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Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2013), 72, 6169

g The Author 2012


A Meeting of the Nutrition Society, hosted by the Scottish Section, was held at Kings College Conference Centre, University of Aberdeen
on 2627 March 2012

Conference on Future food and health

Symposium III: Food innovation and health

Food reformulation: the challenges to the food industry

Judith L. Buttriss

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

British Nutrition Foundation, 1519 Kingsway, London WC2B 6UN, UK

The role of the food industry (retailers, manufacturers and food service) in helping consumers
eat healthily and sustainably has been receiving considerable attention in recent years. This
paper focuses on the challenges facing the food industry and the role of food reformulation in
meeting these challenges, through the lens of a public health nutritionist. Attention has been
heightened by the Governments Responsibility Deal, launched in early 2011 by the Department of Health (England), by the UKs engagement with the global food security and food
supply sustainability agendas and by the Government Office of Sciences Foresight report. The
Responsibility Deals food network has to date focused on reduction of trans fatty acids, salt
and calories and out-of-home calorie labelling (in food service settings). New pledges are
expected soon on increasing fruit and vegetable intakes. Reformulation is a major feature of the
Responsibility Deals approach, and along with other approaches such as portion control,
choice editing and information provision, there is potential to increase the breadth of healthier
choices available to the public. With the exception of fruit and vegetables, the emphasis has
been almost exclusively on aspects of the diet that are in excess for many of the population
(e.g. energy and salt). Evidence of low consumption of some key micronutrients by some
groups of the population, particularly adolescents and young adults, often alongside excess
energy intake compared with expenditure, is all too often overlooked. This paper summarises
the progress made to date, the challenges faced and the opportunities that exist, with particular
focus on reformulation. One of the biggest challenges is the relatively poor understanding
of how to effect positive and long-term dietary behaviour change. The paper concludes that, in
isolation, reformulation is unlikely to provide a complete solution to the challenge of improving eating patterns and nutrient provision, although it is a contributor.
Food reformulation: Responsibility deal: Sustainability: Public health

Even in the twenty-first century, a billion people around

the world go to bed hungry and a further billion suffer
from a shortfall of micronutrients(1). Alongside this picture
of under-nutrition, more than a billion are overweight or
obese, putting them at increased risk of diet-related
diseases(1). In rich and poor countries, overweight, obesity
and diet-related diseases, such as CVD and type 2 diabetes,
are found alongside under-nutrition. Even when energy
intake is sufficient or in excess, the foods consumed
may be poor sources of essential nutrients. Governments
around the world are grappling with the challenges of food

security, which has traditionally focused on producing

more food, not necessarily more nutritious food. An
emerging realisation over the past decade or so has been
the need to take into account the sustainability of current
food production methods in the face of climate change and
the need to feed an increasing global population that
is typically also living longer(1). Towards the end of
2011, the worlds population reached seven billion and is
projected to increase by a further billion by 2025, adding
500 million people to African and to Asian populations.
Population growth is far slower in Europe, North America

Abbreviation: GHG, greenhouse gas.

Corresponding author: Professor Judith L. Buttriss, email [email protected]


J. L. Buttriss
Table 1. Progress with achieving current UK dietary recommendations. Information extracted from Bates et al.(9)

Fruit and vegetables

At least 5 80 g/d

Oily fish

At least 1 140 g/week

< 11 % E (60 g/d)



35% E
11% E
18 g/d
6 g/d

Are adults (1964 years) meeting the recommendation?

