Intensif US SMA 34 2016

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SKL READING : Memahami makna di dalam teks tertulis seperti teks fungsional pendek dan esai
berbentuk narrative (narrative, recount, news item), descriptive (descriptive, report, explanation) dan
argumentative (exposition dan discusin) dalam konteks kehidupan sahar-hari.
SKL WRITING: Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis dalam wacana interpersonal dan transaksional,
secara formal maupun informal, dalam bentuk recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report,
analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Text 1.
I mentioned my little unexpected trip to Europe, and now here I am to you from a lovely
caf in Amsterdam .
Running out of a very important feminine product at late hour last night, I had to walk
five blocks in icy rain until I finally found an open convenient store where as in Jakarta I would
have only needed to cross the street to the Warung to get the same thing.
Theres at least one Warung on every four blocks and theyre all open late especially the
ones that have been one word commandeered as the hang out place by neighborhood slackers.
Theyre the most convenient thing to have around since they sell everything from
cigarettes and migraine pills to MSG covered snacks and cheap wine.
I cant believe what I am saying but I wish the riotous bus drivers from back home were
here right now.
I might change my mind when the temperature rises, but waiting for the bus for 20
minutes on a below zero morning has affected my way of thinking. It would be nice if I could
just hop right on a bus as soon as I walk out of my front door, like I do back home.
1. Which one of the following statements is true?
a. It s not really easy to get Warung in Amsterdam
b. In Warung you are able to get medicine such as pills.
c. Warung in Amsterdam is like here in Jakarta not convenient.
d. If youd like to get wine its less cheap.
e. Travelling to Amsterdam is expected by the writer.
2. How long was the writer waiting for the bus and how was the temperature?
a. It was 20 minutes and above zero.
b. It was 21 minutes and below zero.
c. It was 20 minutes and below zero.
d. It was under 20 minutes and below zero.
e. It was not so long and the writer changed his mind.
3. There are sorts of Warung loved by slackers, except .
a. Convenient
b. Sell more than others
c. Sell more complete to fulfill slackers need
d. Inconvenient place
e. Sell cigarettes
4. The writer made travel to Europe ..
a. Deliberately trip
b. Planned before
c. Unforgettable trip
d. Previously hoped
e. As un-supposed trip

5. From the text above, we could conclude that the writer .

a. Often goes to Europe
b. Went to Europe accidentally
c. Has special duties to report something
d. Deliberately went there by sponsor
e. Was not proud of with cafes in Indonesia
Text 2
Among the various effects of air pollution, climatic changes are slow, the deterioration of health
is insidious, and the damage to the plants, animals, or materials seems remote to those not
directly involved. But smoke is visible to all, and the stinks of sulfides are all over. As a result,
most complaints by individuals to air pollution agencies refer to something that can be seen or
6. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. The effect of air pollution on peoples lives can be direct and indirect
b. People are not directly affected by the damage of plant and animals
c. People complain about all the pollutants in the air
d. Climatic change does not immediately have effect on peoples lives
e. Complaints by individuals have been made to pollution agencies
7. The main information about the paragraph is .
a. The danger of air pollution
b. The slow climatic change
c. The effects of air pollution
d. Wastes emitted by air pollution
e. Complains about air pollution
Text 3.
Three months ago, Mariza Castro left Honduras. Today she is in the United States, and
she has a job. Castro works behind the counter at McDonalds. Speed is an important apart of the
work life. Fast food counter workers are expected to serve customers in less than a minute. At
McDonalds they say Work fast or you dont last.
Are McDonalds workers lucky to have their jobs? Or are they being exploited? The
answer depends on who you talk to.
McDonalds does many good things. For example, no other company hires more young
people than McDonalds. More than half of its workers are under 20 years old. McDonalds also
has good record of hiring minority workers. Thirteen percent of its workers are black. This is
better than any other U.S. company.
But the burger house has its critics as well. They pay bothered Edward Rodriguez. He
worked for nearly a year at a Los Angeles McDonalds. During that time he got only one 10-cent
raise. I used to joke that working for McDonalds is the closest thing to slave labour in the U.S.
today he says. Today, most McDonalds pay about $5.00 an hour. They hire new workers
constantly. The restaurant has no other choice because 70 percent of its workers quit or are fired
every year.
But McDonalds also get its share of praise. Its best workers move up quickly. Just walk
to 17-year old Ameer Abdul Raxaaq of Harlem, New York city. They call me Young Crew
Chief around my block, he says. Where else can I go at my age and be in charge of this many
people? he sees the job as the first step in his career.
However, most McDonalds crew members never make it to manager because the job
pressure is so intense and the rewards so few. As one worker put it, They expect a lot and they
dont pay you much.
8. What should young people who start working at McDonalds expect?
a. To get a good salary raise every year.
b. To serve customers in a relaxed way.
c. To have a good start in making a career.
d. To be paid a relatively low salary.
e. To work in a friendly environment.

