10th Chapter 4 - Developing-Managing and Using Customer-Related Databases

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Chapter 4

managing and using

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Chapter objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will understand:
1. the central role of customer-related databases to the successful delivery of CRM
2. the importance of high quality data to CRM performance
3. the issues that need to be considered in developing a customer-related database
4. what data integration contributes to CRM performance
5. the purpose of a data warehouse and data mart
6. how data access can be obtained by CRM users
7. the data protection and privacy issues that concern public policy makers.

In this chapter we discuss the importance of developing an intimate
knowledge and understanding of customers. This is essential to achieving
CRM success. Strategic CRM, which focuses on winning and keeping
protable customers, relies on customer-related data to identify which
customers to target, win and keep. Operational CRM, which focuses on
the automation of customer-facing processes such as selling, marketing
and customer service, needs customer-related data to be able to deliver
excellent service, run successful marketing campaigns and track sales
opportunities. Analytical CRM mines customer-related data for strategic
or tactical purposes. Collaborative CRM involves the sharing of customerrelated data with organizational partners, with a view to enhancing
company, partner and customer value. Customer-related databases are the
foundation for the execution of CRM strategy. Prociency at acquiring,
enhancing, storing, distributing and using customer-related data is critical
to CRM performance.

What is a customer-related
You may have already noted that this chapter is not about customer
databases. Rather, it is about customer-related databases. Why?
Companies typically do not have a single customer database; instead, they
have a number of customer-related databases. Large organizations, such
as nancial services companies, can have 20 or more customer systems,
each with a separate database. These databases capture customer-related
data from a number of different perspectives. Customer-related databases

96 Customer Relationship Management

might be maintained in a number of functional areas sales, marketing,
service, logistics and accounts each serving different operational
purposes. Respectively, these databases might record quite different
customer-related data opportunities, campaigns, enquiries, deliveries
and billing. Customer-related data might also be maintained by different
channel managers company-owned retail stores, third-party retail outlets
and online retail, for example. Similarly, different product managers might
maintain their own customer-related data. Customer-related data can have
a current, past or future perspective, focusing upon current opportunities,
historic sales or potential opportunities. Customer-related data might be
about individual customers, customer cohorts, customer segments, market
segments or entire markets. They might also contain product information,
competitor information, regulatory data or anything else pertinent to the
development and maintenance of customer relationships.

Developing a customerrelated database

Most databases share a common structure of les, records and elds (also
called tables, rows and columns). Files (tables) hold information on a
single topic such as customers, products, transactions or service requests.
Each le (table) contains a number of records (rows). Each record (row)
contains a number of elements of data. These elements are arranged in
common sets of elds (columns) across the table. The modern customerrelated database therefore resembles a spreadsheet. There are six major
steps in building a customer-related database, as shown in Figure 4.1.1

1. Define the database functions

2. Define the information requirements

3. Identify the information sources

4. Select the database technology and hardware platform

5. Populate the database

6. Maintain the database

Figure 4.1
Building a customerrelated database

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 97

Dene the database functions

Databases support the four forms of CRM strategic, operational,
analytical and collaborative.
Strategic CRM needs data about markets, market offerings, customers,
channels, competitors, performance and potential to be able to identify
which customers to target for customer acquisition, retention and
development, and what to offer them. Collaborative CRM implementations
generally use the operational and analytical data as described below,
so that partners in distribution channels can align their efforts to serve
Customer-related data is necessary for both operational and analytical
CRM purposes.
Operational CRM uses customer-related data to help in the everyday
running of the business. For example:

a telecoms customer service representative (CSR) needs to access a

customer record when she receives a telephone query
a hotel receptionist needs access to a guests history so that she can
reserve the preferred type of room smoking or non-smoking, standard
or de-luxe
a salesperson needs to check a customers payment history to nd out
whether the account has reached the maximum credit limit.

Analytical CRM uses customer-related data to support the marketing,

sales and service decisions that aim to enhance the value created for and
from customers. For example:

the telecoms company might want to target a retention offer to

customers who are signalling an intention to switch to a different
the hotel company might want to promote a weekend break to
customers who have indicated their complete delight in previous
customer satisfaction surveys
a sales manager might want to compute his sales representatives
customer protability, given the level of service that is being provided.

Customer-related data are typically organized into two subsets,

reecting these operational and analytical purposes. Operational
data resides in an OLTP (online transaction processing) database,
and analytical data resides in an OLAP (online analytical processing)
database. The information in the OLAP database is normally a
summarized, restructured, extract of the OLTP database, sufcient to
perform the analytical tasks. The analytical database might also draw in
data from a number of internal and external sources. OLTP data needs to
be very accurate and up to date. When a customer calls a contact centre
to enquire about an invoice, it is no use the CSR telling the customer
what the average invoice is for a customer in her postcode. The customer
wants personal, accurate, contemporary, information. OLAP databases
can perform well with less current data.

98 Customer Relationship Management

Dene the information requirements

The people best placed to answer the question what information is
needed? are those who interact or communicate with customers for
sales, marketing and service purposes, and those who have to make
strategic CRM decisions.
A direct marketer who is planning an e-mail campaign might want
to know open and click-through rates, and click-to-open rates (CTOR)
for previous e-campaigns, broken down by target market, offer and
execution. She would also want to know e-mail addresses, e-mail
preferences (html or plain text), and preferred salutation (rst name?
Mr? Ms?). Operational and analytical needs like these help dene the
contents of customer-related databases.
Senior managers reviewing your companys strategic CRM decisions
will require a completely different set of information. They may want to
know the following. How is the market segmented? Who are our current
customers? What do they buy? Who else do they buy from? What are
our customers requirements, expectations and preferences across all
components of the value proposition, including product, service, channel
and communication?
With the advent of packaged CRM applications, much of the database
design work has been done by the software vendors. The availability of
industry-specic CRM applications, with their corresponding industryspecic data models, allows for a much closer t with a companys
data needs. Where there is a good t out of the box, the database
design process for both operational and analytical CRM applications
becomes one of implementing exceptions that have been overlooked by
the generic industry model. Some CRM vendors have also built in the
extract, transform and load processes to move information from OLTP
to OLAP databases although it is highly likely that a client will need to
modify and customize the standard processes.

