Jammu and Kashmir Leave Rules, 1979,3rd Amendment

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Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Finance Department
Civil secretariat, Srinagar


srkagar, the & $ $ M ~ Y2013
SRO 274 .-In
exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to
section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor
directs that the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Service Regulations, 1956 and
the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1979, shall be
amended as under:-

I) I n the J&K Civil Service Regulations Volume-1.-

"the proviso

to Article 44-A, shall be deleted."

II) I n the J&K Civil Service (Leave) Rules 1979.1. Rule 67 shall be recast as under:

"Rule-67; (1) ~ u r i nstudy

leave availed outside India, a Government servant
shall draw leave salary equal to the pay (without Allowances other than Dearness
Allowance) that the Government servant drew while on duty with the
Government immediately before proceeding on such leave in addition to the
Study Allowance admissible under the provisions of rules 68 to 73.
(2) (a) During study leave availed in India, a Government servant shall draw
leave salary equal to the pay (without Allowances other than Dearness
Allowance) that the '~overnment servant drew while on duty with the
Government immediately before proceeding on such leave.

(b) Payment of leave salary a t full rate under clause (a) shall be subject to
furnishing of a certificate by the Government servant to the effect that helshe is
not in receipt of any scholarship, stipend or remuneration in respect of any parttime employment.



(c) The amount, if any, received by a Government servant during the period
of study leave as scholarship or stipend or remuneration in respect of any parttime employment as envisaged in sub-rule (2) of rule 67 shall be adjusted
against the leave salary payable under this sub-rule subject to the condition that
the leave salary shall not be reduced to an amount less than that payable as
leave salary during half pay leave.
(d) No Study Allowance shall be paid during study leave for courses of study
in India.
(e) All t h e Departments shall ensure that only t h e genuine and
deserving cases avail of t h e benefit under these rules and shall
accordingly lay down further guidelines specific t o their departments."
2. After rule 67, following shall be added as rule 68,69,70,71 and

"Rule-68; (1) A 'Study Allowance shall be granted to a Government servant

who has been granted study leave for studies outside India for the period spent
in prosecuting a definite course of study at a recognised Institution or in any
definite tour of inspection of any special class of work as well as for the period
covered by any examination at the end of the course of study;
(2) Where a Government servant has been permitted to receive and retain, in
addition to his leave salary any scholarship or stipend that may be awarded to
him/her from a Government or non-Government source or any other
remuneration in respect of any part-time employment;
(a) No Study Allowance shall be admissible in case the net amount of such
scholarship or stipend or remuneration (arrived at by deducting the cost of fees,
if any, paid by the Government servant from the value of the scholarship or
stipend or remuneration) exceeds the amount of Study Allowances otherwise

(b) I n case the net amount of scholarship or stipend or remuneration is less

than the Study Allowance otherwise admissible, the difference between the value
of the net scholarShip or stipend or any other remuneration in respect of any
part-time employment and the study allowance may be granted by the authority
competent to grant leave.



Study Allowance shall not be granted for any period during which a
Government servant interrupts miher course of study to suit hislher own


Provided that the authority competent to grant leave or the Head of the Mission
may authorise the grant of Study Allowance for a period not exceeding 14 days
at a time during such interruption if it was due to sickness.
(4) Study Allowance shall also be allowed for the entire period of vacation
during the course of study subject to the conditions that:(a) the Government servant attends during vacation any special course of
study or practical training under the direction of the Government or the
authority,competent to grant leave, as the case may be; or
(b) in the absence of any such direction, helshe produces satisfactory
evidence before the Head of the Mission or the authority competent to grant
leave as the case may be, that heishe continued hisiher studies during the
Provided that in respect of vacation falling at the end of courses of study it
shall be allowed for a maximum period of 14 days.
(5) The period for which Study Allowance may be granted shall not exceed 36
months in all.

The rates of Study Allowance shall be the same as are allowed by the
Government of India to its employees from time to time in the respective

Rule-7Q; (1) Payment of Study Allowance shall be subject to the furnishing of a

certificate by the Gobernment servant to the effect that helshe is not in receipt
of any scholarship, stipend or any other remuneration in respect of any part-time
(2) Study Allowance shall be paid at the end of every month provisionally
subject to an undertdking in writing being obtained from the Government servant
that helshe would refund to the Government any over-payment consequent on
h ~ sfailure to produce the required certificate of attendance or on hisiher fa~lure
to satisfy the authority competent to grant leave about the proper utilization of
the time spent for which Study Allowance is claimed.
r, Q


(3) (a) I n the case of a definite course of study at a recognised Institution, the
Study Allowance, shall be payable by the authority competent to grant leave, if
the study leave availed of, is in a country where there is no Indian Mission and
the Head of the Mission in other cases on claims submitted by the Government
servant from time to time supported by proper certificate of attendance.

