Care, Compassion, Excellence Mount Lockyer Primary School A Place To Learn and Grow

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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence;

Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 5

Dates to Remember
Wednesday 6th April
Swimming Carnival
Early Close 2.30pm
Thursday 7th April
Assembly Room 21
Friday 8th April
ANZAC Service
Weeks 9 and 10
Courtesy is having
good manners and
acting in a way that
makes others feel
valued. I am
courteous. Others
know I care about
their feelings. I
respect and
appreciate others.
Wednesday, 27th
School Resumes
P&C Uniform Shop
Open Days:
8:30am 9:30am
8:30am 9:30am

5th April 2016

Attendance for 14th March to 25th March 2016


91.94% 94.11% 94.47% 94.71% 91.91% 94.54% 96.06%

Hello everyone!
The saying time flies when you are having fun has certainly rung true this term. Having Easter as
a welcome break, plus events such as the Year 6 camp and Swimming Carnivals has made it a
very enjoyable term and fabulous start to the 2016 school year.
Interschool Swimming Carnival: The Interschool Swimming Carnival will be held on
Wednesday, 6 April. I know the squad we have representing our school have trained hard and
will endeavour to do their very best but above all will be excellent ambassadors for our school.
Congratulations to all the students who will be participating and good luck.
ANZAC Service:
We will be conducting a School ANZAC Service on Friday, 8 April,
commencing at 9.00am in the quadrangle. Mr Faulkner organises and facilitates the School
ANZAC Service ensuring it is a fitting commemoration to the men and women who have served
our nation.
We will again participate in the City of Albany ANZAC Street March and Service on ANZAC Day,
Monday, 25 April. Details regarding the March and Service are outlined further in this newsletter.
We encourage as many children as possible to be involved in this very significant National event.
Assembly: This week, children from Room 21 Year 4 will be providing the entertainment at the
assembly on Thursday.
Finally, thank you to all of our families for your ongoing support over the term. To our terrific
students, thank you for your excellent endeavour to achieve your personal best, evidence of this
is below (and over the page) in some samples of work from the students in Room 8 Year 3.
Happy holidays everyone!
Maxine Augustson

Mount Lockyer
Every Wednesday at
the Child and Parent
9.00am to 11.30am
1.00pm to 2.30pm
Written by Shelbie Wilkinson
Year 3 Room 8
Written by Piper Scorza
Year 3 Room 8

Written by Chelsea Geddes

Year 3 Room 8

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received merit
certificates at the last school assembly:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
Room 7:
Room 8:
Room 11:
Room 13:
Room 14:
Room 15:
Room 16:
Room 17:
Room 21:
Room 22:
Room 24:
Room 25:

Jazzabelle ONeill
Althea Yangzon
Kayla Nicholson
Tessa Steer
Loreine Maratas
Ryan Carter
Mikayla Steer
Crystal Hort
Monique Burton-Harris
Todd McSweeney
Max Kuenen
Christine Hill
Ben Thomas
Erin Dickerson
Monet Bennell-Aylmore
Jax Martin
Michaela Trott
Damien Burton-Harris
Kayden Collins
Ella Dalliston
Aidan Coombe

Egg Cartons
Please note that we no longer require any egg cartons, the
people that were requesting them no longer need them. Thank
School Fees
A reminder to all parents that the Voluntary Contributions for
2016 are due. The cost is $40 per student for the year.
Just a reminder that if you pay your contribution this term, you
will be in the running to win a $100 voucher. The winner will be
announced in the newsletter next term.
Money can be direct deposited into the school account. Please
make sure you put a description in the
payment section.
BSB 016510
Mount Lockyer Primary School
Acc Number 290370834


