Study of Finite Element Analysis Type To The Nonlinear Buckling Behavior of Cellular Beams

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Study of Finite Element Analysis Type to the Nonlinear Buckling Behavior of Cellular Beams
Phattaraphong Ponsorn1* and Kitjapat Phuvoravan1

The buckling behavior of Cellular beams with six cases of nonlinear finite element modelling
has been investigated in this paper. The geometry and typical configuration of Cellular beam was
referred to the design guideline of Steel Construction Institute (SCI). The finite element method was
performed by using commercial software package, ANSYS Program, with solid element and nonlinear
material. To ensure the accuracy result, the three cases of finite element convergence concept has
been proceeded for choosing an appropriate element shape and size. The 10-node tetrahedral element
approximate size of 50 mm. was validly used for the selected Cellular beams in this study. The result
observation of this study show that the web-post of Cellular beam is simple to occur shear failure at
high shear region due to web-post has very slender ratio, however, the beam can even withstand the
uniform load further until reach the state of instability by lateral torsional buckling.

Key words: nonlinear, finite element, buckling, cellular beam

*Corresponding author; e-mail address: [email protected]

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900



Cellular Beam is a circular web-opening steel beam fabricated by cutting the web of the
standard hot-rolled wide flange section in pattern into two pieces and then reassemble the two halves
again by welding. As a result, the beam depth is increased but leaving the circular holes at the beam
web. The main advantage is that the stiffness and the strength can be increased with the same amount
of material. Cellular Beam has been developed from Castellated Beam, hexagonal shape of webopening. Cellular Beam has to use technology in cutting and welding in curves pattern, but little more
effective than hexagonal web-opening in strength and serviceability. The curves of circular shape
opening contribute in reducing stress concentration and fracture at the opening corners comparing to
the hexagonal shape opening. Nonetheless, the utilize of both the Cellular Beam and the Castellated
Beam still has more overall flexural strength and reduce deflection comparing to the original hot-rolled
steel beams mainly because the overall moment of inertia is increased.
However, with the complicated shape of opening, there are additional failure modes needed
to be considered. The engineers need to consider Vierendeel mechanism, web shear welding failure,
web-post buckling, or even instability of the beam with lateral torsional buckling. All of these mechanism
strives from the fact that the Cellular beam section is more slender


Both of the linear and nonlinear finite element method have been adopted to investigate the
buckling behavior of Cellular Beams by using the commercial finite element software package, ANSYS
v.14.5 release Program. The geometrical shape and size of the circular web-opening are referred
following the design guideline publication by Steel Construction Institute (SCI), Design of Composite
and Non-Composite Cellular Beams. In this study, there are six cases that have been modelling to
investigate the behavior of Cellular beams as follows:
Table 1 Cases of Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis

Analysis type


Static analysis
Static analysis
Buckling analysis
Buckling analysis
Buckling analysis
Buckling analysis

Material nonlinearity Geometry nonlinearity




Mode of initial
LTB 1 time
LTB 50 times
WB 1 time
WB 50 times


In the first two cases, it is quite ordinarily to simulate the beams behavior because the analysis
is only in-plane deformation. But in the last four cases, to simulate the nonlinear buckling behavior in
ANSYS program need to be performed by using two steps of finite element analysis. The first is
modelling to find the buckling modes for obtain initial geometric imperfections of Cellular beams with
linear buckling analysis. The magnitude of this initial imperfection or initial deformation will
approximately be 1.00 mm. Now the nonlinear buckling behavior can be analyzed by update this initial
deformation into second step of analysis. Note that the magnitude of the initial deformation in each
buckling modes can be more enlarged as requirement. So case 4 and case 6 have been enlarged the
initial deformation to 50 times in order to obtain more obviously different behavior. The specifications
and assumptions of material and methodology in this paper are provided as followings:
1. Geometry of Circular Web-Opening
The geometry of circular web-opening in this paper is referred to the design guideline of Steel
Construction Institute (SCI). The basic geometry and notation for Cellular beams is shown in Figure 1.
In addition, the applicable range for the shape and the size of circular opening are given in Equation 1
and Equation 2. The ratio of shape and size of this study is that the Cellular beam have S/Do = 1.08 and
D/Do = 1.49

Figure 1 Basic geometry and notation used for Cellular Beams by SCI guideline
1.08 < S / Do < 1.5
1.25 < D / Do < 1.75


Pitch length of opening

Depth of Cellular Beam
Diameter of opening




2. Configuration of Cellular Beam

The configuration of Cellular Beam in this study is CB-600x200x8371.57 (D = 600, Do = 400, bf
= 200, tf = 13, tw = 8, L = 8371.57 mm.), which the section height was enhanced 1.5 times from hotrolled I-section standard steel beam, W400x200x66 mm. (Figure 2). The length of Cellular Beam
fabricated from a commercial standard steel beam of 9000 mm. length will eventually be 8371.57 mm.
due to the trimming of the scrap portions at both ends. Usually, the Cellular beams may has the infill
circular plates welded into the hole at both ends in order to better resist the imposed concentrated
loads or reactions at both ends. The configuration of beam used in this study is a simply supported
beam with the uniform pressure load applying at the top flange surface.

