Criminal Justice Update April 2010

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April 2010

cover story
Ohio Attorney General
Richard Cordray Science: a partner in crime-fighting
Robotics help speed BCI Lab Division’s turnaround times
By Mary Alice Casey
laboratory basics

The Bureau of Criminal Identification and

Investigation’s forensic labs in London, Bowling
The Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation’s addition of six Green and Richfield provide all services free of
robots last year has helped streamline two important aspects of laboratory charge to law enforcement agencies, prosecutors
work: analysis for local law enforcement and the addition of DNA profiles to and courts. In 2009, the Lab Division worked
the CODIS database. 30,681 assignments for 777 Ohio agencies.

With the robots — four in the DNA casework place, and he saw it peak in 2007, when it seemed not necessarily have the right person of interest. It

unit and two in the CODIS databasing unit — every prosecution team in the country wanted could mean that person was there at some point
criminal justice scientists are able to pull DNA profiles from a DNA evidence to present. in time, but additional investigation is needed to

update no.2
batch of evidence submissions in a matter of further prove the hit is viable.”
hours rather than several days. That’s en- Today, Greene said, there’s a better understanding
abled them to provide faster results, reduce of when and where science plays a part. Of the available databases, CODIS is the star, at
the number of pending cases and give law least in Greene’s view.
enforcement agencies scientific evidence to “BCI has been conducting DNA analysis for 11
solve crimes. years, and there is a gradually developing realiza- “CODIS is the model for a forensic database,”
tion that it has its place in certain investigations, he said. “The FBI developed it and continues to
Burglary and breaking and entering cases are but not in every investigation,” Greene said. “If administer the entire program through coopera-
the best match for the use of robotics in DNA there is biological evidence present at a crime tion with local and state CODIS laboratories. Every
casework, said Steve Greene, BCI’s deputy scene, in most cases you want to test it for DNA. CODIS lab in the U.S. and internationally uses the
superintendent of laboratory operations. But testing blind samples for DNA may produce same software and the same guidelines. Because
mixtures that cannot be interpreted or that yield of that, it’s all very interactive.”
Many times a suspect leaves blood at the results that create other unanswerable questions.”
gov/CriminalJusticeUpdate. point of entry or elsewhere in the crime In addition to housing the DNA profiles of convict-
community, visit www.OhioAttorneyGeneral. scene, providing evidence that can be Other than increased staff within the lab units, ed offenders, CODIS includes profiles tied to crime
sign up for e-mail updates for the criminal justice analyzed through robotics and entered and Greene believes databases have been the Lab scene evidence, unidentified human remains,
To join the Criminal Justice Update mailing list or searched through the Combined DNA Index Division’s biggest contributor to crime-fighting in missing people and relatives of missing people.
System (CODIS). In about half of such cases, the past three decades. While Ohio currently logs the DNA profiles of
Stay on top of the news the submissions match a convicted offender’s anyone convicted of a felony or sexually oriented
DNA profile that’s already in the database. “Databases allow us to develop suspects from misdemeanor, newly enacted Senate Bill 77 will ex-
(See story on Page 4.) a laboratory setting. But that is not to say that pand that to include any adult arrested on felony
(800) 582-2877 Greene has overseen the Lab Division for five investigations by law enforcement agencies are charges. (See related story.) of his 32 years with BCI. He witnessed the no longer needed,” he said. “Just because a search
Registration deadline is May 7 buildup of requests for DNA analysis in the has produced an AFIS (Automated Fingerprint A recent $1 million expansion at BCI will allow
Hyatt Regency Columbus 1990s, when the technology wasn’t even in Identification System) hit or a CODIS hit, you do the CODIS databasing lab to process convicted
May 24-25 offender samples in-house for the first time, saving
For victim advocates, lawyers and law enforcement the state an estimated $500,000 a year that had