(b) The certificate of attendance required to be submitted in support of the

claims for Study Allowance shall be forwarded at the end of the term, if the
Government servant is undergoing study in an Educational Institution, or at
intervals not exceeding three months if hetshe is undergoing study at any other
(4) (a) when the programme of study approved does not include, or does not

consist entirely of such a course of study, the Government servant shall submit
to the authority competent to grant leave direct or through the Head of the
Mission a diary showing how histher time has been spent and a report indicating
fully the nature of the methods and operations which have been studied and
including suggestions as to possibility of adopting such methods of operations to
conditions obtaining in India.
(b) The authority competent to grant leave shall decide whether the diary and
report show that the time of the Government servant was properly utilized and
shall determine accordingly for what periods Study Allowance may be granted.
Rule-71; No allowance of any kind other than the Dearness Allowance and
Study Allowance (where admissible) shall be admissible to a Government servant
in respect of the period of study leave granted to himther.
Rule-72; (1) I f a Government servant resigns or retires from service or
otherwise quits service without returning to duty aRer a period of study leave or
within a period of three years after such return to duty helshe shall refund:(i) the actual amount of leave salary, Study Allowance and other expenses, if
any incurred by the Government ; and
(ii) the actual amount, if any, of the cost incurred by other agencies such as
foreign Governments, Foundations and Trusts in connection with the course of
study, together with the interest thereon at rates for the time being in force on
Government loans from the date of demand, before hislher resignation is
accepted or permission to retire is granted or hislher quitting service otherwise:



Provided that nothing contained in this rule shall apply:(a) to a Government servant who after return to duty from study leave is
permitted to retire from service on medical grounds ; or
(b) to a Government servant who after return to duty from study leave is
deputed to serve in any statutory or autonomous body or Institution under the
control of the Government and is subsequently permitted to resign from service
under the Government with a view to his permanent absorption in the said
statutory or autonomous body or Institution in the public interest.
(2) (a) The study leave availed of by such Government servant shall be
converted into regular leave standing at his/her credit on the date on which the
study leave commenced; any regular leave taken in continuation of study leave
being suitably adjusted for the purpose and the balance of the period of study
leave if any, which cannot be so converted be treated as extraordinary leave.

(b) I n addition to the amount to be refunded by the Government servant

under sub-rule (1) he/she shall be required to refund any excess of leave salary
actually drawn over the leave salary admissible on conversion of the study leave.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the Government servant
may, if it is necessary or expedient to do so either in public interest or having
regard to the peculiar circumstances of the case or class of cases by order, waive
or reduce the amount required to be refunded under sub-rule (1) by the
Government servant concerned or class of Government servants."
3. Rule-73 shall be recast as under."Rule-73; Authority Competent to sanction study leave shall be as

(1)The concerned Administrative Department shall be competent to

sanction the stuby leave under these rules within the State.
(2) The General Administration Department on the recommendations
of the Administrative Department concerned and with the consent of
the Finance Department may grant study leave under these rules for
purpose of study out side the State within India.


(3) cases for stGdy leave outside India will be sanctioned by the

Government on the recommendations of the committee prescribed for

the purpose and with the concurrence of the Finance Department. "

By order of the Governor.


Principal Secretary to Government,

Finance Department.
No. A/49(83)-111- 493
Copy t0:1. Advocate General, l&K


- 05-2013

2. Principal Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road New, Delhi.

3. ,All Financial Commissioners.
4. All Principal Secretaries to Government.
5. Princ~palSecretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister.
6. Chief Electoral Officer, J&K Sr~nagar/Jammu.
7. All Commissioner / Secretaries to Government.
8. Secretary to HE the Governor.
9. Divisional Commissioner Kashmirl Jammu.
10.Accountant General, J&K Srinagarl Jammu.
11.Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar.
12.Secretary to Ch~efJustice J&K High Courts Srinagar /Jammu.
13.Registrar General, J&K High Court Srinagarl Jammu.
14. Director General, Accounts and Treasuries.
15.Director General, Funds Organization J&K.
16. Director SKIMS & Ex-Officio Secretary to Govt.
17.Director ,Budget.
18.Director Local Fund Audit & Pension J&K
19.Director, ~ G d iand
t Inspections.
20.All Head of Departments / Managing Directors/ Chief Executive of State PSU's
/ Autonomous Bodies.
21.Secretary JBK Public Service Commission.
22.All District Development Commissioners.
23. Director Aqcounts & Treasuries Srinagarl Jammu.
24.Director Information J&K Srinagar I Jammu.
25.Joint Director Funds Organization Srinagarl jammu.
26. FA&CAO, Flood Control Organization Srinagar / Jammu.
27.Secretary, J&K Legislative Assembly/ Legislative Council.
28. Principal Accountancy Training School Srinagar.
29. Principal Nbrthern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute Jammu.
30.All Financial Advisors & CAO's.
31.All ~reasu&Officers.


32.General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar / Jammu for publication in

Governmeqt ~azette.
33.Private Secretary to Hon'ble Ministers/ Hon'ble Ministers of State for
information of the Hon'ble Ministers.
34.Principal Private Secretary to Chief Secretary.
35.All Officers / Section Officers of Finance Department.
36.President Non-Gazetted Employees Union, Civil Secretariat, Srinagarl Jammu.
37. Finance Department's website(www.ia
38.GAD website (www.ikqad.nic.in

Director Codes
Finance Department


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