Blueprint References: Book Title Auxilliary Information
Blueprint References: Book Title Auxilliary Information
Blueprint References: Book Title Auxilliary Information
These published references provide reasonable coverage on the subject matter associated with the ASP Examination Blueprint.
Examination items are not necessarily taken directly from these sources. You may have alternate editions of these references in
your library that also present acceptable coverage on the subject matter, as well as other useful references.
Book Title
Auxilliary information
Hagan, Montgomery, & O'Reilly (2009). Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry
Administration and Programs, 13th ed. National Safety Council.
Hagan, Montgomery, & O'Reilly (2009). Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry,
Engineering and Technology, 13th ed. National Safety Council.
Manuele, Fred A. (2007). An Overview of ANSI/AIHA-2005: The American National Standard for
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Young, Glenn (2010). Applied Mathematics for Safety Professionals . American Society of Safety
Scott, Ronald (1997). Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene. Lewis Publishers.
Snyder & Arnofsky (2013). Basic Environmental Technology: Water Supply, Waste Management, and
Pollution Control, 4th ed.; Alliance of Hazardous Waste Materials.
Vincoli, Jeffrey W. (2006). Basic Guide to System Safety, 2nd ed.; Wiley Interscience.
Hill (2009). Construction Safety Management and Engineering. American Society of Safety Engineers.
Park, Chan (2007). Contemporary Engineering Economics, 4th ed., Prentice Hall.
NIOSH (1988). Cumulative Trauma Disorders-A Manual For Musculoskeletal Diseases of the Upper
Limbs. Putz-Anderson, V Ed.
Finucane, Taylor & Francis (2005). Definitions, Conversions, and Calculations for Occupational Safety &
Health Professionals, 3rd ed., CRC Press.
Haight, Joel (2008). Essentials of Risk Control. American Society of Safety Engineers.
National Fire Protection Association (2008). Fire Protection Handbook, 20th ed. Vol. 1 NFPA.
Handbook of Rigging
Hazardous Materials Management Desk Reference: Volume II:
Hazardous Materials Management Desk Reference: Volume III:
Management Practices
Human Error Reduction and Safety Management
McDonald, Rossnagel & Higgins (2009). Handbook of Rigging, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill.
Cox, Doyle B. (1999). Hazardous Materials Management Desk Reference Vol II: Regulations. McGrawHill.
Cox, Doyle B. (1999). Hazardous Materials Management Desk Reference Vol II:Management Practices ,
Vincoli, Jeffrey W.(2006). Human Error Reduction and Safety Management, 2nd ed., Wiley Interscience.
Introduction to Ergonomics
Sanders, Mark; McCormick, Ernest (1993). Human Factors in Engineering and Design. McGraw-Hill.
ACGIH Committee on Industrial Ventilation (2006). Industrial Ventilation--A manual of Recommended
Practice for Design, 26th ed. ACGIH.
Bridger, R.S. (2008). Introduction to Ergonomics, 3rd ed., CRC Press.
Goetsch, David L; Davis, Stanley (1993). ISO 14001: Environmental Management, 4th ed., Prentice Hall.
Cote, Ron (2009). Life Safety Code Handbook. National Fire Protection Association.
Moore, Gary S. (2007). Living with the Earth: Concepts in Environmental Health Science, 3rd ed., CRC
Pine, John (2008). Natural Hazard Analysis: Reducing the Impact of Disasters. Auerbach Publications.
National Fire Protection Association (2008) Fire Protection Handbook, 20th ed. Vol. 1 NFPA.
Balge, Marci Z. (2000). Occupational Health and Safety, 3rd ed., National Safety Council.
Goetsch, David L. (2014). Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers,
8th ed., Prentice and Hall.
Hammer, Willie; Price, Dennis (2000). Occupational Safety Management and Engineering, 5th ed.,
Occupational Safety Management and Engineering
Prentice Hall.
OHSAS 18001: Designing and Implementing an Effective Health and Kausek, Joe (2007). OHSAS 18001: Designing and Implementing an Effective Health and Safety
Safety Management System
Management System. Government Institutes.
OHSAS 18002: 2000
Head, George (1995). OHSAS 18002: 2000, 3rd ed. Vol. 2; Insurance Institute of America.
Hammer (1993). Product Safety Management and Engineering, 2nd ed., American Society of Safety
Product Safety Management and Engineering
Project Management for ESH Professionals
Pierce, F. David (1998). Project Management for ESH Professionals. Government Institutes.
Latino, Robert J.; Latino, Kenneth C.; Latino, Mark A. (2011). Root Cause Analysis: Improving
Root Cause Analysis: Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results
Performance for Bottom-Line Results , 4th ed., CRC Press.
Safety and Health for Engineers
Brauer, Roger L. (2006). Safety and Health for Engineers, 2nd ed.; John Wiley & Sons.
Safety Through Design
Christensen, Wayne C.; Manuele, Fred A. (1999). Safety Through Design. National Safety Council Press.
Shott , Susan (1990) Statistics for Health Professionals, 1st ed., Saunders.
National Safety Council (2009). Supervisors' Safety Manual, 10th ed., National Safety Council Press.
Petersen, Dan (2003). Techniques of Safety Management, A Systems Approach 4th Edition, 4th ed.,
Amercican Society of Safety Engineers.
DiNardi, Salvatore (2003). The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation, Control, and Management, 2nd
The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation, Control, and Management
ed., American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (2008). The Safety Professional's Handbook of Fire Prevention
The Safety Professional's Handbook of Fire Prevention Engineering
Engineering, 4th ed., NFPA.
Haight, Joel M. (2012). The Safety Professional's Handbook: Technical Applications, 2nd ed., American
The Safety Professionals Handbook: Technical Applications
Society of Safety Engineers.
Haight, Joel M. (2012). The Safety Professional's Handbook: Management Applications, 2nd ed.,
The Safety Professionals Handbook: Management Applications
American Society of Safety Engineers.
Training Design Basics
Carliner, Saul (2005). Training Design Basics. ASTD Training Basics Series, ASTD.