Epista Sis
Epista Sis
Epista Sis
The phenomenon of dominance involves intra-allelic gene suppression, or the masking effect
which one allele has upon the expression of another allele at the same locus, while the phenomenon
epistasis involves inter-allelic gene suppression or the masking effect which one gene locus has upon
the expression of another. The classical phenotypic ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 observed in the progeny of
dihybrid parents becomes modified by epistasis into ratios which are various combinations of the
9 : 3 : 3 : 1 groupings.
Combs in fowl (9 : 3 : 3 : 1). The classical case of genetic interaction of two genes is discovered
by Bateson and Punnett (19051908) in fowls. There are many different breeds of domestic chicken.
Each breed possesses a characteristic type of comb. The Wyandotte breed has a comb called rose,
the Brahmas breed has a comb called pea, and the Leghorns have a comb called single. Each of
these types can be bred true.
A cross of chicken with a rose comb to one with a single comb produces rose and single,
showing dominance of rose over single. Another cross between pea combed and single combed
chickens produces pea and single combed chickens in the ratio of 3 : 1, showing dominance of pea
over single. But, when a rose combed chicken crossed with that of pea combed, the F1 progeny was
found with a different type of comb known as walnut (Malay breed). When the F1 walnut combed
chickens were bred together, in F2 all four types of combs, i.e., 9/16 walnut, 3/16 rose, 3/16 pea and
1/16 single appeared .These peculiar results were interpreted by Bateson and Punnett as follows : The
rose comb is caused by the combination of homozygous recessive genes pp and homozygous or
heterozygous dominant genes RR or Rr. The pea comb is supposed to be produced by combination
of a homozygous recessive condition (rr) and homozygous or heterozygous dominant condition (PP or
Pp).While, the single type comb is produced by the double recessive, rrpp, genes. Thus, R gene
determines the shape of rose comb and P gene determines the shape of pea comb, but when both
genes happen to come together in single individual due to cross between rose and pea combed
chickens, they interact to produce a walnut comb in F1. In the cross of two walnut chickens, two genes
interact variously and produces four types of offsprings in F2.
Thus, here two pairs of genes interact to produce comb size and shape in fowl. During the
inheritance of combs in fowls, the genes themselves do not determine the development of a character
(presence or absense of comb) and simply modify a character determined by a basic gene and,
therefore, known as supplementary or modifying genes.
F2 analysis
Dominance of R
Dominance of P
over r
over p
of R and P
Supplementary inheritance. Inheritance of the shape of the comb in chickens.
Dominance of rr
and pp
BB, Bb, bb
Dominant epistatis in dogs. Among dogs, the colours of coats depend upon the action of two
genes. One gene locus has a dominant epistatic inhibitor allele (I) of coat colour pigment
. The allele I prevents the expression of colour allele at another independently assorting,
hypostatic gene locus (B or b) and produces white coat colour. The alleles of hypostatic gene locus
(BB, Bb, or bb) express only when two recessive alleles (ii) occur on the epistatic locus, i.e., ii BB
or ii Bb produces black and ii bb produces brown individuals. When two such white coat colour
dogs are crossed, in F1 the white, black and brown coat colours appear in 12 : 3 : 1 ratio.
Checkerboard derived from a cross between two heterozygous white coated dogs showing 12 : 3 : 1
ratio due to dominant epistatic inhibitor genes.
2. Recessive Epistasis (9 : 3 : 4)
Sometimes the recessive alleles of one gene locus (aa) mask the action (phenotypic expression)
of alleles of another gene locus (BB, Bb or bb alleles) . This type of epistasis is called recessive
epistasis. The alleles of B locus express themselves only when epistatic locus has dominant
alleles (e.g., AA or Aa). Due to recessive epistasis the phenotypic ratio 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 becomes modified
into 9 : 3 : 4 ratio.
