Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering

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The document discusses the role of geotechnical engineering in ensuring satisfactory performance of buried pipelines during all phases from design to extreme field conditions.

Steel, concrete, plastic are some typical pipeline materials mentioned.

Trenched (open cut) and trenchless installations are some methods of pipeline installation discussed.

PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara


Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara
Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada
Keywords: Performance of buried pipelines, Pipe-soil interaction, Geotechnical hazards,
Ground displacement, Liquefaction, Ground improvement, Trenchless Technology, Soil
loads on pipelines, Geotechnical Engineering.


1. Introduction
2. Typical Pipeline Materials
3. Methods of Pipeline Installation
3.1. Trenched (Open cut) Installations
3.2. Trenchless Installations
4. Geotechnical Engineering Considerations
4.1. Geotechnical Site Investigation Requirements
4.2. General Considerations for Pipeline Installation
5. Soil Loads on Pipelines during Construction and General Operational Conditions
5.1. Static Loads
5.2. Live loads
5.3. Buoyancy Forces
5.4. Thermal Loads
5.5. Deformation of the Pipe due to Soil Stresses in Low Pressure Pipes
5.6. Evaluation of the Structural Performance of Buried Pipelines
6. Geotechnical Hazards Impacting Pipeline Performance
6.1. Permanent Ground Deformation Hazard
6.2. Volcanic Hazards
6.3. Estimation of Permanent Ground Deformations
7. Assessment of Pipeline Performance under Permanent Ground Deformations
7.1. Structural Assessment of Pipe-soil Interaction Problem
7.2. Representation of Soil-pipe Interaction under Relative Lateral Soil Movements
7.3. Response to Longitudinal Ground Movements
7.4. Response to Vertical Uplift and Downward Bearing
8. Protection of Pipelines from Geotechnical Hazards
9. Field monitoring and testing of pipeline performance
10. Conclusion
Biographical Sketches
Buried pipeline systems form a key part of global lifeline infrastructure, and any
significant disruption to the performance of these systems often translates into
undesirable impacts on regional businesses, economies, or the living conditions of

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PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara

citizens. Geotechnical Engineering has a key role to play in ensuring satisfactory

performance of buried pipelines during all phases of their design life including
construction and installation, operations, and under extreme field loading conditions. In
particular, adequate knowledge of site-specific soil and groundwater conditions is critical
to the success of the design and installation of pipelines, as well as in predicting its
anticipated performance under field conditions.
Methods of installation of buried pipelines can range from simple open cut-and-cover
methods to more advanced trenchless methods where tools of varying levels of
sophistication are used.


The determination of critical loads for design of buried pipes requires consideration of the
internal pressure of transported fluid as well as externally applied soil loads. The design
of buried high-pressure pipelines is often governed by the internal pressure of the pipe,
compared to low-pressure pipelines where external loads such as soil loads will be of
The assessment of soil loads on pipes is often a difficult task because of the complex
interaction between the pipe and soil in the vicinity (i.e., soil-pipe interaction). Under
general operating (static) conditions, these soil loads are mostly estimated using
simplified semi-empirical formulae.
Quantification of anticipated geotechnical hazards is a key consideration in assessing
performance of pipelines under extreme loading conditions. Evaluation of the
performance of pipeline systems under such hazards commonly uses equations based on
simplified assumptions or sophisticated numerical modeling techniques.
The pipeline performance against geotechnical hazards can be improved by
avoiding/isolating from the hazard, redesigning the pipeline to accommodate the hazard
or mitigating the hazard using ground improvement.
This chapter is aimed at capturing pipeline geotechnical engineering considerations, with
particular reference to philosophy, approaches, and technologies adopted in designing
and operating pipelines to serve the intended purpose.

