3.chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - 42-71

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1. The bond length of HCl molecule is 1.275A° and its dipole moment is 1.03 D. The ionic
character of the molecule (in percent) (charge of electron 4.8 × 10–10 esu) is
[ 2008 E]
1) 100 2) 67.3 3) 33.6 4) 16.83
Ans: 1
μ exp erimental
Sol: % of ionic character = μ theoritical
−10 −8
μ experimental = e × d = 4.8 ×10 esu ×1.275 ×10 cm
= 6.12 ×10−18 esu cm
=6.12 D
santhoshiμ theoretical = 1.03D
× 100 = 16.83
∴ % of ionic character = 6.12
2. Match the following [ 2008 M]
List – I List – II
A) BCl3 i) Linear
B) Pd Br4 ii) Planar triangular
C) SF6 iii) Tetrahedral

D) I3 iv) Octahedral
v) Square planar
The correct answer
1) ii iii iv i 2) v iii ii i
3) ii v iv i 4) v iv iii ii
Ans: 3
Sol: Match the following
(A) BCl3 = Planar triangular (ii)
(B) Pd Br4 = square planar (v)
(C) SF6 = Octahedral (iv)

(D) I3 = linear (i)
3. The decreasing order of bond dissociation energy of C – C , C – H and H – H bond is
[ 2007 E ]
1) H − H > C − H > C − C 2) C − C > C − H > H − H
3) −C − H > C − C > H − H 4) C − C > H − H > C − H
Ans: 1
Sol: The decreasing order of bond dissociation energies are H − H > C − H > C − C
4. Which of the following is not tetrahedral [ 2007 ]
− + 2− 2−
1) BF4 2) NH 4 3) CO3 4) SO 4

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Chemical Bonding and molecular structure

Ans: 3
Sol: In CO3 carbon under goes sp2 hybridization and shape of the ion is trigonal planar. While shape
− + 2−
of BF4 , NH 4 and SO 4 have tetrahedral structure.

5. Assertion (A) : I3 is linear [ 2007 M ]
Reason (R) : It is not in sp hybridised state.
The correct answer is
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
3. A is true, R is not true
4. A is not true but R is true
Ans :2
Sol: 3 is linear . There is sp3d hybridsation but not sp. But R is not correct explanation of A.
6. A molecule (X) has i) four sigma bonds formed by the overlap of sp2 and s orbital. (ii) One sigma
bond formed by sp2 and sp2 orbitals and iii) one π bonds is formed by Px and Px orbitals. Which
of the following is X ? [ 2006 E]
1) 2 6H C
2) 2 3H Cl 3) C 2 H 2 Cl2 4) C2 H 4
Sol: H H
σ ( sp − sp ) = 1
2 2
σ ( sp 2 − s ) = 4
; ; π=1
7. H – O – H bond angle is H2O is 104.5° and not 109°281 because of [ 2006 M ]
1) lone pair – lone pair repulsion 2) lone pair –bond pair repulsion
3) bond pair – bond pair repulsion 4) high electronegativity of oxygen
Ans: 1
Sol: In H 2 O oxygen atom undergoes sp3 hybridization and shape of the molecule must be tetrahedral
and bond angle must be 109°281. But due to the repulsion between lone pair and lone pair of
electron shape of the molecule is distorted to angular (or) ‘V’ shape and bond angle is decreases
to 104°.5°
8. Which of the following molecule has zero dipolemosanthoshiment? (2005-M)
NH 3
1) BeCl2 2) HCl 3) 4) H 2O
Ans: 1
Sol. BeCl 2 has symmetrical and linear structure hence (i) is correct
9. Which of the following is a favourable factor for cation formation? (2005-M)
1. Low ionisation potential 2. High electron affinity
3. High electronegativity 4. Small atomic size
Ans : 1
Sol. Low IP favours cation ion formation
10. Which of the following is a linear molecule? (2005-E)
1) BeCl2 2) H 2O 3) SO2 4) CH 4
Ans: 1
Sol. BeCl 2 = Linear H2O = Angular
SO2 = Angular CH4 = tetrahedral

