International Journal of Organisational InnovationFinal Issue Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 v3

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Table of Contents
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Information Regarding The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation

2013 Board of Editors

The Roles Of Benchmarking, Best Practices & Innovation In Organizational Effectiveness - Frederick L. Dembowski


Innovation And The Perception Of Risk In The Public Sector - William Townsend


The Moderating Effects Of Switching Costs On Satisfaction-Commitment Relationship: An Agritourism Approach In Taiwan - Tsai-Fa Yen, Hsiou-Hsiang J. Liu, YungChieh Chen


Effects Of Consumer Participation Motivation And Participation Intention Towards

Festivals On Experiential Satisfaction A Case Study Of The Rainbow Bay Festival
Kaohsiung City - Wu Yan


Enhancement Of Quality Function Deployment Based On Chinkless-Teaching Concept Design Courses - Chiao-Ping Bao, Yu-Ping Lee, Ching-Yaw Chen


Key Success Factors In Catering Franchises - Jiun-Lan Hsu


A Study Of The Redesign And Production Of The Traditional Taiwanese Peacock

Chairs - An-Sheng Lee, Wen-Ching Su, Jenn-Kuan Chen, Rong-Jen Lee, Wei-Tsy


An Exploratory Analysis In The Construction Of College Performance Indices - YuJen Tsen


Assessing Student Dormitory Service Quality By Integrating Kano Elaborative Mode

With Quality Function Deployment Method - A Case Study In A Hospitality College
In Southern Taiwan - Mean-Shen Liu

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Strategic Grouping Of Financial Holding Companies: A Two-Dimensional Graphical

Analysis With Application Of The Three-Stage Malmquist Index And Co-Plot
Methods - Yao-Hung Yang, Yueh-Chiang Lee


Ehancing A Learning Vector Quantization Neural Network Classifications Model

With The Orthogonal Array - Chien-Yu Huang, Long-Hui Chen, Nien-Tai Tsai, YuehLi Chen


Moderating Effect Of Perceived Usefulness On The Relationship Between Ease Of

Use, Attitude Toward Use And Actual System Use - Fenghsiu Lin, Chin-Wei Liu, IHung Kuo


Study Of The Arrival Scheduling Simulation For The Terminal Control Area At
Sung-Shun Airport - Wen-Ching Kuo, Shiang-Huei Kung


Communication Media (E-Commerce) As A Supporting Factor In Indonesia's Fashion

Industry In The International Business Competition - Yuliandre Darwis


Service Quality: An Emotional Contagions Perspective - Mei-Ju Chou, Kai-Ping



A Study Of The Statistical Analysis Formulas Of New Product Evaluation - Ying-Pin

Cheng, Chung-Hung Lin


The Measurement Of Eco-Components Of Service Quality In Taiwans International

Tourist Hotels - An Empirical Case: Cheng-Jui Tseng, Ya-Hui Kuo

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation (IJOI) (ISSN 1943-1813) is an international, blind peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly. It may be viewed online for free.
(There are no print versions of this journal; however, the journal .pdf file may be downloaded
and printed.) It contains a wide variety of research, scholarship, educational and practitioner
perspectives on organizational innovation-related themes and topics. It aims to provide a
global perspective on organizational innovation of benefit to scholars, educators, students,
practitioners, policy-makers and consultants. All past issues of the journal are available on
the journal website.
For information regarding submissions to the journal, go to the journal homepage:
Submissions are welcome from the members of IAOI and other associations & all other
scholars and practitioners. Student papers are also welcome.
To Contact the IJOI Editor, email: [email protected]
Note: The format for this Journal has changed with this issue January 2013. The journal
is now published in a two-column format (instead of the single column format used in
prior issues). Please see the new author guidelines on the Journals website, as well as a
sample article showing how they will appear in the new format.
For more information on the International Association of Organizational Innovation, go to:
The seventh annual International Conference on Organizational Innovation will be held in
Thailand, July 2013. For more information regarding the conference, go to the journal
homepage: and see the link on the lower right hand side.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Name - Affiliation:


Frederick L. Dembowski - International Association of Org. Innovation, USA

Associate Editor
Associate Editor

Chich-Jen Shieh - International Association of Org. Innovation, Taiwan R.O.C.

Kenneth E Lane - Southeastern Louisiana University, USA

Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor

Ahmed M Kamaruddeen - Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Alan E Simon - Concordia University Chicago, USA
Aldrin Abdullah - Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Alex Maritz - Australian Grad. School of Entrepreneurship, Australia
Andries J Du Plessis - Unitec New Zealand
Asma Salman - American University in the Emirates, Dubai
Asoka Gunaratne Unitec, New Zealand
Barbara Cimatti - University of Bologna, Italy
Ben Hendricks, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Carl D Ekstrom - University Of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Catherine C Chiang - Elon University, USA
Chandra Shekar - American University of Antigua College of Medicine, Antigua
Davorin Kralj - Institute for Cretaive Management, Slovenia, Europe.
Denis Ushakov - Northern Caucasian Academy of Public Services
Donna S McCaw - Western Illinois University, USA
Eloiza Matos - Federal Technological University of Paran - Brazil
Earl F Newby - Virginia State University, USA
Fernando Cardoso de Sousa - Portuguese Association of Creativity
and Innovation (APIC)), Portugal
Fuhui Tong - Texas A&M University, USA
Gloria J Gresham - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Hassan B Basri - National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Ilias Said - Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Ismael Abu-Jarad - Universiti Utara Malaysia
Janet Tareilo - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Jeffrey Oescher - Southeastern Louisiana University, USA
Jian Zhang - Dr. J. Consulting, USA
John W Hunt - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
Julia N Ballenger Texas A & M University - Commerce, USA
Jun Dang - Xi'an International Studies University, P.R.C. China
Jyh-Rong Chou - Fortune Institute of Technology, Taiwan R.O.C.
Ken Kelch - Alliant International University, USA
Ken Simpson Unitec, New Zealand
Kerry Roberts - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Madeline Berma, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia

Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

Assistant Editor Marcia L Lamkin - University of North Florida, USA

Assistant Editor Marius Potgieter, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Assistant Editor Mei-Ju Chou, Shoufu University, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Michael A Lane - University of Illinois Springfield, USA
Assistant Editor Muhammad Abduh - University of Bengkulu, Indonesia
Assistant Editor Nathan R Templeton - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Assistant Editor Noor Mohammad, Multi Media University, Malaysia
Assistant Editor Nor'Aini Yusof - Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Assistant Editor Opas Piansoongnern - Shinawatra University, Thailand
Assistant Editor Pattanapong Ariyasit - Sripatum University
Assistant Editor Pawan K Dhiman - EDP & Humanities, Government Of India
Assistant Editor Ralph L Marshall - Eastern Illinois University, USA
Assistant Editor Richard Cohen - International Journal of Organizational Innovation, USA
Assistant Editor Ridong Hu, Huaqiao University, P.R. China
Assistant Editor Sandra Stewart - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Assistant Editor Sergey Ivanov - University of the District of Columbia, USA
Assistant Editor Shang-Pao Yeh - I-Shou University, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Shanshi Liu - South China University of Technology, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Sheng-Wen Hsieh - Far East University, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Siti N Othman - Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Assistant Editor Stacy Hendricks - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Assistant Editor Sudhir Saksena - DIT School of Business, India
Assistant Editor Thomas A Kersten - Roosevelt University, USA
Assistant Editor Thomas C Valesky - Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
Assistant Editor Tung-Yu Tsai - Taiwan Cooperative Bank, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Wen-Hwa Cheng - National Formosa University, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Ying-Jye Lee - National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan
Assistant Editor Yung-Ho Chiu - Soochow University, Taiwan R.O.C.
Assistant Editor Zach Kelehear - University of South Carolina, USA

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Frederick L. Dembowski
The International Association of Organizational Innovation, Florida, USA
[email protected]
The purpose of this paper is to delineate the practices of benchmarking, best practice and
innovation, and to show the relationships between them. The paper describes the basic
processes in each of these practices and makes recommendations on how to incorporate them
into an organizations operations. Simplified, benchmarking is the process of an organization
finding examples of superior performance in their area of interest, then examining all these
examples of superior performance. They then compile a comprehensive list of all aspects of
these factors that contribute to success, and endeavor to understand the purposes and
relationships of all of these factors. They then gain an understanding of the processes or Best
Practices that are driving that superior performance. The organization improves its own
performance by tailoring and incorporating these best practices into their operations.
Innovation is necessary when the organization is operating at a high level of performance but
is still not meeting their clients needs.
Keywords: Benchmarking, Best Practice, Innovation, Organizational Effectiveness

All organizations have a central purpose: to meet the needs & wants of their
clients/customers. (Deming, 1990, Gitlow,
1987). Organizations must continue doing
this in order to survive and continue to
provide their goods and services (products). Once the products and services are
determined, they then manage their operations to achieve the production and delivery of their products. This is the basic
process of total quality management

In the production and delivery processes of their product, they strive to become efficient and effective. Simplified,
effectiveness is doing the right thing.
Organizations must determine the appropriate product or service that their consumer wants. This becomes their goal.
They then manage their operations to
achieve the accomplishment of this goal. If
they achieve this goal, they are effective.
However, there are many different ways to
accomplish their goal. In order to be effective, they must not only determine the correct mix of products, they must determine
the best method of production. While there
are many methods of production, they

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

must strive to determine the most efficient

method of production while ensuring effectiveness. Efficiency is producing at the
lowest cost, where cost is defined as the
sum of the factors of cost, including
money, time, physical resources (machines, buildings, etc.), and human capital,
both the quantity of labor and the quality
or skill set, of that labor. If they optimize
the use of all of these resources in their
production processes, they are efficient.
However, they usually do not become effective and efficient at the beginning of
their organization. This takes time to accomplish.
In their seminal work on organizational
effectiveness, Cameron & Whetton (1983)
proposed a comprehensive model of organizational effectiveness. The model has
many components (see Figure 1.) It is not
the purpose of this paper to describe all of
the components in this complex model.
However, one facet of the model relevant
to this paper is that all organizations have
a life cycle with three phases: Maintenance, Improvement, and Development.
They briefly described these processes that
organizations have to implement and conduct in their life cycle.
Dembowski and Eckstrom (1999)
elaborated on this work and stated that
each of these phases of the organizations
life cycle has its own unique set of management processes that need to be conducted (See Figure 2.) Once an organization is established, hopefully based on
benchmarks, the first life cycle phase is
maintenance. Maintenance is concerned
with the short term (i.e. annually). Once
operations are proceeding in a satisfactory
manner, the organization begins the next
phase of their life cycle, the improvement
phase. This phase may start when the organization is established, but usually begins once products and services are produced and delivered in the longer term.
This improvement process often includes
the search for a best practice. Finally,

the organization enters its development

phase. This phase is where innovation usually occurs, although some organizations
are established because they have an innovative product. A more comprehensive
discussion of the life cycle phases, once it
has been established, follows.
The functions involved in the maintenance of an organization are usually performed in the short term or annually.
Among many others, these maintenance
functions include:
a. Budgeting
b. Review of policies, rules & regulations
c. Conduct of operations, and
d. Program review
e. Planning & Benchmarking
The improvement phase begins once
an organization is producing its products.
This involves an analysis of the operations
of the organization, and is usually a continual process. This evaluation process
usually includes:
a. Problem solving & systems analysis
b. Demings Continuous Improvement (TQM) and
c. Best Practices
The development phase in the life cycle of an organization includes a reexamination of the purpose of the organizations processes & products, usually in
the longer term. The development phase
includes processes such as:
a. Strategic planning
b. Restructuring & re-engineering
c. Innovation

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

Figure 1. Cameron & Whettons Model of Organizational Effectiveness (Cameron & Whetton, 1983)

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

Figure 2. The Management Functions in the Life Cycle of an Organization (Dembowski & Ecktsrom, 1999)

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

Benchmarking and Best Practice
What is benchmarking? Benchmarking
is the process of identifying "best
practice" in relation to both products and
the processes by which those products are
created and delivered. (Riley, 2012). The
search for "best practice" can take place
both inside a particular industry and also in
other industries. Benchmarking provides
necessary insights to help understand how
an organization compares with similar
organizations, even if they are in a different business or have a different group of
customers. The objective of benchmarking
is to understand and evaluate the current
position of a business or organization in
relation to "best practice" and to identify
areas and means of performance
improvement. They do this not by
imitating, but by innovating, adapting the
best practice to meet their own needs.
(Bain, 2011) Simply stated: Benchmarking
is the process of determining who is the
very best, who sets the standard, and what
that standard is.
Benchmarking includes measuring
products, services, and processes against
those of organizations known to be leaders
in one or more aspects of their operations.
Additionally, benchmarking can help you
identify areas, systems, or processes for
improvements, either incremental (continuous) improvements or dramatic (business process reengineering or innovation)
improvements. (Revelle, 2004)
Why Is Benchmarking Necessary?
If you don't know what the standard is
you cannot compare yourself against it. If
a customer asks "what is the mean time
before failure (MTBF) on your widget?", it
is not enough to know that your mean time
between failures is 120 hours on your
standard widget and 150 for your deluxe
widget. You also have to know where your
competitors stand. If the companies
against whom you are competing for this

order has a MTBF of 100 hours you are

probably okay. However, if their MTBF is
10,000 hours, who do you think will get
the order? (Revelle, 2004)
What Can Be Benchmarked?
Most of the early work in the area of
benchmarking was done in manufacturing.
Now benchmarking is a management tool
that is being applied in all types of
organizations. Once it is decided what to
benchmark, and how to measure it, the
object is to figure out how the best got to
be the best and determine what has to get
done to get there. Benchmarking is usually
part of a larger effort, usually a process reengineering or quality improvement
initiative. (Reh, 2012)
The Benchmarking Process
Benchmarking involves looking
outward (outside a particular business,
organization, industry, region or country)
to examine how others achieve their
performance levels and to understand the
processes they use. In this way
benchmarking helps explain the processes
behind excellent performance. When the
lessons learnt from a benchmarking
exercise are applied appropriately, they
facilitate improved performance in critical
functions within an organization or in key
areas of the business environment.
Application of benchmarking involves
four key steps:
(1) understand in detail existing business
(2) analyze the business processes of
(3) compare own business performance
with that of others analyzed
(4) implement the steps necessary to close
the performance gap
Benchmarking should not be
considered a one-time exercise. To be
effective, it must become an ongoing,

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


integral part of an ongoing improvement

process with the goal of keeping abreast of
ever-improving best practice. Some
excellent resources on the benchmarking
processes are denoted by ** in the

Types of Benchmarking
There are a number of different types
of benchmarking, as summarized in Table

Table 1. Types of Benchmarking



Most appropriate for the

following purposes


Where organizations need to improve overall

performance by examining the long-term
strategies and general approaches that have
enabled high-performers to succeed. It involves considering high level aspects such as
core competencies, developing new products
and services and improving capabilities for
dealing with changes in the external environment.

Re-aligning business
strategies that have become inappropriate

Changes resulting from this type of benchmarking may be difficult to implement and
take a long time to materialize
Performance or Organizations consider their position in relacompetitive
tion to performance characteristics of key
products and services.
Benchmarking partners are drawn from the
same sector. This type of analysis is often undertaken through trade associations or third
parties to protect confidentiality.
Process benchmarking

Focuses on improving specific critical processes and operations. Benchmarking partners

are sought from best practice organizations
that perform similar work or deliver similar

Assessing relative level of

performance in key areas
or activities in comparison
with others in the same
sector and finding ways of
closing gaps in performance
Achieving improvements
in key processes to obtain
quick benefits

Process benchmarking invariably involves

producing process maps to facilitate comparison and analysis. This type of benchmarking
often results in short term benefits.

Organizations look to benchmark with partners Improving activities or serdrawn from different business sectors or areas of vices for which counterparts
activity to find ways of improving similar func- do not exist.
tions or work processes. This sort of benchmarking can lead to innovation and dramatic improvements.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Internal benchmarking

Involves benchmarking organizations or operations from within the same organization

(e.g. business units in different countries). The
main advantages of internal benchmarking are
that access to sensitive data and information is
easier; standardized data is often readily available; and, usually less time and resources are

Several business units

within the same organization exemplify good practice and management want
to spread this expertise
quickly, throughout the

There may be fewer barriers to implementation as practices may be relatively easy to

transfer across the same organization. However, real innovation may be lacking and best
in class performance is more likely to be
found through external benchmarking.

Involves analyzing outside organizations that

are known to be best in class. External benchmarking provides opportunities of learning
from those who are at the "leading edge".
This type of benchmarking can take up significant time and resource to ensure the comparability of data and information, the credibility of the findings and the development of
sound recommendations.


Best practitioners are identified and analyzed

elsewhere in the world, perhaps because there
are too few benchmarking partners within the
same country to produce valid results.
Globalization and advances in information
technology are increasing opportunities for
international projects. However, these can take
more time and resources to set up and implement and the results may need careful analysis
due to national differences

Where examples of good

practices can be found in
other organizations and
there is a lack of good
practices within internal
business units

Where the aim is to

achieve world class status
or simply because there
are insufficient national"
organizations against
which to benchmark.


Best Practice
According to Wikipedia (2012), a
best practice is a method or technique that
has consistently shown results superior to

those achieved with other means, and that

is used as a benchmark. A "best" practice
can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. Best practice
describes the process of developing and
following a standard way of doing things
that multiple organizations can use. Best

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


practices are used to maintain quality as an

alternative to mandatory legislated
standards and can be based on selfassessment or benchmarking. Best practice
is a feature of accredited management
standards such as ISO 9000 and ISO
14001 (Bogan & English, 1994).
There are many pre-made templates
to standardize business processes or best
practices. Wikipedia (2012) provides
access to some of these templates. Some
excellent resources on the best practices is
denoted by ** in the references.
Sometimes a "best practice" is not
applicable or is inappropriate for a
particular organization's needs. A key
strategic talent required when applying
best practice to organizations is the ability
to balance the unique qualities of an
organization with the practices that it has
in common with others.
There are some criticisms with the
term "best practice. Bardach (2011)
claims the work necessary to determine
and practice the best is rarely done, and
most of the time you will find "good"
practices or "smart" practices that offer
insight into solutions that may or may not
work for your situation. Scott Ambler
(2011) challenges the assumptions that
there can be a recommended practice that
is best in all cases. Instead, he offers an
alternative view, "contextual practice," in
which the notion of what is "best" will
vary with the context. Kaner and Bach
(2011) provide two scenarios to illustrate
the contextual nature of "best practice"
This article will describe one method
of best practice that was used by ANZAC
(1999). A "best practice" is the optimiza-

tion of the effectiveness of an organization. It is a process that is comprised of

five key stages: (See Figure 3.)
1. Define
2. Develop
3. Deliver
4. Evaluate
5. Support
Best Practices Stage 1 - Define
In the define stage, the organization
needs to consider what it hopes for at the
end of the best practice process. The define stage considers issues such as:
What is the rationale for change?
What are the desired benefits and outcomes?
What are the desired goals and functions?
What is the relationship to other organization functions?
Best Practices Stage 2: Develop
In the development stage of the best
practice process, the organization begins to
map all of the components in the production process and end result. The develop
stage includes:
What are the operational objectives?
Who are our customers and what are
their wants and desires? This includes
mapping and analyzing customer
What do we want our customers to
know? This involves formulating and
refining messages.
How good do we want to get? This involves setting performance standards
How do we know how well we are doing? Setting key performance indicators

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 3. A Model of Best Practice (Anzac, 1999)

Who are our targets? This involves

identifying key secondary customers,
both internal and external to the organization.
Is it worth it? Weighing costs against
Planning & designing appropriate
methods and options for product/service delivery
What are our current and hoped for relationships with our customers?
Best Practices Stage 3: Delivery
The delivery stage includes the following processes:
1. Controlling delivery to ensure services are in accordance with target objectives, timeliness, budget and standards
2. Seeking feedback to monitor the effectiveness of products/services and
improve day-to-day performance
3. Communicating internally across
organization's operating units and externally with the organization's cus-

tomer base to support effective delivery, and

4. Designing work routines and job
responsibilities for effective delivery of
Best Practices Stage 4: Evaluation
The evaluate stage checks that the
products/services the organization delivers
are regularly and systematically assessed
1. Effectiveness in achieving stated outcomes
2. The level to which performance standards have been met
3. Degree to which performance indicators have been achieved
4. Continuing relevance of objectives and
design features
5. Wider anticipated or unanticipated
Best Practices Stage 5: Support
The Support stages mainly address
responsibilities such as:

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


* human resources, skills and deployment

* financial systems, and
* technology, equipment, and supply
of materials.
What happens if the organization has
gone through the improvement processes
and is still not producing their products in
an optimal manner (best practice)? Or, the
organizations customers are still not satisfied? That is the point when there is the
need to explore the development stage of
your organization. The development stage
consists of processes such as:
a. Strategic planning
b. Restructuring & re-engineering
c. Innovation
The remainder of this paper will focus on
the process of innovation.
Innovation is the development of new
customer value through solutions that meet
new needs, unarticulated needs, or old
customer and market needs in new ways.
This is accomplished through different or
more effective products, processes,
services, technologies, or ideas that are
readily available to markets, governments,
and society. Innovation differs from
invention in that innovation refers to the
use of a better and, as a result, novel idea
or method, whereas invention refers more
directly to the creation of the idea or
method itself. Innovation differs from
improvement in that innovation refers to
the notion of doing something different
(Wikipedia, 2012). In the organizational
context, innovation may be linked to
positive changes in efficiency,
productivity, quality, competitiveness,
market share, and others. All organizations
can innovate.

Innovation is achieved in many ways.

One common way is through formal
research & development (R&D) for
"breakthrough innovations." Another is
that innovations evolve by less formal onthe-job modifications of practice, through
exchange and combination of professional
experience. The more radical and
revolutionary innovations tend to emerge
from R&D, while more incremental
innovations may emerge from practice, but
there are many exceptions to each of these
trends. A great deal of innovation is done
by those actually implementing and using
technologies and products as part of their
normal activities. Often, user innovators
have personal motivators, sometimes
becoming entrepreneurs. (Siltala, 2010).
There are many models of
innovation proposed by a wide variety of
sources such as consulting firms,
professional associations, etc. Most of the
models of innovation have similar
components and processes. Some excellent
resources on Innovation are denoted by **
in the references. For simplification
purposes, this article will focus on one
model of innovation, called InnovationDNA, developed by the Innovation
Network (2010).
The InnovationDNA Model Framework
of Principles
The Innovation DNA model
presents the broad scope of what it takes to
create an innovated organization. The
DNA concept came from the work of the
Founding Fellowship class of Innovation
University (IU) in 2002, and has been continuously field tested and revised.
(Innovation Network 2010). The InnovationDNA Model consists of a number of
components organized into a Framework
of Principles graphically displayed in
Figure 4. Some of these principles are as

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 4. The InnovationDNA Model


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Environmental Context
Organizational innovation does not
occur in a vacuum. While it is obvious that
Customers, Suppliers, Competitors and
The Economy affect organizations daily,
there are also periodic interactions with
Government, World Events, Communities
and Families. All of these interactions
form the context for all business activities,
including innovation.
Organizational Culture
While innovation is "for the sake
of" creating value for customers or a lofty
vision, the organization must be fertile for
the seeds of ideas and solutions to grow.
An environment that is empowering, flexible, welcomes ideas, tolerates risk, celebrates success, fosters synergy and encourages fun is crucial. Creating such a
climate may also be the biggest challenge
facing all organizations wanting to be
more innovative. There are four main
components that lie in an organization's
culture that provide the climate for innovation to occur: Leadership, People, Basic
Values and Innovation Values.
Innovation does not occur in an organization unless there is strong leadership. The
leaders must be role models who see the
possibilities for the future. These leaders
must provide an environment with the values, strategies and structures that fosters
The source of innovation is the people of
the organization. The people must possess
certain characteristics that foster innovation. These include their beliefs and attitudes towards innovation. They must have
the appropriate skill set and speak the
language. They must be open to and proactive towards innovation. They must be
team players and foster relationships with
like minded colleagues.

Basic Organizational Values
The organization must have a strong set of
beliefs which forms their backbone and
defines an organization. These values include: trust and integrity, honesty and
openness, learning and growth, riskhonoring and respect, compassion ands
commitment, contribution and success,
inclusiveness and safety.
Innovation Values
The people in the organization must have
an environment that fosters innovation.
Some of the characteristics of this organizational environment include the following. They must possess the mindset that
they can make the impossible possible.
They must have the freedom to explore
ideas. They must be passionate about innovation. They must have a strong sense
of curiosity and the courage and freedom
to follow their intuition. They must create
a synergy of innovation. They must see the
beauty of innovation and have fun pursuing innovation.
The Operational Dimensions of Innovation
The InnovationDNA Model has
seven operational dimensions necessary to
ensure success.
Challenge - the Pull: Innovation, by definition, means doing things differently, exploring new territory, taking risks. There
has to be a reason for rocking the boat,
and that's the vision of what would be the
challenge. The bigger the challenge and
the commitment to it, the more energy the
innovation efforts will have. Sometimes
challenge is as much about how to do
business as it is about what business to do.
Customer Focus - the Push: All innovation
should be focused on creating value for the
customer, whether that customer is internal
or external to the organization. Interaction
with customers, gaining understanding of
their needs, is one of the best stimulators

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


of new possibilities and provides the motivation for implementing them. When the
customer has a real presence to people,
they get excited about finding new ways to
add value.

strong implementation skills such as: decision making, delegating, scheduling, monitoring, and feedback. When projects are
completed, they should be celebrated. Innovation is all about implementation.

Creativity - the Brain: Everything starts

from an idea and the best way to get a
great idea is to generate a lot of possibilities. While creativity is a natural ability of
every person, the skill of developing a lot
of ideas and connecting diverse concepts
can be enhanced through training and exercise. It is up to the leadership to provide
the direction and stimuli to spur creativity.
For example, one way that creativity happens is when someone makes a connection
between two things that were never connected before.

Contemplation - the Ladder: Making objective assessments of the outcomes, benefits and costs of new projects is essential.
Gleaning the lessons learned from both
fruitful and failed projects builds a wisdom
base that creates an upward cycle of success. Documenting and evaluating projects
is a critical step that helps perpetuate innovation. The world is moving too rapidly to
continue to learn the same lessons over
and over. Innovative organizations develop
ways to collect and share the lessons that
come with each project and activity in
order to create wisdom systems.

Communication - the Lifeblood: Open

communication of information, ideas and
feelings is the lifeblood of innovation.
Both infrastructure and advocacy must
exist in an organizational system to promote the free flow of information. Organizations that restrict this information flow
risk atrophy which ultimately may affect
their survival. The communication must
foster a positive and open culture. When
leaders regularly and genuinely recognize
people, they model behavior that is an underpinning for culture of achievement and
Collaboration - the Heart: Innovation is
group process. It feeds on interaction, information and the power of teams. It is
stifled by restrictive structures and policies
as well as incentive systems that reward
only individual efforts or that punish failure. Innovation is a team sport. While one
person might come up with a blockbuster
idea, in today's organizations it takes the
collaboration of lots of people (synergy) to
successfully implement the idea.
Completion - the Muscle: New innovations
are projects that are successfully realized
through superior, defined processes and

All organizations have a purpose: to
meet the needs of their customers. They
must provide appropriate products and do
so in an efficient and effective manner. All
organizations have a life cycle with different phases. In each phase, certain management operations occur that influence
their efficiency and effectiveness. Three of
these operations are benchmarking, instituting best practices and being innovative.
Highly successful organizations realize the
importance of all three of these and take
purposeful steps in undertaking them. The
organizations must have a skill-set and
mind-set that fosters creativity and innovation. It is the responsibility of the leadership of the organization to ensure that the
appropriate culture and environment for
innovation is present, and that the organization has all of the resources needed to
accomplish the goals of being efficient,
effective and innovative.


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Anzac Working Group, Best practice in

park interpretation and education: a
report to the Anzac working group on
national park and protected area
management, Department Of Natural
Resources And Environment, Victoria
New Zealand, April 1999
Ambler, Scott. "Questioning "Best
Practices" for Software Development".
ractices.html. Retrieved 17 November
Bardach, Eugene. "Faculty page".
ach/. Retrieved 22 September 2011.
Bogan, C.E. and English, M.J.,
Benchmarking For Best Practices:
Winning Through Innovative
Adaptation. McGraw-Hill, New York,
Cameron, Kim s., and Whetton, David A.
Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparison Of Multiple Models, Academic
Press, 1983.
Dembowski, F., The Roles Of Leadership
And Management In School District
Administration, The AASA Professor,
vol. 20, no. 2 Fall, 1997. Retrieved 17 November

Riley, J., Tutor2U, retrieved September,
Reh, F. J. , How to Use Benchmarking in
Business, Guide, 2012
Revelle, J. B., Quality Essentials: A Reference Guide from A to Z , ASQ Quality
Press, 2004,
Siltala, R. Innovativity and cooperative
learning in business life and teaching.
University of Turku, 2010.
The Innovation Network, 2010.
Wikipedia, 2012
** Excellent Resources for Benchmarking:

Dembowski, F. and Ecktsrom, C., Effective School District Management,

American Association Of School Administrators, Arlington, Virginia 1999.
Deming, W. Edwards The New Economics
for Industry, Government, Education
(2nd ed.). MIT Press, 2000.
Gitlow, Howard S., Shelly J. Gitlow, "The
Deming Guide to Quality and
Competitive Position" Prentice Hall
Trade, 1987.
Kaner, C. "The Seven Basic Principles of
the Context-Driven School".

** Excellent resources for Best Practices:

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


** Excellent resources for Innovation:

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Dr. William Townsend
FAA Center for Management & Executive Leadership
Palm Coast, Florida. USA
[email protected]

This article examines the impact that the perception of risk has upon innovation recognition and
development in the public sector. The article suggests a critical impediment to increasing innovation in public sector organizations is aversion to risk by both individual actors and by public organizational culture. Potential solutions to this impediment lie in the modification of the calculus
of risk through cultural modifications and alignments.
Keywords: Innovation, public sector

As budgetary pressures and performance
expectations of the public sector increase,
public managers look for new ways to
achieve public goals in a dynamic environment. Increasingly that search for new solutions has led to the study of how innovation
comes to the public sector.
The traditional view of public sector
service organizations characterized them as
lacking in innovation discovery and slow to
adopt and diffuse innovations from other
service sectors. Several studies have found
that to not be true. A Canadian study found
that between 1998 and 2000 more public
entities produced organizational and techno-

logical innovations than the private sector

corporations (Earl, 2002). Empirical studies
are revealing that the public sector is fertile
ground for innovation. In a study published
in 2011 by Bugge, Mortensen and Bloch
measuring innovation in public institutions
in Nordic countries found results as high as
91.5 of public entities reporting innovations
(2011: p.54). Miles (2008) cites similar results from Canadian studies that found the
levels of significantly improved organizational structures and significantly improved technologies almost twice a high in
the public sector as the private sector (2008:
p. 126). Miles (2008) attributes these differences to factors such as the relatively higher
proportion of professional staff and better

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


connections to university systems in the

public sector than in the private sector.
While the public sector may have the
capacity for innovation, the hunger for
greater use and exploitation of innovation
still exists. This article will examine the
impediments to innovation in the public
sector and offer possible strategies for overcoming them.
Defining Innovation In The Public Sector
It is emblematic of the state of the art in
innovation research that almost every paper
on innovation must address a discussion of
the definition of innovation. There is a substantial area of innovation study solely dedicated to reviewing the literature on the definition of innovation (Perry, 2010; Crosson
& Apaydin, 2010; Eveleens, 2010; Tzeng,
2009). This is not the result of confusion but
rather reflects the drive for precision in a
concept that by its nature is context dependent.
Since Shumpeters (1934) primarily new
product oriented concept of innovation, the
definition of innovation has evolved to include service concepts and extended to the
public sector. Some innovation activities are
themselves innovative; others are not novel
activities but are necessary for the implementation of innovations. Innovation activities also include R&D that is not directly
related to the development of a specific innovation (OECD, 2005). In the OSLO Manual (2005) the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD)
defines innovation as the implementation of
a new or significantly improved product
(good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method
in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations (2005:46).

The definition of innovation is changed,

somewhat, when it is applied to the context
of services and then more specifically, services in the public sector. The literature contains several applications of more common
definitions of innovation to the public sector. These ideas expand the definition of
innovation to include new modalities of delivering existing services. Windrum (2008)
discusses the concept of service delivery
innovation. This idea refers to new or
changed service delivery or modes of interacting with service users within the context
of the service delivery (2008:08). Hartley
(2005) supports this feature of service innovation and defines it as: new ways in which
services are provided to users (for example
on-line tax forms) (2005:28). Walker
(2008) asserts that public service innovations are focused upon the delivery of the
service and are best understood by the relationship of the public organization to users
of the service (2008:593). Bason (2011)
defined public sector innovation as, New
ideas that are implemented and create value
for society (Bason, 2011: p. 4). Perry
(2010) provides a survey of the evolution of
the innovation definition and taxonomy and
how these have extended to the public sector. He concludes that, There is no widely
accepted or common definition of what
counts as an innovation (Perry, 2010:
Many times it seems that quibbling on
the specifics of an innovation definition is
more closely related to the ability of the
researcher to quantify its measure rather
than an understanding of an important organizational process. However, as we apply
our definitions to various organizational
types and environmental contexts, there are
substantial differences that this understanding produces. Alas, as always, the devil is in
the details.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


The definition of innovation can have a

substantial impact upon the data collected
and lead the researcher to incorrect conclusions. The definition of innovation as distinct from other types of change is particularly important in the public sector. One
example of this is in a 2006 study public of
innovation conducted for the U.K. National
Audit Office by Dunleavy, el. al. (2006).
The researchers conducted a survey of U.K.
central government organizations in an attempt to identify and characterize the type
and nature of innovations occurring. Based
upon their survey, they found; The innovation process in central government is topdown and dominated by senior management.
Contributions from lower level staff are not
so important (Dunleavy, et. al. 2006: p. 5).
Despite this finding, the authors noted
and recommended; Current innovations
processes in central government organizations are overly top-down and dominated
by senior managers. Yet there is a wealth of
research to show that innovation does not
flourish easily within strongly hierarchical
or siloed structures (Dunleavy, et. al. 2006:
p. 33). They go on to recommend that innovation processes be open to input from front
line employees and customers.
This contradiction between the finding
and recommendation can be traced to the
specifics of the definition of innovation used
by Dunleavy, et. al. (2006). In order to assist
respondent in understanding the information
requested, the survey instrument provided 4
characterizations of innovation, including;
Innovation is doing new things and Anything new that works (Dunleavy, et. al.
2006: p. 8). While the intent is to provide
the widest possible definition of innovation
and prevent self-selection, there is no distinction between these operational definitions and any other type of change. The concept of novelty so important to understand-

ing innovation becomes understood as anything different. As stated by Sorensen &

Torfing (2010), As innovation is rapidly
becoming a new buzzword in the public
sector, there is a risk that the concept of innovation loses its edge and becomes synonymous with all kinds of change or transformation (2010: p.6).
If we broaden the definition of innovation to involve all change, we would expect
it to be overwhelmingly a top-down process
in a hierarchical public sector organization.
One would expect most, if not all change in
the public sector to be a top-down process,
as the result of implementing policy change,
orders, regulations or laws. But what does
this tell us about innovation? We are not
sure where the idea was generated nor if it
was tried before it became policy. Innovation implementation in the public sector is
top down. If we only look at the implementation of change, we will understand little
about the process of innovation generation,
evaluation and diffusion. Weaknesses in
understanding of the innovation survey results can be mapped back to weaknesses in
the innovation definition. We must carefully
consider how our definition of innovation
frames the context of what is being measured.
Innovation and The Perception Of Risk
Central to understanding an innovation
process is the understanding of how actors
and organizations perceive risk. This perception of risk varies from between organizations, cultures, industries markets and actors.
Risk Aversion
The response to risk is quite different in
the public and private sectors. The inception
of the corporation in western culture originated as a response to risk. European corpo-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


rations that engaged in the commercial exploration of the Americas, Africa and Asia
were developed as a mechanism to syndicate
and diffuse the risk associated with innovative activities. Modern corporations syndicate large bank loans or publicly trade their
equity as a way to disperse risk.
While no two individual share an identical perception of risk, specific contexts and
organizational cultures produce similar expectations and behavioral norms. There is an
often observed and documented bias in the
perception of the risks and rewards associated with an uncertain proposition known as
loss aversion. It leads decision makers to
value statistically identical losses more
highly than identical gains. This bias is evidenced when the payouts are known and to a
greater extent when they are unknown. This
phenomenon is more acutely observed in the
public sector where the personal costs of
being associated with failure (marginalized,
passed-over) are more severe and certain
than the potential benefits of association
with a success (small bonus or award). Indeed, this results in an increased support of
the status quo as the most reliable method of
avoiding downside potential.
There are legitimate reasons for the risk
aversion bias, particularly in smaller firms.
While the expected value of a proposition
may suggest taking a particular risk, the
downside cost of failure may be unsustainable and terminal. Increased uncertainty in
the private sector leads to risk avoidance. In
the public sector increasing uncertainty become paralytic. Klein, et. al. (2010) cite that
public managers have the additional difficulty in the evaluation of risk because due to
the non-market nature of the services that
they provide, accurate quantitative metrics
are not available. They are faced with
mainly subjective and qualitative assessments to evaluate choices (2010: p. 25).

The fear of risk-taking has negative impacts on the quality of public policy as well;
When fear of failure replaces a capacity to
experiment and create trial and error learning, the result is unlikely to be an artifact
that actually works. I would suggest it is
also unlikely to produce a policy that
works (Parsons, 2006: p. 6). Through the
avoidance of risk and resistance to change,
public organizations become increasingly
unresponsive to their environments (Potts,
2009). This results in an organization that is
resistant to any change, whether from policy
or innovation. The ossification of the organization makes the public organization
increasingly fragile (Parsons, 2006).
The New Public Management And
The New Public Management (NPM)
evolved as a theory of public administration
during the 1980s and 1990s (Osborne &
Gaebler, 1993; Hood, 1995; Lynn, 1998;
Christensen and Lgreid, 1999; Groot and
Budding, 2008). The NPM is characterized
by efficiency, accountability, performance
measurement and rational planning. The
NPM attempts to reduce complexity by
mapping clear goals and responsibilities.
NPM drives to increase focus on customer
satisfaction, enhancing productivity and cost
efficiency in the accomplishment of measured objectives and greater discipline in
resource use.
While the NPM may see increased efficiency in the use of public resources as the
standard of good public management, this
may be in conflict with the impetus to innovate. Potts (2009) brings the issues of the
inconsistency of public management methods with innovation processes into clear
relief; public sector management of assets
and provision of services is properly evaluated as effective when it is judged to be effi-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


cient (Potts, 2009; p. 35). Potts (2009) argues that the main metric of efficiency in the
public sector is economy in the performance
of a specific service. This metric assumes a
specific delivery modality, resource requirements and methods. Budgets are tailored to those boundaries. This approach
precludes resource availability to experiment
with innovative alternatives without specific
approval of additional resources for an experiment or trial. In addition, all levels of
public employees would suffer penalties and
be viewed as wasting resources if the experiment failed (Parsons, 2006). The goal
of efficiency is inconsistent with the goal of
innovation (Potts, 2009; p. 35). In light of
these conflicting forces, innovation comes in
a poor second. The goal of efficiency
crowds out the goal of innovation (Potts,
2009; p. 36). This leads Potts to argue in
favor of a reduction in efficiency in order to
allow the flexibility to experiment and perhaps fail in pursuit of innovation (2009: p.
The need for innovation in the public
sector is driven by changes in the environment and in the expectations for delivery of
services by the public organization. If there
is no change in expectation from the public
service provider or changes in its context,
then increasing efficiency in providing those
existing services is all that is required for
increasing performance. This is consistent
with the NPM objectives. However, in a
constantly changing environment, maintaining the same static approach to delivering
public services makes the organization increasingly dysfunctional and unresponsive
to its environment. Potts (2009) characterizes this process; It [the public organization] will be adapted to an economic world
that, by increment, no longer exists (p. 37).
This focus on policy implementation efficiency becomes increasingly ineffective;
The upshot is that in an evolving economy,

the strident pursuit of policy efficiency may

actually result in less effective or welladapted policy (Potts, 2009; p. 37).
This drive for simplicity and efficiency
in public administration has significant side
effects for innovative processes. As NPM
has become more of an accepted standard in
the public sector, it has led to an increased
uniformity and standardization of approach
that has stifled alternatives or initiatives
localized to a specific context. These initiatives fail to neither surface nor be adapted.
Efforts at experimentation are discouraged
as wasted resource usage or are discarded
because they cannot be evaluated because
performance metrics are aligned with existing techniques (Christensen and Lgreid,
1999, Stacey and Griffin, 2006). Another
area where the NPM approach in the public
sector excels in the documentation of results. In Eveleens (2010) review of the literature on innovation process models, they
found relatively little attention given to postlaunch learning activities. While an important part of most prescriptive models, they
found it rarely implemented in practice
(Eveleens, 2010, p.8).
Risk Aversion Leads to Over Reliance on
Systemic Solutions
As public systems become less adaptive
to their environments, there is an impact on
the decision making of the public actors.
Rolfstam et. al. (2011) confirm that public
institutions evolve slowly and reactively.
Indeed, the institution acts as a barrier to the
diffusion of innovation. Rolfstam, et. al.
(2011) cites a comparative example of innovation diffusion in the medical supply industry between the primarily private U.S. system and public U.K. system.
About 40% of all hospital acquired infections are urinary tract infections. Of those

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


infections, 80% are linked to indwelling

urinary catheters. The problem lay in the
bacterial colonization of the surfaces of the
catheter. A U.S. company, Bardex, introduced a silver alloy coated hydrogel catheter
in U.S. and soon thereafter in the U.K. market in 2002. Evaluations of the product in
both markets showed that it substantially
reduced the number of infections. However,
due to the cumbersome process of obtaining
products that were not part of the National
Health System (NHS) supply chain, few
U.K. hospitals procured it. In 2004, the U.K.
Health Protection Agency set up the Rapid
Review Panel to evaluate new products and
innovation for inclusion in the supply chain
in an expedited fashion. Its first review was
the Bardex catheter. Despite a strong recommendation and fast-tracking the product, by the end of 2006, the market share of
this product in U.K. hospitals was a mere 23%, as opposed to its 40% share in the U.S.
market (Rolfstam, et. al. 2011: p.9).
This example demonstrates the corrosive
effect that risk avoidance can have on public
decision-making. Even when public actors
know of better solutions, most times they
select the solution approved and accepted
by the public system. This behavior is usually characterized as not making waves or
not bucking the system. While they may
try to persuade a different systemic choice,
ultimately they will not do the work or take
the risk to pursue the better alternative. The
ultimate effect is a public organization that
is ponderously slow to respond to its environment and the degrading of the quality of
Changing The Perception Of Innovation
Risk In The Public Sector
If the perception of risk leads to impediments to innovative behavior, how can
the public organization be changed to en-

courage it? What factors must be modified

to change risk perception in favor of innovative outcomes?
There have been many attempts to explain public sector motivations for innovation. These include a combination of political, legal, scientific and economic rationalities (Gregersen, 1992); or a search for increased social welfare (Windrum, 2008).
Hartley and Downe (2007) examine the effectiveness of peer acknowledgement as a
driver of innovative behavior in the public
sector. Specifically, they examine the effectiveness of a national award program on the
behavior of local public agency actors.
Some authors argue that in order to increase
the realization of innovation in the public
sector, the NPM model must be balanced
with other public governance models (Aagaard, 2010).
Focusing on innovation as a goal in itself
rarely generates and implements effective
changes. Focusing on clear desired outcomes and being flexible and open to
changes in how those outcomes are delivered enables innovation. Performance metrics of themselves are not impediments to
innovation. Outcome focused performance
measurement do not deter incremental innovative behavior. However, in the public sector, it is often difficult to quantify the desired outcomes in ways that can be tied directly and unambiguously to the activities
and decisions of the public actor. We tend to
measure the public activity itself and assume
that the outputs produced generate public
value. When those performance metrics are
less oriented around outcomes and concentrate on the process of delivery they do form
barriers to changes in organization, product
and process.
The public sector is less interested in
innovation for the capture of economic

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


value, but in fulfilling the public interest

(Bernier & Hafsi, 2007,). Klein, et. al.
(2010) identify another significant differentiator between private and public pursuits
of innovation. Both public and private entrepreneurship involve decision-making and
investment under uncertainty. Success of
failure of this decision-making in the private
sector is defined in primarily financial
terms. In the public sector, while success
may generate returns to the public interest,
failure generates damage to the actors reputation, a private interest (p.4). Klein,,
(2010) states, More importantly, political
entrepreneurs are only likely to undertake
actions that foster economic value if the
personally benefit from these actions in
ways other than the mere private appropriation of value created (2010: p.5).

blematic of an organizations ability to survive. This is not the case of systems in the
public sector. Public systems have the added
armor of governmental fiat and monopolistic
or near-monopolistic power. They can and
do use this power to impose their interpretation of the features of the product or service
that will be delivered despite the desire of
their customers for alternative choices. The
power of the government monopoly on delivering the product or service can allow it to
resist not only disruptive change but incremental change, as well. Despite increasing
pressure to change, a governmental system
has the power to ignore it. What then produces the triggering event that informs the
governmental system that failure is imminent? What cues must occur for the governmental system to perceive its own collapse?

Innovation is not necessarily driven by a

desire for potential gain, whether public or
private. A driver of innovation is sometimes
a response to the threat of loss. Innovation
can be generated as a result of an impending
failure of the system to deliver an acceptable
product or service. This driver of disruptive
innovation may be the result of a substantial
change in the environment, market or existing production methods. In the private sector, these may be the result of a market failure, technological change or other environmental cause that would result in organization failure if dramatic changes are not implemented. While market failures are rarely
drivers of disruptive innovation in the public
sector, they are subject to environmental and
technological changes that have the same
level of impact.

While the public sector entity usually

does not face the ultimate downside risk that
a private organization risks, they are not
immune to catastrophic consequences as a
result of their decisions. Some authors reflect that public organizations do not run the
risk of going out of business as the result of
failed choices. However, public organizations do go out of business where there are
pareto optimal solutions that the organization does not respond to. This threat is institutionalized in the federal A-76 study, which
compares the cost of providing a service in
the public sector with comparable service
delivery in the private sector. The drive to
contract out services in pursuit of economy finds support with the NPM concepts
of performance management, economy and
accountability. Indeed, this trend has gained
ground even in areas that were previously
viewed as exclusively the domain of public
employees. This can be seen in the growth
of private military company like Blackwater
and MPRI (Klein, et. al. 2010; Baum and
McGahan, 2009). These firms grow because
they are seen and evaluated as providing a

All systems resist change. Many systems

will resist change to the point of collapse
and failure. In the private sector, systems
can only resist changes in their environment
for so long. Adaptation in the public sector,
and the innovation that creates it, is em-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


public service at a lower cost than their public organization counterpart. In fact, there
are few major industrial firms in the U.S.
that do not perform public functions under
contract with the government. The threat of
privatization and loss of position and status
offer a clear downside risk to the public decision-maker.
Changes in the evaluative calculus of
risk can also be a response to court decisions, legislative or political changes that
modify the decision landscape. Klein,,
(2009) cite an example of an external cue
that changes the public organizations landscape. He discusses a case where a judge
issues a threat of an imposed solution to a
public problem that disadvantages the organization (Klein,, 2009: p.5). This
represents the case where an external entity
intercedes to realign the incentives and costs
associated with the public organizational
desire to change.
Culture of Empowerment
Allowing individuals to explore and try
new ideas is the cornerstone of an innovative organization. Sorensen & Torfing
(2010) note the increasing importance of
actor-centered innovation strategies (2010:
p.3). Encouraging a culture of openness and
empowerment is important for the development of innovation in the public sector
(Borins, 2001). Saying this is one thing, but
institutionalizing it into the organizations
culture is another.
Baxter, et. al. (2010) discuss the need to
decentralize decision-making empowering
public actors and thereby freeing up the
frontline to innovate and collaborate (Baxter, et. al. 2010: p. 11). This is particularly
true in the case of budgetary decisionmaking allowing for the flexibility for resource reallocations for experimentation and

trials of innovative concepts. This requires a

substantial cultural change from the norms
of the NPM where accountability for public
managers can only be achieved through cost
control and demonstration of results against
quantifiable metrics (Hood, 1995). While
the NPM develops the concepts of efficiency, measurement and accountability as
part of the public organizations culture,
these same attributes are the antithesis of the
space, resources and experimentation that
promotes effective innovation. Private firms
like Google and 3M allow their employees
to spend substantial amounts of their workday developing their own innovative ideas
(Eggers and Singh, 2009).
The role of public actors who champion
innovation despite resistant systems should
not be underestimated. Damanpour and
Schneider (2009) identify that despite institutional barriers to innovation in the public
sector, that it is the characteristics of individual public managers that determines innovation adoptions. Characteristics like the
age, education and tenure of the individual
are correlated to innovative performance
(Damanpour & Schneider, 2009). The role
of the individual public actor in innovation
activities cannot be overlooked. Bartlett and
Dibben (2002) discuss how innovative solutions emerge in the public sector. In their
examination of case local government studies they confirm that innovation is less process driven and more actor driven. They see
the personal roles of champion and sponsor as the primary drivers in the interpretation of risk (Bartlett & Dibben, 2002).
Borins (2000) work identified innovative
public managers as loose cannons and rule
breakers, reflecting their need to buck the
institutional barriers to achieve innovation.
One attribute of the NPM is the competition that it breeds between public managers.
This competition is primarily for resources

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


and based upon objective performance metrics, however, it also naturally extends to
issues of status and recognition within the
public organization and profession. While
the rewards of competitive gain in the public
sector are not as personally lucrative as they
can be in the private sector, they are a substantial driver of achievement and the desire
to excel. Absent large financial incentives,
personal and professional recognition
amongst peers are strong motivators of behavior in the public sector (Mulgan and Albury, 2003). This can be harnessed as a
driver of innovation. Being a part of a successful innovation effort can be seen a significant professional discriminator, adding
status and recognition to the employee.

