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Language and
-Advanced Level
for the Students of University of Madras


(A Government of India Enterprise)
(ISO 9001:2008 Certified)


Unit I - Listening and Speaking ............................................................................ 3

Unit II - Reading and Writing ............................................................................. 19
Unit III - Individual Communication ................................................................... 35
Unit IV - Intermediary Communication............................................................... 55
Unit V - Social Communication .......................................................................... 70

Unit I - Listening and Speaking

Speaking has very different characteristics from writing. These
differences add a number of dimensions to our understanding of how we
process speech. Spoken language is instantaneous that requires to process it
online, real time without a chance to listen again. Conversation normally can
consist of up to 220 words per minute. The impression of faster or slower
speech generally results from the amount of intraclausal pausing that speakers
generally make use of. Unlike written language the spoken mode is usually
unplanned and often reflects the processes of construction such as reduced
forms, hesitations fillers and repeats.
Spoken discourse has also been described as having a linear structure,
compared to a hierarchical structure for written discourse. Whereas the unit of
organization of written discourse is the sentence, spoken language is
usually delivered one clause at a time, and longer utterances in
conversation generally consist of several coordinated clauses. Most of the
clauses used are simple conjuncts or adjuncts. Also, spoken texts are often
context-dependent and personal, assuming shared background knowledge.
Lastly, spoken texts maybe spoken with many different accents, from standard
or non-standard, regional, non-native, and so on.
Similarly in speaking we tend to be getting something done, exploring ideas,
working out some aspect of the world, or simply being together. In writing, we
may be creating a record, committing events or moments to paper.

Recap of active and passive listening

Active listening is when the listener gets involved in the speech and tries to
comprehend and acquire what is going on in the mind of the speaker.
Two different kinds of processes are involved in understanding
spoken discourse. These are often referred to as bottom-up and top-down


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Bottom-up processing
Bottom-up processing refers to using the incoming input as the
basis for understanding the message. Comprehension begins with the received
data that is analyzed as successive levels of organization sounds, words,
clauses, sentences, texts until eaning is derived. Comprehension is viewed as
a process of decoding.
This leads us to analytical listening.

Mike has just returned from Brazil. Listen to him talk about Carnival.
What did he enjoy most about it?
Mike: Isnt that music fantastic? Its from a samba CD that
I got when I was in Rio for Carnival. Wow! Carnival in
Rio is really something! Its a party that lasts for four whole days.
Its held late in February or early March, but you need to book a hotel room
way in advance because hotels fill up really quickly. Carnival is celebrated all
over Brazil, but the most famous party is in Rio.
The whole city is decorated with colored lights and streamers. Its
really very beautiful. Everyone is very friendly especially to visitors from
other countries. The best part about Carnival is the big parade. The costumes
are unbelievable people work on them for months.
Its really fantastic to watch. Everyone dances the samba in the
streets. Id really recommend you go to Rio for Carnival if you ever have the
Answer these questions:

What Mike is talking about?

When is the carnival usually held?
How is the city decorated?
What is the best part about carnival?
What is the impression createdon the speaker by carnival in Rio?


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Analytical listening
Analytical listening is often bottom up processing wherein the
listeners lexical and grammatical competence in a language provides the
basis for bottom-up processing. The input is scanned for familiar words, and
grammatical knowledge is used to work out the relationship between
elements of sentences.
Each language has got its own rhythm. And English is a typically
rhythmic language. This means the speaker alternately raises and lowers his voice
at regular intervals. In listening if we tend to assimilate the rhythm of the speaker
it will go a long way in closely following the thought process going on in the mind of
the speaker. To understand the rhythm we must have a knowledge of syllable
stress in a word and word stress in connected speech. In any word a particular
syllable is stressed and in connected speech particular words are stressed. This
forms the rhythm of the language.

Syllable/word stress
Pronunciation refers to the way a word or a language is spoken, or the
manner in which someone utters a word. If one is said to have "correct
pronunciation", then it refers to both within a particular dialect.
A word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or groups,
depending on many factors, such as: the area in which they grew up, the area in
which they now live, if they have a speech or voice disorder, their ethnic group,
their social class, or their education
Word is made up of syllables and syllables are made up of phonemes.
Syllables are counted as units of sound (phones) that they use in their language.
The branch of linguistics which studies these units of sound is phonetics. Phones
which play the same role are grouped together into classes called phonemes; the
study of these is phonemics or phonematics or phonology. Phones as components
of articulation are usually described using the International Phonetic Alphabet
Why word stress is important
Mistakes in word stress are a common cause of misunderstanding in English. Here
are the reasons why:

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Stressing the wrong syllable in a word can make the word very difficult to
hear and understand; for example,:
And now in a sentence:
"I carried the b'tell to the hottle."

Now reverse the stress patterns for the two words and you should be able to
make sense of the sentence!
"I carried the bottle to the hotel."
Stressing a word differently can change the meaning or type of the word:
"They will desert* the desert** by tomorrow."
Think about the grammatical difference between desert* and desert**.
Even if the speaker can be understood, mistakes with word stress can make
the listener feel irritated, or perhaps even amused, and could prevent good
communication from taking place.
These three reasons tell that word stress is an important part of the English

What word stress is, when we stress syllables in words, we use a combination of
different features. Experiment now with the word 'computer'. Say it out loud. Listen
to yourself. The second syllable of the three is stressed. What are you doing so that
the listener can hear that stress?
A stressed syllable combines five features:
o It is l-o-n-g-e-r - com p-u-ter
o It is LOUDER - comPUTer
o It has a change in pitch from the syllables coming before and
afterwards. The pitch of a stressed syllable is usually higher.
o It is said more clearly -The vowel sound is purer. Compare the first
and last vowel sounds with the stressed sound.

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o It uses larger facial movements - Look in the mirror when you say

the word. Look at your jaw and lips in particular.

It is equally important to remember that the unstressed syllables of a word have
the opposite features of a stressed syllable!

Some 'rules' of word stress:

There are patterns in word stress in English but, as a rule (!), it is dangerous to say
there are fixed rules. Exceptions can usually be found.
Here are some general tendencies for word stress in English:


Type of word


nouns and

stress on the first


the noun has stress

on the first syllable
words which
"You are the
suspect can be used as
the verb has stress
nouns and
on the second
"I suspect you."



fairly equally
balanced but with
stronger stress
on the first part

Rules of Word Stress in English

There are two very simple rules about word stress:
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1. One word has only one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. If you
hear two stresses, you hear two words. Two stresses cannot be one word. It
is true that there can be a "secondary" stress in some words. But a
secondary stress is much smaller than the main [primary] stress, and is only
used in long words.)
2. We can only stress vowels, not consonants.

3. Here are some more, rather complicated, rules that can help you understand
where to put the stress. But do not rely on them too much, because there
are many exceptions. It is better to try to "feel" the music of the language
and to add the stress naturally.

1. Stress on first syllable



Most 2-syllable nouns

PRESent, EXport, CHIna, TAble

Most 2-syllable adjectives PRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy

2. Stress on last syllable



Most 2-syllable verbs to preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN

There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change
with a change in stress. The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we
stress the first syllable, it is a noun (gift) or an adjective (opposite of absent). But if
we stress the second syllable, it becomes a verb (to offer). More examples: the words
export, import, contract and object can all be nouns or verbs depending on
whether the stress is on the first or second syllable.

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3. Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end)



Words ending in -ic

geoGRAPHic, geoLOGic

Words ending in -sion and -tion teleVIsion, reveLAtion

For a few words, native English speakers don't always "agree" on where to put the
stress. For example, some people say teleVIsion and others say TELevision.
Another example is: CONtroversy and conTROversy.

4 . Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end)



Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy,

Words ending in -al

CRItical, geoLOGical

5. Compound words (words with two parts)



For compound nouns, the stress is on the first part

BLACKbird, GREENhouse

For compound adjectives, the stress is on the

second part

bad-TEMpered, oldFASHioned

For compound verbs, the stress is on the second

to underSTAND, to


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In linguistics, intonation is variation of pitch while speaking which is not used to
distinguish words. (Compare tone.) Intonation and stress are two main elements of
linguistic prosody.
All languages use pitch pragmatically, that is, as intonation, for instance for
emphasis, to convey surprise or irony, or to pose a question. Tonal languages such
as Chinese and Hausa use pitch to distinguish words in addition to intonation.
Generally speaking, we can identify the following intonations:
Rising Intonation means the pitch of the voice increases over time [];
Falling Intonation means that the pitch decreases with time [];
Dipping Intonation falls and then rises [];
Peaking Intonation rises and then falls [].
The classic example of intonation is the question-statement distinction. For
example, northeastern American English, like very many languages has a rising
intonation for echo or declarative questions (He found it on the street?), and a falling
intonation for wh- questions (Where did he find it?) and statements (He found it on
the street.). Yes or no questions (Did he find it on the street?) often have a rising end,
but not always.
Listening for acquisition on the other hand involves top- down processing.
Top-down processing
Top-down processing, on the other hand, refers to the use of
background knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message. Whereas
bottom-up processing goes from language to meaning, top-down
processing goes from meaning to language. The background knowledge required
for top-down processing may be previous knowledge about the topic of discourse,
situational orcontextual knowledge, or knowledge in the form of schemata or
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scripts plans about the overall structure of events and the relationships
between them.
Consider the following narrative, for example. Read it carefully one or
two times. What is the topic?
Sally first tried setting loose a team of gophers. The plan backfired
when a dog chased them away. She then entertained a group of teenagers
and was delighted when they brought their motorcycles. Unfortunately, she
failed to find a Peeping
Tom listed in the Yellow Pages. Furthermore, her stereo system was not loud
enough. The crabgrass might have worked,but she didnt have a fan that was
sufficiently powerful.
The obscene phone calls gave her hope until the number waschanged. She
thought about calling a door-to-door salesmanbut decided to hang up a clothesline
instead. It was theinstallation of blinking neon lights across the street that didthe
trick. She eventually framed the ad from the classifiedsection.
(Stein and Albridge, 1978)
At first, the narrative is virtually incomprehensible.
However, once a schema is provided Getting rid of a troublesome neighbor
the reader can make use of top-down processing and the elements of the story
begin to fit in place as the writer describes a series of actions she took to try to
annoy her neighbor and cause him to leave.

Qualities of a good listener

In real-world listening, both bottom-up and top-down processing generally occur
together. The extent to which one or the other dominates depends on the listeners
familiarity with the topic and content of a text, the density of information in a text,
the text type, and the listeners purpose in listening. For example, an experienced
cook might listen to a radio chef describing a recipe for cooking chicken to compare
the chefs recipe with her own. She has a precise schema to apply to the task and
listens to register similarities and differences. She makes more use of top-down
processing. However, a novice cook listening to the same program might listen with

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much greater attention trying to identify each step in order to write down the
recipe. Here, far more bottom-up processing is needed.
Successful listening can also be looked at in terms of the strategies the listener
uses when listening. Does the learner focus mainly on the content of a text, or does
he or she also consider how to listen? A focus on how to listen raises the issues of
listening strategies. Strategies can be thought of as the ways in which a learner
approaches and manages a task, and listeners can be taught effective ways of
approaching and managing their listening. These activities seek to involve listeners
actively in the process of listening.
We have to concentrate on the following processes.
Comprehension processes: Associated with the processing of linguistic and
nonlinguistic input.
Storing and memory processes: Associated with the storing of linguistic and
nonlinguistic input in working memory or long-term memory.
Using and retrieval processes: Associated with accessing memory, to be readied for
Assessing the situation: Taking stock of conditions surrounding a language task by
assessing ones own knowledge, ones available internal and external resources,
and the constraints of the situation before engaging in a task.
Monitoring: Determining the effectiveness of ones own or anothers performance
while engaged in a task.
Self-evaluating: Determining the effectiveness of ones own or anothers
performance after engaging in the activity.
Self-testing: Testing oneself to determine the effectiveness of ones own language
use or the lack thereof.

