Turning-Ray Tomography For Statics Solution

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Turning-Ray Tomography for Statics Solution

Green Mountain Geophysics, An Input/Output Inc. Company
361 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200, Louisville, Colorado 80027, USA.

A tomographic imaging technique combined with delay time analysis is proposed for constructing near
surface velocity structure from first arrivals. Analysis on a 2-D data set from Eastern Colorado and a 3-D
data set from Western Canada indicated that traditional refraction techniques provide a better short
period statics solution in presence of a layered model of varying velocity and thickness, whereas turning
ray tomography provide a better solution in presence of continuous vertical velocity variations and long
period statics. In the near surface (up to 60 m depth), the model suffered less using delay time analysis
compared to the inversion procedure due to the acquisition sampling problem. However, below 60 m
depth tomography indicated the presence of long period statics which was not detected using
conventional strategy. It is observed that a model obtained from the delay time analysis serves as a good
background model for constrained tomographic inversion

Variations in the thickness and velocity of a thin low-velocity surface layer in an onshore environment
and irregular water-bottom topography and lateral velocity variations in the water bottom sediments cause
poor seismic data quality and subsequent distortion and inaccuracy in the seismic image. In order to
compensate the near surface effects static correction must be applied carefully.
Traditionally, the theory of seismic refraction methods such as slope/intercept method, delay time
method, reciprocal methods, least square methods, and time-term methods are used to resolve shallow
layer velocity using head waves. To a large extent, these techniques have provided satisfactory static
correction results in the presence of a layered model of varying velocity and thickness. However, these
techniques suffer in the presence of lateral velocity variations and velocity inversions. Also, they need to
have an accurate weathering velocity to address the velocity/depth ambiguity.
If the sediments beneath the low velocity zone are a thick layer with a relatively steep velocity gradient
then the non-linear first arrivals from turning waves are observed instead of linear head waves (Zhu et al.,
1992; Zhu et al., 2000; Kim and Bell 2000). In such scenario, velocity estimation by modeling turning
rays appears to be a better approach. Also, these techniques have proven to estimate better the long wavelength (low frequency) component of the statics solution which often affect the structural picture.
However, tomography techniques are more dependent on the starting velocity model, sampling of source
receiver configuration, and travel time picks.
Since each of the methods (delay time analysis versus tomography) has its limitations and addresses a
particular aspect of the near surface model, a hybrid combined strategy is proposed.
Once the best velocity model is determined, statics are calculated by the difference in the time field of a
downwardly traveling plane wave in the final velocity model and the datum model.
Delay Time Analysis
There are a number of excellent references on refraction techniques. Interested readers may refer to Cox
(1999), and Marsden (1993a, b, c). Here, we are providing a brief summary of the procedure that we
adapted for delay time analysis. This procedure comprise the following four main steps. (1) Subdivide the
pick times into single refractor subsets. (2) Derive a refractor velocity for each refractor subset using one
of the several methods. We commonly use a reciprocal method which is based on subtraction of travel
times for reciprocal source/receiver pairs. This creates a relatively smooth velocity field independent of
EAGE 63rd Conference & Technical Exhibition Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 - 15 June 2001

surface consistent effects. (3) Calculate delay times for shots and receivers. We use a Gauss-Seidel
iterative method for this purpose. (4) Final step is the model building. An independent estimate of
weathering velocity or first refractor thickness is needed. We usually smooth the resultant refractor
elevation which forces the high frequency portion of the model into the weathering velocity. This
effectively creates a weathering velocity which is highly variable and will compensate for very near
surface velocity variations due to soil layers and the very weathered layers of the near surface.
Turning-Ray Tomography
We developed a full 3-D turning ray tomography technique to build a near surface velocity model and
calculate statics. It works equally well for 2-D data. This technique is a velocity inversion procedure
which uses turning rays (diving rays, continuously refracted direct rays) from any acquisition geometry to
iteratively solve for velocity in the near surface between source and receivers (Brzostowski and
McMechan, 1994). Implementing a tomographic velocity algorithm requires several steps. These steps
include (a) first break travel time picking, (b) image plane parameterization, (c) ray tracing and
segmentation, (d) residual time (error) computation, and (e) velocity updating to minimize the error
(Figure 1). Basically, this involves a forward process problem where travel times are calculated for any
source receiver (s/r) pair, and an inverse problem where the velocity is iteratively updated to generate a
velocity model which provides a match with field seismic data.
Image plane parameterization involves discretizing the 3-D image volume with a number of voxels or
cells, and defining a starting velocity model from prior geological and geophysical information. The
number of voxels in the image plane is the number of unknowns in the inverse problem. The number of
source-receiver pairs determines the number of known parameters (travel times) for the same problem.
Ray tracing and segmentation involve computing travel times and ray paths between the source and
receiver location as well as obtaining a ray segment in each voxel crossed by a ray. The segment lengths
are useful for updating the velocities during the inverse problem and also govern the under-determined or
over-determined nature of the problem and image reliability. A ray density plot shows the number of ray
segments within each voxel. Some authors (Crosson, 1976; Brzostowski and McMechan, 1994) have
suggested that a lower limit of 10-15 segments per voxel provides better image reliability.
Choice of cell size is subjective. In general, the cell size needs to be small enough to resolve the smallest
feature of interest. At the same time, it needs to be large enough to contain a sufficient number of ray
segments for solution reliability.
We applied the delay time analysis and turning ray tomography first to a 2-D data set from Eastern
Colorado and later to a 3-D data set acquired in Western Canada. The 2-D profile is 5 km long with 109
sources and 96 receivers for each source. The group interval is of 25 m with a maximum offset of 1.25
km. It provided 8,600 first break picks. The main interest in this analysis is the upper 60 m. The velocity
field in this area is well known; a weathered layer of nearly 800 m/s overlying a constant velocity layer of
2100 m/s. The delay time analysis result for the area is shown in Figure 2.
For the tomographic analysis the subsurface is discretized into 851x59 cells each of size 6x6 m. Ray
tracing was performed for each source receiver pair (for a total of 8,600) over a gradient model with
velocity linearly increasing with depth. We used the two point ray trace algorithm of Um and Thurber
(1987). Approximately 130 iterations were performed with a new ray trace at every 10th iteration until the
average residual decreased to an acceptable limit. We used a simultaneous iterative reconstruction
technique (SIRT) for this purpose. The velocity field obtained from the tomographic inversion is shown
in Figure 2, which compares well with the model derived using delay time technique. However, a few key
features are worth noting here. A group interval of 25 m makes it impossible to have a rectangular cell
size less than 6 m at the near surface due to acquisition footprint. Any larger cell size (especially in depth
dimension) will defeat the purpose of delineating vertical velocity variation. The tomographic solution is
unable to delineate the sharp discontinuity; it could provide a linear increase of velocity from surface to
the refractor, and the refractor boundary is smoothed over 4 cells (25 m).