Customer information elds

Most CRM software has predened elds in different modules, whether
for sales, marketing or service applications. For example, in a sales
application, a number of elds (columns) of information about customers
are common: contact data, contact history, transactional history, current
pipeline, future opportunities, products and communication preferences.

Contact data
Who is the main contact (name) and who else (other names) is involved
in buying decisions? What are their roles? Who are the decision-makers,
buyers, inuencers, initiators and gatekeepers? What are the customers
invoice addresses, delivery addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers,
e-mail addresses, street addresses and postal addresses?

Contact history
Who has communicated with the customer, when, about what, in which
medium and with what outcome?

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 99

Transactional history
What has the customer bought and when? What has been offered to the
customer, but not been purchased?

Current pipeline
What opportunities are currently in the sales pipeline? What is the
value of each opportunity? What is the probability of closing? Is there a
10 per cent, 20 per cent 90 per cent chance of making a sale? Some
CRM applications enable sales people to allocate red, amber or green
signals to opportunities according to the probability of success.

Whereas transactional history looks backwards, opportunity looks
forwards. This is where opportunities that have not yet been opened or
discussed are recorded.

What products does the customer have? When were these products
purchased, and when are they due for renewal? Have there been any
service issues related to these products in the past?

Communication preferences
What is the preferred medium of communication mail, telephone, email, face-to-face, etc.? If it is e-mail, is plain text or html preferred?
What is the preferred salutation? And the preferred contact time and
location? Customers may prefer you to contact them by phone for some
communications (e.g. an urgent product recall), by mail for others (e.g.
invoicing), by e-mail (e.g. for advice about special offers) and face-toface for other reasons (e.g. news about new products). These preferences
can change over time. When a customers preferences are used during
customer communications, it is evidence that the company is responsive
to customer expectations. Many companies allow customers to opt in to,
or out of, different forms of communication. Customers may prefer to
adjust their own preferences. Amazon.com, for example, allows customers
to opt to receive e-mail about six different types of content: terms and
conditions of shopping at Amazon; new products; research surveys;
magazine subscription renewal notices; information about and from
Amazons partners and special offers.

Identify the information sources

Information for customer-related databases can be sourced internally
or externally. Prior to building the database it is necessary to audit
the company to nd out what data are available. Internal data are
the foundation of most CRM programmes, though the amount of
information available about customers depends on the degree of contact
that the company has with the customer. Some companies sell through
partners, agents and distributors and have little knowledge about the
demand chain beyond their immediate contact.

100 Customer Relationship Management

Internal data can be found in various functional areas.

Marketing might have data on market size, market segmentation,

customer proles, customer acquisition channels, marketing campaign
records, product registrations and requests for product information.
Sales might have records on customer purchasing history including
recency, frequency and monetary value, buyers names and contact
details, account number, SIC code, important buying criteria, terms
of trade such as discounts and payment period, potential customers
(prospects), responses to proposals, competitor products and pricing,
and customer requirements and preferences.
Customer service might have records of service histories, service
requirements, customer satisfaction levels, customer complaints,
resolved and unresolved issues, enquiries, and loyalty programme
membership and status.
Finance may have data on credit ratings, accounts receivable and
payment histories.
Your webmaster may have click-stream data.

Enhancing the data

External data can be used to enhance the internal data and can be
imported from a number of sources including market research companies
and marketing database companies. The business intelligence company
Claritas, for example, offers clients access to their Behaviourbank and
Lifestyle Selector databases. These databases are populated with data
obtained from many millions of returned questionnaires. Experian,
another intelligence company, provides geodemographic data to its
clients. External data can be classied into three groups:2
1. compiled list data
2. census data
3. modelled data.

Compiled list data

Compiled list data are individual level data assembled by list bureaux or
list vendors. They build their lists from a variety of personal, household
and business sources. They might use local or council tax records,
questionnaire response data, warranty card registrations or businesses
published annual reports. Lists can be purchased outright or rented
for a period of time and a dened number of uses. Once the list or its
permitted use has expired, it must be removed from the database.
If you were a retailer thinking of diversifying from leisurewear into
dancewear and had little relevant customer data of your own, you might
be interested in buying or renting data from an external source. Data
could have been compiled by the bureau or vendor from a variety of
sources, such as:

memberships of dance schools

student enrolments on dance courses at school and college
recent purchasers of dance equipment

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 101

lifestyle questionnaire respondents who cite dance as an interest

subscribers to dance magazines
purchasers of tickets for dance and musical theatre.

Census data
Census data are obtained from government census records. In different
parts of the world, different information is available. Some censuses
are unreliable; others do not make much data available for nongovernmental use.
In the USA, where the census is conducted every ten years, you cannot
obtain census data at the household level, but you can at a more aggregated
geodemographic level, such as zip code, census tract and block group.
Census tracts are subdivisions of counties. Block groups are subdivisions
of census tracts, the boundaries of which are generally streets. In the USA
there are about 225 000 block groups, with an average of over 1000 persons
per group. Census data available at geodemographic level includes:

median income
average household size
average home value
average monthly mortgage
percentage ethnic breakdown
marital status
percentage college educated.