Bill impacts law enforcement practices

Two Days in May been spent on outsourcing and related quality-
assurance measures.
(See story on Page 5.)
Diane Gehres, director of the CODIS databasing
Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, London Just-approved Senate Bill 77 will bring Require the collection of a DNA sample from
lab, said the addition of lab space and robotics will
11 a.m. May 6 significant changes to a number of law any adult arrested on a felony charge
enable the staff to process up to 100,000 convicted
Honoring Ohio’s fallen peace officers enforcement practices.
offender samples per year, twice the number that
OHIO PEACE OFFICERS’ MEMORIAL All of the new law’s provisions take effect July 6,
had been outsourced.
Among other things, the bill will: 2010, except for the collection of DNA samples
from arrestees, which takes effect July 1, 2011.
“The robots are freeing the scientists to do other
coming events Require that custodial interrogations in de-
things while they’re running,” Gehres said. “In the
tention facilities be electronically recorded The Attorney General’s analysis of these and
databasing lab, instead of 20 samples, the robots
Place restrictions on how photographic other issues will be covered in the June issue of
are working 89 convicted offender samples in a
and live lineups are conducted Criminal Justice Update and posted on the Web
shorter period of time than we could do manually.
Necessitate the collection and retention of at
biological evidence for certain crimes Enforcement.
Continued on Page 7

From the desk of
the Ohio Attorney General
COVER story
Dear Colleagues,
Almost nothing in life is certain. But a DNA test Such are the scientific feats turned in every day by DNA Index System (CODIS) databasing unit,
that has only a one in 96 trillion chance of being the staff of BCI, which is part of the Ohio Attorney robotic instruments have helped us maintain a
wrong is pretty darn close. General’s Office. BCI serves as a force multiplier for turnaround time of less than 45 days. We also
local law enforcement by providing laboratory, expedite lab work any time an agency informs
That is the degree of certainty to which the Ohio investigative and identification support to us of special time constraints.
Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation agencies across the state.
(BCI) was able to link a convicted killer, Robert These are significant improvements that
Buell, to the 1981 murder of Tina Harmon, a In this edition of Criminal Justice Update, we take a help law enforcement and prosecutors solve
12-year-old Wayne County girl. comprehensive look at the lab services BCI offers crimes and put criminals behind bars. You can
and how those services — available free of charge be sure that my staff will continue to look for
Buell was tried, convicted and executed for the to every law enforcement agency in the state — advancements so that we can help bring old
1982 murder of another girl, 11-year-old Krista can help peace officers do their vital work. cases — such as that of Tina Harmon — and
Harrison, also of Wayne County. Fibers from new cases alike to definitive conclusions.
the Harrison and Harmon cases matched, and We know it is important for local law enforcement
investigators concluded in the 1980s that Buell was agencies to get quick, efficient and effective results
responsible for both crimes. But in recent years, from BCI labs. When I took office in January 2009, Sincerely,
Harmon family members wondered whether new the evidence backlogs were substantial, and we
technology might erase their lingering doubts. quickly developed plans to reduce them.

So Wayne County Sheriff Thomas Maurer and In the DNA casework unit, we used robotics, Richard Cordray
Prosecuting Attorney Martin Frantz reopened outsourcing and administrative changes to cut Ohio Attorney General
the case. With the help of BCI scientists and DNA those backlogs 34 percent by the end of 2009.
testing, they were able to definitively prove it was Similar measures helped bring the forensic biology
Buell who killed Tina Harmon. unit’s backlog down 68 percent. In the Combined

OHLEG Connects to debut this summer

Forensic scientist Abby Schwaderer places samples on the Tecan Freedom EVO 150 robot for DNA
analysis in the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation’s CODIS databasing lab.
New tool will enhance law enforcement communications