Replication The use of knowledge

bases or experiential learning from
other public organizations to duplicate and adapt innovation into best

Other perspectives would promote a

culture with less competition between public
actors and more collaboration to encourage
innovation. The culture of the NPM promotes competition between public managers, for status, resources and promotion.
Sorensen & Torfing (2010) stress the importance of collaborative activities between
public sector actors in order to promote innovation; Public managers and employees
are well educated people who are driven by
values and ambitions that prompt them to
improve their performance. The new innovation agenda provides a golden opportunity
for the professionals to mobilize their
knowledge and competencies that recently
have been suppressed by the New Public
Management reforms aiming to enforce
rigid performance standards (Sorensen &
Torfing, 2010: p. 6). Eggers and Singh
(2009) provide a framework of five different
collaborative strategies:

Open Source Creating of global innovation contribution communities

through the use of the Internet and
enrolling unknown contributors in
the process.

Cultivation The provision of the

space and time to allow public employees to interact, develop and test
innovative ideas.

Partnership The use of private

partners in the innovation process
who bring different resources, experiences and rule sets to the collaboration.
Network - Construction of a community of innovation between the actors and interested parties driven by
their mutual interest and interdependence.

The selection or combination of

these collaboration strategy types is dependent upon the specific context in which they
are applied.
Innovation Narratives
One aspect of innovation research that
has a particular application in the public
sector is the role of innovation narratives as
a cultural tool and contextual communicator.
Bason (2011) uses narratives developed
from cases to change perceptions of public
managers. Bason indicates that these narratives are important for cultural understanding and sense making of changing contexts
and applications. Bartel & Garud (2009)
found that narratives are powerful mechanisms for translating ideas across the organization so that they are comprehensible and
appear legitimate to others (p. 107). They
also found that narratives assist in real time

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


problem solving by making sense of emerging situation as well as serving as a store of

organizational knowledge and memory. Narratives allow ideas to be translated across
space and time (Bartel & Garud, 2009: p.
The cultural cues provided by narratives
not only provide useful knowledge about
past relevant experiences, but also offer important cues to the organization about the
perception of values, norms and allowable
behaviors within the group. Narratives
communicate in both a literal and an allegorical sense how a particular event or activity was processed and recast symbolically to
demonstrate what the organization values
and penalizes.
The use of these narratives is effective to
understand existing organizational culture as
well as crafting new cultural values. Tom
Peters has used these narratives to great effect in communicating the organizational
attributes that promote organizational excellence. Many times these narratives change
over time, depending less on actual facts and
events, but evolving into cultural myths.
From Joseph Campbell to George Lucas, we
have seen the power of these stories to
communicate important values and visions
to the culture.
Narratives about successful innovative
risk taking can have a similar positive impact upon an organization. By providing
widespread publicity, acknowledgement and
retelling of innovation risk taking examples,
the organization can begin to move toward a
more positive perception of these events.
Public Entrepreneurship
The concepts of decision empowerment
and accountability lend themselves well to

models of entrepreneurship applied to the

public sector. Potts (2006) advocates a concept of evolutionary policy that reflects the
development of policy based upon experimentation. This experimentation provides
for innovation and allows policy to be adaptive in response to results of various experimental efforts. Potts holds that these experiments must be subject to strict methodological protocols (Potts, 2006: p. 41).
The purpose of the experiment is learning
that can be applied.
The difficulty with this approach is in
overcoming the public organizations perception that experimentation is waste. This
concept has led many authors to advocate a
philosophy of public entrepreneurship.
Theories of public entrepreneurship offer
possible perspectives for dealing with the
risk adverse posture of the public sector
(Klein, et. al. 2010; Maguire, Hardy &
Lawrence, 2004; Henisz and Zelner, 2005).
Extending theories of entrepreneurship from
the private sector to the public sector is a
difficult task. Principally, these difficulties
rest on the lack of autonomy of public actors
and the difference between maximization of
profit and maximizing public benefit as the
primary drivers. Costs and benefits that can
be measure in clearly monetary terms in the
private sector, are less quantifiable in the
public sector.
Incremental innovation has a greater
resonance with public managers. It is more
closely aligned with the NPM philosophy of
providing good stewardship of public resources in achieving results as economically
as possible. Holcombe (2002) refers to this
efficiency perspective, if political goals are
not being implemented in the least cost way,
then their is a profit opportunity from restructuring the nature of the government
activity so that the goals are achieved at
least cost. The cost savings are a political

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013


profit which the entrepreneur can then apply

toward the satisfaction of other goals
(p.147) . The approach suggests that incremental innovation in the public sector is a
simple drive toward Pareto optimality and
the gains that can be derived from it.
The key element in encouraging innovative behavior in the public sector lies in
changing the calculus of the public servants
perception of risk. With an increasingly performance driven culture based upon metrics
that measure existing processes and services,
alternatives are perceived as waste with
negative personal consequences. Many
times even incremental innovation associated with the delivery of the current portfolio of services, are precluded due to a highly
centralized, lengthy and discouraging decision process for authorization.
To encourage experimentation, the recognition or even the adoption of innovation,
a public manager must see it as both beneficial personally and to the public good. This
requires a reward structure that is aligned
with the potential benefits of the innovation
results and not just an acknowledgement of
the cost.
In order to maximize innovation possibilities, there must be a change to public
organization culture that is empowering and
tolerant of failure, when failure occurs in the
public interest. This would be a culture that
would not penalized reasoned risk taking
behavior and experimentation. It would empower a broader set of decision makers in
the organization to allow them to act upon
the choices that they make. One important
way of encouraging this behavior in public
organizations is through the use of cultural
narratives that celebrate innovators and ac-

knowledge that the organization sincerely

values the contribution of new ideas.
To maximize the benefits of innovation,
align the decision making process for innovation evaluation and implementation with
the reward structure and organizational elements that have the greatest chance of realizing the benefits. Public sector innovation
experiments are likely to be successfully
conducted at the point of service delivery
rather than in a controlled setting (Tidd &
Bessant, 2009, p.60). This approach of empowering middle managers as innovation
decision makers has the greatest chance of
empowerment of the innovation champions
within the organization and encouraging
reasoned risk-taking behavior.

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January, 2013



Tsai-fa Yen
Department of Tourism and Leisure Management
Fortune Institute of Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Hsiou-hsiang J. Liu
Department of Tourism Management
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Yung-Chieh Chen*
Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]
With the active growth of agritourism in Taiwan, the total amount of leisure farms is keeping
growing. However, it is now facing some marketing difficulties. For instance, the higher
churn rate of the tourists or low revisiting rate despite of high revisit intention. Evaluating the
reasons they switch destination and understanding how to achieve tourists commitment is
needed for the development of Taiwanese agritourism. The current study develops and tests a
model of tourists commitment that incorporates such contingencies between satisfaction and
switching costs. A core proposition is that the effect of satisfaction on commitment depends
on the magnitude of switching costs in the agritourism context. Data was collected by questionnaire survey from tourists in leisure farms. The findings show that affective commitment
is a mediator between satisfaction and continuance commitment; switching costs is a moderator on satisfaction-affective commitment relationship. Finally some more managerial implications are drawn.
Keywords: agritourism, leisure farms, switching costs, commitment
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Within the agritourism industry in

Taiwan, three types of experience service

share, profitability, viability, and future

revenue stream in todays competitive
marketplace (Ganesh et al., 2000; Keaveney, 1995; Rust et al., 1995). Evaluating

are offered by leisure farms i.e. agricultural experience activities, food and beverage service, and accommodation service.
Each of the farms can adapt one or more

the reasons they switch destination and

understanding how to achieve visitors
commitment is needed for the development of Taiwanese agritourism.

service as its business model. Those adopt

three types of experience service are fullservice farms and others are limitedservice farms. There are clearly defined

Moreover, there have been studies indicating that providing good service behavior and professional interpretation may

business segments, which vary in their

level of service and amenities, and attract
different customer types with different
needs. However, with the active growth of

help leisure farms improve relationship

quality (RQ) and revisit intention (Wei,
2008); good service quality presents positive impacts on customer loyalty (Lee,

agritourism, the total amount of leisure

farms has been more than 1,244 in 2007,
recording a total revenue of an estimated
4.5 billion NT dollars in 2004 and the

Chou and Lin, 2006). Furthermore, studies

out of agritourism have explored how to
obtain the customers satisfaction with
higher service quality (Kim and Lee, 2011;

gross output value of agritourism was estimated to be 21.7 billion NT dollars

(Tuan, 2011; Chen, Tuan, Lin and Xie,
2007). Taiwanese agritourism is now fac-

Park, Robertson, and Wu, 2004) and with

higher perceived value (Santiago, Ramon,
Javier, and Lus, 2012; Chen and Chen,
2010; Reisinger and Turner, 2003). One

ing some marketing difficulties. For instance, the higher churn rate of the tourists
or low revisiting rate despite of high revisit
intention (Cheng, 2003; Lin, Chen and

has demonstrated the higher satisfaction

visitors perceived could lead to higher
affective commitment (Yen, 2009) and
revisit intention (Han, Back, and Barrett,

Wang, 2007).

2009). Some of them have understood

their behavioral intentions (Santiago et al.,
2012; Chen and Chen, 2010), and achieved
their loyalty (Santiago et al., 2012) when


Reflecting upon these problems identified above, researchers have found that
the total cost of bringing a new customer
to a comparable level of profitability to
that of the lost customer is approximately
sixteen times greater (Lindgreen et al.,

visitors perceived the higher satisfaction.

2000), and customer switching has deleterious effects on organizations market

Switching costs refer to visitors perceptions of the time, money, and effort associ-

There is very little scholarly research

evaluating the role of switching cost.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


ated with changing service providers

(Jones, Mothersbaugh and Beatty, 2000).
It is one of switching barriers and can
positively enhance continuance commit-

ported, would (1) augment existing visitorcommitment models which focus mostly
on satisfaction, (2) help to explain variability in the satisfaction-commitment rela-

ment and decline switching intention to

leave of customers (Bansal et al., 2004;
Yen, 2009). Another study states that it is
positively related to affective commitment

tionship evidenced in prior research, and

(3) provide guidance to leisure farms in
developing visitor-commitment programs.

and can moderate the relation between

satisfaction and affective commitment
(Yen et al., 2010). It is important because
it may generally foster greater retention

Literature Review

and help companies weather short-term

fluctuations in service quality that might
otherwise result in defection. However,
managers and scholars are confused be-

Satisfaction, according to Oliver

(1980) and Tse and Wilton (1988), is an
evaluation made by a person between previously created expectations and the result

cause it acts a contingency role on satisfaction and commitment relations. Clarifying

its role on the relations of those variables
will have higher probabilities to benefit

obtained from the consumption of a product or service; i.e. the final psychological
state resulting when the feeling around the
disconformity of expectations meets the

decision making of managers and to fill up

the theoretical gaps.
Therefore, the current study develops

previous sentiments about the consumption experience (Oliver, 1981). In tourism

context, satisfaction is primarily referred
to as a function of pre-travel expectations

and tests a model of visitors commitment

that incorporates such contingencies between customer satisfaction and switching
costs. A contingency approach has been

and post-travel experiences. When experiences compared to expectations result in

feelings of gratification, the tourist is satisfied. However, when they result in feelings

called for by a number of researchers (e.g.,

Anderson and Fornell, 1994), but has generally not been adopted in studies of commitment for agritourism. A core proposi-

of displeasure, the tourist is dissatisfied

(Reisinger and Turner, 2003).

tion is that the effect of satisfaction on

commitment depends on the magnitude of
switching costs in the agritourism context.
Satisfaction should play a lesser role when

occasionally conceptualized as emotional

responses to product/service experiences
(Han and Back, 2007). This emotional
response is a critical determinant of com-

exit costs are high and a greater role when

exit costs are low. This proposition, if sup-

mitment (Kyle, Theodorakis, Karageorgiou, and Lafazani, 2010) and can enhance


Furthermore, satisfaction itself has

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


affective commitment of a tourist (Liu,

Yen and Huan, 2010).

with greater price sensitivity and willingness to switch hotels than affective commitment (Tanford et al., 2010). Continuance/calculative commitment refers to a

Commitment has been defined as a

force that binds an individual to a course
of action of relevance to one or more tar-

cost-based attachment where an employee

feels he or she has to stay with the organization (i.e., employees remain with the
organization because they need to) (Bansal

gets and is distinguishable from exchange

based forms of motivation and from targetrelevant attitudes and can influence behavior even in the absence of intrinsic motiva-

et al., 2004). Continuance commitment

represents a constraint-based force binding
the consumer to the service provider out of
need. It reflects the fact that consumers

tion or positive attitudes. (Meyer and Herscovitch, 2001; Bansal et al., 2004). The
role of commitment in loyalty has been
well documented. Affective commitment,

stay with a service provider because they

feel they have to; it reflects a sense of being locked in to the service provider
(Meyer and Herscovitch, 2001).

also referred to as emotional or relationship commitment, can be described as an

emotional attachment that creates a sense
of belonging and personal identification

Numerous studies have identified the

important roles of satisfaction in building
commitment (Back, 2005; Han and Back,

and a desire to maintain a long term relationship with the provider (Allen and
Meyer, 1990; Baloglu, 2002; Benapudi
and Berry, 1997; Bowen and Shoemaker,

2008; Kim and Han, 2008; Yuksel et al.,

2010; Kyle, Theodorakis, Karageorgiou,
and Lafazani, 2010; Liu et al., 2010). Satisfaction is a critical determinant of com-

2003; Fullerton, 2003, 2005; Mattila,

2001, 2006; Sui and Baloglu, 2003; Liu et
al., 2010; Tanford, Raab, and Kim, 2012).
Affective commitment is considered key to

mitment (Kyle et al., 2010), when a destination predicts tourist behavioral loyalty.
Kim and Han (2008) found that satisfaction enhances customers favorable inten-

building relationships within the hotel industry (Bowen and Shoemaker, 2003;
Shoemaker and Lewis, 1999).

tions toward a restaurant firm. In the hotel

industry, Kim et al. (2001) demonstrated
that satisfaction, as a central part of relationship quality, was an important predic-

A second type of commitment has

been termed calculative commitment
(Mattila, 2006), value commitment (Tanford et al., 2010), or Continuance com-

tor of commitment and behavioral intentions. In agritourism, Liu et al. (2010) and
Yen (2009) have evidenced that satisfaction can enhance affective commitment.

mitment (Bansal et al., 2004). Value commitment is less enduring and associated

Hence, the following hypothesis is developed:

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


H1: the higher satisfaction a tourist perceived could lead to the higher affective

perceived risk. Such costs may entail

search costs resulting from the geographic
dispersion of service alternatives, as well
as learning costs resulting from the cus-

Moreover, commitment can be related

to purchase decision factors (Tanford et
al., 2012). Hospitality research has documented the role of affective commitment

tomized nature of many service encounters

(Guiltinan, 1989). As the perceived costs
of an activity increase, the likelihood of
consumers engaging in such behavior

and relationship quality in loyalty to hotels

(Mattila, 2006; Tanford et al., 2010), casinos (Baloglu, 2002; Sui and Baloglu,
2003), and restaurants (Hyun, 2010; Mat-

should diminish (Yen et al., 2009). Switching service providers is likely to involve
various behavioral and psychological
costs, and such costs should act to dimin-

tila, 2001). Affective commitment is positively associated with continuance commitment in agritourism (Wu, Yen, Tsai,
2009; Yen, 2009). In those studies, affec-

ish switching tendencies (Jones et al.,


tive commitment has been shown to be a

stronger determinant of loyalty than other
forms of commitment. Hence, the following hypothesis is developed:

generally posit that consumers weigh both

the costs and benefits of a particular decision (Hauser and Wernerfelt, 1990). One
implication is that as perceived switching

H2: the higher affective commitment a

tourist perceived could lead to the higher
continuance commitment.

costs increase, the perceived costs of

switching should eventually outweigh the
perceived switching benefits arising from
dissatisfaction with the core service. When

Switching Costs
Perceived switching costs are con-

Economic models of buyer behavior

perceived switching costs are low, dissatisfied consumers should be more likely to
defect than are satisfied customers. Alternatively, when perceived switching costs

sumer perceptions of the time, money, and

effort associated with changing service
providers (Jones et al., 2000). Ones state
that switching costs are the costs/sacrifices

are high, customers may remain despite

their dissatisfaction due to perceptions that
switching costs outweigh switching benefits (Jones et al., 2000). Hospitality re-

that may be incurred when changing providers, including monetary and nonmonetary costs/sacrifices (i.e., time, psychological costs) (Dick and Basu, 1994;

search has been offered the evidence that

dissatisfied guest will not switch the service firm because the switching costs are
high (Han et al., 2009). The probability for

Han et al., 2009). Monetary costs are sunk

cost and non-monetary costs refer to a

developing SAT-AC relation might be

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


moderated by switching costs. Therefore,

this study hypothesizes that:
H3: As perceived switching costs increase,

items for CC were drawn based on the

studies of Bansal et al. (2004) and Jones et
al. (2000). Three items for AC were drawn
based on the studies of Tanford, Raab, and

the relationship between satisfaction and

affective commitment will diminish (i.e.,
switching costs satisfaction interaction).

Kim, (2012) and Yen and Liu (2009). The

initial items were confirmed and corrected
by the managers of leisure farms and pretested was done by EMBA (Executive

Having considered the data collection
requirements of this study such as a need

Master of Business Administration) students in NPUST (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology), Taiwan. For items, responses were ratings

of large sample of customers and quantities of Taiwanese agritourism, it would be

appropriate to employ the field survey
with a self-administered questionnaire as

from 1 to 7. The anchors are strongly

disagree (1) and strongly agree (7) for
measuring SWC (switching cost), CC
(continuance commitment), and AC (affec-

the primary data collection technique for

this study. The field study method was
chosen in order to gain information directly from individuals at the leisure farm

tive commitment). The anchors for SAT

(satisfaction) are strongly displeased (1)
and strongly pleased (7), strongly disgusted (1) and strongly gusted (7) and

settings. As such, their feelings and perceptions about the setting with respect to
relational satisfaction, affective commitment, continuance commitment and

strongly dissatisfied (1) and strongly

satisfied (7).

switching cost are likely to be clearly in

mind (Danaher and Mattsson, 1994).

be tested by collecting data from leisure

farms in Taiwan. The criteria for farms
selection were based on their service quality of experience, food and beverages, and

To ensure the content validity of the

It was decided that the model would

scales, the items selected constructs are

mainly adopted from prior studies. The
study uses exiting scales for measuring
satisfaction, affective commitment, con-

accommodation certified by Taiwan Leisure Farms Development Association

(TLFDA). Finally, a total of 23 farms were
drawn and could be categorized into full-

tinuance commitment and switching cost.

Three items for SAT were drawn based on
the studies of De Wulf et al. (2001) and
Yen and Liu (2009). Three items for SWC

service farms and limited-service farms.

They were selected expecting adequate
diversity of quality and loyalty to allow a
model to be estimated. A questionnaire

were drawn based on the studies of Han et

al., (2009) and Jones et al. (2000). Three

was prepared for collecting rating and

other information. Items measuring the

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


various constructs were distributed about

in the questionnaire to reduce halo effects.

frequency visited, 55.6% of respondents

were first time to the destination and
44.4% were revisit.

Because the goal was to develop a


model, random sampling was not seen as

necessary. Surveyors were collecting data
from visitors they did not know. Quota
sampling was adapted to ensure that re-

A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)

using AMOS 17.0 and SPSS 17.0 were

spondents were distributed across age and

sex groups. Having enough respondents in
certain categories was seen as important
for data to be appropriate for estimating

conducted to test the measurement model

and hypothesis. Before testing the model,
the data were examined. For making
maximum likelihood (ML) estimates for

the model of concern. Data was collected

by personal contact with respondents at
rest area of the farm. In collecting data,
respondents were asked to complete a

path models (Kline, 1998), there are problems if certain conditions arise. There are
likely to be outliers if the absolute value of
skewness is greater than 3. Also, there is a

printed questionnaire. The data collectors,

as necessary, clarified the meaning of
questions and answers. In other words they
dealt with any problems encountered while

distribution problem if the absolute value

of kurtosis is larger than 10. One wants
data that is approximately normally distributed for making ML estimates. For this

answering questions. Data were collected

during the April to May in 2012. A total of
351 valid questionnaires were received. Of
351 questionnaires (166 respondents were

research the skewness of variables ranges

between -0.605 and 0.311 (Table 1) so the
< 3 criterion is met. The kurtosis values
are between -0.842 and 0.650 so the < 10

drawn from limited-service farms and 185

respondents were drawn from full-service
farms) obtained about 50% were from female respondents (50.4%). At about 16.8%

criterion is met. Therefore, this enables

authors to proceed in evaluating the measurement models.

of respondents were below 20 years of age

and 13.6% of respondents were higher
than 40 years of age. The majority of respondents were between 20-40 years of

The chi-square (115.06) is significant

(p < 0.05; Bollen, 1989), a finding is not
unusual with large sample sizes (Doney
and Cannon, 1997). The ratios of chi-

age (69.8%). Approximately 7.1% of respondents were graduated from junior high
school and 26.5% of respondents were
graduated from junior high school. At

square to degrees of freedom (df= 48) are

2.39 for measurement model within the
acceptable range of 2 to 5 (Marsh and
Hovecar, 1985). The values for GFI

about 65.4% respondents were graduated

from college or above. With regard to the

(0.948), AGFI (0.915), CFI (0.966), and

RMSEA (0.063) are acceptably close to

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


the standards suggested by Hu and Bentler

(1999) 0.9 for GFI, 0.9 for AGFI, 0.95 for
CFI and 0.08 for RMSEA. Given that
these batteries of overall goodness-of-fit

This study assesses the quality of

measurement efforts by investigating unidimensionality, convergent validity, reli-

(GFI) indices were accurate and that the

model was developed on theoretical bases,
and given the high level of consistency
samples, no respecifications of the model

ability, discriminate validity. Evidence for

the uni-dimensionality of each construct
included appropriate items that loaded at
least 0.573 on their respective hypothe-

were made. This enables authors to proceed in evaluating the reliability and validity.

sized component and loaded no

Table 1. Reliability and convergent validity

Concept Items Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Loading SMC
1.47 -.605
1.36 -.220
-.438 .779
1.32 -.442
1.60 -.101
-.683 .834
1.59 -.057
-.592 .835
1.73 -.081
-.842 .831
1.60 .311
-.410 .816
1.70 .248
-.688 .818
1.55 -.190
SWC swc1
1.25 -.068
1.22 -.222
1.29 .011
-.346 .797
Note: =115.06(p=.000); df=48; GFI=.948; AGFI=.915; CFI=.966; RMSEA=.063
SMC: Squared Multiple Correlation; CR: Composite Reliability; AVE: Average
Variance Extracted

larger than 0.30 on other components

jointly for all items of a construct by

in a factor analysis (see Table 1). In

addition, the overall goodness of fit
supports uni-dimensionality (Steenkamp and van Trijp, 1991). Convergent

computing the composite reliability

(C.R.) and average variance extracted
(AVE) (Baumgartner and Homburg,
1996; Steenkamp and van Trijp, 1991).

validity was supported by all loadings

being significant (p < 0.01) and nearly
all SMC (square of multiple correlation) exceeding 0.30 (Hildebrandt,

For a construct to assess good reliability; composite reliability should be

higher than 0.70, and the average variance extracted should at least be 0.60

1987). This study assesses reliability

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


(Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). All scales

demonstrate good reliabilities.
To examine discriminant validity,

tions between factors are significantly

lower than 1 and the correlations between factors are lower than their
AVE, thus confirming discriminant

this study first checks the coefficients

of correlations between factors
whether they are significantly lower
than 1 and then compared the correla-

validity (see Table 2). In summery, the

measurement model demonstrates adequate uni- dimensionality, convergent
validity, reliability, and discriminant

tions between factors with their AVE

(Gaski and Nevin, 1985). The results
show that all of coefficients of correla-

validity. This enables authors to proceed in evaluating hypotheses testing.

Table 2. Discriminate validity

Concept Mean
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Diagonal elements are AVE. Off-diagonal elements are correlations
between factors.

Before testing the hypotheses, the

pendent variable SAT and AC were

role of SAT, CC, and AC should be

clarified to make sure their relations.
Three steps were adapted to examine
the mediated effects of AC. The results

considered in the model. This indicated

that AC acts a mediated role among
SAT and CC. This enables authors to
proceed in evaluating hypotheses test-

(see Table 3) showed that the effects of

SAT on CC (t= 6.85; =.46) and on
AC (t= 6.85; =.46) were significant
when the only independent variable

ing. The results of structural model

showed that the model fit were adequate (2=66; df= 25; p= .000;

SAT was considered in the model; the

effects of AC on CC (t= 8.74; =.72)
was significant but SAT on CC (t=
.117; =.01) was not when the inde-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 43

NOTE: **p .01

Table 3.Results of mediated effects

Model 1
Model 2


Model 3



AGFI = .927; CFI= .973; RMSEA =

.068). SAT can positively influence
AC (t= 9.57; =.64) and AC can posi-

vealed that SAT-AC relation could be

significantly moderated by SWC (t=
3.09; =.17). The higher SWC visitors

tively influence CC (t= 11.68; =.72).

H1 and H2 were evidenced. Moreover,
in order to confirm the moderated effects of SWC on both SAT-AC and

perceived might enhance the SAT-AC

relation. Therefore, H3 was evidenced.
However, the moderated effect of
SWC (t= 1.08; =.05) on AC-CC rela-

AC-CC relations, two tests were carried out. The results (see Table 4) re-

tion was not significant. H4 was rejected.

Table 4. Results of hypotheses testing

Model 1
Model 2

CC .52
Model fit
2=66; df= 25; p= 2=540; df= 121;
GFI=.959; p= .000; GFI=.857;
AGFI= .927; CFI= AGFI= .80; CFI=
RMSEA= .90; RMSEA= .10

Model 3

p= .000; GFI=.874;
AGFI= .821; CFI=

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 44

Discussion and Conclusion

Results of the current study highlight
the role of switching costs in the visitors
commitment proneness in Taiwanese agritourism. Consistent with prior research,
satisfaction was a critical determinant of
commitment (Kyleet al., 2010). Current
study finds that switching costs in form of
affective commitment was also found to be
important. That is, the effect of satisfaction
on affective commitment was enhanced
when visitors perceived high switching
costs. This is very important for Taiwanese
agritourism when affective attachments
were emphasized and the goal of leisure
farms was to achieve visitors affective
commitment and continuance commitment.
In terms of theory, results highlight the
need to incorporate factors beyond satisfaction in models of visitors affective
commitment and suggest the need to extend existing theories of commitment to
incorporate contingency relationships. In
considering such contingencies, results
may partially explain, for example, why
visitors may commit with service providers despite lower levels of satisfaction and
why the satisfaction-affective commitment
relationship has evidenced variability in
prior research (e.g., Yen et al., 2009;
Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Cronin and
Taylor, 1992). Achieving a high level of
satisfaction is the ultimate goal of marketing strategies, despite behavioral intentions
are considered as a better predictor of performance (Chi & Qu, 2008). Before understanding visitors behavioral intentions,
their emotional attachment to a service
provider should be confirmed. This affective force binds the visitor to the service
provider out of desire. It reflects an individuals psychological bond (Gruen et
al., 2000) with a service provider and is
similar to loyalty commitment described
by Gilliland and Bello (2002). On the
other hand, the better satisfaction a visitor
perceived to a service provider has higher

probabilities to reveal psychological bond

to them. This psychological bond may be
an important factor of positive behavioral
intentions for those service providers.
Furthermore, the second finding of this
study is affective commitment is a mediator between satisfaction and continuance
commitment. This implies that satisfied
visitors will have higher probabilities to
present positive emotion and affective
force binds them to the service provider;
and then cost-based attachment, a sense of
being locked in to the service provider,
can be considered. Comparing to previous
researches (Abdul-Muhmin, 2005;
Halinen, 1997; Tellefsen, 2002;
Vasudevan et al., 2006), they observed the
positive influence of satisfaction on commitment. For services, this means that the
more satisfied visitors are with the service
experience the more likely they are to
commit to a relationship with a service
provider. And the affective state of visitors
should be concerned before cost-based
attachment in an agritourism context. Our
findings extend the theory existed.
Specifically, the relationship between
satisfaction and affective commitment
appears to vary somewhat as a function of
the magnitude of switching costs present
in a given agritourism context. As perceived switching costs increase, the perceived costs of switching should eventually outweigh the perceived switching
benefits arising from dissatisfaction with
the core service. This implies that service
provider should provide more emotional
attachment whether tourist have been satisfied or not. However, when perceived
switching costs are low, dissatisfied visitors should be more likely to defect than
are satisfied ones. This means dissatisfied
tourists would have the lower probabilities
to be bound by the service provider and
they might have the lower probabilities to
perceive a sense of being locked in to
the service provider.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


In terms of practice, results support

the importance of satisfaction in the retention process. Consistent with prior research, tourist satisfaction should remain a
primary strategic focus of service providers due to its strong impact on affective
commitment and continuance commitment. The practical implications of switching costs may, however, not be so straightforward. One possible conclusion is that
leisure farms should build up various
switching costs so as to retain existing
visitors despite their lack of satisfaction
with the core service offering. Such a recommendation seems most fitting for fullservice farms who generally satisfy their
visitors but want some sort of insurance
against defection when their visitors experience the occasional but probably unavoidable service failure (Tax, Brown, and
Chandrashekaran, 1998). However, creating switching costs in lieu of satisfaction
seems destined to failure in the long run
particularly when (1) dissatisfaction is
ongoing rather than temporary, and (2) the
nature of the switching costs are such that
visitors feel entrapped (Jones et al., 2000).
When tourist dissatisfaction is an ongoing
phenomenon, tourists may remain due to
high switching costs, but engage in company-focused sabotage such as negative
word of mouth. Hence, another possible
conclusion is that leisure farms should
build up their own core competitive service that can satisfy the target tourists.
Such as agricultural experience activities,
rural food and beverage, and rural accommodation can be adapted and concerned as
core competitive service.


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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013




Wu Yan
Department of Food and Beverage Management
Far East University, Taiwan R.O.C
[email protected]

From the perspective of leisure education, leisure is the process of human resource development in which individual creativity, thinking, and interpersonal relationship could be promoted through leisure activities and social interaction. Technology in Taiwan is progressing,
knowledge is emerging, and the society is approaching soundness that the public acquire
more free time after the promotion of labor acts and the implementation of two-day weekend.
With the increasing leisure time, participating in leisure activities has become one of the important activities in living. Aiming at the relations among Participation Intention, Consumer
Participation Motivation, and Experiential Satisfaction, this study concludes the following
findings. 1. Participation Intention shows significantly positive effects on Experiential Satisfaction. 2. Consumer Participation Motivation appears partially positive effects on Participation Intention. 3. Consumer Participation Motivation reveals partially positive effects on Experiential Satisfaction. 4. Consumer Participation Motivation presents notable moderating
effects on the relations between Participation Intention and Experiential Satisfaction. At the
end, this study expects to provide suggests for comprehensively improving and promoting the
quality of leisure activities.
Key words: Participation Intention, Consumer Participation Motivation, Experiential Satisfaction

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



and Tainan, Kaohsiung City, with less historical relics, appears less cultural space

With globally economic development

and the enhancement of living quality, the

and cultural art activities. To get rid of

such a name of culture desert, Kaohsiung

increase of national income, the imple-

City Government has actively held inter-

mentation of two-day weekend, and the

national art activities, inviting artists from

decrease of basic working hours, the concept of leisure activities has become popu-

various countries to join in, such as Kaoh-

lar for the public, the population for outdoor leisure activities is increasing, and
modern people pursue high-quality leisure

Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron

Sculpture Festival, and Kaohsiung International Beer Festival. Moreover, Bureau of
Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Govern-

life, particularly in daily leisure activities,

for better health. Leisure activities therefore have become the major participation
of the public; occasional leisure behaviors
have turned to routine behaviors; and, the
demands for leisure space have been increased. With stable job, sufficient income,
more time, or settled family, people are
likely to look for leisure activities to have
the living be more meaningful and the
mental perception more valuable. Especially, they would be more energetic and
active at work, after returning to the work,
and contribute more to the nation.
For this reason, the government has
largely invested in the promotion of culture, the practice of contents in cultural
organizations, and the maintenance of cultural assets so as to enhance the standard
of art appreciation and creation, such as
Wei Wu Ying Center for the Arts, New
Cinema of Great Taipei, Pop Music Center, Southern Branch of National Palace
Museum, Taichung Metropolitan Opera
house, and Development of Southern Art
Performance. In comparison with Taipei

siung International Container Arts Festival,

ment has positively promoted art activities,

expanding indoor art performance outdoors, including A Cappella on Grass Music Concert and Rainbow Bay Festival.
Accordingly, this study tends to discuss the
Participation Motivation, Experiential Satisfaction, and Participation Intention of
visitors towards Rainbow Bay Festival
when participating in art leisure activities.
Literature Review
Consumer Participation Motivation
The Leisure Participation Motivation
Scale, developed by Beard and Ragheb in
1983, has been the reference for a lot of
research on sports or leisure, covering the
dimensions of 1.Intellectual Need, 2.Social
Need, 3.Competence-Mastery, and 4.
Stimulus Avoidance. 1. Intellectual Need
in leisure motivation aims to evaluate individual motivation for leisure activities,
including mental activities of learning,
exploration, discovery, crating, or imagination. 2. Competence-Mastery refers to

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


individual need for achievement, mastery,

intention of recommending others. Hsu

challenge, and competition that such ac-

(2009) studied the willingness to revisit of

tivities are instinctive. 3. Social Need relates to individual social need of friendship

the Shin-Shen area with the dimensions of

intending to revisit, intending to recom-

and interpersonal relationship and respect

mend friends and relatives, and the spot

from others. 4. Stimulus Avoidance con-

being the prior consideration. Lee (2011)

siders an individual avoiding pressure, as

people tend to escape and get away from

measured tourists revisit intention of high

abundant stimuli in the environment, keep

away from social contact, and pursue being alone and quiet for rest and relax. Aim-

mensions of Revisit Intention and Recommendation Intention. The former referred to the intention of revisiting the
recreational area or visiting other areas;

ing at the members of health & fitness

clubs, Chen (2009) divided Participation
Motivation into 1.Intellectual Pursuit,
2.Health and Fitness, 3.Social Need,
4.Achievement Need, and 5.Stimulus
Avoidance. Fan (2010) classified Participation Motivation into 1.Intellectual Pursuit, 2.Social Need, 3.Achievement Need,
and 4.Health Need. According to the importance, Huang (2010) divided Participation Motivation into 1.Health Need,
2.Achievement Need, 3.Social Need, and
4.Intellectual Pursuit.
Participation Intention
Huang (2011) regarded Participation
Intention as the possibility and the intention of individual participating in leisure
activities. Liao (2008) measured the intention of leisure farm long-stay with the dimensions of considering leisure farm longstay, intending to long-stay in leisure
farms, and intention of recommending
friends and relates. Cheng (2010) measured tourists revisit intention with the
dimensions of intending to revisit and the

mountain recreational areas with the di-

and, the latter considered the intention of

recommending friends for the place. In
conclusion, recommendation, intention of
visit, and preference for visit are the commonness for measuring Participation Intention. Word-of-Mouth Recommendation,
Follow-up Participation, and Preference
therefore are regarded as the research dimensions in this study.
Experiential Satisfaction
Pine & Gilmore (2003) regarded experiences as the favorable feeling when a
person achieving a standard emotionally,
physically, intellectually, and even spiritually; different people could not receive
identical experiences as they were the interactive results between a persons mind
and the event. Lin (2009) pointed out an
experience as physiological and psychological reactions in emotional and perceived processes after an individual being
stimulated externally; it could be divided
into internal and external. Experiences are
not simply the rational or perceptual ap-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


peal, but an overall perception, with which

eas. Chen (2010) mentioned the positive

consumers could accurately receive the

correlations between Participation Motiva-

message delivered from the products, even

if they have not contacted with such a

tion and Satisfaction, Participation Intention among the members in a health and

product. Schmitt (1999) defined experi-

fitness club. Lu (2007) also discovered the

ences as individual reaction to certain

positive effects of Participation Motivation

stimuli. Holbrook (2000) classified consumer experiences into fantasies, feeling,

and Revisit Intention on Experiential Satis-

and fun, being the sources of consumer

experiences. Abbott (1995) considered
products as the service performance in

Swiss package tour.

consuming experiences that people did not

actually desire the product, but a satisfactory experience. During festivals, festival
experiences were regarded as individual
psychological experiences when the perceived natural and humanistic environments being interpreted through perception
transform and recombination; i.e., having
tourists be satisfied to some extent (Lin,
2011). Besides, individual perception, sensation, mind, and behaviors would continuously interact with the environments
for various perception and experiences
(Kao, 2010).
Research on Participation Motivation,
Satisfaction and Participation Intention

faction among Taiwanese tourists in a

Accordingly, the following hypotheses

are proposed in this study.
H1: Participation Intention presents notably positive effects on
Experiential Satisfaction.
H2: Participation Intention shows
significantly positive effects on
Consumer Participation Motivation
H3: Consumer Participation Motivation reveals remarkably
positive effects on Experiential
H4: Consumer Participation Motivation appears moderation effects on Participation Intention
and Experiential Satisfaction.
Research Method

Chen (2009) studied the learners parents in swimming training classes and
found significantly positive effects of Participation Motivation on Experiential Satisfaction and Continuing Willingness. Lu
(2009) discovered the remarkably positive
correlations among Participation Motivation, Experiential Satisfaction, and Participation Intention among tourists in Jiji ar-

Research Framework
With literature review, Consumer Participation Motivation, Experiential Satisfaction, and Participation Intention are
considered correlated, as shown in the
research framework.
Sampling and Sample Analyses

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Questionnaires were distributed and

collected with random sampling. For the
first time, Bureau of Cultural Affairs
Kaohsiung City Government held Rainbow Bay Festival in 2011, attracting more
than 37 thousand people and successfully
receiving good word-of -mouth, that it has
become one of the representative music
festivals in Asia. Based on the seven colors of a rainbow, Rainbow Bay Festival
was held simultaneously in seven areas,
containing rock singers and bands, creative
arts, lectures of music industry, and so
forth. A participant could visit any one of

the areas with one ticket. The areas covered about three Taipei Arenas for all activities that it became the first international
festival combining with pop music, local
specialties, and new fashion culture in
Taiwan. Kaohsiung City Rainbow Bay
Festival therefore was selected as the research subject, and 500 visitors were distributed questionnaires. Having deducted
invalid or incomplete copies, 372 valid
copies were retrieved, with the retrieval
rate 74%. Each valid copy was considered
as a valid sample.

Participation Intention
1.Word-of-Mouth Recommendation
2.Follow-up Participation


Experiential Satisfaction


Consumer Participation Motivation


1.Intellectual Need
3.Social Need
4.Stimulus Avoidance

Research Outcomes and Analyses

Reliability and Validity Analysis
Consumer Participation Motivation Scale
The questions for Consumer Participation
Motivation were based on Beard and
Raghebs (1983) definition and dimensions.
With Factor Analysis, four factors, namely
Intellectual Need (eigenvalue=2.799,

=0.80), Competence-Mastery (eigenvalue=2.162, =0.83), Social Need (eigenvalue=1.433, =0.86), and Stimulus Avoidance (eigenvalue=1.127, =0.90), were extracted; and, the cumulative variance explained reached 81.572%.
1. Experiential Satisfaction Scale
The design of Experiential Satisfaction was
referred to Pine & Gilmores (2003) single
2. Participation Intention Scale

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


The questionnaire for Participation Intention

was revised from different research. With
Factor Analysis, three factors, including
Word-of-Mouth Recommendation (eigenvalue=2.736, =0.84), Follow-up Participation (eigenvalue=2.138, =0.81), and Preference (eigenvalue=1.922, =0.82), were extracted; and, the cumulative variance
achieved 82.053%.

1. Multiple Regression Analysis of Participation Intention and Experiential Satisfaction

In regard to Multiple Regression Analysis of
Participation Intention and Experiential Satisfaction, Word-of-Mouth Recommendation,
Follow-up Participation, and Preference in
Participation Intention were regarded as independent variables, while Experiential Satisfaction was the dependent variable, Table 3.

Regression Relations Among Variables

Table 3: Multiple Regression Analysis of Participation Intention

and Experiential Satisfaction
Independent variable

Experiential Satisfaction (Dependent variable)

Participation Intention
Word-of-Mouth Recommendation


Follow-up Participation









Adjusted R2



0.05 **p0.01 ***p0.001

Data source: Self-sorted in this study

The regression equation achieved the significance (F=16.284, p 0.001), presenting the
significantly positive effects of Participation
Intention on Experiential Satisfaction, where
Word-of-Mouth Recommendation, Follow-up
Participation, and Preference showed notably
positive effects on Experiential Satisfaction
( 0.223, p 0.01; 0.167, p 0.05;
0.174, p 0.05).
H1 therefore was agreed.

3. Multiple Regression Analysis of Consumer Participation Motivation and Participation Intention

Regarding Multiple Regression Analysis
of Participation Intention and Consumer Participation Motivation, Intellectual Need,
Competence-Mastery, Social Need, and
Stimulus Avoidance in Consumer Participation Motivation were regarded as independent
variables, while Word-of-Mouth Recommen-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


dation, Follow-up Participation, and Preference in Participation Intention were the dependent variables, Table 2.
The regression equation reached the significance (F=7.512, p 0.001), showing the remarkably positive effects of Consumer Participation Motivation on Word-of-Mouth
Recommendation and of Intellectual Need,
Competence-Mastery, Social Need, and
Stimulus Avoidance on Word-of-Mouth Recommendation ( 0.188, p 0.05; 0.173,


0.05; 0.165, p0.05; 0.197,


The regression equation achieved the significance (F=13.466, p 0.001), revealing the
significantly positive effects of Consumer
Participation Motivation on Follow-up Participation Follow-up Participation and of Intellectual Need and Stimulus Avoidance on
Follow-up Participation ( 0.159, p 0.05;
0.169, p 0.05).

Table 2: Multiple Regression Analysis of Consumer

Participation Motivation and Participation Intention

Independent variable
Consumer Participation Motivation

Participation Intention (Dependent variable)

Word-of-Mouth RecomFollow-up ParticiPreference

Intellectual Need








Social Need




Stimulus Avoidance














Adjusted R2






0.05 **p0.01 ***p0.001

Data source: Self-sorted in this study

The regression equation reached the significance (F=22.347, p 0.001), presenting

the notably positive effects of Consumer Participation Motivation on Preference and of
Intellectual Need, Competence-Mastery, and
Social Need on Preference ( 0.177,
p 0.05; 0.192, p 0.05; 0.182,
p 0.05).
H2 therefore was partially agreed.

4. Multiple Regression Analysis of Consumer Participation Motivation and Experiential Satisfaction

In regard to Multiple Regression Analysis
of Consumer Participation Motivation and
Experiential Satisfaction, Intellectual Need,
Competence-Mastery, Social Need, and
Stimulus Avoidance in Consumer

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Participation Motivation were considered as

independent variables, while Experiential
Satisfaction was the dependent variable, Table 1.

Satisfaction, where Intellectual Need, Social

Need, and Stimulus Avoidance appeared significantly positive effects on Experiential
Satisfaction, reaching the significance
( 0.213, p 0.01; 0.164, p 0.05;
0.207, p 0.01).
H3 therefore was partially agreed.

The regression equation achieved the significance (F=12.036, p 0.001), showing the
remarkable correlations between Consumer
Participation Motivation and Experiential

Table 1: Multiple Regression Analysis of Consumer Participation

Motivation and Experiential Satisfaction
Independent variable

Experiential Satisfaction (Dependent variable)

Consumer Participation Motivation

Intellectual Need


Social Need


Stimulus Avoidance







Adjusted R

0.05 **p0.01 ***p0.001


Data source: Self-sorted in this study

Effects of the interactions between Participation Intention and Consumer

Participation Motivation on
Experiential Satisfaction Moderating effects
of Consumer Participation Motivation and
Participation Intention on Experiential Satisfaction.
With the interaction between Intellectual
Need, Competence-Mastery, Social Need,
Stimulus Avoidance in Consumer Participation Motivation and Word-of-Mouth Recommendation, Follow-up Participation, Preference in Participation Intention, the effects on

Experiential Satisfaction are shown in Table

According to the above Regression
Analysis of interaction, the dimensions in
Participation Intention could explain 26.6%

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 4: Hierarchical Regression Analysis of Consumer Participation Motivation and

Participation Intention towards Experiential Satisfaction
Experiential Satisfaction (Dependent variable)
Hierarchy I

Hierarchy II

Hierarchy III










Intellectual Need






Social Need



Hierarchical variable
Participation Intention
Word-of-Mouth Recommendation
Follow-up Participation
Consumer Participation Motivation

Stimulus Avoidance
Intellectual NeedWord-of-Mouth Recommendation


Competence-MasteryWord-of-Mouth Recommendation


Social NeedWord-of-Mouth Recommendation


Stimulus AvoidanceWord-of-Mouth Recommendation


Intellectual NeedFollow-up Participation


Competence-MasteryFollow-up Participation


Social NeedFollow-up Participation


Stimulus AvoidanceFollow-up Participation


Intellectual NeedPreference




Social NeedPreference


Stimulus AvoidancePreference















Data source: Self-sorted in this study

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


of the variance of Experiential Satisfaction, before inputting the independent

variables of Consumer Participation Motivation. The overall test of Multiple Linear
Regression F appeared 16.284 (p 0.001),
achieving the significance, that Participation Intention showed remarkably positive
effects on Experiential Satisfaction. The
standardized regression coefficient of
Word-of-Mouth Recommendation, Follow-up Participation, and Preference presented 0.223 (p 0.01), 0.167 (p 0.05),
and 0.174 (p 0.05), reaching the significance and being positive, that the independent variables revealed notably positive effects on Experiential Satisfaction.
After inputting the independent variables
of Consumer Participation Motivation to
the regression model, the overall variance
explained increased 3.7%, F=22.618
(p 0.001), achieving the significance.
Overall speaking, both Participation Intention and Consumer Participation Motivation presented remarkably positive effects
on Experiential Satisfaction, with the increasing variance explained 30.3%. It was
worth noting that Word-of-Mouth Recommendation, Follow-up Participation,
and Preference revealed significantly positive effects on Experiential Satisfaction
before inputting Consumer Participation
Motivation, but the significance increased
after the input. In this case, the effects of
Participation Intention on Experiential
Satisfaction would increase with the moderating effects of Consumer Participation
Motivation. After inputting the interaction
between Participation Intention and Consumer Participation Motivation, the overall
variance explained was enhanced, and
F=28.442 (p 0.001) reached the significance, presenting the remarkably positive
effects on Experiential Satisfaction. The
interaction between Stimulus Avoidance
and Word-of-Mouth Recommendation,
between Intellectual Need and Preference,
and between Social Need and Preference
appeared notably positive effects on

Experiential Satisfaction ( 0.181,

p 0.05; 0.169, p 0.05; 0.170,
p 0.05).
H4 was agreed.
The research findings show the
remarkably positive effects of Participation Intention on Experiential Satisfaction
that the following practical suggestions are
1. Improve the environment for enhancing
the identity of visitors. The research outcomes present the significant effects of
Participation Intention on Experiential
Satisfaction that garbage cans are suggested to place around the areas of Kaohsiung City Rainbow Bay Festival, as they
are convenient for visitors and could maintain the clean environment, reducing garbage on the ground to promote the identity
towards Rainbow Bay Festival. Furthermore, mobile toilets could be offered for
Rainbow Bay Festival, as visitors would
stay in musical festivals for a period of
time. The establishment of toilets would
provide visitors with physiological need
and prolong the stay in the musical festival. As a result, Experiential Satisfaction
with the musical festival is promoted and
Word-of-Mouth Recommendation is enhanced.
2. Improve the attitude of the service personnel in the musical festival. People are
likely to appear bad attitude because of the
crowd and time. Visitors generally attend
such musical festivals with relaxing attitude and request for good service quality.
In this case, the attitude of service personnel would affect the mood of visitors, the
evaluation of the musical festival, and
even the intention of Follow-up Participation. Consequently, it is suggested that
service personnel should always remain
friendly and pleasant attitude towards each
visitor, even when they are busy, to pre-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


vent visitors from being unpleasant and

reducing the revisit intention.
3. Promote new products. Although a lot
of visitors intend to kill time in musical
festivals, they would not be attracted with
unchanged musical festivals. It is therefore
suggested to change the performance with
special or interesting programs, or to provide music performance different from the
past styles so that visitors could experience
exotic music. Having musical festivals to
expand the leisure activities in daily life
and enhance the knowledge, visitors would
consider Kaohsiung City Rainbow Bay
Festival as the preference for daily leisure
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Huang, Hung-bin (2010). The Correlation

Study on Members' Participating Motivation, Customer Satisfaction and
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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013




Chiao-Ping Bao
Dept. of Industrial Management, I-Shou University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
[email protected]
Yu-Ping Lee
Shu-Te University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
[email protected]
Ching-Yaw Chen
Shu-Te University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
[email protected]

This study proposes the Chinkless-Teaching Concept (CTC) based on quality function
development (QFD) for increasing the skills and employment prospects of vocational students. The framework contributes to the following: 1) understanding baking entrepreneur
demands regarding the characteristics of new hires; 2) planning practical baking curriculums;
3) duplicating this empirical study for different departments in a technical and vocational
Keywords: Chinkless -Teaching Concept, Quality Function Development, Technical and Vocational University

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



This study further presents an empirical study that uses quality function devel-

The teaching materials used in general universities primarily focus on theory,

opment (QFD) to verify the CTC model.

