Wood - Types, Properties, and Uses (2011)
Wood - Types, Properties, and Uses (2011)
Wood - Types, Properties, and Uses (2011)
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Crystallization and Melting Behaviour of Polypropylene / Wood
Flour Composites
R. Bouza, C. Marco, G. Ellis, Z. Martn,
M.A. Gmez and L. Barral
Wood is the most accessible and renewable material used by humankind during its
history. Today, the consumption of wood exceeds all other known materials. The industry of
various products made of wood grows continuously. This new book reviews research on
hydrothermal treatment and modification of wood in the drying and impregnation process; the
decomposition of coarse woody debris as an important component of the carbon cycle and
biodiversity of forest ecosystems; and the potential of agroforestry as a carbon sequestration
strategy. Also discussed is the importance of fossil woods, types of preservation, and their
significance in reconstructing the palaeo-climatology and paleo-environment of a region as
well as the limitation in identifying the fossil woods.
Chapter 1 - Wood is the most accessible and renewable material used by humankind
during its history. Today, the consumption of wood exceeds all other known materials. The
industry of various products made of wood grows continuously. Green lumber, being usually
a raw material for final consumer products, possesses a number of properties that limit its
application. For example, wood reduces its geometrical dimensions and can crack during
drying, it is a highly hygroscopic material, has an ability to decay, burn, etc. Of the wide
variety of lumber treatment technologies, typically two of them are used in producing the
majority of wood products. These are a process for removing the fluid (dehydration, drying,
extraction) and a process for introducing into wood certain substances in the form of a liquid
or vapor.
In most cases, for carrying out these treatments it is necessary to heat the wood in an
environment of gases and liquids, which modify its properties. These processes are termed
hydrothermal treatment. In this Chapter the processes of drying, heat treatment, combined
thermal and mechanical effects, as well as methods for wood modification, including those by
impregnating of wood with various liquids, are discussed.
A typical feature of modern dewatering and drying technologies is the significant role
played by the hydrodynamic transfer of vapor and liquid in the timber. In the first part of the
Chapter, the authors describe some features of this technology. The results (of tests) on
thermal-mechanical wood drying by the method of depressurization are presented. This
method permits intensifying the movement of moisture in the wood structure and removing
free water from the material in the form of drops without evaporation. The authors describe
the original results of the study of high-temperature drying of cylinder-shaped articles in a
vacuum-compression experimental setup using the depressurization method. This drying rate
Lorenzo F. Botannini
increases by 45 times as compared with traditional drying kilns. The method allowed the
authors to produce good quality products.
The second part is devoted to the modification of wood by impregnation. The urgent
technological problem is to create a desired distribution of impregnating liquid throughout the
timber volume. The proposed methods allow impregnating the wood at any depth up to full
saturation.The research has shown that this problem can be efficiently solved by using a wide
class of liquids (solutions of salts, polymers, hydrocarbons, dyes, melts, etc.), including
emulsions. The effects of the impregnation method, temperature, cyclic pressure and other
factors on the absorption of liquids are described.
Chapter 2 - Productive direct conversion of lignocelluloses into liquid organic products
by electron distillation of crude wood or by dry distillation of preliminarily irradiated wood is
considered. Electron-beam conversion is several times more effective than ordinary
hydrolytic, pyrogenous or enzymatic processing of wood. Distillation of wood by electronbeam energy yields a number of the useful reagents for heavy organic synthesis and fuel
productions. In particular, this path results in high yield of furans - perspective raw materials
for production of high-quality alternative fuel which is compatible to conventional engine fuel
and the up-to-date types of automobile engines. Electron-beam processing of intermixtures of
wood with others synthetic and natural organics (plasts, bitumen, oil, etc.) also can be
perspective. An experiments have shown that the electron-beam irradiation of binary woodbitumen or wood-polymer intermixtures is characterized by sinergistic destruction of
components. Such effect can be the innovative base in the alternative fuel production, in
recovery of complex polymer-cellulose waste, in processing of native bitumens and heavy
petroleum residue, in practical regeneration of synthetic monomers and in synthesis of
industrial inhibitors of radical polymerization.
Chapter 3 - Biomass in a holistic view produces food, fodder, fuel, fiber and fertilizer.
There are a number of simple, efficient and convenient biomass-based systems for different
domestic, agro-industrial and agricultural applications. The replacement of conventional
fossil fuels with biomass for thermal energy production results both in a net reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions and in the replacement of conventional energy sources. Biomass
energy accounts for about 11% of the global primary energy supply, and about 2 billion
people worldwide depend on biomass for their energy needs. Modern applications of biomass
cover not only industrial thermal application and electricity production, but also include
domestic applications through improved cookstoves, wood gas stoves and gasifier.
Combustible producer gas extracted from gasifier is effectively and economically converted
from low value solid biomass fuel to a gaseous mixture. This gaseous mixture can be used to
generate processing heat for thermal application. In this chapter, various biomass conversion
routes such as thermo chemical, bio-chemical and agro chemical conversion have been
covered, which includes improved cookstoves and biomass gasifier. The thermo chemical
conversion process starts from a direct combustion process to more efficient gasification
process, which includes pyrolysis, gasification and improved cookstoves. A gasification
system to generate processing heat for baking bakery items and drying of phosphoric acid
through open core down draft type; durable biomass cookstove for domestic, agro industrial
and community applications; and a gasification-based wood stove for cooking application are
discussed. The natural draft gasifier to generate thermal heat to extract chemical components
from medicinal plants, fuel replacement and greenhouse gas mitigation potential through
installation of biomass gasifier and cookstoves are also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 4 - The aboveground biomass and nutrient content are important measures of the
characteristics and individual requirements of the plant species. Also, a previous evaluation of
the areas to be planted is essential to a successful establishment of forests with native or
exotic species. The aim of this review is to explore the current information on the total
aboveground biomass, nutrient content and the benefit of symbiosis in some native woody
species and exotic Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The methodology for native and exotic
plant species used for agroforestry is illustrated. The Eucalyptus species presented an
aboveground wood biomass (AWB) of 26.9 to 44.4 Mg ha-1, and the aboveground wood
volume varied for 42.8 to 75.9 m3ha-1. The biomass of the stem wood, leaves, branches, and
stem bark accounted for 6466%, 1619%, 1517%, and 0.20.6% of the total biomass,
respectively. The wood localized in superior parts of the trunk presented a higher
concentration of P and bark containing significant amounts of nutrients. On the other hand,
the native species evaluated, presented a higher total aboveground biomass when inoculated
with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium bacteria. Leguminous trees showed greater
height and diameter growth, as well as, higher dry matter and nutrient concentration when
inoculated. The AWB varied for 0.48 to 0.76 Mg ha-1 for Anadenanthera peregrina. The
agroforestry trees exhibited mycorrhizal mycotrophy. The potential of agroforestry as a
carbon sequestration strategy (carbon storage potential in its multiple plant species and soil)
as well as its applicability in agricultural lands and in reforestation must be more exploited.
Research directions that are needed to increase understanding of mycorrhizal associations in
tropical cropping systems and to increase mycorrhizal benefit are indicated. The benefits and
problems encountered are discussed in this chapter, in order to highlight the need for a
continual study of the forestry species.
Chapter 5 - Decomposition of coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important component of
the carbon cycle and biodiversity of forest ecosystems. Dynamics of organic chemicals,
nutrients and occurrence of fungi during CWD decomposition have been studied intensively
in coniferous boreal forests. However, little attention has been paid to the CWD of
angiosperms that dominate temperate areas and to the relation between the organic chemical
dynamics and fungal succession during CWD decomposition. Thus, the purpose of the
present study is to clarify the mechanism of fungal decomposition of CWD of an angiosperm
tree, Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume).
First, the dynamics of the physicochemical properties of beech CWD during
decomposition were estimated. A chronosequence method with a five decay class system was
used to estimates the decay process of CWD. Second, a mycological survey was conducted
for macrofungi fruiting on CWD and microfungi isolated from CWD, and the relationships
between fungal succession and physicochemical changes during CWD decomposition were
detected. In light of the results, fungal decomposition of beech CWD and the implication for
soil humus accumulation were discussed.
Chapter 6 - The stable-carbon-isotope ratio (13C) of plants is strongly related to the ratio
of CO2 assimilation rate and stomatal conductance, and water use efficiency (WUE), and thus
13C analysis of tree rings gives long-term records on carbon gain and water use associated
with wood formation. To identify the effective rainfall seasons for early and late wood
formation of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) and black locust (Robinia
pseudoacacia L.) in the Loess Plateau, China, we examined correlations of seasonal
precipitation with annual values of 13C and tree-ring width for early and late wood. The
Lorenzo F. Botannini
correlations with precipitation were examined for each month and for periods of all possible
lengths from 2 to 22 months starting from January of the previous year to October of the
current year. The period with the highest correlation was adopted as the most effective
rainfall season for interannual variations in tree-ring 13C and width. In early wood,
precipitation during the dry season (October to May) before the growing season was
negatively correlated with 13C of pine trees and positively correlated with ring width of pine
and locust trees. In late wood, rainfall during the growing season in the current year was
negatively correlated with 13C of pine and locust trees, and positively correlated with ring
width of locust trees. Our results demonstrated the different water use strategies between pine
and locust trees. The lower 13C of pine trees indicated higher WUE and more conservative
water use compared to locust trees. Precipitation during the dry season affected the
interannual variation in tree-ring 13C and width of pine and locust trees, indicating that the
rainfall during the dry season before the growing season is important for wood formation in
the Loess Plateau.
Chapter 7 - Palaeo-environmental interpretation using the fossil remains has attained a
world wide attention and the palaeontological studies coupled with geochronology and
stratigraphy could bring many dimensions to certain obstinate facets of biogeography and
promote not only the theory of evolution, but the concept of plate tectonics also. Throughout
geological time the omnipresence of fossil wood has provided researchers with a potentially
rich archive of data for exploring questions concerning extinct and extant arboreal plant
systematics. Fossil woods, both petrified and carbonized wood remains, provide information
on bio-geographical trends over space and time. Also, the past distribution and diversity of
woody taxa are important for reconstructing the timing of diversification and migration
patterns. They have also provided vital information on palaeo-climatic fluxes in
reconstructing the palaeo-environmental scenario of a region. The present chapter deals with
the importance of fossils woods, types of preservation, their significance in reconstructing the
palaeo-climatology and palaeo-environment of a region as well as the limitation in identifying
the fossil woods.
Chapter 8 - The effects of chemical modification of pine wood fiber on the moldability of
this material were examined. Pine wood fiber was chemically modified with benzyl chloride
under alkaline conditions at various mole ratios of benzyl chloride to wood hydroxyl groups
(ratio = 1 to 4) and at different reaction times (2 to 8 h). The extent of benzylation was
assessed by weight gain and FTIR and NMR spectroscopies. FTIR spectroscopy revealed the
reduction of wood hydroxyl group bands, an increase in aromatic bands, a reduction in
cellulose crystallinity, and an increase in acryl and alkyl ether bands, which were consistent
with etherification. The thermal and mechanical properties of the benzylated wood fiber were
assessed by a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic rheometry
and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The results from DSC were consistent with data
from rheometry. The data have shown that the benzylated wood thermal transition
temperature and mechanical properties can be tailored by the extent of benzylation.
Chapter 9 - This chapter highlights the deforming behavior of PF resin-impregnated
wood under transverse compression aiming at obtaining high strength wood at low pressing
pressure. The impregnation of PF resin caused significant softening of cell walls resulting in
cell wall collapse at low pressing pressure. Pressure holding causing creep deformation of
resin impregnated wood was also effective in initiating collapse at lower pressure. Thus, by
ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 1
Wood is the most accessible and renewable material used by humankind during its
history. Today, the consumption of wood exceeds all other known materials. The industry
of various products made of wood grows continuously. Green lumber, being usually a
raw material for final consumer products, possesses a number of properties that limit its
application. For example, wood reduces its geometrical dimensions and can crack during
drying, it is a highly hygroscopic material, has an ability to decay, burn, etc. Of the wide
variety of lumber treatment technologies, typically two of them are used in producing the
majority of wood products. These are a process for removing the fluid (dehydration,
drying, extraction) and a process for introducing into wood certain substances in the form
of a liquid or vapor.
In most cases, for carrying out these treatments it is necessary to heat the wood in an
environment of gases and liquids, which modify its properties. These processes are
termed hydrothermal treatment. In this Chapter the processes of drying, heat treatment,
combined thermal and mechanical effects, as well as methods for wood modification,
including those by impregnating of wood with various liquids, are discussed.
A typical feature of modern dewatering and drying technologies is the significant
role played by the hydrodynamic transfer of vapor and liquid in the timber. In the first
part of the Chapter, we describe some features of this technology. Our results (of tests) on
thermal-mechanical wood drying by the method of depressurization are presented. This
method permits intensifying the movement of moisture in the wood structure and
removing free water from the material in the form of drops without evaporation. We
describe the original results of the study of high-temperature drying of cylinder-shaped
articles in a vacuum-compression experimental setup using the depressurization method.
This drying rate increases by 45 times as compared with traditional drying kilns. The
method allowed us to produce good quality products.
e-mail: [email protected].
People have used wood in the course of the millennia mainly as fuel and building
material. Today the volume of wood consumption exceeds all other known materials and it is
more widely used.
It is known that every tree, on average, consumes six kilograms of carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere a day; every cubic meter of wood is the result of assimilation of 250 pounds
of CO2 from the atmosphere. Wood products play a significant role in moderating the impacts
that affect global climate change. The natural properties of wood in themselves provide a
simple way to reduce the emission of CO2, which is probably the main cause of global
climate change. Processing wood into finished products requires less energy than a full cycle
of production, say, of steel or concrete, and, thus, contributes to reducing CO2 emissions.
Production of one ton of aluminum means the release of 22 tons of CO2, compared with 15
kilograms emitted in the production of one ton of lumber [[20]].
Wood properties such as carbon content, and the fact that the wood is a renewable
resource make the use of wood important not only from the viewpoint of economics, but also
of politics [[79]]. Politics is in the context of the fight against global warming and other
environmental problems.
The use of wood begins with timber-harvesting operations. After cutting the wood
lumber, 4050% of the wood mass (branches, knots, and roots) are left in the forest [[82],
[102]]. Some part of the waste is to remain in the forest to avoid the depletion of soil
nutrients. Another part can be used as fuel (firewood, wood chips, pellets), for the production
of chipboard, as well as fertilizers, as mulch, for getting charcoal, wood chemical production,
etc. In many countries, wood fuel is widely used in the energy sector. In Sweden and Finland,
for example, the proportion of wood in the fuel balance is about 60%.
When sawing, the waste can be 4060% of timber brought from the forest. After
treatment, the wood is used for making various products, starting with furniture and building
construction and finishing with dishes and souvenirs. Thus, only about 25% of the grown tree
is in use to make a final product. So, the reasonable use of wood materials and products is an
important task.
Wood has several properties that limit its use: Such products reduce their geometric
dimensions and can undergo cracking at shrinkage. The wood is able to decay, burn, etc.
Wood should be subjected to hydrothermal treatment in order to give required parameters.
This extends the possibilities of its application and widens its consumer properties. By the
hydrothermal treatment is meant the process when the properties of material undergo a
change (at heating, pressing, saturation, etc.) in gas and liquid media [[83]].
Almost all commercial sorts of timber are being dried in industrial kilns. The process of
kiln drying consists basically of applying heat to the material. As known, there exist three
main methods of energy supply to the material: conduction, where heating is carried out by
contact of wood with a hot surface; convection, where a material gets heat from the stream of
hot gas or liquid, and radiation, where a heat source is infra-red, or high-frequency radiation.
The simplest method of heating timber is its blowing by hot air. To do this, conventional
kilns are the most widespread [[21], [34], [82], [83], [85], [110]]. Figure 1.1 shows the photo
of this-type kilns, including the picture inside the dryer while timber loading.
Typically, material stacks in the dryer are being blown by hot air with specific humidity.
Circulated air has a temperature of 60-80oC and a speed of 2-6 m/s. In such kilns we can
download up to 1000 m3 of material, the drying time takes from several days (spruce, pine
and other softwood) to several tens of days (hardwood). A long time process is necessary to
arrange soft conditions for providing good-quality products.
Figure 1.1. Block of four conventional kilns with a load volume of 50 m3 of timber each (a). Formation
of stacks inside the chamber (b). Klichev Forestry, Belarus.
In this process the drying agent (hot air) provides energy to the material surface, and
moisture is transferred from the deep layers of wood to the material surface mainly due to
capillary movement and diffusion. The drying process is based on the tendency of wood to
hydrothermal equilibrium (EMC) with surrounding media (drying agent). If the water vapor
pressure in the timber is higher than the vapor pressure in the environment, then drying
occurs, if it is lower sorption of moisture. Since reducing the moisture content below the
fiber saturation point (FSP) causes the timber size to decrease, it is necessary to create the
same moisture content at each part (section) of products to obtain a good drying quality. In
addition, equal conditions of heat and mass transfer for each unit of dried products must be
To heat the drying agent in kilns steam or water heaters are used. Often hot gases (e.g.,
furnace gases) [[83]] are employed. In some regions solar kilns using free solar energy are
built for wood drying [[21], [106]]. Sometimes aerodynamic drying kilns having no heaters
[[81]] are used, and heating occurs due to energy dissipation of air being accelerated by fans.
The process of high-temperature drying is more intense, drying is carried out at wood
temperatures of 100oC and above [[3]].
Since the high-temperature treatment of wood can change its strength, color and other
characteristics, the question of the quality of wood after its exposure at high temperature is
one of the most debated [[19], [21], [61], [66]].
In high-temperature drying kilns, wood is heated to a temperature of 100oC at a relative
humidity (RH) of 100% (saturated steam) in the chamber. Then the drying agent is undergone
further heating, the chamber steam becomes superheated. Sometimes this method is called
superheated steam drying (SSD) [[28], [60]]. When the steam becomes superheated the water
in the timber will start boiling. The water in the wood will be pressed out and absorbed by the
overheated steam medium. This provides a short drying time without any damage to the
timber because the kiln is completely closed, so there is no exchange with outside air.
According to [[50]], the energy consumption at SSD is four times lower than that at hot-air
Application of vacuum drying can reduce the temperature of treating a material, which is
particularly important when temperature-sensitive materials and valuable timber are being
dried. With this method, the drying rate increases due to the intensification of the process and
material stresses decrease, thus improving the drying quality. For periodic vacuum drying
with the use of heat, the accumulated material can achieve a uniform distribution of the
moisture content in it [[49]]. Therefore, vacuum kilns are increasingly used in industry,
especially for accelerated drying of hardwood and wood of large cross-section [[14], [49],
[103], [104]].
Convective and conductive heat supply to the timber is mainly used in vacuum chambers.
At convective heating, the timber gets the heat of hot air supplied by a fan through a radiator.
After heating, the air is evacuated from the material, and this results in intense evaporation of
moisture. When the wood becomes cool the hot air is again supplied to the timber and the
cycle is repeated.
Conductive heating is more efficient than convective one due to a tight pressing of hot
plates to the surface of the material being dried. It reduces in general the time of heating and
drying. The plates are being heated by electric current or by pumped hot liquid. The tight
pressing is provided by atmospheric pressure on the flexible cover (rubber membrane) at
evacuation. Usually this-type dryer does not exceed the loading of 10 m3 of timber. The
installation for heating plates poses problems in forming a timber stack before drying [[36],
[80], [104]].
High-frequency drying. Wood is placed in the high-frequency a. c. field and is intensely
heated due to dielectric losses in the wet material. The heating is carried out both at the
material surface and inside it, which reduces several times the heating time, as compared to
the convective and conductive heating method. In recent years the wood treatment has
focused mainly on lumber drying in vacuum kilns at dielectric heating, often termed highfrequency/vacuum drying. For industrial wood processing with high-frequency electric
current, two different frequency ranges may be distinguished: radio frequencies below 100
MHz with the use of open wire circuits and microwaves at frequencies above 500 MHz [[36],
[37], [73], [80]].
The heating occurs throughout the material thickness and moisture intensely moves to the
material surface. The drying time decreases many times, as compared to that in the
conventional drying chamber. This method allows increasing the throughput capability and
improving the quality of wood drying. The disadvantages of this method include the high cost
of high-frequency equipment. Typically, this method is used for drying small timber volumes.
When wood is being dried in the alternating electromagnetic field with the industrial
frequency of 50-60 Hz the heating elements (steel grates) are placed between the timber rows
in the chamber (induction wood drying). Timber together with a ferromagnetic material is in a
solenoid, steel is being heated in the alternating electromagnetic field by Foucault currents
and heat is supplied to circulated air and wood [[75], [76]].
Infrared drying is a method of drying with heat infrared radiation [[21], [54]]. This
radiation with wavelengths larger than 780 nanometers is provided either by special bulbs or
special-type gas heaters. This drying method is not often applied to the wood. It is difficult to
provide uniform heating of all parts of a stack.
Drying in liquids. For low-value species one uses the method of drying in the hot liquid
by immersion, for example, in oil, petrolatum, etc. [[48], [83]]. The liquid temperature
exceeds 100oC, so drying goes very rapidly at rates much faster than drying in the
conventional kilns. The disadvantages of this method should include timber greasing, so this
method is usually used for preliminary drying of ties, piles and poles before protective
If the wood is pre-impregnated with salt solutions (sometimes it is called chemical
drying), then during drying this reduces internal stresses of the material that protects the
surface from cracking [[80]]. One can use the following salts: magnesium chloride, potassium
chloride, sodium chloride, ammonium nitrate, etc. For example, the water vapor pressure
above the saturated solution of NaCl corresponds to a relative humidity of 75%. When the
humidity is less than 75% the moisture is evaporating from the surface of the layers, and from
the inner layers the moisture moves to the surface. The good quality of products was observed
after drying of hardwood (such as apple, pear, and plum trees) pre-impregnated with the NaCl
saturated solution.
The practice of protective impregnation showed that after impregnation of wood with
water soluble preservatives the drying quality is improved [[100]].
Among the search works on new drying methods is the method of timber electric-kinetic
dewatering or electroosmosis [[69], [76]]. Electroosmosis is a transfer of liquid in capillaryporous bodies under the action of an external electric field. Wood dehydration can be carried
out at the electric field strength of more than 8 V/cm [[69]].
At acoustic drying, moisture is extracted from the dried material by the sound with
appropriate characteristics. In comparison to the traditional heat method acoustic drying does
not require raising a temperature of a material to be dried. In the acoustic method, energy
consumption is 2-3 times lower than at conventional drying. Time expenditures according to
the traditional method are by a factor of 5-10 more than those according to the acoustic one
It seems that the method, which allows drying hardwood without the crack formation due
to the water replacement, in the wood, of organic liquids such as methanol, ethanol, etc.
[[24]], is interesting. Having combined this method with the treatment of supercritical liquids,
it became possible to avoid the shrinkage problem by replacing the liquid in the wood with a
high-density gas or supercritical liquid. The supercritical liquid can be removed from the
wood by decompression. Supercritical drying does not damage the artifacts [[109]]. The
supercritical liquid is carbon dioxide, which is cheap and safe, but will not mix with water. In
consequence, the water in the artifact must first be replaced with an organic solvent
methanol. At high pressure the carbon dioxide density is similar to that of common liquids,
and it can dissolve methanol.
The method of wood drying in water is included into the unusual drying methods. By
passing an electric current in water, where the timber was placed, the author of the books
[[75], [76]] was able to dry oak wood with a good quality. Electric current is selectively
directed into the wet wood, which has higher electrical conductivity than water. This wood is
heated and dried. Then the timber is removed from the water. In the heated state, finally it is
dried quickly, giving moisture to the surrounding air.
Recently, a high-temperature heat treatment of wood with the purpose of its modification
(thermal modified wood) has become more and more popular. Such wood in Finland is called
Thermowood [[97]], Lignostone and Lignifol in Germany, and Staypak and Staybwood in the
United States. These are the Thermowood process in Finland, the Plato process in Holland,
the Perdure process and Retification in France [[29]].
This wood has several advantages over the usual dried wood [[96], [97]]. It absorbs less
moisture and its EMC is lower than that of unmodified wood (improvements in dimensional
stability). It has very good resistance to microbiological attack. Wood color becomes brown;
the depth of color is determined by the treatment temperature. This material has a higher
surface hardness, but is becoming more fragile. The technology of thermal modification of
wood includes pre-drying in the drying kilns, then a high-temperature processing at T = 190210.
Removal of excess water by a conventional dryer yields good results, but requires a long
time for drying. Many attempts have been made to develop methods or apparatus for wood
drying in a shortened time at the lowered expense. The evaporation time of free moisture in
the modern conventional drying kilns is 60-80% of the total duration of the drying process,
and the rest of time is spent for the removal of hygroscopic moisture [[3]]. Therefore, there is
a strong interest in the methods for mechanical removal of free moisture without the use of
heating or by minimizing its use.
M. Stahl and M. Bentz applied the method of mechanical dewatering for wood drying
using the incubation decompression process (I/D-process) [[91]]. The air introduced through
the pneumatic system in the wood structure during the incubation period dissolves in the
sapwood. The next stage begins with the decompression phase. Small air bubbles grow in the
liquid inside the material and mechanically push out the liquid. Combining this process with
the heat treatment may improve the drying efficiency.
The thermal mechanical method of drying by depressurization was first used by Fleissner
in 1926 for coal drying [[26], [60]]. With such a method, a wet material is preheated in a
sealed chamber when pressure is increased, and then upon quick depressurization in the
material bulk rapid vaporization occurs due to the accumulated heat. The hydrodynamic
vapor flow captures liquid particles, as a result of which the heat expenditure in drying
markedly decreases. The heat energy of the gas-vapor flow is conveyed into another chamber
for preheating the material with the parallel operation of the similar devices.
More than 40 years ago A. Luikov said perspective drying by depressurization way for
porous materials including the wood [[56]]. At the same time Mikhailov proposed a
mathematical description of the process [[58]]. This method proved to be highly effective in
experimental studies of peat drying [[89]]. Thermomechanical method gives opportunity to
increase the rate of drying and reduce the power-consuming. At the same time with the
drying, this method is used for the destruction of timber in wood chips production [[60]].
Centrifugal dehydration is the process where free water is removed from the porous
timber volume by centrifugal forces. This occurs when the liquid pressure in the macrocapillary exceeds the capillary forces, and the inertia forces cause the liquid to leave the
material. Studies have shown that the dehydration time depends on the rotation speed and
lumber radius, the lumber type and length, ranging from several minutes to several tens of
minutes [[51], [68], [70]]. It should be noted that due to the centrifugal forces only some
amount of the free water held by the capillary forces can be removed. The bound moisture
(MC 30%) cannot be removed mechanically. Studies have shown that according to the
mechanical method the wood can be dehydrated to a final moisture content of 40-60% for 2060 min; these values depend on the wood parameters as well as on the centrifuge parameter.
Especially, the moisture can be effectively removed from the wet (flooded) wood [[45]].
After the free water removal the kiln drying can be recommended.
Combining the effects on the timber stack in a centrifugal field and convective heating
enables getting wood of any moisture [[48], [67]]. Thus one can achieve significant energy
savings [[45], [68]]. Rotational convection driers (of Kastmark and others) are described in
the book [[67]]. In our time, such a technology of wood drying can find use in industry
through designing new large centrifuges that can operate with unbalanced loads [[64]].
A combined removal of moisture from the wood can occur using other above-described
drying methods, in which high-intensity transitional processes (with excess pressure in the
timber) will be realized. For example, the mechanical removal of free moisture can be
observed at high-intensity microwave heating, with a rapid pressure change in vacuum drying
chambers [[15]], etc.
It is important to note that the high internal pressure gradient can lead to serious defects
in the material even before the beginning of shrinkage (with MC above FSP). Therefore, such
processes require careful study. This chapter deals with the experimental study of hightemperature drying by depressurization method with objectives to determine the conditions
under which a good quality of material can be attained.
Vapor was condensed in the vapor collecting system where the liquid mass and the
temperature were controlled. Upon completion of the drying and cooling processes the
sample was weighed and then cut or split lengthwise into equal parts, and its moisture content
was measured by means of an electronic MC meter.
Measurements . Experiments were conducted with cylindrical samples (D = 0.1 m, L =
0.35-1.0 m) of pine wood (inus sylvestris).
Figure 1.2. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup: 1 - working cylinder with heaters; 2 - sample
of wood; 3 - vacuum receiver; 4 - steam generator; 5 - condenser; 6 - vacuum pump; 7 - jacket of
cooling receiver.
Figure 1.3. Pressure vapor in the chamber (1) and MC in the sample at a depth of 22.5mm (2) and
50mm (3). P, MPa; W, %; , min.
Figure 1.4. The temperature of the sample at a depth of 22.5 mm (1) and 50 mm (2). T, oC; , min.
The results of these measurements are shown in Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4. As can be
seen from the figures, the vapor pressure in the chamber grows with increasing temperature;
the relieving pressure is accompanied by a rapid temperature drop due to the phase transition.
In this case, intense drying occurs, as indicated by the MC sensors in Figure 1.3. Convergence
of MC sensor readings demonstrates the reduction of the radial moisture content gradient in
the timber, which is evident of a reduction of internal stresses in the material. Perhaps this is
connected with a good vapor permeability of wood at high temperature.
To estimate the wood permeability we carried out an experiment on the processing of dry
pine wood (L = 0.35 m, D = 0.1 m, W = 7%) by saturated water steam at a pressure of 0.3
MPa. Four cycles of treatment were performed. An increase was seen in the moisture content
due to sorption of moisture in the bulk of the material. Thermocouples were placed in the
timber and indicated a rapid temperature leveling over the sample cross-section. Weighing
after the experiment showed that the average moisture content of the sample was MC = 24%.
Therefore, we can conclude: wood at high temperatures has high vapor permeability. This
confirms the data of [[75], [103]]. Perhaps there is an increase of permeability in the cross
(radial) direction. It should be noted that the sample surface always has uncovered tracheids,
as the sample has been processed mechanically.
Our assumption of molar (hydrodynamic) vapor transfer in the radial direction
contradicts the conclusions of [[14]]. In that work the author proved the hydrodynamic
motion of vapor in the axial direction of the timber and the absence of such motion in the
radial direction. These results were obtained when he studied vacuum drying of oak (red and
white oak), whose structure was different from the pine structure [[105]] and the drying was
carried out at a temperature of 60-70oC. In our experiment, the wood temperature was 110120oC.
Figure 1.5 displays the cyclic drying process of a cylindrical sample of green pine wood
L= 0.9 m. The heating cycle duration was 30 min (except for the initial heating); the time of
pressure relief was 5 min. The figure shows the pressure change in the chamber during the
experiment, as well as the amount of moisture withdrawn from the timber in each cycle
(collected in the condensing unit). It also illustrates the total mass of trapped moisture that
was removed from the sample during drying (curve 3). As seen from the Figure 1.5, a
maximum vapor pressure first increases due to sample heating and then decreases. This is
explained by a decrease in the wood moisture content during drying.
Drying of the sample continued for some time after cutting off the heaters. After cooling
to room temperature the atmospheric pressure was set in the cylinder, the condensed liquid
was discharged and the sample was removed from the chamber. Then the local moisture
content was controlled by the MC meter at different points in the longitudinal section (after
splitting). The data on the measured local moisture content showed that in some cases, MC
changes were seen in the radial direction of the sample.
Figure 1.5. Change of pressure in the chamber and the kinetics of wood drying: 1 pressure in the
chamber; 2 - removed moisture mass in each cycle; 3 - total removed moisture mass. P, MPa; m, g; ,
Figure 1.6. Change in the temperature inside the sample at a depth of r 2 (1) and at the center (2), in
the chamber pressure (3), and in the removed moisture mass (4) at a periodic release of pressure (D =
0.1 m, W0 = 69.2%, Wf = 11.3%). T, oC; P, MPa; m, g; , min.With kind permission from Springer
Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Experimental study of
the high-temperature thermomechanical drying of wood, vol. 82, 2009, p. 71, N.M. Gorbachev, V.P.
Kozhin, Figure 3.
Figure 1.7. Measurement data for the volume and surface intensities of drying of cylindrical wood
samples depending on the duration of the process. Iv, kg(m3h); I, kg(m2h); , min. With kind
permission from Springer Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and
Thermophysics, Experimental study of the high-temperature thermomechanical drying of wood, vol.
82, 2009, p. 72, N.M. Gorbachev, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 4.
So, according to [[103]] for pine and cedar, the highest permeability of gases is observed
at the temperature T = 100-120C, for larch 120C, for spruce at 90-100C, for silver fir at
110-120C. When the wood temperature was increased to 130-140C the permeability of all
wood species decreased or stabilized.
The absence of cracks in the dried samples agrees with the data [[3], [75]]: the high
temperature drying increases the plasticity and gas permeability of wood, which reduces the
probability of defect formation. The plasticity occurs primarily due to softening of lignin
during heating [[77]]. The glass transition temperature of lignin in the matrix is approximately
170oC. As the permeability increases the drying rate grows. In [[90]] it is shown that the
permeability changes even when diffusion and capillary transport of moisture during drying
can reduce the drying duration several times.
The high rate of the drying process is evidenced by curve I for the drying intensity versus
time given in Figure 1.7. The same figure also presents the drying intensity curve Iv referred
to the bulk of the material. As seen, it better describes the process of drying of wood of large
cross-section (beams, poles, etc.). The intensity of the moisture removal in the experiments
reached I = 0.40.6 kg(m2h), Iv = 1922 kg(m3h), which is dozens of times higher than in
conventional kilns. The maximum in the given curves points to the completion of the process
of free water removal from the samples.
It should be noted that the drying rate may be even greater if there is a close contact of
the timber with the hot surface such as heating plates (conduction heating) [[104]].
To evaluate the influence of mechanical removal of water from wood, in the condenser a
quantity of incoming moisture and a cooling water temperature were measured
simultaneously in each depressurization cycle. In the given run of measurements, a glass
spherical flask filled with water was used to collect condensate; the vapor with water drops
got into the water. The weight of the flask was continuously recorded by a weight meter. A
water temperature was checked by means of thermocouples. A quantity of condensed vapor
and droplet liquid was estimated with the use of heat balance equations with account for the
loss due to the heating of the condenser case. The mass of vapor and liquid withdrawn from
the timber and collected in the condenser is shown in Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8. Mass collected in the water condenser during five cycles of thermal-mechanical drying of
wood sample: 1-first cycle of depressurization, 2-second cycle, etc.
It follows from these data; the most intense drying process proceeds during the first
minutes of pressure relief. This makes it possible to reduce the cycle duration.
The measurement data have shown that the maximum influence of thermal-mechanical
release of moisture in the form of liquid was observed in the first cycle of depressurization
when the wood structure contained maximum free water. In this case, the water in the liquid
phase constituted up to 10% of the total mass of moisture removed from the wood. In the
subsequent cycles of depressurization, the fraction of the liquid phase decreased and that of
vapor increased. The estimates of the evaporated and droplet liquid removed from the wood
in the first depressurization cycle for three samples with the diameter D = 0.1 m are given in
Table 1.1.
As the wood moisture content is increased, the role of the liquid phase in the total yield
grows. This is illustrated by the results of determining the coefficient of thermal-mechanical
removal of moisture presented in Figure 1.9.
Figure 1.9 Coefficient of thermal-mechanical removal of moisture in the liquid phase versus MC of
wood: 1 - W0 = 67.7%; 2 - 69.2; 3 - 100.6. W, %.With kind permission from Springer Science+Business
Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Experimental study of the hightemperature thermomechanical drying of wood, vol. 82, 2009, p. 72, N.M. Gorbachev, V.P. Kozhin,
Figure 5.
These data at W 100% are in good agreement with the data [[89]] obtained for thermalmechanical drying of a peat plate with a moisture content of 1 kg kg, where 0.5.
It should be noted that the results presented demonstrate the influence of the removal of
moisture in the form of liquid (droplets) at absolute moisture content of 30% or even less, i.e.,
at the values of the fiber saturation point FSP of wood. This says about the specificity of
moisture transfer in wood at high temperatures.
Dissolved carbon dioxide can positively influence the dehydration process of porous
material [[59]], and so we were therefore interested in studying the influence of carbon
dioxide in the drying process.
Before drying on the setup (Figure 1.2) the air was evacuated from wood samples, then
the chamber was connected to the gas-container with CO2 in whose atmosphere the wood was
conditioned. They were then heated in the atmosphere of CO2 and as in the previous
experiment this was followed the depressurization stage. As the pressure was decreased, the
solubility of carbon dioxide in water decreased. Thus, inside the material carbon dioxide was
extracted in addition to evaporation [[91]].