Most Locky Legends Cinema Tickets:
Charli Lovett
Newsletter Quiz:
Mallory Whitton
Most Locky Legends in the Class:
Room 3:
GM Kyle Bitantes
Room 4:
Amaya Pearson
Room 5:
Isabel Van Den Bogert
Room 6:
Ally Brooks
Room 7:
Cody McLennan
Room 8:
Eh Ler Pweh
Heather Lovett
Room 9:
Demi Burns
Room 11: Jake Smith
Room 12: Jordan Bobby
Michaela Brooks
Room 13: Marlon Dewata
Room 14: Tamuka Bangi
Room 15: Zethrow Hill
Room 16: Harrison McWhirter
Room 17: Lily Remaj
Room 21: Charli Lovett
Room 22: Phoebe Ferguson
Room 24: Ethan Tutt
Room 25: Asha Bristow
Desy Burns
ANZAC Day Service
As part of the ANZAC Day Service, Mount Lockyer will be
represented by student councillors, students and staff in
the main parade.
If your child is able to attend please
meet at the assembling point (Alison
Hartman Gardens, with all students in
school uniform) at 9.30am sharp on
Monday, 25th April.
The school will hold an ANZAC
Service on the last day of term,
Friday, 8th April at 9.00am.
Get To Know Your School
Name: Steve Faulkner
Position: Deputy Principal
Family: My wife and 3 girls. All of
whom at one time or another have
kept me poor, but I love them to
bits! I also have my first grandchild
Connection with School: Started
at Mount Lockyer Primary School
in 2004 as the Deputy Principal. The same year Mrs
Augustson started as Principal. Have been part of the
Education Department as a teacher and administrator for
40 years (Doesnt time fly when youre having fun!).
Treasured Possessions: My Swan Districts football
jumper I wore when I was playing for them (it doesnt fit
anymore!). Its amazing how good a footballer you were
as you get older and older. I really treasure all of the
family memorabilia as well. Photo albums especially.
Unwind and De-Stress: Fishing, golf and a flutter on the
Makes me Laugh: What kids come up with at school.

EFTPOS facilities are now available at the


Life Motto: If you can make people laugh it is all the

worthwhile being here.

Get To Know Your School

Name: Bridgette Robinson
Position: School Officer
Family: Married to Dan, 3 sons, 1
daughter (I so deserve her after the
boys) and one gorgeous grandson
William who makes my heart sing.
Connection with School: Started
at Mt Lockyer PS as bus warden/
reading resource room 2007, moved
to PP1 as Education Assistant and
have been School Officer since 2011.
Treasured Possessions: family photos, especially of my
late dad and sister
Unwind and De-Stress: Im abit of a fitness nut so youll
find me trail running or gyming it, on the unwind side Im an
avid reader and enjoy nothing better than kicking back with
a good book, a glass of SB (preferable from Marlborough
NZ) at the moment Im reading Luminous by Aroha Tawhai
a talented New Zealand author.
Makes me Laugh: Dawn and Magda very funny ladies.
But anyone that can make you laugh is pretty special.
Life Motto: If you are always trying to be normal, you will
never know how amazing you can be!

Get To Know Your School

Name: Sarah Wright
Position: School Officer
Family: Husband, 1 year old
daughter, Claudia and 2 fur-babies
Connection with School: Started at
MLPS in 2012 as a School Officer
and absolutely love it.
Treasured Possessions: Family,
photos and my book collection.
Unwind and De-Stress: Reading
and going to my monthly Book Club, taking my daughter
out for adventures and walking my dogs. A nice relaxing
holiday somewhere hot would be lovely!
Makes me Laugh: Most things.
Life Motto: Be the reason someone smiles today!
P&C News
5 Cent Fundraiser
Next term the P+C will be running a 5 cent fundraiser
where we challenge the students to bring in as many 5 cent
pieces as they can find. Each classroom will have a money
box where they can collect the coins. The challenge will be
on to see which class can collect the most coins. More
information will be given next term, which class will win and
how much can we raise?
Booklist Fundraiser
A huge thank you to all the families who purchased their
booklists through Albany Stationers. This year was a great
success with the P+C receiving over $3000. Many thanks
also to Albany Stationers.
School Banking
Well done everyone. Banking numbers are awesome! We
have averaged 75 students banking each week this
term...amazing. Remember if you have any questions you
can pop a note in with your banking, or drop into the school
office on a Wednesday morning between 9.30 10.30am.
Sausage Sizzle
A huge thank you to those special people who helped out
at Bunnings on Sunday at our Sausage Sizzle. Also a huge
thanks to the wonderful onion slicers. We raised $676. Well