Literature Review

whereas those in vocational and technological universities emphasize practical

skills. Most vocational and technological
universities train students in cooperation
with enterprises.
The sandwich and topping teaching
methods are well established. The former
allows students more creativity in working
on their theses, projects and future studies,
enabling them to perform better than students without practical training (Blair and
Millea, 2004). Meanwhile, the latter can
narrow the gap between academia and
industry, and focuses on the ultimate goal
of ensuring students obtain employment
after graduation (Chen, 1991). However,
both methods suffer numerous inadequacies, particularly in that the teaching methods do not increase the possibility of students finding employment. Even when the
sandwich-teaching method and toppingteaching method are applied, gaps persist
between academic knowledge and practical required skills. On the other hand, gaps
may exist between the knowledge students
acquire and the needs of enterprises.
Moreover, classroom learning is often difficult for students to apply in the workplace. Bao et al. (2012) developed the
Chinkless-Teaching Concept (CTC) model
by using the Value Chain concept to solve
this dilemma by optimizing textbook design and teaching methods.

Review of Sandwich and Topping

Teaching Methods
The sandwich-teaching and toppingteaching methods are the industryacademia collaboration models. The models are designed so that students can apply
classroom learning to their work situation
to achieve on-the-job training.
Students in sandwich-teaching internships may be assigned to companies where
they are not interesting in working, and
equally the host company may be uninterested in the interns (Chen et al, 2010).
Students who undertake practical training
thus are often treated as a source of cheap
labor (Chen et al, 2006).
Additionally, the topping-teaching
method is applied when students are in
their final years/semester of study, at
which time they tend to be more mature
and serious about career training (Chen et
al, 2006).
Most importantly, students who exhibit outstanding performance in a topping-teaching program are often hired immediately after graduation, which helps
improve the image of technical and vocational graduates and eliminate the stigma
of low university performance rankings.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


However, in-class activities and real op-

chapters discussed the processing value

erations still differ for students participat-

chains. Technological and vocational

ing in internships before graduation. Otherwise, the gap between learning and prac-

teachers apply value chain concepts by

rewriting textbook chapters to make them

tice narrows but still persists (Woodcock

effective for reading, learning and practice.

and Chen, 2000).

Quality Function Deployment
Although the topping teaching
method has reduced the disadvantages of
the Sandwich teaching method, the gap in
the practical capabilities of graduating
students must still be bridged before they
start their careers. A clear drawback of the
sandwich teaching method is that some
enterprises may exploit students as cheap
labor (Chen et al., 2006). The drawback of
the topping teaching method is that students knowledge obtained in school is
difficult to apply in the workplace (Bao et
al., 2012). Although practical training has
substantially improved, the following section demonstrates that major improvements are still needed.
Chinkless-Teaching Method
To enable students to reduce OR To
help students reduce the gap between their
capacities and industry requirements, the
Chinkless-Teaching Method (CTC) model
attempts to supply communication media
that teachers, students and employers can
use to reform technological and vocational
education (Bao et al., 2012). The course
designs included the concept of the industrial value chain. The links in the value
chain were the subjects of the courses,
while the chapters and the various course

QFD is a customer-oriented approach

to product innovation. QFD guides product
managers and design teams through the
conceptualization, creation and realization
of new products into summarizes the appropriate technical requirements for each
stage of product development and production (that is, marketing strategies, planning, product design and engineering, prototype evaluation, production process development, production, and sales) (Sullivan, 1986).
One of the earliest applications of
quality function deployment (QFD) to
education was by Ermer (1995). Motwani
et al. (1996), Lam and Zhao (1998),
Hwarng and Teo (2001), and Bier and
Cornesky (2001) implemented QFD approach in education. Gonzalez et al. (2003)
further strengthened the use of QFD in
designing OR to design the supply chain
management academic curriculum. In
short, the successful application of QFD
by these researchers enhanced the implementation of this tool, enabling them to
meet student needs], and current university
education standards. These applications all
confirm the potential of QFD to facilitate
effective communication, timely informa-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


tion transformation, and efficient resource

skills and employment prospects of voca-

utilization. The following section presents

tional students.

a case study where QFD provides a

framework for incorporating the needs of

This study aims to identify the capa-

business entrepreneurs to develop a strategy for launching a campus-wide entre-

bilities entrepreneurs desire in new hires.

Their responses were then grouped using

preneurship initiative.

QFD, which helps structure the necessary

requirements from the customer perspec-


tive. See Fig. 1. To illustrate the QFD

process, this study presents a simple ex-

This study proposes a conceptual

ample of how its use to design a baking

program for a vocational and technical

framework Chinkless-Teaching Concept

(CTC) based on the quality function
development (QFD) for increasing the



Backing Entrepreneurs

Weights of

Chinkless-Teaching of
Backing Curriculums

Relationship Matrix

Curriculum Priorities

Figure 1. A House of QFD for the backing curriculums

to entrepreneurs
Step 1: Identify the requirements of
baking entrepreneurs (VoBE)
The first step is to begin the QFD
process to identify the needs and expectations of baking entrepreneurs hiring new

employees. To fully identify the requirements of all baking entrepreneurs, this

study interviews seven baking business
managers all of whom are school customers. The KJ Method is then used to group

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


and categorize their requirements. This

part is shown at the left of Fig. 1.
Step 2: Score the Weights of Requirements (WoR). Each requirement is

Step 5: Identify the relationship matrix . The matrix shows the relationship
between the requirements of baking entrepreneurs and baking curriculum require-

scored using a scale that typically ranges

ments. The relation matrix ranges from 0

to 9, with a value close to 9 indicating a

from 1 to 9. The weights of four experts

are then scored using the geo-matrix mean.

stronger association. Meanwhile, a value

near 0 indicates a weaker association.

Step3: Create a baking curriculums

using the Chinkless-Teaching Method
(CToBC). Using the Chinkless-Teaching
Method, curriculum creation was performed through seamless integration between teachers vocational and technological university and baking business managers.
Step 4: Identify the correlations. The
correlations are the relationships between
baking curriculum requirements in the roof
of QFD. The correlations range from 0 to
9. The symbols in the roof of the house
represent the relationships among the different curriculum design elements. The
inter-correlations among the academic
requirements use the following symbols to
indicate the strength of association:

Step 6: Calculating the curriculum

priorities. The primary outcome of the
house of QFD is stored at the bottom of
the matrix (6 in Fig.1). Let j (j = 1, , n,
where the number of CToBC is n) in row
6 denote the importance of the jth CToBC
to reflect the priorities of entrepreneurs in
relation to curriculum design. Equation 1
shows how to calculate j assuming m
WoRs and n CToBCs.



represent the important of

WoR (2) and the correlation be-

tween the

WoR and

respectively. That is

is the average

(Strong association)
weight of cell values in the
(Moderate association)


(5) with the WoR importance (2) representing their corresponding weights.

(Weak association)

CToBC (5),


reveals which curriculum

requirements (CToBC) are important and

thus enables effort to be focused on improving baking curriculum.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1 The Empirical Data --A House of QFD without the roof
Introduction of Baking Science

Food Hygiene and Sanitation

Backing French / Japanese

Drawing and Color Matching

Chinese Pastries Production

Bread and Roll Production

Snack and Bread Making

Chocolate Making

Cake and Pastry Production

Professional Cake Decoration

Production Management

Baking Shop Management

Hospitality Marketing

Baking Retail Practice

Off-Campus Practical

Backing Industry Visiting

Baking Product Development




















Cake Decorating



















Basic weighing






































Product Knowledge






































Independent operation



















Nutrition Analysis



















License acquisition

























































Physical strength



















Professional ethics



















Work Attitude































































































Self - request






































Division of work



















Good contacts



















Master professional



















Work environment






































Entrepreneurs' Requirements


Personal Quality

Baking Knowledge

Knife work

Weighted Average
Curriculum Priority


851 556 542 632 1389 1464 1417 1436 1492 1468 689 1177 675 487 1101 355 1388
10 14 15 13
12 16

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 2. The Empirical Data -- the Roof of QFD

Data Analysis
Regarding the House of QFD for developing baking curriculum for entrepreneurs, Table 1 lists the values for steps 1,
2, 3, 5, and 6. Table 2 lists the result of
steps 3 and 4.
Table 1 reveals that entrepreneur requirements include 25 items that new hires
should be asked. These items deal with
areas that include baking knowledge, personal qualities, and so on.
Requirements were weighted using
scores calculated by the geo-matrix mean
of seven experts. The scores ranged from
4.93 to 9, and values closer to 9 indicated
that higher importance was assigned to
entrepreneur requirements.
Professionalism, professional ethics
and work attitude are the main requirements. A score approaching 4.93 signifies
that knife work is less important in entrepreneurs' requirements. Using the Chinkless-Teaching Method, 17 curriculums

Baking Produce Development

Baking Industry Visiting

Off-Campus Practice

Baking Retail Practice

Hospitality Marketing

Production Management

Baking Shop Management

Professional Cake Decoration

Cake and Pastry Production

Chocolate Making

Snack and Bread Making

Bread and Roll Production

Chinese Pastries Production

Drawing and Color Matching

Baking French / Japanese

Food Hygiene and Sanitation

Introduction of Baking Science

were created by three baking teachers in

vocational and technological university
and seven baking business managers. The
four courses differ categorically from current implement baking curriculums, and
are called Baking
French/ Japanese, Baking Industry Visits,
Baking Product Development, and Snack
and Bread Making.
In the relationship matrix, the scores
are calculated using arithmetic mean based
on the scores assigned by seven experts.
Arithmetic mean is adopted because it can
include 0.
is defined in Step 6 above. The formula
is used to obtain the weighted average.
The highest score is 1492, while the lowest
is 355. The weighted average is used to
determine the curriculum priority.
The correlations listed in Table 2 show the
process of establishing a relationship between two or more curriculums. For ex-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


ample, the Drawing and Color Matching course has five strong associations
with other baking practice courses, and is
unrelated to six baking management

project at Taiwanese universities of

science and technology: a discussion of
the different effects between topping
and sandwich teaching methods from
the perspective of industry.

Based on the above, the following can

be concluded: (1) In-depth understanding
of baking entrepreneurs demands regarding desirable characteristics in new hires,
(2) Obtaining baking curriculums that are
suitable for use in industry, (3) Identifying
the relationship among courses, (4) Exploring the importance of each course
from baking teachers in vocational and
technological universities and baking
business managers.
This study can have extremely valuable feedback effects on technical and vocational university education, and the
framework of the research thesis can be
duplicated; moreover, different departments can also apply the ChinklessTeaching Concept of high-quality curriculum design.

Bao, C.P., Lee,Y.P, & Chen, C.Y. (2012).
The recreation of the chinklessteaching concept by using value chain
analysis to bridge the theory and practice. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 5(1), 268-280.
Bier, I.D., & Cornesky, R.(2001). Using
QFD to construct a higher education
curriculum. Quality Progress, 34 (4),
Blair, B.F, & Millea, M.M. (2004). Quantifying the benefits of cooperative education. J. Coop. Edu, 38(1), 67-72.
Chen, C.Y., Lee, Y.J., & Kao, K.S. (2006).
The specific practice of the Last Mile

Transactions on Engineering and

Technology Education, 5(3), 401-407.
Chen, C.Y., Lee, Y.J., Kao, K.S., & Ho,
Y.T. (2010). A study on the topping
and sandwich teaching method efficacy towards the last mile application
from the perspective of vocational and
technical college graduates. World
Transactions on Engineering and
Technology Education, 7 (2), 176-185.
Chen, X.G., (1991). A discussion of educational institutions cooperation between academia and industry. Technological and Vocational Educ. Double
Monthly, 4, 22-27.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Ermer, D.S. (1995). Using QFD Becomes

an Educational Experience for Students and Faculty. Quality Progress,28
(5), 131-136.
Gonzalez, M., Quesada, G., & Bahill, T.
(2003). Improving product design using quality function deployment : the
school furniture case in developing
countries. Quality Engineering Journal.
16(1), 47-58.
Hwarng, H.B., & Teo, C. (2001). Translating customers voices into operations
requirements A QFD application in
higher education. International Journal
of Quality and Reliability Management, 18(2), 195226.
Lam, K., & Zhao, X.(1998). An application of quality function deployment to
improve the quality of teaching. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 15(4), 389413.
Motwani, J., Kumar, A., & Mohamed, Z.
(1996). Implementing QFD for improving quality in education: An example. Journal of Professional Services
Marketing, 14 (2), 149159.
Murgatroyd, S. (1993). The house of quality: Using QFD for instructional design
in distance education. The American
Journal of Distance Education, 7, 3448.
Sullivan, L. P. (1986). Quality Function
Deployment. Quality Progress, 19(6),
Woodcock, D.J., & Chen, C.Y. (2000).
Taiwanese universities and educating
of future manufacturing managers.
Journal of Management development,
19(20), 853-869.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Jiun-Lan Hsu
Department of Restaurant Management of
Taipei College of Maritime Technology, Taiwan R.O.C
[email protected]

Based on Key Success Factors in catering franchises, this study tends to discuss the hierarchical levels of Key Success Factors and the relative importance with Analytic Hierarchy
Process. After integrating the opinions in the questionnaire survey, Service Quality of Franchise presents the most importance among Key Success Factors in catering franchises, followed by Location of Franchise and Characteristics of Product and Service. Among the factors in Service Quality of Franchise, Meeting Customer Requirements is regarded the most
critical, followed by Service Standard. In regards to Location of Franchise, Tide of People at
the Store shows the most importance, followed by Local Consuming Capacity. Regarding
Characteristics of Product and Service, Product Characteristics is considered as the key, followed by Product Diversity. The proposed hierarchical levels could provide domestic catering franchises with Key Success Factors analyses as well as the benchmarking among catering businesses. According to such hierarchical levels, domestic franchising businesses could
have the major manufacturers with better performance be the benchmarking subjects. Moreover, the hierarchical levels could be the references of yearly self-evaluation. It is suggested
that franchising businesses could utilize such a structure for self-evaluation, establishing the
objective with more specific improvement strategies.
Key words: Franchises, Key Success Factors, Catering Industry

The recent economic depression has
resulted in high unemployment that a lot of
unemployed people or the ones worrying
about permanent unemployment have invested in catering franchises, as franchises
present lower investment capitals and restrictions, owners appear higher autonomy
and are not required of high educational
background, and trainings in establishing
ones own business are provided for the
ones without any experiences. Franchising

is considered as the most successful route

to own a business in Europe, the USA, and
Japan, as it is a duplication of successful
business model. Statistics show the success rate of franchising up to 90%. A lot of
people therefore would like to have their
own businesses that franchising has
boomed. Catering franchises in Taiwan are
rapidly expanded the brands by both the
franchisors and franchisees to create benefits for both parties. Franchisors rapidly
expand the chain stores by franchising to
achieve the success in a short period of

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


time. Franchisees, on the other hand, select

a good franchising business for the dream
of owning a successful business. In this
case, the key factors in selecting franchisors and the relative importance become
primary and valuable.
Literature Review
Franchising Management
Franchising management is commonly utilized for expanding businesses.
Theoretical and practical definitions and
classification of franchises are slightly
different domestically and internationally.
In order to understand the essence and the
major management model of franchising,
exploring the definition is the priority. The
relationship between franchisor and franchisee is a contract, not employment, with
which both parties precede specific commercial behaviors. Franchising therefore is
regarded as a contracted business management system.
Wang (2009) argued that franchises
were not cooperatively operated by franchisors and the chain stores, but a collaborative business. After all, franchisors and
the chain stores were independent businesses, which shared the roles and functions to enlarge the network and expand
the economic scale. Association of Chain
and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan (2009)
pointed out the contract between a franchisor and the franchisees (or an authorizee
who is an independent legal person, a
store, or an individual) that the franchisor
authorized the franchisees of the trademark, products, and management model
(management technique), and the franchisees paid the franchisor for the above
rights and received instructional trainings
and professional job assignment from the
franchisor. Li (2010) considered a real
franchising as the standardization and consistency of management concept, CIS,
product service, and management system.

The following management systems

should be taken into account for catering
franchises (Su, 2011).
1. Establishment of Operation and Management Center. It aims to establish a
set of franchising operation system and
plan the responsibilities of each department so as to smoothly precede the
2. Establishment of CIS (Corporate Identity System). Corporate Identity System is the key in present chain stores.
The primary contents of CIS cover to
have consumers generate new image
and perception and to combine CIS
and the management concept of chain
stores in order to attract consumers and
3. Selection of Store Location. The selection of locations is regarded as the key
success factor in franchising that the
evaluation of trade area and location
environment is the prior considerations
in the decision-making process.
4. Product Management. The major profits of chain stores are the products that
an accurate and effective product strategy and management for product orientation and structure, pricing, promotion, and distribution should be established.
5. Personnel Management. It aims at the
problems of human resource, recruitment, trainings, and employee retention.
6. Financial Management. Cash income
appears in convenience stores everyday that bad management or reinvestment is likely to cause management
risks. Retail industry, on the other
hand, is a location industry that the
capitals are normally sufficient, unless
management difficulties resulted from
bad locations. Aiming at cash management, a management system should
be established. (1) The enterprise capital should not be privately embezzled.
(2) Data and report management
should be well applied. (3) Investment
strategies should be evaluated in ad-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


vance. (4) Cash management in chain

stores should be controlled.
7. Store automation. Based on a standardized, systematic, and highly structural
commercial environment, the tools of
(1) Value Added Network (VAN), (2)
Electronic Ordering System (EOS), (3)
Point of Sale (POS), and (4) Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) are necessary.
8. Consultation of instructors. A successful franchising system aims to transform the power of franchisors into the
chain stores as the executive and
pleasure motivation, which relies on a
favorable medium supervisor. A supervisor mainly (1) assists the chain
stores in promoting businesses and
coping with competitors, (2) improves
and reinforces the product structure,
(3) inspects and improves the store
management, (4) promotes the policies
of the franchisor, and (5) builds up the
relationship with the franchisees.
9. Contract planning. The contract planning in developing chain stores closely
relates to the relationship between the
franchisor and the chain stores. For this
reason, the contract should be (1) clear
and easy to understand, (2) deliberate
and definite, (3) suitable for a long period of time, (4) fair and legal, and (5)
appropriately restricted, but not overrestricting the operation activities of
the chain stores or violating Fair Trade
10. Joining conditions. The selection items
contain (1) understanding personal
background of the franchisee, (2) the
setting of capital, self-fund, franchising
fee, and real estate, and (3) the store,
ownership, area, trade area condition,
and number of competitors
Summing up the above management
keys, the best benefit is created by mastering the standardization and systemization
and maintaining the good cooperation with
the franchisees.
Key Success Factors

Lin (2010) indicated that an enterprise could master the factors in industrial
fluctuations with Industry Analysis and
develop the limit resources into uniquely
competitive advantages for acquiring effective competitive advantages in the industry. Chin (2009) proposed that competitive technologies or assets were the
key in successful competition in specific
industry. Chen (2011) regarded Key Success Factors as a primary tool in management, an essence of competitiveness, and
an important consideration in planning and
decision-making. Huang (2009) argued
that a manufacturer should master the Key
Success Factors, the most important competitiveness or assets, in the industry so as
to establish sustainably competitive advantages. Yang (2010) considered Key Success Factors as the major elements in Industry Analysis and the references of internal resource allocation and technology
integration in an enterprise so that the enterprise could acquire the strength for success by mastering such key factors. Chen
(2009) indicated that a manufacturer could
present more successful management than
the competitors by completing certain
critical tasks in different phases.
Chin (2009) pointed out the sources
of competitive advantages for catering
franchising industry as (1) low cost, (2)
unique production line, (3) scale economy
created by a larger scale franchising system, (4) complete personnel system and
rich human resource, (5) complete logistic
system, (6) high popularity and favorable
image, (7) highly standardized products,
(8) advantages created by highly vertical
integration, including cost reduction, stable material supply, and economic operation, (9) highly differential management,
such as all-year-round and 24 hour-day,
(10) high-quality service, (11) complete
management techniques, (12) high customer satisfaction, (13) advantages of focusing on specific market, (14) advantages
from computerization, and (15) warm atmosphere for dining.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Yang (2010) mentioned the following

conditions to develop the management for
catering franchises. (1) A complete and
powerful franchisor with good personnel
trainings to control the quality of employees. (2) Sensitive business information
system for rapidly delivering consumer
responses to the product service in chain
stores to the franchisor in order to adjust
product strategies and modify business
management system according to the consumer and market demands. (3) Good financial system with deliberate financial
planning, accounting system, and auditing
system for smooth management. With
complete operation policies, a franchisor
could effectively control the operation of
each chain store. Yen (2010) concluded
the premises and conditions for a successful franchising system. (1) Correct understanding. The introduction of a franchising
system was a management concept, rather
than a tool for illegally collecting wealth.
(2) Presenting specific quality and responsibility to actively operate with strong belief. (3) Forming enterprise culture and
styles, rather than the expression of individualism. (4) Presenting unique characteristics on the product development and services. (5) Being able to develop unique
sales. (6) An enterprise with certain
awareness and favorable image. (7) Showing enormous capitals and financing ability. (8) With perfect organization and suitable talents for promoting the franchises.
In regard to the industrial characteristics,
Lo (2012) pointed out the importance of
the above problems for catering industry.
A sustainable franchising system should
reinforce and update the written-rule and
standardization of know-how with written
documents or files and well manage the
Yang (2010) summarized seven Key
Success Factors in operating a coffee shop,
as Service Quality, Product Quality and
Characteristics, Marketing, Store Style and
Characteristics, Customer Relationship
and Personal Capability of Shop Manager,

Selection of Trade Area and Location, and

Fitness of Business Meetings, in which
Customer Relationship and Personal Capability of Shop Manager, Service Quality,
and Product Quality and Characteristics
were ranked the top three in the perception
and mastering, presenting that coffee
shops not only emphasized such factors,
but also devoted to the implementation.
Chin (2009) proposed the KSFs for coffee
chain stores as (1) selection of location and
trade area, (2) complete educational training system, (3) ability to research and develop new products, (4) advertisement and
promotion, and (5) profitability of products.
Research Method
Research Framework
Based on the literature review, variables with high significance were organized for the Analytic Hierarchy Process
framework to discuss the Key Success
Factors in catering franchises.
Distribution and Retrieval of
Total 300 questionnaires were distributed to 10 chain stores of My Home
Steak in Tainan and Kaohsiung. With the
owners insistence on offering the customers with the best steak, My Home Steak
has led the trend. The clean and hygienic
kitchens are commonly praised. In 1990, it
enhanced the economic steak with highquality services. Following the economic
growth, customers expect to have multiple
choices. My Home Steak is aware of offering warmer and more comfortable experiences for the public. Nevertheless, the insistence on healthy flavor with the best
ingredients has never been changed. Dining in My Home Steak, people enjoy the
visual space with special steak, coffee,
refreshment, and salad as well as the services. Having organized the collected
questionnaires, 18 invalid ones were

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


1.Perfect Management
2.Complete Operation Manual

Management Ex-

3.Inpsection and Counseling System

perience of Fran-

4.Educational training and instruction


5.Unique Core Capability

1.Local Advertisement
2.Flexible Adjustment of Management

Marketing Capability of Franchisor

in Trade Areas
3.Market Expansion

Key Success Factors in Catering Franchises

4.Market Trend Capability

1.Product Conformity
2.Capability of Developing New Product

Logistical Support
of Franchisor

3.Quality Certification
4.Price of Supply
5.Logistic System

1.Product Diversity

Characteristics of
Product and Service

2.Product Characteristics
3.Right Guarantee
4.Degree of E-Business

Management Competence of Franchisor

1.Management Experience
2.Professional Knowledge

1.Service Standard

Service Quality of

Location of Franchise

2.Meeting Customer Requirements

3.Standard Operation

1.Tide of People at the Store

2.Local Consuming Capacity
3.Business Competitors

Figure 1. Research Framework

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


deducted for total 214 valid copies, with the

retrieval rate 71%.
Empirical Analysis
Since AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)
is applied to discussing the Key Success Factors in catering franchises, the establishment
of hierarchy and the relative weights are described in this chapter.
With Excel to calculate the weight of
each measurement index for analyses, the
second level of measurement index was first
analyzed to understand the sequence of Key
Success Factors. The consistency ratio of the
second level C.R.H.= 0.028< 0.1 showed the
consistency among the research subjects. The
third level was further proceeded Content
Analysis to measure the weight of the factors
being C.R.H.= 0.016<0.1, presenting the acceptable consistency of the level. The priorities of the indices in each level were further
sequenced, Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 shows the integrated opinions
from the questionnaire survey.
1. Within the Key Success Factors in Catering Franchises, Service Quality of Franchise appeared the highest importance
(0.22), followed by Location of Franchise
(0.19), Marketing Capability of Franchisor (0.17), Characteristics of Product and
Service (0.15), Management Competence
of Franchisor (0.12), Logistical Support
of Franchisor (0.10), and Management
Experience of Franchisor (0.05). Key
Success Factors in franchises presented
0.22 (Service Quality of Franchise) + 0.19
(Location of Franchise) + 0.17 (Characteristics of Product and Service) + 0.15
(Marketing Capability of Franchisor) +
0.12 (Characteristics of Product and Service) + 0.10 (Logistical Support of Franchisor) + 0.05 (Management Experience
of Franchisor).
2. Among the factors in Service Quality of

Franchise, Meeting Customer Requirements (0.082) showed the highest importance, followed by Service Standard
(0.048), and Standard Operation (0.022)
the least.
3. Among the factors in Location of Franchise, Tide of People at the Store (0.068)
revealed the highest importance, followed
by Local Consuming Capacity (0.046),
and Business Competitors (0.017) the
4. Among the factors in Characteristics of
Product and Service, Product Characteristics (0.067) appeared the highest importance, followed by Product Diversity
(0.047) and Right Guarantee (0.021), and
Degree of E-business (0.018) the least.
5. Among the factors in Marketing Capability of Franchisor, Molding Brand Image
(0.061) presented the highest importance,
followed by Flexible Adjustment of Management in Trade Areas (0.038), Market
Trend Capability (0.037), Market Expansion (0.025), and Local Advertisement
(0.021) the least.
6. Among the factors in Management Competence of Franchisor, Management Experience (0.050) appeared the highest importance and Professional Knowledge
(0.022) the least.
7. Among the factors in Logistical Support
of Franchisor, Product Conformity
(0.045) showed the highest importance,
followed by Capability of Developing
New Product (0.042), Price of Supply
(0.039), Logistic System (0.023), and
Quality Certification (0.019) the least.
8. Among the factors in Management Experience of Franchisor, Unique Core Capability (0.043) revealed the highest importance, followed by Inspection and
Counseling System (0.036), Educational
training and instruction (0.024), Complete

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


1.Unique Core Capability(0.043)

Management Experience of Franchi-

2.Inpsection and Counseling System(0.036)


3.Educational training and instruction(0.024)

4.Complete Operation Manual(0.020)


5.Perfect Management(0.019)

1.Molding Brand Image(0.061)

Marketing Capability of Franchisor

2.Flexible Adjustment of Management in


Trade Areas(0.038)
3.Market Trend Capability(0.037)

Key Success Factors in Catering Franchises

4.Market Expansion(0.025)

1.Product Conformity(0.045)

Logistical Support
of Franchisor

2.Capability of Developing New Prod-


3.Price of Supply(0.039)
4.Logistic System(0.023)

1.Product Characteristics(0.067)

Characteristics of
Product and Service


2.Product Diversity(0.047)
3.Right Guarantee(0.021)
4.Degree OF E-Business(0.018)

Management Competence of Franchisor

0.12 1.Management Experience(0.050)

2.Professional Knowledge(0.022)

Service Quality of


Location of Franchise


1.Meeting Customer Requirements(0.082)

2.Service Standard(0.048)
3.Standard Operation(0.022)

1.Tide of People at the Store(0.068)

2.Local Consuming Capacity(0.046)
3.Business Competitors(0.017)

Fig. 2: Weights of Key Success Factors in Catering Franchises

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Operation Manual (0.020), and Perfect Management (0.019) the least.

Conclusion and Suggestions
According to the data analyses and research conclusions, suggestions for practical
applications with Key Success Factors in catering franchises are proposed. The research
outcomes show the top three factors of Service Quality of Franchise, Location of Franchise, and Characteristics of Product and Service with the following suggestions.
1. Among the Key Success Factors in catering franchises, Service Quality of Franchise is regarded as the priority. Apparently, consumers present higher flavor
and demands on products and services
from franchises, which therefore continuous innovate to enhance Capability of
Developing New Product and promote the
quality so as to meet the increasing demands of consumers.

2. Location of Franchise is ranked the second of Key Success Factors in catering

franchises that sufficient target customers
in the area should be taken into account.
Most catering franchises are located in
noisy areas with a large tide of people.
However, such people are mobile, not for
specific purposes, in the areas that they
tend to select stores with famous brand, as
they perceive better security. Catering
businesses therefore should devote to
Molding Brand Image and provide favorable logistic support to enhance consumers confidence, increase the success of
chain stores, and attract the investment of
3. Characteristics of Product and Service is
the third factor. As the restrictions for catering industry is relatively low, differential products or services should be offered
for discriminating the market to attract
consumers and enhance the purchase intention.

Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan (2009.02.08)

Huang, Wei-ru (2009). The Relationship of

Relationship Bonding, Trust and Commitment- Moderating Effect of Relationship
Phases . Asia Pacific Management Review,
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Li, Hsin-mo (2010). Franchises Q A. Version II. Taipei: Business Weekly Publications.

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Perception. Journal of Management, 4(4),
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Management Research, 1(4), 49-63.

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Analysis of Key Success Factors for Franchise Chain Stores An Example of Chain
Bookstore. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 3(1), 102-119.
Lo, Li-ren (2012). A study on market discrimination and trade area evaluation for
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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Su, Shu-hua (2011). Analytical Study of Developoment of Franchise Business in the

Republic of China. Journal of Management, 2(3), 33-57.
Wang, Shiu-ying (2009). A Study of Market
Segmentation and Consumer Behavior in
Coffee Chain Shops. Journal of Commercial Modernization, 29, 34-36.
Yang, Jih-jung (2010). A Study of Key Success Factors of Coffee Stores. Sun Yat-Sen
Management Review, 3(3), 34-51.
Yen, Sheng-hao (2010). A study on Franchising Management ControlSystem Analysis Method. Journal of NCCU, 2(1), 66-82.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



An-Sheng Lee
Department of Wood-Based Materials and Design
National Chiayi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[email protected]
Wen-Ching Su(Corresponding author)
Department of Wood-Based Materials and Design
National Chiayi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[email protected]
Jenn-Kuan Chen
Department of Wood-Based Materials and Design
National Chiayi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Rong-Jen Lee
Department of Wood-Based Materials and Design
National Chiayi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Wei-Tsy Hong
Department of Wood-Based Materials and Design
National Chiayi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

In this study, the collected data were employed to examine and analyze the disadvantages of
traditional peacock chairs, and according to ergonomics, the dimensions were amended to
design a more ergonomic peacock chair. In addition to the dimension amendment, new elements were added to integrate tradition and the contemporary age in order to redesign a newstyle peacock chair.
The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


To shorten the production process and due tot the lack of profession technicians, Computer
Numerically Control (CNC) was employed instead of traditional handiwork to analyze the
manufacturing technology and procedures. Furthermore, various parts of a peacock chair
were compared to explore the possibility of the mass production of traditional furniture. The
redesign and production process of a peacock chair includes precise mold making, computeraided design and graphics, processing commands input, CNC router processing, and detailed
According to this study, applying a CNC router to the production of a peacock chair not only
is feasible but also does not need skillful traditional carpentry. That is, the processing time,
the dependence on traditional techniques, and the material waste reduce, and, meanwhile, the
new manufacturing method increases changes and challenges comparing with traditional
processing methods. In the new design, the seat of a peacock chair was reduced to 425 mm,
the tilt of the backrest was changed to 102, and each stretcher was lowered to 127 mm above
the ground. Therefore, the appearance of the peacock chair was beautified, and the comfort is
increased, but it is still a peacock chair. These modifications can be based in the future to
develop more diversified peacock chairs in order to enhance capacity of corporation innovation.
Keywords: traditional furniture; peacock chair; Computer Numerically Control (CNC);
ergonomics; design

Traditional furniture was very important for ancient Taiwanese. The furniture accompanied ancient Taiwanese to
witness the cultural changing process of
Taiwan. However, most of families use
western-style furniture nowadays, and the
traditional Taiwanese furniture with special historic importance has gradually declined among general families. However,
New Orientalism prevailing in European
and American furniture makes people
gradually value traditional Taiwanese cul

ture in recent years, and the beauty of traditional Taiwanese furniture thus attracts a
great deal of attention.
Traditional Taiwanese furniture
indicates the household utensils, tables,
chairs, cabinets, cupboards, racks, etc.,
which are of a classic Chinese style and
used generally in folk houses in Taiwan
before 1960 (Jian, 2000). Among them,
board benches and peacock chairs were the
most common in the agricultural society

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


since they could be used as not only din-

chairs. In addition, some problems related

ning chairs but also single chairs in various

to structure and comfort exist among tradi-

places (Su et al., 2007).

tional peacock chairs. Therefore, this study

was aimed to discover a modern method to

Peacock chair is also called Fuzhou

speedily produce ergonomic, structurally

chair, which was first produced in Fuzhou.

enhanced, and stylish peacock chairs.

After the Japanese colonization, westernstyle chairs were popular in Taiwan. Mor-

As time changes, the production

tise and tenon joints were employed to

integrate Chinese-style backrest chairs
with western curvy style, round seats, and
turnings. The backrest arc of a peacock
chair conforms to ergonomics, and the
slightly outward chair legs stabilize the
weight. There are simple openwork carving patterns on some seats to allow ventilation. The design is simple, poised, and
functional (Jian, 2000).
In traditional Taiwanese furniture,
there is not any metal in a peacock chair,
and the chair is simple, of graceful lines,
and ergonomic, which are unique in traditional furniture. Nevertheless, a chair was
mainly made by the ideas and craftsmanship of experienced professionals as well
as carpentry tools in the past. Efficiency
will be a problem if one would like to
manufacture 1000 chairs. Although modern machinery for carpentry is very developed in Taiwan, it is indeed difficult to
become familiar with a great number of
tools (Hong, 2006).
More people pay attention to the
beauty of peacock chairs, but most of the
peacock chairs made in recent years are
simply reproductions of ancient peacock

technology of furniture progresses with

each passing day. However, the pursuit of
modern processing and machine mass production makes the craftsmanship of traditional Taiwanese furniture gradually decline and become lost. At present, it is
indeed an important issue to continue the
characteristics of traditional Taiwanese
furniture as well as keep up the pace of the
times in order to preserve cultural and historic relics and enhance capacity of corporation innovation.
CNC is a basis for an industry to become automatized, and CNC routers are
indeed helpful for automatic production or
mass production, which not only saves
labor but also increases precision.
Design Methods
In this study, a CNC system was employed to examine the possibility of producing traditional Taiwanese peacock
chairs in order to conform to the need of
modernization, automation, and mass production, increase production efficiency,
and redesign a new, trendy model according to the forms of traditional peacock

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


chairs so as to create new styles of pea-

In ergonomics, the dimensions and

angles of one object vary according the

cock chairs.
To continue and circulate peacock

occasions of use. Generally, traditional

peacock chairs were used as dinning

chairs, the research purposes include:

chairs, so they were regarded as working

Using a CNC router to accelerate the pro-

chairs in this study.

duction process and increasing processing

precision in order to reduce labor consumption and shorten production time.
Enhancing ergonomic features.
Designing a new-style peacock chair and
producing it by a CNC router. The redesign procedures are illustrated in
Figure 1. (All Figures and Tables are at
the end of this article.)
Result and Discussion
Design Analysis
Traditional Peacock Chair Reproduction.
There are usually two turnings in the
backrest of a traditional peacock chair,
which was an important style of the Japanese colonization (Chen, 1996; 2006). The
structure of a traditional peacock chair

The seat of a common traditional

peacock chair is about 440~490mm high,
which is obviously too high and does not
conform to the builds of Taiwanese.
Hence, the seat of a peacock chair was
lowered to 425mm in this study, so when a
person sits on it, the waist will be less
stressed, and the feet can be placed on the
ground easily (Li, 1980; Su, 2010). Since
the seat was lowered, the legs tilted
slightly inward for the overall beauty and
harmony and avoiding the look of light top
and heavy bottom. Similarly, based on the
golden proportion, namely 1:1.618, the
stretchers were also lowered down to
127mm. However, the backrest is already
ergonomic, similar to traditional peacock
chairs, so the tilt angle was set as 102, as
shown in Figure 2.

tended to be complete.
Mortise and tenon joints and lap
joints were applied to a traditional peacock
chair, and the lap joint between the back
legs and the seat was weaker. Therefore,
ergonomics was applied to the improvement while the original structure of a traditional peacock chair was maintained in this

Furthermore, for characteristic

turning backrest ribs, the design proportion of Su et al. (2007) was applied to the
backrest stretchers of this product, as
shown in Figure 3.
New Peacock Chair Design
Based on traditional peacock chairs,
two new peacock chairs, which are different from traditional peacock chairs and

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


bring people new feelings, were estab-

lished to confirm the connection of the

lished in this study. The basic dimensions

parts and the over appearance after assembly.

are identical to the dimensions of the traditional peacock chair modified in this study.
Graceful curves are a feature of traditional

Processing Engineering Analysis

peacock chairs, so more lines were added

in this study.
There was not critical change in tradi-

In this study, a CNC router was used

to produce peacock chairs. First, AlphaCAM was employed to draw, edit the

tional backrest shapes. The original design

in this study was to allow light objects,
such as kettles and scarves, to be firmly

processing paths, and simulate actual cutting (Su, 2010). The materials were prepared, the parts were milled, and then, the

hung on the backrest of a chair. Finally, a

shape similar to the roof of a temple was
modified and applied to the top splat,
which thus looks not only traditional but
also stylish. A traditional backrest usually
consists of 2 or three turnings, or it is usually a board backrest similar to the Queen
Anny style in England in 17th century
(Vandal, 1990). To harmonize with the top
splat, the backrest designed in this study
was of two curved boards, which is very
different from traditional design.

parts were assembled to confirm the precision after the confirmation was made.

Simple lap joints are usually employed in traditional stretchers. However,

to match the curved shape of the backrest,
the stretchers in this study were also designed to be curved in order to make the
entire look more like a whole.
Generally, the legs of peacock chairs are
curvy, but they look drab. Thus, an angle
was added to each leg to make it look
neater and pithier (Figure 4). After the
aforementioned design graph was accomplished, a 1 5 precision model was estab-

Material preparation
1. Material preparation
Pinus Radiate D.Don (or New Zealand Radiata Pine) was used to produce the
peacock chair. In the preparation, 4
2100mm 150mm 50mm planks of
New Zealand Radiata Pine were prepared,
and each of they was then cut into three
equal parts. In total, there were 12
700mm 150mm x 50mm planks. A
hand plane was used to plane the surface
of the planks and modify the angles. Then,
planks with similar veins and colors were
2. Plank collage
According to the material dimensions
in the AlphaCAM file, the 700mm
150mm x 50mm planks of New Zealand
Radiata Pine were collaged. The dimen-

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


sions of the collaged planks are summarized as follows:

Seat: One 700mm 450mm 50mm
plank (2 seats)
Leg: One 700mm 450mm 50mm

(3) The top splats were glued and assembled, and a clamping apparatus was
used to fasten the two parts of each
top splat until they were dry.
(4) The rough surfaces were initially

plank (8 legs)
Top Splat: One 700mm 450mm
50mm plank (2 top splats)

sanded by a vertical belt sander to

Stretcher: One 700mm 450mm

50mm plank (8 stretchers)
The collaged planks were stacked

upper part of each top splat was

chamfered to increase the comfort
brought by the backrest. Since this
study was for product development

up properly with rods between them to

avoid warp.

Plank surface modification and calibration.

Since the smoothness of the planks

were highly required, a hand plane was
first used to plane the surfaces of the
planks, and a single-sided automatic plane
was then employed to calibrate the surfaces, so when a CNC router was applied
to processing, the materials could be fixed
on the processing platform.
1. Making top splats
(1) The collaged plank was planed to the
thickness of 28mm.
(2) According to the design, the width of
each top splat was originally 56mm.
However, the thickness of New Zealand Radiata Pine is only 50mm, and
56mm is too thick for the CNC
router. Thus, each top splat was divided into two parts, 28mm each, for

make them smoother. Moreover, the

instead of mass production, a vertical

belt sander was applied to the process. For mass production, it will be
faster to process the upper part of
each top splat by molds and shapers.
When a CNC router is employed to
mill a mortise, the corners of the mortise
hole will be arched, so it will not be able to
exactly fit the tenon of each back chair leg.
Therefore, it is necessary to use an angle
chisel machine to chisel the corners into
right-angle corners. For mass production,
an oval tenoner can be used to produce
oval tenons.
(5) The processing procedures are illustrated in Figure 5.
2. Making seats
(1) The collaged plank was planed to the
thickness of 34mm.
The both sides of a seat can be processed
through a CNC router. To avoid that the
plank can not be held on the platform
when the second side is processed, it is
necessary to process the bottom of the seat

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


first, namely making the mortise hole of

tity of milling would be excessive, which

the front legs and proceeding the 3D sur-

will not only speed up the wear of the

face A hand router was used to chamfer

the seat in order to increase the comfort

knife but also influence the fixation of the

materials. Therefore, when the CNC router

when a user sits on it. The procedures are

was used to process the stretchers, a trench

illustrated in Figure 6.

larger than each stretcher was milled to

3. Making chair legs

The collaged plank was planed to the

reduce the milling quantity of the second

thickness of 37mm.
There was not any special processing
method when the legs were milled.

chine was used, and a suitable guide plate

was prepared to turn each arched tennon
into a right-angle tenon for the convenience of joint.

A desktop bandsaw machine was employed to transform the arched corners,

which could not be processed by a CNC
router, into right-angle corners in order to
better match the seats. According to the
design, an angle chisel machine was used
to create mortises. Since the legs were
curvy, and each leg and each stretcher
were not jointed in a 90 angle, each leg
was chocked higher to form a 90 angle
with the platform of the angle chisel machine for tightly jointing the stretchers and
A hand router was used to process the
chamfers, and the radius was 6mm.
The processing procedures are illustrated
in Figure 7.
4. Making stretchers
The collaged plank was planed to the
thickness of 25mm.
Each stretcher and each leg were jointed
through a mortise and tenon joint. To
completely joint them, the mortise and
tenon should fit each other. When a CNC
router is applied to the process, if vertical
processing is carried out directly, the quan-

process. A desktop circular sawing ma-

A circular sawing machine installed with a

grooving knife was used to create transverse grooves for lap joints.
(1) The stretchers of the new peacock
chairs are thin in the middle and thick
in both ends. In this study, a vertical
belt sander was used to sand the predetermined shape. For mass production, a shaper should be employed, and
molds should be made. The processing
procedures are illustrated in Figure 8.
5. Making backrest ribs
(1) A 1:1 graph was printed, cut, and
pasted on the 12mm plank. A desktop
bandsaw machine was used to saw the
plank along the lines. For mass production, a shaper should be combined with
molds in the shape cutting process.
(2) Each backrest rib has a tilt to the top
splat, so a desktop bandsaw machine
was used to saw the slope of the tenon.
(3) A vertical belt sander was used to carefully sand each rib for making it
(4) A hand router was used to chamfer

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


each rib.
(5) The processing procedures are summarized in Figure 9.
6. Gluing and assembling

in this study was 102 . However, after the legs and the top splat of a chair

(1) First, the front and back legs and

were assembled, the backrest ribs slightly

tilted forward, which caused a 90 angle

stretchers were assembled, glued, and

between the seat and the backrest, which

fastened until the glue was dry. The

seat was then installed but not glued,

further resulted in discomfort of sitting.

Therefore, the tilt was adjusted to 110 ,

(2) The seat was glued and fastened; the
backrest was installed and slightly fixed.

and the thickness of each backrest was

(3) The backrest ribs and top splat were

jointed and glued. The processing
procedures are shown in Figure 10.

creased comfort an beauty.

Ergonomic Analysis
1. Height of seat
According to ergonomics, each seat
was lowered to 425mm, which is within
the range of chi (or literally, lucky) on
the Lu Ban Ruler, a traditional Chinese
measurement tool for Feng Shui. Each
stretcher was also lowered to 127 mm due
to the height of each chair. The distance
between the stretchers and the seat of each
chair is approximately 230 mm, which
forms the gold proportion of 1:1.618. The
height of the backrest of each chair is
260mm, which makes each chair not only
ergonomic but also visually beautiful and
2. Tilt of a backrest
The tilt of the backrest of a traditional
peacock chair is mostly 100 or generally
between 97 and 101 (Su et al., 2007).

The tilt of the back legs originally designed

increased. The tilt between the seat and the

backrest thus became 102 , which in-

According to ergonomics, the dimensions of each peacock chair were redesigned to make each chair more userfriendly. The redesigned peacock chairs
and traditional peacock chairs are compared in Table 1.
In this study, two peacock chairs were
semiautomatically through a CNC router instead of the handiwork of professionals for
improving production efficiency. If the
production of traditional furniture can be
automatized or mass-produced, historic
traditional furniture will be preserved forever among ever-changing technologies.
When a CNC router is used to produce the parts of a chair, it is still necessary to modify the joints of some parts by
hand to make up for the disadvantages
caused by the production of a CNC router.
For example, it is necessary to use a band-

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


saw machine or an angle chisel machine to

nologies are well used to improve the pro-

transform the arched corners milled by a

duction, people without great skill in traditional woodworking can also produce

CNC router into right-angle corners, so

that the parts will be better jointed when
they are assembled. To solve this problem,
oval mortise and tenon joints can be employed to conform to the processing feature of a CNC router.
The most critical problem of the design of traditional peacock chairs lies in
that the seat of each chair is usually too
high, so if one sits on it for too long, it is
easy to have waist or spinal fatigue. To
solve this problem, the height of the two
chairs in this study was adjusted according
to the overall harmony as well as the
golden proportion. Moreover, the chair leg
angle and the height of the stretchers were
also adjusted accordingly. The actual
comparison with traditional peacock chairs
showed that the redesigned peacock chairs
are more ergonomic.
The leg tilt of the redesigned peacock
chairs was originally 102, but due to the
arc of the top splat of each chair, the backrest slightly tilted forward, which caused a
90 angle between the seat and the back-

rest. Therefore, the tilt was then adjusted

to 110 , so the tilt between the seat and the
backrest became 102 . The actual final

products are thus much more comfortable

and beautiful.

meaningful historic relics. The study also

could provide the styles of the innovational peacock chairs for references of
furniture designers when creating new

Li, J. H. (1980). The Ergonomics and
Design of Chairs. Taipei: Liuho.
Hong, Y. C. (2006). The Integration of
Nature and Handiwork- New Taiwanese Wood Furniture. Taipei:
Chen, Q. X. (1996). The Investigation
and Promotion of Traditional Agricultural Furniture in Taiwan (II).
Douliou: Yutech Books.
Chen, Q. X. (2006). Reflection on the
Modern Design of Traditional Tai
wanese Furniture. Beauty of Furniture
Seminar of Traditional Taiwanese
Furniture, 64-81.
Jian, R. C. (2000). Traditional Taiwanese Furniture. Taoyuan: Taoyuan
County Heritage Association.

In summary, this method was used to redesign traditional Taiwanese furniture in

this study. It was found that if new techThe International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Su, W. Q. (2010). Ergonomics. Department of Forest Products Science

and Furniture Engineering, Chiayi.

Su, W. Q. (2010). Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing. Department of Forest Products Science
and Furniture Engineering, Chiayi.
Su, W. Q. & Sun, Q. H. (2007). An Investigation on the Design and
Structural Damage of Traditional
Taiwanese Peacock Chairs. Forest
Products Industries, 26(4): 267276.
Vandal, N. 1990. Seating furniture in
Queen Anne Furniture. The
Taunton Press. USA. P.35-52.

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 1. Redesign schema of peacock chair

Design concepts
Peacock chair data collection
Traditional peacock chair examination
Design and creation

Actual object production



Draft design
Engineering design
Final design
1:5 model production

Figure 2. The three-view graph of peacock chair.

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 3. The proportion of turning.

Figure 4. The three-view graph f the redesigned peacock chair.

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 5. Making processes of top splat.

The AlphaCAM graph of top splat

Processing the top splat of a new peacock chair

An unassembled top splat

Gluing and assembling a top splat

An accomplished top splat

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 6. Making processes of seat.

