Petroleum Revenue Managet - (Amendment) Bill, 2015

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1. Section 5 of Act 815 amended
2. Section 7 of Act 815 amended
3. Section 10 of Act 815 amended
4. Section 11 of Act 815 amended
5. Section 12 of Act 815 amended
6. Section 16 of Act 815 amended
7. Section 17 of Act 815 amended
8. Section 21 of Act 815 amended
9. Section 23 of Act 815 amended
10. Section 31 of Act 815 amended
11. Section 48 of Act 815 amended
12. Section 54 of Act 815 amended
13. Section 57 of Act 815 amended
14. Section 60 of Act 815 amended
15. Section 61 of Act 815 amended
16. First Schedule to Act 815 amended
17. Second Schedule to Act 815 repealed



ACT, 2015
An Act to amend the Petroleum Revenue Management Act, 2011
(Act 815) to provide for the allocation of funds to the Ghana
Infrastructure Investment Fund for the purposes of infrastructure
development, the provision of the composition of the Investment
Advisory Committee and for related matters.
PASSED by Parliament and assented to by the President:
Section 5 of Act 815 amended
1. The Petroleum Revenue Management Act, 2011 (Act 815) referred
to in this Act as the principal enactment is amended in section 5 by the
substitution for subsection (2) of
(2) In order to preserve revenue streams from petroleum
and ensure the object of this Act, there shall not be any
borrowing against the petroleum reserves..
Section 7 of Act 815 amended
2. The principal enactment is amended by the substitution for section
7 of


Carried and participating interest
7. Revenue due from the direct or indirect participation of
the Republic in petroleum operations, including the carried
and participating interest, shall be paid into the Petroleum
Holding Fund..
Section 10 of Act 815 amended
3. The principal enactment is amended in section 10 by the substitution for subsection (2) of
(2) The object of the Ghana Heritage Fund is to provide
an endowment to support development for future
generations when petroleum reserves have been depleted..
Section 11 of Act 815 amended
4. The principal enactment is amended in section 11 by
(a) the substitution for subsection (2) of
(2) Subject to section 17 and the First Schedule, the Ghana
Petroleum Funds shall receive from the Petroleum Holding
Fund not less than thirty percent of the Benchmark
Revenue. and
(b) the insertion after subsection (2) of a new subsection (3)
(3) Thirty percent of the amount transferred to the Ghana
Petroleum Funds under subsection (2) shall be transferred
to the Ghana Heritage Fund and the balance shall be
transferred into the Ghana Stabilisation Fund..
Section 12 of Act 815 amended
The principal enactment is amended in section 12 by
(a) the substitution for subsection (5) of
(5) A transfer from the Ghana Stabilisation Fund shall
only be done for the purposes of
(a) alleviating shortfalls in actual petroleum revenue in
accordance with subsection (1) to (4); and
(b) a transfer into the Contingency Fund and for debt
repayment in accordance with sections 23(4) and
23(5). and
(b) the insertion after subsection (5) of a new subsection (6)


(6) Despite subsection (1) to (5), a withdrawal from the
Ghana Stabilisation Fund for the purpose of alleviating a
shortfall in actual petroleum revenue shall not exceed
seventy-five percent of the balance standing to the credit
of the Ghana Stabilisation Fund at the beginning of the
financial year..
Section 16 of Act 815 amended
6. The principal enactment is amended by the substitution for section
16 of
Disbursement from the Petroleum Holding Fund
16. (1) Disbursements from the Petroleum Holding
Fund shall be made in the following order of priority and
(a) to a national oil company for the purposes of
subsections (2)(a) and (2)(b);
(b) to the Consolidated Fund in support of the
national budget;
(c) to the Ghana Petroleum Funds for purposes
of savings and investments; and
(d) for exceptional purposes according to the
provisions of this Act.
(2) The payment to a national oil company shall be
for the following:
(a) the equity financing cost, including advances
and interest of the carried and participating
interests of the Republic; and
(b) the cash or the barrels of oil equivalent of
petroleum that shall be ceded to a national oil
company out of the carried and participating
interests of the Republic, on the recommendation of the Minister and approval by Parliament.


(3) For a period not exceeding fifteen years after the
commencement of this Act, the cash or barrels of oil
equivalent of petroleum ceded to a national oil company
(a) not exceed fifty-five percent of the net cash flow
from the carried and participating interests of
the Republic after deducting the equity financing cost under paragraph (a) of subsection (2);
(b) be reviewed every three years by Parliament but
Parliament shall in each year approve the
programme of activities of that national oil
company which may include the gas payment
or repayment obligations of the national oil
company in respect of a loan that the national
oil company may raise to finance the operations and activities of that national oil company.
(4) The Minister shall ensure that the Bank of
Ghana transfers to a national oil company, the relevant
portion of the petroleum revenue due to that national oil
company under subsections (2)(a) and (2)(b) not later than
three working days after the receipt of petroleum revenue
into the Petroleum Holding Fund..
Section 17 of Act 815 amended
7. The principal enactment is amended in section 17 by the insertion
(2) The Minister may recommend to Parliament a revision
of the Benchmark Revenue if it becomes evident that unexpected
petroleum price movements or production conditions have resulted
or are likely to result in a gross over projection or under projection
of the Benchmark Revenue.
(3) The Minister shall make the recommendation under
subsection (2) at the time of presenting the annual budget estimates
or during the mid-year review.