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS at the Child and Parent Centre for

children aged 5 8yrs and their parents
normal term programs will not be running

9.30am to 11.00am
STORY TIME for children up to 8 years of age.
Bring a piece of fruit to share
Children need to be accompanied by a parent.

Tuesdays: 10.00am to 1.00pm

COMMUNITY COOK UP for all ages for all
ages. Come and help prepare hearty soups with
Deb and stay for lunch.
A family event.
Wednesdays: 10am to 12pm
COOKING WITH THE KIDS for 5 8 year olds.
Children need to be accompanied by a parent.
Thursdays: 10.00am to 12.00pm
KITE MAKING Bring a piece of fruit to share
Children need to be accompanied by a parent.
For more information contact: [email protected] or
download our app Child and Parent Centre Mount Lockyer
9843 0071.
Greg Watson Drum Lessons
Introductory lesson for free during March and April.
Different styles including Rock, Pop, Funk, Reggae, Blues,
Jazz, Latin.
Music theory - reading music,
For more information contact Greg
on 0488 665 760.

Rapid Prompting Method

ACE Teaching and consulting is looking for expression of
interest to attend a workshop with Erica Anderson on the
Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) to teach individuals with
Autism. This is open to parents, therapists, teachers, early
intervention providers, OTs and STs. It is a great
opportunity to learn about this new method to teach
academics and develop communication with students with
Autism. If you are interested contact Donna Reid on 0428
336 302 or email [email protected].
KZ Speech
KZ Speech in Albany will be running the following therapy
groups in Term 2, 2016 at 105 Aberdeen Street. Please
contact 9450 6939 to secure your place!
Saturday Plan
9.00-10.00am Sat
Age 4-6
Saturday Chat
10.15-11.15am Sat
Age 6-8
Cool Zone
4.30-5.30pm Mon
Age 8-11
4.30-5.45pm Thurs
Age 12-17
Young Adults
to be determined
Age 18-25
Literacy Group 1 3.30-4.30pm Wed
Age 8-11
Literacy Group 2 4.30-5.30pm Wed
Age 12-17
My Time
We welcome families/carers who are caring for a child aged
0-16yrs with a disability, developmental delay or chronic illness to attend.
Wanslea, 26 Prior Street, Albany, 9.30-11.30am Wednesdays
Term 2 Dates: 4th May - 22nd June
Contact details: 08 9843 0077, [email protected]


Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines.
Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours.
Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the
school day.
The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in

the morning.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by
the school Principal.
Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office.

NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: What date do students return to school for Term 2?

Answer: ________________________and_________________________
Name __________________________________________________ Room ____________________



The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to
follow directions or face increased consequences.
Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts.
For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences
apply ~

Bullying is when a student or group

keep picking on another student. They
try to hurt them physically or
deliberate and repeated.

Student refuses to follow directions.
Verbal warning.
Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence e.g. Time Out
Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence e.g. Buddy
Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office.
Parents will be requested to attend

Students will be immediately
suspended for verbal abuse of
staff and/or violence towards
staff or students.

Students returning from
suspension must be
accompanied by an adult and
will attend the Intervention
Centre (Room 20) where an
Individual Behaviour
Management Plan will be
developed and implemented.

A fight or disagreement between

equal students is not bullying.

Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to

ask for help. Both victim and
those bullying will be counselled
and supported.
Do not be a by-stander; if you
witness bullying try to stop it or
report it.

Step 1: Warning
Step 2: In school isolation and
counselling at recess and lunch,
parents will be notified
Step 3:
For continued breaches
students will be suspended.

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