The following are the salient features of speaking.
Conversational routines:
A marked feature of conversational discourse is the use of fixed expressions, or
routines, that often have specific functions in conversation and give
conversational discourse the quality of naturalness. There are routines to help
people establish themselves in certain positions: routines for taking off and hanging

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up coats; arrangements concerning where one is to sit or stand at a party or in a

meeting; offers of hospitality; and so on.
There are routines for beginnings and endings of conversations, for leading into
topics, and for moving away from one topic to another. And there are routines for
breaking up conversations, for leaving a party, and for dissolving a gathering. . . . It
is difficult to imagine how life could be lived without some routines. Consider the
following routines. Where might they occur? What might their function be within
these situations?
This ones on me.
I dont believe a word of it.
I dont get the point.
You look great today.
As I was saying, . . .
Nearly time. Got everything.
Ill be making a move then.
I see what you mean.
Let me think about it.
Just looking, thanks.
Ill be with you in a minute.
It doesnt matter.
Pawley and Syder (1983) suggest that native speakers have a repertoire of
thousands of routines like these, that their use in appropriate situations creates
conversational discourse that sounds natural and native-like, and that they have to
be learned and used as fixed expressions.
In designing speaking activities or instructional materials for second language or
foreign-language teaching, it is also necessary to recognize the very different
functions speaking performs in daily communication and the different purposes for
which our students need speaking skills.

Styles of speaking
An important dimension of conversation is using a style of speaking that is
appropriate to the particular circumstances. Different styles of speaking reflect the
roles, age, sex, and status of participants in interactions and also reflect the
expression of politeness. Consider the various ways in which it is possible to ask

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someone the time, and the different social meanings that are communicated by
these differences.
Got the time?
I guess it must be quite late now?
Whats the time?
Do you have the time?
Can I bother you for the time?
You wouldnt have the time, would you?
Lexical, phonological, and grammatical changes may be involved in producing a
suitable style of speaking, as the following alternatives illustrate:
Have you seen the boss? / Have you seen the manager? (lexical)
Whachadoin? / What are you doing? (phonological)
Seen Joe lately? / Have you seen Joe lately?
Different speech styles reflect perceptions of the social roles of the participants in a
speech event. If the speaker and hearer are judged to be of more or less equal
status, a casual speech style that stresses affiliation and solidarity is appropriate.
If the participants are perceived as being of uneven power or status, a more formal
speech style is appropriate, one that marks the dominance of one speaker over the
other. Successful management of speech styles creates the sense of politeness that
is essential for harmonious social relations (Brown and Levinson, 1978).

Talk as interaction
Talk as interaction refers to what we normally mean by conversation and
describes interaction that serves a primarily social function. When people meet,
they exchange greetings, engage in small talk, recount recent experiences, and so,
on because they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone of
interaction with others.
The focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to present themselves to each
other than on the message. Such exchanges may be either casual or more formal,
depending on the circumstances, and their nature has been well described by
Brown and Yule (1983).
The main features of talk as interaction can be summarized as follows:
Has a primarily social function

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Reflects role relationships

Reflects speakers identity
May be formal or casual
Uses conversational conventions
Reflects degrees of politeness
Employs many generic words
Uses conversational register
Is jointly constructed
We can see some of these features illustrated in the following authentic
example of a segment of conversational discourse.
Two women are asking a third woman about her husband and how they first met.
Jessie: Right. Right, and so when did you actually meet him?
Brenda: So we didnt actually meet until that night.
Judy: Oh, hysterical. [laughs]
Brenda: Well, I met him that night. We were all, we all went out to dinner. So I had
champagne and strawberries at the airport.
Jessie: And what was it like when you first saw him? Were you really nervous?
Brenda: Well, I was hanging out of a window watching him in his car, and I
thought oh God what about this!
Brenda: And hed combed his hair and shaved his eyebrows and
Jessie: Had you seen a photo of him?
Brenda: Oh, yeah, I had photos of him, photos . . . and Id spoken to him on the
Jessie: Did you get on well straight away?
Brenda: Uh, well sort of. Im a sort of nervy person when I first meet people, so it
was sort of . . . you know . . . just nice to him.
Jessie: [laughs]

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Talk as transaction
Talk as transaction refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or done.
The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is the central
focus, rather than the participants and how they interact socially with each other.
In such transactions, . . . talk is associated with other activities. For example,
students may be engaged in hands-on activities (e.g., in a science lesson) to explore
concepts associated with floating and sinking. In this type of spoken language
students and teachers usually focus on meaning or on talking their way to
understanding. (Jones 1996:14) The following example from a literature lesson
illustrates this kind of talk in a classroom setting (T = Teacher, S = Student):
T: The other day we were talking about figures of speech. And we have already in
the past talked about three kinds of figures of speech. Does anybody remember
those three types? Mary?
S: Personification, simile, and metaphor.
T: Good. Let me write those on the board. Now can anybody tell me what
personification is all about again? Juan?
S: Making a nonliving thing act like a person.
T: Yes. OK. Good enough. Now what about simile? . . .
OK. Cecelia?
S: Comparing two things by making use of the words like or as.
T: OK. Good. Ill write that on the board. The other one metaphor. Paul?
S: Its when we make a comparison between two things, but we compare them
without using the words like or as.
T: All right. Good. So its more direct than simile. Now we had a poem a few weeks
ago about personification. Do you remember? Can you recall one line from that
poem where a nonliving thing acts like a human person?
S: The moon walks the night.
T: Good. The moon walks the night. Does the moon have feet to walk?
S: No.

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T: No. So this is a figure of speech. All right. Now our lesson today has something to
do with metaphor. Now were going to see what they have in common . . .
Examples of talk as transaction are:
Classroom group discussions and problem-solving activities
A class activity during which students design a poster
Discussing needed computer repairs with a technician
Discussing sightseeing plans with a hotel clerk or tour guide
Making a telephone call to obtain flight information
Asking someone for directions on the street
Buying something in a shop
Ordering food from a menu in a restaurant
Burns (1998) distinguishes between two different types of talk as transaction.
The first type involves situations where the focus is on giving and receiving
information and where the participants focus primarily on what is said or achieved
(e.g., asking someone for directions). Accuracy may not be a priority, as long as
information is successfully communicated or understood.
The second type is transactions that focus on obtaining goods or services, such as
checking into a hotel or ordering food in a restaurant. For example, the following
exchange was observed in a caf:
Server: Hi, whatll it be today?
Client: Just a cappuccino, please. Low-fat decaf if you have it.
Server: Sure. Nothing to eat today?
Client: No, thanks.
Server: Not a problem.
The main features of talk as transaction are:
It has a primarily information focus.
The main focus is on the message and not the participants.
Participants employ communication strategies to make themselves

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There may be frequent questions, repetitions, and comprehension checks,

as in the example from the preceding classroom lesson.
There may be negotiation and digression.
Linguistic accuracy is not always important.
Some of the skills involved in using talk for transactions are:
Explaining a need or intention
Describing something
Asking questions
Asking for clarification
Confirming information
Justifying an opinion
Making suggestions
Clarifying understanding
Making comparisons
Agreeing and disagreeing

To be a good listener we must understand the processes underlying
listening. We must receive the sound units distinctly as delivered by the speaker so
that no unit of information is lost. To be a good speaker we must build our own
repertoire of conversational routines and adopt a style that suits the situation and
try to evolve our own style which is clear in enunciation and interacts or transacts
business effectively.


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Unit II - Reading and Writing

Verbal Communication Skills
The skills of verbal communication are Writing and Speaking, Reading and
Listening. Most of our formal education focuses on .writing and reading. However, a
good manager needs the skill of speaking and even more, the skill of listening. It
has been found by research studies that an executive's communication time is
spent roughly in the following proportion:
Writing 9%

Reading 16%

Speaking 30%

Listening 45%

Reading Skills
Reading skills can be developed by practice. A large amount of reading material
demands our attention everyday. There is a flood of trade journals, house
magazines, reports, minutes, memoranda on all kinds of topics, besides
newspapers, books and magazines. People at work need a technique to cope 'with
the task of reading quickly and understanding the important parts of the contents.
Everything need not be read with the same attention. Difficult subjects need careful
study reading. But most business papers need routine reading to collect
information. Some things, like a newspaper story or a light magazine, need only
skimming, that is, going over it rapidly to see what it is about and whether it needs
attention. Speed-reading must be silent. The skill of silent reading is different from
the skill of reading aloud. Silent reading can be very rapid because it is not limited
by physical movement of the throat and mouth muscles which is necessary in
reading aloud. In silent reading, time gets wasted because of some poor reading
habits like these:
Moving the lips
Making movements in the throat like reading aloud
Compulsively reading each word separately
Spelling out long words letter by letter
Going back, thinking that you have missed something
These habits can be controlled.


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Eye movement needs to be trained properly for fast reading. The eyes do not move
smoothly along the printed line. Eyes cannot see while they are moving; they see
only during short pauses of fixation linked by quick and sightless movements. At
each fix ratio: t: l pause, the eyes take in a certain number of characters; a fast
reader takes in a larger span (10 to 16 characters including blank spaces) than a
slow reader.
The eyes also have a small but troublesome backward movement, (regression) when
moving along a line of print. A fast reader has less regression. Fast reading requires
concentration in the first place. For practicing silent reading, keep aside at least
half an hour a day, sit in a comfortable chair with light falling over the shoulder;
there should be no disturbance whatsoever, and no noise of any kind. At the
beginning, choose unimportant material to read, like the newspaper or a light
magazine. Once you understand the technique (which should be within three or
four sittings), use average reading material like instruction manuals and articles of
general information. Finally use study material.
Before beginning to read any material Look at the heading, the sub-headings, any synopsis/summary, table of contents,
which give the general sense of the content and the train of thought.
Be clear about your purpose in reading the material. Do you intend to follow any
instructions given in it? Take a decision or an action based on the information
collected from it? Remember it for an examination? Summarise it? Report what is
in it?
Make sure that you keep your mouth shut so you do not keep mouthing what you
Watch your throat; try not to move any muscles of the mouth or throat
while reading "Take in" familiar words at a glance. This will improve as you become familiar
with more words, especially those which occur frequently in your work. Practice
will also improve your eye span and enable you to take in more characters at a


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Make careful effort not to let the eyes regress, that is, go back a few words instead
of moving forward.
Overcome the compulsion to read every word. Use your knowledge of sentence
patterns and information already gathered, to anticipate the next few words. There
is no need to read every word in a sentence; some words are only part of the
language pattern; phrases like 'that is', 'for example', can be skipped. Try carefully
not to "hear" your reading in your mind (this can be difficult especially if you have
unconsciously developed a habit of doing it).
Writing, like the other verbal skills, needs practice. Business writing requires
knowledge of the layout of the various documents, attention to detail and focus on
the reader's needs. A good command of vocabulary and sentence structures can
improve one's business writing. A careful study of the chapters in Unit V will
provide guidance for improvement of writing skills.

Discriminatory Reader
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be
read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and
Sir Francis Bacon :
Reading is an art. Sometimes you read through the lines at others you read
between the lines. Some writings make you read beyond the lines! Whether it is a
report or a write up we should not be bogged down by common errors. We should
be able to identify printers devils so as to ignore them. Sometimes we may have to
allow the writer a little liberty with grammar and should be able to supply the
correct version in its place. This requires the skill of spotting errors and correcting
Spot the error and correct in the following sentences.
1. Everyone at the meeting are responsible for a presentation.
2. The police is looking for the robbers.
3. Newspapers and TV is means of mass-communication.

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4. Money are a means to an end.
5. There are one species of humans but many species of cats.
6. The more people attend the concerts.
7. I want a knowledge.
8. Labour here is paid by an hour.
9. Rice is sold by a kilo.
10. A student will not learn if she hates the teacher.
11. They arrived to the town.
12. He is fond this book.
13. They described a part for a kid.
14. This was my first experience about choose friends.
15. They thanked him for his consideration this matter.

Skimming and Scanning

Easier - There are different styles of reading for different situations. The
technique you choose will depend on the purpose for reading. For example, you
might be reading for enjoyment, information, or to complete a task. If you are
exploring or reviewing, you might skim a document. If you're searching for
information, you might scan for a particular word. To get detailed information, you
might use a technique such as SQ4R. You need to adjust your reading speed and
technique depending on your purpose.
Many people consider skimming and scanning search techniques rather than
reading strategies. However when reading large volumes of information, they may
be more practical than reading. For example, you might be searching for specific
information, looking for clues, or reviewing information.
Harder - Web pages, novels, textbooks, manuals, magazines, newspapers, and mail
are just a few of the things that people read every day. Effective and efficient
readers learn to use many styles of reading for different purposes. Skimming,

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scanning, and critical reading are different styles of reading and information
Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When you read the
newspaper, you're probably not reading it word-by-word, instead you're scanning
the text. Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal
reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited
amount of time. Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest
in your research.
There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the
first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they
move down the page or screen. You might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and
illustrations. Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph. This technique
is useful when you're seeking specific information rather than reading for
comprehension. Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places. It might be
used to review graphs, tables, and charts.

Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone
book or dictionary. You search for key words or ideas. In most cases, you know
what you're looking for, so you're concentrating on finding a particular answer.
Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words
and phrases. Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine
whether it will answer your questions. Once you've scanned the document, you
might go back and skim it.
When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters,
steps, or the words, first, second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced,
italics, or in a different font size, style, or color. Sometimes the author will put key
ideas in the margin.
Reading off a computer screen has become a growing concern. Research shows that
people have more difficulty reading off a computer screen than off paper. Although
they can read and comprehend at the same rate as paper, skimming on the
computer is much slower than on paper.

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Skimming refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get
an overall impression of the content of a reading selection.
How to Skim:

Read the title.

Read the introduction or the first paragraph.
Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.
Read any headings and sub-headings.
Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.
Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.
Read the summary or last paragraph.

Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific

information quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a
passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information.
How to Scan:

State the specific information you are looking for.

Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use
to help you locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain
date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers.
Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections
might contain the information you are looking for.
Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.

Using these descriptions, how would you read the following? Match the different
types of reading with the categories below. Decide which one requires you to skim
or to scan the text. Which one needs detailed Intensive reading? What type of text
do you read extensively - for pleasure?
Write down your answers - then click on the answer to check them.


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The Whats On section of the local paper:
Intensive answer
A novel:
Intensive answer
A newspaper:
Intensive answer
A text in class:
Intensive answer
A poem:
Intensive answer


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The telephone directory:
Intensive answer
A postcard:
Intensive answer
A train timetable:
Intensive answer
A recipe:
Intensive answer
A travel brochure:
Intensive answer


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Writing is a skill; like other skills, it can be learnt, and like most skills it is not
inborn. For example, few people lack the basic equipment to learn to ride a bicycle
(balance, strength, sight), but most become skilful cyclists only after much
practice. Confidence is the main necessity, and having the courage to get on and
try. The same is true of writing. Most people have the basic equipment (tact,
experience, language), but like riding a bicycle, writing is a skill that must be learnt
by doing it. No amount of reading, or absorbing rules and advice, can substitute for
practice. So as we offer advice and give examples our main aim is to reassure you
that early wobbly efforts at writing are quite normal. Dont be discouraged by the
writers equivalent of grazed knees. Practice will bring coordination and control that
will change writing from an apparently hazardous exercise to an efficient means of
getting somewhere.
We start from the assumption that thinking about writing can improve it, and that
everyone can learn to write well. Most people, in reality, are better at writing than
they fear. They can write successful letters to friends and effective complaints
about faulty goods. These writing tasks require the same basic skills as long
reports, detailed instructions, or complex letters or memoranda.
Judgement of what the audience needs to know, tact in assessing which way to
present this information to them most usefully, and the resources of language to do
the job exist in everyone. We all develop a basic storehouse of skills. It is drawn on
to tell successful jokes at the bar, to shout at the other driver, to persuade a friend
to do something with you.
To improve this writing skill, we need first to consider our experience as
readers. Everyone is aware of the huge amount of written material to be dealt with;
much of it is verbose, far too long for the job it has to do, andwhat is worse
confusingly organized. By thinking of our irritation as readers with the inadequacy
of many writers, we can learn to be more professional writers ourselves. Read, for
instance, this passage:
The principal advantage that the soft contact lens offers over the
conventional hard contact lens is increased comfort. The associated benefits of
rapid patient accommodation and extended wear times with minimal overwear
syndrome are also superior to hard lens experience.


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However, experience has taught us that maintaining the soft lens in such an ideal,
comfortable state for the patient requires the daily maintenance of a satisfactory
care regimen. Of prime importance in such a regimen is cleaning.
Cleaning is even more important for maintaining comfort in soft contact lens wear
than in hard contact lens wear. A study of the physical and chemical nature of the
soft lens aids us in understanding why this is true.
Soft lenses possess an intricate internal structure with a tightly entwined
micropore meshwork and a pore size distribution estimated at 550 angstroms,
indeed the tightness of the pore meshwork is demonstrated by the relatively slow
uptake of water by the lens in becoming fully hydrated from the dry state. In
addition, tests in our laboratories have also indicated thatin completely clean
lensesan external solution exchanges slowly with the internally held lens
The subject may be unfamiliar, but that is not the only cause of discomfort.
Readers are on the rack as they hang on grimly through interminable sentences
such as:
Soft lenses possess an intricate internal structure with a tightly entwined
micropore meshwork and a pore size distribution estimated at 550 angstroms,
indeed the tightness of the pore meshwork is demonstrated by the relatively slow
uptake of water by the lens in becoming fully hydrated from the dry state.
They are irritated by the pomposity of:
requires the daily maintenance of a satisfactory care regimen.
They are repelled by the windy self-importance of:
The associated benefits of rapid patient accommodation and extended wear times
with minimal overwear syndrome are also superior to hard lens experience.
These features make reading the passage seem like wading through a quagmire.
The feeling is depressingly familiar; but the passage is neither unusual nor
untypical. Text-books, journal articles, reports and memoranda too often have the
same uninviting style, the same indigestible content. Yet such passages can be


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written in another way, making them easier to read and therefore more
The main advantage of the soft contact-lens is that it is more comfortable to wear
than the conventional, hard contact-lens. Also, patients get used to it more rapidly,
and are able to wear it for longer with only slight adverse effects. However, to keep
the soft lens ideally comfortable, the lens must be cared for daily. Cleaning is
particularly importanteven more important for maintaining the comfort of soft
lenses than of hard lenses. Soft lenses have an intricate internal structure. They
have a tightly entwined micropore meshwork, and pore sizes estimated at 550
angstroms. The tightness of the meshwork is demonstrated by the relative slowness
with which a dry lens takes up water and becomes fully hydrated.
Also, our tests have shown that, if the lens is completely clean, an external solution
changes places with the internally held solution only slowly.
The difference between these two passages lies in the way language is used,
since the technical content is the same in both. They show that it is possible to
make the readers task easier, by using different writing tactics.
In professional life, the aim and audience for writing are different. For the
first time, the new professional scientist or engineer is writing for people who do not
know the information. The readers do not want to assess, they want to learn and
use information for their own purposes. But usually no-one warns young writers
that their tactics must change. What is needed is simplicity, not sophistication; the
minimum, not the maximum of information is best.

Structuring language, Tone, Ordering

The consequences of this are that writers must write in ways that will
suit their readers, not in ways that will suit themselves. They must use the sort of
language the readers can understand, must choose a level of difficulty appropriate
to the readers, and must give the readers the amount of material they need, neither
too much nor too little. It is better to adopt the linear style- one idea after another.
To be effective communicators, writers must also recognize that they are involved in
human interactions. If these interactions are to be successful, the writers must
devise strategies that take account of all the factors that impinge on the total
context. In written communication, feedback is less obvious, but is still there.
Obvious feedback may occur when a paper comes back from an editor or

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departmental head with a note, re-write this. But there is also what we may call
prior feedback, which is the knowledge a writer has of whom he or she is writing
We set out to write in different styles in a letter to a friend and in a report; this
prior knowledge of the reader is a type of feedback. Without this sensitivity to
feedback, we may transmit but fail to communicate.
Unlike speech written language is predigested that is the writer first enjoys what he
writes. If the writer himself does not enjoy what he writes then it is unlikely to
impress the reader.
Redundancy occurs in most forms of communication. Unnecessary repetition is
obviously inefficient, but redundancy is not always bad. Language has a great deal
of redundancy built into it in various ways. For instance, in the clause they were
away, the fact that there are two or more people is signaled both in the plural
pronoun they and again in the plural verb were. Such redundancy is useful. It
allows both for moments of inattention, and for moments when noise obscures the
signal. Because our perception of the message varies in sharpness and clarity, we
need some saving redundancy if we are to be able to reconstruct the whole message
in our minds. Needless to say redundancy helps in the establishment order both in
the writer as well as the reader. The fallacy of bombarding the reader with a
number of concepts simultaneously should be avoided.
Often words have fairly simple denotative meanings, but a large number of
connotative meanings. These meanings can vary according to both the person using
the word and the person receiving the word. Thus the words letter and
correspondence denote the same thingpieces of paper sent through the post
but they connote different things. For many of us, correspondence connotes work
that is done in the office: letters are written at home. Scientific and technical
writing often prefers words with strong connotations of formality, and sometimes
reasonably so. But over-formality is wearying; what, for example, is the impression
created by this writer?
It is a matter for conjecture as to the reason for this eventuality, but it is
hypothesized at this early stage that it will be found to be attributable to the
limitations of roll-tube culture rather than to the assay system.


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The writer was saying I think that but wrapped it up in such a way that the
connotations of formality became obtrusive. Insensitivity to the implications of his
use of the language code allowed striving to impress to take precedence over the
communication of information.
Recently, linguists (which now means people who study language
professionally and not those with the gift of tongues) have liberalized the rules of
correctness in language. Many rigid rules were laid down in the 19th century by
dry grammarians. Such rules have never been water-tight, and as language has
changed, many rules have now dissolved. For instance, our research shows that
data is is now acceptable instead of the traditional datum is, or data are.
Similarly the subjunctive, which many users of the language were never sure
about, has almost vanished. It is now acceptable to regularly split infinitives.
Prepositions can now acceptably come at the end of a phrase. The time-honoured
distinction between will and shall has gone the same way as many other fiercely
defended rules of correct usage. At one time, bad grammar was received with
horror. Now linguists have replaced the idea of bad with ideas of acceptable and
unacceptable usage. How language is used, not grammatical theory, decides what
is right or wrong. We are not advocating abandoning attention to conventions. Our
point is that the conventions are constantly changing, and are different in different
Simple language is more impressive, more credible, and more worthy of esteem
than pompous language. Simple language is helpful, dynamic and radiates the
quality of the writers mind.

1. In the first experiment of the series using mice it was discovered that total
removal of the adrenal glands effects reduction of aggressiveness and that
aggressiveness in adrenal ectomized mice is restorable to the level of intact
mice by treatment with corticosterone. These results point to the
indispensability of the adrenals for the full expression of aggression.
2. The first experiment in our series with mice showed that total removal of the
adrenal glands reduces aggressiveness. Moreover, when treated with


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corticosterone, mice that had their adrenals taken out became as aggressive
as intact animals again. These findings suggest that the adrenals are
necessary for animals to show full aggressiveness.

So it is always preferable to use a simple lucid style devoid of complex expression

and lofty style.

Remember Words can be used to conceal thoughts. Successful people
make effective use of words. Words are more valued for connotation. The common
reason for using passive constructions is that they can be made impersonal. The
active construction we started the test, turned into the passive construction the
test was started by us, can be transformed into an impersonal structure by the
simple deletion of the last part of the sentence: the test was started. Because
traditions of scientific and technical reporting seem to require impersonality,
writers turn gratefully to the passive structure as an undemanding way of
achieving the safety of facelessness. But it is a mistake to think that the passive is
the only way to avoid mentioning the human experimenter.
Remember circumlocutions are just as obtrusive
From the literature already published on laser frequency
stabilization, the method most applicable to the authors requirements appeared to
(From the literature already published on laser frequency stabilization, the method
most applicable to my requirements appeared to be)
Such circumlocutions can also lead to clumsy statements which a sane reader can
only laugh at:
The author was to some extent relieved to learn that similar tests had been carried
The following passage stumbles into another problem which is created by a
blanket ban on personal constructions:


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One could rationalize the asymmetric binding data by proposing a conformational
change upon binding the first mole of substrate. Recent experiments involving
diffusing APT into the crystals have resulted in
Readers are made uncomfortable by the rather pompous one instead of I or We.
The simple rule is to keep the reader in mind and enter into a one to
one natural dialogue with him. Simple conversational style is normally preferred by
readers to factual and correct language.

The writer should make the reader share his perspective. In fact the
final success of the writing rests on this pivot.

The writer uses a persuasive style to bring the reader to his side of the argument
and finally makes him see the fact as he sees it. He weaves a word picture to lure
the reader into this world of make- believe. To achieve this, the writer must start


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from a common platform. He should proceed from the known to the unknown and
carry the reader through a smooth passage along with him.