(4) A variation of the Benchmark Revenue shall not
become effective until the variation is certified in accordance with
this Act and approved by Parliament..
Section 21 of Act 815 amended
8. The principal enactment is amended in section 21 by the substitution for subsection (4) of
(4) For any financial year,
a minimum of seventy percent of the Annual
Budget Funding Amount shall be used for
public investment expenditure consistent
with the long-term national development
plan or with subsection (3) to (5),
a maximum of twenty-five percent of the
amount allocated for public investment
expenditure under paragraph (a) shall be
allocated to the Ghana Infrastructure
Investment Fund for the purpose of
infrastructure development; and
the amount allocated to the Ghana
Infrastructure Investment Fund under
paragraph (b) shall be included in the
national budget and approved by
Section 23 of Act 815 amended
9. The principal enactment is amended in section 23 by the substitution for the headnote of Transfer of excess petroleum revenue into
the Ghana Petroleum Funds.
Section 31 of Act 815 amended
10. The principal enactment is amended in section 31 by the substitution for subsection (1) of
(1) The Investment Advisory Committee comprises seven
members, at least two of whom are women, who shall be
persons of proven competence in finance, investment,
economics, business management or law or similar


Section 48 of Act 815 amended
11. The principal enactment is amended in section 48 by the substitution for paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of
(b) a report from the Minister
describing the stage of implementation of
the programmed activities funded by the
expenditure incurred on the activities
covered by the Annual Budget Funding
Amount, and
indicating the portion of the Annual Budget
Funding Amount allocated to the Ghana
Infrastructure Investment Fund
in the financial year of the report;.
Section 54 of Act 815 amended
12. Section 54 of the principal enactment is amended in subsection
(1) by the substitution for eleven members including of thirteen
members comprising.
Section 57 of Act 815 amended
13. The principal enactment is amended by the substitution for
section 57 of
Funding and allowances
57. (1) The Accountability Committee shall submit a
budget on the annual programme of the Committee to the
Minister for inclusion in the annual national budget.
(2) Members of the Accountability Committee shall
be paid the allowances determined by the Minister..
Section 60 of Act 815 amended
14. The principal enactment is amended in section 60 by the substitution for subsection (1) of
(1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, make
Regulations for the effective performance of this Act..
Section 61 of Act 815 amended
15. The principal enactment is amended in section 61 by
(a) the insertion after confidential information of
corporate income tax means corporate income tax
as defined by the tax laws of the country;;


(b) the insertion after disaster of
equity financing cost means the share of a national
oil company of the costs under a petroleum
agreement relating to the paid participation or
paying interest of the national oil company in
petroleum operations; and
gas means associated and non-associated natural gas
and condensates of natural gas;;
(c) the insertion after Ghana Heritage Fund of
Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund means the
Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund established
under the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund
Act, 2014 (Act 877);;
(d) the insertion after investment manager of
management fees means fees approved by the Minister for the operational management of the Ghana
Petroleum Funds;; and
(e) the substitution for the definition of petroleum of
petroleum means crude oil or natural gas, including
condensates of crude oil or natural gas or a
combination of both;.
First Schedule to Act 815 amended
16. The principal enactment is amended in the First Schedule by
(a) the substitution for prior to in line five of paragraph (1),
(b) the substitution for paragraph (2) of
(2) The expected quantity of petroleum shall be calculated on the basis of expected average government take in
gross petroleum over a three year horizon, being the
immediately preceding year, the current financial year and
the one year forward projection following the current
financial year.;


(c) the substitution for paragraph (4) of
(4) Expected revenue from gas shall be calculated on
the basis of anticipated revenue from gas derived from a
seven-year moving average, being the four years
immediately preceding the current financial year, the current
financial year and the two years immediately following the
current financial year.;
(d) the substitution for paragraph (5) of
(5) Benchmark Revenue is the sum of
(a) the expected revenue from crude oil defined in
paragraph (3),
(b) the expected revenue from gas defined in paragraph (4),
(c) the expected dividends from a national oil company,
(d) corporate income tax and surface rental, and
(e) any other revenue identified under section 6.;
(e) the insertion after paragraph (5) of paragraph (5A)
(5A) For each financial year,
Benchmark Revenue = Expected current receipts from
crude oil + Expected current receipts from gas + Expected
dividends from a national oil company + Corporate
income tax + Surface rental + Any other revenue identified
under section 6.;
(f) the substitution for paragraph (8) of
(8) For the purpose of this section, quarter means a
three-month period ending March 31, June 30, September
30 and December 31.; and
(g) the substitution for paragraph (11) of
(11) The forecasts and the amounts determined in
accordance with the formula in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4)
and (5) shall be certified by a reputable independent expert
appointed in accordance with the Public Procurement Act,
2003 (Act 663)..


