Amt 226

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AMT 226

Final Examination
030416 | 8:30-9:30 | 9:30-10:30
INSTRUCTION: Choose the best answer among the given choices. Shade the letter that
corresponds to your answer. No erasures! Friction pen is allowed. Changing of answer sheet
is not allowed! Anyone caught cheating will automatically receive his/her classcard
immediately with a final grade of 5.0!
1. When making a rearward weight and
balance check to determine the CG will
not exceed the rearward limit during
extreme conditions, the items of useful
load which should be computed their
minimum weights are those located
forward of the
a. Forward CG limit
b. Datum
c. Rearward CG limit
2. When dealing with weight and balance of
an aircraft, the term maximum weight

interpreted to mean the maximum

Weight of the empty aircraft
Weight of the useful load
Authorized weight of the aircraft
and its contents

3. Which statement is true regarding

helicopter weight and balance?
a. Regardless of internal or external
loading, lateral axis cg control is
ordinarily not a factor in
maintaining helicopter weight and
b. The moment of tail-mounted
components is subject to constant
c. Weight and balance procedures for
airplanes also apply to helicopters
4. The useful load of an aircraft consists
of the
a. Crew, usable fuel, passengers, and
b. Crew, usable fuel, oil, and fixed
c. Crew, passengers, usable fuel, oil,
cargo, and fixed equipment
5. What tasks are completed prior to
weighing an aircraft to determine its
empty weight?
a. Remove all items except those on the
aircraft equipment list; drain fuel
and hydraulic fluid
b. Remove all items on the aircraft
equipment list; drain fuel, compute
oil and hydraulic fluid weight
c. Remove all items except those on the
aircraft equipment list; drain fuel,
and fill hydraulic fuel reservoir
6. All other things being equal, if an item
of useful load located aft of an

aircrafts CG is removed, the aircrafts

CG will be
a. Aft in proportion to the weight of
the item and its location in the
b. Forward in proportion to the weight
of the item and its location on the
c. Forward in proportion to the weight
of the item, regardless of its
location in the aircraft
7. When accomplishing loading computations
for a small aircraft, necessary
information obtained from the weight and
balance records would include
a. Unusable fuel weight and distance
from datum
b. Weight and location of permanent
c. Current empty weight and empty
weight CG
8. What should be clearly indicated on the
aircraft weighing form?
a. Minimum allowable gross weight
b. Weight of unusable fuel
c. Weighing points
9. If it is necessary to weigh an aircraft
with full fuel tanks, all fuel weight
must be subtracted from the scale
a. Except minimum fuel
b. Including unusable fuel
c. Except unusable fuel
10. The CG range in single-rotor helicopters
a. Much greater than for airplanes
b. Approximately the same as the CG
range for airplanes
c. More restricted than for airplanes
11. What type of measurement is used to
designate the arm in weight and balance
a. Distance
b. Weight
c. Weight x balance
12. To obtain useful weight data for
purposes of determining the CG, it is
necessary that an aircraft be weighed
a. In a level flight attitude
b. With all items of useful load
c. With no more than minimum fuel
(1/12-gallon per METO horsepower) in
all fuel tanks

c. The movement of the passengers will

13. The maximum weight of an aircraft is the
a. Empty weight plus crew, maximum
fuel, cargo, and baggage
b. Empty weight plus crew, passengers,
and fixed equipment
c. Empty weight plus useful load
14. (1) Private aircraft are required by
regulations to be weighed periodically.
(2) Private aircraft are required to be
weighed after making any alteration.
Regarding the above statements,
a. Neither No. 1 nor No. 2 is true
b. Only No. 1 is true
c. Only No. 2 is true
15. The major source of weight change for
most aircraft as they age is caused by
a. Accumulation of grime and debris in
hard-to-reach areas of the
structure, and moisture absorption
in cabin insulation
b. Repairs and alterations
c. Installation of hardware and safety
wire, and added layers of primer and
paint on the structure
16. When an aircraft is positioned for

not cause the moment arms to fall

outside the CG range
21. If the empty weight CG of an airplane
lies within the empty weight CG limits,
a. It is necessary to calculate CG
b. It is not necessary to calculate CG
c. Minimum fuel should be used in both
forward and rearward CG checks
22. Most modern aircraft are designed so
that if all seats are occupied, full
baggage weight is carried, and all fuel
tanks are full, what will be the weight
condition of the aircraft?
a. It will in excess of maximum takeoff
b. It will be at maximum basic
operating weight (BOW)
c. It will be at maximum taxi or ramp
23. What determines whether the value of a
moment if preceded by a plus (+) or a

