Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
V. Balakrishnan
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai 600 036, India
|j ihj | = I,
where I is the unit operator in the LVS. It follows that any vector |i in the LVS
can be uniquely expanded in terms of the basis according to
|i =
cj |j i, where cj = hj |i.
Uniquely expanded means that the coefficients cj uniquely determine |i, and vice
Change of basis: The basis set in any LVS is by no means unique, although its
dimensionality is. Given two orthonormal basis sets {|j i} and {|k i}, we have the
|i =
cj |j i =
dk |k i ,
1. Check whether the following sets of elements form an LVS. If they do, find the
dimensionality of the LVS.
(a) The set of all n n matrices with complex entries.
(b) The set of all polynomials (of all orders) of a complex variable z.
(c) The set of all (Cartesian) tensors of rank 2 in three dimensions.
(d) The set of all antisymmetric (Cartesian) tensors of rank 2 in three dimensions.
d2 y
+ 2y = 0.
(a) Let |i and |i be two linearly independent vectors in a real LVS. Find the
value of the (real) scalar that makes k k a minimum.
(b) Same problem, in a complex LVS. (Note that any complex number and its
complex conjugate are linearly independent!)
7. Show that the 2 2 unit matrix I and the three Pauli matrices, namely,
1 0
0 1
0 i
1 0
, 1 =
, 2 =
and 3 =
0 1
1 0
i 0
0 1
form a basis in the LVS of all 2 2 matrices. What is the corresponding basis if we
restrict ourselves to the set of all traceless 2 2 matrices?
8. Which of the following infinite sequences (x1 , x2 , ) listed below belong to `2 ,
the LVS of square-summable sequences?
(a) xn = (1)n (ln n)/n
(b) xn = n!/(2n)!
(c) xn = (2/n)n
(d) xn = (2n + 1)/(3n + 4)2
(e) xn = en /nn
(f) xn = 2n/2 .
9. Identify the functions that belong to L2 ( , ), the LVS of square-integrable
functions of a real variable x (, ).
(a) f (x) = (x2 + 1)1/4
(b) f (x) = ex cos x
(c) f (x) = e1/x
0 0
, ,
|1 i = 1 0 0 0 , |2 i =
1 T
|n i =
where the superscript T denotes the transpose. Construct a vector |i such that
hk |i = 1 for every k (1 k n).
11. The set of all n n matrices (with complex entries) forms an LVS. The inner
product of two elements in this space may be defined as
(A, B) = Tr (A B),
where A is the hermitian conjugate of A, and Tr denotes the trace.
(a) If A is hermitian, show that
(A, A)
(I, A)2 .
|(U , A)|2 .
This space is self-dual. The natural basis in the dual space are the bra vectors hi |
represented by the row matrices that are the hermitian conjugates of the column
matrices above. It is then easy to see that the operator |i ihj | is represented by
a matrix whose ij th element is unity, all its other elements being zero. In other
words, any matrix A with elements aij can be regarded as the representation of an
abstract operator A given by
n X
aij |i ihj |.
i=1 j=1
A|i = |i.
Equality of operators: Two operators are equal if they have the same domain,
and if they have the same action on each given vector in their common domain.
h| A = h|.
Pj (I Pj ) = 0 ,
and Pj = Pj .
h|A A|i
(A , A )
= sup
( , )
|i DA
kAk = sup
|i DA
kA k
2 In the physics literature, we often say A is hermitian. Strictly speaking, however, the term
hermitian applies to operators that are symmetric as well as bounded.
(x2 , x3 , x4 , . . . ),
A2 |i =
(0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . ),
A3 |i =
(1! x1 , 2! x2 , 3! x3 , . . . ),
A4 |i =
A5 |i =
(2x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . )
Examine whether each of the operators A1 , . . . , A5 (i) has an inverse; and (ii) is
bounded; if so, find the value of the norm of the operator concerned.
3. We have seen that the momentum operator of a particle moving on the xaxis has the representation i~ d/dx when acting on position-space wave functions
(x, t). This is a direct consequence of the fundamental canonical commutation
relation [x, p] = i~ I between the position and momentum operators, where I is the
unit operator. (We shall generally omit the superscriptthat is used sometimes to
denote operators.) More generally, for three-dimensional motion, the momentum
operator has the representation i~ when acting on position-space wave functions
(r, t). This is the underlying reason why differential operators occur so frequently
in quantum mechanics. We have also seen why the space L2 occurs naturally in
quantum mechanics.
In the vector space L2 ( , ) of square-integrable functions of a real variable
x, find the adjoints of the following operators. Here a is a real constant, and m, n
are positive integers.
(i) x d/dx
(ii) xn (n = 1, 2, . . . )
(iii) ex
and AB + BA = D.
Thus C and D are also self-adjoint operators. Consider the state given by
|i = (A + iB)|i,
where is an arbitrary complex number and |i is an arbitrary state of the system.
Using the fact that h|i 0 for all , show that
(A)2 (B)2 41 hCi2 + hDi2 .
3 Recall that the concept of a Lie algebra has been introduced in the Classical Physics course. In
that context, the Poisson bracket operation specifies the Lie algebra of functions of the phase space
variables (q1 , . . . , qn , p1 , . . . , pn ) of a classical Hamiltonian system with n degrees of freedom.
4 As you know, this commutation relation, together with the obvious ones [a, I] = 0 = [a , I],
is just the Heisenberg algebra, written in terms of suitable dimensionless linear combinations of x
and p.
Operator identities
Identities between mutually noncommuting operators are of great importance and
use, as they are required very frequently in quantum mechanical calculations. What
follows are some of the most common of these identities. Let A and B be linear
operators in an LVS with a common domain. In general, A and B do not commute
with each other, that is, [A, B] AB BA 6= 0.
1. Perturbation expansion for the inverse of an operator: Frequently, we
face the problem of finding the inverse of an operator of the form (A + B), where
the inverse A1 of A is known, and is a scalar of sufficiently small magnitude such
that k Bk kAk. We can then write a so-called perturbation expansion for
the inverse (A + B)1 (that is, an infinite series in powers of ), as follows:
(A + B)1 = A1 A1 B A1 + 2 A1 B A1 B A1 + . . .
Establish this result by starting with the identity
(A + B)1 = A1 A1 B (A + B)1 .
3 h
A, [A, B] i
A, A, [A, B] + .
As I have already indicated, Hadamards lemma is the starting point for the derivation of a large number of operator identities and relations.