There are obviously many other identifiable habits which are undesirable or
awkward. We make no pretence at completeness. Indeed, it is the nature of
language to offer almost endless variety and complexity; the ways in which ideas
can be clumsily expressed are as diverse as the ways in which they can be precisely
expressed. But effective style is felt by many to be the key to good writing.
Certainly, readers sense of the quality of a writers mind, of the precision, grasp
and exactness of his or her thought processes is often derived from the style of the
text. For this reason, we think you may want to read further about effective style
for informative writing.
When writing, and especially when editing, bear in mind the basic points
made here. Avoid over-long sentences, try to use a vocabulary which is simple
while still being exact, avoid misuse of jargon and thoughtlessly abstract words
where concrete ones convey the exact meaning. Think again about roundabout,
wordy phrases, the over-use of passive structures, and the temptation to use
regular nominalization. Try also to use personal pronouns where they are
appropriate. Draft your documents, and then read through, looking for the types of
clumsiness we have identified in this Chapter; it is possible to acquire considerable
skill at seeing and correcting stylistic ineptitudes. Our chief advice is to be varied
and flexible in the use of the wide resources of the language code, but you must
also recognize that the precise and incisive encoding of information is a difficult
achievement. Even for experienced writers it is not always, or even often, achieved
first time. Learn to be a critical editor, as well as a thoughtful writer, and the
quality, and impressiveness, of your documents will undoubtedly improve.


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Unit III - Individual Communication

An individual might have an extremely pleasing personality, in depth knowledge of
the subject, a good and a very strong network but if he doesnt have effective
communication skills, he fails to prove his worth and his charm and talent go
simply unnoticed. A person without effective communication skills will never be
able to carve his niche in this fierce competitive world.
Not every individual is born with good communication skills; it is inherited in due
course of time as the individual passes through the various stages of life.
Communication skill is an art which has to be mastered to make ones presence
feel, stand apart from the crowd and emerge as a strong leader in all facets of life.
There is no magic stick which can improve the communication skills of an
individual in a day or two. One has to follow the two Ps to improve ones
communication skills. The two Ps are Practice and Patience. One has to be
extremely patient and practice a lot to improve communication skills. Interact with
your friends, relatives, colleagues as much as you can and also try to gain from
them in the discipline of accent, fluency, pronunciation as well as new words. If
you come across any word whose meaning you are not aware of, dont ignore,
always find out its meaning and whenever you speak the next time, try to use the
new learnt word.
Whenever a thought comes to your mind, always do your homework well in
advance before communicating. Carefully prepare content by choosing
appropriate, sensible and relevant words. Avoid using extremely complicated
words in the content. Try to make the content as crisp as possible. Unorganized
and haphazard thoughts always lead to misunderstandings and confusions. Dont
ignore even the minutest detail as questions can pop up anytime from the listeners
The pitch and tone should be taken good care of while interacting. Dont
stammer or chew half of the words while speaking. Speak clearly and properly in a
tone audible to all the listeners, even those sitting at the back.
Dont stretch any conversation, presentation or meeting too long as it tends
to become monotonous and the message never reaches the brains of the listeners,
and hence resulting in an ineffective communication. Crack some jokes, funny

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quotations, one liners, discuss about the days weather, and use warm greetings
and compliments to captivate the interest of the participants. Tea break or a snack
break must be included to break the ice among the listeners and make the
communication interesting and healthy.
In any communication, it is very important to understand the recipient. Remember
the listeners are also an active part of the communication. One must understand
the mood, educational background, cultural back ground, thought process, religion
background of the listeners before addressing. It is must to do a KYC (Know your
customer) check before proceeding with the communication.
Never communicate in a noisy background as noise acts a barrier to an effective
communication. Busy streets, honking traffic, overcrowded buses and trains,
market places, construction sites, railway stations should be avoided as the devil
called NOISE overpowers the original content and thus distorts the message and
information never reaches in its desired form. In case of an urgent message, rely on
text message or non verbal mode of communication.
Always cross check with the receiver whether he has downloaded the message in
the correct form or not? Also ask questions from the receivers in between the
conversation to reconfirm whether they are attentive or simply lost in their own
dream world. While sharing any contact number, email id, bank account details or
any other important information, always recheck with the recipient. At the end, do
clear the doubts if any of the listeners.
Dont always depend on verbal communication at work place. After any verbal
communication with the fellow workers, make it a habit to send the minutes of the
meeting or the important points through e mail marking a cc to all the participants.
Always depend on planners, organizers and jot down the important points against
the date set as the deadline to complete a particular task. During presentations,
the addressee must use whiteboards, papers and the participants also must carry a
notepad to avoid forgetting any point.
The listeners after receiving the message must also give their valuable feedback
whether they have received the correct information or not. Before leaving; the
listeners must clear all their doubts and must respond to the sender to make the
communication effective. Never leave the meeting with queries in your head, always
clear them with the speaker. The question answer session must come at the end of

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the conversation. The listener should not jump in between the conversation with
questions as it leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.
Last but not the least the sender must make an eye contact with the recipient for
the desired impact. The speaker has to be very confident and ought to show
positive body movement and attitude for the correct flow of information between the
two parties.
Remember effective communication is a necessity in todays challenging scenario
and the above tips definitely go a long way in improving ones communication

Understanding Your Communication Style

Good communication skills require a high level of self-awareness. Understanding
your personal style of communicating will go a long way toward helping you to
create good and lasting impressions on others. By becoming more aware of how
others perceive you, you can adapt more readily to their styles of communicating.
This does not mean you have to be a chameleon, changing with every personality
you meet. Instead, you can make another person more comfortable with you by
selecting and emphasizing certain behaviors that fit within your personality and
resonate with another.
There are three basic communication styles:

Discovering which style best fits you can be done in a number of ways including
personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instrument,
psychological assessments, and self-assessments.


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Elements of the Aggressive Style

Mottos and Beliefs
"Everyone should be like me."
"I am never wrong."
"I've got rights, but you don't."
Communication Style
Close minded
Poor listener
Has difficulty seeing the other person's point of view
Achieves goals, often at others' expense
Domineering, bullying
Condescending, sarcastic
Puts others down
Doesn't ever think they are wrong
Moves into people's space, overpowers
Jumps on others, pushes people around
Know-it-all attitude

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Doesn't show appreciation

Nonverbal Cues
Points, shakes finger
Squints eyes critically
Rigid posture
Critical, loud, yelling tone of voice
Fast, clipped speech
Verbal Cues
"You must (should, ought better)."
"Don't ask why. Just do it."
Verbal abuse
Confrontation and Problem Solving
Must win arguments, threatens, attacks
Operates from win/lose position
Feelings Felt

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Provokes counter aggression, alienation from others, ill health

Wastes time and energy over supervising others
Pays high price in human relationships
Fosters resistance, defiance, sabotaging, striking back, forming alliances,
lying, covering up
Forces compliance with resentment

Elements of the Passive Style

Mottoes and Beliefs
"Don't express your true feelings."
"Don't make waves."
"Don't disagree."
"Others have more rights than I do."
Communication Style
Always agrees
Doesn't speak up
Apologetic, self-conscious
Trusts others, but not self
Doesn't express own wants and feelings
Allows others to make decisions for self

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Doesn't get what he or she wants

Sighs a lot
Tries to sit on both sides of the fence to avoid conflict
Clams up when feeling treated unfairly
Asks permission unnecessarily
Complains instead of taking action
Lets others make choices
Has difficulty implementing plans
Nonverbal Cues
Nods head often; comes across as pleading
Lack of facial animation
Smiles and nods in agreement
Downcast eyes
Slumped posture
Low volume, meek
Up talk
Fast, when anxious; slow, hesitant, when doubtful
Verbal Cues
"You should do it."
"You have more experience than I do."

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"I can't......"
"This is probably wrong, but..."
"I'll try..."
Monotone, low energy
Confrontation and Problem Solving
Avoids, ignores, leaves, postpones
Withdraws, is sullen and silent
Agrees externally, while disagreeing internally
Expends energy to avoid conflicts that are anxiety provoking
Spends too much time asking for advice, supervision
Agrees too often
Feelings Felt
Wonders why doesn't receive credit for good work
Chalks lack of recognition to others' inabilities
Gives up being him or herself
Builds dependency relationships
Doesn't know where he or she stands
Slowly loses self esteem
Promotes others' causes
Is not well-liked


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Elements of the Assertive Style
Mottoes and Beliefs
Believes self and others are valuable
Knowing that assertiveness doesn't mean you always win, but that you
handled the situation as effectively as possible
"I have rights and so do others."
Communication Style
Effective, active listener
States limits, expectations
States observations, no labels or judgments
Expresses self directly, honestly, and as soon as possible about feelings and
Checks on others feelings
Observes behavior rather than labeling it
Trusts self and others
Open, flexible, versatile
Playful, sense of humor
Proactive, initiating


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Operates from choice

Knows what it is needed and develops a plan to get it
Realistic in her expectations
Fair, just
Takes appropriate action toward getting what she wants without denying
rights of others
Nonverbal Cues
Open, natural gestures
Attentive, interested facial expression
Direct eye contact
Confident or relaxed posture
Vocal volume appropriate, expressive
Varied rate of speech
Verbal Cues
"I choose to..."
"What are my options?"
"What alternatives do we have?"
Confrontation and Problem Solving
Negotiates, bargains, trades off, compromises
Confronts problems at the time they happen

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Doesn't let negative feelings build up

Feelings Felt
Well being
Even tempered
Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
Increased self-esteem of others
Feels motivated and understood
Others know where they stand

Clearly, the assertive style is the one to strive for. Keep in mind that very few people
are all one or another style. In fact, the aggressive style is essential at certain times
such as:
when a decision has to be made quickly;
during emergencies;
when you know you're right and that fact is crucial;
Stimulating creativity by designing competitions destined for use in training
or to increase productivity.
Passiveness also has its critical applications:
When an issue is minor;
When the problems caused by the conflict are greater than the conflict itself;
When emotions are running high and it makes sense to take a break in
order to calm down and regain perspective;

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When your power is much lower than the other party's;
When the other's position is impossible to change for all practical purposes
(i.e., government policies, etc.).
Remaining aware of your own communication style and fine-tuning it as time goes
by gives you the best chance of success in business and life.

Self Advertising
Self advertising is promoting, including advertising and publicity, of oneself effected
by oneself:
Its no secret: to get ahead, you have to promote yourself. But for most people,
the thought of promoting themselves is slightly shady. Images of glad-handing
insurance salesmen or arrogant know-it-alls run through our heads.
The reality is that we all rely on some degree of self-promotion. Whether you want
to start your own business, sell your novel to a publisher, start a group for your
favorite hobby, or get a promotion at work, you need to make people aware of you
and your abilities. While wed like to think that our work speaks for itself, the fact
is that usually our work needs us to put in some work to attract attention before
our work can have anything to say.
The good news is that self-promotion doesnt have to be shady in fact, real
self-promotion almost by definition cant be shady. The reason we get a bad feeling
from overt self-promoters is that, most of the time, their efforts are insincere and
their in authenticity shows. Its clear that theyre not building a relationship with
us but only shooting for the quick payoff, whether thats a sale, a vote, or a positive
performance evaluation. They are pretending to be our friend to get something they
want. And it shows.
Real self-promotion extends beyond the initial payoff and may bypass the
payoff entirely. It gives people a reason to associate themselves with us, for the
long term. Its genuine and authentic more like making friends than selling
something. Of course, if youre on the make, that kind of authenticity makes you
vulnerable, which is why the claims of false self-promoters ring hollow: they are


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Overcoming shyness
Ask yourself this: do you become nervous when you are placed in the spotlight? Do
strangers make you shudder? Does the simple thought of talking in front of people
make you want to run to the nearest restroom? Do you immediately want to leave
that restroom if someone else is in there already? Well guess what -- you're not
alone! Many people in the world suffer from mild to extreme shyness -- and are
struggling to overcome it! Remember that breaking out from that shell doesn't
magically happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and of course, the desire to
change. Following are some tips to assist you in overcoming shyness
Figure out what makes you feel shy - Do you become shy in front of new
audiences? When learning a new skill? When venturing into a new situation? When
surrounded by people you know and admire? When you don't know anyone
somewhere? Try to pinpoint the thoughts that go through your head right before
the shyness hits. Then come up with some "I" statements that you can repeat to
yourself, like a mantra, to head off those thoughts: "I can do this", "I look good", "I
have something to offer", etc.
Build your self confidence: Everyone has some special gift or trait to offer to the
world. It may sound corny, but it's true. Think about what you know, what you can
do, and what you have accomplished, rather than fixating on how you look, sound,
or dress. Keep in mind that everyone, even the "beautiful people", has something
about themselves or their life that they don't like. There's no particular reason why
your "problem" should make you shy while their "problem" doesn't make them
Get comfortable - Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you,
and build up your confidence through them. Eventually, this will translate to other
situations being more comfortable. 4
Close your eyes and visualize a situation - where you might be shy. Now, in your
mind's eye, make yourself feel confident. Do this often, and for different situations.
This is most effective if you do this daily, especially in the morning. It might feel
silly, but athletes use visualization to develop their skills, so why not you? 5
Maintain close bonds with your friends, as they can be there for you as you
crack out of your shell. They'll be glad to help and encourage you with your
progress. 6

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Look and act approachable. Convey an open, friendly attitude with your body
Smile and make eye contact. A simple smile in the direction of a stranger may
brighten your day, and it will brighten theirs, too! Smiling is a friendly way to
acknowledge others, and it makes a pretty good lead-in to start a conversation with
anyone, stranger or friend. It breaks the ice and loosens up your facial muscles,
Practice good posture and speaking clearly Standing tall gives the world the
impression that you are self-confident and receptive to others. Speaking clearly will
help avoid the potential embarrassment of needing to repeat what you said due to
mumbling or talking too quietly. 9
Laugh often, but only at things you find genuinely amusing It will help ease any
tension you may be feeling and will make you feel more relaxed.


