SchoolTime - School Management Software
SchoolTime - School Management Software
SchoolTime - School Management Software
School Time is worlds easiest and most user friendly school management system. A state of the
art School Management System-ERP-designed for real time access across all devices.
Web based flat design application running on world's fastest distributed cloud server, auto
provisions resources to take any kind of transaction load. All you need to do is click a button, and
your own system is auto provisioned. It disrupts the traditional installable solutions by putting the
entire SIS on cloud and true SaaS. Just sign up and start using the system within 30 seconds flat.
Integrated with more than 60 payment gateways, your school can start collecting online fee
payments immediately. A unified communication system helps schools remain connected with all
the stakeholders seamlessly.
SchoolTime app is for Schools, Colleges & Training Centers who face inconvenience in
operational planning, execution and reporting; and it enables them to plan efficiently, maintain
records and get complete visualization of the school.
Affordable: Needless to say, that the world is moving on from software solutions that once used to cost
them millions of dollars. These days, with just a couple of dollars per month, we can use some of the
worlds best software solutions. The reduction or elimination of CAPEX is a significant contribution of the
software industry to the world.
Quick Deployment: We remember the times, when a software solution used to take a year or even more
to deploy. This would also have required significant contributions from key team players within the
organization, who had to leave their regular work and get into deployment full time. With SaaS, its just
matter of days not years.
Reduced Time to Benefit: With reduction in time to deploy, organizations can now immediately start
reaping benefits of the application.
Scalability and Integration: With traditional software, scalability was a big exercise in itself. Every
time the organization out grew the capacity, experts had to be called in, system went down for weeks, and
significant money went into the pipes who just scale up the infrastructure. With SaaS, customers dont
even get to know when the application infrastructure was scaled up to facilitate growth.
No Infrastructure Purchase or Maintenance: Hardware sizing and procurement was a big exercise
earlier. An equal amount of money, if not more, had to be spent to purchase hardware to run traditional
applications. Expert resources had to be hired to ensure that the hardware and infrastructure was
maintained. Yet there were crashes and downtime. With SaaS, people do not buy hardware at all, they do
not hire experts, and they are not concerned about the infrastructure as long as the application is accessible.
Trouble Free Upgrades: Upgrading traditional software was another major hurdle. Year on year,
software companies used to charge customers heavy software upgrade fees, and during upgrades, the
application was not available for use. With SaaS, no one even remembers the pain in upgrades!
Backup and Recovery: A significant amount of money and expertise were involved in creating and
maintaining regular backups, and then subsequent recovery whenever there was a failure. All these had too
much dependence on people. SaaS applications have created seamless backup systems which neither
charge the customer nor pass on any trouble.
High Adoption: Many of these reasons also contributed to quick and high adoption within organizations.
Moreover, SaaS applications being designed to be user friendly, the entire formal training of end users
have been done away with. End users these days just receive access to the SaaS applications and start
using them straight away.
Work Anywhere: And with the SaaS applications being made available 24 x 7 x 365, with access
through any web browser, users can use the application and work from anywhere. They need not come to
office always, nor sign into their VPN to use it. Sophisticated security systems for SaaS applications have
done away with so many ancillary systems required to run traditional software.
online. SchoolTime is the fastest growing Student Information System in the world and is suitable for any
K-12 schools, Colleges, Universities and Training Centers.
With this ready integration, Schools can approach Payment Gateway Merchant Services and register with
them. The schools will be provided with secured credentials which they can apply inside the chosen
payment gateway module of SchoolTime to activate it. Once done, all the invoices generated from
SchoolTime will allow the students and parents to make payments online from the convenience of their
home. SchoolTime will automatically track paid school fees and update the system so that the schools can
get a very clear and updated picture of their outstanding invoices. The entire fee payments and collections
in SchoolTime have been designed for simplicity and easy of use and configuration, very similar to a ecommerce engine. Educational Institutions from around the world are making their administration process
simple, easy and smart.
3.9 Dashboard
Knowing what is scheduled today and next few days is very important for anyone to plan and get ready for
the situation. In a school, given its number of classes and student count, there could be many things that
can happen simultaneously on academic front and also on extracurricular activities front. To be prepared
for the situation, School Time provides a dashboard for teachers, students and parents. The dashboard
gives the user a quick view of current days schedule, upcoming exams, pending assignments, pending fees
payments, class-wise attendance, payment history depending on the user type, like school coordinator,
teacher, student, parent, etc. the dashboard changes from user to user thus giving them only the relevant
data which they have to focus more.