement . . . . . . . . .
6.5.2. Voltage measurement . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.3. Pressure measurement . . . . . . . . .
6.5.4. Optical measurement . . . . . . . . . .
6.6. Arc cross-section determination . . . . . . . .
6.6.1. AV determination from arc images . .
6.6.2. AP determination from pressure signal
6.7. Typical experiment sequence . . . . . . . . .






7. Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination 89

7.1. Limitations of classical methods (A-C) . . . . . . . . 89
7.1.1. Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
7.1.2. Sensitivity to noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1.3. Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.2. Improved methods (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2.1. Choice of appropriate model . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2.2. Model-independent arc characterization . . . 97
7.2.3. Improved method for staircase-like currents(D1) 98
7.2.4. Improved method for non-staircase-like currents (D2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.3. Validation determination methods (D) . . . . . . . . 100
8. Experimental method comparison
8.1. Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc . . . .
8.1.1. Classical methods (A-C) . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.2. Staircase-like current method (D1) . . . . .
8.1.3. Discussion of method comparison . . . . . .
8.1.4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2. Optimal current waveform for arc characterization
8.2.1. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2.2. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2.3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





9. Arc chamber characterization

9.1. Black-box characteristic . . . . . .
9.1.1. Experiment conguration .
9.1.2. Typical experiment . . . . .
9.1.3. Eect of blow pressure . . .
9.1.4. Eect of nozzle diameter . .
9.1.5. Eect of throat length . . .
9.1.6. Eect of blow gas type . . .
9.1.7. Eect of nozzle material . .
9.2. Arc cross-section variation . . . . .
9.2.1. Example results . . . . . . .
9.2.2. Discussion and conclusions .












10.1. Blow pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2. Nozzle geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3. Blow gas parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4. Nozzle material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5. Desirable and undesirable loss mechanisms . . .
10.6. Improvement by adapting the arc chamber . . .
10.6.1. Resonance capacitor reduction for lower
MRTBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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11.Summary and conclusion

11.1. Optimal arc characteristic for passive resonance
11.2. Black-box parameter determination . . . . . . .
11.3. Arbitrary current source . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.4. Arc chamber with falling characteristic . . . . .
11.5. Resonant breakers in a future HVDC network .




12.1. Further experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.1.1. Further phenomenological characterization . .
12.1.2. Arc characterization and understanding cooling mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




12.1.3. Passive resonant current zero creation

12.1.4. Arc extinction . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.2. Model circuit breaker extension . . . . . . . .
12.2.1. Performance increase . . . . . . . . . .
12.2.2. Adaptations for passive resonance . . .
12.2.3. Possible extensions . . . . . . . . . . .
12.3. Arbitrary current source extension . . . . . .
12.3.1. Performance increase . . . . . . . . . .
12.3.2. Possible extensions . . . . . . . . . . .
12.3.3. Alternative application elds . . . . .
A. Specication of the arbitrary current source
A.1. Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2. Component specication . . . . . . . . .
A.2.1. Energy storage . . . . . . . . . .
A.2.2. Variable inductors . . . . . . . .
A.2.3. IGBT and diodes . . . . . . . . .
A.2.4. Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.3. Performance limit estimation . . . . . .
A.4. Control and automation . . . . . . . . .
A.4.1. Monitoring and control hardware
A.4.2. Current waveform control . . . .














B. Specication of the model circuit breaker

B.1. Contact opening mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
B.2. Blow apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
C. Bibliography


Curriculum Vitae


List of symbols









arc cross-section
arc cross-section (determined from electrical parameters)
eective cross-section of cold gas ow for a nozzle throat
with arc
nozzle throat cross-section
arc cross-section (determined from uid dynamic parameters)
arc cross-section (determined from optical parameters)
arc cross-section (theoretical prediction)
t coecient of power law for stationary arc power loss
P = 1W apg (g/(1 S))bpg
t coecient of power law for stationary arc power loss
P = 1W api (I/(1 A))bpi
t coecient of power law for stationary arc power loss
U = 1V aui (I/(1 A))bui
t coecient of power law for stationary arc power loss
U = 1V aui (I/(1 A))bui
t coecient of power law for stationary arc power loss
P = 1W apg (g/(1 S))bpg
t coecient of power law for stationary arc power loss
P = 1W api (I/(1 A))bpi





J/(m3 K)












kg/(m s)
kg/(m s)


heat capacity at constant pressure
t coecient of power law for thermal arc inertia
= c(g/(1 S))d
t coecient of power law for thermal arc inertia
= c(g/(1 S))d
duty cycle
nozzle throat diameter (cylindrical section)
Electric eld
derivative of the stationary (non time dependent)
U I arc characteristic after the current
derivative of the transient (time dependent) ui arc
characteristic after the current
electric eld
fraction of of power loss by radiation
temporal derivative of a transient conductance signal
enthalpy of plasma
enthalpy for wall material evaporation and acceleration to sonic velocity
steady state current
steady state fault current
current amplitude with minimum steady state arc
voltage in the U (I) arc characteristic
time variant current
transient fault current
current density
nozzle throat length (cylindrical section)
supersonic mass ow rate
subsonic mass ow rate









J/(mol K)





steady state cooling power of an arc (the parameter
is typically assumed to be a function of conductance)
instantaneous power removed from the arc column
instantaneous power added to the arc column
joule heating power
steady state cooling power of a hypothetical arc
absolute pressure
overpressure in pressure bottle (relative to pR =
1013 mbar atmospheric pressure)
absolute downstream pressure
overpressure in pressure chamber (relative to pR =
1013 mbar atmospheric pressure)
absolute stagnation point pressure
absolute upstream pressure
atmospheric reference pressure in pR = 1013 mbar
energy content stored in an arc
universal gas constant (R = 8.314 J/(mol K) )
stray resistance in the main path of a passive resonant breaker
stray resistance in the resonance path of a passive
resonant breaker
radius of arc
steady state voltage
arc voltage (determined by theoretical prediction)
net emission of radiation emitted from the plasma
time variant voltage
volume of pressurized bottles
volume of a pressure chamber
sonic velocity
axial plasma velocity (along z axis)











absolute temperature
absolute temperature in a pressure chamber
absolute temperature (T0 = 293 K laboratory conditions)
distance between upstream electrode and nozzle
throat inlet
distance between nozzle throat outlet and downstream electrode
normalized radius
axial distance measured from upstream electrode
ratio of specic heats (adiabatic index) (for air =
thermal inertia of a single physical process in the arc
thermal conductivity
gas density
gas or plasma density
electric conductivity
thermal arc inertia (parameter is typically assumed
to be a function of conductance)
thermal inertia of a hypothetical arc
heat ux potential

1. Problem statement
The considerable growth of energy consumption and the replacement
of traditional band power (i.e. coal, gas and nuclear) with uctuating
renewable power (i.e. solar thermal, photovoltaic and wind) demands
major extension of todays transmission networks. In long distance
energy transmission and connection of o-shore power, HVDC transmission is superior to HVAC. This is so because DC transmission
losses are signicantly lower for cables with a length exceeding 50 km
and for overhead transmission lines with a length exceeding 700 km.
Limitations in HVAC transmission length exist due to the massive
consumption of reactive power in AC cables and transmission lines.
Meshed, VSC based HVDC networks, overlayed to todays HVAC
grid, are on a good way to become the backbone in a future European wide Supergrid [BF13a, FW13, CIG25, CCE11].
Among several unsolved problems to enable such a Supergrid, grid
protection in multi-terminal HVDC networks is one of the main obstacles [BF13a]. Arc based circuit breakers are standard measures
for fault current interruption in HVAC. HVDC circuit breakers have
been proposed and developed as passive resonance breakers, and hybrid breakers with limited interruptible currents (< 4 kA) [NNH+ 01,
PMR+ 88, HJ11], but yet no breaker technology became established
as circuit breaker, and performance increase would be desirable.
This thesis focuses on passive resonance HVDC circuit breakers
and HVDC load switches. Breakers without semiconductor switches
but only metal contacts have signicantly lower losses in the closed
state and tend to be signicantly cheaper. The motivation of this
thesis is to show ways to increase interruptible currents, decrease the
time required for current zero creation and reduce the component

1 Problem statement

costs of such passive resonance breakers. By adapting the breaker

chamber and nozzle geometry, the switching arc characteristic can be
positively inuenced. In this way an improved dynamic arc-network
interaction and more ecient creation of current zero crossings is
achievable. Precondition for this is an accurate knowledge of the
switching arc characteristic, which is the main subject of this thesis.

2. Background and motivation

In this chapter, the candidate technologies for HVDC circuit breakers are set in relation to the expected fault currents in future meshed
multi-terminal HVDC networks. Section 2.1 illustrates the necessity
of transmission capacity extension as a consequence of the increasing
share of renewables in the power mix. The available technologies for
multi-terminal HVDC transmission and their advantages over HVAC
are summarized in Section 2.2. Section 2.3 illustrates the expected
fault currents, which an HVDC circuit breaker must be capable to
interrupt. Candidate technologies for HVDC circuit breakers and
their limitations are discussed in Section 2.4. Strategies for fault
handling in HVDC grids, arising from the expected breaker performance and the expected fault currents, are discussed in Section 2.5.

2.1. Evolution of todays transmission grid

On the way towards a low carbon, low nuclear society in Europe, a
trend towards concentrated renewable power production is observable. These are mainly o-shore and on shore wind parks [KXLS02,
LO03, MHPD07] and solar thermal power stations [Des13]. In contrast to fossil and nuclear power plants, the location of such power
stations is less freely selectable. Wind power stations require continuous and stable wind conditions, which are found mainly o-shore
along the coast in North Europe [HG06]. Solar thermal power stations require locations with high number of solar hours and mainly
direct radiation and are thus placed preferentially in South Europe
and North Africa. Such trends are not limited to Europe but arise
world wide. Therefore, also intercontinental power transmission has

2 Background and motivation

been envisioned (eg. Pan-European Supergrid [FW13], Desertec

Project [Des13], China-Europe transmission highway [ZoC26]). The
following challenges arise in the future for the transmission network:
Energy must be transmitted from the infeeding plants towards
the large load centers in central Europe over long distance.
(on-shore > 1000 km, o-shore > 50 km).
Fossil and nuclear band energy is substituted with uctuating
wind and solar power. As a consequence, continuously large
amounts of power must be transmitted across the network to
compensate a local lack or excess of energy.
The emerging Europe wide market for production and storage
of energy, as a measure to boost renewables, leads to significantly more energy ow across country borders. (From the
market perspective, Europe would preferably be a so called
"copper plate" with unlimited transmission capacity.)
Electrication of fossil consumers, as in housing and mobility,
is expected to increase the consumption of electric energy in
the future.
In todays network, sucient transmission capacity is not yet provided to meet these requirements [BF13a], and major infrastructure
extensions must go hand in hand with the shift towards renewable
energy. A strong transmission grid will be required to compensate
stochastics in generation and to break peaks in the load. Wind energy from North Europe could be balanced with wind from Spain or
solar thermal energy from the Sahara desert [HG06]. Strong EastWest connections would allow balancing out loads from dierent time
zones [HG06]. Recent trends for grid extension include:
AC transmission at UHV voltage levels > 1 MV (cf. India
[RRU07], China [ZoC26]).

2.2 Meshed multi-terminal HVDC networks

Small VSC-HVDC networks with a few terminals to connect

o-shore wind power to an existing on-shore AC network [KXLS02,
LO03, MHPD07].
A Europe-wide large scale multi-terminal HVDC network is
under discussion to form the future back-bone of Europes
transmission grid [FW13, Des13].
The increase of AC voltage level is capable to reduce transmission
losses and to enable AC transmission over longer distances. However, limits in the achievable voltage levels are given by the transmission tower size, as a consequence of the required insulation distance,
and due to the limited availability of UHV AC components. Long
distance AC power transmission requires reactive power compensation at regular intervals along the lines. In particular, in undersea
cables this is dicult to provide. Long distance HVDC transmission has even at moderate voltage levels ( 550 kV) substantially
smaller losses than in HVAC and does not require reactive power
compensation. For long transmission distances, the reduced losses in
HVDC clearly outweigh the 12 % additional conversion losses in the
AC/DC- terminals [HG06, Fra11]. The break even point, where the
higher investment costs for AC/DC conversion outbalance accumulated costs of transmission losses, lies for overhead lines at 800 km,
and for cables at 40 km [HG06] (cf. gure 2.1). The shorter distances for cables result from their higher capacitance in comparison
to overheadlines. The reason for that is rstly because the conductors are closer together [BWPF12, Fra11] and secondly because the
inter-line capacitance is much higher due to higher permittivity of
the dielectric compared to air.

2.2. Meshed multi-terminal HVDC networks

HVDC connections have already been in operation for over 50 years.
Applications are: a) back-to-back couplings of asynchronous AC

2 Background and motivation

Figure 2.1.: Cost break-down for AC and DC systems with line length
(copied from [HG06])

2.2 Meshed multi-terminal HVDC networks

Figure 2.2.: Reduction of required terminals for multi-terminal HVDC:

Four-terminal point-to-point network (left) and meshed network (right).
White squares are AC/DC terminals, black squares are HVDC circuit
breakers. (copied from [Fra11])

networks, b) long distance point-to-point connections and c) undersea connections [HG06]. Multi-terminal HVDC grids have been
proposed, but so far only three-terminal networks have been put
into operation [BTAM13, MMP+ 94]. Meshed multi-terminal HVDC
grids, in comparison to point-to-point connections, would bring major advantages:
Power transmission can continue even if one interconnecting
line is out of service [CJ97].
AC/DC converter stations are a major contribution to the
costs of HVDC connections. Figure 2.2 illustrates that in a
meshed network with 4 nodes, the number of required converter terminals can be reduced by a factor of 3 in comparison
to an identical point-to-point network. In the meshed network,
fault protection is carried out by HVDC circuit breakers.
Two dierent technologies for HVDC transmission with dierent
protection schemes exist. These are the thyristor based CSC (Current Sourced Converter) systems and IGBT based VSC (Voltage

2 Background and motivation

Sourced Converter) systems [AXW02, CSC11]. CSC technology has

been available for several decades. Therefore, most back-to-back and
point-to-point connections have been implemented with CSC terminals [Fra11]. VSC systems became popular to connect o-shore wind
farms in the last decade [BWPF12]. The technology has been enabled only recently by signicant progress in solid state components
The performance of VSC-HVDC and CSC-HVDC systems has
been compared with the following results [Fra11]:
Availability: Today, CSC systems up to 6400 MW (800 kV, 4 kA)
exist [CSC11]. VSC based HVDC systems have been realized with
a rating of 150 kV, 400 MW, and a 300 kV, 800 MW system is in the
planning phase. "The VSC-technology is, in principle, available for
higher powers today, limited mainly by the voltage constraints of
XLPE DC cables" [Fra11].
Losses: Today, VSC converters have 1.7 % loss per station. CSC
converters have 0.7 0.8 % loss per station, which is only half the
loss of VSC converters [HG06]. Substantial reduction of losses is
expected in future multi-level VSC terminals.
Harmonics: CSC have intense low-order harmonics because thysistors are turn-on-only devices. With the IGBTs in VSC, much
weaker high frequency components are achievable and smaller lters
are required.
Reactive Power: CSC consume high amounts of reactive power.
In contrast to that, VSC terminals have controllable consumption or
production of reactive power. They may even support the stability
of a surrounding AC network by infeeding reactive power.
Current reversal: In CSC networks, power ow reversal requires
a change of polarity. In VSC networks, this is achieved simply by
adapting the PWM sequence.
Controllability: In multi-terminal CSC networks, typically only
one terminal is voltage controlled and sets the system voltage whereas
all others are current controlled. In VSC-networks each terminal
controls its own power ow individually. Thus, network control in

2.2 Meshed multi-terminal HVDC networks

VSC networks is superior to that in CSC networks.

Island Networks: In contrast to CSC converters, VSC converters have black start capability. Therefore, they are also suitable for
connection of weak island grids and o-shore wind parks [HG06].
Dierent strategies in fault protection result from the principal
dierences of CSC and VSC converters: CSC systems are typically
equipped with large DC side reactors [CSC11]. In the case of a fault
they limit the maximum fault current gradient and lead to relatively
moderate fault currents. Therefore, CSC systems could be operated
without dedicated HVDC circuit breakers [Fra11]. The strategy of
fault handling involves a complete discharge of the DC network in
combination with either a blocking of all CSC terminals, or opening
of the AC side circuit breakers closest to each terminal [HG06,CJ97].
The fault interruption process, including the subsequent restart of
the DC system, typically requires > 200 ms [Fra11]. CSC terminals
stop ring the thyristors in the fault case and prevent thereby that
additional energy is fed from the AC network into the DC fault.
VSC terminals require capacitive lters on the DC side and are
equipped with freewheeling diodes [AXW02]. Two negative consequences arise from that: Firstly, in the fault case these capacitances
are discharged into the fault and contribute signicantly to the amplitude and rate of rise of the initial inrush fault current [BWPF12].
Secondly, the freewheeling diodes conduct AC power uncontrollably
into the DC fault, once the DC lter capacitor voltage has decreased
below a critical level [Fra11]. Such an AC infeed could theoretically be prevented by operating the circuit breakers on the AC
side [BWPF12].
There is agreement in the community that in meshed multi-terminal
systems, a complete discharge of the DC network in the fault case
is not acceptable, if the system exceeds a number of 3 5 terminals [HG06,Fra11]. An outage of several gigawatts for times of more
than 100 ms from the whole DC network would destabilize even a
strong surrounding AC network signicantly. Even more critical for
the AC grid could be the lack of stabilizing reactive power for the


2 Background and motivation

AC grid, provided by the VSC terminals.

As a consequence, a large scale multi-terminal HVDC network, in
particular in VSC technology, cannot be operated without additional
protective elements on the DC side. Despite that, a Supergrid will
much more likely be based on VSC rather than on CSC, mainly
due to the better power ow controllability [HG06, Fra11, JHL+ 11].
HVDC circuit breakers are therefore often named as a key enabling
technology for multi-terminal HVDC [Fra11, HJ11].

2.3. Short circuit development in VSC-HVDC

Two types of faults are considered to be relevant for dimensioning of
HVDC protection equipment; pole-to-pole faults and pole-to-ground
faults. Pole-to-pole faults are considered to be more severe than
pole-to-ground faults, but, the latter are expected to occur more
frequently [YFO12, BWPF12].
Pole-to-pole faults have been modeled in the scope of the TWENTIES project for three dierent case studies with meshed HVDC
grids of four and ve VSC terminals. The simulations in Matlab
and EMTP predicted fault currents for faults at three dierent grid
locations [JHL+ 11]:
Peripheral line fault: The fault occurred on a line connecting
a single peripheral terminal to a larger grid. A peak fault current of
5 kA after 15 ms resulted.
Bus fault (weakly meshed): The fault occurred on a line near
a bus with two lines connected. A peak of 50 kA after 10 ms was
Bus fault (strongly meshed): The fault occurred on a line near
a bus with three connected lines. A peak of 65 kA after 2 ms was
Pole-to-ground faults in overhead line grids and cable grids have
been investigated for a three terminal HVDC grid by simulations
with the program PSCAD [BF13a, BWPF12]. The identical grid

2.3 Short circuit development in VSC-HVDC networks


Figure 2.3.: Comparison of pole-to-ground fault current in

overheadlines (a) and c)) and cables (b) and d)) for steady state
conditions and for the initial 10 ms: Fault current contributions: (A) DC
capacitor, (B) adjacent 300 km feeder cable/line, (C) AC infeed from
300 km distant terminal, (D) AC infeed from close terminal, solid line:
total CB current (adapted from [BF13b])


2 Background and motivation

structure was modeled with lines and with cables. One terminal is
connected directly to a common bus, two terminals are connected
via a 300 km line/cable to the same bus. A fault was assumed close
to the bus, on one of the connecting lines/cables. Figure 2.3 shows
the resulting fault current in the system, including a zoom of the
rst 10 ms. The total fault current is separated into its shares
that originate from dierent grid components. Critical components
that dominate the fault current are thereby identied and this serves
to improve the understanding of how fault currents evolve in VSCHVDC grids [BF13a, BWPF12]:
The steady state fault current is dominated by the AC infeed
over the freewheeling diodes of blocked VSC terminals. It increases with the number of terminals connected to a bus, and
decreases with the length of the line/cable over which the terminals are connected to the bus.
In the system with overhead lines, the initial slope was very
high and the rst peak of the fault current occured already at
a time < 2 ms. It is dominated by the discharge of the lter
capacitor. The current increases with the lter capacitor size
and with the number of terminals that are directly connected
to the bus [BF13a].
In the system with cable connections, the cable capacitance
discharge contributes signicantly to the fault current peak,
as well. However, its share reaches the circuit breaker location
typically with a small delay (eg. 1 2 ms), caused by the traveling time of the voltage wavefronts along the line. Thereby, a
second peak may result that exceeds the amplitude of the rst
The simulation results have the following consequences for protection equipment in future HVDC grids: the time to interruption
or the time to current limitation will be a crucial parameter for the
choice of circuit breakers in overhead line and cable networks. In case

2.4 HVDC circuit breakers


of cable networks, the peak fault current may already be reached at

a time < 2 ms. In case of overhead line networks, a slow breaker
that requires 10 ms for interruption, may need to interrupt twice the
current amplitude of a fast breaker operating within 5 ms.

2.4. HVDC circuit breakers

2.4.1. Current interruption at high voltage levels
Breakers in todays AC networks are classied according to the
stresses they must withstand during closing and opening operation.
Disconnector switches can interrupt only small currents, or
currents at negligible voltage dierences, such as remaining
capacitive charging currents of open lines of commutation currents in substations.
Load switches can interrupt all currents occurring in normal
operating conditions.
Circuit breakers can interrupt any currents that occur as a consequence of a fault in the network. Their interruption is sufciently fast to protect the surrounding network components
from overcurrents exceeding their rating.
An optimal circuit breaker would provide the following performance:
in closed state: Conduct nominal currents including possible
transient overcurrents with minimum ohmic losses
in open state: Withstand any occurring stationary voltage and
transient overvoltages
opening operation: Interrupt all possible fault currents as fast
as possible but without creating excessive transient overvoltages,
which would exceed the insulation limits of surrounding network
closing operation: Establish a low resistive connection as fast
as possible and bear possible inrush currents, if a voltage dierence
is present between the breaker contacts at the instant of closing.


2 Background and motivation

HVAC circuit breakers are available for nominal voltages exceeding

1000 kV and can interrupt several ten kilo-amperes. They exist as
self-blast breakers, puer breakers and air blast breakers [Duf09,
Bla43, BKM+ 70, Kc05]. At mechanical separation of two contacts
inside a gas chamber, they draw an arc. For extinction of this arc, the
breakers create a supersonic axial gas ow guided by a nozzle, which
cools the arc by continuously removing power Pcool . In such breakers,
arc extinction always occurs at the natural current zero crossing of
the sinusoidal current. This is because only at low currents, the
heating power supplied electrically Pheat = u i decreases below the
cooling power Pcool . An arc can also be extinguished if the breaker
produces a forward voltage higher than the driving source voltage.
But this option is restricted to low voltage applications, because
suciently high arc voltages are not achievable.
A current zero crossing, mandatory for arc extinction, is missing in
DC. Therefore, HVDC interruption is considerably more challenging
than HVAC interruption. For HVDC current interruption a breaker
must fulll the following three duties [Fra11]: a) current zero creation
to interrupt the current, b) dissipate the inductive energy stored in
the system, c) withstand the transient recovery voltage after current
In todays HVDC systems, the following breakers exist: neutral
bus switch (NBS), neutral bus ground switch (NBGS), metal return
transfer breaker (MRTB) and high-speed bypass switch (HSBS) for
parallel line switching [Fra11]. Circuit breakers have been realized
for HVDC only in very limited ratings (250 kV, 8 kA [TAYY85] or
500 kV, 4 kA [PMR+ 88]). They do not exist with interruption performance sucient for VSC systems.

2.4.2. Candidate HVDC circuit breaker technologies

In the following, candidate technologies for HVDC circuit breakers
are compared and discussed. Selected breakers are compared in detail in Table 2.1 with respect to their total interruption time, on-state
losses, and state of development.

2.4 HVDC circuit breakers


Proposed breakers can be classied as mechanical breakers, solid

state breakers and hybrid breakers, combining both technologies. It
is further distinguished between hybrid mechanical breakers, where
the main path is implemented with mechanical contacts, and hybrid
solid state breakers that include solid state elements in the main
Full solid state CB
Topologies for full solid state breakers are typically based on a certain
number of GCTs, GTOs or IGBTs connected in series [MSDD04],
[TO02]. Their reaction times are extremely short, which makes them
ideal as DC circuit breakers. Drawbacks are mainly the substantial
on-state losses (especially for IGBTs) and the high component costs.
This inhibits full solid state breakers from being utilized in large
numbers. So far, only applications in AC-networks and medium voltage DC applications have been proposed [MSDD04, BM07]. HVDC
multi-terminal network applications, where the time to interruption
or the time to current limitation is a crucial factor, should be considered. Advances in semiconductor device technology, such as higher
blocking voltages, lower forward losses or even new materials may
be a key promoter for the full solid state CBs.
Hybrid solid state CB
A recently developed hybrid solid-state CB comprises a current interruption and a current conduction path (cf. gure 2.4e)). It consists
of a fast, but small solid state switch in series with a fast metal
contact disconnector in the main path [HJ11]. The actual breaker is
located in a parallel path and consists of a number of series connected
solid state switches. The small IGBT in the main path needs only to
create a suciently high voltage for the commutation of the current
to the parallel full IGBT breaker. The main path requires, therefore,
fewer modules in series and, thus, features a smaller forward voltage
and lower on-state losses compared to the full IGBT breaker. The


2 Background and motivation

Mechanical resonant breakers (passive or active)



surge arrester

surge arrester
LC- Resonance Path

LC- Resonance Path

mechanical breaker

mechanical breaker

Hybrid mechanical CB (no solid state elements in main path)



hybrid breaker

hybrid breaker

commutation to IGBT

fast mechanical switch


injection unit


Hybrid solid state CB (with solid state elements in main path)


commutation to IGBT


fast disconnector


breaker reactor

fault current
reduction unit

Full solid state breaker


surge arrester

IGBT + diode main path

Figure 2.4.: HVDC circuit breaker candidates: a) Passive resonance

breaker [BMRL85], b) active resonance breaker [BKM+ 70], c) fast
mechanical switch with IGBT commutation path, d) vacuum circuit
breaker with thyristor current injection unit [Mar11], e) hybrid IGBT
and disconnector breaker with IGBT commutation path [HJ11], f) IGBT
fault current reducing unit with mechanical resonance breaker [OPH+ 12],
g) full solid state breaker

2.4 HVDC circuit breakers


Table 2.1.: Performance comparison of HVDC circuit breaker

full solid state CB
(2.4 g)

hybrid solid state

CB (2.4 e)

hybrid mechanical
CB (2.4 c, 2.4 d)

times for

< 1 ms

< 2 ms

5 30 ms

< 0.1 ms
energy absorbtion
1 ms

< 0.2 ms
opening < 1 ms
energy absorbtion
1 ms

separation 20 ms
30 ms
resonance 2 ms


- not yet built for

- development of
boosts technology
are alike
< 800 kV (same as
the voltage level)

- working principle proven

- type test and
interruption test
with downscaled
breaker passed

separation conventional
20 ms
speed > 20 m/s:
1.5 ms
- not yet avaliable
- slow AC breakers available
- UFS not yet

120 kV veried by
test (up to 320 kV

breakers > 500 kV
- UFS < 12 kV

< 550 kV avaliable

< 5 kA expected

9 kA
experimentally proven
16 kA

6 12 kA (estimated)

30 % (high forward voltage due

to serial connection of solid state

< 1 % (only few

IGBTs in series in
the main path)

< 0.01 % (metal


- passive: up to
4 kA in operation
active: up to 8 kA
-able to survive
transient overcurrents
< 0.01 % (metal

- development in
solid state device
technology to reduce on-state forward voltage or
number of modules in series

- eld experience
with prototype in
test grid
IGBT costs

mechanical drives to
reduce commutation time

max. DC


Mechanical passive
(2.4 a, 2.4 b)
< 60 ms

- applied in CSC

- optimizing DC
arc chamber for
passive resonance
to achieve higher
capacitor size and
for current zero


2 Background and motivation

disadvantage of this arrangement is the increased interruption time

due to the required opening time of the mechanical disconnecter.
To gain sucient time, the inventors proposed to install a 100 mH
coil in series to the breaker that limits the fault current rise rate to
< 3.5 kA/ms [HJ11]. The concept is very attractive, but the costs
of the IGBT modules remains the same.
An alternative concept, the IGBT fault current reducing unit with
mechanical resonance breaker, has been proposed recently [OPH+ 12].
It consists of a resonance breaker, an IGBT voltage limiter and an
inductor in series (cf. gure 2.3f). The IGBT unit reduces the fault
current but its purpose is not to interrupt. This allows the use of
fewer IGBT elements and thereby drastically reduces the forward
losses. The residual current (expected to be < 4 kA) is interrupted
by a passive resonance breaker. The fault current limiting unit provides sucient time for the resonance breaker to operate, because
it brings back the current to interruptible current amplitudes. In
comparison to the above discussed hybrid breaker, no full IGBT
commutation path is required.
Hybrid mechanical CB
Hybrid mechanical breakers combine the low forward losses of a pure
(fast) mechanical breaker and the fast performance of a solid state
breaker in the commutation path [MSDD04]. They are faster than
common mechanical breakers, as the arc chamber must only create sucient voltage for commutation, but no articial current zero
crossing (cf. gure 2.4c)). They will only be superior to hybrid solid
state breakers, if the contact separation speed and, thus, the buildup of arc voltage for commutation can be signicantly increased or
if measures in the grid allow interruption times > 20 ms. So far,
ultrafast switches have been designed and tested only for MV levels [SFHK03, HF02].
A recently proposed concept is the Hybrid mechanical breaker
with solid state current injection (cf. gure 2.4d)) [Mar11]. It
combines two mirror-like arranged hybrid breakers in series with a

2.4 HVDC circuit breakers


solid state current injector unit in between. Each hybrid breaker can
interrupt only one current direction and consists of a vacuum interruption chamber with a parallel diode. First, the vacuum breakers
are activated. When they are in a state able to interrupt, the thyristor in the injection path is operated. At closing of the thyristor,
the current commutates into the current injection unit, via ground
and a diode path back to the conductor. It creates a current zero in
the vacuum breaker, at which the arc extinguishes. A capacitor in
parallel to the thyristor and an inductor in series to the latter form
an active resonance circuit. It interrupts the ground connection,
once the vacuum breaker has interrupted. The energy absorption is
performed in the diode path between ground and conductor. In addition to the diode, it includes a resistor in series plus an overvoltage
The breaker has minor on-state losses, as no solid state elements
are placed in the main path. No details have been published on interruption time or on component size. However, the breaker is expected
to achieve interruption times in the order of active resonance HVDC
circuit breakers. In comparison to the latter, repetitive operations
are also expected to be possible, because no separate charging unit
is required, as the remaining fault current recharges the capacitor
Mechanical passive or active resonance CB
Mechanical passive or active resonance breakers have been developed
for CSC HVDC systems and are based on AC gas circuit breakers. An additional LC-commutation circuit is placed in parallel to
the CB. This enables a current oscillation between the two parallel
paths and may create an articial current zero crossing in the main
path at which the CB can interrupt [PMR+ 88,TAYY85,Fra11]. The
oscillation can be achieved by an active current injection from a precharged capacitor or excited passively by the arc. Yet, no technical
solution has been found to increase the maximum interruptible current for passive resonance breakers to the desire level. This is a


2 Background and motivation

consequence of the stationary arc characteristic, in which at high

currents the voltage increases with an increasing current.
Active resonance breakers create the current zero with pre-charged
capacitors and are, therefore, not bound to this limit. However, considerable capacitor size (especially at high voltage levels) results, an
additional charging unit is required and no open-close-open switching operations are possible.
The low costs and low on-state losses of mechanical breakers would
allow them to be installed in large numbers. Due to their long interruption times, they are only eective in combination with fault
limiting devices or in combination with faster breakers at critical
locations. They should certainly be considered as DC load break
switches, because interruption time is there of minor importance.