Don't look preoccupied Don't work on papers, text or do your make-up if you
want someone to talk to you. 1
Set goals for yourself Focus on small, daily accomplishments, then gradually
become more daring.12
Make a list of situations that make you feel anxious Order them so that those
things that cause you the least anxiety are first and those that cause you the most
anxiety are last. Once you have a list of 10-15 stressful situations, start working
through them, one-by-one. The first few "easier" situations will help build your
confidence so that you can continue moving to more difficult situations on your
list. Don't worry if you have to go backwards on the list sometimes; take it at your
own pace, but make an effort to push yourself. 13
Introduce yourself to one new person each day It is often easier to talk with
strangers, at least briefly. After all, you may never see them again, so who cares
what they think about you? 14
Make new friends Talk to somebody you would not normally think about having a
conversation with. Try to find people who share one or more of your interests and
find excuses to talk to them. It is great practice for more daring behavior, such as
talking to popular.

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Charismatic people Initiate conversation with a simple starter, such as, "That's a
nice bag, where did you get it?" or "It's really nice outside, don't you think?" Most
people are good-natured and will be welcoming to your advances. People often
indicate that they are interested in conversing by starting this way, so learn to take
the bait when it arises, and try to say as much in response as possible. 16
Try doing stuff you never dreamed you would Doing something really
outlandish, like sky diving, will: a) provide an endorphin rush; and b) give you a
story to tell when you are making conversation with people. And if you can find the
courage to do something that big, then something like talking to a cute girl/guy
should seem easy.
Don't compare yourself to others - The more you compare yourself to others, you
will feel that you are not able to measure up and the more intimidated you will feel
which will make you shyer. 8
Follow the rules, but don't overdo it - You should actually let yourself go out
of the box a bit and loosen up. You don't have to be uptight about everything you
do. If you are trying to conform to the standards wherever you go, you'll probably
have feeling that you are not doing something right and are more likely to clam up.
Try not to over obsess on what everyone thinks about you. Nobody really cares and
people do like fun and exciting people. That makes this world more exciting. Just
follow the rules at the basic level, such as dress nicely when you are going to a
funeral or such

Writing curriculum vitae

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a formally presented, detailed synopsis of your academic
and research experiences and accomplishments. A CV is usually requested for
teaching and research positions, but is also a part of the application process for
some graduate programs and international positions.

How a CV is Different from a Resume

Many job search committees for teaching, graduate school, international or
research positions request a CV to get a fuller picture of your academic
experiences, accomplishments and interests than a resume can provide.


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A resume lists your education, experience and skills. Your CV allows you to go
beyond listing your relevant experiences and accomplishments; you can also
convey the substance of those experiences and accomplishments.
Unlike a resume, which is usually about one page long, CVs vary in length, from
about two to five pages, depending on the applicant's relevant experiences

Writing Your CV--Step by Step

Just like any other writing task, your CV writing process should begin with
understanding your audience and purpose so that you can determine what
information is most relevant and important to that audience. Next, you collect that
information, and then organize it in some form of an outline. You write a draft, you
reconsider, perhaps even reorganize, and you revise and edit. This guide will help
you with each part of the process.
The following is a step by step guide through the process of writing your CV:

Understanding Purpose
Your ultimate purpose is to get a job, but the purpose of a CV is to convey why you
want and are qualified for a particular job. Furthermore, since the CV
communicates the substance of your experiences and accomplishments, its main
purpose is to demonstrate the relevance of the course of your academic life to the
position you seek.

Understanding Audience
It should emphasize the experiences and accomplishments that have directed the
course of your academic life to this search committee and that make you the best
candidate for the position

Start writing your first draft

Remember, your choices of what to include and exclude should be determined by
what the audience needs to know about you in order to consider you the best


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candidate. You'll certainly want to tailor your CV to each particular audience; but
keep in mind that having a master copy or template that is a basic, all-inclusive
version of your CV to work from will make that tailoring process less timeconsuming.

Revise, carefully review and reorganize your draft

After the first draft is written, revise. Review each item carefully to decide if you
should reorganize any information, tighten your language use, provide more (or
fewer) details for professional experience.
Also, consider if any of your categories are looking sparse. If so, can you move the
item(s) within that category somewhere else? Can the categories be renamed to
describe more aptly the contents?

Get feedback from a reader

This reader should be familiar with the CV format and the types of jobs that require
a CV. Students can ask for feedback from their advisor, a friendly professor, or a
campus job center counselor. If you don't have access to these resources, get a
friend or family member to review your writing; new eyes help catch things you
might have missed!

Revise, Proofread and Edit

Revise your CV as needed based on feedback you receive from readers. Then, edit
and proofread your CV carefully. Proofread, check format consistency, and be sure
to use an active voice with carefully chosen, specific language.

Editing checklist:
Proofread! Get another pair of eyes to review your work as well.


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Be consistent with the document's organization - capitalizing, italicizing, bulleting,
Make sure your margins are even.
Make sure to use the correct verb tense when discussing past activities.
Make sure the document is easy to read.
Use specific language - concrete nouns and active verbs, avoid passive voice!

You have just been invited to an interview with your dream company. It does not
matter where you went to school, the number of degrees you may hold, the
experience you have or whom you know; if you are unable to do the interview
successfully, you will not get the job.
Try following the tips below and you will not only be well prepared but also present
yourself as a true professional.

Research the Company.

Do your homework, e.g. go to the company's website and read about their vision,
mission, strategy, products, finances, departments, competitive advantages, and
competitors, etc. If the company does not have a web presence look them up at the
library, call the Chambers of Commerce, and find out everything you can about

Prepare your Introduction & Key points.

The introductory speech is your two minute opportunity to enlighten the
interviewer about yourself and what you have to offer.

Identify Achievements
Employers want to know how hiring you will make their organisation better and
contribute to their overall success. (Assuming you did your homework as suggested
in point 1 you can offer examples of innovations, process improvements or revenue


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saving ideas that may be of interest).

Dress for Success

The way you dress makes a statement about you. Avoid bright colours and loud
jewellery. Regardless of the job that you are applying for, it is a good idea to wear a
neat and clean suit, even in a casual business environment.

Good Timekeeping is Essential

Arrive at least 15 minutes early for your appointment. Besides ensuring
you are not rushed, use this time to learn more about the company
ambience. Observe the company's employees as you sit in the lobby.
How do they look? Do they greet one another and say hello to you?
Are they smiling and happy or frazzled and frustrated?

Engage in a Dialogue
Remember, a conversation is a two-way exchange. Be curious and ask
lots of questions to get a good understanding of how the company,
department and management operate. Ask about the job responsibilities
and company culture, e.g. Employee Recognition Programmes, opportunities for
Personal and Professional development, current and future challenges of the
position, etc. etc.

Be Open and Honest

When responding to the employer's questions, tell the truth! If you made
a mistake, say it in a positive way, accept responsibility for it, and explain
how you have benefited from the experience & what you have learnt. Do
not pretend to be something that you are not, it will not work!

Do not talk Salary or Benefits

The goal is to get as many options going as possible so do not talk about
compensation at this stage, as it can be a knockout factor. Sell to the employer all
that you can do for them. If they are interested they will make an offer and it is at


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that stage that you start negotiating those issues.

Take Responsibility!
Remember, 50% of the responsibility for the right job match is yours. You
are interviewing the employer just as they are interviewing you. After all if you are
selected, you will be spending at least half of your waking day in this environment.
So ensure that this is what you really want!


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Unit IV - Intermediary Communication

Shannon's Model of the Communication Process
Shannon's (1948) model of the communication process is, in important ways, the
beginning of the modern field. It provided, for the first time, a general model of the
communication process that could be treated as the common ground of such
diverse disciplines as journalism, rhetoric, linguistics, and speech and hearing
sciences. Part of its success is due to its structuralist reduction of communication
to a set of basic constituents that not only explain how communication happens,
but why communication sometimes fails. Good timing played a role as well. The
world was barely thirty years into the age of mass radio, had arguably fought a
world war in its wake, and an even more powerful, television, was about to assert
itself. It was time to create the field of communication as a unified discipline, and
Shannon's model was as good an excuse as any.

Figure 1: Shannon's (1948) Model of the communication


Shannon's model, as shown in Figure 1, breaks the process of communication

down into eight discrete components:
An information source. Presumably a person who creates a message.
The message, which is both sent by the information source and received by the

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A transmitter. For Shannon's immediate purpose a telephone instrument that
captures an audio signal, converts it into an electronic signal, and amplifies it for
transmission through the telephone network. Transmission is readily generalized
within Shannon's information theory to encompass a wide range of transmitters.
The simplest transmission system, that associated with face-to-face
communication, has at least two layers of transmission. The first, the mouth
(sound) and body (gesture), create and modulate a signal. The second layer, which
might also be described as a channel, is built of the air (sound) and light (gesture)
that enable the transmission of those signals from one person to another. A
television broadcast would obviously include many more layers, with the addition
of cameras and microphones, editing and filtering systems, a national signal
distribution network (often satellite), and a local radio wave broadcast antenna.
The signal, which flows through a channel. There may be multiple parallel signals,
as is the case in face-to-face interaction where sound and gesture involve different
signal systems that depend on different channels and modes of transmission. There
may be multiple serial signals, with sound and/or gesture turned into electronic
signals, radio waves, or words and pictures in a book.
A carrier or channel, which is represented by the small unlabeled box in the
middle of the model. The most commonly used channels include air, light,
electricity, radio waves, paper, and postal systems. Note that there may be multiple
channels associated with the multiple layers of transmission, as described above.
Noise, in the form of secondary signals that obscure or confuse the signal carried.
Given Shannon's focus on telephone transmission, carriers, and reception, it
should not be surprising that noise is restricted to noise that obscures or
obliterates some portion of the signal within the channel. This is a fairly restrictive
notion of noise, by current standards, and a somewhat misleading one. Today we
have at least some media which are so noise free that compressed signals are
constructed with an absolutely minimal amount information and little likelihood of
signal loss. In the process, Shannon's solution to noise, redundancy, has been
largely replaced by a minimally redundant solution: error detection and correction.
Today we use noise more as a metaphor for problems associated with effective


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A receiver. In Shannon's conception, the receiving telephone instrument. In face to
face communication a set of ears (sound) and eyes (gesture). In television, several
layers of receiver, including an antenna and a television set.
A destination. Presumably a person who consumes and processes the message.
Like all models, this is a minimalist abstraction of the reality it attempts to
reproduce. The reality of most communication systems is more complex. Most
information sources (and destinations) act as both sources and destinations.
Transmitters, receivers, channels, signals, and even messages are often layered
both serially and in parallel such that there are multiple signals transmitted and
received, even when they are converged into a common signal stream and a
common channel. Many other elaborations can be readily described.. It remains,
however, that Shannon's model is a useful abstraction that identifies the most
important components of communication and their general relationship to one
another. That value is evident in its similarity to real world pictures of the designs
of new communication systems, including Bell's original sketches of the telephone,
as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Bell's drawing of the workings of a telephone, from his original



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Bell's sketch visibly contains an information source and destination, transmitters
and receivers, a channel, a signal, and an implied message (the information source
is talking). What is new, in Shannon's model (aside from the concept of noise,
which is only partially reproduced by Bell's batteries), is a formal vocabulary that is
now generally used in describing such designs, a vocabulary that sets up both
Shannon's mathematical theory of information and a large amount of subsequent
communication theory. This correspondence between Bell's sketch and Shannon's
model is rarely remarked (see Hopper, 1992 for one instance).
Shannon's model isn't really a model of communication, however. It is, instead, a
model of the flow of information through a medium, and an incomplete and biased
model that is far more applicable to the system it maps, a telephone or telegraph,
than it is to most other media. It suggests, for instance, a "push" model in which
sources of information can inflict it on destinations.
In the real world of media, destinations are more typically self-selecting
"consumers" of information who have the ability to select the messages they are
most interested in, turn off messages that don't interest them, focus on one
message in preference to other in message rich environments, and can choose to
simply not pay attention.
Shannon's model depicts transmission from a transmitter to a receiver as the
primary activity of a medium. In the real world of media, messages are frequently
stored for elongated periods of time and/or modified in some way before they are
accessed by the "destination".
The model suggests that communication within a medium is frequently direct and
unidirectional, but in the real world of media, communication is almost never
unidirectional and is often indirect.
Derivative Models of the Communication Process
One of these shortcomings is addressed in Figure 2's intermediary model of
communication (sometimes referred to as the gatekeeper model or two-step flow
(Katz, 1957)). This model, which is frequently depicted in introductory texts in
mass communication, focuses on the important role that intermediaries often play
in the communication process.