(NDNS 200811 combined)
4.1 80 g/d
31% achieved five servings a day
77 g/week
Average 12.3 % E
(intakes are higher in children: 14.6 % ages 410 years,
15.3% ages 1118 years)
Average 34.7 % E
Average 12.7 % E
Average about 14 g/d
Average 8.1 g/d
Not all sub-groups are meeting the recommendation
(see Table 2 for further information)


3 7

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

NDNS, National Diet and Nutrition Survey; NMES, non-milk extrinsic sugars; DRV, dietary response values.

and other westernised societies, and in some cases is

declining. Nevertheless, for the first time, the worlds
urban population has exceeded the numbers living in rural
situations, owing to the transition taking place in many
parts of the world. Despite the extreme poverty that continues to exist, many people in emerging economies are
becoming more prosperous and this is triggering demand
for different types of food, as well as fresh water and
energy, and this in turn is influencing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG; CO2, CH4 and N2O). The pattern of
climate change over the next 1520 years will be determined by GHG already in the atmosphere. Agriculture
contributes 1214 % of global GHG emissions (including
those associated with fertiliser production), and it contributes disproportionately to CH4 and N2O production that
have a higher impact on global warming.
Total global impact of the food system on GHG emissions, including in particular those beyond the farm gate
and derived from land conversion, is estimated to be about
30%. Low- and middle-income countries contribute threequarters of this and their proportional share is increasing.
Keeping emissions in check is yet another challenge as we
strive to produce significantly more food of appropriate
nutritional quality to feed the growing number of mouths
and progress is already being made. In contrast with the
global picture, in the UK the food supply chain contributes
18% of emissions, with 7% from agriculture and the
remainder in the food chain beyond the farm gate. Ongoing
work is reducing emissions from livestock production(2),
CH4 production in the UK fell by 19% in the period
19902009 and N2O by 23 %(3).
It has been estimated that the global population will
exceed nine billion by 2050; in the mid twentieth century it
was just over 2.5 billion and has already reached seven
billion, with the fastest rates being recorded in the 1960s
worldpoptotal.php). In the second half of the twentieth
century, as population began to rise, solutions focused on
generating more arable land by ploughing up grassland and
cutting down forests. It is now realised that this contributed
significantly to GHG emissions and also reduced the
opportunity to sequester carbon in the trees and grassland.

Foresight refers to sustainable intensification as the way

forward, as a means to producing more food using the
same amount of land and fewer inputs (water, energy and
fertilisers), but whatever approaches are taken, we need to
understand the impact they will have and to avoid unintended consequences. For a discussion of this see Riley and
All too often, nutrition has not featured high on the list
of priorities in such discussions, which to a nutritionist
seems strange, given that foods and drinks are primarily a
key vehicle through which life is sustained and health
As urbanisation expands and our reliance on processed
foods increases, the food industry has an even greater role
to play in providing a choice of nutritious foods that are
procured sustainably. This paper focuses on the challenges
facing the food industry and the role of food reformulation
in meeting these challenges, through the lens of a public
health nutritionist.
Public health challenges in the UK
In Europe, obesity and associated conditions are widespread and one of the highest rates is in the UK(5), where
prevalence has increased threefold since the 1980s. In
2010, 26% of adults in England were obese and a further
40% of men and 30 % of women had a BMI in the overweight range (BMI 2530)(6); obesity prevalence is forecast to rise to 47% in men and 36% of women by 2015 if
trends continue(7). Three in ten children aged 215 years in
England are overweight or obese(6) and the National Child
Measurement Programme has revealed that almost 10%
of children are already obese when they start school and
almost 20 % of 1011-year-old are now obese(8). There are
also substantial social gradients in the prevalence of obesity among children, with rates being approximately doubled in children from less privileged backgrounds, at all
ages(8). However, obesity is not the only public health
challenge in the UK. As shown in Table 1, most of the
dietary recommendations have yet to be met. Since 1991
when the dietary reference values were published(10) some
progress has been made, in particular in relation to total

Food reformulation


Table 2. Vitamin and mineral intakes, % below the lower reference nutrient intake. National Diet and Nutrition Survey, Rolling Programme
Years 1 and 2, 20082011 combined; information extracted from(11)


Age, years




65 +




65 +

Vitamin A









Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

, Percentage of the sub-population below the lower reference nutrient intake was > 15%.

fat intake, which is now below the 35%E target according

to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey(11) but
improvement in nutrient intakes remains a requirement. As
shown in Table 2, the challenges are not restricted to
macronutrients, there being widespread evidence of low
intakes of a number of nutrients especially in teenage girls
and young women. It should be noted that, publications
from the latest National Diet and Nutrition Survey do not
as yet provide data for age-specific subgroups of women,
despite differences in requirements for Fe in particular. In
the absence of such data, it is worth reflecting on the
findings of the previous National Diet and Nutrition Survey(12) which found that the prevalence of intakes of Fe
below the lower reference nutrient intake in girls/women
of various ages was 44% at 1114 years, 48 % at 1518
years, 40% at 1934 years and 23 % at 3564 years(13).

