Awakening From Alzheimers

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Awakening from

How 9 Maverick Doctors are Reversing Alzheimers,
Dementia and Memory Loss
By Peggy Sarlin

Awakening from Alzheimers:

How 9 Maverick Doctor are Reversing Alzheimers, Dementia and Memory Loss
By Peggy Sarlin
Published by Online Publishing & Marketing, LLC

By reading this report, you are demonstrating an interest in maintaining good and vigorous health.
This report suggests ways you can do that but as with anything in medicine there are no guarantees.
You must check with private, professional medical advisors to assess whether the suggestions in this
report are appropriate for you or you must accept full responsibility if you decide not to do so. Nothing
in this report is meant to constitute personal medical advice for any particular individual. The author of
this Special Report is not a physician, doctor or professional health caregiver and this book is not intended
as personal medical advice. It is a work of journalism and is intended to share the authors findings as a
researcher and reporter, to help you and your doctors make informed decisions.
The authors, editors and publishers of this report are not responsible for any adverse effects or results from
the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures the report describes. As with any medical
treatment, the results described in this report will vary from one person to another.
The authors, editors and publishers believe the information in this report is accurate but they cannot
guarantee its accuracy.

ISBN 978-1-4675-2369-1
Copyright 2012 by Online Publishing & Marketing, LLC, P.O. Box 1076, Lexington, VA 24450
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
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Printed in the United States of America


Peggy Sarlin developed a special fascination with health and nutrition as a concerned mother
of two who wanted to safeguard her familys well-being. She has written numerous articles on
health and wellness for Womans World magazine, a definitive book on an Asian superfood,
and many successful pieces for Rodale and other leading health publishers. Most recently she
penned the Special Report The Secret Poison in Your Mouth, warning of the deadly dangers of
mercury amalgam dental fillings and root canals. When shes not writing about health, Sarlin is a
scriptwriter for some of the best childrens television shows on Disney, Nickelodeon and PBS and
advises a national science competition for kids.


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1
16 Facts About Alzheimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 2
The Coconut Oil Miracle: How Dr. Mary Newport
Reversed Her Husbands Alzheimers in 37 Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 3
Can A Jellyfishs Glow Light Up Your Brain? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chapter 4
Meet Dr. Fred Pescatore: Decline is Not Inevitable . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Chapter 5
Lions Mane, the Medicinal Mushroom
that Energizes Brain Neurons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Chapter 6
Tracking Down the Amazing, Elusive Methylene Blue . . . . . . . . . . 45
Chapter 7
Increase Blood Flow to the Brain with Pycnogenol,
a Pine Bark Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 8
Meet Dr. Ronald Hoffman: Be Optimistic and Innovative . . . . . 59
Chapter 9
P.S. I Love You: Discover PS, The Essential Fatty Nutrient
That Erases 12 Years From the Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Chapter 10
Huperzine A, the Plant Extract the
Chinese use to treat Alzheimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


Chapter 11
Hard-Won Wisdom from a Loving Caregiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 12
Curcumin, the Miracle Spice that Protects
Indians Brains from Alzheimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Chapter 13
Meet Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum: The Alzheimers Just Goes Away . 83
Chapter 14
Which Fish Oil Works Best? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Chapter 15
Take Coenzyme Q10 for Dementia; Then Ride a Motorcycle! . . . 95
Chapter 16
Meet the Naturopathic Healers: We Can Prolong
Quality of Life For A Long, Long Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Chapter 17
Which Vital Vitamins Does Your Brain Lack? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Chapter 18
Mangosteen Revives Dad Like A Watered Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Chapter 19
Taking Your Next Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141


If you or someone you love is struggling with Alzheimers, I want to make you a promise.
I guarantee that youll be genuinely excited by the information youre about to discover.
Alzheimers is such a tragic disease, and conventional medicine can only offer a few
standard prescription drugs. Sadly, these medications are widely acknowledged to be almost
useless, despite their dangerous side effects. Every day, thousands of people are told they have
Alzheimers and to go home and get their affairs in order. The overwhelming majority of doctors
consider their situation hopeless.
But, in the words of Dr. Fred Pescatore, one of the many brilliant and innovative doctors
I interviewed, Dont resign yourself to your fate! There are so many things you can do! This
report is the story of the many things you can do, and the amazing possibilities for healing they
can unleash.

Alzheimers Patients Come Back to Life Like A Watered Plant

As I spoke to doctors, researchers, and caregivers around the country, I heard inspiring
stories of patients deep into the decay of Alzheimers coming to life like a watered plant,
lighting up, and becoming their old self again.
I listened to startling stories of people nine years into an Alzheimers diagnosis,
confounding their doctors with their high function. They were living independently, enjoying
time with their families, and, sometimes, even driving. According to most doctors, by the ruthless
arithmetic of Alzheimers, they should either be dead by now or reduced to a pathetic shell.
What each success story had in common was someone who was determined to not give up:
a husband, a wife, a son or daughter, or the patient him or herself. And their stubborn persistence
drove to them to seek solutions outside the limited realm of conventional medicine.

Simple Steps that Produce Miracles in the Brain

From ancient natural remedies to groundbreaking new protocols, they found treatments
that powerfully reversed the damage of Alzheimers and woke up the brains memory, clarity, and
Sometimes, the answer was as easy as a single supplement that you can buy in the grocery
or pharmacy. Sometimes, the miracle came from a combination of simple steps taken under the

care of a doctor trained in alternative medicine, whether naturopathy, integrative or functional

In almost every case, the process of reversing Alzheimers required some trial and error,
a bit of patience, and a lot of love. But when the right solution was found, the results could be
dramatic and astonishingly fast.
Youll hear stories of patients recovering in weeks or even days, and getting right back to
doing the New York Times crossword puzzle, running their businesses, and volunteering for their
favorite charities.
Most importantly of all, their zest for life returned. They smiled, laughed, and joked
around. They reclaimed their emotional stability. And, with a deeper appreciation than ever
before, they relished spending time with family and friends.

Reversing the Brains Aging Process with Targeted Supplements

As you read through these chapters, youll keep seeing variations of this sentence: As you
get older, your bodys ability to <fill in the blank> declines. Aging is a complex process, and
a lot of different things can go wrong. Any one of them or all of them can contribute to the
onset of Alzheimers.
Thats why Ive gathered a wealth of innovative ways to push back against the aging
process in the brain. For instance, your brains declining skill at managing calcium can be
rekindled with the help of a new protein supplement called Prevagen.
Your brains decreased capacity to metabolize glucose, its primary fuel, can be
compensated for with ketones, which youll get from coconut oil.
Your brains dwindling supply of Nerve Growth Factor, which keeps brain neurons alive,
can be sneakily re-stimulated by Lions Mane, a gently effective medicinal mushroom.
And so on.

Secrets of the Most Brilliant, Natural-Minded Doctors

You wont find this information anywhere else. Ive sought out the most accomplished,
forward-thinking physicians around the country and pumped them for all their secrets about
treating Alzheimers.
And then Ive shared their secrets with you.
Youll discover exactly how these dedicated doctors diagnose Alzheimers. Youll hear

their top priorities for treatment. And best of all, youll receive priceless insider information: the
specific supplement regimen that these pioneering physicians advise their patients to follow.
I think youll be amazed at how many of these remedies have flown beneath the radar,
despite reams of studies that document their safety and effectiveness.

Fresh, New, Practical Information You Wont Find Anywhere Else

My quest is to bring you the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art information on reversing
Alzheimers. So Ive also interviewed talented researchers who are working hard to develop the
next wave of Alzheimers treatments.
Ive spoken to caregivers, who monitor the effects of remedies on their loved ones
behavior. Through their devoted care, they can see subtle changes, day by day, or even hour by
And, of course, Ive talked with Alzheimers patients. I wanted to learn what it feels like to
experience a reawakening brain, thanks to successful treatment.
Every person is different. You may respond to the remedies of a homeopathic doctor like
Dr. Eric Udell. Someone else may find a breakthrough in the protocol of integrative physician Dr.
Ronald Hoffman, or the hard-won wisdom of caregiver Joan Snow.
But the important thing is to stay optimistic and keep trying!

Reverse Parkinsons and Clear Up Brain Fog

Alzheimers is a degenerative disease of the brain, and as I dug deeper into the research, I
discovered that many Alzheimers treatments also apply to Parkinsons, another brain disease. If
you know someone with Parkinsons, please tell them about the information here. They urgently
need to discover these healing tools, which have the potential to transform their quality of life.
You dont need an Alzheimers diagnosis to benefit from these powerful brain-boosters. If
youre worried about fading memory and decreased mental function, these supplements will work
for you, too. You can take them in lower doses to help prevent Alzheimers, and to chase away
brain fog and memory loss.
Anyone whos lived with Alzheimers knows that it can be an unbearable nightmare of
loss. As you begin your journey away from Alzheimers and towards renewed hope, take courage
from the wise old saying: The heart that truly loves never forgets.
And now, let me introduce you to the people who graciously gave me their time for
interviews. I owe them all my profound gratitude.

My Heartfelt Thanks To
Dr. Fred Pescatore, M.D.: President of the International and American Association
of Clinical Nutritionists; former Associate Medical Director of The Atkins Center for
Complementary Medicine; founder, Partners in Integrative medicine (NYC); author of five health
and nutrition books, including the New York Times bestseller, The Hamptons Diet.
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.: director of The Annapolis Center for Effective CFS/
Fibromyalgia Therapies. He battled chronic fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia while attending
medical school in the mid-70s. In his struggle to heal, he discovered treatments that were
unknown to the medical community and began a quest that became his lifes passion -- helping
those who suffer from these debilitating illnesses. The treatment program he developed has
helped tens of thousands of sufferers reclaim the vitality CFS/FMS once robbed from their lives.
Dr. Farhang Khosh, N.D.: received his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr
University, a nationally accredited naturopathic medical school in Seattle. Dr. Khosh practices
with Natural Medical Care in Lawrence, Kansas.
Dr. Ronald Hoffman, M.D.: recognized as one of Americas foremost complementary
medicine practitioners. He is founder and Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York
City, author of numerous books and articles for the public and for health professionals, and is
host of the popular nationally-syndicated radio program Health Talk. He is active in several
medical professional organizations, and is a past President of the countrys largest organization
of complementary and alternative doctors, the American College for Advancement in Medicine
Dr. Marty Hinz, M.D.: medical doctor; founder, NeuroResearch Clinic
Dr. Tara Peyman, N.D.: licensed naturopathic doctor in the state of Arizona. Dr. Peymans
primary passion is the homeopathic and integrative treatment of bipolar disorder and mental
illness. She practices with Arizona Natural Health Center in Tempe, Arizona.
Dr. Eric Udell, N.D.: Dr. Udell has a strong reputation for excellence in homeopathy
and for his ability to tackle challenging cases. He is an Assistant Professor of Homeopathy at
Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and practices in Arizona.
Dr. Gary Klingsberg, DO, M.D.: specializes in family practice, preventive medicine and
occupational medicine in Englewood, New Jersey.
Mark Underwood: biological researcher, founder of Quincy Bioscience, maker of

Dr. Gail Lowenstein, M.D.: board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Hospice and
Palliative Medicine, Holistic Medicine, and has added qualifications in Functional Medicine. She
currently practices in New York State.
Dr. Jeffrey Morrison, M.D., C.N.S.: Director of the Morrison Medical Center in New
York City. Dr. Jeffrey Morrison is a medical doctor who champions a nutritional approach to
healthcare as well as preventing and reversing degenerative diseases. Dr. Morrisons specific
treatments are aimed at enhancing the bodys ability to heal and detoxify itself. These safe, nontoxic and non-invasive therapies are proving to be more powerful than conventional treatments,
which utilize often dangerous drugs and surgeries.
Thomas J. Wilson, Pharm.D.: Founder of Cape Apothecary in Annapolis, Maryland, Dr.
Wilson specializes in Compounding, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Herbal and Homeopathic
Medicine, Nutritional Supplements, as well as Veterinary Products. Cape Apothecary has been
serving the local community for over 35 years.
Joan Snow: caregiver to her father, a longtime Alzheimers patient
Coleen Melsted: daughter of Alzheimers patient
Carolyn: Alzheimers patient
I also owe a special debt of thanks for his help to Dr. Vincent Fortanasce.
Dr. Vincent Fortanasce: Board-certified in neurology and rehabilitation, psychiatrist and
renowned bioethicist, Dr. Vincent Fortanasce is a clinical professor of neurology at the University
of Southern California. Named one of the best physicians in America, he is the author of The
Anti-Alzheimers Prescription.

Chapter 1

16 Facts About Alzheimers

Before we delve into how to reverse Alzheimers, lets establish some basic facts.
Fact One: Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia. Approximately 5.1 million
Americans and 24 million people worldwide now have Alzheimers. As the Baby Boomers
generation ages, experts fear that Alzheimers will become a public health catastrophe.
Fact Two: Alzheimers is not the only cause of dementia. Vascular dementia, which is
caused by blocked arteries to the brain, is the second most common type. Other forms include
dementia with Lewy bodies, fronto-temporal dementia, and dementia brought on by a stroke.
Fact Three: Alzheimers disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. In 1906, Dr.
Alzheimer discovered changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died at age 55 of an
unusual mental illness. Her symptoms included memory loss, language problems, and strange
Fact Four: Dr. Alzheimer examined her brain and found two abnormalities, which we
now understand are characteristic of Alzheimers: plaques and tangles. Parts of the brain were
covered with sticky plaque made of beta-amyloid protein. And neurofibrillary tangles, which
are messy bundles of degenerating nerve endings, also appeared throughout the brain.
Fact Five: As the amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles grow, nerve cells in the brain
(neurons) lose their ability to communicate and begin to die.
Fact Six: Alzheimers usually develops in people over 65. But about 5 percent of patients
contract early-onset Alzheimers, which can strike as early as age 30. Early-onset Alzheimers
often runs in families, and is linked to changes in one of three known genes inherited from a
Fact Seven: The risk of developing late-onset Alzheimers is increased by one genetic risk
factor: the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene found on chromosome 19. But even if you carry that
genetic factor, you wont necessarily develop the disease.
Fact Eight: Alzheimers progresses in stages.
In stage 1, which is mild Alzheimers, patients exhibit memory loss, language problems,
personality changes, lack of focus, and diminished judgment. Stage 1 lasts one to two years.

In stage 2, or moderate Alzheimers, patients are disoriented, have serious memory

problems, insomnia, aggression, agitation and wandering at sundown, and may need help
with tasks of daily life. Stage 2 also lasts one to two years.
In stage 3, or severe Alzheimers, patients can no longer recognize people, have difficulty
speaking, and are eventually bedridden. This stage can last about six years. The average
patient lives about 8.2 years after being diagnosed.
Fact Nine: We dont yet understand the exact cause of Alzheimers, but it appears to be a
mix of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Obesity, hypertension and abnormal blood
lipids are known to increase the risk.
Fact Ten: Alzheimers strikes in the hippocampus, which is vital for memory and mood.
As plaques and tangles accumulate in the hippocampus, its ability to store and retrieve memory
Fact Eleven: Alzheimers is strongly associated with oxidative stress, or brain rust.
Typically, Alzheimers brains have weak antioxidant protection against attack from free radicals.
Fact Twelve: Alzheimers is strongly linked to inflammation, or brain on fire. High
inflammatory markers can be good predictors of developing Alzheimers.
Fact Thirteen: Alzheimers is associated with high levels of homocysteine in the blood.
Homocysteine is an amino acid produced by the body, which can damage the hippocampus and
increase inflammation, if its present in excess amounts.
Fact Fourteen: The medical establishment agrees that prescription drugs for Alzheimers
can only help modestly, at best. Heres how the U.S. governments National Institute of Aging
describes them:
Four medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat
Alzheimers. Donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Razadyne)
are used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimers (donepezil can be used for severe Alzheimers
as well). Memantine (Namenda) is used to treat moderate to severe Alzheimers. These drugs
work by regulating neurotransmitters (the chemicals that transmit messages between neurons).
They may help maintain thinking, memory, and speaking skills, and help with certain behavioral
problems. However, these drugs dont change the underlying disease process, are effective
for some but not all people, and may help only for a limited time.
Fact Fifteen: Most Alzheimers medications can have dangerous side effects. Ironically,
these side effects can mimic the symptoms of Alzheimers, such as depression, mood changes,
confusion and hallucinations.

Fact Sixteen: Alzheimers can be reversed. You dont have to resign yourself to suffering,
or to watching someone you love with all your heart and soul fade away. If you enlarge your
scope beyond the standard prescription drugs, you may very well be stunned by how successfully
you can restore memory, focus, clarity and zest for life.
To get started, all you have to do is turn the page.

National Institute on Aging
Alzheimers Disease Education and Referral Center
The Better Brain Book
David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN and Carol Colman
Riverhead Books, 2004
The Anti-Alzheimers Prescription
Vincent Fortanasce, M.D.
Gotham Books, 2008
The Alzheimers Prevention Plan
Patrick Holford with Shane Heaton and Deborah Colson
Piatkus Books, 2005

Chapter 2

The Coconut Oil Miracle:

How Dr. Mary Newport Reversed Her
Husbands Alzheimers in 37 Days
If you need inspiration about reversing Alzheimers, youll be delighted by the story of Dr.
Mary Newport and her husband Steve. Its a love story, of course, starring a devoted wife who
refused to let her husband fade away without a fight. Its got a great cast, an exciting plot, and
best of all, its got a happy ending!
Our story begins as Steve Newport, an accountant who managed his wifes successful
medical practice, started to feel his mind slipping away. He forgot appointments, misplaced his
wallet, and got lost driving home. And, for the first time ever, he made mistakes with the payroll
and missed a tax deadline. Steves razor-sharp mind was melting awayand he was only 52
years old!
Sadly, by age 58, Steve had deteriorated so badly, he could no longer function. His
neurologist put him on Aricept, Namenda and Exelon, but nothing seemed to help. The dynamic
man who loved to cook for his daughters and go kayaking in the wilderness had disappeared. In
his place was a lost soul, who wandered aimlessly around the house in one shoe, and, sometimes,
didnt even recognize his family.
Mary was heartbroken. Pouring out her pain in her journal, she wrote, It has been a
nightmare to watch his decline. Every night, we hold each other before we go to sleep and I
wonder how many more times we will get to do this.
I didnt know what was happening to me. I was confused, Steve said, looking back at
this tragic time.
In August, 2007, Steve stopped eating and suddenly lost ten pounds, Mary knew she
had to take drastic action. But what could she do? She tried to enroll Steve in clinical trials of
experimental drugs, but nobody wanted to take him. Steves condition was too severe.
In fact, Steve was so far gone that he couldnt remember the season, month or day of the
week. On the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSR), he scored only 14 out of 30, a sign of severe
dementia. To make matters worse, his MRI indicated that his hippocampus had withered away.

His brains frontal and parietal lobes also showed damage. And, as if to seal his fate, Steve tested
positive for the genetic marker of early onset Alzheimers.

Just A Spoonful of Miracles Makes the Alzheimers Go Away

In May 2008, Mary worked deep into the night, researching experimental drugs. She
discovered something that startled her with hope. Half the patients on a new drug showed
memory improvement!
Most drugs talk about slowing the progression of the disease, but you never hear the word
improvement. Right then I knew I had to find out more, Mary explained to the St. Petersburg
As Mary delved into the research, she learned that the drugs main ingredient was MCT
oil, which derives from coconuts.
Sometimes despair can drive inspiration. With nothing left to lose, Mary drove to the
health food store and bought a jar of non-hydrogenated, extra virgin coconut oil.
The next morning, she secretly added two teaspoons of coconut oil to Steves oatmeal. And
then, she prayed. I prayed harder than Id ever prayed in my life, she said.
After breakfast, Mary drove Steve to his medical appointment, where he took the same
Mini Mental Status Exam that hed taken the day before. The results were stunning. Steve scored
28% higher than he had on yesterdays test!
It was like the oil kicked in and he could think clearly again, Mary told the St. Petersburg
Times. We were ecstatic.
Marys prayers were answered. Every morning, she gave Steve coconut oil, and every day
he showed remarkable improvement. By the fifth day, his natural good humor had returned and
he could feel the fog lift.
You can see for yourself Steves amazing progress by looking at three pictures he drew.
The day before Steve started taking coconut oil, he drew a picture of a clock that was so pathetic,
it brought tears to his wifes eyes. Two weeks after he began taking coconut oil, Steve drew
another clock. Look at the difference. And on Day 37 of his coconut oil routine, Steve drew the
third clock you see here. The miracle had happened! The light bulb in Steves brain had been
switched on.


Today, Steve Newport Enjoys a Full Life

On May 21, 2011, Dr. Mary Newport wrote a grateful entry on her website, titled Steves
3 Anniversary. Today is the 3rd Anniversary of the day, May 21, 2008, when he began to take
coconut oil and saw the improvements that changed both of our lives, she wrote.

And what a change its been! Today, Steve has so much energy, he jogs every day. He
volunteers at the local hospital, and takes care of chores around the house, including mowing
the lawn. His mood is cheerful, and he likes to crack jokes. His tremor has vanished. His mind is
so focused that he enjoys reading articles in Scientific American, and telling Mary the details of
what he learned. And, of course, he loves to spend time with his family, including his precious
Whats the magic formula that switched on Steves mind? If it sounds simple, thats
because it is simple. Every day, Steve takes a mixture of MCT oil and coconut oil. His dosage is
three tablespoons, three times a day. He also takes a fourth dose at bedtime of two tablespoons,
which was added when he was having some difficulty sleeping.

What Makes Coconut Oil Work

To understand the science behind Steves miracle, lets take a look at what fuels your brain.
You may be surprised to learn that the brain is the most metabolically active organ in the body. It
accounts for two percent of your bodys mass, but for 20 per cent of its basal metabolic rate. To
power up all that activity, your brain needs lots of fuel. And when youre healthy, that fuel comes
from glucose, a blood sugar.
But brains that are afflicted with Alzheimers have trouble metabolizing glucose. And
without a constant resupply of glucose, brain neurons start to die.


Fortunately, under the right conditions, your body is capable of creating a back-up source
of high-energy brain fuel. That fuel is ketones, a type of fat that your liver can extract from MCT
oil and coconut oil.
Do you recognize the term ketones? You probably know it from the famous Atkins Diet.
The Atkins low-carb, high-fat eating plan forces the body into a natural state of ketosis, in which
elevated levels of ketone bodies are released into the bloodstream. In this state, the body burns
fat, instead of carbohydrates, so you lose weight.
Scientists have been studying the effects of ketones on the brain for years. In fact, Dr.
Newports website links to twenty scientific papers documenting the positive effect of ketones on
mental function. One important study found that a ketone-inducing diet produced a 39% increase
in blood flow! Another study revealed that a brain fueled by ketones produces 25% more energy
than a glucose-fueled brain.
I spoke to Dr. Eric Udell, a naturopathic doctor in Arizona, about ketones and Alzheimers.
Dr. Udell advises his Alzheimers patients to take MCT oil, which is derived from coconut oil.
(MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides.)
Glucose is the main source of brain energy, Dr. Udell explained to me. Brain cells are
not as adaptable as other parts of the body. When they become less efficient at using glucose for
energy, MCT provides an alternative fuel that allows them to function better.
I would make MCT oil a standard component of an Alzheimers supplement regimen.
Its safe and non-toxic, Dr. Udell told me. A medical grade MCT is available by prescription, he
Dr. Jeffrey Morrison of the Morrison Center in New York echoes Dr. Udells views on the
importance of ketones for Alzheimers patients. Anybody with Alzheimers should use coconut
oil, he told me. Its super-important to get MCTs the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut
oil two or three times a day.
And, of course, Dr. Mary Newport is convinced of the healing power of ketones on
Alzheimers-damaged brains. She sees the evidence every day, when she looks at Steve.

Why Dr. Mary Newport is a Hero to Families Everywhere

Dr. Newport is a busy woman, with lots of responsibilities. Shes a pediatrician with
a specialty in the care of sick and premature newborns. Currently, she is the director of the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Spring Hill Regional Hospital in Florida. Previously, she served
as medical director at Mease Hospital Dunedin, where she founded a Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit in 1987.

But despite her whirlwind life, Dr. Newport always finds another hour in her day to spread
the word about coconut oil. She started a website,, where she shares her
advice and the latest research. Dr. Newports goal is to let families know about coconut oil, and to
spur further research into its potential. As of February, 2011, her website had gotten 700,000 hits!
Shes written a book, Alzheimers Disease: What If There Were a Cure?, telling her
husbands story and examining the research on ketones. And she regularly speaks to medical
groups, newspapers and television shows about the healing power of coconut oil.
Who knows how many lives she has changed? The story of Mary and Steve Newport
has become a legend in Alzheimers chat rooms, and an inspiration to families everywhere
struggling with the ravages of this cruel disease. Dr. Newports loving determination to not give
up, and to keep looking for a better solution can bring hope and motivation to anyone touched by
I think (Dr. Newport) is quite courageous. Most people give up when they are facing
severe Alzheimers, but she feels shes got significant improvement, said Dr. Richard Veech,
whos been studying ketones for more than 40 years. Dr. Veech is chief of the lab of metabolic
control at the National Institutes of Health, and helps to advise Mary in her personal study of
Ive got living proof that this will help people, Dr. Newport said. I want to just tell
everybody about this. It may help them improve, too.
And word is getting out. Heres the heartwarming story of a husband and wife in Australia
whose lives were in crisis until they discovered coconut oil through Dr. Newport.

How Cassie Got Her Husband Back

Ian Blair Hamilton, 64, was used to long, challenging days as the managing director of a
health product company. But lately, he found his mind wobbling. His father had Alzheimers, and
he was horrified to recognize the signs in himself. Forgetting words. Getting confused about what
to do next. Depression.
At first, he tried to deny it was happening. But as his condition worsened, he confided in
his wife, Cassie. I was so scared Id be left with someone I had to take care of, said Cassie, in a
video the couple filmed for YouTube.
Cassie plunged into researching Alzheimers on the Internet. When she discovered Dr.
Mary Newports site, she knew she had to try giving coconut oil to Ian.
The results were dramatic - and amazingly fast. Within a week, Ians depression had lifted.

Ians mind is now as sharp as ever, he says, and his creative ability is operating full blast.
I got my husband back, says Cassie.
Every day, Ian takes two tablespoons of coconut oil with kefir and blueberries, like a
smoothie. And he and Cassie use coconut oil for their cooking.
Ians story highlights the importance of treating Alzheimers as soon as possible. Once
extensive physical damage is done to the brain, complete recovery is much more difficult. But if
you take fast action at the diseases onset, you could very well stop it cold, before any permanent
injury occurs.
Ian feels grateful that he discovered coconut oil within months of his first symptoms. We
nipped it at the right moment. I got back to normal, says Ian.

Dr. Newports Advice on Using Coconut Oil

On Dr. Newports website,, she offers lots of practical advice on how
to use coconut oil in your daily routine.
Here are some important tips to help you get started.
Buy coconut oil that is non-hydrogenated with no transfat. Products labeled virgin,
organic, or unrefined, tend to be more expensive, and give off the odor of coconut.
The less expensive products, which are called refined, or all natural or RBD have no
The least expensive brand that Dr. Newport has found is LouAna, which sells at Walmart
for about $5.44 per quart.
You may also want to use MCT oil. MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides, which are
part of the coconut oil. You can buy MCT oil at health food stores or online. MCT oil does
not store in the body as fat. Instead, its quickly converted to energy, and may be helpful
for losing weight. A medical-grade MCT oil is available by prescription.
Coconut oil contains 117 120 calories per tablespoon, which is about the same as other
oils. Keep its caloric content in mind, if weight is an issue.
Coconut oil contains omega-6 fatty acids. Your body also needs omega-3 fatty acids. You
can get your omega-3 supply by eating salmon twice a week, or taking fish oil or flax oil
capsules, 2-3 per day. Walnuts and walnut oil also contain omega-3 fatty acids.
Coconut milk, flaked or grated coconut, and fresh coconut are all good sources of coconut

If you overwhelm your digestive system by taking too much oil too fast, you could
experience indigestion, cramps, or diarrhea. Start with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil or MCT
oil per meal. Slowly work up your level to 4-6 tablespoons a day, spread out over 24
If you mix MCT oil and coconut oil, youll get a higher and steadier supply of ketones. Dr.
Newports suggested formula is to mix 16 ounces of MCT oil plus 12 ounces of coconut oil
in a quart jar. You can keep the jar at room temperature, where it will stay liquid.
Get creative with your use of coconut oil. Add it to oatmeal and hot cereals. Use it instead
of butter on your bread, vegetables and pasta. Stir it into your soups and sauces. Add it to
smoothies, yogurt or kefir. Add coconut oil to your salad dressings. Stir fry or saut with
coconut, adding peanut oil over medium heat. Add flaked or grated coconut to cereal,
salads, and yogurt.

A Model Confesses the Secret of Her Beautiful Skin and Hair

And dont be surprised if you notice some other terrific benefits from your daily dose
of coconut oil. I was fascinated to discover an interview with famed Victorias Secret model,
Miranda Kerr. She claimed that the secret of her glowing skin and glossy hair is coconut oil!
The 28-year-old beauty said, I will not go a day without coconut oil. I personally take
four tablespoons per day, either on my salads, in my cooking or in my cups of green tea. After
Miranda Kerr confessed her beauty secret, sales of coconut oil skyrocketed by 50%, according to
a British newspaper.
Miranda Kerrs outer glow may derive from an inner glow of robust good health. Along
with beautiful skin and hair, non-hydrogenated coconut oil provides an amazing array of other
May improve your cholesterol readings, raising your HDL (good) cholesterol and
lowering your LDL (bad) levels.
Contains lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties. Lauric acid may inhibit growth of
certain bacteria, fungus, yeast, viruses and protozoa.
Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
Assists digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino
Reduces inflammation and helps protect against osteoporosis.
Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.

Can Parkinsons Disease Be Reversed With Coconut Oil?

Like Alzheimers, Parkinsons is a neurodegenerative disease. And evidence suggests that
Parkinsons patients may also get a big boost by raising their ketones levels.
Dr. Theodore VanItallie of Columbia University conducted a promising small study
in 2005 with five Parkinsons patients. He put them on a ketogenic diet for a month. Every
participant enjoyed improved ability to walk, and reduced tremors and stiffness, on average, by as
much as 43%.
Our study was very successful for our patients, said Dr. VanItallie, who hopes that largerscale studies will continue his research.
In fact, Dr. Richard Veech is now conducting a Parkinsons study in Oxford, England at
John Radcliffe Hospital. Dr. Veechs study will examine ketones effect on twenty Parkinsons
patients over the short term.
Its possible that someday ketones will prove to be the key to healing any illness in which
the body cant process glucose. Type I and II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Huntingtons disease
and Lou Gehrigs disease may all eventually be treated with ketones.
A big believer in the power of ketones is Hollywood producer Jim Abrahams, whos
famous for his Airplane movies. He started the Charlie Foundation to promote the ketogenic diet,
after it cured his infant son of the nightmare of constant epileptic seizures.

Axona, A Medical Milkshake for the Brain

And now theres Axona, a vanilla milkshake thats classified as a medical food for
Alzheimers. Axona is available through prescription, although not all doctors are willing to
prescribe it.
Axona contains a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) called caprylic triglyceride, which is
derived from coconut oil. Heres how Accera Inc., the Colorado-based manufacturer of Axona,
explains its effect:
Axona is a prescription medical food intended for the clinical dietary management
of the metabolic processes associated with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. Axona
addresses the decline in glucose metabolisma well-characterized feature of Alzheimers
disease.. Taking Axona produces ketone bodieswhich the brain can use as an energy
sourceto manage glucose hypometabolism. Patients with mild to moderate Alzheimers
disease taking Axona demonstrated improved cognitive function as measured by ADASCog.

Axona comes in a 217-calorie packet that can be mixed with any type of liquid in a shaker
cup or blender. As a medical food, Axona doesnt require FDA approval. The price is $70 to $90
for a one-month supply. Insurance usually doesnt cover the cost.
Axona has sparked a hot debate in the medical community about its value. The Wall Street
Journal and ABC News both ran recent articles about Axona, in which some researchers praised
its novel approach. Others blasted Axona as snake oil.
Its an expense to your budget with limited evidence that it will do any good, said
William Thies, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for the Alzheimers Association.
This is just expensive coconut oil, said Dr. Roger Brumback, professor of neurology at
the Creighton University School of Medicine.
Glenn Smith, PhD., writing at the Mayo Clinics website, answered a readers question
about Axona by noting, Its not clear what benefit, if any, Axona provides. Dr. Smith stated
that the Alzheimers Association disputes the notion that Alzheimers disease causes nutritional
deficiencies and requires a medical food Until more is known, the Alzheimers Association
doesnt recommend the use of medical foods, including Axona, for the treatment of Alzheimers
But dont give that gloomy report to Chris Freeman and his 89-year-old mother, Peg

Axona Brought His Mothers Memory Back

Peg Kinnison spent forty years teaching in Michigan and Washington, D.C., enjoying the
give and take of being around people.
But when Alzheimers struck her in her eighties, she withdrew into herself. Her doctor
prescribed two of the most common Alzheimers drugs, Aricept and Namenda.
Chris Freeman, her devoted son, wasnt satisfied with the results. A former biochemist,
Chris plowed into researching additional supplements for his mother.
Chriss investigation led him to Axona. But when he asked his mothers geriatrician to
prescribe it, the doctor refused.
Chris persisted, and convinced Kinnisons internist to write a prescription. Axonas
positive effect on his mothers behavior was immediate, says Chris.
In fact, Chris told the Cleveland Plain Dealer that Axona has been a miracle. Her memory
has come back, she eats more, shes willing to do more. And, shes become more lively and
talkative again.

Peg Kinnison said she noticed the improvement in herself, too. She finds herself taking part
in conversations again, instead of being a silent observer.
Chris Freeman told the Plain Dealer that he believes its important to be a strong
advocate for a loved ones health care and to stay open-minded about possible treatments.
Hes determined to stay on top of the latest developments in Alzheimers treatment and to
make sure his mother gets the best care.
His grateful mother says Chriss devotion inspires her. Heres someone whos really
trying to help me, so I have to try.

Your Best Choice: Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, or Axona?

Coconut oil, MCT oil and Axona all contain the same compound: Medium-Chain
Triglycerides. Your liver can convert MCTs into ketone bodies, which provide a high-energy,
alternate fuel for your brain.
Its important to realize that MCTs come in different types. Axona contains caprylidene,
which cant be found in either coconut oil or MCT oil. MCT oil contains a much higher
percentage of caprylic acid and capric acid than does coconut oil. And coconut oil is 48%
composed of lauric acid, which is found in neither Axona nor MCT oil.
The bottom line: each of these supplements contains different MCTs that may be helpful.
Your body may respond better to one supplement over the other. Or you may feel best by using
two of them, or even all three.
Cost will probably be a factor for you. An online site called Alzheimers Weekly
(, ran a cost analysis of these three supplements. They concluded that in
order to get 20 grams of MCTs from Axona, youll need to spend $3.00 a day. 20 grams of MCTs
from MCT oil costs 84 cents a day. And 20 grams of MCTs from coconut oil costs 22 cents a day.
Axona conducted its study on patients who were given one 20 gram MCT dose a day. But
Alzheimers patients may need to get an MCT boost throughout the day. Otherwise, their ketones
levels may drop too low.
So should you take Axona in the morning, and then take coconut oil and/or MCT oil
with your later meals? Dr. Mary Newport wrote a comment on Alzheimers Weeklys website,
explaining her thoughts on keeping ketones levels steady.
After studyingSteves ketone levels with both coconut oil and MCT oil, Ibegan mixing
MCT and coconut oil together to try to get higher peak levels from the MCT oiland also longer
duration of ketone levels from the coconut oil, so that he would have ketones circulating 24/7.

Axona can only recommend taking one 20 gram MCT dose a day because that is what they
studied. The ketones levels from one dose peak between 60 and 90 minutes and are virtually
gone within 3 hours. Hopefully, they will continue their studies and look at two and three doses a
Ketones offer genuine hope for Alzheimers sufferers. You can experiment and see what
options work best for you. Who knows what exciting healing possibilities youll find? Renewed
mental vigor may be waiting inside the coconut oil you mix into your oatmeal, or the MCT oil
you mix into your tea.
As Dr. Mary Newport says, All Im asking is to investigate this further. After living
through Alzheimers, anything that can stabilize or help improve (your loved one) will be worth
every drop.
Dr. Mary Newports website:
Dr. Mary Newports blog:
Alzheimers Disease: What If There Was a Cure?
The Story of Ketones
by Mary T. Newport, MD
From Basic Health Publications, Inc.
Available on Amazon
Sources on coconut oil:
Tampa Bay Times
Doctor says an oil lessened Alzheimers effects on her husband
By Eve Hosley-Moore, Times Correspondent
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Daily Mail, United Kingdom
Victorias Secret? Coconut oil... Sales boom as model Miranda Kerr reveals daily dose of
healthy fat is key to her beauty
By Tamara Cohen
25th August 2011
Alzheimers Weekly
The Keto-Dementia Diet
Coconut Research Center

On Axona:
ABC News
Doctors Debate Effectiveness of Alzheimers Milkshake
Carrie Gann
August 31, 2011
Mayo Clinic
Axona: Medical food to treat Alzheimers
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Axona, a medical food, is tried by an Alzheimers patient: Healthy Cleveland
By Brie Zeltner
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Wall Street Journal
Fueling the Brain with a Milkshake
Laura Johannes
August 30, 2011


Alzheimers Weekly
New Clinical Trial Results for Axona
Axona, MCT and Coconut Oil: Differences and Benefits
Interviews with Dr. Eric Udell and Dr. Jeffrey Morrison


Chapter 3

Can A Jellyfishs Glow Light Up Your Brain?

When Mark Underwood was a college undergraduate, he read an article about an unlucky
swimmer that fired up his imagination. The swimmer had gotten stung by jellyfish, and then
developed symptoms like those seen in multiple sclerosis.
As a neurochemistry student, Mark tried to puzzle out what had happened. If the jellyfish
can provoke multiple sclerosis symptoms, how does it protect itself from the disease?
The problem was an interesting intellectual challenge. But Mark also had an emotional
connection to it, too.
My mother has multiple sclerosis, Mark told me, in a phone interview. And my
grandfather had Alzheimers. So I was very interested in studying these issues.
Today, Mark Underwood is a neuroscience researcher and the co-founder of Quincy
Bioscience. And hes more fascinated than ever by jellyfish and their impact on human health.
In fact, Quincy Bioscience makes a supplement for brain health called Prevagen. And its
unique active ingredient is apoaequorin, which was first discovered in jellyfish.
A number of doctors I interviewed told me that theyre recommending Prevagen to their
Alzheimers patients. They consider it a valuable new addition to their tool kit for patients with
memory problems.
Prevagens researchers say its benefits may be seen as early as the first week. But most
people feel the improvement between 30 and 90 days after they start taking it.

The Unique Compound That Keeps Brain Cells Alive Longer

Prevagen may soon become much more popular. It recently went mass market, appearing
on the shelves of Walgreens and Rite Aid. In fact, 14,000 nationwide locations now carry it,
including many health food stores. And the number of outlets continues to grow every month.
Whats fueling its success? According to pre-clinical research, apoaequorin is the only
compound ever laboratory-proven to keep brain cells alive longer.
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee studied apoaequorins ability
to protect brain cells, using a model of ischemic stroke (stroke that occurs when an artery to

the brain is blocked). The researchers found up to a 50% reduction in cellular death, when
compared to non-apoaequorin treated cells.
An aging brain can lose 30,000 to 50,000 brain cells a day. Prevagens protection may
prove enormously important in safeguarding the brain health of aging Baby Boomers. And it
offers real hope to Alzheimers sufferers and their families.

Prevagen Promotes Clearer Thinking, Protects Memories

I asked Mark Underwood to explain how Prevagen works. People who use it often report
better focus and memory, and improved mental clarity and word recall. And the benefits dont
stop there. Some Prevagen users say they sleep better and feel greater energy, too.
So how does a jellyfish protein promote all that?
As I studied jellyfish, I learned they contain a protein called apoaequorin. This protein is
part of what makes them glow in the dark, Mark explained.
I told Mark that I already knew from my reading that apoaequorin was first isolated in
1962 by Dr. Osamu Shimomura. In 2008, he and two other researchers won the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry for this discovery, which turned out to have many medical applications.
Thats right, said Mark. Now what interested me was that this protein from jellyfish has
the ability to bind calcium ions. You and I have calcium-binding proteins that we make naturally.
They keep our brain cells working properly and communicating.
But as we get older, especially after age 40, our ability to make these calcium-binding
proteins slows down. And if we cant make enough, eventually this shortage will lead to brain
cell death in Alzheimers and Parkinsons patients. And in healthy people, too.
In the mid-1980s, Alzheimers researchers did autopsies on Alzheimers patients. They
looked at the brain and saw damage caused by calcium ions.
So I put these two ideas together. The jellyfish contains a protein that binds calcium ions.
And as people get older, they lose the ability to make calcium-binding proteins. Why not help
people with jellyfish protein?
I wrote a long paper about it as an undergraduate. Then I shelved the idea for a while. In
2004, we started Quincy Bioscience, and now we make Prevagen.
I asked Mark about his emphasis on calcium. Many experts feel that Alzheimers is
caused by inflammation and/or the growth of a sticky plaque on the brain. Yet, Mark attributed
Alzheimers damage to calcium mismanagement in the brain. Wasnt that a completely different

Calcium modulates inflammation in the brain, Mark explained. If you have too much
unregulated calcium, youll get too much inflammation.
And if you look at the plaque associated with Alzheimers, it drills little holes into
neurons. Those holes allow calcium to enter the cells and leak in. And when calcium enters, it
causes the brain cell to die.
You can have the calcium problem with or without the plaque, he continued. I dont
think the plaques matter that much. A lot of other things in the brain can go wrong that cause
calcium levels to rise. Head injuries, diet, stress, chemicals, toxinsPlaque could be one of ten
things going on.
Its like electricity in a computer. If its turned off, the computer wont work. But if you
have too much, it can cause the computer to short-circuit. If the brain has too much calcium, it
Do people lose their calcium balance at different rates, I asked.
Theres a full spectrum of how quickly people lose their calcium balance, Mark replied.
You can have a forgetful person whos fifty years old, but doesnt have Alzheimers. And then,
you can have people like athletes who had a head trauma that, over time, disrupted calcium
balance. NFL players are 17 times more likely to get Alzheimers, because of brain damage. Or
you can be healthy as a horse at age forty, and feeling the effects of a car accident from when you
were twenty.

Calcium Imbalance Provokes Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Huntingtons

Now realize, calcium isnt bad. And calcium imbalance doesnt have anything to do with
how much calcium you take in. The problem is your calcium is mismanaged.
Autopsies of brains with schizophrenia, Huntingtons, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers, all
show the need to maintain calcium balance.
In Alzheimers patients, the damage forms in the hippocampus first. In the Parkinsons
patients, they lose the ability to make dopamine. You have the same calcium imbalance, but its
manifesting differently, because of where the damage manifests first.
If people are presenting with memory loss, depression and tremors, theres only one thing
that contributes to all three. Thats a calcium imbalance in the brain.
From a practical perspective, they have a problem that needs to be resolved, whether you
call it Alzheimers or Parkinsons. Fix the calcium, and all these symptoms start to resolve. And
we can keep brain cells alive longer.

You can take all the Aricept you want, but it isnt working.

The Only Way to Get Apoaequorin is Prevagen

I was curious about how Mark Underwood regarded the role of diet in Alzheimers. Could
you eat more of certain foods and get your necessary supply of apoaequorin?
No food contains apoaequorin. Prevagen is the only way to get it. Its now made in a
controlled scientific process, so no jellyfish are harmed.
A lot of things have advanced in medicine by looking to a solution in nature, he
continued. Thirty years ago, we had to go to pigs for insulin. Now here we have a brain issue.
We found something in nature from jellyfish that provides that benefit.
Until we made the breakthrough, there was nothing to be done about the calcium problem,
even though we knew about calcium.
Of course, many people with Alzheimers or memory issues are on multiple medications.
Is Prevagen safe for them?
There are no problems with interactions with medicines, Mark told me. You already
have this protein in your body. Its always been safe.

Reduce Memory Errors by An Average of 19%

According to Prevagens manufacturers, a large double blind, placebo-controlled trial
called the Madison Memory Study was completed this year. 218 people were tested using a
computer-based testing protocol developed by Cogstate, the worlds leading cognitive testing
software development company. The study confirmed actual changes in brain function in
Prevagen users.
Among the significant findings, Prevagen was able to reduce memory errors by an average
of 19%, compared to a placebo. The participants with the fewest memory problems saw an even
greater improvement, underscoring the importance of being proactive when it comes to brain

Carolyn Got Back Her Confidence and Zest for Living

Now that Mark Underwood had explained the science, I wanted to talk to people who take
Prevagen. What was their experience like?
Mark had already told me of a huge practical benefit that some Prevagen users have
experienced. We find individuals who were incontinent can now go to the bathroom again.

Their bladder was functionally fine. The problem stemmed from their brain. That makes a big
difference in quality of life.
What else could Prevagen do? Through Marks office, I got the names of two people with
stories to tell about Prevagen. I had long talks on the phone with both of them, and Id like to
share their stories with you.
First, I spoke to Joan Snow, whos the caregiver to her father. Joans father is now in his
ninth year of Alzheimers, and still living independently. He mows the lawn, fixes his own coffee,
and keeps track of his pills. And since 2008, one of those pills is a daily dose of Prevagen.
Two times, weve run out of Prevagen, and hes noticeably deteriorated without it, Joan
told me.
When he was off the Prevagen, my father couldnt remember my brother was there. My
brother went Whoaaaaa. He was shocked.
My sister is skeptical of supplements, but she saw the bad effects when he was off it. She
told me, You know, thats really doing something for Dad. And then, when I got him back on
Prevagen, he went back to being himself. He didnt have that confusion.
As I listened to Joan Snow explain in detail how she manages her fathers Alzheimers, I
was filled with admiration. I think Joan represents the gold standard in loving and attentive care.
In fact, I was so impressed with Joan that I decided to write a whole chapter about the
nutritional and supplemental routine shes created for her father. Youll meet her in Chapter 11
and learn more about how shes helping to keep her father living in cheerful independence, as he
approaches a decade of Alzheimers.
In the meantime, I want to introduce you to 73-year-old Carolyn, whos been diagnosed
with Alzheimers. As Carolyn tells me her remarkable story, she speaks with the lovely lilt of her
native South.
Im so active, but for some time I could feel myself slipping, Carolyn told me, when I
asked how shed been affected by Alzheimers. Id leave the kitchen and walk to the bedroom
and forget why. It would aggravate me. Its little stuff. Id go to pour a pitcher of tea with my
little spout and spill some. It sounds dumb, but Id never done that before. It was something in
my brain that made me lose track of what I was doing.
We have plants, and Ive actually killed some of them by watering them two or three
times a day. I just didnt remember that Id watered them.
My husband didnt think that anything was wrong. But then he saw me in church. Since I

was a little girl, Ive won every Bible drill. I know that book! But then the pastor would ask us to
turn to a passage, and I couldnt find my place in my Bible. When my husband saw me bumbling
with my Bible, he said, Carolyn, were going to the doctor.
Thats when I knew what kind of trouble I was in. I got goose bumps!
I went to the neurologist and told him that Im having problems with my short-term
memory. He examined me and said that I had early-stage Alzheimers. I asked him, whats the
most natural thing that can be done for me.
He said, I dont know about that. I prescribe Aricept. He told me to take one a day. And
then, hed check me when he got back to town in six weeks.
That night, I called my dear friend, Glenda, whos a private duty nurse in homes. Shes
worked with people with Alzheimers. I asked her opinion of Aricept. She told me in her
experience, the dosages have to keep being increased. She said, the patient Im nursing now has
gone from 5 mg of Aricept to 25 mg.
And then Glenda told me, Carolyn, go online and get Prevagen. Glenda told me that she
knows of a family that put their mother in a nursing home. The daughter came, and stayed locally,
and saw the goings-on in the nursing home. She was so unnerved that her mother didnt recognize
her that she went out to Walgreens and bought Prevagen. She started going to the nursing home
for breakfast and dinner and giving her mother Prevagen with both meals. Three weeks later, she
brought her mom out of the nursing home. Mom knew her and the grandchildren. She completely
raised up her mothers quality of life.
Well, I took Glendas advice and ordered the Prevagen. I only took the Aricept for seven
days. On the eighth day, I stopped the Aricept. And, instead, I started taking the Prevagen. By the
second week, I just started feeling a huge difference.
We have a lunch we go to at the senior center, and I was always late. Id set alarms and
everything, but I didnt hear them. I didnt have a clue. All of a sudden, I was noticing it was
almost noon, and Id get there on time.
I started remembering to put on the coffee at night, so it would be ready in the morning.
Things like that. When the doctor came back in town, he talked to me for a long time and said,
Im just amazed. Youre doing remarkably well. Usually, Aricept doesnt work that quickly.
I took out my bottles of Aricept and Prevagen and showed them to him. I said, I just took
seven Aricept. See, you can look in the bottle; here are the rest of them. But I do take something
else twice a day. Its called Prevagen.


The doctor hadnt heard of Prevagen. I was so afraid that he would frown on this natural
stuff. But he said, Ive got a lot of patients that need to be on that. And he started reading back to
me my test scores from last time. He said, the first three questions I tested you on before you got
one out of three. Then one out four.
This time you got two out of three and three out of four! Now if you were on the Aricept,
Id have to have you come every few weeks and do lab work on you to see if it affects your liver.
But Ive moved on to Plan B. I really think youre on to something.
I told him I could cry happy tears. My husband has already commented that hes noticed
the difference. Hes a big sight-seer, and Id gotten withdrawn and didnt want to do anything. Id
say to him, Honey, if you want to go see where Abe Lincoln lived, go right ahead. Ill wait in the
Now Ive started getting up at six in the morning. Ive got so much energy, and I dont
feel depressed. Now that Im doing so well mentally, Im actually over-active. My husband said
Ive started so many projects, hes afraid Ill overdo it.
I pride myself on being alert and clear-thinking and helping people. And Id gotten to
where I couldnt make decisions. I just wasnt thinking right, and thats worse than any disease.
Now Ive got my good attitude back. I really dont think you have to lose your mind
before you die.

Interviews with Mark Underwood, Joan Snow, Carolyn, and Dr. Fred Pescatore


Chapter 4

Meet Dr. Fred Pescatore:

Decline is Not Inevitable

Dr. Fred Pescatore must be one of the busiest men in New York. Hes the President of the
International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, and the director of a bustling
medical center in Manhattan.
Hes the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Hamptons Diet and the #1
bestselling childrens health book, Feed Your Kids Well. Dr. Pescatores other books include: Thin
For Good, The Allergy and Asthma Cure, The Hamptons Diet Cookbook and Boost Your Health
with Bacteria.
Prior to opening his own practice, Dr. Pescatore was the Associate Medical Director of The
Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, where he worked closely with the late Dr. Robert
Dr. Pescatore is a traditionally trained physician who has chosen to practice Integrative
Medicine. For over two decades, Dr. Pescatore has treated patients with a combination of
traditional and alternative medical techniques.
I was delighted that Dr. Pescatore found time in his action-packed day to talk with me. I
began by asking him what goes through his mind when he first sees a patient with Alzheimers.
How does he begin to approach the problem?
Whether its Alzheimers or Parkinsons or another condition, I approach patients from a
diet and nutrition perspective, he answered.
So I begin by looking at nutritional status. What are their levels of zinc, magnesium,
potassium, chromium, manganese, etc.? Do they have sufficient trace minerals?
Then I look at their levels of CoEnzyme Q-10, which is very important. I also assess
levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Next, I look at their diet. I recommend a low inflammation diet. That means eliminating
sugar and simple carbs. You need to eat primarily proteins and vegetables, with some complex

I also do food sensitivity testing. Are they gluten intolerant? Do they have milk
intolerance? Are there yeast issues?
I get them set on that part first. Then, number two, I recommend supplements that Ive
found work.

Healing Supplements that Boost the Brain

For Alzheimers, I recommend gingko 120 MG three times per day, Vitamin A 10,000
IU twice per day and Vitamin D 5,000 IU per day, and NAC 1,000 MG twice per day.
In addition, I recommend pycnogenol 100 MG twice per day. Pycnogenol is a French
maritime pine tree extract that supports blood flow to the brain.
I also suggest Prevagen, 10 MG per day. The studies are really good on the jellyfish
proteins ability to work on brain function.
And theres a mushroom called Lions Mane thats specifically formulated for brain
issues, dementia, Alzheimers. I recommend 500 MG twice per day. Theres good clinical
research on it.
The last thing I use is NADH, 10 to 290 MG in the morning. The brand name is Enada.
Its in every brain cell and our bodies get depleted of it. Its used a lot in Europe.
Some of these supplements are available through our website.
Ill go into detail about many of Dr. Pescatores supplement recommendations in other
chapters. Youll learn much more about their brain-boosting properties and the science behind
their effectiveness.
I think youre going to be greatly encouraged by the healing powers of these woefully
under-reported supplements. So keep reading!

Hes Back to Doing the New York Times Crossword Puzzle!

Dr. Pescatore described for me the kind of transformation that such an integrative medical
approach can spark.
One man came in here, recently. His wife brought him in after a neurologist diagnosed
him with Alzheimers. He was a typical high-functioning New York guy and he was losing it. He
couldnt focus. What really shook him up was that he couldnt do the New York Times crossword
puzzle anymore, and that was important to him.
Now he comes bouncing in here. His wife says hes back to his old self. Hes even doing
the crossword puzzle again.

Keep Trying and Dont Give Up

I think people get put into categories where conventional medicine doesnt have anything
to offer them. Unfortunately, Im seeing too many people come here with regular dementia, not
Alzheimers, who have been put on Aricept. And theres no study for Aricept and dementia.
Theres no reason they should be put on that drug.
From my perspective, theres always more you can try for Alzheimers. For instance, I
might try a homeopathic spray. Id make sure their adrenal glands are working.
Dont give up. Decline is not inevitable, even with an Alzheimers diagnosis. Keep
For Further Information:
Dr. Fred Pescatore, 369 Lexington Ave., 19th Floor, New York 10017
Phone: 212 779-2944
Fax: 212 779-2941
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Pescatore offers a number of vitamins and other supplements on his website.


Chapter 5

Lions Mane, the Medicinal Mushroom that

Energizes Brain Neurons
You will have nerves of steel and the memory of a lion. With those encouraging words,
herbalists in ancient China would feed the emperor precious morsels of Lions Mane.
I hope the emperor enjoyed his tasty tidbits of this medicinal mushroom, because he was
the only one allowed to eat it: thats how highly prized Lions Mane was throughout ancient Asia.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, Lions Mane mushroom, or Hericium
erinaceus, is a tonic of the highest order, capable of gently soothing the stomach and powerfully
stimulating the mind. These ancient healers believed Lions Mane could cure ulcers of the
digestive tract and even heal cancers of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
Today, were learning much more about the potential of this weird-looking mushroom with
long white tendrils to combat Alzheimers and dementia. Studies in Japan and China have probed
its ability to stimulate re-growth in neurons, and to protect cells from toxic amyloid b, which
forms the deadly protein plaques in brains afflicted with Alzheimers.
As noted in the previous chapter, Dr. Fred Pescatore recommends Lions Mane mushroom
to his Alzheimers patients, based on his assessment of clinical research that investigated Lions
Manes effect on the brain.
Before I show you the clinical studies, youll want to hear the incredible story of why
Lions Mane can help regenerate brain neurons.

How Young Rita Levi-Montalcini Dodged Bombs and Bullets

to Discover NGF

The story begins with a determined young woman of unquestioned genius, hard at work
in the makeshift laboratory she had just created in her bedroom. The year was 1940, and Dr. Rita
Levi-Montalcini, a new medical school graduate in Turin, Italy, was eager to pursue her research
in neurology.
But Fascist laws forbade Italian Jews from practicing medicine, so she improvised a lab at
home. When bombs started falling, she fled to the countryside and rebuilt her lab in a cottage.


The burning question that drove Dr. Levi-Montalcini was how nerves emerge from
an embryos developing spinal cord and then branch into its budding limbs. In the war-torn
countryside, she bicycled to farms to buy fertilized eggs for her experiments. Food was so scarce
that after she finished her research on the eggs, she ate them.
After the war, Dr. Levi-Montalcini accepted an invitation at Washington University in St.
Louis. There, she continued her groundbreaking research on nerve development.
And, in 1986, she won the Nobel Prize for medicine with Stanley Cohen for their discovery
of nerve growth factor (NGF), a protein that causes developing cells to grow by stimulating
surrounding tissue.
Heres what her official biography at Washington University states: Their research,
conducted in the 1950s, while members of the faculty of Washington University, is of
fundamental importance to the understanding of cell and organ growth and plays a significant role
in understanding cancers and diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons.

Alzheimers Brains Lack NGF

As we age, our levels of NGF decline. And in people with Alzheimers, the loss of NGF
is catastrophic. Pietro Calissano, a collaborator of Dr. Levi-Montalcini, explained about NGF,
At the start, it seemed this molecules effect was restricted to acting on the peripheral nervous
system, but then it emerged that it has a very important role in the brain. Contrary to what was
believed, the brain does not have a rigid structure but is in continuous movement, and NGF helps
neurons which we begin to lose between 10 and 15 years old survive.
The horrible dilemma of treating Alzheimers is that the brain needs more NGFbut it
cant get it. The NGF protein molecule is too big to pass through the blood-brain barrier. Only
small, fatty-like molecules can slip through this protective membrane. Designed to prevent
foreign objects and harmful chemicals from damaging the brain, the blood-brain barrier also
frustrates healing compounds from coming to the rescue by locking them out.
At least one major pharmaceutical company is striving to develop a drug that can deliver
NGF to treat Alzheimers. In 2008, Ceregene, Inc. announced that the University of California,
San Diego had received a $5.4 million grant from the National Institute of Aging at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) to support a Phase 2 clinical study of Ceregenes CERE-110, a gene
therapy product designed to deliver NGF for the treatment of Alzheimers.
But heres the cold, hard fact: Ceregenes gene therapy product may or may not work. And
even if it is successful, it probably will be many years before it comes on market.
However, in the meantime, there is a way to stimulate NGF production in the brain and it
comes from a mushroom!

Lions Mane Can Help Stimulate NGF

It turns out that the Lions Mane mushroom contains a bevy of bioactive compounds that can
stimulate the production of NGF in the brain. How? Their low molecular weight allows them to
sneak through the blood-brain barrier, and slip inside the brain!
And once inside, they can get to work, encouraging the production of NGF. Dr. Hirokazu
Kawagishi of Shizoka University in Japan is the leading authority on Lions Mane. Dr. Kawagishi
and his team isolated a type of molecule in Lions Mane called hericenones the very first active
substance found in natural products that induces synthesis of NGF!
Hericenones comes from the fruiting body of the mushroom, which sprouts out of the ground
or tree. Dr. Kawagishi also discovered erinacines, another molecular compound found within Lion
Manes root system. And erinacines turn out to be even more robust at promoting NGF production.
Heres what Dr. Kawagishi and his colleagues wrote about the amazing potency of
erinacines: The newly-discovered erinacine H stimulated 31.5 /- 1.7 pg/ml of NGF secretion into
the medium at 33.3 [micro]g/ml concentration, which was five times greater than NGF secretion in
the absence of the compound. The erinacines are the most powerful inducers of NGF synthesis
among all currently identified natural compounds.
Dr. Kawagishi described the effects of Lions Mane on patients in a study conducted in
a rehabilitative hospital in the Gunma prefecture in Japan. The study followed 50 patients in an
experimental group and 50 patients used as a control: All patients were elderly and suffered from
cerebrovascular disease, degenerative orthopedic disease, Parkinsons disease, spinocerebellar
degeneration, diabetic neuropathy, spinal cord injury, or disuse syndrome. Seven of the patients in
the experimental group suffered from different types of dementia.
The patients in this group received 5 g of dried Lions Mane mushroom per day in their
soup for a 6-month period. All patients were evaluated before and after the treatment period
for their Functional Independence Measure (FIM), which is a measure of independence in
physical capabilities (eating, dressing, walking, etc.) and in perceptual capacities (understanding,
communication, memory, etc.).
The results of this preliminary study show that after six months of taking Lions Mane
mushroom, six out of seven dementia patients demonstrated improvements in their perceptual
capacities, and all seven had improvements in their overall FIM score.
These results were borne out in another Japanese study, published in the journal
Phytotherapy Research in March 2009. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 30
Japanese men who were diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment were randomly divided into

two 15-person groups. One group was given Lions Mane, and the other given a placebo. The
subjects of the Lion Manes group took four 250 mg tablets containing 96% of Lions Mane
dry powder three times a day for 16 weeks. After termination of the intake, the subjects were
observed for the next 4 weeks.
At weeks 8, 12 and 16 of the trial, the Lions Mane group showed significantly increased
scores on the cognitive function scale compared with the placebo group. The Lion Manes
groups scores increased with the duration of intake, but at week 4 after the termination of the
16 weeks intake, the scores decreased significantly. Laboratory tests showed no adverse effect of
Lions Mane. The studys researchers concluded that Lions Mane is effective in improving mild
cognitive impairment.

Meet the Mushroom Guru

Lions Mane is available in several brands, and I noticed that one of them is formulated by
Paul Stamets. Stamets is an interesting character, a sort of Indiana Jones-like mushroom hunter
who brings unmatched expertise to his forays throughout the old-growth forests of the Pacific
Stamets calls himself a Mycelium Messenger mycelia are the vegetative parts of a
fungus and hes dedicated thirty years to penetrating and protecting the astounding world of
mushrooms. Hes discovered four new species, invented numerous methods of cultivation, and
written six books.
Stamets gives lectures on 6 Ways That Mushrooms Can Save the World, inspiring
audiences with his vision of mushrooms that clean up toxins, revitalize ecosystems and cure a
host of diseases.
And hes a big fan of Lions Mane, which he says, is natures nutrients for your neurons.
Stamets has created a product line of mushrooms called Fungi Perfecti. You can buy his
formulation of Lions Mane through his website at He offers Lions Mane in
both capsule and liquid extract form.
Heres his description of his Lions Mane capsules:
This beautiful species, appearing as a white waterfall of cascading icicles, is found on
broad leaf trees and logs. The subject of recent studies on nerve regeneration, Lions Mane
(Hericium erinaceus) is renowned for providing support to the brain and nervous system. Each
capsule contains 500 mg of freeze-dried Lions Mane mycelium. Available in bottles of 60


As for dosage, Dr. Fred Pescatore recommends that Alzheimers patients take 500 MG
twice per day.
If you want to consider another brand, heres a noteworthy option.

Amyloban Protects Against Toxic Brain Plaque

A Japanese research team isolated an additional compound from Lions Mane called
amyloban, which they patented. Their studies indicate that amyloban protects neurons from
amyloid b, the toxic protein that forms the dangerous sticky plaque on Alzheimers brains.
A company called Mushroom Wisdom produces both a proprietary brand of Lions Mane
and a separate supplement of amyloban, named Amyloban 3399.
Heres how they describe Amyloban 3399 on their website:
Amyloid is a protein that may accumulate between the nerve cells (neurons) in the
brain as we age. Amyloban 3399 contains a proprietary extract from Lions Mane (Hericium
erinaceus) shown to support the survival of nerve cells in the presence of toxic amyloid (Japanese
patent 394,3399, US patent pending). It also contains other active compounds (hericenones) from
Lions Mane that can stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the brain.*
Amyloban 3399 was developed by the Mushroom Wisdom research team in collaboration with
leading university researchers in Japan and China.
You can order Mushroom Wisdoms formulations of Lions Mane and Amyloban 3399
through their website at

Be Smarter Than Ever at 102!

As you seek to renew your brain neurons with the NGF-promoting compounds of Lions
Mane, draw inspiration from the astonishing woman who first discovered NGF.
As of this writing, Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini is 102 and still going to work every day at her
laboratory in Italy, as immaculately dressed as ever.
Shes the longest-living Nobel laureate of all time and still looking forward to the future.
At her 100th birthday party celebration, she proclaimed, At 100, I have a mind that is superior thanks to experience - than when I was 20.
How does she do it? Pietro Calissano, who has collaborated with Dr. Levi-Montalcini, says
that NGF may be stimulating her vitality. Every day, she takes NGF in the form of eye drops,
he said, but I cant say for sure if this is her secret.


Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild
cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Mori K, Inatomi S, Ouchi K, Azumi Y, Tuchida T.
Mushroom Laboratory, Hokuto Corporation, 800-8, Shimokomazawa, Nagano, 381-0008,
Japan. [email protected]
John Wiley & Sons 2008
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients April, 2004
The Anti-Dementia effect of Lions Mane mushroom and its clinical application Hericium erinaceus - Lions Mane
by Hirokazu Kawagishi, Cun Zhuang, Ellen Shnidman;col1
Lions Mane: Neural Nourishment
On Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini:
One Hundred Years of Rita
By Alison Abbott
April 1, 2009
The Independent
Is This the Secret of Eternal Life?
Peter Popham
April 25, 2009

Washington University School of Medicine

Women in Health Sciences
Huffington Post
Rita Levi Montalcini, Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Turns 100, Still Works
April 18, 2009


Chapter 6

Tracking Down the Amazing, Elusive

Methylene Blue
Join me now as I play detective in a high-stakes mystery drama. The outcome could
have real impact on Alzheimers patients and their families, so stay with me through the storys
surprising twists and turns.
In the summer of 2008, two news stories rocked the world of Alzheimers research.
First, in July, the London Times splashed a headline proclaiming, New drug Rember brings
unprecedented Alzheimers treatment advance.
Then, in August, Science Daily trumpeted Potential Alzheimers, Parkinsons Cure Found
in Century-Old Drug, in an attention-grabbing story on methylene blue.
The claims made for both Rember and methylene blue were so extraordinary that online
Alzheimers chat rooms buzzed with anticipation and hope. When my research uncovered them, I
was plenty excited, too.
Rember was described by its scientific team at the University of Aberdeen as slowing
Alzheimers progression by up to 81%, and proving at least twice as effective as current
medications, such as Aricept.

The most significant development

since Alois Alzheimers discovery in 1907
Professor Claude Wischik and his colleagues focused on 321 Alzheimers patients in
Britain and Singapore, dividing them into four groups. Three groups took varying doses of
Rember; the fourth took a placebo.
The group that took a 60mg dose of Rember for 50 weeks showed an 81% reduction in
mental decline compared with the placebo group.
So how did Rember work?
Professor Wischiks study demonstrated that Rember successfully targeted the
neurofibrillary tangles that characterize Alzheimers. This is the most significant development in
the treatment of the tangles since Alois Alzheimer discovered them in 1907, Professor Wischik

The Times article quoted Dorothie Hardie, whose 72-year-old husband had participated
in the study. Two years ago, if Jimmy had gone to his shed he may have forgotten what he was
about to do. Now he is able to plan, get the tools he needs and do the task.
We appear to be bringing the worst affected parts of the brain functionally back to life,
Professor Wischik said, as quoted in the Daily Mail.
It is the first realistic evidence that a new drug can improve cognition in people with
Alzheimers, said Professor Clive Ballard, head of research at the Alzheimers Society in

Wheres Rember Now? The Trail Goes Cold

A follow-up article in the London Times reported that the patients who had received
Rember during the trial were worried about stopping the drug. But Professor Wischik said he
would try to continue to supply them with Rember on a compassionate basis.
But what about everybody else who desperately wanted to try it? After the initial Times
article appeared, Alzheimers patients and their families besieged Professor Wischik, begging to
join his next trial.
I tried to track down Rember, but the trail went cold. It takes years for a promising drug to
come to market, and Rember seemed to be lost in endless bureaucratic proceedings.
All the hope, all that excitementand no way to get to it. How sad!
I turned my attention to the other drug that made headlines in 2008 as a potential
Alzheimers cure, methylene blue.

A Cheap Wonder Drug for the Brain Named Methylene Blue

But finding methylene blue proved to be equally vexing.
Science Daily reported that a study conducted by researchers at Childrens Hospital &
Research Oakland had achieved highly promising results with low doses of methylene blue.
Microscopic amounts halted cellular aging in mice and boosted their mitochondrial
function, particularly of a crucial enzyme called complex IV. Mitochondria are the powerhouses
of the cell, providing energy.
One of the key aspects of Alzheimers disease is mitochondrial dysfunction specifically
complex IV dysfunction, which methylene blue improves, said Dr. Hani Atamna, the head
researcher. Our findings indicate the methylene blue, by enhancing mitochondrial function,


expands the mitochondrial reserve of the brain. Adequate mitochondrial reserve is essential for
preventing age-related disorders such as Alzheimers disease.
Dr. Atamnas colleague, Dr. Bruce Ames, added, What we potentially have is a wonder
But where was it? Methylene blue was supposed to be a century-old, common and
inexpensive drug. But I kept hitting brick walls, trying to track it down.
And I noticed people in Alzheimers chat rooms were trying to find it, too. In fact, I read an
online discussion about the possibility of buying a bottle of it from an aquarium supply shop and
diluting it to use as medicine.
Let me quickly cut to the chase about that option: DONT DO IT! Unless you dont mind
swallowing the cyanide that goes along with it.
As a matter of fact, dont even try to hunt down methylene blue on your own.
Now, getting back to our story, I must admit I was getting mighty frustrated. Locating both
Rember and methylene blue was proving to be unexpectedly difficult.
And then, I discovered something that absolutely floored me

Rember is Methylene Blue!

When I interviewed Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, the renowned physician, author, and chronic
fatigue syndrome expert, he startled me by saying that he recommends methylene blue as a
possible option for Alzheimers.
Methylene blue, he explained, is old as dirt. Its cheap and non-patentable. So its not out
there making billions as an Alzheimers treatment, as it should.
But a drug company could try to patent the delivery system, which is what Rember is.
Wait! So Rember is essentially a dressed-up version of methylene blue?
Thats right. Although it will be 4-5 years before the FDA process for Rember is
completed, so it can be approved for Alzheimers and available in pharmacies, the optimal dose is
60 mg 3 x day (more is not better).
In the meantime, methylene blue can be prescribed by holistic physicians and made by
compounding pharmacies.
Then Dr. Teitelbaum revealed a weird fact: taking methylene blue will turn your urine blue.
Thats because methylene blue is a dye that gets excreted in the urine.

I asked Dr. Teitelbaum to recommend a compounding pharmacy that would provide

methylene blue, and he gave me the following information. He also emphasized that you
shouldnt try to find it on your own.

Where to Get Methylene Blue

Dr. Teitelbaum recommended Cape Apothecary of Annapolis, Maryland, and its
pharmacist, Dr. Thomas J. Wilson.
I called Dr. Wilson and spoke to him, and he said that hed be happy to compound
methylene blue and ship it to you, providing you have a prescription.
Methylene blue may have a hard time proving itself in studies, because it turns urine
blue, Dr. Wilson said, when I asked him for his thoughts about it. You cant test against a
placebo, because people know theyre taking it. Theres no hiding it because of the urine color.
Its certainly not going to harm a patient, as opposed to Aricept and Namenda. They can
cause problems.
Weve done it several times and had no problems. Patients did well on it.
Heres the contact information for Cape Apothecary and Dr. Thomas Wilson:
1384 Cape Saint Claire Rd. Annapolis, MD 21409
Contact Us
Fax: 410-626-7226
[email protected]

A Warning for Patients on Psychiatric Medications

In July 2011, the FDA issued a warning that it had received reports of serious central
nervous reactions when methylene blue was given to patients taking psychiatric medications that
work through the serotonin system of the brain (serotonergic psychiatric medications).
They recommend that patients taking serotonergic drugs not take methylene blue, unless
necessary for life-threatening treatment, such as cyanide poisoning.


Interviews with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and Dr. Thomas Wilson
London Times
New drug Rember brings unprecedented Alzheimers treatment advance
July 30, 2008
London Times
Rember, the drug that helps Alzheimers sufferers
August 3, 2008
Daily Mail
Daily pill that halts Alzheimers is hailed as biggest breakthrough against disease for 100
By Jenny Hope
July 29 2008
Methylene blue: Drug Safety Communication Serious CNS Reactions Possible when
given to patients taking certain psychiatric medications
July 26, 2011
Science Daily
Potential Alzheimers, Parkinsons Cure Found in Century-Old Drug
August 18, 2008
Alzheimers and Senility are Reversible
by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum


Chapter 7

Increase Blood Flow to the Brain with

Pycnogenol, a Pine Bark Extract
I first heard about Pycnogenol as an Alzheimers supplement from Dr. Fred Pescatore. Its
a French maritime tree extract that supports blood flow to the brain, Dr. Pescatore explained.
Any time you have damage to tissue, increasing blood flow is an important treatment modality.
And Pycnogenol has been the subject of over 200 studies, confirming its safety and
Considering that your brain requires 20 percent of your bodys oxygen, and that it suffers
huge harm from decreased blood supply, Pycnogenols power to deliver blood to the brain sounds
like a very good thing.
Pycnogenol is the brand name for an herbal supplement extracted from the bark of the
French maritime pine tree. Its source is a coastal forest of millions of acres in Southwest France,
near the famous Bordeaux region.
When I think of southern France, I picture beautiful vineyards and rolling hills. From
now on, Ill also imagine big pine trees growing for fifty years, tended without pesticides or
herbicides, and brimming with active chemical compounds that nourish the brain.

Australian Researchers Find Significant Cognitive Improvements

In July 2008, researchers from Swinburne University in Australia published an exciting
study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 101 elderly participants (60-85 years) had
consumed a daily dose of 150 mg of Pycnogenol for a three-month treatment period.
The study, which used a double-blind, placebo-controlled, matched-pair design, found
that the Pycnogenol group displayed statistically significant improvements in memory scores,
relative to the control group.
Not only that, the Pycnogenol group had markedly lower concentrations of biomarkers for
oxidative stress and damage from free radicals!
And what works for seniors seems to help younger minds, too. An Italian study conducted
at Pescara University proved that college students who took Pycnogenol for eight weeks showed

notable improvements in alertness, memory and mood.

Dr. Gianni Belcaros research team randomly assigned 108 Italian university students
to receive either a daily 100 mg dose of Pycnogenol or placebo for eight weeks. Computermeasured results indicated that the Pycnogenol group showed improvements in attention,
memory and mood, while levels of anxiety decreased by 17%!
More interestingly, in this study the cognitive performance of the subjects was evaluated
in a real challenging situation like the university examinations, wrote Dr. Belcaro in a 2011
article in the journal Panminerva Medica.
Dr. Belcaro stated that Pycnogenols benefits may be linked to its ability to boost blood
circulation and provide antioxidant protection.

Bioflavonoids to the Rescue, Reducing Inflammation

As the research makes increasingly clear, Pycnogenols pine bark contains a unique
combination of bioflavonoids, procyanidins and organic acids that offer a bonanza of health
Together, these nutrients can act as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. And thats good
news for Alzheimers sufferers whose brains are marred by significant inflammation.
How does Pycnogenol work? According to the Journal of Inflammation, pine bark extract
shuts off naturally occurring enzymes associated with inflammatory conditions.
Nutrition expert Jack Challem is a big fan of Pycnogenol and in his book, The
Inflammation Syndrome, he explains why. While visiting the British Museum in London, Challem
tripped and seriously injured his right foot.
The pain persisted for weeks, and he grew increasingly worried that hed suffered a
permanent injury. And then it dawned on me, wrote Challem. He remembered that at a recent
conference, hed heard about Pycnogenol and its potent anti-inflammatory effects.
I started taking it, and within days the pain went away. To rule out the power of
suggestion, I stopped taking the supplement for a few days, and the pain returned. I started taking
the supplement again and the inflammation and pain went away and have never returned. I walk
and hike long distances without any discomfort in the foot.

How New World Explorers Got Cured from A Deadly Disease

Although Pycnogenol is gaining increased attention now, the rejuvenating power of pine
bark has been cherished for centuries by native healers.

In 1535, French explorer Jacques Cartier and his crew became ice-bound in present-day
Canada. Many of the sailors contracted scurvy, a deadly disease induced by lack of Vitamin C.
In his journal, Cartier wrote that, out of 110 that we were, not ten were well enough to help the
others, a pitiful thing to see.
After 25 crew members died, the local natives helped to nurse the survivors back to health
with teas and other concoctions made from tree bark. An entire tree was used up in less than a
week, as the natives struggled to save the Frenchmen from the brink of death. Astounded by his
crews rapid recovery, Jacques Cartier wrote in his journals that the tree bark was a miracle sent
by God.
Now the story skips ahead 400 years to Dr. Jacques Masquelier, a renowned French
pharmacist and researcher. In 1951, Dr. Masquelier read Cartiers journal entries about his crews
miraculous recovery, and decided to find the medicinal compounds in the healing tea.
Eventually, Dr. Masquelier discovered the maritime pine tree and succeeded in extracting a
chemical compound from its bark. He patented his process and dubbed his extract Pycnogenol.

Berkeley Scientist Discovers Super-strength Antioxidant

Today, researchers use cutting-edge science to probe the intricacies of pine barks powers.
And, increasingly, its restorative effects seem to have direct relevance to the problems of
You already know that Pycnogenol enhances blood flow and that Alzheimers brains suffer
from decreased blood supply. You also know that Pycnogenol has anti-inflammatory effects, and
that Alzheimers is a disease of inflammation.
So now lets turn to Pycnogenols status as a super-strength antioxidant. Antioxidants are
chemicals that deactivate free radicals and halt their cellular rampages. Like other degenerative
brain diseases, Alzheimers is characterized by oxidative damage caused by free radicals. And
thats where Pycnogenols superb antioxidant talents come in to the picture.
Lets meet Professor Lester Packer, whos widely regarded as the worlds foremost
antioxidant research scientist. Dr. Packer received his Ph.D. in Microbiology and Biochemistry
from Yale University and headed the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the
University of California, Berkeley for many years. Dr. Packer also established a laboratory in the
Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Toxicology at the University of Southern California to
study molecular, cellular, and physiological aspects of free radical and antioxidant metabolisms in
biological systems.
And heres what Dr. Packer and his Berkeley team discovered, according to a Berkeley
press release:

An extract of pine bark has proven to be one of the most potent antioxidants, a property
that may explain why pine bark has been used in folk medicine around the world, according to a
new report by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley.
Lester Packer and his colleagues at UC Berkeley screened many natural compounds for
antioxidant activity and found that pine bark extract, marketed as Pycnogenol (trademark) (piknah-je-nal), is the most potent of the lot.
In the past year and a half, Packer and his colleagues have documented a number of
strong antioxidant effects of Pycnogenol that place it among the most potent antioxidants, ranking
with vitamins E and C, and lipoic acid.
Packer also recently found that Pycnogenol extends the lifetime of vitamin C in the body,
prolonging its beneficial effects as an antioxidant.
(In a later chapter, youll read about vitamin C and E and their dramatic partnership in
neutralizing free radicals and protecting against Alzheimers. So Pycnogenols capacity to boost
vitamin C certainly does catch my interest.)
Heres what Dr. Packer said about it:
We looked at extract of fruits and vegetables, gingko, green tea and many other plants, as
well as purified flavonoids, and among these Pycnogenol was the most potent in extending the
lifetime of the vitamin C radical.
There may be many flavonoids in Pycnogenol that affect the antioxidant network by
interacting at the level of vitamin C. This helps to explain how pine bark extract has a beneficial
UC Berkeley also reported that, Packer has proposed a complex network of interaction
between vitamin E, vitamin C (ascorbate) and other chemicals that effectively recycle those
potent antioxidants and extend their effect in the body. Flavonoids like those in Pycnogenol seem
to insinuate themselves into the network to help recycle E and C and extend their lifetimes even

Pine Bark Extract Fights off Sticky Plaque of Alzheimers Brains

A leading cause of Alzheimers brain damage is the protein amyloid b, which forms a
sticky plaque that attaches to the brain and kills off cells. Dr. Benjamin Lau and his colleagues at
Loma Linda University in California investigated Pycnogenols ability to prevent damage caused
by amyloid b.
Dr. Laus team discovered that Pycnogenol helps to prevent amyloid b from inflicting

vascular damage. When Pycnogenol was present, blood vessel cells successfully fended off
amyloid b toxicity.
Dr. Lau also tested the memory of older mice who were regularly fed Pycnogenol. They
showed markedly improved memory and learning ability in comparison to their littermates
without Pycnogenol. And older mice treated with Pycnogenol for two months retained memory
levels almost equal to those of young mice. Other researchers who carried out related studies with
an extract of Gingko biloba had to feed 10 to 20 times as much to mice.
Moreover, in an eye-opening study, Dr. Dave Schubert of the Salk Institute in La Jolla,
California investigated Pycnogenols effect on neurons. And Dr. Schubert discovered that
Pycnogenol helps to prevent neuronal cells from amyloid b-induced damage!

Dosage and Safety Guidelines

You can buy Pycnogenol in your local drugstore, health food store, pharmacy, or on the
Internet. Youll find dozens of different brands and formulas to choose from.
Jack Challem, author of The Inflammation Syndrome, recommends Solgars 100-mg
Pycnogenol capsules. Solgars website notes that its Pycnogenol capsules are vegetarian and
Dr. Fred Pescatore recommends that Alzheimers patients take 100-mg of Pycnogenol
twice a day.
Pycnogenol is generally considered safe, but there are some advisories.
If you have auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic
lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Pycnogenol
seems to increase the immune system. By increasing the immune system, pycnogenol might
decrease the effectiveness of medications that decrease the immune system. If you have one of
these conditions, its best to avoid using Pycnogenol.
Medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab
(Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3
(OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus
(Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids), and others.
If you take Coumadin or other blood thinning medications, be careful, because
Pycnogenol could thin the blood.
Mild Pycnogenol side effects could include nausea, headache, or dizziness. You may want
to consider starting with Pycnogenol 30 mg a day, and then working up to a higher dosage.

Journal of Psychopharmacology
An examination of the effects of the antioxidant Pycnogenol on cognitive performance,
serum lipid profile, endocrinological and oxidative stress biomarkers in an elderly
July 2008 vol. 22 no. 5 553-562
Anabolic Minds
Pycnogenol Improves Brain Function
Stephen Daniells
December 8, 2011
Source: Panminerva Medica
2011, Volume 53, Supplement 1 to No. 3, Pages 75-82
Pycnogenol supplementation improves cognitive function, attention and mental
performance in students
Authors: R. Luzzi, G. Belcaro, C. Zulli, M. R. Cesarone, U. Cornelli, M. Dugall, M. Hosoi,
B. Feragallo
Pycnogenol - Natural Pain Relief forOsteoarthritis
ByCarol Eustice
December 17, 2009
University of California, Berkeley
Pine bark extract is a potent antioxidant, and may help boost the effects of vitamin C and
other antioxidants, UC Berkeley scientists report
by Robert Sanders
February 5, 1998
Medline Plus
U.S. National Library of Medicine
Smart Publications
Pine Bark Extract: The Superb Antioxidant for Healthy Circulation
The Inflammation Syndrome
By Jack Challem
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Interview with Dr. Fred Pescatore


Chapter 8

Meet Dr. Ronald Hoffman:

Be Optimistic and Innovative
Dr. Ronald Hoffman is one of the pioneers of complementary and alternative medicine.
In 1985, he established the Hoffman Center as one of New Yorks first comprehensive practices
for the delivery of innovative medical care. Today, Dr. Hoffman serves as Medical Director of
the Hoffman Center, focusing on what he calls Intelligent Medicine: the concerted deployment
of rational conventional medical strategies, side by side with nutrition, herbs, vitamins, and
Dr. Hoffman has served as president of the countrys largest organization of
complementary and alternative doctors, the American College for Advancement in Medicine
(ACAM). After receiving his Bachelors Degree from Columbia College and his M.D. from
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dr. Hoffman attended the Tristate School of Traditional
Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Hoffman is eager to share his knowledge of Intelligent Medicine with the widest
possible audience. He hosts a popular, nationally syndicated radio program called Health Talk,
and is the author of several books, including How to Talk with Your Doctor and Natural Cures
that Really Work.
I was intrigued to know what goes through Dr. Hoffmans mind when a patient comes
in with signs of memory loss and dementia. How does he approach the medical challenges of
I think one of the big elements in reversing cognitive decline is getting people off of
unnecessary medications that have a brain-stultifying effect, he told me, in a fascinating phone
interview. Keeping them on statins and sleeping pills and medicines for blood pressure and other
common conditions can really have a negative effect on their cognitive function.
Are any of these medicines absolutely essential for preserving life? Because what I see is
that people light up when they go off of them.
And, very often, they really energize with B12 shots. B12 is vitally important in
maintaining the health of nerve cells. If you have B12 deficiencies, your energy and concentration
are going to be sapped. And your levels of homocysteine, which is a risk factor for circulatory

disease, are going to dangerously rise.

Vitamin B12 deficiencies can be quite common in the elderly, due to malabsorption of
food or lack of hydrochloric acid. If a patient hasnt been properly diagnosed with Vitamin B12
deficiency, we can really light somebody up with a series of injections. They perk right up.
And then there are supplements that can help. For instance, CoEnzyme Q10 for brain
function is important. So is DHA fish oil, which has a brain-preserving effect. Theres a lot of
evidence that Huperzine A (Chinese moss) helps with mild cognitive decline. Curcumin is also
very good. Vitamin D is essential. Alzheimers patients are all low in Vitamin D, and taking them
outside wont do it in the winter. DHEA has brain effects in both sexes. Melatonin is good for
the sundowning symptom of Alzheimers, in which patients become agitated in the late afternoon
through evening.

Grandma Is Now Sharp As A Tack!

Three months ago, I had a case that illustrates these points. A family brought in their 88year-old grandmother, who had been a university professor. She was confused and experiencing
memory loss and cognitive decline.
When I saw her, she was obviously overmedicated. We took her off of her unnecessary
medications. We also discovered that she had gluten sensitivity and vitamin B12 deficiencies. We
addressed all these issues, through dietary changes and a series of shots. And we recommended a
program of supplements.
Well, she has turned around dramatically. The family told me, Shes now sharp as a tack.
Weve got grandma back!
You do have to have a support system for this kind of program. I had a case of a
woman who came to me with Alzheimers. She arrived late by herself, and told me that her
granddaughter was downstairs watching the car. I said, Im not going to charge you for today,
because I cant see you alone. You need someone to be with you.
I insist on a family commitment. We see some amazing families with such cohesion. But
it does require structure and encouragement.
For instance, Alzheimers patients need to be on a Type 3 Diabetes diet. That means
giving people ultra-high protein, low carb diets with lots of fat. I recommend using coconut oil,
avocados, and full fat dairy products.
Whey protein shakes, which are a building block of glutathione, with fresh blueberry
are very good. That would be an excellent lunch for an Alzheimers patient.

And its important that Alzheimers patients reduce their sugar. Alzheimers is a
catabolic state, in which people become emaciated and lose muscle mass. Often they have taste
disturbances and crave sugar. And some medicines can make you crave sugars, too.

The Supplemental Regimen that Woke Up E.K.s Mind

On Dr. Hoffmans website, he tells the story of E.K., an Alzheimers patient treated at his
center. At age 73, E.K. developed memory lapses, crying every morning, believing her parents
were alive. She began getting lost while going out alone, and accusing family members of
stealing her things. By the time Dr. Hoffman saw her three years later, E.K. had even begun to
forget her family. She could remember her name, but almost nothing else.
Dr. Hoffman gave E.K. a series of B12 shots 3 times weekly for two weeks, then started
her on monthly injections. She was put on a gluten-free diet. And he placed her on a combined
regimen of nutritional supplements, which were faithfully administered to her by her son.
Here is E.K.s supplemental regimen:
Vitamin E 800 IU
Folate 5 mg
B6 25 mg
Vitamin C 4 gms
Inositol 12gms
DHEA 25mg
Thiamine 400 mg
Alpha-lipoic acid 2000 mg
Acetyl-L-carnitine 1000 mg
DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) 1000 mg
Ginkgo Biloba extract 320 mg
NADH 10 mg
N-acetylcysteine 200 mg
Phosphatidylserine 300 mg

Dr. Hoffman reports that E.K. gradually and steadily improved to a remarkable degree. Her
family first noticed that she was calmer and her sleeping pattern had reverted to normal. She no
longer had panic attacks when left alone, and she was able to dress, bathe and eat independently.
After two years, her neurologist noted these huge improvements in an insurance report:
Patient seems to have recovered significant memory over the last two years from natural
process/or the employment of vitamin supplements in collaboration with family members.
Improvement has been seen especially in areas of ADL (Activities of Daily Living), i.e.
independence in self dressing, eating and light cooking. There is absolutely no issue about
continence. There is no evidence of sleep-wake cycle, mood changes, agitation, wandering or
other affective or personality disorders. She has reached a stable plateau in her neurological state
with no evidence of progressive deterioration. I would presently classify her as having minimal
dementia in the order of Age Related Memory Loss.

Be Optimistic and Take an Innovative Approach

As Dr. Hoffman acknowledges in his written commentary on this case, its unclear exactly
which component of this regimen produced such a positive outcome. But the essence of targeted
nutritional therapy is the synergy between diverse agents simultaneously addressing multiple
regenerative pathways. In other words, you cant know exactly what element is working, but if
the combination produces results, keep doing it.
As we close our conversation, Dr. Hoffman tells me, I believe in taking an innovative
approach. I dont think weve solved the problems yet, but we can mitigate and ameliorate the
symptoms. Weve kept people alive longer, and theyve felt happier and calmer. Theyve had time
to enjoy life and spend time with their grandchildren. Im an optimist.
Further Information:
The Hoffman Center
776 Sixth Avenue
Suite 4B
New York, New York 10001
The Center: (212)779-1744
The Store (for supplemental products): (800)456-9384
Fax: (212)779-0891
[email protected]
Dr. Hoffman has created supplemental brain-health products that you can buy through his

Chapter 9

P.S. I Love You:

Discover PS, The Essential Fatty Nutrient
That Erases 12 Years From the Brain
Before I tell you the inspiring story of how former Pentagon researcher Nita Scoggan
rescued her husband Bill from advanced Alzheimers, I want to ask a question.
Why dont more people know about the extraordinary memory-boosting powers of
phosphatidylserine (PS)?
Its been researched many times. More than 35 human studies attest to its vital role in
memory and cognitive function. 16 clinical trials have detailed PSs ability to restore memory
and ramp up learning, vocabulary, and concentration all mental activities linked to age-related
And thats not all. PS is such a blessing for the brain that it can even beat the blues. People
suffering from depression perk up with PS, and feel more engaged, happy, and sociable.
Most famously, Dr. Thomas Crook proved that PS can make the brain act 12 to 14 years
Dr. Crook was an internationally recognized memory expert who conducted extensive
research on just about every drug designed to treat Age Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI).
For fourteen years, he worked at the National Institute of Mental Health where he served as Chief
of the Geriatric Psychopharmacology Program.
And heres what he said about PS: PS is by far the best of all drugs and nutritional
supplements we have ever tested for retarding AAMI.
Consider the astounding results of a study Dr. Crook conducted at Stanford and Vanderbilt
Universities, and in his research clinics in Maryland and Arizona. 149 men and women with agerelated memory impairment were either given 300 mg of PS daily or a placebo for twelve weeks.
At regular intervals, they were assessed for learning, attention, and memory.
After just three weeks of treatment, the group taking PS scored significantly higher at key
memory skills such as remembering names and telephone numbers, memorizing paragraphs, and

locating objects like glasses and keys.

And after twelve weeks, PS had restored the ability to remember names by 14 years
and to learn and recall written information by 12 years!
So lets return to our question: Why dont more people know about PS?

No Money for Pharmaceutical Companies in PS

In a revealing 2005 interview, Dr. Crook commented, Since PS is not protected by patent,
there is little incentive for companies to fund further research when existing data can support
claims related to memory. If a pharmaceutical company had proprietary rights to PS we could do
some very interesting studies, but that is not the case.
In other words, the big money is in expensive prescription drugs that may not be as
effective and may, in fact, inflict harm.
No wonder the big companies cant patent PS: its a naturally occurring substance in your
body. PS is a phospholipid, a class of fatty nutrients that maintains healthy cell membranes and
speeds transmission of messages between brain cells.
Since PS is a naturally occurring substance in the body, its considered quite safe as a
supplement. There are no reported drug, nutritional supplement, food, or herbal interactions with
phosphatidylserine, wrote Marwan Sabbagh, M.D. in his book, The Alzheimers Answer.

PS Keeps Brain Cell Membranes Healthy and Flexible

Your body manufactures PS, but can also access it from eggs and organ meats. However,
lots of people have been scared off of eating eggs. And these days, organ meats are not exactly a
popular item in the average persons diet.
That means youve got to rely on your own internal production of PS. And as you get
older, your ability to manufacture it can often drop significantly.
Without sufficient PS, brain cell membranes grow rigid, and neurons falter in their
communication. Energy production also sputters, because PS plays a major role in fueling brain
The result? Confusion, brain fog, memory loss, depression, and mental decline.

How Phosphatidylserine Gave Bill Scoggan His Brain Back

Nita Scoggan was desperate. After four years on Aricept, her beloved husband Bill was
rapidly sliding downhill into advanced Alzheimers.

He couldnt dress himself. He had no idea where the bathroom or kitchen was in his own
house. He didnt want to get out of bed. In fact, he could barely speak.
But Nita just knew that somewhere inside this passive shell of a man was the brilliant
dynamo she had married. During a long, successful career in Washington, D.C., Bill Scoggan had
held high-level jobs at the Pentagon, with responsibility for over 100 employees.
And yet, here he was, helpless as a child, unable to even feed himself. Worse yet, he was
becoming increasingly aggressive and potentially violent.
The doctors told Nita to send him to a nursing home and prepare herself for his imminent
death. But Nita, guided by her religious faith, refused to give up on Bill. Determined to use the
skills shed honed as a Pentagon researcher, she delved into reading everything she could about
In 2003, she stumbled upon PS in her investigations, and decided to give it a try.
Encouraged by European studies that showed PSs benefits for patients with severe dementia,
Nita began giving Bill 100 mgs of PS, three times a day for a month.
And then she began to track his behavior. The first month, she didnt see any real
change. But at the beginning of the second month, a small incident occurred that jolted her with
excitement and hope.
She said to Bill, Honey, Im going to get the cereal. And Bill responded, Ill get the
bowl. And then he stood up and got it!
He was talking; he was moving; he was aware of what was going on and he knew where to
find things!
It was stunning. And that was only the beginning. Shortly thereafter, Nita was watching
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire on televisionand Bill began shouting out the answers!
Encouraged by Bills stirrings of life, Nita boosted his dosage of PS, eventually reaching
1,000 mg a day. And Bill continued to get betterand betterand better.

The Doctor Was Drop-Jawed at Bills Miraculous Recovery

When Nita took Bill to the Veterans Administration doctor, he was flabbergasted.
Whatever youre doing, keep it up, he said. Bill is doing great.
For a year, Nita kept Bill on both the Aricept and PS, as Bills mental functioning, strength,
and liveliness returned. Then she decided to drop the Aricept and rely on PS.
And to her delight, Bill kept steadily improving. He functioned with complete

independence; not only could he feed himself, he could also cook!

Astoundingly, he began cutting the lawn with a power mower something he hadnt been
capable of for ten years!
When Nita took Bill for his annual exam, the doctors jaw dropped. His recovery is
nothing short of a miracle, said the doctor.
And then Nita confessedShe had taken Bill off of the Aricept a full year ago. The
miracle the doctor was witnessing with his own eyes was due to the healing powers of PS.
I hope youll recommend it to your patients, Nita said.
Id lose my license if I did, the doctor replied.

Alzheimers Defeated! Daughter Wins Her Mom Back!

Today, Nita and Bill Scoggan try to get out the word about their remarkable experience
with PS. They give radio and television interviews, available on YouTube, which youll find
charming and inspiring.
And Nita has written a book called Boost Your Brain Digest, available through her website,
in which she shares her hard-won knowledge about restoring brain health.
On her website, ( Nita offers advice to families grappling with
Alzheimers. She urges patience, because you may not get instant gratification at the start of PS
Sometimes, you can see greater energy and enhanced function within days or a couple of
weeks. But often, it takes a few months for enough PS to accumulate within the brain to stimulate
a noticeable improvement. And the more advanced the Alzheimers, the longer it may take for the
improvement to kick in.
Getting a sufficient dosage to spark recovery can also make the difference.
On Nitas website, she features a letter written to her, under the stirring headline:
Alzheimers Defeated! Daughter Wins Her Mom Back! In it, a daughter writes about seeing
Nita and Bill on television, and deciding to try PS supplementation on her mother, who had
grown confused and hostile.
She began giving her mother 100 mg of PS a day, but her mother continued to deteriorate.
Then she read Nitas book, and decided to increase the PS to 1000 mg a day. But even with the
much greater dose, her mother showed no improvement.


Desperate, she raised her mothers PS dosage to 1600 mgs a day, and kept on, hoping
against hope, for three months. And that turned the tide!
Her mothers memory came back, her appetite increased, and she started engaging in
In June, the daughter lowered the dose to 1200 mg a day, as her mothers improvement
continued. In October, she lowered it to 900 mg daily, and in December, she decreased it to 600
mg a day.
And her mother got better every step of the way!
She is alert and aware of her surroundings. Mom has started doing things for herself
brushing her teeth, feeding herself, saying her prayers, putting her gloves on. She knows her
birthday again. She will soon begin physical therapy. I will continue to give her 600-900mg of PS
daily in her applesauce, I know Mom will keep on improving.

So Whats the Right Dosage of PS?

Dr. Ronald Hoffmans regimen for Alzheimers includes 300 mg of PS daily. Nita Scoggan
recommends 300 mg as the minimum amount. Higher doses may be called for if the progression
of the disease is advanced.
Nita recommends soft gel caps, which are available in the chain store GNC. As a practical
matter, she suggests that if the patient has trouble swallowing, you can open the soft gels and stir
the contents into food or put it in a milk shake.
And heres her most important advice of all: Be encouraged! Dont give up!

Nita Scoggans website:
Whole Foods Magazine
Phosphatidylserine and the Memory Cure
An Interview with Thomas H. Crook III, Ph.D.
by Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D.
September, 2005


The Better Brain Book

David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN and Carol Colman
Riverhead Books, 2004
The Alzheimers Answer
Marwan Sabbagh, M.D.
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
The Alzheimers Prevention Plan
Patrick Holford with Shane Heaton and Deborah Colson
Piatkus Books, 2005


Chapter 10

Huperzine A, the Plant Extract the Chinese

use to treat Alzheimers
Whats the most widely used treatment for Alzheimers in China? If you guessed
huperzine A, youve obviously been cracking open the latest issues of Cell Biochemistry and
Huperzine A is a health-giving, alkaloid compound extracted from the legendary Chinese
moss plant (Huperzia serrata). For thousands of years, the Chinese have treasured huperzine A
for its gentle healing of fever and inflammation.
And now, inspired by eye-popping clinical studies in China, leading American research
labs are probing its astonishing potential to remedy Alzheimers.

Works Like Aricept, but Better!

What particularly intrigues me is that huperzine A appears to work in strikingly similar
fashion to many standard Alzheimers prescription medications: Aricept (donepezil), Exelon
(rivastigmine), Razadyne (galantamine), and Cognex (tacrine).
But the good news is that huperzine A may work better, safer and longer, with fewer, if
any, side effects.
Compared to the medication tacrine, huperzine A appears to cross the blood-brain
barrier more readily, remain effective longer, and have less potential for the development
of drug tolerance and liver toxicity, wrote Dr. Rallie McAllister, a board-certified family
physician and author.
Dr. McAllister also noted that patients with Alzheimers and dementia who take daily
supplements of huperzine A experience significant gains in terms of mood, memory, behavior,
overall clinical status and quality of life.
Patients dont just think better; they also feel better and enjoy increased mobility.
So how does huperzine A work? Well, it turns out that both huperzine A and the standard
prescription drugs mentioned above are acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors. They work by
suppressing the enzyme AChE, a major villain in the Alzheimers drama.

The nastily destructive AChE breaks down acetylcholine, a vitally needed chemical
messenger in the brain. Acetylcholine allows your brain to perform its normal functions of
learning, thinking and memory.
If youve got Alzheimers, chances are good that acetylcholine-producing neurons in
your brain have been damaged or killed off, and that youre running seriously short of enough
acetylcholine for healthy brain function.
By taking huperzine A, you can help stomp out the destructive enzyme AChE, so it doesnt
destroy the scant supply of acetylcholine that youve got left.

The Chinese Studies That Excited American Scientists

Starting in the 1980s, Chinese scientists discovered that huperzine A substantially improves
memory and cognitive function in patients with Alzheimers and other forms of dementia.
Excited by this new use of a millennia-old remedy, they began conducting a series of major
studies on huperzine As effect on the brain.
In 2002, a Chinese research team randomly divided 202 Alzheimers patients into two
groups. One set took huperzine A 400 micro g/day for 12 weeks; the other ingested a placebo.
Incredibly, 59% of the huperzine A group showed notable improvement in behavior and mood,
and raised their cognitive scores by 4.6 points!
And in 2008, a research team at Chinas Sichuan University reviewed the results of six
clinical trials of a total of 454 Alzheimers patients. Once again, by significant margins, huperzine
A stimulated improvements in memory and cognitive function.
More recently, in 2011, Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics published the results of a new
double-blind, placebo-controlled study in China that examined the effect of huperzine A in
patients with mild to moderate vascular dementia.
Patients who took daily supplements of huperzine A for 12 weeks showed big boosts in
their cognitive scores and in their abilities to perform activities of daily living, compared with
those taking a placebo of vitamin C.

The Natural Way to Fight Brain Plaque and Protect Nerve Cells
Huperzine A has quite a few other superhero powers.
Its a terrific antioxidant, fighting back against oxidative stress caused by free radicals
in the brain. Alzheimers is associated with increased oxidation of lipid, protein and DNA

Thats why its potentially hugely important news that a Chinese clinical study showed that
patients taking huperzine A experienced major reductions in blood markers of oxidative stress.
It protects against the death of nerve cells in the brain that are linked to Alzheimers.
This nerve damage is spurred by abnormal activity of glutamate, a neurotransmitter that can
incite neurons to fire out of control.
Are you taking Namenda, a commonly prescribed drug for Alzheimers? Namenda is the
brand name of memantine, one of a class of drugs that performs this same function of protecting
nerve cells from out-of-control glutamate. These drugs are known as NMDA receptor antagonists.
Unfortunately, memantine was just found to be ineffective for mild Alzheimers. And its
list of possible side effects is downright bloodcurdling: extreme tiredness, dizziness, confusion,
back pain, headache, vomiting, shortness of breath and hallucination!
The day may be coming when huperzine A is widely acknowledged as getting the job done
in a gentler, safer, more effective way than memantine.
Huperzine A wards off brain plaque damage. One of the defining characteristics of
Alzheimers is sticky plaques. Made of beta-amyloid protein, they form on blood vessels and
nerve cells in the brain. A huge benefit to Alzheimers patients could be huperzine As protective
properties against beta-amyloid.

Focus, Memory, Concentration and More

XEL Pharmaceuticals is developing a once-a-week huperzine A patch, which they
say will promote better absorption and more reliable blood levels. Their commitment to this
product stems from their studies of huperzine As abundant health benefits, which they list as the
What are the Benefits of Huperzine A?
Treatment of Alzheimers Disease
Treatment of vascular dementia
Treatment of cognitive and memory impairment
Learning and memory retention
Improved focus and concentration
Improved nerve transmission to muscles
Powerful and reversible long-term inhibitor of AChE activity in the brain

Dementia resulting from strokes and senile or presenile dementia

Improved clinical picture for patients with myasthenia gravis
Improved short-term and long-term memory in patients with cerebral arteriosclerosis
(hardening of arteries in the brain)
Alleviation of symptoms related to glaucoma
Prevention of organophosphate pesticide toxicity
Prevention of nerve gas toxicity

Breakthrough at Yale Could Change Medical History

Leading American research labs have taken note of the Chinese studies on huperzine A,
and are enthusiastically delving into research, too.
Dr. Paul Aisen, professor of neurology at Georgetown University Medical Centers
Memory Disorders Program, designed a major study at 23 locations in 12 states, examining
huperzine As impact on Alzheimers.
Dr. Paul Aisen said, Based on studies in China, huperzine A may be more effective and
better tolerated than currently prescribed drugs for Alzheimers disease. In addition, laboratory
studies suggest that huperzine A may have unique effects that could slow down the progression of
the disease trial is essential to better understand the promise of huperzine A.
And now, theres news of a gigantic breakthrough at Yale University.
Extracting huperzine A from the Chinese moss plant has always been a painfully slow,
difficult business.
But Dr. Seth Herzon led a research team that has devised a completely new method of
creating huperzine A that is quick and cost-effective. He published his findings in the August 25,
2011 issue of the journal Chemical Science.
Being able to synthesize large amounts of huperzine A in the lab is crucial because the
plant itself, which has been used in Chinese folk medicine for centuries, takes decades to grow
and is nearing extinction due to overharvesting, said Dr. Seth Herzon.
Dr. Herzons team created an eight-step procedure to process huperzine A that has the
potential to drive down the cost from $1,000 per milligram to just 50 cents.
The U.S. Army is backing Dr. Herzons research, because theyre interested in its apparent
capacity to counter chemical warfare agents, without side effects.

Dr. Herzon is working on producing huperzine A on an industrial scale and bringing its
healing to legions of Alzheimers sufferers. He notes that huperzine A works similarly to current
prescription medications for Alzheimers, but it binds better, lasts longer and is more easily
We believe huperzine A has the potential to treat a range of neurologic disorders more
effectively than the current options available, Herzon said. And we now have a route to
huperzine A that rivals natures pathway.

Dosage and Caveats for Taking Huperzine A

Huperzine A hasnt yet penetrated mainstream medicine. Most doctors happily write a
prescription for Aricept, or another standard AChE inhibitor, without giving a single thought to
huperzine A, even though it may perform the same function better and more safely.
But a lot of natural-minded doctors know about huperzine A and recommend it to their
Alzheimers patients. Among them is Dr. Ronald Hoffman, who told me that he considers it wellstudied for its improvements on mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimers.
Dr. Hoffman makes a formula that includes huperzine A called Advanced Brain Sharp,
which you can buy on his website ( Huperzine A can also be purchased
According to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the recommended daily dose is 100 to
200 micrograms twice a day for age-related memory loss. They advise that you use it only under
a doctors supervision.
Occasionally, huperzine A causes mild side effects like dizziness, nausea and diarrhea,
which usually diminish over time. Its not known to adversely affect vital signs like blood
pressure or pulse.
But if youre taking prescription AChE inhibitors already, like Aricept or Cognex, its not a
good idea to take huperzine A, too. No need to overdo it.
Interview with Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Your Health by Dr. Rallie McAllister
Herbal Extract May Improve Brain Function in Alzheimers Patients

Alzheimers Reading Room

Scientists Create Natural Huperzine A, Alzheimers Fighting Compound in Lab
August 26, 2011
XEL Pharmaceuticals Huperzine A Transdermal Matrix Patch
Natural Compound Huperzine A Fights Alzheimers, Made in Lab
by Deborah Mitchell
August 26, 2011
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Huperzine A
The Alzheimers Answer
Marwan Sabbagh, M.D.
John Wiley & Sons, 2008


Chapter 11

Hard-Won Wisdom from a Loving Caregiver

I was deeply moved by my talk with Joan Snow, and I think you will be, too. Joan
embodies the power of love, coupled with a fierce determination to not give up on a family
member with Alzheimers. The results may amaze you, and give you new hope for prolonging
and uplifting the lives of Alzheimers patients.
Joans 75-year-old father is now nine years into Alzheimers and his doctors are stunned at
his healthy condition. They say he should either be dead or imprisoned in a wheelchair, unable to
understand whats going on around him.
Instead, he lives by himself. He mows the lawn and fixes his own coffee. He keeps track of
his medicines. And, most important of all, he enjoys and appreciates life.
Joans devotion to her father is heartwarming. She calls him every day. She visits him often
and cooks him healthy meals. And she spends a lot of her free time on the Internet, researching
Alzheimers and learning about new supplements and remedies to help her father.
My mom was the one who took care of Dad before she died, Joan explained to me. She
worried about his memory and took him to the doctor, who diagnosed him with Alzheimers.
They put Dad on Aricept, then they switched him to Namenda. In 2007, he got on the Exelon
Of course, theres a problem with the prescription drugs for Alzheimers. If you read
through their side effects, theyre the same symptoms as Alzheimers!
Mom began researching different supplements for Dad. She got him on Juice Plus, which
is juice powder concentrates from 17 fruits, veggies and grains. She also got him on curcumin
and ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid), which he still takes.
Mom bore the brunt of the situation, because she was with him all the time. He often got
depressed and moody.
Then my mom got sick with pancreatic cancer and died in 2007. We were amazed that he
stayed so steady after losing her. They were married almost fifty years. Well, Dad just took over
her duties, doing the grocery shopping and laundry. Hed call me and say, How often do you
change the sheets? We were stunned.

I began to spend my time researching Alzheimers. I got him on Prevagen, and I started
taking it. When I start him on something, I take it myself to see if there are side effects. Hes run
out of Prevagen twice and we all noticed that he deteriorates without it.
I do the coconut oil for him. I like to make him smoothies with it. He also takes fish
oil and lithium orotate. Ive got him on Total Recall, a brain supplement by a company called
Super Good Stuff. Im wondering if I should up Dads dosage of that.
Hes also on grape seed extract, which passes the blood brain barrier. Hes on ubiquinol,
which is a form of Coenzyme Q10 thats more available to the body.
He takes Memeron, which is a natural form of galantamine. Thats derived from the
snow lily.
He also takes Cerefolin, a prescription drug for B vitamins. And hes on probiotics for
bladder issues.
I asked Joan how her father keeps track of his medications. Hes an engineer, she replied.
Very methodical in his thinking. Hes got an AM pill container and a PM pill container, and he
figured out how to keep track. We fill them up two weeks at a time.
His doctor says that after nine years of Alzheimers, he should be in a home, needing
full time care. He should not be able to recognize us. In fact, he should be reduced to saying one
Instead, he lives on his own and takes care of the house and yard by himself. I try to call
him every night, and see how hes doing. And I go over and make him some healthy meals that
he can heat up, because I know my mom would be horrified at the thought of him eating frozen
Weve just passed the four year mark for losing my mom. His neurologist is still amazed
and his test scores are about the same as they were in 2006, when he first started seeing him.
You know, he was quiet when we were growing up, and not very sentimental. But now,
hes so loving and appreciative. He hugs and kisses my sister and me all the time. He says, I dont
know what Id do without you girls. Hes a sweetheart.
We really believe that its a miracle from God that he is doing so well.
Joan is lucky to still have her father, and her father is blessed to have Joan. I believe her
commitment to his health has greatly enriched and extended his life. May they enjoy many more
precious years together!


Chapter 12

Curcumin, the Miracle Spice that Protects

Indians Brains from Alzheimers
What gives curry its beautiful orange color? The surprising answer is curcumin, a
champion protector of brain function and one of the most highly prized fighters against
Curcumin is the active compound in the popular Indian spice turmeric, a main ingredient in
many Indian dishes. Curcumins anti-inflammatory powers are legendary, and so are its fantastic
antioxidant properties.
Some researchers attribute the relative rarity of Alzheimers in India to the frequent use of
turmeric in the typical Indians diet. India has one-third the level of Alzheimers that we do, and
its probably because of curcumin, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum told me.
Many natural-minded doctors list curcumin as an essential supplement for Alzheimers,
including Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr. Ronald Hoffman.
In fact, Dr. Teitelbaum told me he considers curcumin the supreme supplement for
Alzheimers prevention. If youre going to do something for prevention, take curcumin, he
said. Its probably the premiere herb for reducing the risk of Alzheimers.
The animal studies on it are pretty dramatic, he noted. The curcumin actually melted the
tangles in the brain.
And thats just what a crew of brilliant researchers in California discovered

UCLA Scientists Prove Curcumin Breaks Up Brain Plaque

Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles made a huge breakthrough when
they fed curcumin to elderly mice: the plaques of beta-amyloid protein in the mices brains
actually disintegrated! Those plaques, of course, are the hallmarks of Alzheimers in humans.
Even better, when they added low doses of curcumin to human beta-amyloid proteins in a
test tube, the curcumin did what some experts thought was impossible. It actually prevented the
beta-amyloid proteins from combining and stopped cold the formation of damaging plaques.
Dr. Gregory Cole, the studys co-author wrote, The new findings suggest that curcumin

could be capable of both treating Alzheimers and lowering a persons risk of developing the
Even the mainstream is noticing that the ancient spice of curry may hold state-of-the-art
medicinal relief.

New York Times Applauds Curcumins Relief of Joint Pain

In October 2011, The New York Times ran an article titled The Doctors Remedy: Turmeric
for Joint Pain. It touted curcumin as a famous anti-inflammatory that relieves pain from achy
The Times reporter interviewed Dr. Minerva Santos, director of integrative medicine at
Northern Westchester Hospital, who proclaimed, I use a lot of turmeric in my practice. Its an
amazing spice.
The Times cited a recent study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine. Researchers found that curcumin was as powerful as ibuprofen in providing pain relief
and improved function in 107 people with knee osteoarthritis.
In fact, curcumin is widely studied, with hundreds of published articles that investigate its
exciting potential for cancer and its healthy effect on the cardiovascular system.
So why dont more people take curcumin?
Well, theres been a problem

If It Stays In Your Gut, It Doesnt Enter Your Bloodstream

Curcumin is notoriously hard for the body to absorb. Dr. Santos explains that in India,
people usually have pepper in their meal, which helps the curcumin enter the bloodstream.
Youd have to mix lots of pepper and curry and eat highly spicy food all day to get the
curcumin you need. And the results wouldnt be optimal, anyway.
You want curcumin thats easy to ingest, a cinch for your body to absorb, and that stays in
your bloodstream for hours as it brings constant anti-inflammatory relief to your brain.
And, according to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, that wasnt possible till now.

CuraMed Is Absorbed Up to 10 Times Better Than Plain Curcumin

Curcumin is difficult to absorb in the body, Dr. Teitelbaum said. But now theres a new
form of it called CuraMed thats made by EuroPharma. This company does very good work at

optimizing absorption.
Take one a day to prevent Alzheimers. Take two a day if you have Alzheimers. CuraMed
is in a very easily absorbed form.
Dr. Teitelbaum is so enthused about CuraMeds absorbability that he put me in touch with
Cheryl Myers, EuroPharmas Chief of Scientific Affairs and Education.
She wrote me the following letter, which I found filled with intriguing information:
Happy to help. I have attached a little info on some of the work being done using our
CuraMed BCM-95 curcumin in the field of Alzheimers. The abstract attached is on a 6-month
study of AD patients examining serum markers of beta-amyloid destruction.It did not examine
cognition or behavior. At Edith Cowen University, there is a study under way by Dr. Ralph
Martins, a very prestigious AD researcher, that does look at cognition. He is comparing our
BCM-95 curcumin to placebo in early stages of dementia to see if it will slow the progression of
the disease, which is the expected outcome.
We are fortunate to participate in research such as this. The reason they choose to use
our form of curcumin is because it is absorbed -- up to 10 times better than plain curcumin.
That means they can give 2 or 3 capsules a day instead of 20 or 30. Also, it is maintained in
a therapeutic range above 100 ng/g in the blood stream for 8 hours or more. Other forms of
curcumineven those with enhanced absorptiontend to shoot up and then down again, with
levels above this mark lasting only 45 minutes to 2 hours. Lastly, our BCM-95 curcumin is not
extracted with harsh solvents. We use only derivatives of alcohol and acetic acid (vinegar) to
pull the curcumin from the turmeric rhizome. As the demand for and price of curcumin escalates,
companies are starting to use class one (the most dangerous kind) petroleum-based solvents to try
to extract curcumin from even poor quality turmeric. The residual of some of these solvents are
neurotoxic. Our product has been shown to be safe and non-toxic, even at higher doses, in human
I think you can tell I am pretty fond of our curcumin. I believe it is perhaps the most
important plant medicinal under investigation today and can help so many people who have
chronic illness, whether it is AD, or cancer, or arthritis, or heart diseasethe list goes on.
Before I started working in the world of natural medicine, I worked a great deal with
patients suffering from dementiausually AD. I taught a course on differentiating dementias and
dementia care at Tri-State University in Indiana, and served as secretary of the governors older
adults protective services team. I have seen first-hand the emotional pain and disability caused by
this disease, so I have a special incentive to help people disseminate good information on how to
best help these patients.

Best wishes,
Cheryl Myers
Chief of Scientific Affairs and Education
EuroPharma, Inc.
I was impressed with the credentials of Dr. Ralph Martins, whos conducting studies
with CuraMed. Based in Australia, Dr. Martins is a longtime researcher into Alzheimers, and a
pioneer in isolating the beta-amyloid protein that forms the characteristic plaque deposits in the
Alzheimers brain.
Dr. Martins observed that clinical work with curcumin has required very high dosing in
past studies, because of its absorption problems.
I chose BCM-95 curcumin (CuraMed) for this human study because it has published
bioavailability data. Therefore, I can use a reasonable amount and expect that the serum levels
will achieve a therapeutic range for a significant period of time, Dr. Martins wrote.

Take Vitamin D3 with Curcumin to Enhance Alzheimers Protection

Dr. Milan Fiala of UCLA has discovered how to get even more Alzheimers-fighting
capacity from curcumin: use it with Vitamin D3. His research revealed that taking Vitamin D3
with curcumin empowers the bodys clean up crew to more efficiently remove the dangerous
amyloid-beta protein from the brain.
Vitamin D3 and curcumin offer new treatment possibilities for Alzheimers, said Dr.
The best way to get Vitamin D3 is to walk in the sun. Twenty minutes of striding outside
in the natural sunshine is good for the heart, the soul, and the brain. But when the biting January
winds blow, you can stay cozy indoors, eating Vitamin D3-rich cold-water fish (make sure you
purchase a brand thats mercury-free), eggs and yogurt. You can also take a capsule supplement
of Vitamin D3. For people over 50, the recommended dose is 10 mcg.

A Caution About Taking Curcumin if Youre on Blood Thinners

If youre on a blood thinner like warfarin or Plavix, dont take curcumin without first
consulting your doctor (hopefully, one whos receptive to nutritional medicine). Curcumin is a
blood thinner itself. So are a number of other safe, proven supplements including proteolytic
enzymes. Very likely a nutritional doctor can transition you from pharmaceutical blood thinners
to natural ones like curcumin.


But in any event, because of curcumins blood-thinning attributes, dont take it for at least
two weeks before scheduled surgery.
Also, according to a recent New York Times article on turmeric and curcumin, its advisable
to steer clear of curcumin if youve got gallstones or problems with your gallbladder.

Interview with Dr. Teitelbaum; letter from Cheryl Myers
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Curcumin Inhibits Formation of Amyloid Oligomers and Fibrils, Binds Plaques, and
Reduces Amyloid in Vivo
Fusheng Yang, Giselle P. Lim, Aynun N. Begun, Oliver J. Ubeda, Mychica R. Simmons,
Surendra S. Ambegaokar, Pingping P. Chen, Rakez Kayed, Charles G. Glabe, Sally A.
Frautschy, Gregory M. Cole
December 7, 2004
The New York Times
The Doctors Remedy: Turmeric for Joint Pain
by Anahad OConnor
October 19, 2011
Natural Health Dossier
Natures Simple Combination to Prevent Alzheimers
August 12, 2011
EuroPharma CuraMed
The Alzheimers Prevention Plan
Patrick Holford with Shane Heaton and Deborah Colson
Piatkus Books, 2005


Chapter 13

Meet Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum:

The Alzheimers Just Goes Away
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., has a remarkable story to tell. As a young medical student,
he developed chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia and had to drop out of school. Eventually,
he recovered enough to finish his studies and become a board-certified internist. In the ensuing
35 years, hes dedicated his career to developing effective treatment for fibromyalgia and other
debilitating diseases.
Dr. Teitelbaum is the Medical Director of the national Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers
and the author of the bestselling books From Fatigued to Fantastic!, Pain Free 1-2-3, Beat Sugar
Addiction NOW!, and his most recent book, Real Cause, Real Cure.
A frequent guest on Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show and other television
shows, Dr. Teitelbaum lectures to patient, physician and research groups internationally. He is the
lead author of groundbreaking gold standard research on effective treatment for chronic fatigue
syndrome and fibromyalgia.
When Dr. Teitelbaum called me from his home in Hawaii to share his insights on
Alzheimers, I was quite startled by his uncompromising candor.
I was also intrigued by his pared-down approach to reversing Alzheimers. Unlike some
of the other doctors I interviewed, Dr. T places a premium on keeping things as simple as
possible. For him, less is more, as far as supplements are concerned.
So brace yourself for some genuine shockers

STUNNER: Half of People Diagnosed with Alzheimers Dont Have It!

The majority of people diagnosed with Alzheimers dont have it, Dr. Teitelbaum said
bluntly. They have other problems that were missed. And those problems could have been
Remember, the only way to diagnose Alzheimers is with an autopsy. And a recent study
of 426 autopsied brains in Hawaii showed about half of those diagnosed with Alzheimers didnt
have it. They lacked the toxic clumps and protein tangles that are the hallmarks of Alzheimers.


Dementia can have lots of different causes and many of them are treatable. If you have
low thyroid, vitamin deficiencies, low testosterone, poor sleep or depression, any of those can
cause dementia. Even dehydration can cause dementia!
The problem is that most doctors dont have time to do a thorough evaluation for
underlying causes. That would take about thirty to sixty minutes, and Medicare pays poorly for
visits over five minutes.
So what typically happens is that a family member is confused and gets taken to the
doctor. Then, its a matter of Round up the usual suspects. Grandmas got Alzheimers. Heres a
prescription. But the prescription is hopelessly inadequate.
Even if they do have Alzheimers, you can do things that improve their brain function
by that crucial five or ten percent. Thats the difference between being independent or living in a
nursing home. Thats the difference between driving or not, and knowing who your kids are.

How To Tune Up Your Brain

I tell people with Alzheimers, lets give your brain a tune-up. When was the last time
that you were functioning well? When were you driving and living on your own? Two years ago?
Fine. Lets take you back to where you were two years ago.
So how do you do a brain tune-up? Well, first, you optimize nutritional support. Its easy
to give a really good multi-vitamin. I formulated a powder called Energy Revitalization System
thats the equivalent of 35 pills in one drink. You take a scoop of the powder and add it to water. I
recommend it for everyone over age 15. It also helps with diabetes and heart disease.
Once they have the nutritional support they need, people start to feel a whole lot better on
many levels. Now some people may experience loose stools from a powder. If they do, they can
take a tablet multi-vitamin, instead. I recommend a brand called My Favorite Multiple.
Ill note that if they take Coumadin [a blood thinner], they cant take these multivitamins or ANY supplement without their physicians approval, so their blood test can be
rechecked. For other medications, the interactions are generally not significant.
Now for Alzheimers patients or patients experiencing cognitive difficulties, Id add
one or two things to the multi-vitamin. A good fish oil is important. Thats because the brain is
made of DHA, the oil found in fish oil. A good choice is Vectomega Oil, a new Omega 3 source
that comes from salmon brains (and fish is called brain food for a reason!). Its farmed from the
fjords in Northern Europe, so you dont have mercury issues. And if you have hidden depression
present, the fish oil can help with that, too. All it takes is 1-2 Vectomega a day, instead of 8-16
caps of most fish oils.

I like to keep things simple. I dont like people taking handfuls of pills all day. Make it
Id also add a third thing, which is optional. Its ribose, a health energy sugar. Theres a
brand called Corvalen. Take a 5 gm scoop of it and add it to the vitamin powder every morning.
And then theres an herb thats probably the premiere herb for Alzheimers prevention
turmeric or curcumin. The animal studies are pretty dramatic it actually melted the brain
Its difficult to absorb into the body, though. But now theres a new form of it called
CuraMed. Its from a company called EuroPharma that does good work at optimizing
absorption. Take two a day if you have Alzheimers; one a day to prevent Alzheimers.

What to Eat
Now lets turn to the issue of diet. First, its important to stay hydrated with water, not
with sodas.
And you should avoid excess sugar. Youll have more energy to shop and cook, and youll
experience fewer cravings without the sugar. Once you feel better and your brain works better,
your junk food cravings will decrease.
So go with a high protein diet. Eat whole foods. That means fruits, veggies, whole
grains, lean meats, and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herring.
If convenient, its preferable to choose lean meat without hormones or antibiotics. But I
dont like to tell somebody who can barely button their blouse that they have to shop around for
items that may be hard to find.
Now, this first phase of getting the nutritional support in place can take two or three
weeks. You usually see the beginnings of improvement by then. And six weeks should be a fair
trial of how its working.

Take A Holiday From Over-Medication

Meanwhile, Id be making arrangements with a doctor to try the next big picture item:
seeing what medications the doctor can wean them off of. Which medications can they take a
break from for a week to see if theres a side effect? Even just four or five days can help, to see if
its a drug thats causing confusion.
When people get off of all these drugs, the results can be dramatic. People find their
Alzheimers goes away! Many elderly are on a mix of 10-15 medications! If you and I were on

all these drugs, wed be cross-eyed. The cops would be pulling us over for DUI.
For instance, pain or depression medicines can cause brain fog, especially when youre
combining them. It may be possible to see remarkable things when youre weaned off of many
Now your doctor may not want to do this. Its easy to write a new prescription; it takes 30
seconds. It takes much more time (and risk to the doctor) to stop a medication. And even if your
regular doctor is well-meaning, this approach does take a lot more time, and the average doctor
has four to six minutes per visit.
So what should you do if your doctor has his head shoved up his rear? Go see another
doctor! Get a good holistic doctor who will take the time to see whats going on with your
medicines and whos willing to help you wean off of those you may no longer need.
To find a holistic doctor, you can go to

Experience the Healing Power of a Good Nights Sleep

Now the next order of business is sleep. Are they getting less than seven hours a night?
Being sleep-deprived contributes to confusion and loss of mental function.
I suggest simple herbs. Take magnesium at bedtime, 200 to 400 mg. Some people get the
runs from it. If you do, you can get sustained released magnesium from Jigsaw Health.
If you need more help falling asleep, try melatonin, 1 mg at bedtime.
And if you still need something else, theres an herbal mix called the Revitalizing Sleep
Formula by Enzymatic Therapy. Take 1 4 capsules at bedtime.
The herbal mix contains valerian. About 5% of people get energized by valerian. If youre
one of them, dont take it. Do something else. Otherwise, this herbal mix is outstanding for most
without the risk of falling and confusion caused by too many sleeping pills.
And avoid excessive caffeine. Do all these things, and you should be getting eight hours
of sleep.

Take A Walk In The Sun

Now youre well rested from sleep. Youve got good nutritional support and youre not
being over-medicated.
You should have more energy. Go take a walk outside. Exercise and sunlight are good for

The advice to avoid sunshine is insane! It increases the risk of falling and osteoporosis.
Get out there and walk. The proper advice is to avoid sunburn.

Look for Hidden Infections and Hormonal Imbalance

The next step is to look for hidden infections, especially of the bladder. Bladder infections
are very common, and not all of them are symptomatic.
Most bladder infections are caused by E. coli. You can knock it out with a supplement
called D-Mannose. Its a simple sugar that occurs naturally in many plants, and doesnt interfere
with blood sugar regulation.
Chronic sinusitis may also be a factor. Look for that. Is there yeast overgrowth that may
be reflecting as increased gas or frequent clearing of the throat? All of these problems can have an
effect on mental function, too.
Then, you should optimize hormones. Its reasonable to try a trial of Armour Thyroid
in most people with unexplained chronic confusion to see if it helps. A recent study showed that
even a low normal thyroid hormone in women was associated with more than a doubled risk of
developing dementia!
If youve got risk factors for heart disease, the doctor should start with a low dose of
Armour and work up slowly.
In men, if the total testosterone is under 400, I would give a low dose of bio-identical
testosterone cream to bring the total testosterone level to 600 800. Use about 25 to 50 mgs of
the cream. Its topical; just put it on the skin.

Search for Depression and Mini-Strokes

Now lets talk about depression. Apathy, lack of interest, anger all of these can mimic
Alzheimers. Depression usually has an underlying cause. So make sure that theyre not
depressed, and if they are, treat it.
Id also suggest considering a trial of 1 buffered aspirin a day. Many people are having
mini-strokes, which get misdiagnosed as Alzheimers. The hallmark of mini-strokes is a step-wise
loss of function. A family member may say, Gee, last week they took a big drop. Alzheimers is
more gradual. The aspirin can help prevent these mini-strokes. It often improves function, too.
If their stomachs are sensitive to aspirin, Id suggest willow bark, 120 mg. Its found in
health food stores. But go with the aspirin, if you can.


The Brain-Restoring Supplement that Stops Alzheimers in its Tracks!

And they may want to try Rember, a new product that has stopped Alzheimers in its
tracks, in some cases. Its been shown to be much more effective than Aricept.
Rember is simply old-fashioned methylene blue, which is old as dirt. Its also cheap and
non-patentable, so its not out there making billions.
As a prescription, Rember wont be available for several years. But you can get it from a
compounding pharmacist, if ordered by a holistic physician.

Alzheimers and Senility Are Reversible

The fact is that Alzheimers affects almost five million Americans. And with an aging
population, drug companies believe theres big money to be made in this area. So theres heavy
advertising being done for Aricept, which the research suggests has only minimal benefit.
As weve been discussing, its tragic that so many elderly folks get a label of dementia
slapped on them and a prescription for Aricept at the first sign of confusion. Most doctors do only
a cursory look for other causes, at best.
In addition to the personal tragedy, the financial costs of this approach are overwhelming.
It costs $70,000 to $174,000 to care for someone with Alzheimers over a lifetime. The global
costs for care are $248 billion yearly.
Its just crazy to not aggressively look for and treat simple reversible problems that can
cause or aggravate dementia.

Further Information:
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaums website:
Dr. Teitelbaums website provides information on health conditions from A-Z, as does his
free iPhone and Android App Cures A-Z.
Dr. Teitelbaum offers several supplements for sale on his website.


Chapter 14

Which Fish Oil Works Best?

Fish oil may be the universal supplement. Almost every natural-minded doctor I spoke
to recommends it for brain health. In fact, just as I was writing this, a new study popped on my
Rhode Island Hospital study identifies fish oils impact on cognition and brain structure
PROVIDENCE, R.I. Researchers at Rhode Island Hospitals Alzheimers Disease and
Memory Disorders Center have found positive associations between fish oil supplements and
cognitive functioning as well as differences in brain structure between users and non-users of
fish oil supplements. The findings suggest possible benefits of fish oil supplements on brain
health and aging. The results were reported at the recent International Conference on Alzheimers
Disease, in Paris, France.
The study was led by Lori Daiello, Pharm.D, a research scientist at the Rhode Island
Hospital Alzheimers Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Data for the analyses was obtained
from the Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), a large multi-center, NIHfunded study that followed older adults with normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and
Alzheimers Disease for over three years with periodic memory testing and brain MRIs.
Daiello says, In the imaging analyses for the entire study population, we found a
significant positive association between fish oil supplement use and average brain volumes in
two critical areas utilized in memory and thinking (cerebral cortex and hippocampus), as well as
smaller brain ventricular volumes compared to non-users at any given time in the study. In other
words, fish oil use was associated with less brain shrinkage in patients taking these supplements
during the ADNI study compared to those who didnt report using them.
Less brain shrinkage is surely a very good thing!
Now its quite possible that youre already taking fish oil. After all, its one of the most
popular supplements, and its benefits for the heart are widely hailed. But which fish oil should
you take?
I asked the doctors I interviewed for their views on this raging controversy. Heres some
expert advice to help you navigate your way through the fish oil maze.


Vectomega A Major Breakthrough in Fish Oil and Omega-3 Science

Surprisingly, the best fish oil may not be an oil, at all. Instead, it could be Vectomega, an
Omega-3 phospholipid complex derived from salmon heads.
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum is a big believer in Vectomega, a new product developed in France
that draws on some very old folk wisdom.
Fish heads were considered the best in my old eastern European family, Dr. Teitelbaum
told me. Its an old wives tale. Well, Vectomega comes from salmon brains, and it turns out
grandma was right. She called fish heads brain food for a reason. The brain is made of DHA, the
same substance as found in fish oil.
In 2001, the French government asked researchers to investigate potential uses for salmon.
This research project gave rise to the Vectorization process that produces Vectomega.
Vectomega is farmed from salmon in deep water fjords in Europe, and processed for
maximum purity and bioavailability.
In fact, studies show its absorbed up to 50 times better than traditional fish oils!

Pure, Bioidentical and Money-Saving!

Dr. Teitelbaum explained his thoughts on the necessity of fish oil, and why he regards
Vectomega as significantly superior to normal fish oils.
If you suffer from depression, poor memory or a number of other conditions, theres a
good chance that you suffer from Omega-3 deficiency and would benefit from adding fish oil to
your diet.
With most of the brain being made of fish oil (as DHA), its not surprising that consuming
fish oil has been shown to reduce existing depression and help with postpartum depression,
ADHD, bipolar illness and even schizophrenia. Even in healthy people, supplementing with
fish oil decreases anger and anxiety and increases vigor while also improving various types of
attention, cognitive and physiological functions including overall mood.
Vectomega is so much more effective than normal fish oil that the manufacturers
recommended dose for healthy people is just one tablet per day!
Vectomega delivers bioidentical EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic
acid) bound to its natural carrier, called phospholipids, for absorption that is out of this world. A
single tablet can have the same effect as 12 standard fish oil gelcaps.
Heres how they do it:

Most fish oils are extracted from small, cold-water fish, including sardines, anchovies,
herring, and other mixed fish. But then the fish undergo a lot of processing. The cooling and
pressing steps, for example, bring the raw material close to boiling and coagulate the naturallyoccurring proteins in the fish. This creates its own problems, as it requires large quantities of
solvents (hexane and methanol to name two of them), and the need to reprocess the toxic waste
that this method generates.
But this heat method also alters the position of the fatty acids.
Vectomega uses a gentle, cold water and enzyme process called vectorization to extract
naturally occurring marine phospholipids along with the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. With
vectorization, omega-3 fatty acids are retained in their natural position, making them absolutely
identical to the omega-3 fatty acids in the human brain. This perfect match allows the body to
absorb and use the fatty acids much more efficiently
Ive switched all my patients previously on fish oil to the new Vectomega form. Its pure,
bioidentical, saves them money and at only 1-2 tablets a day is as effective as 10-12 regular fish
oil gelcaps.
Dr. Teitelbaum recommended a number of products to me, which Ive written about
here, including Vectomega, CuraMed (curcumin) and the multi-vitamin powder, Energy
Revitalization System. I asked him if he is affiliated with the manufacturing companies.
He asked me to note, Though Dr. Teitelbaum serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of
several companies, and helps them design products (including some of the ones mentioned here),
he takes no money from any supplement or pharmaceutical companies, with his royalties going to

Krill Oil Versus Vectomega?

I was curious about how Vectomega stacked up against krill oil, which in recent years has
become wildly popular. In fact, according to Nutrition Business Journal, sales of krill oil are
skyrocketing so high that theyre outpacing fish oil in percentage of growth.
Health enthusiasts are embracing krill oil because its a better bet for delivering Omega-3
fatty acids. Krill oil carries its Omega-3s through phospholipids, which are easier to absorb than
fish oils triglycerides.
But it turns out that Vectomega offers the same great deal as krill oil, carrying its Omega3s in a stream of phospholipids, too. According to its manufacturer, Vectomega is the first fish
source Omega-3 fatty acid thats delivered by phospholipids. And Vectomega enhances the
absorption of Omega-3 fatty acids up to 50-fold over fish oil!

Here are 3 more advantages of Vectomega over krill oil:

Vectomega is processed without heat, chemicals or solvents. Its extraction process uses
only enzymes and a cold water flush to produce Vectomega from salmon.Krill oils
extraction process can involve heat, chemicals and solvents.
Unlike both fish and krill oil, Vectomega is not an oil. Therefore, its chemically stable and
not prone to going rancid.
Krill fishing is now banned off the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington, because
of possible environmental concerns. In May, 2010, Whole Foods announced it was
withdrawing krill oil from its stores, stating, Krill are an important source of food for
marine animals including penguins, seals, and whales in the Antarctic. Declines of some
predator populations in the areas where the krill fishery operates suggest that fishery
management needs to better understand how to evaluate the prey requirements of other
marine species in order to set sustainable catch levels for krill.
It seems that Vectomega more than holds its own against krill oil.

Microalgae Oil Delivers High DHA

Interestingly, the other fish oil that came highly recommended is also not a fish oil,
technically speaking. Dr. Eric Udell of Naturopathic Health Associates in Arizona recommends
microalgae oil for Alzheimers patients.
Microalgae oil is produced by little plankton that little fish eat, explained Dr. Udell.
Its particularly high in DHA and has other health benefits. A study of those taking Aricept and
microalgae oil found that those taking both did better.
In fact, the way that fish obtain their Omega-3s is by eating microalgae. When you
consume microalgae oil, you eliminate the middleman, so to speak. Youre getting your DHA
straight from the source, without the dilution of it passing through a fish.
Many people have a big concern about toxins in fish, such as mercury, which could
get passed to them through fish oil. When you take microalgae oil, you dont have to worry
about consuming the contaminants found in free roaming fish. Thats because microalgae oil is
extracted from cultured microalgae, so its free from contaminants.
Of course, you want to get as much DHA as possible from your fish oil. So its interesting
to note that one manufacturer of microalgae oil claims that it provides 250% more DHA per unit
than fish oil!
They also promise another big, health-boosting benefit from microalgae oil. Apparently, it

contains the optimum balance of DHA to EPA, the two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil.
Its relevant to note that a 2007 study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles
found that supplements of DHA can reduce levels of an enzyme linked to Alzheimers.
The researchers, who published their work in The Journal of Neuroscience, also found
that DHA encouraged the production of a protein that fights off brain plaque associated with
Alzheimers. DHA, they wrote, may play an important role in preventing LOAD (late-onset
Alzheimers disease).
Microalgae oils high DHA content could make it a highly attractive choice for your
Alzheimers tool kit.
Interviews with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and Dr. Eric Udell
Dr. Teitelbaums website
Vectomega Omega-3 Extract From Salmon Superior to Fish and Krill Oil
April 26, 2011
LifeSpan News
Rhode Island Hospital Study Identifies Fish Oils Impact on Cognition and Brain Structure
August 17, 2011
Benefits of Microalgae Oil
Late-onset Alzheimers slowed by DHA omega-3
Stephen Daniells
January 25, 2008


Chapter 15

Take Coenzyme Q10 for Dementia;

Then Ride a Motorcycle!
Co-Q10 is one of the absolutely essential brain supplements. Almost every doctor I spoke
to recommended taking it to combat Alzheimers.
You may already be taking Co-Q10 for your heart, because its phenomenal cardiovascular
effects are quite well-known. But did you realize its brain-boosting abilities may be even more
Heres why.

Discover the Spark Plug for Your Brain Cells

Imagine Co-Q10 as a spark plug for your cells. Like a spark plug that starts a car engine,
Co-Q10 ignites energy in every cell in your body.
Specifically, it enables the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an essential carrier
of cellular energy. Ninety-five percent of your bodys energy is generated from ATP! Amazingly,
ATP is the main energy source for every organism in the world, from the lowliest bacteria to
When youre young and healthy, Co-Q10 is found in abundance in your brain. After all,
your brain is the most metabolically active organ, so it craves a constant supply of Co-Q10 to stay
at peak energy.
But, as you grow older, getting enough Co-Q10 may be tricky. Low Co-Q10 levels are all
too common in the elderly, dragging down cognitive speed and impairing memory, concentration
and clarity.

CoQ10 Protects Your Brain from Free Radical Damage

And Co-Q10 does much more than energize your brain with ATP production; it also acts
as a superior antioxidant. Without enough Co-Q10, your brain is at serious risk for damage from
free radicals.
These unstable molecules are relentless in sabotaging cellular structure. They target brain

cells in the hippocampus, where Alzheimers starts, causing them to malfunction and die.
But, thankfully, unlike most antioxidants, Co-Q10 can sneak into fatty brain cell
membranes, because its fat-soluble. Inside the membrane, Co-Q10 is perfectly positioned to
safeguard brain cells and de-activate free radicals.
And not only can Co-Q10 help to prevent free radical attack, it can also mop up and repair
messy cellular damage that free radicals inflict.
Unfortunately, the chances are excellent that right this minute, your brain lacks sufficient
Co-Q10 to protect it from free radicals.
Why do I make that educated guess? Two reasons.

Are You Taking Any of These Common Prescription Drugs?

You already know that Co-Q10 helps produce the vital cellular fuel ATP. But what
produces Co-Q10?
It turns out that Co-Q10 is manufactured from the amino acid tyrosine, in cahoots with a
bakers dozen of vitamins.
And most people on the Standard American Diet (SAD) dont get enough vitamins and
minerals to synthesize healthy levels of Co-Q10 for brain protection. Add in the difficulties of
many older people with malabsorption of nutrients in their food, and you have a perfect recipe for
inadequate Co-Q10.
Now heres the second big reason you may require supplementation of Co-Q10. Dozens of
commonly prescribed medications leech Co-Q10 from your system!
From cholesterol-lowering medicines like statins to beta blockers and antidiabetic
prescriptions, drugs that are taken by millions of people undermine the bodys ability to
chemically process Co-Q10.
Dr. David Perlmutter, a renowned neurologist in Florida, wrote The Better Brain Book, in
which he lists common prescription drugs that interfere with Co-Q10 production. By the way, Dr.
Perlmutters book is excellent, and I recommend you read it for in-depth explanations of how to
protect your brain from aging.
Take a look at Dr. Perlmutters list of Co-Q10 inhibitors and see how many of these drugs
youre currently taking.


Generic Names: Amitriptyline, Desipramine, Doxepin, Imipramine, Nortriptyline,
Brand Names: Elavil, Norpramin, Sinequan, Tofranil, Aventil, Pamelor, Vivactil
Antipsychotic Drugs
Generic Name: Haloperidol
Brand Name: Haldol
Blood-Pressure Lowering Drugs
Generic Names: Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Clonidine, Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), Nadolol,
Metoprolol, Pindolol, Propranolol
Brand Names: Tenormin, Zebeta, Catapres, Aldactazide, Capozide, Combipres, Dyazide,
HydroDIURIL, Hyzaar, Lopressor-HCT, Lotensin HCT, Maxide, Microzide, Moduretic,
Prinzide, Vaseretic, Zestoretic, Corgard, Lopressor, Toprol, Visken, Inderal
Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
Generic Names: Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin
Brand Names: Lipitor, Lescol, Mevacor, Pravachol, Zocor
Antidiabetic Drugs
Generic Names: Glipizide, Glyburide, Tolazamide
Brand Names: Glucotrol, DiaBeta, Glynase, Micronase, Tolinase

Lancet Study: Alzheimers Patient Now Rides A Motorcycle!

Co-Q10s unique qualities have long intrigued researchers, who have put its brain-building
powers to the test.
I guarantee youll love this clinical study that was published in the British medical journal,
Lancet. It followed the remarkable improvements of patients with severe dementia, who were
administered a regimen of Co-Q10, vitamin B6 and iron.
As long as they took this supplemental combination, their symptoms got better. And in
some cases, those improvements were dramatic.
Heres how the researcher describes the outcome for one severe dementia patient: Her

daily activity improved from Stage 5 (moderate Alzheimers disease) to 1 (normal). She had
increased blood flow to the cerebral cortex and decreased symptoms of clinical dementiaShe
now rides a motorcycle.
Take a minute to absorb that mind-boggling news. A patient with severe dementia improved
so much that she now puts on a helmet, hops on a motorbike and speeds down the road with full
Co-Q10 surely has some awe-inspiring powers!

Stunning News for Parkinsons Patients: Study Shows 44% Less Decline
In 2002, the Archives of Neurology published the results of a Co-Q10 study funded by the
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This investigation was the first placebocontrolled, multicenter clinical trial of Co-Q10. And its implications for battling Parkinsons
could be staggering.
Led by the late Clifford Shults, M.D., of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
School of Medicine, the study looked at 80 Parkinsons patients at 10 centers across the country
to determine if Co-Q10 is safe, and if it can slow the rate of functional decline.
The results of this 16-month clinical trial were nothing short of jaw-dropping.
After an initial screening and baseline blood tests, the patients were randomly divided
into four groups. Three of the groups received coenzyme Q10 at three different doses (300 mg/day,
600 mg/day, and 1,200 mg/day), along with vitamin E, while a fourth group received a matching
placebo that contained vitamin E alone.
During the study period, the group that received the largest dose of coenzyme Q10 (1,200
mg/day) had 44 percent less decline in mental function, motor (movement) function, and ability
to carry out activities of daily living, such as feeding or dressing themselves. The greatest effect
was on activities of daily living. The groups that received 300 mg/day and 600 mg/day developed
slightly less disability than the placebo group, but the effects were less than those in the group
that received the highest dosage of coenzyme Q10.
The groups that received coenzyme Q10 also had significant increases in the level of
coenzyme Q10 in their blood and a significant increase in energy-producing reactions within their
44% less decline in mental functionThats breathtaking news!


How Much Co-Q10 Should You Take?

If youre taking prescription medicines that deplete your stock of Co-Q10, you may need
to take additional supplementation.
Dr. David Perlmutter recommends that people who are experiencing significant loss of
cognitive function or who are at high risk of mental decline take 200 milligrams of Co-Q10.
He also advises that if youre taking prescription drugs that reduce Co-Q10 levels, you
should take an additional 100 milligrams, for a total daily dose of 300 milligrams. Dr. Perlmutter
suggests that you take 200 milligrams in the morning and 100 milligrams in the evening, for
maximum benefit.
On the other hand, Dr. Jeffrey Morrison of the Morrison Health Center in New York
City recommends a much higher dose for Alzheimers patients. He suggests to his Alzheimers
patients that they take 400 mg of Co-Q10 twice a day.
Whatever your daily dosage, youll want to take enough Co-Q10 to get the full benefits of
this uniquely potent brain booster.

Whats the best, most bio-available form of Co-Q10?

Not all Co-Q10 is created equal, and you may want to select a form thats far more potent
than the standard brands.
According to Cancer Defeated Publications, 95 percent of the Co-Q10 in your blood is in
a form called ubiquinol. But the form of Co-Q10 found in nearly all supplements is ubiquinone.
Your body has to convert the ubiquinone in the capsules into ubiquinol, and its not very efficient
about doing that.
The reason supplement makers market the inferior form is that it doesnt spoil as easily.
The more potent form ubiquinol is very reactive with oxygen and oxidizes when exposed
to air. In fact, the form found in the pills ubiquinone IS the oxidized form of Co-Q10. You
could say the Co-Q10 in pills is the spoiled form!
But Ive got good news: researchers have found a way to stabilize ubiquinol so it doesnt
oxidize, and you can now obtain this superior form of Co-Q10 in supplements. Animal studies
and some individual case studies in humans have confirmed that the superior form really is more
Dr. Robert Rowen, who has created a formula that contains ubiquinol, says that ubiquinol
is absorbed 8 times more efficiently than the standard form of Co-Q10.


According to Dr. Rowen, That means just 25 mg per day of ubiquinol provides virtually
the same high Co-Q10 blood levels as 200 mg of standard Co-Q10.
Ubiquinol costs more than the standard Co-Q10 supplements. However, you may discover
it works out to be a cost-effective choice, since youll probably need to take smaller doses to get
the same brain-nourishing benefits.

The Better Brain Book
David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN and Carol Colman
Riverhead Books, 2004
Cancer Defeated
The Powerful Cancer Cure Locked Inside Your Cells
By Lee Euler
Issue 21
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes
Study Suggests Coenzyme Q10 Slows Functional Decline in Parkinsons Disease
Monday, October 14, 2002


Chapter 16

Meet the Naturopathic Healers:

We Can Prolong Quality of Life
For A Long, Long Time
Is it possible to help reverse Alzheimers with a few drops of a highly diluted natural
substance? According to some dedicated naturopathic physicians whom I interviewed, the answer
is, Absolutely.
Naturopathic physicians favor a holistic approach that encourages the bodys innate
capacity to heal. They try to employ the least invasive measures possible, and to avoid
unnecessary surgery and drugs.
The naturopathic physicians whom I interviewed all use homeopathic medicine as part
of their tool kit. Homeopathy was developed more than two hundred years ago by a German
physician named Samuel Hahnemann. He formulated the principle of like cures like, which
states that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy
Homeopathy uses very small doses of highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the
bodys own healing powers. In fact, its principle of dilutions (or law of minimum dose) states
that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. Homeopaths create an
individualized treatment for each patient, based on extensive inquiry into their health history and
So can homeopathy improve the lives of Alzheimers patients? Listen to these exciting and
hopeful stories from three distinguished naturopathic physicians, who have witnessed the power
of homeopathic remedies.
All three doctors embrace a philosophy of taking time with patients to understand their
complete medical situation. They carefully probe for their patients nutritional deficits and
underlying infections, as well as any hormonal imbalances. And then, they deftly use homeopathy
to help bring the body back into balance.


How Dr. Eric Udell Approaches Alzheimers

Dr. Eric Udell graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Following his residency training, he completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in
Homeopathy, the first fellowship of its kind in the United States.
Now an Assistant Professor of Homeopathy at SCNM, Dr. Udell often tackles challenging
cases and serious or chronic illness. Helping his patients recover using natural, safe, non-toxic
remedies gives Dr. Udell deep satisfaction and has given him special expertise in treating
autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
I asked Dr. Udell to tell me about his approach to Alzheimers. The old adage that an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is more true of Alzheimers than of almost any other
disease. So, first, we should ask what can we do to decrease our chances of getting it, Dr. Udell
Next, if we dont have any therapies right now that can grow new brain cells, then what
can we do to prevent further damage to the still-functioning brain cells. If we detect Alzheimers
early, we can prolong quality of life and independent living for a long, long time.
I currently have a gentleman whos 89 years old, who was diagnosed with Alzheimers in
2001. For the last ten years, hes been living independently. In fact, he was driving until the last
six months. We managed to stop the progression for a very extended period of time.
Hes been taking homeopathy classical homeopathy thats individualized. If a
patient comes in with any kind of dementia, there are probably a couple of hundred potential
homeopathic medicines. We need to figure out whats best for the person, which we do by finding
out his exact symptoms and how they manifest.
Lets say the symptom is confusion. The exact nature and flavor of confusion varies.
One person has trouble recognizing people and names. Another person does fine with that, but
cant remember where they put anything down, such as their keys or glasses. Another person is
delusional. He thinks people are breaking into his house and stealing things.
From a diagnostic standpoint, those manifestations all lead to a different homeopathic
treatment. We look to the whole person and their symptoms, including their emotions. Some are
more prone to anxiety or depression or irritability.
For instance, this gentleman when I first started working with him had painful leg cramps.
He also had vertigo and choked on his food. These symptoms helped me figure out the particulars
of his homeopathic treatment.


When were able to do a good job, it works by stimulating an innate healing response. It
reinstates a higher level of function, so symptoms begin to improve without side effects.
This gentleman stopped having vertigo and leg cramps and no longer choked on his food.
And there was no further progression of confusion and cognitive issues.
In addition, I put him on supplements of acetyl carnitine. He was already on Aricept,
and patients who take Aricept plus acetyl carnitine do better.
And we put him on microalgae oil. This oil is produced by little plankton that the little
fish eat. Its particularly high in DHA and has other health benefits. A study of those taking
Aricept and microalgae oil found that those taking both did better.
And I also put him on MCT oil, which is derived from coconut oil. MCT oil is an
alternative fuel for the brain, instead of glucose. Its safe. Theres little chance of it harming
Id make these three components acetyl carnitine, microalgae oil and MCT oil part of
a standard Alzheimers supplement regimen. Theyre all very safe and non-toxic.
As Dr. Udell told me the story of his patient, I found myself marveling with admiration.
An 89-year-old man, living independently and driving, ten years after an Alzheimers diagnosis!
Now thats encouraging!
And heres what Dr. Udells colleague at Arizona Natural Health Center had to say

Meet Dr. Tara Peyman of Arizona Natural Health Center

I was excited to talk to Dr. Tara Peyman, because shes one of the few naturopathic doctors
who specializes in mental disorders. Her primary passion is the homeopathic and integrative
treatment of bipolar disorder and mental illness.
Dr. Peyman was trained by some of the best classical homeopathic physicians in the
United States and internationally. Her practice focuses on addressing the underlying causes of
illness, and empowering the patient to treat those deeper concerns using homeopathy and natural
Dr. Peyman treats people suffering from depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD,
and many other conditions. She can assist patients in either tapering off psychiatric medications,
or integrating them with naturopathic care, if necessary.
Its important for the public to know that Alzheimers is reversible in most cases,
especially if its treated early, Dr. Peyman told me. We can help people be more functional and

productive, and happier in their lives.

The first thing I do is to ask the patient to tell the story of what theyve seen and noticed.
And then a family member tells me what theyve noticed, so we can put together the story.
Im trying to get a real clear medical history and timeline of symptoms. For instance, was it a
sudden onset? In that case, its something different than Alzheimers, which is typically slow and
I like to run blood tests and look for other problems, such as thyroid problems. Theyre
common in mental decline, and can contribute to depression or other mood problems. And they
also can cause confusion, brain fog and memory lapses. Thyroid problems become more common
as we age, especially in women, but even in men over 65. Theyre not looked for enough.
There is so much overlap between hypothyroidism and the initial presentation of
Alzheimers. If they do have a serious thyroid problem, Id put them on a natural thyroid
medication like Armour. Its the same as synthetic medicine, but has less additives.
Id also look for hormonal and chemical imbalances underneath. Blood sugar imbalance
can contribute to cognitive and memory problems. Vitamin D levels are typically low in the
elderly. Iron and B12 deficiencies can also contribute, but not as much as the thyroid.
For instance, I treated a patient who no longer needs any help. She came in with memory
problems. She couldnt focus or concentrate. She had no motivation and cried all the time. She
felt defeated.
Now since she was in her 60s and had memory problems, somebody might think its early
Alzheimers. But she had a struggling thyroid and her blood sugar was uncontrolled. I put her on
a healthy low glycemic diet with lots of veggies and whole foods. And I put her on homeopathic
She improved dramatically with just the dietary changes and homeopathic remedies. Her
cholesterol and blood sugar normalized. Her thyroid improved dramatically. Her mood went up
and her knee pain went away. She no longer had the cognitive issues.
Homeopathic medicines work on a deeper level to stop the damage from happening in
the first place. They improve the quality of a persons health as a dynamic whole, helping on a
cellular level.
You can see patients improve on lots of different levels. I had a patient come in with mild
Alzheimers, Stage 3. She was having problems with memory and cognition.
I gave her a homeopathic remedy and started just with that. Lachesis is the name of the

homeopathic medicine I used. Its one of the good ones commonly used for Alzheimers.
Well, this patient also had chronic migraines and stuttering and a history of depression.
After I gave her the lachesis, she dramatically improved. Her daughter was amazed right away at
how much happier she was.
Her memory and focus came back. She felt upbeat and started being productive around
the house. Her headaches went away and her stammering got better. So it worked on many
One of the nice things about homeopathic remedies is that they dont interfere with
conventional medicines such as high blood pressure medicines. In fact, homeopathy might reduce
the need for them, so patients should make sure to get monitored to see if they can reduce their
Homeopathy is unique. Its individualized to each person. And the thing thats most
exciting to me is that Ive seen the biggest improvements of health come from homeopathic

Meet Dr. Farhang Khosh of Natural Medical Care in Kansas

Dr. Farhang Khosh, N.D., and his brother, Dr. Mehdi Khosh, N.D., run Natural Medical
Care, with two offices in Kansas. The Khosh brothers formerly worked at the Kansas Clinic of
Traditional Medicine and Via Christi Integrative Center in Wichita, Kansas. Both brothers have
published numerous papers on naturopathic approaches to disease.
The Khosh brothers accomplish health care using clinical nutrition, botanical medicine,
homeopathic medicine and physical medicine, including acupuncture and lifestyle counseling.
Dr. Farhang Khosh received his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr
University, a nationally accredited naturopathic medical school in Seattle. He graduated from the
University of Kansas where he earned his bachelors degree in Biochemistry and did advanced
work in Molecular Biology.
I asked Dr. Khosh how he diagnoses a patient with Alzheimers.
I often look for clues from their reaction to a blood test, he replied. Lets say a daughter
and mother bring in the father, because they suspect Alzheimers. Usually, they come in the
afternoon, around two or three oclock. I talk to the patient, and he understands whats going on
and can engage in conversation.
I say, lets do a blood test and check your lipids, blood sugar, thyroid and B12 levels.
Come back tomorrow, and make sure to fast before the test.

Now heres the hallmark of what may be going on. When they bring him in the next day
and hes been fasting, hes completely confused. He doesnt know who I am or why hes there. So
it could be that his blood sugar is so low, his brain isnt focusing.
I had one patient like this. His blood sugar tested so low, it was 42. The normal fasting
range is 65 99. His brain was not getting enough glucose to function.
It could be Alzheimers, thats getting worse with low blood sugar. Or it could be that its
not Alzheimers; hes confused because of his low blood sugar.
I decided to just optimize his blood sugar and see what happens. I put him on an eight
week eating program, and taught him how to eat small, but more frequent meals, heavy on
protein. He was eating simple carbs, not complex carbs and protein.
I also gave him chromium picolinate which balances blood sugar. I started with 200
micrograms, and increased it to 200 micrograms twice a day, with breakfast and lunch.
Well, theres been a huge difference in coherence. He started feeling much better, and we
test him every three weeks to make sure his blood sugar is stabilizing.
It turned out he does have Alzheimers, and still has some short term memory loss. But
the beauty of this is he functions so well, we forget that he has Alzheimers.
Now another common issue is urinary tract infections. A majority of older people gets
them, and when it becomes really bad, kidney function isnt optimal. When the kidney doesnt
function well, toxin levels go way up in the blood and can interfere with brain function.
A person can become confused, so we need to find and take care of the infection. We
also need to increase the oxygen in the brain. I may have the patient do deep breathing, and get
oxygen supplied from a mask, so they can breathe efficiently.
I treated an 84-year-old male who was a very powerful business executive. He was
perfectly fine until he had sepsis from a urinary tract infection. He went to the Mayo Clinic,
where they gave him massive antibiotics. Then they sent him home and told him he had
In just four weeks, you had a high level executive go from that kind of functioning to
where he couldnt remember his name.
I put him on a high dose of Co-Enzyme Q10, 1200 mgs a day. I also gave him
glutathione which is one of the most powerful antioxidants, 300 mg in a 3 ml solution to be


I had him for two months while he lived with family here. After the third week, there was
nothing wrong with him. He engaged in long conversations with me, and was giving me tips on
how to make money.
He had been so depressed, because since his Alzheimers diagnosis, the family wasnt
comfortable with him making decisions. He had always been the decision maker. Well, after eight
weeks, he was back to making the majority of the decisions in the family.
He was also depressed because he liked to drive his wife around in the golf cart, and with
the Alzheimers diagnosis, he couldnt do that. Now hes back to driving his wife around in the
golf cart and enjoying himself.
My philosophy is even if a patient does have Alzheimers, you can alleviate symptoms by
checking their blood sugar and oxygenation. And make sure they take supplements like gingko
that increase blood flow to the brain, and turmeric (curcumin) as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Finding A Homeopathic Physician

I asked Dr. Eric Udell how to go about finding a good homeopathic doctor. He suggested
utilizing the website of The National Center for Homeopathy, which can be found at www.
Dr. Udell also noted that homeopathy is practiced by some naturopathic physicians. The
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians has a searchable database at www.naturopathic.
Dr. Tara Peyman cautioned that not all naturopathic doctors are extensively trained in
homeopathic medicine. She said there are lots of people who say they practice homeopathy,
but dont do it in the best way. They may use different methods which stray from the original
techniques with which homeopathy is supposed to be practiced.
Dr. Peyman suggested that you make sure your doctor is licensed as a naturopathic
physician, and went to an accredited four-year medical school.
There are only four schools like that in the country, Dr. Peyman told me. I went to
Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. We have Dr. Stephen Messer who practices it, as it
was originally meant to be practiced.
The other four-year accredited medical schools are Bastyr University in Seattle; National
College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon; and the University of Bridgeport College of
Naturopathic Medicine in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
You can search online. Each school has a website and an alumni page.

Also, we have six doctors practicing here at Arizona Natural Health Center. We all do free
15-minute telephone consultations, so we may be able to help.

Further Information:
Dr. Eric Udell
Dr. Tara Peyman
Arizona Natural Health Center
1250 E. Baseline Road, Suite 104, Tempe, Arizona 85283
Phone: (480) 456-0402 | Fax: (480) 456-0409
Dr. Farhang Khosh
Natural Medical Care
4935 Research Parkway
Lawrence, KS 66047
(785) 749-2255


Chapter 17

Which Vital Vitamins Does Your Brain Lack?

A good place to begin talking about vitamins is by looking at whats on your plate. Is your
diet SAD? In other words, do you follow the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is heavy on
processed foods, sugar, simple carbs, and saturated fats?
Well, if you do, youre starving your brain of the nutrients its begging for. Upgrading what
you eat can make a huge difference in your overall vitality and mental clarity.
Nita Scoggan, whom you met in Chapter 9, dove into researching brain-healthy food when
her beloved husband Bill developed Alzheimers. And what she found shocked her.
Potatoes, white bread, cornAll of Bills favorite foods that he grew up with were
making his brain sluggish! she exclaimed.
One study that was reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that
fewer than 5% of the study participants consumed the recommended daily amounts (RDAs) of all
their needed vitamins and minerals. Whats really frightening is that this study was conducted in
Beltsville, Maryland, on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) research center employees!
Every single vitamin and nutritional mineral is important in some way to your wellbeing.
You dont want to miss out on any, because youll pay for the shortage in the worst possible way
- with your health.
So which foods adequately nourish your brain?
Youve already heard from some of the doctors I interviewed: eat plenty of vegetables,
fruits, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, healthy fats, seeds and nuts.
But lets examine the dos and donts of brain-healthy eating a bit more closely.
Among other sources, I drew on advice from Dr. David Perlmutter in The Better Brain
Book, Dr. Vincent Fortanasce in The Anti-Alzheimers Prescription and Jack Challem in The
Inflammation Syndrome for this list.


Brain-Boosting Foods:
Vegetables (five to six servings a day): leafy greens; cruciferous veggies like broccoli,
watercress, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflowers, Swiss chard; onions, avocado, bell
peppers, celery, carrots, fennel, string beans, scallions, etc.
Fish (two to three servings a week): herring, mackerel, halibut, sardines, Alaskan sockeye
salmon, bass, cod, trout, lobster, snapper, sole, etc.
Fruit (two servings a day): apples, apricots, berries, citrus fruits, grapes, kiwi, melons,
peaches, plums, pears, etc. Too much fruit can send your blood sugar spiking, so try to
stick to two daily servings.
Meat: chicken, turkey, Cornish game hen, buffalo, lean grass-fed beef, lamb, pork, etc.
You can eat chicken, turkey, Cornish game hen and buffalo every day. Twice a week, you
can have a meal with beef, lamb or pork.
Seeds, Nuts, and Nut Butters (one serving of nuts and one serving of seeds daily):
walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, filberts; pumpkin seeds,
sunflower seeds, flax seeds
Eggs and Dairy: Omega 3-enriched eggs; low-fat/non-fat cheeses and yogurt. You can eat
up to six to eight eggs a week, and enjoy up to two daily servings of dairy.
Protein Powder: two tablespoons of whey protein
Grains and Breads (one to two daily servings): whole grains, sprouted grains, steel cut
oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, quinoa, basmati brown rice, semolina, millet
Note: Whole grain products contain the word whole, not enriched.
Legumes (one to two daily servings): lentils, beans, chickpeas, lima beans, pink beans,
navy beans, cranberry beans, red beans, black beans, white beans, pinto beans, great
northern beans, kidney beans
Herbs and Spices: garlic, curcumin, cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, tarragon, etc. Go
easy on the salt.
Oils: Olive oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil, coconut oil


Brain-Bashing Foods
White, Processed Flour: white bread, rolls, muffins, sweetened cereal, crackers, pasta
Highly Processed Foods: Foods with lots of ingredients, including some you cant
Fried Foods
Fatty cuts of meat, including bacon, brisket, spareribs and deli meats
Sugar and sweets: cookies, candy, cakes, ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet, fruit-flavored
yogurt, dried fruit, sweetened cereals, soda pop, sweetened tea, fruit juice
Sugar Substitutes: corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, brown sugar, concentrated fruit
juice, dextrose, fructose, honey, sucrose, powered sugar, maple syrup, molasses
Snacks: chips, pretzels, popcorn, energy bars
Hydrogenated oils: corn oil, margarines with trans-fatty acids, soy oil, squeezable butter,
peanut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil
Foods high in sodium, salt and MSG

Foods to Limit:
Starchy Veggies (limit to no more than one serving a day): corn, potatoes, yams, turnips

Why Even the Healthiest Eater May Still Need to Take Vitamins
Now lets assume youre following all these recommendations to the letter. Youre eating
fresh, healthy, delicious food.
Chances are excellent that youll still need to take supplemental vitamins, especially if
youre battling Alzheimers.
Here are 3 good reasons why.
One: Older people frequently have problems with malabsorption. As the name suggests,
this simply means poor absorption. In other words, even if they eat healthy foods, their
bodies are no longer adept at extracting the nutrients from them.
Two: Alzheimers is a disease of atrophy, in which patients lose appetite and waste away.

They may not be able to eat much; certainly not enough to nourish their bodies with the
healing bonanza of nutrients they need.
Three: Many common medications disrupt the proper absorption of nutrients, making the
problems discussed above even more severe.
So which supplemental vitamins do Alzheimers patients need, in what quantity? And
whats the best way to supply them?

The Easiest, No Fuss Way to Get Every Nutrient You Need

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum told me that hes a big believer in keeping things simple. He doesnt
like to see Alzheimers patients gobbling piles of pills all day, so he advises taking a good
multivitamin supplement that lays down a solid base of daily nutrition.
He recommends a powdered formula that he helped to create. Its called the Energy
Revitalization System, and its available on his website ( Every morning,
you take a scoop and mix it with water, a beverage, smoothie or yogurt.
Dr. Teitelbaum explains that the ease and convenience of this nutrient-packed formula
offers plenty of advantages:
Delivers the benefits of over 50 vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for sustained energy
Replaces the equivalent of 25-35 tablets a day.
Features malic acid to stimulate the complete burning of fuel for energy and support
healthy connective tissue and muscle functioning
Includes vitamin D3 for immune system and bone support
Contains amino acids essential to metabolism, immunity and overall health
Also delivers key nutrients including choline for mental alertness and antioxidants for
protection from oxidative stress and free-radical damage
Occasionally, people experience loose stools from a powder. If you do, Dr. Teitelbaum
suggests you can take a tablet multi-vitamin, instead. He recommends a brand called My
Favorite Multiple.
But please heed these two caveats:
1. If youre taking Coumadin or any other blood-thinner, dont take these multi-vitamins
or ANY supplement without your physicians approval. For other medications, the interactions
are generally not significant.

2. Even with a good multi-vitamin, you may need to boost your Vitamin B12 levels with a
series of injections. Ill explain the miraculous powers of B12 in just a minute.
Whether you choose to take a single multi-vitamin, or supplement your diet with separate
vitamins, as some doctors recommend, its a good idea to understand each nutrients brainboosting role.
So lets B-gin with B!

B Healthy, Supplement Your B Vitamins

In September 2010, the Daily Mail, a British newspaper, splashed a stunning headline
across its pages: 10p pill to beat Alzheimers disease: Vitamin B halts memory loss in
breakthrough British trial. (10p equals 10 pence in England, which is worth about 16 cents in
the United States.)
A simple vitamin pill could prevent millions from suffering the agony of Alzheimers,
the article explained. The tablet, costing as little as 10p a day and made up of three vitamin
B supplements, cut brain shrinkage linked to memory loss by up to 500 percent.
The article described how researchers from Oxford University had conducted a landmark
study on 270 pensioners suffering from memory loss that leads to Alzheimers.
For two years, one group took a tablet containing extremely high doses of vitamins B6, 9
and 12. The other group took a placebo.
After two years, their brains were scanned to evaluate brain shrinkage --- and the group
taking the B vitamin tablet had 30 percent less shrinkage, on average.
But, for pensioners with the most serious problems, the results were even better: the
vitamin B tablet halved the shrinkage, and in one extreme case, it cut it five-fold, according to
the Daily Mail.
The B vitamin group also scored better on memory tests, such as remembering lists.
Professor Helga Refsum, one of the researchers said, Here we have a very simple
solution: you give some vitamins and you seem to protect the brain.
Noted the Daily Mail, The results suggest that a basic cocktail of vitamins can achieve
results that have evaded pharmaceutical companies, despite billions of pounds being spent on
experimental dementia drugs.
So what makes B vitamins so effective?


B Vitamins Protect the Brain from Deadly Homocysteine

The single most exciting discovery in Alzheimers prevention is that the amino acid
homocysteine is involved in the development in the disease, wrote Patrick Holford, director of
Londons Brain Bio Centre, in his book, The Alzheimers Prevention Plan.
Holford regards this insight as key, because homocysteine is a highly reversible risk
factor, involving no recourse to expensive drugs or procedures just simple dietary changes and
B vitamin supplementation.
Why havent you heard more about homocysteine? 7,000 studies have been published in
professional journals about it, and yet, to most doctors, it remains almost completely obscure.
Holford takes a jaundiced view of why the medical community hasnt rushed to embrace
this discovery: theres not enough money in it.
The sad truth is that, with no patentable or profitable treatment involved in lowering
homocysteine levels, scientists are finding it hard to get their studies funded, he wrote.
Holford speculated that the discovery linking homocysteine to Alzheimers could
ultimately threaten billions of dollars in profits from prescription drugs like Aricept. And
companies threatened by such staggering profit loss will aggressively act to protect their turf.
By now, you must be curious about what homocysteine is and what it does thats so
Homocysteine is an amino acid produced in the body that should always be kept at low
levels. Excess homocysteine circulating in the blood damages the brain in multiple ways. It
incites inflammation, kills off cells, and blocks blood delivery to the brain.
Not only that, it boosts the risk of over 50 diseases from heart attacks to strokes and cancer.
And guess which nutrients control homocysteine levels? B vitamins!
If your B vitamin levels are low, in all likelihood, your homocysteine levels are too high.
And that imbalance spells danger for your brain.
In 1998, a research team at Oxford University, working with OPTIMA (Oxford Project to
Investigate Memory and Ageing) first discovered that Alzheimers patients exhibited high levels
of homocysteine in the blood.
Many studies have since confirmed that finding. Heres a particularly interesting
correlation. Alzheimers is characterized by shrinking of the hippocampus section of the brain;
researchers have discovered that homocysteine levels affect the size of the hippocampus.

On a practical note, high homocysteine levels can degrade your mental speed and reaction
time, along with your sense of balance. Your hand-eye coordination can suffer, and that means
youll have trouble driving. Say goodbye to your golf and tennis game, too, and many other
activities you enjoy.
The ugly fact is that out-of-control homocysteine induces poor concentration and
judgment, loss of memory, depression, and physical deterioration.
So what can you do to stomp down those homocysteine levels? Get enough B vitamins!
And that probably means taking B vitamin supplements. Its true that B vitamins abound
in meat, fish and eggs. But B vitamins have an unfortunate habit of collapsing when theyre
microwaved, cooked with high heat, or plunged into cooking fluid.
So, even when you eat B-rich foods, you might not reap their benefits.
And if youre a vegetarian or vegan, youre really at risk of low B vitamin levels,
especially B12. The best B-vitamin sources are animal products, which youre not eating.
And now its time to open your medicine cabinet, and check out another reason you may
have a B-vitamin deficit.

Do You Take These Common B-Destroying Medicines?

Lots of common prescription drugs interfere with the metabolism of B vitamins. Do you
take any of them?
Here are some categories of B-depleting medications:
aspirin; antibiotics for chronic urinary tract infections; antacid and stomach acid
suppressors; antidiabetic drugs; asthma drugs; blood pressure-lowering drugs;
anticonvulsant drugs; cholesterol-lowering drugs; estrogens; estrogen substitutes;
anti-Parkinsons drugs; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS);
corticosteroids anti-inflammatory drugs.
If youre on these medications, you should be taking daily B vitamin supplementation. And
you should ask your doctor to regularly check your homocysteine levels.
By the way, did your doctor ever tell you that taking any of these drugs is probably
compromising your vitamin B levels and boosting your homocysteine?
Just to drive home whats at stake, consider this recent study of people who had taken part
in the Scottish Mental Surveys of 1932 and 1947, which measured childhood intelligence.


When researchers in Scotland tested these older adults for mental sharpness, the best
performers had the highest levels of B vitamins and lowest levels of homocysteine!
Now lets put each B vitamin in the spotlight, beginning with the greatest miracle worker
of all.

Switch on Your Light with Vitamin B12

Stories abound of Alzheimers patients coming to life after getting B12 injections. Dr.
Ronald Hoffman told me, If a patient hasnt been properly diagnosed with Vitamin B12
deficiency, we can really light somebody up with a series of injections. They perk right up, said
Dr. Hoffman.
How do you know if youre low on B12? Telltale symptoms can include brain fog,
dementia, loss of balance, and numbness or tingling in the limbs.
If you have B12 deficiencies, your energy and concentration are going to be sapped, said
Dr. Hoffman.
Some studies show that between 17 to 20 percent of elderly people have vitamin B12
Every doctor I spoke to emphasized the need to insure adequate B12 levels. And thats a
story unto itself, because it so happens that what conventional medical wisdom regards as enough
B12 may not be enough, at all.
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum wrote, Technically, the B12 level is normal if it is over 208
picograms per deciliter (pg/dL) of blood. However, studies have shown that people can suffer
severe and sometimes long-term nerve and brain damage from B12 deficiency even if their levels
are as high as 300 pg/dL. Why are the normal levels set so low? In part, the normal values were
initially set according to what prevents anemia. But the brains and nervous systems needs for
vitamin B12 are often much higher than those of the bone marrow.
As Dr. Teitelbaum points out, B12 is vital for healthy nerves. In fact, one of its most
important functions is to protect brain nerve cells from the deterioration of the aging process.
A new study, published in the journal Neurology, detailed the results of a B12 clinical trial
conducted at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Researchers looked at markers of B12
deficiency, including homocysteine levels, in 121 older adults. The subjects took tests measuring
their cognitive function. Then, four years later, their total brain volume was measured with an
We showed that four out of five markers of B12 deficiency were strongly associated with

poor cognitive performance overall, and more specifically, poor episodic memory and perceptual
speed, said Christine Tangney, Ph.D., the studys lead author.
And, strikingly, the size of the brain was affected, too. Dr. Tangneys team discovered that
adults with high levels of markers for B12 deficiency had significantly smaller brain volume.
And who wants their brain to shrink?
If youre over 60, be aware that people in that age group may develop a condition called
atrophic gastritis, which induces B12 deficiency. It mimics the symptoms of indigestion, so its
often overlooked. And to make matters far worse, if you have atrophic gastritis, you could be
popping antacids all day, which are B12 destroyers, too.
To increase your bodys supply of B12, you can take oral supplements. The recommended
dosage is 500 1,000 mcg. The most commonly recommended B12 supplements are sublingual;
i.e. theyre dissolved under the tongue.
However, your doctor may decide you should begin your B12 supplementation with a
series of injections that allow for better absorption. Dr. Ronald Hoffman includes a case study on
his website in which he gave an Alzheimers patient a series of B12 shots 3 times weekly for two
weeks, then started her on monthly injections.
Whether you take supplements or injections, B12 is so crucial for your brain health that
you should put it at the top of your list to discuss with your doctor.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) Stimulates Your Brain to Act 9 Years Younger!
Folic acid is a biggie, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum told me. In terms of prevention, folate is
one of the most important supplements for memory.
Whether you call it folate, folic acid or vitamin B9, numerous studies document this
powerhouse nutrients special talent for warding off depression, brain fog, apathy, confusion, and
memory loss.
Now hold on to your hat, because youre about to read the results of a 3-year study that
measured folic acids effect on cognitive functionand they are simply mind-boggling!
The study, published in the journal The Lancet, was a randomized, double blind, controlled
trial. It documented the impact of taking 800 micrograms of folic acid on global cognitive
function over a 3-year period.
A group of older adults started this FACIT (Folic Acid and Carotid Intima-media
Thickness) trial by taking a host of tests for cognition, memory, sensorimotor speed, complex

speed, information-processing speed, and word fluency. At the beginning of the trial, the folic
acid group and the placebo group scored about the same.
But, after three years of taking 800 micrograms of folic acid every day, the folic acid group
had grown sharper, quicker, smarter and just plain younger!
Is memory loss an issue for you? Then heres a fact you may want to memorize: On the test
that measured delayed memory recall (how subjects remembered a fifteen-word learning test),
the group taking folic acid had shaved 6 to 9 years off their performance!
The folic acid group also scored:
4.7 years younger for memory
2.1 years younger for information-processing speed
1.7 years younger for sensorimotor speed
1.5 years younger for global cognitive function
If we examine their blood test results, well discover whats turning back the clock in their
brains. The folic acid group had increased their folate concentrations by 576 percent!
And their levels of homocysteine had shrunk by 26 percent! Since homocysteine is a nasty
amino acid that shrinks the hippocampus, murders brain cells and stifles blood delivery to the
brain, its fabulous news that folic acid can so dramatically lower its presence.
And, having low levels of folic acid is specifically associated with Alzheimers. The results
of a long-term study published in Alzheimers & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimers
Association, indicate that consuming adequate levels of folic acid is associated with the greatest
protection against Alzheimers disease of any nutrient examined.
Assistant professor of neurology Maria Corrada-Bravo of the University of California
Irvines Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia examined data from the Baltimore Longitudinal
Study of Aging, which was begun in 1958 and includes over 1,400 participants.
Dr. Corrada-Bravo noted, The participants who had intakes at or above the 400
microgram recommended dietary allowance of folate had a 55% reduction in the risk of
developing Alzheimers. But most people who reached that level did so by taking folic acid
supplements, which suggests that many people do not get the recommended amounts of folate in
their diets.
If youre battling Alzheimers, a recommended dosage is 800 mcg daily.


Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Improves Mood, Energy, Clarity

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is crucial for brain metabolic functions. It plays a
big part in heart function, too, contributing to numerous enzyme processes, and the regulation of
nerve and muscle cells.
Thiamine isnt stored well in the body, so you can quickly grow depleted of it especially,
if youre an alcoholic. Unfortunately, heavy drinkers can develop a thiamine-caused disorder
called Wernickes encephalopathy, characterized by confusion, vision problems, and lack of
Thiamine is used therapeutically in dementia, anxiety, neuropathy, fatigue, alcoholism,
confusion, depression, pain, memory loss, and disequilibrium.
In a double blind study by Dr. David Benton, supplementation with vitamin B1 improved
moodpossibly by increasing synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is associated
with memory. Dr. Benton also found that giving 50 mg/day of thiamine (versus a placebo) was
associated with reports of being more clearheaded, composed and energetic.
Now, heres a remarkable fact. The people who reported these wonderful improvements
after taking extra thiamine werent low in thiamine at the start of the study, according to
traditional criteria. If you go by the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance), their thiamine
status was just fine!
Dr. Benton notes that: Traditionally, the RDA has aimed to avoid a deficiency disease and
has added a safety margin. My findings suggest that if you wish to redefine the RDA as achieving
optimal functioning then the levels recommended would have to be increased.
And in a direct connection to Alzheimers, Professor Michael Gold discovered that people
with Alzheimers have lower thiamine levels than those with other types of dementia.
A recommended B1 dosage is 50 75 mg.

Vitamin B6 Produces the Chemical Messengers of the Brain

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, keeps your blood sugar in normal range. It helps to make
hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells to your tissues. And it also works to
maintain normal nerve function and produce disease-fighting antibodies.
And vitamin B6 plays a key role in the manufacture of neurotransmitters, including
serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. These chemicals are your brains messenger
service, allowing thoughts and information to jump from one neuron to the next.


The Mayo Clinic notes that mild deficiency of vitamin B6 is common, and that Taking
pyridoxine supplements in combination with other B vitamins (folic acid and vitamin B12) has
been shown to be effective for lowering homocysteine levels.
A recommended dose is 50 - 85 mg. Dr. Marwan Sabbagh in his book, The Alzheimers
Answer, writes, Exceeding 100 mg is not a good idea, since it can cause nerve damage in the
feet (peripheral neuropathy).

Vitamin B3 May Cure Alzheimers for Pennies A Day

Vitamin B3, also known as niacinamide, increases blood flow, lowers cholesterol and plays
a key role in energy production.
And now, researchers at University of California Irvine have discovered that niacinamide
may be a breakthrough cure for Alzheimers. In November 2008, a research team headed by Dr.
Kim Green published an article in The Journal of Neuroscience that described their study of mice
genetically engineered to develop Alzheimers.
For four months, the mice were given daily doses of niacinamide, an easy-to-absorb form
of Vitamin B3. At the end of the study, the mice with Alzheimers tested as well on memory tests
as healthy mice.
Cognitively, they were cured, Dr. Green said. They performed as if theyd never
developed the disease. The vitamin completely prevented cognitive decline associated with
the disease, bringing them back to the level theyd be at if they didnt have the pathology.
The scientists observed that niacinamide removed the tell-tale tau protein from the mices
brains. According to Dr. Green, Its absolutely dramatic. The tau protein is just wiped from the
brain specifically.
The mice were given a high dose of 200 mg/kg per day. Dr. Greens research team is now
conducting a human study, in which patients will take 1,500 mg of niacinamide twice daily.
From my perspective, thats a very tolerable dose of a very inexpensive vitamin. I have
been waiting patiently for a break in Alzheimers disease like this, wrote Dr. Robert Rowen, a
pioneering physician who edits Second Opinion newsletter.
Taking such high doses of niacinamide is certainly unconventional. But maybe,
conventional thinking is wrong.
The Rush Institute for Healthy Aging in Chicago conducted a five-year study of more than
3,700 subjects over age 65, examining their intake of niacin and cognitive function.


Dr. Martha C. Morris, the studys lead author, announced that when subjects with the
highest niacin intake were compared to those with the lowest intake, the high niacin group had an
80 percent reduction in risk of developing Alzheimers and other forms of cognitive decline.
And when we look at the studys results, once again, we confront the issue of conventional
wisdom aiming too low in recommended amounts. The current Recommended Dietary Allowance
for niacin is 16 mg per day for men and 14 mg per day for women. And yet, in this study, the
group getting a median 14 mg of niacin daily from diet and supplements were at highest risk of
developing Alzheimers.
While some benefits were noted to begin at 17 mg per day, a daily niacin intake of 45 mg
offered the most protection from Alzheimers disease and other causes of cognitive decline.
So what should your dosage of niacinamide be? Many nutritionally minded doctors would
recommend a robust daily dose of 50 mg.
But someday in the near future, that amount could go way up. Todays cutting-edge
research may discover that taking much higher doses allows people with Alzheimers to
experience the same miracle cure enjoyed by mice.
Whatever your dose, make sure that you take the niacinamide form of B3, as regular
niacin can cause marked flushing.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E, the Dynamic Duo for Your Brain

If you want powerful friends in high places specifically, in your brain - take vitamin C
and vitamin E.
Each one offers terrific brain-boosting powers, but taken together, they act like Fred
Astaire and Ginger Rogers, dancing in a magical chemistry that no one quite understands yet.
Of course, you already know that vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, famously strengthens the
immune system. Its probably the most popular supplement in the world today, since millions use
it to fight off colds and other infections and support good health.
But vitamin C can also work wonders in your brain. If youre healthy, youve got lots of
vitamin C floating in the fluid that surrounds your brain neurons. There, it serves as a brawny
anti-oxidant, capable of delivering knockout blows to free radicals before they damage your brain
A well-known study directly linked vitamin C to intelligence. Schoolchildren from
kindergarten to college increased their IQ by an average of nearly 4 points, when they raised their
vitamin C intake by 50%.

And in 1997, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York made
a big discovery: vitamin C can readily cross the blood-brain barrier, when its traveling in
oxidized form.
And now, theres a brand-new study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry that
reveals Vitamin C can dissolve the toxic brain plaque that characterizes Alzheimers.
People with Alzheimers have sticky amyloid plaques in their brain, made of toxic protein
clumps. These amyloid plaques eventually kill brain cells, starting in the hippocampus where
memory is stored.
When we treated brain tissue from mice suffering from Alzheimers disease with vitamin
C, we could see that the toxic protein aggregates were dissolved. Our results show a previously
unknown model for how Vitamin C affects the amyloid plaques, said Katrin Mani, a researcher
in Molecular Medicine at Lund University in Sweden.
The notion that Vitamin C can have a positive effect on Alzheimers disease is
controversial, but our results open up new opportunities for research into Alzheimers and the
possibilities offered by Vitamin C, said Katrin Mani.
Vitamin E is no slouch, either, in the brain-friendly department. Its a potent antioxidant
that dissolves in fat. Since the brain is over 60 percent fat, vitamin E turns out to be enormously
useful. It can dissolve inside fatty brain cell membranes, and, once inside, perform sentry duty
against free radicals.
And several important studies bear out vitamin Es role in preventing and halting
Alzheimers. Martha C. Morris, Sc.D., the lead nutrition researcher for CHAP, the Chicago
Health and Aging Project, monitored vitamin E intake in adults over 65. Those who took the
most Vitamin E were 67 percent less likely to develop Alzheimers, compared to the people who
took the least. And, the functional difference between these two groups was nothing short of
astonishing. Big consumers of vitamin E tested at a mental level 8 to 10 years younger than
people taking low amounts.
CHAP researchers also discovered that if people did develop Alzheimers, they declined at
a noticeably slower rate, providing they consumed enough vitamin E.
Other researchers have confirmed these findings. Dr. Alireza Atri at Massachusetts General
Hospital (MGH), the VA Bedford Medical Center, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, led a
study of 540 patients with Alzheimers who were being treated at the MGH Memory Disorders
In 2009, Dr. Atris group reported that patients who were given high doses of vitamin E

(from 800 units daily to 1000 units twice daily), fared noticeably better in their ability to carry
out personal tasks like getting dressed than other groups being tested, over a three-year period.
And lets not leave out the famous Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Researchers at
Johns Hopkins honed in on the data of 579 older participants in the study. And they discovered
that, over a nine-month period, the big consumers of vitamin E had the least chance of getting
Dr. David Perlmutter, a board-certified neurologist and leading expert on the brain, wrote,
taking vitamin E can buy you a decades worth of brain power. Thats why I think that everyone
should take this powerful antioxidant every day.
Now that youre excited about what vitamin C and vitamin E can do on their own, consider
the sensational results when they join together. Well zoom from Honolulu to Utah to Holland,
checking out some significant studies.
HONOLULU: 3,400 older Japanese-American men took supplements of vitamin C and
vitamin E at least once a week. Analysis from the Honolulu Aging Study found they were 88
per cent less likely to develop vascular dementia than those who didnt! After Alzheimers,
vascular is the most common form of dementia.
UTAH: 4,740 elderly residents of Cache County, Utah had their medical records analyzed
by researchers from The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in
Baltimore. The researchers found the greatest reduction of Alzheimers in participants who
used individual vitamin E and C supplements in combination, with or without an additional
Use of vitamin E and C (ascorbic acid) supplements in combination reduced AD
[Alzheimers disease] prevalence [by about 78 percent] and incidence [by about 64 percent],
wrote the researchers.
Once again, we encounter the issue that the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) may
not be nearly enough to get the job done.
The current recommended daily allowance for vitamin E is 22 IU (15 micrograms),
and for vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 75 to 90 micrograms, the researchers wrote. Multivitamin
preparations typically contain these approximate quantities of both vitamins E and C (more
vitamin C in some instances), while individual supplements typically contain doses up to 1,000
IU of vitamin E and 500 to 1,000 micrograms or more of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Our findings
suggest that vitamins E and C may offer protection against AD when taken together in the higher
doses available from individual supplements.

HOLLAND: 5,500 people aged 55 and older were tracked over six years in Holland.
Those who took high doses of vitamins C and E lessened their risk of Alzheimers by 18 percent,
regardless of age, gender, smoking, weight and education. Smokers got the biggest benefit.
So what dosage should you take? As you can see in the Utah study above, controversy
reigns about optimal amounts for both vitamin C and vitamin E.
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum suggests:
Vitamin C (500-1,000 mg/day)
Vitamin E (100 units/day)
Dr. Teitelbaum says of vitamin E, This critical antioxidant serves many functions, but
more is not always better. Many nutrients (such as beta carotene) are part of a larger family, so
taking very high doses of only one type can actually suppress the others and become problematic.
This is the case with vitamin E as well, as there are many types of tocopherols. Research suggests
that taking over 150 units a day can actually be problematic, so I recommend taking 100 units
a day as the optimal level in multi-vitamins. If you are taking higher levels to treat a specific
problem, take it for only a few months and use natural vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) which
contain all of the different types of vitamin E.
So which type of vitamin E should you take? The answer is surprisingly complicated, but if
you get it right, the health benefits can be immense.
Heres how the Cancer Defeated newsletter explains the problem: For starters, there are
actually eight types of vitamin E. Four are tocopherols, and four are tocotrienols. Each
group has an alpha, beta, gamma, and delta subtype. The main difference between tocopherols
and tocotrienols is a slight variation in chemical structure.
When you buy vitamin E supplements in the store, chances are youre buying alphatocopherol. The ingredient list might say alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols, but the
reality is that its mostly alpha-tocopherol. Few vitamin E supplements include any form of
Yet by some estimates, tocotrienols are 50 times more powerful than tocopherols.
This makes them much more effective in disease prevention. Of course, theyre also a lot more
expensive. But for those who can afford it, the benefits are extreme.
Lee Euler of Cancer Defeated explains that the scientific community is now paying more
attention to tocotrienols. In the past few years, almost 30% of the peer-reviewed studies on
vitamin E have been specific to tocotrienols, rising from less than 1% in previous years.

So far, studies indicate that tocotrienols are safe. They appear to have no adverse effects
when taken for a period as long as four years (the length of the longest study to date).
But the controversy over the right dosages of vitamins C and E continues to rage.
Heres what Dr. David Perlmutter recommends for people with serious cognitive issues:
Vitamin C: 200 mgs twice daily for a total of 400 mg daily
Vitamin E: 400 IU daily (buy d-alpha tocopherol and NOT di-alpha tocopherol)
Dr. Perlmutter recommends that Alzheimers patients take a higher dosage of vitamin
C: 500 mg in the morning and 500 mg at night
And Dr. Ronald Hoffman describes his regimen for an Alzheimers patient on his website.
Vitamin C: 4 gms (4,000 mgs) daily
Vitamin E: 800 IU daily
Since the recommendations for Vitamin C and E vary widely, you should talk with your
doctor about the right amount of supplementation for you.

Vitamin D Is the Sunshine of Your Life

The controversies that swirl around vitamin D are loud, passionate, and tremendously
urgent. Lets start with the frightening fact that over 33% of older adults are so lacking in Vitamin
D that theyre putting their lives at risk.
Its likely that more than one-third of older adults now have vitamin D levels associated
with higher risks of death and few have levels associated with optimum survival, said Adit
Ginde, MD, MPH, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver School of
Medicines Division of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Ginde, the lead author of a study published in
2009, evaluated the link between Vitamin D levels and death rates in people 65 and older.
One big reason that millions of people lack vitamin D is that theyre scared to expose
themselves to sun. For years, doctors have shouted from the rooftops about the dangers of
sunlight. And since 90% of our vitamin D comes from exposure to sun, enormous numbers of
people arent getting even the minimal amounts of sunshine they need.
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum has strong feelings on the subject. He says that multiple studies have
shown that Vitamin D deficiencies can cause cancer. And, tragically, the medical establishments
misguided advice on avoiding sun has led thousands of cancer victims to lose their lives from
insufficient Vitamin D.

Ill let Dr. Teitelbaum tell you a bit about how the controversy plays out in the academic
Of course, having scientific research behind you may not offer much protection in
academia, writes Dr. Teitelbaum. One of the worlds leading experts on vitamin D is Dr.
Michael Holick, chief of endocrinology, nutrition and diabetes (and in the past a professor
of dermatology) at Boston University. He published a book, The UV Advantage, urging
people to get enough sunlight to make vitamin D. I am advocating common sense, not
prolonged sunbathing or tanning salons, Holick said.
Repeated sunburns especially in childhood and among redheads and very fairskinned people have been linked to melanoma, but there is no credible scientific evidence
that moderate sun exposure causes it, Holick contends. The problem has been that the
American Academy of Dermatology has been unchallenged for 20 years, he says. They
have brainwashed the public at every level. Despite the strong evidence supporting the role
of common sense (i.e., avoid sunburn, not sunshine), the head of Holicks department, Dr.
Barbara Gilchrest, called his book an embarrassment and stripped him of his dermatology
As you get older, you ratchet up additional risk factors for low vitamin D. Your ability to
process it declines, and youre more likely to be housebound in the hazardous winter months.
And that brings us to the growing link between vitamin D deficiencies and dementia. A
recent study published in Archives of Internal Medicine investigated 858 adults aged 65 and
older, over a six-year period. The subjects with lowest vitamin D levels -- less than 25 nanomoles
per liter of blood -- were 60% more likely to exhibit signs of general cognitive decline. And they
were 31% more likely to suffer deteriorated executive function the ability to plan, organize, and
Our study demonstrates that low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk
of new cognitive problems, said study researcher David J. Llewellyn, PhD, of the University of
Exeter, England.
Some intriguing lab research published in 2011 suggests that vitamin D helps to remove
amyloid-beta protein, which forms the sticky brain plaques that characterize Alzheimers.
Researchers from Tohoku University, Japan discovered that vitamin D injections improved
the removal of amyloid from the brain of mice.
Professor Tetsuya Terasaki said, Vitamin D appears to increase transport of amyloid
across the blood brain barrier (BBB) by regulating protein expression, via the vitamin D receptor,

and also by regulating cell signaling via the MEK pathway. These results lead the way towards
new therapeutic targets in the search for prevention of Alzheimers disease.
I spoke to Dr. Tara Peyman, a naturopathic physician in Arizona, about vitamin D, and
asked her if she can recommend a particular brand.
I like Pure Encapsulations, said Dr. Peyman. Its easy and affordable. Its in the form of
liquid drops. Some of the liquids go bad easily, and this one doesnt seem to.
Vitamin D is fat soluble, so you need to take it with oil. If you take it in powder or
tablet form, it wont absorb well, unless you take it with fish oil or some other oil. But Pure
Encapsulations is emulsified in oil, so you dont need to worry about that. I usually recommend
10,000 IU for people who are very deficient, but that should be determined with a doctor.
Heres what the Pure Encapsulations website says about their product:
Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 liquid provides 1,000 i.u. per drop, an ideal daily amount.
For individuals with greater short-term needs, this product allows for achieving 25,000-50,000
i.u. vitamin D3 per week without having to take multiple capsules. For the elderly, Vitamin D3
liquid is an easy to use form. Vitamin D3 liquid, in a base of medium chain triglycerides, does
not require emulsification for absorption. Vitamin D3 liquid is also free of preservatives, artificial
colors, flavors and sugars.
How much Vitamin D people with cognitive difficulties should take is another contro
versy. Recommendations range from 400 IU to 5,000 IU, or even 10,000, in extreme cases.
Dr. Holicks book, The UV Advantage, is a good source of information on this controversy and on
how to determine the proper dose for you with the help of a doctor and a blood test.
If youre unable to afford a doctor consultation, its good to know that very few people,
if any, will be endangered by supplementing with 2000 IU per day. Most of us can benefit from
significantly more, but thats where a doctors advice is needed. Its very important to take D3,
not the less effective D2. The type of vitamin D needed to enrich milk D2 is much less

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaums website:
Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3

Ray Sahelian
Daily Mail
10p pill to beat Alzheimers disease: Vitamin B halts memory loss in breakthrough British
Fiona MacRae
September 9, 2010
The Healthier Life
Niacin Found to Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Decline
June 1, 2006
Effect of 3-year folic acid supplementation on cognitive function in older adults in the
FACIT trial: a randomised, double blind, controlled trial.
Durga J, van Boxtel MP, Schouten EG, Kok FJ, Jolles J, Katan MB, Verhoef P
2007 Jan 20;369(9557):208-16.
Science Daily
Treatment with Vitamin C Dissolves Protein Aggregates in Alzheimers Disease
August 18, 2011
Cache County, Utah Study:
JAMA and Archives Journal
Using vitamin E and C supplements together may reduce risk of Alzheimer disease
January 19, 2004
Honolulu Aging Study
Neurology 2000 Mar 28;54(6):1265-72.
Association of vitamin E and C supplement use with cognitive function and dementia in
elderly men.
Masaki KH, Losonczy KG, Izmirlian G, Foley DJ, Ross GW, Petrovitch H, Havlik R,

White LR
Holland Study
JAMA June 26, 2002
Dietary intake of antioxidants and risk of Alzheimer disease.
Engelhart MJ, Geerlings MI, Ruitenberg A, van Swieten JC, Hofman A, Witteman JC,
Breteler MM
Web MD
Vitamins D and E May Affect Dementia Risk
Denise Mann
July 12, 2010
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 enhances cerebral clearance of human amyloid- peptide(140) from mouse brain across the blood-brain barrier
Shingo Ito, Sumio Ohtsuki, Yasuko Nezu, Yusuke Koitabashi, Sho Murata and Tetsuya
July 8, 2011
Science Daily
Advances in Research in Alzheimers Disease
July 9, 2011
The Telegraph
Supplements of Vitamin D could cut Alzheimers Risk
by Chris Irvine
January 23, 2009
Cancer Defeated
Eight Types of Vitamin E And the Most Popular One is the WRONG One!
By Lee Euler
Issue 138

The Worlds Healthiest Foods

Vitamin E
Science Daily
Insufficient Levels Of Vitamin D Puts Elderly At Increased Risk Of Dying From Heart
Sep. 21, 2009
Natural Health Archives
Will This Remarkably Inexpensive Nutrient Cure Alzheimers Disease
Dr. Robert Rowen, M.D.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation:
Published in Volume 100, Issue 11 (December 1, 1997)
J Clin Invest. 1997;100(11):28422848. doi:10.1172/JCI119832.
Copyright 1997, The American Society for Clinical Investigation.
Research Article
Vitamin C crosses the blood-brain barrier in the oxidized form through the glucose
D B Agus, S S Gambhir, W M Pardridge, C Spielholz, J Baselga, J C Vera and D W Golde
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA. d-agus@ski.
Published December 1, 1997
The Better Brain Book
David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN and Carol Colman
Riverhead Books, 2004
The Anti-Alzheimers Prescription
Vincent Fortanasce, M.D.
Gotham Books, 2008
The Alzheimers Answer
Marwan Sabbagh, M.D.
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
The Alzheimers Prevention Plan

Patrick Holford with Shane Heaton and Deborah Colson

Piatkus Books, 2005
The Inflammation Syndrome
Jack Challem
John Wiley & Sons, 2010


Chapter 18

Mangosteen Revives Dad Like

A Watered Plant
One day, while trolling the Internet for more juicy facts about Alzheimers remedies, I
came upon a startling story. Coleen Melsted had posted this testimonial in an Alzheimers chat
My Father at the young age of 64 started having problems at work and had to retire early.
He was then diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Alzheimers. He is now in a home because
my mother couldnt handle him anymore. He worked as a very successful Autobodyman and may
have ingested a lot of chemicals. A friend of mine gave me a bottle of [mangosteen juice] and I
had read that it may help with Alzheimers. We thought we would have nothing to lose as he is
now in a very vegetative state. He didnt know anyone, he couldnt feed himself and he couldnt
even talk anymore.
We got him on 1 oz of [mangosteen juice] per day and on the 5th day he called my son by
his name. We were all shocked! He continued taking 1 oz per day and he has now been feeding
himself consistently for 25 days!
He is more alert and happy. He even looks and smiles at me when I visit him. He is now
even communicating with us a little. We are now increasing his dosage to 2 oz per day with his
doctors blessing and we are all excited to see what happens.
This product has created much excitement for our family! I wish we would have had this
product 5 years ago. I want people to understand that my father is pretty far gone but has had
somewhat amazing results due to taking this product. I truly believe this product offers new hope
to other people...
Coleen Melsted

Update: Hi Everyone this testimonial really needs an update. My dad is doing great. Hes
walking, talking, eating on his own, happy, very familiar with family members and friends! Hes
improving everyday! We are all very excited to see where he will be in the next few months. This
has really added quality to his life and ours as well. I encourage you to let people know about this

juice, you may be able to help them avoid what our family has gone through!
Have a great day!
Well, that certainly sounded interesting! After some sleuthing, I managed to track down
Coleens phone number, and reached her at her home in Canada on my very first try.
Coleen was eager to talk about mangosteen juice, and tell me more about her fathers
stunning transformation. My father had a very aggressive form of Alzheimers and was
deteriorating really fast, Coleen explained. He was down to a vegetable in a chair. Somebody
gave me a bottle of the juice and I gave it to my mom and said its worth a try.
Well, my mom called me and said, Youve got to come see this! Its like somebody
watered the plant and he came back to life! My dad was lively, talking to other people, enjoying
himself, walking around.
I asked Coleen how quickly her father responded to the mangosteen juice.
He reacted within the first five days, she said. People who are ill react faster. When I
went on mangosteen juice myself, it took about three and a half months for me to realize that
my environmental allergies and joint pain from synchronized skating were gone. You get used to
living with those things and dont pay attention.
My father had been told that he had 18 months to live. Well, he lived another seven and
a half years! It was unbelievable. My moms skeptical about this stuff, but she saw that he went
from no communication to being up and around and taking care of himself.
When my friends heard about it, they began asking me, do you think mangosteen juice
will help with my diabetesor my tendonitis? They asked if Id sell them my bottles of it, and I
said, No! I need them for my dad!
So, after a while, I began selling mangosteen juice and now Im a distributor. I just wish
my dad had taken it earlier. He wouldnt have had to go into care.
After talking to Coleen, I was determined to learn more. Quickly, I found myself plunged
into the exotic world of the mangosteen.


The Queen of Fruits Brims with Antioxidant Xanthones

Its not a mango. Its an Asian tropical fruit, mostly cultivated in Thailand, thats
so beloved its called the Queen of Fruits. In 1930, botanist David Fairchild described the
mangosteen with these mouthwatering words: It is so delicate that it melts in the mouth like ice
cream. The flavor is quite indescribably delicious. There is nothing to mar the perfection of this
More recently, The New York Times lauded the mangosteen as a tropical fruit about the
size of a tangerine, whose leathery maroon shell surrounds moist, fragrant, snow-white segments
of ambrosial flesh
Ive yet to eat a mangosteen, but after reading that, Im ready to get on a plane to Thailand!
But however tasty the mangosteens inner fruit may be, the source of its health-giving powers lies
within its thick rind and seeds.
The mangosteens rind, also known as the pericarp, brims with xanthones, a little-known
type of antioxidant that packs a powerful punch. Xanthones hunt down free radicals and show
them no mercy. And mounting clinical evidence indicates that xanthones successfully reduce
inflammation, a crucial asset for treating inflamed Alzheimers brains.
Are there reams of studies on mangosteens effect on Alzheimers patients? Frankly, no, at
least not that I could find.
The evidence for mangosteen on Alzheimers patients is anecdotal. But its also backed up
by a growing stack of clinical data, analyzing mangosteens xanthones and phytonutrients in the
My search of the National Institutes of Health database yielded 156 entries on mangosteen.
Heres a sample taste of recent studies with strong relevance for Alzheimers. One study
examined xanthones protection of brain tissue. Another investigated its antioxidant impact.

Brain tissue protection

The natural xanthone alpha-mangostin reduces oxidative damage in rat brain tissue.
Nutr Neurosci. 2009. Laboratorio de Aminocidos Excitadores, Instituto Nacional de Neurologa
y Neurociruga Manuel Velasco Surez, Insurgentes Sur Mxico DF, Mexico.
The antiperoxidative properties of alpha-mangostin, a xanthone isolated from mangosteen
fruit, were tested for the first time in nerve tissue exposed to different toxic insults. Two reliable
biological preparations (rat brain homogenates and synaptosomal P2 fractions) were exposed to
the toxic actions of a free radical generator (ferrous sulfate), an excitotoxic agent (quinolinate),

and a mitochondrial toxin (3-nitropropionate). Alpha-mangostin decreased the lipoperoxidative

action of FeSO(4) in both preparations in a concentration-dependent manner, and completely
abolished the peroxidative effects of quinolinate, 3-nitropropionate and FeSO(4) + quinolinate at
all concentrations tested. Interestingly, when tested alone in brain homogenates, alpha-mangostin
significantly decreased the lipoperoxidation even below basal levels. Alpha-mangostin exerts a
robust antiperoxidative effect in brain tissue preparations probably through its properties as a free
radical scavenger. In light of these findings, this antioxidant should be tested in other neurotoxic
models involving oxidative stress.

Antioxidant benefit
Bioavailability and antioxidant effects of a xanthone-rich Mangosteen (Garcinia
mangostana) product in humans.
J Agric Food Chem. 2009. Brunswick Laboratories, Norton, Massachusetts, USA.
This study investigated the absorption and antioxidant effects of a xanthone-rich mangosteen
liquid in healthy human volunteers after the acute consumption of 59 mL of the supplement.
The liquid contained mangosteen, aloe vera, green tea, and multivitamins. Results indicated
that alpha-mangostin and vitamins B(2) and B(5) were bioavailable. The antioxidant capacity
measured with the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay was increased with a
maximum effect of 18% after 2 hours, and the increased antioxidant level lasted at least 4
hours. Overall, this study demonstrated the bioavailability of antioxidants from a xanthone-rich
mangosteen product and its in vivo antioxidant effects.

The Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Ive Seen in 30 Years of Practice

Dr. Kenneth J. Finsand, a chiropractic physician and the author of The Mangosteen
Desk Reference, says, This is probably the most famous use of all the qualities found in the
mangosteen: it is by far the most powerful anti-inflammatory I have ever seen in 30 years of
practice. Research has proven this to be true, along with folk medicine history.
Dr. Finsand has personal reason to champion mangosteen. In 1981, he suffered a
devastating back injury while surfing. Over the years, the chronic pain worsened, and he felt
exhausted and sick, possibly due to his long-term use of medication.
In 2002, Dr. Finsand discovered mangosteen juice and experienced a dramatic recovery of
his health.
Because of the amazing results I have had with mangosteen, I am now drug-free and
virtually pain-free for the first time in 21 years. The research I have performed on this product has
led me to believe that it helps restore liver function, it breaks down insulin resistance, and it can

turn around chronic conditions of inflammation in the cells of the body.

Amazing Renewal for Alzheimers Patients in Adult Care Home!

The more I read about mangosteen, the more fascinated I became. And then, I discovered
this story on a website dedicated to testimonials about a mangosteen juice product:
My name is Barbara G. I am General Manager of an adult care home in Arizona. A few
months ago, one of our residents daughters brought a bottle of mangosteen juice to our adult care
home to try on her mother who has Alzheimers disease. This resident is 86 years old.
The results were amazing. Prior to taking mangosteen juice, she was sleeping most
of the day and it was very difficult to carry on a conversation with her. Now, after taking
mangosteen juice for approximately three months, she is alert during the day, vibrant and easy to
communicate with. Since her results were so exciting, we began giving mangosteen juice to four
of our other residents with outstanding results.
Resident 1 is a 72 year old Alzheimers patient who prior to taking mangosteen juice was
sleeping all day, would not communicate and could not feed herself. Now after two months on
mangosteen juice, she does not sleep all day, she is alert, communicates with others and feeds
Resident 2 is an 86 year old Alzheimers patient, is blind, has very stiff muscles, she has
not talked or opened her eyes for several years and is bed bound. After being on mangosteen juice
for approximately two months, she now talks at times, moves her arms and legs occasionally and
communicates without screaming. She now opens her eyes and is aware of her surroundings.
Resident 3 is a 76 year old who has Parkinsons disease. Prior to taking mangosteen juice
she was very quiet, stayed in her room all day. Now after two months on mangosteen juice, she
comes out of her room for meals, is a lot stronger, her appetite has increased, and she now walks
with minimal assistance.
Resident 4 is a 94 year old who is very frail, has transfusions every three months, has a
poor appetite and is anemic. Now, after being on mangosteen juice for almost two months, she is
eating well, much stronger and very happy.
After seeing the wonderful results that the residents were experiencing, I started taking
mangosteen juice myself. I was suffering from migraine headaches. I have now gone several
months with no migraine headaches. When I begin to feel the symptoms of a migraine, I
double up on the mangosteen juice dosage and do not have migraines. My energy level has also
increased since being on mangosteen juice.


I am also giving mangosteen juice to my nine year old son who suffers from asthma and
sinus infections year round. After taking mangosteen juice his asthma medications have been
decreased. When a sinus infection flares up, I double the dosage of mangosteen juice and his
sinus infection is gone in two to three days. Also, my four year old niece had no appetite, would
vomit at the sight of food, was very skinny and pale. She has been on mangosteen juice for
several months. She is now eating very well, has gained weight, has rosy cheeks and less sinus
infections. Mangosteen juice has truly been a miracle in a short period of time for my family and
for the residents at the facility I manage.
Well, Barbaras story certainly sounds encouraging.

Which Mangosteen Juice Product Is Right for You?

Unfortunately, you cant get the xanthones you need by eating lots of delicious mangosteen
fruit every day. Its still very difficult to find mangosteen in the United States, because the
government restricts its import for fear of pests. And the mangosteen tree needs humid, tropical
climates and cant be grown anywhere in the U.S.
Even if you ate the fruit, you still wouldnt receive the real healing power of mangosteen,
because the rind and seeds contain most of the xanthones. You must consume them, too, to get
mangosteens full therapeutic impact.
In 2002, six partners formed a company they dubbed Xango, a name derived from XAN
for xanthones and GO from mangosteen. And they set about creating the first mangosteen juice
product on the market. Xango Juice uses the whole fruit, including the rind, seed and pulp. And to
compensate for the rinds less-than-sweet flavor, Xangos makers added a variety of other juices
to improve the taste.
You cant go to the grocery and buy Xango. Its sold by individual distributors, including
Coleen Melsted, whose story you heard at the beginning of this chapter. However, you can buy it
online, along with various other mangosteen-derived products that Xango now makes, in addition
to its juice product.
In the wake of Xangos success, other companies chimed in with a mangosteen fruit juice
of their own. Heres where things get tricky. A mangosteen juice product may sound better,
because its 100% mangosteen juice and doesnt contain other juices that dilute it.
However, if its 100% mangosteen juice, it may only contain the fleshy part of the fruit.
It probably doesnt include the whole rind, which contains most of the xanthones and other
important phytonutrients.
So a 100% mangosteen fruit juice may sound better and even taste better, and yet, not

provide the full scope of healing nourishment that youre seeking.

According to Xango, At this point in time, we are the only company to use the entire
mangosteen fruit, including the nutrient-rich rind known as the pericarp, in a beverage.
An alternative to juice might be a mangosteen extract pill, which contains both the fruit
and rind. Dr. Ray Sahelian is a physician and nutrition expert who frequently writes about natural
supplements. He also formulates his own line of supplements, which you can obtain through his
Dr. Sahelian produces a mangosteen pill, and heres what he says about it:
Mangosteen pill 500 mg (whole fruit and rind) - direct from Thailand
Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Made from the highest quality ORGANIC raw material available, direct from Thailand.
The actual active ingredients, xanthones, are mostly in the rind and seed, and less in the
fruit. We use the whole fruit - rind, seed and fruit - in order to provide you with the full
spectrum of xanthones. There are about 20 different xanthones in the whole fruit. Half of
this product is rind, the other half whole fruit.
Supplement facts
Mangosteen 500 mg (Garcinia mangostana whole fruit and pericarp or rind)
I certainly cant claim that mangosteen is a guaranteed miracle worker for Alzheimers.
But on the other hand, there are no known contraindications with mangosteen fruit juice and
So you might want to try drinking a refreshing ounce or two in the morning, and see what
happens. Heres to your health!

Ray Sahelian


My Mangosteen (distributor)
Mangosteen Research
Xango Testimonials
Alzheimers, Parkinsons Disease, Migraine
September 4, 2004
Mangosteen and Health: Alzheimers Disease
Dr. Kenneth J. Finsand


Chapter 19

Taking Your Next Step

Youve just learned a lot about Alzheimers, and you may be wondering how to start using
this new information. Perhaps it all seems a bit overwhelming.
My suggestion is that you begin by taking heart. You have more roads to healing than you
realized, and a world of new possibilities lies before you.
Your first step may be to find a doctor whos sympathetic to these approaches and is
willing to work with you. Your current doctor may fit the bill, or you may need to reach out to
other physicians who are more open-minded and flexible.

Get the Right Tests to Get the Right Diagnosis

Make sure you get tested to eliminate other causes of cognitive decline. As you learned in
the preceding chapters, nutritional deficits can provoke brain dysfunction. So can a host of other
overlooked problems, including depression, thyroid problems, chronic infections, and excess
You may want to take a free, 15-minute online test that will give you instant feedback
about your cognitive state. The Cognitive Function Test was devised by scientists at Oxford
University and can be taken in the comfort of your own home. Youll work your way through
three sections using computer-based games to test different components of your memory. You can
take The Cognitive Function Test at

Good Nutrition for A Healthier Brain

Fill your plate with lots of lean proteins and fresh vegetables, along with smaller helpings
of fruit and whole grains, seeds, and nuts. Push away the sugary, starchy, processed foods and
And choose a supplement described here and start taking it. Make notes about how youre
doing. Then try taking something else, and something else again. Experiment with different doses
and combinations.


Your Journey to Renewed Mental Clarity and Vigor

Stay encouraged. Stay positive. Stay open to new ideas.
Others have found their way back from Alzheimers, using the strategies that are detailed
here. The next story of reversing Alzheimers and reclaiming a fulfilling life could be yours.
Here are some sources for additional information that you may find helpful.

National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Aging
Alzheimers Disease Education and Referral Center
Call toll-free:
Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-5:00 pm Eastern Time
or email:
[email protected]
Alzheimers Weekly
Alzheimers Association
Alzheimers Foundation of America
Alzheimers Reading Room
The Better Brain Book
David Perlmutter, M.D., FACN and Carol Colman
Riverhead Books, 2004
The Anti-Alzheimers Prescription
Vincent Fortanasce, M.D.
Gotham Books, 2008

The Alzheimers Answer

Marwan Sabbagh, M.D.
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
The Alzheimers Prevention Plan
Patrick Holford with Shane Heaton and Deborah Colson
Piatkus Books, 2005
100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimers
Jean Carper
Little, Brown and Company, 2010
The Inflammation Syndrome
Jack Challem
John Wiley & Sons, 2010


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