Qualification of Purified Water Systems

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Qualification of Purified

Water Systems
David W. Vincent
Validation Technologies, Inc.

here are various types of water

This article
used in the pharmaceutical
Water Requirements
industry. Their usage in the
Potable: Environmental Partdiscusses
actual formulation, in processing
iculate Aggregates (EPA)
operations, and as a final rinse of a

States Pharmacopeia
basic steps in
product contact surface, enables them
(USP) Purified
to truly be considered a product ingre USP
dient. Purified water can be produced
various water
many different ways and with various
different designs and equipment. The
The following table lists the four
systems, and
usage of pharmaceutical grade water
basic water types and classification.1
once they are
is very important in the production of
Type I
Well water
pharmaceutical drug products. Therevalidated,
Type II Potable water
fore, the validation and routine monType III Purified water used for crititoring of these systems are critical in
ical batch applications
maintaining the quality of the final
a routine
Type IV Food and Drug Adminiproduct. This article discusses the
stration (FDA) water for
basic steps in validating various water
final rinse and formulation
systems, and once they are validated,
establishing a routine monitoring proprogram to
gram to maintain them. In addition
various types of water and their appli- maintain them. Type I Water
Type I is untreated water used for
cations, design, validation requireutilities (fire protection, lawn sprinklers, etc.), and may
ments, steps for validating purified water systems, routine monitoring program, Preventative Maintenance be from a well or surface source.
Type II Water
(PM) and revalidation program.
Type II is drinking water (potable) that must meet the
Water is classified into many different groups, deEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements
pending on its source, quality, treatment, or use. It is also
necessary to define each classification by the minimum for quality. Its source is from a private or city supply that
quality requirements, especially with regards to chemi- has a variable degree of hardness and added chlorine for
microbial control.
cal and microbiological purity. The following is an
Type III Water
example of the different types of water and their usage.
Type III is purified water, which is the most diffiWater Usage in Pharmaceutical Production
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification


David W. Vincent

cult to control from a microbial standpoint, and usually used for bulk batch application where there is no
reasonable alternative and for non-parenteral product formulation. It is sometimes used as the initial
cleaning agent for some processes.
Type IV Water
Type IV water is the most critical quality level. It
is commonly used in final formulation for parenteral
applicants and as final rinse water for critical product
contact surfaces. This water must satisfy the specifications for WFI as defined by USP compendia

Design Requirements for Water Systems

The first step in designing a water system is to
define what the systems intended use will be. Once the
systems use has been determined, it is important to
test the incoming water source. This data will be used
to determine what type water treatment is needed. The
design, installation, and operation of water systems
used to produce Purified and WFI include similar
components, controls, and procedures. Usually WFI
systems are designed to produce high quality water,
and the most common methods employed are by distillation and Reverse Osmosis (RO). The design of
these systems can vary from system to system. The
following description is of a typical system, which
only contains pretreatment and WFI. The pretreatment
system is only used to create water to service the WFI
distillation system.
Incoming City Water
The incoming source water is usually from the city
municipal water treatment facility. The water quality
must meet their own water quality standards (ERC-2),
plus the EPA regulations on drinking water quality.
The following table is a summary of the major contaminants found in some city water systems.
Total Dissolve
Solids (TDS)
Total Hardness
Total Organic
Carbon (TOC)
Microbial Limits