The experimental 3-D data set has 136,056 source receiver pairs. The maximum s/r offset is 2000 m. The
target area of interest is the upper 500 m. The delay time analysis results are shown in Figure 3. For the
tomographic analysis the subsurface is discretized into 219x209x31 voxels of size 20x20x20 m. Ray
tracing was performed for each source receiver pair (for a total of 133,861 after editing bad picks) over a
gradient model with velocity linearly increasing with depth (600 m/s at the surface to 4200 m/s at a depth
of 600 m). Approximately 50 iterations were performed with a ray trace at every 10th iteration. The
velocity field for a representative slice is shown in Figure 3.
A close comparison of delay time analysis and tomography reveal the similarity up to depth of 200-250
m. As, we go deeper the tomography provided a more detailed solution (Figure 3). Also, an anomaly at
depth of 400 m is seen in tomographic analysis which is not possible in delay time analysis.
Our analysis indicates that delay time analysis provides a better near surface velocity estimation in
presence of a layered model of varying velocity and thickness. If the refractor has a velocity gradient,
non-linear first breaks are observed and turning ray tomography provides a better solution. The main
advantage of turning-ray tomography is that it is more flexible in adapting to the lateral velocity
variations since it is not restricted to the same limitations as refraction methods. Some velocity inversions
are also supported in this model provided the overall velocity field allows sufficient ray bending to return
rays to the surface within the recording aperture. The drawback to travel time tomography is that it is still
dependent on the quality of picked arrivals and the starting velocity model. Thus, a hybrid technique
combining delay time analysis for the near surface layer and background velocity model with a
constrained tomography has a promise of estimating the velocity field more accurately.
We propose a couple of hybrid techniques: (1) Use a delay time derived model to initialize the
tomographic model and hold the first layer constant during tomography; (2) Use a tomography based
velocity model to calculate velocity for delay time iterations.
The authors would like to thank Green Mountain Geophysics and Input/Output Company for their
support and the release of the material for publication.
Brzostowski, M. A., and McMechan, G. A., 1994, Tomographic imaging of 3D seismic low-velocity
anomalies to simulate monitoring of enhanced oil recovery: Intl. J. Imaging Sys. Tech., 5, 62-72.
Cox, M., 1999, Static Corrections for Seismic Reflection Surveys: SEG Tulsa, p531.
Crosson, R. S., 1976, Crustal structure modeling of earthquake data I. Simultaneous least-squares
estimation of hypocenter and velocity parameters: J. Geophys. Res., 81, 3036-3046.
Kim, H. S., and Bell, M. L., 2000, 3D turning ray tomography and its application to Mississippi Delta:
70th Annual Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 593-596.
Marsden, D., 1993a, Static corrections-A review: The Leading Edge, 12, no. 1, 43-49.
Marsden, D., 1993b, Static corrections-A review: The Leading Edge, 12, no. 2, 115-120.
Marsden, D., 1993c, Static corrections-A review: The Leading Edge, 12, no. 3, 210-216.
Um, J., and Thurber, C., 1987, A fast algorithm for two-point seismic ray tracing: Bull. Seis. Soc. Am.,
77, 972-986.
Zhu, T., Cheadle, S., Petrella, A., and Gary, S., 2000, First-arrival tomography: method and application:
70th Annual Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 2028-2031.
Zhu, X., Sixta, D. P, and Angstman, B. G., 1992, Tomostatics: Turning-ray tomography + static
corrections: The Leading Edge 11, no. 12, 15-23.

EAGE 63rd Conference & Technical Exhibition Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11 - 15 June 2001

Figure 1 Procedure for 3D turning ray tomography.

Figure 2 Comparison of 2D velocities derived from tomography and delay times.

Figure 3 Comparison of 3D velocities derived from delay times and tomography

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