Opportunities for the food and beverage industry

Opportunities to improve both the nutritional profile and
the sustainability of diets exist all along the food chain,
from the farm through manufacture and retail, to the home.
Crop diversification, bio- and food fortification, nutritionsensitive transportation, minimisation of waste throughout
the food chain, reformulation and the promotion of healthier options are among the many factors that have a part
to play. Some of the multinational companies have already
responded publicly to the challenges faced. For example,
Unilever launched a Sustainable Living Plan(14) in 2010
with three objectives: to help improve the health of more
than a billion people, to halve the environmental impact of
its products, and to source all its agricultural materials
sustainably. Pepsicos Performance with Purpose strategy
(2009) covers four areas including environmental sustainability(15) and back in 2007 Marks and Spencer launched
its Plan A with 100 commitments to be achieved by 2012
(now extended to 180 by 2015) with the ultimate goal of
being the worlds most sustainable retailer, the five pillars
being climate change, waste, sustainable raw materials,
health, and being a fair partner(16). Sainsburys 20 by 20
Sustainability Plan (2011) sets out twenty goals to help
customers make nutritional, sustainable and ethical

decisions(17). McDonalds sustainability goals for 2011

2012 include reducing environmental impact of direct
suppliers, working on the next actions from the Global
Conference on Sustainable Beef, making progress on
products as identified in McDonalds Sustainable Land
Management Commitment, adopting energy-efficient
equipment and technology in restaurants, and increasing
energy awareness and education across the system(18).
Nestles Creating Shared Value report focuses on three
areas, one of which is water and environmental sustainability(19). In addition, many companies have signed up to
the Responsibility Deal, as discussed later.

Diet and health

There are a number of ways in which manufacturers,
retailers and the food service sector can work with others
to improve diet and health. These can be categorised as
shown in Table 3, which provides some examples of the
types of approach already being adopted. However,
improving the nutrient profile of a food is often not simply
a matter of excluding a particular nutrient, as is discussed
in the section on Technical Challenges.

The Responsibility Deal

The Responsibility Deal, an initiative from the Department
of Health (England) that focuses on partnership working
with the food industry and other stakeholders, was established in early 2011 to accelerate delivery of public health
goals through greater use of businesses influence in the
market and ability to engage consumers. Five networks
have been established: food, alcohol, physical activity,
health at work and behaviour change, and organisations
engage with the process by signing up to pledges. In the
food network, pledges have been established on the
following, to which companies are invited to sign-up: Salt
(2011), three additional pledges for catering sector (2012);
trans fatty acids (2011); calorie labelling out of home
(2011); calorie reduction in the food supply (2012); fruit
and vegetables (expected Autumn 2012).


J. L. Buttriss
Table 3. Examples of approaches that can be taken

Changing the composition of food (reformulation)

Providing more/less choice

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Information provision and education


Reducing energy density (kJ/g food)

Reducing the amount of fat, saturates, sugar or salt
Changing the fat or carbohydrate profile, e.g. by choice of oil/fat,
changing the diet of ruminants, use of structured lipids and blending of oils
Removal of trans fatty acids
Improving the nutrient profile through choice of ingredient or fortification
Introducing healthier options
Introducing smaller portion sizes
Choice editing limiting choice at point of sale
Changing the default, so that the easy option/most readily available
standard option is the healthier choice
Information provision on packaging e.g. nutrient composition, guideline daily amounts,
front-of-pack information e.g. traffic light schemes and guideline daily amount schemes,
allergen and ingredient labelling
Information provision point of sale and on websites
Provision of cooking skills, preparation tips and recipes
Food and health as a core component of schools curricula
Regulation, e.g. Ofcom rules for advertising to children
Taxation, e.g. differential value added tax levels for different food categories;
fat and or sugar taxes (as being applied in Denmark, for example Smed 2012(20))