Applying a CNC router to the 3D surface processing of the seat

Transforming the arched corners of a
mortise hole into right-angle corners

Transforming the arched corners of a

mortise hole into right-angle corners

Figure 7. Making processes of leg.

Using a CNC router to mill the legs

Using an angle chisel machine

to create the mortise holes

A CNC router can not process right

angle corners.

Chamfering a leg
A completed leg

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 94

Figure 8. Making stretchers for redesigned peacock chairs.

Milling the stretchers by a CNC router

Sawing a right-angle tenon

Making a lap joint

Making the stretchers of a

redesigned peacock chair

An accomplished transverse
groove for a lap joint

The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 9. Making processes of rib.

Sawing a rib
Sanding the rough surface of a rib

Chamfering a rib
A completed rib

Figure 10. Assembly of the chair parts.

Fastening the chair legs with clamping apparatuses

Assembling the front and back legs and the stretcher

Assembling the top splat

Assembling the seat


The International Journal Of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1. The Comparison between Traditional Peacock Chairs and

Newly Designed Peacock Chairs.

Traditional Peacock Chair

Newly Designed Peacock Chairs (2 Patterns)

Dinning Chair

Working Chair or Dinning Chair

Occasion of

Height of Seat

The height of the chairs is

between 440 and 490mm, but
the chairs are usually higher,
which is less suitable for

The height of the chairs was reduced to 425mm, so they

are ergonomic and reduce the burden of ones waist.

Chair Leg

The chair legs tilt slightly

outward, approximately 15.

Since the height of each seat was reduced, the tilt of each
leg was changed to 8 in order to increase the over harmony.

Height of
(Above the

The height is between 190mm

and 235mm.

Based on the golden proportion of 1:1.618, the height was

changed to 127mm.

Overall Design

The appearance is graceful,

and the design is simple.

Based on traditional peacock chairs, the details of the two

chairs were improved, so they look not only traditional
but also modern.



The joints are usually mortise

and tenon joints and lap
joints. The structure of each
chair is strong except the
joints between the seat and
back legs.
The chairs were hand-made.
Only skillful professionals
can produce them in small

The overall structure is similar. The traditional jointing

method is kept, and the amendment is based on ergonomics.

The two chairs were semi-automatically produced through

a CNC router. One only needs to have basic skills.

Table 1 (continued)

Traditional Peacock Chair

Occasion of Use

Dinning Chair


The seat of each chair is usually too high, but the tilt of
each backrest is ergonomic.

Newly Designed Peacock Chairs (2 Patterns)

Working Chair or Dinning Chair
The dimensions were redesigned, so each chair is ergonomic.


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Yu-Jen Tsen
Center for General Education
TransWorld University
[email protected]
Education of high-caliber talent knows no boundary. To enhance the national compositeness,
it is essential to break the mould of traditions and create innovations and creativity in the era
of knowledge economy. Universities have grown far more complex in recent years in order to
face increasing competition. However, there is a lack of objective and authoritative performance indices available for colleges and universities. Hence, the redesigning and improvement
of conventional performance management and control systems of colleges are a critical issue.
The main purpose of this research is to construct a set of performance indices for colleges.
First, we aim at functional and achievements target of the college performance evaluation
system based on the theories and implementation references in knowledge management and
performance evaluation. An explorative analysis was conducted to design a performance indices questionnaire for the evaluation of colleges, and re-examine the connotation of the
questionnaire structure by referring to inputs from scholars. Finally, a questionnaire survey
with in-depth interviews was conducted with five scholars who had been involved in planning and evaluating the performance evaluation system of colleges. The structure of evaluation and indices of performance were revised accordingly. The suggested performance indices of a college are divided into four dimensions: the benefit orientation of internal work, the
service improvement orientation in teaching and curriculum, the benefit orientation of students and the market, the orientation of innovation and research, these four dimensions consist of 23 sub-dimensions and 85 items. We hope this coherent approach can serve as a reference to future research.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Performance Appraisal
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Globalization, competition and the

calls for reforms impose many daunting

ora of policies and actively respond to

external changes and meet with the needs
of students and parents, it is important to
redesign and improve the traditional per-

challenges for higher-education institutes

in terms of budgetary sources and allocations, teaching quality and operational
management. It is a critical issue to effec-

formance management system and formulate a new set of performance indices to

facilitate the performance management of

tively evaluate performances so as to facilitate the maximization of operational

and managerial benefits. Tasked to educate
talents, schools are on the forefront of the

The 21st century is the era of

knowledge economy. Intellectual capital
has replaced labor and capital as the most

development of intellectual capital. Generally speaking, schools are domesticated

organizations, relatively stable and conservative, weak in adapting to environmental

important assets of companies. Conventional wisdom in management and strategies cannot cope with rapid changes and
intense competition nowadays. Sustainable

changes. Meanwhile, schools are also

knowledge organizations, emphasizing the
expertise and autonomy of educating professionals. This loosely coupled structure

operations are only possible after effective

transformations (Chang, 2002). These new
managerial concepts mean schools, like
companies, are increasingly becoming

also undermines overall competitiveness

(Chang, 2002). Therefore, the directions
and strategies of educational reforms
should be anchored on the characteristics

performance-driven. Whether performance

management is achieved as expected depends on whether performances are evaluated properly. Hence, scholars are con-

of school education and the modern management know-how, in order to enhance

quality and functionality of university education (We, 2000). Stufflebeam (2000)

cerned with whether performance management tools and construction methodologies ensure professional standards in
task performances. Most of the studies in

suggested that assessment is a systematic

review of the value/strength of any given
project, plan, service or other subject matter (translated by Huang Shu-dong, 2005:

Taiwan on reorganization are from the

academics focused on corporate management. Only a small number of papers come
from educational institutions. The majority

334). The purpose is to determine the

strength, value or importance of the reviewed subject (Scriven, 1991). This can
have significant influence over university

of the studies on school reorganization in

Taiwan are concerned with how educators
and scholars perceive structural adjustments (Huang, 2002). These papers ad-

education, learning subjects, and product

quality. To effectively implement a pleth-

dress issues such as school re-engineering

(Lin, 2001; Wu, Lin, 2002) and the rela-


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


tionship between school re-engineering

and knowledge management (Huang,
2003; Chen 2003; Chuang, Tseng, Chiu,
2005) and the construction of school indi-

ize knowledge to create and innovate, in

order to achieve competitive advantage
and sustainable developments. In sum, this
study aims to construct a performance

cators (Chuang, 1999; You, 2000; Chang,

2004; Chung, 2004; Yeh, 2004; Tsai,
2005), However, there is a scarcity of papers examining the construction of school

evaluation system that translates the strategic goals of universities into tangible
action plans. The purpose is to provide a
complete picture of college management

performance indices. Therefore, it is important to build a timely and appropriate

set of university performance indices able
to reflect the effectiveness of strategies

and construct a methodology for comprehensive performance indices. This will

serve as a performance management tool
for colleges and facilitate the achievement

and targets. It is a trend in the era of innovative management, as well as a key driver
of school competitiveness. It is one of the
most critical issues in the educational re-

of strategic goals. This study performs an

exploratory data analysis, with an initial
focus on Taiwan. The construction of performance indices is based on literature

form of Taiwan.
The innovation in the management
of universities is more than just a concept,

reviews and such a framework will serve

as a reference to theoretic foundations and
implementation procedures for the study.
The next step is to submit the draft ques-

but also about actions and implementations

(Wu, 2004). Peter F. Drucker says, Innovate or Die. In other words, developments
are only possible with innovations. Com-

tionnaire to the interviewees for a review,

to ensure the hierarchical structure and
contents are appropriate. Finally, this study
gathers the feedback from the schools with

petitiveness is only achieved via innovations. Universities have been at the focal
point of educational reforms over the past
decade and under the influence of man-

the experience or know-how in college

planning via in-depth interviews in order
to construct or modify the list of college
performance indices. The goal is to de-

agement concepts in the new century. Universities have to constantly change and
innovate to cope with challenges one after
another (Tai & Pu, 2006). Also, the public

velop a set of performance review indices

suitable to colleges and universities.

has high expectations for educational reforms in universities. There is an increasing emphasis on the option of education.
Universities are no longer domesticated.

been increasingly complex due to the

changing times. This means a different set
of performance review indices is required.
Are the indices developed by the education

Rather, they are exposed to market competition. Therefore, universities have to util-

authorities suitable for universities? Which

are the appropriate indices? Which are the

The educational environment has

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 100

outdated ones? In fact, there is no standardized set of performance indices formulated by the education authorities. This
makes it impossible to stay abreast of and

ment mechanism for colleges and universities.

respond to the rapidly changing environment. In the knowledge economy, traditional management concepts cannot adapt
to the rapidly changing and highly com-

plore the philosophies and methodologies

in the construction of performance indices
for colleges and universities in order to
make up the inefficiency of conventional

petitive environment. In fact, the performance evaluation mechanism for colleges

and universities should aim to assist the
creation of school value and maximization

performance reviews. It attempts to identify the strategic goals pertinent to schools

on the basis of the management concepts
in the knowledge economy. It will help to

of operating performances. The planning

of the performance evaluation is the starting point of the proper evaluation of performances. This can help to apply per-

cope with the uncertainties and challenges

of the business environment and assist
educators to effectively monitor the performance reviews. Given a lack of the em-

formance metrics into the management of

colleges and universities and articulate the
visions and goals of higher education institutions. It will also help in the identifica-

pirical studies concerning the construction

of college performance indices, this study
performs an exploratory data analysis to
ensure the results meet the requirement of

tion of potential obstacles in the implementation process and assist in the elimination or determination of such obstacles.
This will guide the applications of the per-

parents, students and education evaluation

authorities. The first step is to review the
literature in Taiwan and overseas concerning the concept of knowledge management

formance metrics and accumulation of

planning experience to facilitate the establishment of college performance indices by
managers. It will benefit the growth of

evaluations and the construction of performance indices. This will serve as a reference and benchmark to the theoretic and
practical procedures of the overall research

schools and satisfy the needs of parents

and students. As a result, the details of the
performance indices are better aligned
with the goals and performance manage-

framework. Next, this study designs a

questionnaire and conducts in-depth interviews to ensure the list of college performance indices are relevant, measurable and

ment in colleges and universities. In fact,

performance indices can make up where
the assessment mechanism set by the education authorities falls short of. In sum, the

appropriate. This will assist in the improvement of management in colleges and

universities and set the tone for follow-up

Therefore, this study aims to ex-

construction of performance indices is

critical for the improvement of manageThe International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 101

The traditional definition of performances can no longer interpret the

organizations (Schuler, 1995). Evans et al.

(1996) suggested that performance appraisals are an element of management and
control. Performance appraisals and per-

modern implications of performances.

Also, the convention management techniques can no longer encompass modern
management. Benjamin Franklin says that

formance management help companies to

effectively manage, measure and control
resources. In fact, performance evaluation
is a measurement system that is combined

knowledge is the investment with the

highest return. Management guru Peter
Drucker positions knowledge as the new
cornerstone for competition in the post-

with bonuses and compensations. In the

short term, measurement serves to control
daily operations and modify targets. In the
long term, it is a tool for strategic man-

capitalism society (1993). This production

factor is the most important resource in the
globalized economy. To gain a deep understanding of the effects of performance

agement, planning and achievement (Chu,

2005). Drucker also indicated that one of
the basic tasks for managers is to evaluate
and assess. Managers should establish

assessment and knowledge management

on the integrated system, this study reviews the definitions, purposes, importance, integration and trends of perform-

measurement standards. Few other factors

are as important as this one as far as performances of organizational members are
concerned (Lin, 2002). Performance re-

ance assessment and knowledge management.

Performance Assessments

views and performance management usually consist of four steps: the determination of assessed contents, the selection of
appropriate assessment methods, the feed-

In the book The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker explains that performances are the direct outcome. Scholars in

back of the assessment results and the review of the assessment system (Schuler
and Jackson 1996). Niven (2005) pointed
out the issues concerning performance

Taiwan and overseas have come up with

their interpretations of performance appraisals. Performance appraisals are usually a formal and structured system to

appraisals: (1) the restrictions of financial

performance metrics; (2) the increase of
intangible assets, often the factor that contributes to the success of an organization.

evaluate, review and affect employees

work-related characteristics, behavior and
results. It is a way of discovery work effectiveness and understanding whether

A new performance evaluation system is

required to track the value of intangible
assets so that it is possible to predict and
drive future success; (3) challenges in stra-

better performances are achievable. The

purpose is to benefit both employees and

tegic implementations. To success, it is

necessary to translate strategies into ac-

Literature Review

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 102

tions and detail the necessary tasks on a

daily basis to all the members of an organization. As a rule of thumb, 35% of the
progress in the quality of strategic imple-

regeneration of an organization. The purpose is to enhance productivity, increase

assets and improve the capability of coping with external change and constantly re-

mentations is relevant to 30% of the shareholders value. However, many organizations are overly and almost exclusively
focused on financial goals and as a result,

engineering (Wu, 2001). Therefore, organizations should consider knowledge a

most important asset and properly manage
it (Senge, 1990; Drucker; Davenport et al.,

they become disconnected with the implementations of the performance evaluation system and ignorant of the drivers of
implementation strategies. In fact, it is

1998). According to Wang et al. (2001),

knowledge is an abstract term with many
different meanings. Hence, there are many
interpretations of knowledge management.

necessary to start with visions and strategies by translating them into track-able
performance assessments. Hence, the
measurement of intangible assets should

For example, there are perspectives based

on strategies and leadership (with a focus
on goals and procedures), knowledge contents and practical aspects (with a focus on

be incorporated because it is able to reflect

the value-creation mechanism and resolve
the issues associated with performance

knowledge and actions), technological

aspects (with a focus on systems and techniques), change management (with a focus
on integration and management) and or-

There are many definitions and

ganizational reengineering (with a focus

on transformations and reengineering).
Wang Cheng-Yen and Li & Chen (2001)
consolidated the definitions by different

classifications of knowledge but all scholars agree to the following: knowledge has
replaced land, capital and labor and become the most important economic re-

companies, organizations, scholars and

experts on knowledge management, and
classified knowledge management into
knowledge contents & practical aspects,

source in the information society (Drucker,

1989). In the 1990s, knowledge management started to attract attention. Knowledge management is a set of methods with

technological aspects, strategy & leadership, change management and organizational reengineering.

which organizations utilize information

technology. It is a process of gathering,
organizing, storing, transforming, sharing
and using knowledge in the context of

Broadly speaking, the measurement for knowledge management within

an organization is the process of investing
in knowledge management, achieving tar-

organizational cultures and structures. This

process ensures constant innovations and

gets and return on investment. It is an assessment on outcomes in order to under-

Knowledge Management

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 103

stand the effectiveness and efficiency in

strategic goal achievements. The purpose
is to set a benchmark for follow-up actions
and improvements (Lin, 2008). Knowl-

Assessments and Knowledge Management

edge management pays particular emphasis on human capital, i.e. the development
of personnel expertise, in order to enhance
productivity and innovation capability

sence, performance assessments are

control function of management. It
passive and active implications. The
mer refers to the understanding of

(Wang, 2000). Meanwhile, globalization

and the competition to meet customers
needs also force companies to treat employees in the context of knowledge or-

status and progress of planning. In case of

deviation to a certain degree, it is necessary to take corrective measures. The latter
is the influence of guidance from manag-

ganization by focusing on their career development and professional expertise. Of

course, knowledge management requires
consolidation, transfer and integration of

ers in decision-making and behavior via

the establishment of a performance appraisal system ex-ante or in progress. The
purpose is to align personal goals and or-

the knowledge owned by different employees in order to build up the intellectual

capital of an organization. This is why
companies are setting up the position of

ganizational targets. According to a recent

study by Arian Ward on Hughes Aerospace, 15~20% of the managements team
is spent on searching for knowledge and

CKOs (Chief Knowledge Officers) who

are responsible for knowledge management. Over the recent years, knowledge
management has also been attracting atten-

responding to requests associated with

knowledge. In terms of management and
practices, knowledge is critical. Most importantly, it is necessary to leverage per-

tion in educational institutions. This is

particularly important for the heritage of
administrative experience because of the
higher turnover of administrators. If the

formance management and knowledge to

create competitive advantages and values
of colleges and universities. It is the key to
success in the knowledge economy. The

administrative work contents and procedures can be stored in computers, it can

mitigate the problems caused by staff
turnovers and maintain normal operations

studies in Taiwan relevant to knowledge

management and the construction of performance indices are as follows: Chen and
Chen (2003), Su (2003), Yang (2004),

of schools. Some schools have set up

knowledge management function and this
is a good practice for other schools to follow (Chang, 2002).

Chang (2004), Tu (2005), Shih (2005), Lai

(2005), Lin (2006), Wu (2006), Chen and
Yang (2006), Hsu (2006), Peng (2006),
Tsai (2007), Evaluation of Universities by

Importance of Performance

the Ministry of Education (2007), Liao


Companies and universities both

pursue performances and growth. In esthe

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 104

The performance evaluation in the

corporate world must be combined with
the key success factors that guide through

A good assessment system must

start with organizational visions and
strategies and convert such visions and

the achievement of strategic goals and

visions. It is the same with the performance evaluation of colleges and universities. The assessment in knowledge-related

strategies into actionable, track-able,

measurable performance indices. What are
the key considerations for effective measurement of university performances?

factors is essential to the maintenance of

the competitiveness of intangible assets
such as diversified knowledge. In the
knowledge-based competition, it is critical

Firstly, the knowledge transferred by colleges and universities are an intangible

assets. They are the key factor to the success and value creation of schools. Col-

to ensure the capability in the development

and utilization of intangible assets because
such capability multiplies the effects of
knowledge for both companies and univer-

leges and universities need a new performance appraisal system that focusing on the
value of intangible assets and able to predict and drive future success. To gain a

sities. However, unlike companies, universities are non-profit organizations. Knowledge is an intangible asset of schools.
Also, performances are the most priori-

deep understanding of the educational

characteristics in schools, it is necessary to
master the knowledge in modern management. In fact, the purpose of knowledge

tized consideration because conventional

financial metrics cannot fully reflect the
value activities of the organizations.
Hence, the performances of colleges and

management is to ensure the creation, accumulation and application of knowledge

(Chao, 1998), and hence the new lease of
life and value of such knowledge. To en-

universities are not solely based on financial metrics. It is necessary to establish a

comprehensive set of measurement tools to
evaluate the achievement of missions and

hance the educational quality in colleges

and universities and fulfill the educational
function of universities, it is necessary to
formulate a set of feasible management

visions of schools. Therefore, to ensure

sustainable growth and development of
colleges and universities in the new century, it is necessary to devise a set of ap-

strategies. There are four basic steps in the

construction of performance indices for
colleges and universities and they are as
follows: (1) the definition of the key fac-

propriate performance metrics and indices

in order to drive the pursuit of educational

tors driving the ultimate satisfaction of the

needs of students and parents, and such
factors including time, cost, quality and
product functions; (2) the mapping of the

Integration of Performance Assessments

and Knowledge Management

multiple functions for the whole value

creation process; (3) the identification of

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 105

the key tasks and prerequisite capabilities

for the successful completion of the whole
process; (4) the design and tracking of the
indices for such tasks and capabilities. The

enhance its knowledge. This ensures the

accuracy, appropriateness and timeliness
of knowledge owned by an organization.
The purpose of the strategic management

most effective performance indices are

often expressed in appropriate numbers.
For example, an index measured with a
new or unique indicator provides more

of knowledge is to support an organization

to become a learning organization or a
competent one. An organization must be
able to create, obtain and transform

value than an indicator expressed with an

absolute number (Chiu, 2004). However, it
is worth noting that the managers of colleges and universities should instruct on

knowledge, as well as modify its performance assessment model accordingly to

reflect new knowledge and visions (Kotnour, 1997). Schools have different em-

the strategic goals so that all the teams

understand how to align work and strategies. It is also necessary to provide training and learning so that each group can

phases on the measurement of the effectiveness of knowledge management. As a

result, there are many different methods
and tools for the measurement. Will (1999)

establish their own metrics. To ensure all

the teams can perform and are responsible
for their own performances, managers
must track and assist in the achievement of

examined the relationship between knowledge management and financial performances of companies and suggests that investments in knowledge management are

such performances. In sum, the construction of performance indices for colleges

and universities is an across-the-board
approach. It can assist managers to trans-

often about improvements of fundamental

bases. The effects on financial performances are via the following three intermediate factors: (1) the effectiveness of inter-

form visions and strategies via PDCA

process into a set of coherent performance

nal-operations orientation; (2) the improvement of products and services orientation; (3) the effectiveness of external
customers and markets orientation. The

To ensure the efficiency of performance assessments, knowledge management and innovation, it is important
that strategies of an organization dictate its

more direct the effects of any assessment

on causal relationships, the shorter the
causal relationship path and the easier the
assessment on effectiveness. This study

structure. Each strategic focus also intends

to align schools with the specific market
needs they address (Hong, 2000). Organizations have to constantly improve the

modifies the relationship proposed by Will

(1999) between knowledge management
and school effectiveness (Figure 1). Arthur
Andersen Consulting (1999) defined

accuracy of predictions and decisions in

the process of knowledge management to

knowledge management as the process of

systematically obtaining, creating, owning,

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 106

co-owning, learning and using information. Knowledge management is the engine to transform ideas into corporate
value. The process of understanding, ap-

rics in the accounting system. Many effects influence the ultimate benefits via
indirect and non-financial metrics not associated with accounting information. In

plying and experiencing knowledge can

enhance performances. In sum, the modifications of fundamental bases of knowledge
management in schools exercise their ef-

other words, knowledge is created, obtained, shared and enhanced value in the
introduction of knowledge management. In
this feedback system, it is necessary to

fects on school performances via the following three intermediate factors: (1) the
effectiveness of internal operations orientation; (2) the improvement of teaching

formulate strategies, create a learning culture, provide assistance via IT technology,

ensure effective leadership and appropriate
performance appraisals to ensure the effec-

and curricula orientation; (3) the effectiveness of external students and markets orientation. Hammer and Champy (1994)
indicated that organization re-engineering

tiveness of knowledge management.

Therefore, the construction of the performance assessment indices for colleges
and universities will benefit the opera-

requires a rethinking of fundamentals and

a complete redesign of operational flows
to achieve performances in cost, quality,
service and speed. Shih (1996) suggested

tional planning and management capability

of the management. Knowledge innovation
and organizational learning can transform
team efforts into operational effectiveness.

that workflow re-engineering is integral to

organizational transformations. The design
of workflow should not only address the
requirements for internal management, but

The establishment of performance indices

can help school managers to understand
the interactions within internal units, with
external organizations and between em-

also the needs of external customers. This

is more than just a conceptual change. It is
also a path to reconstruct competitive advantages. Similarly, workflow re-engin-

ployees. This brings managers beyond the

boundaries of different functions and ultimately empowers them to the improvement of policies and solutions to problems

eering is an important element of college

and university re-engineering. It cannot
only enhance the performances of schools,
but also enhance the conditions required

(Lin, 2008). The new focus, integration

and learning mechanism in the context of
performance appraisals can dramatically
enhance the performance of colleges and

for educational service quality and school

organizational re-vitalization.

universities. The overall value created is

greater than the sum of parts.

In sum, the effects of knowledge

management go beyond the financial met-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 107

Figure 1. Knowledge Management and School Performance Benefits

Source: Willg,1999, Willg (1999) modified

Technological developments are

also highly relevant to social develop-

operations. Galbreath (2000) mentioned in

his book Knowledge Management Technology in Education that knowledge management is an education technology. The

ments. Technologies are changing our

world in a speed beyond imagination.
Knowledge and management skills are the
most two valuable resources of schools.

architecture of knowledge management

creation must include the knowledge links
between individuals, departments, social
groups, institutions and companies. Har-

Knowledge management is more than just

management techniques. It encompasses
the fundamental changes of organizational

greaves (2000) proposed the concept of

knowledge-creating schools, i.e. schools
and teachers can constantly create profes-

Trends for Universities

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 108

sional knowledge in administration, management and effective teaching and promote such knowledge among different
schools. One of the attributes of the

also drive such transformations in the role

of schools. The conventional rigid approach can no longer satisfy the changes
brought about by rapid flows of knowl-

knowledge economy is the rapid development of IT and communication technologies. Now schools are connected via IT
and communication technologies and they

edge. Therefore, it is essential for experts

and scholars to come up with consensus
concerning a balance between the preservation of the principles of knowledge edu-

can all be involved in the creation, application and communication of professional

knowledge (Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, 2000). Investments

cation and the need to learn about the marketplace. The educational model in a
knowledge economy combines technologies, innovations, the Internet, globaliza-

are advised in hardware and software in IT

and communication technologies in education, such as the development of technology platforms flexible, open and cost ef-

tion and new economy orientations. All

these emerging forces mean universities
have to keep up-to-date and stay flexible.
They cannot afford to be passive. Rather,

fective. Experts in the academic fields and

IT technologies should also take part in the
construction of new learning methods.
This can enhance the education and appli-

they have to change, reform, re-engineer,

and innovate to adapt to the new environment. Flexibility allows for the adaptation
to the changing environment at any time

cations of IT and communication technologies and narrow Digital Divide and

the learning gaps in academic achievements across regions and between schools.

and the march toward the desired directions. Hence, it is critical for colleges and
universities to establish a performance
measurement mechanism as part of the

Also, the elimination of space and time

barriers is also beneficial to the promotion
of adult and continuing education (KelleySalinas, 2000). The educational applica-

formulation of reforms, strategies and action plans.

tions of IT and communication technologies can effectively expand the opportunity

in education and lifelong learning, as well
as improve teaching techniques and effectiveness.
Schools are confronted with the
need for transformation in the 21st century,

Research Design and Implementation

This section explains the research
design and implementations of this study
by covering research architecture design,
research methods and procedures, initial
results of data analyses, compilation of the
questionnaire, data gathering via case studies and interviews and analysis processes.

the era of the knowledge economy. The

educational authorities all over the world
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 109

The features of case studies hinge

in order to gain an understanding of the

situations in different departments. After
the review of files and the resources of
individual schools, this study observes

on the research design, rather than mere

data gatherings (Yin, 2000). This study
summarizes the initial findings after the
approval from the interviewees, and lists

how policies affect different aspects. An

analysis is performed on the basis of the
classification of school characteristics. The
modified results are the foundation of per-

the broad-based and deep-end issues based

on observations, literature review, and indepth interviews. The results are constantly refined and modified to come up

formance indices. This approach aims to

enhance the legitimacy of the analysis. As
none of any single data source can represent the whole truth or phenomenon, Yin

with the list of new issues so as to establish the complete picture of the pertinent
concerns. Below is an explanation of the
research procedures, data collections and

suggested the adoption of multiple evidence sources to ensure the accuracy and
convincingness of research conclusions.

Research Method and Implementation


records in the case studies.

Interview Records

Selection of Research Participants

This study started the formal writing process in March 2007, post the initial

The research participants are

scholars in the education field, with experience in planning and implementations
in the assessment of university depart-

planning. During the initial stage, the researcher first collected literature and reviewed all the documents and files associated with individual schools. The next step

ments and school affairs in Taiwan. Wellversed in the theoretic backgrounds in the
relevant domains and equipped with the
practical experiences, they are willing to

was to draft the list of performance indices. This list was modified (including deletions and additions of items) based on the
feedback from the interviewees. The

assist help and provide suggestions to the

research methods, results analysis and report writing of this study.

brainstorming with the interviewees

helped the researcher to gain an in-depth
understanding of the relevant issues and
get closer to the reality. The interviewees

Literature Review and Observations

This study performs five visits to
interview delegates of different schools

were willing to provide assistance and

suggestions in the record writing, in order
to make up the insufficiency of data, statistics and documents. Meanwhile, the inter-

concerning the actual operations and the

assessments by the Ministry of Education,

views with the administrators helped to

establish an understanding of the culture

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 110

and system of the school in question. As a

result, this study was more able to select
appropriate indices. The in-depth interviews were open-ended and on the basis of

and administrative data. A study and collation of such data helps to sketch an initial
understanding of the relevant issues.
Meanwhile, the results are constantly be-

the questionnaire and semi-structured

questions. The whole process is described
Before the interview: The invita-

ing modified into the list of key issues.

This approach aims to derive a complete
description of the whole picture. It facilitates the follow-up studies and shortens the

tion and the question list were emailed to

the interviewees so that they learned about
the background, motivations and purposes
of this study. The interview time and

subsequent interviews times so that the

interviews are more efficient and there is
less of a burden on the interviewees.

venue were confirmed. The definitions of

key terms and the contents of the questionnaire were also available.
2. During the interview: The in-depth in-

Initial Research Findings

This section summarizes the initial
findings based on data gathering, reviews

terviews were recorded. Notes were also

taken. Each interview lasted one to two
3. After the interview: All the recordings

and analyses. The list of relevant issues are

generalized, consolidated and clarified on
the basis of the literature review. The list
of the performance indices for colleges

were transcribed into texts and the texts

were sent back to the interviewees for confirmation. The confirmed written texts
were the basis of the data analysis. Any

and universities is as follows.

new questions arising during the data

analysis were discussed face-to-face, over
the phone or emails.

There are few empirical studies on

the construction of performance indices for
schools in Taiwan. In fact, there is a lack
of relevant studies concerning school or-

Document Analysis
A document analysis is an analysis
on the documents associated with school

ganizations. The relevant studies in Taiwan and overseas concerning the performance indicators for profit-seeking and nonprofit organizations are as follows: Chang,

planning. Such documents include the detailed explanations on budgets, budgets

over the past year, minutes for annual
meetings, mid-term and long-term plans,

Liu and Chou (1997), Li et al.(1999),

Chou, Tu and Yen (2000), Yeh (2003), Su
(2003), Chang (2004), Huang (2004), Liao
(2004a), Corrigan (1996), Norton and

the assessment by the Ministry of Education, school affairs evaluations and internal

Kaplan (1996), Wise (1997), Arverson et

al. (1998), Jackson (1999), Amaratunga

Literature Review

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 111

(2000), Karathanos (2005), Papenhausen

Umashankar (2007) and Nayeri (2008). In
sum, there is a scarcity of papers address-

ance indices, particularly for non-profit

organizations, is summarized. An analysis
is performed on the basis of relevant theoretic foundations, problem-solving skills

ing the performance management of colleges and universities.

Research Procedures

and practical applications. A generalization and comparison is made so as to clarify key concepts and select the appropriate
methods for the indices selected by this

The first step is to summarize the

missions, tasks, goals and targets of different schools, in order to ensure the imple-

Definition of performance appraisal dimensions: The definitions are
based on the literature review. Other than

mentation and achievement of these goals

and strategies as scheduled. Generally
speaking, the organizations in the case
studies divide the stages of different pro-

the three dimensions mentioned above, i.e.

(1) internal operations orientation; (2) improvement of teaching and curricula orientation; (3) external students and markets

jects in a chronically order. This study

then constructs workflows via the knowhow in knowledge management and applies these workflows to other colleges and

dimension, this study suggests that different dimensions can be constructed in accordance with industry characteristics and
actual requirements. This study refers to

universities for performance assessments.

The visions, missions and strategies are
slightly different from university to university. Hence, the performance assess-

the three major dimensions, i.e. internal

operations, teaching and learning improvement, students and markets orientation, as these dimensions aim to respond to

ment system constructed by each college

and university is also slightly different.
Schools should modify their own system
accordingly in order to drive the achieving

rapid environmental changes. The interview questions are also drafted accordingly, to cater to the management requirements of colleges and universities so that

of visions and strategies by aligning the

performance assessments with strategies.
Figure 2 shows the procedures for

these questions can grasp the pulse of the

trends in higher education and the Excellence Programs in Universities promoted
by the Ministry of Education.

the performance measurement model constructed by this study for colleges and universities. These procedures are as follows:
Literature reviews and collations:

Applications of interviews and case
studies as research methods: To understand the feedback from the interviewed
scholars and experts, this study gathers

All the relevant literature addressing issues

in knowledge management and perform-

literature and selects a list of appropriate

performance indices for the initial per-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 112

formance assessment of organizations

concerned, before the in-depth interviews
and case studies. This study also refers to

the feedback from relevant scholars and

experts in

Literature review and the selection of

dimension indices relevant to case
Dimensions of performance measurements
Selection of performance indices


Establishment of initial performance


Pre-test on appropriateness and

feasibility of the indices established

Questionnaire contents and views

from experts and scholars inter


Practicality of established

Simplification of measurement indices

Modification of performance
appraisal model
Establishment of university
performance indices

Figure 2. Implementation

indices and dimensions, in order to gauge

the theoretic robustness and practical fea-

the set of performance indices for colleges

and universities.

sibility of these performance indices. The

results serve as a benchmark for the modification of the assessment indices.
Modification of performance as-

The above procedures transform

the missions of colleges and universities
into a comprehensive set of performance

sessment models: On the basis of the interviews with scholars and experts, this
study derives the appropriateness of factors and indices on different hierarchical

metrics as the architecture for strategy

formulations, measurements and management, with an aim to create more value for
the management of colleges and universi-

levels. An initial modification on the assessment indices is made so as to re-build


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 113

Initial Establishment of Strategic Goals

and Measurements
This study refers to the perform-

after ensuring the robustness of such contents and the list.

Analysis Procedures

ance indices designed by scholars for industry institutions and selects the appropriate items for colleges and universities
based on their operational goals and stra-

The purpose of conducting case

studies is to collect relevant data in a
timely basis regarding the researched enti-

tegic purposes. The results are the basis of

the performance indices for colleges and
universities. According to the literature
review and the findings from the in-depth

ties or events. Case studies place an emphasis on an objective understanding of

facts and a subjective interpretation of
such facts (Chang, 2000). Yin (1994) sug-

interviews with scholars and experts, this

study builds the list of performance measurements that are tangible and anchored on
the strategic goals of colleges and univer-

gested that case studies are an empirical

inquiry. They are a study on the phenomenon of the researched period in a realistic
setting. Multiple sources of evidence are

sities. It is hoped that these efforts can

provide a reference to the strategic planning of schools.

required to reach conclusions. Case studies

are more than just a method of data collections or design characteristics. Rather, they
are a comprehensive study method, cover-

Questionnaire Design
On the basis of the above data collection, analysis and generalization, this

ing design logics and methods of specific

data collections and analyses. This study
performs in-depth interviews as part of
case studies, in order to gain an under-

study sets out three targets, 18 measurements and 66 detailed items for the evaluation of strategic goals of colleges and universities. This serves as the foundation for

standing of the practical issues and problems. The results are interpreted in the
context of theories. The purpose is to establish a better understanding of contents

the drafting of the interview questions. The

next step is to validate the reliability and
validity of the questionnaire. The researcher forwarded the question draft to

of the performance indices for colleges

and universities or to come up with new
perspectives. To this end, this study performs face-to-face interviews in order to

three scholars in education for reviews.

This study then modified the list of indices
and interview questions by consulting with
the scholars and finalized the contents and

understand how performances are measured in the schools concerned. The findings are compared against the dimensions
and measurements constructed by this

the list were robust and comprehensive

study, based on the literature review, for

the evaluation of feasibility. The face-to-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 114

face interviews put together a complete

and realistic picture of the situations in
schools. This makes up the insufficiency
of data, statistics and documents. Wu

must be well-versed in the operations of

schools or involved in dealings with students and other departments. The participants in this study include former princi-

(1997) indicated that despite the problems

associated with a lack of complete representation, case studies provide researchers
a wide scope for interpretations in the

pals, current vice principals, former head

of teaching affairs and department deans in
colleges and universities. The interviewees
are or were holders of the key positions in

This is particularly true
with the case studies on the issues previously not addressed or additional experienced required to reach conclusions from

departments or faculties in colleges and

universities. They have years of experience
under their belt in key decision making in
schools and in academics. They under-

the real life situation. Given these benefits,

case studies are widely applied by researchers in social sciences. Below is an
explanation of the data collection and

stand well the current operations in different levels of colleges and universities and
can contribute to the construction of performance indices for colleges and universi-

analysis procedures of the case studies in

this study.

ties. Meanwhile, the interviewees in the

schools of the case studies are the administrative executives, IT department executives and other employees.

Samples and Sampling

Eisenhardt (1989) pointed out that
the selection of cases is critical to the establishment of theoretic frameworks. The

The adoption of performance man-

selection of appropriate cases helps to control extraneous variations and define (and
conceptualize) the restrictions of research
findings. To reduce the interference of

agement systems is prevalent and mature

around the world. However, there are a
lack of studies concerning the construction
of performance indices for colleges and

extraneous variations, this study locks in

the population on the non-profit educational institutions of a single region. A
total of five colleges and universities in

universities in Taiwan. Therefore, this

study focuses on the success stories in the
corporate world in the literature review
and theoretic explorations. Also, it is not

Kaohsiung are selected as the research

objects. This study aims to construct a set
of performance indices for colleges and
universities and hopes such indices can be

easy to construct the list of performance

indices for colleges and universities and it
is not a common practice either. Despite
the efforts to be as comprehensive as pos-

applied to the management of colleges and

universities. Therefore, the interviewees

sible, this study encounters the following

difficulties and research restrictions:

Research Limitations

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 115

1. This research model focuses on literature gatherings. Due to a lack of real-life

practices, it is difficult to perform empirical validations concerning the application

This study collects primary and

secondary data:

of performance indices in colleges and

2. There are many types of colleges and
universities. Also, case studies may not be

1. Sources of primary data: This study

performs face-to-face interviews with senior executives working in departments or
faculties of the sampled five colleges and

representative enough. As far as the principle of universality is concerned, there

may be biases in research findings due to
variances in the nature, resource alloca-

universities in Kaohsiung.
2. Sources of secondary data:
(1) Masters or PhD dissertations in Taiwan;

tions and environmental conditions of colleges and universities.

3. Niven (2002) indicated that it takes four
to twelve months to plan and construct a

(2) Academic journals and research reports

in Chinese or English in Taiwan or overseas;
(3) Books, monthly magazines, speeches

set of performance indices. This is a much

longer period that goes beyond the time
limitations of this study. It is suggested
that follow-up studies can perform in-

and literature from seminars;

(4) In-depth relevant reports, reviews in
journals, magazines, and on the Internet.
There are three steps in the analysis

depth research concerning the overall construction and implementation process.

The ultimate goal of the construc-

of the interview data. These steps are (1)

data collection; (2) content analysis; (3)
data interpretations. The description of the
details is as follows:

tion of performance indices is to ensure the

implementation of organizational strategies. The performance metrics aim to provide a benchmark for employees to as to

1. Data collection
(1) Confirmation of the completeness of
data, including transcripts, notes, questionnaires, observations and texts. Con-

promote implementation effectiveness and

efficiency maximization. However, it takes
time to observe the effectiveness. Due to
time limitations, this study relies on the

tacts with the interviewees are made for

verification for any missing parts.
(2) Raw material is summarized and condensed into snapshots of current situations.

rule of thumb drawn from senior executives and subjective assessments for effectiveness evaluation, in the construction of
performance indices and the feasibility of

Interview contents are classified into case

study materials.
2. Content analysis
This study gathers key data via in-

such indices for colleges and universities.

depth interviews. The analysis is performed with a cross-case-study method.

Data Processing

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 116

Before the cross-case-study analysis, the

individual cases are described in the following steps:
(1) Determination of content analysis

by Will (1999) and the assessments of

universities and educational services
(Chuang, Wang et al., 2002; Yeh, 2003;
Su, 2003; Huang, 2004; Liao, 2004a; Yen,

(2) Tidying-up of case study records by
eliminating unnecessary data;
(3) Connections with individual data com-

2004; Huang, 2005; Huang, Su, 2005;

Amaratunga et al.2000; Stufflebeam,
2003; Karathanos, 2005; Papenhausen,
2006; Chen Shun-Hsing, 2006;

(4) Classification of data;
(5) Labeling and indexing of data;
(6) Data analysis.

Umashankar, 2007; Nayeri, 2008). A list

of the performance indices for colleges
and universities is generalized accordingly
and then modified on the basis of the feed-

a. Case studies: An analysis is performed

on the different issues based on the interview contents. At this stage, the focus is
on the integrity and uniqueness of each

back from scholars and experts in knowledge management and performance measurements.

b. Cross-case-study method: This is to
break the barriers between different cases
and generalize the similarities and differ-

There are four dimensions: (1) internal operations orientation; (2) improvement of teaching and curricula orientation; (3) students and markets orienta-

ences of different cases.

tion; (4) innovations and research orientation. The fourth dimension is a new addition. This study lists the performance indices for the effectiveness of innovation and

Data Interpretations
This is to explain the key implications of the research data and to make
relevant inferences, associations and conclusions. The focus of this stage is the sub-

value creation and the achievement of operations and strategic goals. The strategic
relevance is modified at the initial stage so
as to make definitions of the indices more

jective findings and interpretations of researcher concerning the content of data


specific and clear. The indices less meaningful or impractical are eliminated. The
indices more meaningful or required are
added, in order to facilitate the renewal

Research Results
Interview Results Analysis
This study summarizes the indicators in knowledge management developed

and modification of strategic goals and

performance indices. All these efforts aim
to derive the indices relevant to the management requirements of colleges and universities.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 117

This study summarizes literature

and the suggestions from experts and
scholars concerning the performance
evaluation system. The developed list of

performance indices for colleges and universities can be classified into four dimensions, 23 sub-dimensions and 85 items, as
shown in Table 1.

Table 1. University Performance Indices

Strategic goals
A. Internal
Operations Orientation
A1. Increase of budgets for education

A2. Control of budget


A3 Reduction of operational costs

A4. Promotion of the

Internet penetration

A5. Improvement of
service attitude

A6. Employees education & training

IT competences
and skills

Performance metrics
1-1 Budgetary proposals

Appropriateness of annual budgets
for individual departments
1-2Appropraite budgetary planning for
Finalized annual budgdifferent functions
ets/implementations on annual
1-3Increase of implementation ratios for Implementation status of the allobudgets of different functions
cated budgets
2-1 Enhancement of the implementations Budgets spent each month/budgets
of departmental budgets
allocated each month
2-2 Reminder of the adjustments reBudgets spent in total/budgets yet
quired for budgets not yet spent
to be spent
2-3 Improvement of the coordination
Coordination of the transferable
between departments in terms of
items between departments for
budget utilization
budgetary utilization
3-1 Reduction of the average personnel
Promotional expenses/personnel
costs for admissions
3-2 Reduction of the average personnel
No. of days required to finish a
time allocated to each task
task/No. of tasks
3-3 Reduction of the expenses spent on
Office expenses/No. of tasks
each task (including paper, photocopying and stationery)
3-4 Reduction of personnel expenses as a Annual personnel expenses/total
percentage of total annual budgets
annual budgets
4-1 Digitalization of the administrative
4-2 Online processing for the applicaNo. of official documents digitaltions, leaves, grade reports by stuized/Total No of official docudents
4-3 Distance learning
No. of online applications submitted by students/Total No. of applications per annum
4-4 Increase of PC penetration among
Curriculum offered to mature stustudents
dents any time, any where
4-5 Utilization of club influence to enRegular classes
hance penetration among students
4-6 Effective access to diversified teach- Regular classes
5-1 Deployment of a letterbox for stuNo. of days required to process of
dents to provide feedback
case/No. of cases
5-2 Reduction of overdue projects and
No. of overdue projects and the
disputes with students
total number of projects undertaken
5-3 Reduction of complaints from stuNo. of complaints to each departdents
ment/each month
6-1 Enhancement of employees abilities No. of seminars and training sesto process tasks with IT facilities
sions participated per person/per
6-2 Increase of training hours and times No. of training hours per perin different functions
son/each month

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 118

A7. Improvement of
human resources

6-3 Increase of employees log-on learning hours

7-1 Improvement of the professionalism
of employees
7-2 Enhancement of appropriate human
resource allocations
7-3 Enhancement in manpower utilization
8-1 Encouragement of IT applications
8-2 Improvement of service flows via
training & education
8-3 Increase in the standardization of
operational procedures
8-4 Improvement of the speed of official
document processing and reduction
of overdue projects undertaken

A8. Simplification of
8-5 Encouragement of digitalization of
workflows and imofficial documents internally
provement of operational efficiency
8-6 Encourage of electronic document
exchanges to enhance productivity

8-7 Simplification of enrolment procedures for new students

8-8 Enhancement of the function of
emergency processing centre serving
8-9 Increase in the number of students
complaints processed before deadline
9-1 Promotion of the performance incentive system
A9. Satisfaction of all 9-2 Enhancement of leadership of senior
9-3 Fairness of performance reviews

No of hours per person/per month

No. of times in use/No. of times in
use by all personnel
HR planning
Idle time of manpower, machinery
and equipment
No. of reports each function/Total
No. of reports each year
Integrated and simplified operations
No. of standardized operational
procedures/No. of total procedures
No. of days to close the loop of
official documents No. of days
to close the loop of official documents before scheduled deadlines/No of overdue projects undertaken/Total No. of projects
No. of digitalized official documents/Total No. of official documents
(No. of documents received electronically+ No. of documents sent
electronically) and (Total No. of
documents received + Total No. of
documents sent)
No. of online applications and
validations on the payment of
No. of applications/per month

No. of projects closed before deadline/No. of projects due

Regular awards and incentives to
top-performing employees
Response and solutions to resource
Openness and fairness of annual
performance reviews
10-1 Encouragement of employees learn- Incentives and promotions
A10. Personal de10-2Focus
on personal career developAverage quarterly performvelopment
ances/per annum
ployees toward the organization
and coordina10-3
Increase of the regular hours and
No. of participants and No. of
tion capability
times of training workshops in comhours/per month
1-1 Promotion of Excellence Project
No. of times per person
B. Teaching and cur- 1-2 Increase of school-corporate coopMultiple choices
ricula orientation
eration projects
Promotion of opportunities in learn- External cases
B1. Development and
Average No. of times per per1-4 Support from alumni to raise funds
Fund raising
son/No. of person/time
from businesses

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 119

2-1 Provision of curricula catering to

industry needs
2-2 Offering of professional qualification
B2. Curriculum plantraining courses to meet industry
2-3 Offering of out-of-campus and overseas internships
3-1 Listening to students to reduce complaints
3-2 Listening to students to enhance their
level of satisfaction
B3. Interactions between teachers and
3-3 Understanding of the needs of students via feedback channels
3-4 Frequency of interactions between
students and teachers
3-5 Difficulties and needs of students in
4-1 Collaborations with businesses

No. of regular proposals/No. of

total proposals per annum
No. of regular classes/Total No. of
classes per annum
No. of regular offerings
No. of data collections/Annual No.
of data collections
No. of new students increased
each month/Total No. of new students increased
Regular surveys

No. of times per week/No. of person/time

No. of immediate solutions/No. of
Immediate job openings with partner businesses
B4. Career planning
of learning resources with
4-2 Strategic alliances with other schools Sharing
for students
partner schools
4-3 Assistance to students in job-skill
Multiple job options
5-1 Enhancement of administrative and
No. of services tested
service quality to reduce complaints
B5. Students identification
5-2 Regular questionnaire surveys on
Regular surveys
students satisfaction
6-1 Establishment of a single contact
Application times/No. of days
window (timeliness)
required to collect results
B6. Value-added
6-2 Unlimited access to online learning
Senior citizens, computer novices
and people without computers
6-3 Rotation system to ensure familiarity No. of rotations per person on the
with multiple functions
average/per annum
C. External students 1-1 Planning of an innovation and incu- Regular training sessions/per anand markets orienbation centre
num/No. of times
1-2 Provision of job-seeking support
Multiple choices
1-3 Combination of theories and pracNo. of students per annum
tices via school-corporate cooperation
C1. Social services
1-4 Contributions from alumni to the
Society development
1-5 Support and return from alumni to
No. of times per person/No. of
school activities
1-6 Leveraging of the influence of outNo. of students increased
standing alumni to attract new students
2-1 Encouragement of the acquisitions of No. of training hours/No. of peoprofessional licenses and qualificaple obtaining licenses or qualificaC2. Benchmark
of training sessions atof a learning enviand
2-3 Combination of learning and life
No. of sessions organized on a
experience for students
regular basis/per annum
C3. Promotion of
3-1 Promotion of second expertise via
No. of times per annum
continuing education
diversified curricula
3-2 Increase in the number of seminars
No. of regular seminars and workand academic workshops
shops/per annum

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 120

3-3 Promotion of continuing education

by enhancing the quality of personnel
3-4 Improvement of continuing education to develop high-caliber professionals
D. Innovation &
1-1 Encouragement of proposals by emresearch orientation
ployees regarding service innovation
1-2 Encouragement of new and innovative services to students
D1. Innovation servicesservice inno- 1-3 Establishment of proposal systems
vation capability
2-1 Encouragement of students participation in research projects administered by teachers
D2. Research &
2-2 Patent transfers
2-3 Patents obtained
2-4 Research and innovation applications

D3. Application of
research practices

D4. Contribution of
research findings

3-1 Quality and quantity of schoolcorporate cooperation projects

3-2 No. of famous papers used in teaching materials
3-3 Publication in internationally renowned journals
4-1 Number of papers published in highquality journals
4-2 Research findings adopted by companies

No. of regular classes/per annum

No. of persons per annum
No. of proposals per person/per
No. of proposals per person/per
No. of meetings each month
No. of times per annum/per person
No. of transfers per person
No. of patents per person
No. of applications per person/No.
of applications per annum
No. of companies
No. of papers per person
No. of papers per person/per annum
No. of papers per person/per annum
No. of companies

Source: This study

Knowledge is a resource that requires

by Will (1999) in its construction of per-

proper management and development to

become meaningful (Senge, 1990;
Drucker; Davenport et al., 1998). The top
priority of educational reforms is the im-

formance indices for colleges and universities. The four dimensions are as follows:
(A) The effectiveness of internal operations orientation: Effective knowledge

provement in strategic management. The

knowledge and philosophy in modern
management are incorporated in the formulation of feasible projects. The purpose

management ensures members to stay motivated to learn within an organization; (B)

Improvement of teaching and curriculum
orientation; (C) The effectiveness of exter-

is to enhance education quality and fulfill

education functions. Will (1995) defined
knowledge management as a series of activities that assists an organization to ob-

nal students and market orientation: This

aims to create an external environment that
fosters trust, sharing and contributions.
The purpose is to complete the vision of

tain knowledge internally and externally

and a deliberate process to achieve organizational missions. This study applies the
knowledge management indices developed

knowledge sharing and achieve the ultimate goals of an organization; (D) Innovation and research orientation. As different
colleges and universities have slightly dif-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 121

ferent visions, missions and strategies,

they should modify the performance assessment mechanism and performance
indices accordingly. The purpose is to pro-

This study provides a performance

appraisal mechanism that links strategic
formations with implementations. The
purpose is to apply such a mechanism in

vide guidance in the application of school

performance indices so as to realize the
visions and strategies. It is important to
align performance assessments with

the management of colleges and universities so as to achieve their strategic goals.