1. Introduction

Pipeline systems are commonly used to transport large quantities of fluids between
geographic locations. Compared to ground transportation, the pipelines offer a mode of
transfer of fluids at lower cost per unit volume and at higher capacity. Most pipelines are
located along over-land alignments although there are some major pipelines that are
located under the sea primarily to transport petroleum products.
Satisfactory performance of buried pipelines in serving the intended purpose is critical
since the failure of a given pipeline system will have a direct impact on regional
economies and the living conditions of their citizens.
In most applications, the preference is to install the pipelines by direct burial below the

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PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara

ground. This approach has been found to be very attractive since the ground provides a
convenient mode of supporting the pipelines as well as protecting the pipelines from
exposure to the natural elements (i.e., severe weather, UV rays) and from man-generated
The determination of critical loads for engineering design of buried pipes requires
consideration of the internal pressure of transported fluid and/or external loads from the
soil surrounding. For example, the design of high pressure lines under operating
conditions is mostly governed by the internal content pressure (e.g., oil and gas pipelines)
as the external soil loads are comparatively small under typical operating conditions.


In comparison, for pipelines with relatively low internal pressure (e.g., water and sewer
pipelines), the external soil overburden loads can be a significant design under operating
conditions. Most pipelines are buried at shallow depths below the ground (less than 1.5
m) for the ease of installation and access during maintenance or repair. They need to be
located at greater burial depths in situations such as below-water river crossings (see
Figure 1), mountain passes, etc. Depending on the available or chosen alignment, the
pipeline installation process can sometimes be economically and technically demanding.
In addition to the internal pressure of the transported fluids, it is essential that buried
pipelines are designed to withstand external loads that are transmitted through the
surrounding soil medium (hereinafter generally referred to as soil loads in this
Therefore, Geotechnical Engineering, the sub-discipline of Civil Engineering that
addresses the concerns related to the use of earth as an engineering material, has a critical
role to play in the design, construction, and satisfactory operation of pipelines. The soil
loads imparted on pipelines can be wide ranging, and they typically include loadings that
arise during the following phases encountered during the life of a given pipeline: (i)
construction/installation; (ii) routine operational conditions; and (iii) extreme, less
frequent, loading conditions (such as landslides, earthquake-induced ground movements,
Depending on the application (e.g. high or low pressures), one or a combination of the
loadings associated with the above phases of loading will be of importance to the
designer. This chapter presents considerations associated with pipeline geotechnical
engineering specifically considering the above three phases in the life of a pipeline.
Different below-ground pipeline installation methods, approaches available to quantify
geotechnical loads on buried pipelines, and engineering solutions to mitigate
geotechnical hazards are specifically discussed.
In addition to general information such as site topography, existing underground utilities
and potential for obstructions, environmental conditions, required pipeline depth, grade,
tolerances, and rights-of-way requirements, suitable knowledge of subsurface soil and
groundwater conditions along a given pipeline alignment and understanding of the
pipe-soil interaction are the keys to design, construction, and maintenance of pipelines to
meet the performance requirements.

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PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara

Figure 1. Example of a below-water pipeline river crossing; plan and profile of design
pipeline alignment Terasen Gas Fraser River Crossing Project, Coquitlam/Surrey, B.C.

2. Typical Pipeline Materials

The selection of the type of pipeline material may depend on many factors. For
applications dealing with transporting high pressure fluids, the main selection criteria
depend on the expected maximum internal pressure in the pipe. Since some of the buried
pipelines are designed for many years of operation, pipe materials with good stress crack
resistance, low permeation, high impact resistance, and satisfactory UV performance are
often sought by the designers.
Welded large diameter steel pipes are often used in industry applications where pipeline
material strength becomes important in conveying matter such as pressurized water, oil,
and natural gas. Usually, these steel pipes are coated with special coatings to protect
against corrosion and abrasion and to increases the thermal efficiency. Due to the high
strength and ductile nature, steel pipes are equally good in many applications involving
rough terrains or regions where ground movements are expected.
Polymeric plastic pipes and fittings are also used for a vast array of industrial applications
such as sewer and municipal and industrial waste, gas distribution networks, potable
water transportation or as subsoil field drains due to its several advantages over steel
pipes. Some of the advantages of plastic pipes are: lower material cost, installation cost,
maintenance cost, corrosion resistance, ease of processing, lightweight and greater
extensibility. Different types of plastics are encountered in practice, e.g., PVC (Polyvinyl
chloride), PE (Polyethylene), PB (Polybutylene) and PP (Polypropylene).