3. Another useful operator relation that is closely related to Hadamards
lemma is as follows. Let A and B be two operators that do not commute with each
other, in general. Define the operator Bt by
Bt = eiAt B eiAt ,
where t is a parameter. (A and B do not depend on t.) Verify that Bt is a solution
of the integral equation
Z t
Bt = B + i A ,
dt 0 Bt 0 .
12 [A, B]
6 A , [A, B] + 3 B , [A, B]
A , A , [A, B] 81 A , B , [A, B] 18 B , B , [A, B]
This is the Zassenhaus formula. The subsequent terms in the product involve higherorder multiple commutators that can be determined by a systematic but quite tedious iterative procedure.
The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff (BCH) formula is the complement of the
Zassenhaus formula, in the sense that it expresses the product of exponentials,
eA eB , in terms of the exponential of an infinite sum of operators involving multiple
commutators. Setting [A, B] = C, the formula is
[A , C] 12
[B , C] 24
B , [A , C] + ,
(exp A) (exp B) = exp A+B + 12 C + 12
where in the exponent on the right-hand side stands for an infinite sum of
higher-order multiple commutators. As in the case of the Zassenhaus formula, the
successive terms in the sum can be found by a recursive procedure.
4. In specific cases, if more information is available about the multiple commutators
that appear in the Zassenhaus and BCH formulas, these formulas may be simplified
somewhat. The simplest of these special cases, and the most important one, obtains
when both A and B commute with their commutator C = [A, B]. (Sometimes this
happens because C is just a constant multiple of the unit operator, but this is not
necessary for the validity of the results that follow below.) The Zassenhaus and
BCH formulas can then be derived in a fairly simple manner.
(a) Show that, if [A, C] = 0 = [B, C], then
eA+B = eA eB e 2 [A,B] .
You can derive this formula this by obtaining and solving a first-order differential equation for the operator F () defined as
F () = e(A+B) ,
where is a scalar (not an operator). Use the obvious boundary condition
F (0) = I. Keep track of the fact that A and B do not commute with each
(b) Similarly show that, if [A, C] = 0 = [B, C], then
eA eB = eA+B+ 2 [A,B] .
(c) Apply the result to the important case A = iax , B = ibp where a and b are
real scalars and x, p are the canonical position and momentum operators in
one dimension, to find the commutator [eiax , eibp ]. This is called the Weyl
form of the canonical commutation relation.
5. Here is a related but slightly different way of arriving at the Zassenhaus formula
when the commutator of two operators is the unit operator. Let A and B be two
operators such that [A, B] = I, the unit operator. Consider the linear combination
L = A + B, where and are arbitrary complex scalars (not operators).
(a) Show that
= nALn1 21 n(n 1)Ln2 .
= A 12 eL .
= e a e
a 21 ||2
The operator on the left-hand side is called the displacement operator. It generates coherent states, as we will see a little later.
eip0 x/~ e(xx0 ) /2 ,
( )
dx |(x, 0)|2 = 1.
The momentum-space wave function at any instant of time is the Fourier transform
of the position-space wave function, and is given by
(p, t) hp| (t)i =
dx hp|xihx| (t)i =
dx eipx/~ (x, t).
(b) Show that the normalized momentum-space wave function of the particle at
t = 0 is given by
e 0) =
2 1/4
eix0 (pp0 )/~ e (pp0 ) /2~ .
Apart from the phase factor exp [ix0 (pp0 )/~], this is again a Gaussian in p centred
about the value p0 . Note that the width of the Gaussian is now proportional to
1/ 2 , i. e., it is proportional to the reciprocal of the width of the wave packet in position space. This is in accord with the general property that a narrow distribution
in x implies a wide one in p, and vice versa.
5 This
is the usual normalization convention. It follows that hx|pi = hp|xi = (2~)1/2 eipx/~ .
(c) Verify that the initial expectation values of the position and momentum are
hx(0)i = x0 and hp(0)i = p0 , respectively. Evaluate the initial uncertainties
x(0) and p(0) at t = 0. Note that the uncertainty product x(0) p(0) =
2 ~. The initial state is therefore a minimum uncertainty state.
The time evolution of the state of the particle is given, of course, by the Schrodinger
equation, (i~) d| (t)i/dt = H| (t)i. The formal solution to this equation is
| (t)i = exp (iHt/~) | (0)i. The problem is then to evaluate the exponential
of the Hamiltonian. Since H = p2 /(2m) in the case of a free particle, and does not
involve the position operator at all, it is obvious that the problem is most easily
solved in the momentum basis. In this basis, the operator exp (iHt/~) is just
multiplication by exp [ip2 t/(2m~)]. This makes it trivial to write down the wave
e t). We have
function (p,
e t)
| (0)i
e 0).
dx |(x, t)|2 = 1.
(f) Show that the expectation values of p and x at any time t are given by
hp(t)i = p0 = hp(0)i,
while hx(t)i = x0 +
p0 t
p0 t
= hx(0)i +
In other words, the expectation values of the position and the momentum are related to each other in exactly the way in which the position and momentum of a
classical free particle would be related. This is a special case of what is known as
Ehrenfests Theorem.
(g) Show that the uncertainty in the momentum at any time t, p(t), remains
equal to its value at t = 0. Evaluate x(t) to show that the width of the wave
packet in position space broadens as t increases.
Hence the uncertainty product x(t) p(t) increases with time, and the state of the
particle is no longer a minimum uncertainty state for any t > 0. The dispersion
of the wave packet in position space is a consequence of the fact that the relation
between (the eigenvalues of) the energy and the momentum is not a linear one for
a free non-relativistic particle: if we set E = ~ and p = ~k, the relation between
the frequency and wave number for a free particle reads (k) = ~k 2 /(2m). Hence
the wave velocity /k is not identically equal to the group velocity d/dk, and
dispersion occurs.
2. Free particle in a box: The energy levels and the corresponding normalized
position-space wave functions of a particle moving freely in a one-dimensional box
(0 < x < L) are given by
( p
2/L sin (nx/L), 0 < x < L
n 2 2 ~2
En =
and n (x) =
all other x
n (x) n (x0 ) = (x x0 ).
(e) Calculate the position and momentum uncertainties (x)n and (p)n in the
energy eigenstate n (x), and hence write down the value of the uncertainty
product (x)n (p)n . Note that the uncertainty product is larger than its
lowest allowed value 12 ~ even in the ground state of the particle.
