Lining Ductwork

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ArmaSound RD


FESI Ductwork Acoustic Lining Calculator

Who is FESI

Internal Lining of Ductwork

FESI is the federation of European insulation contractor as-

For acoustic purposes it is preferable to line the inside of duct-

sociations. Amongst the interests of FESI is the formulation of

scientifically based solutions to acoustic problems which can
be consistently and practically implemented.
The calculation methodology used within this PDF is based on

work using an acoustic lining material. When doing so the

primary objective is not to introduce health hazards into the air
stream. All ArmaSound products are fibre free and as such will
have no negative impact on the indoor air quality.

equations and methods developed in FESI Document A6.

The secondary objective when lining ductwork internally must


cross section which would reduce the air flow rate. When

Ductwork carries air around buildings, be it heated air, conditioned air or extract air. Unfortunately ductwork also has the
unwanted side effect of simultaneously carrying noise around
buildings. This noise can include not only noise from fans and
other mechanical systems but also voices carried from elsewhere in a building.
Various pieces of legislation mean building engineers must
now take steps to reduce the impact of noise on those using their buildings. One of the simplest ways of doing this
is to internally line ductwork using an acoustic foam such as
ArmaSound 240.

compared to other acoustic absorbing materials ArmaSound

240 can achieve comparable absorption coefficients at any
given frequency with thicknesses significantly less. This enables an acoustic reduction to be met with a reduced impact on
air flow rates.

Frequency of Noise
When it comes to acoustic absorbers the thickest product is
not always the best. The same material will perform differently at different frequencies depending on the thickness. If
the nuisance noise frequency is known the required thickness
of insulation can often be reduced.
Unfortunately it is impossible to know in advance exactly what

Break-out noise vs. propagation noise

Noise can leave ductwork in a number of distinctly different
One way in which noise can travel is by propagating through
the air within the duct. At grilles and openings this noise then
leaves the duct as propagation noise. The level of noise which
leaves the duct at these points can be directly influenced by
internally lining the duct.

be to guard against any unnecessary reduction in the duct

the frequency of noise travelling down ductwork will be. This

can only be accurately known by the process of site testing, by
which time it may be impractical to acoustically line the ductwork internally.
However, since in most cases the fan is the primary source
of nuisance noise, it is often possible to roughly predict the
frequency most likely to become a problem. Simply take the

Armacell UK Ltd. Mars Street, Oldham OL9 6LY Tel 0161 287 7100 Fax 0161 633 2685 [email protected] Armacell UK Ltd. Published in the UK 08/2009
For updates to this document, please refer to our website. Armacell provides this information as a technical service. To the extent the information is derived from sources other than Armacell, Armacell is substantially,
if not wholly, relying upon the other source(s) to provide accurate information. Information provided as a result of Armacells own technical analysis and testing is accurate to the extent of our knowledge and ability,
using effective standardized methods and procedures. Each user of these products, or information, should perform their own tests to determine the safety, fitness and suitability of the products, or combination of
products, for any foreseeable purposes, applications and uses by the user and by any third party to which the user may convey the products. Since Armacell cannot control the end use of this product, Armacell
does not guarantee that the user will obtain the same results as published in this document. The data and information is provided as a technical service, and the data and information are subject to change without

ArmaSound RD

FESI Ductwork Acoustic Lining Calculator

fan speed (in rotations per second) and multiply this by the

as a beam without ever touching the sides of the duct. The

number of fan blades. This will give you a frequency in Hz. (see

result of this is that, for a perfectly straight length of ductwork,

as an example graph below)

it is impossible to accurately predict the impact of acoustic in-

Acoustic Performance
for ArmaSound 240
354][ISO 354]
Acoustic Performance
of ArmaSound

Random Incidence Absorption Coefficient

sulation on noise at higher frequencies.

The exact nature of ductwork acoustics is exceedingly complicated but for most practical purposes it is reasonable to assume that most higher frequency noise will be dealt with as the


duct goes around bends. In cases where further reductions

are necessary it is possible to design a system incorporating


additional silencers which split the air stream and prevent the


beam effect from occurring.


Breakout noise versus propagation noise




Frequency (Hz)
ArmaSound - 6mm

ArmaSound - 10mm

ArmaSound - 15mm

ArmaSound - 25mm

This chart shows the acoustic absorption coefficient for ArmaSound RD 240 measured at different thickness*. Measured in acc. with the ISO 354 measurement standard at the School of Acoustics and Electronic Engineering, Salford
University, UK
Measured in acc. with the ISO 10534 (pt2) measurement standard at the Acoustic Group, Bradford University, UK

The manufacturer of your air handling unit may be able to

provide you with a more detailed break down of the expected
noise levels emitted by the entire system which takes into account more than just the noise emitted by the fan. If possible
this information should be obtained.
It is important to select the appropriate thickness of ArmaSound

Noise can leave ductwork in a number of distinctly different

One way in which noise can travel is by propagating through
the air within the duct. At grilles and openings this noise then
leaves the duct as propagation noise. The level of noise which
leaves the duct at these points can be directly influenced by
internally lining the duct.