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Mass communication texts frequently specifically associate editors, who decide
what stories will fit in a newspaper or news broadcast, with this intermediary or
gatekeeper role. There are, however, many intermediary roles (Foulger, 2002a)
associated with communication.
Many of these intermediaries have the ability to decide what messages others see,
the context in which they are seen, and when they see them. They often have the
ability, moreover, to change messages or to prevent them from reaching an
audience (destination). In extreme variations we refer to such gatekeepers as
Under the more normal conditions of mass media, in which publications choose
some content in preference to other potential content based on an editorial policy,
we refer to them as editors (most mass media), moderators (Internet discussion
groups), reviewers (peer-reviewed publications), or aggregators (clipping services),
among other titles .
Delivery workers (a postal delivery worker, for instance) also act as intermediaries,
and have the ability to act as gatekeepers, but are generally restricted from doing
so as a matter of ethics and/or law.

Figure 3: An Intermediary Model.

Overcoming mental blocks, prejudices and hotspots of the addressee

A mental block is either a repression of painful thoughts, or an inability to
continue a train of thought, like in the case of writer's block. A similar phenomenon
occurs when one cannot solve a problem in mathematics which one would normally
consider simple. In the case of writer's block, many find it helpful to take a break
and revisit their topic. Another tactic that is used when people with mental blocks
are learning new information is repetition.

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Mental blocks can be caused by physical disabilities or simply a lack of focus.
Mental blocks are also often used to describe a temporary inability to recall a name
or other information.
Overcoming the mental blocks and prejudice of the addressee
The way a person interprets a situation also depends on emotions and values. The
person may hear what he or she wants to hear rather than hear what was actually
Mental set, emotional states, prejudices, and the way the individual chooses to
filter or screen what is said will affect the way a message is understood. Poor
listening skills are a major reason many messages are not understood properly.
For example, suppose I was in a really bad mood for some reason, and I showed up
late to an event.
Someone at the event totally unaware of my mood may ask out of genuine concern,
"Where were you?"
I'd really have to be careful not to interpret that question as accusatory. Below are
a few more tips that can at least get you started to help bridge the communication
On the listening end:
Have an open mind. Remember: seek understanding rather than employing
If communicating in person, pay attention to body language as well as the content
of the message being conveyed. Listen to what is not said. Pay attention to their
tone of voice.
Ask for clarification about what the person has said before jumping to
conclusions (i.e., "What I think I'm hearing you say is <insert what you thought you
heard>...Is that correct?")
Acknowledge the other person's feelings and try to put yourself in their shoes.
Empathy goes a long way!


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On the speaking end:
Show responsibility for how you're interpreting things (i.e., "This is what I
perceive the situation to be")
Be assertive and say what's on your mind, but the key is to do it diplomatically.
Be aware of your tone of voice.
Ask if you're being understood and clarify any misunderstandings.
Remember that in the extreme, communication breakdown can cost you
relationships and in business can also cost you money.
The telephone, colloquially referred to as a phone, is a telecommunication device
that transmits and receives sounds, usually the human voice. Telephones are
a point-to-point communication system whose most basic function is to allow two
people separated by large distances to talk to each other. Developed in the mid1870s by Alexander Graham Bell and others, the telephone has long been
considered indispensable to businesses, households and governments, is now one
of the most common appliances in the developed world. The word "telephone" has
been adapted to many languages and is now recognized around the world.
All modern telephones have a microphone to speak into, an earphone (or 'speaker')
which reproduces the voice of the other person, a ringer which makes a sound to
alert the owner when a call is coming in, and a keypad (or on older phones
a telephone dial) to enter the telephone number of the telephone to be called. The
microphone and earphone are usually built into a handset which is held up to the
face to talk. The keypad may be part of the handset or of a base unit to which the
handset would be connected.
A landline telephone is connected by a pair of wires to the telephone network, while
a mobile phone (also called a cell phone) is portable and communicates with the
telephone network by radio. A cordless telephone has a portable handset which
communicates by radio transmission with the handset owners base station which
is connected by wire to the telephone network, and can only be used within about
50 feet from the base station.


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The microphone converts the sound waves to electrical signals and then these are
sent through the telephone network to the other phone and there converted by an
earphone, or speaker, back into sound waves. Telephones are
a duplex communications medium, meaning they allow the people on both ends to
talk simultaneously.
The telephone network, consisting of a worldwide net of telephone lines, fiber optic
cables, microwave transmission, cellular networks, communications satellites,
and undersea telephone cables connected by switching centers, allows any
telephone in the world to communicate with any other. Each telephone line has an
identifying number called its telephone number. To initiate a telephone call the
user enters the other telephone's number into a numeric keypad on the phone.
Although originally designed for simple voice communications, most modern
telephones have many additional capabilities. They may be able to record spoken
messages, send and receive text messages, take and display photographs or video,
play music, and surf the Internet. A current trend is phones that integrate all
mobile communication and computing needs; these are called smart phones.
The word tele means distance. The word conference means consultations,
discussions. Through teleconferencing two or more locations situated at a distance
are connected so that they can hear or both see and hear each other. It allows the
distant sites to interact with each other.
The interactions occur in real time. This means that the participants and the
resource persons are present at the same time in different locations and are able to
communicate with each other. In some situations, questions can be faxed/e-mailed
early for response by the resource persons. The telecommunications system may
support the teleconference by providing one or more of the following: audio, video,
and/or data services
as telephone, computer, telegraph, teletypewriter, radio, and television.
conferencing, videoconferencing, web



internet telephone
and Augmented Reality

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Internet telephony involves conducting a teleconference over the Internet or a Wide
Area Network. One key technology in this area is Voice over Internet
Protocol (VOIP).
Popular software for personal use includes Skype, Google Talk, Windows Live
Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger.

One of the major advantages of teleconferencing is its potential to reduce the
cost of group meetings. Savings come primarily from reduced travel costs.
Although saving money is a big advantage of teleconferencing, there are
several other advantages:
People (including outside guest speakers) who wouldn't normally attend a
distant FTF meeting can participate.
Socializing is minimal compared to an FTF meeting; therefore, meetings are
shorter and more oriented to the primary purpose of the meeting.
Some routine meetings are more effective since one can audio conference
from any location equipped with a telephone.
Communication between the home office and field staffs is maximized.
Severe climate and/or





Participants are generally better prepared than for FTF meetings.

It's particularly satisfactory for simple problem solving, information
exchange, and procedural tasks.
Group members participate more equally in well moderated teleconferences
than in an FTF meeting.


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While teleconferencing is characterized by many advantages, it does have
Technical failures with equipment, including connections that aren't made.
Unsatisfactory for complex interpersonal communication, such as
negotiation or bargaining.
Impersonal, less easy to create an atmosphere of group rapport.
Lack of participant familiarity with the equipment, the medium itself, and
meeting skills.
Acoustical problems within the teleconferencing rooms.
Difficulty in determining participant speaking order; frequently one person
monopolizes the meeting.
Greater participant preparation and preparation time needed.
Informal, one-to-one, social interaction not possible.

To minimize some of the potential problems, users should carefully evaluate their
meeting needs and goals to determine if teleconferencing is appropriate. Users
should also assess their audience.
For example, consider the size of the group, their level of experience with
teleconferencing, and the extent of their familiarity with each other. These
precautions won't eliminate all the problems that could arise, but they should
reduce the likelihood of their occurring.
Web chat
A web chat is a system that allows users to communicate in real time using easily
accessible web interfaces. It is a type of internet online chat distinguished by its
simplicity and accessibility to users who do not wish to take the time to install and
learn to use specialized chat software. This trait allows users instantaneous access


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and only a web browser is required to chat. Users will always get the latest version
of a chat service because no software installation or updates are required.
A memorandum (abbrev.: memo) was from the Latin verbal phrase memorandum
est, the gerundive form of the verb memoro, "to mention, call to mind, recount,
relate", which means "It must be remembered (that)...". It is therefore a
note, document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events
or observations on a topic, such as may be used in a business office. The plural
form of the Latin noun memorandum so derived is properly memoranda, but if the
word is deemed to have become a word of the English language, the
plural memorandums, abbreviated to memos, may be used.
A memorandum may have any format, or it may have a format specific to an office
or institution. In law specifically, a memorandum is a record of the terms of a
transaction or contract, such as a policy memo, memorandum of
understanding, memorandum of agreement, or memorandum of association.
Alternative formats include memos, briefing notes, reports, letters or binders. They
could be one page long or many. If the user is a cabinet minister or a senior
executive, the format might be rigidly defined and limited to one or two pages. If the
user is a colleague, the format is usually much more flexible. At its most basic
level, a memorandum can be a handwritten note to one's supervisor

A report is a textual work (usually of writing, speech, television, or film) made with
the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a
widely presentable form.
Written reports are documents which present focused, salient content to a specific
audience. Reports are often used to display the result of an experiment,
investigation, or inquiry. The audience may be public or private, an individual or
the public in general. Reports are used in government, business, education,
science, and other fields.
Reports use features such as graphics, images, voice, or specialized vocabulary in
order to persuade that specific audience to undertake an action. One of the most
common formats for presenting reports is IMRAD: Introduction, Methods, Results

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and Discussion. This structure is standard for the genre because it mirrors the
traditional publication of scientific research and summons the ethos and credibility
of that discipline. Reports are not required to follow this pattern, and may use
alternative patterns like the problem-solution format.
Additional elements often used to persuade readers include: headings to indicate
topics, to more complex formats including charts, tables, figures, pictures, tables of
contents, abstracts, summaries, appendices, footnotes, hyperlinks, and references.
Some examples of reports are: scientific reports, recommendation reports, white
papers, annual reports, auditor's reports, workplace reports, census reports, trip
reports, progress reports, investigative reports, budget reports, policy reports,
demographic reports, credit reports, appraisal reports, inspection reports, military
reports, bound reports, etc.
Minutes, also known as protocols or, informally, notes, are the instant written
record of a meeting or hearing. They typically describe the events of the meeting,
starting with a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the
participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.
Minutes may be created during the meeting by a typist or court recorder, who may
use shorthand notation and then prepare the minutes and issue them to the
participants afterwards. Alternatively, the meeting can be audio recorded or a
group's appointed or informally assigned Secretary may take notes, with minutes
prepared later.
It is usually important for the minutes to be terse and only include a summary of
discussion and decisions. A verbatim report is typically not useful. The minutes of
certain groups, such as a corporate board of directors, must be kept on file and are
important legal documents.
Business Correspondence
Business correspondence is the communication or exchange of information in a
written format for the process of business activities. Business correspondence can
take place between organizations, within organizations or between the customers
and the organization. The correspondence is generally of widely accepted formats
that are followed universally.

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Need for written communication
Maintaining a proper relationship.
Serves as evidence.
Create and maintain goodwill.
Inexpensive and convenient.
Formal communication.
Independent of interpersonal skills
Types of Business correspondence
Business letters
Business letters are the most formal method of communication following specific
formats. They are addressed to a particular person or organisation.
A good business letter follows the seven C's of communication. The different types
of business letters used based on their context are as follows,
Letters of enquiry
Letters of claim/complaints
Letters of application
Letters of approval/dismissal
Letters of recommendations
Letters of sales.
Official letters can be handwritten or printed. Modernisation has led to the usage of
new means of business correspondence such as E-mail and Fax.[3]
Email is the least formal method of business communication. It is the most widely
used method of written communication usually done in a conversational style.