9. Who are referred to as minority workers?

a. Youngsters
b. Black people and immigrants
c. Uneducated workers
d. All American citizens
e. Unskilled workers
10. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. McDonalds is better than any other US company.
b. It is difficult for workers to become McDonalds managers.
c. McDonalds can be unfair to its workers
d. Most employees do not stay long working for McDonalds
e. McDonalds hires employees but does not reward them properly
11. We can infer that one of the most important factors in hiring employees at McDonalds is

a. Experience
b. Age
c. Citizenship
d. Leadership
e. Creativity
12. We can conclude that the text ..
a. Mainly criticies employees working for McDonalds
b. Is taken from a chapter of a book on marketing
c. Examines the employment situation at McDonalds
d. Serves as a promotion to attract employees
e. Describes why McDonalds becomes so popular among youngsters
Text 4.
Hi, Guys! Our neighbourhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month. It is intended to
help victims of landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this activity,
please join us. You are also invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any question, please
feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m.
03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
13. What is the announcement about ?
a. A neighbours activity
b. Ms. Maryams program
c. Used clothes donation
d. Victims of landslide
e. Fund raising activity
14. Where can Ms Maryam accept her neighbours questions?
a. At her house
b. At her office
c. At the neighbourhood
d. At the landslide area
e. At the committee office
15. If you have any question, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam.
This sentence has the same meaning as
a. Ms. Maryam is always ready to give information you need
b. Ms. Maryam is always ready to ask your questions
c. You are not charged if you contact Ms. Maryam
d. Ms. Maryam will give you questions freely
e. Ms. Maryam has questions to ask
Text 5.
Boxingsport or spectacle
Boxing, amongst other hand to-- hand fighting, has been with us for thousands of years.
Originally it was nothing more than bare list lighting between two willing, and sometimes
unwilling competitors for the entertainment of others. Some people argue that it is a relatively
safe, disciplined, highly skilled, and technical sport that brings enjoyment and employment to a