3. Particle subjected to a constant force: A particle of mass m moves in one
dimension under a uniform, constant force F . Its Hamiltonian is thus
F x.
(a) Let E denote an eigenvalue of H (i.e., an energy eigenvalue). What are the
allowed values of E? (This should be obvious on physical grounds.)
(b) Write down the time-independent Schrodinger equation for the momentumspace wave function eE (p) corresponding to the eigenvalue E.
(c) Normalize the solution eE (p) such that
dp eE (p) eE 0 (p) = (E E 0 ).
(k 2
k 02 )2
(2kk 0 )2
sin2 (k 0 L) + (2kk 0 )2
2E~2 + m2
(d) Show that this last expression precisely the transmission coefficient in the case
of the -function potential barrier V (x) = (x).
(e) For 0 < E < V0 , show that the transmission coefficient becomes
T =
where ~0 =
(2k0 )2
(k 2 + 02 )2 sinh2 (0 L) + (2k0 )2
2m(V0 E).
+ m 2 x2 ,
2m 2
where the position and momentum operators satisfy the commutation relation
[x , p] = i~I, I being the unit operator. It is very convenient to introduce the
dimensionless position and momentum according to
m 1/2
~ ( 2 + 2 ),
[ , ] = i I.
a = ( i).
The fundamental commutation relation now becomes [a , a ] = 1,6 while the Hamiltonian reads
H = ~ a a + 21 .
The eigenvalues of a a are nondegenerate, and are given by the set of nonnegative integers 0, 1, . . . . The combination a a is therefore called the number
operator. It follows at once that the eigenvalues of H are also nondegenerate, and
are given by
En = ~ n + 21 , where n = 0, 1, . . . .
The corresponding eigenstates {| n i}, satisfying the eigenvalue equation a a | n i =
n | n i, are called Fock states. They form a complete orthonormal set. The ground
state | 0 i is also called the vacuum state.7 The action of a and a on | n i is given
~2 d 2 n
+ m 2 x2 n = En n ,
2m dx2
6 In a slight abuse of notation, we often write 1 for the unit operator. No confusion should arise
as a result.
7 In the context of the radiation field, this state corresponds to the zero-photon state.
and is given by
n (x) =
1 m 1/4 mx2 /(2~)
Hn x m/~ ,
2 n! ~
where Hn denotes the Hermite polynomial of order n. The first few of these polynomials are
H0 (u) = 1, H1 (u) = 2u, H2 (u) = 4u2 2, H3 (u) = 8u3 12u, H4 (u) = 16u4 48u2 +12.
The Rodrigues formula for these polynomials is
Hn (u) = (1)n eu
dn u2
Hn (u)
n (x) n (x0 ) = (x x0 ).
1. Consider a linear harmonic oscillator in its ground state. Calculate the total
probability that the position of the oscillator is (i) in the range (~/2m)1/2
x (~/2m)1/2 ; (ii) outside this range. Note that the regions in (i) and (ii),
respectively, are the allowed and forbidden regions for a classical simple harmonic
oscillator whose total energy is E0 .
2. Using operator methods, show that the expectation values of the kinetic energy
and the potential energy of the oscillator in the stationary state | n i are equal.
Hence show that their expectation values in an arbitrary normalizable state are
3. A shifted harmonic oscillator: (This is a trivial problem!) Suppose a term is
added to the Hamiltonian of thje linear harmonic oscillator, so that it is now given
H = ~ a a + 21 + (a + a ) ,
where is a real constant.
(a) What does this new Hamiltonian correspond to, physically?
(b) Find the eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian.
(c) What value(s) should take in order that the ground state energy be exactly
4. Other perturbations of the linear harmonic oscillator: Consider the
perturbed Hamiltonian H = H0 + H 0 , where
H0 =
+ m 2 x2
2m 2
is the Hamiltonian of a linear harmonic oscillator, is a positive constant of appropriate physical dimensions, and H 0 is given, respectively, by (i) x2 (ii) x3 (iii) x4 .
Calculate, in each case, the new energy levels correct to second order in the small
parameter , and the corresponding eigenstates correct to first order in . Compare
these with the exact expressions for these quantities in those cases, if any, in which
the problem can be solved analytically.
5. Propagator for the linear harmonic oscillator: In the foregoing, we have
focused our attention on the stationary states of the linear harmonic oscillator.
Here is an aspect of interest pertaining to the time-dependent problem. The timedependent Schr
odinger equation for a linear harmonic oscillator in the position basis
is given by
~2 2 (x, t) 1
(x, t)
+ m 2 x2 (x, t) .
2m x2
Verify that the solution to this equation is given by
(x, t) =
dx0 K(x, x0 ; t) (x0 , 0),
K(x, x0 ; t) =
h im
(x2 + x02 ) cos t 2xx0 .
2i~ sin t
2~ sin t
First check that (x, t) obeys the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Next,
check to see whether the proper initial condition is satisfied at t = 0, i. e., that
(x, t) reduces to the given initial function (x, 0).
The quantity K(x, x0 ; t) is called the propagator because it takes us from the
solution at time t = 0 to the solution at any subsequent instant of time t > 0. Note
that (x, t) at any given point x depends on the initial wave function (x0 , 0) at all
points x0 .
6. A pair of coupled harmonic oscillators: Before going on to other aspects of
the linear harmonic oscillator, let us consider a pair of coupled harmonic oscillators.
The coupling is such that the total Hamiltonian can be diagonalized and the energy
levels computed exactly. This enables us to compare the results of perturbation
theory with the corresponding exact expressions, thereby gaining some insight into
the former.
The two-dimensional isotropic oscillator is given by the Hamiltonian
H0 =
+ m 2 x21 + 2 + m 2 x22 ,
2m 2
2m 2
[xi , xj ] = 0, [pi , pj ] = 0, [xi , pj ] = i~ ij ,
and the indices run over the values 1 and 2. Now consider the perturbed Hamiltonian
H = H0 + H 0 , where is a real constant and
H 0 = x1 x2 .
