Estj Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging

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Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging

Every right-minded man has a philosophy of life, whether he knows
it or not. Hidden away in his mind are certain governing principles,
whether he formulates them in words or not, which govern his life.
Surely his ideal ought to be to contribute all that he can, however
little it may be, whether of money or service, to human progress.
--John D. Rockefeller,
Random Reminiscences of Men and Events

ESTJs thrive on order and continuity. Being extraverted,

their focus involves organization of people, which
translates into supervision. While ENTJs enjoy organizing
and mobilizing people according to their own theories and
tactically based agendas, ESTJs are content to enforce
"the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down
from a higher authority.
ESTJs are joiners. They seek out like-minded
companions in clubs, civic groups, churches and other
service organizations. The need for belonging is woven
into the fiber of SJs. The family likewise is a central focus
for ESTJs, and attendance at such events as weddings,
funerals and family reunions is obligatory.
Tradition is important to the ESTJ. Holidays, birthdays
and other annual celebrations are remembered and
observed often religiously by this type. The ESTJ is
inclined to seek out his roots, to trace the family heritage
back to honored ancestors both for a sense of family
respectability and for a sense of security and belonging.
Service, the tangible expression of responsibility, is
another key focus for ESTJs. They love to provide and to
receive good service. The ESTJ merchant who provides
dependable service has done much to enhance his or her
self image.
ESTJs have an acute sense for orthodoxy. Much of their
evaluation of persons and activities reflects their strong
sense of what is "normal" and what isn't. ESTJ humor is
frequently centered around something or someone being
off center or behaving abnormally.
ESTJs promote the work ethic. Power, position and
prestige should be worked for and earned. Laziness is
rarely viewed with ambivalence nor benevolence by this

Some men can make decisions and some cannot. Some men fret
and delay under criticism. I used to have a saying1 that applies here,
and I note that some people have picked it up.
--Harry S. Truman, Mr. Citizen
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

The ESTJ is outspoken, a person of principles, which are

readily expressed. The ESTJ is not afraid to stand up for
what he or she believes is right even in the face of
overwhelming odds. ESTJs are able to make the tough
Occupations attracting ESTJs include teaching, coaching,
banking, political office, and management at all levels.
(ESTJ stands for Extravert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging
and represents individual's preferences in four
dimensions characterising personality type, according to
Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type.)
Your Type Preferences
Extravert(6%) Sensing(9%) Thinking(12%) Judging(9%)
ESTJ Career Choices
ESTJs often find themselves in occupations that require
thorough analysis, practical planning and organizational
skills, process control and responsibility. ESTJs make
good mid- and high-rank managers and executives. They
succeed as military and police workers, politicians,
engineers and entrepreneurs. They are found in
technology companies among those who deal with
practical aspects of technology (e.g. implementation
JCIJung Career Indicator determines occupations and
areas in which ESTJs find themselves most fulfilled and
content, are most successful, and likely are most
represented in. The following list factors in the level
expressivenes of each of four characteristics of
personality type. It lists the most suitable areas of
occupations along with some examples of educational
institutions, where you can receive a relevant degree or
training. The most preferred areas appear first. Click
occupation names and school logos to request program

RHETI Sampler

The Questioner (the Six)

Questioners are responsible, trustworthy, and value
loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Their
personalities range broadly from reserved and timid to
outspoken and confrontative.

How to Get Along with Me

Be direct and clear.
Listen to me carefully.
Don't judge me for my anxiety.
Work things through with me.
Reassure me that everything is OK between us.
Laugh and make jokes with me.
Gently push me toward new experiences.
Try not to overreact to my overreacting.
What I Like About Being a Six
being committed and faithful to family and friends
being responsible and hardworking
being compassionate toward others
having intellect and wit
being a nonconformist
confronting danger bravely
being direct and assertive
What's Hard About Being a Six
the constant push and pull involved in trying to
make up my mind

procrastinating because of fear of failure; having

little confidence in myself
fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of
exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for
wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do
everything right
being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up
to my expectations

Sixes as Children Often

are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or
sarcastic, bossy, and stubborn
are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger
form a team of "us against them" with a best
friend or parent
look to groups or authorities to protect them
and/or question authority and rebel
are neglected or abused, come from
unpredictable or alcoholic families, and/or take
on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent
Sixes as Parents
are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong
sense of duty
are sometimes reluctant to give their children
worry more than most that their children will get
sometimes have trouble saying no and setting

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