Table 1.1. Mass of Vapor and Liquid Collected in the Condenser in the First Drying
W0, %
Mass collected
in the
condenser, m, g
me, g
ml, g
Table 1.2. Experimental Data on the Carbon Dioxide Influence in the Drying Process
D, mm
T, oC
(in the sample/in the
Wf, %
, min
with 2
no 2
with 2
no 2
Inside the material, a high pressure of the gas and vapor mixture was formed under the
action of which the intense blowing-through of the whole material volume with water
removal. The process was cyclic.
Table 1.2 shows the experimental comparison data on the carbon dioxide influence at
drying of pine cylindrical samples of length L = 0.4 m.
The analysis of these data allowed making several conclusions. Under the influence of
CO2 the drying time reduced. Perhaps, as expected, this occurred possibly due to additional
discharge of liquid with gas (CO2) bubbles. At the high chamber temperature (150oC) in the
sample, dried in the CO2 atmosphere, the surface was not darkened and no cracks were
This series of evaluation experiments showed the significant influence of carbon dioxide
in the process of wood drying. For practical recommendations to improve the drying
technology with the use of CO2, it is reasonable to continue works in this direction.
enhancing the drying process in superheated steam. Water evaporation from wood in the
superheated steam is more intense than in the air at a temperature 120oC and above [[60]].
The difference increases with temperature. Above T=140oC the intensity increases by a factor
of 2-4. A higher temperature makes the material transit to the plastic state, thereby avoiding
the formation of shrinkage defects [[3]].
The present section is concerned with investigating experimentally high-temperature
vacuum drying of wood at heating due to forced convection. Due to heating and convective
heat and mass transfer some amount of liquid is evaporating from the material surface up to
the moment of establishing equilibrium with the ambient vapor-gas medium. When the
saturation pressure is attained in the chamber the moisture evaporation ceases and the heating
of the material bulk continues. When the sample center reaches a given temperature a rapid
pressure relief occurs from the chamber to the evacuated vessel (receiver).
As already mentioned in Section 1.1 of this Chapter, for a rapid pressure relief from the
chamber to the evacuated vessel some amount of water can be removed from wood capillaries
without evaporation in the form of the smallest drops. This is implemented during thermalmechanical drying. In this case, because of vacuum, to attain low final moisture the pressure
at heating can be essentially limited, which will reduce the requirements for the mechanical
strength of the drying chamber.
To decrease heat losses due to the removal of the exhaust drying agent (humid air) the
recuperation system can be employed, for example according to the scheme proposed in
Figure 1.10. Schematic diagram of the vacuum-convective drying kiln: 1 heater; 2 fan; 3 - electric
motor; 4 - chamber body; 5 - tank-receiver; 6 - valves; 7 - vacuum pump.
0.08 m for No. 8) are presented in Table 1.3. Samples Nos. 1, 3, 7 provided with the sensors
were not taken from the chamber and were not weighed in the middle of the drying process.
The average duration of one cycle was not more than 90 minutes. As follows from the
data, even for green wood with a high moisture content only 7-11 cycles are required to dry
the timber with D = 0.1 m up to MC = 5% or less. A required time (including heating) was
15-20 h.
The comparison of drying times for samples of equal length but different diameters (0.08
and 0.1 m) showed a significant difference in the drying rate. It also demonstrates the high
permeability of the specimens in the transverse direction allowing for the removal of vapor
being vacuumized.
Table 1.3. Experimental Data on the Vacuum-convective Drying
1-st weighing
Number of
As expected, the drying intensity depends on the wood moisture content. These
experiments confirmed that the most intense drying by depressurization occurs in the initial
period when the material has the highest MC.
The experimental results presented in Figure 1.12 illustrate the drying at the chamber
temperature T=120 5oC. After reaching the sample center temperature T = 102-105oC,
depressurization occurred. As follows from the measurement results, the pressure and the
temperature change simultaneously at depressurization. Time errors between the minimum
temperature values at different depths are within the measurement accuracy, which does not
exceed 2 seconds. The pressure increase in the first cycle of each plot (a, b, c) is caused by air
that enters the chamber during the weighing of control samples.
It should be noted that for convection to occur, after vacuum stage of the wood in the
chamber it is advisable to fill up it with saturated steam. When no vapor is present in the
chamber water should be injected. When heated air (T 120oC) is supplied to the drying
chamber the drying rate grows, but there is a risk for defects to form.
Figure 1.13 presents the measurement results of the moisture content of the sample after
each drying cycle (measurement by MC sensors).
Figure 1.12. Data on the temperature and pressure in the vacuum-convective drying kiln: a - drying
before the first weighing; b - second; c - third. 1 - drying agent temperature; 2 - wood temperature at a
depth r = 25 mm; 3- in the center r = 0; 4 - pressure in the chamber. T, oC; P, kPa; , min.
It also shows the average values of a relative moisture content according to the weighting
(number of points corresponds to the number of samples in Table 1.3).
During our experiment we identified the measuring features by MC sensors with metal
electrodes at high temperatures. Despite the temperature corrections, the measured values had
a strong scatter. This confirms the complex behavior of measurement at high MC. It is well
known that the range of the moisture content that can be reliably measured is 4% to about
30% [[80], [82]].
In contrast to the traditionally used methods of measuring MC in terms electrical
conductivity of quasi-stationary processes in conventional kilns, according to this drying
method heat and mass transfer is substantially unsteady. In our experiments with timber
heating, overestimated values of MC sensors were observed possibly due to differences in the
thermophysical parameters of the electrodes and timber.
- No.1
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
Figure 1.13 The curve of relative MC in the sample during drying; the curves - the readings of the
sensors, the individual points - data of weight measurements: 1 - at a depth r = 25 mm; 2- r = 0.
Depressurization causes the vaporization in the area of the electrodes that can affect
electrical conductivity of the material between the electrodes. Physical-chemical processes
near the electrodes require special study.
The experimental results have revealed the high quality of the dried products and the
absence of internal or external cracks. Figure 1.14 presents a photograph of dried samples.
Among the disadvantages of such drying is the presence of pitch near knots at the wood
surface, which is typical for high-temperature drying.
The thermal-mechanical method can be recommended for reducing a time of preimpregnation drying of products meant for modifying impregnation. Pressure protective
impregnation of wood with antiseptic in autoclaves [[10], [38], [84]] requires that the
sapwood be dried to a moisture content of 2025 %. In the method proposed, the drying time
due to a pressure release to this moisture content can be reduced. So, for the wood with initial
=62% during a drying time of 4 h the MC for the sapwood was 20-26%, in the wood core
it was higher =35-45%. Such wood can be impregnated with aqueous solutions (e.g.,
antiseptic solutions). In this case, the duration of pre-impregnation drying and the drying
process itself are comparable. This tells that complex modification of wood by impregnation
can be arranged by performing parallel processes of drying and impregnation.
It should be noted that the saturation of dry wood with liquids causes its swelling.
Moreover, this is found not only for aqueous solutions, but also for other liquids. A
magnitude of swelling is directly dependent on the liquid dielectric constant. Liquid such as
kerosene almost does not cause wood swelling and its dielectric constant is 40 times smaller
than that of water [[101]]. Because of the swelling one should follow the rule that after
impregnation the wood should be dried before subsequent processing.
During the recent years one can observe the development of a number of other methods.
The widespread method of impregnation using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) is
described elsewhere in [[2], [17], [44], [62], [72], [86], [109]]. This treatment of wood is
based on the use of environmentally friendly supercritical carbon dioxide technology.
Supercritical CO2 is a carrier of an antiseptic (fungicide) in timber. Supercritical liquid
treatment offers superior penetration. This allows impregnating wood that normally cannot be
impregnated. After impregnation CO2 leaves the wood that is protected by fungicide. Superior
penetration adds the durability and workability to wood products. Currently, this supercritical
wood treatment method has found commercial use [[31]].
The wood treatment with vapor-boron [[7], [99]] and the treated materials proved to be
resistant to the decay of fungi and termites. No difference in the effectiveness between the
vapor-boron and liquid boron treatments of wood was noted.
In [[69], [95]], the electro-kinetic method of impregnation was described, when the fluid
motion caused by an electrical potential between the electrodes attached the wood.
as dry timber into a flame-resistant and even incombustible material by impregnation with
salts of phosphorus, boron, ammonium, etc. [[4], [7], [23], [40], [57]]. Because of deep wood
impregnation with a fire retardant, the timber processed can be classified as a nonflammable
An opposite example of change of the timber properties due to impregnation is an
increase of combustible properties. The saturation of a porous body with a flammable liquid,
e.g., hydrocarbons, can substantially increase the calorific value of the material. For example,
after impregnation with molten paraffin or wax, the volumetric calorific value increases by a
factor of 3 to 4 as compared to customary firewood.
By impregnating timber with salts of alkali metals and then subjecting it to heat treatment
in the absence of oxygen (pyrolysis) it is possible to obtain charcoal with improved fire
capabilities [[40], [41]]. The comparison of charcoal obtained with and without catalyst
demonstrates that in the presence of the catalyst the lower ignition point decreases from
505oC to 360oC. Besides, owing to the catalysis, the charcoal obtained even from pine is
strong and solid. The output of charcoal with the use of catalysts will be increased by 15-50
The impregnation of wood waste with phenolic resin and its subsequent thermolysis in
vacuum allows producing wood ceramics with a wide spectrum of unique properties [[31],
[94]]. Wood ceramics is a new porous carbon material that is being produced by carbonizing
the wood or wood materials impregnated with phenolic resin in a vacuum furnace. During the
carbonizing process in the temperature range between 573 and 2273 K, the phenolic resin is
converted into glassy carbon. As wood ceramics has superior mechanical and wear properties,
electric and electromagnetic shielding properties, it can find wide use in industry.
One of the main ways to preserve valuable artifacts is their impregnation. The
conservation of waterlogged wood involves the introduction of material into wood which will
provide mechanical strength to the wood at water removal [[16], [107], [109]]. One of these
materials is polyethylene glycol. Often wax impregnation and sucrose (sugar) treatment are
One of the well-studied methods of wood modification is its acetylating with acetic
anhydride [[29]]. The acetylated wood has a number of useful properties, including the
durability, non-toxicity, resistance to UV radiation, etc. [[1]]. The ability of wood to absorb
water greatly reduces, rendering stable dimensions of the wood products. The acetylated
wood in small quantities is being produced in the Netherlands and Sweden.
Furfurylation has found no less development [[29], [87]]. It is the process of wood
modification using furfuryl alcohol obtained from renewable resources, including vegetable
residuals [[98]]. Furfuryl alcohol can penetrate into the cell wall where it undergoes
polymerization. Wood furfurylation provides a high protection level against bio-degradation
(fungi, bacteria and marine borers). The wood stable dimensions and hardness can be
improved. Acetylation and furfurylation are the most effective modification methods for
achieving wood stable dimensions and low equilibrium moisture content [[25], [39]]. The
furfurylation of wood products is industrially applied in Norway [[98]].
Figure 2.1. Fragment of the cross section of pine wood: 1 - springwood; 2 - summerwood, 3 - cell wall.
Figure 2.2. Samples of products carved of impregnated birch (left) wood and pine (right) wood.
Having investigated the liquid impregnation depth in the timber and having treated it as a
system of parallel capillaries, P. Sergovsky [[85]] proposed a formula for impregnation:
x = r P/ ,
where x is the impregnation depth; r is the timber capillary radius; P is the differential
pressure; is the impregnation time; is the viscosity of impregnating liquid.
However this formula and the proposed physical model are very approximate, do not
allow for the influence of liquid and gas phases in the bulk of the wood, and are capable of
describing the one-dimensional impregnation of only hardwood with long water-supplying
vessels. For softwood, such a calculation model yields essential disagreement with the
experimental results.
In the course of execution of the present work, the macroscopic physical-mathematical
model for wood impregnation3 [[10], [11], [12]], which allows for the motion of liquid and
gas phase and the specific features of the wood structure, was proposed. This model enables
calculating the kinetics of saturation of the wood with different liquids.
The model is based on the following assumption. Schematically, the softwood structure
can be presented as a system of tracheids connected via micropores (Figure 2.3). Accordingly,
the liquid motion in the wood involves the liquid flow along tracheids and the liquid and air
overflow through pores connecting the adjacent tracheids. Some amount of air can remain in
the tracheid and be compressed under the action of external pressure. The model enabled one
to allow for the presence of the core and the sapwood as well as additional resistance in the
liquid motion within the material due to the presence of meniscuses (Jamins beads) [[65]].
Taking into account the fact that the permeability of different wood sections can differ (e.g.,
the core and sapwood), the model permits calculating the liquid motion with regard to the
permeability of each layer (two-layer model). The results allowed the numerical study of the
saturation processes for wood samples of various length and shape, including the modeling of
impregnation of large-scale objects (poles, cross ties, etc.) [[10]].
The impregnation depth and liquid absorption by timber depend on a number of factors:
pressure of an impregnating solution, impregnation time, size and structure of timber, its
physical-chemical properties, moisture content, characteristics of used solutions,
impregnation method, etc.
These works were mainly aimed at developing procedures to enhance impregnation and
attainment of maximum absorption of liquids by timber. The objective of the present work is
to study a possibility of obtaining a predetermined distribution of liquid concentration within
a porous body.
Figure 2.3. Schematic of softwood structure: a) I - cell walls, II - micropores; b) x1, x2, xp - the
coordinates of the ends of tracheids and a pore, respectively. With kind permission from Springer
Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Kinetics of the wood
impregnation process. Modeling and experiment, vol. 72, 1999, p. 591, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, V.K.
Shchitnikov, Figure 1.
Obviously, maximum saturation of a porous material can be achieved using the full-cell
(Bethell) process. After timber impregnation it became possible to remove some part of free
liquid. This occurs when the air pressure is relaxed after the removal of liquid pressure
(Lowry and Ruiping processes). In certain limits, this allows one to control the saturation of a
porous volume and the distribution of the liquid amount in the impregnation zone.
Figure 2.4.Comparison of the impregnation kinetics and concentration fields of a liquid in the
cylindrical pine sample: 1 - full-cell process (Bethell); 2 - empty-cell process (Lowry); 3 - limited
absorption (Ruiping method). m, kg; , min.
Figure 2.4 compares the calculation data on impregnation kinetics and the plot of the
concentration distribution in a longitudinal section of a pine cylindrical sample obtained by
different impregnation methods. A specimen is 0.5 m long is 0.2 m in dia. A maximum liquid
pressure is 1.7 MPa, an exposure time of wood at this pressure is 1 hour, the time of afterimpregnation vacuum processing is 15 min, and the vacuum is 20 kP. The time shift of curve
1 relative to other saturation curves reflects the period of the previous vacuum processing of
the sample. The completely colored zone belongs to sapwood and the partially colored one
to the wood core.
Figure 2.4 shows the fragments of wood samples (1/4 part of a longitudinal cut), the buttend being on the left. Sample No. 3 was treated at an initial air overpressure 0=0.4 MPa and
the impregnating liquid pressure was 1.7 MPa. The bulk of the wood treated by this method
was not less than that attained using the maximum absorption method. The increase of the
initial air pressure permits a further decrease in the liquid amount in the timber without
reducing the treated zone of the material.
The possibility of varying the liquid distribution throughout the timber and changing the
liquid concentration in pores allows producing finished products with planned properties.
impregnating fluid is created. The wood sample is placed into impregnation cylinder 3, the
cover of which is hermetically sealed. Valve 2 is opened thus connecting the pressure vessel
with the impregnation tank. Simultaneously, time is recorded and the amount of the fluid
absorbed by the sample is periodically measured4.
The system for measuring the amount of the impregnating fluid and air released
(returned) by the sample after pressure relief in the impregnation tank consists of two glass
cylinders 6 and 7, one of which is vented to the atmosphere while the second cylinder is
sealed with a rubber plug with two (inlet and outlet) pipes.
Figure 2.5. Schematic of the impregnation test setup: 1 - filling valve; 2 - connecting valve; 3 impregnation tank; 4 - valve connecting the impregnation tank with the measuring unit; 5 - filling
vessel; 6, 7 - air and fluid measuring cylinders, respectively; 8, 9 - vacuum valves; 10- valve of pressure
relief in the system; 11 - atmospheric valve; 12 - vacuum receiver; 13 - vacuum gauge; 14 - pressure
vessel; 15 - level gauge; 16 - pressure valve; 17 - manometer; 18 - manometer valve; 19 - pressure
regulator; 20 - gas cylinders; 21 - vacuum pump; 22 - balance. With kind permission from Springer
Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Kinetics of the wood
impregnation process. Modeling and experiment, vol. 72, 1999, p. 595, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, V.K.
Shchitnikov, Figure 3.
When the fluid and the gas arrive in hermetically sealed cylinder 6, the internal pressure
in the latter changes and squeezes out an equivalent volume of the fluid to cylinder 7, thus
restoring the equilibrium state in cylinder 7, in which the amount of air increases and the fluid
level lowers correspondingly to the volume of the air introduced.
The experimental data in Figure 2.6 (a) demonstrate the high intensity of pressure
impregnation reached over small times. With pressure relief an insignificant amount of air is
released. According to the measurement data for various dry wood samples for the first hour
of relaxation after pressure relief 40 to 70% of the fluid absorbed by the sample is removed.
The fluid remaining in the sample is retained in the porous wood skeleton by capillary forces
and is due to moisture sorption by the cell walls. The preliminary experiments have shown
that due to capillary impregnation the amount of fluid absorbed by the samples immersed in
the liquid is from 2 to 12% of the initial mass of the sample for a period equal to the
experiment time.
Figure 2.6. Comparison of the calculated curves and experimental data for different impregnation
methods (pinewood 150 x 60 x 30 mm): a) empty-cell process (Lowry); b) full-cell process (Bethell); c)
vacuum-atmospheric pressure (the VAP method): 1 - pressure of the impregnating liquid; 2 - volume of
the liquid absorbed by the wood (the two-layer model); 2 - the same for the one-layer model; 3 - air
volume in the wood. P, MPa; V, cm3; , min. With kind permission from Springer Science+Business
Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Kinetics of the wood impregnation
process. Modeling and experiment, vol. 72, 1999, p. 596, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, V.K. Shchitnikov,
Figure 4.
For the reference samples no more than 10-15 cm3 was absorbed in this experiment
owing to capillary impregnation under wood steeping conditions.
It should be noted that the property of the liquid that leaves the wood at discharge
pressure can be used for extracting valuable substances from the bulk of the porous material.
Impregnation by the Maximum Absorption Method (full-cell or Bethell process). The
process begins with preliminary evacuation of wood before its pressure impregnation. The
vessel 3 is evacuated for 10-15 min to attain a vacuum of about 1.5-2.0 kPa. The next stages
are repeated as in the previous case.
The preliminary evacuation affects the content of liquid in the wood after impregnation.
A small residual amount of air in the pores after evacuation is responsible for the small
amount of fluid released from the sample after pressure relief. As is seen from Figure 2.6 (b),
preliminary evacuation allows an almost twofold increase of absorption of the impregnating
fluid by the sample.
Impregnation by the "Vacuum-Atmospheric Pressure (VAP)" method. Wood is at first
evacuated, then the impregnating fluid enters the cylinder, and impregnation is accomplished
at atmospheric pressure of liquid. Experimental data for this impregnation technique are
provided in Figure 2.6 (c). This method can be efficient for practical applications when
penetration of an impregnating solution to great depths is not needed.
Early [[5]] it was shown that under the long action of liquid pressure even moist samples
are capable of absorbing aqueous solutions. This is attributed to the fact that the wet wood
always has pores filled up with air. The dependence of the free water amount on the wood
initial moisture content is linear in character and is detailed in Ugolevs monograph [[101]].
The experimental laboratory data in Figure 2.7 [[5]] for the pine sapwood over the initial
moisture content range 5 - 80% showed that every 1% of the initial moisture content of wood
reduces its ability to absorb liquid also by 1%. These data can be governed by the following
linear empirical relation:
where mliq, mdry are the mass of absorbed liquid after impregnation of 1 m3 of material and the
mass of absolutely dry wood (for pine mdry = 430 kg/m3), respectively, and W is the initial
moisture content (MC), %.
Table 2.1 gives generalized data on impregnation aimed at achieving the maximum
saturation of dry pine wood with a core of 30-50% by different methods at a fluid pressure of
1.6 MPa for 160 min including evaluation for 15 min at an air pressure of 1.5 kPa. For the
internal pressure of air to relax, the samples were held after impregnation for no less than two
days under conditions preventing their drying. In practice, to speed up the process of internal
pressure relaxation and, correspondingly, to decrease the impregnating fluid loss timbers are
usually exposed to post impregnation evacuation [[5]]. The table illustrates the capabilities of
each of the impregnation methods and allows the choice of the method expected to be most
efficient for particular tasks.
Figure 2.8 presents the impregnation of a railway tie consisting of sapwood (20%) and a
core (80%) by the full-cell (Bethell) method. Here, the measurement results obtained for
industrial antiseptic impregnation of pine ties by an aqueous protective solution are presented.
The data obtained in Tie-Impregnation Plant. The total amount of wood in the impregnation
cylinder was about 21 m3 (210 ties). Figure 2.8 gives experimental values of the fluid flow
absorbed by the wood, obtained by measurements by a flow meter, recalculated per one tie.
Solution absorption by a tie after impregnation was determined by control weighing of an
arbitrarily chosen 12 ties followed by averaging the increase in weight. In terms of the
volume indices this value was 18.2 4.5 liters, which agrees well with the calculated results
[[5], [10]].
Figure 2.7. Mass of liquid absorbed by pine wood, depending on the initial moisture content: 1, 4 impregnated by Lowry method; 2,3 - impregnated by Bethell method: 1, 2 - absorption of liquid in the
process of wood impregnation; 3, 4 - a residual amount of fluid in the timber after the relaxation of
internal pressure. ml, kg/m3; W,%.
Table 2.1. Comparison of the Absorption Volumes of the Impregnating Liquid for
Different Impregnation Methods
VAP (vacuumatmospheric
V, liter/m3
Liquid discharge
with pressure
V, liter/m3 (%)
Liquid retention
V, liter/m3 (%)
238 (41)
342 (59)
120 (19)
525 (81)
258 (100)
Figure 2.8. Impregnation process of the wooden tie and comparison of the calculated results and
experimental data (pinewood, 2800 x 240 x 160 mm): 1 - pressure of the impregnating liquid; 2 volume of the solution absorbed by the tie; 3 - flow rate of the liquid absorbed by the tie (curves are the
calculation, the points are the experiment). V, liter; q, liter/h; , h. With kind permission from Springer
Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Kinetics of the wood
impregnation process. Modeling and experiment, vol. 72, 1999, p. 597, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, V.K.
Shchitnikov, Figure 5.
Figure 2.9. Kinetics of impregnation of railway ties with protective compositions containing polymer
additives: 1 - pressure of the impregnating fluid; 2 - polymer particles are absent from the solution; 3 polymer 2%; 4 - 4; 5 - 6; 6 - 8; 7 - 10; 8 20. m, kg; P, MPa; , min. With kind permission from
Springer Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Modeling of
impregnation of wood with protective solutions and emulsions, vol. 74, 2001, p. 109, M.A. Brich, V.P.
Kozhin, Figure 3.
Figure 2.10. Test bench: 1 - impregnation cylinder, 2- graduated cylinder, 3 - pressure-gauger; 4 vacuum pump; 5 vacuum receiver; 6 cooler of vacuum pump; 7 tank with impregnating liquid.
Figure 2.11. Impregnation kinetics for 2.5-m-long pine poles: 1 - pressure of the impregnating liquid; 2
- overall absorption of the liquid by the samples; 3 - absorption by an individual sample with D = 120
mm and W = 32%; 4 - 120 and 63; 5, 6 - 100 mm, 56 and 79; 7 - 80 and 59. m, kg; P, MPa; , min. With
kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and
Thermophysics, Modeling of impregnation of wood with protective solutions and emulsions, vol. 74,
2001, p. 107, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 1.
Figure 2.12. Distribution of the impregnating solution in the central longitudinal cross section of the
poles: a - D = 120 mm, b - 100, c - 80. With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media:
<Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Modeling of impregnation of wood with
protective solutions and emulsions, vol. 74, 2001, p. 108, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 2.
The liquid level was measured in the graduated cylinder after each cycle, each sample
was weighed after impregnation and also the liquid distribution inside the poles was
determined. The character of the liquid distribution was determined from the longitudinal
sowing of poles over the diameter cross-section. Sizes of core and sapwood of poles were
found using a chemical indicator.
Figure 2.11 shows the results of measuring saturation kinetics of cylindrical samples
(poles with different MC) at aqueous antiseptic solution impregnation (=1027 kg/m3, T =
9) [[47]]. As seen from the figure, the pressure during impregnation varied and was cyclic
in character (curve 1). The absorbed liquid mass at impregnation was measured by controlling
the level in the graduated cylinder. The vacuum depth was 10 Pa, the maximum pressure of
2.2.4. Impregnation with Oils and Other Liquids whose Viscosity Depends on
Impregnation of the porous material, hot melt (wax, metal), viscous oils and other highmolecular substances include pre-heating of the impregnation fluid. Traditional technology
protective impregnation of wood (poles, railway ties) with oil preservatives [[38], [63]]
requires heating creosote or other oily antiseptic to the temperature at which its viscosity is
reduced to a value that allows to penetrate well into the wood.
Traditionally used creosote (coal or shale oil) in the technology of impregnation of
crossties, poles, and others require the heating oil to a temperature of 85 100oC. A
significant shortcoming of this technology is a high level of emissions of harmful substances
into the atmosphere (phenol, anthracene, etc.). Reducing the temperature of containing
creosote impregnating liquid, to 40oC we can reduce the level of harmful emissions in a few
times. Promising is the use of water-oil emulsion on the basis of creosote and water.
In the last few years, in Australia and in a number of European countries ecologically
safer water-oil emulsions based on the PEC (Pigment Emulsion Creosote)-type creosote have
been used for such purposes. These emulsions contain a high-temperature creosote - up to
65%, oxide pigments - up to 5%, water, and other components [[18], [108]]. Such
compositions permit impregnation at a temperature of 6070oC, which is lower than in the
creosote and thus reduces the danger of environmental pollution.
With the same aim, at the Heat and in Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy
of Sciences of Belarus jointly with the Belarusian State University a water-emulsion
composition based on shale oil for tie impregnation has been developed [[13], [46]]. It is a
water-in-oil emulsion containing 60% shale oil and about 30% water. Experimental
measurements have shown that the viscosity of such a water-oil composition rapidly
decreases with increasing temperature. For instance, when the temperature is increased from
10 to 40oC, it decreases from 70 to 3.55 cSt, which permits conducting the technological
process of wood impregnation at a temperature of 40oC. Comparison of the kinetics of wood
impregnation with oily and water-soluble antiseptics is given in [[46]].
The present section of the chapter is restricted to the consideration of the saturation
kinetics of wood with a water-oil preservative composition with regard for the internal and
external heat exchange between the timber and the hot liquid. When impregnated with oil
preservatives, it is important to take into account the loss of liquid temperature due to its
cooling by contact with the wood. Obviously, this depends on the mass (volume) of liquid
and wood, participating in the process of heat and mass transfer during the impregnation.
By analogy with the notion of the degree of loading of the autoclave, which is determined
as the ratio of the total volume of the wood (Vw ) to the total working volume of the
impregnation cylinder, we introduce a similar quantity for a single product:
Ku = Vw (Vw + Vext),
where Vext is the external volume of the impregnating liquid per wood product. In the case of
a uniform distribution of wood articles in the impregnation cylinder volume, this quantity
coincides with the degree of loading of the autoclave.
Figure 2.13 presents the results of the wood impregnation kinetics and the mean
temperature of the liquid contacting the specimen [[13]]. Curve 5 shows the character of the
change in the external pressure of the fluid. Vacuum-treated specimens of wood with the
initial temperature Tw = 0oC are embedded with the impregnating compound with a
temperature T = 40oC. In the process of compound absorption by the wood, new portions of
heated liquid enter the cylinder and the total amount of the liquid external with respect to the
specimen remains unchanged.
This impregnation was carried out by the method of Bethell (vacuumpressurevacuum).
In such a method of impregnation, in the impregnating cylinder an autoclave containing a
batch of wood materials a vacuum (P = 20 kPa) is created for 20 - 40 min and after the
cylinder is filled with a heated fluid a pressure P = 1.6 MPa is maintained in it for 2 h. As
wood material was a pine cylinder of L = 2.8 m and r = 0.1 m with a ratio of the core radius to
the total radius of 3/5. Subsequent to the action of the pressure and the removal of the fluid
from the cylinder, post-impregnation vacuum treatment is carried out, and then the wood is
drawn from the cylinder.
It should be noted that when the specimen surface temperature was kept constant [[12]]
(Text = 40oC = const) the value of absorption of the compound by the specimen after
impregnation was m = 9.22 kg. Comparison of this result with curve 4 (see Figure 2.13) has
shown that even at Ku = 0.5, i.e., at an equal volume ratio of the wood and its contacting
liquid, the absorption decreased to m = 8.86 kg.
Figure 2.13. Influence of the liquid volume Vext participating in the heat exchange with the wood
specimen on the liquid absorption and temperature: 1, 6 - mass of the liquid absorbed by the specimen
and its mean temperature at Ku = 0.9; 2, 7 - 0.75; 3, 8 - 0.6; 4, 9 - 0.5; 5 - liquid pressure. m, kg; T, oC;
P, MPa; , min. With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering
Physics and Thermophysics, Influence of heat and mass transfer on wood impregnation kinetics, vol.
77, 2004, p. 40, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 1.
The results presented in Figure 2.13 demonstrate the necessity of taking into account the
conditions of the heat exchange in the impregnation process: the higher the degree of loading
Ku, the lower the liquid (and wood surface) temperature5 and the smaller the absorption m.
The wood-surface temperature at the end of the process before the drawing from the autoclave can be useful in
practice in estimating the ecological state of the production.
This imposes certain constraints on the volume of autoclave filling and, accordingly, on the
efficiency of the technological process.
There exists strong dependence of the absorption on the size of clearances between the
specimens. Figure 2.14 gives the isotherms for fragments of the wood specimen (a fourth part
of the longitudinal section of the pole) at the end of the impregnation process ( = 250 min).
This figure also shows the distributions of the impregnating compound concentration.
Figure 2. 14 Temperature and impregnating composition distribution in the wood specimen after
impregnation: a and c - temperature levels in the specimen (isotherms have a step of 1oC); b and d liquid mass distribution (1-cm step of the grid lines); a and b correspond to the impregnation with
regard for the cooling of the liquid contacting the specimen (Ku = 0.9); c and d show the impregnation
ignoring the cooling Text = 40oC. Figures show temperatures, oC. With kind permission from Springer
Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Influence of heat and
mass transfer on wood impregnation kinetics, vol. 77, 2004, p. 41, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 2.
The figure illustrates a marked difference in the heating of the wood specimen under
conditions where the liquid volume interacting with the sample is approximately equal to the
volume absorbed by the wood (Figure 2.14 a, b) and where this volume considerably exceeds
the volume of the specimen and the liquid is practically not cooled (Figure 2.14 c, d). The
distribution patterns of the impregnating composition corresponding to the given temperature
fields show a direct relation between the heating depth and the impregnation depth, which
corroborates the conclusion that it is necessary to take into account the heat exchange of the
specimen with the liquid. The variant given in Figure 2.14 c, d at Text = 40oC corresponds to
the impregnation where the volume of the liquid contacting the specimen Vext >> Vw, which in
practice can be realized only at large distances (clearances) between specimens and a low
degree of loading of the autoclave.
Obviously, running of the heated liquid from the heating zone through the impregnating
cylinder (liquid circulation) permits an additional heating of wood materials and makes it
possible to increase the liquid absorption by the wood. The data for the impregnation kinetics
of the specimen in the case where the liquid incoming from the heating zone or from the
thermostatic vessel for composition storage at a temperature 40oC is run are given in Figure
2.15 [[13]]. This figure shows the case of maximum loading of the impregnation cylinder
with wood (Ku = 0.9) where the liquid volume Vext and its heat content are minimal. This
example corresponds to the closest possible placement of cylindrical specimens in the
impregnating vessel and for specimens of rectangular profile (ties, beams, boards) to the
placement with a clearance of a few millimeters. Figure 2.15 also gives the absorption data
for the liquid with a fixed temperature Text = 40o (curve 5) a perfect heating when the
specimen warm-up and its saturation with the fluid are only determined by the internal heat
exchange in the wood and are independent of the external fluid volume Vext. We introduce the
coefficient characterizing the fluid-exchange multiplicity due to the circulation during 1 h, Rf
= 3600 G/(l Vext). From Figure 2.15 it is seen that the impregnation kinetics largely
depends on the liquid circulation: for instance, at Rf = 1, i.e., at a circulation of one volume
Vext per hour (curve 2) the liquid absorption by the wood is twice as high as than without
circulation (curve 1), and at a circulation of three volumes (Rf = 3) it is higher by a factor of
Figure 2.15 Influence of the circulation (running) on the absorption kinetics and temperature of the
liquid (Ku = 0.9): 1, 7 - absorbed liquid mass and temperature Text in the absence of circulation; 2, 8 - in
the presence of circulation Rf = 1; 3, 9 - 2; 4, 10 - 3; 5 - Text = 40oC; 6 - liquid pressure. m, kg; T, oC; P,
MPa; , min. With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering
Physics and Thermophysics, Influence of heat and mass transfer on wood impregnation kinetics, vol.
77, 2004, p. 41, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 3.
Taking into account that in a real technological process it is not always possible to run the
liquid in the period of impregnation at a high pressure, we consider the variant of preheating
the wood loaded into the autoclave by running the heated liquid incoming from the heating
zone just before the impregnation. Data on the influence of the heated compound circulation
with a different flow rate in the heating period ( = 60 min) are given in Figure 2.16. It should
be noted that for the full-cell (Bethell) process wood impregnation begins simultaneously
with the pouring of the impregnating liquid under the action of the liquid column and
atmospheric pressure after the stage of vacuum-treatment of the wood. Presented results
demonstrate a strong influence of liquid heating (circulation) on its absorption by the
specimen: for instance, with a circulation of one volume in the heating period (Rf = 1) the
absorption is 1.4 times higher than without circulation, and with a circulation of three
volumes it is 1.7 times higher, which is much lower than the calculation data given in Figure
2.15. Obviously, to increase these indices, it is necessary to increase the heating time.
Figure 2.16. Influence of the circulation in the heating period on the absorption kinetics and
temperature Text of the liquid (Ku = 0.9): 1, 5 - absorbed liquid mass and temperature in the absence of
circulation; 2, 6 - in the presence of circulation Rf = 1; 3, 7 - 3; 4 - liquid pressure. m, kg; T, oC; P, MPa;
, min. With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: <Journal of Engineering Physics
and Thermophysics, Influence of heat and mass transfer on wood impregnation kinetics, vol. 77, 2004,
p. 42, M.A. Brich, V.P. Kozhin, Figure 5.
The data presented show a high efficiency of the influence of the circulation (running) of
the heated liquid on the impregnation process, which can ensure the required quality of wood
treatment at the highest possible degree of loading of the autoclave.
The simulation of the impregnation process without vacuum pretreatment of specimens
by the methods of empty-cell (Lowry) process and Rueping process has shown an analogous
dependence of absorption on Vext and as high an efficiency of the influence of the circulation
It seems interesting to use the heated timber immediately after its pre-impregnation
drying when it is necessary to impregnate oils, melts and other liquids whose viscosity should
depend on temperature. Resting upon this idea it is possible to develop a complex technology
for modifying wood products. If the heat accumulated in the wood at drying is used, then the
wood is not heated during impregnation with oils, and this saves the time and energy.
A rapid method of drying by depressurization takes time close to that of impregnation.
This will enable one to organize parallel processes with the intent to save production area and
labor resources.
Currently, specialists in wood treatment consider wood as a raw material to produce an
end product. Hydrothermal treatment first drying and modifying impregnation is the most
important means of wood processing. Despite a limited number of parameters responsible for
these processes (mainly T, P, , properties of the medium), both the technology of drying and
D - diameter, m; I and Iv - surface and bulk drying rate, respectively, I = ml / S , Iv = ml /
V ; Ku - ratio of the specimen volume to the total volume of the wood and external liquid
pertaining to this specimen; L- length, m; m - mass, kg; P - pressure, Pa; q - flow rate, liter/h;
r - cylindrical-sample radius, m; Rf - liquid-exchange multiplicity per hour; S - surface area; T
- temperature, oC; V - volume, m3; W-moisture content (MC),%; = ml / (ml + me) - the
coefficient of thermal-mechanical removal of moisture; - density, kg/m3; - time, min.
