An American Tail, The Computer Adventures of Fievel and His Friends

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An American Tail - Fievel Goes West

Partial Walkthrough
By Patrick J. McNamara
This is just a basic walkthrough to help those in stuck. It's not complete, but
it should help. There are some things you can do which I have not listed, but th
ey don't need to be done to finish game.
The game isn't that difficult, and really doesn't need a walkthough, although th
e bad programming and the structure can make it a little confusing. It's not so
much an adventure game as a series of puzzles.
I've left out conversations, but those are easy enough to figure out. If one res
ponse fails, there's usually an opportunity to answer again. You may need to exi
t the screen and return.
Screens will reset after you've finished with it, so in most cases if you don't
do it right you can try again by leaving and returning. A few screens, such as t
he first puzzle in Part II, do not allow exit.
Screens can get confusing, so a simple map might help. There is an appearent bug
which allows you to enter one screen from the right which when exited to the ri
ght takes you to a different screen.
If you can't figure out where to go, scan the screen for exits with the cheese p
The game is in two Parts, one for each movie. If you've seen the movies it will
help you to solve the game, but it's not necissary.
Save game regularly, especially in part II. It's not as important in Part I, but
it's very important in Part II. Fievel does not actually "die" in the game, but
in game terms you do and you'll have to reload a saved game or restart. It's be
st to save after acquiring new items.
Part I
To finish this part you'll need to get the skull (in shed), the dice (from Tony)
and the key (in sewer with cats). (Although it's a single "die", I'm using "dic
e" to avoid confusion.)
In the starting screen, talk to the rat. He'll give you money. After answering r
ight questions, go with him to the sewer.
Get broccoli. Wait until large rat is asleep and exit through pipe (centre of sc
You may want to wander around exploring, but don't interact with anyone until yo
u find the card game.
Give nickels to play card game. When you win you'll get a deck of cards.
Go right to "violin" screen (tracks running across bottom), then exit back centr
e to find Tony.
Talk to Tony. Play game. If you answer the questions correctly, you can exchange
with Tony. Give cards and you'll get dice.
Go back to violin screen. Exit right. (Although if you exit left repeatedly you'
ll wind up back on violin screen, going right takes you to a new area.
Exit back right to screen with mouse and stairs. Exit to sewer (left centre), bu
t only if you have broccoli (or you'll "die").
Get key. After being trapped, give broccoli to Tiger (cat). Exit bottom left imm
ediately and do not return (you can't escape a second time).
Go back to "Tony and pals" screen and exit back. Use key on shed. Enter shed and
get skull.

Go south to "Liberty statue" screen and exit left. Exit by Papa's knee to get to
stage. (You cannot talk to him.) Talk with woman above Tony. (You might be able
to skip this, but I didn't try. You should also be able to do this anytime afte
r talking with Tony.))
Return to "skull shed" screen. Exit right to warehouse.
(Fievel is finally reunited.) Give Skull, Key and dice. Solve puzzle and watch c
Part II
Surprisingly, this part is significantly more challenging than part I, but less
complicated. Although a seasoned adventurer shouldn't have trouble, this game wa
s appearently supposed to be a children's game. Save often because there are man
y ways to "die."
You'll only need to get the marbles (in mine), the perfume (from Tanya) and the
sherriff's badge (in desert).
Save game. (Otherwise you'll be restoring from Part I.)
Exit right. Play game until you win. (Don't quit or you'll "die".) Success with
take you through a cutscene to the desert.
In desert, exit North or East to get to mine. Enter mine and get marbles, the re
turn to desert.
(Save game.)
Wander desert until you find the badge. (I'm not sure of the exact directions, b
ut it was generally to the west. From the mine, try going west and down, then ke
ep going west.) Beware of scorpion. (Quest for Glory II deja-vu?)
When you have the badge, wander until eagle catches you. It should take you to t
he town. If you don't have the badge yet, exit west to enter desert again. (Alth
ough this may not be triggered until you find the badge.)
Exit back left to find sherriff dog. Talk to dog (using "dog" answers).
Give badge. Return to town main screen. Exit back right.
Exit to left around the left of the stage. Talk to Tanya and get perfume.
Return to town main. Exit right and talk to Tiger. Give perfume.
Return to town main. Tiger should be with you. Exit to sheriff dog.
(Save game. This will be the last good opporunity before dealing with the cats,
which you can "die" at. You can save at the start of the game, but it will reset
the screen if you try to save in the middle.)
Talk to sheriff dog. He will give you a slingshot. You'll then go to a practice
screen, then have to shoot cats. If you don't shoot enough cats you'll "die".
(You may need to use a program like moslo to slow down the action. This game was
written for an older system.)
The cat screen requires that you shoot them about 10 times before they shoot you
about 10 times.
After the cat screen is a Simon-type memory game where you disarm the trap. (If
you act quickly you can save before the game starts.) If you're having trouble,
try drawing a 4 X 7 grid on a piece of paper and writing down the order. There s
hould be about 7 mallots in the final sequence.
After the trap you get a very brief ending of one or two cutscenes.
Part I
Money - from rats on street
broccoli - sewer
deck of cards - card game (when you give money)
dice - Tony (after giving cards)
Key - sewer with cats (will need broccoli to escape)
skull - shed (need key to open)
Part II
marbles - in mine
sherriff's badge - in desert

perfume - from Tanya

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