From staff reports

Continued from Page 1 Directors of the Bureau of Criminal
Identification and Investgation’s Lab Division
“We would never have been able to start scientists are dedicated to either one unit or the units offer these suggestions :
A soon-to-be-introduced feature of the Ohio Law communicate back and forth freely.”
processing those samples in-house without other, and there’s a gain in efficiency.”
Enforcement Gateway (OHLEG) will link Ohio Submit evidence as quickly as feasible; do not
the robots,” she added.
law enforcement agencies through a common The introduction of OHLEG Connects follows the hold it until a trial date is set.
Five lab units — CODIS, Firearms/Toolmarks,
communications system for the first time. enactment of House Bill 10, which among other
About Criminal Justice Update Federal grant programs designed to reduce Latent Prints, Questioned Documents and Poly-
things stipulates that information shared through Request the analysis that your crime
DNA backlogs nationwide covered the cost graph — met the goal of turning submissions
OHLEG Connects, which the Ohio Attorney OHLEG is confidential. The new law also makes it investigation indicates is likely to have the
Criminal Justice Update is published six times a of the robots and also provided funding for around within 45 days during each quarter of
General’s Office will roll out this summer, will a fifth-degree felony to use OHLEG for anything most probative impact.
year by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office for overtime and outsourcing to reduce the Lab 2009, and Greene said other units are working
allow OHLEG users to share information, send and other than official business.
members of Ohio’s criminal justice community. Division’s pending cases and speed turn- hard to hit that benchmark.
receive e-mail, and form groups within their own Keep the lab informed of developments
around times.
or among multiple agencies. “For law enforcement to be able to communicate such as trial dates, custody issues, additional
To share story ideas, e-mail In forensic biology, the number of pending cases
effectively, they need to be able to talk about analysis needs or if tests are no longer
[email protected] Also, the addition of 13 scientists in fall 2008 fell from a high of 1,563 cases in 2009 to 446 as
Created in 2003, OHLEG is a Web-based platform investigations, procedures, uncharged suspects. needed because a plea has been reached
or call (614) 728-5417. allowed BCI to split the DNA casework and of January, while the backlog in DNA casework
that provides law enforcement officials with a OHLEG Connects will let them to do that,” or charges have been dropped. Request
forensic biology staffs into distinct units. fell from 1,146 to 640 by the first of the year.
number of tools and applications to help solve Raubenolt said. expedited analysis if a trial date is imminent.
and prevent crime. In 2009, local and state law Volume 2, Issue 2
April 2010 “Prior to the split, all the DNA analysts would And while the lab follows a first-in, first-out
enforcement accessed its search engine more than Raubenolt said the Attorney General’s Office is Submit whole items rather than swabs
do both the biology and the DNA work, so policy in its handling of assignments, work is
3.8 million times. working to make OHLEG Connects as effective and whenever possible.
Copyright 2010 there was this constant back and forth be- expedited when necessary.
user-friendly as possible, and it’s counting on law
by Ohio Attorney General’s Office tween different tasks,” said Amy Wanken, di-
“Other than the search engine, OHLEG Connects enforcement to help perfect it. Contact BCI about missing persons or
30 E. Broad St., Floor 17 rector of the forensic biology unit. “The DNA “When the labs are provided with a trial date
will be one of the most used features on OHLEG,” unidentified human remains cases. Project
Columbus, OH 43215 work is on a molecular level, so you’re dealing or other date crucial to the investigation,” Greene
said Steve Raubenolt, deputy superintendent “That’s how we’ve developed OHLEG over the last Link uses CODIS and DNA samples from
with tubes, chemicals and instrumentation. said, “that case receives a priority assignment.”
of identification and OHLEG with the Bureau of six years — with input from users,” Raubenolt said. remains or relatives to solve such cases. And in biology, you’re working with large
Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI). “And that’s what we want and expect to happen
pieces of evidence and rape kits. So they rely Mary Alice Casey is senior editor in the Ohio
“Officers will be able to find one another and with OHLEG Connects.”
on different types of lab techniques. Now the Attorney General’s Office.