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Memorandum is a document used for internal communication within an
organization. Memo may be drafted by management and addressed to other
10 good opening lines
We need an opening line in a business letter or professional email:
to make reference to previous correspondence; to say how we found the recipients
name/address; to say why we are writing to the recipient.
With reference to your letter of 8 June, I .
I am writing to enquire about .
After having seen your advertisement in , I would like .
After having received your address from , I .
I received your address from and would like .
We/I recently wrote to you about .
Thank you for your letter of 8 May.
Thank you for your letter regarding .
Thank you for your letter/e-mail about .
In reply to your letter of 8 May, .
10 good closing lines
need a
in a
to make a reference to a future event; to repeat an apology; to offer help
If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
I look forward to your reply.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to seeing you.


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Please advise as necessary.
We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience.
We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom.
I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely in a business letter?
When the recipients name is unknown to you:
Dear Sir Yours faithfully
Dear Madam Yours faithfully
Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully
When you know the recipients name:
Dear Mr Hanson Yours sincerely
Dear Mrs Hanson Yours sincerely
Dear Miss Hanson Yours sincerely
Dear Ms Hanson Yours sincerely
When addressing a good friend or colleague:
Dear Jack Best wishes/Best regards
Addressing whole departments:
Dear Sirs Yours faithfully


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Unit V - Social Communication

Learning is Constant and knows no age
The way one interacts makes all the difference. The way of greeting someone,
showcasing courtesy are the quintessential blocks of relationship building in
todays fast paced world. Looks speak a thousand words. It is not just only about
good looks but it is also the posture & the confidence one exudes, that leads to
building a strong personality.
Social communication is of two types - formal and informal.
Formal social communication is when an organization or a firm organizes to
communicate their plans or ideas in a casual way. Here the subject is one and
more people talk about same subject.
In informal social communication people join in a group they start their
conversation in and pour their views about any subject which they might like or be
interested in share their views about. Here people basically enjoy their participation
and are not forced to communicate with others. Social communication basically
takes place by means of social media but apart from that the face-to-face group
meeting or get together is best and more effective than in social media.
Best way to communicate in a social conversation is to both talk and allow others
to talk while paying attention to them. When sharing one's views one must be
aware of the word use, tone and emotions.
Even people with good communication skills can fail to communicate well in a
social environment. Potential problems in their social communication can include:
Confusing communication.
Giving too little or too much information.
Repetitive communication.
Speaking out of the box.
Talking too slowly.
To improve social communication, the above problems need to be overcome.


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Etiquette in language is all about the words you choose befitting the
occasion, the way you put your expressions, the tone and accent of your utterance
Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make
their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of
relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in
contact with each other. While greeting customs are highly culture and situationspecific and may change within a culture depending on social status and
relationship, they exist in all known human cultures. Greetings can be expressed
both audibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. Greetings
are often, but not always, used just prior to a conversation.
Hello, / Hi,
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Good/ Nice to see you again.
Im glad/ happy/ pleased to see you.
How are you? - Fine, thanks. And you?
How have you been? - Very well. And you?
How are things? - Not too bad, thanks.
How is your girlfriend? - Shes fine.
Introducing oneself
Let me introduce myself. My names .
Introducing someone else
Id like you to meet ..
Making contact
Excuse me, are you Mrs ? - Yes, thats right.
Hello, you must be Mrs .
Good bye/ Bye/ Ill say good bye/ See you later/ See you soon.
Im afraid Ive got to go.

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I look forward to seeing you again.
I look forward to seeing you when youre next in London.
Complete the following conversations with the most appropriate words or phrases:
M = Martin, J = Jacqueline
M Excuse me, ____________ Jacqueline Turner?
J Yes, thats ____________.
M May I ____________ myself? Im Martin Young. How do you do?
J ____________, Mr Young.

C = Chris, F = Frank
C Hello, Chris Evans. Mind if I join you?
F Oh, ____________ not. Frank Richards.
C ____________ to meet you, Frank. So how are you finding the
conference so far?
F Actually, Ive only arrived this morning.

I was wondering if you would like to join us for a meal.
Perhaps you would like to have dinner at my home.
Why not come round for a drink?
What about going out for a meal?
Thats very kind of you.
Thank you for inviting me.


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Setting the details
What time should I come?
Where shall we meet?
Thank you very much, but Im afraid I cant come.
No, thank you/ thanks.
Im all right, thanks.I can manage.

How would you

a) invite an important business partner for a meal

b) invite a colleague for a drink

c ) accept an invitation politely

Is there a difference between these expressions? In what situations

would you use them?
a (i) No, thanks.
(ii) Thats very kind of you, but ... .
b (i) I was wondering if you would like to join us for a meal?
(ii) What about going out for a meal?

Kind of chilly this morning, isnt it?
What a beautiful morning. A bit windy, but beautiful.
Its never that hot at this time of the year.


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Making contact
Mind if I join you?
Excuse me, you must be .
Keeping the conversation going
How long are you going to stay?
What do you do, by the way?
What line of business are you in?
Getting away
If youll excuse me, I have to make a phone call.
If youll excuse me, I must just go and say hello to someone.
Would you excuse me a moment? Ill be right back.
Social Quiz: Choose the best possible response. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.
a) Hi, how are you?
(i) Fine, thanks. And you?
(ii) Im Mike.
(iii) Not too bad.
b) Meet my friend Jack.
(i) Nice to meet you.
(ii) What time?
(iii) How do you do?
c) How was your flight?
(i) It was all right.
(ii) Yes, of course.
(iii) The plane was a bit late but it didnt matter.


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d) Would you like to look around the company?
(i) No, its none of my business.
(ii) Thatd be lovely.
(iii) Yes, Id love to.
e) Would you prefer red or white wine?
(i) Yes, of course.
(ii) I dont want.
(iii) I dont mind.


Advertise a job/ a position
Apply for a job
Appointments section
Complete an application form
Covering letter
Employ somebody
Hire new staff
HR (Human Resources)
Job interview
Prepare shortlist of candidates
Recruit employees
Recruitment agency
Send a letter of application and curriculum vitae (CV)


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Important documents
Curriculum Vitae

WORK EXPERIENCE [start with the most recent post occupied]

Dates (from to)
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities

EDUCATION AND TRAINING [start with the most recent course completed]
Dates (from to)
Name and type of institution
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Degrees/ Qualifications

Languages (indicate level: fluent, good, basic)
Technical skills (computers, specific equipment)
Artistic skills (music, design, etc.)
Other skills
Driving licence(s)

Letter of application


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Arrange the following extracts from a letter of application.
a)I am presently employed by a small computer company, but I feel that I am not
using my knowledge of software engineering to the full. I am looking for a more
challenging position where my field of specialization could be exploited in a more
stimulating environment. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are
offering suits both my personal and professional interests.
b) I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look
forward to hearing from you.
c) Dear Ms Johansson
d) 12 January 2004
e) I am writing to apply for the position of Director of Software Development which
was advertised on your company website.
f) 31 Bloomington Street
SK45 BX123
g) Carry Johansson
12 Hamilton Street
h) Peter Sellers
i) Yours sincerely

Being polite is all about being considerate and appreciative, but for many people, it
remains a challenge. Some have no interest whatsoever in being polite, but if you're
reading this, you're probably wondering how you can improve your etiquette.
Be gentle, not forceful or insistent.
This doesn't mean you need to act like a meek, quiet pushover. It means that when
you do something, offer something, or make a request, you do it without pressuring

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the people around you and making them feel like they're being pushed into a
When in doubt, observe others.
How are they greeting and addressing each other? What are they doing with their
coats? What kinds of topics are they discussing? Different settings require different
standards of formality, and those standards often define what is polite and what is
not. A work-related dinner, and holiday gathering, a wedding, and a funeral will all
demand a different tone.
Be nice
Always be courteous, you might meet this person again in another setting and
wouldn't want to have caused negative memories that would give you a bad
Start a conversation by asking questions about the other person.
Try not to talk about yourself too much. Be confident and charming. Do not hog
the conversation that is arrogant. Look interested and listen to the answers. Don't
look over the person's shoulder or around the room when he/she is talking. That
implies you are distracted or not interested, i.e. he/she is not important to you.
Be honest
It is always much worse to be caught in a lie than to tell the truth.
Assertive communication is the ability to speak and interact in a manner that
considers and respects the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for
your own rights.

What does it mean to be assertive?

It means you can say what you do not agree with in an elegant manner, without
being verbally aggressive, without damaging or disturbing, without being placed in
a delicate position leaving room for discussion, but in terms that you took the
freedom to "impose."We are often at home, at work, in society, faced to relate with


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people who do not communicate as we want, that dont understand the words we
To communicate thoughts, feelings, and opinions assertively, you need to
choose words that are direct, honest, appropriate, and respectful. Some
words simply do not fit these criteria and therefore cannot be delivered
assertively. Words are only one aspect of being assertive, but you must have
assertive words if you are to be assertive with others.

Basic guidelines for Assertive word choice:

* Use "I-statements" rather than "you-statements".
Compare the following:
"You always interrupt my stories!" (Aggressive)
"I would like to tell my stories without interruption." (Assertive)
"You embarrassed me in front of all those people. (Aggressive)
"I felt embarrassed when you said that in front of all those people."
* Use clear, direct requests or directives (commands) when you want others to
do something rather than hinting, being indirect, or presuming.
Compare the following:
"Would you mind taking this to John?" (Indirect, only inquires about
"Will you please take this to John?" (Assertive request)
"Please take this to John." (Assertive directive)
"Why don't you stop on the way home and pick up milk?" (Indirect, asks the
other to think about not doing it)


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"Will you please pick up milk on your way home?" (Assertive request)
"Please pick up milk on your way home." (Assertive directive)
People avoid being direct and honest because they learned to think it was
impolite or pushy. Unfortunately, while attempting to avoid being inappropriate
we sometimes choose words that communicate a lack of respect. Sometimes we
are so "careful" we don't communicate the real message.
When we say "don't you think" instead of "I think," we are communicating
indirectly. If you really listen to the words, they sound condescending. When
you ask "why don't you" instead of "will you," you are literally asking a person to
find reasons not to. When you say "I need," and presume someone will take care
of your needs; you communicate a lack of respect or an air of superiority. If you
say "I need" or "I want," learn to add a request or directive in order to be
Tackling Questions
It is important to listen to an entire question before offering an answer. Its
human nature to guess where a question is headed as it is being asked, but its not
in anyones best interest.
A perfect example of how jumping to conclusions can steer you in the wrong
direction is demonstrated in a conversation between media mogul Oprah Winfrey
and actor/writer Tina Fey during an Oprah Winfrey Show episode. Fey asked
Winfrey, If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, in the history of
the world, Fey begins, What would you order?
Winfrey, taken by surprise, pauses, laughs, and answers, I would probably you
know, have Jesus over for fried chicken, Oprah says. That would be great.
Unexpected questions provoke a few laughs in the right situations and enormous
fear in others.
There are some tips, however, to make questions less scary and to help you feel in


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DO YOUR HOMEWORK: Whenever youre preparing a speech, think of the
questions that you expect to be asked.
question-and-answer period ahead of time. Do you want questions while
youre speaking or after.
to the questions you like and the ones that youre not particularly fond of.
You stay in control when dont take questions personally. Dont judge a
question. Answer it.
REPEAT THE QUESTION: By repeating the question, it assures you heard
it correctly, offers an opportunity to stand corrected, is a courtesy to others
so that they hear it right, and it buys you some extra time to craft an
STORYTELLER QUESTIONS: To prevent someone from telling a story
before asking a question, when calling on someone, try talk show host Larry
Kings method of asking, Your question please?
CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC: Acknowledge in your presentation that some
people may disagree with some thoughts on the topic. Then, if there are
hostile questions, remember that the hostility is about the topic, not about
IF YOU DONT KNOW THE ANSWER: Be honest. Dont guess. No ones
perfect. Offer to provide an answer if the person will contact you at the
email address or phone number you provide.
UNASKED QUESTIONS: If theres a question that you think should have
been asked but was not, offer it yourself without insulting your audience.
Instead of saying something like, Im surprised no one asked this
question, say, Heres another question that may be helpful.
TIMES UP: End a question-and-answer period on a positive note. Avoid
phrases like, I guess there arent any more questions, or Since were out of


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Choose instead something like, Thank you for your thoughtful questions and if
you have more in the future, heres how you can reach me
KEEP THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE: Answering questions is an opportunity
for you to show what you know and to demonstrate your skills as a
Seeking permission
English speakers use some special expressions to ask for permission. These
are usually constructed with may and might. Note that might is very polite and
formal. It is not very common and is mostly used in indirect questions.
May I put the heating on?
May I have a look at your papers?
I wonder if I might have a little more cake. (Very formal; more natural than
Might I have a little more cake?)
In an informal style can and could are used.
Can I borrow your car? (Less formal than May I borrow your car?)
Can I go to the pictures, mom?
Giving and refusing permission
May is used to give permission; may not is used to refuse permission. These are
rather formal. In an informal style can and cannot/cant are used.
May I come in, Sir. Yes, you may.
May I borrow your car? No, I am afraid you may not. (More formal than No,
you cant.)
Must not is used to prohibit. It is more emphatic than may not.
You must not smoke in the kitchen.