Recessive epistasis in mice. In mice various types of epistatic genetic interactions have been
reported. The most interesting case is of recessive epistasis in coat colours. The common house
mouse occurs in a number of coat colours, i.e., agouti, black and albino. The agouti colour pattern
is commonly occurred one (wild type) and is characterized by colour banded hairs in which the
part nearest the skin is gray, then a yellow band and finally the distal part is either black or brown.
The albino mouse lacks totally in pigments and has white hairs and pink eyes.
Cumulative effect in coat colour of pigs. In the Duroc-jersey breed of pigs, coat colour is influenced by
two pairs of genes that interact in peculiar manner .Sandy coat colour resultsfrom a dominant gene S,
and the homozygous recessive (ss) is white in colour. Sandy coat colour may also result from a nonallelic dominant gene R; its homozygous recessive (rr) is also white. When a sandy pig (SS rr) is crossed
with a second sandy pig (ss RR), the F1 offsprings were found with red coloured coats. Such
interactions are said to be the result of mutually supplementary genes. When F1 red coated pigs cross
bred among themselves they produce red, sandy and white coats in the ratio of 9 : 6 : 1
P gametes :
F1 cross :
SS rr
ss RR
Ss Rr
Ss Rr
Ss Rr
A cross between two strains of pig having sandy coats producing 9 : 6 : 1 ratio due to mutually
supplementary genes.
Mode of action of mutually supplementary genes for coat colour in pig.
When a pure line variety of white flowered sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) was crossed with another
pure line variety of white flowered sweet pea, in F1 purple or red flowered plants were produced .
The F1 plants when self-pollinated or crossed among themselves, produced the F2 generation with the
phenotypic ratio of 9 coloured and 7 white flowered plants.
Mode of action of complementary alleles in the production of coloured flowers in
sweet pea.
These surprising results could be understood by analysing the mechanism of colour production
in flowers. A given enzyme (genetically controlled as to absence or presence in a given individual) acts
upon chromogen (a colourless colour base whose absence or presence is also genetically controlled)
to produce the purple or red colour of flowers. The dominant allele or alleles (CC or Cc) of gene C are
responsible for the presence of chromogen, while the homozygous recessive alleles (cc) of this gene
are responsible for the absence of chromogen. Likewise, the dominant alleles of gene E in
homozygous (EE) or heterozygous (Ee) conditions caused the production of an enzyme which is
necessary for colour production from chromogen, while homozygous recessive (ee) condition does not
produce any such enzyme. The appearance of 9 : 7 ratio instead of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio from the cross of
two white flowered sweet pea plants (CC ee X cc EE) can be illustrated as follows :
Complementary genes : production of 9 : 7 phenotypic ratio in sweet peas due to complementary genes.
The seed capsules of shepherds purse (genus Capsella) occur in two different shapes, i.e., triangular
and top-shaped. When a plant with triangular seed capsule is crossed with one having top-shaped
capsule, in F1 only triangular, character appears. The F1 offsprings by self crossing produce the F2
generation with the triangular and top-shaped seed capsules in the ratio of 15 : 1. Two independently
segregating dominant genes (A and B) have been found to influence the shape of the capsule in the
same way. All genotypes having dominant alleles of both of these genes (A and B) would produce
plants with triangular-shaped capsules. Only those with the genotype aa bb would produce plants
withtop-shaped capsules. The results of this example has beens.
Mode of action of duplicate genes in producing triangular seed capsules in Capsella.
Duplicate dominant genes : a cross between two strains of Capsella having triangular and top-shaped
seed capsules to get 15 : 1 F2 dihybrid ratio
In Leghorn type of fowl the white colour of feather is caused by the dominant genotype CCII , similarly
the white colour of feathers of Plymouth Rock breed is caused by the recessive genotype ccii . When
both white varieties of fowl are crossed, in F1 white coloured hybrids appear. The F1 hybrids in F2
produce the white and coloured offsprings in the ratio of 13 : 3
Method of interaction between dominant and recessive genes.
A cross between two white coloured breeds of fowls to get 13 : 3 F2 dihybrid ratio.