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Integrative Oncology

Trivedi et al., J Integr Oncol 2015, 4:3

ISSN: 2329-6771

Research Article


The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Human Brain Tumor Cells:

A Time-Lapse Video Microscopy
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi1, Shrikant Patil1, Harish Shettigar1, Sambhu Charan Mondal2 and Snehasis Jana2*

Trivedi Global Inc., 10624 S Eastern Avenue Suite A-969, Henderson, NV 89052, USA
Trivedi Science Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., Hall-A, Chinar Mega Mall, Chinar Fortune City, Hoshangabad Rd., Bhopal- 462026 Madhya Pradesh, India

Study background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common subtype of primary brain tumor in adults. The
aim was to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment potential on human GBM and non-GBM brain cells using two
time-lapse video microscopy technique.
Methods: The human brain tumor, GBM cultured cells were divided into two groups viz. GBM control and GBM
treatment. Similarly, human normal brain cultured cells (non-GBM) were taken and divided into two groups viz. nonGBM control and non-GBM treatment. The GBM and non-GBM treatment groups were given Mr. Trivedis biofield
treatment for the assessment of its potential. Two time-lapse (10 hours prior; 10 hours after) video microscopy
experiment was performed on tumor and non-tumor brain cells in six replicate (n=6). For each microscopic field, the
total cell number was counted and each cell was tracked over the 20 hours period. The potential impact of biofield
treatment was assessed by comparing cell death rate in both GBM and non-GBM cells before and after biofield
Results: GBM control cells showed a basal level of cell death 10 hours prior and 10 hours after the biofield
treatment, and the rate remained unchanged over the 20 hours period, while in treatment group of GBM, cell death
rate was exponentially increased (41%) after biofield treatment as compared to control. The treated non-GBM
cultured cells showed a significant reduction (64%) of cell death rate i.e. protective effects as compared to non-GBM
Conclusion: Altogether, data suggests that biofield treatment has significantly increased the cell death rate of
treated GBM cells and simultaneously boost the viability of normal brain cells. Therefore, biofield treatment could be
a suitable alternate treatment strategy for cancer patients in near future.

Keywords: Glial cell; Glioblastoma; Brain tumor; Biofield treatment;

Time-lapse video microscopy

Brain tumors are typically very heterogeneous, aggressive
neoplasms at the cellular level which affects both children and adults
[1]. Statistics based on cancer research institute explore that 1 in 161
individuals born today with brain cancer at different point of life. In the
U.S., 22,850 men and women are diagnosed with brain cancer every year,
and 15,320 deaths are caused by this disease [2]. As per World health
organization classification, glioblastoma (GBM) is also known as grade
IV astrocytoma [3]. GBM is one of the most malignant form of human
brain tumor. The mean survival time for GBM patients is approximately
12 months [4]. Time-lapse video microscopy is a technique that aids to
assess cellular behavior in real time. This technique is used to collect
a two dimensional image data at different time intervals. Then, these
data are converted to make a movie. This unique technique is used
in various fields of cancer and stem cell biology for assessment of
cell translation, division, and death [5,6]. Presently, several strategies
are available for the treatment of GBM such as surgical techniques,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy and electrochemotherapy [7]. Apart
from commonly used chemotherapeutic agents (such as nitrosoureas
derivatives, platinum based drugs, and taxol) and gene therapy, as
a novel therapeutic modality frequently being used in cancer [8].
However, chemotherapy suffers several major drawbacks such as all
tumors are not responsive to chemotherapeutic agents to some extent,
incidence of bone marrow cells damage, amenorrhea, alopecia, sexual
dysfunction and adversely affect the quality of life of patients [9].
Malignant brain tumors like GBM are very difficult to treat
J Integr Oncol
ISSN: 2329-6771 JIO, an open access journal

now a days. The difficulties to treat against GBM are due to lack of
proper preventive strategies, and unavailability of practical method
for screening [10]. Therefore, new, more effective and better tolerated
anti-tumor drugs or some alternative treatment strategy are needed.
Based on the above lacunas an alternative way which may be useful to
kill or eradicates the proliferative tumorous cells and simultaneously
defense the normal brain glial cells. Biofield treatment is an alternative
approach which may be useful to improve these unfilled spaces
associated with cancer patients. The human biofield is the energetic
matrix that surrounds the human [11]. It directly links with the cellular
activity that allows the DNA to communicate faster than light and
maintain intelligence in the organisms [12]. According to universal
principles of Maxwells equations and principle of reciprocity defines
electromagnetic connections related to human biofield [13]. Thus, a
human has ability to harness the energy from environment/Universe
and can transmit into any object (living or non-living) around the
Globe. The object(s) always receive the energy and responded into

*Corresponding author: Dr. Snehasis Jana, Trivedi Science Research

Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., Hall-A, Chinar Mega Mall, Chinar Fortune City,
Hoshangabad Rd., Bhopal- 462026, Madhya Pradesh, India, Tel: +91-7556660006; E-mail: [email protected]
ReceivedJuly 07, 2015; Accepted July 21, 2015; Published July 28, 2015
Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Mondal SC, Jana S (2015) The Potential
Impact of Biofield Treatment on Human Brain Tumor Cells: A Time-Lapse Video
Microscopy. J Integr Oncol 4: 141. doi:10.4172/2329-6771.1000141
Copyright: 2015 Trivedi MK, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.