For the UK census there are 155 000 enumeration districts, each
comprising about 150 households and ten postcodes. The enumeration
district is the basis for much geodemographic data.
Individual-level data are better predictors of behaviour than aggregated
geodemographic data. However, in the absence of individual-level data,
census data may be the only option for enhancing your internal data. For
example, a car reseller could use census data about median income and
average household size to predict who might be prospects for a purchase

Modelled data
Modelled data are generated by third parties from data that they
assemble from a variety of sources. You buy processed, rather than
raw, data from these sources. Often they have performed clustering
routines on the data. For example, Claritas has developed a customer
classication scheme called PRIZM. In Great Britain, PRIZM describes
the lifestyles of people living in a particular postcode. Every postcode is
assigned to one of 72 different clusters on the basis of their responses to
a variety of lifestyle and demographic questions. Eighty per cent of the
data used in the clustering process is less than three years old.
Figure 4.2 provides the PRIZM prole of residents of one postcode
in the London suburb of Twickenham. They are assigned to PRIZM
code A101, which applies to about one-third of one per cent of
households in the country. The gure proles their occupational status,
living accommodation, car ownership, vacation choices and media

102 Customer Relationship Management

Young professionals
Rented accommodation
Above average car ownership
Take foreign holidays
Read the quality press
Assigned to PRIZM code A101

Lifestyle: A (AD)
Income quintile: 1 (15)
Cluster type: 1 (172)
0.34% of GB households
Income rank: 5 (172)
Age rank: 28 (172)

Figure 4.2
PRIZM analysis of
TW9 1UU, England
If you want to use external data to enhance your internal data, youll
need to send a copy of the data that you want to enhance to the external
data source. The source will match its les to yours using an algorithm
that recognizes equivalence between the les (often using names and
addresses). The source then attaches the relevant data to your les and
returns them to you.

Secondary and primary data

Customer-related data are either secondary or primary. Secondary data
are data that have already been collected, perhaps for a purpose that
is very different from your CRM requirement. Primary data are that
collected for the rst time, either for CRM or other purposes.
Primary data collection through traditional means, such as surveys,
can be very expensive. Companies have, therefore, had to nd relatively
low cost ways to generate primary customer data for CRM applications.
Among the data-building schemes that have been used are the following:

Competition entries: customers are invited to enter competitions of

skill or lotteries. They surrender personal data on the entry forms.
Subscriptions: customers may be invited to subscribe to a newsletter
or magazine, again surrendering personal details
Registrations: customers are invited to register their purchase. This
may be so that they can be advised on product updates.
Loyalty programmes: many companies run loyalty programmes. These
enable companies to link purchasing behaviour to individual customers
and segments. When joining a programme, customers complete
application forms providing the company with personal, demographic
and even lifestyle data.

Select the database

technology and hardware
Customer-related data can be stored in a database in a number of
different ways.

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 103

1. hierarchical
2. network
3. relational.
Hierarchical and network databases were the most common form
between the 1960s and 1980s. The hierarchical database is the oldest
form and not well suited to most CRM applications. You can imagine
the hierarchical model as an organization chart or family tree, in which
a child can have only one parent, but a parent can have many children.
The only way to get access to the lower levels is to start at the top and
work downwards. When data is stored in hierarchical format, you may
end up working through several layers of higher-level data before getting
to the data you need. Product databases are generally hierarchical. A
major product category will be subdivided repeatedly until all forms of
the product have their own record.
To extend the family tree metaphor, the network database allows
children to have one, none or more than one parent. Before the network
database had the chance to become popular, the relational database
superseded it, eventually becoming an ANSI standard in 1971.3

Relational databases
Relational databases are now the standard architecture for CRM
applications (see Figure 4.3). Relational databases store data in two
dimensional tables comprised of rows and columns. Relational databases
have one or more elds that provide a unique form of identication for
each record. This is called the primary key. For sales databases, each
customer is generally assigned a unique number which appears in the
rst column. Therefore, each row has a unique number. Companies also
have other databases for marketing, service, inventory, payments and
so on. The customers unique identifying number enables linkages to be
made between the various databases.
Lets imagine you are a customer of an online retailer. You buy
a book and supply the retailer with your name, address, preferred
delivery choice and credit-card details. A record is created for you on
the Customer database, with a unique identifying number. An Orders
received database records your purchase and preferred delivery choice.
An Inventory database records that there has been a reduction in
the stock of the item you ordered. This may trigger a re-ordering
process when inventory reaches a critical level. A Payment database
records your payment by credit-card. There will be one-to-many
linkages between your customer record and these other databases.
With the advent of enterprise suites from vendors such as Oracle
and SAP, all of these databases may reside in the one system and be
preintegrated. The choice of hardware platform is inuenced by several
1. The size of the databases. Even standard desktop PCs are capable
of storing huge amounts of customer data. However, they are not
designed for this data to be shared easily between several users.

104 Customer Relationship Management

Figure 4.3
Relational database
2. Existing technology. Most companies will already have technology
that lends itself to database applications.
3. The number and location of users. Many CRM applications are quite
simple, but in an increasingly global marketplace the hardware may
need very careful specication and periodic review. For example, the
hardware might need to enable a geographically dispersed, multilingual,
user group to access data for both analytical and operational purposes.

Relational database management system (RDBMS)

A relational database management system can be dened as follows:
An RDBMS is a software programme that allows users to create,
update and administer a relational database.
There are a number of relational database management systems available
from technology rms that are well suited to CRM applications. Leading
RDBMS products are Oracle, DB2 from IBM, and Microsofts SQL
server. Most RDBMS products use SQL to access, update and query the

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 105

The selection of the CRM database can be done in parallel with the
next step in this process, selection of CRM applications. Modern database
applications come together with their own database schema, which
predetermines the tables and columns in the database structure. Each
CRM vendor then supports a specied list of database technologies, for
example, Oracle or SQL server.
Indeed, it is possible to buy an entire platform, consisting of integrated
hardware, operating system (OS), database and CRM applications.
Leading platforms include UNIX, Microsoft and IBM. The UNIX
platform offers a number of hardware/OS/database options, such
as Hewlett-Packard hardware, Digital UNIX operating system and
Oracle database. The IBM platform employs AS/400 hardware, OS/400
operating system and DB2/400 database. Microsoft NT servers are
becoming more popular for CRM applications, due to the ease with
which they can be scaled and expanded.

