Jehovah Witness Facts

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What the individual Jehovahs Witnesses (JW) are

teaching others is NOT original with them. They did

not get that by reading the Bible for themselves!
They were taught those twisted and deadly concepts
from their Governing Body (the Watchtower Society),
which is a Bible-defined false prophet. (Often the JWs
think they discovered those so-called truths by their
own research and Bible study, but somehow seem to
forget their own intense indoctrination through
Watchtower literature and Kingdom Hall visits.
PRIDE then helps to keep them spiritually blinded to
Gods truths in the Bible.)

The founder of that group (Charles Taze Russel)

did not get his weird doctrines from reading the
Bible! Russell got those doctrines from others such as
Arius of Alexandria, a fourth century heretic. (Arius
was an outspoken enemy of the deity of Christ, like
Russell and all JWs.) Russell revived his doctrines and
arguments and presented them as his own.

Some of what Russell taught regarding various

subjects important to the JW is now being denied
and/or avoided because they are clear and definite
contradictions to their own current teachings.
Those teachings by Russell reveal him as a false
prophet and unable to understand the Scriptures!
For example, Russell wrote:
The next chapter will present Bible evidence that
1874 A.D. was the exact date of the beginning of
the Times of Restitution, and hence of our

Lords return. (Study In The Scriptures, Vol. 2,

(Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society),1908 ed.,
p. 170.)
NOTE: The JWs today are teaching that 1914 was
the Lords return, thereby denying the light (really
darkness taught as light) from Russell. Also, note that
Russell stated 1874 was derived from Bible evidence. Obviously, Russells Bible evidence was nonexistent since they now teach 1914 instead of 1874.
Russell was therefore a deceiver, which is what the
Lord said false prophets are (Mt. 24:11).
Many sincere people back then were clearly deceived by Russells Bible evidence and still are today
in other areas! That is the deceiver and man who started the Jehovahs Witnesses. Here are more empty
words and false teachings from him:
... likewise the forty years of the Gospel age
harvest will end October, 1914, and that likewise
the overthrow of Christendom, so-called, must
be expected to immediately follow. In one hour
judgment shall come upon her.Rev. 18:10, 17,
19. (ibid., p. 245)
Russell was a deluded, yet convincing false
teacher. It should be apparent he was darkness, not
light, not a righteous man, but a spokesman for the
devil, who has stumbled millions over the years. Russell even went outside of the Bible to the Great Pyramid for his weird and lethal doctrines:

... the Great Pyramid of Egypt is one of Gods

Witnesses (Isa. 19:19,20), whose wonderful message is a full and complete corroboration of Gods
plan of the ages, together with its times and seasons. (ibid., p. 366)
Isa. 19:19,20 has nothing to do with the Great
Pyramid. Here is what that passage says:
In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in
the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the LORD
at its border. It will be a sign and witness to the
LORD Almighty in the land of Egypt. When they
cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors,
he will send them a savior and defender, and he
will rescue them.
For more strange Russell statements exalting the
importance of the Great Pyramid, click here and read
(They are found on what would be pp. 374,375 in vol.
2 of the Studies In The Scriptures.)

The JWs are constantly telling others about the

1,000 year reign of Christ of perfect peace on paradise earth. WHY? They wrongly think that is
preaching the good news of the kingdom. In other
words, they think that message is the gospel.
When the Christian mentions that NEVER in the
book of Actsnot even one timedid any of the
Apostles (Peter, Paul, etc.) or other disciples like
Stephen, Philip, etc. ever mention the 1,000 year reign
of Christ as they spread the gospel, the JWs are speechless and exposed. The JWs are spreading another
gospel, which has no power to save anyone. That is a
FACT and a death-blow to their chief, central message.
That is also the rotten fruit from their own Governing
Body in Brooklyn, NY.
The real preaching of the good news of the kingdom is related to spreading the true plan of salvation,
which brings eternal life and which they also deny one
can have now! The plan of salvation is shown in detail,
in part and/or by inference dozens of times in the Book
of Acts. It is concisely stated in Acts 20:21:
I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that
they must turn to God in repentance and have
faith in our Lord Jesus.
That is the message which sets the sin-slave free

and brings eternal life, because then and then only does
a person have the Son, as mentioned in 1 John 5:12,
13, etc.
The JWs are under the dangerous delusion that
taking in (accurate) knowledge, as defined by the
Watchtower Society, is related to getting eternal life!
(Eternal life to them is simply living forever on Paradise earth. They know nothing about eternal life NOW,
this side of the grave, through instant salvation.)

JWs often deny what others accurately say

about them so they dont have to deal with it! They
say something like, We dont believe that! Or We
dont teach that! Or I dont see your point! That is,
in part, how they were trained by their leaders in
Brooklyn. That is part of their war strategy. In other
words, at times they are taught to lie and deceive! Here
is how they define a lie in their own literature:
Lying generally involves saying something false
to a person who is entitled to know the truth ....
(Aid To Bible Understanding, Watch Tower Bible
And Tract Society, 1971, p. 1060.)
If you are an enemy of the JW false gospel you
are not entitled to know the truth from them, if you
make a point they cant deal with. We have seen this
even when exact quotes and full documentation are
supplied. Shocking, but true! Such Watchtower robots
are sealing their own damnation by closing their eyes
to such evidence.
Some JWs even think any evidence, even from a
non-credible source, is sufficient backing for their
point. Anything will do, as long as it aligns itself with
what the Watchtower literature says. Hence, many remain blind followers of the blind.
In conclusion: Many JWs were never saved, yet
some were. They are all lost now and refuse to come to
JESUS for the living water and salvation he holds out
to all (John 4:10; 5:39,40; etc). They claim they have
the Son yet they dont claim to have the eternal life
now which goes with having the Son. They also cant
look to and trust Jesus for their salvation, since they
even have another Jesus. All that is what a false prophet does to their victims.

PO Box 265 Washington PA 15301

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