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Chemical Bonding and molecular structure

11. Which of the following statement is correct? (2005-E)
1. The number of electrons present in the valency shell of S in SF6 is 12.
2. The rates of ionic reactions are very slow.
3. According to VSEPR theory, SnCl2 is the linear molecule.
+ 2+
4. The correct order of ability to form ionic compounds among Na , Mg and Al is

Al 3+ > Mg 2+ > Na + F
Ans: 1 x
Sol: F x
x F
F x x
In SF6 s atom has 12 valence electron
12. Which of the following is not correct regarding the properties of ionic compounds (2004-E)
1. Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.
2. Their reaction velocity in aqueous medium is very high.
3. Ionic compounds in their molten and aqueous solutions do not conduct electricity.
4. They are highly soluble in polar solvents.
Ans: 3
Sol: Ionic compounds in their molten state and aqueous solution conducts electricity hence (3).
Is the wrong answer.
13. Which of the following statement is not correct (2004-M)
1. One of the favourable conditions for the formation of cation is low ionisation potential.
2. Co-ordintion number of Cs in CsCl is 8
3. Ionic bond is directional.
4. Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.
Ans: 3
Sol: Ionic bond is non directional
∴ (3) in the wrong answer
14. If the boiling point of ethanol (molecular weight -46) is 78°C. What is the boiling point of diethyl
ether (molecular weight=74)? (2004-M)
0 0 0 0
1. 100 C 2. 78 C 3. 86 C 4. 34 C
Ans: 4
Sol: Alcohols have high boiling point than ethers due to the presence of intermolecular hydrogen
15. Which one of the following is a correct set? (2003-E)
3 2
1. H 2O, sp , angular 2. H 2O, sp , linear
+ 2 2
3. NH 4 , dsp , square planar 4. CH 4 , dsp , tetrahedral
Ans: 1
Sol. In H2O oxygen atom undergoes sp3 hybridisation shape of the molecule is angular due to
repulsion between lone pairs of electron hence (1) is correct.
16. If the bond length and dipole moment of a diatomic molecule are 1.25 A and 1.0 D respectively,
what is the percent ionic character of the bond? (2003-E)
1. 10.66 2. 12.33 3. 16.66 4. 19.33
Ans: 3

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Chemical Bonding and molecular structure

μ observed
μ theoritical
Sol. % of ionic character =
μ obs = 1D
−10 −8
μtheoritial= e × d = 4.8 × 10 esu × 1.25 × 10 cm
= 4.8 × 1.25 × 10 −18 esu.cm
= 4.8 × 1.25 D
= × 100 = 16.66
% of ionic character = 4.8 × 1.25 D
17. Which one of the following is a planar molecule? (2003-M)
1. NH 3 2. H 3O 3. BCl3 4. PCl3
Ans: 3
Sol. Cl

B → sp2 and trigonal planar molecule

Cl Cl

18. Which one of the following is the correct set with respect to molecule, hybridization and shape?
2 2
1. BeCl2 , sp , linear 2. BeCl 2 , sp , triangular planar
2 3
3. BCl3 , sp , triangular planar 4. BCl3 , sp , tetrahedral
Ans: 3
Sol. In BCl3 . ‘B’ atoms undergoes sp2 hybridisation and shape of the molecule is trigonal planar
hence (3) is the correct choice.
19. Which one of the following is the correct set with reference to molecular formula, hybridisation
of central atom and shape of the molecule? (2002-M)
2 2 3
1. CO2 , sp , bent 2. H 2O, sp , bent 3. BeCl2 , sp , linear 4. H 2O, sp , linear
Ans: 3
Sol. In BeCl2 . Be atom undergoes sp hybridization and shape of the molecule is linear hence (3) in
the correct choice.
20. An element M reacts with chlorine to from a compound X. The bond angle in X is 120 . What
is M? (2002-M)
1. Be 2. B 3. Mg 4. N
Ans: 2
Sol. 2B + 3Cl 2 ⎯⎯ → 2BCl3
BCl3 ⎯⎯
→ sp 2 hybridization
And shape of molecule trigonal planar bond angle is 120°.
21. The bond energies (in K J mol ) of P-H, As-H and N-H respectively are (2002-E)
1. 247, 318 and 389 2. 247, 389 and 318 3. 318, 389 and 247 4. 318, 247 and 389
Ans: 4
Sol. Decreasing order of stability NH3 > PH3> AsH3
Decreasing order of bond energy N – H > P – H > As – H