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PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara

3. Methods of Pipeline Installation

3.1. Trenched (Open cut) Installations


The open cut (also referred to as cut and cover) installation is the most common method
of pipe installation in shallow burial depths, in which a trench is excavated in the surface
layer, and then pipes are placed in a leveled-surface to meet a certain gradient and
alignment (Figure 2). In the presence of space constraints, earth support systems of
trenches and groundwater dewatering may be required. The trench is backfilled with
select specified material types or with the native soil; in urban areas, when pipeline
alignments are below roadways, the backfill material is often requires to be compacted to
a specified density. In practical applications that require control of soil loadings on the
pipes, careful selection of trench geometry, backfill material, combined with low-friction
coatings, protective wrappings, etc. may be required (see Section 8.0).
3.2. Trenchless Installations

Figure 2. Open cut installation of buried pipelines.

The use of trenchless methods for the installation of underground lifelines is becoming
increasingly popular because of the advantages these methods offer in protecting the
environment and minimizing the impacts on developed urban areas. These factors often
constrain traditional methods of installation of underground utilities using open trenching.
Some of the technologies available for trenchless installations include: (a) horizontal
auger boring; (b) horizontal directional drilling (HDD); (c) micro-tunneling; (d) pipe
ramming; (e) moling; and (f) pipe bursting.
3.2.1. Horizontal Auger Boring
Horizontal Auger Boring (which is also called jacking and boring) is a method that
installs a pipe, or a casing, simultaneously with the excavation process. The method
involves directly installing pipes behind a boring machine by hydraulic jacking from a
drive shaft; the pipeline would be formed as a continuous string in the ground. The
application is commonly used to install pipelines (for diameters 100 mm to 1.8 m)

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PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara

beneath highways, urban roads, and railway crossings without disrupting traffic. Because
of the need to thrust the pipeline into the soil, only smooth walled steel or concrete pipe
are typically considered for these installations.
The installation of pipe into the soil is achieved via hydraulically operated jacks of
adequate number and capacity to ensure smooth and uniform advancement without
over-stressing of the pipe. A collar is provided to transfer the pushing pressure uniformly
over the end area of the pipe.
Temporary access construction shafts (drive pits) are typically required at suitable
locations to initiate the jack and bore operations at both ends of the alignment to be


It is critical for the construction shafts to be maintained at the two ends of the alignment
in a drained condition with adequate and well-designed dewatering of groundwater.
Operators usually work from one of the shafts, and the shafts should be located at a safe
distance away from existing structures to avoid potential hazards to the structure or the
The distance of the shaft from the roadways should be adequate with allowance made for
sloping of the shaft as necessary. In the presence of space constraints, earth support
systems or shaft walls may be required. Space availability for safe loading and unloading
of equipment, and for spoil removal are some other considerations. The annular space
between the pipe and the borehole should be typically kept filled with a
bentonite/polymer slurry.
While serving as a lubrication fluid to reduce the shaft friction during jacking, the slurry
would also assist supporting the borehole. In sandy or unstable soil conditions, grouting
of the annular space between the jacking pipe and the borehole would often be necessary.
3.2.2. Horizontal Directional Drilling

As the technology develops, the application of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) for
the installation of pipelines has advanced significantly in recent years. The HDD method
provides a relatively cost-effective alternative to installing pipes and conduits up to about
1200 mm (48) in diameter over distances up to 2000 m, where tight grade control is not
essential. This is well demonstrated by the rapid growth in its use as a trenchless method
over the last two decades.
The method of HDD originated in the 1970s essentially as a fusion of technologies from
the utility and oil-field industries. The installation of a pipeline utility using this
technique involves the following activities: (a) drilling a pilot hole; (b) enlarging the pilot
hole or pre-reaming; and (c) pullback of product pipe through the enlarged hole.
The drilling is carried out using an HDD rig (see Figure 3) that is capable of drilling
inclined holes while providing sufficient torque, thrust, and pullback to facilitate the
above main activities. Depending on the size (generally classified as mini, midi, or maxi
in the increasing sequence of rig capacity), the rigs are mounted on multiple-trailers,

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self-propelled track vehicles, or trucks.