Subscripts: a - air; e - vapor; ext - external; f - final; l - liquid; u - unit; w - wood
substance; 0 - initial value.
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[98] Treu, A.; Pilgard, A.; Puttmann, S.; Krause A.; Westin, M. (2009). In: Proc. 40th
Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, 2009. (http://www. skogoglandskap.no/filea
[99] Tsunoda, K. J. Wood Sci. 2001, vol. 47(2), 149-153.
[100] Thuvander, F.; Wallstrm, L.; Berglund, L. A.; Lindberg, K. A. H. Wood Sci. Technol.
2001, vol. 34(6), 473-480.
[101] Ugolev, B. N. Wood study with the Fundamentals of Forestry Research; Lesnaya
Prom.: Moscow, 1986; 360 p.
[102] Using of Wood Fuels in Energy. (2009). http://www.turboblock.ru /info/drevo/
[103] Vacuum Compression Drying Chamber for Drying Wood. (2009). TERMOTEH
[104] Vacutherm. (2009).Drying Kilns. http://vacutherm.com/products.htm
[105] Vihrov, V. . The Diagnostic Features of the Main Timber Forest Species of the USSR.
Izd. AN SSSR: Moscow, 1959.
[106] Walker, J. C. F. Primary Wood Processing. Principles and Practice; 2-nd ed., Springer:
London, 2006; 596 p.
[107] Waterlogged Wood Conservation. (2009). Conserv. Research Lab. Nautical Arch.
Prog., Texas AandM University. http://nautarch.tamu.edu /crl/conservationmanual/
[108] Watkins, J. B.; Greaves, H.; Chin, Ch. W. Patent USA. No. 5098,472. 1992.
[109] Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry. Ed. Hon, D. N. S. and Shiraishi; N.-2nd ed., Marcel
Dekker Inc.: New York, Basel, 2001; 923 p.
[110] Wood Drying Handbook. Ed. Bogdanov; E.S. Lesnaya Prom.: Moscow, 1990, 304 p.
ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 2
Productive direct conversion of lignocelluloses into liquid organic products by electron
distillation of crude wood or by dry distillation of preliminarily irradiated wood is considered.
Electron-beam conversion is several times more effective than ordinary hydrolytic,
pyrogenous or enzymatic processing of wood. Distillation of wood by electron-beam energy
yields a number of the useful reagents for heavy organic synthesis and fuel productions. In
particular, this path results in high yield of furans - perspective raw materials for production
of high-quality alternative fuel which is compatible to conventional engine fuel and the up-todate types of automobile engines. Electron-beam processing of intermixtures of wood with
others synthetic and natural organics (plasts, bitumen, oil, etc.) also can be perspective. An
experiments have shown that the electron-beam irradiation of binary wood-bitumen or woodpolymer intermixtures is characterized by sinergistic destruction of components. Such effect
can be the innovative base in the alternative fuel production, in recovery of complex polymercellulose waste, in processing of native bitumens and heavy petroleum residue, in practical
regeneration of synthetic monomers and in synthesis of industrial inhibitors of radical
Wood is the important reproducible resource which can play important role in the future
strategy of energy safety and a sustainable development. Transformation of wood into liquid
E-mail: [email protected].
and/or gas organic products is considered as a perspective path of raw materials supply for the
alternative macroenergetics and for a heavy chemical industry. Reorientation from an oil
stock to wood raw materials is caused by a lot of reasons - the accelerated rates of oil and gas
consumption; adverse dynamics of the prices; politicization and instability of the
hydrocarbons market; non-uniform hydrocarbons deposition; etc. The tendency of the basic
economic and ecological coefficients indicates that it is impossible to satisfy future energy
and material needs by conserving today's structure of fuel and energy balance.
Fodder grain was used as raw materials for production of firstgeneration biofuel
(bioethanol and biosolar oil). Previous experience has shown that one-way orientation to
production of biofuel from grain crops is fraught with both a deficit of the foodstuffs and
essential dependence on soil fertility, agricultural productivity, weather and climatic
parameters. Besides, initially developed processes of cultivation, a harvesting and conversion
of grain into biofuel are burdensome enough for environment.
It is supposed that second generation biofuel (grassoline) will be manufactured by
ecologically safe methods from wide assortment of inedible raw materials including wood
and wood residue. Today's global consumption of oil is about 30 billion barrels per year. Five
times more equivalent energy resources can be obtained due to annual global self-increment
of inedible cellulose biomass. In-depth research of direct biomass conversion into convenient
fuel or into fuel chemicals is the important global problem.
Products of a wood origin are widely used in a daily life. There are many technological
processes when wood components are exposed to radiation processing [1-3]. The most known
among them are sterilization of medicines and dressing materials; destruction of wood raw
materials for the purpose of an intensification of the hydrolytic processing and production of
edible, fodder and technical products (blasting powders, lacquers, viscose, various
monosaccharoses and agricultural feedstuff from wood); pretreatment of wood for the
subsequent manufacturing of various ethers (nitrates, xanthogenates, etc.). The specified aspects
stimulate interest to studying of radiolysis of wood and its components, in particular, to detailing
of the radiolytic transformations mechanism. At the same time wood components are
convenient modelling objects for studying of radiation effects in biological structures.
Electron-beam technologies can play the important role in formation of alternative energy
resources from wood. Earlier effects of the accelerated electrons on wood components were
investigated widely enough. The ionizing radiation provokes deep chain destruction of wood,
changing a molecular-mass distribution and the physicochemical properties (structure,
mechanical strength, solubility, reactivity and other.) [3]. The radiation-induced changes
facilitate the subsequent mechanical grinding and hydrolysis of wood. These effects are
interesting from the point of view of perfection of conventional technologies of wood processing
- diminutions of number of technological operations, decrease in power consumption,
replacements of ecologically hazardous chemical stages on electrophysical processing without
reagents. Previous radiolytic studies have played a key role in determination of the
destruction mechanism in lignocelluloses, thereby having accelerated progress of vegetative
macromolecules chemistry.
Wood destruction can be intensified by combination of radiation processing with heat
processing. Electron accelerators are the basic radiation sources in the modern radiationchemical technologies. As a rule generated radiation is characterized by high beam current
density 100 A/cm2. Processing by such beam results in an effective heating of a material
being irradiated (radiation heating). Accordingly, the combination of radiolysis and the fast
heating, being the most productive mode of radiation-thermal degradation, can be created by
means of only electron accelerator without additional heat sources. The up-to-date
accelerators are capable to generate high power electron beams - 500 kW. It allows to
regard the accelerators as the perspective equipment for a large-capacity process industry.
The present work views destruction of wood and its main components (cellulose and
lignine) at high dose rate of electron beam radiation when radiolysis is accompanied by fast
increase of feedstock temperature, initiating distillation (electron-beam distillation) [4-7].
Electron-beam distillation is the updated and advanced modification of a conventional
method of dry distillation. The routine dry distillation method (high-temperature airless
transformation into volatile products) [2, 8] as well as the enzymatic processing of
phytogenous substances are well known long since. Dry distillation of biomass yields both
high-quality wood charcoal for metallurgy and a number of valuable chemical reagents acetone, methanol, acetic acid, phenols, etc. Low molecular weight products of wood
distillation can serve as prospective raw materials for synthesis of new polymers. Dominating
products of pyrolitic distillation of wood are water 1/3), carbon oxides 1/6) and wood
charcoal 2/5) [2, 6]. The total yield of liquid organic products is 11 wt %. Condensation of
vaporous products results in two immiscible liquids - the transparent light water-organic
solution and a dark heavy concentrate of compounds slightly soluble or insoluble in water
(tar). High viscosity, density and refraction index of tar are caused by aromatic and furan
components. An average molecular weight of tar is 150. The light water-organic solution
contains a small amount of carbonyl compounds and methanol. Slightly yellow color of the
solution is induced by furans inclusion. Interest to dry distillation development has weakened
owing to both low efficiency of the method and reorientation of metallurgy from charcoal to
Anhydrous and airless vegetative samples were used for the experimental electron-beam
distillation. Linac U-10-10T (energy, 8 MeV; pulse duration, 6 s; pulse repetition frequency,
300 Hz; maximal beam current, 800 A; scan width, 245 mm; and scan frequency, 1 Hz)
served as an irradiator (radiation heater).
Experimental electron-beam distillation can be executed by means of the simple
equipment. The universal schema of laboratory installation is shown on Figure 1. The
electron beam 1 is oriented to the quartz reactor 2 containing a plant material (3-80 grams).
Vaporous products are condensed by air condenser 3 (at 172C) and by water cooler 4 (at
152C) outside of irradiation area. Liquid products separate from gases in the collector flask
5. Gaseous products can be returned again into a reactor 2 or removed from installation by
pump 8. Inner gas composition in installation can be adjusted using a gas bottle 7 (for
example, by hydrogen or by light alkanes).
Absorbed dose rate was estimated using aqueous bichromate dosimeter and standard film
dosimeter with a phenazine dye-doped copolymer.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of electron-beam distillation: (1) electron beam, (2) quartz reactor, (3) air
condenser, (4) water cooler, (5) cooling water, (6) collector flask, (7) gas bottle, (8) gas pump and (9)
Figure 2. Typical dynamics of electron-beam heating. Data observed at distillation of several wood
types are placed between curves (feedstock specific surface Z=105 cm2/g and bulk density 150 g/dm3).
The average dose rate was 2 kGy/s. It is necessary to mention that absorbed dose rate was
not a stationary value owing to transformation of a feed stock to charcoal. Radiation use
factor was 5-25 %. Distillation products (sampled from 3 and 6) were analyzed
chromatographicly (Q-Mass, Perkin Elmer AutoSystem XL; helium as the carrier gas,
capillary glass column 60 m long 0.25 mm in inner diameter).
Typical dynamics of an electron-beam heating of wood at dose rate 2 kGy/s is shown on
Figure 2. The most intensive condensation of vapours inside coolers is observed after 3
minutes whereas after 6 minutes the vaporization is terminated. Intensive vaporization
testifies to the chain mechanism of wood destruction. Observed yield of condensation is 15
mol/J. Only wood charcoal remains in a reactor at beam heating above 400C.
At atmospheric pressure wood pyrolysis could take place at temperature above 270 [2].
However the sample under beam irradiation does not reach such temperature a long time (see
Figure 2). A fast chain formation and transpiration of radiolytic products preclude an
excessive heating in a reactor - the heating curve has sag. Thus the probability of the adverse
"pyrogenic" destruction mechanism is minimized. So the self-organization effect (selfpreservation mechanism) takes place in electron-beam destruction process. In temperature
range 220-260C the beam irradiation does not provide a fast feedstock heating. Heating rate
is retarded testifying to initiation of effective endothermic process. The majority of liquid
radiolytic products have boiling points in the range 100-250. Their specific evaporation
heats are 30-46 kJ/mole. Warmth saved up at initial radiation heating is 10 times less. Main
part of beam energy is used for feedstock fragmentation and evaporation of radiolytic
products, not yielding the further heating. On the other hand, apparently, the temperature
260C degrees is sufficient for chain cleavage of instable radiolytic intermediates.
Significant rise of temperature is being renewed after wood charcoal formation.
The accelerated electron loses energy by small portions (20 eV on the average), forming
2-5 nm spurs - the isolated zones of ionization and excitation [1, 9]. The typical distance
between spurs is hundreds nanometers. Recombination of the ionic and radical pairs in a spur
results in the energy liberation (equivalent to local fast rise in temperature). Thus the
sequence of the high-temperature nano-reactors isolated from each other is promptly being
shaped along an electron trajectory. In contrast to pyrolysis the electron-beam radiolysis
preferentially produces the excited and super-excited molecules preceding the splitting of
skeletal bonds. Usually a singlet excitations decay by forming the molecular products
whereas triplet states dissociate into the radicals [1]. Excess energy is being dissipated along
cold macromolecular chains, supporting further cleavage of instable intermediates.
Table 2. Component composition (wt %), average density (at 18C), and average
molecular mass M of condensates from wood feedstock (in i-butane at atmospheric
pressure; feedstock specific surface Z=905 cm2/g and bulk density 150 g/dm3)
Main components
Methanol +
Acetone + propenal
Acetic acid
Main components
Total furans
Total aromatics
Density , kg/m3
Mole mass ,
Wood feedstock
Wood feedstock
Differences between wood species are manifested already at the step of condensation of
the vapors distilled off in the radiation heating mode. Approximately half of vapor produced
from the soft wood and less third part from foliar wood are condensed in an air condenser.
The fresh condensate contains a small amount of water (8 wt %). The water fraction is
incremented during storage of the condensate, especially, upon heating which accelerates the
water formation. The instability of the condensate assumes necessity to dilute and to process
(stabilize) the low-molecular-mass products of distillation already at the vapor withdrawal
step [6].
The component composition of the condensable products of electron-beam distillation
substantially depends on the type of wood used (Table 2). The condensate obtained upon the
destructive distillation of softwoods is enriched in phenolic compounds. Their precursors are
lignin and other aromatic wood macromolecules [2]. Aromatic compounds exhibit
radioprotector and antioxidant properties [1, 10]; therefore, their increased concentration
predetermines a number of significant specific features of degradation of softwood. Softwood
condensates contain a smaller amount of low-molecular-mass components composed of 13
carbon atoms. This is an indication of less severe fragmentation of wood enriched in aromatic
components. Correspondingly, the average molecular mass of pine and spruce condensates is
higher than that of hardwood condensates (Table 2). The liquid mixtures of softwood
electron-beam distillation products are substantially more stable upon storage and heating. At
the same time, a higher yield of charcoal is probably also due to an increased concentration of
aromatic components in the softwood feedstock.
Radiation-induced degradation of both softwood and hardwood results in a considerable
amount of the furan fraction (Table 2). The main source of furans is cellulose [5]. Among
furan derivatives, furaldehydes prevail. Radiation heating of hardwood yields 3-furaldehyde
along with 2-furaldehyde (furfural). Furfural becomes a dominating representative of
furaldehydes in the case of decomposition of softwood material. Aspen and alder condensates
are characterized by a higher proportion of furanmethanols, whereas the condensate from pine
contains 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde in a relatively greater amount. However, the variety of
furans produced from softwoods is greater as compared to hardwoods. For example, the pine
condensate additionally contains furan, 2-methylfuran, 2,5-dihydrofuran, 2,5-dimethylfuran,
2,5-dihydro-3-methylfuran, and 5-methyl-2(3H)-furanone.
Table 3. Distribution of components in the oxygenate fraction of condensates, wt % (in
i-butane at atmospheric pressure; feedstock specific surface Z=405 cm2/g and bulk
density 150 g/dm3)
Functional group
- (alcohols,
- (acids)
-= (ketones)
-= (aldehydes)
-- (ethers)
-- (esters)
Wood feedstock
The wide variety of furans and their higher total yield can also be due to a reduction in
the severity of cellulose fragmentation in the presence of softwood aromatic components.
1 1 1.62G 0 D
P P0
N Ak
Figure 3. Accumulation of carbonyl (1) and carboxyl (2) groups in a cotton cellulose [23].
The irradiation at low temperature and at low dose rate results in the deep chemical
transformations of cellulose [19-23] Among the water-soluble products the cellobiose,
glucose, arabinose, glyoxal, 2-ketogluconic acid and some other acids are found out.
Hydrolysis of the water-soluble fraction results in formation of xylose, arabinose, glucuronic
and formic acids, malonic dialdehyde, etc. Figure 3 illustrates influence of an irradiation on
the content of >C=O and COOH groups in a cotton cellulose at room temperature.
Preferentially carbonyl compounds are formed via cellulose destruction. Yield of
carbonyl groups formation is 6.5 0.5. Yields of carboxyl groups are from 0.9 to 1.8 [18, 2429]. Radiolytic formation of carbonyl and carboxyl practically does not depend on the initial
content of these groups in raw cellulose (see Table 2). About 3 mmoles >C=O and 1 mmole are formed in 100 g of cellulose at an absorbed dose 50 kGy.
Both carbonyl and carboxyl concentrations at high doses are featured by non-linear
dependence c = BDq. The coefficient B is 6.810-7 for carbonyl and 1.810-7carboxyl groups
[16]. The exponent q for both groups is 0.50-0.69 [18, 24]. Apparently this effect at high
doses is due to an involving of carbonyls and carboxyls into radiolytic transformations.
Hydrogen, dioxide carbon and monoxide carbon are main light-end products of cellulose
radiolysis [21, 23, 25, 31-34]. Their yields in vacuum at doses 300 kGy are 6.0, 3.2 and 0.9
respectively. Methane also has been detected among light-end products.
The conventional view on the nature of the free radicals in irradiated cellulose has been
formulated after the publication [15, 35-50]. Predominating radical states in the irradiated
cellulose are localized on endgroups of polymeric chain.
Probabilities of (1)- and (4)- bonds cleavage in glucopyranose at nitrogen boiling
point are similar. The irradiated samples of the frozen cellulose have the dark blue colour due
to optical absorption of trapped electrons. Colouring is intensified in the moist samples.
Radiolytic destruction of cellulose is initiated by ionization, ion-electron pair
neutralization and decay of excited states:
RH RH+ + e-
RH+ + - RH*
RH* R +
Primary R radicals, apparently, are instable as a result of the considerable strains induced
by discrepancy between electronic configurations of radical centre (sp2-hybridization) and
initial molecular unit (sp3-hybridization). Already at room temperature R radicals degrade by
glucosidic bond cleavage [3]:
OH +
The fragments from (6) and (7) reactions decay to form further stable low-molecularweight products. The yield of carbonyl groups formation is enough close to a yield of
destruction of cellulose and a yield of C2 formation; i.e. each cleavage of cellulose
polymeric chains results in formation of one molecule C2 and one carbonyl group.
Figure 4. Temperature dependence of destruction yield of cellulose (1) and formation of carbonyl (2)
and carboxyl groups (3) [19].
where S(TR) - number of cleavages via the consecutive two-stage processing; SR - number of
cleavages via single-stage radiolysis; ST - number of cleavages via single-stage thermal
processing. That is, the sequence "heatingirradiation" yields the additive effect. The
sequence "irradiationheating" yields the superadditive number of cleavages [21, 53, 54]:
S(RT) = SR +ST + D
Figure 5. Dose dependences of bond cleavage number (S) in wood cellulose at various combinations of
an irradiation and a heating (3 h at 190 C): 1 irradiation; 2 - heatingirradiation; 3 irradiationheating.
Dose dependences of bond cleavage number in wood cellulose are shown on Figure 5 at
various combinations of an irradiation and a heating. The slope of linear dependences 1 and 2
is identical, confirming that pre-award thermal processing does not influence efficiency of the
subsequent radiation destruction. At the same time, larger slope of a line 3 displays more
effective destruction of cellulose at sequence "irradiation-heating". The coefficient
correlates with slopes variance of dose dependences at specified treatment temperature. At
150, 170 and 190C -values are 0.004, 0.02 and 0.038 bond cleavages per 1 kGy [21, 54].
mmoles/100 g
mmoles/100 eV
Table 5. Yield G (in % from dry weight of cellulose), index of refraction nD18, density
18, and viscosity 0 of condensates (Z=104 cm2/g)
G, wt %
, kg/dm3
0, mPas
radiolytic destruction of primary fragments or their reactions with other products (formation
of "hybrid" compounds). Apparently, such effects result in distinction of composition of the
condensates received at distillation of samples with various crushing.
Influence of a preliminary heating on electron-beam distillation was studied at
temperature 250C to prevent cellulose pyrogenic decomposition before an irradiation [2].
Insignificant temperature effect on a condensate yield was observed. According to telemetry
the observed time of the vapors emersion in the preheated samples has decreased a little,
however end time of distillation did not depend on initial temperature. It specifies that
dynamics of the electron-beam distillation is controlled by radiolysis and radiation heating,
instead of feedstock temperature. The condensate yield at initial feedstock temperature 16250C was 58.01.5 wt %.
As a rule, cellulose pyrolysis is initiated at 270. It would seem that radiation heating
of hotter samples should result in to more prompt distillation. However it does not occur.
Figure 6. Influence of specific surface Z of samples 2 on the relative values of density (1), viscosity
0 (2) and refraction index nD16 (3) of condensate.
Figures 7 and 8 testify that the preliminary heating promotes formation of heavier
condensate - while raising an initial feedstock temperature, an increase of density, viscosity
and index of refraction of a condensate are observed. The molar mass of a condensate
continuously grows from 87 to 94 g/mol. Optical density at max=275 nm (typical of
furans) increases. Furans-derivatives fraction in a condensate expands from 60 to 72 wt %.
The furan fraction is introduced preferentially by furaldehydes (furfural content about ).
Influence of a preliminary heating is most significant at the radiolysis initial stage - more
prompt migration and volatilizing of primary products of a fragmentation takes place, as well
as decomposition of thermally astable fragments. It prevents participation of primary products
in the subsequent radiolytic transformations. Preheating experiments reveal dominating value
Figure 7. Optical absorption spectra of condensates originating from 2 at initial temperature 16C (1 Z=49, 2 - Z=70, 3 - Z=104 cm2/g) and 230 (4 - Z=104 cm2/g).
The basic gaseous products of destruction are 2, 2 and CO. Equimolar formation of
carbonic gas and hydrogen is observed whereas CO yield is less by an order of magnitude.
Stoichiometrically the -O-C-O- fraction (2 predecessors) in 6105 glucopyranose unit is
about 27 wt %. At the same time the experimentally observed total 2 + CO yield is 1/5
from dry mass of cotton feedstock. Undoubtedly that distinction between stoichiometric and
experimental yields can be caused by incomplete decomposition of a feed stock, or by
discrepancy between real feedstock composition and the classical formula of cellulose. For
example, the microelement analysis of 3 sample testifies that a real atomic ratio C/O=1.8
whereas stoichiometric value should be C/O=1.2. Besides, real 3 contained mineral
components about 2.0 wt %. Thus, the oxygen atoms deficit took place in explored 3
Figure 8. Influence of initial temperature of 2 samples (Z=104 cm2/g) on the relative values of density
(1), viscosity 0 (2) and refraction index nD16 (3) of condensate.
compounds whose volatilization from a reaction area is complicated. The charred residue in
samples 1-3 consisted of two fractions - long fibers (structure, similar to an initial
cellulose; atomic ratio C/O8.4; see Figure 9a) and the frothed inclusions (in the form of
blobs and films; the atomic relation C/O6.4; see Figure 9b). The second fraction meets on
surface of a charcoal and, apparently, is formed by condensation processes. In particular,
condensation processes are characteristic for furfural and some its derivatives at the dry
distillation conditions [2]
2542 1063 +2 .
It has been shown in [56], that furfural promptly decays in acidic medium, yielding both
formic acid and humic substances (formic acid 50 g and humic substances 41.5 g are formed
from furfural 100 g). Formation of high-molecular products by an interaction of furfural with
other intermediate compounds [56] can also contribute to additional carbonization of
feedstock. Apparently the fastest removal of vapours from irradiation area is the main method
to reduce a yield of high-molecular products and to minimize losses of furfural homologues.
In practice furfural can be manufactured by acid hydrolysis of pentosans which are a part
of easily hydrolyzable vegetative hemicelluloses [56]
5105 32 542
Primary radical R takes allyl structure via thermostimulated dehydration, for example:
This process is detected by ESR method [3, 15, 57]. In turn, -C=C- conjugation
destabilizes - bonds. That can also result in isolation and removal of an organic fragment
or disclosing of pyranose ring. For example, the C(4) radical via reaction (7) and subsequent
dehydration and decarboxylation can be transformed to a short-lived fragment which in turn
can be the predecessor of furfuryl alcohol and furfural:
-CO2, -H
-H2O, -2H
The organic fragment liberated from glucopyranose unit can have several configurations
depending on following factors: a place of C-H bond cleavage and localization position of
unpaired electron in R radical; a position of the olefinic bond arising via dehydration or
dehydrogenation; excess energy and local temperature; content and configuration of hydrogen
bridges system; the steric factor controlling a removal of fragmentation products from the
origin place; and some other. Presence of several shapes of the liberated fragment
predetermines several paths of its stabilization.
Cleavage of C-C bonds can precede dehydration and decarboxylation of radicals. It is
shown, in particular, by a low yield of water and high yield of carboxylic acids and
saturated -CH3 or -CH2- derivatives. Hence, the wide assortment of the final products
resulting from splitting of - bond in the liberated fragment is observed, for example
CH 3
-CO2, -H2O
Being an effective scavengers of radicals and excess energy, a part of organic fragments
(for example, furfural) participates in fast reactions with other fragmentation products or
decomposes - it results in expansion of assortment of final products.
Cellulose conserves a hard state and is turning yellow at low dose rate (0.15 kGy/s)
insufficient for effective heating and a distilling initiation. A condensate and charcoal yields
at post-radiation (dose 500 kGy) dry distillation are about 47 and 32 wt %, respectively.
Significant decrease of a condensate yield in comparison with electron-beam distillation
testifies to the important role of the reactions proceeding directly at radiolysis. Post-radiation
dry distillation deals exclusively with thermal degradation of stable molecular fragments of
the cellulose having reduced degree of polymerization. Probably, the intermediates
participating in pyrolitic destruction process differ from products of radiolytic reactions (6)
and (7). Accordingly, yields of electron-beam destruction differ from post-radiation
destruction yields.
Apparently, electron-beam distillation of 2 and 3 pine cellulose samples yields
different effects owing to distinction of methods of chemical pine treatment applied at
cellulose production. The remaining content of lignin and hemicelluloses in cellulose depends
on an applied technique of digestion and bleaching of wood feedstock [2].
Thus, the main effect of electron-beam distillation of various type of cellulose is
formation of a liquid organic condensate. Furfural and its derivatives dominate among liquid
products. Both crushing and a preliminary heating of a feedstock promote an increase of
furans fraction in condensate. The explored mode of electron-beam distillation can become a
The composition of the tar obtained via conventional dry distillation and electron-beam
distillation of the lignin is given in the Table 7. In the case of thermal treatment, the tar
consists of a wide variety of aromatic compounds with a relatively high mass fraction: the
chromatogram contains about 50 peaks. The most significant components are toluene,
xylenes, phenol, guaiacol, and creosol. The dry distillation products also include furfural,
furanmethanols, and 5-methylfurfural. Their formation is presumably due to the cellulose
admixed to the initial lignin samples.
The range of products narrows in the case of electron-beam degradation of lignin: the
chromatogram of the tar contain 35 peaks, of which only 27 coincide with those of the dry
distillation products [4, 5]. The base of the radiolytic tar is formed mainly by two compounds,
guaiacol and creosol. However, the total yield of tar during electron-beam distillation is
almost three times higher.
It is important to note that the fraction of alkylbenzols among products of radiolysis is
lowered. The phenols and alkoxyphenols are the predominant liquid radiolytic products.
Methane prevails among gaseous products. The formation of stable products of radiolytic
fragmentation of aromatic macromolecules is determined mainly by radical processes [1, 2].
Radiolysis results primarily in the abstraction of hydrogen atoms from saturated substituents
in the lignin molecule Lig.
Table 7. Main products of ordinary dry distillation (mode T) and electron-beam
distillation (mode R) of lignin, wt %
Chared residue
Aqueous distillate fraction
Tar: total
including (wt % of tar):
Methanol + Ethanol
Methylbenzene (toluene)
Furanmethanols (total)
Dimethylbenzenes (total)
Ethyl-methylbenzenes (total)
Methylphenols (total)
Methoxyphenols (total, including guaiacol)
Dimethylphenols (total)
Dimethoxyphenols (total)
4-Methyl-2-methoxyphenol (creosol)
4-Ethyl-2-Methoxyphenol (4-ethylguaiacol)
(4.8 kGy/s)
Similar phenoxyl radicals ArOcan be formed via the rupture of ether bonds
Lig (Ar-O-Ar) ArO + Ar
The H atom easily reacting with an aromatic ring is being transformed into H-adduct [1,
2, 65]. Probably, an aromatic H-adducts have a low thermal stability. The decay of H-adduct
takes place via cleavage of lateral C-C bond. The stable aromatic ArH molecule and the
secondary R radical are formed as a result
Lig (ArR) + H LigH ArH + R
Such an effect was reported for toluene [65]: alkylcyclohexadienyl radicals at elevated
temperatures (<500C) readily dissociate yielding benzene and the alkyl radical. Furthermore,
it is known [1] that dealkylation products are formed with a higher yield than alkylation
products in the radiolysis of alkylbenzenes.
The recombination of methyl and phenoxyl radicals gives a methoxy-derivants
3 + ArO ArO3
In turn, the CH3 radical is being transformed into methane by eliminating hydrogen from
3 + Lig CH4 + Lig
The tar distilled off via electron-beam heating is distinguished by high antioxidizing
ability, in particular, in processes of inhibition of styrene thermopolymerization. The Figure
11 collates the formation kinetics of the styrene thermopolymer in the presence of 0.025 wt %
various inhibitors.
Figure 11. Polystyrene formation at 120 in the presence of 0.025 wt % various inhibitors: 1 - 4dimethylaminomethyl-2,6-di-tert-butilfenol; 2 - tar; 3 - di(methylbenzyl)-phenols; 4 - bis-(2-oxy-5methyl-3-tert-butylphenyl)-methan (Agidol-2); 5- 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (Agidol-1); 6 (methylbenzyl)-phenols.
Figure 12. Induction periods of styrene thermopolymerization at 120C in the presence of 0.05 wt %
the mixed inhibitor consisting of tar and Mannich base (ft - the tar fraction in the mixed inhibitor).
It is seen that all tested phenolic inhibitors are inferior in efficiency to the reference
stabilizer Mannich base - 4-dimethylaminomethyl-2,6-di-tert-butilfenol (the curve 1). Note
that the structure of phenolic compounds has a considerable effect on their inhibiting activity.
For example, monosubstituted phenols - methylbenzylphenols - are less effective than their
disubstituted counterparts - di(methylbenzyl)phenols. The kinetic curves for the case of the
di(methylbenzyl)phenol mixture (curve 3) and for the case of the unpurified tar obtained via
electron-beam distillation from lignine (curve 2) are closer to the reference curve 1 than other
curves. The inhibitory effect of commercial stabilizers Agidol-1 (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4methylphenol) and Agidol-2 (bis-(2-oxy-5-methyl-3-tert-butylphenyl)-methan) was
noticeably weaker than that of the tar. Moreover, the intermixture of tar with the Mannich
base demonstrates a synergistic magnification of the inhibition ability (see Figure 12).
High inhibitory effect can testify to presence of polyhydroxy phenols in tar composition.
Such components dominate in the fraction boiling at t235 C. Thus, the tar generated by
electron-beam distillation of wood or lignin can be applicable for practical production of
polymerization retarders.
Lignin or lignocellulose affects productivity of electron-beam distillation of binary
mixtures containing a synthetic polymer or a heavy oil hydrocarbon as the second component.
Effective cracking of heavy hydrocarbons can be initiated by radiation [1], in particular, by
electron-beam radiation [66]. At a temperature of T300C, the radiolytic cleavage of bonds
in hydrocarbon macromolecules is accompanied by the thermally stimulated chain destruction
of generated radicals. The advantage of the radiation-initiated thermal cracking is the
effective formation of radicals at temperatures below those required for conventional thermal
cracking [1, 66]. Electron-beam destruction of wood components is controlled also by the
chain mechanism. It is of interest to trace the simultaneous occurrence of two radiationinitiated chain processes using woodbitumen mixtures as an example.
The electron-beam distillation of one-component samples differs in the rate
lignocellulose feedstock is distilled several times faster than the natural bitumen. In the study
of bitumen and binary samples, the yields of distillation products were measured at a dose D=
300 kGy; i.e., within the dose sufficient to complete the distillation of lignocellulose, but
insufficient to complete the distillation of individual bitumen. Irradiation was conducted at
initial temperatures T0 of 18 and 200C. The observed dependences of the yield of liquid
products of distillation on the feedstock composition are presented in the Figure 13.
At D = 300 kGy and T0 = 18C , about 60 and 28 wt % of organic liquid is distilled from
pine wood and lignin, respectively. In turn, the yield of low-molecular condensate from the
bitumen is 37 wt %. If the distillation of degradation products from binary mixtures of
bitumen and wood sawdust obeyed additive rule, the total yield of distilled products G would
decrease with an increase in the proportion of bitumen in the mixture (as shown by dotted
line). However, the data in the Figure 10 show that G is higher than it should be expected
from the additive rule. A similar effect is observed in mixtures of bitumen and lignin. At an
initial temperature of the mixtures of T0= 200C, the dependence of G on the composition
also indicates the presence of a synergistic effect.
The propagation step of the chain degradation process for bitumen hydrocarbons RnH2nR'
be conventionally represented as a set [1] of radical reactions of hydrogen abstraction
(25) and -cleavage (26)
in which small radicals abstract hydrogen from a heavy hydrocarbon, and large radicals
dissociate to alkenes and a small radical. The termination of the chain process is caused by
dimerization or disproportionation of radicals.
It is quite likely that small intermediates of wood origin can be converted into final lowmolecular products via the abstraction of hydrogen from bitumen components (similar to
reaction (25)), thus contributing to the development of the thermally stimulated chain
decomposition of hydrocarbons.
Figure 13. The dependence of the total yield of condensate G on the bitumen content in mixtures with
(1, 2) pine sawdust and (3) lignin at initial feedstock temperature (1, 3) 18 and (2) 200.
The composition of products derived from the binary mixtures indicates the formation of
compounds, the origin of which can be explained by cross combination of intermediates of
wood and bitumen origin - alkyl acetates, phenyl acetates, alkylfurans, benzofurans, etc. The
yield of these hybrid products makes up to 15% of the total yield of condensate.
Along with the participation in the chain transfer reaction, wood components can play a
more sophisticated role. In particular, the starting binary mixtures have loose consistency,
which could facilitate the distillation of bitumen degradation products from the irradiation
area. In addition, light products of wood degradation can facilitate the distillation of heavy
hydrocarbons owing to the steam distillation effect. Charcoal produced from the binary
mixtures is crumbly, does not stick together, and is easy to withdraw from the reactor,
properties that compare it favorably with conventional coke produced by the cracking of
It is important that wood and lignin degradation products act as inhibitors of radical
polymerization [10]. They impede tarring in the bitumen fraction. For example, upon the
distillation of binary mixtures, in which bitumen was replaced with polystyrene, we observed
an almost complete recovery of styrene, which is usually easy to polymerize by heating.
Increase of radiolytic destruction yield of synthetic polymers was observed also in the woodpolymer mixtures containing polyethylene-terephthalate, polyvinyl-acetate, polyethylene,
polypropylene and some other.
Thus, under the conditions of electron-beam heating and distillation of binary mixtures of
natural bitumen or synthetic polymer with wood, the synergistic increase in the yield of
condensable products of their degradation has been revealed. The effect is due to an increase
in the efficiency of the decomposition of mainly the non-wood fraction.
Thus direct productive conversion of wood into valuable chemicals can be implemented
by means of the electron-beam distillation. Technical application of this method can be
considered as reasonable prospect because electron-beam distillation is characterized by
valuable performances: the chain mechanism, high yield of a organic condensate, selectivity,
low enough energy consumption, and uniprocessing. Electron-beam conversion of wood into
organic liquid can be interesting as initial stage for subsequent formation of various products
in industry: effective polymerization retarders; monomers and reagents for polymeric
production; the alternative liquid fuel; special types of wood charcoal; and some others.
Polymerization retarders. Phenolic retarders of polymerization are applied for a long
time in the industry, in particular at styrene processing. Phenols of a coke-chemical and
petrochemical origin are used more often in the today's polymeric industry. Vegetative lignin
is the major reproducible source for phenols production. Conventional dry distillation of
lignin or wood yields a mixture of benzenes and phenols whereas electron-beam distillation
produces exclusively phenols (including dibasic phenols). It has been shown above that the
crude tar obtained by distillation of lignin has higher inhibiting effect in comparison with
many other industrial inhibitors. The same tar immixed with 4-dimethylaminomethyl-2,6-ditert-butilphenol yields synergetic inhibiting effect in styrene. High yield of the active
aromatic tar allows to regard the electron-beam distillation of lignin and coniferous wood as
one of competitive paths for production of industrial polymerization retarders, antioxidants
and stabilizers of monomers.