2.5. Options for fault clearing in

multi-terminal HVDC grids
So far, no standard has been established on rates of rise and peak
currents for which the breakers must be designed [HG06, CCE11].
The fault current propagation is varying signicantly with the chosen
network topology, fault location, VSC lter size, number and length
of lines connected to a bus, and whether cables or overhead lines
are used. As a consequence of propagation and reection of waves
traveling along the line, even minor changes in the network may
have signicant eect on the fault current. Thus, requirements for
HVDC circuit breakers will vary with network topology and breaker
In cable systems, the discharge of distributed cable capacitances
and lumped VSC lter capacitances creates high inrush currents,
in particular in the rst 2 ms after fault occurrence. Besides a full
solid state breaker, no technology is expected to interrupt suciently
fast to handle such a fault without additional measures. Measures
to ease circuit breaker requirements by grid adoptions have been
demonstrated [BWPF12]:

2.5 Options for HVDC fault handling


Reduction of the lter capacitor size (ideally below 7 F [BF13a]).

Choice of dierent converter technology. Full bridge converters (eg. Modular-Multi-level Converters [MGM+ 10] or twolevel full bridge converters) have been proposed, which require
smaller DC side lter capacitors and do not conduct uncontrolled AC power into a DC fault [BWPF12].
Pole reactors in series to each breaker. An inductor of 100 mH
is sucient to reduce the fault current slope in a 300 kV system
to below 3.5 kA/ms, so that a hybrid breaker has sucient time
for commutation [HJ11].
Use of DC side fault current limiters. This may give slower
breakers sucient time for interruption.
Selective placing of high performance CBs at strategic grid
locations. Slower breakers may be sucient at peripheral locations.
Splitting the network into sub-networks so that the faulty subnetwork can be de-energized by converter control or operation
of AC side circuit breakers.
In overhead line systems the line capacitance is much smaller than
with cables. Therefore, fault currents do not rise instantaneously but
gradually with rates of rise < 2 kA/ms if lter capacitors are kept
small. In such systems, arc based circuit breakers could also be an
option if their interruption time can be reduced signicantly and
their interruptible currents can be increased.
The author expects that the rst generation of breakers will be
hybrid ones, in particular for o-shore grids, because they are sufciently fast and have acceptable on-state losses. It has become
accepted that the costs of such breakers will be considerably higher
than comparable components in AC systems [JHL+ 11, Fra11]. Additional support by fault current limiters will be needed. However,
if circuit breakers will be required at both ends of a line and for each


2 Background and motivation

line, as in AC, the breaker costs will play an important role when
choosing the technology. In particular for overhead line systems, fast
high performance breakers may be placed only selectively at strategic
locations. Such locations could be busses, where sub-grids or several lines are interconnected [BWPF12]. Arc based breakers could
be placed in a large number at less critical locations. In addition
to that, resonance based breakers can also serve as load switches in
such networks or they could be an integral part of hybrid breakers
(cf. gure 2.4f).

2.6. Conclusion
Long distance overhead line transmission and o-shore cable transmission for integration of uctuating renewable power is preferentially implemented in HVDC due to its low transmission losses.
HVDC circuit breakers have been identied as key enabling components for a future large-scale multi-terminal HVDC network. Among
the dierent candidate technologies for HVDC circuit breakers, so far
none meets all requirements for fault protection in such a network.
Passive and active resonance breakers are advantageous, as they are
a comparably low priced technology that can be installed in large
numbers in the grid. Breakers of this technology in operation consist
of a traditional AC circuit breaker with an LC-commutation path
in series and a surge arrester for overvoltage limitation. Presently,
they are limited in maximum interruptible current (< 4 kA), need
long times (> 30 ms) for current interruption and have comparably
large capacitors that contribute signicantly to the breaker costs.

3. Aim of this work

The objective of this work is a systematic and accurate determination of switching arc parameters in passive resonance HVDC circuit
breakers with respect to dierent design parameters. The motivation
of this goal is to enable an optimized design of an arc chamber for
ecient creation of current zero crossings in the arc current, excited
by passive resonance. The mechanisms of arc extinction at current
zero are well known from decades of AC circuit breaker research and
are not in the focus of this thesis. The chosen approach divides the
goal into three main research problems:
By black-box modeling of a passive resonant HVDC-MRTB,
the optimal shape of the arc characteristic (power loss P (g)
and time of thermal inertia (g)) in relation to the resonance
circuit parameters are identied.
A novel, ecient and precise arc parameter determination method,
based on a novel arbitrary current source, is developed to enable accurate comparison of dierent arc chamber designs.
In a large experimental project, the eect of physical arc chamber modications (nozzle geometry, blow gas pressure, type of
gas and nozzle material) on the arc characteristics (i.e. black
box parameters) are determined.
Black-box parameters are an accurate measure to predict how eciently an arc chamber interacts with the resonant path and creates
a current zero crossing. A systematic arc characterization provides
the understanding, how specic modications of the arc chamber
inuence the arc characteristic. Thereby, a method is provided to



3 Aim of this work

rate how eciently an arc chamber modication supports passive

The understanding gained of the inuence of the arc chamber design on the arc characteristic can be applied to improve an existing
MRTB in two ways: a) in a way that the maximum current is increased under which an unstable resonance is excited, b) in a way
that a current zero crossing is reached faster for a given maximum
current or c) in a way the current zero crossing for a given maximum
current is reached with a minimum size of external components (L
and C). Directions a) and b) would lead to HVDC circuit breakers.
For them short interruption times and large interruption currents are
critical. Direction c) would lead to MRTBs or HVAC load switches.
It could drastically reduce the costs of such breakers.

4. Switching arcs
This chapter gives a theoretical introduction to the present knowledge in characterizing switching arcs. An introduction to cooling
mechanisms and chamber-arc interaction is given in section 4.1. Simple mathematical models for nozzle-constricted arcs under forced
convection are introduced in section 4.2. In section 4.3 phenomenological black-box models are discussed. Section 4.4 reviews classical
methods for experimental determination of black-box arc characteristics.

4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Classes of arc models
Processes aecting an arc are very complex and can vary strongly in
their behavior as a consequence of the interaction with the environment. Electric, magnetic, chemic, thermodynamic and uiddynamic
processes simultaneously aect the plasma column. From the application perspective for HVAC and HVDC circuit breakers, mainly the
externally measurable parameters current i, voltage u and conductance g are of interest. The transient interaction of the arc with a
surrounding network during the high current phase and the extinction process as a consequence of intensive cooling at low currents
must be understood suciently to predict the breaker performance.
An arc can be completely described by seven coupled dierential
equations. These are [Rie67]: The coupling between voltage and
electric eld, the Poisson equation, the charge carrier balance, the
electron current density, the ion current density, the energy balance



4 Switching arcs

and the Saha equation. The coupled state variables voltage u, electric eld E, number of electrons Ne , number of ions Ni , electron
current density je , ion current density ji and temperature T vary in
time and space. For known start conditions, exactly dened geometry and known material parameters as functions of temperature, the
problem is theoretically solvable [Rie67]. However, under realistic
conditions a closed solution is almost never found. Limitations result of mathematical reasons from of complex boundary conditions,
imprecisely known material coecients and unknown start conditions. Therefore, in almost half a century of research on arcs, a large
number of strategies and models to predict the behavior of specic
arcs have evolved. The following three model classes are commonly
Simple mathematical models limit the arc description to a certain type of arc under specic conditions [LL75,Low79,Low84,
SNSD06]. Often a single, or only a few processes can be identied that dominate the arc behavior. These processes are
precisely calculated, all others are neglected without signicant loss of accuracy. This approach requires only moderate
calculation eort.
Phenomenological models, also named black-box models describe
the arc by externally measurable parameters only. Typically,
a simple dierential equation is used whose parameters have
to be experimentally determined for each arc chamber [May43,
Cas39, Sch72, SK00]. By parameter tting, black-box models
achieve excellent transient accuracy and reect correctly the
dynamic interaction between an arc and its surrounding network by a two-port. In this case, the actual physical processes,
which are represented via the experimentally determined arc
parameter functions, are not of interest.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations have emerged
strongly in the last decade. They solve the governing equations

4.1 Introduction


numerically for a given complex geometry and include the thermodynamic ows of the cold gas. Certain processes are also
neglected here, or the simulation is restricted to a thermodynamic equilibrium [SNSD06, IF08]. In such simulations the
eect of geometrical variations on dierent processes in the arc
can be visualized and thereby they can be studied easier.

4.1.2. Energy transfer mechanisms

In AC and DC circuit breakers, the energy required for creating and
maintaining the arc plasma is provided by Joule heating from the
current ow. A current density j in a material with conductivity
creates ohmic losses Pjoule per volume V


At low currents, this heating energy has its minimum. Therefore,

in HVAC circuit breakers the arc is interrupted always near current zero. HVDC circuit breakers must create such a current zero
Several cooling mechanisms are present in the arc. These include:
radiation, laminar and turbulent convection and conduction. Coupled via the energy balance equation equation they are balanced
out by the ohmic heating. At a sudden increase of current amplitude, the ohmic heating becomes larger than the arc cooling, so that
an overshoot in energy results. This overshoot typically increases
the plasma temperature and it may lead to an increased arc crosssection. The increased temperature compensates for the ohmic heating by increasing the plasma conductivity. This eect is dominant
at low current amplitudes. The increased cross-section compensates
for the ohmic heating by reducing the total arc resistance. The eect
is dominant at high current amplitudes. Both eects also inuence
the various cooling mechanisms, so that typically a new steady state
is found at increased are temperature and arc cross-section.


4 Switching arcs

Emission and absorption of radiation are an important energy

transfer mechanisms inside the arc plasma [LL75]. In cylindrical
arc columns, the bulk part of emitted radiation is reabsorbed by
cooler outer layers of the plasma column and thus attens the radial
temperature prole [LL75]. In free-burning arcs, a large share of
radiation is lost into the surrounding space. In wall stabilized arcs,
the radiation is absorbed by the wall material and causes ablation.
Forced convection
Convective heat transfer is an important mechanism to remove enthalpy out of a nozzle. Natural convection occurs in vertical and
horizontal free-burning arcs by a natural drift of heated gas. A
convective ow also occurs in narrow nozzles caused by a pressure
gradient created by wall material ablation. Forced convection by
an axial ow of cold gas is used in AC and DC circuit breakers
to signicantly increase arc cooling. The involved mechanisms for
turbulent and laminar energy transfer between the plasma and its
surrounding cold gas are very complex and not yet fully understood.
Nozzle constricted arcs under forced convection are further discussed
in section 4.2.
Ablation results from the interaction of an arc with its surrounding
wall. Material evaporates from the nozzle surface and heats up by
absorbtion of radiation. Thereby, it contaminates or even displaces
the surrounding low temperature (< 500 K) gas [STCA06]. In selfblast HVAC circuit breakers ablation arcs are commonly used to
build up pressure during the high current phase [OY10]. This intensies blowing in the subsequent low current phase and supports arc
The energy transfer from the arc column to the nozzle wall is
radiation dominated. Turbulent and conductive energy transfer are
also present, however, they occur mainly at the arc boundary and are

4.1 Introduction


negligible in comparison to the radiation [GTR+ 00, STCA06]. This

is so because the ablated gas covers the nozzle surface and prevents
direct heat conduction from the high temperature (> 15 000 K) arc
column [OY10].
Godin [GTR+ 00] names pyrolysis and photodegradation to be the
physical processes governing the ablation and describes the processes
as follows: Pyrolysis occurs due to progressive heating by low-energy
radiation. In PTFE nozzles it breaks down the chemical bonds and
releases evaporated C2 F4 at a temperature of 1000 K. Exothermally, this vapor reacts further to CF4 and to graphite smoke. Thereby,
it increases its temperature to 2500 K. Photodegradation breaks
carbon bonds directly by photochemical reaction and releases CF2
radicals into the vapor. PTFE typically evaporates at a temperature of 1000 K and the vapor heats up to 3500 K by absorption.
Above this temperature, PTFE vapor becomes transparent for arc
Experimental observations by Seeger [STCA06] support this distinction between a low temperature and a high temperature process.
In gure 4.1 a constant specic ablation of 8 mg/kJ is observed at
current densities j < 50 A/mm2 . A sharp increase of specic ablation is observable above this current density, which saturates at
around 100 150 A/mm2 at a specic ablation of 20 30 mg/kJ.
As a consequence, ablation occurs primarily in the nozzle throat
(narrowest section of the nozzle) and becomes dominant for small
diameter nozzles at high current amplitudes.
Osawa [OY10] investigated the ablated material mass during the
interruption of sinusoidal 60 Hz currents. He observed a linear increase of this mass with arcing time and an increase to the power of
2.2 with the RMS current amplitude.
The choice of nozzle material is critical for the performance of
HVAC circuit breakers, and the material must fulll various requirements:
The nozzle material must have a high dielectric strength [MKC+ 86].


4 Switching arcs

Figure 4.1.: Specic ablation increase with current density j. Constant

ablation at low j, drastic increase above 50 A/mm2 and saturation at
high current densities. (copied from [STCA06])

4.2 Nozzle constricted arcs under forced convection


It should be mechanically stable to withstand transient high

pressures > 50 bar at narrow wall-thickness.
An optimum ablation rate exists with respect to the interruption performance and the breaker life cycle. Strong ablation
is required to create an overpressure in a high current phase.
However, a too strongly ablating nozzle material leads to a
degrading performance for a large amount of switching operations because the nozzle widens and deforms [YMQB08].
The resulting chemical decomposition products must not aect
the dielectric performance of the blow gas or be erosive for the
breaker components.
Standard nozzle material in SF6 insulated HVAC breakers is polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE). The expert knowledge among material
suppliers and breaker manufacturers refers to which inorganic ller
materials they add to the pure PTFE to optimize its radiation absorbtion performance [YMQB08]. Among the dierent llers, the
most popular are Al2 O3 , TiO2 , BN and MoS2 .
Research was performed also on alternative nozzle materials (PMMA,
PA6-6, PETP, POM and PE) [And97, MKC+ 86]. Among them
transparent PMMA is well suited for research purposes, as it allows
high-speed imaging of the arc [WLB11, WKF13].

4.2. Nozzle constricted arcs under forced

In HVAC circuit breakers, the arc is constricted by a nozzle to cool
the arc with an axial supersonic cold gas ow [BMRL85,FS06]. This
ow is either created from an overpressure reservoir or by wall ablation. Air blast breakers release gas from a pre-pressurized volume to
create this gas ow [BKM+ 70]. Puer circuit breakers compress a
gas volume at contact opening [NNH+ 01]. In self-blast HVAC circuit
breakers, wall ablation from a nozzle is used to build up pressure in


4 Switching arcs

a volume during the high current phase, which is used to blow the
arc during the low current phase towards current zero [FS06,CM97].
Three cooling mechanisms are considered to be relevant in the
energy balance equation to compensate the ohmic heating under
stationary conditions [LL75, TL75]:
1. the convective losses, caused by a plasma ow along an axial
temperature gradient T /z with sonic velocity vz , specic
heat Cp and plasma density p .
2. The net emission of the radiation power UN , not reabsorbed in
the plasma column. Part of this radiation is absorbed in the
cold gas vapor zone. The rest is absorbed by the nozzle wall
and causes mass ablation.
3. The radial conduction (including turbulent energy transfer)
due to a radial temperature gradient T /r with a thermal
conductivity k.
Even though all cooling mechanisms inuence the arc simultaneously, simple models have been developed that achieve acceptable
prediction accuracy by focusing only on one or two dominating processes. Depending on the current level, three dierent types of arcs
may result in a single experimental arrangement. These are nozzle constricted arcs stabilized by forced convection at low currents
and at high currents and ablative arcs at very high currents. The
exact current amplitudes at which a certain arc type appears depend strongly on nozzle geometry, blow gas parameters and nozzle

4.2.1. Convection stabilized low current arcs

At low currents, the arcs may have a small cross-section A AN
in comparison to the nozzle throat cross-section AN . In such arcs,
the conductive-turbulent energy transfer dominates over the axial
plasma convection and the radial radiation losses [TL75]. At low

4.2 Nozzle constricted arcs under forced convection


currents, the arc plasma is not fully ionized and the electrical conductivity increases approximately exponentially with temperature
T . It has been shown by two dierent analytical approaches that
such arcs are characterized by a decreasing voltage with increasing
current (falling characteristic). Two authors [Sha06,Jen93] assumed
an axially uniform arc with radius x = r/rw , normalized to the
wall radius rw . They used the Elenbaas-Heller equation to predict a
radial temperature prole.

2 2
0 = E rw () +
x x
= 0 T is the heat-ux potential, () is the electric conductivity, is the thermal conductivity and E is the electric eld. The
equation results in an arc voltage U I 1 approximately inversely
proportional to the current [Sha06].
Tuma and Lowke [LL75, TL75] assumed a parabolic temperature
prole and can therefore represent the conduction losses by the following term: Pcond. = (4Tp )/A. The plasma temperature Tp is
uniform with radius. Tp and the arc-cross section A vary with the
axial distance z measured from the upstream electrode. The model
includes convective and radiative losses so that it is applicable also
for higher currents [LL75, TL75]:
0 = I 2 /(A2 ) p Cp vz (Tp /z) UN (4Tp )/A
| {z } |
| {z }
ohmic heating

axial convection



radial conduction

At low currents, the thermal conduction of this model causes the arc
voltage to decrease with increasing current. The phenomena would
be intensied by turbulence losses, which have been neglected in the
model [TL75].
Decreasing voltages at increasing currents are typical for free burning arcs at currents < 100 A [SO91]. But if sucient blow pressure
is applied, they may prevail up to several kA, as shown in measurements of a puer circuit breaker [NNH+ 01] and an air blast


4 Switching arcs

breaker [BKM+ 70].

4.2.2. Convection stabilized high current arcs

At high currents, the arcs are characterized by a radially at temperature prole with an abrupt decrease towards the cold gas vapor
zone [LL75]. This is, because a large fraction of the radiation, emitted from the plasma core, is reabsorbed at the edge of the plasma. In
a simple mathematical model, an arc constricted by a nozzle throat
with cross-section AN is assumed to have two distinct regions. They
vary in axial direction z, measured from the upstream electrode. A
conducting core with cross-section A(z) and temperature T (z) and
a nonconducting cold gas vapor zone enclosing the core with crosssection AN (z) A(z) are assumed [LL75, TL75]. The cooling eect
of the cold gas results from to turbulent mixing of cold gas into the
plasma along the axially increasing cross-section downstream.
In such arcs, a quite constant voltage with increasing current results, because the cross-section increases linearly with the current,
while conductivity remains constant. The linear cross-section increase with current can be explained with the enthalpy ow balance [LL75]
p h p v z

I 2 (1 f )


For this to apply, several assumptions must be made. Firstly, the arc
cross-section is assumed large enough, so the convection losses overweigh the conduction losses. Still, A must be small relative to AN ,
to allow free radial expansion (eg. j < 10 A/mm2 ). This is given, as
long as the ablated mass does not aect the pressure prole in the
nozzle. Secondly, the arc is assumed to be fully ionized with saturated conduction 100 S/cm [LL75]. Further, a linearly pressure
dependent volume enthalpy p hp /p = const., constant fraction f of
power lost by radiation, and axial independence of f , p hp vz , and
is assumed. By integrating equation (4.4) for a cylindrical nozzle,

4.2 Nozzle constricted arcs under forced convection

the axial cross-section can be found:

2(1 f )
AT = z
(p hp )vz



AT , hereafter referred to as theoretical arc cross-section, increases

proportionally with current i and decreases with the square root of
blow pressure p. By axial integration of this cross-section for a throat
length LT , a prediction of the current independent arc voltage U can
be found using the denition of resistance:

2p hp vz
LT p .
(1 f )
A linearly increasing cross-section with current is in agreement
with several experimental studies from the 1970s [LL75] and has
been experimentally conrmed in section 9.2. Constant arc voltages
at increasing current have been observed at several kA in circuit
breakers with small puer diameter [NNH+ 01].

4.2.3. Ablative arcs

Arcs of high current densities j > 50 A/mm2 have cross-sections
A close to the throat cross-section AN . In such arcs, the radiative
energy transfer from the plasma to the nozzle creates massive ablation of wall material. The ablated mass builds up an overpressure
in the nozzle and creates an axial convection towards both ends of
the nozzle [CM97, Mul93]. (Without externally applied blowing, a
stagnation point would result in the axial throat center. An external
pressure dierence shifts this point towards the nozzle inlet.) The
stagnation point pressure ps rises approximately with the square of
the current and may reach several 10 bar [Mul93, Nie87]:
vs LT
h 2

( )2



4 Switching arcs

vs is the sonic velocity of the ablated vapor, b

h is the required enthalpy to evaporate the mass and accelerate it to sonic velocity. Unlike in convection stabilized arcs, the cross-section is constricted by
the increasing pressure at increasing current, thus a linear increase
A I is no more possible. However, as the radiation UT T 4
increases approximately with the power of four to the temperature [CM97, Nie87, Low84], only a small increase of T or A is required to compensate increasing ohmic heating at increased current
by intensied radiation. As a consequence, a positive dierential resistance results dU/dI > 0 [Nie87, TL75, Mul93]. Exact predictions
are very dicult, because the ablative pressure interacts with the
forced convection, vaporized nozzle material intrudes partly into the
arc and inuences also the radiation absorption performance in the
cold gas vapor zone [IF08, SNSD06].
Increasing voltages with increasing current have been observed
with current densities > 50 A/mm2 in simple tube experiments [Mul93,
Nie87,Low84,STCA06] (without forced convection) and also in HVAC
self-blast circuit breakers [STCA06].

4.2.4. Characteristic arc cross-sections

In cylindrical two and three zone models, the arc cross-section is,
besides the temperature prole, an important parameter to characterize an arc. It has to be emphasized that various dierent crosssections exist. The following three have been investigated experimentally in this thesis and shall be theoretically introduced (cf.
gure 4.2):
Electric arc cross-section
The electric arc cross-section is dened as the plasma cross-section
contributing substantially to the total current ow. An axially averaged electrical arc cross-section AE along the nozzle throat of length

4.2 Nozzle constricted arcs under forced convection


downstream electrode
AE current conducting zone
(T20000K, 100mho/cm)
AV light emitting cross-section

AP fluid dynamic cross-section

( small -> blocks gas flow:)
AN eff. nozzle throat cross-section
Aeff eff. gas flow cross-section
( large -> contributes to flow)
cold gas

upstream electrode

Figure 4.2.: Characteristic arc cross-sections in a zone arc model

LT can be determined from voltage and current measurements as

AE =



Two assumptions must be made. Firstly, a fully ionized plasma

of T = 20 103 K and = 100 S/cm is assumed [Rie90]. This is
valid for high current arcs only. Secondly, the major voltage drop
uthroat u is assumed to occur in the cylindrical nozzle throat LT
with minimum cross-section.
Optical arc cross-section
The visible radiation emitted from air plasma varies by several orders
of magnitude for a small change in temperature. This was shown for
arcs with diameters in the range d = 0.1 1 cm [CGR11]. As a
consequence, a signicant decrease of brightness is observable in a
convection stabilized arc (CSA) between the hot plasma and the
surrounding cold gas. AV is dened as the light emitting arc cross-


4 Switching arcs

Fluid dynamic arc cross-section
In a nozzle with a CSA, nearly all mass ow is carried by the cold gas
[Low79]. In comparison, the hot plasma contributes only minimally
to the gas ow and acts as an obstacle, partly blocking the nozzle
outlet. This is due to the low density of the plasma in comparison to
the cold gas. The subsequent mass ow reduction can be rated by
the dierence between the known eective nozzle cross-section ANe
(without arc) and the eective cross-section Ae (with arc). A uid
dynamic arc cross-section AP is dened as:
AP = ANe Ae


For air, a sonic ow occurs if the upstream to downstream pressure ratio exceeds the critical value pup /pdn > 1.89 [Whi99]. Under
sonic conditions (cf. equation (4.10)), an adiabatic ow rate m
in a converging-diverging nozzle is dependent only on the upstream
pressure pup with the eective nozzle cross-section Ae , the specic
heat ratio for air = 1.4, the gas temperature T and the ideal gas
constant R [Whi99]. Under subsonic conditions, the downstream
pressure pdn aects also the ow rate m
sub (cf. equation (4.11)).

) +1

S = Ae pup


= Ae k



k = pdn t







4.3 Black-box arc modeling


The adiabatic mass ow can be determined from a pressure measurement pH in a circuit breaker pressure volume VH . A change in pH
results from an imbalance of inowing mass from a storage volume
in and outowing mass through a nozzle m
out (cf. equation (4.13)).
Hereby, the temperature of the heating chamber TV varies due to gas
expansion from start conditions T0 and p0 (cf. equation (4.14)).
RTin RTH m
out = VH
TH (t) = T0

pH (t)




4.3. Black-box arc modeling

4.3.1. Introduction
Despite of the signicant progress in physical arc modeling [ZAM+ 02,
IF08, SVKS03, KCP09], black-box models are still used to simulate
dynamic arc-network interactions due to their low calculation effort [CS05, SK00]. However, the validity and applicability of these
models is often challenged for multiple reasons. Firstly, their accuracy strongly depends on the exact description of the arc parameter functions, which are very dicult to determine. Secondly, it
is not straightforward to transfer a measured set of parameters to
other arc conditions. This requires to determine the parameters for
each arc conguration from new. Moreover, there have been doubts
that the arc may not be accurately described with a single ordinary
dierential equation having exclusively the conductance g as state
variable [Bis54].
Physical arc models often describe only the stationary arc behavior or, if dynamic behavior is included, they are applicable only to
arcs under special conditions [SNSD06]. Further, such models usually fail to model the dynamic behavior because of mathematical


4 Switching arcs

diculties. However, in many applications the correct modeling of

the high frequency interaction between the arc and its surrounding
network is important. Passive resonance HVDC circuit breakers,
for example, create an articial current-zero crossing by exciting
a high-frequency oscillation current between the arc-chamber and a
parallel LC-path [NNH+ 01,Fra11]. In this example, high frequencies
(> 5 kHz) and high current gradients (> 10 kA/ms) cause that dynamic processes dominate in the arc. Black-box models have already
been successfully applied to describe and predict passive resonance
arc behavior [NNH+ 01, Leu01].
The author agrees with the above concerns about black-box models but believes that many of their diculties originate from imprecise arc parameter determination by experiments and the inability
to validate the chosen black-box modeling equation for the arc under investigation. The choice of a more complex black-box model
is only possible if its parameters can still be determined experimentally. Classically, arcs are investigated using sinusoidal test currents
This current
which have coupled current amplitude I and gradient I.
shape is not ideal for parameter evaluation, it would be preferred to
control I and I independently of each other.

4.3.2. Generalized Mayrs equation (Mayr-Schwarz

The majority of todays black-box models are modications or extensions of the well known models by Mayr and Cassie and can be
reduced to the equation (4.15) [May43, Cas39, Sch72, SK00, CW93].
This equation, also referred to as energy balance equation, describes
the change of the stored energy content Q in the arc column resulting
from the imbalance between ohmic heating Pheat and cooling Pcool :
= Pheat Pcool .


4.3 Black-box arc modeling


Under the assumption that the cooling power P (Q) and the conductance g(Q) are arbitrary functions of Q, the general form of the
dynamic arc equation [CW93, Kap11] can be formulated:
( 2
g = Q
P .

With the further assumption of Q = Q0 ln(g/G0 ), where Q0 and G0

are constants describing the arc, plus the denition of a thermal time
constant := Q0/P , equation (4.16) equates into the Mayr equation:
P = P .


Rejecting the hypothesis that in Mayrs model of a dynamic arc,

represented by equation (4.17), the time constant and cooling
power P are constants, leads to a generalized Mayrs equation or
the Mayr-Schwarz arc equation [Kap11], where P (g) and (g) are
free functions of the arc conductance g
g =
1 .
(g) P (g)

4.3.3. Physical interpretation of black-box models

Cao and Stokes [CS91] identied three physical processes involved in
the transient interaction of arc and arc chamber that act on dierent
time scales . These are a) the radiative energy exchange inside the
arc associated with a change of arc temperature (1 1.85.8s), b)
the readjustment of the gas ow due to a changed arc cross-section
(2 10 50s) and c) the adjustment of ablation rates due to
intensied radiation, absorbed by reaching the nozzle, when the arc
increases its temperature or approaches the wall (3 100 200s)
In black-box models, a single rst order dierential equation (typically the twice modied Mayr equation equation (4.18) [Sch72]) is


4 Switching arcs

used to describe parallel inuences of dierent physical processes

that change a measurable state g due to an imbalance between ohmic
heating U I and arc cooling P with a thermal inertia .
At low currents, the change of g is explained by thermoionization and a subsequent increase of the plasma conductivity [May43];
at high currents, the conductance change is explained by a change
of arc cross-section [Cas39]. Within this explanation it is obvious
that P and are no physical constants but do vary with the arc
state g [Sch72] and do also vary with the design of the arc chamber [NNH+ 01].