great many people. Others claim that it is a dangerous and barbaric spectacle that has no place in
the civilized world. This article will explore each sides claim in more detail. It will talk about
the damage that can be inflicted when two men stand face to face with the sole intention of
knocking each other out with their fists. It will go on to argue that boxing, or legitimate assault,
has no place in the twenty first century.
The bell goes and the two warriors approach each other. They are quick. They are strong.
They are hard. They are ready to hurt and be hurt.
A left fist launches and connects with a nose. The crowds are on their feet. Cheering.
Wanting more. Wanting blood.
So, boxing; what is it all about? All animals, mostly the males, fight from time to time.
Sometimes it is playing but at other times it is serious. Lots of people, including me, enjoy
watching boxing. It is disgusting at times though, especially when there is lots of blood and some
boxers died in the ring.
In conclusion, both sides of the debate have solid foundations. As has been shown, the
arguments for and against have been put forward since boxing began. And it would seem, the
argument will continue for at least the foreseeable future, as compromise seems unlikely. Both
sides do agree, however, that the debate is better held whilst boxing is licensed and controlled
rather than not. The latter would make it, in my opinion, both sport as well as spectacle.
16. Which statement is implied in paragraph 2 and 4?
a. Boxing means hurting each other
b. Men, are like animals, fight from time to time
c. Some people think that boxing is disgusting
d. Boxing should be banned in the twenty first century
e. The two warriors have the same courage and strength
17. Why do some people claim that boxing is dangerous, barbaric, uncivilized?
Because .
a. It brings enjoyment
b. It is quick and strong
c. It can entertain others
d. It creates employment
e. It can cause death in the ring
18. When is boxing disgusting?
a. When someone wins
b. When there is lots of cheering
c. When nothing happens
d. When there is lot of blood
e. When there is a big applause
19. It will take about the damage that can be inflicted when two men stand face to face.
(paragraph 1)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Imposed
b. Harmed
c. Weakened
d. Endangered
e. Threatened
20. Who do you think has the authority to make boxing licensed and controlled?
a. The judge of the game
b. The sponsors
c. The promotors
d. The spectators
e. The boxing federation
Text 6.
Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in the tiny village of Perachora in southern Greece. One of
Marys prize possession was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. She kept it tied
to a tree in a field during the day. They went to fetch it every evening. One evening, however, the
lamb was missing. The rope had been cut so it was obvious that the lamb had been stolen.

Coming from the field, Dimitri was told that the lamb had been missing. He at once set
out to find the thief. He knew it would be easy to prove in such a small village. After telling
several of his friends about the theft, he found out that Aleco, his neighbor had suddenly acquired
a new lamb. He immediately went to Alecos house and angrily accused him of stealing his lamb.
Aleco denied doing it and led Dimitri to his backyard. It was true that there was not white lamb
in the yard. Being ashamed of having acted so rashly, he apologized for having accused Aleco.
But while they were talking, it began to rain. And Dimitri decided to stay at Alecos house until
the rain stopped. When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find that the little
black lamb was almost white. Its wool which had been dyed black had been washed clean by the
21. What is paragraph two about?
a. Alecos black lamb
b. How Aleco hid his lamb
c. A report of a missing lamb
d. Aleco who stole Dimitris lamb
e. How Dimitri found his little lamb
22. Which of the following statement is true about Aleco according to the text?
a. Aleco has a black lamb
b. Aleco is Marys husband
c. Aleco kept his lamb in the front yard
d. Aleco painted the lambs wool black
e. Aleco accused Dimitri of stealing his lamb
23. Aleco stole Marys lamb from
a. His neighbours house
b. The tiny village
c. His back yard
d. Her house
e. The field
24. Dimitri apologized for what he did to Aleco because .
a. He got wet at Alecos house
b. He found his lamb somewhere
c. He went outside to see his lamb
d. He has accused Aleco of stealing his lamb
e. He went to Alecos house without permission
25. What do we learn from the story?
a. Stealing wont make you rich
b. There is no love between them
c. The argument will not hold water
d. Its silly to meet trouble half way
e. Be good and good will make you happy
26. . So it obvious that the lamb . (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means .
a. Clear
b. Sure
c. Easy
d. Logical
e. Meaningful
Text 7.
My Wonderful Experience at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha
In December 2006, I went to Doha to participate in the Beach Volleyball Championship.
We prepared for a long time, training hard and fighting for approval of our participation. Nothing
was easy. My partner, Clara, my coach, King, and I were aiming to get into the top 8 at the Asian
Unfortunately, I sprained my ankle one week before departure, which frustrated me
beyond belief. I had physiotherapy every day following the injury, and tried to recover as quickly
as possible. Of course the ankle could not heal completely in a few days, so I had no choice but
just to try my best and have my ankle taped when I played in matches.