Additional topics currently under discussion are revised

targets for salt, activity around saturated fat reduction
and promotions (e.g. in store). Product reformulation is
a feature of a number of these pledges. For example,
the wording of the calorie reduction pledge is: We will
support and enable our customers to eat and drink fewer
calories through actions such as product/menu reformulation, reviewing portion sizes, education and information,
and actions to shift the marketing mix towards lower
calorie options. We will monitor and report on our actions
on an annual basis. Publication of the calorie reduction
pledge was preceded by a Call to Action in England(21),
which set out the importance of action on obesity, and
issued a challenge to the population to reduce its total
calorie consumption by 5 billion calories (kJ) daily. Associated with this pledge is a menu of options suggesting
how the pledge might be achieved (Table 4). At the end of
May 2012, the delivery plans for the first twenty signatories to the calorie reduction pledge were published on the
Responsibility Deal website(22).
Related to the calorie reduction pledge, the out-of-home
calorie labelling pledge is in recognition of the fact
that one in six meals is eaten outside the home. The
pledge requires signatories to display calorie information
(per portion/item/meal) prominently at point of choice
in high street food outlets, restaurants and staff
canteens. Provision of reference information (guideline
daily amounts) is also required. By July 2012, forty-five
businesses had signed up to this pledge, representing
around 9000 outlets and estimated to cover 23% of all
meals sold and a third of meals served on the high
A key theme in reformulation is the reduction of
the energy density of foods (energy provided per g). In
theory this can be done in a number of ways: Fat or sugar
reduction; addition of low energy ingredients such as fruits
and vegetables to composite foods; addition of dietary fibre
(a low energy component that provides bulk) and use of

wholegrain ingredients; addition of water; addition of air

However, as will be evident from the text that follows
this procedure is not always as simple as it may at first
seem. For dry products, such as breakfast cereals, the
removal of sugar often does not affect energy density to
the extent that might be expected, unless fibre is increased
substantially, because the sugar is replaced by starch (on a
weight for weight basis) which has the same energy value.
Another factor is that manufacturers are limited in the
health claims they can make on foods/drinks to those permitted claims listed in the nutrition and health claims register that was published in 2012 by the European
Commission(24). Currently there are few permitted claims
of relevance to fibre or whole grains and so this may be a
disincentive for manufactures considering embarking on
expensive reformulation work. Furthermore, claims that a
reduction in fat or sugar has been achieved can only be
made if the reduction is 30 % or more, which is a substantial step to achieve without fundamental change to the
product. There are also restrictions in the use of high
intensity sweeteners and consumer concerns about the use
in general of additives that may be required in increased
amounts in reformulated foods given the functional roles of
fat and sugar in some formulations, as discussed further in
the next section.

Technical challenges
Some nutrients have a technical or functional role in foods,
examples being Na and fat. Their removal can require
the utilisation of alternative strategies to substitute for the
function and these strategies can run counter to consumer
desire for clean labels (foods with minimal ingredient
lists) and consumer views on the use of high intensity
sweeteners and other food additives.

Food reformulation


Table 4. Menu of options for calorie reduction. Information extracted from Department of Health(22)


Portion size
Development of lower calorie options
Encouraging consumers to choose healthier options

Satiety enhancers

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Balance of portfolio/menu/etc.