4.3.4. Transformation of stationary characteristic

Pietsch [PRT75] introduced a commonly used approximation
P (g) = 1 W apg

( g )bpg


( g )d
of the stationary and dynamic arc characteristic. It correctly describes only certain types of arcs in a limited conductance range,
but is often used for characterization of switching arc chambers
[CW93, NNH+ 01]
The stationary characteristic is often plotted as U (I) or P (I) instead of P (g) [CW93]. All descriptions are equivalent under stationary conditions and can be transformed into each other using
P = U I and g = I/U . Many authors tted the stationary characteristic as potential function of either I or g. A conversion Table 4.1 has been included to relate the most common descriptions:
P (g) = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg , U (I) = 1 V aui (I/(1 A))bui and
P (I) = 1 W api (I/(1 A))bpi . It has to be emphasized that dynamically the descriptions are not equivalent anymore. A stationary
description has to be converted to P (g) to represent the cooling
power in the twice modied Mayr equation (4.18).
(g) = c

4.4 Black-box parameter determination


Table 4.1.: Conversion table for stationary arc characteristics:

P (g) = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg , U (I) = 1 V aui (I/(1 A))bui and
P (I) = 1 W api (I/(1 A))bpi

to \ from

1 bui

bpi 1


bui + 1

1 bpi

bpg 1
bpg +1




1 bgp




1 aui

1 api

to \ from

1 aui
(aui )

( 1+b

(agp )

1 api

( 1b

(api )


( 1+b

(agp )

( 2b

1 agp

4.4. Black-box parameter determination

4.4.1. Intrinsic assumptions
The choice of black-box model equations and the algorithm to determine their parameters typically requires to make certain assumptions
about the arc behavior. These assumptions often remain unveried
when an arc is characterized experimentally. Firstly, one has to
be aware that a process including dierent physical processes is described by a simple rst order dierential equation, which may not
describe the arc completely. In addition to that some parameter
determination methods introduce an analytical shape how the parameters depend on the arc state, e.g. an analytical expression of
the arc cooling power P as a function of the arc conductance g:
P = P (g) [PRT75, CW93]. The terminology direct and indirect are
introduced to classify the methods. A determination method is classied as direct if it does not require a mathematical description of
the chosen arc parameters, but extracts them as individual measurement points at dierent arc states. Indirect methods, in contrast,
require that the shape of the arc parameters is described, e.g. by


4 Switching arcs

the often used power functions P (g) = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg .

Generally, the determination of an arc characteristic is performed
in two or three steps, in which the second step is optional:
1. Choice of a black-box equation to link the internally stored
energy Q to externally measurable parameters u and i. This
includes specication of arc parameters, which can be arbitrary
functions of the arc state, e.g. P (g) and (g) [Sch72].
2. Optionally, the chosen arc parameters are assumed to follow a
specic analytic form, e.g. P := 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg and :=
c (g/(1 S))d [PRT75, Sch72]. According to the classication
above, determination methods that require such an expression
would be called indirect.
3. A method is chosen to determine the specied arc model parameters of the chosen modeling-equation from measured u and
i oscillograms. Thereby, direct determination requires a large
measurement eort because the parameters must be measured
and determined individually (with a reasonable discretization)
for each possible arc state g. Indirect determination requires
signicantly less measurement and calculation eort because
not the arc parameters but only their coecients are determined, like a, b, c, d in the example above.

4.4.2. Stationary and transient arc characteristic

The inuence of dierent current gradients on the transient arc voltage and its consequences for P and determination, which result
shall be briey discussed. For this purpose, in gure 4.3 results
of a simple black-box simulation of a wall-stabilized arc are presented with roughly estimated constant arc parameters (P 50 kW,
10 s). A constant current of IDC = 100 A with a subsequent
rise of I = 150 A with various slopes is assumed, and the transient
arc voltage is simulated with the twice modied Mayr equation as a
reaction to the impressed current.

4.4 Black-box parameter determination



R = 5

voltage in kV

I = 0.1 kA
ms , = 10s

I = 1 kA
ms , = 10s
I = 1 kA
ms , = 20s


I = 10 kA
ms , = 10s
I = 10 kA
ms , = 20s


I = 100 kA
ms , = 10s


I = 100 kA
ms , = 20s


current in kA




Figure 4.3.: Eect of thermal inertia at various current slopes

At low current slopes 0.1 kA/ms, the transient voltage is dominated by the stationary characteristic P (g), because the current rise
time TR = 3 ms is much larger than . Under moderate current
slopes of 10 kA/ms, P and aect the transient voltage simultaneously, because TR = 30 s is in the same order of magnitude as
. The transient voltage response during a high current slope of
100 kA/ms is dominated by the stationary state prior to the current
increase. Because of the small rise time TR = 3 s, the arc does
not strongly change its conductance during the current slope, but
mainly afterwards. This leads to a linear increase of the arc voltage
with current during the slope.
A transient arc parameter can only be determined from those sections of the current-voltage oscillogram where the transient voltage
is signicantly aected. The comparison of transient voltage waveforms with = 10 s and = 20 s reveals that shows the greatest
eect around a 10 kA/ms slope and has no or only a minor eect at
slopes 0.1 kA/ms and 100 kA/ms (cf. gure 4.3). An exception are


4 Switching arcs

low gradient slopes or constant currents created subsequently to a

high gradient slope. Here, the rate at which the voltage returns to
a stationary point is dominated by . At low current slope without
previous high gradient slope, the transient arc voltage is closest to its
stationary value. Thus, P has more eect on the transient voltage,
the lower the current gradient is.
In summary, black-box parameters that describe the stationary
arc characteristic are best derived from measurements with small
current gradients. Those parameters describing the transient arc
characteristic are best derived from measurements with very fast current change followed by (quasi-) constant currents or current slopes
where the relative changes in current i/(di/dt) are in the order of
the characteristic arc time constants.

4.4.3. Classical parameter determination methods


The results of chapter 5 will point out that passive resonance is

much more sensitive to the arc parameters than to the circuit parameters. Therefore, a very precise knowledge of P (g) and (g) is
central for stability considerations. The large number of published
methods [Sch72,PRT75,Rij75,Ams77,Rup79,DRWZ83,Leu01] shows
how challenging it is to determine the arc parameters correctly from
u,i oscillograms. In the publications, three main approaches can
be identied: A) the iterative approach, B) the parameter separation approach and C) the multiple gradient approach in C1)-C3) an
analytical version and C4) in a graphical version.
A: Iterative Method: Schwarz and Pietsch [Sch72, PRT75] determined the parameter functions iteratively by minimizing a least
square error between the measured voltage u(t) and its re-simulation
u (t) with the arc equation (4.18) (cf. Table 4.2A)). This requires
the assumption of an analytical function for P and (typically
P = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg and = c (g/(1 S))d is used).
B: Parameter Separation Method: Rijanto [Rij75] determined

This section is part of a joint conference publication [P4].

4.4 Black-box parameter determination


P and independently from each other from a single u,i-oscillogram

by superimposing a 10 kHz oscillation of sucient amplitude to a
50 Hz short circuit current (cf. Table 4.2B)). He identied instants
t1 in time without a change in conductance g(t
1 ) = 0 for P extraction and instants t2 without ohmic heating at current zero crossing
i(t2 ) = 0 for extraction. In these instants, the arc equation (4.18)
equates to:
P (t1 ) = i(t1 ) u(t1 ) for g(t
1 ) = 0,
(t2 ) =

g(t2 )

for i(t2 ) = 0.



To determine the parameter curves in a wide range of conductances,

a current superposition is performed at dierent start values of arc
conductance g.
C1-C3: Analytical Multiple Gradient Methods: With the
assumption of conductance dependent arc energy Q(g) and cooling
power P (g), equation (4.18) can be solved for the instantaneous
inertia (t1 ) = (t2 ) and power loss P (t1 ) = P (t2 ) if the electrical
parameters are known for two points in time t1 and t2 with identical
conductance g1 = g2 = g but dierent conductance gradients g 1 =
g 2 .
P =

i21 g 2 i22 g 1
g(g 2 g 1 )


g(i22 i21 )
i21 g 2 i22 g 1


Amsinck [Ams77] applied this method for the rst time to a single u,i measurement of an extinguished arc with thermal reignition
(cf. Table 4.2C1)). There, the assumption is made that the arc is
identical before and after current zero. Ruppe [Rup79] applied the
method to identical conductance values before and after the peak


4 Switching arcs

Table 4.2.: Classical parameter determination methods.

A) Schwarz
B) Rijanto
t=t1 t=t 2
i=i 1 i=0






- one experiment
- iterative recalculation of
voltage waveform
C1) Amsinck

- high frequency current superimposed on a 50 Hz oscillation

- extraction only at g = 0 and at
C2) Ruppe 1




g=g0 g 1


t=t 2
i=i 1 i=0 i=i 2

-one experiment with thermal

- two dierent gradients at the
same conductance
C3) Ruppe 2



i=i 1

t=t 2
i=i 2


- one experiment with current

- two dierent gradients at the
same conductance
C4) Drebenstedt / Leu
g g=g





i=i 1

t=t 2
i=i 2



- two similar experiments

- two dierent gradients at the
same conductance


- arc under passive resonance

- multiple dierent gradients with
the same conductance

4.4 Black-box parameter determination


of a current half cycle (cf. Table 4.2C2)). Ruppe also applied this
parameter determination method successfully to two or multiple similar experiments with varied current amplitudes or current slopes (cf.
Table 4.2C3)).
C4: Graphical Multiple Gradient Method: On the suggestion of Rother, Drebenstedt et. al. [DRWZ83] implemented the
calculative procedure of Amsinck-Ruppe in a graphical form and
applied it to pressurized gas and SF6 arc chambers. To do so, equation (4.18) can be written as
ui = (P ) + P .


This is a straight line equation of the form y = mx + n with the

independent variable x = g/g,

the dependent variable y = ui and

the slope m = P . Given deterministic arc behaviour, all points
of identical conductance values would lie on a straight line (cf. Table 4.2C4). The power loss P results from the intersection with the
abscissa g/g

= 0, and the ordinate intersection u i = 0 is used

to determine = g/g.
This treatment signicantly improved the
recalculation accuracy of high current switching arcs by averaging
procedures. Leu [Leu01] applied this procedure to determine parameter functions of passive resonance currents and in particular for
current chopping oscillation at the switching of low currents. It was
shown that the arc interacts with the eective capacitance in parallel to the arc chamber. Thereby, the interaction causes a passive
resonance waveform that is well suited for parameter determination.

4.4.4. Comparison
In the parameter separation method B and the multiple gradient
method C, a specic current waveform must be created. In the iterative method A, theoretically any waveform is suitable as long as
it contains sucient high current slopes, because only the four coecients a, b, c and d must be determined. Method C4 application


4 Switching arcs

by Leu has the advantage that the required current is shaped by

the arc itself. However, the required oscillating current can also be
created articially with a setup to superimpose a high frequency
current. Wrong results can occur due to physical reasons if external
parameters change the arc during the evaluated section or between
the points of identical gradients (e.g. after a current zero crossing
or if multiple experiments are combined). They can also result from
numerical problems and measurement: The methods must deal with
stochastic arc uctuations that are always present but not described
by the energy balance equation. A phase shift between current and
voltage measurement or a stray inductance between spatially distributed measurement probes can result in unphysical or even negative g values. Also analytical reasons could be a source of errors,
in case that the arc under investigation is not described suciently
by the simple black-box equation or if in method A the assumed
parameter function is not valid. A distinction between the three
implementations of method C is made to emphasize parameter determination for dierent applications. In the experiment, a time as
short as possible should lie between the points of same conductance
to minimize a possible change of the arc during the time of measurement. A thermal reignition used by Amsinck (C1) provides this
optimally at low currents and is therefore suitable to reect interruption phenomena. A current peak used by Rijanto (C2) determines
the parameters more accurately at high currents because no current
zero with reignition lies between the used points of identical conductance. Thereby, interruption phenomena are reected less accurately
because low g values are dicult to measure. The combination of
multiple experiments (C3) allows using similar sinusoidal currents of
dierent peak amplitude, which are very easy to create. However, a
large number of experiments should be performed when using this
method to compensate not only for the stochastic nature of the arc
but also a possible scatter between dierent experiments. Several
adaptations or combinations of the discussed methods with respect
to the available current waveform are imaginable:

4.4 Black-box parameter determination


Determination of P (g) becomes trivial if constant DC currents

at dierent levels can be created.
Several methods can be applied and their results combined.
P (g) can be evaluated from an experiment with slowly changing current (eg. B and C1) and (g) calculated from an experiment with rapidly changing current.
The methods can be applied independently to subsequent sections of the measured waveforms to monitor a possible change
of a physical parameter such as contact distance or blow pressure.
In all methods, a test current must be shaped specically to produce dierent conductance gradients over a wide range of conductance. For this purpose, mostly sinusoidal currents are used for
arc parameter determination because they are easy to create [Rij75,
Rot80]. Their drawback is the coupling of current amplitude and
current gradient I = Ib sin(t). As a consequence, only a few P
and values result per experiment. The number of experiments can
be signicantly reduced if a high frequent current is superimposed
to a low frequency oscillation. Such are: high frequency sinusoidal
current superimposed on a 50 Hz current, high frequency oscillation superimposed on an exponentially decreasing positive current
(CR-discharge) [WF11] or a damped oscillation around current zero
(LRC-circuit). Also passive resonance currents were used for parameter determination [Leu01]. Of these waveforms, none contains
constant current sections, and they do not permit varying I and I
independently from each other.

5. Optimal arc characteristic

for improved designs of
passive resonance
HVDC-circuit breakers
In this chapter, it is intended to clarify the process of passive resonance and to optimize it theoretically. By systematic modication
of the arc characteristic and resonance circuit components a better
breaker performance is aimed for. Section 5.1 explains the process
of passive resonance current interruption. In section 5.2, the Lijaponov stability theory is used to predict the system stability in a
local operating point. The results of a sensitivity analysis for passive
resonance by simulations are shown in section 5.3 and discussed in
5.4. In section 5.5, a strategy for experimental arc chamber optimization is formulated based on the ndings in section 5.4. This
strategy is applied in 5.6 using a pressure dependence of the arc
characteristic from literature.

5.1. Passive resonance

A passive resonance circuit breaker consists of an AC circuit breaker
in the main path, an LC commutation path with an optional making switch and a path with an energy absorbing element (cf. gure 5.1a)). The arc characteristic and circuit parameters of an
MRTB in operation are published in [NNH+ 01] and summarized in
Table 5.1. A typical interruption process with this breaker has been
modeled in MATBLAB Simulink. The predicted current and voltage



5 Optimal arc characteristic

Table 5.1.: HVDC MRTB reference parameters for passive resonance

circuit stability calculation: adapted from [NNH+ 01]
fault current
iF = IFa + t IFb
IFa = 3.5 kA
IFbref = 2 A/ms

- converted to U (I)

P = (1 W)api ( 1IA )bpi

(g) = c ( 1gS )d
api = 0.135 106
c = 30 s
U = (1 V)aui ( 1IA )bui

- converted to P (g)

P = (1 W)apg ( 1gS )bpg

circuit parameters

L0 = 130 H
R1 = 1 m

arc parameters
- specied in [NNH+ 01]

bpi = 0.5
d = 0.5
aui = 0.135 106
biu = 0.5
apg = 6.92 106
bpg = 0.33
C = 28 F
R2 = 1 m


surge arrester


commutation path

main path






Figure 5.1.: a) Passive resonance breaker, b) electric equivalent circuit

for passive resonance creation of a current zero crossing

5.1 Passive resonance

current in kA









time in ms




voltage uC in kV



conductance g in S






voltage in kV





time in ms

Figure 5.2.: Passive resonance current interruption: a) the fault current

(iF ) commutates from the main path (i1 ) to the resonance path (i2 ) and
further to the energy absorber (iabs ), b) charging of capacitor C, c) zoom
of arc conductance oscillation, d) zoom of arc voltage (u) and capacitor
voltage (uc ) oscillation


5 Optimal arc characteristic

waveforms are displayed in gure 5.2. The interruption process of

a 4 kA fault current is discussed. The igniting itself has not been
precisely modeled and the arc is assumed to be described with an
unchanged arc characteristic of Table 5.1. In reality, the arc characteristic may change during contact opening and if the blow pressure
varies. The interruption process includes the following steps:
Open contact S1 (here at t = 1 ms): At contact separation an
arc is created. This arc is axially blown by compression of a puer
volume coupled with the opening mechanism. Contact separation
typically requires several ms. The arc voltage would rise approximately linearly with distance (not included here) and stabilizes at
full distance at a constant voltage (here Uarc = 2 kV).
Close making switch S2 of commutation circuit: (here at
t = 2 ms) At the instant of closing S2 , the capacitor C is uncharged
but the arc voltage is at 2 kV. Thus, an initial current oscillation of
i2 1.3 kA is excited between the arc and the LC circuit.
Passive resonance: The arc forms in combination with the LC
path an unstable resonance circuit. Therefore, the oscillating currents i1 and i2 increase in amplitude.
Arc extinction: When the oscillation amplitude of i2 becomes
larger than the fault current iF , the superposition of both currents
creates a current zero crossing in the arc current i1 (here at t =
6.5 ms). If the forced cooling is sucient, the arc extinguishes at
current zero crossing. At extinction, the full fault current commutates to the resonance path i2 = iF .
Capacitor charging: Subsequently, the resonance capacitor is
charged to the critical voltage of the surge arresters (here Uc =
210 kV), which is typically 1.5 pu of the grid system voltage.
Voltage limitation: Once the capacitor voltage exceeds the
break through voltage of the surge arresters (here at t = 8 ms), the
fault current commutates from the resonance path into the surge
Energy absorption: The remaining inductive energy, stored in
the surrounding network is absorbed by the surge arrester, this forces

5.2 Stability prediction


the fault current iF to decrease to zero.

This research focuses on the passive resonance current zero creation, but not on the arc extinction and energy absorption. Therefore, in the equivalent circuit of the breaker, stray resistances R1
and R2 are included, the surge arresters neglected and an impressed
fault current IF assumed (cf. gure 5.1b)). The dynamic arccommutation-circuit interaction can be modeled using a black-box
energy balance equation (5.2) [Sch72] and two dierential equations
describing the commutation circuit:

+ uc +
i2 = i2

Lg R1 R2
L Lg
u c = i2


(iF i2 )2


The state variables are: resonance current i2 , capacitor voltage

uC and arc conductance g. Typically, black-box parameters are described as functions of the conductance P = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg
and = c (g/(1 S))d [CW93].

5.2. Stability prediction

For an estimation of the resonance circuit instability, a system matrix A (cf. equation (5.4)) is equated by linearizing eqs. (5.1)-(5.3)
in a local operating point i2 = I2 , uc = Uc , g = G and iF = IF . According to the Lyapunov theorem, a linear system is asymptotically
stable if all eigenvalues of the system matrix A have a negative real
part. Therefore, at least one eigenvalue of A must have a positive
real part to let a resonance current i2 grow from a local operating


5 Optimal arc characteristic


d 2
uc = A|I2 ,Uc ,G,IF




1 R2 1



2(IF I2 )

a cGbpg +d


2 +


(bpg +d)(IF I0 2)2

apg cGbpg +d+1


. (5.5)

A necessary condition for resonance circuit instability is a negative

gradient of the stationary arc characteristic
|I=I1 < (R1 + R2 )


that overweighs the stray resistances [NNH+ 01]. The condition,

however, is not sucient, because transient eects of also play
an important role.

5.3. Simulation results

By numerical integration of eqs. (5.1)-(5.3), the passive resonance
during fault current interruption of the MRTB breaker has been
simulated for the following cases (cf. gure 5.3):
Excited: Constant fault current IFa and S2 closed after opening S1 , so that initially a resonance is excited by the voltage
dierence of the arc and the capacitor.
Academic: Constant fault current iF = IFa but capacitor C
charged to uc = R1 I1 + I1 /g at the instant of closing S2 , so
that no initial voltage dierence exists to excite the resonance.
To avoid that numerical parameters (eg. step width) inuence

5.3 Simulation results


the excitation, a high frequency 0.1 A current ripple is added

to iF to excite the resonance.
Rising: Identical to case 2, but the fault current starts to rise
with a gradient IFb at closing of S2 .
The closing strategy in case 1 is optimal for an installed breaker
because the delayed closing of S2 shortens the interruption (cf. gure 5.3). The academic case 2 is optimal to study stability, because
the resonance current grows from zero at the local operation point.
Systematically for the academic case 2, all parameters have been
varied to study their sensitivity on the time T between the closing of
S2 and the rst current zero crossing of i1 . Figures 5.4a-b) relate the
relative increase of T compared to case 2 with a relative change of
the circuit and arc parameters. Cases without current zero crossing
during the simulation time of Tsim = 1 s were plotted as T = Tsim .
A reduction of T is achieved for increasing C, but the eect saturates for large values of C. An optimum value exists for the inductor
L that lies two times lower than that of the investigated MRTB.
The present stray resistances R1 and R2 have negligible eect. They
would have undesirable eect only from 32 m. Just a minor increase
of current amplitude IFa increases T suciently. Positive slopes in
the fault current IFb < 0.1 kA/ms are uncritical. Larger slope values lead to a 2 3 times higher interruption time. An increase of
stationary arc voltage U0 and its negative gradient dU0 in the operating point both reduce the interruption time strongly. Also the
parameters c and d of the function (g) = c (g/(1 S))d have major
eect. Their increase strongly increases T . At a doubling of either
c or d no current zero can be created.
For all simulated parameter combinations, the system instability has also been calculated with equation (5.5). Stable cases are
indicated with black circles in gure 5.4. For all stable parameter
congurations, also no current zero crossing occurred within the simulation time of 1 s. However, instable cases do not guarantee that
a current zero crossing results. Cases exist, where an oscillation


5 Optimal arc characteristic



current i1 in kA


rising IF
closing time of S2



time in ms




arc voltage u in kV


arc current i1 in kA

Figure 5.3.: Passive resonance current with excitation, without

excitation (academic) and with rising fault current: a) arc current i(t), b)
arc voltage u vs. arc current i1

5.4 Discussion


grows only up to a certain amplitude and keeps on oscillating with

a constant amplitude. The discrepancy between the calculation and
the simulation results from the stability calculation having been performed only for the work point onwards. The stability calculation
is therefore only a criterion to decide wether an oscillation starts to

5.4. Discussion
Asymptotically stable parameter combinations have only negative
eigenvalues of A (cf. equation (5.4)) and are indicated by black
circles in gure 5.4a)-b). They correspond, correctly, to the cases
where no current zero crossing occurred during Tsim .
Fault Current: The fault current inuences T in two ways.
Firstly, at high fault current amplitudes IFa , the stationary characteristic U (I) of a blown arc is typically at and the thermal inertia is large [BMRL85, BKM+ 70, NNH+ 01]. Hence, the system is
typically stable for high currents and instable for low ones. Secondly, a linearly rising fault current iF stands in competition with
the exponential resonance current growth. Consequently, a rising
fault current slope delays the current zero creation.
Stationary arc characteristic: Large stationary arc voltage
U (I)|I=I1 and strongly falling characteristic dI
|I=I1 in the operation
point boost passive resonance.
Thermal inertia: Large thermal arc inertia , resulting from
large parameters c and d, delays the conductance change of the arc.
By that, a falling stationary characteristic I
|I=I1 results in a atter
or even rising transient characteristic i1 . For innite or innite
current gradient di1 /dt, the transient arc voltage u = i1 /G would
resistively follow the arc current. Consequently, the lowest possible
values of factors c and d are desirable.
Resonance frequency: Large current gradients add damping to
the system, because they increase the lagging of the transient arc
voltage. The high oscillation frequency in passive resonance creates


5 Optimal arc characteristic


normalized time T / T











normalized parameter X/ X




normalized time T / T










normalized parameter X/ Xref


Figure 5.4.: Reduction or increase of time to current zero T relative to

the academic reference case, a) sensitivity of T on circuit parameters, b)
sensitivity of T on arc parameters.

5.5 Criterion for desirable arc cooling mechanisms


such high current gradients di/dt IFa [NNH+ 01,BMRL85]. This

can be avoided by choosing a large capacitor C and inductor L.
However, a large inductor is not benecial because the minimum
energy Emin = (L/2)(IFa )2 required to create a reverse current of
equal size to the fault current IFa rises linearly with L. Therefore, the
capacitor has to be charged by passive resonance to a higher voltage
and the current zero creation requires more time. Consequently, an
optimum value of L exists (cf. gure 5.4a)). A large capacitance
and a high charging voltage are unfavorable, as the capacitor costs
contribute signicantly to the breaker costs.

5.5. Criterion for desirable arc cooling

A stationary arc characteristic is assumed to follow section-wise a
function U = 1 V aui (I/(1 A))bui . In this description, a parameter
aui > 0 and a parameter bui < 0 are required so that a decreasing
voltage at increasing current (falling characteristic) and passive resonance instability can exist. Dynamic eects in the arc may only
dampen instabilities in the resonance circuit but not create them,
(i.e. independent of the shape of , it is not possible to achieve passive resonance instability if the arc characteristic is rising U/I > 0
). Therefore, it is appropriate to optimize the stationary cooling
power independently from the dynamic behavior for a large negative
stationary gradient U/I < 0.
Transferred to the description P = (1 W) apg (g/(1 S))bpg using
Table 4.1, a parameter bui < 0 corresponds to a parameter 1 <
bpg < 1. Transferred to the description P = 1 W api (I/1 A)bpi , it
corresponds to a parameter bpi < 1.
The assumption is made that in thermodynamic equilibrium the
total power loss P is a superposition of dierent positive cooling
terms Pjg and Pji and that the dierent cooling terms can be separated in such a way that they are potence functions either of the


5 Optimal arc characteristic

current or the conductance:

P =
Pji +


(1 W) ajpi



( g )bjpg

(1 W) ajpg


It is further assumed that no negative cooling components exist, so

that ajpg and ajpi may only be positive. The cooling terms can now
be brought to a U (I) form, using Table 4.1, and equate to:
bjpg 1
ajpi I (bjpi 1) +
U (I) =

The dierentiation of equation (5.9) with respect to changes in current results in:
U (I)
ajpi (bjpi 1)I (bjpi 2)

ajpg (bjpg 1)I (bjpg



ajpg I (bjpg
1 + bjpg




According to equation (5.9) and (5.10), a positive cooling power

component Pjg of PjI always contributes a positive component to
the arc voltage but it may contribute a positive or a negative component to its derivative with respect to the current. It is therefore
possible to extend the globally formulated requirements for a falling
characteristic (1 < bpg < 1 and bpi < 1) to the individual loss
components (1 < bjpg < 1 and bjpi < 1). Thus, three categories of
loss components result:
Undesired losses: Loss components with bpg > 1 or bpi > 1
contribute a positive term to the gradient U/I, so that a less

5.6 Blow pressure eect


steeply falling or even a rising U (I) characteristic results.

Desired losses: Loss components with 0 < bpg < 1 or 0 < bpi < 1
contribute a negative term to the gradient U/I, so that a less
steeply rising or a falling U (I) characteristic results.
Irrelevant losses: Loss components with bpg = 1 or bpi = 1 add
a constant voltage to the U (I) characteristic and do not aect its
gradient. Therefore, such losses can not excite passive resonance in
a stable system, but they intensify the instability in a system, which
is already instable. Thereby, the time required to create a current
zero crossing is reduced.

5.6. Blow pressure eect - an example of

desirable losses
The eect of a physical arc chamber parameter on the passive resonant current creation can be shown for the example of the parameter blow pressure pH . The stationary U I-arc characteristic of an
air blast breaker has been measured for 10 bar (red crosses), 30 bar
(green circles) and 50 bar (blue squares) blow pressure [BKM+ 70].
In gure 5.5a) and b) this characteristic is plotted as a U (I) and a
P (g) diagram. The measurement points were tted to the function
P = (1 W apg )

( p ) ( g )bpg
1 bar


with apg = 0.393 106 and bpg = 0.25. The tted curves (solid lines
in gure 5.5 a) and b)) describe the measurement data accurately
so that the eect of blow pressure on the arc characteristic is well
described by equation (5.11).
In the above 10 bar example the stationary characteristic is
P (10 bar) = 3.93 MW

( g )0.25



5 Optimal arc characteristic


Bonin 10bar
Bonin 30bar
Bonin 50bar
extrap. 100bar

stationary power loss P in MW

stationary arc voltage U in kV





current I in kA



conductance G in S

Figure 5.5.: Pressure dependence of stationary arc characteristic. The

10, 30 and 50 bar curves are based on measurement data [BKM+ 70]. The
100 bar curve is extrapolated from the measurements: a) U(I), b) P(g)

At an increase of blow pressure to 30 bar, the additional losses are

P (30 bar) P (10 bar) = 7.86 MW

( g )0.25


These additional losses rise with an exponent bpg which is < 1. In

other words, the additional losses created by an increase of blow pressure in this conguration rise less than linearly with conductance.
According to the concept introduced in section 5.5 such losses are
desired losses as they increase the negative slope gradient of the stationary arc characteristic. By that they improve the passive resonant
current zero creation.
To illustrate the reduction of time T required for current zero
creation at increased blow pressure, the simulations of section 5.3
have been repeated for an increased and a reduced blow pressure. In
addition, a stability calculation was performed with equation (5.4).




normalited time ( T / T)

5.6 Blow pressure eect





normalized blow pressure ( p / p



Figure 5.6.: Reduction time to current zero T at increasing blow

pressure pH

In the simulations and stability calculation, only the eect of pH on

P (g) was included and a possible eect on (g) neglected.
The results are shown in gure 5.6. They show a major decrease
of T for increased blow pressure pH . Black circles indicate asymptotically stable conditions with low blow pressure, where no passive
resonance is possible. (In gure 5.6 only relative changes with pressure are given, because the absolute pressure of the MRTB breaker
from section 5.3 is not known. Under the assumption that the MRTB
arc characteristic behaves similar to the air blast breaker characteristics in [BKM+ 70] the reference case pHref would correspond to a
blow pressure of approximately 15 bar.)
It is the goal of this thesis to conrm the reported inuence of blow
gas pressure on the arc characteristic and to investigate systematically all other possible external inuencing parameters like type of
blow gas, nozzle geometry, and nozzle material.


5 Optimal arc characteristic

5.7. Conclusion
Simulations of a passive resonance MRTB revealed that for its satisfactory operation with a given arc chamber resonance circuit parameters are suitable in a limited range of values only and can add only
relatively small enhancement of performance to the breaker. In comparison, small changes of the arc characteristics P (g) and (g) have
a signicant eect on the interruption time. Hence, an optimally
designed arc chamber allows the interruption of higher currents or
the choice of a smaller capacitor.
In order to create a falling characteristic even at high currents,
it must be investigated, how strongly dierent loss components (ie.
conduction, convection, turbulence and radiation) scale with the current or with the conductance. In a second step, technical measures
must be found to modify the arc chamber in a way that undesired
loss components are reduced or that desired loss components are
enhanced. Irrelevant loss components are, in principle, desirable as
well. They may not inuence if passive resonance occurs, but they
may speed up the passive resonance current increase for a system
which is already instable. Further, they may support arc extinction
once a current zero crossing is reached. The increase of blow pressure
was identied as an example measure to increase desirable losses.
A systematic search for arc congurations with strongly falling
voltage-current characteristic and lowest possible arc inertia is advisable to improve the performance of HVDC circuit breakers. This
research requires an accurate and ecient determination of arc characteristics. An improved method for accurate characterization will
be discussed in chapter 7.