Knowledge management and the effective
application of the performance assess-


ments assist in the development of appropriate performance indices and drive colleges and universities to achieve competitive advantages and create school value.

Conclusion and Suggestions

Educational institutions are basically domesticated and maintenance organizations. Their key mission is to deliver
knowledge and preserve cultures and tradi-

This study constructs the performance

indices for the evaluation of the creation
effective in the context of knowledge management. These four dimensions are (A)

tions. In the context of knowledge management, colleges and universities accumulate knowledge via learning and store
such knowledge in knowledge banks. On

the effectiveness of internal operations

orientation; (B) the improvement of teaching and curriculum orientation; (C) the
effectiveness of students and markets ori-

the other hand, schools are constantly innovating, by sharing the acquired knowledge extensively and internally. Either in a
systematic heritage or an individualized

entation; (D) innovation and research orientation. This is to anchor on value creation of colleges and universities by learning, creating and providing services to

delivery, all the knowledge is stored via

the practice tasks of knowledge management. Knowledge creates value and values
support the working of the knowledge

students. It is important to cater to the

needs of parents and students and effectively implement the internal workflows to
foster innovations. The internal workflows

economy. Colleges and universities have

to understand that constant learning is the
foundation of the knowledge economy.
This study attempts to identify the per-

are a starting point of school learning and

societal services. It aims to encompass
both researches and innovations. In fact,
research, innovation and learning are the

formance indices suitable to colleges and

universities in the context of the management philosophy of the knowledge economy. This is to ensure the sustainability

catalyst of the potential for innovation in

colleges and universities. The purpose is to
ensure the operational results of colleges
and universities. Going forward, the inno-

and management effectiveness of colleges

and universities.

vation of colleges and universities is multifaceted and across-the-board. It covers

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 122

concepts, organizational structures, admini-

bines the concept of knowledge management

stration, leadership and management, cur-

with the results of performance assessments;

riculum and teaching, systems and external

(2) The extension of the value of the per-

environments. All these are important con-

formance indices for colleges and universi-

tents of innovation and management. Col-

ties makes it possible for schools to cope

leges and universities can anchor on their

with societal changes and cater to market

own environments and needs, internally and

demands. The focus is on speed, innovation,

externally, and focus on a small number of

flexibility, quality and services. All the ef-

indicators in innovation management before

forts to create and extend value aim to mod-

pursuing a sweeping set of innovative activi-

ify the performance indices so that they ad-

ties. The goal is to create an innovative at-

dress the needs of the management mecha-

mosphere and culture within colleges and

nism of schools;

universities. This is the vision this study

(3) The construction of the performance

foresees. Hence, the construction of the per-

appraisal mechanism for colleges and uni-

formance indices for innovation manage-

versities is an application of knowledge

ment of colleges and universities should

management in value creation. Improve-

drive to revitalize school functions, establish

ments are made with an orientation on inter-

school characteristics and encourage stu-

nal operations, teaching and curriculum, the

dents learning. The content of such per-

benefits to students and markets, innovations

formance indices should cover visions,

and research. Value creation is the funda-

goals, implementation strategies, budgets,

mental of all the effort and the starting point

effectiveness evaluation and anticipated

is the development of internal workflows.

benefits, as the foundation for innovation

The purpose is to enhance learning, social

management in colleges and universities.

services, research and innovations so that

colleges and universities become the engine

This study suggests that the con-

of innovations and achieve substantial re-

struction of the performance indices for col-


leges and universities is more than just a

(4) The research findings can serve as a ref-

need to pursue total results. It is, in fact, it is

erence to the managers of colleges and uni-

a performance assessment tool that serves as

versities in strategic planning;

a benchmark of performance management

(5) Finally, this study hopes that the per-

for colleges and universities.

formance indices constructed for colleges

and universities can serve as guidance to

The contributions of this study are as

performance management, so that effective


performance indices can be a benchmark for

(1) The application of knowledge manage-

educational assessments of colleges and

ment in the construction of performance


indices for colleges and universities com-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013 123


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Mean-Shen Liu
Department of Food and Beverage Management
Far East University, Taiwan R.O.C.
[email protected]

In order to receive the specific vocational education, it is necessary for many students to
leave their residence places and stay in dormitories. However, due to the effect of international financial crisis and governmental financial difficulty, the financial supports from the
government are limited. To avoid leaving student dormitory unused and wasting college resources, and to compete with other colleges, it is necessary to assess and improve the satisfaction of college dormitory service.
By understanding students satisfaction to accommodation, a college can generalize their
requirements and the way to attract young students to study in. In this research, Kano Elaborative Mode and Quality Function Deployment Method were integrated to educe the improvement priority of dormitory service. The top three important service quality were hot
water supply, private space and air-conditioning. The top three degrees of satisfaction of
service quality are fire fighting and escaping, air-conditioning and consultancy service.
The top three for improvement with less different indexes were hot water supply, automatic laundry and private space. The priorities in quality and technology implementation
were response capability of service in administrative category, and cooperation degree of
service in management category, and security of dormitory design in environment category.
Keywords: Kano Elaborative Mode, Quality Function Deployment Method,
Dormitory Service Quality
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



if being unable to manifest its education

function. As to the educational quality of

As a result of wide distribution and

the various characteristics of vocational

colleges, the most important core value

lies on students learning achievements.

colleges in Taiwan, some students have to

To improve educational quality, a college

leave their residence places and reside in

should first provide a performance-

college dormitory, or rent rooms nearby or

lodge with their friends or relatives nearby.

emphasized learning environment to help

Atmosphere and feeling arisen from hardware facilities and software facilities in
environment exert a subtle influence on

is just an important place to effectively

help students study and develop. Therefore, creating high-quality student dormitory and understanding students needs are

the people herein. Moreover, dormitory

life may affect students learning performance; therefore, the accommodation quality of universities is worthy of research.
By international financial turmoil,
compounded by government financial difficulties, schools are required to selffinancing.Moreover, the amounts of student decreases year by year, and some
other proviate institutes with competition
also offer student dorms, such as Taiwan
Sugar Institute is managed by Taiwan
Sugar Company. These factors raised colleges crisis consciousness, and force them
to pay attention to dormitory quality. They
considered the new mode of management
and created the advantages for student
dormitory management. Colleges should
be aware of the importance of dormitory
service quality so as to avoid leaving student dormitory unused.
The high education in Taiwane faced
a market economy effect because of the
rapid increase in college quantity. A college will certainly be eliminated by market

students study grow up. Student dormitory

important items that colleges should focus

on. Besides, colleges can attract young
students with their joyful learning space,
and raise students sense of identification.
College fund should be used effectively to
exert the biggest efficiency.
In order to make all improvement
measures in conformity with student requirements, Kano Elaborative Mode was
used to analyze the priority of improvement. Then by Quality Function Deployment Method was used to educe the priority of dormitory service as a reference
when a college tries to improve the dormitory service quality.
The research questions in this study
are as below.
1. What are the requirements of college
2. What are the domains of dormitory service quality based on the Kano Elaborative
3. What is the priority of the dormitory
service quality improvement for the col-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


lege based on the Quality Function De-

Juran et al. (1974) divided service

ployment Method?

quality into 5 categories, the internal qual-

4. What are the key techniques for improving dormitory service based on the results

ity, the hardware quality, the software

quality, the instant service quality, and the

of integrating the Kano Elaborative Mode

psychological quality. The internal quality

with the Quality Function Deployment

refers to the quality that a consumer cannot


see. Due to invisibility, it completely depends on whether internal operation of

Note: All Figures and Tables are found at

the end of the article.
Literature Review
Concept of Service Quality
Service quality is the comparison between the expected service and the afterservice percieved by consumers. The different value between these two qualities is
termed as overall perception quality
(Gronroos, 1982). Lewis & Booms (1983)
proposed that the service quality depended
on the satisfaction degrees of service to
customers expectation. Parasuraman et al.
(1985) furtherly stated that service quality
perception was the results of the customers comparison between service expectation and actual service- receiving process.
Thus, service quality is defined as the difference between customer expected service quality and actually-perceived service
quality. In a word, service quality is the
perception of a consumer to service quality
offered by a service provider. In this dynamic process, it denotes good service
quality if the service meets the customers
expectation, and vice versa.
Category of Service Quality

service provider is sufficient or not.

The hardware quality is visible, so a
consumer will have immediate perception
and response to it. The software quality is
visible like hardware quality, but it refers
to the tangible product while hardware
quality is to the operation. The instant
service quality refers to rapidity of service,
and the psychological quality means
whether a service provider offers consumers with polite response and the service
makes consumers feel comfortable.
Xu (2005) pointed that the dormitory
quality contained 3 categories. The Environmental Part of Student Dormitory Environment (Function for Habitation), which
includes dormitory facilities, dormitory
cleanness, dormitory security, dormitory
maintenance, bedroom facilities. The Administrative Part of Student Dormitory,
which includes dormitory supervisor service attitude, dormitory cadre service attitude, service, management mode. The Tutorial Part of Student Dormitory, student
tutorship (Function for Study) , which includes professional competency of academic staff, tutorship of leisure and companionship.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Liao (2003) divided the student accommo-

Synthesizing the literature above, the

dation satisfaction into 3 categories with

researcher divided service quality into 4

19 sub-categories as below.

categories as equipment, security, service

and counseling when conducting the ser-

1. Habitation Function: dormitory task

vice quality survey.

and target, dormitory planning activities, dormitory physical environment

(containing dormitory facilities, technol-

Kano Two-dimensional Quality Mode

ogy and equipments), "dormitory leadership", "organization and human resource",

"financial resources" , "dormitory norms",

tor is high when the quality element is

sufficient and vice versa. However, not all
the quality elements are in this way based
on the Two-dimensional Quality. It does

equality, respecting pluralism and ethic,

assessment for dormitory.
2. Study and Development Function:
dormitory task and target, dormitory
planning activities, dormitory physical
environment, dormitory leadership,
organization and human resources,
equality, respecting pluralism and ethic,
relationship between college and community.
3. Leisure and Companionship Function,
including dormitory planning, dormitory physical environment, equality,
respecting pluralism and ethic.
In Lins (2002) study, the student accommodation satisfaction questionnaire
was divided into 9 categories: service attitude of administrators, service attitude of
dormitory committee, professional of administrators, counseling, service mode,
equipments for life, invironment in and out
of dormitory, security, as well as management and maintenance of public facilities.

Generally, the satisfaction of indica-

not always indicate satisfaction when the

quality element is sufficient. It might result
in feeling fair or even unsatistfaction. Related theories of Two-dimensional Quality
are introduced as below.
1. Noriaki Kanos Two-dimensional Quality Mode
Rumiko Fumio and Noriaki Kano
(1984) introduced Herzbergs (1959)
working motivation, M-H Theory, into
quality-related field and termed it as
Quality M-H Feature. The he worked
with Seraku Nobuhiko, Rumiko Fumio,
and Tsuji Shinichi to present the Twodimensional Quality Mode and some empirical studies. They divided the quality
into 5 quality elements and applied to the
product quality development: Attractive
Quality Element which satistifie people
when the element is sufficient, but it will
not result in dissatisfaction while insufficient, One-dimensional Quality Element
which simply indicates satisfactory and
dissatisfactory, Must-be Quality Ele-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


ment, Indifferent Quality Element and

Quality, Indifferent Quality and Re-

Reverse Quality Element.

verse Quality (see Table 1).

Figure 1. shows the Kano Twodimensional Quality Mode, in which horizontal axis represents the sufficient de-

3. Kano Two-dimensional Quality Elaborative Mode

Yang (2005) re-elaborated Kanos

grees of the quality element, and vertical

axis the degrees of satisfactory. One-

Mode, and termed it as Kano Elaborative

dimensional Quality is a straight line

through origin, indicating sufficient Onedimensional Quality causes satisfaction

ing to the Kano Two-dimensional Quality

while insufficient One-dimensional Quality causes dissatisfaction. Reverse Quality

is also a straight line through origin, but
the direction is opposite to the Onedimensional Quality. Both Attractive
Quality and Must-be Quality are camber
lines. One is above horizontal axis and
another is below, indicating Attractive
Quality will not cause dissatisfaction no
matter whether sufficient or not. The
Must-be Quality will not away from the
dissatisfaction no matter how sufficient
it is. Indifferent Quality is a straight line
superposed with horizontal axis, indicating
that it will not cause satisfaction or dissat-

whether the average value of quality attribute importance in each question item is

isfaction no matter whether it is sufficient

or not.
2. Classification of Two-dimensional
Quality Mode
This study referred to the Twodimensional Quality Mode Classification
Table by Noriaki Kano 1984 and
Matzler and Hinterhuver (1998), and classified the qualities as Must-be Quality,
Attractive Quality, One-dimensional

Mode. He classified the qualities accordClassification Mode. And then he devided

the qualities into 4 categories based on

larger than that of the overall importance

(the Reverse Quality was not included).
Finally, he furtherly divided these four
qualities into eight quality modes, as each
quality was divided into two, high and low
level. The eight elaborative qualities are
illustrated with curves in Figure 2.
According to Yangs (2005) viewpoint, both of the cost and the attraction to
customers should be considered when the
strategies were manipulated. Therefore,
quality attribution and importance must be
taken into consideration. So the Key Quality should be listed as a standard service.
The Required Quality should be listed as a
standard service, but its cost should be
reflected in selling price. High Attractive
Quality should be listed as selective service and standard service. Low Attractive
Quality should be listed as selective service or outsourcing service. High-addedvalue Quality should be listed as standard
service and selective service. Low-addedvalue Quality should be listed as standard

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


service and outsourcing service. Potential


Quality should be listed as selective service or outsourcing service. Unnecessarycare Quality should be listed as selective

By integrating the Kano Elaborative

Mode and the QFD Method, the author

service or outsourcing service. However,

evaluate the student dormitory service

Wasserman (1993) ordered the ranks of

quality of a hospitality college in Southern

importance as Must-be Quality, Onedimensional Quality and Attractive Qual-

Taiwan. The research framework, research

ity (Wasserman, 1993).

survey, as well as the data analysis of this

research are described in the following

Integrating the viewpoints of Yang

(2005) and Wasserman (1993), the author
ordered the priorities of characters based
on the Kano Elaborative Mode as Key
Quality, Must-be Quality, High-addedvalue Quality, Low-added-value Quality
and High Attractive Quality.
Quality Function Deployment Method
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
was originally applied in manufacturing
field. Lately, the servicing industry also
uses such methods to improve service
quality (Cheng and Lin, 1998; Bai and Li,
1999; Wang, 1998; Chen, 1999; Tsai,
2000; Xue, 2001).
To sum up, dormitory service quality
may not get high satisfaction only depending on the sufficient supply. Moreover, the
budget for improvement is limited. It may
receive better effect if the buget is aiming
at the preferential-improvement elements
and key techniques. The author believes
thatit is helpful to use Kano Elaborative
Mode combined with QFD Method to figure out the student dormitory service quality.

procedures, the subjects of questionnaire

Research Framework
The research framework was drawn
up based on the reviewed literature as
shown in Figure 3. Conducting the investigation in a hospitality college in Southern
Taiwan, the author tried to understand the
connotation of each variable and their relationship with student dormitory service
quality satisfaction. And then he tried to
educe the ranking priority of dormitory
service qualities and key technical qualities.
Research Procedures
This research integrated the Kano Elaborative Mode with the QFD Method and
used weight adjustment to selected the key
quality techniques. Research procedures
are shown in Figure 4.
Step 1: In order to establish service
quality measure elements, the author designed a questionnaire on the basis of literature review to understand the students
viewpoints towards the dormitory service

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Step 2: To evaluate the importance

and satisfaction based on the results of the
questionnaire analysis.

improvement, the author used HOQ results

to determine the quality and technics for
Preparation of Survey and Subjects

Step 3: To classify the service quali-

The subjects were the boarders of a

ties based on the Kano Two-dimensional

Quality, and then classify the Kano Elabo-

hospitality college in Southern Taiwan.

Among them, the 1000 subjects were ran-

rative Mode quality attributions according

to whether the average importance value
of each question item is larger than that of

domly chosen as samples. They were in-

all question items.

Step 4: To adjust the ratio of the improvement according to the classification
of the Kano Elaborative Mode, and then to
evaluate the weights of the Key Quality
Attribute, Required Quality Attribute,
High-added-value Quality Attribute, Lowadded-value Quality Attribute and High
Attractive Quality Attribute with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Step 5: To calculate the afteradjustment importance of each quality.
Based on the results of Step 5, the author
combined the results and the students
expectation to calculate the weight of each
dormitory service quality.
Step 6: to determine rankings of importance. By inputting the correlation between after-adjustment weight elements
and technical elements into HOQ House
of Quality Matrix, the author calculated
the importance of each technical element
and determine the ranking of importance.
Step 7: to establish the priorities of quality

terviewed with the questionnaire, which

was amended and prepared on the basis of
relative literature mentioned above. Before
answering the questions, the subjects were
asked to fill out the personal information
includes grades, school system, new or old
student, hometown, financial support and
the motivation of lodging. The 5-ranking
questionnaire contains four aspects, which
focused on the importance, the satisfaction, when college can do and when
college cannot do. In these questionnaires, dormitory service quality was divided into four categories as equipment,
security, service and tutorship, and
then they were subdivided into suite facilities, leisure facilities, sports facilities, laundry facilities (laundry field,
clothes-hanging filed), automatic laundry facilities (washing machine, dewatering machine, drying machine), individual private space, network facilities,
vending facilities, dietary facilities,
drinking water facilities, airconditioning, sound-proof, sanitary
equipment , bedroom facilities ", outside phone connection, public phone, "
Fire control, regular facilities maintenance, " disease & pests prevention,

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


safety surveillance, entrance control,

measured. The reliability measurement

escape drill, " hygiene of public area,

was to calculate the items reliability by

suggestion processing, prompt response

of suggestions, accommodation service

coefficient . According to Guieford

(1965), reliability was high if coefficient

in summer and winter vacation, "friendly

was more than 0.7, reliability was accept-

attitude, hospitality and enthusiasm,

able if coefficient was between 0.35 and

mail service, " hot water supply, "hospital-delivery service, violation han-

0.7, and reliability was low if coefficient

dling, counseling service", "recreational

activities, "education for respecting to
others", and "academic consuling" etc. the

The author used the Kano Twodimensional Quality Mode to classify the
dormitory service quality. For each question item, answers were selected according

higher the rank was, the more the students

was satisfied.
In the quetionares of when college can
do and when college cannot do, 1 indicated I dislike it that way, and 2 indicated I can live with it that way, and 3
indicated neutral, and 4 indicated It
must be that way and 5, I like it. In the
questionnaire which surveyed the importance, the five points represented extremely unimportant, unimportant,
fair, important, and extremely important. In the servey of satisfaction, the 5
points prepresented extremely dissatisfactory, dissatisfactory, fair, satisfactory and extremely satisfactory, respectively.
Data Analysis
In order to ensure the consistence of
questionnaires, items were set based on the
service quality element, importance
and satisfaction for the whole research.
The validity and reliability analysis were
conducted also. The validity was used to
judge whether the contents of questionnaire could really measure the items to be

was less than 0.35.

to the sufficient or insufficient quality

element (see Table 1). Furthermore,
Acording to Yangs (2005) Kano Twodimensional Quality elaborative Mode and
comparing with the overall average value,
the author revised the five mode into eight
modes according to each items average,
as High Attractive Quality Element,
Low Attractive Quality Element, Highadded-value Quality, Low-added-value
Quality, Key Quality Attribute, Mustbe Quality Attribute, Potential Quality
and Unnecessary-care Quality.
Quality Function Deployment Analysis
Referring to the QFD designed by
Ermer & Kniper (1998), the first phase of
this research was to convert customer
openions into key service quality measurements. The second phase was to convert key service quality measurements into
the characteristic of service designs. The
third phase was to convert the characteristic service design into daily quality management techniques.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Phase 1: Converting customers openions

divided into dormitory regulations and

into Key Service Quality Measurement.

management, staff adequacy, crisis man-

The key service quality was rooted in the

definitions of quality requirements. In

agement ability, cost control appropriateness, in-service education and training,

preparation of quality deployment table,

professional ability and technique, service

accurate understanding of requirements of

friendliness, service responsiveness, ser-

customers was helpful for grading qualities

and designing service features. After the

vice cooperation, communication skills

classification of each quality by Kano

Two-dimensional Quality Elaborative
Mode, it was clearly that the Low Attractive Quality could be abandoned under the
consideration of cost. The Unnecessarycare Quality could not improve quality no
matter whether it was provided or not.
Therefore, neither Low Attractive Quality
nor Unnecessary-care Quality were not
listed in HOQ.
Phase 2: Converting key service quality
measurement into the characteristics of
service design.
Referring to the studies of Juran (1986)
and Parasuraman et al. (1985, 1988), the
author had an in-depth interview with college administrators to establish the caegories of the questionaire. Firstly, the author
decided to establish three categories, environment, equipment and administration.
And then, the category of environment was
subdivided into such 6 items as dormitory
facilities location, safty, dormitory accessible facilities, environmental beautifying,
and hygiene. The category of equipment
was subdivided into security, fire-fighting
equipment, network communication facilities and leisure facilities. The category of
administration and management was sub-

and privacy.
Phase 3: Convert the characteristic service
designs into daily quality management
1. Weight of service quality element
The service quality element weight
was decided by Wassermans Quality Attribute Ranking (Wasserman, 1993) and
Yangs (2005) Kano Elaborative Quality
Attribute. Firstly, the author subtracted 3
from original indexes of importance and
satisfaction respectively to form new
evaluation values. This value of importance multiplied by this new value of satisfaction gave the new index of improvement quality. And then the author subtracted the new value of satisfaction from
the new value of importance to produce
the index of difference. Smaller difference
index should take priority of improvement.
If two difference indices were identical,
the one with smaller quality improvement
index should be improved first.
Secondly, according to priority of
improvement, the author decided the
original priority weight (Zi) and the sequence (i refers to item i quality element).
The original weight (Xi) referred to the

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


converse ranking of original priority

ute weight was 1. Yang (2008) argued that

weight (i refers to item i quality element).

High Attractive Quality was more valuable

The standardized weight (Yi) was the result that the original weight divided by

than Attractive Quality, and Low Attrac-


sum of original weights (Yi= Xi/ i =1 , i

refers to item i quality element and n
stands for number of quality element).
2. Correlation between Quality Element
and Quality Technique
After discussing with the administrative personnel in the hospitality college,
the author synthesized the correlation between quality element and quality technique. In this relationship matrix, 5 stood
for high correlation, 3 stood for medium
correlation and 1 stands for low correlation.
3. Quality Technique Weight
The quality technique absolute weight
(Wi) refers to the weighted sum of each
elements standardized weight multiplied
by Kano elaborative quality, i.e.

Yi*Ti* Si
Wi= i =1
. In this formula, Ti stood
for the weight of item i quality attribute
classification and Si stands for the correspondent relationship between item i quality element and quality technique. Based
onBerger et al. (1993) and Yangs (2005)
indications, in this research, the Key Quality Attribute weight was 6, Required Quality Attribute weight was 4, High-addedvalue Quality Attribute weight was 3,
Low-added-value Quality Attribute weight
was 2 and High Attractive Quality Attrib-

tive Quality was unnecessary in consideration of cost. Therefore, Low Attractive

Quality was not weighted in this research.
The quality technique relative weight (Ui)
was the result that the quality technique
absolute weight divided by the sum of the
quality technique absolute weight, i.e. Ui=


i =1

. Ranking by this weight gives

the priority of improving technique.

Analysis and Results
Pilot Study
A questionnaire survey was made by
random sampling on the boarders of a hospitality college in Southern Taiwan during
May 1st to 25th in 2008. A total of 209
copies out of 230 copies of questionnaires
were collected, and the rate was 90.8%.
Among them, 171 copies were valid, and
the validity rate was 81.8% (see Table 2).
As Chious (2003) item analysis
method, the scores less than 27% was in
low-score group and those more than 73%
was in high-score group. The t-test was
conducted in both low-score group and
high-score group. The result showed that
all the 144 questions have high consistency in content for different testees. On
the other hand, as shown in Table 3, all the
coefficient were more than 0.7. This
subscale had high internal consistence as

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


well as internal consistence reliability in-

based on Kaisers normalized Varimax

dex according to Guiefords (1965) claim.

method. There were totally 6 exploratory

Formal Study

factor analyses conducted. Eleven questions were deleted.

Since all the questions were within

Finally, there were 4 components ex-

the acceptable range in the pilot study, a

formal questionnaire survey was con-

tracted whose explicable variance reached

ducted on the boarders of a hospitality

college in Southern Taiwan during period
from Nov. 3rd to 26th in 2008. A total of

it can be understood from Table 6 that the

sampling adequacy set by Kaiser was
0.900, and the value of chi-square distribution test was 8777.445 micro (degree of

1050 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 759 copies were collected
with a collected rate of 72%. Among them,
561 copies of valid samples were got with
a validity rate of 77% as shown in Table 4.
Factor Analysis
In order to confirm the stability of
sample group in dormitory service quality
category, the factor analysis of formal
questionnaire on the 561 testees was conducted. As Wu and Lin (2001), Chiou
(2003), and Wu (2004) indicated, when
repeatedly conducting a series of exploratory research, the items whose load were
smaller than 0.05 could be deleted. In addition, the question whose absolute value
of difference between its two factor loads
was less than 0.2 should be deleted. Furthermore, the factor should be deleted
when it had less than three questions about
it. To decide the amount of factors, the
author only chose the factors whose Eigenvalues () were larger than 1. The authors first estimated the loads of factors
based on the principle component analysis,
and then he conducted the orthogonal axis

65.019% as shown in Table 5. In addition,

freedom is 300) by Bartlett spherical

which indicated that the common factors
existed in correlation matrix of parent
group. Therefore, it was suitable to set as a
basis for naming the factors. The result of
factor analysis and its variables contained
in each factor were sorted as shown in
Table 7.
Reliability Analysis
In order to re-establish the reliability
of this questionnaire survey, the author
calculated the coefficient Cronbach of
each subscale and the general measurement. All the coefficients were larger than
0.780, which were acceptable. The coefficient of general measurement was as high
as 0.845, indicating that this questionnaire
survey was highly reliable. The details are
shown in Table 8.
Overall Analysis by Kano Twodimensional Quality
Kano Two-dimensional Quality Mode
was used to classify the quality characteristics of dormitory service. For each ques-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


tion, when decideing the possessing and

utes of quality elements. On the contrarily,

not possessing quality element, the relative

Bathroom equipment and fire-fighting

majority were selected. Referring to Kano

Quality Classification in Table 1, the aau-

drill belonged to the Low-added-value

Quality, which could make fewer contribu-

thor sorted the attribute for each element in

tions to customers. However, colleges

a diagram as in Figure 6. Among the 25

cannot ignore these attributes. Instead,

dormitory service quality attributes, 10 of

them belonged to the One-dimensional

they should avoid insufficient supply of

Quality such as perfect air-conditioning

and good sound-insulated effect. All
these dormitory service quality attributes

dissatisfaction among students.

were worthy of being paid attention by

college runners. Therefore, a college
should list these quality elements as primary object to be improved. The 5 items
such as automatic laundry facilities and
fire fighting and escaping in Must-be
Quality were necessary qualities for college dormitory service and they could not
be ignored because of not bring higher
satisfaction when being possessed. The 10
items such as suite facilities and sports
facilities in Attractive Quality indicated
that the testees felt satisfied with these
quality elements exited, and they were
dissatisfied without these quality elements.
Kano Two-dimensional Elaborative Mode
Attribute Analysis
According to Table 9 which is the
analysis of Two-dimensional Quality
Elaborative Mode Analysis, totally 7
items such as 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 and 24
belonged to High-added-value Quality,
which had very high contributions and
could improve college dormitory service
quality performance. Therefore, a college
should try its best to provide such attrib-

these two qualities for fear of redulting

There were 5 items such as 5, 7, 10,

12 and 13 belonged to the High Attractive
Quality Element, which were optimal efficient instruments to attract customers.
There were 6 items such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and
11 belonged to the Low Attractive Quality
Element, which had very low attraction to
students and could be ignored if in consideration of cost. There were 5 items such as
9, 15, 19, 23 and 25 belonged to the Key
Quality, which were necessary to be fulfilled.
Quality Function Deployment Analysis
Firstly, the author analyzed the Service Quality Importance, Satisfaction and
Difference Index. He found that the hot
water supply, private space and airconditioning served the top 3 of important
service quality in turn. Fire-fighting and
escaping, air-conditioning and consultancy
service served the top 3 of service quality
satisfaction in turn. Beside, the smaller the
difference index was, the more it needed to
be improved. In this principle, the hot water supply, automatic laundry and private
space served top 3 of being more neces-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


sary for improvement. See details in Table

The service qualities of the dormatories


can be discussed in the following four aspects:

Secondly, the author analyzed the

Correlation between Quality Element and

Quality Technique. After in-depth inter-

1. Positions of Quality Requirements

In the analysis of Kano Elaborative

view with college excutives, the author

established the techniques and divided the

Mode on dormitory service quality, viola-

techniques of quality evaluation into 3

main categories such as environment,
equipment and administration and

facilities, suite facilities, active enthusiasm, patrol video, maintenance inspection, access control, airconditioning, basic equipment, sound-

management, which contained 20 subitems. For the purpose of establishing

quality technique weight, the author selected the important quality elements by
Kano Two-dimensional Quality Elaborative Mode based on the correlation between quality elements and quality techniques by relationship matrix. The correlation between quality elements and quality
techniques is shown in Table 11.
Thirdly, the author tried to decide the
sequence of mplementation. He multiplied
the standardized weight by the correlation
between quality element and quality technique, and then he found out top 3 quality
techniques that should be improved based
on the Kano Two-dimensional Elaborative
Mode Attribute, which are sequentially
response capability of service and cooperation degree of service in the category of administration and management
and security of dormitory in the category
of environment. The result is shown in
Table 11.
Conclusion and Suggestions

tions handling, outside phone, vending

insulated effect and private space belonged to High Attractive Quality and
High-added-value Quality. These highcontribution qualities were optimal efficient instrument to attract college students,
so executives had better fully provide services of such qualities. Contrarily, the services of Consultancy service, academic
tutoring, recreational activities, respect to others, sports facilities and
meal facilities belonged to the Low Attractive Quality could be ignored in consideration of cost. Among them, such
qualities as sports facilities and meal
facilities could be listed as optional service if they meet the principle of user
In the importance of dormitory service quality requirements, such items as
hot water supply, private space, airconditioning, sound-insulated effect,
automatic laundry and suite facilities
are considered as more important by students. Thus, the executives should value

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


items needed to be improved was re2. Satisfaction of Quality Requirements

sponse capability in the category of ad-

It is important for the executives to be

aware of the students expectations and

ministration and management. In turn, the

item for improvement was cooperation

satisfaction to dormitory service quality. In

degree of service in the category of ad-

this Research, the average satisfaction of

ministration and management, and then the

hospitality college students to dormitory

was 41.6. Among the 25 quality elements,

item of security of dormitory in the

the top 5 items received the students satisfaction were fire fighting and escaping,
air-conditioning, consultancy service,
recreational activities and respect to
others. The 5 items from the bottom were
automatic laundry, academic tutoring,
hot water supply, sports facilities,
sound- insulated effect and consultancy
service. Therefore, the items of negative
evaluation should be improved first for
this hospitality college.
3. The Index of difference
It was found from indifference index
of quality technique sequence table that
the top 3 service qualities needed to be
improved were hot water supply, automatic laundry and private space.
Among them, a greater difference exists
between the satisfaction and importance of
hot water supply, and it was easier to be
overcome. Therefore, the excutives should
promptly improve this service quality.
4. Key Quality Improvement Technique
After weighted by Kano Elaborative
Mode in accordance with QFD operational
technical deployment and integrating the
correlation between quality element and
operational technique, it was found that the

category of environment.
According to the importance of quality requirement and the index of difference, it was found that this college should
promptly improve the service of response
capability to meet students requirements
on hot water supply. They had better
highly estimate the importance of hot
water supply, private space and airconditioning due to the improvement of
response capability of service. For those
items belonged to the High Attractive
Quality and High-added-value Quality. As
to the items belonging to the Low Attractive Quality, colleges may ignore them or
list them as selective services under the
consideration of cost. Thus on the principle of properly using resources and attaching importance to customers voices, the
executives can make their dormitory quality up to ideal condition.
The important Contributions of this
Research can be discussed in the following
three aspects:
1. This research established the model of
QFD and integrated the Kano Twodimensional Elaborative Mode. It also
applied in servicing industry to implement

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


the procedures and the mode of service

tion based on the results of this research.

process deployment. In this way, costumer

And then, an investigation on post-

requirements can be grasped more accurately at the time of quality improvement.

improvement satisfaction should be conduct so as to understand whether the improvement measures can upgrade the qual-

2. By understanding the classification of

ity of student dormitory service. On the

student dormitory quality in Kano Elaborative Mode, we obtained degrees of impor-

other hand, the items which are not urgent

can be listed as user payment. However,

tance and satisfaction of each service quality. It helped to set the peioritues of quality
improvement, so that the excutives could

they can be supplied as cost-free if they do

not cost much.

fully use the college resources and emphasize the requirements.

In this Research, Kano Elaborative

Mode was integrated with Quality Function Deployment Method to probe into
student dormitory service quality. However, only a hospitality college received
this empirical case study. The author expect to expand this research to other vocational colleges to obtain a whole picture
and compare the difference in between.
With the follow-up researchers, the author
can make the index of quality improvement more applicable.

3. With the help of Kano Elaborative

Mode, the items of important requirements
were selected. It saved the time for evaluating the intensity in relationship matrix,
and it enhanced the efficiency and satisfaction.
The executives are strongly recommended to conduct the detailed analysis
and design the procedures of implementa-

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1: The Quality Classification Method of this study

When the elements are not sufficient
No feeling



the elements
No feeling
sufficient Tolerable

Must-be quality
Must-be quality
Must-be quality

Table 2: Pre-test Questionnaire Recovery Statistics

Category Released samples Recovered Samples Recovery rate Effective samples systemize Effective rate

Table 3: Pre-test Questionnaire on Dormitory Service Quality Reliability Table



Possessing elements

Cronbach Value
No Possessing eleImportance Satisfaction

Table 4: Formal Questionnaire Recovery Statistics


Released samples


Recovery rate

Effective samples








Table 5: Formal Analysis of the Cumulative Total Variance Explained



Initial Eigenvalues
Variance Accumulate

Halves and the load extraction

Variance Accumulate

Shaft square load

Variance Accumulate










Table 6: Formal Analysis of KMO and Bartlett Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy
Bartlett Test of


Approximatechi-square distribution


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 7: Formal Questionnaire Structure Analysis of the Factors


Factor Factor

Factor 1:Tutorship
consultancy service
academic tutoring
recreational activities
respect to others
violations handling
sports facilities
outside phone
















Factor 2: Service
Bathrooms equipment
Friendly attitude
vending facilities
Catering facilities
suite facilities
active enthusiasm
Factor 3: Security
patrol video
disease& pests prevention
maintenance inspection
fire drill
access control
fire fighting and escaping
Factor 4: Equipment
basic equipment
sound-insulated effect
automatic laundry
private space
hot water supply
Extraction principal components analysis
Rotation Method The Varimax with Kaiser normalization method.

Table 8: Formal Questionnaire Reliability Analysis of Dormitory Service Quality






Cronbach Value
No Possessing



The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 9: Kano Two-dimensional Elaborative Mode Attribute Analysis



Elaborative Mode






14 patrol

2 academic













6 sports



7 outside













12 suite






8 Bathrooms
10 vending
11 Catering





nal activities
4 respect
5 violations










Elaborative Mode





15 Disease&
pests prevention





ce inspection



17 fire



18 access



19 fire
and escaping






Mustbe quality


21 basic








23 automatic



24 private



25 hot water



Mustbe quality
Mustbe quality






The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table10: Service Quality Importance, Satisfaction and the Difference Index Analysis Table


Service Quality Importance







































































The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


















1 Consultancy service
2 academic tutoring
3 recreational activities
4 respect to others
5 violations handling
6 sports facilities
7 outside phone
8 Bathrooms equipment
9 Friendly attitude
10 vending facilities
11 catering facilities
12 suite facilities
13 active enthusiasm
14 patrol video
15 Disease& pests
16maintenance inspection
17 fire drill
18 access control
19 fire fighting and
21 basic equipment
23 automatic laundry
25 hot water supply


Service Quality Satisfaction


Table 11: Quality Technique Implementation Sequence Table

Administration and management

5 15 .080
19 1 .005

10 .053
18 .096
17 .091
2 .011
6 .032
7 .037

4 16 .086
6 14 .075
15 5 .027
17 3 .016
11 9 .048
12 8 .043

10 .053
4 .021
13 .070
10 .053
19 .102

Quality element classification A1 1 High Attractive Quality

V1 3 High-added-value Quality
V2 2 Low-added-value Quality
Q1 6 Key Quality

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013

Standardized weight yi

Differences index

Original priority weight zi

Emphasis on the extent of privacy

Communication skills
Level of coordination of services
Services reflecting capability

Service friendly degree

Professional competence and technical

In-service education and training

Proper degree of cost control

Crisis-management capability

Staff adequacy

Dormitory regulations and properly managed

Level of supply leisure Facilities

Level of supply network Communication Fa-

Level of supply fire-fighting equipment

suite facilities
1 1 3 1 1
1 1
5 -9
A1 1 5
5 5 5 5
V2 3 5
1 3
1 1 3
1 3
1 12
Friendly attitude Q1
1 1 1 1 1 1 3
3 1 5 3 3 5 3 -3
automatic laundry Q1 5 1
1 1 1 3
3 3
1 -20
private space V1 1 1
1 1 1 3
1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 -18
vending facilities A1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 3 3 1
active enthusiasm A1
1 1 1 3 1 1 3
3 1 5 5 5 5 3 2
air-conditioning V1 1 3
1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1 1
V1 1 3
1 1 1
1 3 1 3 1 1 1
3 -17
basic equipment V1 1 3
3 1 3 3
1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
3 -6
outside phone A1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 3
fire fighting and
Q1 5 5
1 5
1 1 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 9
3 3 3 3
5 1 3 5 5 5 5 5
1 -2
Disease& pests
3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
1 -1
patrol video
V1 5 3
1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 -3
access control
V1 3 3
5 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
fire drill
1 3
3 1 3
3 3 1 3 3 1 1 -4
violations handlingA1
1 1 1 3 3 5 5
5 5 5 5 3 5 1 -3
hot water supply Q1 1 3
1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5
Quality technique
6.12 7.14 3.56 2.04 5.31 3.28 2.642.45 5.856.53 4.708.628.53 2.62 5.57
absolute weight
Quality technique
.062 .074 .037 .021 .055 .034 .027.025 . .060.067 .048.089.088 .026 .057
relative weight
6 3 13 20 9 14 17 19 15 5 16 11 10 7 4 12 1 2 18 8
important order

Original weight xi

Level of supply anti-theft security facilities
Dormitory cleaning and disinfection level

Dormitory landscaping degree

Dormitory disabled facilities

Dormitory design safety

Location equipment of dormitory facilities

Quality Element Classification Ti

Require quality
High correlation
moderate correlation
= 3,
low correlation


One-dimensional Quality


Indifferent Quality
Sufficient Quality
Must-be Quality

Insufficient Quality Element

Reverse Quality

Figure 1: Kano Two-dimensional Quality Mode Schematic Diagram

Data source: Yang Chingchow (1993)

Low Attractive Quality

High-added-value Onedimensional Quality
High Attractive

Low-added-value Onedimensional Quality


Key Quality Attribute

Required Quality Attribute

Figure 2: Kano Elaborative Mode Quality Attribute

Data source: Yang 2005



Relationship matrix (A)

Know its relativityService
and corresponding

Relationship matrix (B)

Know management items managers
should pay attention to

Relationship matrix (C)

Know items operators should review

Figure 3: Quality Function Deployment Table (Yoji Akao, 1994)

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


service quality

and indepth

and importance

security, service, tutorship

Use QFD to
matrix of
element and
quality technique

Input Kano
Mode, construct required
college dormitory quality

ranking of

Students (dormitory boarders of a hospitality college in Southern Taiwan)

Figure 4: Study of Structure

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Establish service
quality measure

Evaluate importance and


Classify Kano
Elaborative Mode
quality attributes

Adjust and improve ratio





Calculate afteradjustment importance


Step 6


Step 5

Step 7
Figure 5: Research Procedures

Suite facilities, sports facilities, catering

facilities, bedroom outside phone, active
enthusiasm, violations handling, psychological and legal consultation, recreational activities, respect to others, academic consulting and tutoring


Attractive Quality

Perfect air-conditioning, good soundOne-dimensional

insulated effect,
perfect basic equipment, bathroom equipment, regular
maintenance of facilities, patrol and
surveillance video, implementation of
access control, fire-fighting and escaping drill, individual privacy, vending facilities
Must-be Quality

Insufficient Quality


Sufficient Quality

Automatic laundry facilities, fire fighting and

escaping, pest control inside and outside dormitory, sufficient shower hot water supply
time, friendly attitude

Figure 6: Schematic Diagram of Each Element Quality Attribute

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013




Yao-Hung Yang
Department of Business Administration
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan ROC
[email protected]
Yueh-Chiang Lee
Department of Business Administration
Vanung University, Taiwan ROC
Corresponding Author: [email protected]

This study uses the three-stage Malmquist Index to calculate the efficiency scores of marketing, operation, and profit performance from 2003 to 2011 and further uses them as 3 strategy
dimensions. The strategic groups of Taiwan's 14 financial holding companies (FHCs) are
grouped together using the co-plot method. The empirical results show that Shin Kong is in
the leading group, followed by Hua Nan, MEGA, and Chinatrust as the following groups.
Finally, Fubon, Cathay, and Waterland are grouped as the laggard group. The co-plot analysis
clearly shows 14 FHCs on the 2-dimensional surface. The results also allow the financial
holding industry to understand the industry configuration and competition from other companies.
Keywords: Malmquist index, dimensions of strategy, co-plot, financial holding company

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



industrial competition using the co-plot

method. The graphic analysis provides an

Scholars have long been questioning

whether different strategic groups perform

important basis for developing a different

method to supplement the deficiency of

differently. Some believe no significant

cluster analysis.

difference exists in performance among

the various strategic groups (Lewis &
Thomas, 1990; Wiggins, & Ruefli, 1995).

Literature Review

Research results from other scholars show

that different strategic groups exist with
different performances (Fiegenbaum &

Berger, Hunter, and Timme (1993)

suggested data envelopment analysis
(DEA), as a comprehensive method for
measuring efficiency, to be used for meas-

Thomas, 1990; Reger & Huff, 1993; Kale

& Arditi, 2003). This may be because
scholars adopt different strategy dimensions that produce different results (Dikmen, Birgonul, & Budayan, 2009).
Strategic group analysis is a descriptive analysis. However, it cannot predict
and discern the performance differences of
firms within the industry (Grand, 1995).
Strategic group analysis can only provide
further understanding of industrial structure, business strategy, and competitors in
a dynamic, changing environment (Dikmen et al., 2009). Traditional cluster
analysis cannot provide this function and
the most common criticism of the cluster
analysis method is that it is too dependent
on researcher subjectivity. No statistical
tools are available to test whether the
groups are meaningful (Ketchen & Shock,
1996; Houthoofd & Heene, 2005; Prior &
Surroca, 2006).
This study sets up objective FHCs
strategy dimensions through the threestage Malmquist Index and configures

uring financial institution performance.

The advantages of this method include the
ability to manage problems related to
multi-input and multi-output, maintaining
unit invariance, and avoiding the weights
from subjective factor influence.
Because establishment of FHCs in
Taiwan is new, literature employing a twostage DEA to investigate FHC performance is scant. Lo and Lu (2006) used a
two-stage DEA to research 14 FHCs in
Taiwan in 2003. They found that larger
FHCs perform better than smaller FHCs
and FHCs based on life insurance are better than FHCs based on banking and securities. Using a traditional two-stage DEA,
Sheu, Lo, and Lin (2006) discovered that
FHCs with low diversification have better
profit efficiency than FHCs with high diversification. FHCs with related diversification also have higher profit efficiency
than FHCs with unrelated diversification.
Chen (2002) further divided the banking
production process into three-stages of
bank operational efficiency, marketing

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


efficiency, and analysis of bank profit effi-

clearly shown on a 2D surface. Desarbo,







Regardless of whether two-stage,

MDPREF of multidimensional scaling

(MDS) to investigate the Bank of America.

three-stage, or multi-stage methods are

The research periods included 1995, 1999,

used, if they are in line with actual man-

and 2003 because such an analysis can

agement activities, they clearly reflect the

different stages of efficiency. However,

clearly display the longitudinal change of a

CCR or BCC models have been adopted in

most previous studies. When the efficiency
scores of many decision-making units
(DMU) are simultaneously 1, the disadvantage of the inability to sort them
In contrast to DEA, Raveh (2000)
employed the co-plot to analyze the performance of Greek banks. The major contribution was to turn the variables and observation values (banks) into n points,
draw the points on a 2D surface, classify
16 banks into four grades, and investigate
them by basing results on return on assets
(ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Nath,
Mukherjee, and Pal (2001) used DEA and
co-plot simultaneously to analyze the performance of Indian banks. The results
showed that the banks with better DEA
profitability also performed better among
related financial variables in the strategic
groups analyzed by co-plot.
Adler and Raveh (2008) investigated
the efficiency scores of 35 major cities in
China, first using DEA calculated efficiency scores, and then through co-plot
analysis. They observed the relationship
between variables and observation values,

strategic group over time.

Hence, a strategic group analysis is a
descriptive analysis and cannot predict and
discern firm performance differences
within an industry (Grand, 1995). However, strategic group analysis provides
further understanding and analysis of industrial structure, business strategy, outlook, and competitors during dynamic
changes in the environment (Dikmen et al.,
2009). The MDPREF of MDS and co-plot
are able to do this.
When scholars derivate the frameworks of the strategic group, the results are
often inconsistent. This may be because
different strategy dimensions are adopted.
Strategy dimensions are used to describe
different types of strategies and strategic
variables are used to distinguish the strategies and other differences between firms
as a classification standard for a strategic
group. The choice of dimensions for the
strategy directly affects the research results. Strategy dimensions often vary with
the characteristics of industry differences.
Therefore, choosing good dimensions for a
strategy does not have a set of optimum
standards. The choice of strategy dimensions should focus on industry characteris-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


tics (Hitt, Irland, & Hoskisson, 2001;

istics were grouped together into the same

Houthoofd & Heene, 2005).


Research Design

Framework of the three-stage

Malmquist Index

The research period was from 2003

This study earlier referred to relevant

to 2011, nine years in total. The data were

obtained from the archives of the Taiwan

literature on FHC performance (Seiford &

Zhu, 1999; Lo & Lu, 2006; Chen, 2002).

Economic Journal (TEJ) data bank. The 14

FHCs in Taiwan were employed as the
research objects. To obtain an efficiency

Fixed assets and employees were regarded

as input items, and interest income and fee
income were employed as output items to

score for marketing performance, operation performance, and profit performance,

the Malmquist Index (MI) was applied in
the study. Using the efficiency scores
above, it was possible to build up the strategy dimensions. Using the co-plot method
makes it possible to turn the variables
(marketing performance, operation performance, and profit performance) and
observation values (FHCs) into n points,
and draw these points on a 2D surface to
analyze the relationships among them.
Similar business behaviors and character-

measure marketing performance in the first

stage. In the second stage, the output items
of the first stage (interest income and fee
income) were regarded as input items, and
asset turnover and revenue per person
were employed as output items to measure
operation performance. In the third stage,
asset turnover and revenue per person
were used as input items, and shareholder
equity and market value were employed as
output items to measure profit performance


Fixed Asset



Fee Income


(per person)


Market Value

Marketing Performance

Operation Performance

Profit performance

Figure. 1 The Three-Stage Framework

Data sources

In most of the literature related to the

financial services industry, an intermediate

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


approach was adopted to determine input

first, second, and third stages, and the

and output items (Isik & Hassan, 2002;

number of DMUs was 14, so the rule was

met. The definitions of the input and output items are detailed in Table 1.