2 7
OPOTA is coming your way Ohio consumers’
Departments give thumbs up to regional training lineup
trainings News & notes top 10 complaints
By Mary Alice Casey
Every year, the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer
The Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy is on the enforcement is held to a higher standard than To register for these and Fiatal named executive director Office. The office posts the statistics and other Protection Section compiles a list of the top 10
move, and law enforcement agencies around the other professions, and to meet that, you need of training commission, academy resources at categories of complaints. Here is the breakdown
other trainings, visit the Web at ConcealedCarry.
state appear to like the direction. training. You never can be over-trained.” for 2009:
The Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission
As part of an initiative to bring instruction closer to Although Myers sends deputies to training and view the trainings column. All has named Bob Fiatal executive director Law Enforcement Conference
the agencies it serves, OPOTA is offering free, half- sessions at OPOTA’s Richfield campus as his budget courses are at the Ohio Peace Officer of the comission and Ohio Peace Officer scheduled for Sept. 14-15
day regional training sessions on selected topics. allows, he appreciates the regional offerings. Training Academy, 1650 Ohio 56, Training Academy, effective April 22.
Sessions updating officers on criminal procedures London, Ohio, unless otherwise noted. The Ohio Attorney General’s Law Enforce­
and drug trends are ongoing, while trainings “We don’t have a big budget here. This gives Fiatal, 59, replaces Ron Ferrell, who is ment Conference is Sept.14-15 at the Greater
focusing on gangs are planned in urban areas of deputies and police in the area a chance to get Finding Words returning to his previous position as police Columbus Convention Center. This year’s theme is
the state later this year. training, and it’s not going to cost us a lot of May 10–14 chief for the city of Mason. Partnerships in Crime Prevention.
money,” he added. Tuition cost: $200
“Training budgets are obviously very limited for The five-day course teaches investigators and This is Fiatal’s fourth assignment within The event will include workshops, plenary sessions
all law enforcement agencies. They can’t always Worthington Police Chief Michael Mauger is prosecutors how to interview child abuse victims. the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. He has and networking opportunities for state, county
afford to break their officers loose or to cover glad to see the trainings address important law served as deputy director of law enforcement and municipal law enforcement. Attorney General

It qualifies social workers for Con­tinuing Education
travel expenses to an OPOTA facility in London enforcement basics. Unit (CEU) credit and attorneys for Continuing Legal services for OPOTA since February 2009. Prior Richard Cordray also will present Ohio Distin- Motorized vehicles
or Richfield,” said OPOTA Executive Director Bob Education (CLE) credit. to assuming that post, he served briefly as guished Law Enforcement Awards to officers from
Fiatal, who coordinated the trainings as deputy “Officers are more likely to fail in their mission the academy’s acting executive director and across Ohio.
director of law enforcement services. “By offering when they lack the knowledge of law changes, led the Bureau of Criminal Identification and

Electronic Surveillance Training
half-day sessions closer to them, we’ve constructed search and seizure, and use of force,” Mauger said.
May 18–19, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Investigation (BCI) from October 2007 to Nominations will be accepted through May 28 for Collections, credit
it so they can fit the training and travel time into “Too often we spend more time on trendy training January 2009.
an eight-hour shift. And the sessions are free. topics than we do on the core matter. I agree we
Richfield OPOTA Campus the awards, which include: reporting and financial
Tuition cost: $100 The Mark Losey Ohio Distinguished Law
Some officers are signing up on their days off.” have to bring issues that are new to our officers’
The two-day course provides legal, administrative, An attorney and former FBI agent, Fiatal Enforcement Service Award, recognizing services
attention, but we should not forget the basics.” brings a strong combination of skills to the law enforcement officers who demonstrate
practical and technical training to certify
Nearly 1,000 peace officers had signed up for the office’s law enforcement responsibilities, outstanding commitment to their community in
investigators and prosecutors to conduct