Figure 3. Trailer-mounted HDD Maxi Rig - 500,000 lbf (2200 kN) Capacity; (a)
As-mobilized rig prior to set up; and (b) Drill rod being added during operation.

Initially, a pilot hole is drilled along a design drill path profile generally made up of
straight tangents and long radius arcs. A typical design drill path alignment that was
developed for the natural gas pipeline crossing project is illustrated in Figure 1.
It is generally preferred to have the pipe at the drill entry and exit oriented at angles
between about 10 to 15 to the horizontal; this is related to the drill path geometry, pipe
stress, and handling limitations. The most commonly used pilot hole drilling tools are
jetting tools and down-hole mud motors.
Jetting type drilling tools are most commonly used to drill through soft to stiff
fine-grained soils as well as loose and dense sands. The mud-motor is a drill-mud-driven
positive displacement motor that generates torque and rotation at the drill bit, without
rotation of the main drill string.

However, this method is more expensive than jetting. The drill path is typically
monitored by an electronic steering equipment assembly housed in the pilot drill string
near the cutting head. The electronic assembly detects the orientation of the drill string
with respect to the earths magnetic and/or gravitational fields.
In some instances, drill head location is also detected using surface equipment in areas
where there is reasonable access. Upon completion, the pilot drill hole is enlarged to
about 1.5 times the diameter of the product pipeline to be installed.
This is accomplished by several reaming passes using cutting tools (reamers) having
successively larger diameters. Figure 4 shows photographs of some of the reamers used
in horizontal directional drilling.

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Figure 4. (a) 610 mm (24) Diameter Reamer (hole-opener); (b) 1370 mm (54) Diameter
Rock Reamer.
The other important requirement is to maintain the drill-hole stability. This is generally
achieved by pumping large volumes of drill mud into the hole at the cutting tool to
support the hole and to remove the cuttings. In some formations, a casing is required to
maintain stability. The most commonly used drill fluids are bentonite-based, and
sometimes they are combined with polymers to achieve certain performance
requirements. The drill fluid is pumped down the drill hole and circulated back to the
surface and collected in pits excavated at the drill entry and exit locations. Sufficient
pumping capacity is critical for large crossings. The fluid is pumped from these pits to
settling/containment pits and then passed through mud-system machinery that separates
the cuttings from the slurry. This process typically involves a series of shaking sieves and
The final step of the HDD process is to pull the product pipeline through the reamed hole.
The pipeline is generally prefabricated and laid down on the drill exit side in preparation
for pullback. A barrel-shaped reamer, slightly bigger than the product pipe but smaller
than the drill hole, is attached to the drill string which is then attached to the product pipe
pullhead via a swivel connection.
The drill rig begins the pullback by rotating and pulling on the drill string while
circulating drilling mud; the swivel isolates the product pipe from the rotating action of
the reamer. The pullback continues until the reamer and pipeline emerge out of the
ground at the drilling rig.
One of the key concerns in HDD crossings is the potential for drill fluid to escape into
watercourses or environmentally sensitive habitat due to hydraulic fracturing
(frac-outs), through pre-existing hydraulic pathways, or spills at the entry/exit points.
As such, the drill path must be designed so that it is located at a sufficient depth to limit
the risk of drill fluid fracturing through the soil formation.

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AASHTO. (2002). Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (Seventeenth Edition ed.). Washington,
D.C: American Associations for State Highway and Transportation Officials. [This design guidelines
stipulates the standard protocols for highways and bridge designs]
ALA. (2001). Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe. Retrieved from American Lifelines Alliance:
http://www.americanlifelinesalliance.org/pdf/Update061305.pdf [This online document includes
comprehensive design guidelines for various engineering aspects related to the installation and
performance of buried pipelines].
ASCE. (1984). Guidelines for the seismic design of oil and gas pipeline systems. (C. o. Lifelines, Ed.)
ASCE . [This document provides comprehensive design guidelines for various engineering aspects related
to the installation and performance of buried pipelines].
Audibert, J., & Nyman, K. (1977). Soil restraint against horizontal motion of pipes. Journal of the
Geotechnical Engineering Division (103(GT10)), 1119-1142. [The paper presents the details of the first
known pullout tests performed in buried pipes. Based on these experimental results a numerical model that
has been developed to represent the soil-pipe interaction in the form of lateral soil springs is also presented]

Bruschi, R., Glavina, S., Spinazze, M., Tomassini, D., Bonanni, S., & Cuscuna, S. (1996). Pipelines
subjected to slow landslide movements structural modeling vs field measurement. Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June 16-20, ASME, 5, pp.
343-353. Florence, Italy. [Contains comprehensive numerical analysis of several case studies on landslide
loading on pipes, and the numerical results are compared with direct field measurements]
Bughi, S., Aleotti, P., Bruschi, R., Andrei, G., Milani, G., & Scarpelli, G. (1996). Slow movements of
slopes interfering with pipelines: modeling and monitoring. Proceedings of the 15th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June 16-20, ASME, 5, pp. 363-372. Florence,
Italy. [On the topic of pipe performance subject to landslides, this paper presents comprehensive
investigation of landslides].
Burns, J., & Richard, R. (1964). Attenuation of stresses around buried cylinders. Symposium on
Soil-Structure Interaction (pp. 379-392). Tucson, AZ: American Society for Testing & Materials, West
Conshohocken, PA. [Presents an analytical solution to determine the stress variations around a buried
cylindrical cavity]
Calvetti, F., Prisco, C., & Nova, R. (2004). Experimental and numerical analysis of soil-pipe interaction.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (130(2)), 1292-1299. [The pipe-soil
interaction is modeled with PFC- Particle Flow Code (discrete finite element package) and with small scale
laboratory tests]
Cruden, D., & Varnes, D. (1996). Landside types and processes. Landslides - Investigation and Mitigation
, Special Report 247 , 36-75. (A. Turner, & S. R.L., Eds.) Transportation Research Board. [Includes
detailed information on the landslides and its mitigation]
Das, B., & Seeley, G. (1975). Load displacement relationship for vertical anchor plates. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering Division (101(GT7)), 711-715. [This presents details on pullout tests performed
on vertical anchor plates by the authors]

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PIPELINE ENGINEERING - Pipeline Geotechnical Engineering - Dharma Wijewickreme and Lalinda Weerasekara

Dickin, E., & Leung, C. (1979). Discussion on: "Horizontally loaded vertical plate anchors in sand."
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division (105(GT3)), 442-443. [This paper presents details on pipe
pullout tests performed on a centrifuge]
Einstein, H., & Schwartz, C. (1979). Simplified analysis for tunnel supports. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, ASCE (105 (4)), 499-518. [This contains an analytical solution to determine the interaction
aspects in tunnels under overburden stress]
Guo, P., & Stolle, D. (2005). Lateral pope-soil interaction in sand with reference to scale effect. Journal of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (131(30), 338-349. [This presents a comprehensive
analysis of the laterally loaded pipes and the discrepancies in the experimental observations are explained
through numerical analysis]
Hamada, M., & O'Rourke, T. (1992). Large ground deformations and their effects on lifelines. Japanese
Case Studies of Liquefaction and Lifeline Performance During Past Earthquakes. Buffalo, New York:
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research. [Japanese case histories on the
performance of buried pipes during earthquake induced ground deformation are presented]


Hansen, B. (1961). The ultimate resistance of rigid piles against transversal forces. Bulletin 12.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Geotechnical Institute. [Author presents an analytical solution for the
lateral pipe resistance]
Hoeg, K. (1968). Stresses against underground structural cylinders. Journal of Soil Mechanics &
Foundation Engineering (94 (4)), 833-858. [This presents an analytical solution to determine the stress
variations around a cylindrical cavity subject to overburden stress]
Honegger, D., & Nyman, K. (2004). Guidelines of the Seismic Design and Assessment of Natural Gas and
Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipelines. [This presents design guidelines for pipe subject to seismic loading]
Hsu, T. (1994). Rate effect on lateral soil restraint of pipeline. Soils and Foundations (33(4)), 159-169.
[Paper presents results of several lateral pullout tests performed at different displacement rates and a
mathematical model is derived based on the these experimental observations]
Hsu, T., Chen, Y., & Hung, W. (2006). Soil restraint to oblique movement of buried pipes in dense sand.
Journal of Transportation Engineering , 132 (2), 175-181. [This presents a detailed investigation on pipes
moved laterally with a finite obliquity to the axial alignment of pipeline. A pipe-soil interaction model has
been developed based on the experimental results]
Hsu, T., Chen, Y., & Wy, C. (2001). Soil friction resistant of oblique pipelines in loose sand. Journal of
Transportation Engineering (127(1)), 82-87. [This presents the pipe-soil interaction aspects of pipes moved
laterally with a finite obliquity to the axial alignment of pipeline.]

Hutchinson, J. (1983). Methods of locating slip surfaces in landslides. Bulletin of the Association of
Engineering Geologists , 20 (3), pp. 235-252. [The report discusses number of techniques for determining
or estimating landslide depth]
Ishihara, K., & Yoshimine, M. (1992). Evaluation of settlements in sand deposits following liquefaction
during earthquakes. Soils and Foundations , 32 (1), 173-188. [A method was presented to calculate the
post-liquefaction consolidation settlements in sands]
Lee, K., & Albaisa, A. (1974). Earthquake Induced Settlements in Saturated Sands. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering (100(GT4)), 387-406. [Another method to calculate the post-liquefaction
settlements in saturated sands]

Moore, I. (1987). The elastic stability of shallow buried tubes. Gotechnique , 37 (2), 151-161. [The author
presents an analytical solution to determine the interaction aspects in shallow buried pipes]
Moore, I., & Brachmann, R. (1994). Three dimensional analyses of flexible circular cylinders. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering (120 (10)), 1829-1844 .[Includes finite element analysis of buried pipes under
static loading]
Neely, W., Stuart, J., & Graham, J. (1973). Failure loads on vertical anchor plates in sand. Journal of the
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division (99(SM9)), 669-685. [The tests results of pullout resistance of
vertical anchor plates are presented]
O'Rourke, T., Gowdy, T., Stewart, H., & Pease, J. (1991). Lifeline performance and ground deformation in

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the marine during 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. Proceedings of the Third Japan-U.S. Workshop on
Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures for Soil Liquefaction.
NCEER-91-001, pp. 129-146. San Francisco, California: Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York. [The performance of lifelines during Loma Prieta earthquake is
Ovesen, N. (1964). Anchor slabs, calculation method and model tests. Bulletin 16 . Copenhagen: Danish
Geotechnical Institute. [This includes an analytical solution to calculate the lateral soil resistance of a pipe]
Paulin, M., Phillips, R., Clark, J., Hurley, S., & Trigg, A. (1997). Establishment of a full-scale pipeline/soil
interaction test facility and results from lateral and axial investigations in sand. 16th International
Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE, 5, pp. 139-146. [This presents
experimental results of series of pipe pullout tests performed at C-CORE]
Popescu, R., Phillips, R., Konuk, I., Guo, P., & Nonahar, A. (2002). Pipe-soil Interaction: Large scale tests
and numerical modeling. International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics. St. John's, NF,
Canada. [The paper presents the numerical modeling of the large scale pipe pullout tests performed at


Rowe, R., & Davis, E. (1982). The behaviour of anchor plates in sand. Geotechnique (32(1)), 25-41. [The
paper discusses a numerical model to capture the pullout resistance of vertical anchor plates]

Spangler, M. (1956). Stresses in pressure pipe-lines and protective casting pipes. Journal of Structural
Engineering (82), 1-33. (The paper presents an analytical solution to determine the performance of a
flexible pipe subject to overburden stress)
Tokimatsu, K., & Seed, B. (1987). Evaluation of settlements due to earthquake shaking. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering 113 (8), 861-878. [Proposed a method to find the post-earthquake settlements in
Trautmann, C. H., & O'Rourke, T. D. (1983). Behaviour of Pipe in dry sand under lateral and uplift
loading. Geotechnical Engineering Report, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. [Conducted lateral pullout and
uplift tests on pipes at Cornell University]