weighing on scales located under each

minus (-) sign in aircraft weight and

landing gear wheel, which of the

a. The location of the weight in

following ay cause erroneous scale

a. Gear downlocks installed
b. Parking brakes set
c. Parking brakes not set
17. The amount of fuel used for computing
empty weight and corresponding CG is
a. Empty fuel tanks
b. Unusable fuel
c. The amount of fuel necessary for
hour of operation
18. In the theory of weight and balance,
what is the name of the distance from
the fulcrum to an object?
a. Lever arm
b. Balance arm
c. Fulcrum arm
19. In the process of weighing an airplane
toward obtaining the CG, the arms from
the weighing points always extend
a. Parallel to the centerline of the
b. Straight forward from each of the
landing gear
c. Directly from each weighing point to
the others

reference to the datum

b. The result of a weight being added
or removed and its location relative
to the datum
c. The location of the datum in
reference to the aircraft CG
24. Improper loading of a helicopter which
results in exceeding either the fore or
aft CG limits is hazardous due to the
a. Reduction or loss of effective
clyclic pitch control
b. Coriolis effect being translated to
the fuselage
c. Reduction or loss of effective
collective pitch control
25. If the reference datum line is placed at
the nose of an airplane rather than at
the firewall or some other location aft
of the nose,
a. All measurement arms will be in
negative numbers
b. All measurement arms will be in
positive numbers
c. Measurement arms can be either
positive or negative numbers

20. When computing weight and balance, an

airplane is considered to be in balance
a. The average moment arm of the loaded
airplane falls within its CG range
b. All moment arms of the plane fall
within CG range

depending on the manufacturers

26. An aircrafts LEMAC and TEMAC are
defined in terms of distance
a. From the datum
b. From each other
c. Ahead of and behind the wing center
of lift, respectively

c. By adding the empty weight and

27. Zero fuel weight is the
a. Dry weight plus the weight of full
crew, passengers, and cargo
b. Basic operating weight without crew,
fuel, and cargo
c. Maximum permissible weight of a
loaded aircraft (passengers, crew,
and cargo) without fuel

34. The useful load of an aircraft is the
difference between
a. The maximum takeoff weight and basic
b. Maximum ramp or takeoff weight as
applicable, and zero fuel weight
c. (1) the weight of an aircraft with

28. Which of the following can provide the

all seats filled, full

empty weight of an aircraft if the

aircrafts weight and balance records

baggage/cargo, and full fuel, and

(2) Aircraft weight with all seats

becomes lost, destroyed, or otherwise

empty, no baggage/cargo, and minimum

a. Reweighing the aircraft
b. The applicable Aircraft

operating fuel

Specification or Type Certificate

Data Sheet
c. The applicable flight manual or
pilots operating handbook
29. When, or under what condition(s) are
adverse loading checks conducted?
a. At or below the maximum gross weight
of the aircraft
b. Anytime a repair or alteration
causes EWCG to fall within the EWCG
c. At specified flight hour or calendar
time intervals
30. When computing the maximum forward

35. Use of which of the following generally

yields the highest degree of aircraft
leveling accuracy?
a. Plumb bob and chalk line
b. Spirit level(s)
c. Electronic load cell(s)
36. The empty weight of an airplane is
determined by
a. Adding the net weight of each
weighing point and multiplying the
measured distance to the datum
b. Subtracting the tare weight from the
scale reading and adding the weight
of each weighing point
c. Multiplying the measured distance
from each weighing point to the

loaded CG of an aircraft, minimum

datum times the sum of scale reading

weights, arms, moments should be used

less the tare weight

for items of useful load that are

located aft of the
a. Rearward CG limit
b. Forward CG limit
c. Datum
31. Which would have an effect on aircraft
CG results when conducting a weight and
balance check?
a. Leaving the parking brake on
b. Leaving the parking brake off
c. Leaving the downlocks installed
32. When determining the empty weight of an
aircraft, certificated under current
airworthiness standards (14 CFR Part
23), the oil contained in the supply
tank is considered
a. A part of the empty weight
b. A part of the useful load
c. The same as the fluid contained in
the water injection reservoir
33. The maximum weight as used in weight and

37. In a balance computation of an aircraft

from which an item located aft of the
datum was removed, use
a. (-)weight X (+)arm (-)moment
b. (-)weight X (-)arm (+)moment
c. (+)weight X (-)arm (-)moment
38. What FAA-approved document gives the
leveling means to be used when weighing

Type Certificate Data Sheet
AC 43.12-1B
Manufacturers maintenance manual

39. What is not provided by a TCDS?

a. Number of seats and location
b. Max weight
c. Number of mechanics required during
A check
40. The CG of an airplane is computed along
a. Vertical axis

balance control of a given aircraft can

b. Longitudinal axis

normally be found
a. By adding the weight of full fuel,

c. Lateral axis

pilot, passengers, and maximum

allowable baggage to the empty
b. In the Aircraft Specification or
Type Certificate Data Sheet

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