We played against teams from Thailand, Mongolia, and Malaysia. The most difficult and
important match was that against the Malaysian team. We planned well for the match and tried
our very best. But finally we lost to them and ranked 9. It was so close: we nearly reached our
goal-to be among the first 8 teams.
27. The writers team was beaten by the team from..
a. Qatar
b. Thailand
c. Mongolia
d. Malaysia
e. Indonesia
28. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a. The ankle could not heal
b. The writer sprained her ankle
c. The writer tried hard to recover
d. The ankle made the writer frustrated
e. It needs a long time to heal the ankle
29. According to the writer, team was difficult to beat.
a. Thai
b. Qatari
c. Indonesia
d. Malaysian
e. Mongolian
Text 8
A Fire
The guests in the Apollo Hotel had an unpleasant experience yesterday when a fire
broke out on top floor of the building.
The fire had started in the early morning while most of the guests were still sound
asleep. One guest who happened to be awake already, however, thought he smelt smoke. Went
out into the corridor and informed a passing bell-boy. Then, they saw smoke coming around the
corner at the other end of the corridor. The two of them immediately raised alarm. While the
hotel guest ran along the corridor, banging on every door and shouting Fire!, Fire. The bell-boy
alerted the rest of the staff and telephoned the fire brigade.
The other guests, rudely awakened by the hanging and the shouts, rushed out of their
rooms. Most of the guests were still in their pajamas. The guests were led to safety outside the
hotel by the hotel staff.
In no time, the fire engines arrived. A team of firemen hurried to an upper floor of the
hotel to investigate the source of fire, while the rest of them remained on the ground floor to
prepare to fight the flames. By now the whole building was filled with thick, black smoke. The
fireman who had gone upstairs soon found that the fire had started in a storeroom on the top
floor. Luckily, the fire itself was not very big. After half an hour battle, the fireman had the fire
itself under control.
A spokesman at the hotel later estimated that the damage caused by the fire would total
around fifty million rupiah. However, he added that it was fortunate that none of the hotel guests
had been hurt in the fire.
30. In which part of the Apollo hotel did the fire take place?
a. Along the corridor
b. In the guest floor
c. At the end of the corridor
d. On the ground floor
e. In a storeroom on the top floor
31. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe a certain hotel
b. To give readers amusement
c. To explain why something had occurred
d. To convince that something had happened
e. To give information about the factual event

32. The fire brigade knew the fire after

a. The police told them
b. A guest telephoned them
c. The bell-boy informed them
d. They heard people shouting Fire
e. They saw the smoke coming from the hotel
33. The guest in the Apollo Hotel had an unpleasant experience yesterday when a fire broke
out on the top floor of the building.
This part of the text is called is called
a. An event
b. An argument
c. An orientation
d. A re-orientation
e. A recommendation
Text 9.
Over 300 million people take holidays every year, and a recent survey has shown that
they would rather cut back spending on food and clothing than spend less on holidays. Choosing
the ideal holiday is not always easy, but in this day and age there is a wide range of choice, and
you should be able to find something to suit your taste and pocket.
Some people like planning their holiday independently, while others prefer to book a
package. It depends on where youre going, how much money you have and whether you are
traveling alone, or with friends or family.
The obvious advantage of package holiday is that it is simple to organize. You book the
holiday through a travel agent, and transport, insurance and accommodation are all arranged for
you. All you have to do is to pay the bill.
If you take an independent holiday, on the other hand, you might save a small fortune.
However, you have to spend a lot of time checking a complicated timetable, chasing cheap flight,
and trying to make hotel bookings in a language you cant even speak.
The truth is, nowadays, package holiday are often incredibly cheap. For the price of a
suit, for example, you can have a fortnight in a foreign resort, including accommodation, meals
and air travel. A similar independent holiday, however, can work out much more expensive.
Yet, the advantages of planning your holiday yourselves are considerable. You are free to
choose exactly where and when you want to go, how you want to travel, and how long you want
to stay. You can avoid the large resorts, whereas the holiday makers on package tours are often
trapped among crowds of other tourists. You can eat the food of the region at a reasonable price
in local restaurants, while they are served in international dishes and chips with everything.
Although package holidays are usually good value for money, they are not always
cheaper. If youre willing to take a little trouble, you may be able to save money by fixing up
foreign holiday yourself.
All things considered, it will be your own decision which to choose from the two options.
34. The text above tells us that one should be able to have a holiday ..
a. that he can afford
b. with people of his own age
c. where he can eat the food he likes
d. where he can stay as long as he likes
e. where he can wear the clothes he likes
35. if you take an independent holiday, you may
a. be lucky to find a hotel
b. have to run after planes
c. find some troubles in language
d. be trapped among crowds of other tourists
e. spend a lot of money making arrangements