6. Experimental methods
In this chapter, the experiment setup and experimental methods
are discussed. Section 6.1 describes the arbitrary current source.
Its development is an integral part of this thesis. An LC current
source used for sinusoidal current measurements is briey discussed
in section 6.2. Section 6.3 characterizes the model circuit breaker
used for the systematic study with blown and wall stabilized arcs.
Section 6.4 briey species a spark gap used for free burning arc
experiments. An overview on diagnostic measurement equipment is
given in section 6.5. Three methods for the determination of arc
cross-sections are introduced in section 6.6.

6.1. Arbitrary current source

In the following the arbitrary current source is only described briey.
A detailed description of the components, the performance scope,
and the control strategy can be found in Appendix A.

6.1.1. Functionality
The novel arbitrary current source is used to create complex current
waveforms with repetitive constant current sections interspersed by
fast current slopes (up to 150 kA/ms) in a single experiment [WF10].
The source consists of three parallel interleaved modules with a capability to provide a voltage of 3 kV and a current of 1 kA each and
is equipped with a common IGBT controller. The load current iload
is the superposition of all three module currents in . The functional
principle of the modules is similar to that of a buck converter. An



6 Experimental methods








R3 L3
R2 L2


R1 L1







Figure 6.1.: Electrical equivalent circuit of arbitrary current source

equivalent circuit of the current source is shown in gure 6.1, a picture of the three modules is provided in gure 6.2.
Each module n consists of a pre-charged capacitor Cn , a fuse Fn ,
an IGBT Sn with antiparallel diode, an inductor Ln and a freewheeling diode Dn . For closed IGBT Sn , a positive voltage dierence
uC uload is applied across the inductor Ln and if uC > uload a
positive current gradient results:
uC uload
|on =


At opened switch Sn , the current commutates to the freewheeling

diode Dn , and the arc voltage uload causes the current to decrease
with a negative gradient
|o =


6.1 Arbitrary current source


Figure 6.2.: Arbitrary current source: The picture was taken in the
source room. The three parallel modules are shown.


6 Experimental methods

During a PWM-cycle of frequency f and duty cycle d, the following

current step results:
in =

uC d uload
Ln f


Prior to each experiment, the inductance values of Ln and the

charging voltage uC are selected to achieve three signicantly dierent module current slopes In (0.1 kA/ms < In < 50 kA/ms) based
on prediction u
eload of the arc voltage uload :
Ln =

(uc u
eload )



Each inductor Ln is equipped with 10 mechanical tabs, which are distributed logarithmically along the windings. This allows to vary the
number of windings and with it the inductance with small steps in a
wide range (40 H-4.5 mH). Complex current waveforms are achieved
by combined or opposed operation of several modules with dierent
current slopes. An ideally constant current period is achieved by
two modules with an inductance ratio
uc u


so that the rising slope of one module in on-state compensates the

falling slope of the other module in the o-state.
A simple but robust PWM control strategy has been chosen: All
switches Sn are turned on period-synchronously to a frequency f
with a selectable phase shift n . An IGBT is turned o instantaneously if the instantaneous module current in exceeds the instantaneous module set current iSn , and it remains open until the start
of the next control cycle. By that, repetitive experiments become
very comparable, no overshoot occurs after steep slopes, and no parameter tuning is required when the value of a module inductor is

6.1 Arbitrary current source


The current source can create nearly arbitrary current waveforms

up to 3 kA at a voltage of 3 kV. Therein, rising slopes are selectable
up to 150 kA/ms, falling current slopes result as a consequence of
consumed energy in the load. In particular, the source can create
constant currents, staircases, sawtooths, constant gradient slopes
and various superpositions of the shapes mentioned above.

6.1.2. Creation of selected current waveforms

The arbitrary current source is capable to create a large variety
of dierent current waveforms. In the following it is explained how
those current waveforms are created that have been used in the scope
of this thesis.
Long direct current with small ripple
A small ripple < 50 A is achievable by the choice of a high module
inductor L1 = L2 = L3 = 1.5 mH and by interleaved operation of
the modules at 1 = 0 , 2 = 120 , 3 = 240 (cf. gure 6.3a)).
The interleaving virtually triples the switching frequency. Further
attening is achieved by increasing the switching frequency, adding
36 mH per module and decreasing the capacitor voltage. However,
all of these measures reduce either the maximum achievable experiment time of the maximum achievable current amplitude. A switching frequency increase limits the maximum duration by increased
switching losses (cf. gure A.5), a decreased capacitor voltage by
a factor of k decreases the available energy by a factor of k 2 . An
increased inductance is problematic because a large fraction of the
capacitive energy is used to charge the inductors, which causes a
decreasing of capacitor voltage. As a combined consequence of all
limitations the achievable ripple typically increases slightly with increasing current amplitude, if long experiment durations are chosen.


6 Experimental methods

current Iload in kA














current Iload in kA











current Iload in kA


current Iload in kA














time in ms]



time in ms



Figure 6.3.: Selected current waveforms created by the arbitrary

current source: a) long constant current with small ripple, b) short
constant current without ripple, c) current slope, d) current slope, e)
staircase-like waveform, f) sawtooth superimposed to increasing slope, g)
stair current with high gradient slopes and overshoot, h) slope and
constant current with current spikes superimposed

6.1 Arbitrary current source


Current slopes
A rising slope with constant gradient
Uc Uload
I =
Ln + LB


results if the set current is higher than the instantaneous current

(cf. gure 6.3c)). The module inductor size Ln and the capacitor
voltage Uc can be chosen to select three signicantly dierent current
slopes per experiment by using three modules. The busbar and the
bushing to connect the model circuit breaker have a self inductance
of LB 40 H. To avoid interaction of the dierent modules a
minimum module inductor of Ln = 20 H must be selected. Thus,
at maximum charging voltage of Uc = 3 kV, the 60 H inductance
limits the achievable slopes to 50 kA/ms. In principle, 150 kA/ms
are achievable by superposition of the three module currents, given
certain pre-conditions:
At applications requiring an 80 ms low pre-current for contact separation, at least one module must be equipped with a
large inductor to create this pre-current. Thus, the maximum
achievable gradient is reduced to 100kA/ms.
A total 6s turn-o delay results from the optical transmission
of the current measurement and the IGBT gate driver. At
60 H total inductance, the maximum module set current must
be chosen below 700 A to ensure a turn-o at a maximum
current of 1000 A.
At interleaved operation, interactions of modules with dierent
inductor size or dierent switching times may occur. Such
phenomena occur in particular at arc extinction. Thus, at
extreme current slopes a synchronous operation of all three
modules is advisable.
The falling current slope IN = uload /Ln per module results from
the energy consumption of the load. It can therefore only be selected


6 Experimental methods

iteratively or pre-estimated, if the load behavior is predictable.

Current slope with superimposed spikes
A current slope with superimposed spikes can be created by interaction of two or three modules (cf. gure 6.3h)). A rst module
with large inductor remains turned on (high set current) or turned
o (set current zero) until minimum or maximum current is reached.
This creates a linear slope. A second module with small inductor is
switched on and o repetitively during the current slope. This creates short triangular current spikes superimposed to the slope. The
spike duration results from the selected set current amplitude and
the selected module inductance. As no negative module currents are
allowed, only positive spikes can be created. The maximum slope
current is limited to 2 kA, as one module is required to create the
Stair currents
Stair currents with large slope and at constant section can be created by a complex interaction of the source and the load (cf. gure 6.3e)). Precondition for this is that either the load voltage is
much smaller than the capacitor voltage or that the load voltage
remains approximately constant at increasing current. The latter
condition is quite well fullled for free burning arcs, unblown SF6
arcs and weakly blown arcs with large nozzle throats at high current
For creation of the 80 ms pre-current, typically one module with
large inductor L1 = 14 mH is required. At creation of the staircase,
this module may either be turned on (high set current) or o (set
current zero) during the time, the staircase is created. If so, the
current slope of the rst module is falling or rising with a constant
low gradient. The staircase shape is created by mutual operation
of two further modules: One module with typically L2 = 0.5
1.5 mH creates a rising slope (high set current). The duration of

6.2 LC current source


the staircase waveform is limited by the time at which this module

reaches its maximum current, which is typically the case after 1
2 ms. The remaining module is congured with an inductance of
L3 = uload /(Uc uload )L2 . Its set current is chosen slightly below
the desired step size, the switching frequency is chosen such that
the module current I3 never reaches zero. If so, the third module
creates a sawtooth waveform. At opened IGBT S3 and closed IGBT
S2 , the decreasing slope of the sawtooth of module 3 compensates
the increasing slope of module 2. Thus, a constant current of typical
duration 50 300 s results. At the start of the next control cycle,
module 3 is turned on and module 2 remains on. By that, the rising
slope of module 2 is superimposed to the rising slope of the sawtooth
of the module 3. This results in a steeply increasing current. At
repetitive toggling of module 3, a staircase-like increasing current
results with one step per control cycle.
To create a sawtooth waveform, all three modules should be operated
synchronously with the same set current. Their inductance Ln =
(Uc uload )/(3f In ) must be congured to achieve the desired ripple
size I for the chosen frequency f and capacitor voltage Uc , based
on a prediction of the load voltage uload . If a symmetric sawtooth
is desired, the capacitor voltage amplitude should be chosen to be
twice the expected load voltage amplitude.

6.2. LC current source

An LC resonance circuit with pre-charged capacitor is used to generate a damped sinusoidal current. This is used to be able to compare
the new arc characterization method (cf. section 7.2) using complex
current shapes to the classical methods based on sinusoidal currents
(cf. section 4.4.3). No additional damping resistor is added, instead
the current amplitude decrease resultes from the energy consump-


6 Experimental methods

tion of the arc and the resistance of the test circuit. Inductances
and capacitances in the range of 4 H - 10 mH and 3.5 14 F are
used. The resulting oscillating frequency of the test current is in the
range of 0.5 17 kHz.

6.3. Model circuit breaker

In the following the model circuit breaker is described briey. A
detailed description of the components and an equivalent circuit of
the blow arrangement can be found in Appendix B. All experiments
are performed with the same model circuit breaker (cf. gure B.2)
but with a systematic variation of single arc chamber parameters.
The design of the model circuit breaker has been optimized for high
exibility in blow pressure, nozzle shape, opening speed and blow
gas. It has been constructed as a single ow arrangement and without encapsulation. The breaker is therefore suitable only for gases
that can be released freely into atmosphere, such as air, nitrogen
and CO2 . Therefore all experiments have been performed in dry air
instead of SF6

6.3.1. Functionality
In the model circuit breaker an arc is burning vertically in a nozzle
arrangement with top-down current direction, the forced axial blowing is bottom-up along the arc. The breaker is equipped with two
vertical copper-tungsten electrodes: a xed 18 mm diameter electrode at the bottom and a pneumatically movable 5 mm diameter
upper electrode. The lower electrode is mounted inside a closed pressure volume of 1 liter, into which gas from eight pressurized bottles
of 1.5 liter each can be released instantaneously by parallel opening of 8 valves. A vertical nozzle is mounted on top of the pressure
chamber, so that an arc between the two electrodes is axially blown
in a single ow arrangement. The geometry of valves, pipes and the
pressure volume is arranged in a way that the minimum cross-section

6.4 Free burning arc arrangement


is inside the nozzle throat. This ensures that sonic conditions if once
they are reached, always occur in the nozzle throat. If not specied
otherwise, dry air is used as blow gas.
In AC circuit breakers, the contact separation is typically achieved
by pre-tensioned springs. Such mechanism is very complex and has
the disadvantage that contact velocity and distance are xed. Instead, a pneumatically movable upper electrode has been used. It
achieves a variable opening speed up to 3.4 m/s and a variable electrode gap distance up to 200 mm. The arc is ignited by applying
a 100 A pre-current during the contact separation time of typically
80 ms.

6.3.2. Nozzle geometry

All nozzles consists of an inlet section with a length Lin = 10 mm and
opening angle out = 45 , a cylindrical throat of a diameter dT and
length LT , and an outlet of length Lout = 10 mm and opening angle
out = 22.5 (cf. gure 6.4). The upstream electrode tip to throat
inlet distance Xin is set to 10 mm. The throat outlet to downstream
electrode tip distance Xout varies in the range of 20 30 mm. In
this range, Xout has negligible eect on the measured parameters.
In most nozzles, all inside edges are rounded with 1 mm radius. For
the experiment series to investigate dierent blow pressures, edges
are rounded with a 1 centimeter radius instead.
The nozzles are manufactured from PMMA. During the experiments, especially the narrow nozzles changed their geometry due to
wall ablation. A given tolerance of the throat diameter dT is determined from a measurement before and after an experiment series.

6.4. Free burning arc arrangement

Free burning arcs are used for comparison of the dierent arc parameter determination methods. The methods should be tested under
worst case conditions concerning the signal to noise ratio between the


6 Experimental methods

movable electrode
gas flow





fixed electrode




Figure 6.4.: Schematic drawing of model circuit breaker arc chamber

current-gradient-excited transient voltage overshoot and the stochastic uctuations. With respect to that, a free-burning horizontal arc
is optimal because it features a relatively low voltage but strong
uctuations and thus has a low signal to noise ratio [SO91]. In comparison to free burning arcs, wall stabilized arcs and blown arcs have
higher arc voltages and exhibit lower uctuations.
Spherical copper electrodes of 50 mm radius and a 4 mm spacing
gap are used. The arc is ignited by means of a spark plug for the
experiments in the LC-resonance test circuit. For the measurements
in the new arbitrary current source, a copper igniting wire with
50 m diameter is used. To minimize the eect of the igniting wire
on the arc characteristic, a constant current of 75 A is applied for at
least 100 ms prior to the evaluated current interval.

6.5 Diagnostic tools


6.5. Diagnostic tools

6.5.1. Current measurement
The current i is measured by an ABB-ES2000 Hall-sensor with uncertainty < 0.5 %. It follows current slopes up to 100 kA/ms correctly with a delay < 1 s and has a 1 dB bandwidth of 100 kHz.
The sensor is suitable for the current slopes created in the experiment series. If the current source is operated at higher current
slopes, a dierent sensor must be chosen.
A 1 : 1000 Pearson current-transformer of < 1 % uncertainty has
been used to measure the sinusoidal currents.

6.5.2. Voltage measurement

The arc voltage has been measured from the signal dierence of two
identical LeCroy 1 : 1000 voltage probes with < 1% error, connectes
to a dierential amplier. Geometric constraints make it impossible to place the voltage probes directly at the electrode tips. This
caused a stray inductance in series to the arc. Its value is determined
from a short circuit measurement to L = 0.45 H. The voltage measurements are mathematically compensated for this stray inductance
using the gradient of the measured current. The series resistance between the two voltage probes is negligible.

6.5.3. Pressure measurement

A Kistler RAG piezo-resistive pressure sensor with low frequency resolution (3 dB barrier frequency > 3 kHz) is mounted in the neck of
one bottle and measures pB . The symmetrical design of the blow apparatus and the simultaneous operation of all valves justify assuming
identical pressure in all bottles. A Kistler 4005B piezo-resistive pressure sensor with high frequency resolution (3 dB barrier frequency
> 100 kHz) is mounted inside the pressure chamber in the center
between two ow inlets and measures pH . For safety reasons it is
not mounted directly at the nozzle throat, but 10 cm from the


6 Experimental methods

nozzle inlet. The sonic cold gas traveling time reduces the dynamic
resolution to t = 0.3 ms.
Pressures pH and pB are not measured as absolute values but as
overpressures relative to atmospheric pressure and temperature pR =
1013 mbar, TR = 293 K.

6.5.4. Optical measurement

For the video recording, a Videal MotionPro10000 high-speed-camera
with 10000 frames per second and a telescopic lens are used. The
camera is positioned such that the whole inner nozzle throat is visible. A brightness reducing lter is attached to the lens. A strong
increase of the arc brightness with current and pressure, requires
adapting the lter for each measurement. Hence, comparisons of
absolute brightness between dierent experiments have to be interpreted with care. The nozzle is manufactured from transparent
PMMA to enable image recording of the arc column. PMMA has
been chosen due to its moderate ablation [And97], high transparency
for visible light and relatively low toxicity of gaseous decomposition

6.6. Arc cross-section determination

In arcs stabilized by forced convection, a current-conducting crosssection AE , an optical cross-section AV and a uid dynamical crosssection AP exist (cf. section 4.2.4). The axially averaged electric
cross-section AE can be calculated by equation (4.8) from a voltage
and current oscillogram. The methods to determine AV and AP are
described in the following two sections.

6.6.1. AV determination from arc images

A single frame from the high speed video and its extraction of arc
diameter is shown in gure 6.5. The frame shows a convection stabilized vertical arc with gas ow in bottom-up direction and current

6.6 Arc cross-section determination


in top-down direction. At the bottom of the frame, the cathode spot

is observable. It is slightly enlarged by the converging shape of the
nozzle. Light refraction at the cylindrical outer rim of the nozzle
causes optical distortion of the image. However, if the arc burns
in the nozzle center, the ratio between nozzle diameter and arc diameter remains unaected. The black dot at the bottom is a local
saturation of the camera sensor. In the diverging part, the arc is not
clearly visible due to the strongly blackened nozzle. AV determination is performed from a (m n) = (86 25) pixels rectangle at the
nozzle throat, indicated in gure 6.5b). From the resolution, a zoom
ratio of r = 0.275 mm/px results. This corresponds to a window
of the size of 2.37 0.69 cm at a distance z = 2.47 3.16 cm measured in downstream direction from the upstream electrode. Arc
identication is dened in a relative way, taking into account the
maximum brightness hmax and the mean brightness hmean of a horizontal line of pixels. In each horizontal line, a pixel is considered
to be plasma y = 1 if it exceeds the dynamic reference brightness
href = hmean + 0.7 (hmax hmean ) of its line and y = 0 otherwise.
Hence, the vertically averaged arc diameter dload results as:
dload = r(

y)) .
n n m


6.6.2. AP determination from pressure signal

A reference pressure measurement is performed to determine the
undisturbed gas ow in the nozzle without arc for a bottle lling pressure pB = 5 bar (cf. gure 6.6). During the period of interest, a sonic
ow m
Nref is present at the nozzle, and a subsonic ow m
Vref results
in the valves. (They were determined by equations (4.13)-(4.14) from
the measured pressure curves). In addition, the mass-ow at nozzle
Nref and valve m
Vref is modeled by equations (4.10)-(4.12). It
has been found that this ow deviates by a factor of proportionality
from the ows m
Nref and m
Vref . Several simplications contribute to


6 Experimental methods

Figure 6.5.: Arc image for cross-section determination: a) image of a

convection stabilized arc, b) arc extraction (blue pixels) from narrowest
section of the nozzle throat (red rectangle). The current ow direction is
top-down, gas ow direction is from the bottom-up.

6.7 Typical experiment sequence


this deviation: the non-ideality of the gas, the neglected geometrical

disturbances including corners and surface roughness, and the nozzle
surface boundary layer that leads to an eective cross-section that is
smaller than the real nozzle cross-section AN . A proportional nozzle
correction factor CN has been added to equation (4.9) and a valve
factor CV to equation (4.10) to compensate for the mass ow deviations. CV = 0.52 and CN = 1.2 lead to good agreement between
measured pressure curves and the recalculated ones by integration
of the modelled mass ow m
Nref and m
Vref (cf. gure 6.6). Identical pressure conditions as in the reference case are applied for an
experiment with arc. Here, the assumption is made that the cold
gas temperature is not signicantly aected by the arc and that also
the geometrical factors CN and CV remain unchanged. The dynamically changing arc cross-section is determined from the mass ow
reduction in comparison to the reference measurement. (A new reference measurement is performed for each nozzle shape and for each
blow pressure applied.) For this, the pressure signal with arc is subdivided into intervals of t = 8 ms. Therein, the nozzle mass-ow
N is also
N is calculated by equations (4.13)-(4.14) and the ow m
modeled by equations (4.10)-(4.12). By a least square t, the reduced eective cross-section Ae is determined iteratively. The uid
dynamical arc cross-section AP results from equation (4.9). This is
done for each interval individually.

6.7. Typical experiment sequence

The sequence of a typical experiment with the arbitrary current
source and the model circuit breaker is shown in gure 6.7. The
specied times and amplitudes are typical values and vary with the
chosen experiment parameters. After closing the safety circuit and
calculation of the expected IGBT thermal losses, a conguration le
is uploaded from the measurement computer to the IGBT controller.
If the uploaded le is valid, the experiment computer advises the
IGBT charger to charge the capacitors to the specied voltage. On

6 Experimental methods

pressure pH in bar

pressure pB in bar


time in ms

time in ms

Figure 6.6.: Reference pressure experiment without arc: Agreement of

measured bottle a) and pressure chamber b) pressure with their
recalculation during the period of interest.

reaching the intended capacitor voltage, the selected pressure bottles

are lled to the preset pressure. At manual conrmation, the experiment is started and the measurement devices are triggered. Firstly,
a small current is applied so that an arc is created at contact separation. At fully opened contacts, the blow valves are opened. Once
the blow pressure has stabilized, the desired current waveform is created during a burst of 10 20 ms. After arc extinction, the contacts
re-close. The blow pressure is reduced to zero and at opening of the
safety circuit. The remaining energy in the capacitors is discharged
via a resistor and the capacitor is short circuited automatically after this. All measurement data are automatically imported into the
measurement computer, displayed in a plot and stored.

6.7 Typical experiment sequence


Safety circuit



Upload Data

Capacitor voltage VC






Bottle pressure pB

Set current INS

Created current IN

Electrode positon d

Blow pressure pH


Open discharge and

grounding rods


Upload configuration file


Charge capacitors


Fill bottles


Create pre-current


Separate contacts


Open walves and wait for

blow pressure to stabilize


Create arbitrary current



Wait for current decrease

and arc extinction


Close contacts



Figure 6.7.: Schematic time diagram of a typical experiment

7. Improved methods for direct

black-box arc parameter
determination and model
In this chapter, an improved method for arc parameter determination is proposed. In section 7.1, the limitations of classical methods
are demonstrated by parameter recalculation from synthetic current and voltage waveforms. An improved method is proposed in
section 7.2. In section 7.3 the improved method is validated and
investigated with respect to its sensitivity to stochastic variations in
the arc voltage.

7.1. Limitations of classical methods (A-C)

The dierent classical methods for arc parameter determination have
been introduced in section 4.4.3. Before applying them to characterize a real arc, the methods have been tested with synthetically generated voltage and current waveforms. A hypothetical arc was assumed
to have constant arc parameters PH = 10 kW and H = 10 s and to
be governed by Mayrs equation. For various kinds of damped sinusoidal waveforms i the hypothetical voltage response u(t) has been
calculated. Damped sinusoidal currents with frequencies of 0.1, 1, 10
and 80 kHz have been simulated and are shown in gure 7.1. At
0.1 kHz, the arc voltage follows mostly its stationary characteristic.
Thermal reignitions are observed around current zero crossings. At
1 and 10 kHz, the arc forms loops in the ui-diagram (cf. gure 7.2)


90 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

0.1 kHz

10* g





voltage u in V, current i in A, conductance g in S






1 kHz

10* g






80 kHz





time in ms


10* u
10* g


10* g

10 kHz






Figure 7.1.: Transient u(t) and i(t) waveforms of an ideal hypothetical

arc (PH = 10 kW and H = 10 s) governed by the Mayrs equation. At
low frequencies (a-b) thermal extinction peeks are observable. At 80 kHz
(d) the arc voltage is nearly a sinusoidal waveform in phase with the

7.1 Limitations of classical methods (A-C)




arc voltage u in V



arc current i in A



Figure 7.2.: Transient u(i) and stationary U (I) characteristic of an

ideal hypothetical arc (PH = 10 kW and H = 10 s) governed by the
Mayrs equation. At sinusoidal current oscillation with 0.1 kHz, the arc
follows mostly its stationary characteristic (dashed black line), at higher
frequencies, the transient eects become dominant.

92 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

because of transient eects. At 80 kHz the arc behaves mostly like a
resistor and has a voltage which is in phase with the current.
The iterative method A of Schwarz [Sch72], the parameter separation method B of Rijanto [Rij75] and the graphical multiple gradient
method C have been implemented in Matlab. Method C has been
implemented in the two versions C1 and C4. In the max-min implementation C1, only the maximum and the minimum conductance
gradients at a conductance g0 were always used to calculate both
parameters (P (g0 ), (g0 )). This corresponds to the method versions
C1-C3 in Table 4.2. It has also been implemented in a graphically
averaged form, corresponding to the version C4 in Table 4.2.

7.1.1. Validation
Hypothetical arcs with 0.1 and 10 kHz sinusoidal currents have been
simulated. The simulations are identical to the ones in gure 7.1a)
and c), but with weaker damping in the current waveform, so that
1020 subsequent oscillations resulted. All methods were used to reextract the arc parameters PH (g) and H (g) from an ideal hypothetical arc without any noise in the voltage signal uH . A correct extraction would result in constant parameters for all conductance values.
The extracted arc parameters by methods B, C1 and C4 are compared in gure 7.3a) and b). Black dashed lines indicate the correct
parameters, red triangles (B), blue circles (C1) and green squares
(C4) indicate the re-extracted points. The extracted parameters by
methods B, C1 and C4 agree within a 1 % band with the assumed parameters in the hypothetical arc. The largest deviations resulted at
low conductance values. (g) values could be extracted much better
from the high frequency signal. At 0.1 kHz the determined values are
correct, but could be evaluated for very low conductance values only.
Further simulations and recalculations have also been performed for
non-constant arc parameters (e.g. PH = 1W apg (g/(1 S))bpg and
H = c (g/(1 S))d ). In their case as well an error < 1 % resulted.
The simulations conrm that all methods have been implemented
correctly. All methods can be used to recalculate the parameters

7.1 Limitations of classical methods (A-C)



P in kW

a) 9.9





in s

3 V gaussian noise





conductance g in S

in s

P in kW










in s

P in kW
P in kW









in s


in s

P in kW

Method B: parameter separation

Method C1: multiple gradient (maxmin)
Method C4: multiple gradient (averaged)




conductance g in S

Figure 7.3.: Validation of classical parameter determination methods

(Black dashed lines indicate the correct parameters, red triangles (B),
blue circles (C1) and green squares (C4) indicate the re-extracted
points): a),b) satisfying parameter extraction (error < 1 %) from an ideal
arc for a 0.1 kHz and 10 kHz sinusoidal current, c) failure to extract
parameters from a realistic arc with 2 % Gaussian noise superimposed to
the voltage signal, d) and e) improved but still not satisfying extraction
results by ltering of disturbed voltage signal before determination

94 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

with an accuracy of 1% in the investigated band of current frequencies, given that the voltage and current signals are free of noise. They
also revealed that extraction can only be performed successfully if
a large current slope is present as in the 10 kHz current waveform.
A similar validation was performed for method A. Unlike with
the other methods, in A, not parameters at discrete conductance
value are extracted but the coecients a, b, c and d of the function
PH = 1 Wapg (g/(1 S))bpg and H = c(g/(1 S))d calculated by a least
square t. Method A recalculated all parameters correctly within a
1 % band. It has to be emphasized that the method would fail if the
assumed arc parameters cannot be described by the function above.

7.1.2. Sensitivity to noise

A real arc voltage signal is almost never free of noise but has always
stochastic uctuations superimposed [SO91]. In other words, the
voltage signal contains non deterministic variations, which are not
described by the black-box modeling equation. To take account of
this in the hypothetical arc, a white Gaussian noise with vanishing
mean value and standard deviation of 1 V was added to the simulated arc voltage signal. This corresponds to 2 % of the maximum
arc voltage, which is considered to be a conservative lower limit.
All methods have also been used to extract the parameters from
the disturbed signals. Method A was once more able to derive the
coecients a, b, c and d correctly with minor error (< 3%). The results of the other methods were much less satisfying. Methods B and
C1 and C4 showed signicant scatter (> 20 %) in P (g) and returned
unreasonably high or even negative values of (g) (cf. gure 7.3c)).
Unlike method A, methods B and C1 and C4 use single points in
time to calculate the arc parameters. Therefore, they are much more
sensitive to disturbances of measurement values.
It was tried to improve the determination from methods B, C1
and C4 by numerically ltering uH (t) before the parameter extraction. The extracted parameters, improved by ltering are plotted
in gure 7.3d)-e). A 5th order Butterworth lter with cut-o fre-

7.1 Limitations of classical methods (A-C)


quency if 100 times the current oscillation frequency was able to

reduce errors and scattering of method B below 10 %. However, the
results of (g) are still not satisfying. For methods C1 and C4, the
lter reduced the error in P (g) below 10 %, but the error in (g) remained above 50 %. The poor evaluation of method C1 and C4 is
caused by the error amplication by the mathematical or graphically
straight line t. The version C4 is slightly superior to the version
C1 in P (g) determination. This is so, because in C4 not only two
but several data points per conductance value are used to extract
the parameters. This has an additional averaging eect.

7.1.3. Consequences
Simulations with hypothetical arcs revealed the sensitivity of methods B, C1 and C4 to arc uctuations. In particular, values cannot
be extracted with sucient accuracy to compare dierent arc chambers by comparing their arc parameters. Method A is much less
sensitive to noise, but is not considered an alternative, because it
is restricted to arcs, whose parameter shape function can be specied before the measurement (e.g. P = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg and
= c (g/(1 S))d ).
The performance of the classical methods is not sucient for the
planned schematic comparison of dierent arc chambers. It was,
therefore, necessary to develop an improved parameter determination method, with the same robustness to noise as method A but
without the requirement to pre-specify an analytical function, which
the arc parameters are assumed to follow. The improved method
presented in the next section tries to separately measure the stationary and transient arc characteristic and to simplify the parameter
extraction by a choice of a more complex current waveform.

96 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination







i in kA


u in V






time in ms

Figure 7.4.: Arc voltage response of a single current step

7.2. Improved methods (D)

7.2.1. Arc characterization for choice of appropriate
A novel current source allows testing with nearly arbitrary choice of
current waveforms including steps and slopes of varying steepness
(cf. section 6.1). Based on this capability, a new arc parameter determination method was developed that uses a series of staircase-like
current steps for arc characterization. Herein, the current gradient
is chosen as large as possible but at least sucient to create a significant overshoot in the arc voltage. The subsequent constant current
is chosen suciently long for the arc voltage to reach a stable value.
The step amplitude must be chosen small enough such that a linear
transition in the stationary characteristic can be assumed between
two successive constant current values.
The arc voltage response u(t) to a single current step i(t) is shown
in gure 7.4. The arc shows a stationary characteristic during the

7.2 Improved methods (D)


constant current intervals, but uctuations are superimposed. Furthermore, a transient arc voltage spike occurs during the current step
followed by a subsequent exponential decrease in the constant current phase towards the new stationary voltage. From the observed
transients one can conclude that the free-burning arc under investigation is quite well described by a rst order dierential equation,
i.e. the current steps are used to identify a suitable arc model.
It is now either necessary to characterize the arc model-independently, by using a large number of such experiments with dierent
current gradients, or to choose a black-box modeling equation and
to determine its parameters as a free function of an arc state. A
model-independent arc characterization is discussed in section 7.2.2,
an improved method for determination of arc parameters is proposed
in section 7.2.3. In agreement with other authors equation (4.18) is
chosen [Sch72] and the parameters P (g) and (g) are determined as
free functions of conductance g.