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Expressing gratitude
If we thought about it, we would find that we dont give or hear expressions
of gratitude as often as we should. If you feel this way you are certainly not alone.
Remembering to Express Gratitude can help us and our family members. Gratitude
is more than an inner feeling.
When good things are happening around us, when were with those we love and
were grateful and were expressing it, the feeling of love and tenderness grows.
Gratitude can bring a calming feeling.
What is gratitude, really? It includes saying thank you and being polite. But it is
more than that. Expressing Gratitude is the beginning of courtesy, generosity,
concern and appreciation for family members and others.
A deeply felt and fully expressed gratitude is an effective way to positively influence
attitudes and behavior, our own and that of others. Learning to feel and express
gratitude can have a significant effect on the happiness and success of every family
There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, oldfashioned ingratitude. ~Robert Brault
Thanks and Expressions of Gratitude
Most languages have an automatic response to thanks. The British do not
automatically respond to thanks, but Americans do. A response is not necessary in
British English, but is becoming more frequent.
In the past, Youre welcome sounded very American. Nowadays its common in
Britain too. Another common response in Britain is No problem (at all). Remember
that Please is not an acceptable response to thanks in either Britain or the USA.

Thanking someone

Thank you.
Thanks a lot.


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Thank you very much.

Thank you very much indeed.
It was very kind of you.
I appreciate your help.
Youve been very helpful.
Thanks anyway.
Thank you for (looking).

Responding to thanks

Youre welcome. (US)

Not at all. (formal, UK)
Dont mention it.
(Its) my pleasure.
It was nothing.
Thats alright/OK.
No problem.
Any time.

Gender fair Language

Language plays a central role in the way human beings behave and think.
The critical role language plays in promoting fair treatment of women and girls,
men and boys needs special consideration any educated individual.
Through careful selection of gender-fair language, one gets the opportunity to
influence thought and behavior both directly and indirectly. These guidelines offer
suggestions for language use that will open rather than close possibilities and that
speakers and writers should consider when engaged in communication activities.
The use of he or his when referring to both a female and a male excludes the
female. To be inclusive, writers and presenters must use both he and she, and they
must consciously balance pronoun use by sometimes reversing their order.
Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o If a student studies hard, he will succeed.


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Choose inclusionary alternatives
o If a student studies hard, he or she will succeed.
o If a student studies hard, she or he will succeed.
o Students who study hard will succeed.

Note: The constructions s/he and he/she provide writers with additional genderfree alternatives.
Often, it makes sense to use the plural instead of the singular.
Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o Give the student his grade right away.
o Ask the student to turn in his work as soon as he is finished.
o Each student will do better if he has a voice in the decision.

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o Give the students their grades right away.
o Ask students to hand in their work as soon as they are finished.
o Students will do better if they have a voice in the decision.

A sentence with he or his can be recast by substituting a participial phrase for a

Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o Listen to the two-year-old as he uses his short, simple sentences to

Choose inclusionary alternatives
o Listen to the two-year-old using short, simple sentences to

When the subject is an indefinite pronoun, a number of options exist.
Recast the sentence to avoid using the indefinite pronoun.


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Avoid exclusionary forms such as

When everyone contributes his own ideas, the discussion will be a


Does everybody have his book?

Choose inclusionary alternatives


When all the students contribute their own ideas, the discussion will
be a success.
Do all of you have your books?

Use of the singular they/their form. This construction is becoming increasingly

acceptable. However, classroom teachers need to be aware that state and/or
national assessments may not regard this construction as correct.

Avoid exclusionary forms such as


Does each student have his book?

Choose inclusionary alternatives


Does each student have their book?

The Pseudo-Generic Man: Creating Gender Balance

Like the pseudo-generic form he, the use of the word man to represent both women
and men excludes women, and it minimizes their contributions and their worth as
human beings.


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To make language more inclusive:
Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o mankind
o mans achievements
o the best man for the job
o man the controls
o man the ticket booth

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o humanity, human beings, people
o human achievements
o the best person for the job
o take charge of
o staff the ticket booth

Some forms pose greater problems than those listed above:

man-made (as in man-made materials). Artificial materials or even synthetic
materials has less positive connotations when substituted here.
freshman (as in certain official names such as freshman orientation). Firstyear student is an alternative which may work.
alumni which is the masculine plural form; alumnae is the feminine plural.
When describing a job or career both men and women might perform, avoid using
a combined term that specifies gender.
Avoid exclusionary words and phrases such as
o chairman/chairwomen
o businessman/businesswoman

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o chair, coordinator, moderator, presiding officer, head, chairperson
o business executive, manager, businessperson
o congressional representative


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Titles, Labels, and Names: Promoting Gender Equity
The titles used to name people and occupations often reflect inequitable
assumptions about males and females.
Gender-fair language promotes more inclusive and equitable representations of
both females and males, opening possibilities rather than restricting choices.
Identify men and women in the same way. Diminutive or special forms to name
women are usually unnecessary. In most cases, generic terms such as doctor,
judge, or actor include both genders.
Only occasionally are alternate forms needed, and in these cases, the alternate
form replaces both the masculine and the feminine titles.
Avoid exclusionary words and phrases such as
o stewardess
o authoress
o poetess

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o flight attendant, steward
o author
o poet

Note: If the gender of a professional is important to a person seeking professional

assistance, exceptions may occur. For example, a woman may prefer to visit a
gynecologist who is a female. In such cases, the effects of gender labeling can be
mitigated by changing the gender-laden descriptor to a noun, emphasizing the
professional title, and de-emphasizing gender, i. e., a woman who is a doctor rather
than woman doctor; a male who is a nurse rather than male nurse.
Seek alternatives to language that omits, patronizes, or trivializes women, as well
as to language that reinforces stereotyped images of both women and men.
Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o I'll have my girl do that job.


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o Maria is a career woman.
o You guys go ahead.

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o I'll ask my assistant (or secretary) to do that job.
o Maria is a professional. Maria is a doctor.
o students, class, folks, all of you, third graders

Treat women and men in a parallel manner.

Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o The reporter interviewed Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Mrs.
Sandra Day O'Connor (or Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Sandra
Day O'Connor).
Choose inclusionary alternatives
o The reporter interviewed William Rehnquist and Sandra Day

OConnor (or Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice OConnor).

Use courtesy titles that promote gender equity. Courtesy titles that label a woman
in regard to her relationship to a man (her marital status) or forms of address that
depict a woman as the mere appendage of her husband trivialize women or render
them invisible.
Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o Miss, Mrs.
o Mrs. Michael Webber
o Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webber

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o Ms.
o Ms. Olivia Webber
o Ms. Olivia Webber and Mr. Michael Webber


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Note: Too often, people substitute Ms. for Miss and keep using Mrs. for married
women, defeating the original purpose of adopting Ms. to create an equitable form
of address for all women regardless of marital status. Use Ms. for married as well as
unmarried women.
Do not label athletic teams according to gender.
Avoid exclusionary words and phrases such as
o girl pitcher or lady pitcher
o the Lady Cardinals

Choose inclusionary alternatives

o pitcher
o the Cardinals

Gender Stereotypes: Strategies for Reducing Negative Effects

Gender stereotypes limit and trivialize both females and males, presenting an
inaccurate view of the world and its possibilities. Such misrepresentations
constrain communication.
Do not represent certain jobs or roles as only appropriate for, or held by, women or
men, i.e., farmers are men and elementary teachers are women. Doing so makes
gender-based assumptions. When referring to a job or role, use a gender-specific
pronoun only if the gender of the person is known.
Avoid exclusionary forms such as
o Dear Mothers, Please bake cookies for our class party.
Choose inclusionary alternatives
o Dear Families, Please bake cookies for our class party.
Do not represent females and males as possessing stereotypic gendered attributes.
For example, do not always imply that:
girls are timid and boys are brave
males are admired for their accomplishments and women for their physical

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Females are passive and males are active.
Discourse and transactional analysis
What most people mean when they say language is talk, communication,
discourse. Discourse usually means actual instance of communication in the
medium of language. Discourse in this sense is usually a mass noun. Discourse
is both the source of peoples generalizations about language and the result of it
(people apply what they already know in creating and interpreting new discourse).
Transactional and interactional view:

The analysis of discourse is, necessarily, the analysis of language in use. That
function which language serves in the expression of content we will describe as
transactional, and that function involved in expressing social relations and
personal attitudes we will describe as interactional. Communication is primarily a
matter of a speakers seeking either to inform a hearer of something or to enjoin
some action upon him.

We shall call the language which is used to convey factual or propositional

information primarily transactional language. In primarily transactional language
we assume what the speaker (or writer) has primarily in mind is the efficient
transference of information. Language such a situation is primarily message
oriented. It is important that the recipient gets the informative detail correct. Thus
if a policeman give directions to a traveler, a doctor tells a nurse how to administer
medicine to a patient, a householder puts in an insurance claim, a shop assistant
explains the relative merits of two types of knitting wool, or a scientist describes an
experiment, in each case it matter that the speaker should make what he says (or
writes) clear. There will be unfortunate (even disastrous) consequences in the real
world if the message is not properly understood by the recipients.

It is clearly the case that a great deal of everyday human characterized by

primarily interpersonal rather than the primarily transactional use of language.


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For the example, we will go to the text titled I Always Sit Here behind You.
Transactional and interactional view can be seen from this following part:
It was still very early in the morning; Jack was sitting on the train compartment
though. This is the way Jack always does every day to go to work, since his office is
somewhat far away from his house. To avoid traffic jams along the rush hours, he
more comfortably takes railway transportation. He was now reading a newspaper
that he had bought before he got on to kill the tiring hours in a train.

There is important information inside of opening paragraph of this passage. We

can found that the writer wants to inform us about Jacks daily life. Without this
opening paragraph, we may not understand with what the writer mean is.
Linguistic string (sentence) can be fully analyzed without taking context into
account has been seriously questioned. If the sentence-grammarian wishes to
make claims about the acceptability of a sentence in determining whether the
strings produced by his grammar are correct sentence of the language, he is
implicitly appealing to contextual considerations.

Context is divided into several aspect such as setting (place, time, psychological),
participant, role relation, social class, topic, situation, and values or norm.

Studies indicate that empathy causes helping and prosocial behavior (Davis,
1994) and that lack of empathy is linked to anti-social behavior (Eysenck, 1981)
and attitudes. Although empathy has serious impact on society and human
development we still dont know how it actually works.

Research on the functions of mirror-neurons and Theory of Mind point to the

importance of imitation and understanding of other and own intention for
development of social cognition.


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Empathy is defined by Mead as the capacity to take the role of the other and to
adopt alternative perspectives visa- vis oneself. (Mead, 1968); and by Hogan as the
ability to take the intellectual or imaginative apprehension of anothers condition
or state of mind. (Hogan, 1969).

Reik (1949) describes four stages of the empathy process:

(i) identification projecting self into the other,
(ii) incorporation introjecting the other into self,
(iii) reverberation interplaying of own and other experience, and
(iv) detachment withdrawal from subjective involvement and recourse to use of
methods of reason.
These stages may involve different Theory of Mind mechanisms, which may not be
mutually exclusive: imitation, simulation and representation.
In any verbal communication it is possible to gauge the attitude and level of
the listener and the language should be tuned to suit the listeners perspective. In
oral communication this can easily be achieved.

Since language in use is live wire we have to deal with it observing all the
precautions. Words once said can not be taken back. We have to use expression
appropriate to the occasion. We must observe etiquette, use gender fair language
and above all empathize with the speaker to be a successful communicator.


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Page 94 / 94

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