Monomers. Many household plastics easily decompose under the influence of electronbeam processing in the presence of lignocelluloses. Monomers or the low-molecular-weight
oligomers formed as a result can be distilled off at stable state. Lignocelluloses destruction
products react as inhibitors interfering with backward polymerization reactions. Such effect
can be applied to processing of a complex domestic wastes (paperstock and plastics) for the
purpose of regeneration of low-molecular-weight chemical raw materials. At the same time,
the condensates forming by electron-beam distillation of lignocelluloses consist also of the
molecules having olefin bonds and the active carbonyl groups. Similar substances are widely
used both as monomers and as auxiliary reagents in various polymerization processes [67]. In
the present work effective formation of polymers was observed at a heating or boiling of the
condensates originated from purified cellulose. As the yield of condensates from woods is
more than 50 wt % the electron-beam distillation attracts attention as a productive mode for
prospective formation of useful monomers and reagents.
The alternative fuel. Liquid products from electron-beam distillation cannot be used
directly as fuel. Presence of nonsaturated bonds and the active functional groups promotes
undesirable chemical interaction (dehydration, polyfunctional condensation, etc.) between
components in condensates. Alkanes, benzenes, aliphatic alcohols, ethers and esters are
usually perceived as suitable components for liquid fuel [68]. Tetrahydrofuran derivatives are
also considered as a proper component for high-octane engine fuels [69].
Our experiments indicate that hydrogenation and/or alkylation of organic vapors from
electro-beam distillation of wood feedstock can yield stable fuels (motor, diesel, reactive or
boiler fuels). The radiolytic variant of such transformation follows from observed influence of
gas flow rate on condensate composition [6]. Participation of gaseous alkanes or hydrogen in
radiolytic destruction of a vegetative feedstock results in several effects. Gas flow facilitates
removal of fragmentation products from feedstock being irradiated. High dilution of vapour
by the gas prevents both secondary processes of vapour fragmentation and undesirable
reactions between vapour components. Hydrogenous containing molecules RH used as carrier
gas contribute to the radiolytic formation of H atoms and alkyl radicals R [1, 70]
RH* R + H
=C=O + R =OR
Wood charcoal. Conventional dry distillation yields the wood charcoal essentially
differing on composition and structure from the chared residue formed by electron-beam
distillation [5]. Carbonification is incomplete in both modes. But electron-beam mode
produces wood charcoal, conserving an ordered structure of initial cellulose fibers and lignin
aggregates. In turn, conventional dry distillation results in charcoal deformations and a
sintering. The structural distinctions of wood charcoals can appear interesting from the point
of view of development of new sorbents and catalytic agents.
Thus, the present work demonstrates possibility of effective transformation of
lignocellulose matters into liquid organic products by electron-beam distillation.
Conventional dry distillation results in large amount of both water and charcoal whereas the
electron-beam heating produces much more organic liquid. Fermentative formation of
bioethanol and biosolar oil is also less productive than electron-beam conversion of a
vegetative feedstock into organic liquid. Besides, both enzymatic and hydrolytic processes
result in large volume of wastewater, its handling is extremely labour-consuming and
expensive [1]. A residual product of the discussed electron-beam conversion is wood charcoal
- ordinary and convenient hard fuel or a sorbent.
High efficiency of electron-beam distillation can be a key to development of wasteless
methods for plant materials transformation into the useful products, such as polymerization
retarders, monomers or the alternative fuel.
This work was supported within the Program "Fundamental Problems in Power Industry"
(principals - academician Moiseev I.I. and academician Myasoedov B.F.) of the Presidium of
the Russian Academy of Sciences. Authors express gratitude to academician Tsivadze A.Yu.
for the help and support.
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ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 3
Biomass in a holistic view produces food, fodder, fuel, fiber and fertilizer. There are
a number of simple, efficient and convenient biomass-based systems for different
domestic, agro-industrial and agricultural applications. The replacement of conventional
fossil fuels with biomass for thermal energy production results both in a net reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions and in the replacement of conventional energy sources.
Biomass energy accounts for about 11% of the global primary energy supply, and about 2
billion people worldwide depend on biomass for their energy needs. Modern applications
of biomass cover not only industrial thermal application and electricity production, but
also include domestic applications through improved cookstoves, wood gas stoves and
gasifier. Combustible producer gas extracted from gasifier is effectively and
economically converted from low value solid biomass fuel to a gaseous mixture. This
gaseous mixture can be used to generate processing heat for thermal application. In this
chapter, various biomass conversion routes such as thermo chemical, bio-chemical and
agro chemical conversion have been covered, which includes improved cookstoves and
biomass gasifier. The thermo chemical conversion process starts from a direct
combustion process to more efficient gasification process, which includes pyrolysis,
gasification and improved cookstoves. A gasification system to generate processing heat
for baking bakery items and drying of phosphoric acid through open core down draft
type; durable biomass cookstove for domestic, agro industrial and community
applications; and a gasification-based wood stove for cooking application are discussed.
The natural draft gasifier to generate thermal heat to extract chemical components from
Email- [email protected].
N.L. Panwar
medicinal plants, fuel replacement and greenhouse gas mitigation potential through
installation of biomass gasifier and cookstoves are also discussed in this chapter.
A comprehensive thrust on use and application of renewable-energy-based appliances at
the domestic, commercial and industrial level has been strongly impacted by global warming.
The environmental impact from the use of fossil fuel has induced the Europian Union (EU) to
take action in order to increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES) on the energy
market [1]. The White Paper on Renewable Energy [2] set the target of doubling the share
of renewable energy from the (1997) level of 6% to 12% by 2012. Biomass is the most
common form of renewable energy, widely used in the developing countries as the primary
source of domestic energy. Biomass usually had been considered as a low status fuel,
associated with poverty and the past. This is reflected in the poor quality of official statistics
relating to biomass energy although this is now improving. [3]. It is accepted both for thermal
application and power generation at the industrial level. Combustion of biomass in a
controlled manner cut CO2 emission because whatever CO2 is released during combustion, is
consumed by the growing agriculture crops. Hence it is a carbon neutral source of energy.
However, the CO2 released during its transportation needs to be considered to find out the net
2.1. Introduction
The term "biomass" generally refers to renewable organic matter generated by plants
through photosynthesis. Materials having organic combustible matter are also referred to under
the term biomass. [4-5]. It is an important fuel source in our overall energy scenario. Biomass is
produced through chemical storage of solar energy in plants and other organic matter as a result
of photosynthesis. During this process, conversion of solar energy into sugar and starch, which
are energy-rich compounds, takes place. The chemical reaction of photosynthesis can be written
6CO2 + 6H2O + sun light C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 + 2.66MJ
It indicates that the storage of 2.66 MJ is associated with the transfer of 72 gm carbon into
organic matter. Biomass can be directly utilized as fuel or can be converted through different
routes into useful forms of fuel. In fact, biomass is a source of five useful agents, which start with
F like food, fodder, fuel, fiber and fertilizer. Further, biomass has many advantages such as the
1) It is widely available
2) Its technology for production and conversion is well understood.
N.L. Panwar
Saw dust
Rice straw
sativa L)
Tuwar and
Fixed carbon
(FC), %
Volatile Matter
(VM), %
Ash %
C, %
H, %
Calorific Value
(CV) MJ kg-1
Ash Characteristics
Temperature (oC)
Temperature (oC)
Soya bean
Cotton Stalk
mungo L)
Rape and
Mustard shell
(Brassica napus
and Sisymbrium
N.L. Panwar
In 1992 at the Rio United Nations Conference on environment and development, the
renewable intensive global energy scenario (RIGES) suggested that, by 2050, approximately
half the worlds current primary energy consumption of about 400 EJ/yr, could be met by
biomass and that 60% of the worlds electricity market could be supplied by renewable, of
which biomass is a significant component [10].
Basically there are three different routes for producing energy from biomass in different
form i.e., heat, electricity and liquid fuel for transportation. These routes are thermo chemical
conversion of biomass where the biomass convert into fuel at elevated temperature and
controlled combustion conditions. Direct combustion, gasification and pyrolysis considered
as thermo chemical conversion routes. Second conversion routes is biochemical conversion,
in this routes digestion and fermentation processes taking into account. Third one is extraction
of transportation oil through esterification of non edible oil. Conversion of biomass into fuel
through different routes were illustrated in Figure 2
Steam Turbine
The dryer is used to reduce the dampness of the uneven wood to a lower level. In the
dryer a part of the flue gas from the boiler, supplies the drying energy. The dried wood is fed
into the boiler. It is then burnt in suspension in the boiler to raise a high-pressure steam.
As far as power generation from dendro thermal based power generation is concerned it
makes use three commonly available thermodynamic cycles i.e. Brayton, Stirling or Rankine
In simple fashion, heat of combustion gases can be used to run gas turbine for power
generation through Brayton cycle or alternately it can pass through heat exchanges for
exciting a working fluid and finally to run a gas engine through a Stirling cycle. The heat of
combustion gases can be used to generate steam vapour and to use it in steam/vapour engine
or steam/vapour engine through Rankine cycle as illustrated in Fig 3.
The high-pressure steam is turn drives a steam turbine in Rankine cycle route. The steam
turbine can be one, two or three state units. The steam turbine drives the alternator or
generator [11].
N.L. Panwar
3.2.1. Gasification
Gasification as a means to convert a diversity of solid fuels to combustible gas at elevated
temperature. Complete combustion of biomass required about 6 kg of air. But in gasification
process restrict air entry for complete combustion hence it leads to partial combustion. In
gasification 2 -2.5 kg of air per kg of biomass is required to produce combustible gaseous
mixture, is called producer gas. Producer gas is the mixture of combustible and noncombustible gases. The constituents of producer gas depend upon the type of fuel and
operating condition. Typical properties of producer gas from gasifier are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Constituent of Producer Gas
Gas (vol. %)
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
Water vapour
5506 kJ Nm-3
5800 kJ/Nm-3
a) Drying
Biomass is fed at the top of the gasifier hopper and it moves down as the process
proceeds. As a result moisture is removed from the biomass. Usually, air dried biomass
contains moisture in the range of 13-15%. The heat radiations from the oxidation zone,
evaporates the moisture of biomass in the upper most layers. The temperature of this zone
remains less than 120C.
b) Pyrolysis
As the dried biomass moves down, it is subjected to stronger heating from the oxidation
zone. At temperatures above 200C, the material starts loosing its volatilies. No air is
admitted until then. Once temperature reaches 400oC, a self sustaining exothermic reaction
takes place, in which the material structure of wood or other organic solids breaks down.
Water vapour, methane, acetic acid and a considerable quantity of heavy hydrocarbon tars are
evolved. The remaining of biomass is only charge i.e. fixed carbon. This zone in which
biomass loses all its volatile and gets converted into two parts such as:
I.Primary pyrolysis zone: the normal temperature in this zone is 200C - 600C
II.Secondary pyrolysis zone: the temperature range is 300-800C.
c) Oxidation
The actual combustion of char, pyrolysed gases and tars takes place in this zone. A
calculated quantity of air is supplied through tuyres/air nozzles provided for the purpose.
Combustion similar to normal stove/furnace takes place. This raises temperature to 9001200C. The principal reaction is
C O2 CO 2 Heat
CH x O2 CO 2 H 2 O Heat
The tar is cracked in the high temperatures. The products of oxidation zone are high
temperature gases containing products and water vapour.
(d) Reduction
The products of oxidation zone passes through reduction zone. It is the packed bed of
charcoal. This charcoal is initially supplied from external sources. Later, reduction reactions
are being simultaneously replenished by the char produced in the pyrolysis zone. The zone is
maintained within close temperature limits of 900c to 800c, the highest temperature being
nearest to the oxidation zone.
N.L. Panwar
3.2.3. Pyrolysis
A good solution for technical application of biomass energy is conversion of biomass by
a pyrolysis process [13-15]. Pyrolysis is the basic thermochemical process for converting
solid biomass to a more useful liquid fuel. Sometime this process called as destructive
distillation of biomass. Biomass is heated in the absence of oxygen, or partially combusted in
a limited oxygen supply, to produce a hydrocarbon rich gas mixture, an oil-like liquid and a
carbon rich solid residue. The flash pyrolysis technology has been considered as a good
solution to convert biomass only to liquid fuel, not to gaseous fuel. The reasons that strongly
support this approach are that the gas yield from conventional pyrolysis technology is very
low, normally below 40 wt. % [16-17] and the accompanying corrosion is serious to
downstream equipment, like a gas turbine/engine, caused by the high content of tar vapour
contained in the gas phase [18].
Traditionally in developing countries, the solid residue produced is charcoal, which has a
higher energy density than the original fuel, and is smokeless and thus ideal for domestic use.
The traditional charcoal kilns are simply mounds of wood covered with earth, or pits in the
ground. However, the process of carbonisation is very slow and inefficient in these kilns, and
more sophisticated kilns are replacing the traditional ones. The pyrolytic or "bio-oil"
produced can be easily transported and refined into a series of products similar to refining
crude oil.
3.3.1. Fermentation
This process basically used for ethanol production and, it is well established technology
to convert biomass in to ethanol. Ethanol can be produced from certain biomass materials that
contain sugars, starch or cellulose. The best-known feedstock for ethanol production is sugar
cane, but other materials can be used, including wheat and other cereals, sugar beet,
Jerusalem artichoke, and wood. The choice of biomass is important, as feedstock costs
typically make up 55 - 80% of the final alcohol selling price [20]. Starch-based biomass is
usually cheaper than sugar-based materials, but requires additional processing. Similarly,
cellulose materials, such as wood and straw, are readily available but require expensive
preparation. The lignin by-product, which is around 50% of the material, can be combusted to
provide the energy to drive the process.
Typically, sugar is extracted from the biomass crop by crushing, mixing with water and
yeast, and then kept warm in large tanks called fermenters. The yeast breaks down the sugar
and converts it to ethanol. A distillation process is required to remove the water and other
impurities from the dilute alcohol product which is generally about 10%-15% ethanol. The
concentrated ethanol (95% by volume with a single step distillation process) is drawn off and
condensed back to a liquid form, which can be used as a supplement or substitute for petrol in
spark ignition engines.
The remaining crop residues (such as straw or bagasse) that are not suitable for producing
ethanol is can used to supply the external heat required for the process. In ethanol production
there is a significant energy loss in the distillation stage, particularly the complex secondary
distillation process required to achieve ethanol concentrations of 99% or better. This may be
acceptable, however, due to the convenience of a liquid fuel, and the relatively low cost and
maturity of the technology. The process of producing ethanol can be schematized in Figure 4
Two methods are currently used to produce ethanol from grain: wet milling and dry
Dry mills produce ethanol, distillers' grain and carbon dioxide (Figure 5). The carbon
dioxide is a co-product of the fermentation, and the distillers' dried grain with solubles
(DDGS) is a non-animal based, high protein livestock feed supplement, produced from the
distillation and dehydration process. If distillers' grains are not dried, they are referred to as
distillers' wet grain (DWG).
*Today, almost all ethanol plants use molecular sieves for dehydration. The technology alone reduces
energy use by 10 per cent per liter of ethanol produced.
Figure 4. Ethanol production process.
N.L. Panwar
Wet mill facilities are 'bio-refineries' producing a host of high-values products (Figure 6).
Wet mill processing plants produce more valuable by-products than the dry mill process. For
example, in wet mill plants, using corn as feedstock, they produce:
corn gluten meat (which can be used as a natural herbicide or as a high protein
supplement in animal feeds);
corn gluten feed (also used as animal feed);
corn germ meal;
corn starch;
corn oil; and
corn syrup and high fructose corn syrups.
3.3.2. Digestion
Anaerobic digestion, the reduction by bacteria of organic matter to a gas composed of
methane and carbon dioxide, is neither a new process, nor a manmade process [22]. The gas
produce through anaerobic digestion is called biogas. Biogas production technology is not
only meant for production of combustible gas but also manure producing factory, has a
very significant role to play in integrated agricultural operations, rural sanitation, large scale dairy farms and sewage disposal (which otherwise creating pollution and destroying
natural environment) etc.
N.L. Panwar
wood) is needed [27]. Commercially viable gasification has long been understood and used in
industry and even in transportation, but not for small applications such as a household stove.
Gasification of wood (or other biomass) offers the possibility of cleaner, better controlled gas
cooking for developing countries. Wood gas stove offers the advantages of cooking with
gas while using a wide variety of biomass fuels. The emissions from the close coupled
gasifier-burner are quite low and the stove can be operated indoors [28]. The system was
developed which is suitable for Indian conditions. The inexpensive wood-gas stoves which
can bring the joy of cooking with gas to everyone while using a wide variety of renewable
biomass fuels or coal [29-31].
C.V . g
c. Reactor Diameter
1.27 FCR 2
d. Height of the Reactor
The height of designed gas stove was found 31.5 cm. The actual height of the system was
kept 41.5 cm to accumulate the proper mixing of secondary air for proper combustion of the
producer gas. The schematic line diagram of designed stove were presented in the Figure7
The insulation done inside the stove to minimize heat loss, MS anchor was welded inside
reactor to retain the insulation material. The insulyte 11 U was used for insulation. Proper
queering was done before actual use.
Biomass fuel
Babul wood
Diameter (mm)
hypogaea) shell
briquettes made
from groundnut
shell powder
Length (mm)
Not measured
Not measured
Not measured
Moisture content (%
Volatile matter (% db)
Not measured
Not measured
Saw dust
briquettes made
of saw dust
Cashew nut
Not measured
N.L. Panwar
Babul wood
hypogaea) shell
Cashew nut
Power rating
2-3 min
5-6 min
5-6 min
1-2 min
It has been observed that the stove burns continuously for 41 and 35 min when it operates
with Babul wood (Prosopis julliflora) and Cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale) shell
respectively. Whereas it gave gas continuously for 62 min duration in both groundnut
(Arachis hypogaea) shell and sawdust made briquettes. The ash was collected from bottom
end when it operated with Babul wood (Prosopis julliflora) and briquettes but no ash was
recorded when it operated on Cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale) shell. The shell remains
in their actual shape with dark black colour. The burnt shell has to be removed from the stove,
if second operation of stove is needed. During the testing, temperature of the outer surface of
stove was recorded as about 95C. The power rating of the stove varies in the range of 1.53 to
1.76 kW. The production cost of each unit is about $21.2 (Rs. 49.85 (INR) US$1, February
18, 2009) and it increases with capacity. A variety of biomass including densified fuel can be
used in this stove [38].
N.L. Panwar
bigger size of fire box, which is suitable for big size firewood and light agro-waste type of
The diameter of the 1st pot is 17 cm, which is suitable for households for baking of wheat
flour made bread named as Chapatti. The diameter of 2nd pot is 15 cm and suitable for
cooking vegetables and boiling of milk etc. The burning of wood is very efficient without
back fire. The overall size of this improved cookstove is 85 x 40 x 25 cm. The construction
procedure is the same as of Chetak model. Modified double pot Udairaj improved cookstove
in actual use is illustrated in Figure 9.
(Double pot)
Burning rate
(kg h-1.)
rating kW
b) Cost of construction
Chetak and Udairaj improved biomass cookstoves are made of materials of permanent
nature and having at least five years life. Estimate for construction of these durable improved
biomass cookstoves including materials and labour is presented in Table 7.
Table 7. Cost estimates of Chetak and Udairaj (Rs. 49.85 (INR) US$1, February 18,
Chetak (single pot)
Udairaj (double pot)
Cost in US $
N.L. Panwar
[42]. Hence an improved cookstove can save 161 kg of CO2 emission annually as by Online
Emission Calculator [43]. It shows that an improved biomass cookstove is eco-friendly [44].
Energy Output
Energy Input
Thermal Capacity
The overall efficiency of the gasifier cum burner system was found to be 39.53% (by
water boiling test) and the power rating was worked out to be nearly 14.54 kW. The cost
economics indicated that the total operating cost was 0.80 US $ h-1. The net present worth of
investment made on commercial natural draft biomass gasifier cum burner system in a year
was 88.66.33 US $. The benefit cost ratio came as 2.1 and the pay back period was 3.5 years.
N.L. Panwar
Biomass consumption rate
Ash removal unit
Fuel feeding
Fuel properties
The variation in the temperature of different zones of gasifier with respect to time is
illustrated in Figure12. No load testing was carried out and it was found that oven temperature
367 oC maximum was attained in 130 min as graphically presented in Figure 13. After
attaining temperature of about 367 oC during no load conditions, the loaded trolley having 60
kg of product for baking was placed in the oven which was baked in 8 minute, and the
temperature drop by 24 oC was recorded. Afterwards two more loaded trolleys were placed
successively for baking period of 8 minutes each. The total temperature dropped during these
three baking batches was found to be 82 oC. Its graphical variation is illustrated in Figure 14.
Table 10 reveals the chemical constituent of producer gas obtained in different samples
during operation. The higher heating value of producer gas varies in the range of 4 -5 MJ Nm3
. Similar heating value of producer gas was presented by Bhoi et al. [48] for thermal
Temerature, oC
7:55 AM
Pressure drop , mm of wc
8:24 AM
8:52 AM
9:21 AM
9:50 AM
10:19 AM
Flame temperature
Pressure drop mm of wc
N.L. Panwar
Table 9. Performance of gasifier at M/s Suman Food Product
S. No.
Temperature oC
8:00 AM
8:28 AM
8:57 AM
9:26 AM
9:55 AM
10:24 AM
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
CO %
Calorific Value MJ
Cost per kg
Fuel required
per hour (kg)
Operating cost
per day (US $)
Similar gasifier was designed by Rathore et al. [49] and evaluated its performance at M/S
Phosphate India Pvt. Limited, Udaipur for heating and concentrating Phosphoric Acid. The
biomass consumption rate of the gasifier was found to vary from 100-120 kg h-1. The average
air and gas flow rate was 92.69-99.20 and 204-210.26 m3 h-1 respectively. The temperature at
20mm above the grate varied from 800-1143C. The gas outlet and flame temperature varied
during the test from 380-440C and 690-740C, respectively. The quality of gas samples were
analysed and heat value of the producer gas was observed 4.35 MJNm-3.The system works
satisfactory and to save about 20 liter of light diesel oil per hour [50].
Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources that have high potential to contribute to
energy needs of modern society worldwide. Although the actual role of bioenergy will depend
on its competitiveness with fossil fuels and on agricultural policies worldwide, it seems
realistic to expect that the current contribution of bio-energy of 4055 EJ per year will
increase considerably. A range from 200300 EJ may be observed looking well into this
century, making biomass a more important energy supply option than mineral oil today [9]. It
can play a pivotal role in helping the developed world reduce the environmental impact of
N.L. Panwar
burning fossil fuels to produce energy but only if significant areas of replanting are created
immediately. There are many routes to convert biomass to a useable from of fuel. Direct
combustion of biomass is the traditional one, and now it has been improved to several means
to enhance combustion efficiency and fuel economics. Solid biomass can be converted into
gaseous form through the thermo chemical conversion route. No doubt biomass is low grade
fuel and this can be converted into high grade fuel through pyrolysis and carbonization where
biomass is converted into charcoal. Further in anaerobic digestion, biomass can be converted
into biogas.
Biogas is one of the successful proven technologies at the global level. It yields multiple
benefits to the households, community and the country. Health, environmental and agriculture
benefits are some of the important local benefits. The use of biogas as an energy source
reduces the chance of possible emission of two greenhouse gases, CH4 and CO2, into the
atmosphere at the same time. Pyrolysis is a rapidly developing technology with great potential
but the process is inherently better suited to producing a fuel oil, more suited to use in diesel
engines and gas turbines. [51].
Improved biomass stoves were developed and found suitable for Indian rural kitchen.
They performed with a better fuel economy, better indoor air environment and clean kitchen.
Households with biomass-burning stoves potentially can gain three kinds of benefits: (1)
reduced fuel demand, with economic and time saving benefits to the household and increased
sustainability of the natural resources base; (2) reduced human exposure to health damaging
air pollutants; and (3) reduced emission of the greenhouse gases that are thought to increase
the probability of global climate change [52]. Single double pot improved biomass cookstove
can save about 700 kg of fuel wood per year and at the same time it reduces the CO2 emission
by 161 kg per year. It helps to improve health standard of women and child, also reduces the
burden of fuel collection.
An experimental study reveals that a downdraft gasifier provides a clean gas, i.e., low tar
gas, and has been found suitable for thermal application. The gas exerted from downdraft type
gasifier can be used to run engines after cooling and cleaning of producer gas whereas for
thermal application no cooling and cleaning is required. An updraft gasifier is recommended
only for thermal applications. A key issue for bio-energy is that its use should be modernized
to fit into a sustainable development path.
Berggren, M.; Lijunggren, E.; Johnsson, F. Biomass co-firing potentials for electricity
generation in Poland- Matching supply and co-firing opportunities. Biomass and
Bioenergy. 2008, 32, 865-879.
European Commission White Paper for community Strategy and action Plan
COM(97)599 final(26/11/1997)
Hall, D.O.; Scrase, J.I. Will biomass be the environmentally friendly fuel of the future?
Biomass and Bioenergy. 1998, 15, 357-367.
McKendry, P. Energy production from biomass (part 1): overview of biomass.
Bioresource Technology. 2002, 83, 3746.
N.L. Panwar
[25] Meena, M.; Sharma, M.; Panwar, N.L. Performance Evaluation of Dual Fuel Engine
with Scrubbed Biogas for Power Generation. Institution Engineers (India), Journal
(MC), January, 2008, 88,37-41.
[26] Walsh, J.L.; Ross, C.C.; Smith, M.S.; Harper, S.R. Utilization of biogas. Biomass.
1989, 20,277-290.
[27] Kaupp, A. Gasification of Rice Hull: Theory and Praxix. Federal Republic of Germany:
GATE/GTZ. 1984; 303
[28] Reed, T.B.; Larson R. A wood-gas stove for developing countries. Energy for
Sustainable Development. 1996,3,34-37.
[29] La Fontaine, H;.Reed, T. B. An Inverted Downdraft Wood-Gas Stove and Charcoal
Producer, in Energy from Biomass and Wastes XV, D. Klass, Ed., Washington, D. C.,
[30] Reed, T. B.; Larson, R., A wood-Gas Stove for Developing Countries, in Developments
in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Ed. A. V. Bridgwater, Blackie Academic
Press, 1996.
[31] Reed, T. B.; Walt, R. The Turbo Wood-Gas Stove, in Biomass: Proceedings of the
4th biomass Conference of the Americas in Oakland, Ca, Ed R. P. Overend and E.
Chornet, Pergamon Press, 1999.
[32] Panwar, N.L.; Rathore, N.S. Design and performance evaluation of a 5kW producer gas
stove. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2008, 32, 1349-1352.
[33] ASTM (1983). Annual Book of ASTM Standard, American Society for Testing of
Materials, Philadelphia, pp 19103.
[34] Singh, R.N.; Patil, K.N.; Ramana, P.V. Performance evaluation of biomass gasifier
based thermal back up for solar dryer. SESI Journal.1999, 9(2),115122.
[35] Singh, R.N.; Patil, K.N. SPRERI method for quick measurement of moisture content of
biomass fuels. SESI Journal.2001, 11(1), 2528.
[36] Dixit, C.S.B.; Paul, P.J.; Mukunda, H.S. Experimental studies on a pulverised fuel
stove: part I. Biomass Bioenergy. 2006, 30, 673683.
[37] Bhattacharya, S.C.; Attalage, R.A.; Augustus, M. Potential of biomass fuel
conservation in selected Asian country. Energy Conversion and Management. 2001,
[38] Panwar, N.L. Design and performance evaluation of energy efficient biomass gasifier
based cookstove on multi fuels. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global
Change. 2009,14,627633.
[39] Wood gas camp stove (2009) http://www.woodgascampstove. com/Safety.htmlS
(accessed on 15.03.2009).
[40] Rathore, N.S.; Panwar, N.L.; Kothari, S. Biomass rpduction and utilization technology.
Himanshu publication, Udaipur (Rajasthna) India. 2007
[41] Roden, C.A.; Bond, T.C.; Conway, S.; Pinel, A.B.O.; MacCarty, N.; Still, D.
Laboratory and field investigations of particulate and carbon monoxide emissions from
traditional and improved cookstoves. Atmospheric Environment. 2009, 43, 11701181.
[42] Kishore, V.V.N.; Ramana, P.V. Improved cookstoves in rural India: how improved are
they? A critique of the perceive benefit from the national programme on improved
chulhas (NIPC). Energy. 2002, 27, 47-63.
[43] Online Emission Calculator http://www.abc.net.au/tv /carboncops/ calculator.htm
(accessed on May, 7, 2009)
[44] Panwar, N.L.; Kurchania, A.K.; Rathore, N.S. Mitigation of greenhouse gases by
adoption of improved biomass cookstoves. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for
Global Change. 2009,14,569578.
[45] Sharma, D.; Panwar, N.L. Performance Evaluation of Biomass based Natural Draft
Gasifier System for Thermal Application. Institution Engineers (India), Journal (AG),
June 2009, 90,34-38.
[46] Panwar, N.L.; Rathore, N.S.; Kurchania, A.K. Experimental investigation of open core
downdraft biomass gasifier for food processing industry Mitigation and Adaptation
Strategies for Global Change.2009, 14, 547556.
[47] Dasappa, S.; Paul, P.J.; Mukunda, H.S.; Rajan, N.K.S.; Sridhar, G.; Sridhar, .H.V.
Biomass gasification technology a route to meet energy needs. Current Science. 2004,
[48] Bhoi, P.R.; Singh, R.N.; Sharma, A.M.; Patel, S.R. Performance evaluation of open
core gasifier on multi-fuels. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2006, 30, 575-579
[49] Rathore, N.S.; Panwar, N.L.; Chiplinkar, V.Y. Industrial Application of Biomass Based
Gasification System. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2008, 5(4), 406-409.
[50] Rathore, N.S.; Panwar, N.L.; Chiplinkar, V.Y. Design and techno economic evaluation
of biomass gasifier for industrial thermal applications. African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology. 2009, 1, 006-012.
[51] McKendry, P. Energy production from biomass (part 3): gasification technologies.
Bioresource Technology. 2002, 83, 5563.
[52] Smith, K.R. Health, energy, and greenhouse-gas impact of biomass combustion in
household stoves. Energy for sustainable development. 2004, I(4), 2329.
ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 4
The aboveground biomass and nutrient content are important measures of the
characteristics and individual requirements of the plant species. Also, a previous
evaluation of the areas to be planted is essential to a successful establishment of forests
with native or exotic species. The aim of this review is to explore the current information
on the total aboveground biomass, nutrient content and the benefit of symbiosis in some
native woody species and exotic Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The methodology for
native and exotic plant species used for agroforestry is illustrated. The Eucalyptus species
presented an aboveground wood biomass (AWB) of 26.9 to 44.4 Mg ha-1, and the
aboveground wood volume varied for 42.8 to 75.9 m3ha-1. The biomass of the stem wood,
leaves, branches, and stem bark accounted for 6466%, 1619%, 1517%, and 0.20.6%
of the total biomass, respectively. The wood localized in superior parts of the trunk
presented a higher concentration of P and bark containing significant amounts of
nutrients. On the other hand, the native species evaluated, presented a higher total
aboveground biomass when inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium
bacteria. Leguminous trees showed greater height and diameter growth, as well as, higher
dry matter and nutrient concentration when inoculated. The AWB varied for 0.48 to 0.76
Mg ha-1 for Anadenanthera peregrina. The agroforestry trees exhibited mycorrhizal
mycotrophy. The potential of agroforestry as a carbon sequestration strategy (carbon
storage potential in its multiple plant species and soil) as well as its applicability in
agricultural lands and in reforestation must be more exploited. Research directions that
are needed to increase understanding of mycorrhizal associations in tropical cropping
systems and to increase mycorrhizal benefit are indicated. The benefits and problems
encountered are discussed in this chapter, in order to highlight the need for a continual
study of the forestry species.
Marcela C. Pagano
Eucalyptus species present characteristics suitable for commercial use, such as fast
growth, high cellulose production and resistance to environmental stress and diseases (Santos
et al. 2001). In Brazil, Gonalves (1995) reported the nutrient accumulation in 56 year-old
Eucalyptus grandis plantations and observed that during harvesting part of the nutrients
remain in the ecosystem accumulated in leaves, branches and litter when these are not
removed from the site. Nevertheless, 30% of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca),
and 43% of potassium (K) are removed when wood is extracted. The loss of N, P, K and Ca
increases 40%, 60%, 65%, and 48%, respectively, when bark is extracted with wood. Mineral
fertilization is a common practice to improve productivity; however, management policies
need further study. Most biomass and nutrients accumulated by planted E. grandis occurred
between two and five years of age, when the leaf area is expanding. E. camaldulensis is a fast
growing tree species that can tolerate moderate salinity, alkalinity, extended dry seasons and
waterlogging, and is extensively planted throughout the world for purposes such as shade,
shelter, agroforestry, furniture and industrial wood production (Midgley et al. 1989; Marques
Jnior et al. 1996). The rotation length is about 35 years for E. camaldulensis and 7 years for
E. grandis (Campinhos 1999).
Eucalyptus has the capacity to form two types of mycorrhizas, arbuscular (AM) and
ectomycorrhiza (ECM) (Zambolim and Barros 1982). The benefits of AM symbiosis in
Eucalyptus have proved commercially relevant (reviewed by Carrenho et al. 2008). Studies of
AM inoculation on eucalypt are increasing (Standish et al. 2007) and the AM genus Glomus
is a promising inoculum (Arriagada et al. 2007, Pagano et al. 2009). As regards ECM, Molina
et al. (1992) and Thomson et al. (1996)s studies suggest that the majority of fungi, selected
for their enhancement of seedling growth, may persist only for short periods in the field,
where they are replaced by wild populations. However, Pampolina et al. (2002) showed the
significance of ECM in immobilizing P and other nutrients as well as the impact of P
fertilization, as well as, Chen et al. (2000) and Mason et al. (2000) recommended the
inoculation with tested ECM. It is important then to know the mycorrhizal condition of the
plant species in order to allow for research on seedlings production and technologies.
Arbuscular mycorrhiza are substantially involved in the vegetative state of the mycotrophic
plants, defining their ecologic niches, influencing vegetal communities composition,
maintenance and soil fertility, plant fitness, and nutrient turnover (Jeffries et al. 2003).
The study of plant nutrient content and mycorrhizal status, aiming at increasing the
possible ways of forest management with the objective of mixed plantations is essential to
identify methods for sustainable management. Moreover, agroforestry has been recognized to
be of special importance as a carbon sequestration strategy because of its applicability in
agricultural lands as well as in reforestation (Montagnini and Nair 2004).
Valuable trees such as Acer, Araucaria, Podocarpus, as well as Cupressaceae,
Taxodiaceae, Taxaceae, and the majority of tropical hardwoods present mycorrhizal
symbiosis (Smith and Read 2008), and this association is used at present.
Little work has been done with native plants of Brazil, including valuable wood species
with differing exigencies for soil fertility (Totola and Borges 2000). The relative scarcity of
scientific papers on native species may be attributed to the high predation without
replacement of trees extracted from native forests. Moreover, due to the great genetic
variability and longer cycle, research on those species is time consuming and does not bring
technological return in the short term (Resende et al. 2005).
Native trees such as Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Tol., Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl.,
Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Spegazzini, Plathymenia reticulata Benth and Enterolobium
contortisiliquum, one of them (S. brasiliensis) classified within the threatened category of the
official Brazilian endangered species list, were mixed with a second non legume species, and
with two timber Eucalyptus species (Table 1, Figure 1), considered of good adaptation for the
Fig. 1
semi arid region of Brazil.
Figure 1 Native and Eucalyptus species at the experimental site at Jaba in the state of Minas Gerais,
Marcela C. Pagano
Table 1. Trees used for agroforestry in Brazil (listed per family names and species) after
two years of growth
Plantation species
0.49 0.54
own study
Legume tree. The different plant species were inoculated or not with AMF and rhizobia (legumes).
Source: The wood explorer, NewCROP (New Crops Resource Online Program). References used
for wood density values: 1 Lorenzi (1992); 2 Wittmann et al. (2008); 3 Wood density
database (http://worldsagroforestrycentre.org/sea/Products/AFDbases/WD/); 4 other sources; *
no data available in literature.
Marcela C. Pagano
Figure 2. Methodology for native and exotic plant species used for agroforestry at Jaba, Minas Gerais,
Brazil: (a) collected fresh leaves, (b-c) chainsawed trunk for measures, (d) collected branches to
estimate their weight, (e) Eucalyptus disks sampled for subsequent nutrient analysis, (f) root sampling,
(g) ECM (arrow) in roots of eucalypt, and AM colonization in P. reticulata fine root (h) and S.
brasiliensis fine root (i). Bars for figures g, h = 100 m and i =10 m.