7.2.2. Model-independent arc characterization

Instead of introducing a black-box model at this point, the arc could
be characterized by a table with externally measurable parameters
u, u/dt as a response to several combinations of i, i/t. To ll in
such a table, a large number of similar staircases would have to be
measured with dierent current slopes i/t of the rising slope. We
would consider such a description model-independent, because it is
not necessary to introduce a black-box equation. The disadvantage
of such a description is the large measurement eort, so that it is
very impractical to implement. Furthermore, it would require developing a methodology for relative comparison of dierent tables from
dierent arc chambers.

98 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

7.2.3. Improved direct parameter determination method

for staircase-like currents (D1)
It was found that current steps are also well suited to extract the
arc parameters of a chosen model, as the stationary and transient
arc characteristics are measured independently from each other. A
similar approach has been proposed in 1954 [Bis54], but it could not
be put experimentally into practise at this time.
The specic determination algorithm is shown here in the example of the generalized Mayrs equation (4.18). However, it is not
restricted to this model and can be used more generally.
1. The measured voltage u(t) and current i(t) are divided into
sections uj (t), ij (t) each including a current step and the subsequent constant current.
2. In each section, the quasi-stationary voltage Uj and current
Ij after the dynamic behavior vanished are taken. The stationary cooling power follows directly as Pj = Ij Uj versus
conductance Gj = Ij /Uj .
3. Pj (Gj ) is section wise linearly interpolated between two quasistationary points:
pj = aj g + bj
with aj =

Pj Pj1
Gj Gj1


and bj = Pj aj Gj .

4. The conductance gj (t) = ij/uj and its gradient g j (t) are calculated for each section. The chosen model equation (here
equation (4.18)) is also solved for the current gradient using
equation (7.1)
1 i2

gj .
gj (t) =
j p j

7.2 Improved methods (D)

5. For each of the segments j the least square error

(g j g j )2



is then minimized iteratively by modifying j with a start

guess, in our case j 10 s or j = j1 .

7.2.4. Improved direct parameter determination method

for non-staircase-like currents (D2)
The model-independent method of section 7.2.3 requires that before and after a transient slope a constant current must exist. The
following adaptation of the method overcomes this limitation. It
determines one stationary point from the transient phase, so that a
constant current is only required either before or after the slope.
1. A current is shaped such that a constant amplitude is applied
for a time t > 5 to ensure establishment of a stationary condition. This constant current is followed by a slope with large
current gradient. A current waveform can consist of several
similar sections at various current amplitudes that fulll the
former condition. If so, the method is applied independently
for each section and delivers a single P and value at a single
conductance value for each section.
2. Only one stationary value P1 (g1 ) is determined from the constant current time-wise as close as possible to the subsequent
current slope.
3. The least square error t between equation (7.2) and equation (4.18) is performed for an unknown and for unknown
stationary power loss P2 (gmax ) at the maximum measured conductance during the slope. The point of maximum conductance is an extremum g = 0 and is, therefore, a dynamically
occurring stationary point according to Rijanto [Rij75].

100 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

7.3. Validation of improved parameter for

determination methods (D)
The improved methods D1 and D2 have also been validated with
synthetical current waveforms. A measured staircase-like current
(cf. gure 7.5a)) and a measured falling slope with superimposed
spikes (cf. gure 7.5b)) have been used for that. Two dierent
synthetic arcs have been used to validate the methods: In the rst
simulation series, a hypothetic free burning arc with low voltage
and constant parameters (P = 10 kW, = 10 s) was postulated.
The classical methods have been tested with an identical arc. In a
second simulation series, a hypothetic blown arc with high voltage
was assumed. Its parameters were taken from the MRTB, described
in section 5.1: P = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg with apg = 6.92 106 and
bpg = 0.33, (g) = c (g/(1 S))d with c = 30 s and d = 0.5.
Synthetic voltage waveforms have been calculated for both arcs
and for both current waveforms. Gaussian noise uN (t) with mean
value m = 0 and standard deviation (uN (t)) have been added to
the calculated voltage signals to test the limits of the determination
methods. The low voltage arc has been interfered with (uN ) = 1 V
and (uN ) = 5 V noise. The former corresponds to the interference
the classical methods have been tested with, the latter noise is ve
times higher. The blown high voltage arc has been interfered with
(uN ) = 100 V and (uN ) = 500 V noise so that approximately the
same signal to noise ratio results as in the free burning arc. The improved method for steps (method D1) and for spikes (method D2)
have been used to re-extract the arc parameters from the undisturbed and the disturbed signals.
The extracted P (g) characteristics are shown in gure 7.6, the
corresponding (g) characteristics in gure 7.7. For no added interference and 1 V added interference, the accuracy of P (g) is as good
as the P (g) determination with the classical methods from a 0.1 kHz
sinusoidal current. For 5 V interferences, where the classical methods mostly failed, the P (g) is still accurately recalculated with an

7.3 Validation determination methods (D)


error < 5 %. The largest error in P (g) is observable at very low

conductance values. This is because there the spikes and staircases
are large relative to the bending of the P (g) characteristic, so that
it is no longer suciently linear between two subsequent stationary
In contrast to the classical methods, the (g) determination is
accurate, even at a very poor signal to noise ratio. The improved
method tolerates in average ve times lower signal to noise ratio
ratio than the classical methods.
The dierences of staircase-like current waveforms and spike currents are small for 1 V interference in the free burning arc and 100 V
interference in the MRTB arc. However, at a 5 V, respectively 500 V
noise level, extraction from the staircase-like currents is more accurate.
The results further showed that it is easier to extract parameters
from a high voltage arc than from a low voltage arc, when both
signals are similarly disturbed. Free burning horizontal arcs can be
considered as the worst case, in comparison to vertical, wall stabilized and blown arcs. Former have a very low arc voltage and provide
no external stabilization measures, so that a very poor signal to noise
ratio results.

102 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

current i in kA


voltage u in V (free burning arc)

voltage u in kV (bloen MRTB arc)















(u )=5 V



(u )=1 V









time in ms















(u )=500 V



(uN)=100 V



time in ms



Figure 7.5.: Validation of improved parameter determination methods

D1 and D2: Measured current waveforms and synthetic voltage
waveforms: a,b) current waveform, c,d) synthetic free burning arc, e,f)
synthetic MRTB arc

7.3 Validation determination methods (D)

cooling powerP in kW (free burning arc)


cooling powerP in kW (blown MRTB arc)








(uN)= 5V


(uN)=1 V

conductance g in S











(uN)=500 V
(uN)=100 V





conductance g in S

conductance g in S

conductance g in S



Figure 7.6.: P (g) noise sensitivity of improved parameter determination

methods: a,c): extracted from staircase-like currents with method D1,
b,d) extracted from spike currents with D2

104 7 Improved methods for direct arc parameter determination

thermal inertia in s (free burning arc)




(u )=5 V

(uN)=1 V




conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s (blown MRTB arc)



conductance g in S

conductance g in S


(u )=500 V

(uN)=100 V










conductance g in S


Figure 7.7.: (g) Noise sensitivity of improved parameter determination

method: a,c): extracted from staircase-like currents with method D1,
b,d) extracted from spike currents with D2

8. Experimental comparison of
arc parameter determination
In this chapter, a free burning arc and a wall stabilized arc are used to
experimentally validate and compare the dierent classical with the
new arc parameter determination methods. In section 8.1 the novel
improved method D1 proposed in section 7.2 is compared with the
classical methods of section 4.4.3. In section 8.2, the current waveform is optimized for the improved determination methods D1and

8.1. Comparison for a horizontal free burning

The horizontal spark gap described in section 6.4 was used to compare the classical methods for arc parameter determination with the
improved novel method D1. The LC current source, described in
section 6.2, was used to test the classical methods A, B and C4
described in section 4.4. 13 dierent frequencies in the range of
0.5 17 kHz have been used. The arbitrary current source, described in section 6.1 was used to create the staircase-like current
waveforms for method D1.
The existing methods are all based on the generalized Mayrs equation. Therefore, the comparison is performed for its parameter functions P (g) and (g). As veried earlier, equation (4.18) characterizes
the arc under investigation suciently accurately.



8 Experimental method comparison

8.1.1. Classical methods (A-C)

Measurement results
Sinusoidal currents of 13 frequencies in the range of 0.5 17 kHz
were created and applied to the spark gap described in section 6.4.
Of these, only three test currents and the corresponding voltages are
shown in Figures 8.1-8.3. The voltage waveforms show re-ignition
peaks shortly after current zero only for low current oscillation amplitude and for low frequency oscillations. Only those conditions
show suciently small current gradients at current zero so that the
arc reduces its conductance signicantly. For increasing frequencies,
the measurement gets closer to a sinusoidal arc voltage that is in
phase with the current. For innitely high frequency, the arc would
show purely resistive behavior.
Parameter evaluation results
Methods B and C were applied separately to each measurement to
extract the parameters P (g) and (g). Method A was applied to
all selected measurements in Figures 8.1a), 8.2a) and 8.3a) simultaneously. The resulting P (g) are shown for three test current frequencies in Figures 8.1b), 8.2b) and 8.3b) and the resulting (g) in
Figures 8.1c), 8.2c) and 8.3c).
Method A yields a linearly rising P = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg with
apg = 1560 and bpg = 1. Methods B and C extracted almost the
same linearly rising power loss for all frequencies. Methods B and
C show an increasing scatter in P with increasing frequency. In
method B this is caused by error propagation. The time the arc
remains at g 0 is shorter for higher frequencies and thus scatter in
measurement voltage and current can be averaged out less well. For
method C, this is caused by the arc behavior. At low frequencies, the
arc follows mainly its stationary curve. Consequently, lower current
gradients, i.e. lower oscillation frequencies, lead to more accurate
P (g) results.

8.1 Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc


current i in A, voltage u in V






time in ms



cooling power P in kA




Method A
Method B
Method C

conductance g in S



conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s




Figure 8.1.: Experimental results of LC-currents at 0.84 kHz (classical

methods): a) current and voltage waveforms, b) arc power loss P (g), c)
thermal inertia (g).


8 Experimental method comparison

current i in A, voltage u in V






time in ms


cooling power P in kW



Method A
Method B


Method C

conductance g in S



conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s




Figure 8.2.: Experimental results of LC-currents at 3.6 kHz (classical

methods): a) current and voltage waveforms, b) arc power loss P (g), c)
thermal inertia (g).

8.1 Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc


current i in A, voltage u in V








time in ms

cooling power P in kA



Method A


Method B

Method C


conductance g in S



conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s




Figure 8.3.: Experimental results of LC-currents at 8.3 kHz (classical

methods): a) current and voltage waveforms, b) arc power loss P (g), c)
thermal inertia (g).


8 Experimental method comparison

Methods A-C all extracted arc thermal inertias of 0 20 s. However, the resulting strongly varies with method and current oscillation frequency: Method A results in a curve (g) = c(g/(1 S))d with
c = 4.3 s and d = 0.3. A similar result was found for the 8.4 kHz
measurement with method B and for the 3.5 kHz measurement with
method C.
For a reliable evaluation also at high conductance values, method
B requires high frequency oscillations as it uses current zero crossings for the evaluation. At low conductances, method B yielded
unexpectedly high values.
Method C extracts P and simultaneously and, consequently,
works reliably only in a narrow frequency range of the arc current.
At 840 Hz the voltage waveform is mainly stationary and cannot be evaluated at all. At 8.4 kHz the uctuations in P cause, as
explained above, strongly scattered and rather low values. The
3.6 kHz test current provided reasonable results for in the range
3 S < g < 13 S. At very low conductances, unexpectedly low values resulted, and at very high values a strong scatter is observable.
The evaluation method C is very sensitive to the chosen test current
frequency. Evaluation of from experiments with 1 kHz and 5.8 kHz
show comparably poor results like those from 840 Hz and 8.4 kHz,

8.1.2. Staircase-like current method (D1)

Measurement results
Four identical experiments were performed with step-wise increasing
current. A typical current waveform is plotted in gure 8.4a). Each
current waveform features steep slopes with i/t > 7 kA/ms to
show deviations from the steady state curve. Each current step
is followed by a current plateau lasting t = 230 s with nearly
constant current with slopes i/t < 0.07 kA/ms. The current step
is I 50 100 A.
The arc voltage measured is also plotted in gure 8.4a). For each

8.1 Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc


current step, a voltage peak with an approximately exponential decay of duration tfast = 10 15 s is observable. A quasi-stationary
arc voltage section follows. This gives a rst rough estimation of
the thermal inertia . During the constant current phase, the arc
voltage is not fully constant but uctuations with time constants
of tslow > 500 s occur. This behavior is due to uctuations of the
arc geometry or in its temperature distribution and is not described
by the black-box equation (4.18). Thus, even a perfect parameter
evaluation method will show a certain error in predicting the quasistationary behavior. However, the large dierence in the dynamics
tslow tfast justies a extraction with a minimum error.
Parameter evaluation results
The resulting arc cooling power during one experiment with staircaselike current is shown in gure 8.4b). The transient heating power
pm is plotted with a solid blue line and the quasi-stationary values Pj from the constant current phases are indicated by red circles. These values were extracted as the mean value of the arc
voltage during the constant current sections starting 50 s after the
current step up to the next step. This assured that the fast dynamics have already vanished and the slow dynamics are averaged
out. The stationary arc characteristic is approximately described by
Pt = 1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg with apg = 659, bpg = 1.24. From the
shape of the Pj (gj ) curve (cf. gure 8.4b)) it is possible to judge if a
linearization between the points is reasonable or if another measurement with smaller step size is required. Moreover, a large scatter in
Pj (gj ) would indicate that the external physical conditions are not
maintained suciently constant.
The extracted (g) values are displayed in gure 8.4c). A general
increase with increasing conductance can be seen, and (g) can be
approximately described by t = c (g/(1 S))d with c = 6.7 s and
d = 0.23. The standard deviation is 4 s.
Recalculation of the step current experiment with evaluated arc parameters: As a consistency check, the arc voltage can


8 Experimental method comparison

voltage u in V

current i in A





cooling power P in kW




time in ms












conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s


t j

t =c*gd


conductance g in S


Figure 8.4.: Results with arbitrary current source: a) staircase-like test

current and measured arc voltage, b) identication of steady-state points
(red circles) and t curve (black dashed line) from the dynamic signal
(blue solid line), c) Evaluated values (red circles) with method D1 and
t curve (black solid line) with standard deviation (black dashed line)

8.1 Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc


voltage u in V








time in ms





cooling power P in kA




measurement 1
measurement 2
measurement 3
measurement 4



conductance g in S




conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s




Figure 8.5.: Parameter determination results with arbitrary current

source: a) comparison of measured and recalculated voltage, b)-c) arc
parameters extracted with method D1 from four identical experiments


8 Experimental method comparison

be recalculated with the black-box model equation (4.18) using the

previously evaluated discrete values of j and linear interpolations
between Pj . In gure 8.5a), the recalculated arc voltage waveform
(dashed line) is compared with the measured one (solid line). The
dynamic behavior corresponds correctly to the measured arc voltage.
The stationary behavior does correspond only on average, as the slow
stationary dynamics were neglected as described above. This holds
true for the general uctuations, but also for the sudden voltage drop
at 76.6 ms in gure 8.5a). The voltage drop is most probably caused
by a movement of the arc column, which is not represented by the
modeling equation.
In Figures 8.5b) and c), the evaluated parameters of four consecutive experiments with identical staircase-like currents are shown. In
all experiments the dynamic arc behavior was similar, but the average arc voltages diered by approximately 5 V. This can be seen in
the P (g) curves of gure 8.5b). While all P (g) curves are in themselves quite smooth, dierent P (g) curves result from test to test,
an indication of the dierent states of the arc in the dierent experiments. Interestingly, all four experiments result in fairly similar
(g), as shown in gure 8.5c). Consequently, P seems to vary more
from experiment to experiment than .
Recalculation of LC-experiments with parameters evaluated from step-experiments: The parameters extracted by method
D1 from the step current measurements were also used to recalculate the arc voltage of the experiments in the LC-circuit described
above. Therefore, the parameter curves were analytically interpolated by the functions shown in Figures 8.5a) and b) (solid lines).
( g )bpg
( g )d
and (g) = c
with apg = 1718, bpg = 1, c = 5.4 s, d = 0.26. Again equation (4.18) was used to model the arc.
The recalculated voltage waveforms (dashed lines) are compared
with the measured ones (solid lines) in gure 8.6. The recalculation
P (g) = 1 W apg

8.1 Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc


result is very satisfying, deviations only occur directly after currentzero as the re-ignition is not covered in this black-box model.

8.1.3. Discussion of method comparison

To achieve an accurate measurement of dynamic arc current and
voltage is very challenging, even with suitable measurement equipment. In addition, the arc may change its characteristic during a
measurement due to elongation, arc root movement, as well as magnetically or thermally caused movement of the arc column. This
results in continuous and stochastic arc voltage uctuations. Hence,
the quality of the determination algorithms mainly depends on the
ability to extract from a signal with a low signal to noise ratio that
part of the behavior that is governed by the chosen energy balance
Method A is very easy to implement, not sensitive to noise in
the measurement signal, requires no specic current waveform, and
often provides very acceptable results [Sch72, NNH+ 01]. However,
the selected parameter functions are tted to the whole experiment
and thus typically to a wide range of conductances g. Even if it is
possible to nd parameter functions for P and that are valid over
the whole range of g, it is not obvious that the evaluated parameters
would be constant over the whole experiment. In our case, method
A was only successful because it was tted to all three measurements
at dierent test current frequencies simultaneously. The best t to
the experiment at f = 840 Hz results in a poor recalculation of the
arc voltage of the experiment at f = 8.3 kHz.
Method B provides the benet of independent P and determination but requires a current waveform with sucient number of
current zero crossings and sucient instances with g = 0. An oscillating current waveform with decreasing amplitude and decreasing
current gradient is thus ideally suited. Alternatively, multiple measurements may be combined to collect sucient extraction points.
Handling numerical challenges is critical in the implementation of
method B: Firstly, uctuations in the measurement signal lead to


8 Experimental method comparison


voltage u in V








voltage u in V




voltage u in V













time in ms




Figure 8.6.: Recalculation of the voltage waveforms for a sinusoidal

current using the parameter functions extracted with the

8.1 Comparison for a horizontal free burning arc


instances with g = 0 that are part of the arc dynamics but are easily
misinterpreted as stationary points. Secondly, at current zero the
values g and g are not dened, due to division by zero, and interpolation methods must be used. Thirdly, any time shift between
voltage and current zero crossing leads to unreasonable values.
Such a shift occurs quite regularly and can be the consequence of a
measurement oset or a delay from the measurement equipment and
long cables. The cooling power is successfully evaluated only for low
frequencies as the arc is truly stationary at the current peak only
for these current shapes. For increasing test current frequency, the
arc is no longer in the stationary state which leads to an increased
scatter in the evaluation. The opposite is true for evaluation of .
From stationary arcs (low frequency oscillations), the thermal time
constant cannot be evaluated. To obtain reliable data from method
B, at least two measurements with signicantly dierent oscillation
frequencies need to be performed.
Method C relies strongly on the validity of equation (4.18) because
it determines P and simultaneously from the dynamic waveform.
Consequently, only a narrow band of current frequencies allows an
accurate parameter extraction. In our example, only the measurement at 3.6 kHz was successful. Experiments with slightly dierent
test current frequencies have been performed (2.5 kHz and 5.5 kHz;
not shown here). Their evaluation showed considerably less accurate
results, similar to the ones shown for 840 Hz and 8.3 kHz. The graphical implementation C4 of method C produces a certain intrinsic averaging by the straight line tting but has strong error propagation
for and is thus very sensitive to arc uctuations. Consequently, it
requires considerable eorts in implementation to deal with all the
numerical problems and a manual identication of poorly extracted
Reliable evaluation of P and with low scatter can be done using the new method D1. From a single experiment, it is possible
to determine the arc characteristic over of the entire conductance
range. From gure 8.4a) it can be seen that the arc voltage is not


8 Experimental method comparison

constant during the constant current phase. This corresponds to

arc elongations, movements, or changes in the temperature distribution [SO91]. Thus only an average arc characteristic can be obtained
from the evaluation. However, from gure 8.5b) it can be seen that
it is even possible to distinguish these dierent states of the arc from
repetitive experiments. Of the four dierent experiments, three different cooling powers have been determined, which indicates three
dierent arc lengths at the instant of the measurement. The lowest value, which corresponds to the shortest arc length, is found in
two experiments. These dierences in the state of the arc originate
from the period before the staircase-like test current is applied, as a
low current arc is burning for 100 ms before the actual start of the
experiment to minimize the eects of the evaporated ignition wire.
In addition to an improved accuracy in the arc parameter determination, method D1 is the only one that allows to judge if the chosen
model equations are reasonable. From the exponential shape of arc
voltage measurement in response to the current step of the presented
experiments it can be conrmed that the behavior only depends on
the deviation of the arc conductance from its stationary state value
and that it can be described with a single time constant (g). The
chosen power law relation for P and with respect to g holds true
for the arc conguration presented, however, this may be dierent
for other arcing conditions and always needs to be carefully checked.
Of course, all the benets described above come at the expense of a
substantially more challenging task to create the necessary current
waveforms of a specic shape.

8.1.4. Conclusion
The most important challenge in black-box modeling is the choice
of a parameter function to describe the arc and the determination
of the parameter values for all states of the arc. The limitations
of conventional parameter determination methods from experiments
with sinusoidal test currents have been demonstrated by the example
of a free-burning arc. These are mainly three problems: a) the

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization


sensitivity of the classical methods to arc uctuations, b) the limited

spread of I in sinusoidal test currents and consequently the limited
amount of information that can be extracted, and c) the necessity
to make an a priori assumption of parameter function and model
equation without the possibility of validation.
An improved direct method to determine the arc characteristic by
using more complex current waveforms is proposed. It was demonstrated on the example of a free burning arc that it is possible to
determine the arc characteristic with high accuracy. It was even possible to distinguish dierent states of the arc in consecutive identical
experiments. In addition, it was possible to conrm that commonly
used arc model equations represent suitable descriptions of the arc
The improved parameter extraction, made possible by using complex current waveforms, is expected to become very helpful in future
research on high current arcs. Other current waveforms besides the
current steps may also be benecial for more precise or more ecient
arc parameter determination. Parameter extraction with dierent
current waveforms will be compared in the following section.

8.2. Optimal current waveform for arc

8.2.1. Results
A large number of experiments were performed for a wall-stabilized
arc with identical setup but with dierent current waveforms. All
current waveforms have been created by means of the arbitrary current source described in section 6.1. The model circuit breaker, described in section 6.3, has been used for the experiments, equipped
with a large nozzle of 50 mm throat length.
After each measurement series, the nozzle diameter was measured.
It widened after more than 150 experiments from 20 mm to 27 mm.
The nozzle widening led to an arc voltage decrease by 100 V. This


8 Experimental method comparison

eect was also observable in the extracted parameter functions P (g)

and (g). The increasing nozzle diameter was associated with a
decreasing P and a doubling of from 12 s to 22 s. The upper
electrode length became shortened by approximately 0.5 mm per experiment and the electrode was replaced regularly. However, the
resulting increase in gap length from 10 to 11 cm caused only negligible eects on the measurement results.
Quasi-stationary arc characteristic
The stationary arc characteristic was investigated for an arc in a
23 mm diameter nozzle. A slowly rising current gradient of I =
+0.35 A/ms followed by a falling gradient of I = 0.1 kA/ms was
applied to the arc (cf. gure 8.7a)). The current gradients are small
enough that no transient eects are observable but the arc voltage
follows closely its quasi-stationary characteristic. In the voltage signal, stochastic arc uctuations of 20 50 V amplitude and 5 6 kHz
frequency are observable. A clearly detectable minimum voltage exists to which the arc returns regularly after a uctuation.
By statistical methods, the quasi-stationary arc characteristics
U (I) were determined from the transient current and voltage waveforms of nine similar low current gradient experiments (cf. gure 8.7b)). The mean arc voltage shows the typical falling characteristic at currents below 0.3 kA and a moderately rising voltage
at high currents. Due to arc uctuations, and up to 25 V variations between dierent experiments, a band of up to 150 V between
minimum and maximum voltage at a given current resulted. The
standard deviation is approximately 25 V. Therein, no hysteresis
between rising and falling current slope was observed.
In gure 8.7c), short current spikes are superimposed to a 0.4 kA
quasi stationary current. During the constant current interval the
arc voltage varies within a band of 30 V. Thus, a steady state arc
voltage exists only in average. During the current spikes, transient
over-voltages outweigh the stochastic uctuations so that a smooth
voltage curve results. This is only the case because the spike current

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization





time in ms


voltage u in kV

current i in kA



voltage U in kV




time in ms




voltage u in kV

current i in kA





time in ms





Figure 8.7.: Experimental results for current waveform variation: a)

Quasi stationary arc voltage during a low gradient current slope, b)
Statistically averaged voltage uctuations in quasi-stationary
U(I)-characteristics of 9 low gradient experiments, c) Quasi-constant
current with current spikes superimposed


8 Experimental method comparison

gradient and amplitude are sucient high. Otherwise it would be

dicult to distinguish between transient over voltage and arbitrary
voltage uctuations.
Dynamic arc characteristic
With the same measurement setup and a nozzle diameter of 24
25 mm, the transient arc voltage during high gradient current spikes
was investigated. Rising current slopes are of the order I = 2
36 kA/ms, the falling slopes are a factor 3 smaller. A constant current I0 was applied for a time of 0.9 ms before the spike to ensure
quasi-stationary conditions. Despite of this measure, stochastic uctuations still lead to variations in the start voltage before the current
spikes. In the example of gure 8.7c), transient voltage variations
in a band of +100, 20 V around the stationary voltage are excited
by the current slopes. In comparison to that, stochastic uctuations
are of smaller amplitude.
With a large number of similar experiments, the eect of start
current I0 (cf. gure 8.8a)), current gradient I (cf. gure 8.8b)) and
spike amplitude I (cf. gure 8.8c)) on the transient u(i) characteristic was measured. In the rst few s of all current spikes, the
arc voltage increases linearly with the current u(t) i(t)/g0 . This
is so because the arc had no time to change its conductance. Start
current I0 aects the amplitude of transient over-voltage because of
a dierent start voltage and because of a dierent steepness of the
ohmic slope. By that, up to four times higher transient voltages
are found at low currents in comparison to high start currents (cf.
gure 8.8a)). An increase in current gradient I reduces the total conductance change during the spike and therefore brings the transient
u(i) closer to the formerly constant conductance slope. Up to the
measured current gradient, this causes a widening of the enclosed
area by the transient loop in the u(i) diagram. An increase in spike
amplitude increases the conductance change during the spike. This
deforms the transient u(i) shape because the parameters P and
are not constant for dierent conductance values. This eect was

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization

voltage u in kV





I =1kA


I =0.75kA


I =0.5kA


I =0.2kA





current i in kA


voltage u in kV


= 36 ms


= 10 ms


= 5:5



= 2:2



voltage u in kV




current i in kA













current i in kA


Figure 8.8.: Eect of current waveform on the transient

ui-characteristics: a) Eect of start current amplitude I0 at
I = 36 kA/ms and I = 0.5 kA, b) Eect of current gradient I for a
I = 0.27 kA and I0 = 0.4 kA, c) Eect of spike amplitude I for
I = 22 kA/ms and I0 = 0.4 kA


8 Experimental method comparison

observed much stronger in the falling region of the stationary U Icharacteristics.

Experiment results with staircase-like and spike currents
For arc parameter determination, dierent current waveforms were
applied to a wall-stabilized arc in a 21 mm diameter nozzle. Here,
only staircase-like currents (cf. gure 8.10 a)) and spike currents superimposed to a moderately increasing current (cf. gure 8.10b)) are
shown. With the current source, staircase-like currents with maximum I = 16 kA/ms and a step size of 0.2 kA were imposed. The
spikes have rising and falling gradients of 29 kA/ms and 7 kA/ms,
respectively, and their amplitude I grows with increasing stationary current.
Method D1 was used to extract the parameter functions P (g)
and (g) of the experiments with staircase-like current. The results of eight identical experiments have been combined. Method
D2 was used to extract the parameters from the experiments with
spike currents. The results of four identical experiments have been
combined. Method D2 has also been used to extract the parameters
from experiments with other current waveforms (not shown here).
The extracted parameters P (g) (shown in the form U (I)) and (g)
are mostly identical for both current waveforms (cf. gure 8.10c)e)). At 0.2 0.4 kA, the stationary arc voltage of the staircase-like
current exceeds the one of the spike current because therein, the
staircase-shape could not be created perfectly. This excited undesired transients in this region. With the spike current, four times
more extracted data points could be generated per experiment. The
resulting 4 s stray band of for the spikes is a factor 2 smaller than
that of the staircase-like current.

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization


steps i

current i in kA



voltage u in kV




time in ms




spikes i








voltage u in kV

current i in kA


time in ms


Figure 8.9.: Measured voltage and current during a staircase-like test

current a) and during a moderately rising current with overlayed spikes b)

8 Experimental method comparison

cooling power P in MW








conductance g in S


voltage u in kV




current i in kA


thermal inertia in s





conductance g in S


Figure 8.10.: Comparison of extracted parameters from staircase and

spike experiments: a) stationary characteristics P (g), b) stationary
characteristics U (I), c) thermal inertia (g)

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization

thermal inertia in s


I at I0 =0.4kA
I at I0 =0.15kA





spike size I

thermal inertia in s







at I0 =0.4kA
at I0 =0.15kA






spike gradient in kA/ms

spike size I in A






error in %

spike gradient in kA/ms

I(I0 =0.4kA)
(I 0 =0.4kA)
I(I0 =0.15kA)
(I 0 =0.15kA)


Figure 8.11.: Parameter determination accuracy vs. current shape: a)

Eect of spike amplitude I on accuracy for I = 25 kV/cm at falling
and at rising U I-characteristic, b) Eect of spike gradient I on
accuracy for I = 0.2 kA in falling region and I = 0.25 kA in rising
region, c): Average error of recalculated transient voltage waveform in %
relative to the dierence of maximum and minimum transient voltage.