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Chemical Bonding and molecular structure

22. Which one of the following molecule contains both ionic and covalent bonds? (2002-E)
1. CH 2Cl2 2. K 2 SO4 3. BeCl2 4. SO2
Ans: 2
Sol. K 2SO 4 ⎯⎯ → 2K + + SO 24−
⎡ O ⎤
⎢ || ⎥
SO 24− = ⎢O − S − O ⎥
⎢ || ⎥
⎢ O ⎥
⎣ ⎦
In between K+ and SO 4 ionic bond is present.
In SO 4 covalent bonds are present.
23. What is the hybridisation state of the central atom in the conjugate base of NH 4 ion? (2002-E)
1. sp 2. sp3 3. sp2 4. dsp2
Ans: 2
Sol. Conjugate base of NH 4 is NH3 , hybridization is sp3
24. Which of the following statement is true? (2001E)
1. Hybridisation of the central atom in NH3 and CH4 is SP2
2. BeCl2 has “V” shape while SO2 is linear
3. SF6 is octahedral and F – S – F bond angle is 900
4. CO2 has dipole moment
Ans: 3
Sol. In SF6 . S atom undergoes sp3d2 hybridisation and shape of the molecule is octahedraon and bond
angle is 90°.
25. In which of the following substance, hydrogen bonding is absent? (2001 M)
1. HF 2. H2O 3. CCl4 4. Salicylaldehyde
Ans: 3
Sol. In CCl4 there is no hydrogen bond.
26. Acetylene has….bonds (2001 M)
1. 2σ, 2π 2. 2σ, 3π 3. 3σ, 2π 4. 3σ, 3π
Ans: 3
Sol. H − C ≡ C − H
In acetylene 3σ and 2π bonds are present
27. Which of the following has the lowest bond angle? (2000 E)
1. H2O 2. CH4 3. H2 S 4. NH3
Ans: 3
Sol. H 2 O = 104.5°
CH 4 = 109°281
NH 3 = 107°
H 2S = 92°301

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Chemical Bonding and molecular structure

28. Which of the following hydrocarbon has least carbon-carbon bond length? (2000 E)
1. C2H6 2. C2H4 3. C6H6 4. C2H2
Ans: 4
Sol. C – C bond length in C 2 H 6 = 1.54 A°
C – C bond length in C2 H 4 = 1.34 A°
C – C bond length in C6 H 6 = 1.39 A°
C – C bond length in C2 H 2 = 1.20 A°
29. Which of the following is correct pair? (2000 E)
1. BeCl2, linear 2. NH3, linear 3. CO2, tetrahedral 4. BF3,octahedral
Ans: 1
Sol. BeCl2 is linear
30. What is the crystal structure of Cesium Chloride? (2000 E)
1. Body centered cubic 2. face centered cubic
3. tetrahedral 4. octahedral
Ans: 1
Sol. The crystal structure of CsCl is body centred cubic
31. Which of the following has least bond energy? (2000 M)
1. F2 2. H2 3. N2 4. O2
Ans: 1
Sol. F2 has least bond dissociation energy .
32. Which of the following has the lowest boiling point? (2000 M)
1. CH4 2. H2O 3. HF 4. C2H5OH
Ans: 1
Sol. CH4 has less boiling point due to the absence of hydrogen bond.


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