Finally, samples were weighed with an analytical balance in order to obtain dry weight
(dw) and the dry biomass of the components in each tree was calculated proportionally.
Total dry weight of leaves was obtained against composite samples of fresh weight, by
using the following equation:
where, TDW is the total dry weight (g), TFW the total fresh weight (g), SDW the sample dry
weight (g), and SFW is the sample fresh weight (g).
Discs were used to calculate wood density of each subcompartment (bark and trunk
wood), in each section of trunk, by the hydrostatic balance method, according to Bellote
bd DW /( FW IW )
where bd is the basic density (g cm-3), DW the dry weight, FW the saturated fresh weight (g),
and IW is the immersed weight (g).
Bark was removed from stem sections used to determine wood density. Dry mass of the
sample was determined after oven drying for 48 h at 105C.
Samples were taken of BHD, D5 (disc 5) and D6 sections for determination of mineral
nutrient levels at a Soil Analyses Laboratory. Samples were dried at 75C, digested in nitricperchloric mixture and analyzed for macronutrients. Phosphorus was analyzed by the
ammonium phosphomolybdate method. Calcium, potassium and magnesium were analyzed
by atomic absorption and potassium by flame photometry.
After sulfuric digestion, Nitrogen (N) was determined by Kjeldahl method. These
procedures are in according with Sarruge and Haags methodology (1974). Nutrient
concentrations of D2 sample were used to calculate wood (under bark) and bark nutrient
concentrations (Young and Carpenter 1976).
Total tree volume (bark and trunk wood) was calculated by the Smalian equation which
expressed the sum of segments of length calculated, which make up the trunk
V 1 / 2 (D 2 / 4 d 2 / 4) h
where V is the log volume (m3), D the log major diameter (cm), d the log minor diameter
(cm), and h is the log height (m).
Based on basic density and volume, total dry weight (W) was determined by using the
following equation:
W bd V
where W is the weight (g), bd the basic density (gcm-3), and V the log volume (m3).
The mean biomass (wood and branches) was used to estimate the aboveground wood
biomass (AWB) (Mg ha-1) multiplying by 10,000 m2 (one hectare) and dividing by 9 m2 (area
occupied by one tree, with spacement of 3 x 3 m).
Marcela C. Pagano
To find out tree nutrient content, the model considered differences in concentration in
stem compartment, that is, in bark and wood and also in leaves and branches. Bark volume
was obtained through the difference between volumes with bark and without bark. The sum
of leave and branches provided 12 samples, which yielded 12 determinations of nutrient
levels. Discs (18 samples) provided 16 density determinations (2 samples were
contaminated), besides allowing for calculating nutrient content in each tree log and each
compartment analyzed.
Macronutrient stock (kgha-1) in the aboveground biomass was calculated on the basis of
the dry mass estimation (kgha-1) and the macronutrient concentrations (gkg-1) obtained in the
present study. The sum of the values for each component provided the total nutrient content
(kgha-1) of aboveground dry mass.
Marcela C. Pagano
Nutrient concentration in leaves is influenced by diverse factors such as site conditions, age,
position of leaves and season (Van der Driessche 1984). Bellote (1990) observed that nutrient
concentration in leaves of E. grandis in Brazil varies with stand age and with the season. For
all components, E. camaldulensis had the highest K concentration (33% higher). An
exploitation system that preserves these tree components in the site would mean that approx.
403 kgha-1 of these nutrients could remain in the soil system.
In terms of aboveground dry mass, E. grandis performed better than E. camaldulensis.
The two species show a difference in biomass partitioning and accumulation and differ in
their concentrations of macronutrients (Pagano et al. 2009b). To assess nutrient content in
trees during sampling, an age of three years old must be chosen since at this age E. grandis
shows larger biomass accumulation per time unit. This is due to three-year-old trees bigger
capacity to absorb soil nutrients and according to Bellote (1990) to the fact that nutrient
content in three-year-old E. grandis mature leaves shows the highest values.
The inner variability of trees species in longitudinal sense has more drastic effect on the
chemical composition of bark than on that of wood. Wood of basal log of the two Eucalyptus
species presented higher levels of N than the others logs. More apical logs present the highest
N and P in the bark, and the highest P in the wood. E. camaldulensis showed the highest
levels of Ca, Mg and S, at the basal log, and for K, the highest content was in the bark of
basal log and wood of apical logs. E. grandis showed also more Ca, Mg and S content in
basal log wood but, in contrast, bark of apical logs and wood of basal log presents more K
(Pagano et al. 2009b). Potassium and Ca are nutrients that could limit productivity in the next
cycle of plantation, and this limitation can be reduced, if only wood is harvested. To support
the optimum soil calcium levels is, therefore, of increasing interest due to the lower levels of
this nutrient present in soils cultivated with eucalypt, and to the fact that about 58% of total
calcium absorbed is exported by bark removal (Pagano et al. 2009b).
Marcela C. Pagano
Therefore, the inoculation of both P. reticulata and A. peregrina with AMF resulted in an
overall highly positive effect on the plant growth and nutrient absorption suggesting the
efficiency with which the absorbed nutrients were used to produce plant biomass. The AM
fungi colonized the roots of both species. Enhancing this hypothesis, a high number of AMF
spores in soil under inoculated plantations was observed. Interestingly, inoculation increased
the AM spore recovery of P. reticulata by Gigaspora sp.
In accordance with other authors (Manjunath et al. 1984, Faria et al. 1995, Marques et al.
2001, Gross et al. 2004, Pagano et al. 2007) who reported that dual inoculation generally
increases plant growth to a greater extent than inoculation with only one symbiont (Chalk et
al. 2006), the plant species Anadenanthera peregrina and P. reticulata plants grew better
when inoculated with Rhizobium and AM as reported by for other trees.
Nutrients %
Figure 3 Percentage of nutrients (g/100 g) in the bark and wood of inoculated and uninoculated plants
of A. peregrina in Brazil. Bark inoculated (black), wood inoculated (hatched), bark uninoculated
(white), wood uninoculated (gray). Modified from Pagano et al. (2008).
This indicates that, similarly to what is recommended for forest formation with exotic
trees, a best knowledge of characteristics and individual requirements of the utilized species,
as well as, a good previous evaluation of the areas to be planted, are essential to a successful
establishment of native species. Some tropical trees benefit from AM inoculation, while
others do not (B et al. 2000) because plant response to inoculation with AMF differs
(Siqueira et al. 1998, Siqueira and Saggin Jnior 2001).
Plathymenia reticulata exhibited the highest values for root colonization. Carrenho et al.
(2002) also found higher AM colonization in legumes than in non-legumes.
Studies of AM colonization are important for seedling production and preparation of
technologies for successful afforestation, because of the fact that vegetal species exhibit
different AM dependency (Siqueira and SagginJunior 2001).
Marcela C. Pagano
as well as continuous field studies. Some techniques can be applied from other areas. The
survey of ectomycorrhizas fruitbodies is essential in the Eucalyptus stands and some new
methods derived from the woody evaluation are also relevant. Complications due to the short
time of the field surveys and little technical support provide extra problems. Moreover, a
conditioned sample is critical, because some samples must be processed rapidly in order to do
not be detrimental by fungal action.
It may be that more nursery experiments need to be developed to prevent seedling
development under different conditions, and there is a lack of greenhouse or nursery
availability for these purposes. More detailed studies involving responses to nutrient addition
in the field are needed for most native species used in reforestation. Also, more studies
including molecular identification directly in host plant roots are important to select efficient
AM isolates. Moreover, sampling in the rainy and dry periods would be required to conclude
more information on mycorrhizal characterization in the plantations.
In the introduction to this chapter, the need for reforestation with native species and the
significant benefits of mycorrhizal symbioses enhancing mineral nutrition, tolerance to
drought stress, and soil fertility, were briefly described.
Throughout the chapter, I have shown that intercropping inoculated native and exotic
trees maintain high root colonization and spore numbers, confirming the benefic role of AMF,
and highlighting the importance of mycorrrhizae as an essential component for sustainability
of artificial forests. All these results indicate that the tree species evaluated are dependent on
mycorrhizas. Total productivity was of the order E. grandis > E. camaldulensis and these
species did not reduce growth and aboveground biomass production when cultivated at this
site, showing nutrient concentrations similar to that informed in the literature. The highest
nutrient concentrations were found in the leaves and the lowest concentrations of N, P, K, Ca
and Mg were found in the stem wood, those of S being in the stem wood and bark; wood
localized in superior parts of trunk presented higher concentration of P and bark contained
significant amounts of nutrients. Most of the nutrients were concentrated in the leaves and
bark, and the methodology for native and exotic plant species used for agroforestry was also
Also, the results indicate the need for selecting species to be used in programs to attain
maximum benefit from mycorrhizal association. Nonetheless, further studies are required to
achieve benefits from highly dependent tree hosts (native and exotic) in Brazil, especially
regarding litter accumulation, below-ground biomass, nutrient dynamics and mycorrhizal
Finally, this chapter argues for an optimality view of agroforestry by showing how the
complementary distribution of nutrients and symbioses are related.
E. grandis
AC (%)
EC (%)
*The different plantations were inoculated or not with AMF and rhizobia (legumes). AC arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization, EC: ectomycorrhizal
colonization. Source: Pagano et al. 2008, Pagano et al. 2009 a,b, Pagano and Scotti 2009, Pagano et al. (in press). Measure includes bark. AC
arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization, EC ectomycorrhizal colonization of roots. NE non-evaluated.
Marcela C. Pagano
The author is grateful to the Council for the Development of Higher Education at
Graduate Level, Brazil (CAPES).
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ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 5
Decomposition of coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important component of the
carbon cycle and biodiversity of forest ecosystems. Dynamics of organic chemicals,
nutrients and occurrence of fungi during CWD decomposition have been studied
intensively in coniferous boreal forests. However, little attention has been paid to the
CWD of angiosperms that dominate temperate areas and to the relation between the
organic chemical dynamics and fungal succession during CWD decomposition. Thus, the
purpose of the present study is to clarify the mechanism of fungal decomposition of
CWD of an angiosperm tree, Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume).
First, the dynamics of the physicochemical properties of beech CWD during
decomposition were estimated. A chronosequence method with a five decay class system
was used to estimates the decay process of CWD. Second, a mycological survey was
conducted for macrofungi fruiting on CWD and microfungi isolated from CWD, and the
relationships between fungal succession and physicochemical changes during CWD
decomposition were detected. In light of the results, fungal decomposition of beech CWD
and the implication for soil humus accumulation were discussed.
Coarse woody debris (CWD) is a major component of forest ecosystems accounting for
about one-third of the total annual aboveground litterfall in temperate areas (e.g., Nishioka
and Kirita 1978). CWD is characterised by low nutrient content (Vogt et al. 1986; Laiho and
Prescott 2004) and high content of cell wall components such as acid-unhydrolyzable residue
(AUR, also known as the acid-insoluble residue or Klason lignin fraction) and
holocellulose (Eriksson et al. 1990; Eaton and Hale 1993). These properties make CWD an
important sink of nutrients and carbon pools accumulating on the forest floor (Harmon et al.
1986). The study of decomposition of CWD is important for understanding the mechanisms
of accumulation and turnover of carbon and nutrients in forest ecosystems.
Fungi play a central role in transformation and mineralization of CWD since their
mycelial form and enzymatic capacities are especially suitable for invasion of CWD
(Eriksson et al. 1990; Boddy 1991). Wood decay fungi cause three types of decay according
to the color changes in decayed wood, the changes in microscopic features, and the relative
loss of AUR and holocellulose. White-rot fungi attack both AUR and holocellulose, and
white-rotted wood becomes white and fibrous texture. Brown-rot fungi preferentially attack
holocellulose with a slight or negligible loss of AUR, and brown-rotted wood becomes brown
in appearance and shows cubically cracked texture. Soft-rot fungi actively utilize
holocellulose under water-saturated and fluctuating conditions, and soft-rotted wood becomes
cheesy soft and considerably darkened (Eriksson et al. 1990; Boddy 1991; Eaton and Hale
1993). The decomposition of CWD on the forest floor proceeds through a sequential
colonisation by fungal species with different decay types and their interspecific interactions,
which leads to a fungal succession during decomposition (Rayner and Boddy 1988).
Because of the slow decomposition rate, the long-term pattern of CWD decomposition
has been estimated by means of chronosequence methods in which logs and snags decaying
on the forest floor are classified into decay classes based on a combination of visual and
physical properties (Table 1). Differences in CWD properties observed between decay classes
are regarded as changes during the decay process. Using chronosequence methods, several
studies have described CWD decomposition on the forest floor, but mostly in boreal
coniferous forests (e.g., Lambert et al. 1980; Hope 1987; Preston et al. 1990, 1998; Means et
al. 1992; Ganjegunte et al. 2004; Btler et al. 2007). These studies revealed that chemical
changes in decomposing conifer CWD followed a general two-phase pattern with different
classes of organic components dominating in each phase. A simultaneous loss of AUR and
holocellulose occurs in the first phase (decay class 13). In the second phase (decay class 4
5), holocellulose is decomposed selectively and AUR accumulates in the remaining CWD.
Means et al. (1992) reported that the dominant decay types of Douglas-fir logs changed from
white-rot to brown-rot during log decomposition. These results suggested that, in conifers, the
selective decomposition of holocellulose in the brown-rot process, after the simultaneous
decomposition of AUR and holocellulose in the white-rot process, causes AUR accumulation
in well-decayed CWD. This explanation was also supported by the succession patterns of
fungal fruit bodies during conifer CWD decomposition, that start from white-rot fungi to
brown-rot fungi (Bader et al. 1995; Renvall 1995; Temnuhin 1996; Hiland and Bendiksen
1997; Lindblad 1998; Kruys et al. 1999; Sippola and Renvall 1999; Sippola et al. 2001;
Jankovsk et al. 2002).
On the other hand, few studies have revealed the whole decay process of angiosperm
CWD, although fungal community development has been studied intensively (Boddy and
Heilmann-Clausen 2008). The composition of angiosperm wood is very different from that of
gymnosperm, and that may affect their decay processes. Thus, more studies are necessary to
follow the decomposition of angiosperm CWD (Hatcher 1987; Schowalter 1992; Schowalter
et al. 1998; Idol et al. 2001) to obtain a general picture of CWD decomposition in forests.
This chapter considers the pattern of changes in organic chemical components (AUR and
holocellulose) and nitrogen in decomposing logs and snags of an angiosperm tree, Japanese
beech (Fagus crenata Blume).
Table 1. Characteristics used for the classification of beech CWD in decay classes
(modified from Heilmann-Clausen 2001)
Decay class
The pattern of fungal succession on the logs and snags are investigated simultaneously by
means of chronosequence method. Based on these results, possible roles of fungal
communities in decomposition of beech CWD are discussed with reference to previous works
on the decay ability of fungal species examined under pure culture conditions (e.g. Tanaka et
al. 1988; Tanesaka et al. 1993; Worrall et al. 1997; Fukasawa et al. 2005a).
Figure 1. Changes in mass per volume (left) and concentration (right) of AUR, holocellulose and
nitrogen during decomposition. Bars indicate standard errors. Bars indicate standard errors. Symbols,
closed circle log; open square snag.This figure is published in Dynamics of physicochemical properties
and occurrence of fungal fruit bodies during decomposition of coarse woody debris of Fagus crenata
by Yu Fukasawa, Takashi Osono, and Hiroshi Takeda (2009). Journal of Forest Research, 14, 20-29.
The original figure includes alphabets showing significant difference between decay classes.
On the other hand, in the second phase, holocellulose was decayed selectively and AUR
accumulated. Nitrogen concentration increased in this phase. High N concentrations in much
decayed wood are a combination of (1) active transport of N from soil to wood by
basidiomycetes with mycelial cords (Tlalka et al. 2008), (2) a general up-concentration of N
as carbon is released as CO2 (Laiho and Prescott 2004) and (3) a high animal biomass (Boddy
and Jones 2008).
The AUR accumulation in decay class 4 to 5 observed in the present study was similar to
that of boreal gymnosperm (Lambert et al. 1980; Hope 1987; Preston et al. 1990; Means et al.
1992; Preston et al. 1998; Btler et al. 2007). These studies suggested that brown-rot
processes due to brown-rot fungi, after the primary white-rot process, caused AUR
Niemel et al. 1995; Renvall 1995; Temnuhin 1996; Lindblad 1998; Sippola et al. 2001;
Lindhe et al. 2004). Mycena haematopus and Pluteus spp. are known to be late colonisers
(Lange 1992; Allen et al. 2000; Takahashi and Kagaya 2005).
The preference of Pluteus spp. for well-decayed wood may be due to its high water
content. In general, the water content of CWD increases along with wood decomposition and
has an important effect on the fungal community structure (Allen et al. 2000; Lumley et al.
reduction in the high CO2 stress inside CWD and is creating a passageway for colonizing
hyphae (Hintikka and Korhonen 1970; Rayner and Boddy 1988), and thus allows colonization
of microfungi in groups B and C that are not high CO2 stress tolerant. In decay class 5, fungi
in group D colonize into CWD instead of group C. Trichoderma hamatum and Mucor
hiemalis were reported from leaf litter in the study site (Osono and Takeda 2001; Osono
2005), and are expected to broadly distributed in the litter layer. In late stages of wood
decomposition, such soil-born microfungi are dominant (Tokumasu et al. 1987).
Occurrence of fungi in group D were positively correlated with water content and nitrogen
concentration of wood, both of which have been reported to be important factors affecting
wood-inhabiting fungal communities (Levy 1982; Lumley et al. 2001).
The present study demonstrates a clear relationship between chemical changes and fungal
succession (Figure 4). Immediately after a tree died, endophytic microfungi (group A) quickly
colonize wood tissue, and utilize soluble sugar but could not decay holocellulose guarded by
lignin (AUR).
Figure 4. Illustrated schema showing functional roles of macro- and microfungi during lignocellulose
decay process of beech CWD.
The early colonisers of macrofungi also start to colonize, replace endophytic microfungi,
and become dominant at decay class 13 where the simultaneous decomposition of AUR and
holocellulose occurred. We previously reported that the early colonisers Omphalotus
guepiniformis (formerly denoted as Lampteromyces japonicus), Steccherinum rhois,
Ganoderma tsunodae and Trichaptum biforme were capable of decaying both AUR and
holocellulose simultaneously (Fukasawa et al. 2005a). Oudemansiella venosolamellata and
Fomes fomentarius are also known as simultaneous white-rot fungi (Tanesaka et al. 1993;
Schmidt 2006). Although the AUR decay ability of Biscogniauxia capnodes has not been
tested yet, previous studies suggested that this genus degrades AUR and causes white-rot
(Abe 1989; Hendry et al. 1998). Only Eutypa spinosa, among the early colonisers, was
expected to have a low ability to decompose AUR, because a species in the same genus E.
lata was reported to have low ability for AUR decomposition (Elghazali et al. 1992). These
results suggest that the early colonisers of macrofungi observed in the present study have an
important role in the simultaneous decay of AUR and holocellulose in the first phase of
decomposition of beech CWD in the study area. Especially, Omp. guepiniformis, the most
frequent species in the present study, dominated in terms of not only the frequency of fruiting
bodies, but also in the wood volume occupied in beech CWD (Fukasawa et al. 2005b), and
may have a central role in lignocellulose decomposition in the first phase.
Wood decomposition by macrofungi reduces high CO2 stress inside CWD and raises
wood water content. Those change in wood properties allow colonization of microfungi in
group B and C in decay class 4-5. Species in the genus Trichoderma are known as soft-rot
microfungi and have the ability to decay wood holocellulose (Nilsson 1973; Fukuda et al.
1984; Kim et al. 2005). High water and nitrogen contents in the late stages of log
decomposition are suitable for soft-rot fungal activity (Fukuda et al. 1985; Worrall and Wang
1991). Interestingly, wood decomposition by soft-rot microfungi were previously shown to be
promoted by primary delignification by white-rot fungi (Tanaka et al. 1988). This
phenomenon may be due to improvement of holocellulose accessibility of microfungi. High
water and nitrogen condition stimulates colonization of group D microfungi. Species in the
genus Mortierella have no ability to decompose holocellulose (Nilsson 1973), and are called
secondary sugar fungi because they utilize simple sugars produced by holocellulose
decomposers (Hudson 1968; Osono and Takeda 2001). Secondary sugar fungi can enhance
holocellulose breakdown by the holocellulose decomposers by utilizing sugars that would
otherwise slow the rate of holocellulose decomposition (Deacon 1985). Although it is
difficult to determine the cause and effect of certain relationship, it is thought that
holocellulose decomposition by soft-rot microfungi enhances the colonization of secondary
sugar fungi, and resource consumption of these fungi consequently stimulates holocellulose
decomposition. Osono and Takeda (2001) reported that many species of secondary sugar
fungi colonize in the late phase of litter decomposition.
Since high water and nitrogen conditions are not suitable for the majority of macrofungi,
only a few species are related with well-decayed wood, and their roles in wood
decomposition are not clear. Our previous study reported that Mycena haematopus has a low
ability to decompose beech wood (Fukasawa et al. 2005a). The wood decay abilities of
Pluteus spp. have not been revealed yet. Ecological function of macrofungi inhabiting welldecayed wood is a research field in the future.
Table 2. Relative density (g cm-3) and AUR concentration (%) of wood at decay class 5
Tree species
Relative density
Fagus crenata
Quercus alba
Abies amabilis
Hope (1987)
Abies balsamea
Picea abies
Pinus radiata
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Thuja plicata
Decomposition processes of beech CWD shows two phases characterised by different
dominant organic chemical constituents, and have a close relationship with fungal succession.
Simultaneous decomposition of AUR and holocellulose in the early phase of decomposition
was mainly caused by white-rot fungi such as Omphalotus guepiniformis. The mass of
remaining nitrogen within CWD and its successive release that occurred in this phase may
have been caused by nitrogen recycling in the fungal mycelium and the successive formation
of fruit bodies and spore production by these fungi. On the other hand, it was suggested that
selective decomposition of holocellulose in the late phase of CWD decomposition was caused
by soft-rot fungi. This decay pattern of beech CWD was different from that of boreal
gymnosperm CWD where brown-rot fungi caused holocellulose decomposition in the late
phase. The difference in relative importance of fungal decay agents (brown-, white- and softrot fungi) between angiosperm and gymnosperm CWD may cause a difference in chemical
properties of the final decay residue accumulated on the forest floor.
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ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 6
The stable-carbon-isotope ratio (13C) of plants is strongly related to the ratio of CO2
assimilation rate and stomatal conductance, and water use efficiency (WUE), and thus
13C analysis of tree rings gives long-term records on carbon gain and water use
associated with wood formation. To identify the effective rainfall seasons for early and
late wood formation of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) and black locust
(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in the Loess Plateau, China, we examined correlations of
seasonal precipitation with annual values of 13C and tree-ring width for early and late
wood. The correlations with precipitation were examined for each month and for periods
of all possible lengths from 2 to 22 months starting from January of the previous year to
October of the current year. The period with the highest correlation was adopted as the
most effective rainfall season for interannual variations in tree-ring 13C and width. In
early wood, precipitation during the dry season (October to May) before the growing
season was negatively correlated with 13C of pine trees and positively correlated with
ring width of pine and locust trees. In late wood, rainfall during the growing season in the
current year was negatively correlated with 13C of pine and locust trees, and positively
The stable carbon isotope ratio (13C) is often used for estimating water use efficiency
(WUE) in C3 plants, because it is strongly related to the ratio of CO2 assimilation rate and
stomatal conductance (Francey and Farquhar 1982). The 13C in tree rings provides a longterm record on water use associated with wood formation, as it fluctuates with seasonal
variations in water balance (Livingston and Spittlehouse 1996; Schleser et al. 1999; Porte and
Loustau 2001; Li et al. 2005; Skomarkova et al. 2006). At the same time, tree-ring growth is
sensitive to seasonal variation in important environmental factors such as temperature and
precipitation (Gagen et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2004b). Hence, parallel analyses of the
relationships between seasonal precipitation and 13C or width of early and late wood can
provide crucial information on the effects of precipitation on water use and tree growth.
The Loess Plateau of China, located in the middle of the Yellow River basin, experiences
serious soil erosion problems caused by overgrazing and improper cultivation (Fang and Xie
1994; Shi and Shao 2000; He et al. 2006; Li et al. 2006). Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis),
black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), poplars (Populus spp.), willows (Salix spp.), and
Chinese arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis), etc., have been widely planted on the denuded
lands to restore forests and reduce soil erosion. However, black locust and poplar do not grow
well and often suffer from repeated treetop dieback because of drought stress, especially in
drier areas (Han and Hou 1996). Thus, it is important to clarify water use and growth traits of
tree species for selecting species suitable for the afforestation of dry zones.
Among other tree species, Chinese pine and black locust are the most frequently used for
afforestation and commercial use in the Loess Plateau. Chinese pine, an evergreen coniferous
tree, has low water consumption with slow growth (Han et al. 1994). It is a species native to
the area and is used for construction of houses, bridges, railway ties, and for resin collection
(Guo et al. 2008). Black locust, a deciduous broad-leaved tree, grows fast and supplies
nitrogen to the soil due to its nitrogen-fixing ability (Rice et al. 2004), although it consumes
water intensively (Han et al. 1994). It was introduced from North America, but local people
use its flowers as a food and for medicinal purposes (Xie et al. 2006). On the Loess Plateau,
interannual variation in precipitation is high, with most rainfall occurring during the rainy
season from June to September. However, little is known about the effects of interannual
rainfall variation on the water use and growth of these two species in this area. Here we
studied the importance of effective rainfall seasons for interannual variation in WUE and treering growth of Chinese pine and black locust. We calculated correlations of precipitation for
various periods with the annual 13C values and ring widths in early and late wood, and
analyzed the water use strategies and growth traits of the two species in an arid area.
The 13C/12C is mass ratio of carbon isotope. The 13C of C3 plants is approximated as
follows (Francey and Farquhar 1982).
ci = ca A/g
13Cplant: 13C of C3 plants, 13Cair: 13C of air, ci: CO2 concentration in leaf intercellular
spaces, ca: CO2 concentration in external atmosphere, A: CO2 assimilation rate, g: stomatal
conductance, a: fractionation coefficient due to diffusion in air (4.4), b: fractionation
coefficient due to carboxylation (30). When a plant widely opens stomata, A/g, which is
proportionate to WUE, decreases, and ci increases, and the value of 13Cplant decreases. When
a plant closes stomata, A/g (i.e. WUE) increases, ci decreases, and 13Cplant increases. Thus,
13C of C3 plants is useful to estimate WUE and water stress to plants especially in arid areas.
Plant Materials
Samples were taken at breast height (1.2 m) from 1220-year-old planted forests of
Chinese pine and black locust located at 3644' 51" N, 10915' 15" E, 1140 m a.s.l. (Table 1).
The trees were planted at intervals of 1.5 m. All canopy leaves were relatively well exposed
because the canopy layer had not yet closed (maximum height of the canopy was less than 10
Shaanxi Province
Figure 1. Location of the study site (Ansai County, Shaanxi Province, China).
Precipitation (mm)
Temperature ( )
Figure 2. Mean monthly temperature (symbols) and monthly precipitation (bars) for 19922002,
recorded at the Ansai meteorological observatory located 16 km northeast of the study site. Error bars
indicate standard deviation. Dry and rainy seasons are shown with arrows, rainy season highlighted
with dark color.
Wood disks were taken from felled trees, and 5 mm diameter wood cores were taken
through the trunk from north to south of standing trees; that is, each core showed the growth
of trees both in north and south directions. We obtained disk or core samples from four pine
trees and four locust trees in the same mountain area in Zhifanggou village in 1999 and 2003.
Two wood disks of pine and one of locust were taken in 1999 (P1, P2 and L1 in Table 1), and
two wood cores of pine and three of locust were taken in 2003 (P3, P4, and L2L4 in Table
Robinia pseudoacacia
Tree age
The phenology of pine and locust trees is shown in Figure 9. In pine trees, the leaf
primordia for the current-year needles form from the middle of May to September of the
previous year (Sucoff 1971), while the period of shoot elongation lasts from April to May
(ZY Chang, pers. obs.). Early wood formation starts in the middle of May, and late wood
forms from late July to the middle of September (Vaganov et al. 2006). In locust trees, the
leaf buds for the next spring form before dormancy (in September); the period of shoot
growth is from the middle of April to May (ZY Chang, pers. obs.). After the shoot stops
growing, additional buds form and burst in May followed by renewed growing of shoots
(intermittent flush phenology; Khosla et al. 1992). Early wood formation starts in early April
before bud break as in other ring-porous trees (Hill et al. 1995; Hauch and Magel 1998; Helle
and Schleser 2004), while late wood is formed from July to September (Schmitt et al. 2000).
Late wood
Early wood
2.5 mm
4.5 mm
Figure 3. Tree-ring sample images of pine (left) and locust (right) trees. Sample no. P2 and L1 in Table
1, respectively, are shown.
These images were analyzed using tree-ring analysis software (WinDENDRO Reg
2003b, Regent, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada). The ring width was measured in four directions
for each disk and in two directions (north and south) for each core, with a precision of 0.001
mm. To identify false rings, the year of each tree ring was confirmed by visually comparing
ring width patterns between samples.
Determination of 13C
Whole wood tissue contains some mobile compounds, such as resin and phenolics, which
may move across ring boundaries (Leavitt and Danzer 1993). The value of 13C in lignin
differs from that in cellulose, and the lignin-to-cellulose ratio varies not only among annual
rings but also between early and late wood in each annual ring (Wilson and Grinsted 1977).
Thus, it was necessary to extract holocellulose from the wood samples to determine the
annual 13C in early and late wood. We modified the chlorite method of Jayme and Wise
(Wise et al. 1946; Green 1963; Kuroda 2000) in order to extract holocellulose from a large
number of samples at once.
Before the extraction, tree-ring samples were sliced into sections of several hundred
microns with a knife and divided into early and late wood of each annual ring. Southwardgrowing tree rings were used for the determination of 13C. Around 10 mg of sliced samples
were placed into small 300-mesh nylon bags and labeled with plastic nametags. The samples
in the bags were dried overnight in a vacuum oven at 40C to avoid possible changes to the
chemical composition within the samples due to high temperatures. After removing resin with
ethanol-benzene, the holocellulose was extracted from samples in 50 to 60 bags at once using
the standard Wise method (Kuroda 2000).
The holocellulose samples were ground into a fine powder using a mixer mill (MM200,
Retsch, Haan, Germany). Not all samples could be analyzed since at least 3 mg of sample was
necessary for each measurement; we therefore could not determine the 13C in tree rings
narrower than 0.3 mm due to the loss of material during grinding. The 13C of samples was
determined using an isotope mass spectrometer (Delta Plus System, ThermoQuest, San Jose,
CA, USA). We repeated measurements for both the standards and the tree-ring samples three
times. The 13C of standard samples was measured among tree-ring samples. The standard
deviation of 13C in the standard samples was 0.04-0.18. Not all measurements could be
used in the analyses, since woody plants in the juvenile stage generally have a low 13C in the
wood and have wide tree rings (Francey and Farquhar 1982; Marshall and Monserud 1996).
Therefore, only the 13C for tree rings after 1992 were used for analysis (a total of 129
To analyze the difference of 13C values between untreated wood and holocellulose in a
pine tree, we determined the 13C of both untreated wood and holocellulose (sample no. P2 in
Table 1). In this analysis, the 13C values of tree rings before 1992 were used (Figure 4 and
Statistical Analysis
We compared the 13C values between untreated wood and holocellulose using the ttest,
and compared the values of 13C and tree-ring width between early and late wood samples
using the TukeyKramer HSD test ( = 0.05). For correlation analysis we used the
normalized value of 13Cnor calculated as:
13Cnor = 13C in each year average 13C
The normalization of the 13C was necessary because the absolute values of 13C differed
among individual trees.
Early wood
Untreated wood
13 C
Late wood
Untreated wood
13 C
Figure 4. Annual fluctuation of 13C in untreated wood and holocellulose in a pine tree (Ssmple no. P2
in Table 1).
13C in holocellulose
Late wood
13 C in untreated wood
Figure 5. Relation of 13C values between untreated wood and holocellulose of pine tree (Ssmple no. P2
in Table 1). The correlation coefficients for early and late wood are 0.7351 and 0.884, respectively
Tree-ring widths toward four or two directions were averaged for each year. The mean
tree-ring widths were normalized with a spline function (normalized width: ring index) using
the software ARSTAN (Cook et al. 1990). The correlations were examined for each month
and for periods of all possible lengths from 2 to 22 months starting from January of the
previous year to October of the current year. The rainfall during these periods should be the
critical determinant of WUE and tree-ring growth according to the phenology of pine and
locust trees (Figure 9). The periods with the highest correlation were adopted as the most
effective rainfall seasons for interannual variation in the 13C and tree-ring width. All
statistical analyses including ANOVA and correlations were performed using JMP software
(SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).
We compared the difference of 13C values between untreated wood and holocellulose in
a pine tree (Sample no. P2 in Table 1; Table 2). The 13C values of untreated wood were
lower than those of holocellulose in both early and late wood. In the early wood, the
difference of 13C values between untreated wood and holocellulose was large in mature rings
(Figure 4). The annual fluctuation of 13C values was different between untreated wood and
holocellulose especially in the early wood. The correlation of 13C values between untreated
wood and holocellulose was higher in the late wood than in the early wood (Figure 5).
The 13C values of holocellulose in the early and late wood of pine trees were
significantly higher (less negative) than those in the late wood of locust trees (Table 3),
indicating that the WUE was higher in pine trees. The standard deviation of 13C was greater
in pine trees than in locust trees, indicating that the interindividual variation in WUE is
greater in pine trees. The width of early wood was larger than that of the late wood in pine
trees, whereas the reverse was true for locust trees. The ratio of early wood width to entire
ring width was 79% in pine trees and 26% in locust trees, respectively. Entire ring width was
also compared between pine and locust trees, but there were no significant differences. The
coefficient of variation in ring width was the smallest in the early wood of locust trees.
Untreated wood ()
Holocellulose ()
Difference ()
Early wood
-23.23 0.63 b
-21.94 0.55 a
1.29 0.65
Late wood
-23.85 0.52 b
-22.93 0.86 a
0.93 0.40
13C ()
Width (mm)
CV of width
Early wood
-23.59 1.40 a
1.056 0.657 a
Late wood
-23.77 1.54 a
0.284 0.205 b
Entire ring
1.340 0.803
Early wood
-24.13 0.97 ab
0.449 0.127 b
Late wood
-24.63 1.17 b
1.262 0.807 a
Entire ring
1.711 0.796
The annual fluctuation of 13Cnor in pine and locust trees are shown in Figure 6. The
interindividual variation of locust trees was smaller than that of pine trees. The interannual
variation of early wood in locust trees was small. Similar patterns were found in the annual
fluctuation of ring index in pine and locust trees (Figure 7 and 8, respectively).
Periods of the highest correlation of seasonal precipitation with annual values of 13Cnor
and ring index in early and late wood are shown in Table 4 and Figure 9. These periods
indicate the most effective rainfall seasons for the interannual variation in WUE for the
production of carbon used for xylem formation, and in tree-ring growth.
In the early wood of pine trees, the 13Cnor was negatively correlated with precipitation
from September of the previous year to May of the current year. The ring indices in early
wood and in entire rings were positively correlated with precipitation from September to
December of the previous year. Rainfall during the dry season affected both the 13C and treering width in early wood. In late wood of pine trees, the 13Cnor was negatively correlated
with precipitation from May to August of the current year (i.e., during the growing season in
the current year), whereas the ring index was positively correlated with precipitation from
April of the previous year to July of the current year (i.e., 16 months covering two growing
Cnor ()
Cnor ()
Cnor ()
Cnor ()
Figure 6. Annual fluctuation of 13Cnor in early and late wood of pine and locust trees. Error bars
indicate 1 standard error. The 13Cnor represents the normalized values of 13C by formula (4).
Pine early wood
Ring index
Pine late wood
Ring index
Pine entire ring
Ring index
Figure 7. Annual fluctuation of ring index of pine trees. Error bars indicate 1 standard error. The ring
index represents the normalized values of ring width by spline function.
Ring index
Locust late wood
Ring index
Locust entire ring
Ring index
Figure 8. Annual fluctuation of ring index of locust trees. Error bars indicate 1 standard error. The
ring index represents the normalized values of ring width by spline function.
Table 4. Periods with the highest correlations of precipitation with annual values of
13Cnor (normalized 13C) and ring index (normalized ring width) of pine and locust
Early wood
Entire ring
p-Sep. May
May Aug.