8 Experimental method comparison

Eect of current gradient and spike amplitude on parameter

A large number of current spikes as in gure 8.7c) were applied to
a 20 mm wall-stabilized arc to investigate the eect of spike shape
on the standard deviation of . The inuence of current gradient I
and spike amplitude I in the falling region I0 = 0.15 kA and in
the region with rising characteristics I = 0.4 kA was investigated (cf.
gure 8.11). One data point corresponds to four similar experiments
with 1520 identical current spikes each. It became clear that wrong
values result for current gradients < 3 kA/ms, the stray band of
narrows signicantly towards gradients of 25 kA/ms. A higher spike
current amplitude in the rising region leads to a higher value
because the value is measured, thereby, at a higher conductance.
In the falling region of the arc characteristic as well as in the rising
region, an optimal spike amplitude exists with the narrowest stray
band. The optimal amplitude I has approximately the same value
as the quasi-stationary current I0 before the spike.
With the parameters determined, the transient voltage was resimulated by an integration of equation (4.18) individually for each
spike. In gure 8.11c), the average RMS error between the measured
voltage and the re-simulated one relative to the dierence between
maximum and minimum transient voltage occurring during a spike
is plotted. A minimum error resulted for an amplitude I = 0.2 kA
in the falling region and an amplitude of I = 0.3 0.5 kA in the
rising region. In both regions, recalculations of the voltage waveforms showed the best results with respect to the RMS error for a
gradient of I = 15 kA/ms.

8.2.2. Discussion
Black-box modeling accuracy: For correctly determined arc parameters, the agreement between measured voltage waveform and recalculation by integration of equation (4.18) was extremely good.
Generally errors < 1 % were achieved. This conrms that the en-

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization


ergy balance equation used is suitable to predict transient arc voltages. Larger errors resulted if stochastic uctuations occurred either
in the transient phase or between the instant where the stationary
point was determined and the subsequent current slope. Because of
the inability to identify very small uctuations, an average error of
2 4 % for the transient voltage resulted.
Arc uctuations: In nearly all constant current intervals and low
gradient slope intervals with duration > 100 s, stochastic arc uctuations were present. Up to 20 % of all current steps and spikes
showed voltage uctuations also during the transient phase. Intervals of the voltage curve that contain such uctuations are not
described correctly by equation (4.18) and can lead to wrong P and
values. Typically, a too high time constant results. Therefore, the
arc must be treated as a stochastic process and the quality of a parameter determination method depends on how well it is possible to
exclude or average out such uctuations. A large number of repetitive experiments usually results in a stray band of P (g) and (g).
This can be combined with an algorithm to identify large uctuations and exclude such sections from parameter determination. In
the present implementation this was rstly achieved by re-simulation
of the voltage waveform and secondly by identication of unexpected
maxima and minima in the arc voltage during the constant gradient
current slope.
Momentary quasi-stationary point: Transient voltages created by
current slopes are superimposed to the instantaneous quasi-stationary
state and not to any averaged stationary curve. This stands in agreement with the observations of [MSS80]. Unless a uctuation occurs
during a current spike, a higher quasi-stationary start voltage leads
to a constant voltage oset during the whole transient phase. For
this reason, must be determined with respect to the instantaneous
stationary characteristic. This is the case with higher probability,
the closer the quasi-stationary point is determined to the subsequent current slope, from which is extracted. For this reason, Rijantos [Rij75] approach to merge dierent gradient slopes from two


8 Experimental method comparison

experiments for parameter determination is likely to cause higher

stray bands of .
Optimum step/spike amplitude: A minimum current increase is required at a given current gradient so that the transient over-voltage
signicantly exceeds the band of stationary arc uctuations. An upper limit of current step amplitude results from the chosen method.
The assumption of constant and linearly increasing P during a
transient current does not hold true anymore, if the conductance
changes too much during transient currents. To overcome this limitation, the determination algorithm was also implemented in more
complex forms including linearly rising , but too frequently showed
convergence problems. The conductance variation within a current
step is typically larger than the one of a spike because the spike
reaches its maximum conductance value not at current peak but
during the falling slope. Therefore, step amplitudes should be chosen smaller than spike amplitudes.
Optimum current gradient: The experiments have shown that
for spikes and steps, is determined with best accuracy for I =
15 kA/ms. At higher gradient spikes the eect of on the transient
voltage decreases because the rising current slope is too short for
the conductance to change suciently. Also, at higher gradients,
the dynamically determined stationary point at max(g) has a higher
stray band. For steps with very high current gradient, can also be
determined from the transient voltage at constant current right after
current rise. The second stationary point would then be determined
from the same constant current but at a time > 5 after the step.
This strategy allows using signicantly higher current gradients and
would probably lead to even better accuracy of . However, technical constraints of the current source limited the achievable current
gradient to I = 15 kA/ms if subsequently a constant current has to
be created lasting 100 s.
Optimal current waveform: The above considerations clearly identify the staircase-like currents to be the theoretically optimal current waveform for parameter determination because it completely

8.2 Optimal current waveform for arc characterization


decouples P and determination. However, due to the limitation

in current gradient, better results were achieved with the spikes superimposed on a slowly rising current slope. The fact that transient
and stationary behavior of the arc should be determined time-wise
close to each other demands current waveforms that combine low
current gradient sections and high gradient sections in a short interval. Apart from the proposed waveforms, several other current pulse
shapes would fulll this condition. Among them sawtooth currents
and high gradient staircase-like currents with signicant overshoot
have been created for arc characterization as well. They showed only
slightly wider stray bands for than in the measurements presented.
With the available current source, the optimal current waveforms
are spikes because a large number of spikes can easily be created at
dierent amplitudes in a single experiment. For experiments with
arcs at several 10 kA, such spikes could also be superimposed to a
50 Hz sine waveform, probably with comparable results.

8.2.3. Conclusion
The novel arbitrary current source has made it possible to create
complex current waveforms including staircase-like and spike currents. By that, the arc parameters can be determined with a smaller
stray band of a lower number of experiments required. The arc power
loss P (g) is ideally determined from constant current sections. The
arc thermal inertia (g) can be determined either from moderate
current slopes or at constant currents subsequent to a very large
slope. Therefore, an optimum current waveform combines repetitive
constant current sections and high current gradients very closely together. This clearly favors a series of small current steps with as large
as possible current gradient and constant current sections > 5 for
arc parameter determination. In the experiments, such waveforms
were technically limited to a gradient of 15 kA/ms. At this gradient, current spikes superimposed on a current slope with gradient
< 1 kA/ms achieved much smaller scatter in P and . (g) could be
determined at 20 dierent conductance values with a stray band of


8 Experimental method comparison

< 5 s from a single experiment. Best results were achieved for spike
amplitudes of the magnitude of the previous quasi-stationary current. The accurate transient voltage recalculation with error 2 4 %
for correctly determined parameters conrmed the validity of the
energy balance equation for the wall-stabilized arc investigated.
The improved determination accuracy now allows a better relative
comparison of similar arc chamber congurations using their blackbox parameters. By that, nozzle shape optimization of AC and DC
circuit breakers for dynamic processes, such as passive resonance or
self blast pressure build-up, is possible more easily.

9. Arc chamber
In this chapter, arcs with dierent chamber parameters are systematically characterized via their black-box arc parameters. In section 9.1 the comparison is performed for varying blow pressure, nozzle diameter, throat length, blow gas and nozzle material. The arc
cross-section variation at varied current amplitude and varied blow
pressure is investigated in section 9.2.

9.1. Eect of arc chamber parameters on

black-box characteristic
9.1.1. Experiment conguration
For the experiments, the arbitrary current source (cf. section 6.1)
and the exible model circuit breaker (cf. section 6.3) have been
used. In section 8.2, it was shown that a slowly rising or falling slope
(|di/dt| < 1 kA/ms) with superimposed triangular current spikes
(|di/dt| 15 30 kA/ms) enables to determine P (g) and (g) with
sucient accuracy and to recalculate the measured transient voltage
waveform from the extracted black-box parameters with < 2 % error. The current waveforms created consist of low gradient current
slopes with high gradient spikes superimposed. A large number of
spikes and quasi-constant currents have been generated with various current amplitudes with dierent conductance g. Usually four
identical experiments were performed per conguration with 20 30
spikes each, to compensate for stochastic phenomena inuencing the



9 Arc chamber characterization

results. The improved parameter determination method D2 of section 7.2.3 has been used for arc parameter extraction.
Blow pressure: An experiment series with a wide throat nozzle
dT = 25 26 mm diameter was performed for various blow pressures
of pH = 0.915 bar. The large nozzle cross-section results in current
densities < 3 A/mm2 , where ablation is small [STCA06].
Nozzle Diameter: An experiment series was performed with cylindrical nozzles with a throat length LT = 50 mm for dierent nozzle
throat diameters of dT = 625 mm at a low and a high blow pressure
of pH = 1.5 bar and pH = 7.7 bar, respectively. The lling pressure
of the bottles was adjusted for each experiment, so that the desired
chamber pressure resulted at the end of the low current phase right
before the rising slope with spikes. The measured current range
0.1 2 kA in combination with dierent throat diameters resulted
in current densities of j = 1 70 A/mm2 .
Throat length: An experiment series with throat length varied
in the range of LT = 10 75 mm was performed for a) a narrow
nozzle dT = 7 8 mm without forced convection, b) a narrow nozzle
dT = 6 7 mm with moderate blow pressure pH = 3 bar and c) a
wide nozzle dT = 25 mm with strong blow pressure pH = 9 bar. In
the experiments, the electrode gap width was adapted to maintain
the throat outlet to downstream electrode distance at xout = 20
30 mm. Unlike case c) with j < 4 A/mm2 , in cases a) and b) the
current densities exceeded 40 A/mm2 at high currents and major
nozzle diameter change from wall ablation was observed.
Blow gas: An experiment series with cylindrical nozzles of diameter dT = 12 13 mm and throat length LT = 50 mm was performed
for three dierent blow gases: dry air (air), carbon dioxide (CO2 )
and helium (He). The absence of an encapsulation restricted the
candidate gases to those that could be freely released into the open
air. He was chosen because it has three times larger speed of sound
cS and ten times lower density at a given pressure than CO2 and
air. CO2 was chosen because it has a specic heat CP , 20% lower
than air. The parameters of air, CO2 and He in Table 9.1 for normal

9.1 Black-box characteristic


conditions are used to set convective and conductive coecients in

equation (4.3) in relation to each other. However, the relationships
may be dierent at plasma temperature and varied pressures.
For the air and CO2 case, the blow pressure decreased during
the experiment from 5.4 bar to 5.1 bar. In the He experiment, the
pressure decreased from 5.9 bar to 5.1 bar, due to the higher ow
velocity of He. In this way, the blow pressures of He were always
higher than the ones of air and CO2 .
Table 9.1.: Gas parameters [Too]

normal conditions 1013 mbar, 293 K

thermal conductivity k in W/K
density in kg/m3
speed of sound vs in m/s
specic heat C in kJ/(kgK)
conduction coef. X1 := k/kair
(Cvs )
convection coef. X2 := (Cv
s )air




Nozzle material: An experiment series with nozzles of identical

geometry but varied material was performed. The nozzles had a
cylindrical throat dT = 6 mm of LT = 50 mm and a cylindrical inlet and outlet section of diameter din = dout = 30 mm and length
Lin = Lout = 5 mm. Only the material of the core has been varied. The material of the inlet and outlet section was always PMMA.
The narrow nozzle ensured high current densities > 50 A/mm2 in
the throat, where ablation was expected. The current density in the
inlet and outlet section was below 3 A/mm3 . Therefore, it can be
assumed that the PMMA sections did not contribute to the ablation
and thus their material is not aecting the experiment. A low blow
pressure of pH = 1.7 bar was chosen, so that ablation is present already at low currents. The materials PMMA, PTFE (Lubrion391),
Macor (ceramic) and quartz glass (GE124) were used. PMMA was
used as a reference material, as it was also used in the other investigations. It has a thermal conductivity of 0.17 0.9 W/(K m).


9 Arc chamber characterization

PTFE is the standard nozzle material in HVAC arc chambers. Macor is a very temperature resistant glass-ceramic, which has already
been gased out in the process of manufacturing and has nine times
higher thermal conductivity than PMMA. It does not release gases
below 800 . Quartz glass has a softening temperature of 1683 C and
is therefore expected not to ablate.

9.1.2. Typical experiment

The current and voltage waveforms of two typical experiments with
a narrow nozzle dT = 6 mm and a throat length lT = 50 mm are
shown in gure 9.1. The plot shows a high pressure pH = 9 bar
experiment (cf. gure 9.1a)), a low pressure pH = 1.6 bar experiment
(cf. gure 9.1b)) and a zoom of the high pressure experiment (cf.
gure 9.1c)). In both experiments, similar current waveforms were
applied with a rising current gradient 0.2 kA/ms and a falling current
gradient of 0.05 0.10 kA/ms. The superimposed spikes have a
rising gradient of I = 8 20 kA/ms and a falling gradient of I =
6 8 kA/ms.
At high blow pressure, a pressure decrease of pH = 0.2 bar is
observed during the time of measurement, due to the escaping cooling gas. In the low pressure experiment, a signicant interaction of
the arc and the chamber pressure (backheating) is observed. pH is
increased by the arc from 1.7 to 3 bar. Even the bottle pressure is
increased from 1.7 to 2 bar as a consequence of the ablated gas and
the ow reversal. In consequence, the peak pressure in the pressure
chamber is reached 1.5 ms after the current maximum. To avoid
that the rising current branch aects the falling one, the peak current is maintained for 3 ms before the falling current slope is applied.
Despite that, a small dierence results between the rising and falling
arc U I- characteristics because of non identical blow pressure.



current i in kA, voltage u in kV

pressure pH in 10bar, pressure p in 10bar

9.1 Black-box characteristic

current i in kA, voltage u in kV

pressure p Hin bar, pressure p Bin 10bar


i in kA, u in kV






time in ms





time in ms





time in ms



Figure 9.1.: Experimental results with a narrow nozzle (dT = 6 mm,

dL = 50 mm) a) high pressure (pH = 9bar) experiment with strong forced
convection, b) low pressure (pH = 1.7 bar) experiment with strong
backheating, c) zoom of plot a)


9 Arc chamber characterization



voltage U in kV






current I in kA



thermal inertia in s






conductance g in S


Figure 9.2.: Eect of blow pressure in a wide nozzle (dT = 25 mm,

LT = 50 mm): a) stationary characteristics U (I) and parameterizations
P = 1 W apg (p/(1 bar)) (g/(1 S))bpg (dashed curves), b) thermal inertia

9.1 Black-box characteristic


9.1.3. Eect of blow pressure

In a rst set of experiments, the eect of the blow pressure on the arc
characteristic has been investigated for currents up to 1.2 kA. A large
throat diameter (dT = 25 mm) was used to avoid ablation eects. At
high blow pressures, only falling U I-characteristics are observable.
At lower blow pressures, also a at section with constant voltage was
measured. An increase of the blow pressure increases the arc voltage,
shifts the current amplitude IT with minimal arc voltage to higher
amplitudes and increases the steepness of the falling characteristics
(cf. gure 9.2a)). The thermal inertia is only slightly increased
with increasing blow pressure ( 1 2 s) and rises moderately with
The falling characteristic can be accurately described by the function:
( p ) ( g )bpg
P = 1 W apg
1 bar
with bpg = 0.5 and apg 67 103 . The ts are indicated by dashed
curves in gure 9.2a). The t is only valid for the falling characteristics but not for the at and rising characteristics, because it cannot
describe a voltage minimum.
In gure 9.2b) the thermal inertia is shown for an arc blown with
0.9 bar, 1.9 bar, 15.5 bar. The results show a very small eect of blow
pressure pH and of conductance g. The mean value of the evaluated
curves increases 1 2 s for a blow pressure increase by a factor
of sixteen. An increase of conductance from 1 S to 3 S leads to an
increased mean value of by only 2 3 s. In both cases, the error
bars widely overlap.

9.1.4. Eect of nozzle diameter

For the measured currents < 2 kA, the eect of nozzle diameter
on the arc characteristics at high (7.7 bar) and low (1.5 bar) blow
pressure is shown in gure 9.3. As can be seen, the eect of the


9 Arc chamber characterization


voltage U in kV







current I in kA



thermal inertia in s


7.7bar, dT=6mm

7.7bar, dT=30mm

1.5bar, dT=6mm
1.5bar, d =8mm

1.5bar, d =11mm


conductance g in S

Figure 9.3.: Eect of nozzle diameter (LT = 50 mm): a) stationary

characteristics U (I), b) thermal inertia (g)

9.1 Black-box characteristic


diameter is signicantly dierent at low pressure compared to high

pressure. At high blow pressure pH = 7.7 bar, a diameter variation
between 6 and 30 mm has a minor eect on the U (I) characteristics
and on (g). Both experiments showed nearly identical falling characteristics (cf. gure 9.3a)). At low blow pressures pH = 1.5 bar,
increases signicantly with increasing diameter and the shape of the
U I-characteristics change drastically. While for the current region
of the measurements no distinct rising characteristics are observed
for the 11 mm nozzle at 1.5 bar, strongly rising characteristics result for the 6 and 8 mm experiment already from 500 A and 750 A,
respectively. In the small and medium nozzle diameter experiment,
the slope in the rising region is largely identical, it does, however,
set in at lower currents for the 6 mm nozzle.
Thermal inertias of experiments without rising characteristic
showed an approximately square root increase of with conductance
that saturates between 10 14 s. Experiments where the current
was suciently high or the diameter suciently small to create a
rising characteristic, do show a maximum of at a conductance value
corresponding to the transition current IT . For larger conductances,
decreases to values of 3 5 s (cf. gure 9.3b)).
The observation was made that a larger nozzle widening from test
to test occurred for narrow nozzles with low blow pressure. The
6 mm nozzle at 1.5 bar blow pressure widened up to 0.25 mm per
test. For this reason only two tests were evaluated for this conguration instead of four in all other experiments. In the high pressure
experiments and the wide nozzle experiments the nozzles widened
much less.

9.1.5. Eect of throat length

For currents < 2 kA, the eect of throat length at an experiment
without forced convection, with moderate, and with high blow pressure is shown in gure 9.4. With increasing throat length, the arc
voltage and the steepness of the rising characteristic increases, and
the transition current IT reduces. In the pH = 0 bar experiment (cf.


9 Arc chamber characterization




p =0bar

thermal inertia in s

voltage U in kV






thermal inertia in s

voltage U in kV




thermal inertia in s

voltage U in kV





d) 0






b) 0




current I in kA



conductance g in S

Figure 9.4.: Eect of throat length on stationary characteristics and

thermal inertia: a-b) no forced convection (pH = 0 bar dT = 7 8 mm) ,
c-d) weak forced convection (pH = 3.1 bar dT = 6 7 mm), e-f) strong
forced convection (pH = 9 bar dT = 25 mm)

9.1 Black-box characteristic


gure 9.4a-b)) the characteristics is rising from around 200 A. Their

steepness is ten times intensied by increasing LT from 10 to 75 mm.
Signicant ablation and nozzle widening is observed from test to test.
Interestingly, short nozzles widened more strongly, compared to such
with long LT .
In the 3.1 bar experiment, forced convection and ablative convection is present. A pressure increase in the heating chamber occurred
in the 75 mm and 50 mm experiment but not in the 25 mm and 10 mm
experiment. The two experiments where it occurred showed a distinctly rising characteristic above 500 A (cf. gure 9.4c)). In the
experiments with shorter throat, no rising characteristics were observed up to the maximum applied current.
In the high pressure experiment (cf. gure 9.4e)), no ow reversal occurred and no rising characteristics were observable up to the
maximum current. However, the 75 mm nozzle showed at characteristics above 1.5 kA. Despite the voltage increase with throat
length, the steepness of the falling characteristic is not aected by
LT . In comparison to the low pressure experiments, much smaller
nozzle widening was observed at high pressure.
Also the (g) curves are mainly unaected by LT at low conductance. Deviations for dierent LT are observable in the non blown
and weakly blown case (cf. Figures 9.4b) and 9.4d)). Experiments
with including a rising section of the U I-characteristic showed a
decreasing at high conductance. In experiments without a rising characteristic, rises also at high conductance. The increased
voltage at strong forced convection caused that smaller conductance
values were observed with identical current waveforms.

9.1.6. Eect of blow gas type

A 1 2 s higher value of air results for g > 1.25 S compared to
CO2 and He, but the scatter bands overlap.
The type of blow gas, and with it the conductive and convective
parameters have been varied for a strongly blown arc (cf. gure 9.5).
Despite the large dierences in thermal conductivity, speed of sound


9 Arc chamber characterization


voltage u in kV






current i in kA

thermal inertia in s



conductance g in S


Figure 9.5.: Eect of blow gas (pH = 5.2 bar, dT = 12 mm): a)

stationary arc characteristics U (I), b) thermal inertia (g)

9.1 Black-box characteristic


and gas density, the gas type only shows a small inuence on U (I)
and . At I > 1 kA, where at U I-characteristics are present, the
arc voltages of air, CO2 and He are identical. At low currents, CO2
has the highest voltage and lies 300 V above that of He, which is

9.1.7. Eect of nozzle material

The eect of nozzle throat material at low blow pressure (pH =
1.7 bar) on the arc characteristic has been investigated for a PMMA,
a PTFE, a Macor and a Quartz glass nozzle (cf. gure 9.7). The
PMMA and Macor nozzles widened 1 mm in 6 experiments. The
PTFE nozzle widened 0.5 mm in 4 experiments and the widening of
the quartz glass nozzle in 4 experiments is below the measurement
tolerance of 0.25 mm. In all experiments, an increase of chamber
pressure pH by 1 1.5 bar resulted and also the bottle pressure pB
was increased by 0.2 0.3 bar (cf. Figures 9.6a) and 9.6b)). The
highest increase was observed for Macor, the lowest increase resulted
for quartz glass, even though a 250 A higher current was created for
the quartz experiment.
Despite the signicantly dierent nozzle widening, the U I-characteristics of all nozzle materials are very much alike. All nozzles
showed a distinctly falling characteristic and a distinctly rising characteristic. PMMA and quartz have the highest arc voltage in the
falling region. In the rising region, however, quartz has a significantly lower arc voltage. In addition, the transition point IT of
quartz is 200 250 A higher than the one of the other materials.
The thermal inertia (g) of Macor in the falling region is 4 s
higher than the one of the other materials. The g value with maximum for quartz is 1 S higher than the one of the other materials.

pressure p in bar


pressure p in bar


voltage u in kV


current i in kA


9 Arc chamber characterization












time in ms






Figure 9.6.: Eect of nozzle material: a) pressure chamber pressure, b)

bottle pressure, c) arc voltage, d) arc current

9.1 Black-box characteristic




voltage U in kV






current I in kA





thermal inertia in s






conductance g in S


Figure 9.7.: Eect of nozzle material (pB = 1.7 bar, dT = 6 mm): a)

stationary arc characteristics U (I), b) thermal inertia (g)


9 Arc chamber characterization

9.2. Arc cross-section variation

The arbitrary current source (cf. section 6.1) and the model circuit breaker (cf. section 6.3) have also been used for the following
experiments. An optical AV , electrical AE and uid dynamical crosssection AP have been determined for an arc stabilized by forced convection. The cross-sections are dened in section 4.2.4, the methods
for their determination have been provided in section 6.6. In the
experiment, a very large nozzle was chosen, so that less than 25 % of
the nozzle was lled by the arc. Thus, the arc can be assumed as convection stabilized without constricting eects from the surrounding

9.2.1. Example results

An example measurement with blow pressure pH = 2.5 3.5 bar in
the period of interest is shown in gure 9.8. The current is kept
constant at i = 450 A with a ripple of 50 A for a time of 60 ms
(cf. gure 9.8a)). At t = 60 ms, the remaining energy stored in
the test circuit is no longer sucient to maintain the current and
the arc extinguishes. In the section of decreasing current, the arc
voltage u increases. It shows the typical falling characteristic for
blown arcs [NNH+ 01,BKM+ 70] This can be observed from the rising
voltage at decreasing current.
In the interval 20 60 ms, a slow decrease of chamber pressure
pB is observed (cf. gure 9.8b)), the bottle pressure pB is 0.25 bar
higher than pH . The decreasing pressure in pH creates a moderately
decreasing arc voltage in this interval. The evaluated arc diameters are compared in gure 9.8c). In former interval of decreasing
pressure, an increasing diameter was observed with all three measurement methods.
In contrast to the reference measurement without arc, a ripple in
pH is observable, which is proportional to the current ripple. This
ripple is likely to be caused by the dynamic cross-section change with
current but it lies below the guaranteed dynamical sensor accuracy.


arc diameter in mm

pressure p in bar

current i in kA, voltage u in kV

9.2 Arc cross-section variation

time in ms

Figure 9.8.: Arc diameter results of a convection stabilized arc: a)

current and voltage, b) bottle and chamber pressure, c) arc diameter:
visual dV , uid dynamical- dp , electrical- dE and theoretical dT .


9 Arc chamber characterization

arc cross section A


in mm2








current I in A



Figure 9.9.: Arc cross-section variation with current for pH = 3 bar.

(visual AV , uid dynamical AP , electrical AE and theoretical
cross-section AT ).

The simple theoretical model predicts a diameter of dT = 3 mm.

This is in very good agreement with the electrically and optically
determined diameters. The electrical diameter dE = 2.5 3 mm is
slightly smaller than dT , the optical diameter dV = 3 4 mm is
slightly larger. Considerably stronger uctuations in dV are observable compared to the variations in dT during the current ripple. The
uid dynamic arc cross-section dP = 7 8 mm is signicantly higher
than dT .
Variation of current: Five dierent experiments with blow pressure pH = 3 bar were performed for current amplitudes in the range
i = 200750 A. The extracted arc cross-sections are compared in gure 9.9: A linear increasing cross-section AT with increasing current
is predicted. The electrical cross-section AE is in excellent agree-

9.2 Arc cross-section variation


arc cross section A


in mm2







pressure pH in bar



Figure 9.10.: Arc cross-section variation with chamber pressure pH for

I = 400 A (visual AV , uid dynamical AP , electrical AE and theoretical
cross-section AT ).

ment with AT . The increase of the optical arc cross-section AV

can be trusted for the two low current experiments only. At higher
currents, the increase becomes over proportional and the standard
deviation widens because of the observed turbulence. Also the uid
dynamical cross-section increases proportionally with the current,
despite it is ve times larger than all other cross-section.
Variation of pressure: Five identical measurements at 400 A
were performed with lling pressures pB = 5 14 bar resulting in
pressure chamber pressures of pH = 3 9 bar. In gure 9.10, the
average arc cross-sections AV , AP , AE and AT are plotted versus
pH . Theoretically, a decreasing cross-section AT = p1/2 is expected
with increasing pressure. This is accurately reected by the electrical


9 Arc chamber characterization

and visual cross-section. A similar trend is also observable in the

uid dynamic cross-section.
Visual observations: In addition to the cross-section determination, several further observations have been made from the video:
An extreme increase of brightness with increasing i and pB was
A signicant increase of arc movement with increasing blow
pressure was observed.
A cross-section that decreases downstream (eg. gure 9.11c)).
However, the shape might be falsied by an optical distortion
of the converging nozzle section. The theoretical prediction
for a cylindrical nozzle would be an increasing cross-section
AT z 1/2 downstream.

9.2.2. Discussion and conclusions

Relative variations with pressure and current are reected correctly
from electrical, optical and pressure measurements. However, the
absolute cross-sections are ambiguous and describe slightly dierent physical properties. Of these, only the electrical cross-section
represents the current carrying cross-section of the arc and was in
agreement with the predictions of Lowke [LL75]. The light emitting
column at the nozzle throat is slightly larger than the theoretically
expected arc column, because radiation does not decrease as strongly
with temperature as conductance does [CGR11]. The uid dynamic
cross-section turned out to be a ve times higher, compared to the
other cross-sections. It reects that the ow reduction by the arc is
caused by a reduction of eective cross-section. It can be concluded
that the ow reduction is not simply caused by the arc column acting
as an obstacle that does not contribute to the arc ow. But additional eects, such as turbulence, lead to a much larger reduction of
mass ow in the nozzle.

9.2 Arc cross-section variation


Figure 9.11.: Pictures of arc shape variation: a)-d) Increase of arc

diameter and brightness with current i, e)-f) Decrease of arc diameter
and increase of turbulence with chamber pressure pH .


9 Arc chamber characterization

The dynamic resolution clearly favors electrical and optical over

pressure measurements for arc cross-section determination. Optical
observations are in particular benecial for an interpretation of local
phenomena in time and space. A drawback is that settings of dierent experiments cannot be kept constant easily because of strongly
varying brightness.

10. Discussion
In this chapter, the results of the previous chapters are discussed.
In the experiments, the theoretically expected falling, at and rising stationary U I-characteristics were conrmed. All experiments
have in common that the arc voltage decreases with increasing current at low I, followed by a constant voltage section and a rising
region were the voltage rises with current I. The at and rising
regions were not measured in all experiments, because in some cases
the transition current IT (current amplitude with minimum voltage)
was above the maximum current amplitudes which are possible in
the present setup.
Amongst all experiments, no case was found where the thermal
inertia could be inuenced independently from the stationary characteristic. The correlation of with U (I) is reasonable, considering
its denition as the ratio = E/P between stored energy and stationary cooling power. Typically, a rising (g) corresponds to a
section of falling U (I) characteristic and a falling (g) to a rising
U (I) characteristic. Another choice of arc parameters (e.g. P (g)
and E(g)) may allow better separation of physical eects.

10.1. Blow pressure

The blow pressure of the forced convection has shown to have the
highest eect on the stationary power loss P (g) of all parameters
investigated. 8 bar blow pressure creates a strongly falling U (I)
characteristic and a high arc voltage up to currents exceeding 2 kA
even in a narrow nozzle with 6 mm throat diameter (cf. gure 9.3a)).
For 1.5 bar blow pressure in the same nozzle a rising characteristic



10 Discussion

for currents above 500 A was measured.