City Feed Water Results

125.74 mg/l
77.71 mg/l
10.45 ppm
500 cfu/ml

Special Edition: Utilities Qualification

It is also important to monitor the incoming city

water flow rates or pressures.
Purified Water System
To maintain a high level of biological and chemical control, it is necessary to limit the load by pretreating the water source before it enters into the
still. This is accomplished through several purification steps in the pretreatment sequence. The following components are typical components found in a
pretreatment system:
Multimedia filter
Duplex water softener with brine tank, and brine
feed pump
Hot water sanitizable carbon filter skid with circulation pump
Heat exchanger
Activated carbon filter
Multi-cartridge filters
RO feed tank with break tank and vent filter; RO
feed pump
Single pass RO unit
Deionization bottles
0.5 micron filter
Ultraviolet (UV) sterilizer
0.2 micron final filter
Multimedia Filter
A multi-media filter is used to remove or reduce turbidity, suspended solids, and sediment from the feed
water (incoming city water). The filtration also removes
particles with a nominal size of 10 microns or greater.
Duplex Water Softener
A duplex water softener, brine tank, and feed pump
system produces a sodium cycle, that will remove
scaling and other trace minerals from the water to improve RO operation and extend the life of the filter
Carbon Filter Skid
The hot sanitizable carbon filter is used to remove
organic material and residual chlorine from the incoming softened water. The carbon bed is installed in a loop
that consists of a recirculation pump, heat exchanger,
and activated carbon filter. In order to minimize the risk
of microbial contamination from the carbon bed, the
contents of the loop are heated to 176F periodically to
sanitize the carbon bed and associated components.

David W. Vincent

Break Tank System

A 100 gallon RO feed break tank provides an air
break and reserve capacity for the RO system. The
pump delivers feed water through two 1.0-micron
multi-cartridge filters, which are used to remove carbon fines or other particulate matter from the water
before it passes through the RO unit.
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
A single pass RO unit is used to remove 99% of
particulate matter, silica, bacteria and endotoxins. The
operation of the RO unit is continuous in order to minimize bacterial load. When the still does not require
feed water, the RO unit will operate in a high recovery
mode in order to minimize water consumption.
Deionization System
The Deionization (DI) recirculation loop provides pressurized RO/DI water to the still feed system. The water in this system is flowing constantly
through the DI recirculation pump, two deionization
bottles in series, an UV sterilizer, and a 0.5-micron
resin trap filter.
UV Sterilizer and Final Filtration System
A 0.5-micron filter is used to decrease the bioburden levels, and prevent resin particles from the DI
bottles from being deposited onto the surface in the
UV sterilizer. A UV sterilizer and a 0.2-micron final
filter are used to decrease the bioburden levels in the
water before it enters into the still.
Pretreatment Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Some pretreatment systems are controlled by a
PLC. The PLC is monitored by a Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The SCADA
system allows access to all visual and audible alarms
for all equipment associated with the WFI system.
The pretreatment system is designed to purify
incoming city water from USP EPA drinking water
standards to meet the following still feed water specification summarized in the table below.
Purified Water Specifications
Total Solids

< 5 microsiemens/cm
< 25 EU/ml
< 200 CFU/ml
5.5 to 7.0
< 5 mg/l

The previous specifications are those of the still

manufacturer, and are not regulatory requirements.
These still requirements can vary from system-tosystem. It also depends on the quality of the feed
Water Purification System
Usually, the components associated with purification systems are similar to WFI systems with the exception of the method of water production (distillation
verse RO/DI) and the final quality output. The components that comprise the purified water system are skid
mounted multimedia, water softener, carbon filter, dual
pre-filters, UV sterilizer, RO unit, bioburden reduction
filter, and storage tank. Below is a list of major components for a typical purified water system:
Multimedia filter
Duplex water softener with brine tank, and brine
feed pump
Hot water sanitizable carbon filter skid with circulation pump
Heat exchanger
Activated carbon filter
Multi-cartridge filters
RO feed tank with break tank and vent filter; RO
feed pump
Single pass RO unit
Deionization bottles
0.5 micron filter
Ultraviolet sterilizer
0.2-micron final filter
Storage tank
Tank vent filter
Purification Water Storage System
Purified water is supplied to a storage vessel from
the purification system. Purified water quality is maintained within the storage system by constant recirculation of the storage system. The purified water is
dumped after 24 hours to prevent proliferation of bacteria.
The purified water distribution loop returns to the
storage vessel after being further polished and filtered. A 0.2-micron hydrophobic vent filter is usually employed on the purified water storage vessel to
filter any incoming air into the storage vessel during
purified water system draw down.
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification


David W. Vincent

Purified Distribution Loops

The generated purified water is distributed throughout in a continuous loop. In distribution systems, where
the water circulates at a specified controlled temperature, dead legs and low flow should be avoided, and
valves tie-in points should have length to diameter
ratios of six or less. Components and distribution lines
should be sloped and fitted with drain points. The distribution loops tubing may be composed of stainless
steel or plastic. The purification system is designed to
purify water to meet USP 23 specifications. The following point of use specification is summarized in the
following table.
Purified Water Specifications

USP 24 Specification
No Specifications
100 cfu/ml
5.0 7.0
500 ppb

Water-for-Injection (WFI) Systems

The components that comprise the WFI system are
four effect distillation unit, jacket storage tank, vent
filter, cold, hot, and ambient WFI distribution loops
with associated pumps, heat exchanger with cooling
water, heat exchanger with chilled glycol, and a heat
exchanger with chilled water.
Distillation System
USP 23 WFI is produced by a four-effect distillation unit. The WFI storage tank level transmitters
control operation of the still. RO/DI treated water
flows into the WFI still feed and produce WFI quality
The multi-effect still is capable of producing clean
steam for periodic clean steam sterilization of the
WFI storage and distribution systems. The distillation process provides a three-log reduction in endotoxin and a five-log reduction in bacteria to meet
USP 23 requirements.
WFI Storage System
WFI is supplied to a storage vessel from the multieffect still. WFI quality water is maintained within the
storage system by constant recirculation of the storage system contents at greater than 80C. Tempera156

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ture of the WFI within the storage system is maintained by a plant steam jacket on the WFI storage vessel. The temperature of the vessel contents is maintained above 80C.
The hot WFI distribution loop returns to the WFI
storage vessel through a spray ball. The spray ball constantly rinses the dome and sidewalls of the storage
vessel with hot WFI to maintain cleanliness within the
storage tank.
A 0.2-micron hydrophobic vent filter is usually
employed on the WFI storage vessel to filter any incoming air into the storage vessel during WFI system draw
down. The filter is provided with a low-pressure plant
steam jacket to prevent filter plugging. Valves and ports
are provided on the vent filter for clean steam sanitization of the vent filter after cartridge replacement. A rupture disk on the storage vessel protects it from over pressurizing. A burst monitor indicates rupture disk over
pressure and activates an alarm. The WFI storage tank
temperature is continuously monitored.
WFI Distribution Loops
The generated WFI distributed throughout the
facility can be in three different loops; hot distribution,
ambient distribution, and cold distribution. In distribution systems where the water circulates at high temperature, dead legs and low flow should be avoided,
and valve tie-in points should have length to diameter
ratios of six or less. Components and distribution lines
should be sloped and fitted with drain points.
Water-For-Injection (WFI) Specifications

USP 24 specification
0.25 EU/ml
10 cfu/100ml
5.0 7.0
500 ppb

Validation Requirements for

Purified Water Systems
The validation of water systems assures that the
system will consistently produce water of predicable
quality when operated in the prescribed manner. The
validation of critical water systems involves a great
deal of time and planning. The initial phase involves
verifying that all related components, process moni-

David W. Vincent

tors, and controls are installed and functioning as per

design. The second phase is called the performance
phase, which involves testing the systems for microbial and chemical qualities over certain periods of
time. The final phase is the routine monitoring that is
performed over the life of the system. At this stage,
data is compiled and reviewed to determine trends,
which will give a more accurate system profile. The
data compiled includes seasonal variations, maintenance, and sanitation of the system.
Each water system is designed differently, and therefore, must be validated according to its intended design
and use. This section of the article will only cover
Levels II, III, and IV water systems, since these are the
most commonly used in pharmaceutical applications.