criminal procedure updates around the state by Fiatal said OPOTA will base plans for future regional Attorney General Richard Cordray said. the pursuit of justice
wiretapping and electronic surveillance. An
the end of March, and registration is still open trainings on the success of the current offerings.
application for pre-approved CLEs is pending with The Ohio Distinguished Law Enforcement Household goods and
for several of the sessions. The trainings address
the Ohio Supreme Court. “Bob Fiatal has been instrumental in Valor Award, honoring officers who have property improvement
search and seizure, right to counsel and DUI laws Questions? For more information or to express an bringing regional training to local law distinguished themselves above and beyond the
and procedures. interest in hosting a regional training, contact Bob enforcement, which agencies strapped call of duty
Fiatal at Robert.Fiatal@OhioAttorneyGeneral.
for personnel and budget welcome and The Ohio Distinguished Law Enforcement Group

June 13–18
The positive response prompted OPOTA to offer gov or (740) 845-2700.
Tuition cost: Free
appreciate,” Cordray said. “I am confident Achievement Award, recognizing a group’s Internet and phone
sessions in other areas of the state and to schedule that the outstanding work Chief Ferrell has accomplishment of a mission
The weeklong course instructs victim advocates
additional sessions in Perrysburg and Richfield, undertaken to serve the training needs of The Ohio Distinguished Law Enforcement
on issues related to child abuse, domestic violence,
where demand exceeded expectations. local law enforcement — and the important Training Award, commending training officers’

crisis intervention, legal advocacy, trauma care and
UPCOMING Training Sessions death notification. CEUs are available through the
work done every day by our top-flight impact on law enforcement Shopping, food
The Attorney General’s Office and OPOTA are instructors — will continue moving forward
collaborating on the trainings with other agencies.
AROUND THE STATE Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family
with the innovation and professionalism that
and beverages
Therapist Board. To nominate individuals for awards, visit www.
For the criminal justice sessions, those partners Criminal Procedure Update local law enforcement deserves.”
are the Ohio Department of Public Safety May 12: Youngstown State University Registration for the conference will open in June.
Elder Abuse Training for Law Enforcement

6 Mortgages
and Ohio Department of Health. The Franklin June 2: Great Oaks Police Academy, Cincinnati
County Sheriff’s Office and Ohio High Intensity June 21–22, Aug. 19–20, Sept. 30–Oct. 1 Ohioans seek record number
June 23: Lima FOP Hall Tuition cost: Free of concealed handgun licenses Opinions focus on prosecutors’ offices,
Drug Training Area are assisting with the drug July 15: Mansfield FOP Hall
education effort. And police departments in Akron, This course helps law enforcement protect the housing of out-of-state prisoners
Still to be scheduled: Marietta and Defiance

7 Computers and electronics

Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and elderly from physical abuse, mental anguish, Ohio’s county sheriffs issued a record number
financial loss and violation of rights. Continuing of concealed handgun licenses last year. In The Opinions Section of the Ohio Attorney
Toledo are contributing to the sessions on gangs, Operation: Street Smart Professional Training credit is available. all, 56,691 handgun licenses were issued to General’s Office provides guidance on legal
as are the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification Drug Education Training
Ohioans in 2009. That tops the previous high questions for state agencies, county prosecutors,
and Investigation, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, May 4: Wood County Sheriff’s Office home rule township law directors and others.

8 Professional services
the Mid-Atlantic Great Lakes Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Training of 45,497, set in 2004 when the concealed
June 29: Harrison Career Center, Cadiz
Network and Ohio Department of Rehabilitation June 24–25, Cambridge handgun law went into effect.
Aug. 10: Centerville Police Department Several recent opinions focus on the work
and Correction. Oct. 14–15, Marion
Oct. 19: Ohio Department of Transportation, of county prosecutors and assistant county
Dec. 16–17, Chillicothe Totals for other years were:
Columbus prosecutors. These include opinions 2009-045,

9 Health and beauty

Some of the state’s basic peace officer training Tuition cost: Free 22,487 in 2005
Training consists of two sessions: Non-Stranger 18,781 in 2006 2009-049, 2009-050, 2009-053, 2009-055 and 2010-
schools and local law enforcement leaders have To register for any of these sessions, which
Sexual Assault Response and Investigation, 22,103 in 2007 010. Another, 2010-004, deals with the authority of
provided sites for the sessions. are provided at no cost to law enforcement
aimed at peace officers with minimal experience 33,864 in 2008 a county to enter into a contract to house out-of-
agencies, visit www.OhioAttorneyGeneral. state prisoners.

10 Utilities
“Any training that I can put my deputies through investigating sexual assault; and Identifying Sex
gov/OPOTA or call (740) 845-2700.
helps them,” said Harrison County Sheriff Joe Offenders: Tools for Interview and Interrogation. County sheriffs report the statistics
Myers, who arranged to host a drug education Officers are encouraged to attend both days; that is quarterly to the Ohio Peace Officer Training The full text of the office’s opinions appears at
session at the Harrison Career Center. “Law required for second-day participation. Commission, part of the Attorney General’s

6 3
Serving every victim, every time Ohio peace officers
“As advocates we need to be aware of these
issues in order to assist crime victims,” King said.

Two Days in May conference to examine invisible crimes

“We need to have a better understanding of the
dynamics of these crimes and know where to
gather resources in order to better serve victims.”
in the courts to honor peers who
By Allison D’Aurora
The conference’s keynote speakers, Celia
Williamson and Cathy Collins-Taylor, also will
Rulings address timing, clarity of died in line of duty
Elder abuse and human trafficking are among skills. Lori King, a victim advocate with the Ohio focus on these important topics. Miranda warnings
By Allison D’Aurora
society’s most distressing crimes — and some of Department of Rehabilitation and Correction who
the hardest to detect. has attended the conference since 1997, said Two Williamson is an associate professor in the Two recent United States Supreme Court rulings In light of court’s ruling in Florida v. Powell, the
— Maryland v. Shatzer and Florida v. Powell — Attorney General’s Office is advising its law The state’s law
Days in May provides her with an affordable way to University of Toledo’s Department of Social enforcement community
The Ohio Attorney General’s 19th annual Two continue her education in advocacy. Work. She serves on Cordray’s Trafficking in address Miranda warnings. enforcement agents of the importance of using
clear, precise and conventional language when will gather in May to
Days in May Conference will address obstacles Persons Study Commission and co-chairs an remember the lone Ohio
in recognizing these and other less-researched “You always walk away knowing you are learning annual conference on human trafficking. In Shatzer, the court establishes a 14-day cooling- reviewing Miranda forms.
off period that prevents law enforcement from re- peace officer killed in the
crimes and identify ways to effectively reach out from some of the best in the state and, in some line of duty last year and
to victims. The conference, set for May 24–25 at cases, in the United States,” King said. “It is an Collins-Taylor heads the Ohio Department of interrogating a suspect who previously invoked The court, citing the federal government’s brief,
his right to counsel. emphasized it is in law enforcement’s interest to recognize four histor­­­­ical
the Columbus Hyatt Regency, features workshops, opportunity to network with new and old friends Public Safety. She spent 26 years as an officer honorees from the 19th
speakers, award presentations and networking and share ideas to build relationships with with the Columbus Police Department, where to state warnings with maximum clarity in order
In 2003, Michael Shatzer was incarcerated in a to reduce the risk that a court will later find the Jarod Dean and 20th centuries.
opportunities. community partners. It is a chance to gather she established the Exploited Children’s Unit.