Volume 4 Issue 3 1000141

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Mondal SC, Jana S (2015) The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Human Brain Tumor Cells: A TimeLapse Video Microscopy. J Integr Oncol 4: 141. doi:10.4172/2329-6771.1000141

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useful way that is called biofield energy. This process is known as biofield
treatment. The biofield can be monitored using electromyography,
electrocardiography and electroencephalogram [14]. Mr. Mahendra
Trivedis unique biofield treatment (The Trivedi Effect) has been
well known for altered characteristics features of microbes [15-17],
improved the overall productivity of crops [18,19], and also transform
the structural, physical and chemical properties of materials [20-23].
Exposure to biofield energy caused an increase in medicinal property,
growth, and anatomical characteristics of ashwagandha [24].
On the basis of above facts and literature, present study was
undertaken to evaluate the impact of Mr. Trivedis biofield treatment
on human GBM brain tumor cells.

Materials and Methods

Human U87 glioblastoma cells were received from California
pacific medical center research institute, bioscience laboratory, San
Francisco, CA. The cultures were prepared and maintained as per the

Study design and biofield treatment strategy

The GBM cultured cells were divided into two groups viz. GBM
control and GBM treatment. Besides this, normal brain cultured cells
were also divided into two groups such as non-GBM control and
non-GBM treatment. Prior to experiment, each cell culture plate was
prepared with six replicates (n=6) of both GBM and non-GBM cells.
Each cell culture plate was grown side-by-side in sub-compartments of
one culture plate, so that both types of cells were exposed to treatment
and without treatment simultaneously. One set of culture plates (GBM
and non-GBM treatment) were handed over to Mr. Trivedi for biofield
treatment under laboratory condition. Mr. Trivedi provided the
treatment through his energy transmission process to the culture plates
in front of the time-lapse microscope to deliver biofield treatment from
outside a plexiglass environmental chamber attached to the microscope
without touching them. Another set was considered as control
experiment in which no treatment was delivered. After treatment, all
the culture plates were analyzed for assessment of biofield treatment
potential. In brief, during the experiment involving biofield treatment,
Mr. Trivedi was escorted to the laboratory and seated a short distance
(approximately 20 cm) from the time-lapse microscope (Figure 1).
During the control experiment, the cells were handled identically but Mr.
Trivedi did not visit the laboratory. A laboratory technician placed the
cell culture plates inside of an environmental chamber for examination
by time-lapse microscopy without knowledge of the eventual treatment
condition for the samples. The following day, laboratory technician has
converted the acquired images into Quicktime movies and transferred
the movies to a database using blinding codes for analysis.

Two time-lapse video microscopy technique

Two time-lapse video microscopy experiments were followed in
human brain tumor GBM cells and normal brain cells for 20 hours time
cycle. Microscopic images were acquired in every 5 minutes interval,
from 10 hours prior and 10 hours following the treatment time i.e. 20
hours for each experiment, and compiled into time lapse videos. Figure
2 depicts the time schedule for two time-lapse video microscopy of cell
cultures [25].

Criteria for analysis of cell count

For each microscopic field, the total number of cells were counted
and each cell was tracked over the 20 hours period. Cells that entered
J Integr Oncol
ISSN: 2329-6771 JIO, an open access journal

Figure 1: Schematic diagram represents the physical arrangement of biofield

treatment session from a short distance (approximately 20 cm), outside a
plexiglass environmental chamber attached to the microscope.

Figure 2: Schematic diagram represents the schedule for time-lapse video

microscopy of cell cultures, A) treatment and B) control.

the microscopic field after the initial frame were neither included,
nor identified as dead at the start of the video. Cell death, divisions
and emigrations (cells migrating out of the microscopic field) were
counted for varying numbers of cells and count was made every single
hour. After that, all the data were collected and entered into excel
spreadsheets, the blinding codes were revealed and the results were
sorted according to experimental group for analysis.

Results and Discussion

Since, brain tumors especially GBM are the most critical medical
problem affecting major part of population, physician suggests
chemoprevention along with radiation strategies to reduce the
incidence and mortality rate. However, there are scientific evidence and
large number of in vitro studies already reported for biofield treatment
and its effect in cancer cells [26,27]. Previous studies indicated that
biofield energy showed an inhibitory effect on metastasis and immune
responses in cancer cell models [11,26,28].
An exponential growth model was applied to the study data derived
through time-lapse video microscopic technique which aims to take
into account potential influence on cell death rates due to change the
number of cells in each microscopic field throughout the observation
period. Death counts during 10 hours period of observation were
converted to rates per cell by the following formula:

Death rate = ln(N(t-1)) ln(N(t-1) d(t))

Where, N(t-1) is the number of cells at the start of the time period
and d(t) is the number of deaths during the time period. These estimates

Volume 4 Issue 3 1000141

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Mondal SC, Jana S (2015) The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Human Brain Tumor Cells: A TimeLapse Video Microscopy. J Integr Oncol 4: 141. doi:10.4172/2329-6771.1000141

Page 3 of 4
are based on an assumption that counts are dependent on the number
of cells present [6].