Ring index
p-Sep. p-Dec.
p-Apr. Jul.
p-Sep. p-Dec.
p-May p-Sep.
Jun. Aug.
Ring index
p-Dec. May
Apr. Jun.
Jan. Jun.
Late wood
Early wood
Late wood
Entire ring
Early wood
Late wood
Entire ring
Figure 9. Periods with the highest correlations of precipitation with annual values of 13Cnor (13C) and
ring index (Width) in early and late wood, and phenology of pine and locust trees. The period of the
highest correlations and phenology are colored in early and late wood with gray and black, respectively.
In locust trees, the 13Cnor of early wood was negatively correlated with precipitation
from May to September of the previous year (i.e., during the growing season of the previous
year), while the ring index of early wood was positively correlated with precipitation from
December of the previous year to May of the current year (i.e., during the dry season). The
13Cnor of late wood correlated negatively with precipitation from June to August of the
current year (i.e., during the current growing season), and the ring index was positively
correlated with precipitation from April to June of the current year (i.e., during the early
growing season of the current year). The ring index of entire rings was positively associated
with precipitation from January to June of the current year (i.e., the period from the mid dry
season to the early growing season of the current year). In both pine and locust trees, the
correlation coefficients (r) between precipitation and ring indices in early and late wood were
lower than those between precipitation and 13Cnor.
We also tested the correlation between the 13C values of early and late wood, and found
that in pine trees, the correlation was stronger between the values of the same year (r =
0.6673, p < 0.0001) than between the values of previous and current years. Conversely, in
locust trees the early wood 13C of the current year was closely associated with the late wood
13C of the previous year (r = 0.7028, p = 0.0003).
Rainfall in the previous year and in the early growing season strongly affected the
interannual variation in WUE and tree-ring growth of early wood in pine and locust trees. In
pine trees, precipitation during the dry season was the most important determinant of the 13C
(i.e., WUE), and of tree-ring growth in early wood. This suggested that available water stored
in the soil before the growing season is used for photosynthesis to form early wood in pine
trees. In locust trees, the 13C in early wood was negatively associated with precipitation
during the growing season of the previous year, and the 13C in early wood in the current year
was closely associated with that in late wood of the previous year. Ring-porous trees such as
locust and oak generally start to form new xylem before leaf bud-break and use the carbon
stored in the previous year for early wood formation (Hill et al. 1995, Hauch and Magel 1998;
Helle and Schleser 2004). The carbon for xylem formation of early wood in locust trees is
thus mainly obtained from starch stored within the plant body in the previous year. Hill et al.
(1995) also found that the 13C of early wood in the current year was highly correlated to that
of late wood in the previous year for Quercus robur L., a typical ring-porous tree. In our
study, precipitation during the dry season was positively associated with tree-ring growth of
early wood in locust trees. This indicates that a decrease in rainfall during the dry season may
reduce cambial growth in early wood, since water limitation strongly inhibits cambial activity
(Little 1975; Kozlowski 1982). Locust trees have ring-porous wood with large-diameter
vessels bearing most of the water conduction in the current-year ring, and these vessels are
distributed in early wood (Cochard and Tyree 1990; Hacke and Sperry 2001). In this way, the
precipitation during the dry season can determine water transport in the current year, and thus
contributes to the overall tree-ring growth in this species.
In late wood of pine trees, tree-ring growth was positively associated with overall
precipitation during the previous year. The mechanism of leaf bud formation and the long
needle longevity may explain this correlation. In Pinus species, the primordia of all leaves for
the following season are formed during the growing season of the previous year (Sacher
1954; Sucoff 1971), and the leaf lifespan of the Chinese pine is approximately 1.5 years (Xiao
2003). Previous studies have shown that high precipitation increases leaf area in evergreen
tree species (Rico-Gray and Palacios-Rios 1996; Hoff and Rambal 2003). High precipitation
in the previous year would promote bud formation in pine trees and consequently increase the
total leaf area during the current year. Since the annual increase in stem mass is strongly
correlated with the leaf area index in Pinus species (Albaugh et al. 2004), higher precipitation
in the previous year would affect the tree-ring growth of late wood in the current year.
In the late wood of locust trees, tree-ring growth was positively associated with
precipitation during the early growing season of the current year. Most of the canopy leaves
of locust form early during the growing season of the current year (Khosla et al. 1995). High
precipitation during the early growing season thus increases the leaf area. Because the annual
growth of the stem is correlated to the leaf area index in deciduous tree species (Hogg 1999),
an increase in leaf area with precipitation during the early growing season of the current year
can increase the tree-ring growth of late wood in locusts.
The 13C values of holocellulose were higher than those of untreated wood in a pine tree,
because the extractives and lignin have low 13C values (Wilson and Grinsted 1977). The
annual fluctuation of 13C values was different between untreated wood and holocellulose.
The extractives move across tree rings, and the lignin-to-cellulose ratio varies among annual
rings (Wilson and Grinsted 1977), which probably is the cause of the different annual
fluctuation of 13C between untreated wood and holocellulose. However, the annual
fluctuation of 13C values in untreated wood and holocellulose was more similar in the late
wood than in the early wood, as indicated by the higher correlation of 13C values between
untreated wood and holocellulose in the late wood. The richer lignin content in the early
wood than in the late wood (Atwell et al. 2003, Siddiqui 1976) may cause the dissimilarity of
the fluctuation between untreated wood and holocellulose in the early wood. These results
suggest the importance of extraction of holocellulose for 13C analysis of tree rings.
The strategy of water use differs between pine and locust trees. The 13C in holocellulose
was higher in pine than in locust trees, i.e., pine trees have higher WUE and a conservative
water use strategy. This is consistent with the results of a previous study showing that water
consumption per plant in locust seedlings was 2-3 times more intensive than that in pine
seedlings (Han et al. 1994). Liu et al. (2004a) also examined the 13C in the cellulose of wood
in pine trees on a mountain located approximately 435 km northwest of our study site. The
average 13C was approximately 2 higher than that in our observations. Annual
precipitation at their study site was lower than that at our site, suggesting that stomatal
responses in pine trees are sensitive to variations in precipitation. The high WUE and high
sensitivity of WUE or stomata to rainfall mean that pine trees are highly adaptable to growth
in arid areas. In locust trees, the 13C was relatively high in early wood compared to late
wood. The stored carbohydrate used for early wood formation experiences fractionation due
to metabolism in broad-leaved deciduous tree species (Helle and Schleser 2004). The higher
13C value of early wood would be caused by the fractionation.
The precipitation during the dry season affected the WUE and tree-ring growth of both
pine and locust trees, indicating that rainfall during the dry season is important for carbon
gain and tree-ring growth during the following growing season. Because locust trees have a
low WUE, planting pure locust stands may not be ideal for afforestation in areas where
precipitation during the dry season is extremely low. Precipitation during the dry season and
the water use of tree species are thus the key factors that determine the suitability of a tree
species for afforestation of specific sites on the Loess Plateau.
We thank Dr. Z. Kikvidze for his help in revision of this paper, Prof. Emeritus K. Iiyama
for technical advice on extracting holocellulose from tree rings, Dr. K. Katsumata for his help
in holocellulose extraction, Dr. H. Sasaki, N. Uehara, and Dr. K. Kojima for their assistance
in measuring 13C (all from the University of Tokyo). We especially thank K. Matsunaga
(Ritsumeikan University) for help with interpretation and the field survey in China.
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ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 7
Palaeo-environmental interpretation using the fossil remains has attained a world
wide attention and the palaeontological studies coupled with geochronology and
stratigraphy could bring many dimensions to certain obstinate facets of biogeography and
promote not only the theory of evolution, but the concept of plate tectonics also.
Throughout geological time the omnipresence of fossil wood has provided researchers
with a potentially rich archive of data for exploring questions concerning extinct and
extant arboreal plant systematics. Fossil woods, both petrified and carbonized wood
remains, provide information on bio-geographical trends over space and time. Also, the
past distribution and diversity of woody taxa are important for reconstructing the timing
of diversification and migration patterns. They have also provided vital information on
palaeo-climatic fluxes in reconstructing the palaeo-environmental scenario of a region.
The present chapter deals with the importance of fossils woods, types of preservation,
their significance in reconstructing the palaeo-climatology and palaeo-environment of a
region as well as the limitation in identifying the fossil woods.
In order to understand the distribution of any species in space, one must study its
distribution in time. This is because distributions are always changing, sometimes as a
response to changing climate and sometimes in response to other changing ecological factors,
including the activities of man. The history of a species informs us whether it is on the
increase or the decrease, whether its range is expanding or contracting. Such information can
often lead us to an understanding of what critical factors underlie the limitation of the range
of such species.
Many distribution patterns which appear superficially anomalous can be understood by
reference to their histories. An example of this is afforded by species with so-called disjunct
distributions (Pigott and Walters, 1954). Many species, now rare in Britain, occur as isolated
populations in unstable habitats, e.g. marshes, screes, sand dunes and cliffs. Frequently one
finds several scarce plants concentrated together in these habitat fragments. Occasionally, a
study of the past history of such species has revealed that they were once of more widespread
occurrence and have become restricted because of changes in the environment (Lucchi et al.,
2006; Rull et al., 2005). The importance of fossil woods is that they are the most striking and
frequently occurring megaplant remains in sedimentary rocks. They store a wealth of
information about palaeo-climate, palaeo-ecology, phytogeography as well as evolution and
without them, our knowledge about the arborescent plants of the past would have remained
largely incomplete (Guleria and Awasthi, 1997).
Wood may become fossilised in various ways though the main process is always by
burial (Guleria and Awasthi, 1997). The burial may be violent as happens in the case of
volcanic eruption by lava flows or by extensive floods, but usually it is gradual and gentle as
observed in the peat bogs, lakes, rivers and along the sea shores. The wood under preservation
often gets flattened forming coaly fossils called compressions. Due to flattening, the original
structure of the wood in compression is crushed and is obscured. However, such flattening is
generally prevented by the process of fossilisation known as petrifaction and
permineralization, in which the wood becomes partly or even completely replaced by
minerals, usually by silica, in the form of opal, chalcedony or agate or sometimes by iron
pyrites or calcium carbonate (Guleria and Awasthi, 1997). The wood is thus changed into
stony fossils and unlike in compressions, the original shape and internal microscopic
structures of such woods are well preserved (Figure 1). More over, the petrified woods allow
sectioning and examination of the tissue under the microscope. Trivedi and Ambwani (1971)
found that many petrified woods such as those of Deccan Intertrappeans are preserved in this
way. Since the petrifactions are the most frequently occurring type of fossil wood, their
occurrence in the arid and treeless areas of Kutch and Rajasthan, India is of particular
significance since they give striking reminder of dense forests which must have flourished
these areas millions of years ago. Bark is very rarely found intact in fossil woods. Presence of
bark in fossil woods provides an evidence of quick burial. It also indicates that the fossil has
not drifted too far from its place of origin and hence is of considerable significance in
determining the provenance of fossil woods (Guleria and Awasthi, 1997).
Petrified wood (wood turned to stone) falls into two categories: casts and
permineralizations (Smith and Gannon, 1973). The first step in formation of both of these
types of fossils involves quick burial in sediment so that fungal and bacterial decay is retarded
due to low oxygen levels. A cast is formed as minerals or other sediments fill and harden
within the sedimentary cavity formed as the original wood deteriorates. Casts show the
external form of the fossil but do not preserve internal cell structure, and consequently cannot
be identified to genus or species levels.
Figure 1. Fossil woods. Petrified wood samples from Myanmar (collected by palaeobotanist Late Prof.
Birbal Sahni) displayed at the Botany Department of University of Lucknow. Photo credit: P.C.
Permineralized woods are formed when minerals dissolved in ground waters infiltrate the
wood, filling the spaces within and between cells, gradually embedding and preserving the
entire tissue. Permineralized woods retain the original cellular structure and therefore can be
identified by anatomical study.
n + 14N 14C + 1H
anti-neutrino, carbon-14 (half life of 5730 years) decays into the stable (non-radioactive)
isotope nitrogen-14. The inventory of carbon-14 in Earth's biosphere is about 300 million
Curies, of which most is in the oceans. Radiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating method
that uses (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to about 60,000 years old.
The technique was developed by Willard Libby and his colleagues in 1949 and estimated that
the radioactivity of exchangeable carbon-14 would be about 14 disintegrations per minute
(dpm) per gram. One of the frequent uses of the technique is to date organic remains from
archaeological sites. Plants fix atmospheric carbon during photosynthesis, so the level of 14C
in plants and animals when they die approximately equals the level of 14C in the atmosphere
at that time. However, it decreases thereafter from radioactive decay, allowing the date of
death or fixation to be estimated. The initial 14C level for the calculation can either be
estimated, or else directly compared with known year-by-year data from tree-ring data
(dendrochronology) to 10,000 years ago, or from cave deposits (speleothems), to about
45,000 years of age. A calculation or (more accurately) a direct comparison with tree ring or
cave-deposit carbon-14 levels, gives the wood or animal sample age-from-formation. The
technique has limitations within the modern industrial era, due to fossil fuel carbon (which
has little carbon-14) being released into the atmosphere in large quantities, in the past few
The relation of Middle-Upper Jurassic marine sedimentary cycles of France with climate
and sea-level dynamics were studied using fossil woods (Garcia et al., 1998). They showed
that the distribution of wood is not controlled by climate but by environmental processes
related to relative sea-level changes. Also, the abundance of wood in transgressive deposits
related to ravinement of previously emerged areas and/or to the high preservational potential
associated with increased accommodation space. Rajagopalan et al. (1997) studied the late
Quaternary vegetational and climatic changes in southern India. According to them a
progressively negative trend up to 40,000YBP, indicative of a decrease in the proportion of
C4 plants (tropical grasses and sedges), increasing moisture conditions. Quaternary climatic
changes in the desert regions of Gujarat and Rajasthan, studied by Allchin et al. (1978) and
proposed a dry phase prior to 40,000YBP. Similar results were obtained from tropical Africa
where high lake levels have been observed prior to 25,000YBP (Butzer et al., 1972). The
study of the fossil remains can give not only the species distribution, but the influence of the
past environmental conditions on that particular species also, which ultimately resulted in its
bloom or extinction (Vishnu-Mittre and Sharma, 1966). The study of a fragmentary sample
coming from a silicified trunk remain of Lunca formation of Eastern Carpathians led to the
identification of a wood structure typical to the Cycadaceae family by Iamandei et al. (2003)
and a presence of tropical conditions there. Two new fossil fruits belonging to Sterculia of
Sterculiaceae and Barringtonia of Lecythidaceae were described from the Oligocene
sediments of Makum Coalfield, Assam, India by Mehrotra (2000). These fruits are reported
for the first time not only from the Oligocene of Assam but from the Tertiary of India. Their
presence supports the view that evergreen to littoral and swamp forests existed there during
the time of deposition.
Fossil woods have been used for paleoecological and paleoenvironmental studies and
also helped in reconstructing the floral composition or climatic conditions (Zucol et al., 2005;
Philippe et al., 2006; Sweeney et al., 2009; Jeong et al., 2009). Sweeney et al. (2009) studied
the unique expressions of wood mineralization and implication for the processes of wood
preservation from the middle Cretaceous Moreno Hill Formation. The study suggested that
coal inclusions and mineralized wood/coal associations may also be common in other ancient
sediments even though weathering may obscure their presence. As such, various stages of
wood degradation have been preserved in mineralized samples from the Moreno Hill
The Late Holocene vegetation change from woodlands to the present desertic pastures of
southern Tibet, China has been revealed by radiocarbon dating and fossil wood analysis
(Kaiser et al., 2009). Fossil woods obtained from the Miocene El Cien Formation located in
Baja California Sur, Mexico has been used for interpreting the floristic similarity between the
present floras growing in this region and those existed during the Miocene (Martnez-Cabrera
et at., 2006). The fossil wood collected from the sediments indicated the Late Pleistocene
floral diversity of the vegetation in El Palmar National Park (Zucol et al., 2005). The fossil
woods used for the interpretation of palaeo-climate. The fossil woods of Lower Coal-bearing
Formation of Janggi Group at Donghae-myeon, Pohang City, Gyeongsangbuk-do Prefecture,
Korea showed that the climate of the Pohang Basin changed from cool-temperate to warmtemperate and subtropical during the early Miocene (Jeong et al., 2009).
A petrified forest is a forest made out of fossil or petrified wood. In other words, a
petrified forest is a forest made out of stone trees. A petrified forest becomes such over
the course of million of years. Some of the world's largest petrified forests are an estimated
100 million years old. Volcanic ash is sometimes a key step in the process of petrification. In
fact, it's not uncommon for a petrified forest to have been covered by mud made out
partially by volcanic ash at some time. Volcanic ash produces a chemical reaction in the
wood, which in turn accelerates the process of petrification. A petrified forest can take
different colours, depending on the type of material once absorbed by the living trees. Cobalt
and copper cause a greenish blue tint, while manganese turns the wood pink, and carbon
produces gray. Some trees have more than one colour, while others are basically composed of
crystal quartz, which are transparent and allow for a view of the grain wood. The world's
most impressive petrified forest is in Santa Cruz, Argentina. With trees that are over 10
feet (3 meters) in diameter, the Patagonian petrified forest is one of the best giant examples
of wood-stone in the world. As a comparison, the Petrified Forest National Park in
northeastern Arizona, considered the best example of petrified wood in North America,
boasts trees that barely reach six feet. Canada has the largest petrified forest in the world,
covering an area of thousands of kilometres and dating back to the Eocene period. Other
significant examples of petrified forest include Petrified Forest of Lesvos (Greece),
Thiruvakkarai Village (India), Curio Bay (New Zealand), and Nov Paka (Czech Republic).
Many palaeo-botanical studies have dealt with leaf impressions (Lumbert et al., 1984;
Ivany et al., 1990), but studies related to fossil woods are few. Fossil woods sometimes retain
exquisite details of the original cell structure that can be investigated with the aid of a
microscope. Hence the preservation of the tissues has prime importance (Hoffmann and
Blanchette, 1997). Such fossils may be identified by comparing their anatomy with that of
modern woods or other fossil woods. This method of identification is similar to that used in
the identification of timber woods in the forest products industry. Anatomical features such as
presence of vessels, vessel size and grouping, distribution of parenchyma, ray size and
distribution, are used in wood keys aiding in the determination to family, genus, and in some
cases, species. Identification of fossil woods is accomplished through comparison with
modern woods and with other known fossil woods. There are good literatures on the anatomy
of timbers including keys for quick identification and descriptions and illustrations for
thorough comparison (Gregory, 1980; Panshin and de Zeeuw, 1980; Hoadley, 1990; Stewart
and Rothwell, 1993). Computerized keys are also available to help in determining modern
and fossil woods (Wheeler et al., 1986).
El-Din (2003), by giving detailed wood anatomical descriptions, identified two fossil
wood species Celastrinoxylon celastroides and Ficoxylon Cretaceum, which are reported and
described for the first time from the Farafra Oasis in Egypt. Anatomical descriptions were
used to identify many fossil woods in India also. Sterculioxylon pondicherriense is recorded
from the Cuddalore Series of the Lower Miocene of eastern peninsular India (Awasthi, 1981),
while Sterculioxylon kalagarhense is recorded from the Miocene of Uttar Pradesh (Trivedi
and Ahuja, 1978). Sterculioxylon varmahii is recorded from the Mio-Pliocene of Arunachal
Pradesh (Lakhanpal et al., 1978). Sterculioxylon dattai is recorded from the Tertiary of Assam
(Prakash and Tripathi, 1974). Similarly, Heritieroxylon keralaensis is described from the
Middle Miocene of Kerala (Srivastava and Awasthi, 1993) and Heritieroxylon arunachalensis
is described from the Mio-Pliocene of Arunachal Pradesh (Lakhanpal et al., 1978). Prakash
and Dayal (1964) and Srivastava and Guleria (2000) could identify Grewioxylon indicum and
Grewioxylon mahurzariense in the Inter-trappean Beds of the Eocene (?) and Lakhanpal et
al., (1976) could describe the anatomical characters of Sterrculioxylon deccanensis from the
Inter-trappean Formation (Palaeocene?) of the Deccan of India.
The wood anatomical techniques were used to evaluate the palaeo-environmental
conditions of the Meenachil River basin, Kerala, India (Guleria et al., 2008)(Figure 2). The
study of these carbonised woods found embedded in palaeo-deposits of sand occurring in
terrestrial regions, which are at present located about 15km landward from the present
Vembanad Lake, along with its radio-carbon dating suggested that since the Calophyllum,
Spondias and Sonneratia are inhabitant of coastal area, they indicate near shore conditions
during the Holocene
Figure 2. Wood anatomical description of carbonised woods embedded in palaeode- posits of sand from
Meenachil River basin, Kerala, India.
Sonneratia is a mangrove tree that occurs in the tidal creeks and littoral forests.
Calophyllum inophyllum, a comparable species is found all along the coast above high water
mark and in the evergreen forests of Western Ghats along the river banks. Likewise,
Artocarpus (the jack fruit tree), Holigarna and Canarium are found in the evergreen forests of
Western Ghats including Kerala. The assemblage indicates that the area was covered by dense
forest and witnessed high rainfall and then prevailed conditions must had been warm and
humid, which revealed from the later deposition of Spondias. The fungal infection in some of
the woods further substantiates the existence of warm and humid conditions. So climatically
there is no significant difference since the time of deposition of these woods. However,
occurrence of Sonneratia, specially indicate the proximity of sea in the area at the time of
deposition. Obviously, the sea level was much higher at that time than at present. Evidently,
the sea had receded since then. Thus the carbonized woods have provided evidence about the
prevailing environmental conditions and sea level fluctuations in the area. It is suggested that
Moscow and Ponpally region, which are located about 15 km inland of present Vembanad
Lake, had witnessed an episode of marine transgression, regression and contemporaneous
geological modifications. It is proven that the wood anatomical techniques can be considered
as a reliable tool to analyse the palaeo-environmental conditions.
Fossilized woods are preserved part of plants. They may be petrified woods that are many
millions of years old, or bits of charcoal that are only a few hundred years old. Fossilised
woods provide substantial information on palaeo-environment and palaeo-ecology. Even
though there are some difficulties while reconstructing the preserved ones, it is strikingly true
that without the fossilised wood records, our knowledge about the arborescent plants of the
past would have remained largely incomplete.
The authors dedicate this work before the treasured memmories of Late Dr. R. Satheesh.
They sincerely extend a deep sense of gratitude to Dr. E. V. Ramasamy, Director, School of
Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University for his help and support. Thanks are
also due to Dr. J. S. Guleria, Senior Scientist, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany,
Lucknow for extending the technical support.
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ISBN 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 8
The effects of chemical modification of pine wood fiber on the moldability of this
material were examined. Pine wood fiber was chemically modified with benzyl chloride
under alkaline conditions at various mole ratios of benzyl chloride to wood hydroxyl
groups (ratio = 1 to 4) and at different reaction times (2 to 8 h). The extent of benzylation
was assessed by weight gain and FTIR and NMR spectroscopies. FTIR spectroscopy
revealed the reduction of wood hydroxyl group bands, an increase in aromatic bands, a
reduction in cellulose crystallinity, and an increase in acryl and alkyl ether bands, which
were consistent with etherification. The thermal and mechanical properties of the
benzylated wood fiber were assessed by a combination of differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), dynamic rheometry and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The
results from DSC were consistent with data from rheometry. The data have shown that
the benzylated wood thermal transition temperature and mechanical properties can be
tailored by the extent of benzylation.
In recent years, polymer composite reinforced with wood fibers have attracted
considerable interest because of characteristics like low density and high specific modulus
[1]. In 2004, the North American wood plastic composites (WPC) outdoor residential decking
and railing markets accounted for approximately US$0.9 billion [2]. However, plastic is an
expensive and non-degradable material. Therefore, there is an opportunity to develop a woodbased composite material without the use of a resin system. As the most widely used
renewable natural material, wood cannot be melted and molded directly. The lack of
thermoplasticity of wood is attributed to three main causes [3]: (i) cellulose in wood has a 50
to 70% crystalline structure, (ii) lignin has a three-dimensional molecular structure, and (iii)
the main components of wood are linked by chemical bonds. Cellulose has the highest
softening temperature among the wood polymeric components, which is about 240C [4].
Cellulose properties are due to its strong inter- and intra-chain hydrogen bonds. With
substitution of hydroxyl group in cellulose molecule with non-polar groups, thermoplasticity
is introduced to cellulose [5].
Wood chemical modification can be obtained by substitution of wood hydroxyl groups
with a suitable chemical agent. Generally, there are two primary categories for wood
modification [6]: etherification (agent: benzyl chloride, acrylonitrile) and esterification
(agent: maleic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and succinic anhydride). In addition to these
categories, modification by alkali is important in the formation of derivatives, because
aqueous alkali swells the crystal lattice of cellulose and also creates an intermediate to allow
for substitution to occur.
The thermoplasticization of wood by benzyl chloride (BC) created a wood derivative that
could be pressed or extruded into films or molded products [7]. Benzylation at the surface of
wood blocks and chips for self-bonding of wood surfaces has also been reported [8]. It was
also reported that benzylation derivatives of prehydrolyzed rice straw exhibited thermoplastic
behaviour with a softening point between 89 and 140oC [9]. Lu and co-workers performed a
surface benzylation treatment on sisal fibers which created self-reinforced composite after
hot-pressing where the plasticized surface zones serve as matrix and the unplasticized cores
of the fibers as reinforcement [10]. The aim of this study is to generate totally wood-based
moldable composite materials without the need for synthetic resins. In the present work, pine
wood fiber was benzylated to produce thermoplastic like material and the resulting materials
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were obtained on original and benzylated pine
fiber in the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mode (ZnSe) on an Avatar 370 spectrometer
Degree of substitution
Degree of substitution
BC / OH ratio
Figure 2. Graph of benzylated pine degree of substitution versus benzylchloride/wood hydroxyl group
hydrogens from mono-substituted aromatic rings), and 3030-3088 cm-1 (strong multiplet,
aromatic C-H stretch) which are attributable to mono substituted benzyl rings; (iii) a decrease
in the bands at 1370 cm-1 (C-H bending), 895 cm-1 (deformation of anomeric CH) and 670
cm-1 (C-OH out-of-plane bending) which are assigned to crystalline cellulose; and (iv) an
increase of aryl ether band (-C-O-C- stretching) at 1265 cm-1 and alkyl ether band at 11501060 cm-1 (C-O stretch from alkyl-substituted ether). Positive linear relationships between DS
and (i) intensity of aryl (1265 cm-1) and alkyl ether (1150 cm-1) peaks and (ii) area of benzyl
peak (695 cm-1) were observed (data not shown) for benzylated pine samples. While, a
negative relationship was observed between DS and intensity of the hydroxyl group (3450
cm-1). These results are consistent with the literature [7]. Therefore FTIR spectroscopy can be
used to determine the DS of benzylated lignocellulosic materials.
Wavenumber (cm-1)
Figure 3. FTIR spectra of pine fiber (top) and benzylated wood fiber with a DS=1.1 (bottom).
Figure 4. 13C-CP-MAS NMR spectra of pine fiber (top) and benzylated wood fiber with a DS of 0.20
(middle) and 1.1 (bottom).
The other functional groups of lignin, e.g. CHOH, CH2OH, and COC groups
overlapped with the signals from cellulose [17]. These observations are consistent with those
reported in the literature [18- 20].
In benzylated pine at a DS of 0.20 (Figure 4, middle) and 1.1 (Figure 4, bottom), an
intense signal appeared at 131 ppm and was assigned to aromatic carbons of the benzyl group
[21,22]. The intensity was dependent on the DS. The signal at 142 ppm was assigned to C4
on benzylated p-hydroxyl phenyl, guaiacyl, and syringl units [21,22]. The sharp signal at 171
ppm was assigned to carbonyl groups. A new signal was observed at 51 ppm and assigned to
a methoxyl aryl ether group. The cellulose anomeric carbon signal at 107 ppm and cellulose
peaks associated with amorphous (86 ppm (C4)) and crystalline (91.6 ppm (C4) and 67.6 ppm
(C6)) were all significantly reduced in intensity upon benzylation [22]. These data show that
the relative concentration of wood to benzyl groups decreased upon substitution.
transition temperature. By plotting the results from dynamic rheology of natural log of
frequency (lnf) against 1/Tg the Ea can be determined from the Arrhenius plot (Figure 7) [7].
The Ea of benzylated wood (DS=0.72) was determined at 212 kJ/mol and this transition was
attributed to a glass transition. The Ea values for benzylated pine fiber (DS 0.2 to 1.1) are in
the range (Table 1) of those published for the -transition (or Tg) of polymers, such as PS and
PVC [25].
Thermal transitions were also analyzed by DSC on the benzylated wood samples and the
results are given in Table 1. The Tg was shown to decrease from 172 to 113oC as DS
increased from 0.13 to 0.41. This trend is consistent with that obtained by dynamic rheology.
However, at higher DS it was difficult to observe a clear transitions by DSC.
G" (KPa)
Temperature (C)
Table 1. Determined Tg and Ea values for benzylated pine fiber by rheometry and DSC
wood (DS)
Tg (C) by G
Tg (C) by tan
Tg (C) by DSC
Ea (kJ/mol)
Mechanical Properties
Flexural properties were measured by DMA (3 point bending) to determine the modulus
of elasticity (MOE) from the stress-strain curves of molded benzylated pine fiber samples
(Figure 8). MOE values of around 2.7 GPa were obtained with low DS benylzated pine while,
the MOE significantly decreased as DS increased (Table 2).
Temperature (C)
Figure 6. Thermograms of viscous modulus (G) as a function of dynamic frequency for benzylated
wood at DS=0.72.
ln frequency
y = -25478x + 67.755
1/Tg (1/K)
Figure 7. Arrhenius plot (ln f versus 1/Tg) for benzylated pine fiber at DS=0.72.
Stress (MPa)
2.7 GPa
Strain (%)
Figure 8. Flexural stress-strain curve for molded benzylated pine fiber at DS=0.20.
However, at higher DS it was difficult to test the flexural properties of these molded
benzylated fibers since they sagged on the test fixtures. The results are in good agreement
with values for self-reinforced benzylated composites with MOE values of 3.0 and 1.7 GPa
for weights gains of 26 and 60%, respectively [10, 26]. The MOE of benzylated wood fiber,
was comparable to values for polypropylene (40%) based WPC at 2.1- 2.8GPa [27].
SEM analysis on molded benzylated wood fiber sample (DS = 0.18) showed a smooth
surface amorphous matrix phase with some unmelted fibers present (Figure 9) within the
matrix. At higher levels of benzylation (DS >0.2) no fibers were observed in the
thermoplastic phase. The unmelted fibers can reinforce the matrix and thus enhance the MOE
Figure 9. Scanning electron micrograph of molded benzylated pine at DS=0.18 (4000x). Arrow shows
unmelted pine fiber.
Wood fiber was successfully benzylated in a 2-step process. Cellulose crystallinity was
shown to decrease as substitution increased. The extent of benzylation could be governed by
either reaction time or ratio of benzylchloride to wood hydroxyl content. The thermal
transition properties of benzylated pine fiber were successfully plasticized by benzylation.
The modulus of elasticity (MOE) of benzylated pine fiber (2.7 GPa), at low levels of
substitution, were shown to be comparable to commodity plastics and wood plastic
composites. At low extent of benzylation fragments of wood fibers were embebdded in the
benzylated matrix which can reinforce the matrix. However, as the benzyl substitution
increased the MOE decreased and the material behaved like a thermoplastic rubber. It is
possible to produce such a bio-plastic based on wood benzylation. The outcome of this effort
is to develop biobased plastics which will reduce our dependency petroleum based plastics.
The project was supported by USDA-CSREES Wood Utilization Research program;
Inland-Northwest Forest Products Research Consortium. The FTIR spectrometer was
supported by a USDA-CSREES grant #2005-35103-15243.
Pickering K.L., Abdallaa, A., Jia, C., McDonald, A.G., and Franich, R.A. (2003) The
effect of silane coupling agents on radiata pine fibre for use in thermoplastic matrix
composites. Composites Part A, 34, 915-926.
Smith, P.M. and Wolcott, M.P. (2005). Wood-Plastic Composites Emerging Products
and Markets. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Woodfiber-Plastic
Composites. (pp 335-343). Madison, WI, May 23-25.Shiraishi N. (1991). Wood
Plasticization. In D.N.S. Hon and N. Shiraishi (Ed.) Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry.
(pp 861-906). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Dwan, A. (1987) Paper Complexity and the interpretation of conservation research.
Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 26(1), 1-17.
Sereshti, H., and Mohammadi-Rovshandeh, J. (2003). Chemical Modification of Beech
Wood. Iranian Polymer Journal, 12(1), 15-20.
Matsuda, H. (1996). Chemical modification of solid wood. In D. Hon (Ed.) Chemical
Modification of Lignocellulosic Materials. (pp 159-183). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
Hon, D.N.S. and Ou, N-H. (1989). Thermoplastization of Wood: Benzylation of Wood.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science Part A, 27, 2457-2482.
Kiguchi, M. and Yamamoto, K. (1992). Chemical modification of wood surfaces by
etherification III. Some properties of self-bonded benzylated particleboard. Mokuzai
Gakkaishi, 38(2), 150-158.
Mohammadi-Rovshandeh, J., and Sereshti, H. (2005). The effect of extraction and
prehydrolysis on the thermoplasticity and thermal stability of chemically modified rice
straw. Iranian Polymer Journal, 14(10), 855-862.
Lu, X., Zhang, M.Q., Rong, M. Z., Shi,G., and Yang, G.C. (2003). Self-reinforced melt
processable composites of sisal. Composites Science and Technology, 63, 177186.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D3418-03) (2008) Standard test
method for transition temperatures and enthalpies of fusion and crystallization of
polymers by differential scanning calorimetry. ASTM annual book, vol. 08(02). (pp 6369). Conshohocken, PA.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D5934-02) (2008) Standard test
method for the determination of modulus of elasticity for rigid and semi-rigid plastic
specimens by controlled rate of loading using three-point bending. ASTM annual book,
vol. 08(03). (pp 311-314). Conshohocken, PA.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D4440-07) (2008) Standard test
method for plastics: Dynamical mechanical properties melt rheology. ASTM annual
book, vol. 08(02). (pp 489-492). Conshohocken, PA.
Fox, S.C. and McDonald, A.G. (2005) The esterification of different industrial lignins
to form lignin bioplastics. In proceedings of the 37th Society of Advancement of
Material and Process Engineering Fall Technical Conference, Seattle, Washington,
October 31-November 2.
Hill, C.A.S., and Jones, D. (1996). The dimensional stabilisation of corsican pine
sapwood by reaction with carboxylic acid anhydrides. Holzforschung, 50(5), 457462.
ISBN: 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 9
This chapter highlights the deforming behavior of PF resin-impregnated wood under
transverse compression aiming at obtaining high strength wood at low pressing pressure.
The impregnation of PF resin caused significant softening of cell walls resulting in cell
wall collapse at low pressing pressure. Pressure holding causing creep deformation of
resin impregnated wood was also effective in initiating collapse at lower pressure. Thus,
by controlling the processing parameters (resin content, pre-curing temperature, pressing
temperature and pressing speed) high strength wood having MOR of 240 MPa and MOE
of 22 GPa can be obtained at a pressing pressure of 2 MPa. Removal of matrix substances
by NaClO2 treatment prior to resin impregnation is also effective for further enhancing
the mechanical properties of resin impregnated wood at lower pressing pressure. This
treatment is attractive; nevertheless it is complicated in processing and somewhat
difficult to remove the harmful chemical NaClO2 completely from the treated wood,
posing a major drawback in the commercial application. Hence, the potentials of steam
pretreatment as a substitute of chemical treatment for making highly compressed PF
resin-impregnated wood at low pressing pressure was highlighted. Such treated wood
elements present a promising surface material in the manufacture of sandwich panels,
giving high strength and dimensional stabilization with a moderate specific gravity as a
whole product using single shot application.
* Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University Uji, Gokasho, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan,
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
The establishment of a sustainable society based on renewable and sustainable resources
is a real challenge and responsibility of all nations in the 21st century. In this sense, the
promotion of wood as a future-oriented material must be emphasized as it is a natural
renewable resource that is environmentally friendly. As reserves of coal and oil become
exhausting, future advanced materials have to be derived from renewable resources such as
wood. For these potentials to be realized and to substitute other resources derived from
synthetic plastic, ceramics and metals, the utilization of inherent properties of wood should be
taken into account. However, wood as a material has several undesirable properties that need
to be overcome so that wood can be used more effectively, and its field of application can be
extended. These include dimensional instability due to moisture, low durability due to
biodeterioration, and relatively low mechanical properties compared to other engineering
materials. In order to enhance the properties of wood, a good number of studies have been
carried out through hydrophobisation to prevent water re-softening or plasticization of wood
by replacement of hydroxyl groups with hydrophobic groups [1-5], steam or heat stabilization
by combination of self adhesion, self cross linking, or releasing the elastic stresses stored in
the microfibrils and matrix [6-9], resin impregnation into the wood cell wall and cell lumen to
hold the deformation [10-16]
PF resin impregnated compressed wood, named Compreg, is produced by impregnation
with PF resin, and compression under pressures of 7 MPa or above. The product has a density
of 1.2 to 1.35 g/cm3, and exhibits high strength, good dimensional stability and high
resistance to decay and termites [17-18]. Because of such properties, a lot of research
following up Stamms work has been done, and in recent years the potential strength of PF
resin-impregnated compressed wood has been extensively studied [19-23]. When wood
selected based on sound velocity was impregnated with low molecular weight PF resin, and
hot pressed at a pressing pressure of 50-80 MPa, the bending strength and Youngs modulus
attained were 500-530 MPa and 50 GPa respectively. Furthermore, when lignin and
hemicellulose were removed from the wood and the specimens were impregnated with low
molecular weight PF resin and hot pressed at high pressure; the Youngs modulus and
bending strength attained 62 GPa and 670 MPa, respectively. This value is greater than the
value of bending strength of soft steel with a density of 7.8 g/cm3, and is comparable to the
strength of duralumin, which has a density of 2.7 g/cm3. On the other hand, when PF resin
impregnated wood elements such as particles and powder were hot pressed under high
pressure, a decrease in element size did not result in a decrease in bending strength, due to
high interactive forces developed between elements.
The aforementioned research indicates that PF resin-impregnated compressed wood has
the potential to be a substitute for other engineering materials. However, considering the
production of large size composites, the high pressing pressure required during manufacturing
becomes an explicit problem. Although many studies on the compressive deformation of
wood as a cellular material have been done [24-27], none have clarified the deforming
behavior of low molecular weight PF resin-treated wood where PF resin acts as a plasticizer
at first and then loses the effects by polymerizing or curing during hot-pressing. In this
chapter, we first presented a method to obtain highly compressed wood at low pressing
pressure based on the analysis of the deformation behavior of PF resin-impregnated wood and
then deliberate the potentials of this technique to produce selectively densified wood based
Figure 1. (a) Typical stress-strain curve of oven dried untreated wood and PF resin-impregnated wood
compressed in the radial direction at a pressing temperature of 150C and a pressing speed of 5mm/min
(Shams et al. 2004) (Color preferred) (b) Stress-strain curve of wood treated with different
concentrations of PF resin during compression (Shams and Yano, 2004)
The relationship between Youngs modulus in the radial direction and collapse initiating
stress revealed that there is a linear relationship between Youngs modulus in the radial
direction and collapse initiating stress [29]. The Youngs modulus is evaluated by fitting a
straight line to the elastic region of the stress-strain curve and determining the inclination.
The collapse initiating stress is evaluated as the interception point of the straight line of
elastic region and a fitted straight line of the collapse dominant region until the strain of 0.1
mm/mm. This indicates that increasing the amount of PF resin acting as a plasticizer reduces
the Youngs modulus of cell walls perpendicular to the fiber direction resulting initiation of
collapse at lower stress.
Besides, it can be seen in Fig. 1 that a certain strain is required to initiate cell wall
collapse, irrespective of PF resin-impregnated or untreated condition. This result implies that
the cell wall collapse in the radial direction is strain-dependent rather than stress dependent.
Since the occurrence of cell wall collapse was found to be strain dependent, creep
deformation of cell walls to initiate collapse at lower pressing pressures was accordingly
studied at various pressing pressures ranging from 0.5 to 10 MPa. After reaching desired
pressing pressure, the pressing pressure was held for 30 minutes as shown in Fig. 2. When PF
resin-impregnated wood was compressed at 0.5 MPa, the effect of pressure holding on
density can be negligible. However, when wood was compressed at 1 MPa, a significant
increment in density occurred during the pressure holding period. The density increased from
0.52 to 0.84 g/cm3, which is around 70% higher than the density before pressure holding. At
high pressing pressures such as 5 MPa and 10 MPa, the effect of pressure holding on density
was not as significant as that at 1 MPa. It illustrated that the resistance of the cell wall against
deformation increases with increasing strain at the post collapse region suggesting that a
certain balance between cell wall resistance and applied pressure exists during creep
deformation in a collapse dominant region. Thus, a proper combination of pressing pressure
and holding period is needed to obtain marked deformation of wood at lower pressing
Furthermore, there was not a significant difference in mechanical properties between
pressure holding (with creep deformation) and non holding (without creep deformation) at the
same density. As a consequence, at a pressing pressure of 2 MPa utilizing a combination of
pressure holding, the density of Japanese cedar impregnated with low molecular weight PF
resin increases from 0.45 to 1.1 g/cm3. Concurrently, the Youngs modulus and bending
strength increases from 10 GPa and 80 MPa to 22 GPa and 250 MPa, respectively. Thus,
effective utilization of collapse is promising process for the production of high strength wood
at lower pressing pressures [28].
The above findings indicate that the optimum processing conditions (preheating
temperatures, pressing temperature and pressing speed) for obtaining high strength wood at
lower press pressure have to be clarified in relation to the viscoelastic properties and behavior
of resin impregnated wood. Thus we studied the processing parameters (pre-curing
temperature, pressing temperature and pressing speed) that affect the compressive
deformation of resin-impregnated wood [29]. By increasing the preheating temperatures, such
as 100 C for 1 hour, the pressure needed to initiate collapse increases due to the increment of
the Youngs modulus of the cell wall. An increase in pressing temperature results in the
thermal softening of cell wall and causes collapse at a lower pressing pressure level. The
wood is compressed effectively, despite the accelerated resin cure. The pressing speed
significantly affects the visco-elastic deformation of the cell wall, and the wood is well
deformed with decreasing pressing speed although the differences in density and mechanical
properties are relatively small after a pressure holding period of 30 minutes. For all the
parameters examined here, the Youngs modulus and bending strength increase with
increasing density [29].
Figure 2. Effects of pressing pressure with pressure holding time on the densification of PF resinimpregnated wood. The bar indicates a holding time of 30 minutes (Shams et al, 2004)
greatest benefit seen at 1 MPa (Fig.4). This indicates that adding moisture helps to plasticize
the cell wall significantly in NaClO2 treated wood, and results in a considerable reduction of
press pressure required to initiate collapse compared to oven-dried wood. Most interestingly
that NaClO2 treatment has shown considerable potential for highly compression of PF resinimpregnated wood at lower pressing pressure regardless of molecular weight of resin [31].
In addition, the mechanical properties of NaClO2 treated wood were considerably higher
than untreated wood. The Youngs modulus and bending strength of four times NaClO2
treated PF resin-impregnated veneer laminated composites compressed at 1 MPa, reached 27
GPa and 280 MPa, whilst those values for the untreated PF resin-impregnated wood reached
16 GPa and 165 MPa, respectively. The mechanical properties of the material were further
improved by a combination of NaClO2 and NaOH treatment [32]. The MOE and MOR of the
treated compressed materials reached 29 GPa and 310 MPa respectively. This could be
attributed to the removal of lignin, in other words, to an increase in the volume ratio of
microfibrils, the framework of the cell wall. Thus, the removal of matrix substances is a
highly promising approach for increased deformation of PF resin-impregnated wood at lower
pressing pressures, especially when moisture is added.
Figure 5. Appearance of veneer lamination wood material. Left: NaClO2 and PF treated veneer, Right:
PF treated veneer only. (Color preferred)
Hence, NaClO2 treated resin impregnated veneers were laminated on the both side of
commercial MDF [35]. Due to the lamination of treated veneer, MOE and MOR increased
significantly although density of the final product increased about 40% (0.68 to 0.93 g/cm3).
The MOE and MOR of the laminated material attained 18 GPa and 177 MPa, respectively. It
is interesting to note that the specific MOE and MOR (the ratio of MOE and MOR to specific
gravity) of the laminated product were 19.6 GPa and 188 MPa which is almost five folds or
four folds higher than commercial MDF [35]. The rate of water absorption of the commercial
MDF shielded by the epoxy resin was 160%. On the other hand, surface laminated MDF,
when parts other than the surface of the sample were shielded by the epoxy resin, was
subjected to 3 hour boiling and further left in cold water for 72 hours; the rate of water
absorption was 7.2% [35].
Although the single plate veneer lamination technique is promising, it is somehow
difficult to treat large size veneer by NaClO2 treatment. Considering the commercial point of
view, NaClO2 treated wafer or NaClO2 treated powder lamination on the particle board (PB)
before hot pressing was attempted [35]. The MOR and MOE of wafer overlaid PB were
considerably higher than those of PB and the difference was especially remarkable for the
MOE. By overlaying NaClO2 treated resin impregnated wafer, the surface became flat and
smooth with plastic like appearance, and MOE and MOR reached 7.2 GPa and 40MPa,
respectively, about three times and two times higher than those of Japanese cedar PB with a
density of 0.80 g/cm3. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that NaClO2 treated resin impregnated
powder laminated board also showed excellent performance compared to particleboard. The
MOE and MOR of the board reached 6.17 GPa and 34.0MPa, respectively with a density of
0.76 g/cm3. The MOE of lauan plywood with a density of 0.78 g/cm3 is reported as 9.7 GPa
parallel to the surface fiber direction and 5.1 GPa perpendicular to the surface fiber direction.
The MOR in both directions is reported as 73MPa and 58MPa, respectively [36]. Considering
the difference in the density between plywood and NaClO2 treated resin impregnated
wafer/powder overlaid PB, it could be said that the production of particleboards having
similar mechanical properties to plywood is possible by overlaying plasticized wafer/powder.
The application of steam treated PF resin impregnated veneer lamination in making highperformance plywood and LVL is presently underway.
Low molecular weight PF resin has a significant effect on the deformation behavior of
wood during compression. With an increase of PF resin content, the Youngs modulus of the
cell wall perpendicular to the fiber direction decreases, and collapse-initiating pressure
decreases linearly with the Youngs modulus. This indicates that the occurrence of cell wall
collapse is strain dependent. By controlling the processing parameters, combination of PF
resin impregnation and pressure holding, a high strength wood was produced at low pressing
pressures, such as 2 MPa. The removal of matrix substances by pretreatment with NaClO2
and NaOH had a further effect to enhance the mechanical properties of resin-impregnated
wood. Since NaClO2 treatment is complicated in processing and harmful to environment, we
proposed steam treatment as a substitute for chemical treatment in the fabrication of high
strength wood at low pressing pressure. This technique allows the producer to impart high
strength, improved durability and an attractive surface to wood composite material using
conventional hot press equipment.
The authors would like to thank Gui-E-Chemical Industry Ltd. For supplying different
types of phenol formaldehyde (PF) resins. M. I. Shams is indebted to the financial support of
the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers from the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science.
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Rowell, R.M. Forest Prod. J. 2006. 56(9):4-12
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Rowell, R.M. and Norimoto, M. J. Japan Wood Res. Soc. 1987. 33(11):907-910
Hsu, W.E, Schwald, W., Schwald, J., Shields, A. Wood Sci Technol. 1988. 22:281-289
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ISBN: 978-1-61668-837-0
2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 10
Wood polymer composites (WPCs) are a new generation of reinforcing materials,
using polymeric thermoplastic matrices such as polyolefins, and renewable materials
such as woodflour. As a contrast to other mineral fillers, WPC materials have
experienced growing interest over recent years due to the combination of a variety of
factors, such as high performance, high versatility, processing advances, reasonable costs
and biodegradability. However, there are some limitations. The most important
disadvantage is their reduced resistance and low efficiency during stress transfer due to
the incompatibility between hydrophilic polar fibres and hydrophobic apolar isotactic
polypropylene, iPP. This creates repulsion forces that lead to poor adhesion, if at all,
during blending. The use of compatibilizers increments the adhesion between
components by reducing the interfacial tension and improving the stress transfer between
phases. Since iPP is a semicrystalline polymer the understanding of the crystallization
and melting behaviour of this matrix in the iPP/WF system, and the study of the influence
of the compatibilizer on the crystalline parameters, and both the kinetics and
thermodynamics of crystallization of iPP, are essential to the understanding of the solidstate properties in these materials. In this chapter we review the crystallization and
melting processes of iPP/wood composites, under both dynamic and isothermal
conditions, as a function of the thermal history, the content of the filler and the presence
of interfacial agents as compatibilizers. The kinetic parameters and the evolution of the
energies associated with crystalline nucleation of polypropylene in this type of
composites and their relationship with the possible existence of a compatibilization
processes between the polypropylene matrix and the wood reinforcement are discussed.
For various decades plastic materials have played a fundamental role in our daily life. As
an integral part of their technological evolution, both mineral and organic fillers have been
added to polymeric matrices with the objectives of cost reduction, and increased stiffness and
toughness. For this reason polymer composites have been the object of growing scientific and
technological interest. However, the increased awareness and concern for environmental
issues has generated the need for the reduction and/or rationalization in the use of polymeric
materials, firstly because of their non-biodegradability, and secondly due to the short term
consumption of non-renewable energy sources such as petroleum. These are the fundamental
reasons for the interest in polymer composites that employ natural organic fillers, e.g. WPCs,
especially via combinations with recyclable and/or degradable polymer matrices (green
composites), as well as the different advantages that they offer when compared to polymer
composites with inorganic mineral fillers.
Interest in biodegradable polymer composites, or those which present a very low
environmental impact, is enormous and there is profuse activity in the study of composites
based on materials of vegetable origin with synthetic polymers which incorporate
biodegradable bonds, such as Mater-Bi, polylactic acid, poly(hydroxy-butyrate-cohydroxyvalerate), polyvinyl alcohol, polybutylene succinate, polyester amide and
polycaprolactone (1-20).
The main advantages in the use of natural fillers derived from wood, WF, are their
ecological implications and reduced costs, since they are extracted from generally highly
abundant plants, and frequently from sources of urban or industrial waste. Furthermore, these
fillers are generally less abrasive for processing equipment than inorganic fillers, are of lower
density, have good thermal and acoustic insulating properties, and on incineration can present
lower health risks if inhaled. In recent years, the use of natural organic fillers in polymers
sourced from post-consumer recycling and municipal solid waste has received growing
interest due to the advantages derived from cost, aesthetic properties and environmental
impact (21-27).
Fillers derived from wood, especially in the form of sawdust or fibres, have made an
important impact in the thermoplastic polymer industry, mainly as a result of their penetration
in the construction industry as both structural and semi-structural materials. Examples such as
decking, fencing, siding, roof tiles, door and window frames, indoor and garden furniture are
already abundant, and there is rapid growth in the transport, industrial and consumer sectors.
However, WPCs also present some disadvantages. Amongst these it is important to consider
their high sensitivity to humidity and their tendency to swell. Given that WPCs are low
maintainence solutions for exterior applications, the understanding of water absorption and
transport properties is fundamental in order to estimate the effect of humidity on phenomena
related to the loss of mechanical properties or biological attack such as mildew (28-39).
Further, since these WPCs can experiment undesirable colour changes, warping, swelling,
chalking, etc. it is essential to assure their behaviour with respect to environmental factors.
Thus the development of a better understanding of the mechanisms responsable for their
degradation due to external agents, and methods that improve their environmental resistance
are required (40-44).
Whilst there are numerous studies in the area of composite materials based on polymers
with fillers of vegetable origin (45-47), by far the major research and technological efforts
have been directed towards polyolefin matrices, fundamentally polyethylene, PE (48-57) and
isotactic polypropylene (58-67). When compared with mineral fillers, the principal
disadvantage of vegetable fillers resides in their low compatibility with hydrophobic matrices,
especially polyolefins, which reduces the possibility for efficient dispersion of the polar
particles in the apolar matrix, or adhesion with the polymeric chains. This often leads to the
formation of aggregates during processing with a subsequent reduction in, or loss of,
mechanical properties. In order to remedy this a major effort has been directed towards
increasing the adhesion between the vegetable filler and the polymer, and the improvement of
the dispersion of the filler in the matrix. Both aspects are of great importance and have been
faced by two different approaches. Firstly, the addition of a third component, known as a
coupling, interfacial or compatibilizing agent that, due to its inherent characteristics, can
improve the interfacial adhesion through the formation of bonds between the filler and the
matrix. Secondly, chemical treatment and surface modification of the fillers. There is much
information available on the modification or interfacial adhesion in PE or iPP with vegetable
fillers (68-85).
Isotactic polypropylene has been employed in the design and development of an endless
variety of polymeric blends and composites (86-90). Since iPP is a semicrystalline polymer,
the understanding of its crystallization and melting behaviour in composites with vegetable
fillers is essential. Further, the analysis of the influence of interfacial or compatibilizing
agents or filler surface treatments on the crystalline parameters, as well as the crystallization
kinetics and thermodynamics of iPP are intrinsic to the understanding of the solid state
properties of these composites.
In this chapter we present a revision of the crystallization and melting processes of iPP in
its composites with vegetable fillers, under both dynamic and isothermal conditions, and as a
function of the type, concentration and surface modification of the filler, and/or presence of
compatibilization agents. The kinetic parameters of crystallization, and the evolution of the
energies associated with the crystalline nucleation process of iPP in this type of composites,
and phenomena such as polymorphism and transcrystallinity, are also revised.
From a kinetics viewpoint the phenomenon of crystallization from the melt ocurrs via
two fundamental processes: crystalline nucleation and subsequent crystalline growth. The
first stage is the formation from the melt of stable crystalline nuclei, that is, ordered structures
whose dimensions have reached a critical value that allow them to experience subsequent
growth. This nucleation process can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. In homogeneous
nucleation the nuclei form sporadically and at random due to statistical fluctuations in the
polymer segments in the melt. This occurs at a constant rate. In the case of heterogeneous
nucleation, the presence of foreign particles induces nucleation at the surface of the particle.
This occurs at a non-constant rate. In practice, the nucleation phenomenon usually occurs
through intermediate mechanisms, either due to the presence of impurities or through
particles specifically introduced into the melt. This is the case for additives that impart
specific characteristics to the polymer, or those that accelerate the nucleation stage
denominated nucleating agents, whose specific aim is to increase the crystallization rate of
the polymer.
Once the nuclei are formed, either homogeneously or heterogeneously, these can undergo
unidimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional growth, generating crystalline
lamellae whose organization and packing give rise to the supracrystalline strutures which
constitute the morphology of the polymer (91-94). As a general rule, in the crystallization of
polymers the phase transition occurs at temperatures relatively far from the melting
temperature, i.e. at relatively large undercooling, T = Tm Tc , where Tm and Tc are the
melting and crystallization temperatures respectively. The reason lies in the high interfacial
free energies associated with the basal plane of the crystalline nuclei, and the difficult access
to macromolecular sequences or segments of sufficient length to undergo chain folding from
a random, disordered melt.
The nucleation rate, N, depends on the free energy necessary for the formation of a
critically sized nucleus, denominated the free energy of nucleation, G*, and on the free
energy necessary for the transport of the polymeric segments through the melt-crystal
interphase, Ed, and can be expressed as:
N = N0 exp [(-Ed - G*)/RTc]
At high Tc , i.e. low undercooling, G* is high and dominates over the transport term.
Thus, both the nucleation rate and the overall rate of crystallization are low. As the Tc is
diminished, T increases, G* is reduced, and the transport term gradually becomes more
important as the viscosity of the melt increases. The result is that the nucleation rate falls and
with it the overall crystallization rate. The balance between these two energies of nucleation
and transport generates a maximum in the crystallization rate, which is a general fact in the
crystallization of polymers.
From a technological point of view polymeric materials are processed from the melt
generally by cooling at a controlled rate, which provokes crystallization under dynamic
conditions. The incorporation of additives or nucleation agents during the process is of
normal practice in the polymer industry with the following objectives; to increase the number
of production cycles, thus reducing costs, and to improve materials properties. These agents
increase the crystallization rate by influencing the nucleation stage through the reduction of
the energetic barrier of the process.
Isotactic polypropylene is especially sensitive to the activity of both inorganic and
organic nucleating agents [95], and these have been used to improve both mechanical
properties directly related to the rigidity of the material and optical properties, as a function of
the induced crystalline structure. Particles of vegetable origin, both as dust (or flour) or fibres,
can exert a nucleating effect on the crystallization of iPP. Under dynamic conditions this
activity is manifested by an increase in the temperature corresponding to the minimum of the
crystallization exotherm, Tp, when the composite is cooled from the melt at a controlled
cooling rate.
iPP/Oak (10C/min)
iPP/Oak (5C/min)
iPP/Lignin (5C/min)
Figure 1. Variation of Tp for iPP in the composites described with respect to the composition of
vegetable filler (96-98).
Figure 1 shows the value of Tp , considered as the difference between the values of Tp
corresponding to iPP in the iPP/WF composite and the value of Tp for neat iPP obtained at the
same cooling rate, for different types of wood. In the case of oak (96) and lignin (97)
particles, the Tp values are positive, i.e. Tp for iPP in the composites is higher than that for
neat iPP, thus manifesting the nuclating activity of the wood particles. Further, this
phenomenon depends on the cooling rate, and is more important at lower rates. However,
although nucleating activity exists in both aforementioned cases, it varies as a function of the
composition. For oak the value of Tp falls with filler concentration, whereas the contrary
occurs in the case of lignin. This can almost certainly be attributed to the better dispersion of
the lignin particles in the iPP matrix, whilst in the case of oak the formation of particle
aggregates occurs with increasing concentration. However, the most relevant case is that
presented by the iPP/Bamboo composites (98), where not only is the nucleating effect absent,
but there is also a depression in the value of Tp.
The presence of an interfacial agent generally reduces this nucleating effect, as can be
observed in Figure 2, where the dynamic crystallization exotherms corresponding to cooling
from the melt are compared for a PP/Oak system compatibilized with an ethylene-methacrylic
acid ionomer at different compositions (99). The exotherms shift to lower temperatures in the
presence of the interfacial agent, i.e. both the temperatures associated with the start of
crystallization and the exotherm maxima are lower than those corresponding to the
composites without the compatibilizing agent. As an example, Figure 3 shows the value of
the maximum in Tp for iPP/Oak and iPP/Bamboo composites in the presence of
organosilane coupling agents (74, 98, 100, 101), or treatment of the wood with NaOH and
other procedures (102).
iPP/Oak/I 90/10/10
iPP/Oak/I 90/10/5
dQ/dT (a.u.)
iPP/Oak 80/20
iPP/Oak/I 90/10/10
iPP/Oak/I 90/10/5
iPP/Oak 90/10
T (C)
Figure 2. Crystallization exotherms correponding to cooling from the melt at a rate of 10C/min of the
PP/Oak system, compatibilized with a ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymer, I, at the given
compositions (99).
iPP/Bamboo (AS3%)
iPP/Bamboo (TMOS 3%)
Figure 3. Variation in Tp for iPP in the composites described with respect to the vegetable filler (74,
98, 100-102).
In iPP/Pine and iPP/Beech composites the influence of prior chemical treatment of the
fibres with NaOH and subsequent esterification with maleic, propionic, crotonic, succinic and
phthallic anhydrides has been studied (103), and an important increase of between 5 9 C in
the crystallization temperature was found compared to that for neat iPP. It was also found that
the values of Tp are dependant on the chemical treatment, with an increase of around 1 4 C
observed in the composites with chemical modification with respect to those without.
Superior activity was observed for pine wood modified with maleic or succinic anhydride,
and beech wood esterified with succinic anhydride.
Furthermore, the relationship between the supramolecular structure of iPP and the kinetic
crystallization parameters have been studied in iPP/Flax and iPP/Hemp composites. The
chemical modification of the lignocellulose fibres reduces both the nucleation density and the
crystallization rate. On the other hand, the increase in the crystallization rate observed in the
presence of un-modified fibres was attributed to the ability to generate another polymorphic
phase of iPP (104). The experimental evidence currently available confirms the fact that the
local chemical nature of the lignocellulose component plays an important role in the
nucleation process of iPP (105).
In some cases the presence of an interfacial agent has been reported to slightly reduce the
crystallization temperature of iPP, for example in iPP/WF composites in the presence of
different concentrations of a styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene copolymer grafted with
maleic anhydride, SEBS-g-MA, due to the fact that the interaction between the anhydride
group and the WF inhibits the molecular mobility in the interphase, with a consequent
restriction in the crystalline nucleation (106). Other interfacial agents based on isocyanates
have also been used as compatibilizers to improve interfacial adhesion in iPP composites with
cellulose derivatives (107). In all cases a nucleating effect on the crystallization of iPP was
described in the presence of the vegetable filler. The addition of the compatibilizer reduces
the values of Tp, although they remain superior to those for neat iPP, indicating that the
chemical bond between the isocyanate group and the surface OH groups of the WF
increments the interfacial adhesion, increasing the melt viscosity of the system, and limiting
the molecular packing of the iPP macromolecules.
The observation of the fracture surfaces of iPP/WF composites by scanning electron
microscopy, SEM, provides useful information on the levels of interaction between the
thermoplastic matrix and the filler (25, 49, 85). Figure 4 shows the fracture surface
corresponding to an iPP composite with Oak woodflour, both without compatibilizer and
compatibilized with vinyltrimethoxysilane (74, 80).
The cellular structure of the wood particles can be easily distinguished, and shows either
empty cavities, or cavities filled with the iPP matrix. Gaps between the polymer and the
particles can be clearly observed at the walls of the cellular niches, and the fracture surfaces
are seen to be very clean and devoid of flaking or adhered particles, which is a result of the
poor adhesion between the components, Figure 4a. This effect can be more clearly observed
in the microphotograph of the composite with 50% woodflour, Figure 4b. The coupling of the
surface of the filler with an interfacial agent such as vinyltrimethoxysilane contributes to the
reduction of the interfacial tension, generating a more isotropic fracture surface and
increasing the level of wetting, as observed in Figure 4c where it is very difficult to
differentiate between the particles as their dispersion in the matrix is increased and the
interphase improved.
Figure 4. SEM microphotographs of the fracture surfaces of an iPP composite with (a) 10% Oak
woodflour without compatibilizer, (b) 50% Oak woodflour without compatibilizer, (c) 10% Oak
woodflour compatibilized with vinyltrimethoxysilane (74, 80).
I (a.u.)
Tc = 30C
Figure 5. WAXS diffractograms corresponding to a heating cycle from room temperature of an iPP/Oak
80/20 composite compatibilized with an ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymer (96).
In the heating thermograms after the crystallization of iPP with Pine and Beech treated
with NaOH and posterior esterification with maleic, propionic, crotonic, succinic and
phthallic anhydrides, the presence of a small endotherm at around 150 C has also been
detected, and corresponds to the melting of crystals associated to the presence of between 4
6 % of the trigonal phase. The differences found in the polymorphs formed, depending on
the chemical modification of the wood, suggest that the formation of the trigonal phase is
associated with, on the one hand, the different nucleating capacities of the surface of the
wood, and on the other, the crystalline growth rate (103).
The comparative analysis of flax fibres, unmodified and modified with acetic anhydride,
shows that the modification provokes a reduction in the crystalline growth rate and
consequently in the fraction of the trigonal polymorph. A similar effect has been found in
composites of iPP with silane or octylisocyanate modified flax fibres (104). The formation of
the trigonal polymorph in composites of iPP with treated and untreated flax and hemp, is
dependant on the temperature of the melt in which the fibre is dispersed, such that at lower
temperature the trigonal fraction increases. Chemical modification of the fibre significantly
reduces the concentration of this polymorph (115). Also in the case of iPP/PP-g-
MA/Teawood flour composites, a small fraction of trigonal crystals are formed, which
disappears when the fibre is treated with maleic anhydride (116). In iPP/Sisal composites,
trigonal polymorph fractions of around 0.3 have been observed, which diminish in the
presence of a compatibilizing agent such as SEBS-MA (117). This polymorph has also been
detected in iPP/Cellulose composites (118) and in iPP/acetyl Jute or grafted with poly(methyl
methacrylate), PMMA (119).
In polymeric materials the isothermal crystallization process generally takes place at high
crystallization temperature intervals, i.e. low undercooling, where the free energy of
nucleation is high and consequently the crystalline nucleation rate is low, leading to
crystalline growth rates and global crystallization rates that are also low. It is under these
conditions that the differences that exist in the process of crystalline nucleation are best
In Figure 6 the evolution of the crystallization exotherms obtained by differential
scanning calorimetry for neat iPP are compared over a range of crystallization temperatures
between 126 and 136 C, after cooling from the melt at 210 C (120).
Tc = 126C
dQ/dt (a.u)
Figure 6. Crystallization exotherms for iPP at the crystallization temperatures indicated (120).
It is observed that the induction period, the width of the exotherm and the time necessary
to complete crystallization all increase with Tc, reflecting a diminishing overall crystallization
rate with the reduction of the undercooling of the system. This dependency of the rate with
the temperature implies that the crystallization process is controlled by the nucleation stage
for the system.
In binary iPP/WF composites, the presence of the vegetable filler provokes a reduction in
the induction time and a shift in the exotherm minima to shorter times with respect to neat iPP
for the same crystallization temperatures. This effect can be observed in iPP/Oak flour
composites for a Tc of 130 C in Figure 7, and represents the existence of a nucleating effect
of the WF particles on the crystallization of the iPP (120).
iPP/Oak 90/10
iPP/Oak/I 90/9/1
iPP/Oak 80/20
iPP/Oak/I 80/18/2
t (min)
Figure 7.- Crystallization exotherms at Tc = 130 C, for iPP in composites of iPP/Oak and
iPP/Oak/Ethylene-Methacrylic acid copolymer, I, at the compositions indicated (120).
The crystallization rate can be analysed using the values of i , which corresponds to the
time necessary to reach a degree of crystalline transformation of i, where i is between 0 (no
transformation) and 1 (complete transformation). This parameter represents the overall or
global crystallization rate, G, considering that G ~ (i)-1. In Figure 8, the evolution of 0.5 as a
function of Tc is shown for a wide range of systems based on iPP and vegetable fillers. A
pronounced change in the crystallization rate can be seen as Tc is increased, manifesting a
clear nucleating effect as a function of the presence of the vegetable filler.
The crystallization kinetics can be followed using the models of Avrami and Gler and
Sachs (91). The Avrami model, or restricted growth model, takes into account the
perturbation of adjacent nuclei, whilst the Gler-Sachs model assumes free growth. Both
models coincide when the crystallization process is analysed at low conversion and/or low
degrees of crystallinity, and provide the rate constant for the process, k, and the parameter n,
generally denominated as the Avrami exponent, that defines the type of nucleation and the
growth geometry of the polymer crystals. In the case of iPP/WF composites diverse values of
n have ben obtained, oscillating between 2 and 4 for the case of iPP composites filled with
flax fibres, sisal fibres, oak flour or lignin (97, 108, 120-123), amongst others. In the
majority, the value of n depends on the type of vegetable filler employed and the
crystallization conditions, where the contribution of different types of nucleation and growth
is common in the crystallization of these systems.
iPP/OAK 90/10
iPP/OAK 80/20
iPP/Flax 70/30
iPP/Sisal 80/20
iPP/Lignin 95/5
iPP/Lignin 85/15
iPP/Pine 50/50
iPP/Yellow Poplar 50/50
iPP/Walnut 50/50
Tc (C)
Figure 8. Variation in 0.5 as a function of Tc for the iPP/WF composites described (97, 108, 120-123).
The determination of the mode of crystalline nucleation and growth permits the analysis
of the overall crystallization rate, either from the value of the rate constant k at each
crystallization temperature, determined from the Avrami and/or Gler-Sachs models, or by
calculation from the expression (124):
k = ln 2/ (n 0.5)
where 0.5 is the time necessary to reach 50% crystalline transformation. In this manner the
rate constants associated to different vegetable fillers can be compared. Table I presents the
values of k at a Tc of 130 C, where the differences observed can be due to the surface
morphology of the different vegetable fillers.
Table I. Crystallization rate constants for iPP/WF composites at Tc = 130 C
Red Cedar
Osage Orange
Yellow Poplar
Mass WF (%)
k.103 (min-n)
Assuming spherulitic growth, the number of primary nuclei per unit volume, N, i.e., the
density of crystalline nuclei, can be calculated from the relation (91):
N = (k/3)[3c
where is the radial growth rate, is the degree of crystallinity at infinite time and
and c are the densities of the amorphous and crystalline phases respectively. It can also be
calculated using the Kowalewsky and Galeski approximation (125):
N = 3k3/n/43
The effects of the vegetable filler and the crystallization temperature on the nucleation
density has been analysed in some systems (97, 108) and, as an example, Figure 9 shows the
variation in the rate of spherulitic growth and nucleation density with Tc for iPP composites
with lignin compared with that for neat iPP (97). A reduction in the crystalline growth rate
and the nucleation density with Tc can be observed. However, whilst the variation observed in
the growth rate due to the presence of lignin is practically negligible, the increase experienced
in the nucleation density is very important in the presence of this filler. The values of N
calculated for the composites are superior by 2 or 3 orders of magnitude than those for neat
iPP, which is directly related to the effect of the lignin particles on the nucleation stage in iPP.
iPP/Lignin 95/5
iPP/Lignin 85/15
N iPP/Lignin 95/5
N iPP/Lignin 85/15
N (cm-3)
G (cm/min)
Tc (C)
Figure 9. Variation in the nucleation density and the crystalline growth rate with crystallization
temperature for iPP/lignin composites (97).
In composites of iPP with Oak flour containing an ionomeric interfacial agent, ethylenemethacrylic acid copolymer, I, a reduction in the rate of crystallization is observed with
respect to that of neat iPP, since the crystallization exotherms shift to longer crystallization
times for the same Tc, Figure 7. This reduction in the global crystallization rate is not only
manifested by this shift, but also by a reduction in the isothermal crystallization rate constant
with respect to both neat iPP and iPP in the binary composites (120), Figure 10. This suggests
that, on the one hand the interfacial agent cancels the nucleating effect, and on the other a
compatibilization phenomenon is generated between the iPP matrix and the surface of the
vegetable filler. Nevertheless, in the treatment of flax fibre with PP-g-MA in composites with
iPP the same nucleating effect has not been observed (121).
- log k (min-n)
iPP/Oak 80/20
iPP/Oak/I 80/19/1
iPP/Flax 70/30
iPP/Flax70/30 T MAPP
Tc (C)
Figure 10. Variation of the crystallization rate constant with Tc for iPP/Oak and iPP/Flax composites in
the presence of compatibilizing agent (120, 121)
The melting of iPP in its composites with vegetable fillers is not generally very different
to that of neat iPP. Depending on the molecular weight and the conditions of isothermal
crystallization, the melting endotherms of neat iPP present a maximum with an associated
shoulder at lower temperature, Figure 11a. (120). Both shift to higher temperature as the Tc is
increased. This is related to families of iPP crystallites whose size also increases as the level
of undercooling decreases. The more imperfect crystals melt giving rise to the lower
temperature shoulder in the endotherm, and the melting of the larger crystals constitute the
main part of the endotherm, without excluding the existence of simultaneous processes of
melting-recrystallization-melting. The presence of a vegetable filler such as oak flour, with or
without the presence of an interfacial agent, does not substantially alter this behaviour,
Figures 11b-c. Neither does the presence of other vegetable fillers such as flax or sisal (97,
108, 121, 126). The levels of crystallinity also remain practically invariable with respect to
neat iPP, although the degree of crystallinity has been reported to increase very slightly for
systems with untreated flax fibres, and to fall below the values for neat iPP in the case of
treated flax fibres (121).
dQ/dT (u.a)
Tc =126C
T (C)
dQ/dT (a.u)
Tc= 125C
dQ/dT (a.u)
Figure 11. Heating thermograms after isothermal crystallization of (a) neat iPP, (b) iPP/Oak 80/20, (c)
iPP/Oak/I 80/18/2, at the Tc values indicated (120)
Transcrystallinity appears when the density of crystalline nuclei on the surface of a fibre
in contact with the molten polymer is markedly higher than that in the polymer itself. The
lateral growth of these crystalline nuclei at the surface of the fibre is almost completely
impeded parallel to the surface, due to the presence of neighbouring nuclei. Thus, only
growth perpendicular to the surface, i.e. to the fibre axis, is possible and as a consequence a
crystalline orientation develops resulting in the appearence of a region denominated
transcrystalline, TCL, which emerges parallel to the surface. Transcrystallization is possible
if the energetic conditions for nucleation are more favourable at the surface than in the
unperturbed polymer melt, i.e. the surface should present heterogeneous nucleation activity
(112, 127).