materials that can be used as an everyday guide to Maryland correctional institution when local advice inadequate and suppress a suspect’s
authorities interrogated him about a crime. After statement. It endorsed the FBI’s standard The Ohio Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremony will
“We have to be able to stay cutting-edge to assist the best practices in the field of advocacy.” Allison D’Aurora is an intern with the Ohio Attorney take place at 11 a.m. May 6 at the Fallen Officers’
the many victims we serve,” said conference General’s Office. being advised of his Miranda rights, he invoked warning as exemplary. It reads: “You have the
his right to counsel, and the interrogation ended. right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask Memorial, located at the Ohio Peace Officer
coordinator Venica Miller of the Attorney General’s Attorney General Richard Cordray formed the Training Academy in London.
Crime Victims Assistance and Prevention Section. Ohio Trafficking in Persons Study Commission Two and half years later, police again questioned you any questions. You have the right to have a
“Ohio does not yet have case law to help with the to examine the scope of human trafficking in Shatzer about the same criminal activity after lawyer with you during questioning.”
TO REGISTER FOR TWO DAYS IN MAY Jarod Dean, an officer with the Boston Heights
prosecution of perpetrators of human trafficking the state and recommend ways to identify and providing Miranda warnings, which he waived.
In Florida v. Powell, the U.S. Supreme Court Police Department, was killed in January 2009
under the human trafficking specification. With prosecute cases, assist survivors and prevent Registration forms may be downloaded at while clearing debris along the roadway after an
elder abuse, recognizing the signs is so important victimization. He established the Ohio Elder The Maryland high court, relying on the U.S. determined that Miranda warnings that fail to earlier accident.
because abuse can be mistaken for common Abuse Commission to improve the justice system’s Supreme Court’s ruling in Edwards v. Arizona, expressly state that a suspect has a right to have
Cost of the conference is $50 per person.
health issues in elderly victims.” responsiveness to older adults and identify concluded that Shatzer’s 2003 invocation of his an attorney present during questioning, but that
Details on the elder abuse and human The National Law Enforcement Memorial board
funding, research and programming needs. right to counsel still applied and he could not be advise he has “the right to talk to a lawyer before
trafficking commissions can be found at www. also approved recognition of these fallen officers
The conference, which last year drew about 500 questioned in 2006 unless the state provided him answering any of our questions” and the right to who helped shape Ohio’s law enforcement history:
attendees, gives participants an opportunity to Both commissions will provide updates on their with counsel first. exercise that right at “anytime you want during
build networks, exchange ideas and sharpen work at Two Days in May. this interview,” satisfy Miranda.
TraffickingReport. Deputy Jacob Helbert and Constable W.H. Kelly
The U.S. Supreme Court reversed, finding that
a break in custody plus the passage of 14 days In the Powell case, Tampa police officers read of the Ashland County Sheriff’s Office, who were
the suspect, Kevin Powell, their department’s shot in February 1888 as they attempted to