An increasing cooling power P (g) proportional to the blow pressure pH was observed (cf. gure 9.2a)). The proportional dependency is in agreement with measurements on an air blast breaker
with blow pressures in the range of 10 50 bar and currents up
to 40 kA [BKM+ 70]. This is also in agreement with experiments
on three MRTB breakers which dier in puer cylinder diameter
[NNH+ 01]. The experiments showed that the breaker with higher
puer cylinder diameter, and therefore most probably also higher
blow pressure, is characterized by higher P (g) values.
In nozzles with large diameter, the thermal inertia (g) is quite
independent of the blow pressure. In the experiments shown in gure 9.2b) did increase only by 12 s for a blow pressure increased
by a factor 15. In narrow nozzles, however, a much stronger eect
of pH on was observed. But the eect was only observed at high
currents. The experiments shown in gure 9.3b) with a 6 mm diameter nozzle throat and 1.5 bar blow pressure, a thermal inertia
= 4 6 s was measured at high currents. In the same arrangement but at increased blow pressure of 7.7 bar, a = 10 12 s was
The observation that more nozzle widening from test to test (due
to ablation) resulted in narrow nozzles gives an indication why the
pressure dependency of appeared only at high currents with small
nozzles throat diameters. In narrow nozzles, the low values at low
blow pressure are most probably caused by additional ablative losses
that set in at high current amplitudes. In high pressure experiments,
these losses would set in at much higher current amplitudes, so that
no reduction of was observed up to the measured current amplitude
for their case. Up to the measured current amplitude, arcs in wide
nozzles are dominated by convective losses, which do increase only
minimally with blow pressure.
The increased blow pressure inuences dierent processes in the
arc chamber: Firstly, as shown in section 9.2.1, an increase of pH
reduces the arc cross-section A I p1/2 . This eect was observed

10.1 Blow pressure


for the optical, the uid dynamical and the electrical cross-section
(cf. gure 9.10) and is in agreement with the theoretical predictions
of Lowke [LL75]. A higher current is required for the arc to reach a
specied cross-section. As a consequence, the current amplitude is
increased, at which wall-constriction becomes dominant and strong
ablation sets in. This could explain, why the falling characteristic
can be maintained up to higher currents, if higher blow pressures
are applied.
The observations in section 9.2.1 showed also an increase of arc
brightness at increasing blow pressure. This is an indication that
also the arc temperature increases with increasing blow pressure.
The observations showed a reduced cross-section at increased pressure. Assuming that a thermodynamic equilibrium was present before a blow pressure increase, the cross-section reduction at increased
pressure has the following consequence: the current cannot be carried anymore, so that additional ohmic heating is created. This
causes an increased plasma temperature and subsequently increases
conductivity, which partly compensates for the additional losses. A
new thermal equilibrium is found at smaller cross-section but higher
plasma temperature. It is probable that at the new thermal equilibrium the plasma pressure will be increased and the plasma density
reduced due to the increased plasma temperature.
The increased power loss at increased blow pressure (cf. gure 9.2a)) is dominated by an increased convective enthalpy ow. In
general, the enthalpy ow scales with hvs [LL75] and is increasing
if a higher temperature is reached due to the higher blow pressure.
However, to predict an absolute amount of increase, the change in
axial cross-section prole must also be considered, as it is a dominant
parameter for convective losses.
A reduced nozzle widening from test to test was observed for experiments with a higher blow pressure. According to the LambertBeer law, the radiation absorption in the cold gas vapor zone increases exponentially with the cold gas density and with the plasmawall distance. As a consequence, at higher cold gas pressure, a


10 Discussion

smaller fraction of radiation reaches the nozzle wall and can create
ablation. It is therefore expected that ablation becomes dominant
at higher current amplitudes.
Taking the eect on P and into account only for wide nozzles,
an increase of blow pressure increases the desired losses and thereby
improves the passive resonant current creation.

10.2. Nozzle geometry

Eect of nozzle length on arc characteristic: The former section highlighted that mainly strongly blown arcs are interesting for
passive resonance. In such arcs, three eects were observed when increasing the nozzle throat length LT : a) A larger was measured for
long nozzles (cf. gure 9.4f). b) A higher arc voltage was measured
for long nozzles (cf. gure 9.4e)) and c) The rising characteristic
started already from a lower current amplitude in long nozzles (cf.
gure 9.4c). Eects a) and c) are undesirable for passive resonance,
eect b) is desirable. To decide whether long nozzles are desirable,
the optimization objective must previously be specied. Passive resonance at large currents can be better achieved with short nozzles.
In addition, the lower permits choosing smaller capacitor. However, at low currents, c) does show no eect, so that the larger arc
voltage might outweigh the negative eects of an increased .
Eect of nozzle diameter on arc characteristic: A nozzle
cross-section increase for a strongly blown arc showed only minor
eect on and on U (I) (cf. gure 9.3). At very low currents, the arc
voltage is higher in the wide nozzles. However, the larger stray bands
in this case indicate that this is the consequence of an increased
uctuation level. The low pressure experiments are more conclusive
to decide wether a cross-section increase is desirable because they
showed also the rising branch of the arc characteristics. At low blow
pressure (cf. gure 9.3), a) a larger was observed for wide nozzles,
b) a smaller arc voltage was observed for wide nozzles and c) a higher
transition current IT to a rising characteristic was observed for wide

10.2 Nozzle geometry


nozzles. For passive resonance, a) and b) are undesirable, but c) is

desirable. Observation c) is a clear indication that at high currents,
wide nozzles are superior for passive resonance. At small currents,
the benets from a reduced might overweigh and permit choosing
a smaller capacitor.
How ablation can create a rising characteristic: The nozzle throat diameter dT and length LT showed signicant eect on
the transition current IT , from which a rising characteristic was observed (cf. gure 9.3a), 9.4a) and 9.4c)). Narrow nozzles showed
rising characteristics already from low current amplitudes. Long
nozzles showed in particular very steeply rising slopes of the rising characteristics. However, the current density from which strong
ablation sets in, is aected by the throat diameter and by its length.
A rising characteristic was always observed at high currents but
it starts from lower currents in narrow nozzles. The rising branch is,
therefore, caused most likely by the constricting eects of either the
nozzle wall itself or the pressure build-up at signicant ablation. An
increased forced blow pressure did have as a consequence an increase
in arc voltage. Such an increase of arc voltage is expected to occur
also for an increase in ablative pressure. A forced blow pressure is
not current-dependent as it is applied externally. It increases the
arc voltage similarly for all current amplitudes. But the ablative
pressure is a function of the current. Therefore, the rising ablation
pressure with increasing current creates also an increasing voltage
with increasing current.
How a wall constriction can create a rising characteristic:
Lowke [LL75] explained a constant arc voltage at increasing current
for convection stabilized arcs with a linearly increasing cross-section.
A logical consequence of this is that an arc, which cannot freely
increase its cross-section, may no longer have a constant voltage.
Instead, a rising voltage for increasing current results. Certainly, a
wall constricts the arc above a certain current level and prevents it
from increasing its cross-section. Therefore, a constriction without
ablation is expected also to cause a rising voltage.


10 Discussion

How the throat length can increase the steepness of the

rising characteristic: With long nozzle experiments the transition
to a rising characteristic was not observed at much lower current IT
but it showed a larger slope in the rising characteristics compared
to that of short nozzles (cf. gure 9.4a) and c)). The reason for this
observation may be correlated with the ablative pressure build-up in
the throat at increasing current. The pressure prole in the nozzle is
formed by mass ow balance between the supplied material ablating
from the surface and the mass ow that can exit the nozzle through
one or both axial openings. A higher pressure would result if the
surface is increased relative to the openings size. Several authors
predicted a proportionally increasing stagnation point pressure with
increasing throat length [Mul93, Nie87, Cas39].
Eect of throat length on nozzle widening: In the same
number of experiments, a smaller throat widening occurred for long
throat lengths. This is in agreement with the above explanation
of increased stagnation point pressure at long nozzle throats. It is
probable that similar to increased blow pressure, the arc reduces
its cross-section also at increased ablation pressure. The resulting
increased wall-arc distance would decrease the amount of radiation
reaching the wall and thereby reduce the amount of ablation. However, it must be considered that the pressure prole signicantly
changes between forced blowing and ablative blowing. At forced
convection, a pressure gradually decreasing down streams results.
Ablative pressure proles without externally applied pressure show
a symmetric pressure prole with a stagnation point in the nozzle
center and a decreasing pressure towards both exits. If in narrow
nozzles ablation and forced convection are present simultaneously, a
much more complicated pressure prole results with the stagnation
point no more in the nozzle center.
A much larger nozzle throat widening from test to test due to
ablation was observed for narrow nozzles. At small dT , the arc approaches the wall already at small current amplitudes as the measurement results in section 9.2.1 revealed. An abrupt increase of ab-

10.3 Blow gas parameters


lation has been shown at current densities exceeding j = 50 A/mm2

[STCA06]. As the current density is larger in narrow nozzles, ablation is expected to be more intensive therein for a given current

10.3. Blow gas parameters

For strongly blown arcs no major dierence in was observed at
changing the blow gas but at low currents CO2 showed the highest
arc voltage (cf. gure 9.5). Of the tested gases, CO2 is therefore best
suited for passive resonance. Air showed a slightly higher and He
showed a signicantly lower arc voltage at high current amplitudes.
The faster pressure decrease for He, observed in the experiments, is
due to its lower density and higher sonic speed. A fast decreasing
pressure is undesirable for passive resonance, as in DC circuit breakers the high blow pressure must be maintained during the whole
duration of the passive resonant current creation. Experiments with
higher currents should clarify if an eect on the transition current
IT exists. Most probably the thermal dielectric and chemical performance are more important decision criteria to choose the gas type,
because at current zero, the breaker must still be able to interrupt.
Considering the signicantly dierent convective and conductive
parameters of the gases air, CO2 and He, the eect of the gas type
on U (I) and (g) is remarkably small. At high currents the voltage for all gases is almost identical (cf. gure 9.5a)) even though
Cvs of He is two times higher than in CO2 and air. According to
equation (4.4), the He arc would burn with a smaller cross-section
than that found with CO2 and air. More specic experiments and
theoretical investigations would be required to clarify how the gas
properties aect arc parameters.


10 Discussion

10.4. Nozzle material

The experiments with dierent nozzle materials should clarify the
role of ablation in the arc chamber and whether the wall constriction or the resulting ablation causes the rising characteristics at high
currents. Quartz, expected to be a nearly non ablating nozzle material, was compared to the moderately ablating PTFE, Macor and
the strongly ablating PMMA.
Firstly, one has to verify how strongly the materials are ablating.
This can be concluded from two observations. The measurements
of nozzle widening from test to test clearly identied PMMA as the
most strongly ablating material and Quartz glass as a weakly to non
ablating material. A second indication for the amount of ablation
is the pressure build-up in the nozzle and the bottle during a high
current phase (cf. gure 9.6). A pressure chamber pressure increase
can be explained by an increased blocking of the nozzle throat. An
increase of the bottle pressure, however, indicates that either more
gas is present in the bottle or that the temperature of this gas has increased. In the experiments, all materials, including Quartz, created
an increase of chamber pressure. Out of them, the strongly ablating
materials created a higher pressure rise. This is in agreement with
experiments of AC circuit breakers, which use ablation for the self
blast eect [SNSD06]. However, all materials created also a measurable increase of bottle pressure. This is surprising, considering
the signicant dierences in ablation concluded on the basis of the
nozzle widening. If the pressure rise would only be a result of the
increased amount of gas by ablation, nearly no bottle pressure rise
would result during the Quartz nozzle experiment. This indicates
that part of the pressure build-up in the nozzle results probably
from gas heating.
Quartz as non or weakly ablating material has the highest transition current (cf. gure 9.7a)) and is thus well suited for passive
resonance. Despite the very low ablation, experiments with Quartz
nozzles did also show a rising characteristic for high currents with

10.5 Desirable and undesirable loss mechanisms


a similar slope as in the experiments with the strongly ablating materials, which is surprising. This is a clear indication that a rising
characteristic is not simply a consequence of ablation. Probably it is
caused predominantly by the wall constriction and only intensied
or shifted to lower current values by additional constriction caused
by the ablative pressure build-up.
Interestingly, arcs burning in Macor nozzles have the highest thermal inertia of all investigated nozzle materials (cf. gure 9.7b)). As
it is neither the most strongly ablating nor the most weakly ablating material, this must be the eect of other parameters than the
amount of ablation. Possible explanations are in the radiation absorbtion performance of Macor vapor or in its thermal performance.
Further experiments are required to clarify this point.
The observation that small values occurred predominantly at
high currents and that PMMA as the most strongly ablating material has the smallest thermal inertia (cf. gure 9.7) leads to the
speculation that the reduction of the thermal inertia at high current amplitude is caused by ablation. This would in principle be
desirable for passive resonance. However, a small is of no use if
the stationary U (I) characteristic is rising. Experiments with low
mostly showed also a rising characteristic already from low current
amplitudes onwards.

10.5. Desirable and undesirable loss

Because falling characteristics occur predominantly at convection
stabilized low current arcs, as our measurements indicate, a measure
to boost passive resonance would be the increase of the axial blow
pressure. At the same time, eects of ablation and constricting walls
should be minimized. Hence, passive resonance can benet from the
following parameter adaption in the DC arc chamber: high blow
pressure, wide nozzle throat diameters, short nozzle throat length
and weakly ablating materials. It is likely that the transition current


10 Discussion

value to a rising characteristic is connected to the current amplitude

where substantial ablation occurs. With experiments where back
heating occurred, distinctly rising arc characteristics were always
observed (cf. gure 9.1b), 9.4a) and 9.4c)). Therefore, ablation or
even a ow reversal as in self-blast HVAC arc chambers has to be
avoided in a DC arc chamber.

10.6. Potential for breaker improvement by

adapting the arc chamber
An improvement of the arc chamber would enable improved performance of passive resonant breakers and new applications for breakers
of this type. The breaker could be used as an HVDC circuit breaker,
or it could be used as an HVDC load switch in a meshed multiterminal HVDC network. The desired application leads to dierent
optimization goals. A small capacitor is aimed at for load switches
and MRTBs, a high interruption current at short interruption time is
wanted for circuit breakers in meshed HVDC overhead line systems.
An extremely short interruption time at high interruption current is
aimed for in meshed HVDC cable networks.

10.6.1. Resonance capacitor reduction for lower cost

Load switches must only interrupt the specied nominal currents,
and they are very uncritical in interruption time. The use of a
smaller resonance capacitor could drastically reduce the costs and
the footprint of such breakers.
Experiments on an existing HVDC MRTB designed for 500 kV,
showed that with a resonant circuit of C = 28 F and L = 130 H,
the breaker can interrupt 3.5 kA by passive resonance [NNH+ 01].
The breaker is characterized by the black box parameters: P =
1 W apg (g/(1 S))bpg and (g) = c (g/(1 S))d with apg = 6.92 106 ,
bpg = 0.33, c = 30 s and d = 0.5.

10.6 Improvement by adapting the arc chamber


In chapter 9, the black-box parameters of dierent arc chambers

have been systematically extracted to nd a conguration with minimum thermal inertia , maximum falling slope of the stationary
arc characteristic and high stationary arc voltage. Of the arcs investigated, those with high blow pressure and wide nozzle diameter showed arc characteristics, well suited for passive resonance. A
blown arc with 15.5 bar in a 25 mm diameter nozzle is characterized by the coecients apg = 1.03 106 , bpg = 0.5, c = 8.5 s and
d = 0.4. The selected arc chamber is non optimal because only one
chamber parameter has been changed at a time to show its eect.
Further improvement is expected by changing several parameters simultaneously. Arc chambers have been characterized for currents
< 2 kA only. For comparison of the selected arc chamber with the
existing MRTB, the results have been extrapolated to 3.5 kA. At
500 kV, typically four arc chambers are used in series to achieve sufcient dielectric strength [BMRL85]. It is assumed that the power
loss of several arc chambers in series can be superimposed and that
the dierent arcs do not interact transiently with each other in an
undesired way. If so, the stationary arc characteristics measured in
section 9.1.3 can be multiplied by a factor of 4, which results in an
increased parameter apg = 4.15 106 . All other coecients remain
In gure 10.1 arc characteristics are shown for the MRTB, for
the selected arc chamber in a single chamber arrangement and for
four chambers in series. The MRTB cooling power is approximately
50 % higher than the selected measurement curve. Unfortunately,
no MRTB arc chamber parameters have been published, so it is
unclear in which parameters the MRTB chamber diers from the
selected arc chamber. Possible dierences could be a higher blow
pressure, a double ow arrangement, the use of SF6 as interruption
medium and a serial connection of several arc chambers. From the
perspective of only the stationary arc characteristic the MRTB is
therefore superior to the selected arc chamber for passive resonance.
However, a four times smaller thermal inertia was measured in the


10 Discussion



cooling power P in MW


single chamber 15.5bar

four chambers in series 15.5bar



conductance g in S



conductance g in S



thermal inertia in s







Figure 10.1.: Arc characteristics comparison of an existing

MRTB [NNH+ 01] with measurement results from a selected arc chamber

10.6 Improvement by adapting the arc chamber


selected arc chamber of this thesis, which is a major advantage for

passive resonance.
Simulations of the passive resonant current zero creation have been
performed for the existing MRTB and for the selected arc chamber.
It was found that for the MRTB the capacitor is approximately three
times over dimensioned (cf. gure 10.2a)). The breaker would still
be able to interrupt the same current with an 8 F capacitor. This
would increase the time for current zero creation from 4 ms to 16 ms.
A further reduction of the capacitor is only possible if the inductor is
signicantly increased to avoid additional damping by an increased
resonance frequency.
The four times lower thermal inertia of the selected arc chamber
(cf. gure 10.1b)) permits signicantly higher resonance frequencies
(cf. gure 10.2b)), without such strong increase of damping as in
the MRTB. The capacitor can be reduced to 3 F without the need
to increase the inductor. As a consequence, the time for current zero
creation is increased from 6 ms to 12 ms. Arcing times in this order of
magnitude are considered as uncritical for load switches. A further
reduction of capacitance is possible, but with similar consequences
as the MRTB showed with a 8 F capacitor.
The comparison revealed that an improvement of the arc characteristic allows using ten times smaller capacitor compared to that
with the existing MRTB. The consequences on the size are illustrated
in gure 10.3. The breaker size is reduced by 60 %. Additional reduction is expected at further increase of blow pressure and combined
optimization of all chamber parameters. In this comparison, the
surge arrester bank dissipating the energy from the system after the
switching arc interrupted is not considered.


10 Discussion

C=30 F, L=200 H

C=8 F, L=300 H
C=5 F, L=1000 H

current iarc in kA



time in ms







C=30 F, L=200 H

C=8 F, L=200 H
C=3 F, L=200 H

current iarc in kA


time in ms

Figure 10.2.: Reduction of commutation capacitor. Comparison of

passive resonant current interruption for a) an existing MRTB [NNH+ 01]
with b) the selected arc chamber (four chambers in series)

10.6 Improvement by adapting the arc chamber





Figure 10.3.: 60 % reduction of breaker size (without surge arresters) by

improvement of the arc characteristic. Both breakers can interrupt
3.5 kA: a) existing HVDC MRTB breaker, b) possible HVDC load switch

11. Summary and conclusion

Fault protection plays a key role in the development of future large
scale meshed multi-terminal HVDC networks. However, DC current
interruption is more challenging than AC interruption, because the
current zero crossing, essential for arc extinction, is inherently absent
with DC. To date no mechanical HVDC circuit breaker with fully
satisfactory performance exists.
In this thesis, the inuence of chamber and nozzle design parameters on the arc characteristics have been investigated. Focus was put
on arcs for use in passive resonant HVDC circuit breakers and HVDC
load switches. An improved switching arc characteristic permits a
more ecient creation of a current zero crossing and eventually an
overall optimized HVDC circuit breaker.
In gure 11.1, the state of the art in passive resonant HVDC circuit
breaker research is graphically illustrated and classied as sucient
(red) or insucient (blue) to be used in this project. The main work
packages in this thesis are summarized (green). Logical future work
steps (yellow) are formulated, which can be built upon this research.
It is state of the art to use an existing AC arc chamber and to optimize an LC circuit for the given conditions. The main motivation
of this work was to show that improved passive resonant current
interruption can be achieved by adapting the arc chamber. Using
a black-box description of a passive resonance breaker arc, a stability criterion and a theoretical optimum of arc characteristic have
been formulated. The focus of this work is a systematic parameter
study that has been performed to link arc chamber modications to
their eect on the black-box arc characteristics. With an arbitrary
current source and an improved parameter determination method,
a large number of dierent arc chamber congurations have been



11 Summary and conclusion

characterized by their black-box parameters. Traditional methods

to determine arc parameters have been shown not to be suciently
accurate for such a parameter study. Therefore, it was necessary to
develop an improved parameter determination method, which uses
step currents and spike currents from the arbitrary current source,
instead of sinusoidal ones. Further research is required to nd the
optimal combination of arc geometry for specic breaker requirements. But, is has been shown that in principle higher interruption
currents, smaller interruption times and smaller resonance capacitors are achievable by adaption in the arc chamber. This would
allow applying the principle of passive resonance for HVDC circuit
breakers and low-cost HVDC load switches.

11.1. Optimal arc characteristic for passive

A necessary though not sucient condition for the resonance circuit instability and the growth of a passive resonance current, is
a falling stationary arc characteristic (decreasing voltage with increasing current). A strongly falling characteristic and a large arc
voltage are desirable. A rising characteristic prevents passive resonance. Transiently, the passive resonance is suppressed by large
current gradients in combination with a large thermal arc inertia .
Thus, a small thermal inertia and a low resonance frequency are desirable. The resonance frequency is dominated by the commutation
path parameters and can be reduced by choosing a larger capacitor
or a larger inductance. However, both measures have their disadvantages as well: A large inductance increases the time to create a
current zero crossing, because more energy must be accumulated to
create the reverse current in the arc chamber. A large capacitor is
expensive and requires much space. Therefore, the highest potential
for improvement of passive resonance current zero creation is the
optimization of the arc characteristics by modications of the arc
chamber and nozzle design.

11.1 Optimal arc characteristic for passive resonance


Figure 11.1.: Project overview: Identication of the state of the art gap
and specication of project work packages


11 Summary and conclusion

11.2. Black-box parameter determination

The systematic characterization of dierent arc chambers requires
an accurate and ecient method for arc characterization. Classical parameter determination methods used sinusoidal current waveforms for this purpose, which have coupled current i and current
slopes di/dt. Such current waveforms are not optimally suited for
parameter determination, as transient and stationary eects simultaneously inuence the arc voltage. A more accurate parameter
determination was achieved with staircase-like and spike currents.
In addition, staircase-like currents are well suited for validation of
black-box modeling equations. They would in principle also allow
a completely model-independent arc characterization. However, for
this a large number of steps and slopes of dierent current gradient
must be created to ll a table of u and du/dt for dierent combinations of i and di/dt.
Furthermore, classical methods are not suciently robust with respect to stochastic arc uctuations that are always present in the
arc. As classical methods determine the arc parameters from single
instants in time, an instantaneous uctuation, which is not described
correctly by the twice modied Mayr equation, leads to inaccurate
parameter values. One of the methods investigated here does not
suer from this problem, because it calculates the parameters by
iterative tting. However, it is not considered as an alternative, because it requires to pre-specify a functional shape of the black-box
model parameters. An improved method for arc parameter determination has been developed that overcomes the former limitations,
because it extracts the stationary and the transient arc behavior
independently from each other. This method makes use of more
complex current waveforms.

11.3 Arbitrary current source


11.3. Arbitrary current source

Complex current waveforms have been made possible by a novel arbitrary pulsed current source, developed for this project. It uses the
superimposed current of three buck-converter-like modules. Nearly
arbitrary current waveforms can be created by cooperative interaction of several modules. Currents up to 3 kA with selectable slopes
of 0150 kA/ms are achievable. The source is well suited for characterization of arcs with voltage < 2 kV in a wide conductance range.
By applying a small pre-current, an arc can be maintained during
contact separation, so that no ignition wires are required.

11.4. Arc chamber congurations with a

falling characteristic
In a model circuit breaker, convection stabilized arcs in a cylindrical nozzle have been investigated with a large number of dierent
arc chamber congurations. Falling, at and rising stationary U Icharacteristics have been observed in a single experimental setup for
various current levels. The arc behavior was interpreted using established arc models that include conductive, convective and radiative
cooling: a) At low current density, voltage decreases with current
because of the eect of radial conduction losses [TL75]. Hereby,
an increasing arc temperature with current increases ionization and
by this conductivity. b) At moderate current density, a constant
current-independent arc voltage results because of axial convection
losses [LL75]. This is caused by the linearly increasing cross-section
with current but a no longer increasing conductivity, as ionization
has already saturated. c) At high current density, the constricting wall and the ablated mass from its surface cause an overpressure in the nozzle and reduce the increase of cross-section with current [Nie87]. By that, a voltage rising with current results.
In a large number of similar experiments, the eect of blow gas
pressure, nozzle diameter, throat length and blow gas on the black-


11 Summary and conclusion

box parameters U (I) and (g) was experimentally determined for

arcs under forced convection and ablation controlled arcs of < 2 kA.
The derived relationships between physical arc chamber properties
and arc characteristics allows indirect optimization of the transient
arc-network interaction of new HVDC circuit breaker arc chambers,
using black-box simulations. For the creation of articial current
zero crossings, passive resonance HVDC circuit breakers require a
strongly falling arc characteristic up to high current levels and lowest
possible thermal inertia.
The following arc chamber properties would support this optimization: A high blow pressure increases the falling slope of the stationary U I-arc characteristic and increases the arc voltage. It reduces
the arc-cross-section such that wall constriction and nozzle ablation
set in at higher current amplitudes. This causes the falling characteristic to remain up to higher current amplitudes. Nozzle ablation
and wall constriction are considered to be undesirable for passive
resonance, because they always corresponded to a rising characteristic in our experiments. In the experiments the thermal inertia
increased only by 1 2 s when increasing the blow pressure from
1 bar to 15 bar. Thereby, only few additional damping is added to
the resonance circuit.
The consequence of an increased nozzle diameter is that ablation
and constriction eects set in at higher current amplitude. A wide
nozzle will tolerate a falling characteristic to be maintained up to
higher current amplitudes. However, in small nozzles at currents below the transition to a rising characteristic, an increased arc voltage
and decreased thermal inertia was observed, which is in principle
desirable for passive resonance. Furthermore, at large cross-section
it is challenging to maintain sucient blow pressure for long time.
Therefore, the nozzle throat cross-section must be chosen with respect to the expected peak current.
A long nozzle throat increases the arc voltage, which is benecial
for passive resonance. However, it also shifts the transition point to
a rising characteristic to lower current amplitudes, and it amplies

11.5 Resonant breakers in a future HVDC network


the ablative pressure build-up in the nozzle. As a consequence, the

arc voltage rises more strongly with the current in the in the rising characteristic. Besides that, the increase of throat length from
10 mm to 75 mm increased the thermal inertia by 3 s.
In a weakly-ablating material such as quartz glass, a falling characteristic can be maintained up to higher current amplitudes. However, a rising characteristic is created by wall constriction eects at
high currents even without strong ablation present.

11.5. Resonant breakers in a future HVDC

HVDC load switches and MRTBs are limited in interruption current
and are rather uncritical in interruption time. By simulations using
the extracted arc parameters from section 9.1.3, the following could
be shown for such breakers: Through adaption in the arc chamber it
is possible to reduce the required capacitor by a factor of ten. The
consequences for the size are illustrated in summary in gure 10.3.
The size of the breaker (without surge arresters) is reduced by 60 %.
Additional reduction is expected at further increase of blow pressure
and further optimization of the chamber parameters.
The improvement of the arc characteristic can also be used to increase to interruptible fault current or to reduce the time T required
for creating a current zero crossing. Both objectives are in the focus
of HVDC circuit breakers. It has been shown in section 5.3 that
reduced time for current zero crossing is achieved for an increased
stationary arc voltage, an increased falling slope of the stationary
arc characteristic and a decreased thermal inertia. In particular an
increase of blow pressure can drastically reduce T .
The required fault current interruption capability in future meshed
VSC-HVDC networks must probably exceed 10 kA, but the investigations in this thesis were limited to 2 kA. Further investigations
are required to determine whether the geometrical and physical relationships found are scalable to current levels exceeding 2 kA. How-


11 Summary and conclusion

ever, there have been measurements on an air blast breaker with

50 bar blow pressure that showed a falling characteristic up to 35 kA
[BKM+ 70]. These measurements indicate that such a scaling is possible.

12. Outlook
In section 12.1, further experiments are proposed, to clarify questions which are important for passive resonant breakers, but have
not been investigated within the scope of this work. Some part of
the experiments would be possible with the available experimental
tools but others would require extensions of the measurement setup.
The required modications of the model circuit breaker and of the
arbitrary current source are discussed in sections 12.2 and 12.3.

12.1. Further experiments

12.1.1. Further phenomenological characterization
Future research should clarify the eect of pressure in a double
ow arrangement and an encapsulated arrangement. These parameters have not been investigated in the scope of this work but
are expected to have signicant eect. The breaker should be extended to a double ow arrangement. Experiments in the literature [BMRL85, NNH+ 01] indicate that with double ow arrangements much higher stationary arc cooling can be achieved in comparison to single ow arrangements. Furthermore, an encapsulated
breaker should be used to study the eect of increased background
pressure. In principle, the encapsulation would also permit experiments with SF6 . However, the inuence of the type of blow gas investigated so far was very small. When considering dierent gases, their
dielectric performance must be kept in mind, as the arc chamber
must still be able to interrupt and withstand transient over-voltages
once a current zero is created. The modications in the model circuit
breaker required for this are discussed in section 12.2.1.



12 Outlook

The investigations performed were limited to 2 3 kA. This is

far below the prospective fault current amplitudes HVDC circuit
breakers will need to interrupt. Also the blow pressure was limited
to 15.5 bar. A falling stationary arc characteristic up to 40 kA with
50 bar blow pressure can be found in literature [BKM+ 70], however,
no experimentally determined curves were found for high current
high pressure arcs. The variation of (g) with blow pressures has
been experimentally veried up to 15.5 bar only. (In the range of
1 15 bar, (g) did not increase further with blow pressure but
saturated.) But it is unsure, how well the experiment results can
be extrapolated to several 10 kA for the application range of HVDC
circuit breakers. Therefore, further characterization at high current
and high blow pressure are desirable.

12.1.2. Arc characterization and understanding cooling

The investigation in this thesis focused mainly on a phenomenological description. It has been experimentally shown, how the arc
characteristic varies with the arc chamber parameters. The observations could be explained to a certain extent by simple mathematical
models. But the experiments were not well suited to explain in detail physical processes that cause the observed phenomena. Further
research should focus on a deeper understanding of the physical processes.
On a still higher level of abstraction, the axial arc cross-section
prole and the radial temperature prole should be measured for various arc chamber and nozzle parameters. It became clear in the discussion that the arc cross-section plays an important role for the current amplitude IT at which a rising U I-characteristic starts. It was,
for example, observed that ablation in long nozzle throats causes
less widening than in short nozzles, in identical experiments. Determination of arc cross-sections, nozzle widening and ablated mass in
cylindrical nozzles of dierent materials (in particular quartz glass)
and of dierent length would be required to verify the explanations

12.1 Further experiments


given here in the discussion part.