Products recommendations
AF/Armaflex Class O sheet is a flexible closed cell elastomeric
sheet with a Class O fire rating and energy saving thermal

240 most well suited to absorbing noise in the particular fre-

performance. Being a closed cell material, AF/Armaflex Class O

quencies likely to be experienced so as to achieve the most

requires no external vapour barrier and will not absorb mois-

economical solution.

ture by wicking.
Class O Armaflex Punched sheet is a dust and fibre free,

High Frequency Noise in Ductwork

Higher frequency noise may propagate down through a duct

Class O elastomeric acoustic absorber. Whilst not as effec-

Armacell UK Ltd. Mars Street, Oldham OL9 6LY Tel 0161 287 7100 Fax 0161 633 2685 [email protected] Armacell UK Ltd. Published in the UK 08/2009
For updates to this document, please refer to our website. Armacell provides this information as a technical service. To the extent the information is derived from sources other than Armacell, Armacell is substantially,
if not wholly, relying upon the other source(s) to provide accurate information. Information provided as a result of Armacells own technical analysis and testing is accurate to the extent of our knowledge and ability,
using effective standardized methods and procedures. Each user of these products, or information, should perform their own tests to determine the safety, fitness and suitability of the products, or combination of
products, for any foreseeable purposes, applications and uses by the user and by any third party to which the user may convey the products. Since Armacell cannot control the end use of this product, Armacell
does not guarantee that the user will obtain the same results as published in this document. The data and information is provided as a technical service, and the data and information are subject to change without

ArmaSound RD

tive an acoustic absorber as ArmaSound 240, ArmaSound

The formula is reliable up to the frequency at which the wave-

Punched Sheet boasts an impressive absorption coefficient

length is equal to the diameter or shortest dimension of the

and an aesthetically pleasing surface finish.

duct, beyond which the sound acts like a beam flowing along

ArmaSound RD 240 is a unique, high performance, dust and

the centre of the duct and attentuation decreases. The tool al-

fibre free, elastomeric acoustic absorber. Its complex pore geometry allows for effective absorption of air borne noise across

lows for calculations to be performed above this point but one

should be aware that the margin of error will increase as the

a broad frequency range. The result is a versatile acoustic

frequency rises further.

absorber which can achieve significant noise reductions with

Nevertheless, an estimation of the total noise reduction per-

reduced wall thicknesses.

formance can be made with this tool if the octave band noise
levels above the cut-off frequency are substantially lower than

Calculation tool

the octave band noise levels below it.

(see overleaf)

The calculation tool on the following page allows for the cal-

Note also that the calculated low frequency insertion loss is

culation of the length to be insulated given a set of existing

generally lower than is observed in practise.

and target noise levels and also for the calculation of decibel
reductions by frequency given existing noise levels and the
length of duct to be insulated.
Attenuation mechanisms associated with directional changes, branching, cross-sectional area variation, losses in and
through walls, airflow speeds and temperatures are not cov-

Start Calculation Tool

ered by this calculation tool. Calculating true insertion losses

for ducting is a complex subject and this tool serves only as an
engineering guide.

Armacell UK Ltd. Mars Street, Oldham OL9 6LY Tel 0161 287 7100 Fax 0161 633 2685 [email protected] Armacell UK Ltd. Published in the UK 08/2009
For updates to this document, please refer to our website. Armacell provides this information as a technical service. To the extent the information is derived from sources other than Armacell, Armacell is substantially,
if not wholly, relying upon the other source(s) to provide accurate information. Information provided as a result of Armacells own technical analysis and testing is accurate to the extent of our knowledge and ability,
using effective standardized methods and procedures. Each user of these products, or information, should perform their own tests to determine the safety, fitness and suitability of the products, or combination of
products, for any foreseeable purposes, applications and uses by the user and by any third party to which the user may convey the products. Since Armacell cannot control the end use of this product, Armacell
does not guarantee that the user will obtain the same results as published in this document. The data and information is provided as a technical service, and the data and information are subject to change without

< go to calulation tool >

FESI Ductwork Acoustic Lining Calculator

ArmaSound RD
Class O Armaflex
Class O Armaflex Punched

FESI Ductwork Acoustic Lining Calculator


Internal diameter of duct


Length of duct to line to be calculated

Class O Armaflex (19mm)

Current noise level

Are these noise

levels A-weighted






























Individual octave bands unknown

Overall required noise level (dB)



Class O Armaflex (19mm)

Formula valid up to:


Length to

Armacell UK Ltd. Mars Street, Oldham OL9 6LY Tel 0161 287 7100 Fax 0161 633 2685 [email protected] Armacell UK Ltd. Published in the UK 08/2009
For updates to this document, please refer to our website. Armacell provides this information as a technical service. To the extent the information is derived from sources other than Armacell, Armacell is substantially,
if not wholly, relying upon the other source(s) to provide accurate information. Information provided as a result of Armacells own technical analysis and testing is accurate to the extent of our knowledge and ability,
using effective standardized methods and procedures. Each user of these products, or information, should perform their own tests to determine the safety, fitness and suitability of the products, or combination of
products, for any foreseeable purposes, applications and uses by the user and by any third party to which the user may convey the products. Since Armacell cannot control the end use of this product, Armacell
does not guarantee that the user will obtain the same results as published in this document. The data and information is provided as a technical service, and the data and information are subject to change without

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