(a) The ground state energy of the unperturbed Hamiltonian is of course given
by E0 = ( 21 + 12 ) ~ = ~. Show that, up to the second order in the coupling
constant , the ground state energy of the perturbed oscillator is given by
E0 = ~ +
2 ~
8m2 3
(b) The first excited state of the unperturbed Hamiltonian is doubly degener(0)
ate. It corresponds to the energy eigenvalue E1 = 2~. The corresponding
normalized eigenstates may be taken to be the linear combinations
| 1, 0 i + | 0, 1 i
| 1, 0 i | 0, 1 i
2~ +
(c) It should be clear that the corresponding classical problem can be solved easily
by changing variables. This remains true in the quantum mechanical case as
well. Define
x1 + x2
x1 x2
and x =
and similarly
P =
p1 + p2
and p =
p1 p2
Check out the commutation relations satisfied by these new operators. Write
down the Hamiltonian H in terms of these operators, using the fact that
x1 x2 =
1 2
(X x2 ).
(d) Hence show that the exact energy levels (eigenvalues) of H are given by
E(n1 , n2 ) = ~ n1 + 21 + ~+ n2 + 12 ,
where n1 and n2 run over the values 0, 1, . . . as usual, and
= 2
, + = 2 +
Note that we must have || < m 2 in this problem. If || > m 2 , the spectrum
of the Hamiltonian is not bounded from below. (Examine what happens to the
corresponding classical potential energy.)
n n (x) = 0.
The normalized solutions are the L2 ( , ) functions
n (x) ==
ex /2 Hn (x),
2 n!
en (p) = 0.
But this precisely the same equation as the one satisfied by the position-space
eigenfunctions n (x)! This symmetry arises because the oscillator Hamiltonian is
completely symmetrical in x2 and p2 . As a consequence, the differential operator
that acts on n (x) to yield zero is exactly the same as the one that acts on en (p)
to yield zero. The normalized momentum-space eigenfunctions must therefore be
given by
en (p) = 1/4
ep /2 Hn (p),
2 n!
where the constant n must have unit modulus, i.e., |n | = 1. In other words, the
position-space and momentum-space wave functions of the stationary states of the
harmonic oscillator are exactly the same in functional form.
Eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform operator: The fact just stated leads
to an interesting connection between the eigenfunctions {n } and the Fourier transform operator.
We know that, in general, position-space and momentum-space wave functions
corresponding to the same state are just Fourier transforms of each other: that is,
dx eipx (x),
with the inverse transformation
(x) =
dp eipx (p).
8 These factors are easily restored in any of the expressions that follow, based on dimensional
(Recall that we have set ~ = 1.) What we now see is that, for the oscillator
eigenfunctions, the functional forms of n and en are exactly the same. In other
words, the functions
ex /2 Hn (x),
1/4 2n n!
n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
are, up to a possible multiplicative constant of unit modulus, normalized eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform operator in L2 ( , ).
Let us elaborate on this a little further. The Fourier transform operator, which
we may denote by F, is an integral operator that acts on functions of a real
variable to produce other functions. If we restrict our attention to functions in
L2 ( , ), then
(x) L2 ( , ) = (F)(x) L2 ( , )
as well. That is, F takes functions belonging to L2 ( , ) to other functions
in the same function space. The kernel of the integral operator F is given by
F (p, x) = (2)1/2 eipx . That is,
eipx (x) dx.
(F)(p) (p)
F (p, x) (x) dx =
What we have found above is that, for the oscillator eigenfunctions n , the function
and its Fourier transform Fn ( en ) are the same in functional form. This means
that these eigenfunctions are also eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform operator
F itself. n and en must therefore differ, if at all, only by an overall multiplicative constant, say n . But n and en must have the same norm, by Parsevals
|n (x)|2 dx =
|en (p)|2 dp.
Therefore, since n is normalized to unity, so is en . Hence the multiplicative constant n can only be a phase factor, i.e., a complex number of unit modulus. And
this number n must be an eigenvalue of the Fourier transform operator F when it
acts on elements of the space L2 ( , ).9
7. The next task is to determine the possible values of n .
(a) Work out explicitly the Fourier transforms of the eigenfunctions n (x) for
n = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. You will need to use the expressions given for the first few
Hermite polynomials given in the foregoing. You will also need the Gaussian
eax xr dx = 21 (r + 1) 2a(r+1)/2 , (a > 0 and r > 1)
We may therefore conjecture that the possible distinct eigenvalues of F are +1, i, 1,
and i. This is indeed the case.
(c) Check out directly that the square of the Fourier transform operator is just
the parity operator P, i.e., that
(F 2 )(x) = (P)(x) = (x).
Since P 2 = I, the fourth power of the Fourier transform operator is just the unit
(F 4 )(x) = (x), i. e., F 4 = I, the unit operator in L2 ( , ).
It is then reasonable to expect that the eigenvalues of the operator F are just the
fourth roots of unity. We conclude that:
The oscillator eigenfunction n (x) is also an eigenfunction of the Fourier transform operator F in L2 ( , ), with eigenvalue eir/2 , where r = n mod 4,
so that r = 0, 1, 2, 3.
The eigenfunctions n (x) are of course eigenfunctions of P as well, since [H, P] = 0.
This property is shared by all the bound state eigenfunctions of a symmetric potential (V (x) = V (x)). What we now find is that [H, F] = 0 for the special case of
the oscillator Hamiltonian. The parity operator may be regarded as a square root
of the unit operator. The Fourier transform operator may be regarded as a square
root of the parity operator.
Representations of H, P and F: In the position basis, the oscillator
is represented by the differential operator H = 21 x2 d2 /dx2 . The parity and
Fourier transform operators have the respective actions
(x) (x) (x),
(x) L2 ( , ).
En | n ih n |,
(1)n | n ih n |,
(i)n | n ih n |.
2 X
| n i.
|i = e 2 ||
Note that no condition whatsoever has been placed upon the eigenvalue . Since
we are able to find a normalizable eigenstate |i for any arbitrary complex value of
the eigenvalue , we must conclude that the eigenvalue spectrum of the lowering
operator a is, in fact, the whole of the finite part of the complex plane. Recall
that a is non-self-adjoint. Its eigenvalues can therefore be complex numbers, in
general. We now find that its eigenvalue spectrum is actually doubly continuous
(both 1 Re and 2 Im can take on values in (, ).)
(b) Show that a similar argument does not work for the raising operator a : that
is, there can be no normalizable eigenstate of a , in stark contrast to the case
of a. Note the reason why: there is no state | n i such that a | n i = 0, i.e.,
there is no upper bound to the eigenvalue spectrum of a a.
You can verify the foregoing statements in an alternative (but equivalent) way, by
working in the position representation. Let (x) h x |i be the position-basis
wave function corresponding to the CS |i. The eigenvalue
equation then gives
+ (x 2 ) = 0.