Populate the database

Having decided what information is needed and the database and
hardware requirements, the next task is to obtain the data and enter it
onto the database. CRM applications need data that are appropriately
accurate. We use the appropriately because the level of accuracy
depends upon the function of the database. As noted earlier, operational
CRM applications generally need more accurate and contemporary data
than analytical applications.
You may have personally experienced the results of poor quality
data. Perhaps you have received a mailed invitation to become a donor
to a charity, to which you already donate direct from your salary. This
could have happened when a prospecting list that has been bought by
the charity was not been checked against current donor lists. Perhaps
you have been addressed as Mrs although you prefer Ms. This is caused
because the company has either not obtained or not acted or checked
your communication preferences.
One of the biggest issues with customer data is not so much incorrect
data as missing data. Many organizations nd it difcult to obtain even
basic customer data, such as e-mail addresses and preferences. The main
steps in ensuring that the database is populated with appropriately
accurate data are as follows:

source the data

verify the data
validate the data
de-duplicate the data
merge and purge data from two or more sources.

Sourcing: organizations must develop explicit processes to obtain

information from customers, such as on initial sign-up or when concluding
a service call. Organizations cannot rely on customer goodwill; data must
be collected whenever interaction occurs.

106 Customer Relationship Management

Verication: this task is conducted to ensure that the data has been
entered exactly as found in the original source. This can be a very labourintensive process since it generally involves keying the data in twice with
the computer programmed to ag mismatches. An alternative is to check
visually that the data entered match the data at the primary source.
Validation: this is concerned with checking the accuracy of the data
that are entered. There are a number of common inaccuracies, many
associated with name and address elds: misspelt names, incorrect titles,
inappropriate salutations. A number of processes can improve data

range validation: does an entry lie outside the possible range for a eld?
missing values: the computer can check for values that are missing in
any column.
check against external sources: you could check postcodes against an
authoritative external listing from the mail authorities.

De-duplication: also known as de-duping. Customers become aware

that their details appear more than once on a database when they
receive identical communications from a company. This might occur
when external data is not cross-checked against internal data, when two
or more internal lists are used for the mailing or when customers have
more than one address on a database. There may be sound cost reasons
for this (de-duplication does cost money), but from the customers
perspective it can look wasteful and unprofessional. De-duplication
software is available to help in the process.
The de-duplication process needs to be alert to the possibility of two
types of error:
1. Removing a record that should be retained. For example, if a property
is divided into unnumbered apartments and you have transactions

Figure 4.4 Output

from mergepurge

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 107

with more than one resident, then it would be a mistake to assume
duplication and delete records. Similarly, you may have more than one
customer in a household, bearing the same family name or initials.
2. Retaining a record that should be removed. For example, you may
have separate records for a customer under different titles such as
Mr and Dr.
Merge and purge: also known as mergepurge (see Figure 4.4), this is
a process that is performed when two or more databases are merged.
This might happen when an external database is merged to an internal
database, when two internal databases are merged (e.g. marketing and
customer service databases), or when two external lists are bought
and merged for a particular purpose such as a campaign. There can be
signicant costs savings for marketing campaigns when duplications are
purged from the combined lists.

Maintain the database

Customer databases need to be updated to keep them useful. Consider
the following statistics:

19% of managing directors change jobs in any year

8% of businesses relocate in any year
in the UK, 5% of postcodes change in an average year
in western economies about 1.2% of the population dies each year
in the USA, over 40 million people change addresses each year.

It does not take long for databases to degrade. Companies can maintain
data integrity in a number of ways.
1. Ensure that data from all new transactions, campaigns and
communications is inserted into the database immediately. You will
need to develop rules and ensure that they are applied.
2. Regularly de-duplicate databases.
3. Audit a subset of the les every year. Measure the amount of
degradation. Identify the source of degradation: is it a particular data
source or eld?
4. Purge customers who have been inactive for a certain period of time.
For frequently bought products, the dormant time period might be six
months or less. For products with a longer repeat purchase cycle, the
period will be longer. It is not always clear what a suitable dormancy
period is. Some credit-card users, for example, may have different
cards in different currencies. Inactivity for a year only indicates that
the owner has not travelled to a country in the previous year. The
owner may make several trips in the coming year.
5. Drip-feed the database. Every time there is a customer contact there is
an opportunity to add new or verify existing data.
6. Get customers to update their own records. When Amazon customers
buy online, they need to conrm or update invoice and delivery details.

108 Customer Relationship Management

7. Remove customers records when they request this.
8. Insert decoy records. If the database is managed by an external
agency, you might want to check the effectiveness of the agencys
performance by inserting a few dummy records into the database. If
the agency fails to spot the dummies, you may have a problem with
their service standards.
Users with administrative rights can update records. Database updating
and maintenance is also enabled by database query language. Common
languages are SQL (Structured Query Language) and QBE (Query By
Example). Maintenance queries available in SQL include UPDATE,
INSERT and DELETE commands. You can use the commands to update
your customer-related data. INSERT, for example, adds a new record to
the database.

Desirable data attributes

Maintaining the database means that users will be more likely to have
their need for accurate and relevant data met. Accuracy and relevance
are two of six desirable data attributes that have been identied data
should be shareable, transportable, accurate, relevant, timely and
secure.6 You can remember these desirable data attributes through the
mnemonic STARTS.
Data need to be shareable because several users may require access
to the same data at the same time. For example, prole information
about customers who have bought annual travel insurance might need
to be made available to customer service agents in several geographic
locations simultaneously as they deal with customer enquiries in
response to an advertising campaign.
Data need to be transportable from storage location to user. Data
need to be made available wherever and whenever users require. The
user might be a hot-desking customer service representative, a delivery
driver en route to a pick-up, an independent mortgage consultant or a
salesperson in front of a prospect. Todays international corporations
with globally distributed customers, product portfolios across several
categories and multiple routes to market face particularly challenging
data transportation problems. Electronic customer databases are essential
for todays businesses, together with enabling technologies, such as data
synchronization, wireless communications and web browsers to make
the data fully transportable.
Data accuracy is a troublesome issue. In an ideal world it would be
wonderful to have 100 per cent accurate data. But data accuracy carries
a high costs. Data are captured, entered, integrated and analysed at
various moments. Any or all of these processes may be the source
of inaccuracy. Keystroke mistakes can cause errors at the point of
data entry. Inappropriate analytical processes can lead to ill-founded
conclusions. In CRM, data inaccuracy can lead to undue waste in
marketing campaigns, inappropriate prospecting by salespeople and

