Analytical Model For Performance Evaluation of Ablative Plasma Pulsed Thruster
Analytical Model For Performance Evaluation of Ablative Plasma Pulsed Thruster
Analytical Model For Performance Evaluation of Ablative Plasma Pulsed Thruster
Compilado por Fernando G. Flores
C6rdoba, 30 de octubre - 2 de noviembre de 2001
En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo modele que permite evaluar la masa ablacionada y el impulso
especlfico en propulsores de plasma puisante ablativos de Tefl6n (APPT). Para obtener dicho
modelo se considera el balance de energla involucrado en la generaci6n y transporte del pulso de
corriente, en la formaci6n del arco, en la perdida de calor por efecto Joule y en los procesos de
aceleraci6n del plasma. La nueva expresi6n determina la masa ablacionada de Teflon en funci6n
de los parametros electricos y geometricos. La introducci6n de un espesor ideal de arco en las
ecuaciones descriptivas de los procesos mencionados permite definir un modelo simplificado util
para la predicci6n de las performances. De la comparaci6n de los resultados te6ricos obtenidos
con los valores experimentales del impulso especlfico para cinco APPT, el error relativo es
aproximadamente igual a 10"10.
A new model to calculate the ablated mass and the impulse bit of ablative plasma pulsed thrusters
(APPT) is presented throughout this paper. The model is based on the balance of energies
involved in APPTs way of working. A new expression is obtained for the ablated Teflon mass as
a function of the main electric and geometric parameters. The introduction of an ideal arc
thickness allows to derme a simplified model useful for the prediction of the performances and for
preliminary design activities. The obtained theoretical results about the impulse bit show good
agreement with those arising from experimental studies. A comparison is carried out on five
APPTs; the relative error is approximately equal to 10%. Finally, this new model is used to
evaluate the ablated mass of the P4S-1 thruster being currently under development in Argentina.
The ablative plasma pulsed Teflon thrusters (APPT) are very convenient propulsion devices for
applications to orbit maintenance, attitude control and in-flights formations, due to their ability to
produce small impulse bits with high specific impulses [I}. The use of Teflon (as propellant) permits
the additional benefit of safety and compact design [2]. The APPT show in Fig. I, starts its operation
cycle when the Processing Power Unit (PPU) takes power from the satellite bus and loads the
capacitor bank at a voltage Va. The Teflon bar is fed between a couple of electrodes that are connected
to the capacitors. An ignition spark plug is fired producing enough electric conductivity inside the
acceleration chamber as to allow the capacitors to liberate the accumulated energy thus leading to the
Teflon ablation. The electric current flows from the capacitors through the acceleration electrodes and
the arc, forming a current loop which induces a magnetic field. A few microscopic sheets ofthe Teflon
surface are ionized and accelerated by the Lorenz forces due to the interaction between the arc and the
induced magnetic field. An important fraction of the ablated mass is neutral being accelerated by
gasdynamics effects. Therefore, the ablated mass is accelerated by a combination of gasdynamic and
electromagnetic forces. Once the capacitor bank is discharged, the cycle resumes giving shape to the
pulsed behavior. The final design of an APPT device requires the use numerical simulation due to the
complex interrelations between electric, geometric, gasdynamics, magnetogasdynamics phenomena
and the non-steady mechanism of arc formation [3,4]. Some models of electric discharge are based on
the solution of time dependent equation systems taking place when energy balance, thermal
conductivity, Teflon ablation and mass conservation are considered. These models are complete
enough to give a functional description of the APPT; unfortunately, they are usually based on a
particular geometric configuration and the extension of their use to another geometry is not immediate.
There are empirical models based on ablation functions for different geometric configurations. These
models use the interpolation of experimental data and the accuracy of them is restricted to APPTs
working in conditions similar to those of the experiments [5-8]. A new theoretical relationship linking
the ablated mass with the main electric and geometric parameters is presented in this paper. To obtain
the main equation the energy balance involved in generation and transport of the current pulse, in arc
generation, in heat dissipation and in plasma acceleration is considered. The introduction of an ideal
arc thickness in the descriptive equations allows to build up a simplified model useful for the
preliminary design of an APPT.
Eo is the energy stored in the capacitors, E;oule represents the energy losses by Joule effect, Esh is the
energy at the potential sheaths, Eheot represents the energy loss by heat dissipation, Egos is the energy
needed to ablated the Teflon, Eem is the electromagnetic energy and Eel is the energy associated to
gasdynamics effects. The three RHS first terms are energy losses, and they do not contribute to the
impulse. However, the last three RHS terms are ablated mass dependent. Therefore, the energies
involved in the right side ofEq. (1) can be written in terms of the efficiencies and/or ablated mass. The
objective is to obtain an equation that links the ablated mass, the efficiencies associated to the energy
accumulated in the capacitors, the ohmic losses due to imperfect conductors, the voltage losses in the
potential sheaths, the heat dissipation in the arc and the velocity losses in the plasma due collisions
between particles. Eq. (1) can be written as a function of the ablated mass in the following form:
Eo = (1-I]"o05)Eo + (1-I].'h)l]transEo +(1-aA)(l]transl]shEo -Eem)+megas +Cem -~.+ _'!!... (2)
m Cel
1]'rans =
-_.., ,
pPT C = ~__l_
em Sail] fi
(LR' J2
10/ 10I
and at, a. are the ratios between ionized mass and neutral mass and the total ablated mass
respectively. Following some algebra manipulation Eq. (2) can be rewritten as:
By solving the last expression for the ablated mass one can obtain
Eq. (4) should have an unique solution on physical grounds. The ablated mass can be expressed as:
2(egas +C;,I)
The model presented in this paper permits to evaluate the main performances of an APPT (specific
impulse, propulsive efficiency and ablated mass per pulse). The model has been found to be an useful
tool for the preliminary design of APPTs. The wide spectrum of variables considered by the model
allows to approach in a quite complete way this kind of design activity. For instance, the model is able
to estimate energy losses due to heat dissipation, the average value of the temperature developed in
the plasma and the maximum currents developed during the discharge. The comparison of the values
calculated by using the model with experimental data corresponding to five APPTs gives the following
average values of the relative error: -40% for the ablated mass and 10% for the impulse bit. In spite of
the order of magnitude of the existent differences between the calculated values and the experimental
ones, the application of the model can be advantageous, keeping in mind that by using empiric
ablation functions higher relative errors are obtained. The model possesses the following additional
advantages: to allow a sensitivity study of performances; to permit the incorporation of more
developed sub-models.
This work has been supported by means of grants PICT-99-10-07107 of Argentina's National Agency for the
Support of Science and Technology and 05-M026 of National University of Cordoba. Support provided by a
grant from C6rdoba Science Agency is also acknowledged.
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Table 2. Main verforms and relative error in the ablated mass m and the bj!J!!!£
m, Ug 11.6 10 28.5 1780 45
I, I1Ns - 31.2 279.5 17000 252
mvnd, I1g 32.9 4.3 38.3 2846 87.2
I~~ uNs 149.1 22.4 178.3 16200 358.3
em. % 183.9 -56.4 34.4 59.9 93.8
el. % - -28.2 -36.2 -4.7 42.2
\ I
L_ I---AN-On-E--' .----
I Vsh/2
... ~
._ Eem. _--lElectromagn~~"",--
Neutral particles