After all the equipment and piping has been verified as installed correctly and working as specified,
the initial phase of the water system validation can
During the initial phase, the operational parameters and cleaning/sanitation procedures and frequencies will be developed. Sampling should be daily after
each step in the purification process, and at each point
of use for two to four weeks.
The sampling procedures for point of use should
reflect how they are taken, e.g., use of hose, and time
for flushing. At the end of two (2) or four (4) weeks,
the firm should have developed its Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for operation and maintenance
of the water system.

Water Purification Systems

1. Pretreatment
Water softener
Depth filtration
Activated carbon and/or bisulfite injection
2. Purification

Phase 2
The second phase of the water system validation
is to demonstrating that the system will consistently
produce the desired water quality when operated in
conformance with SOPs. The sampling is performed as
in the initial phase and for the same period. At the end
of this phase, the data should demonstrate that the system consistently produces the desired quality of water.

A basic reference used for the validation of high

purity water systems is the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Technical Report No. 4 titled, Design
Concepts for the Validation of a Water for Injection
Systems. The validation of water systems can be time
consuming and very costly. In realizing that the pharmaceutical industry needed some guidance in the validation of critical water systems, the FDA published
the Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water
Systems in 1993.3 The following are some points to
consider from the FDAs perspective when validating
critical water systems as per the above guidelines.
Phase 1
All water systems should have documentation
containing a system description and accurate drawing. The drawing needs to show all equipment in the
systems from water input to points of use. It should
also show all sampling points and their designations.

Phase 3
The third phase of validation is designed to
demonstrate that when the water system is operated, in
accordance with the SOPs, over a long period of time,
it will consistently produce water of desired quality.
Any variations in the quality of the feed water that
could affect the operation, and ultimately the water quality, will be noticed during this phase of the validation.
Sampling is performed according to routine procedures and frequencies. For WFI systems, samples
should be taken daily from a minimum of one point of
use, with all points of use tested weekly.
The validation of the water system is completed
when the firm has collected data for a full year.
The FDA states that: while the above validation scheme is not the only way a system can be validated, it contains the necessary elements for validation of a water system.
First, there must be data to support the SOPs.
Second, there must be data demonstrating that
the SOPs are valid, and that the system is capaSpecial Edition: Utilities Qualification


David W. Vincent

ble of consistently producing water that meets

the desired specifications.
Finally, there must be data to demonstrate that
seasonal variations in the feed water do not adversely affect the operation of the system or water
quality. This last part of the validation is the compilation of the data, with any conclusions written
into the final report.
Once all regulatory concerns are addressed, it is
important to consider microbiological and chemical
requirements for each system. Figure 1 contains limits for each level of water system.
Figure 1

Microbiological/Chemical Limits

Figure 2

Water System Validation Lifecycle

Define Water
Quality Attributes
Define System and Subsystems
Including Processing Technologies,
Operating Parameters, and
Corrective Action Features to Meet
Water Quality Attributes

Install Equipment
Piping and Control

Identify Critical
Process Parameters
and Establish
Operating Ranges


Conductivity N/A


5.0 - 7.0
500 ppb
4.7 to 5.8

5.0 - 7.0
500 ppb
USP 24
500 cfu/mL 100 cfu/mL
10 cfu/100mL
Not Specified 0.25 EU/mL

cfu: Colony Forming Units

A validation program qualifies the design, installation, operation, and performance of the system. It begins when the system design moves through different
phases: Construction Qualification (CQ), Installation
Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ),
Performance Qualification (PQ) and routine monitoring program. The USP-NF fifth supplement <1231>,
Water for Pharmaceutical Purposes, defines a typical
water system validation lifecycle which is shown in
the graphical representation of Figure 2.