Prosecutors to
is a sufficient cooling-off period to allow law
unique information on what kind of forensic and Bureau of Criminal Identification and enforcement to re-interrogate because it provides standard Miranda form prior to custodial serve warrants on four men
investigation is available and how prosecutors can Investigation specialists on how to effectively the suspect time to return to his normal routine interrogation. Powell waived those rights Assistant Marshal Edward H. Davis of the

sharpen their
use it in their trials.” conduct capital trials from beginning to end. and talk with friends and family. The high and admitted he owned a handgun found in Nelsonville Police Department, who was shot in
They will discuss deciding whether to indict court also found that if the suspect is already a search. He subsequently was charged with April 1888 by a man he had previously arrested
Kanai points out that capital cases can be won or for capital murder, handling Brady material — possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. for a traffic violation

capital case skills

incarcerated on an unrelated charge, returning
lost at literally every phase of the trial: evidence favorable to the defendant — and him to his normal incarceration is a “release” from The Florida Supreme Court determined that the Marshal Clem Howard of the Chauncey Police
With improper or uninformed jury selection succeeding during the penalty phase. Miranda custody. Miranda warnings suggested the suspect could Department, who was shot in April 1913 as he
In applying the death qualification, which allows consult with an attorney only before police attempted to arrest a man who had shot another
Two-day session planned this fall for the exclusion of a juror based on his or her The training also will address how best to The recent decision provides a simple-to-apply started to question him. man earlier in the evening
By Allison D’Aurora views of the death penalty present forensic evidence to juries affected by rule: If a suspect invokes his right to counsel, law
If opening and closing remarks cross into what prosecutors call “the CSI effect.” enforcement must cease interrogation or provide Law enforcement agencies with questions about The ceremony will feature a pipe and drum
There are no small decisions for a prosecutor in a improper arguments him with counsel. If the suspect is released and how court rulings affect procedures should procession of “Amazing Grace”; color guards
capital case. Even the first one — “Should this be When evidence is complex and overwhelms or “Shows like ‘CSI’ have given the general public law enforcement picks him up for questioning contact their legal counsel. General questions from across the state; a flyover; and mounted,
a capital case?” — has wide-ranging and lasting fatigues the jury the unrealistic belief that all crimes result in about the same crime within 14 days, the on these rulings also may be directed to Matt motorcycle and canine units. Attendees also will
ramifications. And once a prosecutor decides to During the penalty phase — a second trial at physical evidence, that all that evidence can be interrogation is presumptively involuntary even Kanai, general counsel for law enforcement with hear from three speakers: Virginia Morgan, sister of
seek a capital indictment, every step must be which the jury decides whether to impose the conclusively tested — usually within minutes — if the suspect waives his right to counsel in the the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, at Matthew. late Dayton police officer Mary Beall; Ohio Peace
carefully measured because it will be scrutinized death penalty. Federal courts reverse more and that those tests can always be conclusively second interrogation. If more than 14 days have [email protected] or (614) Officer Training Commission Chairperson Vernon
by state and federal judges for years to come. capital sentences based on the prosecutor’s or linked back to one person,” Kanai said. “None of elapsed since the release and the suspect waives 466-9595. Stanforth; and Attorney General Richard Cordray.
defense counsel’s conduct at the penalty phase those things are true.” his right to counsel, his statements are voluntary.
To prepare prosecutors for such cases, Ohio than at any other part of the trial. Peace officers are asked to wear dress uniforms
Attorney General Richard Cordray’s office will host The Attorney General’s Office will send Law enforcement officers are advised, therefore, with shields and badges covered with a black sash.
a free, two-day training in capital litigation Sept. 30 Kanai landed a $100,000 grant from Department registration information to all of Ohio’s county not to re-interrogate a suspect who has invoked “You have the right to talk to a
and Oct. 1 at Cleveland’s Wyndham Hotel. of Justice’s Capital Case Litigation Initiative to prosecutors later this spring. In the meantime, his right to counsel until 14 days have passed lawyer for advice before we ask To RSVP for the memorial service, visit
fund this offering and a smaller, advanced training those interested in more information can from his release from custodial interrogation. Any you any questions. You have the
“This training will help to bring prosecutors up to on the topic planned for 2011. Both will provide contact Assistant Attorney General Seth Kestner re-initiation should be prefaced with Miranda right to have a lawyer with you
date on legal developments, and it will help the participating attorneys with free continuing legal of the Capital Crimes Unit at (614) 644-7233 or warnings and waiver. during questioning.” A Fraternal Order of Police motorcade to the
county offices get their new prosecutors trained education hours. [email protected]. memorial will depart the state FOP lodge at 222 E.
on the fundamentals,” said Matt Kanai, general Legal instructors are urged to consider this — FBI’s standard Miranda warning, Town St., Columbus, at 10 a.m. that day. To RSVP or
counsel for law enforcement with the Ohio Attendees will hear from experienced capital Allison D’Aurora is an intern with the Ohio Attorney case when discussing invocation of the right to considered exemplary by the U.S. Supreme Court receive more information, contact Denise Young at
Attorney General’s Office. “Also, we’ll be providing case litigators, Attorney General’s Office staff General’s Office. counsel under Miranda. (800) 367-6524 by May 3.

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