Trautmann, C., & O'Rourke, T. (1985). Lateral force displacement response of buried pipe. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering (111(9)), 1077-1092.[Paper containing details of experimental results of lateral
pipe pullout tests and soil springs derived from these experimental results]
Weerasekara, L., & Wijewickreme, D. (2008). Mobilization of soil loads on buried, polyethylene natural
gas pipelines subject to relative axial displacements. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45 (9), 1237-1249.
[Presents an analytical solution to capture the pipe response of an extensible pipe]
Wijewickreme, D., Karimian, H., & Honegger, D. (2009). Response of buried steel pipelines subjected to
relative axial soil movement. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 46 (7), 735-752. [This presents test results of
axial pipe pullout test performed on steel pipes in a large scale soil chamber]
Wijewickreme, D., & Sanin, M. (2009). Post-cyclic reconsolidation strains in low plastic fine-grained silts
due to dissipation of excess pore water pressures. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, ASCE (Manuscript No. GTENG-1063). [Discusses the post-liquefaction settlements in fine
grained silts derived from direct simple shear testing]
Wijewickreme, D., Karimian, H., & Honegger, D. (2005). Effectiveness of some methods for reducing
axial soil loads on buried pipelines subjected to ground movements. 58th Canadian Geotechnical
Conference. Saskatoon. [Presents experimental evidence of reducing the axial frictional soil load during
relative axial ground movements by wrapping pipes with geotextiles]
Yasuhara, K., Murakami, S., Toyota, N., & Hyde, A. (2001). Settlements in fine-grained solids under cyclic
loading. Soils and Foundations , 41 (6), 25-36. [Presents details on settlement of fine grained soils subject
to cyclic loading]
Youd, T., & Perkins, D. (1987). Mapping of Liquefaction Severity Index. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, ASCE , 113 (11), 1374-1392. [Provides a general method for mapping the liquefaction
susceptibility based on the geological characteristics of a given area]
Zhang, G., Robertson, P., & Brachman, R. (2002). Estimating Liquefaction-induced Ground Settlements

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from CPT for Level Ground. Canadian Geotechnical Journal (39), 1168-1180. [Presents an empirical
method to estimate the liquefaction induced ground settlements from CPT results]
Biographical Sketches


Dharma Wijewickreme, Ph.D., P.Eng. obtained his doctorate degree from the University of British
Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, in 1990. After gaining some 11 years of industry consulting
experience in Geotechnical Engineering, primarily in the area of seismic vulnerability assessment of
lifelines, he joined the Department of Civil Engineering of UBC in January 2001 where he currently serves
as an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. His key research areas at UBC include soil-pipeline
interaction (physical model testing) emphasizing on the performance of pipelines, subject to permanent
ground displacements and characterization of the mechanical response of geo-materials under static and
cyclic loading conditions (laboratory element testing). In collaboration with the UBC Mining Engineering
Department, Dr. Wijewickreme is also contributing to sustainable mine waste management practices
through experimental research on the mechanical behavior of co-disposed mine waste. His research vision
has been recognized key local and international industry partners and several inter-university
collaborations. His work has led to establishing a pipe-soil interaction research facility (with a 2.5 x 4.0 x
3.0 m full-scale soil testing chamber) and upgrading the geotechnical laboratory element testing research
facility at UBC. Dr. Wijewickreme has memberships in a number of leading professional societies of Civil
Engineering and is presently serving as an Editorial Board Member of the Geotechnical Testing Journal of
the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and is acting as an Associate Editor of the
Canadian Geotechnical Journal. He is extensively involved in the activities of the Canadian Geotechnical
Society (CGS), and is currently the Chair of the National Education Committee. He is also a Member of the
Geotechnical Research Board of the CGS.
Lalinda Weerasekara is a Ph.D candidate working in the field of pipeline geotechnical engineering at
University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada. His research focuses on the performance of buried
polyethylene natural gas pipelines subject to ground movements. He obtained his (M.A.Sc) degree in Civil
Engineering at UBC in 2007. After completing his B.Sc (Eng) in 2002 at University of Peradeniya, Sri
Lanka, he served as an Assistant Lecturer for about one and a half years at the same university, before he
joined Aqua Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, as a Civil Engineer for about a year.

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

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