Figure 2 Typical of Cellular Beam and standard steel beam with curved cut pattern.
3. Nonlinear Material Model for Structural Steel
A bi-linear stress strain curve has been applied to simulate the elastic-perfectly plastic behavior
of steel structure material nonlinearity for using in this finite element analysis. The material properties
used from ANSYS material library are Youngs modulus of 2x105 MPa., Poissons ratio of 0.3, shear
modulus of 7.6923x104 MPa., yield strength of 250 MPa. and the tangent modulus of 1x10-13 MPa., as
show in Table 2
Table 2 Properties of Structural Steel Material
Youngs modulus

Shear modulus

Poissons ratio

Yield strength

Tangent modulus

4. Finite Element Modelling

The solid element from ANSYS element library has been used in this finite element analysis.
The concept of finite element convergence has been performed to find an appropriate element type
and size to accurately model the Cellular Beams behavior (Figure 3). The results of three cases of finite


element convergence, deflection convergence, stress convergence and critical buckling load
convergence, show that the number element of approximately 10000 elements is appropriate. In other
words, meshing with the solid187 10-node tetrahedral element approximate size of 50x50 mm. (Figure
4d) is practicably valid to use for the selected Cellular Beam in this study.




Figure 3 Result of finite element convergence of solid186 20-node hexahedral element and solid187
10-node tetrahedral element (a) deflection convergence (b) stress convergence (c) critical
buckling load convergence (d) meshing with solid187 10-node element size of 50x50 mm.


The five cases results of finite element analysis are tabulated in table 3. Case 1 is a linear
analysis, only material nonlinearity in inelastic range with in-plane deformation behavior, show the
uniform load of 9.96 kN/m occurred the first yield at both ends web-post which are high shear region.
For case 2, additional nonlinear analysis by large displacement conception, also show the first yield at
uniform load of 9.95 kN/m at web-post as case 1. Both of these two static in-plane analysis type has
stiffness and behavior similar as each other (Figure 4a). For the types of nonlinear buckling analysis,
case 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Figure 5, 6 and Figure 7), the result show the uniformed load at first yield 9.13, 8.16,
9.05 and 6.48 kN/m and at ultimate uniformed load 15.22, 11.12, 15.44 and 15.25 kN/m respectively.
When compare the cases of lateral torsional buckling mode in the initial deformation, case 3 and case
4, the result show that case 4 which has large initial imperfection is more effect to greatly reduce
stiffness and load capacity of Cellular beam. Denote that the dash line is indicated the 50 times of initial


Table 3 Result of nonlinear finite element analysis

Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6

Load at first
Load at
Plastic strain at ultimate
yield (kN/m) ultimate (kN/m)
load (mm/mm)

Region of maximum
plastic strain
web-post + top flange
web-post + top flange
web-post + top flange
web-post + top flange



Figure 4 Graphs of nonlinear finite element analysis (a) uniform load against in-plane deflection at
midspan (b) uniform load against lateral deflection (c) uniform load against plastic strain
deformation. In both case 5 and case 6 that have web-post buckling mode in the initial deformation
show case 6 also has less stiffness than case 5 because of the difference in large initial imperfection.
Nevertheless, reminding that case 5 and case 6 that have initial deformation is web-post buckling mode
which will be occur in latter mode. All of these four cases has difference of stiffness and behavior in
early loading due to the magnitude of initial imperfection and initial buckling mode. All cases has been
fully yielding at both ends web-post by shearing and finally has to take the state of instability by lateral


torsional buckling that effect to the load has rapidly decreased meanwhile the maximum plastic strain
relocated from both ends web-post to the top compression flange at midspan. The theoretical critical
buckling load of the same beam but none of web-opening following the American Institute for Steel
Construction AISC is 24.47 kN/m. But, however, the theoretical analysis equation is not appropriated
for Cellular beam due to present of web-opening along the beam. So the finite element analysis has
been performed to evaluate the elastic critical buckling load, 15.14 kN/m. The ultimate uniformed load
that case 3, case 5 and case 6 reach the lateral torsional buckling load are also similar and approximate
to linear elastic critical buckling load obtaining from finite element analysis (Figure 4b).

Figure 5 Case 3 result of nonlinear buckling analysis (a) initial deformation (b) deformation at ultimate
loading (c) plastic strain



Figure 6 Case 4 result of nonlinear buckling analysis (a) initial deformation (b) deformation at ultimate
loading (c) plastic strain



Figure 7 Case 6 result of nonlinear buckling analysis (a) initial deformation (b) deformation at ultimate
loading (c) plastic strain


However, there are also the other factors in this study may affect to the nonlinear buckling
behavior of Cellular beams such as ratio of shapes and sizes of circular web-opening, loading case
condition, restrain of support, different beam spans and sections, type of other element or even
assumption of nonlinear material for strain-hardening behavior, which should be further more studies in
the future research.

The nonlinear finite element analysis investigating the buckling behavior on the five cases of
Cellular beams are summarized as follows:
1. In static in-plane analysis type, case 1 and case 2, the analysis result has shown that there
are almost no effect to the Cellular beam when comparing with small displacement concept and large
displacement concept.
2. In cases of nonlinear buckling analysis with mode of initial buckling is lateral torsional
buckling, case 3 and case 4, the analysis result has been shown that increasing the initial deformation
to 50 times has greatly effect to reduce stiffness and load capacity.
3. In cases of initial buckling mode is web-post buckling, case 5 and case 6, the analysis result
has been shown that the large initial geometrical imperfection has influence to reduce stiffness.
4. In case 5, the Cellular beam which has set the web-post buckling to initial buckling mode
has capacity to full yielding at web-post and then the beam can resist the uniformed load to ultimate
loading before reaching instability by lateral torsional buckling as well as case 3.
5. Compare static analysis and nonlinear buckling analysis, the result has been shown that the
beams with slender section such as Cellular beam must has been inevitably encounter the nonlinear
buckling behavior. These nonlinear buckling behavior will be influenced effect to greatly reduce
stiffness and load capacity of Cellular beam, especially, by lateral torsional buckling.

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