The solution is a shifted Gaussian in x, apart from a phase factor. It is clearly normalizable. In contrast, if (x) is the wave function corresponding to an eigenvalue
of the operator a , the differential equation satisfied by it is
(x 2 ) = 0.
The solution is obviously not normalizable in (, ).
10 I
(c) Show that the normalized position-space wave function corresponding to the
CS |i is given by
(x) = 1/4 e 2 (x
2 1 )2
ei2 (1
2 x)
(d) Hence show that the momentum-space wave function corresponding to the CS
|i is given by
e (p) = 1/4 e(p
2 2 )2 /2
ei1 (
2 p2 )
|i = e 2 || e a | 0 i.
n! | n i, |i can
|i = e 2 || e a e
| 0 i.
e 2 || e a e
= e a
a def.
= D().
The operator D() is called the displacement operator, for a reason which will
become clear shortly.12 In terms of this operator, the CS |i is simply
|i = D() | 0 i.
a + a
a a
, p = , x2 and p2 .
i 2
12 We should write D(, ) because the operator D is parametrized by as well as (or the
two independent variables 1 and 2 ). But it is customary to write just D(), in a slight abuse
of notation.
13 The vacuum state itself is also a coherent state, of course, corresponding to = 0.
(b) Hence show that (in the units we have chosen) x = p = 1/ 2 in this state,
independent of . Therefore the uncertainty product is (x)(p) = 12 in any
CS, i.e., all of them are minimum uncertainty states.
3. Non-orthogonality of CS: The states {|i, C} are normalized to unity,
but they are not mutually orthogonal.
(a) Show that, if and are any two distinct complex numbers, then
h| i = e 2 (||
+||2 )+
and D() a D () = a .
Again, these relations tell us why D() is termed the displacement operator. Under
a unitary transformation by D(),
D() D() = D( + ) e 2 (
= D( + ) ei Im ( ) .
14 It involves two real parameters and , in accord with the two nontrivial generators a and
a of the Lie algebra.
1. Are the statements in quotation marks true or false?
(a) The position and momentum operators of a particle moving in one dimension
satisfy the commutation relation [x , p] = i~ I, where I is the unit operator.
It is possible to represent the operators x and p by hermitian (nn) matrices
where n is any positive integer.
(b) A particle moves in one dimension in the potential V (x). The energy spectrum of the particle is discrete. The potential is symmetric about the origin,
i. e., V (x) = V (x).
It follows that the position-space wave function corresponding to any stationary state of the particle is an even function of x.
(c) A particle moves in space under the influence of a potential V (r).
The particle can never be in a state in which its kinetic energy and potential
energy can simultaneously have precise values.
(d) Let A be the operator corresponding to a physical observable of a system with
Hamiltonian H, and let [A , H] 6= 0. Then:
No eigenstate of A can be a stationary state of the system.
(e) Let A , B and C be operators corresponding to physical observables of a system, such that [A , B] = 0 and [A , C] = 0.
It follows that [B , C] = 0.
(f) The energy spectrum of a quantum mechanical particle moving under the
influence of an arbitrary potential must necessarily be either wholly discrete,
or wholly continuous, but not partially discrete and partially continuous.
(g) The existence of operators that commute with the Hamiltonian of a system
generally implies that the energy spectrum of the system is degenerate.
(h) The expectation value of the kinetic energy of a quantum mechanical particle
can never be negative.
(i) Let A and B be the operators corresponding to two physical observables of a
If A and B do not commute with each other, then the product of uncertainties in these two quantities can never be zero in any state of the system.
Rotations of the coordinate axes: In three-dimensional space, a general rotation of the coordinate axes about the origin can be completely specified by a unit
vector n and an angle , where 0 . The rotation occurs in the plane whose
normal is n, and is the angle through which the coordinate frame is rotated. Well
denote such a rotation by R(n, ).15 The point is that R(n, ) is represented by different kinds of objects (e.g., matrices of different dimensions, differential operators,
etc.), depending on the sort of quantity whose behaviour under the rotation we are
interested in deducing.
Pauli matrices: As we have seen in class, an explicit representation of the angular
momentum algebra in the case j = 21 is provided by the Pauli matrices. Recall their
0 1
0 i
1 0
1 =
, 2 =
, 3 =
1 0
i 0
0 1
Setting Ji = 21 ~ i , it is easy to verify that the angular momentum algebra [Ji , Jj ] =
i~ ijk Jk is satisfied. That is, the matrices 12 ~ i (i = 1, 2, 3) provide a representation of the generators of rotations in three-dimensional space. As numerous
problems, both in quantum mechanics as well as other contexts, can be reduced to
two-level problems, the Pauli matrices are of fundamental importance, and play a
most useful role. Note the following basic properties of each of the Pauli matrices
i (i = 1, 2, 3):
(i) i is hermitian, traceless, with determinant equal to 1 .
(ii) i2 = I, where I is the 2 2 unit matrix; hence i1 = i .
(iii) i has eigenvalues 1 and 1 , with normalized eigenvectors
In other words, M can be written as 0 I + 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 , where the elements (a, b, c , d) uniquely determine the coefficients (0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) , and vice
versa. Note, in particular, that any traceless 2 2 matrix can be expanded uniquely
as a linear combination of the three Pauli matrices.
3. Commutator and anticommutator: Show that k l = i klm m , where
the indices run over the values 1, 2 and 3. Hence verify that
k l l k [k , l ] = 2 i klm m ,
and that
k l + l k [k , l ]+ = 2 kl I .
Therefore the commutator of any two different Pauli matrices is a constant times
the third Pauli matrix, while the anticommutator of two different Pauli matrices is
identically zero.
4. The exponential of a (2 2) matrix: Use the anticommuting property of
the Pauli matrices to derive the following important relation. Let a be an ordinary
vector with Cartesian components (a1 , a2 , a3 ), and let a stand for the matrix
a1 1 + a2 2 + a3 3 . Show that
exp (ia ) = I cos a + i
(a )
sin a ,
where a = (a21 + a22 + a23 )1/2 . This is the (2 2) matrix analog of the familiar Euler
formula ei = cos + i sin for an ordinary (real or complex) number .