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 109

general suboptimal customer experience. It also erodes trust in the
CRM system, thus reducing usage. This leads to further degrading of
data quality. To counter this, usage volumes and data quality should
be monitored. Data need to be entered at source rather than second
hand; user buy-in needs to be managed; data quality processes such as
de-duplication need to be introduced. Newsagency and book retailer WH
Smith attribute high response rates of CRM-enabled direct marketing to
the accuracy of their database. For example, an offer of Delia Smiths How
to Cook book achieved an 8 per cent response rate, signicantly more than
was the norm before their data quality project was implemented.
Relevant data is pertinent for a given purpose. To check a customers
credit worthiness you need their transaction and payment histories, and
their current employment and income status. To ag customers who are
hot prospects for a cross-sell campaign, you need their propensity-tobuy scores. In designing a data management system to support a CRM
strategy, relevance is a major issue. You need to know what decisions will
be made and what information is needed to enable them to be made well.
Timely data is data that is available as and when needed. Data that is
retrieved after a decision is made is not helpful. Equally, decision-makers
do not want to be burdened with data before the need is felt. Bank tellers
need to have propensity-to-buy information available to them at the time
a customer is being served.
Data security is a hugely important issue for most companies. Data,
particularly data about customers, is a major resource and a source of
competitive advantage. It provides the foundation for delivery of better
solutions to customers. Companies do need to protect their data against
loss, sabotage and theft. Many companies regularly back-up their data.
Security is enhanced through physical and electronic barriers such as
rewalls. Managing data security in a partner environment is particularly
challenging, as it is essential that competing partners do not see each
others sales leads and opportunity information, despite being signed
into the same CRM system through the same portal.

Data integration
As noted earlier, in most companies there are several customer-related
databases, maintained by different functions or channels. There might
also be customer data in product or production databases, as well as
call centres and websites, as suggested in Figure 4.5. External data from
suppliers, business partners, franchisees and others may also need to be
Failure to integrate databases may lead to inefciency, duplication and
damaged customer relationships. Poor integration is indicated when you
have bought an item online, only to be offered the same item at a later
time through a different channel of the same company.
Customer data integration relies on standardization of data across
databases. An indicator of the magnitude of the problem is that when
Dun & Bradstreet was integrating data from several sources to create

110 Customer Relationship Management

Retail store

Party plan

Catalogue store



CRM strategy


Home shopping

External data

Figure 4.5
A single view of the
a marketing database it found 113 different entries for AT&T alone.
These included ATT, A.T.T., AT and T and so on.
Companies often face the challenge of integrating data from several
sources into a coherent single view of the customer. Sometimes this
becomes a signicant challenge in a CRM project, and a necessary hurdle to
cross before implementing marketing, sales or service CRM applications.
The major on-premise CRM vendors, such as Oracle and SAP,
offer solutions to this problem. SAP, for example, offers Master Data
Management as part of its NetWeaver business integration platform.
This enables companies to capture and consolidate data from different
sources into a centralized database.
For companies with older mainframe (legacy) systems, another
solution to the problem of database integration is to convert to newer
systems with a centralized database that can accept real time inputs from
a number of channels.7 However, where there is considerable investment
in legacy systems and a huge number of records this may not be cost
effective. Legacy systems are typically batch-processing systems. In
other words, they do not accept real time data. Many technology rms
have developed software and systems to allow companies to integrate
databases held on different legacy systems. Sometimes middleware
has to be written to integrate data from diverse sources. Middleware is
a class of software that connects different parts of a system that would
not otherwise be able to communicate to each other. Middleware acts as
a broker of information between systems, receiving information from
source systems, and passing it to destination systems in a format that
can be understood. It is often referred to as a kind of glue that holds a
network together.

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 111

Case 4.1
Data integration at the American Heart Association
The American Heart Association (AHA) is a not-for-prot US health organization dedicated to
reducing disability and death from heart attack, stroke and related cardiovascular disorders.
One of the AHAs major goals has been improving its relationships with stakeholders,
including many thousands of volunteers conducting unpaid work for the organization,
donors, businesses and the media. However, a challenge facing the AHA in achieving this
goal was integrating the organizations data, which was previously located in over 150
separate databases, often geographically isolated and specic to certain departments within
the organization. These provided a fragmented view of customers proles and history of
AHA chose to implement a CRM software system across the organization to integrate all
existing databases. Since implementation the AHA has found its staff is far more productive,
it is able to respond to customers more quickly and provide more personalized service.
Donations from customers have increased by over 20 per cent, using the system to contact
potential donors compared to previous activities.

Data warehousing
As companies have grown larger they have become separated both
geographically and culturally from the markets and customers they
serve. Disney, an American corporation, has operations in Europe, Asia
and Australasia, as well as in the USA. Benetton, the French fashion
brand has operations across ve continents. In retailing alone it operates
over 7000 stores and concessions. Companies such as these generate
a huge volume of data that needs to be converted into information that
can be used for both operational and analytical purposes.
The data warehouse is a solution to that problem. Data warehouses
are really no more than repositories of large amounts of operational,
historical and other customer-related data. Data volume can reach
terabyte levels, i.e. 240 bytes of data. A warehouse is a repository for
data imported from other databases. Attached to the front end of the
warehouse is a set of analytical procedures for making sense out of the
data. Retailers, home shopping companies and banks have been early
adopters of data warehouses.
Watson describes a data warehouse as follows:8

subject-oriented: the warehouse organizes data around the essential

subjects of the business (customers and products) rather than around
applications such as inventory management or order processing.
integrated: it is consistent in the way that data from several sources
is extracted and transformed. For example, coding conventions are
standardized: M  male, F  female.