Bonin, Hasan & Wachtel, 2005). This

study adopted this approach when selecting input and output items. When an input
or output item is added, the discriminating

A correlation analysis can prove that

power of the DEA is reduced, but when a

DMU is added, the discriminating power is

isotonicity exists between input and output

items; that is, the increase of an input item

increased. Therefore, the number of DMUs

should be double the sum of the input and
output items (Bowlin, 1987; Golany &

should not cause an output item to decrease (Huang, 1993). The higher the correlation coefficients are, the more correlated the input and output items are. The

Roll, 1989). In this study, two input items

and two output items were selected in the

Table. 1 Definitions of inputs and outputs



Fixed assets
Fee incomes
Interest income
Asset turnover
Sales per employee
Shareholder equity
Market value


Assets, such as land, houses, and equipment, which

an FHC has to own for long-term business operations
The total employees hired by an FHC annually
An important business activity income of an FHC,
which is highly related to the profits
Including interest on deposits, interest on loans,
interest on bonds, and interest on debt
Revenue /asset
Revenue / employee
Total assets minus liabilities
The stock price of an FHC multiplied by the total
share capital

NT$ million
NT$ million
NT$ million
NT$ million
NT$ million
NT$ million

Table. 2 Correlation coefficients of marketing performance

Total Asset
Interest Income
Fee Income

Total Asset


Interest Income

Fee Income



The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table. 3 Correlation coefficients of operation performance

Interest Income Fee Income Asset Turnover

Interest Income
Fee Income
Asset turnover
Sales per employee




Sales per employee

Table. 4 Correlation coefficients of profit performance

Asset Turnover
Asset Turnover
Sales per employee
Shareholder equity
Market value

Sales per employee




data will also be positively correlated.

Pearsons correlation coefficient was
adopted to verify the rationality of the input and output variables. The results show
that the selected input and output items,
between 2003 and 2011, are all positively
correlated, as shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
The input and output items in this study
thus demonstrate isotonicity.
Malmquist Index
From the perspective that managers
control the resources, the financial industry expects to gain greater outputs through
current inputs. Therefore, this study started
from input control and employed an inputoriented MI as the research model to
evaluate FHC performance.

Market value

A DEA can only be applied to the

static evaluation of each DMU in a single
year. Therefore, to evaluate the relationships between dynamically inter-temporal
productivity changes, technical changes,
efficiency changes, PTE changes, and SE
changes, (Fare, Grosskopf, Norris &
Zhang, 1994) this study adopted an MI.
This enabled evaluation of the changes of
intertemporal total factor productivity
(tfpch), further investigation of the annual
changes of DMU when the input was oriented under the various returns to scale,
discovery of the key influential factors in
productivity plus the total TE changes
(effch), productive technical changes
(techch), PTE changes (pech), SE changes

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



two-dimensional surface, similar observa-

changes (tfpch). The relationships are de-

tion points will be very close to one an-

tailed as follows: tfpch = effch techch,

and effch = pech sech. When the value

other, indicating the observations are of

similar characteristics and behavior.





of tfpch, effch, techch, and pech is higher

than 1, it indicates that the period meas-

The four co-plot stages

ured by the DMU has progressed. When

the value of tfpch, effch, techch, and pech

(1) Standardization. To equalize the differ-

is smaller than 1, it indicates that the period measured by the DMU has regressed.
When the sech is higher than 1, it indicates
that the DMU has gradually approached
the long-term optimal production scale or
has become close to the constant return to
scale (CRS). When the sech is lower than
1, it indicates the DMU has gradually left
the long-term production scale or has become detached from the CRS. When the
value is equal to 1, it means the DMU did
not change during the measured period.

ent units and measurements between variables, the Yn p matrix is transformed into
the Z n p matrix (Backhaus, Erichson,
Plinke & Weiber, 2003). The standardization formula is:

Z ij = (Yij Y j ) / S j


(2) The measurement of different points.

The measurement ( Sik 0 ) of different
points is selected in each pair of observations ( Z n p ); a symmetric n n matrix

Co-plot Analysis
In MDS, the co-plot indicates a nonmetric MDS method should be applied
(Guttmans Smallest Space Analysis,
SSA). This method can also be applied to

( Sik ) is generated among different paired

data measurement. Proposed by Raveh

(1993), the method displays the relationships between variables and observation
values through simple two-dimensional
graphs so that it is unnecessary to view
complicated statistical reports. When the P
rays (variable axes) scatter from the origin
of a graph point at the same place, it indicates that the variables have a significantly
positive correlation with one another (Paucar- caceres & Thorpe, 2005). When the n
points of the observations are located on a

by means of MDS and n observation values, ( Pi = 1, 2,K , n ) are thus located in a

(3) The locations of points. The Sik Matrix
was drawn on a two-dimensional surface

Euclidean space, in which SSA was used

to find a discrete coefficient, , for measuring the goodness-of-fit of each observation. Here, each row of Z = ( Z i1 , K , Z ip ) is
drawn on a two- dimensional surface
(Guttman, 1968).
(4) Regression equations are employed to
display the P variables in the Euclidean

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


spaces of the aforementioned n located

profit efficiency scores of the FHCs as

observation values.

shown in Table 5. The marketing efficiency scores of Hua Nan, China Devel-

The Judgment Index of Co-plot

opment, MEGA, Shin Kong, Sinopac,

(1) Coefficient of Alienation: This is used

Chinatrust, and Jih Sun were greater than

to display the goodness-of-fit between the

1, meaning they perform better than others

original data and the data in the two-

FHCs. For operation efficiency, the score

dimensional space. The goodness-of-fit

for China Development was the only score

model can be regarded as a good one, usu-

over 1. Finally, the profit efficiency scores

ally when the value is lower than 0.15

for all FHCs were over 1, meaning they all

(Guttman, 1968; Weber, Shenkar, & Ra-

performed well during the search period.

veh, 1996). Alternatively, when the coeffi-

The co-plot results are shown in Fig. 2.

cient of alienation is too high, it indicates

The judgment indexes are detailed in

those observation values are not suitable

Tables 6 and 7. The coefficient of alien-


ation was .08, which was lower than .15





dimensional surface.

and could thus be regarded as a fine goodness-of-fit model (Guttman, 1968). The

(2) Average of Correlations. This is used

average of correlations was .947, which

to examine whether variables are closely

was higher than 0.6, indicating that the real

related to the rays projected in a graph and

data structure was reflected (Lipshitz &

to employ one average correlation value to

Raveh, 1998).

explain whether the P rays can be used to

reflect the degree of the real data structure.

Figure 2 shows that the marketing

A correlation value higher than .4 is usu-

efficiency, operation efficiency, and profit

ally ideal (Mindali, Raveh & Salomon,

efficiency of Shin Kong Financial Hold-

2004). Lipshitz and Raveh (1998) argued

ings relative to other FHCs exhibited bet-

that when a correlation value is lower than

ter performance. Consequently, it is re-

.6, the result will be insufficient to explain

garded as the leading group. With similar

the relationship.

results, Hua Nan, MEGA, and Chinatrust

Financial Holdings follow closely behind

Empirical Results

the leader, particularly in the efficiency of

marketing and operations; therefore, this

DEAP Version 2.1, designed by

study presents these three FHCs as the

Coelli (1996), was employed to evaluate

following group. However, First Financial

and analyze the marketing, operation, and

Holding has preferential marketing

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 5. Efficiency scores of the Malmquist Index

Marketing efficiency
Operation efficiency
Profit efficiency
Notes HN (Hua Nan); FB (Fubon); CA (Cathay); CD (China Development); ES (E.Sun);

YT (Yuanta); MG (MEGA); TS (Taishin); SK (Shin Kong); WT (Waterland); SP (Sinopac); CT (Chinatrust); FI (First); JS (Jih Sun).
Table 6. Results of the observation map


Coefficient of Alienation : .08

Center of Gravity : (52.20, 43.70)


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



HN (Hua Nan); FB (Fubon); CA (Cathay); CD (China Development); ES (E.Sun);

YT (Yuanta); MG (MEGA); TS (Taishin); SK (Shin Kong); WT (Waterland); SP (Sinopac); CT (Chinatrust); FI (First); JS (Jih Sun).
Table 7. Results of the variables map
Average of Correlations: .947
Degree of Correlation
Marketing efficiency
Operating efficiency
Profit efficiency

leading group
right laggard group
alternative following group

following group

left laggard group


laggard group

HN (Hua Nan); FB (Fubon); CA (Cathay); CD (China Development); ES (E.Sun);

YT (Yuanta); MG (MEGA); TS (Taishin); SK (Shin Kong); WT (Waterland);
SP (Sinopac); CT (Chinatrust); FI (First); JS (Jih Sun).

Figure. 2 The strategy group of the financial holding industry.

efficiency and profit efficiency referred to

Despite that Sinopac, E.Sun, Taishin,

as the alternative following group in this

and Yuanta Financial Holdings have good


performance in profit efficiency, their

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


marketing and operation efficiency is rela-

method enables researchers to subjectively

tively backward. Consequently, this study

decide which strategy dimensions are su-

presents these as the right laggard group.

perior. The co-plot method can form a 2D

China Development and Jih Sun Financial

surface where variables (marketing, opera-

Holdings had better operation efficiency

tions, and profitability) and observations

performance but poor performance in mar-

(14 FHCs) are drawn on a graph to provide

keting and profit efficiency; therefore, this

further understanding of the industry com-

paper names them as the left laggard

petitive structure relationships and to ex-

group. Finally, Waterland, Cathay, and

plore differences in the various strategic

Fubon Financial Holdings are classified as

groups. This process helps FHCs under-

the laggard group because their perform-

stand their competitive positioning within

ances are behind the other groups.

the entire industry.


The results of this paper show that

co-plot analyses indicate the relative posi-

Previous literature has discussed

tioning of observation values, variables,

whether different strategy groups have

and the change of relationships, using a 2D

different performances (Wiggins & Ruefli,

surface. The greatest advantage is the abil-

1995; Reger & Huff, 1993; Kale & Arditi,

ity to portray the competitive situation

2003). This paper adopts the views of

using visual graphics. This makes it easy

Grand (1995), who stated that strategic

to analyze firm behavior showing similar

group analysis is a descriptive analysis and


can only provide an analysis of the indus-

groups. Practically, it also enables the in-

trial structure and firm strategy prefer-

dustry to understand a firm and its com-

ences, relations with competitors, and

petitors, the competitive configuration, or

changes in the environment, and cannot

even as a reference of the competitive

predict performance differences within an

strategy of an opponent. Other methods,


such as a cluster analysis, cannot replace





these advantages. The graphic analysis

This paper, using a three-stage MI,

presented in this paper can be developed as

identified the efficiency scores (marketing,

an important basis for future strategy di-

operation, and profit efficiency) as the


strategy dimensions. Such an objective

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Chien-Yu Huang
Department of Information Management
National Taitung Junior College, Taitung, Taiwan R.O.C.
[email protected]
Long-Hui Chen
Department of Business Management
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan R.O.C.
[email protected]
Nien-Tai Tsai*
Department of Information Management
National Taitung Junior College, Taitung, Taiwan R.O.C.
[email protected]
*Correspondence Author
Yueh-Li Chen
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan R.O.C.
[email protected]

This study used LVQ to establish a classification model, and applied the Taguchi experimental design method (TEDM) to select the meaningful important factors. TEDM
was then used to adjust the LVQ core factors and determine the optimal factor combination in an online medical dataset, in order to improve the classification accuracy
rate and operating efficiency. Furthermore, LVQ could be used to help doctors make
diagnoses and achieve the purpose of early identification for early treatment. According to the experimental results, the accuracy rate of disease classification could be
above 90%, and the classification effect could be superior to that of other classification models introduced in the literature.
Key Words: Classification, Artificial Neural Network, Learning Vector Quantization,
Orthogonal Array, Taguchi Experimental Design Method
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Due to rapid technological progress,
management work in various fields has
gradually entered the era of information
technology. In particular, the developments in computer technology have made
data storage more convenient, thus bringing about ever-increasing amounts of
data. When faced with complex problems
in various fields, researchers need to select a fast, accurate and stable algorithm
that can find useful information in complex data, and then establish good
mechanisms relating to forecasting and
classification through these data, in order
to meet the optimal forecasting and classification performance.
As one of the important artificial intelligence (AI) research tools, artificial
neural network (ANN) chemes have been
widely applied in many fields of business
Packianather and Drake, 2004; Giordano,
La Rocca and Perna, 2007; Wu, Huang
and Meng, 2008; Gketsis, Zervakis and
Stavrakakis, 2009; Saravanan and
Ramachandran 2010). Moreover, learning vector quantization (LVQ) neural
networks are one of the most commonly
used types of ANN, and have been successfully applied to solve numerous data
classification problems (Filippi and Jensen, 2006; Martin-Ualdivia et al., 2007,
Alegre et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2010;
Blachnik and Duch 2011).
As indicated in previous studies,
learning vector quantization (LVQ) has
good performance when applied to a variety of identification and classification
issues, and it is characterized by rapid
training and higher classification accuracy in identification and classification
applications. This study applied LVQ to
classification problems, and selected and
adjusted the important LVQ variables in
the pre-processing stage, and then conducted the LVQ classification for im-

proving and enhancing the classification

effectiveness. Hence, during the preprocessing, this study selected data and
columns with distinguished features, and
made use of the advantages of LVQ,
such as easy training, fast speed and high
accuracy, in order to achieve the purpose
of effective and good classification.
The application of the Taguchi experimental design method (TEDM) in
factor optimization is common. It is
mainly used in experimental arrangements and planning, as it is very convenient and economical. In addition to common applications in quality engineering,
it has also been widely used in other engineering fields, such as manufacturing,
production, economic principles, and
product quality enhancement. This study
used TEDM to explore the optimization
of an artificial neural parameter combination.
Packianather & Drake (2004) applied the Taguchi orthogonal array
L9(34) in a wood veneer inspection neural network (WVINN) for veneer default
inspection classification. The neural network architecture was composed of 17
input units (neurons), 13 output units,
and a two-level hidden layer. Taguchi
orthogonal arrays are mainly used in the
optimization of neural network factors. It
has four neural network factors, which
are the learning rate, the momentum factor, the number of neurons in hidden
layer 1, and the number of neurons in
hidden layer 2. In each factor, orthogonal
array planning is based on three levels,
which could effectively save experimental times at the neural network training
and testing stage. According to the experimental results, a classification accuracy of 84.16% could be reached, thus
achieving the purpose of accurate classification.
Kuo & Wu (2006) combined the

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


(BPNN) with TEDM to determine optimal learning factors, and applied the objective forecasting model in the film
coasting process, in order to judge the
surface coarseness at various levels. The
orthogonal array L9 was used in the fourfactor and three-level pattern, which was
then applied to the BPNN to determine
the optimal learning factors. The four
selected factors were the learning cycle,
the number of hidden neurons, the learning rate and momentum factor. It can
thus be seen that TEDM has been widely
applied to achieve the purpose of factor
optimization through integration with the
neural network method.
Wu & Chen (2006) selected and applied the Taguchi orthogonal array
L9(33) in the process of injection molding and injection compression molding.
The four main factors of the orthogonal
array were the melt temperature, the injection velocity, the mold temperature
and the packing pressure. Comparison
and discussion on the optimization of the
process factors were conducted.
As mentioned above, TEDM has
been widely used in various applications,
showing good performance in manufacturing process and medical image optimization. When applying in the medicalrelated fields, the experimental results
have shown good effects. Referring to
the selection of the Taguchi orthogonal
array in the previous studies, this study
applied Taguchi orthogonal array L9(33),
which requires fewer experimental times.
It first selected the main neural network
factors of LVQ, which included the
learning rate, the number of hidden neurons, and random seed, to be input into
the orthogonal array. Then, it arranged
and planned the experimental procedures
using the L9 orthogonal array of factors
at three levels to determine the optimal
LVQ factor combination.

This study attempted to propose an
optimization model of neural network
factors for online medical diagnoses. A
Taguchi orthogonal array was used to
arrange and plan the experiments and to
determine the optimal factor combination
for disease diagnosis. This study used the
Taguchi orthogonal array, and applied
the LVQ of the ANN to establish a classification model, in order to effectively
shorten the experimental procedure and
times of experiments. This method could
also allow research personnel without
much experience to easily complete the
complex experimental procedure and
reduce the waste of time and cost. In
addition, the combination of the optimized factors could enhance the classification accuracy of LVQ.
Learning vector quantization (LVQ)
neural network

LVQ Neural Network is an important division of ANNs, extensively applied in the field of classification issues,
by T. Kohonen in 1988, the output and
the logical binary of LVQ are rather suitable for the applications of classification
such as Disorder Diagnosis, Signal Classification, and Image Recognition
(Zurada, 1995).
The procedure of LVQ, shown in
Figure 1, is divided into learning and
recalling processes. The learning process
is the training process, in which the training data are first input into a network,
which then learns to classify the target,
reacting, through the neuron to the output, until the classification accuracy
reaches convergence or satisfies the setting times of learning cycles, which is the
end of the calculation of the learning
process. The recalling process involves
testing the steps and the procedure of
data classification, which first inputs the
testing data into the network, then loads

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


in the acquired weighting value in convergence after training, reacting, through

the neuron, the deduction value, to yield
the data classification at the end of the
Taguchi Experimental Design Method

The procedure of the TEDM experiment is as follows: select the number

of experimental factors, define the number of levels of each factor, and measure
the possible difficulty of each factor level
combination; after all of the conditions
are confirmed, the suitable Taguchi orthogonal array is selected according to
the selected experimental factors and
levels; configure the experimental factors
and levels to implement the experiments.
This study used orthogonal array
L9(33). The LVQ factors included the
learning rate, the number of hidden layers and the random seed. These three
neural network factors were set as the
three factors and the factor levels in the
Taguchi orthogonal array (Table 2). For
the consistency and convenience of the
experiments, the number of learning cycles (epochs) was set at 400 iterations.
The initial weight values of the learning
vector quantified network were generated
using a random number and set in a
range from -1 to 1, in order to provide
the basis for the initial weights.
Calibrating LVQ model using the
Taguchi method

The controllable factors of the LVQ

were calibrated by performing a Taguchi
design process to solve the classification
problems described above. In performing
the Taguchi design process, the controllable factors of the LVQ were assigned to
three levels, i.e. lLearning rate (0.1, 0.5,
0.9), number of hidden neuronse (2, 20,
40), and seed (2, 4, 6). The experimental
levels of these controllable factors are

summarized in Table 2. (See all Tables at

the end of this article).
Experimental procedure of OA

As discussed in previous section, the

controllable factors of the LVQ were
calibrated using a Taguchi design proce4
dure based on an L9 (3 ) OA. As shown
in Table 3, this array prescribes nine experimental trials involving four factors,
each with three level settings. Columns
1, 2, and 3 are assigned to the controllable factors, as follows: Column 1: Factor
A (learning rate), Column 2: Factor B
(number of hidden neurons), and Column
3: Factor C seed). The numbers in columns A, B, and C correspond to the factor level settings shown in Table 3. In the
calibration procedure, the optimal LVQ
network structure for each of the three
data classification problems was identified using the factor level settings specified in the nine experimental trials. The
quality of the corresponding solution (i.e.
the classification performance of the resulting LVQ network) was evaluated
using the ER metric. The corresponding
results are presented in the last columns
of Table 3.
Index evaluation on network

To examine the learning effect, the

research, based on the index, error rate or
accuracy rate, evaluates the quality of the
artificial neural network. The Error Rate,
ER, is calculated, as follows:
Error Rate = the sample number of
error classification /the total sample
number. The value of ER ranges from 0
to 1. The error rate is appropriate for the
classification problems of the supervised
learning neural network, as well as the
applied direction and the artificial neural
types, and therefore, is accepted as the
evaluation criterion for the quality of
artificial neural convergence.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 1. The operation procedure of LVQ

This section presents the experimental

procedures of LVQ models when applied
to authentic databases downloaded via File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) from a server of
the Department of Information and Computer Science (ICS) at the University of
California, Irvine (http://www.ics. The
research data are sampled at random in 2:1
as the training and testing data for calculation.
The Breast-cancer Wisconsin Database, offered by Wolberg (University of
Wisconsin Hospitals, 1992) with 683 data
samples, is composed of nine clinic attributes, and ranges from 1 to 10 in disperse,
all of which contain two class at
tributes, which can be shifted into logical
binary form, where the 2 in Class, for
positive, is displayed as [0 1], while the

4, for negative, is [1 0]. In the experiment 456 training data are chosen (including 269 positives, 187 negatives), and 227
testing data (including 175 positives, and
52 negatives), with which the LVQ network categorizes nine attributes for the
input bits, and two attributes for the class
output bits, whose specific classes and
columns are illustrated in Table 4.
According to the ANOM of TEDM,
as shown in Table 4, the optimal factor
combination was found in Experiment 4 of
the L9(33) orthogonal array. The experimental effect was optimal for the learning
rate (2), the number of hidden neurons (1),
and the random seed (2). This study further repeated the experiment to confirm
the combination of the optimal factors.
According to the experimental results, the
factor combination was set as a learning
rate of 0.50, a number of neurons in the

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


hidden layer equal to twice that of the output units, and a random seed set at 4. This
combination provided the optimal classification effect with an ER value rate of
0.44% (Table 5). A comparison with the
experimental results described in the literature showed that the LVQ with the optimal
factor combination could produce the optimal classification results.
According to the above experimental
results, this study used LVQ to construct
the classification model, and then planned
the experimental procedure using the Taguchi orthogonal array, in order to reduce
the complex experimental procedure.
Then, the orthogonal array experiments
were conducted to determine the optimal
combination for the adjustment of the factor values of the core functions of LVQ. It
was confirmed that the optimal classification accuracy rate could be determined.
This study used TEDM to enhance
the LVQ classification effects, and the
experimental result had a good classification accuracy rate. According to literature
relating to online medical databases, this
study selected databases using the optimal
classification accuracy rate for comparison
and analysis. It was found that the proposed method was superior to the classification model of SVM+FS-PP-EROS applied to a breast cancer database in terms
of the classification error rate, as described
in the literature.
During the research process, besides
using LVQ as the experimental classification tool, this study integrated TEDMrelated technologies and methods. The
group of LVQ optimal factor level combinations obtained from the Taguchi experiment could enhance the classification quality robustness in LVQ applications. The
experimental results indicated that the optimal factor combination of LVQ under

TEDM could help to achieve good classification effects.

To date, no literature has shown a
classification model that can achieve the
optimal performance for any type of data;
therefore, future studies should discuss
more classification models and collect
more types of medical data, in order to
analyze the data characteristics and improve the classification accuracy rate.

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 2. Factor levels of LVQ








Number of hidden neurons




Learning rate

Multiple of output layer neurons

Table 3. L9 (3 4 ) Orthogonal Array







Number of


Rate (%)





The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 4. The Breast-cancer Wisconsin Database

Name of Variable

[2=Good, 4=Bad]

1. Clump Thickness
2. Uniformity of Cell Size
3. Uniformity of Cell Shape
4. Marginal Adhesion
5. Single Epithelial Cell Size
6. Bare Nuclei
7. Bland Chromatin
8. Normal Nucleoli
9. Mitoses
10. Class

Table 5. Comparison of classification results

Breast cancer databases / Error rate

Hu, Yu, Xie & Li, 2007





The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Fenghsiu Lin
Department of Business Administration
Transworld University
[email protected]
Dr. Chin-Wei Liu
Department of Business Administration
Transworld University
[email protected]
I-Hung Kuo
Department of Business Administration
Transworld University
[email protected]

Direct selling industry is prevailing in Taiwan as well as on the globe. This study used
the technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore the use of the industry itself instead
of the IT products employed by the direct sellers. One year after the Financial Tsunami,
this study formulated a self-developed questionnaire to investigate the direct selling sellers in major cities of Taiwan. The nonparametric test results showed that the perceived
usefulness, in terms of self-esteem, self-affirmation, self-actualization and professional
development, was an important determinant of both the attitude toward using and actual
system use. The perceived ease of use was partially correlated with perceived usefulness
and the attitude toward using, but not correlated with actual system use. The attitude toward using was strongly correlated with actual system use. For comparative purpose, we
suggested that TAM be conducted spatially over the diverse population of ethnic Chinese
in Asia, or temporally over the population in Taiwan.
Key Words: Direct Selling Industry, TAM, Nonparametric Correlation Analysis

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


The direct selling industry is
characterized as being centered at
individual person, lacking of mandatory organizational relationship between uplines and downlines (Lan,
2005), and needing not retail locations. Its popularity has led to some
interesting explanatory terms such as
guanxi. However, the conceptual
framework of guanxi was not attempted until recently (Luo, Huang,
& Wang, 2012). On the other hand,
the technology acceptance model
(TAM) has been widely adopted to
examine the use of information technology (e.g., Adams, Nelson, &
Todd, 1992; Legris, Ingham, &
Collerette, 2003) to consumer acceptance of e-shopping (Ha & Stoel,
2009). Although research exists on
the use of technology in the direct
selling industry (Crittenden, Peterson,
& Albaum, 2010; Ferrell, GonzalezPadron, & Ferrell, 2010a), very little
addresses the adoption of the industry
In response to this dearth of
knowledge, we conducted an exploratory study to explore the moderating
effect on the relationship between
TAM constructs.
Review of Literature
Direct Selling Industry
The World Federation of Direct
Selling Association (WFDSA) defines direct selling as a dynamic,
vibrant, rapidly expanding channel of
distribution for the marketing of
products and services directly to consumers. The WFDSA (2012) reported that its member associations
accounted for more than US$132

billion in retail sales in 2010, through

the activities of more than 87 million
independent sales sellers. Direct selling enhances the retail distribution
infrastructures of the economy, and
serves consumers with a convenient
source of quality products. The cost
for an individual to start an independent direct selling business is
typically very low. Therefore, once
the channel of distribution is in place,
the distinction of products and decrease of price and increase of promotion soon follow.
Direct selling in Taiwan has
reached the mature stage over the
past three decades. However, one
year after the Financial Tsunami of
2008, the number of registered multilevel sales enterprises dropped nearly
45%. Nonetheless, the number of
operating business remained; while
the output value and the number of
direct sellers increased by 9% and
8% per year, respectively (Fair Trade
Commission, 2009, 2010). From
2010 to 2011, the direct selling output values grew from US$ 2,574 to
US$ 2,845 million or 4.29% increase
in retail sales, and the number of direct sellers from 2.12 to 4.67 million
or 120% increase (WFDSA, 2012).
Although discrepancy existed
between domestic and global statistics, the trend was almost the same.
What the direct sellers had experienced during the critical year deserved further study.
Related Works
The approach to business by
mega companies such as Amway and
Mary Kay Cosmetics seemed to violate many of the basic tenets of modern American commerce. Instead of

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


the standard contention that the rationalization of social institutions is

an inevitable consequence of advanced capitalism, Biggart (1990)
argued that less rational organizations
built on social networks may actually
be more economically viable. However, direct selling is about the process of selling a consumer product or
service from one person to another.
Therefore, relationship marketing has
grown in popularity and practice
(Wong & Leung, 2001).
Numerous researches have attempted to explore relationship marketing in Chinese context (Guanxi)
(e.g., Fernando & Long, 2012; Wong
& Leung, 2001). Several factors have
contributed to the increase in relationship marketing; for example,
communication technologies eliminate the need for a middleperson altogether (Yuliana, 2005). Social media such as Facebook, YouTube, and
Twitter has evolved as a driver of
strategy, and will become even more
important in the future (Ferrell &
Ferrell, 2012). Chang et al. (2012)
used TAM to anakyze website user's
behavioral intentions in travel agent
sectors. Others focused on the use of
technology in direct selling industry
(Crittenden et al., 2010; Ferrell et al.,
Technology Acceptance Model
Figure 1 shows the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) that was
proposed by Davis (1989) to describe
how users come to accept and use a
technology. The model suggests that
when users are presented with a new
technology, a number of factors influence their decision about how and
when they will use it. The two key

factors are perceived usefulness, the

degree to which a person believes
that using a particular system would
enhance his or her job performance;
and perceived ease-of-use, the degree
to which a person believes that using
a particular system would be free
from effort. The other two factors
are attitude toward using and actual
system use.
Earlier TAM researches focused
on the individual user of a computer
and ignored the essentially social
processes of IS development and
implementation (Legris et al., 2003).
Later studies seemed to embrace eshopping (Ha & Stoel, 2009), elearning (Liu, Liao, & Pratt, 2009; S.
Y. Park, 2009), e-health care (Holden
& Karsh, 2010; Mohamed, Tawfik,
Norton, & Al-Jumeily, 2012) or egovernment (Belanche, Casal, &
Flavin, 2012). However, most TAM
research has been centered at the use
of information technology. Hence,
our attention was drawn to exploring
the use of the organizational system
that creates or sells the products.
Even though TAM has its flaws
according to some critics (e.g., Bradley, 2012; Chuttur, 2009), it is still an
accepted and established model for
explaining and predicting user acceptance of various information technologies (Y. Park, Son, & Kim,
2012). Therefore, this study aimed to
utilize TAM as a tool for exploring
the use of direct selling industry.
Research Methodology
Research Design
Figure 2 represented the research framework based upon TAM
and the structure of the research

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


questionnaire. Each of four TAM

constructs had different questions
developed from various sources.
Perceived ease of use (PEOU)
consisted of seven systems that were
suggested by high ranking managers.
The seven systems were organizational culture system, administrative
services system, product supply system, product line development system, produce service system, education and training system, and bonus
Perceived usefulness (PU)
started with twenty questions modified from various sources. After reliability and validity tests, we found
four important components, namely,
self-esteem (Ghiselli, La Lopa, &
Bai, 2001; Rabinowitz & Hall, 1977),
self-affirmation (Dessler, 1976;
Lawler & Hall, 1970), selfactualization (Brown, 1996; Patchen,
1970) and professional development
(Robbins, 2005).
Single question was given to
measure the attitude toward using
(AU) and actual system use (SU).
The questionnaire had two parts.
The first part was basic information.
The other was the core questions.
Likert five-point scale was applied to
all questions except for actual system
Sampling Plan
According to the online survey
by Fair Trade Commission of Taiwan
(2009), 396 companies registered as
multi-level sales enterprises, 302
were actually conducting business
and 250 were running direct selling
business solely. Although northern
cities had more direct sellers than

other cities, half of the sample was

located in cities in central Taiwan for
geographical reasons. The other half
came equally from the northern and
southern cities.
One year after the Financial Tsunami, we organized this survey.
From late 2009 to early 2010, a total
of 508 out of 540 questionnaires
were retrieved from the direct sellers. About 81.2% (487 out of 508)
were effective samples. Most direct
sellers were female (65.5%); 84.8%
was married; 64.7% was over fortyone years of age; and 58.1% was
Research Hypotheses
The hypotheses were designated
as follows:
Hypothesis 1: PEOU has a strong
impact upon PU.
Hypothesis 2: PU has a strong impact upon AU.
Hypothesis 3: PEOU has a strong
impact upon AU.
Hypothesis 4: PU has a strong impact upon SU.
Hypothesis 5: PEOU has a strong
impact upon SU.
Hypothesis 6: AU has a strong impact upon SU.
Statistical Analysis
The one-sample KolmogorovSmirnov test procedure was used to
test whether variables were normally
distributed. Cronbachs reliability
test and content validity test was performed to identify relevant components of PU. Since the variables fit
the normal distribution poorly (Table
1), we employed nonparametric
Spearmans rho () estimate to test
the hypotheses.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1 showed the normality
test results. Clearly, all variables
were not normally distributed.
Cronbachs value of the PU
components were larger than .7;
therefore, the reliability test was
achieved. The four components were
well documented elsewhere; hence,
the content validity was matched.
Table 2 detailed the test results
from the nonparametric correlation
estimate, Spearmans . Three hypotheses were fully supported, two
were partially supported and one was
not supported. Figure 2 illustrated the
hypothesized path.
All but two systems of perceived
ease of use were strongly correlated
with perceived usefulness at the .01
level (H1), and with attitude toward
using at the 0.05 level (H3). Perceived usefulness was strongly correlated at the .01 level with attitude
toward using (H2), and with actual
system use (H4). Attitude toward
using was strongly correlated with
actual system use at the .01 level
(H6). Perceived ease of use was not
correlated with actual system use
Some results of this study were
consistent with previous researches
(Adams et al., 1992; Davis, 1989),
suggesting that perceived usefulness
of a particular system is an important
determinant of actual system use.
Here a particular system usually
refers to products of information
technology. Many researchers have
done brilliant works on the use of
technology (e.g., Aboelmaged, 2010;

Alsajjan & Dennis, 2010; Fang,

Chan, Brzezinski, & Xu, 2006;
Ferrell, Gonzalez-Padron, & Ferrell,
2010b), see also the Literature Review section.
However, this particular system
meant the direct selling industry in
our study. The key findings was that
usefulness as of personal perception
was strongly correlated with attitude
and action (H2 and H4). This result
was analogous to Belanche et al.
(2012) who used personal values
such as time consciousness and environmental awareness to study the
strategic marketing of the egovernment. Li & Ghosh (2012) also
reported on how the small- and medium-sized enterprises deal with the
dual-model of physical and online
sales channel. Recent works expand
the use of TAM in the context of behavioral science and gain fruitful
results (e.g., Abbasi, Chandio,
Soomro, & Shah, 2011; H. H. Lee &
Chang, 2011; W. Lee, Xiong, & Hu,
2011; Svendsen, Johnsen, AlmsSrensen, & Vitters, 2011), also
refer to the Literature Review section.
Nonetheless, very few had
adopted TAM for studying direct
selling industry. Ferrell et al. (2010b)
was one of the few, but their interest
was on the technology used in the
industry. Therefore, this study was
perhaps the first attempt of applying
TAM to the direct selling industry
This study was valuable for two
reasons: we recorded what the direct
sellers had experienced one year after

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


the Financial Tsunami, and the attempt of using direct selling industry
as the subject matter of TAM. Although our approach seemed to yield
fruitful results, it deserved further
The moderating effect of perceived usefulness on the other TAM
constructs was rather complicated.
We found that perceived usefulness,
in terms of self-esteem, selfaffirmation, self-actualization and
professional development, was an
important determinant of both the
attitude toward using and actual system use. Attitude toward using was
also highly correlated with system
actual use. However, the perceived
ease of use was only partially correlated with perceived usefulness and
the attitude toward using, and not
correlated with actual system use.
Obviously, perceived usefulness was
the key factor in direct selling industry. Improvements on the ease of use
did not seem to matter much.
The main limitation of this study
was that we derived findings mainly
from the geographical rather than the
distributional center. Furthermore,
the adoption of TAM posed a little
concern because of criticisms of
TAM as theory (Chuttur, 2009).
For further research, we suggested that TAM be conducted in
other countries such as China. Alternatively, one can replicate this survey
to obtain temporal comparison of the
sample in Taiwan.


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J. (2011). Personality and technology acceptance: the influence
of personality factors on the core
constructs of the Technology
Acceptance Model. Retrieved
WFDSA. (2012). World Federation
of Direct Selling Associations.
Retrieved July 23, 2012, from
Wong, Y. H., & Leung, T. K.
(2001). Guanxi: Relationship
Marketing in a Chinese Context.
Yuliana, Y. (2005, January 1).
Comparative Study of Direct
Selling Systems in Taiwan and
Indonesia (Master). Tamkang
University, Graduate Institute of
Management Sciences.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Using (A)


Intention to
Use (BI)


Ease of Use

Figure 1: The Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989)



H1 (.22**; Partially Supported)

Ease of

H4 (.28**;

H2 (.47**;


H6 (.34**;


Organizational Culture System

Administrative Services System
Product Supply System
Product Line Development System
Product Service System
Education and Training System
Bonus System

H3 (.10*; Partially

H5 (.04; Not

Figure 2: Research Framework and Hypotheses Test Results

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1. Normality Test Results




Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)

Organizational Culture System
Administrative Services System
Product Supply System
Product Line Development System
Product Service System
Education and Training System
Bonus System







Perceived Usefulness (PU)

Professional Development
Attitude Toward Using (AU)







Actual System Use (SU)

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction







The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 2. The Nonparametric Correlation Test Results


Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has a strong impact upon Perceived
Usefulness (PU).
Organizational Culture System has a strong impact upon PU.
Administrative Services System has a strong impact upon PU.
Product Supply System has a strong impact upon PU.
Product Line Development System has a strong impact upon PU.
Product Service System has a strong impact upon PU.
Education and Training System has a strong impact upon PU.
Bonus System has a strong impact upon PU.
Perceived Usefulness (PU) has a strong impact upon Attitude Toward Using (AU).
Self-esteem has a strong impact upon AU.
Self-affirmation has a strong impact upon AU.
Self-actualization has a strong impact upon AU.
Professional Development has a strong impact upon AU.
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has a strong impact upon Attitude
Toward Using (AU).
Organizational Culture System has a strong impact upon AU.
Administrative Services System has a strong impact upon AU.
Product Supply System has a strong impact upon AU.
Product Line Development System has a strong impact upon AU.
Product Service System has a strong impact upon AU.
Education and Training System has a strong impact upon AU.
Bonus System has a strong impact upon AU.
Perceived Usefulness (PU) has a strong impact upon Actual System
Use (SU).
Self-esteem has a strong impact upon SU.
Self-affirmation has a strong impact upon SU.
Self-actualization has a strong impact upon SU.
Professional Development has a strong impact upon SU.
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has a strong impact upon Actual
System Use (SU).
Organizational Culture System has a strong impact upon SU.
Administrative Services System has a strong impact upon SU.
Product Supply System has a strong impact upon SU.
Product Line Development System has a strong impact upon SU.
Product Service System has a strong impact upon SU.
Education and Training System has a strong impact upon SU.
Bonus System has a strong impact upon SU.
Attitude Toward Using (AU) has a strong impact upon Actual
System Use (SU).
** p < .01 level (two-tailed); * p < .05 level (two-tailed).


Partially supported

Partially Supported




Not Supported


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013





Wen-Ching Kuo
Extension Education Center
TransWorld University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Shiang-Huei Kung
Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management
Asia-Pacific Institute of Creativity, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The objective of this research is to proceed to flow control through locating a set of arrival
scheduling method targeting to Sung-Shun control area, and the application simulation software will serve as the tool for aircraft flight operations and related performance appraisal.
Within them, this research adopts the primary performance appraisal indices in 40-seconds
time interval ratio, average time delayed and flight early arrival ratio. And these will be used
to compare the performance from two alternatives in addition to proceeding to experimental
designs so as to understand whether these two models can possess significant differences in
the performance criteria or not. Lastly, based upon the findings from performance appraisals,
it is expected to cut down workload for Air Traffic Control Personnel and also ensure the
safeties for both the passengers as well as the aircraft.
Keywords: Sung-Shun Airport, Arrival Scheduling, Simulation


freeways are constantly jammed which

results with the capacity of the ground

In recent years, due the rapid eco-

level transportation unable to satisfy the

nomic development and vast increase in

needs for the passengers. For this reason

domestic incomes, there has been wit-

alone, it comparatively facilitates the fast

nessed with large volume increases in pri-

growth for domestic air transports, entail-

vately owned vehicles. Therefore the

ing with massive increases in the air trans-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


portation and this would further aggravate

off at the airport, it is preferred to cal-

the workload for both the airport as well as

culate the flow volume of ensuing

ATC organization. Within these, the traffic

flights entering into Sung-Shun con-

flow problem at Taipei Sung-Shun Airport

trol area. And basing upon these pre-

seems to be the gravest among all.

requisites, the control measures are

proceeded accordingly which can cut
down the workload for ATC person-

Amid impacts by high-priced oils as

well as the completion and activation for

nel as well as ensuring the safeties for

high-speed rail of west corridor in addition

passengers and the airplanes.

to highway transportation system, SungShun Airport had been greatly affected

besides off-island flights. Not until government opening up for direct cross-strait
flights in 2008, then Sung-Shun Airport
would be able to regain its transportation
volume significantly. Additionally, the
activation for flights destined to Tokyo,
Japan, and routes to Seoul, Korea, this
enables Sung-Shun Airport gaining the
status of Capital City commercial airport.

Thus, the objective of this research is

to proceed to flow control by locating a set
of arrival scheduling through targeting to
Sung-Shun ATC and applying the simulation software as the tools for aircraft taking-off operation and related performance
appraisals. In these, this research adopts
the ratio for time duration of 40 seconds,
average time delayed and early flight arrival ratio as the primary performance appraisal indices. Then it is followed with
comparison made against these two alter-

Moreover, the flow capacity is-

natives so as to understand whether there

sues for Flight Intelligence Region

exist significant differences in the per-

(FIR) are usually resulted from the

formance criteria for these two models.

densely-packed airport and scheduled

Lastly, this research provides recommen-

flights as well as the domestic flights

dations as opposed to which supply chain

with short flight distance. Nonethe-

systems be selected through basing upon

less, these densely-packed fights not

the findings from the performance apprais-

only create the social cost through


wasting the time for those planes

Literature Review

staying in the air for waiting, but also

it is an flight safety issue that no

Regarding to the research exploration

longer can be ignored. Hence, how to

for airport ATC, it can generally be broken

base upon the schedules for domestic

down to the following control definitions

flight and proceed to arrange reason-

and categorizations, flow management,

able arrival scheduling, in addition

and factors impacting the runway, a total

that prior the scheduled flight takes

of three items for further illustration.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


ATC Definition And Categorization

offering the service of en-route flight. In

addition it can exchange and coordinate

The so called Air Traffic Control is

with neighboring control centers so as to

that in order to gain effective control for

ensure the safety of transnational and

operation status on the ground level, it can

transoceanic flights.

provide the aircrafts with safe as well as


economical air traffic services. And in the

as Departure and Arrival Control. And this

advent of progress made in aircraft and

organization normally locates at the main

economical development, the performance

airport which it serves under, with the ob-

of the aircraft also has been raised signifi-

jective of providing the Departure and

cantly. Therefore it cannot simply rely

Arrival services for aircrafts under its ju-

upon the pilot to avoid collisions it must

risdiction while ascending and descending.

also depend upon the ATC organization on


the ground as well as arrangements made

Aerodrome control which provides ATC

for the airlines and the routes scheduled.

services for airport airlines as well as the

This is also the cause why we require the

airspace neighboring to the airport as the

ATC and in the future we also expect to

hub within 5 nautical miles and under

utilize the satellite guidance so as to in-

3,000 feet. Its main objective is to enable

crease the accuracy for ATC as well as

the both ATC personnel and the pilots

raise the level of ATC services to an even

applying SOP and controlling methods,

more comprehensive level.

etc, during the aircraft taxing, taking-off

Terminal Control: It is also known

Tower Control: It is also known as

and various phases and so on in addition to

In the ATC categorization, the ATC
for Taipei control can be divided into three

achieve the purpose of flying safely and

rapidly as well.

types: Air Route Control, Terminal Control and Tower Control, and they are illus-

Flow Control

trated as follows.
Air Route Control: It is also known

The so called Flow Control refers that

as En route control, currently it is located

when the flight activity of the aircraft

at the Taipei Air Route Control within

within the flow control region exceeds the

Taipei FIR (Flight Information Region)

loading for ATC system, the necessary

and it is also the domestic control center

control measures are taken so as to allevi-

based upon region. Internally, this can be

ate the crowded aircrafts within the region.

broken down into five control regions:

When arrival aircrafts proceed to queuing,

North, Central, South, Kinmen and Ma-

and the flow control will be processed

gong, and they are responsible of the con-

according to the queued sequence. And

trolling airspace which the aircrafts follow

there are many flow control measures as

the Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) while

depicted in Table 1.


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1. Flow control measures

Flow control
Speed control




Demanding the accel- Can absorb the en route Unable to control

eration and slowing time delayed
down for aircraft
Route change or Alter original route or Can
the High cost and difficult
detoured path
switch to another route crowding phenomenon to control
Queuing in the air En route queuing in the Can
the High cost and difficult
crowding phenomenon to control
Ground queuing to Request the aircraft to Low cost and high If overly conservative,
control the depar- proceed
ground safety ratio
it can cause the loss in
ture time
Factors Affecting Runway

flight in the air implemented with arrival

control for landing first, and then allow the

The so called runway capacity is de-

departure flight to take off. The factors

fined as that, under the known conditions,

affecting runway capacity can be complex

the maximum number of the processed

at best and the primary factors include

operational departure/arrival flight. In ap-

those depicted in Table 2.

plication, the runway has the so called

Runway Blockage. When an aircraft is

Research Methodology

taxing on the runway, all other landing or

take-off is not allowed. Other than this, at

Current Status Description

the time when the aircraft arrives, the runway is also blocked as well. And the fact
that other on-the-ground aircraft tries to
cut across the land or take-off or landing is
prohibited. Therefore the runway blockage
scenario differs according to the type of
aircraft as well as the length of the runway.

There are a total of 11 domestic airports including Sung-Shun Airport. In this

research, the simulation takes place according to the queuing sequences for both
the departure and arrival to Sung- Shun
airport. The basic assumption and conditions for the model are as follow. The time

Runway at Sung-Shun Airport is restricted to one; therefore both the depar-

and duration generated by aircraft are

known (flight schedule).

ture and arrival of the aircraft use the

same runway. And the planes that are departing and arriving could interfere each
other; nonetheless the queuing for domestic flow control is prioritized to have the
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 2. Factors affecting runway capacity

Climate and weather
Runway configuration
Close-by terrain

Ratio for departure/arrival

Aircraft type


Content illustration
Include wind direction, wind speed, visibility
Such as single lane runway or multiple lane runway and orientation of the runway, etc
Suppose Sung-Shun Airport has 10 to 28 runways, since they are
all affected by the close-by terrain therefore the capacity for 28
runways would be much less for those with 10 runways.
Normally the airport capacity is defined by two constants: the arrival and departure capacities; and different ratios would alter the
capacity of the runway as result.
Due to different aircraft types, the isolation approaches and required runway lengths would also differ as well.

Types of the aircraft are two (large or


First tier: Interconnections be-


tween each airport and Sung-Shun Airport


depicted as in Figure 1.

The minimum safety distance is 40

seconds apart.



domestic airports.

Due to factor of passenger boarding,

Second tier: Configuration for all

the plane can not take off ahead of the



model is the Entity 1 aircraft, and it is gen-


erated at each airport and then enters into

Arrival flights take higher priority

Entity: Entity configured in this

over departure ones.

the system.



Small aircraft precedes larger air-


Resources: The resource within

this model is a single runway.

Only 10 runways are taken into con-

sideration and the 28 runways are ruled


Attributes: Setup for the attributes

is detailed in Table 3.


Temporarily, the climate and the

Brief Introduction Of The Model

weather factors are not being evaluated.


There are two procedures: ordering

and merging at the arrival phase.

System models can be mainly divided into two major categories: Precedural control for special time and flight

System Simulation

schedule generation.

The main architecture for this model

For Sung-Shun Airport, its flight

has two tiers and the following are the

schedules are between 7 am to 12pm, and

contents for each tier.

during this period, there are 77 take-offs,

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Figure 1. Relevant diagrams for domestic routes

66 landings and a total of 143 flights

is preset from the System Analysis Record


(SAR) information. Unless for the sake of

the arrival tower, its flight time should

Control Procedure For Arrival Tower

adopt the normal distribution with the average flight time shown in Table 5 and the

Since the topics explored within

variable of 1. Suppose for the sake of arri-

this research are primarily focused on ar-

val tower, and its flight required time is a

rival control at Sung-Shun Airport, there-

fixed value then they can be shown as in

fore the aircraft simulation time sequence

Table 4.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


standard of minimum 40-second interval

Illustration for Critical Activity

for the aircraft take-off or landing.


Sung-Shun Airport

The configuration for Sung-Shun Airport

Moreover, the priority setting for

activity is shown in Fig. 2. The approach

aircraft landing includes alternative 1

of alternative 1 is to have Sung-Shun Air-

which adopts the first-come-first-serve

port maintain the minimum of 40 seconds

approach. Suppose the arrival time is the

between each flight regardless whether

same, then the priority of landing precedes



that for the take-off. Then it is followed

adopted approach is to preset as striving

with small aircraft priority preceding the

for a single resource (runway) and the required time is 40 seconds. Therefore if no

large one. Therefore, to meet the priority

setting, this team adopts the Assign

resource is available, at this moment the

priority setting which assembles all land-

Entity would wait. Thus it can meet the

ing and take-off aircrafts under the As-








Table 3: Setup for the attributes

Arrival or departure flight schedule
at Sung-Shun Airport
For small aircraft, it is 1.0; and the
large aircraft is 0.0.
Aircraft type at Sung-Shun Airport:
1.0 for landing and 0.0 for take-off.
It records the time gap between Sungflight
Shun Airport flight schedule and system initial setup time interval
Algorithm priority weights
Recorded flight schedule time and the
actual landing or take-off time

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Fig. 2: Configuration for Sung-Shun Airport Activity

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


activity. And under the premise of accept

= (10.0 * (Entity.EnterTime-Entity.flight))

Entity, the expression for priority is set as

+ (Entity.method * 2.0)+ Entity.airtype.