Comparing the total number of cell deaths over the 10 hours prior
and 10 hours following the treatment time (T = 0) for the four groups of
cells and dividing these values by the initial cell counts for each group
gives a rough estimation of the potential effect of treatment. Analysis
using the exponential growth model indicates that the cell death rate
in GBM treatment cultured cells increased after biofield treatment
however, no change in cell death rate was observed in GBM control
cultured cells. Moreover, the non-GBM treatment cultured cells has
appeared to be protected from a baseline increase in cell death rate
observed in the untreated non-GBM control cultured cells (Figure 3).
The increase in cell death rate as observed in the untreated non-GBM
control cultured cells was consistent while the cancer cell viability was
more robust [29].
Pre-treatment values were subtracted from post-treatment values
to evaluate the relative change in cell death rate after treatment time (T
= 0) and referred as delta (). The values (as measured from before
to after treatment per initial cell) due to biofield treatment relative
to controls for GBM cells and non-GBM cells are shown in Figure
4. The advantage of biofield treatment is that they are inexpensive as
compared to other types of cancer therapies. According to a recent
report regarding biofield treatment later on, it was approved by the
German equivalent of the FDA. It was emphasized that cancer patients
have experienced healing with biofield treatment. Nowadays, many
scientists and cutting edge practitioners believed that the secrets
of regeneration and healing lie not only on costly medical drugs or
expensive medical treatments, but also in the bodys own Quantum
Energy Biofield (QEB) [30].
Current cancer therapies have certain limitations which include
serious side effects like enormous toxicity, altered immune system and
high treatment cost. Many ancient biofield therapies for cancer are
practiced around the world, among then Qigong therapy for cancer is


Cell death rate

(Per hour)







Figure 4: The change in cell death rate () of both glioblastoma brain tumor
cells and normal brain glial cells after treatment time (T = 0) due to biofield
treatment relative to controls.

Figure 5: Percent change of cell death after 20 hours treatment period with
respect to control.

very popular and scientifically studied [31,32]. Therefore, Mr. Trivedis

biofield treatment could be an effective (with no existing side effects),
cost effective (no drugs were used) and alternate approach for cancer
chemotherapy. Research on biofield treatment and its impact on cancer
growth has been continuously studied by researchers, which might
works as alternate and complementary medicine to prolong the life of
cancerous patients along with quality life.
Overall, the study data indicates that biofield treatment has
significantly increased (41%) the death rate of GBM brain tumor
cells as compared to untreated GBM cells. Besides this, non-GBM
treatment cultured cells showed a significant reduction of cell death
rate (64%) as compared to normal brain cells (Figure 5). Based on the
obtained results, it is expected that biofield treatment could be novel,
cost effective and an alternative advanced strategy towards brain tumor




Change in cell death rate ()

The potential impact of biofield treatment on GBM brain culture

cells was assessed by comparing cell death rates before and after
treatment. In non-GBM (control) group, values for cell division
were not significantly analyzed due to very low cell divisions rate, as
the majority of the cell counts being zero throughout the 20 hours
observation period. This lack of cell division under control conditions
for the normal brain cells indicated that the culture conditions were
not sufficient to keep the normal cells viable throughout the extended
time in culture. This is often may be the case with cultures of normal
cells, whereas cancerous cells typically survive in culture more readily.








Figure 3: Comparison of cell death rate before and after biofield treatment.
GBM: Glioblastoma

J Integr Oncol
ISSN: 2329-6771 JIO, an open access journal

In conclusion, the study results suggest that the biofield treatment

has significantly increased (41%) the cell death rate of GBM treatment
brain tumor cells, as compared to GBM control cells. In addition,
biofield treatment also showed a significant reduction of cell death
rate (64%) in non-GBM treated culture cells i.e. protective effect as
compared to non-GBM brain cells. Based on the results, the inexpensive

Volume 4 Issue 3 1000141

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Mondal SC, Jana S (2015) The Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Human Brain Tumor Cells: A TimeLapse Video Microscopy. J Integr Oncol 4: 141. doi:10.4172/2329-6771.1000141

Page 4 of 4
biofield treatment approach could be used in glioblastoma brain tumor
patients in near future to improve the quality of life.
Trivedi science, Trivedi testimonials and Trivedi master wellness gratefully
acknowledged to the whole team of the bioscience laboratories, 665, Third Street,
San Francisco, CA for their support.

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Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Mondal SC, Jana S (2015) The
Potential Impact of Biofield Treatment on Human Brain Tumor Cells: A
Time-Lapse Video Microscopy. J Integr Oncol 4: 141. doi:10.4172/23296771.1000141

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