The formula above is readily extended to the case of exp ( ) , where
stands for 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 , and (1 , 2 , 3 ) are real numbers. Simply set
i a = , i.e., a1 = i 1 , a2 = i 2 , a3 = i 3 in the formula, to show that
exp ( ) = I cosh +
( )
sinh ,
where = (12 + 22 + 32 )1/2 . What has actually been done here is an analytic
continuation of the original formula from real values of the quantities (a1 , a2 , a3 )
to pure imaginary values of these variables. Finally, since any 2 2 matrix M can
be written in the form M = 0 I + , we have
( )
eM = e0 I cosh +
sinh .
5. Let a and b denote any two ordinary vectors, and n any unit vector. Establish
the following identities:
(a) (a ) (b ) = (a b) I + i (a b)
(b) [(a ) , (b )] = 2i (a b)
(c) [ , (a )] = 2i (a )
(d) ( n) ( n) = i i( n) n
Note, incidentally, that the eigenvalues of n remain equal to 1 and 1, for all
unit vectors n.
6. Let A be a self-adjoint operator with discrete eigenvalues n , and let the corresponding normalized eigenfunctions |n i form a complete set in the Hilbert space.
Then A can be written as
n Pn where Pn = |n ihn |.
As I have just said, the spin of a particle is a quantum mechanical property. (In
fact, as just stated, it requires relativistic quantum mechanics, or more accurately,
quantum field theory, to begin to understand its origin. In nonrelativistic quantum
mechanics, the spin is put in by hand.) As S is generally small for particles
such as electrons, protons, atoms, etc., ~S is infinitesimally small compared with
the magnitudes of angular momenta that occur in rotational or orbital motion of
macroscopic objects in daily life. For instance, a stone of mass m = 1 kg tied to
a string and twirled around in a circle of radius r = 1 m with a time period of
revolution equal to 1 s (or angular frequency = (2) s1 ) has an orbital angular
momentum of magnitude (2) Js. But the angular momentum must be quantized,
according to the rules of quantum mechanics. It is at once evident that the corresponding quantum number ` must be enormous in this instance: it must of of the
order of 10+34 , so that the product ~` is of the order of unity. This is why we dont
see the quantization of angular momentum in daily life, when dealing with macroscopic objects. The quantum numbers involved are so large compared with unity
that the discreteness of the angular momentum is completely masked. The classical
limit may be obtained by letting ~ 0 and ` , such that the product ~` tends
to the classical value of the magnitude of the angular momentum. In the case of
spin, however, S is of the order of unity. Therefore there is no question of passing
to a non-zero classical limit to obtain a finite value of ~S in the limit ~ 0. It is in
this sense that one often comes across the statement, Spin has no classical analog.
Now consider the spin operator of a spin-half or S = 12 particle like the electron.
The spin space has (2 12 + 1) = 2 dimensions in this case. The spin operator is
most conveniently represented in this space in terms of the Pauli matrices, as
S = 12 ~ .
Since n (where n is a unit vector) has eigenvalues 1, this automatically ensures
that S n has eigenvalues 12 ~, as required. As is clear from the very convention we
have used for the Pauli matrices, it is customary to choose the axis of quantization
as the z-axis, so that Sz is represented by a diagonal matrix (and all other components are not). But you must remember that this is just a matter of convention,
adopted unless explicitly stated otherwise.
We have seen that 21 ~ is indeed very small in magnitude by classical standards.
How, then, can one detect it? It turns out that intrinsic magnetic dipole moments are generally associated with particles that have nonzero spin. This also
requires that the particles be charged electrically, such as the electron, or at least
have constituents that are charged, such as the neutronwhich is electrically neutral, but is made up of three charged quarks. The intrinsic magnetic dipole moment
of a particle of charge e and rest mass m is related to its spin by
where g is called the g-factor of the particle. For spin- 21 particles, relativistic quantum mechanics leads to the result g = 2. However, quantum field theory yields
corrections to this result. The contribution from g 2 to the intrinsic magnetic
moment is called the anomalous magnetic moment of the particle concerned.
This correction can be small compared to unity (as in the case of the electron), or
indeed of the order of unity itself (as in the case of the proton and neutron). Let us
consider the electron, as this is the relevant case for most applications in condensed
matter physics. Taking g = 2 (which is adequate for most practical purposes), the
2|e| ~
2me 2
where |e| is the magnitude of the electronic charge, and me is the rest mass of
the electron. Hence the eigenvalues of any component of are |e|~/(2me ). The
quantity |e|~/(2me ) B should be familiar to you as the Bohr magneton. Thus
e = B .
The intrinsic magnetic moment of the electron gives us a way of probing its spin
states. In an applied magnetic field B, the Hamiltonian of the electron has an additional term e B. This leads to a torque on the dipole. If the field is also spatially
nonuniform, there is also a force on the dipole. This is the basis of the famous and
pivotal Stern-Gerlach experiment which originally demonstrated the existence
of spin.
Spin- 12 states and operators: In what follows, we assume that the basis for the
spin states of an electron is one in which Sz is diagonal. We shall use the convenient
| i = |S = 12 , m = 12 i , | i = |S = 21 , m = 21 i .
Orthonormalization implies that
h | i = h | i = 1, h | i = h | i = 0.
It follows that any arbitrary, normalized, time-dependent spin state of the electron
can be written in the form
|(t)i = a(t) | i + b(t) | i ,
|a(t)|2 + |b(t)|2 = 1.
10. Precession of the spin in a magnetic field: Here is the simplest version
of the effect of a magnetic field on the spin of an electron. Suppose the electron
is prepared, with the help of a magnetic field in the z-direction, in the initial state
|(0)i = | i. The field is switched off, and in its place a constant, uniform, transverse magnetic field B = B ex is applied. The (magnetic part of the) Hamiltonian
is given by
H = e B = B ( B) = B B 1 .
(a) Show that the spin state at any subsequent time t is given by
|(t)i = cos 12 c t | i i sin 12 c t | i,
where c = |e|B/me is the precession frequency.
(b) Hence sketch the probabilities P (t) and P (t) that the electron is in the spin
up state and the spin down state, respectively, at time t.
This example should help you understand why we may regard a transverse component of the spin operator (either Sx or, equivalently, 1 ) as a spin flip operator.
11. A generalization: A straightforward generalization of the case just considered
is the following. Let the initial state of the electron be given by
|(0)i = a| i + b| i =
where a and b are given complex constants satisfying |a|2 + |b|2 = 1. It is clear that
|a|2 and |b|2 represent the respective probabilities of obtaining the results + 21 ~ and
12 ~ in a measurement of the component Sz of the spin of the electron. Note that
the expectation value of Sz in this state is
h(0) | Sz | (0)i =
~ (|a|2 |b|2 ).
