Wells Drying Short

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The Worlds Water Wells

Are Drying Up!

by Lance Endersbee

An Australian
civil engineer
and tunneling
expert reviews
the disastrous
state of world
and shows why
it is often not
replenished by
rainfall, contrary
to the textbook

Jack Dykinga/USDA

round the world, groundwater from deep wells is the

main source of drinking water for more than three billion
people. In addition, a large proportion of the food supply
in many poor countries is based on irrigation from wells.
However, almost all of the worlds wells have falling water levels, and declining yield, and already, many have run dry.
These deep water wells cannot be replenished from rainfall.
The source of the groundwater that supports these three billion
people lies in the interior of the Earth. There is a continuing
release of water from the interior towards the surface of the
Earth, and we see that in the steam of volcanoes, and the
G. Bizzarri/FAO photo 17187

Professor Lance Endersbee is a former Dean of Engineering, former Pro-Vice Chancellor of

Melbournes Monash University, and a world authority on rock behavior and tunnelling.
This article is adapted from the first chapter of his new book, A Voyage of Discovery: A History of
Ideas About the Earth, With a New Understanding of the Global Resources of Water and Petroleum, and
the Problems of Climate Change, which is available from the Monash University Bookstore website,
http://bookshop.monash.edu.au. It is used here with the kind permission of the author.


Spring 2006 21st CENTURY

water gushing from deep ocean vents. Over geological time,

some of the rising water was trapped in the path towards the
surface of the Earth, and accumulated as underground reservoirs of water.
There are resources of groundwater underlying most of the
flat lands of the world. From early times, men dug wells by
hand, and lifted water in buckets for their needs. Many civilizations were established where groundwater was available at
oases or in shallow wells. The ancient Romans built aqueducts
to bring springs of groundwater to their many cities around the
shores of the Mediterranean. Vitruvius, a Roman engineer and
architect, describes in his book, written in the First Century
B.C., the methods the Romans used to find and test underground sources of water. He tells of the adverse properties of
some spring waters. There are cautionary tales about a little
well at Susa, the capital of Persia, where those who drink of
the water lose their teeth, and a well in the Alps where those
who drink the water immediately fall lifeless. There are also

Conti/FAO photo 17886

Around the world, ground water sources are drying up.

Here, clockwise: A woman draws well water in Zambia; a
village water well in India; a Pakistani farmer pumps
underground water for irrigation; and Mexican farmers
walk in a dried up irrigation ditch near Rio Bravo, during
the 1996 drought year.

wells with healing properties, such as the acid springs in

Campania that have the power to break up stones in the bladder. Vitruvius advises on the tests for good water: The first test
is to look at the physique of the people who dwell in the vicinity!
Today, in the United States, groundwater provides drinking
water for over one half of the population. The same applies in
much of Europe, India, China, and many other countries.
The pattern of dependence on groundwater that had continued for centuries began to change from about 1950. The
population of the world was continuing to increase, there was
growth of cities and expansion of city water supplies based on
the use of groundwater, and in rural areas there was the introduction of mechanical pumps and commercial agriculture
based on groundwater. As a consequence, there was a simultaneous and rapid growth in the use of groundwater all around
the world. In countries like India and China, in North Africa
and the Middle East, the use of shallow hand-dug wells, and
hand lifting of water, was replaced by drilled bores and
mechanical pumps. The use of fertilizers enabled a very great
increase in yield, but that required much more water. There
was a vast increase in the areas under irrigation from groundwater.
There was a rush to exploit the limited groundwater
resources. The groundwater was freely available at the cost of
a bore and a pump. There was competition to use more and
more groundwater. Water tables dropped, and farmers drilled
deeper bores, and installed more powerful pumps. Almost
simultaneously, all around the world, the wells began to run
dry, and governments were quite unable to control the extraction of groundwater, or protect the resources.
Most governments did not know where the wells were, or
the depth of the wells. Governments did not record water levels, but were certainly informed when farmers complained
when their wells ran dry. Farmers, governments, and their professional advisors, had all believed that the wells would flow
The groundwater rush was like a gold rush; it was a great
uncontrolled bonanza. The International Water Management
Institute has estimated that the total global withdrawal of
groundwater is now about 1,000 cubic kilometers each year,
but it is quite unsustainable. This great global rush to exploit
available groundwater resources in our time is a one-off
extraction of a limited natural resource.

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Courtesy of Lance Endersbee


Spring 2006


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