Measurements of the radial temperature prole would give further insight into radial conduction and radiative energy transport.
This would be of interest especially in the low current range, where
conductivity strongly varies with current. Measurements of axial
temperature and cross-section proles may help to understand the
axial enthalpy ow. A CFD simulation of the cold gas and plasma
gas ow would bring more insight into the laminar and turbulent
mixing processes in the nozzle.
On a level of physical understanding, the measurement of specic
energy transfer mechanisms would be of interest. A measurement
of radiation emitted from the plasma column or a measurement of
radiation absorption in the cold gas and on the nozzle surface would
give further insight on how to inuence ablation in the arc chamber.
The ablation experiments from Seeger [STCA06] were very conclusive, but were restricted to atmospheric pressure. The experiments
in this work have shown that the set in current of ablation is also
aected by blow pressure. Experimental measurements of accumulated mass ablation would therefore also be desirable at higher blow
In principle, the arc thermal inertia is the ratio of the energy stored
in the arc to the cooling power removed by dierent mechanisms.
The use of gases with small enthalpy below 20000 K may decrease
the thermal inertia of the arc and reduce the damping of passive
resonance. It is, however, expected that this has also eects on the
dierent cooling mechanisms.

12.1.3. Passive resonant current zero creation

A passive resonant current interruption has only been simulated but
not experimentally measured in the scope of this thesis. For verication of the simulations performed, and for a deeper understanding
of the eect of arc uctuations on passive resonance, experiments
with a resonant circuit will be required (cf. section 12.2.2).
Some authors observed a beat frequency in the passive resonance


12 Outlook

at current increase [NNH+ 01]. Such a beat frequency cannot be

described with the mathematical modeling used here in the simulations. It could, however, be a consequence of variations in the arc
characteristic during the passive resonant oscillation. Such slow variations could result from interactions of the pressure chamber with a
partly blocked nozzle.

12.1.4. Arc extinction

The arc in the arc chamber has not only to create a current zero
crossing but the arc must also be extinguished at current zero without re-ignition. The current gradients in passive resonance can signicantly exceed the present gradients occurring in AC breakers during 50 Hz interruption. Therefore, further experiments with a passive
resonant breaker should include arc extinction and apply a transient
recovery voltage after current interruption. It should be investigated,
up to which current gradient the arc can still be extinguished and
how the chamber and nozzle parameters inuence the interruption
performance. This may result in a maximum allowable frequency
in passive resonance. It could also be possible that design parameters that are favorable for current zero creation are unfavorable for
current interruption. However, results from such investigations with
AC circuit breakers could possibly be utilized.

12.2. Model circuit breaker extension

12.2.1. Performance increase
The maximum blow pressure used in the experiments is 20 bar because at higher blow pressures too high arc voltages resulted, so
that it was no longer possible to create the desired current waveform. However, all pressure equipment was designed to be used up
to 50 bar. Only the pressure sensor mounted in the heating chamber
would have to be replaced.

12.2 Model circuit breaker extension


The wall bushing was constructed for 10 kV and 20 kA and the

model circuit breaker could also be used at signicantly higher current amplitudes. Furthermore, if hot plasma is blown out from the
nozzle, the bushing between high voltage electrode and movable rod
of the pressure cylinder for contact movement is close to the ashover
limit for voltages exceeding 3 kV. At an increased voltage, it is advised to replace this bushing. Alternatively, the bushing could be
totally removed and the pressure cylinder operated at high voltage

12.2.2. Adaptations for passive resonance

For passive resonance experiments, an LC path can be installed in
parallel to the breaker. If a small capacitor is used, it has to be
considered that at arc extinction, the remaining current stored in
the current source module coils may charge the capacitors to voltage
levels that exceed the source voltage. The subsequent reverse current
into the source capacitor, via the antiparallel diodes of the IGBTs
must remain uncritical for the source.

12.2.3. Possible extensions

The model circuit breaker has been constructed without encapsulation and with a single ow arrangement. However, it is designed in
such a way that a double ow arrangement and a pressure chamber
could be added easily at a later stage. For a double ow arrangement, the lower cover of the pressure chamber would have to be
replaced and a new nozzle would be required. An encapsulation at
single ow arrangement could easily be mounted on top of the pressure chamber. For a double ow arrangement with encapsulations,
either two separate encapsulation could be mounted at each side of
the pressure chamber, or the whole breaker including the storage
bottles could be placed inside a large encapsulation.


12 Outlook

12.3. Arbitrary current source extension

12.3.1. Performance increase
An increase of arc current > 3 kA and an increase of blow pressure > 20 bar both exceed the present limits of the arbitrary current
source. Higher currents could be achieved by adding additional modules to the source or by combining it with an LC resonant circuit.
The rst solution requires also a major adaptation in the IGBT
controller, unless the additional modules can be made to switch synchronously with one of the existing modules. Additional modules
in combination with the controller adaptation would bring the advantage of a virtual switching frequency increase and smaller ripple
by interleaved operation. Adaptation in the controller would not be
required in the alternative solution using an LC current source in
parallel to the arbitrary current source. The available triggers in
the controller could be used to control a making switch for the LC
current. Thereby, complex current waveforms with amplitude up to
3 kA could be superimposed on a high sinusoidal current. This would
allow stationary and transient arc characterization also at high current amplitudes.
At high blow pressure, the arc voltage will exceed the source voltage, so that the desired current waveforms can no longer be maintained. An increase of source voltage would require new capacitors
and additional IGBTs in series to the installed ones. However, as
the IGBT switching losses are a major disadvantage in the present
source, a redesign with switching at current zero, would probably be
superior to a simple voltage increase. A large scale current source
up to 10 kV and up to 20 30 kA is under development [WCBF12].

12.3.2. Possible extensions

A future extension of the exible current source with real time control could permit its use for power hardware in the loop measurements. By this, elements such as the parallel energy absorber or the

12.3 Arbitrary current source extension


passive LC components in passive resonance HVDC circuit breakers

could be simulated and do not have to be introduced as hardware
Synthetic tests are, in principle, also possible, as high voltage
sources are available in the ETH high voltage laboratory. However,
a reliable circuit breaker would be required to disconnect the source
at the instant of current injection to avoid damage to the source

12.3.3. Alternative application elds

The exible current source is also well suited for dierent high current test applications. It has already been successfully used for characterization of SF6 disconnectors. In particular it would also be suitable for tests with dierent DC components, which require a specic
DC ripple superimposed on a constant or slow changing current. In
principle the modules could also be operated independently from
each other. In this conguration, it might be possible to emulate a
down-scaled HVDC network with three infeeding terminals.

A. Specication of the
arbitrary current source
A.1. Requirements
Precise arc characterization in its stationary and dynamic behavior
is the main application of the source designed. As shown in section 4,
an arc plasma is a very dynamic load. It changes its resistance by
orders of magnitude during a single experiment. A free burning arc
reaches low resistance < 0.1 , a strongly blown arc has resistance
values in the order of 1 10 . After extinction, the resistance increases to very high values. The dynamic arc behavior also varies
signicantly with the current slope applied. At low current slopes,
the arc follows its highly nonlinear stationary characteristic, at moderate slopes its resistance changes with time delays in the order of
1 30 s, at high current slopes the arc increases its voltage proportional to the current.
Traditionally, sinusoidal current waveforms have been used for arc
characterization. The disadvantage is that current gradient and current amplitude are linked to each other. The chosen approach for arc
characterization was to measure the transient characteristic and the
stationary characteristic independently from each other. In a single experiment, each conductance value must be created as steady
state by applying dierent current amplitudes. From each steady
state, a transient reaction to a fast changing current must be excited, from which the transient parameter is determined. Stationary
characterization requires constant current intervals. Transient characterization can only be performed during current slopes or at a
constant current subsequent to a slope. Therefore, the source must



A Specication of the arbitrary current source

be able to create constant current periods and steep slopes close to

each other and at various current amplitudes. A rst order hold
with selectable rate of rise up to approaching innity, selectable step
size and constant value intervals in between with freely selectable
duration is considered to be optimal.
In VSC HVDC systems, short circuit current amplitudes exceeding
20 kA with rates of rise up to 5 kA/ms are expected at a voltage level
of up to 500 kV [HJ11, BF13a]. In passive resonance, current slopes
may exceed 200 kA/ms [NNH+ 01, BMRL85]. It was clear from the
beginning that even for short measurement duration (eg. < 10 ms)
the required power and component costs for testing at full voltage
and full current would be beyond all practical limits. Instead, it
was decided to build a small scale source as proof of concept with
downsized current and voltage level, but full dynamic performance.
The minimum measurement duration required adds up from different phases of the experiment: A waveform of interest with 10 ms
duration is sucient for arc characterization. This allows the creation of up to 20 successive dierent arc states during one experiment, including excitations of transients and a re-stabilization in
each state at a constant voltage. Instead of an ignition wire, a low
current is be maintained suciently long to create the required experiment conditions. 80 ms are required for pneumatic contact separation and positioning. For blown arcs, the pressure stabilization
requires 5 10 ms, but can be performed simultaneously with the
contact opening. Thus, the source must create a current waveform
with > 90 ms duration including a burst of > 10 ms high current
The investigation focuses on the burning phase of an arc and not
on its extinction. The physical behavior of an arc in the high current
phase is independent from its electric potential, as long as no extinctions and no thermal or dielectric reignition occur. Two requirements
must be considered for the choice of the applied source voltage: the
ability to maintain the arc at low currents and the ability to create
the desired current waveform independent of the dynamic arc voltage

A.2 Component specication


variations. This is achievable only as long as the driving voltage of

the source signicantly exceeds the stationary arc voltage. In puer
circuit breakers, arc voltages > 3 kV have been measured [NNH+ 01],
in air blast breakers they may even exceed 8 kV. The desirable source
voltage should therefore be well above 10 kV. Instead, it has been decided to restrict the voltage level to the highest blocking voltage of
a single IGBT available. This is an ABB HiPak module with 4.5 kV
peak voltage and 3 kV DC operating voltage. Three parallel switches
of this type are capable to maintain a 3 kA peak current for the required 10 ms experiment time plus the required pre-current.
A second Ph.D. project has been started in cooperation with the
ETH High Power Laboratory. Its aim is to develop a full scale power
source with performance up to 30 kA at 10 kV. The specications are
based on the experimental experience in arc characterization from
this project [WCBF12].

A.2. Component specication

Mechanically, the source was set up in a separate source room. A
wall bushing was installed to conduct the current into a high voltage
laboratory, where a model circuit breaker is placed. The sourcecontrol, breaker triggering and data recording is located in a measurement cabin, placed inside the high voltage laboratory. A component overview of the whole experiment including the arbitrary current source and the model circuit breaker is provided in gure A.1,
a single source module including a component list is provided in
gure A.2.

A.2.1. Energy storage

In each module, an ESTA dry self-healing DC capacitor from Vishay
of size Cn = 2 mF was used to store the total energy required for creation of the current waveform prior to the experiment. The capacitor
is short circuit safe and can be charged safely up to Vmax = 3.2 kV. At

A Specication of the arbitrary current source


Current Source

Source room


optical transmission



model breaker

High voltage laboratory

blow gas


Figure A.1.: Schematic overview of the location and connection of the

major experiment components











Protection and discharge equipment

13 discharge rod
14 discharge resistor
15 grounding rod
16 grounding resistor
17 grounding staff

Supporting equipment
11 IGBT gate driver
12 Isolation transformer ATT supply

Measurement equipment
7 current measurement shunt
8 voltage probe
9 ATT1 optical transmission In
10 ATT2 optical transmission Vc

Main equipment
1 capacitor
2 fuse
3 IGBT with antiparallel diode
4 freewheeling diode
5 coil
6 busbar to high voltage laboratory

A.2 Component specication


Figure A.2.: Zoom view and component list of a single current source
module: front view (left top), back view (right top), side view (left
bottom), top view (right bottom)


A Specication of the arbitrary current source












Figure A.3.: Equivalent circuit of charging, discharging and grounding

the nominal voltage of 3 kV, an energy of 27 kJ is stored in the three

modules. IGBT and diode switching losses scale approximately linearly with the commutation inductance. Therefore, it was necessary
to keep the stray inductances of the loop, formed by the capacitor,
the IGBT, the fuse and the diode, below 150 nH. The capacitor is
equipped with three parallel bushings for each terminal, to keep its
self inductance LCS < 40 nH.
An FuG HCK capacitor charger with 80 mA charging current is
used to charge all three capacitors simultaneously via a RD = 250
charging resistor. The charger is connected optically to the experiment computer and the charging process is fully automated. A
MATLAB routine continuously reads the instantaneous voltage and
current values from the charger and disconnects the charger once the
pre-set voltage is reached.
Three automated grounding rods SGn ensure short circuiting of the
capacitors in the o-state (cf. gure A.3). In an emergency case,
a direct short circuiting of the capacitors via the grounding rods is
possible but not advisable. The resulting short circuit current of
20 kA would damage the grounding rods and would lead to an undesired temporary rise of the local ground potential, even though all

A.2 Component specication


equipment was carefully grounded by individual and low resistance

cables to a common laboratory ground. At normal experiment shut
down, an automated common discharging rod SD short circuits all
capacitors via the resistor RD . The grounding rods close with a delay of 4 seconds, relative to the closing of the discharge rod. The
delay ensures that the capacitor voltage has decreases suciently to
prevent large currents at grounding. At emergency shut-o, the delay is reduced to 1 second. It is assumed that a person entering the
room will need more than 1 second to reach equipment parts on high
voltage potential. With a 1 second delay, short-circuit currents also
occur, but they do not lead to destruction of the grounding rods. In
addition to the automatic grounding, a person entering the test area
is instructed to ground the capacitors manually by a grounding rod

A.2.2. Variable inductors

A variable inductor for each module has been designed for precise
selection of current slopes at a given capacitor voltage. Nine taps
are arranged at winding positions N = 0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 30, 50 and
64, so that 24 dierent inductance values in the range of 6 1345 H
are selectable. The inductance values have been measured and they
have also been calculated by a COMSOL simulation. Simulation
and measurement are in good agreement (cf. gure A.4). With an
accuracy of 2H the inductance values are described by the following
fth order polynomial.
L(N ) = k5 N 5 + k4 N 4 + k3 N 3 + k2 N 2 + k1 N + k0


with k5 = 3.05 1013 H, k4 = 8.92 1011 H, k3 = 1.04 108 H,

k2 = 6.26 107 H, k1 = 5.49 106 H and k0 = 1.01 105 H. In
addition to that, three external 3 mH inductors are available, which
can be selectively placed in series to a module inductor or as mutual
inductance of two or three modules.


A Specication of the arbitrary current source


x 10

Selectable Inductance (measured)

Verified with COMSOL simulation
Polynomial fit

module inductance L in H


10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
number of windings between taps n

Figure A.4.: Selectable inductance values vs. winding numbers (from


A.2 Component specication


A.2.3. IGBT and diodes

An ABB HiPak 5SN A1200G450300 IGBT is installed in each module (Sn in gure 6.1). Antiparallel diodes are integrated in the HiPak
modules to conduct negative currents and to protect the IGBT from
negative voltages. Each module is also equipped with an ABB HiPak
5SN A1200G450300 freewheeling diode (Dn in gure 6.1), to which
the load current commutates at opened IGBT. The diode is mounted
on the same rack as the IGBT, so that the circuit inductance of IGBT
and diode remains below 50 nH. All solid state components can be
safely operated up to 3 kV and 1 kA.
The IGBT gate drivers are electrically insulated, and an optical
ber is used for the on/o switching control. This allows operating
the IGBT on 3 kV potential. The chosen driver unit is specied for
up to 3 kHz switching frequency but can be operated during short
bursts at 10 20 kHz. However, at frequencies exceeding 3 kHz, the
thermal conduction of the chip is too small to dissipate the switching losses. A maximum temperature rise of 100 K of the IGBT and
diode limits the maximum duration of the burst. No forced cooling
is used. The time constant of thermal conduction is of the same
order as the typical experiment duration, therefore a forced cooling
would have no eect. The 4 minutes interval between two experiments (required to recharge the capacitors) is suciently large for
the substrate temperature to decrease to near ambient conditions.
Under normal experiment condition, no current ows through the
antiparallel diode in the IGBT HiPack. Its thermal performance is
therefore non critical.

A.2.4. Fuses
At overcurrent or thermal overstress, the IGBT could be destroyed
thermally and the possibility of explosion of the housing cannot be
excluded. An U RB303250 Ferraz Shawmut fuse with melting point
of 34 103 A2 s interrupts the current in case of an IGBT short circuit
fault and protects the other source components from excess current.


A Specication of the arbitrary current source

The fuse is not suciently fast to prevent an overstress of the IGBT

modules themselves, but it interrupts below the thermal explosion
limit of the IGBTs. The fuse self-inductance LF is < 30 nH and
the fuse resistance RF = 0.07 m are negligible in operation. In
addition, there is further protection by a transparent housing of
nonbreakable PET enclosing the IGBTs.

A.3. Performance limit estimation

In experiments with high switching frequency and high current, the
IGBTs are operated close to their thermal limits. To ensure that
a desired current waveform does not lead to exceeding this limit, a
simulation of the IGBT and diode losses was implemented in MATLAB and is executed each time before uploading a conguration le
to the controller. The energy balance equation for the substrate
temperature Tn is numerically integrated for the switching cycle n
at a frequency f
TL )
Ptot (Tn1
Tn = Tn1 +
f CT
with T0 = 25 C. Thermal heat conduction from the substrate over
the junction, the case and the cooling plate into free air is considered
by a combined cooling term with thermal conductivity RT and thermal capacity CT . The switching and conduction device losses are
considered in a heating term Ptot . The thermal IGBT parameters
are RTIGBT = 9.5 103 K/W and CTIGBT = 1.98 J/K, the ones of
the diode are RTD = 17.9 103 K/W and CTD = 1.68 J/K.
It has to be emphasized that the losses are a function of temperature, voltage, commutation inductance, current and switching
frequency. The following numeric values of the IGBT and the diode
were taken from the data sheet of the installed equipment. Current
dependent parameters are known at a discrete temperature of 25 C
and 125 C with a circuit stray inductance of 150 nH and a voltage

A.3 Performance limit estimation




maximal operation time in ms








module set current In in A



Figure A.5.: Maximum experiment duration versus module current and

switching frequency. Experiment durations below the plotted lines are
within the thermal limit of IGBT and the diode. The calculations were
made for a single module.


A Specication of the arbitrary current source

of 2800 V only. It is assumed that the losses scale linearly with the
voltage. To account for the uncertainties, the allowed temperature
increase is limited to 80 C, which is 20 C below the thermal limit of
IGBT and diode.
In the IGBT, three types of losses occur. These are on-state conduction losses PIGBTcond. , turn-on losses PIGBTon and turn-o losses
PIGBTo . Conduction losses are evenly distributed in time, during
which the corresponding device is conducting. Switching losses arise
as instantaneous amounts of thermal energy and are converted to
mean power by multiplication with the switching frequency f :
( u
PIGBTon (c1 (Ion ) + c2 )
2800 V
PIGBTo (c3 Io
+ c4 Io + c5 )

( u
2800 V



with c1 = 4.4 103 J/A, c2 = 0.61 J, c3 = 1.2 106 J/A2 , c4 =

1.7 103 J/A, c5 = 0.47 J, IGBT forward voltage VIGBT = 1.8 V and
on-state resistance RIGBR = 1.5 m. uc is the capacitor voltage, d
uload /uC is the duty cycle with arc voltage ulad and capacitor voltage
uC . The module current IN ISN averaged over a switching period
is assumed to be equal to the set current ISN . The IGBT turn-on
current Ion IN (1k) and the IGBT turn-o current Io = IN (1+k)
deviate from this value due to a relative current ripple k (k<1).
In the diode, only conduction losses Pdcond. and turn-o losses
Pdo must be considered, turn-on losses are negligible:
( (
( u
Ion 2
Pdo c6
) + c8
+ c7 (
2800 V
Pdcond. (1 d)(Vd IN + Rd IN


with c6 = 1.01106 J/A2 , c7 = 2.74103 J/A, c8 = 0.286 J, diode

A.4 Control and automation


forward voltage Vd = 2.25 V and on-state resistance Rd = 1.7 m.

The thermal limit has been evaluated for a CN = 2 mF capacitor
charged to Uc = 3 kV, an Rarc = 50 m load and k = 10 % current
ripple and is displayed in gure A.5.

A.4. Control and automation

The experiment is fully automated including experiment preparation, execution and data recording. The desired current waveform
is specied in a .txt conguration le that is uploaded via a serial
connection to an IGBT controller. The IGBT controller simultaneously controls the three module currents based on the specied
parameters in the conguration le and the current measurement in
each module. It also triggers the model circuit breaker and a Digital
Oscilloscope for data recording. A basic scheme of the entire experiment control is shown in gure A.6. A typical .txt- control le is
provided in gure A.7 and its parameters are explained in gure A.8.

A.4.1. Monitoring and control hardware

A 5 m HILO ISM 5P/5 shunt is installed in each module to monitor
the module currents In . Its maximum thermal rating of 80000 A2 s
allows a maximum current of 1 kA for an experiment duration of
80 ms, which is well above the achievable limits of the arbitrary current source. The bandwidth of 50 MHz and the rise time of 7 ns are
sucient for the current control.
A T T HV P 15HV 1 : 1000 voltage probe with 50 MHz bandwidth is installed to measure the capacitor voltage.
The three voltage and three current signals are optically transmitted by individual optical links. The links were designed to be used
with the IGBT controller, but they can also be operated as stand
alone devices. In the sending AT T device, a signal is sampled with
4.5 MHz and 16 bit and optically transmitted. The receiving AT R
device samples the signal at a frequency of 16 MHz. The specied

optical conv.

optical conv.


optical conv.

Gate Driver






optical transmission

optical conv.
optical conv.


IO card

optical conv.


optical conv.



current source






config file (incl. Isoll[n] at t[n])

for upper band

Original PID


Experiment computer



blow trigger

open trigger


contact separation






oscilloscope trigger



high speed comperator

BNC connector

blow valves




model breaker






optical connector



serial connector

A Specication of the arbitrary current source

Figure A.6.: Current source control: principle scheme

A.4 Control and automation


Example .txt controller file

Set current and trigger oscillograms for example controller file

Figure A.7.: Example .txt header le and corresponding set current

waveforms (adapted from [WG])


A Specication of the arbitrary current source

.txt file: Header parameters

.txt file: Current waveform and trigger specification

Figure A.8.: Explanation of .txt controller le parameters (adapted

from [WG])

A.4 Control and automation


3 dB frequency of 0.55 MHz is sucient for the IGBT control and

protection measures. The specied signal delay is 0.8s. A 1 : 1
transformer of 3 kV insulation voltage is used to supply the AT T devices connected to the measurement shunt. In this way, it is possible
to measure the current on high voltage potential.
The IGBT controller is a combination of a Texas Instruments
(TMS) micro-controller, a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and high
speed comparators. The controller hardware and software has been
developed by WEMEL GmbH. The three current and three voltage
measurements are connected to the IGBT controller. The module
current signal is used for current control and protection, the capacitor voltage signal is used for protection purpose only. An experiment is interrupted if a negative current is measured, if the capacitor
voltage decreases below a specied limit or if the capacitor voltage
exceeds a specied limit.
A National Instuments N IP CIe 6351 IO card is used to record
the three current and voltage signals. The card allows parallel sampling of measurement signals at a speed of 1 MS/s each. The signals are used to monitor the experiment and for optimization of the
control parameters. For arc characterization, separate current and
voltage measurements are used.

A.4.2. Current waveform control

A le is sent from the experiment computer to the DSP component
of the IGBT controller. It contains the three module set-maximumcurrents ISn for discrete intervals, plus additional conguration parameters (cf. Figures A.7 and A.8). Three analog voltage waveforms,
corresponding to the set current, are created by the DSP based on
the discrete current values in the conguration le. The controllerspecic parameters are forwarded to the micro-controller. Analog
micro-controller inputs are the three module current signals In from
the AT R and the three set currents ISn from the DSP. A control
algorithm calculates the three PWM outputs from the input signal dierence. In its original conguration, a PID controller was


A Specication of the arbitrary current source

implemented. This controller did not achieve the desired control

performance due to following reasons:
The desired high current slopes > 50kA/ms could not be achieved
without creating a massive overshoot. A PID controller was
not suitable at high current slopes, because the typical control
cycle time of 100 300 s was too large, relative to the 20 s
rise time of the current from 0 100 %. The controller could
only be either optimized for speed or for minimum overshoot.
The load varies too strongly during the experiment. During
the contact separation a low current shall be maintained for
80 ms at an arc voltage of 0.2 kV. In the subsequent 10 ms
of interest, the blowing increases the arc voltage to 2 kV.
This causes a change of current gradient by a factor of 2.8 and
signicantly aects the control dynamics.
A large integral parameter of the PID controller is required
to compensate the large arc voltage variations. However, a
falling arc characteristic in combination with the stochastic
arc behavior can cause an instable controller at large integral
or dierential parameters.
Repetitive experiments are not suciently identical because of
the interaction of the controller dynamics with the stochastic
arc behavior.
In the scope of this project, modications in the controller hardand software have been made to optimize the control behavior for
application on switching arcs. The PID controller was replaced by
a semi-hardware-semi-software upper band controller. Its functionality is as follows: All IGBTs are turned on period f synchronous
with a selectable phase shift n . One high speed comparator per
IGBT monitors a voltage signal, which is proportional to the instantaneous current. It turns of the IGBT, if this signal exceeds a
second voltage signal, which is proportional to the momentous setmaximum-current. The set-maximum-current is created by the DSP

A.4 Control and automation


based on discrete set current values in the preloaded conguration

le. The control scheme is shown in gure A.6, modications for the
upper band controller are indicated in red therein. The upper band
controller has the following advantages:
nearly negligible over-currents at maximum control bandwidth
(exactly predictable small over-currents occur due to the current measurement and turn-o delay of 6 s)
possibility to increase the current from 0 100 % without a
single turn-o
very reproducible current waveforms, as interaction of arc stochastic and control parameters is no longer present.
A disadvantage of the upper band controller is that not a mean
set current waveform is specied but instead a maximum-currentwaveform is followed. A current ripple amplitude increase by I due
to a signicant arc voltage increase has the following consequence:
a the maximum current in a control cycle remains constant but the
minimum current decreases by I. By that, the mean current value
of a control cycle decreases by the factor I/2.

B. Specication of the model

circuit breaker
The independent variation of blow pressure, contact opening-time
and current amplitude is not possible in a puer circuit breaker
or a self-blast breaker. Therefore, it has been decided to build an
air blast breaker but with external supply of pressurized gas from
bottles. An overview of the model circuit breaker components is
shown in gure B.2

B.1. Contact opening mechanism

A FESTO DNC pressure cylinder with pneumatic damping at both
end positions is used for contact separation. The moving contact
is typically accelerated in the rst 20 ms, then velocity saturates.
The contact is pneumatically damped at reaching the end position.
The opening speed varies with applied pressure and with electrode
weight. In the experiments, a pressure of 4.5 bar is used, at which
a maximum speed of 3.4 m/s has been measured. Complete contact
separation typically requires 80 ms. In addition, a typical delay of
30 ms exists between valve triggering and start of contact movement.

B.2. Blow apparatus

Pressurized gas (typically dry air) originates from a bank of gas
bottles at 300 bar (cf. gures B.1 and B.2), from which the eight
1.5 liter bottles are lled with 1 50 bar prior to each experiment.













Blow equipment
16 storage bottles
17 blow valve
18 filling valve
19 filling tubes
20 gas storage bottles


Measurement equipment
10 voltage probe +
11 voltage probe 12 hall current sensor
13 pressure sensor heating chamber
14 pressure sensor bottle
15 position sensor

Contact movement equipment

7 pneumatic cylinder
8 opening/closing valves
9 bushing to high voltage contact

Main equipment
1 nozzle
2 busbar high voltage
3 movable high voltage contact
4 high voltage electrode
5 low voltage electrode
(not visible, placed inside chamber)
6 bus bar low voltage

B Specication of the model circuit breaker

Figure B.1.: Model circuit breaker components: (right top) full view,
(left) zoom of arc chamber, (center bottom ) gas bottle bank, (center
right bottom) wall bushing and current sensor, (right bottom) zoom of
valves and pressurized bottles

B.2 Blow apparatus

Moving contact



Gas flow
Fixed contact

Pressure chamber
Pressure bottles

Figure B.2.: Schematic drawing of the model circuit breaker (from [S2])


B Specication of the model circuit breaker

Sonic speed in the nozzle throat can only be achieved if the crosssection of the pipe system from the storage volume to the nozzle
throat has everywhere larger cross-section than the nozzle throat
itself. For a maximum throat diameter of 30 mm the piping system
has to exceed a cross-section of 848 mm2 at its narrowest section.
To control the blowing, fast-operating valves are required, which are
not commercially available for suciently large cross-sections. It was
therefore necessary to use several valves in parallel. Eight VCH400
valves with 120 mm2 each and 2 ms opening time have been used.
To minimize the pressure loss from the storage volume to the
nozzle throat, a radially distributed placing of eight valves and eight
separate storage bottles was chosen. This has the advantage that
for smaller throat diameters the storage volume size and by that the
gradient of pressure decrease during the experiment can be varied
by selective operation of only some of the valves and bottles.
A pressure chamber was manufactured from a high-tensile aluminium block to merge the ows from the eight valves. This reduces
possible turbulences in the nozzle, caused by the gas ow splitting,
and achieves a more stable gas pressure. The wall thickness is overdimensioned, so that it can bear three times higher shear stress than
resulting at 50 bar. In this way, possible overpressure created by ablation in the nozzle will not exceed the mechanical limits. In addition, the circuit breaker is equipped with a housing of non breakable
The uid-dynamic equivalent circuit of the model circuit breaker
is shown in gure B.3. In total, the eight bottles represent a total
storage volume VB = 12000 cm3 connected via an eective crosssection AV = 9.2 cm2 to the chamber. A piezo-resistive pressure
sensor that measures pB is placed at the neck of one bottle, and a
second one that measures pH , is placed inside the pressure chamber
at 10 cm distance from the nozzle throat.

B.2 Blow apparatus




VR = inf


Sensor pH

Sensor P
area AV
mass flow m V

. AN
mass flow mN


Figure B.3.: Fluid dynamic equivalent circuit of model circuit breaker

(from [S2])

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Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth
Civil status




Personal data
Michael Max Walter
Swiss, Zurich
[email protected]
Master Studies, Electrical Engineering and Information
Technology, ETH Zrich
Bachelor Studies, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Swiss Maturity, Physics and Applied Mathematics,
MNG Rmibhl Zurich
Work Experience
ETH Power Systems and High Voltage Laboratories,
Scientic Assistant, Zurich Switzerland
MITSUBISHI Electric, Master thesis, Inuence of an
opening resistor and surge arrestor on UHV transient
recovery voltages, Osaka Japan
ABB Switzerland, Internship, Assembling of a UNITROL6080 prototype test cabinet, Turgi Switzerland
Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Internship, Telecommunications, Belgrade Serbia
ABB Switzerland, Semester thesis, Impedance Tomography Level Detection Systems, Dttwil Switzerland


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