Activity intended to inform and educate consumers

towards making healthier choice

From a physiological perspective, many systems in the
body rely on the balance of electrolytes such as Na, K and
Cl. Na is a dietary essential but requirements are far lower
than current intakes. Concerns about the association
between salt intake and blood pressure triggered the Food
Standards Agencys salt campaign (see Wyness et al.(25))
and the drive, in partnership with manufacturers and retailers in particular, to reduce the amount of salt present in
foods. A recent analysis has found that the campaign
achieved a reduction in salt intake of approximately 10 %
across the population; the impact was stronger in women
than men. Over the past 10 years, salt intake in England has
fallen by almost 1.5 g (15 %) towards the target for adults
of less than 6 g/d. In 20002001, salt intake (assessed by
urinary Na measurement) was 9.5 g/d. It has fallen progressively since that time: 9 g in 2005/6, 8.6 g in 2008 and
8.1 g in 2011 (men 9.3 g, women 6.8 g)(26). The Responsibility Deal salt reduction pledge is linked to the Food
Standards Agencys salt targets for 2012, which if achieved
will deliver the removal of 1 g salt from the food supply.
The figures for 2011(26) suggest that half of this reduction
has now been achieved. However, it is interesting to note
that while average intakes in women are now relatively
close to 6 g/d (at 6.8 g/d) average intakes in men are still far
in excess of the target, suggesting the value of exploring
more targeted approaches to salt reduction. The High Level
Steering Group for the Responsibility Deals Food Network
is currently considering next steps and has established a
forum for detailed technical discussions on salt and reformulation.
Salt (NaCl), has long been used as a preservative in
foods as it controls water activity and hence growth of
food poisoning and spoilage organisms. It is also effective
in flavour perception. In bread production, salt controls the
growth of yeast and fermentation rates, makes gluten more
stable and less extensible, and assists in preservation and
reduction of spoilage. In cheese manufacture, salt regulates

Decrease energy density

Reduce or substitute fat and sugar
Reduce products/menu items
Baked instead of fried e.g. savoury snacks
Energy restricted e.g. 99 kcal choc bars
Promotion of smaller portion sizes down sizing
Other substitution promotions to favour lower
calorie options
Potential to increase the content of satiety ingredients
to decrease overall energy intake e.g. fibre
Greater proportion of healthier options
Default option is the healthy option e.g. coffee
shops use of lower fat milks
Funding healthier eating sessions in local schools
alongside other actions
Innovative use of loyalty cards

the activity of the starter culture, modifies enzyme

activity and has a direct effect on water content during
maturation of the cheese. In meat products, together with
fat, salt contributes to sensory properties, textural properties (tenderness and juiciness) through the solubilisation
of myofibrillar proteins, and also to safety (preservation
and shelf life). In the manufacture of savoury snacks,
salt creates the hard bite texture and expansion during
Leatherhead Food Research has reviewed progress in
the area of salt reduction and concluded that while there
are a number of options (see Tables 5 and 6), each food
category has its own particular challenges as salt has
multiple roles (influencing taste, texture, shelf life and food
safety) and note that food wastage could be an unintended
consequence if shelf life is diminished(27).
So, salt usage is not simply about flavour and, in
achieving the reductions in salt content attained to date
(almost 1.5 g on average across the population since
20002001), various technical approaches have already
been adopted. In a number of cases, the gradual (stepwise)
removal of salt has been taking place for several decades
ever since concerns about salt intake were first raised. For
example, the Federation of Bakers has recorded a reduction
of 23% in the salt content of bread since 2004; however,
reduction began in the 1980s1990s and they estimate that
a total reduction of about 40% has taken place during
this period (personal communication). A major challenge
is to ensure that reductions do not outpace consumer
expectations from a flavour perspective as this would be
counterproductive i.e. sales would fall and this would
adversely affect the companys viability and/or salt would
simply be added back by the consumer. It is to be hoped
that the new salt pledges recently introduced will stimulate
greater engagement of the wider food service industry.
While some of the high street chains committed to salt
reduction some time ago, alongside major retailers and
manufacturers, others have been far slower to react. To
ensure that progress in adjustment of salt preferences


