St. Paul Lutheran Church: From The Pastor's Desk Study

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Paul Lutheran Church

10792 N Co Rd 210 E, Seymour, IN 47274
Office Phone: (812) 522-7364 & 522-7484
Email:[email protected]
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From the Pastor’s Desk Study
The purpose of the Spiritual Disciplines is the total transformation of the person. They aim at
replacing old destructive habits of thought with new life-giving habits. Nowhere is this purpose
more clearly seen than in the Discipline of study.

There is some misconception about what the discipline of study is. People tend to think study simply means reading the
Bible; but study really is a lot more. Studying the Bible is not just reading a passage and asking yourself—‘What does this
mean to me? How does this apply to my life? Rather study is examining the Bible and asking questions like: What is the
context in which this passage is written? What was the original intent of the author? How does this passage fit with the
overall text?

In order to accomplish this task, it takes time and a willingness to seek input from multiple sources such as commentaries,
Bible dictionaries, and other books about faith and theology.

Study is critical to growing in faith. As Christians, we claim to be followers of Christ, and if we take this seriously then we
need to know what Jesus did and said. Many of years ago, the big fad was the WWJD bracelets—asking the question
‘What Would Jesus Do’? I once heard someone talking about these bracelets and they stated that while this was a good
question to ask, the reality is that we can never truly answer the question until we know what Jesus already did and what
Jesus said. Knowing this information comes from studying the Bible, then and only then can we apply this information
into our life.

Another analogy is trying to put something together. It is very difficult to put something together if you only read a small
part of the instructions or skim the instructions. Rather, to put it together right, you need to study the instructions, go over
them again and again and maybe even ask someone else for
help or calling the help-line. This is studying. And our in- Books on Study
struction manual is the Bible. A Study Bible—has footnotes and other comments about the
texts and background material. There are numerous versions of
Something that may be helpful in studying the Bible is to con- study Bibles
sider keeping a journal. As you read the Bible, as you consult Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible by Walter
Bible commentaries, as you reflect upon the words and con- Henrichson and Gayle Jackson
sider the context of the passage; take time and write down Understanding the New Testament by Howard Clark Kee
How to Study the Bible by Jack Kuhatschek
your reflections in a journal. Write about what the passage A Beginners Guide to Studying the Bible by Rolf Aasegn
means and how it might apply to your life and what it says to Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson
you about where God is calling you. Once you begin keeping Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allen Powell
a journal, you may want to go back and reread your journal An Introduction to the Old Testament by Walter
entries to see how you have grown and what God has accom- Brueggemann
How to Keep a Spiritual Journal by Ron Klug
plished in your life. Journal Keeping by Luann Budd

Remember: Read. Study. Grow. {Throughout this series on spirituality, I will be suggesting a
variety of resources if you would like to read more on the topic.}
Upcoming Worship
Below are the lessons and some thoughts about the upcoming
Sundays. Please take some time to look over the lesson and
reflect upon the questions in preparation of the upcoming weeks
in worship.
May 2nd:
Text—John 13:31-35
Jesus while eating the Last Supper with the disciples gives them a new commandment. This commandment
is to love one another as Jesus has first loved us. Jesus indicates that love will be the distinctive mark of
Jesus’ disciples. How do we love others?
May 9th:
Text—John 14:23-29
The text proclaims that the Holy Spirit or Advocate will come and teach us all things. The Holy Spirit is the
one who walks along side of us and empowers us for mission to the world. How have you experienced the
Holy Spirit in your life?
May 16th:
Text—John 17:20-26
Today is Confirmation Sunday—where 5 young adults come forward to affirm their faith in Jesus Christ. The
lesson from John is Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer where he prays for the disciples and all those who believe in
Him. Jesus calls those who believe in Him to be united and to proclaim in word and deed that God loves the
May 23rd:
Pentecost Sunday (Text—Acts 2:1-21)
Pentecost Sunday is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples to wait in
Jerusalem for a sign. This sign was the speaking in tongues. Peter preaches to all those gathered and many
came to faith that day and were baptized. Today also marks the beginning of the church—the body of Jesus
that now continues in the mission of proclaiming Jesus to the world.

May 30th:
Trinity Sunday (Text—Romans 5:1-5)
Early Christians began to speak of the one God in three persons in order to describe more fully the wonder of
salvation. God is above us, beside us, within us. God is our loving Father, our savior Jesus, our companion
Spirit. To be baptized in this name is to enter into God’s community.

Thank you to Olga Otte for helping teach the Adult Sunday
Isaac Lee Cockerham son of Cheyenne School class while I taught the First Communion Class.
Anderson and William Cockerham was
baptized on March 28th, 2010. His sponsors are Thank you to Mark and Doris Rorick for helping teach the
Richard, Melissa and Dakota Anderson. Isaac was 4th and 5th grade First Communion Class and helping to
born on November 3rd, 2009. prepare the Seder Meal as part of the First Communion
Class. Also, Thanks to Patty Herkamp, Joe and Kay Hoene
Kimberly Dawn Douglass and children Ariel and Florence Otte for helping prepare and serve the Seder
Renee, Seth Dominic Ray, Conner Dale were are Meal for the First Communion Class.
baptized on April 4th, 2010.
Thank you to Rusty Mace , Cam Mansfield, Macy Rotert,
Hannah Wood, and Clayton Main who helped strip the
MARRIAGE Altar during the Maundy Thursday service.
Carrie (Mace) Schepman. They were Thank you to Dean and Harlan Dringenburg, Linda Guinn
married on March 19th, 2010. and others who helped with the Sanctuary decorations for
—Pastor Steve
A Walking Bible Study begun Monday April 26th, and will continue each Monday and
Wednesday from 7:00--8:00 pm, until the group decides to change meeting times or quit
when hot weather arrives. Walkers will meet each evening in the narthex to receive a Bible
verse and discussion questions, and gather for an opening prayer. There will probably be three speed groups
– turtle, moderate, and full-speed-ahead. Plans are to walk on the parking lots, cemetery drive, and picnic
grove drive. We will have our Bible verse discussion in groups as we walk until 7:50pm, when we meet back
in the narthex for a closing prayer.
Ask Pastor Steve, Laberta Otte, and Trish Tangman about their week-long Stephen Ministry
training in St. Louis, and watch for more details as we implement this program at St. Paul-
Borchers. The Stephen Series system trains and organizes lay people to do one-on-one caring
ministry with people who are hurting for various reasons.

A big “Thank You” goes to everyone involved in the completion of the new display cases for the Cradle Roll,
and New Member photos. Brian and Karla Thompson graciously agreed to fund the project with money
remaining after the stained glass doors were donated in honor of Allen and Lucille Thompson. Glass doors
will be installed on the cases in the near future.

Additions, corrections, and updates for the Master contact List are being sought. An updated list will be
printed soon.

In His love,
Trish Tangman, Care Team Director

The pictorial history project is coming along nicely. Over 400 LUTHERAN COMMUNITY HOME
pictures have been submitted. Needless to say there are lots 2010 SPRING BAKE SALE
of great shots of building the new church and moving the The Lutheran Community Home will have a
chapel. But we are still looking for a few more pictures in bake sale on May 7th starting at 9:00 am in
specific areas: pictures of people and activities that show new the Social Room & the Nook at the Luther
construction in the background, worship service in the Community Home, 111 West Church Ave.
fellowship room before the sanctuary was finished, first Seymour
service in new church, new church dedication Sunday, and
first service in the chapel.
If you have photos to share, you can upload directly to the GOLF SCRAMBLE
picasa website or see Jamie Baker. To upload directly to the The Youth Group from St. Peter Lutheran
website go to web address Church, Waymansville is having a Golf
borchersphotos . You can also email pictures to borcherspho- Scramble. The Golf Scramble is May 1st at
[email protected] and they will be stored on this Hickory Hills Golf Course in Brownstown.
site. Cost is $40.00 per person (includes 18 holes
Later this summer you will be able to purchase an album of golf, cart, food and drink) Registration is
created from a selection of the shared photos. You can view at 8:00 am and Tourney begins at 9:00 am.
all the photos now on the picasa website (web address above) All proceeds will go to help defray the
or follow the Pictorial History Project link on our church expenses of the Youth Group’s trip this
website. summer to the National Youth Gathering.
Thank you for your help. Call Adam Otte @ 498-3056 if you would like
Historic Preservation Committee to get a team together.
PS… New committee members are always welcome. Our
next meeting is July 6th, 7pm at the chapel.
Church Council —
Our Leadership Team
Chairman—Lou Ann Hoevener
Secretary— Susie Schnitker
Elders— Ed DeVoe & Doris Rorick
Deacons— Milton Otte & Chris Otte
1 Meg Brown 16 Christy Hoevener Treasurer— Wanda Engelau
3 Wayne Taulman 21 Carrie Kruse Financial Secretary— Carol Mansfield
4 Maude Kleffman 21 Jack Tormoehlen Trustees— Roger Douglass & Ben Brown
4 Paul Otte 23 Lincoln Shoemaker
4 Kenny Browning 25 Gina Goodwin
6 Wilma Claycamp 26 Chris Herbert COUNT DOWN TO PAY DOWN—Countdown to principal
6 Carly Kaiser 27 Leslie Kruse pay down: 8 months remaining until we sign the mortgage
8 Samantha Price 27 Jeremy Kleffman for the new facility. Goal is to pay down as much principal
9 Sidney Hoene 28 Selma Mellenbruch as possible before December 31.
10 Molly Claycamp 28 Heidi Kleffman
12 David Hildebrand 29 Thurman Lutes PASTOR STEVE’S ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY
12 Karen Hoene 29 Patty Herkamp On Sunday June 13th there will be one church service at
15 Bob Claycamp 29 Annelise Engelau 9:00 am and Sunday School will follow. This will be in
15 Scott Jackson 30 Pat Otte
honor of Pastor Steve’s 15th year anniversary of ordination.


7:00 pm the Monday evening services will resume. The
services will continue until September.

Volunteers for May Volunteers for June

Greeters Greeters
Alvin & Pat Otte (8:00) Leon & Linda Seitz (10:15) Merrell & Sara Otte (8:00) John and Amy Pierceall (10:15)
Communion Assistants Communion Assistants
Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15) Merrell Otte (8:00) Laberta Otte (10:15)
Altar Care
May 9 & 23– Tammi Reinbold & Sara Otte Altar Care
May 2 & 16– Linda Seitz June 13 & 27- Shirley Lewis (8:00)
June 6– Judy Wonning (10:15)
Flowers June 20-Alstatt Family (10:15)
May 2-Luci Angel May 23-Chris & Mandy Otte
May 9-Leah Otte May 30-Teresa Brown Flower
May 16-Jim & Nikki Kuchera June 6-Teresa Brown June 20-Susie Schnitker
Lectors June 13-Karen Davis June 27-Shirley Lewis
May 2-Jodi Brown (8:00) Joseph Rust (10:15)
May 9-Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Amy Rotert ( 10:15)
June 6- Carol Mansfield (8:00) Marjorie Rust (10:15)
May 16-Jamie Baker (8:00) Luke Tormoehlen (10:15)
June 13-Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Doug Brougher (10:15)
May 23-Susan Holle (8:00) Karen McCory (10:15)
June 20-Jamie Baker (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15)
May 30-Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Nathan Otte (10:15) June 27-Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15)
May 3-Madison Jones (8:00) Jess Rotert (10:15) Acolytes
May 9-Jack Rosenberger (8:00) Whitney Schepman (10:15) June 6-Jess Hoevener (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15)
May 16-Anna Holle (8:00) Levi Claycamp (10:15) June 13-Kaelen Eglen(8:00) Zack Lawles (10:15)
May 23-Kailee Hildebrand (8:00) Lydia Shuler (10:15) June 20-Cam Mansfield (8:00) Lincoln Shoemaker (10:15)
May 30-Courtney Mansfield (8:00) Rusty Mace (10:15) June 27-Karen Dringenburg (8:00) Kyle Claycamp (10:15)
Projectors Projectors
May 2-Doris Rorick (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) June 6-Erin Engelau(8:00) John Pierceall (10:15)
May 9-Jamie Baker (8:00) Ronni Rotert (10:15) June 13-Doris Rorick (8:00) Ronni Rotert (10:15)
May 16-Erin Engelau (8:00) Tyler Claycamp (10:15) June 20-Jamie Baker (8:00) Tyler Claycamp (10:15)
May 23-Doris Rorick (8:00) Samantha Browning & June 27-Erin Engelau (8:00) Sam Browning &
Claire Tangman (10:15) Claire Tangman (10:15)
May 30-Jamie Baker (8:00) Need Volunteer (10:15)
Children’s Sermon
Children’s Sermon
June 6– Carolyn Jones
May 2-Carolyn Jones May 30– Leah Otte
Welcome Center Welcome Center
May 2nd-Delores Douglass (8:00) Need Volunteers
Need Volunteers for the rest of the services.
Those who completed their First Confirmation instruction is drawing
Communion instruction and celebrated to a close as our 8th Graders get
their First Communion at the service on ready for their Confirmation Day, Sunday, May 16th at
Maundy Thursday are: 10:15 am.
Ariel Renee Beckner
The following 8th Graders will confirm their faith:
Chloe Ann Bryden
Lyra Nicole Claycamp Daughter of Dan and Karen Davis
Marshall Griffon Claycamp
Max Alan Claycamp Daughter of Jeff Otte and Jill Otte
Sarah Rose Davis
Cheyenne Marie Douglass JOSHUA RAY ROTERT
Kaelen Marie Eglen Son of Donald and Wendy Rotert
Madison Elizabeth Engelau
Kennedy Lauren Engelau Son of Carrie Schepman
Cole Thomas Fosbrink
Rachel Renee Hildebrand JACK HUBER TORMOEHLEN
Anna Margaret Holle Son of Joe and Robin Tormoehlen
Luke Thomas Jackson The Council will hold a reception after second
Madison Christine Jones service to honor Confirmation as an important step in
Rusty Mace the lives of our Confirmands.
Zachary Cale Lawles
Clayton Logan Main YOU ARE INVITED TO
Courtney A. Mansfield BORCHERS PRESCHOOL
George C. Mansfield, V GRADUATION
Maggie Elisabeth Newkirk May 19th at 7:00 pm
Erin Nicole Otte The Graduates of Borchers Preschool 2009-2010:
Jackson Charles Newkirk Rosenberger Owen Christopher Bolte
Macy Gail Rotert Grace Elizabeth Burbrink
Jacob Donald Rotert Levi Dale Froedge
Alyssa Lynn Gray
Charlotte Ann Rust Jack Douglas Hoene
Also completing the class and was unable to Lainey Elizabeth Jackson
attend was Whitney Schpeman. Carly Marie Kaiser
Tyson James Lawles,
Emily Taylor Lewis,
Elizabeth Mae Rust,
THOSE WHO WILL Caitlin Isabel Thomasma,
GRADUATE Brody Donald Max Voss,
FROM HIGH SCHOOL IN 2010: Carlee Nicole Walker
Katelyn Marie Otte Borchers preschool is now accepting enrollment for the
Andrew Douglass Shuler 2010-2011 school year. Your child must be age 4 by
August 1st, 2010 to be in the 4/5 yr. old class; to be in
Claire Elizabeth Tangman the 3/4 yr. old class the have to be age 3 by August 1st,
2010 and for the 2/3 yr. old class they have to be 2 by
Clinton Walls August 1st, 2010.
Clayton Michael Wente Enrollment forms are at the Welcome Center or call Mrs.
th Jeanette Kruse at 522-6243 for
They will graduate on June 6 .
more information or an enrollment form.
Want to feel better? What about have more energy?
Perhaps live longer? Try some old- fashion exercise!

Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level
of fitness and health. Walking is one of your body's most natural forms of exercise. It's safe,
simple, doesn't require practice, and the health benefits are many. Here's more about why
walking is good for you, and how to get started with a walking program.

Benefits of walking:
 Walking, like other exercise, can help you achieve a number of important health benefits.
Walking can help heart disease by:
 Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
 Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
 Keeps your blood flowing smoothly by lowering buildup of plaques in your arteries.
 Lower your blood pressure
 Manage your weight
 Improve your mood
 Stay strong and fit
 Exercise improves your mood.
 Exercise combats chronic diseases.
 Manage, help control, and help prevent type 2 diabetes
 Can help you prevent osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.
 Manage your weight.
 Boosts your energy level
 Promote better sleep.
 Can be — gasp — fun!

Are you convinced? Start reaping the benefits of regular physical activity today! May is
Physical Fitness month, with the last week being running and walking week.

If you are interested in a Walking Bible study.

It is Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00—8:00 pm.

Other healthy Observances for the month that we can do:

World "No Tobacco" Day (May 31)
Buckle up America
Bike to work week
Correct Posture
Healthy Vision month- Don't forget to get your eyes checked!
Women's Health check month!
High Blood Pressure Month
St. Paul Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization
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WINGS Thursday, May 6
Thursday, May 20 At 7:30 pm BORCHERS
At 7:00 pm in the Hostess—Luci Angel BREAKFAST CLUB
Fellowship Hall Bible Study Leader— Thursday mornings
Drinks-Michelle Wood Delores Douglass at 9:00 am
Devotions-Trish Tangman In the Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, 19th at 9:00 am
and 6:00 pm
In the Adult Sunday School Rooms PRAYER
Thursday, May 20 at 9:00 am Will meet on Thursday
With the Borchers Breakfast Club at 7:00 pm in May.
Bible Study will begin at 9:30 am In the Narthex

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