Both nucleation and crystalline growth are highly influenced by the temperature gradient
of the interphase, the chemical composition and topography of the surface and its crystalline
morphology, the surface energy, the presence of nucleating agents and the existence of
epitaxial phenomena. Some debate exists on the nucleation mechanisms and their influence
on the mechanical properties of the composites (128-131). The capacity of different cellulose
fibres to induce transcrystallinity in iPP has been well described in the literature (102, 118,
122, 126, 132).
Figure 12. Microphotograph obtained by polarized light microscopy of an iPP/Sisal fibre system
crystallized by cooling from the melt at 210 C. Cooling rate = 5 C/min.
One of the most interesting cases is that of composites of iPP with Sisal fibres. The
incorporation of Sisal fibres results in an apparant increase in the crystallization temperature
and the degree of crystallinity of iPP (126). Whilst some authors only observed the existence
of transcrystallinity in this type of PP/Sisal fibre system at high undercooling (108), others
have demonstrated the formation of transcrystallinity bands under both dynamic and
isothermal conditions (126). In Figure 12, a transcrystalline band in iPP, generated by
heterogeneous nucleation on a sisal fibre by cooling from the melt at 210 C with a cooling
rate of 5 C/min, can be observed in a spherulitic matrix.
Under isothermal conditions the dimensions of these bands are a function of the both Tc
and time. Figure 13 compares the development of the TCL band on a sisal fibre under
isothermal conditions, at Tc = 137 C, as a function of time.
Figure 13. Evolution of the TCL band in a PP/Sisal composite at a crystallization temperature of 137
C, at the following times (a) 5, (b) 15, (c) 25 and (d) 40 minutes.
It should be pointed out that the spherulitic radius and the dimension in the growth
direction of the TCL band with crystallization time at the same Tc are practically identical
(121). Figure 14 shows the evolution of the sperulitic radius and the thickness of the TCL
bands grown in a PP/Sisal composite crystallized isothermally at 137 C.
In the process of transcrystallization, the nucleation density at the surface of the fibre and
in the bulk iPP melt falls with increasing Tc, reducing the crystallization rate and increasing
the final dimensions of the transcrystalline layer (133, 134). It has been found that the cooling
rate before reaching the crystallization temperature had no effect on the isothermal
crystallization process in PP/Flax fibres (132).
r (m)
L (m)
t (min)
Figure 14. Variation in the thickness of the TCL band and the spherulitc radius in a PP/Sisal composite.
Tc = 137 C.
Some of the most interesting aspects of the transcrystallization process in this type of
composite are related with the influence of the existence of stress during crystallization.
Shearing or pulling the fibres through the melt at or near Tc is one example of stress
induced crystallisation, which reduces the formation time for the TCL band, compared to the
time for that originated by normal, or quiescent crystallization (126). Further, it has been
found that whilst a TCL band is observed in the isothermal crystallization of PP/untreated
Flax fibre, when the surface of the fibre is treated transcrystallization is not observed (121).
Thus, the crystalline morphology in fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites is strongly
influenced by the surface treatment of the fibre, as well as the crystallization temperature. In
the case of iPP composites with cellulose it has been demonstrated that pre-treatment of the
surface of the vegetable fibre with different chemical agents inactivates the surface
phenomena responsible for transcrystallinity (135), and it has been pointed out that the
coupling agent that improves the interfacial interaction between the cellulose and the matrix
must be localised at the interface (118), thus causing an inhibition of the process of
transcrystallization, or at least a significant reduction in the nucleation density on the fibre
surface. Other authors have found that in the PP/untreated Cellulose fibre system
transcrystallinity was observed (109). However, when the fibres were treated no TCL bands
were observed, and they propose a possible mechanism for the appearance of the
transcrystallinity band which involves the crystalline structures in the matrix and the treated
and untreated filler.
Finally, when a nucleating agent is incorporated in order to generate a specific polymorph
in the iPP matrix, whether it be monoclinic or trigonal (136, 137), the nucleating activity of
the vegetable fibre is lower than that of the nucleating agent and as such the density of
nucleation in the melt is higher than at the fibre surface. Thus the process of
transcrystallization is practically eliminated, both under dynamic and isothermal
crystallization conditions. Figure 15 shows the typically spherulitic morphology obtained in
the case of neat iPP, Fig.15a, along with those obtained in the presence of a nucleating agent
inducing the monoclinic polymorph, Fig.15b, sisal fibre, Fig.15c and a sisal fibre with the
same nucleating agent, Fig.15d, at a Tc of 137 C. In the presence of the nucleating agent, Fig.
15b, the birrefringent structures correspond to crystalline entities of less than 1 m in
diameter, resulting from the high nucleation density induced by the nucleating agent, whose
presence inhibits the nucleating effect of the fibre surface, Fig. 15d.
Figure 15. Polarized light microphotographs corresponding to the isothermal crystallization at Tc = 137
C of (a) neat iPP, (b) iPP/monoclinic nucleating agent, (c) iPP/Sisal, (d) iPP/Sisal/monoclinic
nucleating agent.
We have already seen that when crystallizing polymeric materials at low undercooling,
i.e. high crystallization temperatures, the rate of crystallization is higher the larger the
undercooling, and the crystallization process is controlled by the nucleation stage, i.e. by the
free energy of nucleation, G*, which can be given by the expression:
4b0 u eTm0
H 100 T
The terms e and u are the basal and lateral interfacial free energies of the crystallite,
respectively, b0 = 6.26 and represents the thickness of each crystalline monolayer added
during growth, Tm0 represents the equilibrium melting temperature of iPP, and H100
corresponds to the melting enthalpy of 100% crystalline iPP.
The presence in the iPP melt of a foreign substrate frequently provokes a reduction in the
critical size of the crystalline nucleus necessary for subsequent growth, because the
generation of an interphase between the polymeric crystal and the substrate may be more
favourable than the creation of a crystalline nucleus from the melt. Heterogeneous nucleation
actually occurs through the reduction of the free energy of nucleation, producing a higher
nucleation rate and consequently a higher crystallization rate. In iPP three crystallization
regimes exist (138-147) and can be associated with discontinuities in the temperature
coefficients as a consequence of different modes of crystal growth. The transition from
regime III to regime II takes place at Tc values between 135 137 C, and that from regime II
to regime I between 148 155 C (141, 142, 148). According to the kinetic theory of
crystallization (92, 145, 149), the crystallization rate, G can be given by:
log G
log G0
2.3R(Tc T )
2.3Tc T
where U/2.3R(Tc-T) represents the transport term through the melt crystal interface at Tc
(150), and Kg(III) = 4 ueb0Tm0 / k H100 for regime III, with k in this case corresponding to
the Boltzmann constant. The viscosity of the system is infinite at the temperature T and is
equivalent to Tg 30, which corresponds to 231.1 K for iPP. The influence of the increase in
H100 can be eliminated by applying the Hoffman, Davis and Lauritzen approximation (92),
where the interfacial free energy is given by:
u H100 a0b0 1 / 2
where 0.1 and a0b0 = 34.37 2 representing the chain cross section in the iPP crystal, and
the values of the basal interfacial free energy, given in Table II, can be obtained from the
following expression:
kK g III
4b0Tm0 a 0 b0
1/ 2
Table II. Nucleation parameters for the isothermal crystallization of iPP/Oak (120)
(mass %)
(mass %)
e x 1010
G* x10-16
It seems clear that the reduction in the values of e in binary iPP/WF composites, with
values of 1.50 and 1.56 x 10-8 kJ cm-2 for the 90/10 and 80/20 composites, respectively,
compared to that of 1.71 x 10-8 kJ cm-2 in the case of neat iPP, Table II, is associated with the
nucleating effect of the vegetable filler (120). This behaviour is in agreement with Beck
(152), and is similar to that which occurs when nucleating agents (153-156) or nanofillers
(157) are present, or there are different types of fibres where transcrystallization is observed
(158). However, the presence of the interfacial agent in the ternary composites, especially in
the case of the 80/20 composites, compensates for or practically eliminates the nucleating
effect of the vegetable filler.
The free energy of nucleation increases with decreasing undercooling, and is lower for
the iPP/Oak composites than for neat iPP at the same Tc, confirming that the energy barrier
for nucleation is lower when the WF component is present, leading to an increase in the
overall rate of crystallization, Table II. The interfacial agent present in the ternary composites
clearly cancels out the nucleating effect of the WF through a reduction in the crystallization
rate, as mentioned earlier. This effect is accompanied by an important change in the values of
the respective basal interfacial free energies. In many binary semicrystalline amorphous
polymeric systems it is well known that a reduction in the crystallization rate of the
semicrystalline component indicates the existence of miscibility between the systems (159).
Moreover, in binary semicrystalline semicrystalline polymer systems where one component
has a nucleating effect on the other, the corresponding increase in the rate of crystallization
disappears when a compatibilizing agent is present (160). Factors such as the existence of
interactions between the matrix and the interfacial agent will undoubtedly generate some
compatibilization in the system.
The presence of wood particles exerts a nucleating effect on the crystallization of iPP,
which is manifested in the increase in the crystallization rate and the nucleation density. This
effect depends on the characteristics and concentration of the vegetable filler and its surface
treatment, the presence of interfacial agents, and the crystallization conditions of the
composite. Generally the surface modification or the presence of compatibilizing agents
cancels the crystalline nucleation effect. The melting behaviour of iPP is on the whole
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absorption spectra, 64
abstraction, 70, 74
accelerator, 51
accessibility, 143
accommodation, 173
accounting, 134
acetic acid, 51, 89, 93, 118
acid, viii, 54, 57, 62, 66, 81, 89, 93, 134, 167, 191,
206, 216
acrylonitrile, 182
activation energy, 186
active transport, 137
adaptation, 113, 115, 131
additives, 34, 35, 56, 207, 208
adhesion, xi, 194, 205, 207, 211
Africa, 173, 177
age, 112, 120, 121, 155, 172, 176
aggregates, 77, 207, 209
aging process, 56
agriculture, 82, 106, 107
agro chemical, viii, 81
agroforestry, vii, ix, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118, 122,
123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
air pollutants, 106
air quality, 99
alcohol, 25, 67, 90, 91, 118
alcohols, 55, 56, 69, 76, 93
aldehydes, 55, 56
alkane, 56
alkenes, 74
alkylation, 71, 76
alternative energy, 50
alternative fuel, viii, 49, 76, 77
aluminum, 2
amino acids, 119
ammonium, 6, 25, 117
bacteria, ix, 25, 92, 111, 140
Bangladesh, 127
beams, 14, 41, 51
beech, ix, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 168, 211
behavior, x, 12, 21, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 202
Beijing, 47
Belarus, 3, 4, 38, 44, 45
bending, 183, 184, 187, 191, 194, 196, 197, 198,
199, 200
benzene, 70, 71, 156
benzylation, x, 181, 182, 183, 186, 189, 190
bio-chemical, viii, 81
biodegradability, xi, 205, 206
biodiversity, ix, 126, 133
calcium, 112, 119, 120, 170
calcium carbonate, 170
cambium, 140
Canada, 156, 167, 174
capillary, 3, 5, 6, 8, 14, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 53
carbohydrate, 165, 166
carbohydrates, 69
carbon, vii, ix, 2, 3, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25, 51, 55, 58, 59,
82, 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 99, 108,
111, 112, 118, 128, 133, 134, 137, 146, 151, 152,
153, 159, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 171, 172, 174,
175, 186, 192
carbon atoms, 55
carbon dioxide, 2, 3, 7, 15, 16, 24, 59, 91, 92, 93,
146, 166, 171
carbon monoxide, 93, 97, 108
carbonization, 66, 106
carbonyl groups, 57, 58, 59, 75, 186
carboxylic acids, 67
carrier, 24, 53, 56, 76
case study, 167
catalysis, 25
catalyst, 25
C-C, 24, 67, 71, 184
cell, x, 3, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 42,
134, 168, 171, 174, 176, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197,
198, 199, 202
cellulose, viii, x, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 90, 112,
145, 156, 165, 166, 167, 168, 181, 182, 183, 185,
186, 192, 211, 221, 223, 227
cellulose derivatives, 211
cellulose fibre, 221, 227
chain transfer, 74
channels, 26
chemical bonds, 182
chemical industry, 50
chemical interaction, 76
chemical properties, 28, 93, 136, 144, 146
chemical reactions, 22
chemical treatment, xi, 193, 199, 202, 207, 210
China, v, ix, 47, 151, 152, 153, 154, 165, 166, 167,
168, 173, 178
chromium, 24
circulation, 41, 42, 43, 116
City, 151, 173
classes, 134, 135, 136, 137, 148
classification, 83, 130, 135
cleaning, 106
cleavage, 53, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67, 71, 73
cleavages, 60, 61
climate change, 2, 90
closure, 37
cluster analysis, 140
CO2, ix, 2, 15, 16, 24, 59, 66, 82, 84, 88, 93, 99,
105, 106, 137, 140, 143, 151, 152, 153, 166
coal, 8, 38, 94, 173, 194
coarse woody debris, vii, ix, 133, 137, 139, 146, 147,
coefficient of variation, 158, 159
coffee, 126, 127, 129, 130
colonisation, 130, 134
colonization, 116, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126,
127, 128, 129, 138, 141, 143
combustion, viii, 24, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94,
99, 100, 102, 106, 109
community, viii, 81, 106, 129, 135, 140, 145, 178
compatibility, 126, 207
compatibilizers, xi, 205, 211
compatibilizing agents, 207, 212, 226, 227
competition, 127
competitiveness, 105
components, viii, xi, 18, 34, 38, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55,
56, 61, 62, 64, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 86, 117,
120, 129, 134, 135, 145, 147, 148, 182, 205, 211
composites, xi, 181, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 198,
202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214,
216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 223, 225, 226, 227, 231
composition, 24, 26, 34, 38, 40, 41, 51, 53, 54, 55,
56, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 93, 105,
112, 120, 121, 135, 148, 156, 167, 168, 172, 173,
209, 221, 227
compounds, 22, 34, 51, 55, 56, 57, 59, 63, 66, 70, 73,
74, 82, 156
compressibility, 199
compression, vii, x, 1, 170, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198,
202, 213
concentrates, 119
concentration, ix, 28, 29, 34, 37, 40, 55, 76, 84, 111,
116, 118, 119, 123, 124, 129, 136, 137, 141, 143,
144, 153, 166, 186, 195, 207, 209, 213, 214, 226
condensation, 53, 54, 65, 76, 100
conditioning, 9
conductance, ix, 151, 152, 153
conduction, 4, 14, 164
conifer, 134, 143, 146, 148, 168
conjugation, 67
conservation, 25, 108, 178, 191
constant rate, 207
construction, 2, 94, 98, 99, 114, 152, 206
consumption, vii, 1, 2, 16, 50, 102, 104, 105, 143,
152, 165, 166, 206
control, 9, 18, 19, 28, 32, 183, 199
conventional engine fuel, viii, 49
conversion, viii, 49, 50, 61, 75, 77, 81, 82, 83, 86,
87, 88, 90, 106, 107, 216
cooking, viii, 81, 84, 86, 94, 97, 98
cookstoves, viii, 81, 98, 99, 108, 109
cooling, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 23, 38, 40, 52, 59, 106,
147, 208, 209, 210, 213, 215, 221, 222
cooling process, 10
copper, 24, 174
correlation, x, 151, 157, 158, 159, 163, 164, 165, 172
correlation analysis, 157
correlation coefficient, 158, 163
correlations, ix, 62, 151, 152, 158, 163
corrosion, 90
cosmic rays, 171
costs, xi, 90, 123, 205, 206, 208
cotton, 57, 61, 64
coupling, 191, 207, 209, 211, 223, 227
covering, 159, 174
creep, x, 193, 196
critical value, 207
crops, 50, 82, 83, 114
crude oil, 90
crystal growth, 225
crystalline, xi, 56, 182, 185, 186, 205, 207, 208, 211,
213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 223, 224, 225,
226, 227
crystalline lamellae, 208
crystallinity, x, 181, 183, 190, 192, 212, 216, 219
crystallisation, 223
crystallites, 213, 219
crystallization, xi, 191, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212,
213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223,
224, 225, 226, 227
crystallization kinetics, 207, 216
crystals, 214, 215, 216, 219
cultivation, 50, 121, 152
culture, 123, 135
culture conditions, 135
curing, xi, 193, 194, 196
cycles, 9, 11, 14, 15, 19, 37, 86, 173, 177, 208
cycling, 121, 128, 145, 167
Czech Republic, 174
dating, 172, 173, 174, 175
decay, vii, ix, 1, 2, 24, 53, 58, 59, 66, 71, 133, 134,
135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,
146, 147, 148, 149, 171, 194
decay process, ix, 133, 134, 135, 140, 142, 143, 144
decomposition, vii, ix, 55, 63, 64, 66, 74, 75, 76, 93,
121, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,
142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 198, 199
defect formation, 14
defects, 8, 12, 17, 19, 22, 43
deficit, 50, 64
deformation, x, 83, 84, 184, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198,
200, 202
degradation, 25, 55, 56, 70, 73, 74, 75, 145, 147,
173, 206
degradation process, 73
degree of crystallinity, 213, 218, 219, 221
dehydration, vii, 1, 6, 8, 15, 66, 67, 76, 91
density, 7, 23, 43, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 62, 63, 65, 95,
99, 114, 115, 117, 118, 121, 140, 144, 166, 181,
194, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 206, 211, 218, 221,
222, 223, 226
Department of Agriculture, 127
deposition, 50, 173, 176
deposits, 172, 173, 175
depression, 209, 213
depressurization, vii, 1, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 42,
derivatives, 55, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 76, 182
destruction, viii, 8, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61,
63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76
developed countries, 84
developed nations, 84
developing countries, 82, 84, 90, 94, 108
dewatering, vii, 1, 6, 7
dielectric constant, 24
diesel engines, 106
differential scanning, x, 181, 191, 215
differential scanning calorimetry, x, 181, 191, 215
differentiation, 172
diffraction, 213
diffusion, 5, 9, 14, 16, 22, 23, 37, 59, 153
digestion, 68, 86, 92, 106, 117
dimerization, 74
dimethylsulfoxide, 192
discrimination, 166, 167
dispersion, 61, 207, 209, 211
dissociation, 71
distillation, viii, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 90, 91
distribution, viii, x, 2, 5, 16, 26, 28, 29, 34, 36, 37,
38, 40, 50, 56, 100, 118, 124, 126, 129, 131, 136,
146, 147, 149, 169, 170, 173, 174
diversification, x, 169
diversity, x, 88, 123, 126, 128, 140, 145, 148, 169,
DNA, 149
draft, viii, 81, 101, 102, 103
dressing material, 50
drops, vii, 1, 14, 17, 43
drought, 121, 124, 152
dry matter, ix, 111, 116, 119, 121, 123
drying, vii, viii, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 32, 34, 42, 43,
81, 86, 100, 117
drying kilns, viii, 1, 5, 7
drying rate, vii, 1, 5, 14, 19, 43
DSC, x, 181, 183, 187
durability, 24, 25, 194, 202
duration, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19, 22, 37, 51, 62, 96
dyeing, 37
dyes, viii, 2, 3, 34
dynamic mechanical analysis, x, 181
earth, 84, 90
Eastern Europe, 179
ECM, 112, 116, 118, 120, 121, 123
ecology, 130, 145, 146, 148, 170, 176
economic evaluation, 109
economics, 2, 101, 105, 106
ecosystem, 112, 128, 166, 167
Education, 126
Egypt, 174, 177
elastic deformation, 196
exploitation, 120
exposure, 5, 29, 148
extraction, vii, 1, 86, 156, 165, 191, 213
fabrication, 94, 199, 202
family, 94, 97, 114, 173, 174
farms, 92, 127
FAS, 128
fatty acids, 93
fermentation, 86, 90, 91
fertility, 50, 112, 115, 123, 124, 126
fertilization, 112, 115, 118, 126
fertilizers, 2, 122, 123
fibers, 23, 66, 77, 181, 182, 183, 189, 190, 192
filler surface, 207
fillers, xi, 205, 206, 207, 213, 216, 217, 219, 225
films, 34, 66, 182
filtration, 182
financial support, 123, 202
Finland, 2, 7, 148
fire hazard, 97
fixation, 56, 129, 166, 172
flame, 25, 96, 105, 117
flour, 98, 208, 215, 216, 218, 219
fluctuations, 176, 207
fluid, vii, 1, 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 41, 86, 87
fodder, viii, 50, 81, 82, 167
food, viii, 81, 82, 94, 109, 152
food processing industry, 109
forest ecosystem, vii, ix, 133, 134, 145
forest management, 112, 147
forests, ix, 84, 111, 112, 124, 126, 131, 134, 135,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 166, 168, 170,
172, 173, 174, 176, 177
formaldehyde, 199, 202
fossil, vii, viii, x, 81, 82, 84, 105, 169, 170, 171, 172,
173, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180
fractional composition, 76
fragments, 29, 37, 40, 56, 58, 62, 63, 68, 76, 170,
France, 7, 173, 177
franchise, 102
free energy, 208, 215, 224, 225, 226, 227
free radicals, 58
free volume, 26, 186
fructose, 92
fruits, 173, 178, 179
FTIR, x, 181, 182, 184, 185, 190
FTIR spectroscopy, x, 181, 185
fuel, viii, 2, 49, 50, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88,
90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 105,
106, 107, 108, 172
gases, vii, 1, 3, 5, 13, 51, 53, 56, 87, 88, 89, 97, 99
gasification, viii, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 93, 100, 107,
gasifier, viii, 81, 88, 94, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
105, 106, 109
gasoline, 90
gel, 149
gelation, 195
generation, xi, 82, 86, 87, 93, 100, 106, 205, 225
geology, 178
Germany, 7, 108, 156, 168
glass transition, 14, 183, 187
glass transition temperature, 14, 183
global climate change, 2, 106
glucose, 57
glycol, 25
grass, 83, 128, 172
Greece, 174
Green lumber, vii, 1
greenhouse gas, viii, 81, 84, 106, 109
greenhouse gas emissions, viii, 81, 84
greenhouse gases, 106, 109
grouping, 174
groups, 56, 57, 59, 61, 69, 76, 140, 183, 185, 186,
194, 211
growth, ix, 83, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 121, 122,
123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 146, 147, 148,
152, 154, 155, 158, 159, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168,
206, 207, 208, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222,
growth rate, 214, 215, 218
gymnosperm, 135, 137, 143, 144
habitat, 170, 179
hardness, 3, 7, 22, 24, 25
hardwoods, 55, 112, 176
harvesting, 2, 3, 50, 112
health, 22, 99, 106, 206
ideal, 90, 165
identification, 124, 138, 173, 174, 177, 180
identity, 127
images, 107, 155, 156, 168
immersion, 6, 116
impregnation, vii, viii, x, 2, 3, 6, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 193, 194, 197, 198, 200, 202
impregnation method, viii, 2, 3, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32,
impurities, 91, 207
inclusion, 51
incompatibility, xi, 205
incubation period, 7
India, 46, 81, 96, 98, 105, 107, 108, 109, 169, 170,
173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 230
indication, 55
indicators, 123, 166, 177
indices, 32, 42, 159, 163
indigenous, 131
induction, 6, 215, 216
induction period, 215
induction time, 216
industry, vii, 1, 5, 8, 25, 47, 51, 75, 94, 100, 102,
107, 174, 206
inertia, 8
infinite, 218, 225
inhibition, 71, 73, 213, 223
inoculation, 112, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130
inoculum, 112, 123
inorganic fillers, 206
instability, 50, 55, 76, 194
Instron, 195
insulation, 94
interaction, 66, 167, 211, 223
interactions, 62, 134, 226
interdependence, 12
interface, 223, 225
interfacial adhesion, 207, 211
interphase, 208, 211, 221, 225
interval, 179
invertebrates, 145
investment, 101
ionization, 53, 58
ionizing radiation, 50, 78
irradiation, viii, 49, 51, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 74
isobutane, 56
isolation, 67, 140
isomerization, 66
isomers, 56
isotactic polypropylene, xi, 205, 207
isothermal crystallization, 215, 219, 220, 222, 223,
224, 225, 226, 227
isotherms, 40
isotope, ix, 151, 152, 153, 156, 166, 167, 168, 172
Italy, 168, 178
Japan, 133, 136, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 155, 167,
193, 202
Japan XE "Japan" , Sea of, 136
kerosene, 24, 96
ketones, 55, 56
kinetic curves, 73
kinetic parameters, xi, 205, 207
kinetics, xi, 12, 27, 29, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 71,
205, 207
Korea, 173, 178
lamination, 200, 201
land, 84, 128, 131, 167
Landscape, 169
land-use, 167
learning, 126
legume, 113, 121, 128, 130
liberation, 53
lifespan, 164
lignin, 14, 55, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 90, 134,
142, 143, 145, 146, 156, 164, 168, 182, 185, 186,
191, 194, 198, 199, 209, 213, 216, 218
lignocelluloses, viii, 49, 50, 75, 76, 145
limitation, vii, x, 120, 164, 169, 170
line, 61, 73, 94, 196
linear dependence, 57, 60
liquid organic products, viii, 49, 51, 77
liquid phase, 15
liquids, vii, viii, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 22, 24, 27, 28, 42, 51
livestock, 91
long distance, 123
longevity, 164, 168
LPG, 102, 105
lumber treatment technologies, vii, 1
lumen, 194
macromolecular chains, 53
macromolecules, 50, 55, 70, 73, 211
macronutrients, 117, 119, 120
magnesium, 6, 117
maintenance, 112
management, 112, 115, 123, 130
manganese, 174
manufacturing, 50, 194
manure, 92, 93
market, 50, 82, 86, 102
MAS, 183, 186, 192
material surface, 5, 6, 17
matrix, xi, 14, 182, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 197,
198, 202, 205, 207, 209, 211, 219, 222, 223, 226
measurement, 15, 19, 21, 30, 32, 108, 116, 156
NaCl, 6, 128
nanometers, 6, 53
nanoparticles, 24
native species, ix, 111, 112, 123, 124
native woody species, ix, 111, 130
natural fillers, 206
natural organics, viii, 49
natural resources, 106
negative relation, 185
Netherlands, 25
neutrons, 171
New England, 177
New Zealand, 145, 174
nitrates, 50
nitrogen, 58, 112, 122, 135, 136, 137, 141, 143, 144,
147, 149, 152, 167, 171, 172
NMR, x, 147, 148, 181, 183, 185, 186, 192
North America, 152, 174, 181
Norway, 25, 146, 147
Norway spruce, 147
nuclear magnetic resonance, 146, 148, 183, 192
nucleating agent, 208, 221, 223, 224, 226, 227
nucleation, xi, 205, 207, 208, 211, 215, 216, 217,
218, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227
nuclei, 207, 208, 216, 218, 221
nucleus, 208, 225
nutrient content, ix, 111, 112, 118, 120, 121, 134,
nutrients, ix, 2, 111, 112, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,
124, 128, 133, 134, 149
nutrition, 115, 124, 128
objectives, 8, 206, 208
observations, 165, 186
oceans, 171
octane, 76
oil, viii, 6, 24, 34, 38, 43, 49, 50, 76, 77, 86, 90, 92,
96, 100, 105, 106, 194
oils, 3, 24, 34, 38, 42
oligomers, 75
optical density, 62
optical properties, 208
order, ix, 2, 56, 64, 82, 93, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117,
118, 121, 123, 124, 156, 170, 194, 195, 206, 207,
213, 223
organic chemicals, ix, 133
organic compounds, 61
organic matter, 82, 92, 93, 121, 147
orientation, 50, 221
oxidation, 88, 89
oxides, 51
oxygen, 9, 25, 56, 64, 65, 69, 90, 93, 171
Pacific, 127
palaeo-climatology, vii, x, 169
paleo-environment, vii
parameter, 8, 94, 216
parameters, xi, 2, 8, 9, 21, 26, 37, 42, 50, 76, 95,
100, 167, 193, 196, 202, 205, 207, 211, 226
parenchyma, 174
particles, 8, 34, 35, 62, 194, 207, 209, 211, 213, 216,
218, 226, 227
partition, 118
partnership, 126
pastures, 173
peat, 8, 15, 170
permeability, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 28, 34, 37, 43, 56
permit, 38
pests, 145
petrifaction, 170
pH, 93, 128, 195
phenol, 38, 70, 73, 199, 202
phenoxyl radicals, 69, 71
phosphates, 167
phosphorus, 25, 112, 121, 122, 128, 129
photographs, 155
photosynthesis, 82, 119, 164, 166, 172
physical properties, 47, 134
physicochemical properties, ix, 50, 133, 137, 139,
pitch, 22
plant species, ix, 111, 112, 115, 116, 119, 122, 124,
plants, viii, ix, 82, 83, 91, 92, 100, 112, 116, 119,
121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 131, 145, 148, 151,
152, 153, 156, 170, 172, 173, 176, 179, 206
plasticity, 14, 43
plasticization, 194
plasticizer, 194, 196, 199
plastics, 75, 190, 191
plasts, viii, 49
Pliocene, 175
PMMA, 215
Poland, 106
polar groups, 182
polarization, 183
polarized light microscopy, 221
pollution, 38, 83, 92
poly(methyl methacrylate), 215
polycondensation, 76
polymer, viii, xi, 26, 34, 35, 44, 49, 59, 69, 73, 75,
181, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 216, 221, 226, 230
polymer composites, xi, 205, 206
polymer industry, 206, 208
polymer systems, 226
polymer-cellulose waste, viii, 49
polymeric blends, 207
polymeric chains, 58, 207
polymeric materials, 206, 208, 215, 224
polymeric matrices, 206
polymerization, 25, 56, 57, 59, 68, 73, 75, 77
polymerization process, 76
polymerization processes, 76
polymers, viii, 2, 3, 24, 51, 76, 187, 191, 198, 206,
207, 208
polymorphism, 207, 213, 227
polyolefins, xi, 205, 207
polypropylene, xi, 75, 189, 205, 207, 208, 213
polystyrene, 75
polyvinyl alcohol, 206
pools, 134, 147
poor, xi, 82, 100, 115, 205, 211
population, 84
porosity, 3
porous materials, 8
potassium, 6, 112, 117
poverty, 82
power, 8, 50, 51, 82, 86, 87, 96, 100, 101
precipitation, ix, 136, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, 163,
164, 165, 167
preservation, vii, x, 44, 53, 169, 170, 173, 174, 179
pressure, viii, x, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 61,
86, 87, 93, 103, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198,
199, 200, 202
pressure gauge, 9
prevention, 76
primary products, 62, 63
probability, 14, 53, 56, 62, 66, 106
production, viii, 2, 8, 39, 42, 49, 50, 68, 69, 73, 75,
76, 81, 82, 83, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 104, 106, 107,
109, 112, 116, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 140,
144, 147, 159, 166, 171, 194, 196, 200, 201, 208
production technology, 92
productivity, 50, 73, 112, 120, 121, 124
program, 190
proliferation, 122
propagation, 68, 73
pulp, 47, 61, 114, 123
PVC, 187
pyrolysis, viii, 25, 53, 63, 66, 81, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90,
99, 100, 106, 107
pyrolysis reaction, 107
quantitative estimation, 149
quartz, 51, 52, 174
radiation, 4, 6, 24, 50, 51, 53, 54, 59, 61, 63, 68, 73,
Radiation, 53, 55, 56, 77, 79
radical pairs, 53
radical polymerization, viii, 49, 75
radical reactions, 73
radio, 6, 175
radius, 8, 23, 27, 39, 43, 222, 223
rainfall, ix, 151, 152, 153, 158, 159, 164, 165, 176
range, 18, 21, 25, 31, 37, 53, 59, 70, 84, 88, 89, 93,
96, 99, 102, 103, 105, 136, 170, 187, 198, 215,
raw materials, viii, 49, 50, 51, 75
reaction time, x, 181, 183, 184, 190
reactivity, 50
reagents, viii, 49, 50, 51, 75, 76
reason, 143, 198, 206, 208
recombination, 71
reconstruction, 167
recovery, viii, 49, 75, 122
recrystallization, 219
recycling, 144, 167, 206
refining, 34, 90
reflection, 213
refraction index, 51, 62, 63, 65
regeneration, viii, 49, 75, 76
region, vii, x, 113, 118, 128, 129, 130, 131, 147, 166,
169, 172, 173, 176, 178, 195, 196, 198, 221
reinforcement, xi, 182, 205
relationship, xi, 142, 143, 144, 166, 196, 199, 205,
relaxation, 30, 32, 33, 192
safety, 24, 49
salts, viii, 2, 3, 6, 25, 34
sampling, 116, 120, 124
sandwich panels, xi, 193
saturation, viii, 2, 3, 5, 15, 17, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29,
32, 36, 38, 41
sawdust, 73, 74, 96, 206
scanning calorimetry, 183
scanning electron microscopy, 211
scarcity, 112
scatter, 21
scattering, 213
scavengers, 57, 68, 76
schema, 51, 142
school, 44, 45
sea level, 153, 176
sea-level, 173, 177
second generation, 50
sediment, 171, 179
sediments, 171, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179
seed, 148
seedling development, 124
seedlings, 112, 119, 129, 130, 131, 165
selecting, 24, 124, 152
selectivity, 75
self-organization, 53
sensitivity, 165, 206
strength, x, 3, 5, 6, 9, 17, 22, 24, 25, 50, 193, 194,
196, 198, 199, 200, 202
stress, xi, 112, 124, 140, 143, 152, 153, 167, 183,
187, 189, 195, 196, 198, 205, 223
stress-strain curves, 183, 187
stretching, 185
styrene, 71, 72, 75, 211
substitution, 182, 183, 184, 186, 190
subtropical forests, 84
sucrose, 25, 166
Sudan, 114
sugar, 25, 59, 60, 82, 90, 142, 143
supply, 5, 37, 50, 90, 91, 106, 107, 121, 123, 167
surface area, 43
surface energy, 221
surface layer, 34
surface modification, 207, 226
surface treatment, 212, 223, 226, 227
survival, 120, 123
suspensions, 34
sustainability, 106, 124
sustainable development, 49, 106, 109
Sweden, 2, 25
swelling, 24, 182, 206
symbiosis, ix, 111, 112, 124, 128, 130
symbols, 154
synergistic effect, 73
synthesis, viii, 49, 51, 76, 93, 147
synthetic polymers, 75, 206
tanks, 90
tar, 51, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 89, 90, 100, 102, 106
tension, xi, 205, 211
thermal application, viii, 81, 82, 100, 103, 106, 109
thermal decomposition, 99
thermal degradation, 51, 68
thermal destruction, 60
thermal energy, viii, 16, 81, 86
thermal properties, 95, 98, 99
thermal stability, 71, 191
thermal treatment, 70
thermo chemical, viii, 81, 83, 86, 88, 106
thermodynamic cycle, 86
thermodynamics, xi, 205, 207
thermograms, 187, 214, 220
thermolysis, 25
threat, 22
threshold, 153
timber, vii, viii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16,
18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 38, 42, 44,
113, 114, 115, 129, 174
timing, x, 144, 169
ultrasound, 35
uniform, 5, 6, 16, 37, 38, 50, 96, 136
United Nations, 86
United States, 7
Uruguay, 127
USDA, 44, 46, 47, 190
USSR, 48, 79
UV, 25
UV radiation, 25
vacuum, vii, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21,
23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43,
44, 56, 58, 156, 182
vapor, vii, 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,
24, 43, 54
variability, 113, 120, 168
variables, 213
variance, 61
vegetables, 98
vegetation, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179
velocity, 18, 100, 194
Venezuela, 179
versatility, xi, 205
vessels, 27, 155, 164, 174
village, 94, 153, 154
viscoelastic properties, 196
viscose, 50
viscosity, 27, 38, 42, 51, 61, 62, 63, 65, 76, 130, 208,
211, 225
volatilization, 66
wall temperature, 9
wastewater, 77
water absorption, 9, 201, 206
water heater, 5
water use efficiency (WUE), ix, 151, 152
water vapor, 5, 6, 93
wavelengths, 6
WAXS, 213, 214
weight gain, x, 181, 183, 195, 197, 198
weight loss, 83, 197, 198
wetting, 211wheat, 90, 98
white oak, 11
withdrawal, 55
xylem, 136, 159, 164, 166
yeast, 90
zirconia, 183