Steps for Validation of Water Systems

There are many ways of qualifying a water system.
The following is one typical method:
Construction Qualification (CQ)
During the CQ phase of the validation, material
certification on tubing and components should be collected. Welding logs should be inspected to insure that
the welders are conforming to their own quality pro158

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Establish Alert and

Action Levels for Key
Quality Attributes


Corrective Action


Appropriateness of
Critical Process
Operating Ranges

Concurrent/Retrospective Phase
Establish reproducibility and reliability of system
Evaluate effects of seasonal changes
Confirm appropriateness of alert an
action levels and corrective action

Change Control
Periodic Review

David W. Vincent

gram. Certain test procedures, such as hydrostatic testing, should be witnessed and documented. Verification
that piping is sloped to drain according to specifications and code should be completed.
Installation Qualification (IQ)
An IQ phase consists of field verifying that instruments, valves, heat exchangers, and major components are installed as per design specifications. The
system should be inspected to verify that the drawings
accurately depict the as-built configuration of the
water system. The system should be checked to verify
that there are no dead legs. A dead leg is a length of
piping that should be less than six inches of the pipe
diameters length. The data and reports for the cleaning and passivation activities should be reviewed, and
the test results included in the final report. Passivation
of the stainless steel piping and tank is important in
removing various metal contaminates, which can
cause oxidization of the surface areas. After the passivation process is complete, it is important to assure that
there are no residues remaining in the system. Finally,
check that distribution system and points of use valves
are labeled and tagged. The water system should be
fully commissioned before the OQ phase can start.2
Operational Qualification (OQ)
During the OQ phase, it is important to test and
verify the following functions:
Flow and pressure rates
Temperature and conductivity
Sanitization and/or Steam-In-Place (SIP) procedures
Computer control functions
Major components function as per design specifications
Filter integrity
It is important to verify that all instrument and devices have been calibrated before starting the OQ.
After all functions are verified, it is important to perform preliminary testing on the systems. This involves
sampling the system for two weeks for microbial and
chemical quality. It is also important to verify the efficiency of each major component to insure they per-

form according to their design specifications. For

example, the carbon bed should be tested or monitored
to insure it is capable of removing chlorides to an
acceptable level. During the execution of the OQ protocol, its important to verify that all valves function
properly, and pumps are capable of meeting their
appropriate pump curve requirements. Its also important to verify that all computerized control points are
functioning per operational specifications. By performing this step, you will be able to determine if your
system is ready for the PQ phase of the validation.
This step will prevent unnecessary cost and time
wasted on a system that may not be ready for the PQ
study. All system SOPs should be developed and finalized during the OQ phase.
Testing the system before starting the PQ gives
valuable information on the systems ability to produce high quality water.
It is important to qualify the microbiological and
chemical test methods before starting the PQ Study.
Performance Qualification (PQ)
The PQ phase involves monitoring the system for
microbial and chemical quality over a specific
period of time. Most companies perform this study
for 30 to 60 consecutive days. After 30 days, the
system is shut down for 24 hours (stagnation test).
After 24 hours testing continues for another 30 days
to determine how long it takes for the system to
recover. Sampling should be daily after each step in
the purification process and at each point during the
extent of the PQ. Again, it is important to monitor
the incoming water source, in-between each major
piece of equipment, and at the points of use. This is
to insure each component is performing per design.
By testing in between each major component, it will
also be easier to detect the source of any problems,
should they occur. Sampling for microbial and endotoxin levels should be performed on a daily basis,
whereas chemical analysis can be rotate for each use
Test Methods and Materials Used During PQ Study
The use of proper test methods and materials are
critical to any validation project. That is why it is
important to qualify them before the actual PQ study.
The USP fifth supplements, USP-NF, <1231> Water
for Pharmaceutical Purposes recommended methodSpecial Edition: Utilities Qualification


David W. Vincent

ologies are derived from the Standard Methods for

the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition,
American Public Health Association, Washington,
DC 20005.4 These methodologies are considered appropriate for establishing trends in the number Colony
Forming Units (CFUs) observed in the routine microbiological monitoring of ingredient water. They do
however, recognize, that other combinations of media,
time, and temperature of incubation may occasionally or even consistently result in higher number of
CFUs being observed. The following are some of the
recommended methods that are generally satisfactory
for monitoring pharmaceutical water systems:5
Drinking Water:

Pour Plate Method

Minimum sample 1.0 ml
Plate count agar
42 to 72 hours at 30 to 35C
Purified Water:
Pour Plate Method
Minimum sample 1.0 ml
Plate count agar
42 to 72 hours at 30 to 35C
Water-For-Injection: Pour Plate Method
Minimum sample 1.0 ml
Plate count agar
42 to 72 hours at 30 to 35C
While the above methodology may be considered
acceptable, it is also important to consider other alternative methodologies. For example, low nutrient media
may be compared with high nutrient media, especially during the validation of a water system. The use
of high (enriched) nutrient media is normally used for
the isolation and enumeration of hetetrophic bacteria.
It is also important to consider slow growth bacteria
that are living in an environment with very little nutritional supplements or that are under stress from
chemical agents. Therefore, it may be important to
consider the use of a low nutrient media. High nutrient media requires a higher temperature and shorter
incubation period; whereas low nutrient media requires lower temperature and a longer incubation
period. Since the amount of bacteria detected in a 100
ml sample may be very low, a larger sample volume
(250 300 ml) should especially be considered for
WFI systems.
When testing drinking water for microbial quality,
it is also important to inactivate the chlorine that is

Special Edition: Utilities Qualification

normally used to treat the water. By not doing so, one

may not get an accurate count because of the bactericidal affect the chlorine will have on the microbial

Routine Monitoring Program for

Purified Water Systems
Once the PQ is completed, the real time validation of the critical utilities begins. Usually the PQ study
is performed over a short period of time, and with intensive sampling. But the routine Environmental Monitoring (EM) is performed during the life of the facility, and usually involves less intense sampling. The
data collected from routine EM programs includes
seasonal variations, and manufacturing activities,
along with maintenance and cleaning activities. The
most effective EM programs are the ones with clear
and precise procedures.
Routine Environmental Monitoring Program
When establishing a routine EM program, the data
for the PQ study should have the starting point for
determining the sampling sites and frequencies of
testing. It is also important to have an accurate drawing indicating the sampling sites. The program
should also include environmental worksheets to
record test results. The worksheet data can be
entered into a computer-aided software program that
can be used to trend and perform queries on environmental data.
Establishment of Alert and Action Limits
Alert Limits The concentration of viable and
non-viable particulate in a controlled environment
that, when exceeded, signal a potential drift from
normal operating conditions.
Action Limits The concentration of viable and
non-viable particulate in a controlled environment that,
when exceeded, signal a potential drift from normal
operating conditions, and which require an investigation and corrective action.
Alert and action limits are usually derived statistically from historical data. These limits are conservative measures designed to signal potential drift
from historical or design performance characteristics.
The establishment of the alert action limits should
be written and utilized in a consistent, non-arbitrary