Second Schedule to Act 815 amended
17. The principal enactment is amended in the Second Schedule by
(a) the substitution for the title of the Second Schedule of
Operations Management Agreement Template; and
(b) the repeal of paragraph (8).

Date of Gazette notification:


13th March, 2015.






Website: E-mail: [email protected]

The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Petroleum Revenue
Management Act, 2011 (Act 815) to provide for the allocation of funds
to the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund for the purposes of
infrastructure development and to provide for the composition of the
Investment Advisory Committee.
Act 815 was enacted to provide a framework for the collection,
allocation and management of petroleum revenue in a responsible,
transparent, accountable and sustainable manner for the benefit of the
citizens of Ghana in accordance with the 1992 Constitution. However,
the implementation of Act 815 exposed some inconsistencies and
typographical errors that need to be rectified. This amendment therefore
seeks to ensure that the implementation of Act 815 is in conformity with
the intendment of the drafters. In view of this the substance of Act 815
has generally been maintained in the Bill.
Clause 1 of the Bill amends subsection (2) of section 5 of Act 815 to
correct a typographical error. The substance of section 5 of Act 815 is the
Section 7 of Act 815 is amended by clause 2 of the Bill to provide for
the specific issue of carried and participating interest as provided for in
subsection (1) of section 7 of Act 815.
Clause 3 of the Bill amends section 10 of Act 815 to provide for the
object of the Ghana Heritage Fund. The object of the Fund is to provide
an endowment to support development for future generations when
petroleum reserves have been depleted.
Clause 4 of the Bill amends section 11 of Act 815 to provide for the
Ghana Petroleum Funds to receive from the Petroleum Holding Fund
not less than thirty percent of the Benchmark Revenue. This amendment
is necessary to ensure that the Ghana Petroleum Funds receive petroleum
revenues whether or not the Annual Budget Funding meets its ceiling
amount. Clause 4 also provides for the exact percentage of moneys to be
transferred to the Ghana Stabilisation
12 Fund.

BILL, 2015
Clause 5 of the Bill amends section 12 of Act 815 to provide that a
transfer from the Ghana Stabilisation Fund should be done for the
purposes of alleviating shortfalls in actual petroleum revenue in
accordance with subsection (1) to (4) of section 12 of Act 815.
Furthermore, a transfer into the Contingency Fund and for debt
repayment must be in accordance with sections 23(4) and 23(5) of Act
815. Clause 5 of the Bill also provides for the limit of amount that may be
withdrawn from the Ghana Stabilisation Fund for the purpose of
alleviating a shortfall in actual petroleum revenue.
Section 16 of Act 815 is amended in clause 6, to include matters that
were previously provided for under subsections (2) and (3) of section 7
of Act 815. This is to ensure that payment to the national oil company
receives topmost priority. The amendment also seeks to ensure flexibility
in order to make room for more than one national petroleum company.
Furthermore, clause 6 of the Bill seeks to ensure that revenue due to the
national oil companies is expeditiously released to them for the conduct
of businesses. A national oil company may use its allocation to leverage
loans and meet its gas payment obligations.
Clause 7 of the Bill amends section 17 of Act 815 to mandate the
Minister to recommend to Parliament a revision of the Benchmark
Revenue where it becomes evident that unexpected petroleum price
movements or production conditions have resulted or are likely to result
in a gross over projection or under projection of the Benchmark Revenue.
Clause 8 of the Bill amends section 21 of Act 815 to provide for the
amount allocated to the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund to be
included in the national budget for Parliamentary approval.
Clause 9 of the Bill amends section 23 of Act 815 with respect to the
headnote. The headnote to section 23 of Act 815 is indicated under clause
9 of the Bill as Transfer of excess petroleum revenue into the Ghana
Petroleum Funds..
Clause 10 of the Bill amends section 31 of Act 815 to provide for the
members of the Investment Advisory Committee. Even though the
members of the Committee are still seven in number, the number of
women has been increased from one to two.

Section 48 of Act 815 is amended in clause 11 of the Bill to require
the Minister to present a report to Parliament describing the stage of
implementation of the programmed activities funded by the expenditure
incurred on the activities covered by the Annual Budget Funding Amount,
and to indicate the portion of the Annual Budget Funding Amount
allocated to the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund. This amendment
seeks to ensure that budgetary allocation is made for the benefit of the
Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund.
The membership of the Accountability Committee under section 54
of Act 815 has been increased from eleven members to thirteen members,
clause 12.
Section 57 of Act 815 has been amended to require the Accountability
Committee to submit a budget on the annual programme of the
Committee to the Minister for purposes of inclusion in the annual national
budget, clause 13.
The typographical error in section 60 of Act 815 has been corrected
under clause 14 of the Bill.
Section 61 of Act 815 which is on interpretation has been amended
under clause 15 of the Bill. The definition for corporate income tax has
been inserted. Corporate income tax has the meaning assigned to
corporate income tax under the laws of the country. Likewise, equity
financing cost, gas, Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund and
others have been inserted.
The first and second schedules to Act 815 have been amended under
clauses 16 and 17 respectively.


Minister responsible for Finance
Date: 12th March, 2015.

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