Entity.EnterTime)) + (Entity.method *

(2) All domestic airport generation

2.0) + Entity.airtype. For the alternative 2,

The configuration figure for all domestic

the approach would adopt the longer delay

airport Activity is shown in Figure 3.

time for flight schedule at Sung-Shun Air-

Since this system is the kind that generates

port which would have the

aircraft within specific timeframe accord-

priority of using the runway. Hence the

ing to flight schedule therefore it generates

priority setting would assemble all take-off

Entity (aircraft) at specific timeframe and

and landing aircrafts to the Assigns activ-

applies generation to read file which can

ity. And under the accept Entity, the ex-

input into the flight schedule.

pression for setting priority is: Entity.temp

Figure 3: Domestic airport Activity configuration


Experimental Setting

Recording from the findings

Since the analysis information re-

quired by this team cannot be generated

Each simulation timeframe starts from 6

from basic information report, therefore

am till 12 noon, and there are 15 simula-

the final empirical finding will be recorded

tions implemented with two experimenta-

via file inputting. And the content of the


recording is as follow:

Alternative 1: At Sung-Shun Airport, it


does not matter whether it is take-off or

The actual time for aircraft landing

and take-off.

landing, its interval should be at a mini-


mum of 40 seconds. And the runway used

The time allotted for Sung-Shun

will adopt the approach of First-ComeAirport flight schedule.

First-Serve. If the timeframe is identical

then the priority of landing aircraft pre-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


cedes that of take-off and the smaller air-

rence for the time without the 40 second

craft precedes larger one.

interval is 0.0%.

Alternative 2: At Sung-Shun Airport, it


Average time delayed

does not matter whether it is take-off or

Alternative 1: The average time delayed

landing, the interval should be at a mini-

as opposed to the original flight schedule

mum of 40 seconds. And the occupied

at Sung-Shun Airport is 156.4022 sec-

runway should adopt the approach of Key

onds with SDV of 7.4468. Alternative 2:

ratio: The shortest time duration in the

The average time delayed as opposed to

flight schedule at Sung-Shun Airport

the original flight schedule at Sung-Shun

should have the precedence in using the

Airport is 154.9830 seconds with SDV of

runway. If the time is identical, then land-


ing aircraft should precede the take-off,

smaller aircraft precedes the larger one.

Since both alternative 1 and 2 adopt identical seed from flying time normal distribution therefore it can be explored via

Findings Analysis

pair-t test and after applying SPSS, the

This research shall adopt three ap-

findings are shown in Table 5.

praisal indices to explore the empirical


Ratio for early arrival of scheduled flight

Ratio of 40-second time interval

Probability from the occurrence for

The defined early arrival ratio is the num-

original flight schedule without the 40-

ber of early landing flight /the number of

second interval is 28.87%. It does not

total landing flight. For each experiment,

matter whether it is prior or after the al-

the provided early arrival ratio for both

ternative, the probability of the occur-

alternative 1 and 2 is shown in Table 6.

Table 5. Finding analysis from pair-t test

Alternative 1 - Alternative 2

standard deviation


degrees of freedom



95% confidence interval

lower limit
upper bound

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 6. List of scheduled flights early arrival

The number of experiments

Alternative 1

Alternative 2



From the above three indices, we can

tell that suppose the evaluation is focused

tion be exceeded 30 then there should be

the existence of significant difference.

upon the safety, then it does not matter

whether it is alternative 1 or 2, both can

Algorithm problems encountered

reach the 40 seconds interval between all

aircrafts landings and take-offs; whereas

As for Sung-Shun Airport arrival con-

suppose we focus on the alternatives dif-

trol simulation by Simprocess, this team

ference between alternative 1 and 2, spe-

uncovered the problems for the algorithm

cifically in average number, then one can

detailed as follow:

find that the alternative 2 is found superior


In acquiring the actual arrival

to alternative 1. Nonetheless if by going

time, it adopts the format of having in-

through pair-t test, we can find that there is

formation written into the file and

no significant difference between these

within the information written into the

performances. As for the probability of

file, all of them are the experimental

this kind of occurrence, this team predicts

results at the last try. This could dupli-

that it could be resulted from too little ex-

cate the file content. And this team


Therefore it is recom-

also verified that during file opening

mended that the number of experimenta-

and closing stage, both start simulation

and end simulation would only record

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


the last experimentation result.

the ensuing flight flow which enters the


Due to the fact that the actual time

Sung-Shun Airport control region to allow

format adopts the string approach, this

the prior controlling be implemented, these

would likely pose problem to flight

can be essential to cut down workload for

schedule time (which is also in string

ATC personnel in addition to ensure the

format) and the system cannot directly

safety for both passengers as well as air-

calculate the time difference therefore


it creates the undue complexity for information processing by this team.

Consequently this main objective of

this research is to locate a series of arrival


queuing sequences for Sung-Shun control

so as to proceed to successful flow control

Sung-Shun Airport currently shoul-

mechanism. This research applies simula-

ders the responsibility of transportation for

tion software to serve as the tool to evalu-

domestic flights. Its frequent aircraft land-

ate flight operations and related perform-

ing and take-off control operation would

ance appraisals. Within them, this research

generate the workload and stress for all

adopts ratio of time interval in 40 seconds,

ATC personnel involved and this could

average time delayed and ratio for early

become the major concern for flight safety.

flight arrival as the major performance

Alternatively, the flow problems observed

appraisal indices. Then it is followed with

for Taipei FIR are usually created by

performance comparisons between these

densely-packed airport and flight sched-

two alternatives so as to understand

ules as well as domestic airlines with short

whether there is any significant difference

flight path.

existed between these two models. And

according to the test findings from these





flight schedule not only renders waste in

models in addition to essentials from

evaluating the safety for both the pas-

time for aircrafts queuing in the air but

senger and flight aircraft, we found that

also create social costs and the flight safety

whether be it as alternative 1 or 2, both can

can not be ignored either. Hence making

meet the 40 seconds interval requirement

reasonable arrival queuing sequence by

between all the landings and take-offs.

basing upon the flight schedule for domes-

And this can ensure the safety for our pas-

tic airlines in addition to pre-calculating

sengers and flight aircraft as result.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


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Yuliandre Darwis
The Communications Department
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Andalas University, West Sumatra, Indonesia
[email protected]

The globalization era has disentangled the international economic competition and has stimulated the increasing economic interdependence of national economies worldwide through a
rapid increase in the expeditious movement of goods, services, technology, and capital. The
international industry and business arena has spurred cross-border business transactions and
business access, and eventually have stimulated domestic industries, particularly the creative
industry, to be able to compete in the international arena.
A competitive company is a company capable of implementing technology internally. One of
the types of technology implementation in order to increase business competition and sale of
products is the utilization of electronic commerce (e-commerce) that may help market a wide
range of products or services, either physical or digital.
In this research, the author will try to describe and examine the importance of implementation
of e-commerce communication media by the creative industry, particularly in the fashion
industry subsector as a supporting factor in the international business competition. This research used the qualitative approach with the descriptive type of research aiming to make a
systematic, factual, and accurate description of particular facts and characteristics.
Keywords: E-commerce, Communication, Media, International Business, Creative Industry,

The euphoria of globalization has disentangled the international economic competition, moreover for developed countries
and developing countries that are expanding their competitive business access.

Underlain by different resource potentials,

each country often utilizes its comparative
advantage or competitive advantage in
performing its business activities. In face
of this matter, certainly the logical consequence arising is the demand for domestic
local industries to make use of existing
resources, specifically by optimizing local

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


The creative industry, as an economic

activity that truly reflects the potential and
productivity of local resources, plays an
important role in creating added values
through the existence of creative products
or services. There is no doubt that the creative industry potential is currently highly
promising, with its foreign exchange contribution to the national economy. Indonesia's creative industry has become one of
the most successful and promising industries since 2002, (the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Indonesia started
to recognize the existence of this industry,
resulting in the mapping of its contribution
to the economy since 2002). During the
period 2009 - 2015, the annual contribution of the creative industry to export was
predicted to reach 12 percent and provide
jobs for 7% of the workforce (Ministry of
Commerce, 2005).
However, apart from all this, the local
creative industry still faces competition
constraints, specifically in respect of
global market access. Information Technology serving as the supporting factor in
creating an effective business communication has not been optimally utilized. This
rests on the assumption that by means of
information technology, it may automatically create corporate competitive advantage in international business.
One of the utilizations of information
technology is the existence of e-commerce
being a form of technology implementation to increase competitive business competition. With it, various corporate needs
in relation to business communication activities such as the transfer of information
and resources may be satisfied. Indeed, the
subsequent impact is the capability of improving services to customers and increasing corporate competitiveness. This vital
thing becomes the benchmark of domestic
industries, specifically the industry creative, as we know that it has extraordinary
potential. If the local creative industry may
optimally apply this form of technology,

i.e. e-commerce in carrying out its business strategies, certainly the competitiveness challenge of the global industry may
be addressed.
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)
greatly supports corporate improvement
and development that may provide feasibility for the management to process various resources used. E-commerce supports
the management in the marketing process
in order to achieve objectives, as ecommerce may alter the form of services
from originally one must come in person
to the intended agency or by phone, but
now the services become online anytime
and anywhere, making it easier to handle
each transaction.
Literature Review
International Business Communication
The rise of business world or other
human life sectors will not be successful
without the existence of communication.
In principle, communication may alter the
opinions, attitudes, and behaviors of the
society. Initially communication was defined as a one-way communication in the
business world or other sectors. In line
with its development, communication is
defined as a two-way process between
business actors. Not only that, the business
world development is also supported by
the rapid technological advancements.
To put it simply, it may be said that
Business Communication is defined as
communication used in the business world,
covering various forms of communication,
either verbal or non-verbal communication
to achieve particular objectives. In the
business world, an excellent communicator, in addition to possessing excellent
communication skills (definitely), must
also use various kinds of communication
tools or media available to convey business messages to other parties in an effective and efficient manner so that the objec-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


tives of conveying business messages may

be achieved (Djoko Purwanto. 2006).
The international business communication activity concerns the promotion of
business and product (export) that attempts
to embrace both the government and the
private sector of other countries to conduct
business transactions (commerce, investment, travel, tourism, etc.). The actors in
this activity include communicators that
come from the business circle, while the
communicatees usually come from the
officials of government agencies, business
circle, and the public in other countries.
The international business advertising
media may be divided into three areas: 1)
commerce or industry, aiming to reach
distributors, attempting to convince them
to add the stock of goods advertised and
giving sales commission to sellers that
have successfully secured purchase orders.
2) Consumer advertising, on the other
hand, attempts to convince consumers to
purchase brands or names of products advertised from shops or any other mercantile establishment that serves consumers.
3) Professional or ethical advertising attempts to influence professionals to write a
review or suggestion in order for the publicized products to be used.
In a broader scope, business communication covers all issues related to "how
to express the ideas" or "how to share the
ideas in business". Based on such definition, it may be said that the business communication activity covers the forms of
communication, which demand communications skills. Business communication
requires the mastery and comprehension of
use of all forms of communication, in receiving or sending messages.
In relation to international business
communication, it clearly involves crossculture communication, which is a form of
communication performed by two individuals or more, each having a different

culture due to geographical differences in

domicile. In this matter, communication
may occur at the interregional, interterritorial, or international level. Max Weber, the
father of modern sociology, in his writing,
says that "If we learn something from the
history of economic developments, it is the
culture that makes a difference". Although
the Global Crisis and World War II slowed
down commerce worldwide, when either
of these ended, globalization flourished.
The increasingly advanced transportation,
communication technology and product
distribution systems have brought forth
what Cairncross referred to as the "death
of distance" with the decreasing or disappearing hindrance of time and space. The
importance of national boundaries has
lessened during a period marked with
multi-national companies, mergers, licensing agreements, foreign investments, and
offshore productions. This results in economic interdependence of nations. This
interdependence becomes part of the
global economy where one day of global
trading today is equivalent to one year of
trading in 1949. This global interdependence was clearly demonstrated in January
2008, when the world saw the effects of
the U.S. Stock Market collapse (Larry A.
Samovar. 2010).
Developed countries and developing
countries are now directly bound to the
system of international economic interdependence and most countries have at least
one national asset needed by other countries. International interdependence in this
century is not limited to commerce and
finished goods. However, communication
technology has enabled the services industry to give contribution. As stated by Hanvanich "the pressure to establish and maintain the benefits of global competition has
changed the way companies do business."
Likewise, Thomas has the same view in
his writing, "almost all currently existing
businesses are global businesses." Comprehension of how to do business in a
manner that accommodates different cul-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


tural norms. In this new market, knowledge of cultural differences, cross-culture

teamwork and multicultural collaboration
constitute vital factors for the success of an
Cross-Culture Communication
The relationship between culture and
communication is deemed important to be
understood in order to comprehend crossculture communication. Cross-culture
communication occurs when the communicator is a member of a culture and the
communicatee is a member of another
culture. In this situation, the issue arising
is the encoding of a message in a culture
and the decoding of such message in another culture.
Cross-culture communication is communication used in the business world,
either verbal or non-verbal communication, with due regard to the cultural factors
of a region, territory or nation. In this case,
the meaning of cross-culture does not
solely constitute foreign cultures but also
cultures growing and developing in various regions within a national territory.
Communication is assumed to be related to
the behavior and fulfillment of human
needs for interactions with other human
beings. These interactions are performed
through the exchange of messages serving
as a bridge to unite human beings, who
would be isolated without any communication.
The free trade and globalization era
marked with the increasingly expanding
products and services, including communication technology, cause the exchange of
information from one country to another
country to be more flexible, as if the world
were no longer bound by boundaries that
limit the territory of a nation. In behaving
towards the free trade and globalization
era, large companies operating domestically in the sectors of manufacturing, exploration or services engage foreign con-

sultants to help develop their companies.

Likewise, there are also large domestic
companies that expand their business to
various countries.
Given the current developments or
trends, cross-culture business communication becomes crucial for the established
business harmony amongst them. However, it is necessary to have a mutual understanding between two individuals or
more in performing cross-culture communication, either in writing (including via
internet) or verbally (face-to-face).
In the globalization era with its highly
advanced communication technology and
transportation technology, the roles of
multicultural persons are vital. According
to Dedy Mulyana in his book "Komunikasi
Antar Budaya", one of the roles is helping
resolve multicultural conflicts and serving
as mediators for people of diverse cultures.
In addition, according to Wilbur Scramm
in the book "Komunikasi Antar Budaya" it
is stated that the role of multicultural persons is developing a cultural bridge. In
respect of international business, human
beings as business actors are expected to
be able to build a broader network and
apply e-commerce as one of the factors for
international business success.
The increasing multitude of economic
cooperation and agreement patterns in
various world regions today will make
cross-culture business communication
more important. Today, there are several
economic cooperation patterns in various
world regions such as the ASEAN region
(AFTA/ASEAN Free Trade Area), the
Asia-Pacific region (APEC), the North
American region (NAFTA/North American Free Trade Area), the Canadian region
(CFTA/Canada Free Trade Area), the
European region (EFTA/European Free
Trade Area), and the Latin American region (LAFTA/Latin American Free Trade

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Given the increasingly open window of

opportunity for multinational companies to
enter the territory of a nation and driven by
the increasingly rapid advancements of
communication and information technology, then that is the time when the need for
cross-culture business communication becomes increasingly more important.
Globalization, World Trade and
International Business
Globalization is a common term in
many languages and widely used in various disciplines. Some use it positively and
some do the opposite. Globalization is
construed in diverse ways, depending on
the point of view and objective of the user.
Cameron views globalization as "a continuous integration of economies"; for
Gannon, "Globalization refers to the increasing interdependence amongst governments, business companies, non-profit
organizations, and individual citizens".
From the point of view of an anthropologist, globalization is Interconnectedness
as a whole, a proof of the global movement of resources, trade of goods, labor,
financial capital, information".
This relation, which underlies the essence of globalization, constitutes a product of "growth of the commercial world
and the accompanying business activities;
dramatic improvement of telecommunications, ease of data storage and transmission; increased facilities and business opportunity.
The capability of moving products,
equipment, people, information and security at a fast pace to all parts of the world,
without national or international boundary
issues, has increased what is commonly
referred to as international cooperation.
Continuous technological advancements in
the fields of transportation, communication, and data transfer facilitate the capability of transnational companies to put the
production process in areas that offer

lower production costs, particularly labor

costs, and swiftly move products and services to developing markets. This great
cooperation is expected to continue to develop in the future and its growth holds
important principles. One of the important
principles is how an economy is managed
and controlled. According to Mandel,
"Globalization covers the capability of
Washington to control the economies.
Giant commercial companies now have an
immense capacity to influence regions,
states, and national governments, in the
framework of open market and free market, capable of moving goods across national boundaries without any obstacle.
The Roles of Information Technology in
the Global Business World
One of the significant changes in Indonesia in terms of internet usage, everyone can run their business via internet
network, specifically the market place and
trading. For example, how we make payments online, sell and purchase airplane
tickets and particular events online, purchase computers, printers, books online
and many more.
E-commerce facility in the internet is
highly useful, particularly for businesspersons whose business is export-based.
Businesspersons no longer need to bring
sample goods to their clients abroad. For
prospective buyers desiring to conduct
transactions, they may purchase the goods
as sample goods via internet. If they feel
satisfied with the appearance of the goods,
they may contact the e-commerce site.
Global business activities will bring in
more people of diverse cultures, creating
relationships that may be established
through face-to-face interactions or virtual
relationships via electronic devices. Technology will enhance the capability of everyone around the world to stay connected.
There is no limit to communication. Re-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


gardless of the time and space that enable

human beings to interact with others.
Information Technology (IT) is defined as a collection of technological components commonly regulated in an information-system-based computer. Computer
is an effective tool to gather, manipulate,
and distribute information. Information
Technology has become a necessity for
personal and professional growth, is capable of changing lives, and will continue to
play a greater role in daily lives. Companies must focus on their strategies and
overcome the business pressures. Given
the huge competitive markets, organizations continue to find breakthroughs that
will put them at an advantage over their
competitors. IT helps organizations in
many things such as strategic decisions,
punctuality, and reliability. IT systems
enable the management to increase the
speed of decision-making, swift implementation of strategies, which change the
relationship between customers and suppliers that may drastically increase production and the rating market (Novie Wirawan
Arief, 2011).
Information Technology involves the
use of information to create products and
services. Information Technology includes
the use of computer to transfer interdepartmental information within a company
and the use of internet to provide information to customers. Information Technology
only makes up 8% of the total output generated in the United States of America, but
more than one third of the output growth is
generated in the United States of America.
Based on the results of study conducted by
the Ministry of Commerce of the United
States, it was estimated that half of the
whole U.S. workforce would be employed
by industries that create information technology. The study also found that information technology decreased production costs
and created lower product prices.

Information Technology booming has

become a great encouragement for businesspersons. When computer technology
and communication technology unites,
accompanied with seemingly lower costs,
businesspersons acquire tools that may aid
them to compete with large companies.
Information Technology aids businesspersons to work in a fast and efficient manner,
provide attentive consumer services, increase sales and project a professional image. Advancements in information technology have also created demands for new
products, and businesspersons have risen
to face the challenge Boone and Kurtz,
2006). Information Technology greatly
helps human beings to identify and solve
problems. The main usage of information
technology is helping to solve problems
with high creativity and to make human
beings more effective in its utilization. A
series of domestic and foreign events also
slows down the recovery of national economy, business certainty and business climate erode, and business risks are increasingly higher. Eventually in several years
later, there will be increasing cases of
company closures and bankruptcies (Novie
Wirawan Arief. 2011).
One of other technology-related services is e-business, also known as ecommerce, which is the use of electronic
communication to create or sell products
and services. E-business includes business
transactions such as sale via internet or
interactions between a company and its
suppliers via internet. In fact, many people
use the term information technology and ecommerce interchangeably (Jeff Madura.
E-Commerce as Business
Communication Media
Electronic commerce (EC) is a new
concept that may be described as the process of selling and purchasing goods or services on the World Wide Web or the sale
& purchase or exchange of products, ser-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


vices, and information through the information network, including the internet.
Thus, some perspectives may be defined as
From the communication perspective, EC is a delivery of information,
products/services, or payment through
the phone line, computer network or by
other electronic means.
From the business process perspective, EC is a technology application
towards automation of transactions and
corporate workflow.
A number of people regard the term
commerce as a transaction conducted
amongst collaborating companies. Many
people prefer the term e-business, which
refers to the broader definition of ecommerce, not only selling and purchasing, but also serving customers and collaborating with business partners, and implementing electronic transactions in an
According to Suyanto (2003), the
benefits that may be obtained from ecommerce for organizations are:
1. Expanding the market place to national and international markets
2. Reducing the costs of paper-based
information production, processing,
distribution, storage and search
3. Enabling the reduction of inventory
and overhead by simplifying the supply chain and the "pull" type management
4. Reducing the time between capital
outlay and receipt of products and services
5. Supporting reengineering process
business efforts
6. Minimizing the internet telecommunication cost that is less expensive
than that of VAN
7. Faster access to information
As for the benefits perceived by companies, specifically in favor of customers,

it has been shown that e-commerce may

give the following benefits:
1. Gaining new customers. The use of
e-commerce allows companies to gain
new customers from either the domestic market or the foreign market.
2. Attracting customers to retain
them. E-commerce may create customers loyal to particular products / services.
3. Enhancing the quality of services.
The existence of e-commerce allows
companies to enhance the quality of
services by having more personalized
interactions, thus capable of providing
information as desired by consumers.
4. Serving consumers with no time
limit. Customers may conduct transactions and utilize the services of a company without having to be bound by
time limit.
Companies Successful with
The computer company Dell has
achieved success through a tortuous journey. It started with the failure of selling
computers by nail orders met with fierce
competition from Compaq, which resulted
in USD 65,000.00 in loss within a period
of six months, nearly bankrupting the
company. However, the computer company Dell finally used e-commerce as its
secret weapon, eventually leading it to
become the largest PC makers in the
world. Next, a company that has successfully used e-commerce is a second rank
company that amazes the world, i.e. WalMart, the largest retail company. Becoming the largest retail company in the world
is not always a guarantee for success.
Fierce competition caused large retail
companies, such as Mont Gomery Ward,
to go out of business due to bankruptcy.
Wal-Mart realized the importance of innovation. Later on Wal-Mart used information technology (e-commerce), immediately arose and swiftly responded to the
market fluctuation (M. Suyanto. 2003).

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


According to Era Kitty Hawk, he said

that in 1997, the whole volume of business
sale transactions was conducted online.
Also based on the Forrester research, ecommerce may affect the commercial advantages for both the consumers and the
business world. The success of a national
economy is greatly determined by advertising activities in order to support the sale
business, which determines the industrial
viability, the creation of jobs, and the return on investment from all money invested. This is evidenced by the fact that
developed countries or world's top companies are always accompanied with aggressive advertising activities. World's 50 top
companies spent US$ 49.3 billion on advertisements for 56 countries in 1996.
Some was spent on internet ads (Saiful
Ahmadi. 2011).
Creative Industry
The creative industry is projected to
become a dominant economic sector following banking and processing industry.
In resource-poor developed countries, the
creative industry is prioritized, even over
banking activities. The creative industry is
an industry heavily relying on high creative power with a touch of innovation to
create new and quality products. Some of
the small groups possessing skills and innovative ideas became pioneers of the
creative industry. The creative industry
produces works through ideas by creating
added values through the works produced
with a high level of effectiveness and efficiency. Through quality, unique products,
and approaches that are more acceptable to
consumers, these will boost increased
revenues and the turnover of national
economy. In view of the fact that the creative industry is a reflection of small and
medium enterprises, which give real contribution to the regional economy, i.e. the
creation of jobs, decline in unemployment
rate, and growth of the locals' economy
(.Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. 2009).

Not only viewed from the economic

perspective, the creative industry is also
capable of giving positive contribution to
and have impact on several other aspects
of life, such as improved national image
and identity, growing innovation and creativity of national subjects, being an industry that uses renewable resources, and
positive social impacts. For the reasons
above, the creative industry should appropriately become an appealing industrial
sector to be developed with a mature development concept Indonesia Division (
Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of
Indonesia, 2008).
Research Method
This research used the qualitative approach with the descriptive type of research aiming to make a systematic, factual, and accurate description of particular
facts and characteristics. Thus in this
qualitative descriptive research, the writer
describes how communication media (ecommerce) may increase international
business competition.
According to Satory (2009: 22), the
qualitative research method is a method
emphasizing on the quality or the most
important characteristic of particular goods
/ services. The most important characteristic of particular goods / services in the
form of social event / phenomenon / symptom is the meaning behind the event. The
qualitative research may be designed to
give its contribution to practical theories,
policies, social problems, and actions.
In this research, in order to support the
methods above, the researcher used documentation, i.e. any written materials relevant to the research. Documents in the
form of archives were obtained from companies or information, news and articles
available in the mass media.
Domestic Creative Industry and

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Business Competition
The creative industry has a fairly
large potential and contribution, i.e. capable of giving significant contributions in
terms of GDP, workforce absorption, exports and the number of companies involved. This creates the optimism that the
creative industry may be made into one of
the strategic industries to address shortterm and medium-term basic economic
problems: 1) relatively low economic
growth in the aftermath of the crisis (averaging 4.5% per year); 2) high unemployment rate (9-10%), 3) high poverty rate
(16-17%), and 4) low competitiveness of
industries in Indonesia Ministry of Commerce, 2005).
Looking at such conditions, the motion of creative economy should appropriately be developed and empowered. The
support of various relevant entities, i.e. the
government and the society themselves
may truly be optimized, particularly in
managing local resources and definitely
with the support of clear infrastructure. As
previously mentioned, the industrial competition becomes one of the issues hitting
the national creative industry. The government has made efforts to design a foreign promotion and commercialization
service system in order to support competition in the global arena. The objectives
thereof are the creation of a clear mechanism for business actors when promoting
and selling their products (commercialization) abroad, as well as better efficiency
and effectiveness of the promotion and
In the blueprint of policy on creative
industry development, the National Ministry of Commerce states that there are some
competition commercialization activities
in the global market, inter alia: 1) Studying
the strengths and weaknesses of the promotion and commercialization system
mechanism; 2) Designing a measureable
and easily-evaluated promotion and com-

mercialization service system; 3) Socializing the promotion and commercialization

service system to business actors and the
government; 4) Evaluating continuous
improvements to the designed promotion
and commercialization service system
(Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of
Indonesia 2008).
The globalization process has become
a highlight and focus of concentration on
the economic studies in each country. Thus
competitiveness constitutes a criterion that
determines the success of a country in international trade. According to the world
competitiveness rating agency, the IMD
World Competitiveness Yearbook 2006,
Indonesia ranked sixtieth (60th). The IMD
World Competitiveness Yearbook (WYC)
ranks and analyzes the capability of a
country in creating and maintaining the
environment where companies may compete with each other. Competition will
make a country more competitive than
other countries (Yohan Naftali, 2006).
Here we may see that the global industry competitiveness has directly encouraged the local industries to move and
maximize the available potentials. Despite
being acknowledged as having great potentials, the local industries, particularly
our creative industry is judged as incapable
of aggressively promoting the products
created. Improvement of the competition
climate remains inseparable from the support and role of the government, such as
fostering and maintaining an open and
efficient environment in both the domestic
market and the global market.
Indonesias aviation pioneer, PT Garuda Indonesia, Tbk (Garuda Indonesia),
also applies the development of ecommerce used by domestic aviation industry in Indonesia to support its business
value. Garuda Indonesia applies eCommerce with the purpose of increasing
the competitiveness of its services in order
to create cheaper costs, faster service and

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


desirable quality by changes in customer

behavior and other external environments.
Garuda Indonesia is a producer that markets its services in general via website and
provides services on demand, where consumers make the first initiative, e.g. booking online, which is then responded by
Garuda Indonesia. In addition, Garuda
Indonesia also uses website as promotion
media, such as new services, as well as
tourist areas. This will help prospective
passengers to understand what is offered
by Garuda Indonesia.
E-Commerce as Global Communication
Business Support
Each company definitely expects successful business by gaining sales and profits in significant amount. In this case,
companies definitely need an effective
pattern of business communication in order to support their business strategies or
expansions, specifically for reaching the
access to global market. Communication
media becomes a decisive tool in the successful sale of a product. E-commerce as a
tool that may be used in the business
communication process has significant
benefits to face the competitive business
world. One of the benefits is marketing a
wide variety of products or services, either
physical or digital. In addition, no less
important is the creation of a more integrated communication process in which
various parties related to companies such
as investors, consumers, and the government will take part.
Entrepreneurs with sizable investments (Small and Medium Enterprises)
may start up their business easier by accessing the internet to reach customers
around the world. Some Indonesian companies, for example, became members of
ProNetLink to promote their products in ecommerce services. E-Commerce in the

sense of internet business is how to use

internet to establish a closer relationship
with customers and business partners.
Through the utilization of information
technology, it may be seen as well that the
hindrance of distance and constraint is no
longer an issue. In media, which in this
regard may be made into a form of support
for the development of a more quality and
highly competitive creative industry? As
stated in his book "The World is Flat",
Friedman says that information technology
constitutes an important part as an indicator that determines the operation of international business (Thomas L. Friedman.
2005). The concept of business is no
longer restricted to local companies but
also the development of international network into the realized trade distribution.
Another opinion that also strengthen the
importance of technology application, i.e.
in Manardo (2007) where via internet network, a new concept of consumer and
market unrestricted by space and time is
created, consumers gain the ability to conduct transactions transcending geography,
time and space . The results are business
opportunities that create a very different
consumer relationship.
If we observe and compare the patterns or strategies of the creative industry
in several countries, the utilization of information technology is truly formulated
such that the channelization of creative
ideas is truly accommodated. Similarly,
the technology is also used for building an
effective business network to expand the
market capture. For example, the flooding
products made in China take the local
market by storm; the key to success of the
rapid development of the Chinese industries is technology-based support. It is in
line with the research conducted by Nurrahim (2006), which states that companies
applying global strategies and using flexibility undertaken by their international
network will increase their competitive
advantage. Likewise, the result of study

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


conducted by Rosenbloom (2003) states

that internet based e-commerce would
replace all of people-centered communication process. This means that the efforts
to be able to expand network, i.e. the use
of e-commerce into something crucial and
worthy to be developed, specifically our
domestic creative industry.
Given the statement above, as well as
looking at the euphoria of the fashion industry both local and international, there is
nothing wrong if we try to compare the
application of online business media already carried out by the fashion industry
actors. Christian Louboutin, for example,
one of the fashion designers who, via his
online site, is able to demonstrate his position as the designer of shoes for world
celebrities. Another interesting point to
make is that the site has a sense of humor
that makes its visitors stand viewing it for
a long duration, thus it is no wonder that
his online site is one of the 10 most visited
( Furthermore, who does not know Alexander
McQueen, a designer with unquestionable
works. Via internet media, he makes use of
it by creating a truly informative website
for fashion lovers, and the website is also
one of 10 most informative fashion websites. (
If we observe and take a positive lesson from the examples above, surely it is
not impossible for domestic fashion industry to do the same. Indeed, several national
designers have also utilized online sites to
exhibit their works. However, they must
relearn the strategies to attract more fashion lovers to visit their sites. Considering
that, the potential of human resources,
more precisely our designers, is no less
great than that of foreign designers. Currently many of our young designers whose
works have gone international and have
been able to compete in the global market,
e.g. Ardista Dwiasri or Carmanita whose
works have adorned various world-

renowned magazines. Thereby, marketing

and branding strategies via online media
should be an important thing that must be
Global Competitiveness of National
Creative Industry
Given the increasingly mature internet
and web technology, this will definitely
increase the corporate capability in respect
of business communication and in respect
of information sharing, in addition thereto,
there are also various valuable resources.
However, some of the local industries,
particularly creative industry actors, have
not applied all of these maximally. According to Almilia, in the research on the
application of e-commerce in corporate
business competition, the use of ecommerce in Indonesia is highly limited.
Based on the initial survey, relatively few
companies use e-commerce as a business
tool. Thus, its usage as a competitive advantage tool has not been much realized.
National creative industry actors must be
more mature in relation to mastery of
technology by remaining aware of the
changing trends of such technology. This
is as expressed by the Minister of Tourism
and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu
that the creative industry still has obstacles, one of which is the issue of technology. According to her, in order to be able
to compete globally, the creative industry
needs to be supported by an adequate
technology to enhance creativity on which
it relies. The role and support of various
parties are also greatly needed, academicians, business actors, and of course the
government in this regard may move in a
synergic manner to create the competitiveness and endurance of national economy.
Seeing also that based on the results of
discussion on the creative industry development through the World Bank's Focus
Group Discussion, the obstacle still faced
by the creative industry is the low competition level. This emerges given the mini-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


mum number of distribution channels and

the use of technology.

Architecture, 6) Music and 7) Publishing

and Printing (Togar M. Simatupang).

Fashion Industry Potential

Based on the potential of domestic

fashion industry above, we may definitely
make use of the available global market
opportunity, of the whole portion of fashion market value, it just contributes 16.8%
of the entire sector, then the opportunity
for our fashion industry to penetrate the
global market remains wide open. If we
compare the existing contribution value of
the fashion industry to GDP, i.e. 13.7 trillion (29.85%), then if utilized and undertaken optimally, domestic fashion industry
may be able to dominate more than 80% of
the global market. Indonesia's fashion industry is one of the appealing industries. In
addition, the booming factory outlets and
distros in Indonesia also indicate a subsector that has a strong foundation in Indonesia. They have quite surprising revenues,
some even capable of gaining US$75-100

John Howkings discovered the presence of creative economy wave after he

had realized that for the first time in 1996
the U.S. copyrighted works had selling
values as did other exports such as automotive, agriculture and aviation. Then
emerged 15 industrial categories falling
into the scope of creative economy, i.e.
advertising, architecture, fine arts, handicrafts, design, fashion design, movies, music, performance arts, publishing, research
and development, software, toys and
games, TV and radio and video games.
The market value of these fifteen creative
industrial sectors was US$2,2 trillion in
1999 as shown in Table 1. The global creative economic value was predicted with the
assumed growth rate of 5% per year to
grow from US$2,2 trillion in January 2000
to US$6,1 trillion by the year 2020 Togar
M. Simatupang ).
When observing the global market value
for fashion, the portion of fashion design is
relatively small (0.05%) as compared to
that of other sectors. From there, the opportunity for domestic fashion industry
may be seen. With the assumed growth
rate of 5%, then the global market value
for fashion was predicted to be around
16.8% in 2006. According to the Minister
of Commerce, Mari Elka Pangestu, the
growth of Indonesia's creative economy
reached 7.3% in 2006, higher than the
growth of national economy of 5.6%. The
amount of contribution to GDP reached
IDR 46 trillion (constant price), with the
average percentage of creative industry
contribution exceeding 44%. The seven
largest contributors are 1) fashion, with its
contribution reaching 29.85%, 2) Handicrafts, with its contribution reaching
18.38%, and 3) advertising, with contribution reaching 18.38%, 4) TV and Radio, 5)

In consideration of the foregoing, the

fashion subsector and the activities relevant thereto, if they can be developed
properly as a creative industrial subsector,
they will be able to demonstrate their potential in the global market. In particular,
given the increasing promotion and commercialization efforts by means of information technology, such efforts will ease
access to the global market significantly.
Thus, it is necessary to accommodate the
facilities and infrastructure thereof, from
making explicit rules up to creating conducive situations for the subsector to develop. In addition, the support of development is definitely followed by socialization to use domestic products.
Another e-commerce application in
business is in the medium cooperative unit
of woven songket in Pandai Sikek, Tanah
Datar District, West Sumatra. Pandai
Sikek is one of the "nagari" or "villages".
Nagari is a region or a group of kampongs
led or headed by a chief. Pandai Sikek

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Nagari is an administrative division of X

Koto Subdistrict. It is located about 40 km
away from the centre of Batusangkar City
towards Bukittinggi (via Padang Panjang).
The region is known for its woven cloth
products, i.e. Pandai Sikek Woven Cloth.
Almost each household in the area of Pandai Sikek produces woven cloth, the craft
of which is handed down for generations.
In the course of its development, Pandai Sikek is no longer widely known
abroad due to the presence of many brokers who reap multiple profits from Pandai
Sikek. The brokers purchase goods from
Pandai Sikek at a cheap price and sell them
to foreign or domestic tourists at a high
price of up to eight times the purchasing
price. In addition, the tourists are only introduced to songket cloth already purchased by the brokers from the original
artisans. This makes the tourists unaware
of the production process and origin of the

songket cloth. The tourists only know that

songket cloth comes from Padang, the
capital city of West Sumatra. This condition is detrimental to the artisans of songket cloth in Pandai Sikek. In addition, the
lack of marketing makes Pandai Sikek less
known by most of domestic and foreign
tourists. This condition is detrimental to
not only the owners of medium cooperative unit in Pandai Sikek but also indirectly
makes the livelihood of existing people of
Pandai Sikek, particularly the womankind
who make songket cloth weaving as their
main livelihood decrease. Today, with the
development of internet, the medium cooperative units of woven songket in Pandai
Sikek need an online marketing and sale
system with the purpose of facilitating
buyers to purchase songket cloth or woodcarving without having to visit any shop

Table 1. Market Value of Fifteen Creative Industrial Sectors in 1999


Fashion Design
Performance Arts
Research and Development
Toys and Games
TV and Radio
Video Games


The United
States of





The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


and enabling transactions as long as they

are connected to the internet. This online
sale is referred to as e-Commerce. ECommerce is a new system or paradigm in
the business world, which shifts the paradigm of traditional commerce to electronic
commerce, i.e. by using Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) or in
other words internet technology.
E-Commerce and the activities
relevant thereto via internet may become
the driving force to recover domestic
economy by means of liberalization of
domestic services and accelerate integration with global production activities.
Since e-Commerce will integrate domestic
trade with world trade, diverse forms of
talks or negotiations will not only be limited to the aspect of world trade but also
how domestic policies on supervision in a
country, particularly the fields of telecommunications, financial services, delivery and distribution.
The globalization process now leads
the economy to a strategic phase, particularly in capturing and utilizing the global
market. All this is inseparable from the
assurance and demand for the stabilized
capability of the local industries, particularly the creative industry, to have their
own positioning. To that end, it is necessary to have an effective business communication process capable of accommodating all forms of transactional activity or
commercialization promotion needs.
Information technology in the form of
e-commerce is a form of communication
media that plays a strategic role in supporting communication service and convenience for all parties involved in business
activities. The factor then determines
whether an industry is capable of demonstrating its competitiveness in the industry
arena. The national creative industry, par-

ticularly, the fashion industrial subsector

as one of the economic sectors, in this regard must also be able to make use of the
vital moment of globalization flow. With
the utilization of existing local resources
and with the support of adequate utilization of technology, the creative industry is
expected to be able to demonstrate its existence and dominate the global market, so
that the vision of "Quality Indonesian nation with a creative image in the eyes of
the world" may be realized in accordance
with the government program in the
framework of 2025 creative economy development.

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Boone and Kurtz. 2006. Pengantar Bisnis
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Djoko Purwanto. 2006. Komunikasi Bisnis. Jakarta: Erlangga
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Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo
Kompas Gramedia
Friedman, Thomas L. The World is Flat.
London, England: Penguin Books,

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Jacques Manardo. 2000. Globalization at

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E-Commerce Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Persaingan Bisnis Perusahaan.
STEI Perbanas Surabaya
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Kreatif Indonesia 2025, Creative Indonesia Division, Ministry of Commerce
of the Republic of Indonesia, 2008.

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Kriyantono, Rachmat. (2006). Teknik Praktis

Riset Komunikasi, Kencana Prenada
Media Group: Jakarta.

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2008. Tujuh Pilar Strategi Komunikasi
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international business-to-business
marketing channels Does culture matter?, Industrial Marketing Management. North Holand

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The International; Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012



Mei-Ju Chou
Department of Early Childhood Education,
Taiwan Shoufu University

*Kai-Ping Huang
College of Management
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan ROC
& School of Management, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

The tendency of an individual to catch and express emotions which are similar to and also
expressed by those that he or she associates with, has been a subject of debate for many
years. In most cases, psychologists and human relation scholars have agreed on the basic
model that the underlying emotional mechanism acts like a chain of events where persons can
mimic varied feelings as well as synchronize their facial expressions, movements, postures
and vocalizations with those of other people. Henceforth, this process spreads to other people
and eventually reaches a large group of people either through unconscious or conscious induction of behaviour temperaments or emotional states. The same case applies to service providers who wear gloomy faces because they will always create a cold consumer experience,
an issue that will perhaps worsen customer relations leading to low profits and customer dissatisfaction, compared to a jovial and friendly mood of a service provider which may catalyse
good consumer relations and better marginal profits. For this reason, this study critically examines various impacts that emotional contagions have on service quality and consumer satisfaction.
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


Keywords: Service Quality, Emotional Contagions, Emotional Labour


has been developed to facilitate for

easier understanding and testing of the

Sales and marketing managers are

differential effects of two aspects of

always interested in understanding

service provider emotions (behaviour

various motivating factors behind the

and authenticity of the emotional la-

customers post-purchase behaviour,

bour display) and how they relate to

specifically, what provokes them to

changes in customer affect in a given

seek for similar services over and over

service setting.

again? In line with Bui et al. (2011),

this question becomes critical in an-

The above concerns make it nec-

swering two concerns; the circum-

essary to examine whether factors re-

stances under which the consumers are

lated to consumer perception of service

satisfied with delivered services, and,

quality influences consumer satisfac-

when they regret having used the same

tion and post-purchase relations. The

services and how this affects their fu-

hypothesis is that there are a number of

ture relations in the market (Andrade

underlying factors which either lead to

and Cohen 2007). The central purpose

negative or positive benefits between

of the paper is to determine the range

consumers and service providers with

of emotional factors and how they in-

the key being a strong culture of posi-

fluence customer satisfaction.

tive emotional contagion (Gountas and

Gountas 2007; Bui et al. 2011). In

Emotional contagion can be lik-

summation, using the model of ex-

ened to a contagious process because it

tended sales and marketing approach

is more automatic and easily spreads

and in comparison to what other schol-

from one person to another. It has been

ars have found out, the paper examines

argued that when a service provider

at length various issues closely linked

expresses a certain emotional behav-

to emotional contagion including vari-

iour towards other colleagues, the en-

ous concepts in emotional service in-

tire workplace is likely to be under

teractions namely primitive and con-

such a mood (Barsade 2002; Howard

scious emotional contagion, the basics

and Gengler 2001; Belkin 2009; Du et

of emotional labour and how it is con-

al. 2011). Therefore, building on emo-

nected to deep and service acting, and

tional contagion and emotional labour

customer consequences that emerge

theories, a clear model for this research

from service satisfaction and customer

rapport. All these mentioned issues

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


lead to some important propositions

In line with the above challenge,

which are also discussed in the paper

Barsade (2002) notes that emotions

to emphasize the gravity of the matter

play a crical part on how various

at hand (Smith and Bolton 2002).

persons will relate to each other. As

such, marketing managers as reported

Literature Review and Proposition

by Allen et al. (2010) encourages


service providers to uphold to the

basics of positive organizational disply

Emotions in Service Interactions

rules whether it is through surface or

deep acting. The effect that positive

Allen et al. (2010) point out that

emotions have on service encounters is

the behaviours which frontline service

that it encourages repeat and customer

providers portray, whether in good or

satsfaction through out the entire

bad faith, are highly decisive to con-

duration of customer interactions (Hill

sumer evaluations of service. More




Dallimore et al. (2007) have also noted

(2008) argue that the type of emotional

that the displayed emotions during

interaction between the customers and

service interaction plays a key role in

service providers is considered a cen-

determining customer outburts and

tral element on the final relationship

facial display of the involved parties

that bonds the customers and service

during service interactions.






providers. This fact is particularly true

because in a reputable organization,

However, it is not only the service

the quality of service and how it is

providers who shape how the outcome

presented to the end consumers, de-

of the service should be like because

termine the competitive power of that

the current study findings by Dallimore

organization in relation to other similar

et al. (2007), presents a confirmation

firms (Curtis and Upchurch 2008;

that consumers also play a critical role

Hopp et al. 2012). However, although

in shaping their own service experi-

there has been substantial pragmatic

ences. This takes place in many ways

research on service connections and

including the fact that through their

customer valuations of service quality,

personalities and through their emo-

the role of how emotions correlate with

tional display of negative or positive

service interactions have remained of

moods, the process of contagion may

little interest to many researchers

get to service providers who may be

(Grandey et al. 2012).

emotionally affected, thus influencing

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 223

final consumer experience (Du et al.

nutshell, emotions play a critical part

2011). One of such occurrence is pre-

during service interactions and both the

sented by Dallimore et al. (2007) who

service provider and the consumers

notes that when dealing with the

emotions have the power to influence


the decision made by the other.




customers, service provider employees




immediately to avoid escalation of the

problem through such measures as








Emotional Contagion


When service providers are in a

certain mood, whether depressed or
delighted, this type of emotion is constantly communicated to others. This
type of approach has been exemplified



Diamantopoulos (2009) objects that

during customer service interactions,
subjective and interactional aspects of
the problem should be dealt with
clearly because the affected display of
negative emotions Pugh (2001) may
lead to poor consumer experience
assessment reports which may lead to
loss of clients and other potential
business opportunities. As a result,
service provider managers also commit
most of their research efforts finding
ways to create environments that can
prompt pleasing service encounters
(Lloyd and Luk 2011). In addition,
service interactions may be both dyadic and shared because whatever one
person initiates to talk about, it will be
followed by the reaction of second
person which is again followed by the
reply of the first individual triggering a
chain of events (Luong 2005). In a

by Sderlund and Rosengren (2007)

stating that when service providers




depressed mood, the same may make

consumers themselves feel depressed
while if the conversation between them
is that of self-confidence and buoyant,
the client will also express a positive
mood towards the provided service.
This displayed transfer of emotional
phenomenon from one person to the
other is known as emotional contagion
(Pugh 2001; Hennig-Thurau et al.
2006). Du et al. (2011) defines
emotional contagion as the tendancy to
feel and express emotions which are
similar and also influenced by those of
other persons. In its broadest sense, it
portrays a tendancy for one party to
automatically mimic and sychronize a
various of facial expressions postures,
vocalizations and movements with





consequently leading to an emotional

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 224

merger (Howard and Gengler 2001;

customers do "catch" the contagious

Pugh 2001; Barger and Grandey 2006

emotions from employees throughout

). Though theorists do not agree on the


specifics that make up emotional

further confirm that when service

family, majority of them agree that

providers displys positive contagion,


the same is also positively relayed to







control such as posture, facial and

evaluation of service quality and



service encounters. In a duplication


and extension of previous research,



(Barsade 2002).




components among them conscious








transaction husyness have been found

The Emotional Contagion model

to are to foretell displays of emotions

was intended to assess how people are

among the customers (Dallimore et al.

susceptible to catching such things as

2007; Allen et al. 2010). To be precise,

love, joy and happiness, anger, anxiety,

emotional contagion can be perceived

and depression and other general emo-

as a two-stage process that centers on

tion issues (Doherty et al. 1995). In


various studies to assess the effective-

peoples responsive behaviour, that in

ness of the model, it has been unani-

effect triggers a congruent emotional

mously agreed upon that consumers

state in the spectator.




that experience affirmative emotional

contagion always catalyses enhanced

According to Neumann and Strack

and improved collaboration, lessened

(2000) they propound that at times

conflicts, and improved opinions of

facial expressions and postures by

task execution. The contrary is true;


negative emotional contagion leads to

synchronized. Similar sediments have

constant frictions, dis-satisfaction and

also been expressed by Belkin (2009)

constant complaints and low produc-

in his study about emotional contagion

tion (Du et al. 2011).

where the major findings rests on the




argument that even if postural and

In his argument on emotional con-





tagion, Pugh (2001) affirms on a

emotions are capable of provoking

number of antecedents and outcomes


of exhibited emotions in different

research must be conducted to cement

organizations. He proposes that indeed

and support similar findings and on




The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 225

what the consumers feel about the

ployees emotional displays and cus-

whole process. However, Hennig-

tomer evaluation of service. Further,

Thurau et al. (2006) in their research

this work was the first of its kind and

have found out that marginal activation

the major findings indicated that the

from the point of view of a listener, or

overall facial smile by the employees,

a consumer for this case, is not a

in a counter wise manner, also initiated

necessary requirement for the feelings

the customers final smile strength

of emotional contagion to occur.

throughout the service experience.

Similar findings by (Grandey et al,

Primitive Emotional Contagion

2005) observed that from to disimilar

Du et al. (2011) agrees on the

proposed definition of primitive emotional contagion as a factor that is extensively catalysed by behavioural
mimicry. Besides, a certain level of
interactional cooperation has been reported to emerge from conversations
that both include positive and negative




Upchurch 2008). However, concerns

on whether or not interpersonal and
intrapersonal relationships alter primitive emotional contagion, remains to
be researched and explored in the future. For instance, the effects that behavioural mimicry by the service provider has on the client during a service
experience can be analysed using a
model of face-to-face communication.
However, close studies by Barger and
Grandey (2006) have given a possible
theory that closely connects to works
by Pugh (2001) that primitive emotional contagion, namely facial mimicry, indeed does mediate a close connection between service provider em-

coders that recorded customer and





smiles spark an element of unity

between strangers in a chain of events.
Therefore, their study confirms that
primitive emotional contagion nonconsciously occurs as a matter of natural outcome inwardly expressed from
person to person. Thus, dispositional
customer-employee primitive contagion influences negative or positive
displays during service interactions
(Skarlicki et al. 2008).
Moreover, in different settings,
other researches such as Barsade









emotional contagion to argue out on

various notions about why service with
a smile has a high likelyhood of





addition to believes about primitive

contagion, agrees with the former
researchers that display rules in an

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 226

organization such as service with a

encounter satsfaction. Neumann and

smile have always been made up of

Strack (2000) have also argued that

two components; one is that service


providers emotional labour is either is


good faith which is also expressed in

contagion have been considered of as

deep acting, or two, the service

an instrument by which consumers

providers may be reacting in bad faith

express their emotional states which

that is synonymous with surface


acting. This is parteculary true in a

participants knowing their source.

study conducted by Grandey et al.