12. Now consider the quantum mechanical counterpart of this problem. To be
specific, consider the spin of an electron when it is placed in a magnetic field. As we
have already found, the intrinsic magnetic moment operator of the electron may be
written in the form e = B , while the Hamiltonian is given by H = e B =
B ( B). It is most convenient to work in the Heisenberg picture.
(a) Write down the Heisenberg equation of motion for the spin operator S = 21 ~.
(b) Use one of the identities established in the foregoing in connection with Pauli
matrices, to show that the equaiton of motion simplifies to
(S B) = e B.
Note that this equation of motion is precisely of the form that is obtained in the
classical case. Taking expectation values (in any arbitrary state of the electron) on
both sides,
= he i B.
Thus the expectation values of the angular momentum and the magnetic moment
are related precisely as they are in the classical case. This is yet another instance
of Ehrenfests Theorem.
But there is a difference of a factor of 2 between the angular frequency of precession of the classical dipole cl and the quantum mechanical expectation value
he i(!) The classical frequency of precession is |e|B/(2m), while in the quantum
mechanical case it is |e|B/me . Inspection shows that this difference arises as a
result of the fact that the g-factor of the electron is equal to 2, so that the gyromagnetic ratio is now ge/(2me ) = e/me rather than e/(2m). I have already mentioned
that the result g = 2 follows from the relativistic quantum mechanics of an electron.
13. Consider the spin state
|i = a| i + b| i =
where a and b are given constants (complex numbers) satisfying |a|2 + |b|2 = 1. We
know that |a|2 and |b|2 are the probabilities that a measurement of Sz will yield the
result + 12 ~ and 12 ~ respectively. That is, they are the probabilities that the spin
is up or down in the state |i.
(a) Show that the expectation values of the components Sx and Sy in the state
|i are given by
hSx i = h | Sx | i = ~ Re (a b) and hSy i = h | Sy | i = ~ Im (a b),
respectively. Note that these expectation values vanish if either a or b is zero,
as one might expect intuitively (the spin is then oriented along the z-axis!)
There is another way to regard the state |i. Suppose we measure the component
(S n) of the spin of an electron along an arbitrary direction in space, given by the
unit vector n with respect to our fixed coordinate system (in which Sz is represented
by a diagonal matrix, etc.). Let the direction % of the vector n be specified by the
spherical polar coordinates ( , ) in the fixed coordinate system. The result of the
measurement will be either 21 ~ or 12 ~. We could then say that, immediately after
the measurement, the electron spin is either along n or along n, respectively.
Let us denote the corresponding states by | %i and | .i, respectively.18
(b) Using the fact that the Cartesian components of n are given by
n = (sin cos , sin sin , cos ),
show that | %i can be represented as
cos 1
| %i = i 2 1
sin 2
ei/2 cos 21
ei/2 sin 21
sin ( ) cos ( + ) , sin ( ) sin ( + ) , cos ( )
( sin cos , sin sin , cos ),
we find
| .i =
sin 21
cos 21
ei/2 sin 12
ei/2 cos 21
(c) Use the result just found to show that the normalized up and down states,
if we consider the x-axis to be the axis of quantization, are given by
1 1
|Sx = 2 ~i =
and |Sx = 2 ~i =
(You have only to note that the positive x-direction corresponds to =
2 , = 0, while the negative x-direction corresponds to = 2 , = .)
(d) Similarly, if the y-axis is taken to be the axis of quantization, show that the
up and down states are given by
1 1
and |Sy = 2 ~i =
|Sy = 2 ~i =
2 i
2 i
(e) Lets return to the general state |i = b , with |a|2 + |b|2 = 1 as usual.
Suppose we measure the component Sx when the electron is in the state |i.
Show that the probabilities of obtaining the values + 12 ~ and 12 ~, respectively,
are given by
and 12 |a b|2 .
2 |a + b|
Hint: Expand |i in a linear combination of the basis states |Sx = 12 ~i and
|Sx = 12 ~i. The square of the modulus of each coefficient gives the probability required.
18 Three
Note that if
cos 1
= i 2 1
sin 2
(1 + sin cos )
(1 sin cos ),
|a + ib|2 =
(1 + sin sin )
|a ib|2 =
(1 sin sin ).
Once again, these expressions reduce correctly to the values 1 and 0 for = 12 , =
2 (that is, when the state |i = |Sy = 2 ~i); and to the values 0 and 1, for
= 2 , = 2 (that is, when the state |i = |Sy = 12 ~i).
14. Let S be the spin quantum number of a certain particle. Consider a system of
two such particles, and let S1 and S2 be their spin operators. All the components
of S1 commute with those of S2 .
Show that the eigenvalues of the operator (S1 S2 ) are given by 21 ~2 [j(j + 1)
2S(S + 1)], where j runs over the values 0, 1, 2, . . . , 2S in steps of unity. Hence
(S1 S2 ) has (2S + 1) possible eigenvalues. The smallest eigenvalue is ~2 S(S + 1),
and the largest is ~2 S 2 .
Lz | l, mi = ~m | l, mi.
[Lz , L+ ] = ~ L+ ,
[Lz , L ] = ~ L .
19 This set of relations is sometimes written in the form L L = i~ L, where we must remember
that L stands for a set of three noncommuting operators, rather than an ordinary vector. Nothing
is gained by this formula, as the proper version [Li , Lj ] = i~ ijk Lk is just as compact.
, Ly = z
, Lz = x
+ cot cos
Lx = i~ sin
Ly = i~ cos
+ cot sin
Lz = i~
Hence the raising and lowering operators are represented in spherical polar coordinates by
L+ = Lx + i Ly = ~ ei
+ i cot
+ i cot
L = Lx i Ly = ~ ei
h 1
2 i
sin2 2
Ylm (, ) = hn | l, mi h, | l, mi,
where the direction in space represented by the unit vector n is specified by the
polar angle and azimuthal angle . The spherical harmonics are related to the
Legendre polynomials as follows. Recall that the Legendre polynomial Pl (cos ) of
order l is given by the Rodrigues formula (denoting cos by , say)
Pl () =
1 dl 2
( 1)l .
2l l! d l
Pl () = l (1 2 )m/2 l+m ( 2 1)l .
2 l!
Note that Pl0 (cos ) Pl (cos ). The spherical harmonic Ylm (, ) is then defined
(2l + 1) (l m)! m
Ylm (, ) =
P (cos ) eim .