J. L. Buttriss
Table 5. Challenges for salt reduction. Information extracted from Wilson et al.(27)

Meat and meat products

Bread, rolls and morning


Proceedings of the Nutrition Society


Extruded and pelleted snacks

Cakes, pastries and fruit pies

Pesto and other thick sauces

Canned fish

Role and challenges

Preservation and microbiological safety: by reducing water activity. Salt reduction may reduce shelf life.
Any further reduction by the European Commission on permitted levels of nitrate/nitrite in these products
(often used in combination with salt) will place greater reliance on the preservative effect of salt
Other antimicrobials such as K lactate and Na diacetate can maintain microbial safety and shelf
life in products with a 40% reduction in salt; but taste and consumer acceptability are issues
Taste and aroma: Na binds to protein receptors and also enhances natural flavours present in meat
Salt is effective in releasing volatile aroma compounds from the food matrix (via an influence on
osmotic pressure)
Texture: by binding to myofibrillar proteins
Rheological properties of dough are dependent on salt; low usage weakens the gluten and makes the
dough sticky adversely influencing the efficiency of processing lines and causing wastage
Salt stabilises yeast fermentation and influences flavour, crust colour and product volume
In some products (morning goods) Na is also contributed by Na bicarbonate and other
leavening agents
Salt influences various aspects of cheese quality: texture, water binding capacity of casein in the
cheese matrix, apparent viscosity; prevents undesirable microbial growth, influences aroma release,
supplies flavour. The composition of some cheeses e.g. Feta is covered by legislation and many
cheeses are imported from countries with less aggressive salt reduction policies
Main focus to date has been reducing surface salt. Further reduction may require reduction of salt in
the snack matrix. Use of starch with a high amylopectin content can overcome the expansion issue
when salt is reduced
Na is derived from a combination of salt, Na bicarbonate and other leavening agents
Pesto contains hard cheeses such as Parmesan, the composition of which is protected under EU law,
and this limits salt reduction
Higher levels of salt are required in high viscosity products to optimise flavour taste compared with
thinner products
The challenge here is that canned fish (salmon and tuna) is mainly canned overseas. Canned tuna is
frozen in brine (for preservation purposes) before it is put in oil, water or more brine. Salt is commonly
added to thermally processed fish as a flavour enhancer and it influences texture and cook yield

Table 6. Strategies for salt reduction. Information extracted from Wilson et al.(27)
Small step reduction

Increased use of spices

Use of mineral salts

Use of phosphates
Use of taste enhancers

Current position
Preference for salt can be adjusted over time and so small step reduction can go unnoticed. This approach
has already been widely adopted and significant achievements have been made; to achieve government
targets, other approaches will be needed as salt reduction limits from a consumer acceptance perspective
are approached
Salt can be reduced by use of highly flavoured spices; particularly successful in sauces to date. Only suited
to applications such as soups, sauces and ready meals; not well suited to bread and cheese
KCl is the most feasible salt replacer currently as it has equivalent antimicrobial effect on typical pathogenic
species and a similar effect on strengthening gluten in bread making. But acceptability is limited by its
pronounced bitter, chemical and metallic taste and after taste, which are difficult to mask. Combination with
monosodium glutamate (MSG) another source of Na, yeast extracts or other flavourings are the most
common approaches. KCl is not being used to any extent in the UK on advice from the Department of
Health (implications in renal health)
Other options are: ingredients naturally rich in mineral salts. Examples are: milk salt derived from the
fractionation of milk (five times less Na than NaCl but may be considered an allergen) work has taken
place with bread, sausages and cooked ham, and is ongoing in cheese; whey permeate (potential allergen
issues) significant reductions in Na have been achieved in cakes and muffins
MgSO4 provides both a salty and a bitter taste depending on concentration and may be an option
for the future
These can reduce the amount of NaCl needed for protein functionality and control of water activity in meat
products but there are maximum legal usage limits
These lack a salty taste themselves but enhance a salty taste when combined with NaCl by activating
receptors in the mouth and throat. Examples include amino acids, MSG, lactates, yeast products. Umami
(a pleasant savoury taste) imparted by glutamate and ribonucleotides e.g. inosinate, has potential in salt
reduction. Tomatoes and onions, especially when roasted, pickled or fermented, convey umami. Other
sources are green teas, seaweed, mycoproteins and mushrooms
Taste enhancers are most likely to work in savoury products and will also have to be included in ingredient
lists, which may influence consumer acceptability (e.g. MSG)

Food reformulation


Table 7. Challenges faced in reformulating to reduce SFA content

Food type
Chilled breaded fish range

Margarines and spreads

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Frying oils

The challenge was to provide a more favourable ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids. A 16%
reduction in SFA and improved nutritional profile across the range was achieved by using
rapeseed oil. It necessitated developing a new breadcrumb coating, which also offered better
texture and eating quality. This was a time-consuming process, but developing the improved breadcrumb
was an important milestone in extending the technology to other categories
Reducing SFA: SFA deliver the melting sensation in the mouth associated with butter. It provides a
network of fat crystals that gives firmness to margarine and captures the liquid oil. Reducing SFA results
in a softer product may deform (if in a wrapper) during transport and storage (less of a problem for
margarines packed in tubs but oil exudation can occur when the product is subjected to temperature
cycling). SFA also influence flavour release
Liquid margarines have been developed but require changes in consumer-cooking practices
Typically these are blends of sunflower, rape and palm oils; prices of individual oils can fluctuate and so
blends (and associated fatty acid profile) often change. Change in blend can also change the properties
of the oil e.g. amount absorbed by food. Cheaper blends (higher in palm oil) are higher in saturates
Optimal characteristics: good nutritional profile, long frying time without degradation (i.e. reuse), minimal
risk of oxidation and associated toxic compounds (i.e. low in PUFA), minimal risk of polymerisation
(this increases oil viscosity, increases oil absorption into fried products, produces gums which stick to the
fryer). One way of achieving these optimal characteristics is with a blend that is high in MUFA ( > 70 %),
low in SFA ( < 10 %) and low in PUFA ( < 15%)

continues, widespread action is required; the new

pledges focus on training in kitchen practice, reformulation
and procurement in the catering sector and commit
companies to a 15% reduction in salt usage in their
Work conducted at Leatherhead Food Research has
confirmed that saltiness perception is changed when the
salt crystal size is altered; using smaller particle size salt
leads to a larger initial perception of saltiness(27). Using
smaller particle sizes may also help with dispersion thus
requiring a lower overall salt level. Adjusting crystal
structure and size is the basis of new technologies; none of
the products currently available are based on nanoparticle
technology although this may offer solutions in the future,
subject to EU approval. Yet another approach is odourinduced taste enhancement(27).

A number of approaches have been used to reduce the
fat content of foods and to improve their overall fatty
acid profile. These include changes in animal husbandry
to produce leaner animals and hence leaner meat; manipulation of the diets of dairy cows to produce milk with less
SFA; removal of fat during processing e.g. trimming meat
during butchery, skimming of milk to remove the cream;
choice of fat-containing ingredients to modify the fatty
acid profile (e.g. selecting a vegetable oil rather than a
ruminant fat), use of structured lipids (interesterification)
and the blending of oils to avoid processes associated with
the production of trans fatty acids during the manufacture
of spreads and margarines, use of new baking technologies
to change the fatty acid profile of pastry or to reduce
the fat content of snacks. The overall contribution of fat
to energy intake is now in line with recommendations
(Table 1) but contribution of SFA remains above

Table 8. Functions of sugar and potential routes for sugar reduction

Mouthfeel/texture (e.g. crumb
texture in baked goods)
Fermentation substrate

Alternative approaches
High intensity sweeteners, polyols
Hydrocolloids, polyols and other
Bulking agents, polyols and
dietary fibre

the recommended level (12.7% compared with 11% of

energy) although in absolute terms, SFA intake has fallen
considerably over the past couple of decades from 42 g in
men and 31.1 g in women in the 1980s to 28.8 and
22.0 g/d, respectively, in the latest National Diet and
Nutrition Survey(11,29).
An aspect that is sometimes overlooked is the constraints of legislation for some sectors, for example the
Chocolate Directive specifies the fat content of chocolate
and limits the changes in composition that can be made.
Also, the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation(24)
places constraints on businesses that wish to publicise
changes in the fat content of their products; unless the
reduction is at least 30%, a fat reduction claim cannot be
made and claims of low fat are only permissible if a food
contains < 4 g fat/100 g (a low in saturated fat claim
requires there to be < 1.5 g per 100 g and the sum of SFA
and trans fatty acids must not provide > 10% of energy).
Manufacturers will want to retain the characteristics of the
product that are attractive to consumers, making reformulation to reduce fat a costly and time-consuming business
for which a one size fits all approach is not appropriate,
even within a particular food category. This is in part


J. L. Buttriss

because of the structural and organoleptic characteristics

provided by SFA. Table 7 summarises some case studies.
In some cases, really innovative technological developments have been achieved, an example being ice
cream manufacture. With conventional techniques, if the
fat content is reduced, the resultant product is less smooth,
less creamy, more icy/cold and less stable. An ultra high
pressure homogenisation technique has been developed
whereby very small fat droplets stabilise small air bubbles,
enabling the production of a lower fat/lower energy
product that still tastes good (personal communication).
Sugar also has a functional role in ice cream, not only
does its removal reduce the sweetness but also makes the
product harder.

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Sugar not just sweetness

Sugar, in particular non-milk extrinsic sugars, has been
targeted for reduction. This poses challenges because
sugars role in foods is often more than simply providing
sweetness. Functions are listed in Table 8 along with
potential solutions. Some of the alternative approaches
have limitations, such as regulatory constraints with high
intensity sweeteners, the gastrointestinal consequences
associated with high intakes of polyols, resistance of many
consumers to foods that contain lots of additives (desire for
clean labels; minimal ingredients lists). Also, the alternatives are often more expensive than sugar and cannot
replicate its unique flavour profile.
Changing eating patterns is reformulation the
Reformulation in isolation is unlikely to provide a complete solution but it can contribute. To date much of the
emphasis of the Responsibility Deals Food Network
has been on reformulation but there are signs that the
Networks steering group is looking to broaden its strategy.
Other aspects that require urgent consideration and attention are: How best can we influence behaviour change?;
what is the role of information provision and what are the
key messages for consumers (to stimulate behaviour
change)?; can the need for sustainability of the food supply, as discussed at the beginning of this paper, be used to
drive change and benefit health?; is there a special role for
particular sectors?; what is the role of choice editing (v.
free choice with regard to portion or pack size, or the
nutrient composition of standard products)?; is there a role
for regulation?; where does education in schools fit in?
One of the challenges the food industry faces is balancing the provision of what consumers want to buy (the
industry exists to make a profit) with what is important
from a public health perspective, recognising that there is
often a tension between consumers desire for choice and
choice editing by manufacturers, retailers and the food
service sector. People generally do not like to feel they are
being told what to do. Some of the successful reformulation efforts have been achieved by stealth, whereby gradual
reductions in salt, for example, have been undertaken in a
manner that does not alienate customers wedded to a

particular flavour profile. Despite these worthy efforts,

well-known brands that have used this approach in order to
achieve the governments salt targets for their category are
sometimes pilloried in the press by media stories that claim
that the public has been hoodwinked; changes to their
favourite brands have been made behind their backs. This
emphasises the need for all sectors to work together in
improving the national diet; lots more needs to be done,
and more will be achieved, more quickly if the bickering
and sniping can be put on the back burner.
One of the biggest challenges faced is the relatively
poor understanding of how to change behaviour for the
good and in the long term. This was the focus of a recent
conference(30). We know that simply giving people information or telling them what they should, or should not, do
is not effective in changing behaviour. Delegates heard that
the starting point is understanding the problem, the target
behaviour(s) and the context in which it exists. These are
the principles of the COM-B process, which is at the centre
of a new framework for intervention that combines nine
interactive functions, based on elements of capability,
motivation and opportunity(31). Delegates heard that adults
make about 200 decisions about food daily but only a
small proportion of these are under conscious control
(fourteen on average). This means that interventions that
encourage change on a conscious level will be limited by
the fact that so many of these choices are made on an
unconscious level; this brings into sharp focus the importance of insuring the default choice is a healthy choice.

The author declares no conflicts of interest. This research
received no specific grant from any funding agency in the
public, commercial or not for profit sectors.

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