The thesis statement is usually one sentence that states the aim or purpose of the essay
1. The thesis should be the strongest, clearest statement in the essay;
2. The thesis must come in the introduction
3. The thesis statement must not be a simple statement of fact
Not a thesis:
Not a thesis:
The milk cows produce is not always fit for human consumption
4. The thesis sentence must not be expressed as a question, for a question contains no attitude or opinion.
The answer to the question is the thesis statement
5. The thesis statement will contain controlling ideas that will be used in the topic sentences of the essay
6. The thesis statement may contain an opinion or a judgement that can be explained, clarified and
illustrated in the body paragraphs of the essay
Example: My neighbour, Mrs, Brown, owns four cat; these animals present a
serious health hazard in our neighbourhood
7. The thesis in an expository essay might be written as a statement of intent if the statement indicates
that the essay that follows will explain that statement
Example: This essay will show how corn is planted and why this method of planting is successful
8. There are several principles for logically breaking down your thesis. You can break it into topics
according to causes, effects (benefits, advantages, disadvantages, results), steps in a process, types
(kinds, categories, classes), examples, points of comparison and contrast, and reasons
The Thesis
Part A: Write TN in the space next to each statement that is too narrow to be developed in an essay.
Write TB beside each statement that is too broad to be covered in an essay.
1. The way our society treats elderly people is unbelievable.
2. The first car that I owned was a Ford.
3. Computers have changed our society.
4. People who eat a lot of red meat are almost three times more likely to get colon cancer than people who eat
mostly fish and chicken.
5. Action must be taken against drugs.
Part B: Write A beside each sentence that is an announcement rather than a thesis statement. Write 2
beside each statement that contains more than one idea.
6. My last car was dependable, but many American cars are poorly made.
7. The subject of this essay is daily prayer in our public schools.
8. Soap operas show many stereotyped characters, although they also portray real problems in American life.
The Thesis
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Write A beside each sentence that is an announcement rather than a thesis statement. Write OK beside
the statement in each pair that is a clear, limited point which could be developed in an essay.
a. This essay will discuss the people you meet in exercise class.
b. The kinds of workout clothes worn in my aerobics class identify `jocks," "strugglers," and
a. A period of loneliness can teach you to use your creativity, sort out your values, and feel empathy for
b. Loneliness is the subject of this paper.
Write TN beside each statement that is too narrow to be developed in an essay.
Write OK beside the statement in each pair that is a clear, limited point.
a. There are now more single-parent households in our country than ever before.
b. Organization is the key to being a successful single parent
The Thesis
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a. Americans abuse alcohol because it has become such an important part of our personal and public
b. Consumption of wine, beer, and hard liquor increases in the United States every year.
Write TB beside each statement that is too broad to be developed in an essay. Write OK beside the
statement in each pair that is a clear, limited point.
For each pair, write 2 beside the statement that contains more than one idea. Write OK beside the
statement that is a clear, limited point.
a. Although some good movies have come out lately, I prefer to watch old movies because they're more
b. Movies of the 1930s and 1940s have better plots, sets, and actors than movies made today.
a. The new architecture on this campus is very unpleasant, although the expansion was desperately
b. Our new college library building is ugly, intimidating, and inefficient
The Thesis
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a. Among the most entertaining ads on TV today are those for mail-order products.
b. Although ads on TV for mail-order products are often misleading, they can still be very entertaining
a. My roommate and I are compatible in most ways, but we still have conflicts at times.
b. My roommate has his own unique systems for studying, writing term papers, and cleaning our room
a. Although some good movies have come out lately, I prefer to watch old movies because they're more
b. Movies of the 1930s and 1940s have better plots, sets, and actors than movies made today.
Complete the following thesis statements.
Topic: Reading a daily newspaper will help students
Thesis: Reading a daily newspaper will help prepare one for college classes by expanding vocabulary, by
(encourage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reading skills, and by providing a (culture) background necessary to interpret
conflicts and issues, the discussion of which is so important to any college classroom.
The Thesis
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Topic: What a foreign tourist should watch out for when he / she first comes to your city
Thesis: As a foreign tourist who first comes to any city, you had better watch out for pickpockets and bagsnatchers in (crowd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . places, for shopkeepers who overcharge, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
reckless motorcyclists and taxi drivers.
Complete the following thesis statements by adding a third supporting point that will parallel the two
already provided.
1. Because I never took college preparatory courses in high school, I entered college deficient in mathematics,
study skills, and __________________
2. A good salesperson needs to like people, to be aggressive, and __________________
3. Rather than blame myself for failing the course, I blamed the instructor, my adviser, and even
4. Anyone who buys an old house planning to fix it up should be prepared to put in a lot of time, hard work,
and __________________
The Thesis
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5. Our old car eats gas, makes funny noises, and __________________
6. My mother, my boss, and my __________________are three people who are very important in my life right
7. Getting married too young was a mistake because we hadn't finished our education, we weren't ready for
children, and __________________
8. Some restaurant patrons seem to leave their honesty, their cleanliness, and their __________________at
9. During my first semester at college, I had to learn how to manage my time, my diet, and
10. Three experiences I wish I could forget are the time I fell off a ladder, the time I tried to fix my parents'
lawn mower, and __________________
Write a thesis for each group of supporting statements. This activity will give you practice in writing an
effective essay thesis-one that is neither too broad nor too narrow. It will also give you practice in
understanding the logical relationship between a thesis and its supporting details.
1. Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________
a. My first car was a rebellious-looking one which matched the way I felt and acted as a teenager.
b. My next car reflected my more mature and practical adult self.
c. My latest car seems to tell me that I'm aging; it shows my growing concern with comfort and safety.
2. Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________
a. All the course credits that are accumulated can be transferred to a four-year school.
b. Going to a two-year college can save a great deal of money in tuition and other fees.
c. If the college is nearby, there are also significant savings in everyday living expenses.
3. Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________
a. First, I tried simply avoiding the snacks aisle of the supermarket.
b. Then I started limiting myself to only five units of any given snack.
c. Finally, in desperation, I began keeping the cellophane bags of snacks in a padlocked cupboard.
4. Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________
a. The holiday can be very frightening for little children.
b. Children can be struck by cars while wearing vision-obstructing masks and dark costumes.
c. There are always incidents involving deadly treats: fruits, cookies, and candies that contain razor blades or
even poison.
5. Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________
The Thesis
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a. First of all, I was a typical "type A" personality: anxious, impatient, and hard-driving.
b. I also had a family history of relatives with heart trouble.
c. My unhealthy lifestyle, though, was probably the major factor.
My reasons for coming to State University center around the services it provides
What are those services?
A superior program in my major
These will serve as the
High quality academic resources
controlling idea in
Quality student services
topic sentences
Thesis statement:
In order to make a good impression at a job interview, you should prepare well for the
What should you do to prepare for the interview?
Plan your answers to the possible questions
Plan and prepare what you are going to wear
Make sure you arrive on time
Thesis statement:
San Francisco and Boston are more like than people think
In what way are they alike?
They have similar architecture
They both have lots of ethnic different groups
They are both port cities
Add topic sentence(s) that will support the thesis statement printed right above
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
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Topic sentences:
Topic sentences:
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:
The Thesis
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