112 Customer Relationship Management

time-variant: data are organized by various time-periods (e.g. months).

non-volatile: the warehouses database is not updated in real time.
There is periodic bulk uploading of transactional and other data. This
makes the data less subject to momentary change.

There are a number of steps and processes in building a warehouse.

First, you must identify where the relevant data is stored. This can be a
challenge. When the Commonwealth Bank opted to implement CRM
in its retail banking business, it found that relevant customer data were
resident on over 80 separate systems. Secondly, data must be extracted
from those systems. It is possible that when these systems were developed
they were not expected to align with other systems.
The data then needs to be transformed into a standardized, consistent
and clean format. Data in different systems may have been stored in
different forms, as Figure 4.6 indicates. Also, the cleanliness of data from
different parts of the business may vary. The culture in sales may be very
driven by quarterly performance targets. Getting sales representatives to
maintain their customer les may be not straightforward. Much of their
information may be in their heads. On the other hand, direct marketers
may be very dedicated to keeping their data in good shape.

Data standardization
Personal data: m/f, M/F, male/female
Units of measurement: metric/imperial
Field names: sales value, Sale$, $val
Dates: mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd
Data cleaning
Updating and purging
Identify misuse of data entry fields e.g. use of phone field to record e-mail address

Figure 4.6
Data transformation
After transformation, the data then needs to be uploaded into the
warehouse. Archival data that have little relevance to todays operations
may be set aside, or only uploaded if there is sufcient space. Recent
operational and transactional data from the various functions, channels
and touchpoints will most probably be prioritized for uploading.
Refreshing the data in the warehouse is important. This may be done
on a daily or weekly basis depending upon the speed of change in the
business and its environment.

Data marts
A data mart is a scaled down version, or subset, of the data warehouse,
customized for use in a particular business function or department.

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 113

Marketing and sales may have their own data marts enabling them to
conduct separate analyses and make strategic and tactical decisions.
Some large data warehousing projects have taken years to implement
and have yielded few measurable benets. According to a Gartner Inc.,
75 per cent of data warehouse implementations will fail to meet their
delivery targets. The Meta Group says 20 per cent fail outright and 50
per cent fall short of expectations.9 Data mart project costs are lower
because the volume of data stored are reduced, the number of users is
capped, and the business focus is more precise. Technology requirements
are less demanding.

Case 4.2
Data warehousing at Owens & Minor Inc.
Owens & Minor Inc., a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Richmond, VA, is the USAs
leading distributor of national name brand medical/surgical supplies. The companys data
warehouse project was rst implemented in April 1997, starting with a single subject area
sales. Today, the data warehouse environment has grown to integrate over 20 different subject
areas with over ten years of history. The size of the warehouse is just under 2 terabytes of
total space. Internally there are over 900 users out of a total employee base of 3000, which
is a very high percentage of business intelligence users. Externally Owens & Minor has four
different extranet user groups that total around 600 users.
Source: The Data Warehousing Institute10

Data access and

CRM applications allow users to interact with customer-related databases
for operational purposes. Sales representatives add data to customer
records after a call is completed; CSRs in call centres log inbound calls
on customer records; marketers update online brochures as product
specications change.
In addition, CRM users want to interrogate data for analytical
purposes, or receive management reports. There are three main ways of
doing this standard reports, database queries, and data mining.11

Standard reports
Standard reports are automatically generated periodically by the CRM
system. Examples include monthly reports to sales management about
sales representatives activity and performance against quota, and daily
reports of call centre activity. OLAP technologies allow users to drill
down into the data on a screen rather than resorting to a at, xedformat, report. Starting with aggregated sales data for a region, a sales

114 Customer Relationship Management

manager can drill down into data about individual sales representatives
and their customers, to reveal where causes of underperformance lie.
Special reports can also be produced when ad hoc queries are made of
a database, data warehouse or data mart. Most database management
systems incorporate some reporting capability.

Database queries
A number of different types of query languages are available to CRM users
when they want to raise a database query. Some are graphical users can
click and drag the data they want, and then drill down until they reach
the level of granularity they require. Database managers may prefer to use
SQL, which is now the standard query language for relational databases.
SQL queries employing standard commands, such as SELECT, INSERT,
DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, DROP, can be used to access required data.

Data mining
In the CRM context, data mining can be dened as follows:
Data mining is the application of descriptive and predictive analytics
to support the marketing, sales and service functions.12
Although data mining can be performed on operational databases, it
is more commonly applied to the more stable datasets held in data marts
or warehouses. Higher processing speeds, reduced storage costs and
better software packages have made data mining more attractive and
Data mining can provide answers to questions that are important for
both strategic and operational CRM purposes. For example:

How can our market and customer base be segmented?

Which customers are most valuable?
Which customers offer most potential for the future?
What types of customers are buying our products? Or not buying?
Are there any patterns of purchasing behaviour in our customer base?
Should we charge the same price to all these segments?
What is the prole of customers who default on payment?
What are the costs of customer acquisition?
What sorts of customer should be targeted for acquisition?
What offers should be made to specic customer groups to increase
their value?
11. Which customers should be targeted for customer retention efforts?
12. Which retention tactics work well?
Data mining helps CRM in a number of ways. It can nd associations
between data. For example, the data may reveal that customers who buy
low fat desserts are also big buyers of herbal health and beauty aids, or

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 115

that consumers of wine enjoy live theatre productions. One analyst at
Wal-Mart, the American retailer, noted a correlation between diaper sales
and beer sales, which was particularly strong on Fridays. On investigating
further he found that fathers were buying the diapers and picking up a
six-pack at the same time. The company responded to this information by
locating these items closer to each other. Sales of both rose strongly.13

Case 4.3
Data mining at Marks & Spencer
Data mining has proven to be a successful strategy for the UK retailer Marks & Spencer
(M&S). The company generates large volumes of data from the ten million customers per
week it serves in over 300 stores. The organization claims data mining lets it build one-to-one
relationships with every customer, to the point that whenever individual customers come into
a store the retailer knows exactly what products it should offer in order to build protability.
Marks & Spencer believes two factors are important in data mining. First is the quality
of the data. This is higher when the identity of customers is known, usually as a result of
e-commerce tracking or loyalty programme membership. Second is to have clear business
goals in mind before starting data mining. For example, M&S uses data mining to identify
high margin, average margin or low margin customer groups. The company then
proles high margin customers. This is used to guide customer retention activities with
appropriate targeted advertising and promotions. This technique can also be used to prole
average margin or low margin customers who have the potential to be developed into
high margin customers.