David W. Vincent

manner. It is important to remember that alert/action times. Acceptable levels are reattained if three conlevels should not be extensions of product specificasecutive retests meet acceptable levels. Once the systions. If an alert level is exceeded, correct action may
tem is operating in a compliant state, QA is responsinot be required, but records should show that the
ble for releasing the system to manufacturing
excursion was recognized. But if alert levels are consistently exceeding their limits, an investigative action Corrective Action Program for Purified Water Systems
should be taken.
The purpose of a corrective action program is to
If an excursion occurs above an
action level, as a minimum, one
The most effective EM
should review the data. An investi[Environmental Monitoring]
gation should be undertaken, and
corrective and alert notices to
programs are the ones with
responsible parties and departments.
clear and precise procedures.
When an action limit is
exceeded, an investigation and corrective action should be performed. The following
investigate critical system failures, and reporting and
actions may be taken, but are not limited to the foldocumenting these failures, and making the neceslowing:
sary corrective action to bring the system into a compliance state.
Generate an Environmental Deviation Report
The following program is applicable to purified
(EDR) form
water, and WFI, systems.
Issue an alert notice
Investigate the environmental deviation
Program Procedures
Perform corrective action
An environmental investigation applies to any sit Resample Out-of Limit (OOL) locations
uations not considered an immediate threat to a criti Review maintenance and cleaning logs
cal system, but which, if allowed to continue, may
Perform gram stain/identification of isolated or- become serious. An EDR must be filled out under the
following or similar circumstances.
Determine sensitivity of isolate to disinfectant
being used
Water Systems
Review risk of product contact
When QC sample consistently exceeds alert
limits for all QC test results.
No further action is usually required when accept When a QC sample of water exceeds the action
able levels are re-attained. The results from the retest
level for bacterial count.
are recorded on the EDR form, disposition as pass and
When a QC sample of water exceeds the action
file future for reference.
level for endotoxins limits.
If the retest indicates that acceptable levels have not
When a QC sample of water exceeds the limit
been met, the Quality Control (QC) department will
for USP 24 chemistry.
initiate an investigation report with the description of
When a possible minor malfunction in the water
the deviation to directors of Quality Assurance (QA)
system is observed.
and manufacturing. It is the responsibility of manufacturing and/or facility department to conduct an immeInvestigation and Corrective Action
diate investigation, and initiate corrective actions to
The following steps should be taken:
restore the area to normal operating conditions. QA is
QA and the responsible facility (facility related)
responsible for evaluating the impact of the conditions
and/or production (process or equipment
on product quality.
related) department will investigate the system
After corrective actions have been taken, the
and recommend corrective action.
affected location(s) should be retested at least three
Document the proposed corrective action on the
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David W. Vincent

EDR form
The facilities and/or production manager will sign
the EDR form, and return it to QA for review and
approval of corrective action.
Perform the corrective action immediately, if
possible. If the action requires planning, materials, or time to implement, perform it as soon as
QA will review the proposed corrective action and
any subsequent QC retesting data. If the investigation or the data shows that the system is in control,
QA will sign the form, distribute copies, and file
the QA copy of the form.
Distribute copies to QA, facility manager, production, and the system and/or product file.
Manufacturing Alert Notice For Action Limit Failures
A manufacturing alert notice applies to any situation that is considered an immediate threat to a critical
system or process equipment, and which may have a
direct impact on the quality of the product. A manufacturing alert notice is issued to the manufacturing
department notifying them that a system may or may
not be used (depending on the circumstance and severity of the problem) until corrective action has been
taken to bring it back into compliance. A manufacturing alert notice form must be filled out under the following or similar circumstances:
When two or more retest samples exceed the action
When you observe a questionable condition (sanitation, potential contamination)
When you observe a possible minor or major malfunction in the utility system, which could possibly
compromise the integrity of the production area
When a QC test sample exceeds the action limits
If a system is still not in compliance after the first
environmental corrective action or investigation
was taken
Corrective Action Program
An EDR form is initiated immediately when action
levels are exceeded. A number is assigned to the deviation for traceability. The number consists of four
groups of digits; the first group represents the system,
the second group represents the year, and the third
group a sequential number (i.e., Water-For-Injection;

Special Edition: Utilities Qualification

WF-96-01, and USP purified water).

The manufacturing manager and/or appropriate
individual(s), are notified immediately of the type of
deviation, and their signature/date obtained, along
with the appropriate corrective actions are taken.
An EDR form will usually include the following
Section 1
1. The EDR number
2. System affected
3. Location where levels have been exceed
4. Room number
Section 2
1. Sample location, (i.e., point of use)
2. System sampled (WFI, USP purifed)
Section 3
1. Initial sample data
2. QC test results (collection data, site, sample data
action levels)
3. Recommended corrective actions (if applicable)
Section 4
1. Corrective actions taken (requires a description
of the action taken)
Section 5
1. Retest sample data
2. QC test results (collection data, site, sample data
action levels)
3. EDR disposition (resampling results pass/fail)
Section 6
1. Other action taken (if applicable)
2. Results acceptable (no further steps required)
3. Not acceptable (investigation continues
After the investigation is completed, include any
supporting documentation with the report. Also maintain a history file on each system to determine if there
are any reoccurring failures, which may require modification or redesign of the system.
Water Systems Corrective Action
Corrective actions for pretreatment water, purified water and WFI systems may be included, but
are not limited to, the following:
Additional sampling and testing
Review/repeat sanitization procedures
Review sampling/testing technique