These confirms that emotions are



stimulated if persons are provided with


dissimilar credible reasons for an









positions, findings reported that how


customers orient themselves has an


effect in increasing the actions of good

faith. At times, primitive contagions
can also be faked by enhancing
emotions of suppressing some feelings
for the sake of being paid. (Grandey et
al. 2012).
Whether primitive emotions are
faked or not, such imitated expressions
at the end of a service encounter have
been reported by Gountas et al. (2007)
to result in positive or negative effects
mainly through feedback mechanisms.
For instance, Pugh (2001) remarks that
such imitated expressions usually result in affect infusion where emotions
may predict consumer appraisals. Later
on, Grandey et al. (2012) found that a
client that smiles during a service
encounter suggests a facial feedback
wich can uniquely predict the quality
of an offered service and consumer













Conscious Emotional Contagion

Conscious emotional contagion is
centred on social practices where people relate their moods with those of
other people and apply the same emotions as a source of communal information to appreciate how they ought to
be feeling (Hennig-Thurauetal et al.
2006). Du et al. (2011) have argued
that conscious emotional contagion is
most likely to take place when consumers obtain trustworthy emotional
labour displays from service provider
employees. Similar findings by Curtis
and Upchurch (2008), Gountas and
Gountas (2007) and Harris et al. (2011)
presume that when service providers
obtain an emotional consciousness
about various organizational goals in
line with service provision and the
duties and standards that govern them,

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 227

they become better in directing various

Proposition 1: Service providers emo-

customer-employee processes as they

tional displays positively influence

also satisfy the demands of the set

customers emotions during service

goals. In such a model, the level of


consciousness was proven to be the

Emotional Labour

main mediator that catalyses customeremployee relationship.

Emotional labour is described as an

In line with customer orientation, Susskind et al. (2003) point out

that service provider employees should

repeatedly to uphold to




same employees must also be supplied

with adequate feedback and necessary
information on a consistent basis, to
measure the effectiveness of their consumer approaches and interventions.
As such, Hopp et al. (2012) find it
necessary for marketing managers to
formulate a code of conduct that will
enable service providers to have a
strong service culture that will result in
high retentions, job and customer
satsfaction, and lesser turnover rates.
Among the various elements of emotional contagion, is closely related to
conscious contagion because during
interactions people match their movements rapidly and replicate voices,
facial expressions or postures of other
persons (Curtis and Upchurch, 2008).





art of managing conscious and primitive emotions for pay (Scott and
Barnes 2011; Allen et al. 2010) and it
includes forging, subduing, and enhancing moods so as to provide a specific emotional appearance for the sake




(Grandey et al. 2012). Trougakos et al.

(2011) further outlines that emotional
labour is achieved through surface,
deep acting and/or in the event of expressing genuine emotions. This is
because; it may expedite task efficiency and creativity, while on the
other hand it may prime consumer
prospects which may not be achieved,
eventually triggering


and self-alienation. Trougakos et al.

(2011) however, in their social identity
theory, they propound on the facts by
stating that particular effects related to
emotional labour are controlled by
one's personal and social identities
because emotional labour tends to kindle pressures among consumers when
they evaluate identify during service
encounters. Because display guidelines
exist to control service provider employees from overreacting negatively

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 228

or unnecessarily to the behaviours and

that stipulate which moods are suitable

moods of those with whom they inter-

or not suitable to express to the con-

mingle (Curtis and Upchurch 2008),

sumers. Display rules such as service

then (Sderlund and Rosengren 2008)

with a smile is a positive factor that

feels that the likely course of the con-

are universally acceptable for all the

tagion effect is from that employee to

employees to comply with (Grandey et

the next interaction respondent.

al. 2005); conversely, how employees

control their sentiments in response to

Trougakos et al. (2011) and Allen

such organizational ethics, and conse-

et al. (2010) have also found that some

quently the quality of the emotional

of the organizational display rules for

expression, is less clear.

instance service with a smile, have

led to mixed reactions towards em-

Moreover, Gountas and Gountas

ployee emotional labour both in the

(2007) explicitly affirm that affective

form of surface acting or bad faith

emotional expressions which front-line

which includes faking or suppressing

employees are expected to adhere to

expressions, or deep acting also re-

lead to envisaged beneficial consumer

ferred to as good faith while primar-

responses; even so, employees may not

ily entails modification of inner feel-

express positive feelings all the time.

ings. And because findings (Allen et

In that case, Gountas and Gountas

al. 2010; Grandey et al. 2012) have

(2007) criticise surface acting and as

shown that positive affective emotions

well as deep acting as prognosticators

in service interactions forecasts cus-

of emotional fatigue, and colleague-

tomer outcomes such as loyalty, per-

rated sentimental service delivery. As

sonal differences in customer align-

argued by (Kelly and Hoffman 1997),

ment relate to these acting policies in

surface acting is believed to be more

response to display regulations. In their

harmful service provision compared to

views, Hennig-Thurau et al. (2006)

deep acting, employee job satisfaction

believes that emotional labour is a


mere display of predictable moods by





service provider employees during an

event of service encounters. For in-

Therefore, a primary verdict from a

stance, (Pugh 2001) states that there

number of emotional labour literatures

are high chance for employees to en-

(Allen et al. 2010) is that the regulating

gage in emotional labour in cases

emotions at the workplace is indispen-

where organizational expression rules

sable for conveying the mood expres-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 229

sions as expected by the customers

employees adherence to surface acting

while at the same time, acting as a

to as a conformity measure to avoid

stress source that lead to eventual dete-

losing the customers and job layoffs

rioration of the workers well-being.

(Sderlund and Rosengren 2010; Groth

Moreover, previous experiential study

et al. 2009).

has established these effects principally in positive employee expression

Further evidence from other works

rules indicate that neutral display in-

has indicated the need to hide hostile

fluences both inter- and intrapersonal

feelings and express friendly approach

outcomes. Still, from emotional labour

considering that personal differences in

literature it has been formulated that

emotional control tendencies with con-

employees self-moods are congruent

sumers are a predominantly fruitful in

with their emotional labour display

many occasions (Labroo and Rucker

(Trougakos et al. 2011).

2010). Grandey et al. (2005) have

argues that from a control theory point

Surface Acting

of view, surface acting and the idea of

Emotional surface acting includes

altered actions without necessarily
changing ones inner feelings (Scott
and Barnes 2011). This involves undergoing emotional dissonance, or the
tension felt when expressions and
moods deviate (Neumann and Strack
2000; Grandey 2003). For example, a
service provider may put on a jovial
mood during service transactions while
in the real sense he or she may be actually irritated.

Therefore, the funda-

mental reason for surface acting or

faking in bad faith (Allen et al.
2010) is to ensure consumer satsfaction
and avoiding post-purchase regrets
(Kelly and Hoffman 1997) while



outbursts (Dallimore et al. 2007). On

the other hand, other scholars correlate

display rules are both likely to be

adhered to in an event of a high value
service or valence, for emotional
displays. Besides, an employee that is
high in consumer orientation makes it
an individual objective to engage with
customers even if its by acting through
bad faith, and as a result is less likely
to engage in insincere and inauthentic
emotional expressions (Grandey et al.
2005). This way, the idea of acting
through surface presentations profits







costomer oriented employees (Allen et

al. 2010; Hennig-Thurauetal et al.
In contrast, similar experience may
be difficult to be exercised


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 230

someone that is low in customer

al. 2009). This virtuous intention, just



like in fake in bad faith cannot be

expressions save for the fact that an

expected always to be present among

organization makes it mandatory for its

the employees, predominantly those

employees that they should obsrve

employees who fail to identify with

display rules (Pugh 2001).

If such

such motives but admit their job obli-

measures are not observed, then Allen

gations (Lin et al. 2008). Moreover,

et al. (2010) express their concerns that

employees may not always express

employees that are low in consumer

deep acting if they are not fully aware

orientation are less likely to apply

about how they should regulate their

display rules as their guide and in

emotional displays (Grandey et al.

adherence to organizational guidelines.

2011). As such, efforts which are



committed to ensure that good faith

exists if the such rules are in place and

actions modify negative internal states

the employees are mandated to follow

and change them for the good of the

them (DeWitt and Brady 2003). Ac-

customer, also helps to cover any leak-

cordingly, one can easily predict that

age of such negative feelings. This

there is a positive association between

implies that deep acting is sufficient

emotional display rules for employees

for few individuals while for the ma-

with low customer orientation and

jority, both forms of emotional acting,

whose surface acting may not do any

is prone to be reported (Biedenbach et

good in consumer experience. This is

al. 2011).




because, most probably they would

respond to emotional display rules with

Whereas deep acting may come

a bad faith tactic that basically meets

with more optimistic effects (Grandey

the sensitive goal of customer satisfac-

et al. 2012; Johanson and Woods

tion (Allen et al. 2010).

2008), these conclusions are consistent

Deep Acting
The process of deep acting consists
of an attempt of modifying certain
feelings that are aimed at satisfying
required displays. The intention then is
to appear authentic to the customers,
hence it has been termed faking in
good faith (Allen et al. 2010; Groth et

other previous work by (George 1998)

where deep acting has been cited to
lead to less emotional fatigue compared to that which employees with
surface acting try to imitate. Though
friendly positive expressions are usually perceived as an in role job necessity (Pugh 2001), the genuineness
and truthful expression may at times

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 231

surpass and go way beyond these mar-

Proposition 3: Service providers au-

ginal requirements (Harris et al. 2011).

thentic emotion displays relate posi-

In order to control such over- expressions deep acting ensures employees effortful regulation with a primary
objective of the purpose being the expression of more authentic dealings, so
as to predicts advanced evaluations of
reliable and enjoyable positive facial,
emotional and postural expressions
(Grandey et al. 2005). The same has
also been reported to be associated





achievement during the consumerservice encounters (Gountas et al.

2007). In addition, Bui et al. (2011)
notes that when the goals of an
organization easily intersects with an
individuals goals, there will be more
pleasant consumer experience and
even more likely to engage in more
effortful faking in good faith to




provision and a higher quality client

satsfaction. Thus, the connection between organizational display rules and
the notion of deep acting has to be

tively to perceived service quality.

The effects of emotional feelings
between the customers and service
provider employees plays a critical part
in ensuring that each party gets a positive share after each service encounter.
However, things may not always be
positive as anticipated due to a number
of emotional setbacks. In such an
event, employees are at least expected
to fake their feelings for the sake of
maintaining the customer and boosting
the sales. On their part, customers
should be cooperative to boost customer-consumer rapport, a move that
would finally result in maximal service
satisfaction, positive influence and
future loyalty. However, concerns on
whether or not interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships alter primitive
emotional contagion, remains to be
researched and explored in the future.

stronger among persons with high customer oriented goals (Schoefer 2008).
Out of this discussion the following
propositions emerge:
Proposition 2: Service providers inauthentic emotion displays relate negatively to perceived service quality.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012 232

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012



Ying-Pin Cheng
Graduate Institute of Visual Communication Design, Ling Tung University
[email protected]
Chung-Hung Lin
Department of Creative Product Design, I-Shou University
[email protected]

What is the purpose of design evaluation in design education? This study considered
that should do better to popularly analysis the value and meaning of design. Thus, this
study attempted to search effective approaches to evaluate design of new product
from statistical analysis techniques; and formulated the results to promote the methodology of design education. After finishing empirical research, this study found as
following: 1) by MANOVA (Multiple analysis of variance) and discriminant analysis,
observe the consumers different attitudes from population towards evaluation criterions; 2) by hierarchical regression analysis, observe the evaluation influence caused
from design variables towards value variables; 3) by cluster analysis and hierarchical
regression analysis, observe the moderate situation because of the price consciousness
intervening between the consumer clusters and evaluation criterions; and 4) by multiple regression analysis, extract the critical success factors of design from design variables. Finally, this study suggested that design scholars may refer to these analysis
formulas to evaluate design and new product because of this studys contribution to
design education such as: 1) improve to understand the future opportunities of new
product; 2) predict the market performance of new product; 3) assess the value and
price of new product; 4) grasp the future consumers needs, aspects and design standards of new product; 5) appraise the new product relative to the marketing contribution; 6) evaluate the factors of success / defeat influencing products design and development.
Key Words: Statistical Analysis, New Product Evaluation, Value Analysis

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


What is the purpose of design
evaluation in design education? Perhaps want to understand the existence
value of new product? Maybe want to
assess the good or worse of new
product? Maybe want to explore the
meaning of new product? Perhaps
want to refer the comments for improving new product? In view of design and business, Cooper & Press
(1995) considered to evaluate product, ie to execute value analysis.
Therefore, the new product evaluation can be used to decide products
value / price; to understand the future
consumers needs, aspects, and design standards of new product; and to
evaluate the factors of success / defeat influencing products design and
development (Cheng, Chen & Cai,
Ozer (1999) considered to
evaluate new product in order to apply in the different purpose, for example: 1) predict the market performance of new product; 2) apply
the evaluation model and results to
design new works and to create opportunities and value; 3) appraise the
new product relative to the marketing
contribution; or 4) understand the
whole environment of marketing in
order to appraise the future tendency
and life-cycle type of new product.
Obviously, it has better meaning
that carries on new product evaluation in order to popularly analysis
and to understand the value and
meaning of new product. Thus, this
study mainly explored the methodology of new product evaluation by
statistical analysis techniques; understand how to apply them and effec-

tive analysis; and then, promote the

methodology of design education.
Literature Review
Popovic (1999) once assembled
a table of evaluation approaches to be
the Common Evaluation Methods
and Techniques, as shown in Table
1. (See Tables 1. & 2. at the end of
this article). By Table 1, they are all
qualitative inquiries. But, where are
quantitative inquiries? About the research issues of new product development and performance evaluation,
there are to explore the factors of
success / defeat influencing new
product development by qualitative
inquiries; to explore the consumer
clusters intention or attitude of new
product by cluster analysis; and
popularly to explore the population
on the view of new product by
ANOVA (analysis of variance)
(Cheng et al., 2008).
Therefore, this study attempted
to collects some assembly of analysis
formula from statistical analysis
techniques to apply the design education, as shown in Table 2. By Table
2, this study lists five kinds of analysis formulas; moreover, but also two
kinds of classification method and
one extract method. Obviously, there
are also other evaluation methods and
techniques to be not yet applied to
new product evaluation by qualitative
inquiry. However, this is an opportunity to promote the methodology of
design education for us. This study
would develop a few of analysis formulas to evaluate new product and
process them.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


This study reviewed some the
methodology of evaluation, and assembled to be a process of product
evaluation by referring to Andrews
(2004) and Chiarello (1995), as follow: 1) establishes an evaluation
team which has multiple professionals; 2) selects the correlation data and
criterions to relate product which
team wants to evaluate; 3) presents
the focus and purposes of evaluation
according to needs, such as samples,
size, items, and scales and so on; 4)
develops a few of objective evaluation approach such as evaluation
method, measuring instruments, relevant criterions, and process and so
on; 5) plans evaluation management
and monitoring procedure; 6) develops analysis plans; 7) establishes
timetable; and 8) plans the application of evaluation information in new
product development.
Therefore, firstly, this study established an evaluation team and selected the correlation data and criterions relate design / product. In this
stage, this study developed the first
analysis formula for new product
evaluation and research, namely as
shown in Figure 1 (Cheng et al.,
2008). Because of design not only is
a simple concept or idea, but also it
has an important economic role
(Cooper & Press, 1995; Bruce &
Bessant, 2002).

Design variables

Value variables

Figure 1. The effect caused from de

sign variables towards value

Bruce & Bessant (2002) once

considered that an attractive product
which possibly joined the esthetics
and value with highly fashionable
style and design contributions. Thus,
this study assumed that the design
variables can influence products
value variables; and attempt to observe design variables how to affect
value variables on the process of new
product evaluation for consumers
(Cheng et al., 2008). In fact, may also
have another analysis formula (as
shown in Figure 2) which is valuable
application to observe the interaction
between design variables and value
variables. Then, this study wanted to
compare the two analysis formulas
which can make a more suitable

Design variables

Value variables

Figure 2. The interaction between

design variables and value

Secondly, after assuring these

evaluation criterions by focus group
method, this study developed two
variables of evaluation criterions
such as: one is the design variables,
and another one is the value variables. Through editing to be a questionnaire from the two variables of
evaluation criterions, this study had
run a pilot study to evaluate product
which is developed to be the prototypes of the bamboo furniture by this
studys design team in school. After
rejecting the invalid responses and
running factor analysis, each of variables of evaluation criterions presented three composition factors.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


This study named the three factors of design variables such as: human factors, form, and innovation
and so on; and named another the
three factors of the value variables
such as: aesthetic sensitivity, usability, and marketability and so on.
These structure matrix and factor
loadings yielded of design variables
as following: 1) there are calm (.798),
comfort (.791), security (.782), solidity (.743), and functions (.711) in
human factors; 2) there are texture
(.807), colors (.802), appearance
(.727), style (.660), and space (.607)
in form; and 3) there are originality
(.829), production techniques (.738),
modernity (.732), and components
(.666) in innovation. The structure
matrix and factor loadings yielded of
value variables as following: 1) there
are pleasure (.883), collectiblity
(.878), and quality (.713) in aesthetic sensitivity; 2) there is only
utility (.998) in usability; and 3)
there are cleanliness (.958), and
commerce (.563) in marketability.
Finally, this study assured these
evaluation criterions and composition
factors of design / value through running factor analysis (Cheng et al.,
Afterward, this study developed
the second analysis formula, as
shown in Figure 3, because it is necessary to observe the different intention of evaluation form the population viewing product. Because the
consumer satisfaction is extremely
important performance indictor for
designer (Ehrenfeld, 1997), Marzano
(1998) considered that designers
must understand consumers in order
to reflect on their deep value through
product; and then promotes the dif-

ferent social types and their life quality. Therefore, this study assumed
when the population evaluate product, their evaluations will significantly present different attitudes on
the evaluation criterions. Therefore,
this study listed a few of items on
questionnaire such as: gender, age,
location of residence, level of education, field of education, occupation,
and income and so on, in order to
investigate the population.

Evaluation criterions

Figure 3. The different attitudes caused

from population towards evaluation criterions.

MANOVA, there are statistics scholars to suggest resume running discriminant analysis, because it can
significantly discriminate and predicate population through this procedure (Cheng et al., 2008). Therefore,
this study developed another analysis
formula, as shown in Figure 4, and
assured that the evaluation criterions
can significantly predicate population.

Evaluation criterions

Figure 4. The predictions caused from

evaluation criterions towards population.

Again, this study developed an

analysis formula, as shown in Figure
5, because Oh (1999) considered that
consciousness value always intervenes in coordinating consumers

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


Price consciousness
Consumer clusters

Evaluation criterions

Figure 5. The moderate situation involved price consciousness in the consumer clusters towards evaluation criterions.

Design variables

Value variables

Design success critical factors

Figure 6. Extract the critical success factors of design from evaluation criterions.

shopping intention. According to Ohs

views, this analysis formula was developed to assume the price consciousness
could intervene between the consumer
clusters and evaluation criterions; and it
would cause a moderate situation. For
processing this analysis, this study also
added two items such as price and
purchase intention on the questionnaire. Finally, this study again developed another analysis formula, as shown
in Figure 6, for assuring further the
critical success factors of design on new
product (Cheng et al., 2008). Thus, this
study would process this analysis in
order to extract the critical success factors of design from evaluation criterions.
After establishing above analysis
formulas and hypothesis, this study
would invite attendees to test and evaluate the prototypes of the bamboo furniture. Finally, this study collected 278
valid responses and rejected invalid
them (Cheng et al., 2008). Then, this
study processed these raw data by above
analysis formulas and statistical analysis
techniques, as shown in Table 2.
Results and Discussions

After analyzing the descriptive statistics of population and evaluation criterions, the means of evaluation criterions distribute between 3.46 and 4.19,
and there is also a section of distances
from the extremely good (above
4.50). So, the prototypes of the bamboo
furniture still need to improve. This
study also found that the attendees
mostly are student because of basing on
the descriptive statistics of population.
This situation would cause sampling error. Therefore, the two items of
occupation and income would not involve in the following analysis formulas. After processing above analysis
formulas, these results and findings is as
1. The different attitudes caused from
population towards evaluation criterions

After running MANOVA, this

study found that only age of population can significantly present different
evaluations when the population views
the evaluation criterions. This situation
of significantly different evaluations
may be that the elder samples once experience the magnificent age of tradi-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


tional bamboo furniture and sat or used

them. Therefore, they can understand
the further innovation performance of
the bamboo furniture which was developed by this studys design team. Bont
and Schoormans (1995) considered that
the young need more interactive advice
than the elders from experts, only if the
samples once experienced to buy or to
use the product. Thus, the young need
more product knowledge and illustrative
quotation from experts. According to
above results, this study infers that the
evaluators experience could moderate
their evaluation performance; and designers must pay attention to the age of
population and satisfy consumers needs
for each level of ages.
2. The predictions caused from evaluation criterions towards population

After running discriminant analysis, this study found that the middle age
samples can appreciate the prototypes of
the bamboo furniture because of their
form uniting the mixed style of tradition
and contemporary. So, the bamboo furniture can attract the elders and the middle age consumers rather more appreciative than the young. The results also
show that the elders can appreciate the
degree of innovation to the bamboo furniture more than the young and the middle age samples. Thus, this study infers
that the youngs innovation needs are
rather higher than the elders. Moreover,
the consumers, who are higher urbanization, need further highly qualitative
product to purchase in order to satisfy
their aesthetic sensitivities; and who are
lower urbanization, always refer their
local culture and aesthetics to appreciative design / product.

the process of MANOVA is easy and its

summary table is simple; but the results
always are scarcity so that the inference
is not easy. However, the process of
discriminant analysis is complicated and
long and their summary tables are too;
but the researcher could obtain more
information of results to infer.
3. The effect caused from design variables towards value variables

After running hierarchical regression analysis, this study found that the
aesthetic factors of design is mainly
caused from form (=.663), innovation (=.639) and human factors
(=.630). Therefore, the aesthetic factors of design can be highly affected by
form, innovation, and human factors.
Moreover, this study also found that the
marketability factors of design is mainly
caused from form (=.341), innovation (=.403) and human factors
(=.373); and the usability factors of
design is mainly caused from form
(=.501), innovation (=.515) and
human factors (=.551). The path
diagram of design variables toward val
ue variables was illustrated by this study
such as Figure 7. According to above
results, this study infer that the prototypes of the bamboo furniture need
more attractive form to achieve aesthetic
value; need excellent innovation to improve usability value; and need satisfactory human factors to promote marketability value. The new bamboo furniture
must be made very well on the sections
of form, innovation, and human factors
and so on. However, the value variables
composed of aesthetic sensitivity, usability, and marketability will be made
very well.

Compared with above two kinds of

analysis formulas, this study found that

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012






Aesthetic sensitivity

Human factors






Figure 8. The path diagram of interaction between the design variables and value variables.

4. The interaction between design

variables and value variables

After running canonical correlation

analysis, this study found that if the
(-.968), usability (-.539), and marketability (-.772) all are not ideal and satisfactory to value variables for samples.
According to above results, this study
illustrated the path diagram of interaction between design variables and value
variables such as Figure 8.Compared
with above two kinds of analysis formulas, this study found that the process of
hierarchical regression analysis is very
complicated and these summary tables
are too; but the researcher could obtain
more information of results to infer.
Moreover, the process of canonical correlation analysis is easy and its summary table is simple; but the results always are scarcity so that the inference is
not easy too.
5. The moderate situation involve price
consciousness in the consumer clusters towards evaluation criterions

Before processing this analysis

formula, firstly executed the cluster
analysis. After running cluster analysis,

form (-.872) has little attraction, the

human factors has little satisfaction,
and the Innovation has little excellence; then the aesthetic sensitivity
this study found that the analysis can
separate the four clusters of attendees,
such as: coolness, shrewdness, realist,
and passion and so on. Among these
clusters the samples of coolness cluster
whose evaluation attitudes are casual.
They could not appreciate the prototypes of the bamboo furniture, if not
they were caustically evaluating to
product. The samples of shrewdness
cluster could appreciate the prototypes,
but they could not present their purchase
intention. Maybe their purchase behavior is thrifty and conservative so that
they dont like to be found their purchase intention. Moreover, the samples
of realist cluster evaluation attitudes are
friendly, but they would carefully assess
the value of marketability and usability.
As for the samples of passion cluster
express their high interest and favor.
They are the latent consumers for the
prototypes. Then, this study computed
and analyzed each clusters purchase
intention by Chi-square test in order to
calculate the ratios of latent consumers.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


Finally, by multiple regression

analysis, this study tested the hypotheses of moderate, i.e. the price consciousness could involve in the consumer clusters towards evaluation criterions. According to analysis results, this
study found that there is an enhancing
effect coming from the low-price consciousness interfering between the realist cluster and evaluation criterions.
Thus, this study infers that the new
product could decide the fixing of price
levels on middle-price. Then, the managers of new product could promote
them with low-price in order to enhancing the realist consumers to purchase.
6. Extract the critical success factors
of design

After running multiple regression

analysis, this study found that the critical success factors of design on the new
bamboo furniture are as following: functions, components, style, comfort, modernity, production techniques, and texture and so on. Thus, the designer and
manager of bamboo furniture could assure them to be core competences in
order to maintain and manage.
In summary, the evaluation approaches except Popovics Common
evaluation methods and Techniques
could process and analysis design
evaluation by quantitative inquiries.
Compared with the two kinds of research inquiries, this study considered
that the quantitative inquiries could obtain assured information to help designer / manager to assess such as the
factors of success / defeat, the future
consumers needs, aspects, design standards, and relative to the marketing contribution of new product. However,
these analysis formulas, provided by

this study, are worthy to apply for design evaluation in design education.
Conclusions and Suggestions
According to above results and inference, this study got the conclusions
as following:
1) By MANOVA and discriminant
analysis to explore the populations
evaluations, researchers could carefully
assess different population background
to view design / product in order to obtain their evaluations and to understand
the future opportunities of design /
2) By hierarchical regression
analysis or canonical correlation analysis to explore the influence / relationship
between design variables and value
variables, researchers could understand
that design variables how to influence
value variables in order to assess he
future consumers needs, aspects, and
design standards of new product.
3) By cluster analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to explore the
moderator variable involve in the consumer clusters to evaluate product, researchers could understand the clusters
of samples in order to infer to population, predict the market performance,
and assess the value / price of new
4) By multiple regression analysis
to explore the critical success factors of
design on new product, researchers
could extract them in order to assess the
factors of success / defeat influencing
products design and development, and
help designer / manager to manage the
core competences of developing new

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


Finally, this study suggested that

the designers, managers, and scholars
could apply above analysis formulas and
statistical analysis techniques to evaluate design / product in order to popularly and carefully obtain their value and
meaning. Moreover, this study suggested that the researchers could explore
such as: to understand the future opportunities; predict the market perform-

Andrews, A. B. (2004). Start at the:
empowerment evaluation product
planning, Evaluation and Program
Planning, 27, 275-285.
Bont, C. J. P. M. & Schoormans, J. P.
L. (1995). The effects of product
expertise on consumer evaluations
of new-product concepts, Journal
of Economic Psychology, 16, 599615.
Bruce, M. & Bessant, J. (2002). Why
design, in M. Bruce & J. Bessant
(eds) Design in Business: Strategic
Innovation Through Design, Harlow, London: Pearson Education
Limited, 18-35.
Cheng, Y.-P., Chen, C.-H., & Cai, D.
(2008) An evaluation for new
bamboo furniture: through examining the relationship between design
and value, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design,
55(4), 93-102.
Chiarello, L. A. (1995). Selection of
needlestick prevention devices: a
conceptual framework for aproaching product evaluation, Am J Infect
Control, 23, 386-395.

ance; assess the value and price; grasp

the future consumers needs, aspects
and design standards of new product;
appraise the new product relative to the
marketing contribution; and evaluate the
factors of success / defeat and so on for
the design evaluation of new product

Cooper, R. & Press, M. (1995). The

Design Agenda: A Guide to Successful Design Management.
Chichester, England: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
Ehrenfeld, J. R. (1997). Industrial
ecology: a framework for product
and process design, J. Cleaner
Prod., 5(1-2), 87-95.
Marzano, S. (1998). Thoughts: Creating Value by Design. Blaricum,
Netherlands: Royal Philips Electronics.
Oh, H. (1999). Service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer
value: a holistic perspective, Hospitality Management, 18, 67-82.
Ozer, M. (1999). A survey of new
product evaluation models, J
PROD INNOV MANAG, 16, 77-94.
Popovic, V. (1999). Product evaluation
methods and their importance in
designing interactive artifacts, in
W. S. Green & P. W. Jordan (eds)
Human Factors in Product Design:
Current Practice and Future
Trends, London: Taylor & Francis

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


Table 1. Common Evaluation Methods and Techniques

Evaluation Methods
To define operations of a product/system and identify users needs.
Focus Group
To identify user issues and their importance.
Interviewing Users
To identify users needs.

Design Process Stages

Observation Techniques
Protocol Pnalysis

Final design stage and field test.


To define dynamics of the artifact/

system/ environment.
To evaluate a design, users expertise
levels and understand users concept of
To define and evaluate operational
procedures of human/ product/ system.

Early stage of the design process and

field test.
Any stage of the design Process.
Any stage of the design Process.

Any stage of the design Process.

Concept development stage, final

design stage and field test.
Design Process Stages

CAD simulation and To evaluate design and its perceived

Concept development stage.
Virtual reality (VR) use.
Mock-up Evaluation To evaluate product usage with users Concept development stage.
Prototype Evaluation To verify a design outcome under real Different stages of the design process.
Source: Product evaluation methods and their importance in designing interactive artifacts, Popovic,
V., 1999, in W. S. Green, & P. W. Jordan, (Eds.), Human Factors in Product Design: Current Practice and Future Trends, Taylor & Francis Inc., London.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2012


Table 2. Statistical Analysis Formulas




Analysis Formulas

Statistical Analysis Techniques





X variable

Y variable


Analysis of variance; Multiple

analysis of variance; Chi-square
test; Hierarchical regression
Discriminant analysis; Regression analysis
Canonical correlation analysis
Hierarchical regression analysis





Hierarchical regression analysis




Cluster analysis; Factor analysis


Multiple regression analysis

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013



Cheng-Jui Tseng
Department of Leisure and Recreation Management
Asia University, Taiwan, R.O.C
[email protected]

Ya-Hui Kuo
Department of Business Administration
Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan, R.O.C
[email protected]

In this study, patrons to Taiwans tourist hotels were chosen as our research object to identify
their expectations and perceptions with respect to the green hotel operations, and also to understand the specific perception of patrons with respect to eco-component of green hotel service. In
this study, a literature review was done and then a questionnaire survey was used to collect firsthand information about patrons perceptions for use in subsequent analysis. The measurement
tool was a green hotel service quality measurement scale adapted from the SERVQUAL scale
first developed by Basti and Goji (2012). The measurement scale incorporated 6 dimensions,
including equipment, energy, behavior, food, green products, and environments. As data are
collected from patrons to presently operating hotels, a factor analysis was made on collected
data. This study attempted to verify the gap between patrons perceptions and hopes concerning
the green hotel service quality. The analysis outcome will serve as reference materials for green
hotels at large. This information will be good reference source for hoteliers when they try to
understand the expectations from patrons, when designing and implementing specific green initiatives. Also, it could be used as specific reference by the hotel industry associations and relevant government organizations in formulating consistent evaluation standards for green hotel
Keywords: eco-friendly or green hotel, green hotel service quality

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


As news reports of global climate
changes keep pouring in, images of natural
disasters seen through media have brought
about strong personal feelings, bringing
people their awareness of the counterattack
from nature. As Taiwan is situated on a
tropical island, we cannot avoid the effects
of climate changes (Tsai et. al. 2010). Since
the hotel industry needs to maintain highquality services, conservationists are concerned with its energy consumption, because its considerable energy demand cannot be underestimated. With the rise of environmental awareness, this eco trend is going
to affect the so-called smokeless hotel industry. For newly built hotels, outside building materials as well as inside consumable
items all have to meet the eco- friendly requirements. Tzschentke, Kirk and Lynch
(2008) pointed out that hoteliers shall realize that the green hotel management does
not necessary require major changes or huge
capital outlay, all it needs is the eco-friendly
green concept. If hotels are operated with
the green concept, they are called green hotels, eco-friendly hotels, or eco-efficient
hotels, meaning that the main objectives of
the hotels are focused on its ecological
benefits. The research of Manaktola and
Jauhari (2007) demonstrated that more and
more hotel patrons will pick eco-friendly
hotels next time when they choose a hotel.
Since the concept of eco-friendly hotels
was first proposed, many hoteliers have
participated in the green hotel operations to
various extents. Many countries and regions
have developed own evaluation standard for

eco-friendly hotels. Since the late 1990s,

eco-friendly labeling systems have emerged
in Europe and North America, such as the
Nordic White Swan, Canadian Maple Leaf,
German Blue Angel, etc. The hotel management organizations and green organizations of the United States, Britain and other
countries also enacted the green hotel standards for hotels operating in their countries
or regions. Taiwans Environmental Protection Administration (2008) also declared
that it has started to promote eco-friendly
hotels and guest houses, which can reduce
the production of carbon dioxide during
guest stay, thus minimizing the global
warming effect. However, Pizam (2009)
was aware that the evaluation standards for
green hotel operations are not the same
among various countries, due to a lack of a
uniform reference standard.
Therefore, such situation will seriously
affect the popularity and patrons recognition of eco-friendly hotel service standards
strongly promoted by the hospitality industry. At present, consumer research on green
hotel management is still viewed as an
emerging academic subject. To a certain
extent, the practices of green operations in
various tourist hotels have failed to reflect
the patron feedback. Therefore, this study is
done from the patrons perspective, hoping
that hoteliers can identify patrons expectations and perceptions with respect to green
hotel operations. In addition, this study
wishes to help hoteliers identify patrons
expectations if they are thinking of
converting to a green hotel. This study also
wishes hoteliers to draw reference from the
research information provided here when

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


they design and implement their green hotel

Literature Review
Green Hotels
In view of the shortage of resources on
Earth, rising awareness of environmental
protection, and ecological conservation,
eco-friendly hotels shall be the answer for
the above issues, so that natural resources
can be recycled, re-used, and energy can be
conserved. These are the future goals of the
hotel accommodation industry. The term
green hotel (eco-friendly hotel) was first
introduced following the emergence of the
above concepts. Eco-friendly Hotel Association (2000) was set up to create the green
hotel requirements that promote the economical use of water and energy, and reduction of solid waste, so as to safeguard the
Earth resources. Green Mountain State
(2010) has focused on the creation of an
eco-friendly environment, possibly allowing
for contribution from all staffs and guests
alike. It carefully scrutinizes each area of
the hotel operation to find ways to reduce
the impacts on the environment. It also
looks for ways to educate the public, and to
remind everyone that every bit counts no
matter how tiny the contribution may be. At
the same time, it maintains its commitment
to provide the kind of quality service that is
expected by hotel guests. Ecomall (2000) is
viewed as a temporary lodging, but the
manager of Ecomall is enthusiastically
committed to the conservation of water resources and other forms of energy, and the
reduction of fixed waste. Also, it is committed to save the Earth resources and to pre-

vent environmental destruction. The Tourism Council Australia (1998) also proposed
that the accommodation facilities of a green
hotel shall depend on the natural environment in the surrounding area. It has adopted
environmentally sensitive operating styles,
and has maintained the operating environment to provide customers with green products, green services, and emulated ecological, healthy, fresh and comfortable living
environment, allowing tourists to stay and
enjoy the natural environment, and to receive the natural experience and related
education. After reviewing the above literature, the basic concept of a green hotel is a
place of accommodation that can provide
eco-friendly services, but its main goal shall
be focused on ways to maintain its sustainable operation. Under the premise of minimizing the environmental impact, a green
hotel shall be managed in such a way to
provide patrons with a comfortable, healthy,
natural accommodation while its service
quality is maintained.
Development of Green Hotels
Eco-friendly or green hotels are developed under the concept of sustainable operation of the tourism industry. It shall be
based on the capacity to sustain the ecological environment, and shall be in line with
local economic development and local ethics. In addition, it can meet the needs of
contemporary people, but without endangering the future generations. Furthermore, it
shall be able to promote the local economy,
resource conservation, and protect the ecofriendly environment, thus creating a harmonious relationship with the nature. As the
hotel accommodation is closely tied to the

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


development of the tourism industry, when

the recreation and leisure trend is becoming
increasingly popular, increased demand for
tourism will also stimulate the demand for
hotel accommodation. According to the
traditional impression, hotels are places that
offer luxury accommodation and services.
But, under the global environmental awareness and environmental advocacy, and complying with the environmental management
requirements, hotel services are now focused on cleaner production, eco-friendly
services, and regular resource conservation.
The concept of eco-friendly hotels came
into being under the green corporate culture
and the above principles. With increasing
attention on the environmental issues, and
influenced by the concept of green hotels,
hotels in every country are urged to implement the environmental management and
energy saving measures.
For example, the Eco-friendly Hotels
Association (1993) has set their objective to
guide the hotel accommodation industry on
environmental issues (Kung et. al, 2001).
Since then, the U.S. presented the "Green
Hotel guidelines" originated from Green
Seal, and Norway's " Green Management in
Practice (GMIP), and Canadas "Green Leaf
Eco-rating Program" in 1998 (Ming-shen
Lai, 2000). The main spirits of green hotels
are to provide affordable products and services to meet the needs of the public, to
improve the quality of life at the same time,
to reduce the ecological impact on the environment gradually throughout the life cycle,
and to reduce the consumption of natural
resource. At least, the pace of energy consumption shall be reconciled with the

Earth's loading capacity. Eco-friendly Hotels Association (2010) firmly supported the
green initiatives through encouragement and
promotion of the green hotel services.
Through appropriate management of the
natural resources, the green hotel concept
can be applied to the hotel accommodation
industry. Green Mountain State stressed the
need to preserve and protect the beautiful
land and natural resources. In this study,
from the viewpoint of patrons, we select the
patrons of five-star international tourist hotels in Taiwan to conduct the questionnaire
survey. The task is to explore their awareness of the green hotel operations and their
attitudes toward the green hotel service
quality. The sample data are collected in the
questionnaire survey, and then processed
with numerical analysis methods for the
following purposes:
(1) To understand the extent of patrons' expectations and perceptions concerning
the green hotel service quality;
(2) To explore any correlation between personal traits of patrons and the green hotel service quality as perceived by patrons; and
(3) To study patrons satisfaction with respect to the eco-component of hotel service quality as practiced in existing tourist hotels.
Research Methods
In this study, patrons to top ten wellknown five-star international tourist hotels
in Taiwan are chosen as our research object.
Through a questionnaire survey, we collected service quality related information

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


from the patrons perspective with respect to

the green hotels and green operations. For
the purpose of our analysis, this study has
adopted the SERVQUAL scale first developed by Majda Basti and Slavka Goji
(2012) to measure the green hotel service
quality. The selection of topical items is
based on special characteristics of each tourist hotel, but two topical items are deleted
by our research team: natural materials in
the hotel building and mattresses and bedding made of natural materials. The number
of topical items in the questionnaire is therefore cut down from original 22 to 20. The
questionnaires are divided into two components: the first component is about patrons
expectations and perceptions concerning the
green hotel service quality, and the second
component is related to personal information of hotel patrons.
This survey began from the early part of
October 2011, and lasted until mid December 2011 for about 70 days. The survey selected patrons to the top ten well-known
international tourist hotels in Taiwan as
research object. The questionnaire survey
was conducted using the convenience sampling, in which we randomly interviewed
guests, who just completed the check out
procedures and appeared in the hotel lobby.
In this study, a total of 600 copies of the
questionnaire were distributed. 189 of those
questionnaires were completed by subjects
and then collected by our staff, with a recovery rate of about 31.5%. These data were
then used for our analysis. Questionnaire
data were first encoded, then keyed in,
sorted, and lastly analyzed with SPSS 12.0

numerical analysis software to find any

meaningful correlation in the sample data.
Research, Analysis, and Test Results
From 189 valid questionnaires collected, the basic information of respondents
is tabulated and summarized as follows:
male respondents accounting for 44.6% of
the overall samples, and female subjects
accounting for 55.4%; married persons accounting for about two-thirds (62.4%); the
majority of respondents being middle-aged,
between 25-44, accounting for about 50.4%.
For the personal income aspect, average
monthly income of respondents is in the
range 30,000-50,000NTD, accounting for
42.2%. About 83.3% of respondents have
college degree. For the purpose of hotel
accommodation, most respondents were
there to attend official meetings or for tourism and leisure purposes, accounting for
38.4% and 32.9% respectively. Looking at
their stay time, the majority of respondents
have stayed in the hotels for 2-3 days, accounting for about 53.9%. The above data
broadly reflects a basic profile that represents the majority of guests in the five-star
tourist hotels. The basic profile is described
as tourists or short-term business travelers,
married, better educated, young to middleaged, and with middle to high-income.
The analysis results show that more
than 80% of the respondents are overall
satisfied with the hotel services. But more
than 90% of the respondents tended to agree
to various extents that if the hotel services
could be more eco-friendly, patron satisfaction would be further enhanced. What is

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


worth mentioning is that more than 90% of

the respondents indicated that they will first
consider green hotels the next time they
choose a hotel. Although more than 60 % of
the respondents think that the green hotel
operations are meaningful and are willing to
sacrifice comfort to stay in the green hotels,
in actual behavior, only 32.3% of respondents said that they will return to the hotels
with green operations. Less than 40% of
respondents said they will attach great importance when considering whether a hotel
has fully implemented their green operations the next time they choose a hotel. This
reflects that patrons acceptance of the green
hotel concept is still in the ideological level,
and they have not made an effort to transform them into specific action in their daily
life. In this study, when the correlation between the personal traits of respondents and
their support for the green hotel are analyzed, we used t-test and one-way ANOVA.
The test results are explained below.
For perceived attitude of respondents
concerning the green hotel operations, no
significant differences are found between
groups of respondents with different genders and different ages. With respect to the
attitude of respondents supportive of the
green hotel operations, gender and age are
not considered as a significant factor that
may influence the supportive attitude of
green hotels. It is believed that with continuous promotion of the green concept, any
existing differences in supportive attitude
between men and women will be gradually
moderated over time. In addition, the analysis also shows that the supportive attitude of

respondents concerning the green hotel service quality will change in step with the
income level of respondents, which means
the demand on service quality will increase
as the income of respondents is moved to a
higher level. Specifically, respondents in the
high-income group with monthly income
over 80,000NTD are more likely to identify
with the green hotel operations compared
with respondents in other income groups.
For the aspect of respondents education level, significant differences are seen
between respondents in different education
levels. Specifically, the supportive attitude
of respondents toward the green hotels tends
to increase as the education level of respondent is raised to higher levels. Also, it is
found that college degree is the cut-off point
for determining patrons attitude supportive
of the green hotels. Respondents with higher
education levels tend to show slightly
stronger support for green hotels in relation
to respondents with lower education levels.
In this study, another purpose of this research is to identify the expectations and
perceptions of patrons concerning the green
hotel service quality. It is hoped in the process of exploring patrons expectations more
concrete and different types of patron needs
can be identified. Thus, it can contribute to
the industry's understanding of patron needs
(expectations), so that the green hotel operations can be properly implemented to meet
the green needs of hotel patrons. Table 1
gives the confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA) results using the green hotel service
quality measurement

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 1. CFA outcome for the measurement model


Construct Reliability

Average Variance Extracted














EQUIP Environmentally friendly and healthy equipment

Equipment is made from natural materials
Paintworks are from environmentally friendly substances
Floor coverings are made from natural materials


ENERGY&WATER Efficient use of energy and water

Efficient use of energy

Automatic light control in the hallways and restrooms
Efficient use of water in the hotel
Automatic water saving system in restrooms


BEHAV Eco-behaviour of hotel staff

Waste disposal into recycling cans
Well-informed staff with environmentally conscious
Written recommendation to guests about ecofriendly in the hotel


FOOD Bio-food
Macrobiotic and vegetarian food
At least one bio menu as part of every meal
Meals made from organically produced components


Freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices
Products are labeled with the producers name and
Vegetable, spices and herbs are grown in the hotels
kitchen garden
The guests can buy ecological products in the hotel


Quiet position of the hotel
A lot of greenery in and outside the hotel
Pleasant indoor and outdoor wall colors


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


Table 2. Analysis of respondents' level of satisfaction with respect to green hotel service quality
(difference between actual perception and expectation)


Questions asked

Equipment is made from natural materials

Paintworks are from environmentally
friendly substances
Floor coverings are made from natural materials
ENEfficient use of energy
ERGY&W Automatic light control in the hallways and
Efficient use of water in the hotel
Automatic water saving system in restrooms
BEHAV Waste disposal into recycling cans
Well-informed staff with environmentally
conscious attitude
Written recommendation to guests about
eco-friendly in the hotel
Macrobiotic and vegetarian food
At least one bio menu as part of every meal
Meals made from organically produced
GREEN Freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices
PRODProducts are labeled with the producers
name and ecological effect
Vegetable, spices and herbs are grown in the
hotels kitchen garden
The guests can buy ecological products in
the hotel
ENVIQuiet position of the hotel
RONA lot of greenery in and outside the hotel
Pleasant indoor and outdoor wall colors

Mean values*

Differences (PE) between

Actual per- Expected
ceived val- values (E) expected values (E) and
ues (P)
actual perception values (P)



























Note: * Mean value is based on 1 to 5 Likert scale table, where "1" represents totally disagree,
and "5" represents totally agree.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


model originally constructed by Majda Basti and Slavka Goji (2012). The
construct reliability of all latent variables is
above 0.70, indicating that the explanatory
capability for all observed latent variables is
of good quality. Another objective is to test
whether the construct model has convergent
validity and discriminate validity. Convergent validity is to assess the factor loading
of measured variables in relation to latent
variables, so as to verify whether each factor
loading is statistically significant. Table 1
reveals the factor loadings of all individual
items. Since all are above 0.6, they are statistically significant. Also, the average The
study has also tested the perceptions and
expectations of respondents concerning the
green hotel service quality using 20 questions to ask hotel patrons about the green
hotel service quality that they expected and
the actual conditions perceived.
Then, the survey data are applied to the
SERVQUAL model to see if any differences
exist concerning the green hotel service
quality. The test result reflects the level of
satisfaction of patrons with respect to the
green operations in existing tourist hotels.
The analysis results are given in Table 2.
Overall speaking, the analysis shows that
respondents generally have higher expectations for green hotel services, but the green
hotel services perceived in actual practice is
generally lower than expected. This gap (PE) between actual perception and initial
expectations of respondents reflects that
respondents are generally more dissatisfied
with the green hotel service quality in practice. Specifically, patrons expressed high
level of dissatisfaction for equipment used

in tourist hotels and the management of

consumables (including energy consumption and the use of natural materials, and so
on). In contrast, the satisfaction level is
slighter higher for the production of green
food, development of eco-friendly green
products, resource recycling, and other aspects.
Conclusions and Recommendations
This study has chosen the patrons to
Taiwans five-star international tourist hotels for analyzing their attitude concerning
the green hotel services. In order to obtain
preliminary understanding of the expectations and perceptions of hotel patrons with
respect to the concept of eco-friendly hotels
and green operations, a questionnaire survey
has been conducted. The survey results
show that most of the patrons interviewed
are happy to go to eco-friendly hotels and
accept the green operations. This proves that
guests in hotel accommodation have increased awareness of the eco-friendly concept. Also, the results show that respondents
are willing to accept and support ecofriendly hotels. The only regret is that considerable gap still exists between patrons
expectations of the green hotel service quality and actual perception from their true
feelings. We therefore conclude that, between their green consciousness and their
green behavior, hotel patrons are somewhat
incoherent in their understanding of the
green hotel services.
In practice, the green initiatives of the
hotel industry cannot meet patrons' expectations of green hotels at this stage, and pa-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


trons are generally dissatisfied with the socalled green hotel operations. Such situation
therefore creates a new challenge for the
hotel industry: how to give patrons more
recognition of the green hotel concept, such
that they are ready to support the green initiatives and the eco-friendly certification.
Although this study is not too much involved in exploring the correlation between
patrons satisfaction for the green hotel service quality perceived and overall patron
satisfaction, it is important to find ways to
improve patrons satisfaction concerning the
green hotel service quality to improve the
overall patron satisfaction. Therefore, efforts to improve the green hotel service
quality and its positive contribution shall not
be ignored. Although patrons are more concerned about the hotel rates in reality when
choosing a hotel, they pay less attention to
the green hotel service quality. Nevertheless, the green hotel concept has become a
new trend for the tourism industry. It can
effectively raise the competitiveness of a
tourist hotel if a hotels green initiatives are
well recognized by its patrons. Thus, this
study suggests that the relevant hoteliers
shall consolidate different expectations of
patrons in order to upgrade the green hotel
service quality for improving patron satisfaction. In the future, we recommend that
the research scope shall be further expanded
to understand specific needs and perceptions
of patrons with green needs, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. By expanding the research
scope, the hotel industry is able to better
understand the green hotel services as it is
growing in popularity, and hoteliers can

utilize more appropriate means to improve

the green operations.

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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 5 Num 3 January 2013


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