Sequential patterns often emerge from data mining. Data miners look
for if then rules in customer behaviour. For example, they might nd
a rule such as If a customer buys walking shoes in November, then there
is a 40 per cent probability that they will buy rainwear within the next
six months, or If a customer calls a contact centre to request information
about interest rates, then there is a 50 per cent probability the customer
will churn in the next three months. Rules such as these enable CRM users
to implement timely tactics. In the rst instance, there is an opportunity for
cross-selling. Secondly, there may be an opportunity to save the customer.
Data-mining also works by classifying. Customers can be classied
into mutually exclusive groups. For example, you might be able to
segment your existing customers into groups according to the value
they produce for your company. You can then prole each group. When
you identify a potential new customer you can judge which group the
prospect most resembles. That will give you an idea of the prospects
potential value.
You could also classify customers into quintiles or deciles in terms of
important transactional information such as the recency, frequency and
monetary value of the purchases they have made. This is called RFM

116 Customer Relationship Management






















Recency  1

Figure 4.7
A recency
monetary value


Frequency  1





1  Monetary value

analysis. Then you can experiment with different treatments, making

different offers and communicating in different ways to selected cells of
the RFM matrix (see Figure 4.7). You can expect to nd that customers
who have bought most recently, frequently or spend most with you are
the most responsive in general terms.
Another approach in data mining is clustering. CRM practitioners
attempt to cluster customers into groups. The general objective of
clustering is to minimize the differences between members of a cluster
while also maximizing the differences between clusters. Clustering
techniques work by using a dened range of variables to perform
the clustering procedure. You might, for example, use all available
transaction data to generate customer segments. There are a number of
techniques, such as cluster analysis, which nd the hidden clusters.14
Once statistical clusters have been formed they need to be interpreted.
Lifestyle market segments are outputs of cluster analysis on large sets of
data. Cluster labels such as Young working class families or Wealthy
suburbanites are often used to capture the essence of the cluster.
Finally, data mining can contribute to CRM by making predictions.
CRM practitioners might use historic purchasing behaviour to predict
future purchasing behaviour and customer lifetime value.
These ve major approaches to data mining can be used in various
sequences. For example, you could use clustering to create customer
segments, then within segments use transactional data to predict future
purchasing and customer lifetime value.
According to Gartner Inc., market leaders SAS and SPSS offer broad
data mining solutions that meet most market needs.15 There are many

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 117

other vendors. Successful vendors of CRM analytics provide the

packaged applications to support common CRM decisions such as

cross-sell and customer churn prediction
a user interface suitable for business users
the capability to access data from various sources including data
warehouses, data marts, call centres, e-commerce or web-tracking
systems, as well as third party data sources
robust data mining statistical tools such as cluster analysis, decision
trees and neural networks that can provide reliable insights into
different types and volumes of data
reporting tools that make the results of analysis available to decisionmakers such as campaign managers and call centre agents.

Privacy issues
Privacy and data protection are major concerns to legislators around
the world. Customers are increasingly concerned about the amount of
information commercial organizations have about them, and the uses to
which that information is put. In fact, consumers are not aware of just
how much information is available to companies. When you use the
Internet, small programmes called cookies are downloaded onto your
hard disk from the sites you visit. A very small number of websites obtain
permission from their site visitors prior to the download; most do not.
There have been two major responses to the privacy concerns of
customers. The rst is self-regulation by companies and associations.
For example, a number of companies publish their privacy policies and
make a commercial virtue out of their transparency. Professional bodies
in elds such as direct marketing, advertising and market research have
adopted codes of practice that members must abide by.
The second response has been legislation. In 1980, the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) developed a set
of principles that has served the foundation for personal data protection
legislation around the world.16 These principles are voluntary guidelines
that member nations can use when framing laws to protect individuals
against abuses by data gatherers. The principles are as follows:

Purpose specication: at the time of data collection, the consumer

should be provided with a clear statement of the purposes for which
the data is being collected.
Data collection processes: data should be collected only by fair and
lawful means.
Limited application: data should be used only for valid business
Data quality: personal data should be relevant for the purposes used
and kept accurate, complete and up to date.
Use limitation: personal data should not be disclosed, sold, made
available or otherwise used for purposes than as specied at the time

118 Customer Relationship Management

of collection unless the consumer gives consent or as required by law.

Consumer consent can be obtained either through an opt-in or opt-out
process. Opt-in means than consumers agree that their data may be
used for a particular purpose. Opt-out means that consumers prohibit
use for that purpose.
Openness: consumers should be able to receive information about
developments, practices and policies with regard to their personal
data. They should be able to nd out what data has been collected
and the uses to which it has been put. Consumers should have access
to the data controller.
Access: consumers should be able to access their data in readable
form, to challenge the data and, if the challenge is successful, have the
data erased, corrected or completed.
Data security: personal data should be protected against risks such as
loss, unauthorized access, destruction, use, modication or disclosure.
Accountability: a data controller should be accountable for compliance with these measures.