David W. Vincent

Review validation data

Check on possible unusual events during sampling
and/or testing
Review 0.2m filter and tank vent filter integrity
test results
Review maintenance and sanitization logs
Perform gram stain/identification of isolated organism(s)
SIP the entire system
Inspect all major components on the pretreatment,
purified, and WFI system
Review risk of product contact
No further action is required when acceptable levels are reattained. Record retest results on the EDR
form, disposition as Pass, and file future for reference.
If the retest indicates that acceptable levels have
not been met, initiate another investigation report to
directors of QA and manufacturing with the description of the deviation. It is the responsibility of manufacturing to conduct an immediate investigation, and
to initiate corrective actions to restore the area to normal operating conditions. QA should be responsible
for evaluating the impact of the conditions on product
After corrective actions have been taken, the
affected location(s) will be retested at least three times.
Acceptable levels are reattained if three consecutive
retests meet acceptable levels.
Preventative Maintenance (PM) Program
Once the purified systems is qualified, its important
to place the system and its components in the PM program. This requires placing the system under a routine
maintenance schedule. Normal PM may require filters
being replaced, gauges and devices calibrated, loop
being sanitized, pumps being inspected, and softener or
carbon beds replaced. For WFI systems, a routine passivation schedule must be implemented as part of the
PM. The purified water systems with stainless steel
piping may require passivation every two to three
years, depending on the age of the system. If the system is shut down for PM or emergency repairs, a procedure should be developed to determine if the system
is still in a validated state. This may require sample
testing the water for two three days. The water may
be used at risk for GMP activities if one-day results for
chemistry is acceptable.

Revalidation of Critical Systems

Revalidation will occur when any significant
changes or alterations occur to any above systems.
(i.e., modification of purified water system major
components). The extent of the testing will be determined on a case-by-case basis, and will be properly
documented and filed. Revalidation for a critical utility should be performed annually or semi-annually,
depending on the criticality of the system. The revalidation SOP should be written, which includes the
extent of testing and the system under the program.
Once the water system IQ is completed, its important to place the system in the change control program. Changes to the system and drawings should be
reviewed annually to determine if some degree of
requalification is required. An annual summary
report should be written that includes yearly trended
QC data, changes or modifications made to the system, or any major maintenance issues. The final
report should include a statement that the system is
still in state of control and fully qualified for manufacturing use.


Center for Drugs and Biologics, Center for Devices and Radiographic Health. Guidelines on General Principles of Process Validation. FDA Rockville, Maryland. 1987.
cGMP Compliance in Architecture and Construction of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities. BioPharm. Prepared
January-February. 1993.
FDA. Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water Systems. (1993).
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition. American Public Health Association.
Washington, DC 20005.
PDA Environmental Task Force. Fundamentals of a Microbiological Environmental Monitoring Program. Vol. 44. Supplement 1990.

Special Edition: Utilities Qualification


David W. Vincent

Article Acronym Listing



Colony Forming Unit

Construction Qualification
Environmental Deviation Report
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Particulate Aggregates
Environmental Protection Agency
Food and Drug Administration
Installation Qualification
Total Dissolve Solids
Out-of Limit
Operational Qualification
Perenteral Drug Association
Programmable Logic Controllers
Preventative Maintenance
Performance Qualification
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Reverse Osmosis
Supervisory Control And Data
Standard Operating Procedure
Total Organic Carbon
United States Pharmacopeia

Special Edition: Utilities Qualification

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