36. One of the advantages of a package holiday is that people ..

a. can save more time
b. can cut their expenses on food
c. are free to decide what places to visit
d. can arrange timetables by themselves
e. can find something to suit their taste and pocket
37. You can eat the food of the region at reasonable prices in local restaurants, (paragraph 6)
The underlined word is synonymous with .
a. low cost
b. intolerable
c. bargain
d. expensive
e. practical
Text 10

83-year old woman fined for crossing road too slowly

Sydney: An 83-year old Australian woman who was fined for crossing the road too
slowly has had the ticket torn up following community outrage, report said on Friday.
Pensioner Pat Galen, who uses a walking stick to get around, was fined 30 dollars
(US$23) for failing to cross a road in her hometown of Malanda in far north Queensland in the
most direct route, The Daily Telegraph reported.
She did not know whether to laugh or cry, her friend Fay Millist was quoted as telling
Australian associated Press. Everyone thought the whole thing was so wrong in the first place
for someone of that age.
Police said the ticket, which had been issued by the officers who were passing through
the town, had been torn up.
Taking into account all the circumstances of the case and the public interest it was
decided to have the ticket withdrawn, Mareeba District Inspector Rolf Straatemeier told The
Cairns Post.
Gallen said she would have fought the ticket in court. But the matter has been resolved,
the police have apologized, everyone has had a laugh and now we can forget it, she told the
paper. AFP
38. What is the topic of the text?
a. Police and the ticket
b. Fining an old woman
c. Failing to cross a road
d. Mareeba District Inspector
e. A protest to a policeman
39. This accident has made . Furious.
a. The old womans friend
b. The police
c. The inspector
d. The journalist
e. The community
40. Why did the police fine the woman?
a. Had torn up the ticket
b. Crossed the road too slowly
c. Walked with a walking stick
d. Was too old to cross the road
e. Didnt know where to cross the road
41. .. following community outrage. (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means
a. Anger
b. Hatred
c. Antipathy
d. Annoyance
e. Displeasure

42. The employers argue that men should have higher salary because they usually have a
wife and children to support. The underlined word is rather similar meaning to .
a. Take for granted
b. Pick an argument
c. Ignore
d. Provoke
e. Agree
43. certain people are prohibited to wear a seatbelt
The underlined word is synonymous with ..
a. Permitted
b. Tolerable
c. Unaccepted
d. forbidden
e. allowable
44. everyone was overjoyed.
The word overjoyed is not synonymous with .
a. Happy
b. Grateful
c. Thrilled
d. Joyful
e. Delighted
45. The earth is in grave danger ..
The underlined word means
a. Serious
b. Strong
c. Dangerous
d. Meaningless
e. Insignificant
46. Please arrange a flight and hotel for me.
The underlined word is most similar meaning to ..
a. Order
b. Range
c. Adjust
d. Classify
e. Organize
47. Not all managed to escape from the torrent of mud.
The underlined word is not synonymous with .
a. Violent flow
b. Stream
c. Flood
d. Drip
e. Downpour
48. Call 555-4409 to reserve your table today.
The underlined word is similar meaning to .
a. Book
b. Keep
c. Save
d. Set aside
e. Restraint
49. .that the snake is bewitched by .
The underlined word means .
a. Ruled
b. Charmed
c. Controlled
d. Dominated
e. Monopolized
50. .. starts using the exciting new drug.
The underlined word is synonymous with .
a. Tense
b. amazing
c. Sensational
d. Provocative
e. Suspenseful


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