Legislation has been enacted at a number of levels. In 1995, the Council

of the European Union issued Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection
of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on
the Free Movement of Such Data. This applies to all forms of data and
information processing including e-commerce. It required all member
states to upgrade their legislation to a common standard by 1998.
Companies are now only allowed to process personal data where the
individual has given consent or where, for legal or contractual reasons,
processing is necessary. EU countries are not allowed to export personal
data to countries where such exacting standards do not apply. Legislation
guarantees certain rights to citizens of the EU:

notication: individuals are to be advised without delay about what

information is being collected, and the origins of that data, if not from
the individual
explanation of the logic behind the results of automated decisions
based on customer data (e.g. why a credit application was rejected)
correction/deleting/blocking of data that do not comply with
objection: individuals can object to the way in which their data are
processed (opt-out). Where the objection is justied, the data controller
must no longer process the information.

Data controllers are also required to comply with certain obligations,


Only collect and process data for legitimate and explicit purposes.
Only collect personal data when individual consent has been granted,
or is required to enter into or full a contract, or is required by law.
Ensure the data is accurate and up to date.
At the point of data collection, to advise the individual of the identity
of the collector, the reason for data collection, the recipients of the

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 119

data, and the individuals rights in respect of data access, correction

and deletion.
Ensure that the data is kept secure and safe from unauthorized access
and disclosure.

The USA has not adopted these legislative standards, but in order to
enable US companies to do business with EU organizations, the US
Commerce Department has devised a set of Safe Harbor principles.
US organizations in the Safe Harbor are assumed to adhere to seven
principles regarding notice (as in notication, above), choice, onward
transfer (disclosure to third parties), security, data integrity, access and
enforcement (accountability). US companies obtain Safe Harbor refuge
by voluntarily certifying that they adhere to these principles. This
enables data transfers to be made to the USA. Two areas of difference
between the EU Directive and these Safe Harbor principles are in access
and enforcement. The Safe Harbor wording for access is weaker. The
Safe Harbor principle states that individuals must have reasonable access
to personal information about them that an organization holds, and to
be able to correct or amend the information where it is inaccurate. The
enforcement principle is unclear about sanctions should a company
breach the standard and it allows no possibility of enforcement by
government agencies.
In the USA, there is a tendency to rely on self-regulation by individual
or associated companies, rather than legislation at state or federal
level. For example, the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has
developed a Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) standard for
improving privacy protection in e-commerce. This comprises three major
1. A personal prole: each Internet user creates a le consisting of
personal data and privacy rules for use of that data. Personal data
might include demographic, lifestyle, preference and click-stream
data. Privacy rules are the rules that the user prescribes for use of the
data, e.g. opt-in or opt-out rules, and disclosure to third parties. The
prole is stored in encrypted form on the users hard drive, can be
updated at any time by the users and is administered by the users
web browser.
2. A prole of website privacy practices: each website discloses what
information has been accessed from the users personal prole and
how it has been used.
3. Automated protocols for accessing and using the users data: these
allow either the user or the users agent (perhaps the web browser)
automatically to ensure that the personal prole and the privacy rules
are being complied with. If compliance is assured, then users can
enter websites and transact without problems.
This is now being complemented with a more rigorous approach to
legislation. In Australia, privacy legislation has been enacted at state and
federal levels.

120 Customer Relationship Management

In this chapter youve read about the development, management and use of customerrelated databases. CRM cannot deliver its promised benets without appropriate
customer-related data. Customer-related data are used for strategic, operational,
analytical and collaborative CRM purposes. Customer-related databases need to be
constructed with a very clear idea of the applications for which the data are needed.
These applications range across the full territory of CRM strategy development and
implementation. Customer-related data can be used to answer strategic questions such
as Which customers should we serve? and tactical questions such as What is the best
day to communicate with a given customer?
We described a six-step approach to developing a high quality customer-related
database, consisting of dening the database functions, establishing the information
requirements, identifying the information sources, selecting the database technology
and hardware platform, populating and maintaining the database. We saw how
compiled list data, census data and modelled data can be imported to enhance the basic
data available in company-maintained databases, most of which adopt the standard
relational architecture. Data integration from disparate databases is often a barrier to
the delivery of desired CRM outcomes. Attached to the front end of many databases are
data mining systems that allow users to make sense of the data. We ended by looking
at data warehouses, data marts and privacy issues.

1. Based on OConnor, J. and Galvin, E. (2001) Marketing in the digital age,
(2nd edn). Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
2. Drozdenko, R.G. and Drake, P.D. (2002) Optimal database marketing:
strategy, development and data mining. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
3. ANSI is the American National Standards Institute.
4. Courtesy of StayinFront Inc., www.stayinfront.com Used with
5. Courtesy of Intelligent Search Technology Ltd, www.intelligentsearch.
6. Based on Watson, R.T. (1999) Data management: databases and
organisations. New York: John Wiley.
7. Drozdenko, R.G. and Drake, P.D. (2002) Optimal database marketing:
strategy, development and data mining. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
8. Watson, R.T. (1999) Data management: databases and organizations. New
York: John Wiley.
9. DAddario, J. (2002) The application revolution. http://www.tdwi.org/
Publications/display.aspx?id6460&ty. Accessed 11 September
10. The Data Warehousing Institute. http://www.tdwi.org/display.
aspx?ID7145. Accessed 11 September 2007.

Developing, managing and using customer-related databases 121

11. Zikmund, W.G., McLeod, R. Jr. and Gilbert, F.W. (2003) Customer
relationship management: integrating marketing strategy and information
technology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
12. Gartner Inc. (2006) Magic quadrant for data mining, 1Q06. www.gartner.
13. Dempsey, M. (1995) Customers compartmentalised. Financial Times, 1
14. Saunders, J. (1994) Cluster analysis. In: G.J. Hooley and M.K. Hussey
(eds). Quantitative methods in marketing. London: Dryden Press,
pp. 1328.
15. Gartner Inc. (2006) Magic quadrant for data mining, 1Q06. www.gartner.
16. Swift, R.S. (2001) Accelerating customer relationships using CRM and
relationship technologies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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