4 (l + m)! l
For m < 0, the spherical harmonics are given by
where (as usual) the asterisk denotes complex conjugation. That is, for m 0,
(2l + 1) (l m)! m
Yl,m (, ) = (1)m
P (cos ) eim .
4 (l + m)! l
We have
L2 Ylm (, ) = ~2 l(l + 1) Ylm (, )
where L2 and Lz are the respective differential operators given above. The orthonormality relation for the spherical harmonics is
d Ylm
(, ) Yl0 m0 (, ) = ll0 mm0
where d = sin d d is the solid angle element, and the integration is over all
solid angles. The completeness relation is
(, ) Ylm (0 , 0 ) = ( 0 ) =
l=0 m=l
( 0 ) ( 0 ).
+ V (r).
(d) Hence write down the commutator [pi , H] in the case of the Coulomb potential V (r) = K/r, where K is a constant.
5. The radial momentum operator: Classically, the radial momentum of a
particle is simply the component of its linear momentum in the direction of its
position vector, i.e., pr = er p = p er , where er = r/r. Quantum mechanically,
we must take into account the fact that er and p do not commute with each other.
The radial momentum operator must be defined as
pr =
1 r r
p + p ,
r r
pr = i~
(b) Hence find the differential operator that represents p2r .
1. Are the statements in quotation marks true or false?
(a) The state vector | (t)i of a quantum mechanical system with a hermitian
Hamiltonian is obtained by a unitary transformation of its initial state vector
| (0)i.
(b) No eigenstate of the position operator x of a quantum mechanical particle
can be an eigenstate of the linear momentum px of the particle.
(c) If r and p denote the position and linear momentum operators of a particle,
then the operator (r p) commutes with the orbital angular momentum operator L = r p.
(d) A particle of mass m moves in the one-dimensional potential well
V0 for 0 < x < L
V (x) =
for all other x.
There exists at least one bound state of the particle for all positive values of
V0 and L.
(e) A particle moves in three dimensions in a general attractive central potential
V (r).
The energy eigenvalue of any bound state depends only on the principal quantum number n, and not on the orbital angular momentum quantum number
l and the magnetic quantum number m.
(f) The Hamiltonian of a particle of mass m moving in three dimensions in an
attractive Coulomb potential is given by
(K > 0).
The coefficient E0
(m) In the linear vector space `2 of square-summable sequences, consider the operator A whose action on any vector is given by
A (x1 , x2 , x3 , . . .) = (0 , x1 , x2 , . . .).
A is a linear operator with norm kAk = 1.
(n) RIf the position-space wave function of a particle is normalized such that
|(r, t)|2 d3 r = 1 for all t, then its momentum-space wave function is also
e t)|2 d3 p = 1 for all t.
automatically normalized such that |(p,
(o) Consider a perturbed Hamiltonian H = H0 + H 0 (t).
In the interaction picture, the time evolution of the state vector of the system
is governed by the unperturbed Hamiltonian H0 , while that of observables is
governed by the perturbation H 0 (t) .
(p) In the limit of large quantum number n ( 1), the energy levels of a particle
moving in the potential V (x) = K |x| (where K is a positive constant) become
approximately equally-spaced.
(q) Let A be a linear self-adjoint operator acting on the state vectors of a Hilbert
space H, and let the domain and range of A be H itself.
If all the eigenvalues of A are finite in magnitude, we may conclude that A
is a bounded operator, i. e., that its norm is finite.
(r) We know that the set of functions
n (x) =
ex /2 Hn (x),
2 n!
where Hn (x) is the Hermite polynomial of order n, forms an orthonormal basis in the space L2 ( , ).
The set of functions n (x) with n = 1, 3, 5, . . . forms an orthogonal basis in
the space L2 (0 , ).
(s) The Hamiltonian of a particle of mass m and charge e placed in a uniform,
constant applied magnetic field is
(p eA)2
; 0 , 0 i, when
(k) Consider the oscillator raising and lowering operators satisfying the commutation relation [a , a ] = I. In the basis formed by the eigenstates |ni of a a,
operators are represented by infinite-dimensional matrices. The general matrix element of the operator a is given by aij = where i and j run over
the values 0, 1, 2, . . . ad inf. (You must use appropriate Kronecker deltas to
write down an expression for aij .)
(l) A spin-half particle is in the state | i = 10 that is an eigenstate of Sz with
eigenvalue 21 ~. Let | i and | i denote eigenstates of Sx corresponding to
the eigenvalues 21 ~ and 12 ~, respectively. The expansion of | i in terms of
these two eigenstates is | i =
(m) The Hamiltonian of a perturbed linear harmonic oscillator is given by
+ m 2 x2 + x4 ,
2m 2
H = H0 + H 0 =
~2 2
+ V (r).
A ikr iEt/~
e e
+ V (x).
Then x , [x , H] =
(q) Continuing with the preceding question: assume that the spectrum {En } of H
is discrete and non-degenerate, with a complete set of orthonormal eigenfunctions {|n i}. Take the matrix element of both sides of the equation
above between hn | and |n i. Insert a complete set of states k |k ihk | = I
appropriately, to get the identity
(Ek En ) |hk | x |n i|2 =
1. True (T) or false (F):
(a) T
(b) T
(c) F
(d) T
(e) F
(f) T
(g) T
(h) T
(i) F
(j) F
(k) F
(l) T
(m) T
(n) T
(o) F
(p) F
(q) T
(r) F
(s) F
(t) T
(u) T
(v) T
(w) T
(x) F
(b) A =
r r
(c) 34
(d) |h | i| = e|| .
(e) 0
(f) n2 + n.
(g) J12 , J22 , J 2 , Jz .
(h) | j1 , j2 ; j1 + j2 , j1 + j2 i and | j1 , j2 ; j1 + j2 , j1 j2 i respectively.
(i) h j1 , j2 ; j , m | j1 , j2 ; j 0 , m0 i = jj 0 mm0 .
| 21 ,
(k) aij =
(l) | i =
, 12 i | 12 ,
; 12 ,
, which is precisely
(| i | i
| i + | i
(m) En = ~ n +
(2n2 + 2n + 1).
16m2 2
(n) j(r, t) =
[ ].
(o) j(r, t) =
~k |A|2
er .
m r2
(p) x , [x , H] = .
(Ek En ) |hk | x |n i|2 =
(the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule).