Bombay Forests

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To beretumed On or before the last date stamped below

3 Jim 1965
26 JUN I!65



W. E. Copleston,


Chief Conservator of Forests. Bombay Presidency

Published by order 0/ the Government 0/ Bombay


rice One Rupee. Copies obtainable from the Superintendent of Covernment Printinl and Stationery. Bombay. POOM
rf",m any ........ixed Bookoell....



The Public need for'Timber and other Forest Produce
Income from Forests. Its gradual growth
Commercial development
History of Forest Conservancy in Bombay
Continuity of a fixed Forest Policy essential
Forests a fine investment. Development impossible if funds are stinted
Area of Bombay Forests
Variety in types of Forest in the Presidency
Effect of Forests on temperature and water supply ..
Public interest in Forestry. Need for propaganda
Canadian and American interest in Forestry
Timber a crop and not a mine
Changes noticeable in this Presidency
Forest Settlements
Villagers' Privileges in the Forests
Forests beneficial to local population
Forest Fires
Necessity for periodical closure to grazing
Damage by man
Forest restrictions
Working plans and Sylviculture
Forest improving wherever fire protection is successful
Sowing and Planting
Improvement Fellings
Let nature be your teacher
Exploitation in Kanara

Forest Engineering
Sind Forests
Satpuras. in East and West Khandesh Divisions
Forest Development in the'Surat Dangs
Duties of the Forest Officer
Protection of agricultural crops against damage by wild animals
The Forests are improving and becoming more valuable













1. Promising young Teak Forest ruined by an outbreak of illicit hacking

2. Mischievous damage to Sandalwood. Vigorous young trees hacked down
before heartwood has formed
3. Young Sandalwood killed by' intentional firing of jungles. Bark of stems burnt
completely away
4. A clearing planted up with Teak in Kanara
5. View of four-year old plants in Kanara plantations
'6. View of three-year old plants coming into leaf
7. Natural Forest with the Teak. the trees with the big leaves. muc\t overtopped and
suppressed by less valuable species .
8. The same Forest as in Fig. 7 after improvement felling freeing the Teak. which
can now develop into fine timber .
9., Constructing dam for floating timber with help of elephants in the Kaneri River
10. Elephants passing logs through the dam on the Kalinadi River
11 & 12. Method of transport in Sind
13. An area clear felled and ready for sowing in Sind
14. Area drilled for sowing Babul seed. Seventeen-year old Babul Forest in back40
15. Two and half year old Babul showing portion cleaned and portion to be cleaned 41
16. Lime masonry culvert with Teak timber top in the Surat Dangs. Spans 14 ft
clear headway 8 ft . road width 16 ft. Cost Rs. 1.700
17. Retaining wall on the Subir-Nawapur Road (Surat Dangs). Constructed with
Bhillabour. Length 103 ft . height 171 ft . and top width of wall 21 ft. Cost
' 4 2
18. Road constructed along precipitous rocky hill side. The entire width of the road
is carried on a stone construction length 110 ft . height 121 ft. Cost Rs. 711
19. Karaniara sawmill in North Dangs cutting up waste material left by contractors
in their coupes
20. Devipara Bridge (South D~ngs)
21. Government Sawmill at Chikhalda. South Dangs. utilising waste material from
logging operations
22. Interior of Chikhalda Mill
2'3. Departmental fellings in North Dangs-Bhils preparing logs
24. Dangi families on road construction
25. The Rajah of Pimpri with his Bhils dancing during Divali festival
26. Typical of the ruined condition of many of the Teak Forests
27. The two Teak trees on the left of the picture are hollowed Ollt from top to bottom
by jungle fires
28. The damaged forest shown in Fig. 27 replaced by sound young straight Teak

::"'~ HIS pamphlet is issued in order that the public may understan~ the aims
~"'and purposes of the Forest Department and may thus be mduced to

l~ ~l):jlend a sympathetic hand. The Presidency is blessed with good natural

'.1{ :~forests which with careful tending and management will be of great
benefit to the community as a whole for all time.

q'he Public need for Timber and other Forest Produce.

As the standard of living rises in the country so the demand for timber rises.
Industrial progress too is often dependent on a steady supply of timber and other
forest produce.
Imports of timber via Bombay and Karachi have long been considerable and the
value amounts to over a crore a year while exports are negligible.
Timber is imported from Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Siam, Burma, etc.,
and the demand in the Presidency is far in excess of the local supply. Obviously
there is sound economic ground for timber growing and development of the forests.
Every village requires wood and bamboos for houses and cattle~sheds, for carts
and agricultural implements, for fuel and fencing crops such as sugarcane.
Railways, cotton mills allover the country use up large quantities of timber
and fuel. All the timber and fuel that the Sind forests can ever produce will not
. check the heavy imports into Karachi. Gujarat and Kathiawar absorb all the timber
that can be produced in the forests north of Bombay, while Bombay itself depends
almost entirely on foreign imports. Much of the timber supplied to the Poona and
Deccan markets is imported. The supply from Kanara and the neighbouring
forests is more than sufficient to meet demands south of Poona, Bijapur District and
eastwards through Hubli to the Nizam's territory. It may be asked why the Kanara
timber does not command a wider market and compete more with imported material
in Bombay. The answer is only a limited quantity of timber can be exploited to the
coast and railway freight from stations between Hubli and Londa to Bombay kills

Timber can be transported by sea from Saigon and Rangoon far cheaper than
by rail from the Kanara forests to Bombay. Railway sleepers even from Australian
ports are often brought over at rates which are a fraction of the cost of railing from
Kanara to Bombay.
Forest products are classed as major and minor: major includes wood, minor a
variety of useful products such as myrobalans (the fruit of T errninalia Chebula) and
tarwad bark from the common Cassia shrub with the yellow flowers used for tanning
leather, lac produced by a scale insect chiefly on the twigs of Bor (Zizyphus) on
Phalas, the tree with the wonderful velvety red flower known as the flame of the
forest and on a few other trees, babul and kusumb. The cultivation of lac requires


dose scientific research. Other minor products are gu~s and oils, for example
sandalwood oil, the scented rosha oil from a coarse jungle grass. Few people stop
to consider to what extent they are dependent upon forest products. Look around a
room in any bungalow, the doors and most of the furniture are probably of teak, the
seats of chairs are of cane, easy chairs of bamboo and cane, ornamental tables of Black.
wood, the gramophone records are made from lac, paper from wood pulp, the pen
holder and pencil from cedar wOCJd, the picture frames, the child's toys may be of
wood and so on. .
The forests which a century ago appeared to be of little value are now found to
be indispensable and a source of profit to the country. The more carefully they are
conserved the greater the profit to be derived from them and the less drain on the
resources of the country through foreign importations.
Most of the well managed forests in Europe yield a net return of ~out 15 rupees
an acre and there is no reason why good teak forests in this Presidency should not
in time be improved till they give as good a return as European forests.
Income from Forests. Its gradual growth.
In the seventies the gross revenue from the Bombay forests was about 12lakhs
with a surplus of 41 lakhs. In the next decade the figures increased to 30 lakhs with
13 lakhs surplus. In the nineties there was no rise and the figures remained practi.
cally stationary and it was not until the quinquennial period of 1909 to 1914 that the
revenue rose to 42 lakhs with 19 lakhs surplus. During the period of the war there
was a further rise to 59 lakhs with 2Si lakhs surplus and the figures for the past four
financial years are as follows :Lakh.




71'06 Revenue
28' 93 Surplus.
Though there has been a heavy fall in prices since 1920 the revenue is sustained and
with any improvement in the timber trade the gross revenue will increase consider.
ably provided funds are available for opening up the forests by light railways and by
The above figures show dearly that the management of the forests is successful
commercially and there is not the least doubt that further facilities of transport will
lead to increased output of timber and a corresponding steady increase in revenue.
The sooner valuable areas are opened up the quicker the rise in revenue.
The Retrenchment Committee in Simla recommended placing the forests
under commercial management. What are the results of commercial management
in other countries-America, Australia, Canada ~ Wholesale destruction of splendid
forests with a prospect of a timber famine threatening the world. Under commercial
management good for~ are destroyed in a few years-forests impossible to replace
in a century or more If ever.


Commercial Development.
The forests in this Presidency have been carefully conserved. Many good areas
are not yet opened up and the standing timber now available is worth far more than
it was a decade or two ago. On the other hand it is true that the c!>st of exploitation,
logging, carting and railing has advanced at an extraordinarily rapid rate during the
past five years. To meet this, capital expenditure is necessary, on roads especially,
to reduce cost of transportation. The extraordinary rise in wages after the war followed by recent rises in railway freight, the recent fall in prices of our timber, have
upset financial forecasts, nevertheless the forests have continued to pay well giving a
good return on expenditure, and capital expenditure on forest is shown to be a fine
investment for the country. Throughout the Presidency matters are settling down
and divisions which showed a deficit are now on a sound financial basis giving a
good surplus which is sure to be practically permanent. Development in such a
hilly roadless country as the Surat Dangs requires time.
As soon as roads under construction are completed exploitation must be pushed on
and the waste of valuable material which is evident throughout the Dangs will then
cease and revenue will advance rapidly. Peint is another area which has hardly \
been tOCiched, and will certainly prod'lce many times the quantity of material
exploited hitherto. Roads and sawmills are required here and mechanical traction
for the long lead from Peint to Nasik.
In the Central Circle the Khandesh forests, West and North Divisions especially,
have hardly been touched owing to very extensive areas under the Revenue Department being cleared for cultivation through the agency of the Forest Department.
In Kolaba a Working Plan now being drawn up will undoubtedly show that
there is more to be got from this Division than has actually been taken out in recent
Throughout the Central Circle protection, planting, etc., have received far more
attention than exploitation during the past 30 or 40 years. This was necessary as
most of the forests were in poor condition owing to fires and overgrazing before the
Forest Department was established.
As a matter of fact the commercial side of Forestry is developing fairly well in
this Presidency with the exception of one district, namely Kanara. In Sind, Panch
Mahals and throughout the Northern Circle private enterprise has developed the
marketing of timber to a fine art. Much private capital is invested annually and the
Sind and Gujarat timber merchants are excellent and astute business men. Similarly
in the Central Circle there it little room for interference on the part of Government
in the commercial side of Forestry. What is required is capital expenditure on roads
and transport facilities in certain rather inaccessible areas. Money invested in opening up these areas will repay Government handsomely. The war checked all road
work and since the war financial stringency has temporarily hampered development.
The Kanara forests, the finest in the Presidency, are far from being fully developed commercially. Labour difficulties and the lack of private enterprise and capital
check development in this remote corner of the Presidency. Furthermore the present
high railway freight which has doubled in recent years reacts unfavourably to business


development in Kanara District far from the chief markets. The latent wealth of the
Kanara forests is considerable and is hardly realized. The educated public cannot
appreciate the value of these forests without having opportunities to visit the country.


0/ Forest Conservancy in Bombay.

In ancient times forest areas in Europe were not closed to the public 'for the
benefit of the tree growth but were Royal or Ducal hunting grounds whereas in this
Presidency practically all the forests are natural and were formerly open to the public
and consist mainly of hilly tree-clad areas unsuited for permanent cultivation. Sind is
an exception, for the Sind Amirs fenced in large areas as private hunting grounds and
the exclusion of camels, cattle and goats resulted in tree growth. The forests along
the Indus cover areas which are liable to frequent changes owing to the floods constantly washing away the land, consequently there remains no trace of ancient forest.
Long before the Forest Department was firmly established in the Presidency practically all culturable land had been selected by generations of agriculturists. Kumri
or shifting cultivation on hill slopes was discouraged about the middle of the last
century. Shifting cultivation still continues on the Belgaum and Kanara ghats but
only to a limited extent and under the combined control of the Revenue and Forest
Early in the 19th century the requirements of the Royal Naval Dockyard in
Bombay drew the attention of Government to the forests of the country. Small
teak spars were supplied from Thana and Kolaba while Kanara and the Surat
Dangs supplied larger timber for shipbuilding.
Also material was supplied to the Bombay Arsenal Works for gun carriage wheels.
In 1847 the Superintendent, Botanical Gardens, Bombay, was appointed
Conservator of Forests and he was directed to make regular tours through all the
forest areas of the Presidency and advise Government.
The controlling staff was increased in 1863, Assistant Conservators being placed
under Collectors. The Bombay Government awoke to the fact that owing to a
growing scarcity of timber and the extensive demand for wood the reckless and
wasteful fellings threatened devastation of valuable forests and failure of future
supplies. About this time Government took over the North Kanara District from
Madras, and the Panch Mahals were added to the Presidency.
In the year 1867 considerable attention was given to the supply of fuel for
Railways and two years later the Inspector General of Forests visited Bombay and
suggested a considerable increase in establishment, both in the office and protective
staff. He pointed out that up to 1865 the Conservator was expressly denied control
and supervision of the Forest staff.
About this time the Sind forest attracted special attention. The Indus Valley
Railways required sleepers and fuel, also the Indus flotilla required fuel. Consequently the first .two home-trained Forest Officers a0ving in 1869-70 w.ere sent to
Sind and Dr. Schhch was transferred from Burma to Smd to make a W orkmg Plan.
Dr. Brandis' visit in 1869 and 1870 resulted in tWo Conservatorships being formed
in 1871 and the Conservators were given more control of the Forest staff though
Divisional Officers remained Assistants to the Collectors.


In India the need for forest protection was recognised about the middle of last

century and a Government of India despatch of 1862 states: 'Forest isa thing valuable
in itself and in truth just as essential to the community as wheat. sugar or cotton.' The
Forest Act applied to this Presidency is dated 1878 and it was not until some years
later that the Forest Department was sufficiently developed to have any appreciable
effect in protecting the forests of the country. However. India in this respect has a
~ood start of the Dominions and is now reaping its forest crops which are increasing
from year to year. The introduction of forest conservancy WIIS" unpopular and
enthusiastic Forest Officers could not be popular with the people nor at times with the
Local Government. It is interesting to note that the S,ecretary of State in his despatch. R. F. No. 69 dated 3rd March 1870. to the Bombay Government writes:
It seems to me impossible to read the reports and the documents relating to the
management of the forests of your Presidency for many years past and not to be struck
with the evil arising from the arrangement by which the Head of the Department has
been cut off from all real power and authority over his Department. I trust that the
new arrangements will provide for the separation of the Forests from the Revenue
Had the Secretary of State's advice been acted upon Forestry in this Presidency
would now be much further advanced than it is. Stagnation is noticeable from
1884 to 1904 when the Forest Department were denied funds required for
In 1892 the Department was reorganised and in 1893 three circles (Conservatorships) were formed corresponding more or less with the Revenue Divisions. Sind
remained an independent charge but the Sind Comervatorship was not created until
1922. A Chief Conservator was first appointed at the end of 1917.
It was not until the year 1921 that the Department by being placed directly
under a Minister ceased to be a minor subservient branch of the Revenue Department.

Continuity 0/ a fixed Forest Policy essential.

With the Government of the country undergoing radical changes every Forest
Officer is beginning to ask himself what will' happen to his plantations and other
forest crops he is nursing so carefully ten. twenty or Jifty years hence. In Forestry
continuity of forest policy is essential and political changes must not be allowed to
disturb the settled policy. The public are not in the least interested in forest
conservancy. They have not begun to take an interest in it in this country. Fortunately Forestry has been practised long enough to demonstrate its usefulness. to the
people. Its foundations are solid and it is a fairly solid structure but will it withstand political upheavals? Forest policy must be uniform for generations. The
Forester sows that future generations may reap and people who have not made a
special study of the subject are not likely to understand fully what he is doing or why
he is so particular about keeping fires and cattle out of certain areas. Everyone in
the country can realize what the cultivator is doing when he prepares his soil, sows
seed and protects the crop till the harvest. But why should these tiresome forest
people keep village cattle out of a certain area for ten years in succession and punish
people who set fire to the forests?


So long as the people of the country are not enlightened on the subject they
cannot appreciate' the necessity for forest restrictions.
To ensure continuity, the object of the Forester, of the Government and of the
people should be one and the same not for a short period but through successive
generations. A forest crop sown to-day may not be ripe for felling till 60 or 100
years hence.
The timber producing area is small, imports of timber are considerable so it is
sound economy to the country to make the most of its forests. The Forest policy
of the country is to produce a sustained yield of as much marketable timber and
other produce as possible, making economical use of it, also to maintain and
improve climatic conditions in the interests of water supply and agriculture.

Forests a fine investment. Development impossible if funds are stinteJ.

As it requires many years to produce a marketable crop of trees the Forester
must look years ahead and plan out his fellings, plantings, thinnings, etc., for periods
of ten years or more. For this purpose he frames working plans directing the future
treatment of the forest on which depends the future yield. The timber is often in
inaccessible hills where it. is of no value until the country is opened up by roads.
Shelter and water is also needed for the men who have to work in these wild places.
There is much pioneer work for the Forester. No merchant will buy timber which
he cannot extract easily.
The area of working is gradually extended from year to year. All this pioneer
work requires funds. For continuous development the sum annually required
increases. Development has again and again been checked owing to lack of funds.
Carefully drawn up Forest budgets are subject to deductions by the Finance Authorities and must be approved in the Legislative Council, so it is always a struggle. to
obtain sufficient money to carry on Forest works. With so few people really interested
in the subject the supply of funds is much too uncertain. Continuity in forest
policy demands a continuous supply of funds to carry out works framed in accordance
with settled policy.
With constant changes in Government this difficulty was overcome to a certain
extent in England where a fixed sum was granted to the Forestry Commission for a
period of ten years, the sum to be spent being annually presented to Parliament for
There are still many forest areas in the Presidency, in Kanara, Surat Dangs,
Khandesh and even in the Thana District where the Forest Department must do
pioneer work before private enterprise will step in, consequently an increase in the
yield from the forests depends on annual votes when the budget is under discussion
in Council and the Forester's hands may be tied.
The necessary means provided, the Forest Department will give a good account
of the work done from year to year, show a good profit and at the same time provide
for the future prosperity of the country. Well mapaged forests are a splend~d
investment for any country and teak, the mam product of the Bombay forests, Will
compete with any timber in the world.


Area of Bombay Forests.

The Reserved Forests in charge of the Forest Department, roughly 12,000
square miles, cover less than ten per cent. of the area of the Presidency and much of
the area has too scanty a rainfall to grow anything better than small trees and thorny
scrub bushes .
.~;, The Revenue Department hold 1,833 square miles of land classed as Reserved
Forest but these are merely pasture lands and fodder reserves. They also hold
certain tree-clad areas classed as Protected Forest set aside chiefly for the exercise of
lopping privileges for the supply of tahalleaf -manure for manuring rice fields and for
betel-nut gardens. The total area of these lands classed as forests but not treated as
such amounts to roughly 2,500 square miles.
"'S Of the 12,000 square miles under the Forest Department much is on rocky hills
in dry districts, such as East Khandesh, East Nasik, parts of Poona, Satara, Gokak
in Belgaum District, all the Bijapur forests and much of the Dharwar forests. Such
forests produce material for hutting, firewood, and fencing useful to the local inhabitants, mainly cultivators. They provide no timber for export outside the district.
This type of scrub jungle covers about 40 per cent. of the total area of Reserved
Another type of forest which can hardly be worked commercially is the evergreen along the crest of the ghats e-xtending from Igatpuri to the southernmost
limit of the Presidency. This type covers roughly 13 per cent. of the total area.
Though of little use commercially its preservation is necessary as it regulates the
off-flow of the heavy monsoon, checking denudation and destruction by landslips
to the fields in the Konkan. It holds up much water which gradually filtering down
during the dry season maintains a steady supply of water Jor the Konkan people.
More than half of the 12,000 square miles of Rese-rved Forests cannot be
classed as commercial and only some 5,640 square miles or less than five per cent.
of the total area of the Presidency remain for the supply of timber for the market.
At least three times this area would be required to make the country self-supporting
and to provide for the industrial development of a population of some twenty-six
million people.
Such a small area of commercial forests necessitates its careful protection and
sound scientific management to obtain the greatest possible yield of timber.

Variety in types of Forest in the Presidency.

With a rainfall varying within the Bombay Presidency and Sind from 5 inches to
300 inches and with altitudes varying from sea level to 3,000 feet or more the forest
growth differs enormously.
There are trees such as kandi (Prosopis spicigera) which thrive in the hottest and
driest climate in the sandy desert plains of Sind.
There are the dry Deccan forests with rainfall usually under 25 inches producing
mainly thorny shrubs and small trees useful only to the local inhabitants or as firewood for mills. Every stick these forests produce is utilized either for roofing the
flat topped houses, for agricultural implements, or for firewood. Forests of this
type are found in the Bijapur District, in Gokak T aluka of the Belgaum District,


in parts of Satara, Poona, in East Nasik and in parts of the Khandesh Districts.
Though such useful woods as babul, khair and teak grow in these areas the growth
is small and stunted, suitable only for supplying the local cultivators. The forests
are on rocky barren hills often incapable of producing much more than thorny scrub
and frequently full of Euphorbia and prickly pear. With the exception of tarwad
bark used for tanning, none of the produce is transported to distant markets.
Though of no particular commercial value to the Forest Department the preservation
of these forests is important in the interest of the agriculturist.
The third type of forests with a rainfall ranging from 25 to 50 inches includes
considerable areas of teak pole forest with here and there teak large enough to pro~
duce logs of about 5 feet girth. The timber is known in the market as Country
Teak'. These forests with moderate rainfall include the more valuable Khandesh
forests near Nawapur, Taloda in West Khandesh District, West Nasik and the
Surat Dangs; they contain much herbaceous undergrowth with tall coarse grasses
often 10 feet high and the tree growth has in the past been greatly damaged by forest
fires. Somewhat similar areas without the coarse grasses occur in the eastern
portion of Khanapur T aluka in Belgaum District and along both sides of the Kanar~
Dharwar District boundary. This type of forest is of commercial importance
yielding good revenue.
The fourth type of forest, with an annual rainfall of over 40 inches, fully exposed
to the monsoon extends along the Konkan from the northern end of the Thana
District through Kolaba and a part of Kanara.
Teak, Nana, Blackwood and Ain are the chief species with Kindal and Jambaa tree very similar to the Burma Pynkado-becoming plentiful southwards. These
species increase in height and diameter in the southern end of the Presidency
where in North Kanara District trees of the abov-e named species grow to a height
of 100 feet with girth trom 7 to 10 feet. Bamboos form a thick undergrowth. These
areby far the finest timber forests in the Presidency.
A fifth type of forest stretching along the Western ghats from Igatpuri to
the southern end of the Presidency is the evergreen forest with rainfall ranging
from 100 to over 300 inches.
The hill people on the ghats for centuries practised shifting cultivation cutting
down these evergreens, burning the trees and then raising crops for a couple of
seasons before moving on to a fresh area. By this exposure of the steep slopes to
denudation, though shifting cultivation was stopped some years ago, much of the
hills were so washed by the 300 inches of rain that little but bare rock is left.
Consequently the present evergreen growth is dwarfed as at Mahableshwar and
traces of the original forest are only to be found in the vicinity 'of temples where
the surrounding trees formed a sacred grove. In the Kanara District there are
areas of considerable extent of the original primeval forest, real virgin tropical forest
of lofty trees and dense luxuriant growth. The shade in the hot weather is dense,
the atmosphere is always humid and temperature very even throughout the year,
springs and small streams flow throughout the hot weather.. Scores of differe!"t
species are crowded together frc;>m ever~een shrubs ~o lofty gIant trees 150 feet In
height. These evergreen SPecIes are In full leaf In the hot weather, palms are


abundant. dense impenetrable cane brakes are common and the trees are often
festooned with graceful creepers.
Though there are valuable evergreen timbers the cost of extraction is high and
with so many species all mixed together such trees as White and Red Cedar. Poon~
spar and Artocarpus hirsuta known as Ainu or Hebbalsu and Gurjan (Dipterocarpus).
are often so scattered and in such inaccessible localities that few are ever felled. It is
these evergreens which provide the moisture necessary for the betel~nut gardens in
Kanara. Some of the finest evergreens are on laterite soil which if exposed to the
monsoon and denudation becomes hard and barren rock.

Effect of Forests on Temperature and Water Supply.

The beneficial effect of forests on temperature and moisture is well known all
the world over and instances of fertile countries becoming treeless. waterless deserts
are numerous. more especially along the southern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea
and in Asia Minor. Traces of old irrigation works and prosperous cities are found
in now waterless deserts. Where ages ago there was abundant vegetation only sandy
deserts are now to be found. Religious books. the Mahabharat and the Ramayan.
handed down from ancient times. prove that dense forests; abundant water with
perennial streams and fertile fields existed in many extensive tracts of land. which are
now woodless and almost waterless.
Rarely can an area once rendered a barren waste by denudation of its forests be
made to recover its fertility. The barren rocky hills in the dry Deccan will remain
barren wastes for all time but where rainfall is ample devastated areas may recover
in time. In the west of France the Landes about 2 million acres were a century ago
a barren desolate country of sand dunes. By planting the area up it has been - con~
verted into rich land worth Rs. 1,500 an acre. Not only is the land producing
quantities of turpentine timber and fuel from the forest but also fine crops of grapes
and com. The danger of the wholesale clearance of forests on hills is seen all the
world over.
The Italians ruined their forests in the Appenines and the country has in con~
sequence had to spend large sums in protecting railways. bridges. roads. towns from
the sudden rush of floods whenever there is heavy rain in the mountains. The
harbour of Pisa has silted up with the sand and 'gravel brought down by the rivers
and the trade of the town has suffered.
A recent report from Melbourne shows that landslips in several places carried
away the concrete channel leading the water supply from the reservoir in the hills to
the town. The Engineer reports that the damage was primarily due to the wholesale
destruction of the forests above the aqueduct.
It may be asked how can a forest have much effect on the water supply. To
answer this consider the development and life of a single tree. _What does
a single banyan or mango tree growing by itself in the open do ~ The seed- that
gave birth to the tree may have germinated in a cleft of a rock. As the tree grows the
roots exert great pressure and gradually open the cleft wider and wider. The power
of roots is marvellous and instances of a banyan or pipai breakil\g up masonry or fort
walls built up of large stones must have been observed by maAy, As the tree grows



its roots spread far and wide and break up the rocky ground, rootlets finding their
way as tiny threads into spaces between rocks hardly thick enough to insert a slip
of paper gradually grow till they may be a foot in diameter descending several feet
into the ground. With many trees, bushes and herbs the growth under ground is
nearly equal to the growth above ground. A Nim tree will send its roots '10 to 20 feet
down. A Kandi tree (Prosopis) in Sind will send its main root down 50 feet deep and
among herbs, e.g., the Indian vegetable mule' Raphanus Sativus the latge root is
often far heavier than the above ground portion of the plant. Where these trees and
plants die and the roots rot much rain water can get down. Now what takes place
underground when the tree dies off and its roots are rapidly eaten up by fungi, white
ants, etc.? Obviously spaces are left to be filled with rain water and this water instead of
rushing over solid rock down to the sea often working great damage to fields, houses,
roads, bridges, etc., and carrying away much fertile soil remains on the hill sides and
gradually percolates through the ground to feed some spring. To go back to the
growing tree, the mango or banyan having stored up its water supply from the rains
bursts out into full leaf in the hot weather. Moisture is evaporating daily from every
leaf so that the tree is not dried up even though exposed to dry hot winds and the
fierce heat of the sun for months in succession. This evaporation helps to cool the
air and lower the temperature in the immediate vicinity of the tree. Also the soil
under the tree is protected from the sun and the tree acts as a screen to check evaporation from the ground surface. The evaporation from the trees assists in the precipitation of, moisture either in the form of dew or as rain. Not only this but
as the old leaves fall to be replaced by a fresh flush the dead leaves on the ground act
as a further check to evaporation from the soil and also retain some of the rain in the
debris of leaves, twigs, bits of bark which are continually accumulating under the
tree. These dead leaves as they rot off enrich the ground just as manure does and
other growth, herbs, grass and tree seedlings are fed. The herbs and grass' form
food for worms, ants and insects which in their tum work up the ground, and increase
its fertility.
By considering what a single tree does to regulate the supply of moi!ture
both below and above ground, it is easy to realise the beneficial effects of forest on
climate and water supply in a dry country periodically exposed to drought and

. The forests contain a hundred or more trees to the acre and where a hill side of
some thousands of acres is well covered with forests the effect on the climate and
water supply is considerable.
The effect of forest not only increases the rainfall but it raises the water level
underground in the fields below forest clad hills . Careful experiments in Europe
have proved that, whereas in open bare gro~d on the hills less than 5 per cent. of the
rainfall percolates to a depth of two feet mto the ground, over 50 per cent. may be
taken down to that depth in the forests. People who have not had an opportunity to
study the effect of t~e growth on ~ater ~pply are often inclined to regard the benefit
of forests as theoretical. Th~re IS nothl!lg theoretical about the subject as the effect
is a plain practical fact and failure to reahze the effects of forests on climate and failure
to preserve forests have rendered desert vast areas of once fertile lands.



With so many instances of fertile lands being turned to desert wastes through
the destruction of forests, how is it that in past centuries wholesale devastation was
indulged in all the world over il
In the first place the timber was of no value beyond local supply and the supply
being far beyond local requirements the destruction of the forests was a neCessity and
beneficial to the local settlements whose object was the clearance of forests for cultivation and to provide pasture for their flocks. The forests could only be regarded
as an obstruction. By cutting down and burning the trees the ground was in good
condition for raising crops for a year or two and shifting cultivation is an easy mode
of culture still in favour with the aboriginal hill tribes ; in this no ploughing, no weeding is needed, the forest fire does the work. In ancient times even the finest teak
tree had no value, for logs could not be transported many miles and sold at a profit,
nor could people travel rapidly over the wide world and witness the effects of forest
devastation. Who could foretell that the destruction of trees from Morocco eastwards to the Himalayas including many parts of Asia Minor would result in fertile
lands being converted into .sandy deserts for all time il

Public interest in Forestry. NeeJ/or propaganda.

In European countries where Forestry has long been practised and the public
have learnt to take an interest in sylviculture and understand its objects more
or less, the necessity for restrictions is fully realised and the forest guard is not less
popular than the cultivator but in Canada and America where the public are only
just beginning to realise the value of forest to the country, at present much money
and energy is being expended in forest propaganda in order to stir up public interest
in Forestry.
The forests in this Presidency are generally situated where the people are uneducated, what is more unfortunate, very few educated Indians get an opportunity
to see anything of Forestry, the majority passing most oftheir lives in towns and in the
larger villages such as are seldom found near good forests. All the interest and
pleasure of studying wild life in the forests is lost. No literature is so attractive
to the youngster in European countries as adventures in the wilds and such books as
.. The High Lands of Central India" by Forsyth and Saunderson's" Among Wild
Beasts .. published many years ago are read again and again. What a joy" Wild
Animals in Central India" by Dunbar Brander recentlYfublished will be to the
school boy in England I How attractive the study 0 the habits of the wild
beasts in company with a few Bhils, a people who are full of woodcraft and
interesting jungle information.
When will the youth of India awaken to the pleasures of the study of nature in
its homes in the hilly tracts and tum his attention to forests il Until such time
whence is the genuine Forester to be recruited il There are far too many instances
ilf men who have entered the Forest Department throuilh necessity, attracted entirely
by the pay list, whose whole being revolts against the life and whose desire is to serve
not in the finest forest areas but in the worst as the members of. Rangers' Conference
recently indicated.



With the High Schools and Colleges situated in towns rarely would the Indian
student at school or college have an opportunity of entering a forest and he does not
take the opportunity when he gets it. In many countries children begin to take an
interest in birds, wild flowers, rabbits, etc., as soon as they talk. Their mothers
introduce them to the delights of nature. Consequently when at school they are
fond of roaming through woods in search of birds' nests and many become remarkably
quick at discovering a nest, they get to know all the different trees and can recognize
the different birds by their notes, they know the butterflies, they join the Field Club
at their school and contribute specimens to the School Museum and make collections
of plants, birds' eggs, fossils for themselves. Having developed a taste for natural
history in their youth it is not surprising that many later in life become interested
in Forestry. Though they may be living in a town in business as a clerk, when on
a holiday, a ramble in the woods is a joy to them.
Conditions in this country are such that public interest in Forestry is practically
unknown. Forest Officers usually take an interest in agriculture. They like to see
good crops and enquire of the cultivator how his crops are, but has any Indian
Forester ever met an Indian outside the Forest Service who has enquired about the
forest crops? Yet the forest crop and results of the past season's planting is the
usual topic of conversation when Forest Officers meet just as among cultivators with
their crops. Is it impossible to awaken public interest in Forestry in this country, a
true swadeshi business of considerable benefit to the country in recent years and promising much greater benefit in the future? The apathy of the public is a handicap
to the Department.
People are not likely to vote money for a concern in which they are not particularly interested; fortunately many are business men who know money is needed to
run any commercial concern successfully and they recognize that forests do pay.
The public have as yet taken little or no interest in Forestry beyond the utilization of its products. The progress of the Department owes much to forest
contractors and merchants but it must be realized that in Forestry as in Agriculture the
production of the crop is of first importance. Unless the Forest Department
produces good sound timher of the best species the whole Forestry business will
languish and fade away. The cQuntry has an Agricultural Department which has
come into existence in order "to investigate means for producing good crops. Any
improvement in seed, in method~ of cultivation and so on adds to the wealth
of the country. In the same way good management and scientific treatment of
forests increases the yield per acre. Few forests in the Presidency give a net annual
rental of over Rs. 3 an acre. It has however been shown that it is possible to work
this figure up to Rs. 30, the return is even higher from first class soil in the Nilambur
Forests planted three-fourths of a century ago by Conolly who was murdered in a
Moplah rising nearly 70 years ago. Just as a really good field crop rewards the agriculturist's labours so a fine crop of teak seedlings and saplings gives unbounded joy to
the Forester who sowed the seed and attended to the seedlings. In his loneliness away
in. the hills rarely can he find anyone to ~appreciate and admire his work and only too
frequently his work is partly destroyed by intentional firing of the forests by villagers.
After several seasons' hard work in scorching sun in the hot weather he may sucCeed



in keeping out those devastating forest fires with the result that the stock of trees
improves rapidly but not a single individual he meets outside his own service is in the
least interested in his success.

Canadian and American interest in Forestry.

It is interesting to watch the progress in public concern in forests in a country

like Canada where Forestry Associations are growing rapidly and the rising generation including over 120.000 boys. not one per cent. of whom will ultimately take up
tree-growing as a profession. are keenly interested. Even school girls have followed
the example of their brothers and the following is a sample of many essays on Forests
written by Canadian school girls :.. In the following paragraphs I will try to describe what Forestry is and how
necessary it is for the present and for the future .
.. Forestry is the name given to a scientific system of handling woodlands. The
work of the forestry service includes the preservation of woodlands. the reforestation
of areas which have been cut over; the planting of regions which have been treeless;
the setting aside of forest reserves. the prevention of fires. and reformation of wasteful methods of lumbering
.. The value of the fores~ is very great. In Canada. lumbering is second in importance only to agriculture. Everyone recognizes the beauty and charm of the forest
and we all realize the protection and shelter which the trees give to birds. to flowers
and to animals. One of the most important uses of the forest is in preventing
rapid evaporation. In open country the water is carried off by the streams as soon
as it falls but where forests are present the water is held by the thick bed of moss and
leaves and is let go gradually. When the forests are cut the water flows off quickly
and great floods are the result. Forests prevent streams from flowing too quickly and
thus wearing away the land. In some countries millions of acres of land have been
destroyed by rushing rivers. Trees are a protection against wind. and the wood
is used as fuel. Forests give rise to many industries .
.. The industries resulting from the forests give employment to many. Among
these are the cutting of the trees. the making of dressed lumber and of paper. the manufacturing of matches. boxes and furniture. and the building of houses. All of these
help to fill the pay envelopes of many. so our forests should be regarded as a great gift
.. Every year large forests are destroyed by fires which are often caused by
campers leaving their camp fires burning and by careless smokers throwing away
lighted matches. Settlers. clearing their land. are often the cause of forest fires when
the carelessly set fire to the brush they have cleared off the land. The earliest
settlers burned much valuable timber simply to get rid of it. These fires not only
destroy the forests. but often destroy towns and villages resulting in a loss of life.
When the trees are burned there is no protection from the wind and instead of
beautiful trees we see large areas of burned logs and stumps. There is also no home
for the birds and consequently the crops suffer from the insect pests. Forest fires
help to destroy the industries at which so many are employed at the present time. and
if it were not for the work of the forest service the supply' of timber would soon
become limited and there would be scarcely any for use in the future.



.. In order to prevent forest fires the forestry service has placed fire rangers
throughout the country. These men patrol the huge forest districts, and by reporting and fightin~ the fires considerable timber is saved. Notices have been placed
throughout the forests warning people about leaving fires burning. In the prevention
of fire the forestry service has done remarkable work .
.. Our forests being so useful in providing necessities and comforts, it should be
the aim of every citizen to do his utmost to conserve this wonderful wealth of our
country and every boy and girl should endeavour to become a junior Forest Guard,
pledged to do his or her utmost to prevent forest fires from starting."
In spite of fire-lines and other precautions the Indian villager, interested only in
the grazing, is often quite unconscious of the damage to the tree-growth. Fires may
be caused by shikar parties hunting hares, small deer, etc., by men smoking out bees
to obtain honey and wax or while smoking out a Ghorpad, a large lizard considered
a great dainty by hill Marathas, by carelessly leaving embers burning after cooking
food by the wayside; many forest fires however are undoubtedly intentional. Not
only is the young tree-growth damaged but forest contractors often lose heavily, as
much as 10 to 20 thousand rupees worth of teak logs being destroyed in a few hours.
Probably some scores of hot weathers will pass and crores of rupees worth of
teak trees will be destroyed by fire before the rising generation in the Indian villages
will produce essays of this merit.
The Forestry Association in Canada formed mainly to check damage by forest
fires is supported to a large extent by subscriptions from private firms and individuals
who subscribe about Rs. 60,000 a year.
It would be a great benefit to Bombay if the educated public would interest
themselves in forest protection.
In Canada forest protection has been taken up in comparatively recent times only.
Obviously school teachers have taken an interest in the matter and are educating
the young in the fundamental importance of fire protection. Even aircraft and
wireless telegraphy are freely used to detect outbreaks of fire and to obtain assistance
as quickly as possible. Patrols also are provided with instruments for signalling and
telephoning for help. Evidently the Canadian public are readily realising the
importance of fire-protecting their forests.

Timber a Crop and not a Mine.

Some interesting statistics are to be found in the year book for 1922 of the
United States Department of Agriculture.
It is here stated that much of their industry has developed upon cheap and
abundant timber supplies and that timber has been mined from the forests much as
coal from the ground, that is to say all the best timber is cut out and the forests left
uncared for and frequently completely destroyed by fires, leaving the land
The rich virgi!, forests of the United States, some 13 lakhs of square miles in
extent, about 100 bmes the total area of the forests of this Presidency and originally
containing more than ten times as much have been reduced to one-sixth of their



original area. Up to the year 1880 the forest land cleared was taken up for agriculture,
later as the demand for timber developed, forests were logged off far faster than
agriculture spread and by 1920 many of the States had vast areas of idle waste land
constantly increasing in area, the rate of cutting over forests being about 10 million
acres annually.
The coal districts have been practically denuded of timber. Many paper pulp
industries which represent hundreds of crores of capital have to import wood from
Canada or bring it from distant areas. Consequently the average cost of wood at
the mills has quadrupled in 20 years and the huge sum of 84 crores is spent annually
on transport of timber alone. The StateS Pennsylvania and Michigan which
formerly exported huge quantities of timber now have to import largely. Many
States are now confronted with the problem of providing for their future timber
Some 5 million acres formerly under splendid forests in the centre of Pennsyl~
vania is now referred to as .. Pennsylvania's desert." Since 1921 over 21 crores of
rupees have been spent by this State in taking over some of this land for reafforesting
it and a bill is before the Legislative Council proposing a loan of 81 crores to
carry on the work. Virgin forest in the United States of America is taxed (assessed)
at about Rs. 100 to 200 an acre. While the hill areas cleared by lumbering and fires
are taxed at Rs. 5 to 10 or even less, and in some States the land has to be taken over
by the State and money found for restoring it. Think what this means to the future
generation. Truly the reckless lumbering of the past 50 years has proved a calamity
to the country. Many years will be required to reclothe these idle lands with
forests and the State will be paying out money instead of receiving assessment from
the lands.
With the exhaustion of their forests,. paper pulp factories, hemlock tanneries,
cooperage plants. furniture factories. sawmills, etc. have in many places disappeared,
water supply has been impaired. Consequently branch railway lines have been
abandoned and the local farmers losing their markets and transport facilities have
been forced to give up cultivation.
The lesson learnt from America is that forests must be so worked that the
yield of the produce required in the country must be continuous, otherwise prosperity
will not be permanent. Continuity in sound forest policy is essential. A good
forest destroyed in a year often cannot be reproduced in a century while with good
management not only will a good natural forest produce a steady yield but the yield
can gradually and surely be increased. The public should realize this and look
upon the preservation of forests from fires as every man's duty.
In the Bombay Presidency the Kumriwalla by shifting cultivation in the hills
has rendered many hills barren and has to the detriment of the surrounding country
caused springs to dry up all along the Western Ghats. Traces of the virgin ever~
sreen forest which is undoubtedly the natural forest of the Ghats from Thana
District down to Kanara may be seen here and there. Whence were those great
beams let into the rock roof in the Karla caves obtained? Probably at no great
distance from the caves as traces of virgin forests are still to be found not far



Chang~ noticeable in this Presidency.

Changes through wholesale destruction of forests have taken place so rapidly

in America that the loss to the country's economy is evident. Similar changes
must have taken place centuries ago in this country. Take for example the Navapur
T aluka in West Khandesh where the lands were some three or four centuries ago
famous for the rice they produced. Traces of very ancient masonry dams are found
where now water is too scanty for the dams to be of any use. The cultivations were no
doubt abandoned owing to wars followed by plundering and continual dacoity by hill
tribes. Up to quite recent years the Bhils were in the habit of burning all the
forests in the hills and this would naturally lessen the steady supply of water in the
plains below.
These plains were abandoned as no cultivation was safe from the Bhil dacoits.
The area remained an idle waste for about three centuries and has only recently
been opened up for cultivation extensively but when brought back to cultivation rice
cannot be grown to any extent and the fields are almost entirely cotton, jawari, etc.
If fires are kept out of the surrounding hills the run-off of the monsoon rains will be
checked and water supply will improve little by little.
The area of cultivation in Navapur has increased in 20 years from 15,227 acres
in 1902-03 to 180,922 acres in 1921-22.
The yield of timber and fuel, etc., from the forest is rapidly increasing.
In Sind, the Northern and Central Circles the inhabitants are gradually getting
the better of their natural enemies, malaria, man's greatest enemy, and pig the
chief destroyer of crops.
The condition of the people and of their crops has improved considerably in
the Khandesh Districts and in the Surat Dangs.
It is the very reverse in certain forest areas in the southern end of the Presidency.
In the Southern Circle in thinly populated areas of Kanara, Supa, Yellapur,
Mundgod and adjoining areas in the Dharwar District. where there are no hardy
indigenous hill tribes, malaria and pig keep down the population and cropped areas.
These very localities suffered severely from the influenza epidemic in 1918. Since
then cultivation has been going rapidly downhill.
Solid permanent fencing of large culturable areas is absolutely necessary and this
should begin in Kanara rather than in Dharwar District. If the Dharwar ryots
fence off their fields before the Kanara above ghat cultivations are protected the
damage to crops in Kanara will increase and cultivation may become impossible.
Already the cultivated areas in Yellapur T aluka with Mungod Petha have
fallen from 32,000 acres in 1902-03 to 19,000 acres in 1921-22 and in Haliyal Taluka
with Supa Petha from 47,000 to 23,000 acres.
While areas under cultivation are increasing rapidly in forest districts in other parts
of the Presidency, they are decreasing in the heavy forest areas above ghats in Kanara.
In Bengal the Forest Department have found it possible to fence forest crops
against deer and pig and it pays to do so. How much more necessary must it be to
fence field crops? The return in the case of field crops will be far higher than in
the case of forest crops.



Forest Settlements.
The Forest Settlement work was generally Carried out by officers of the Revenue
Department who visited each village and made exhaustive enquiries into the require~
ments of the villagers. The consequence is the area set aside for forests rarely includes
lands fit for permanent cultivation. In parts of West Khandesh and the Panch
Mahals districts which at the time of settlement were in a very backward condition, so
backward'that frequently over extensive tracts there were no settled villagers to consult,
there still are a few areas which could with advantage to the country be disforested
and brought under the plough. The Forest Department is doing its best to bring
cultivators on to these lands and immediately there is a fair prospect of these areas
being brought under permanent cultivation, they will be transferred to the Revenue
Department. The total area of arable lands at present in the hands of the Forest
Department is, however, small and the forests are almost entirely restricted to rocky
Villagers' Privileges in the Forests.
The conservation of the forests and reproduction of timber is rendered difficult
in many localities as the management of the forests has to be conducted in such a
manner that the people may enjoy certain privileges. Considerations of revenue and
sound forestry frequently take a subordinate position to the wants of the local villagers.
The privileges vary considerably in the different districts. In some the forest
villages ~et free grazing and in others grazing is permitted on payment of a small fee.
usually 4 annas a year per head of cattle.
All forest privileges are liable to revision by Government at any time should
necessity arise. At the same time rarely are privileges once granted curtailed or
discontinued and the claims of agriculture and the requirements of the cultivators
always receive careful consideration. Privileges are usually recorded in the Forest
In many ways Forestry and Cultivation are indirectly interdependent, the one
helps on the other in most countries. Good forests attract capital, just as productive
fidds do. In some localities field crops are directly dependent upon forest
produce. This is especially so in the Thana and Kolaba bdow ghat talukas where
without tahal, crops are sddom raised. In the Kanara coastal areas few fields would
produce a crop without leaf manure and the supari gardens above ghats in Kanara
require all the yield of green branches from nine acres of forest for one acre of
The collection of dead firewood is generally allowed for domestic use but not
for sale. Where bamboos are abundant the ryots are allowed to remove them for
their hutting and for fencing their crops.
In the Konkan there are tahal and rab privileges under which the cultivators
lop green branches and collect grass and leaves which they bum in the fidds for pre~
paration of seed beds.
Under these and various other privileges very large quantities of material are
gleaned from the forests annually and the supply of this material is of great importance
in the production of good crops.



Forests beneficial to local population.

In most districts there are long periods when the villager has not much work and
during the intervals between tillage and harvesting and again after harvesting till
the hot weather showers he can earn good wages on forest works. Forest contractors
payout many lakhs of rupees annually to woodcutters and cartmen.
As the forests are developed more money is circulated especially among the hill
people who are generally very poor. It is estimated that more than 50 lakhs rupees
are spent annually on felling and transport in the forests. To the Mavchis in Nawapur about Rs. 1,50,000, to the Bhils in the Surat Dangs 2 lakhs, to the Kalis, Warlis,
Katkaris and others in Thana District 81akhs and so on in other localities. All these
payments improve the condition of the people and soften the severity of years of
scarcity when their field crops fail. Wages paid to forest labour increase from year
to year. What could be better for the country than development of wealth from
rocky hills quite unfit for cultivation, hills which not many years ago were mainly
useless waste lands. Not only are these hills becoming more and more productive
but as the forest crop thickens year by year more and more of the heavy rainfall along
the ghats is held up and gradually released to the benefit of the fields below.

Forest Fires.
After centuries of neglect and constant damage by forest fires raging through
practically every acre each hot weather the Forest Department took over the forests
in a wretched condition. The stock of timber was sparse and much damaged, fine
teak trees being hollowed out by successive fires.
In many areas the value of the timber standing on the ground is a fraction of
what nature could produce but for man destroying the natural growth by constantly
burning the forests. Many large teak trees are hollowed right. out by fire and
few teak trees of more than 20 years of age have not suffered severely. Crooked,
unsound, hollow timber is not wanted on the market, yet in many localities persistent
firing results in a crop of timber mainly unsound.
The future yield of the forests depends largely on fire protection. The Forester's
efforts to produce a valuable crop by sowing, planting, cutting back creepers, eradicating noxious weeds, thinning and by improvement fellings to prevent suppression
of valuable species by inferior woods may be completely neutralised by fires. The
whole-hearted support and co-operation of the public is required to prevent the
damage. In countries where the importance of the forests is fully recognized by the
public forest fires are almost unknown. In this Presidency protection from fire
has been successful where the Forest Officer is in position to control the people as
in the Surat Dangs where he has special influence over them owing to the fact that
he is the Political Assistant. The Bhils do not like to go far for .work and earn little
or nothing except on forest works. Though the Surat Dang forests are dry and
very inflammable, fires are kept under control with the result that the whole 640
square miles is better stocked with sound young teak saplings than any other forests
in the Presidency.
Successful fire control is the fundamental requirement in all the teak forests,
without protection from fire proper management is imp0Sl'ible and the natural yield
from the forests cannot be realised.



Take for example the Satpura hills in East Khandesh District. a compact block
of rugged rocky hills over 400 square miles in area. useless for any form of cultivation
but capable of yielding teak and other useful natural products. At present the
yield is almost negligible and these hills are little better than barren deserts. This
unsatisfactory condition is entirely due to the constantly recurring forest fires. An
enlightened public could, at once check this devastation. At present people going
up into these hills to bring down a load of grass. bamboos or firewood carelessly
leave burning embers. whenever they light a fire to cook their food.
Necessity JOT Periodical Closure to Grazing.
Where the village cattle have large areas to graze over they are generally neglected
and of poor quality. Frequently a herd of 100 animals consist of such small weakly
beasts that hardly two or three good pairs for ploughing can be selected. Also the
milk produced by the cows is often practically nil.
Where the ryot has to produce fodder crops for his cattle and stall-feed most of
the year as in Guiarat the type of cattle improves.
Many cattle graze in the forests free of charge but the usual fee is 4 annas a year.
The average revenue of the past two years from this source for the whole Presidency
is iust under 41akhs or 5' 6 per cent. of the total forest revenue. This is no compensation for the damage done to young tree seedlings in the forests. To bring a forest
area into good tilth a long period of closure to cattle is essential. Grass. dead leaves
and other litter covering the ground is the natural manure without which the productive character of the forest deteriorates rapidly. If all the herbs and grass are grazed
down and the ground is trampled the bacterial activity of the soil is lessened. The
porosity of the soil essential for aeration is lost and its permeability for water is
badly affected. the rain rushing over the hard bare surface.. Without the natural
cover of herbage which springs up after felling an area earth-worms cannot thrive.
The amount of work the earth-worm does by opening up and working up soil is
extraordinary and it has been shown that earth-worms will throw up 100 tons an acre
within a year.
Not only do cattle render the soil infertile by keeping down vegetation but they
also break up the surface with their feet loosening the earth so that much fine earth
is carried down to the rivers during heavy rains. Millions of tons of soil and gravel
are carried down the rivers into the sea and every pound so carried down reduces the
fertility of the country. All the world over the bad effects of removal of herbage by
grazing after felling trees on hills are well known.
In many parts of this Presidency cattle are turned into the forests without
anyone in attendance. The grazing is of special value during the rains when the
cattle have to be kept out of the young crops. At the same period there are young
forest crops springing up on the recently felled areas requiring protection from cattle.
The cultivator has no interest in the protection of the latter and he becomes annoyed
when his cattle are impounded for trespass in areas closed to grazing. With some
21 million animals grazing in the forests it is not surprising to find that perhaps
5 per cent. are impounded for trespass during the course of the year. However he
gets his grazing absurdly cheap at 4 annas per head and many villages get free grazing
and in most forests they can cut and take the grass free of charge. In many localities



the gtazing is worth over Rs. 10 a head. Even on the rather bare hills near Poona
private owners recently valued their annual crops of gtass at Rs. 50 per acre, probably
an exaggerated valuation. In Bengal the Beharias pay one rupee a month per head
of cattle. In the Central Provinces the gtazing revenue amounts to Rs. 10,68,783
and instances of Malguzars making considerable profit on the gtazing are common.
In one case last year a Malguzar paying the Forest Department 3 annas per
head let the gtazing at Rs. 3 per head. Similarly in Madras where the grazing
revenue is Rs. 7,91,074 instances of ryots paying as much as Rs. 4 per head are
Forest gtazing is of gteat value to the ryots and in all Forest Working Plans
fellings are so arranged that gtazing is always available and never more than
one~fourth of the forest area is dosed to gtazing.

Damage by Man.
Besides intentional firing of the forests constant damage i~ going on all over the
Presidency by people hacking down trees. The tendenry is to cut the straightest
and to cut young gtowth which requires no effort in cutting.
Photogtaph No. 1 shows a 1~year old forest which up to the age of ten years
had gtown well and promised to develop into a valuable stand of timber.

FIG. I.-Promising young Teak Forest ruined by an outbreak of illicit backing.



Flo. 2.-Mischievous damage to Sandalwoocl. Visorous yount trees hacked clown before
hartwoocl has formed.
The area w~ dosed for ten years to allow the crop to get up without damage by
cattle. On opening the area to grazing the cattle did no exceptional damage but the
villagers ruined quite half the teak over an area of 150 acres.
lhe final yield of the damaged forellt will not have one.fourth the value it ought
to have.
Photograph, 2 and 3 show mischievous damage to sandalwood and this too is
over an extensive area. The trees felled are too young to give any sandalwood and
are useless. The same area was wantonly burnt 50 that all the seedlings were lcilled.
This area was in 1919 estimated to give an annual return of Rs. 30 an acrf'; now it is
doubtful if it wiD yield material worth Re. I an acre.
In this neighbourhood there were about 10,000 acres of excellent young $IIndal.
wood which if given its natural course of develupment would have ruppLied sufficient
sandalwood to bring in an annual revenue of three lills of rupees. It is doubtful now
if the area will give a revenue of much over t0,000 rupees. The local viI~gers $IIY
that they were encouraged to destroy the forest by people from the neighbouring



Generally speakinlf darnalte is limited to occasional thefts of material for hutting

and domestic use. Hill people requiring large teak leaves for roo6ng their huts
nnd it easier to collect thIS by cutting down a few young teak saplings than by climbing bigger trees to cut off branches and collect the leaves. Saplings and vigorous
young coppice growth have larger leaves than the mature trees.

Forest Restrictions.
Forest restrictions such as closure for regeneration of recently felled areas are
often re~rded by the public as unnecessary in this country. Oosure is irksome to
the neighbouring villaltcrs. Even educated men will remark all this closure to
cattle. protection from fire and so on is all very well in theory but really quite unnecessary. The villagers have been letting their cattle loose in the forests and all the hills
have been on nre every year for centuries past and yet there are plenty of trees .
Trees there were before protection but of little value. The crop of young teak seedlings or coppice shoots requires protection just as any agricultural crop does. Let a
herd of cattle wander daily through a young crop of wheat or a cotton field. let a
stray buffalo or two into young sugarcane and t.he cultivator at the end of the monsoon
will find nothing but weeds of no value. It is much the same with a forest crop. If

Flo.3.- Younr SancWwoocl !.alcd by intentional6rin, 01 juna1os .




cattle get in before the young growth of teak is sufficiently developed the resulting
crop will be worthless and full of forest weeds, that is, softwood trees, thorny bushes,
creepers, mainly valueless. Forest cultivation is in many respects very similar to
field crop cultivation. The crop of tree seedlings may fail owing to ill-distributed
rainfall in one season and in the next a fine crop of seedlings may be obtained. In
any case in this Presidency a good crop cannot be obtained whether of teak, babul
or any other valuable species without much labour and attention. The ground has
to be prepared in the hot weather and the forester watches anxiously for the rain.
The work of the F oresterwhich benefits future generations is as worthy of sympathetic
consideration from the public as that of the -cultivator. The forest guard Rama is
quite a decent chap though he does wear boots and a khaki uniform. With good rains
he raises a nice crop of seedlings in his coupe. Govind who cultivates a bit of rice
and nagli near by grumbles about grazing restrictions and damage by pig but Rama is
just as keen to destroy the wild pig as Govind.
It is a bit hard on Rama when some land-owner offers him a few seers of rice if
he will allow cattle in hi~ young teak crop. His pay is not much for himself and
family and if he be tempted to fall in with the proposal he gets into trouble with the
Ranger. Plans and Sylviculture.

Working plans and Sylviculture are still in a backward condition throughout the
Presidency. The reasons for this is that the Forest Department has had a long
struggle to protect the forests from destructive hacking, from overgrazing and from
Forests that are recklessly hacked, overgrazed and burnt will yield little or
nothing and the Forest Department in this Presidency has been faced with the task
of restoring ruined forests. By careful conservation valuable forests are being
gradually built up and considerable progress has in recent years been made in
sylviculture. Rangers, Foresters and Guards show far more interest in raising a
good crop of seedlings than they did ten years ago.
The yield from an acre of forest increases under effective protection and skilled
technical management so that the ground ultimately becomes well stocked with
valuable trees. Neglect of sylviculture leaves the forest full of useless material,
trees of various species which yield no marketable timber, just as neglect of a field
in agriculture leaves the ground covered with weeds.
Sylviculture, the creation and tending of forest crops, is a subject in which the
public have taken no interest in this country.
The taxpayer merely looks to the present financial return and every one wants
to take somethinl{ out of the forests regardless of the future yield.
Though the forest crop may not be ripe for felling for 50 or 100 years hence, the
care of the crop from the seedling stage on is as necessary in forestry as in agriculture.
As in agriculture the forest crop should be managed to give the highest possible
return from the soil not only for the present but for all time.
To get the best return from the land a close study of the locality, soil, rainfall
and climate and of the growth of various species is necessary. Every acre should be
closely inspected by observant trained forest officers. As much data as is required is



collected by the Working Plans parties who are out all day for months enumerating
the trees and examining the rate of growth and so on.
Figures are tabulated and from these tables the rotation, that is, the age at which
the trees should be cut is determined.
The technical management to ensure rapid growth of the more valuable species
by cleanings, thinnings, etc., is prescribed.
The amount of money to be spent per acre on planting and cleaning must be
carefully regulated. The value of ten rupees at five per cent. compound interest fifty
years hence will be Rs. 11467, consequently the trees produced by spending Rs. 10
an acre on planting and cleaning a crop which will not mature till 50 years old must
return Rs. 11467 or more.
The statistics should not only show the increase in the volume of timber at
different ages but also the probable market value. While a teak pole of two feet ~rth
:nay not be worth more than 8 annas a c.ft. a log of six feet girth may be worth Rs. 2
a c.ft. This may be termed quality increment.
To calculate the best possible return per acre the volume increment and quality
increment for different ages must be worked out.
. The trees represent the capital and the total capital value of the forests in this
Presidency represents some crores of mpees. Decades of careful conservation has
increased the capital considerably but nearly all the forests are still undercapitalised
and care must be taken not to diminish the capital by overfelling. At the same time
underfelling would be unsound forestry and care is taken to make full legitimate use
of the forests by developing extraction of timber.
All working plans need revision from time to time to adjust them to market
requirements and to introduce improvements in their technical handling as indicated
by research work and knowledge gained by experience.
The importance of working plans can be realised when it is understood that
these plans lay down the prescriptions not only for obtaining the greatest possible
sustained return from the capital value of the forests but also for increasing by sound
sylviculture the capital stock. The best financial results possible can only be obtained
by sound scientific forestry.
It is hardly to be expected that the public should recognise the importance of
working plans when it is only too obvious to Forest officE"rs that Local Governments
never have realised their extreme importance. Recommendation to appoint a Utili.
zation officer receives ready consideration as the appointment may lead to an immedi.
ate rise in revenue but any suggestion to appoint a Sylviculturist meets with no

Forest improving wherever Fire Protection is


The struggle to check damage by fires is as yet by no means entirely successful.

!-Iowever in many localities the suppression of fires has already resulted in a marked
improvement of the growing stock. The old hollow crooked trees are replaced by
sound straight growth little of which is yet ripe for felling. Generally the teak tree
in this Presidency does not reach maturity till 60 to 120 years of age, the age of
maturity varying with soil, rainfall, etc. Provided past efforts are sustained the forests



from Sind to the southern limit of the Presidency are sure to increase in value
Improvement in the growing stock is noticeable everywhere.
In Sind the forests are improving and the regeneration of babul in felled coupes is
very good.
In the Northern Circle the Panch Mahal forests are well stocked with young
teak wherever the .soil is suitable. In the Dangs and throughout Thana there are
more straight sound teak per acre in the felled areas than stood on the ground at the
time of felling and regeneration by seedlings. is further increasing the stock. The
area exploited annually is on an 80~year rotation whereas this is certainly on the
cautious side and will probably be reduced to 60 years at .the next working plan
revision. Also there are considerable areas not exploited at present owing to want
of roads. It is obvious that the possibility is not yet worked up to in the Thana
Divisions. In the Mandvi forests (Surat) where strict protection was introduced
more than 20 years ago a mass of dense growth of young teak and khair is found
where a decade or two ago there was nothing of any value. In the Dangs fire
protection work has produced excellent results, the whole country, an extensive area,
is now covered with promising young growth of teak, khair and tiwas.

Nature's laws appear extravagant in all that pertains to regeneration. Millions
of seed produced annually in the forest develop into a few hundreds of seedlings
and a small percentage of these succeed in developing into a tree.
An acre of rice giving perhaps 1,500 to 2,000 lbs. would be resown with 72lbs. so
that the yield of seed is about 25 times the quantity required to reproduce the crop.
Similarly a fish will lay over a million ova (eggs) and perhaps all but one or two will
be devoured or destroyed by natural enemies. Again in a bee~hive the queen will
be mother of thousands of workers, females, and hundreds of males from whom one
pair is destined to reproduce the next year's swarm.
The prolific seedinl\: of trees and herbs seem a great waste of effort. On one
acre of forest there may be fifty different species of woody plants, trees, shrubs and
creepers (there are altogether over 600 woody species in the forests of this Presidency).
Besides these fifty species one finds an undergrowth of many species of herbs, grasses
(including bamboos), and perhaps over 100 different species of plants exist in a coupe,
many of these producing enough seed annually to sow up the whole area and, if all
the seed of anyone species were to germinate there would be no space for the other 99
Among the 100 species there may be only two or three trees worth growing.
What becomes of the millions of seed ~ Insects especially beetle weevils eat
many, birds and rodents are daily busy searching out the seed they prefer. Fortun~
ately teak seeds are enclosed in a very hard case nearly as hard as the shell of a cocoa~
nut. The seed is not destroyed by fire and will retain its power of germination for
two or three years and when once a teak tree is established it reproduces itself
by coppice shoots.



If man keeps cutting out the valuable timber trees, worthless softwoods will
increase in numbers and the better trees will disappear. The Forester is confronted
with the problem of helping nature artificially to increase the proportion of teak and
other valuable species to the exclusion of worthless material.
Sowing, planting, cleaning, that is, cutting back softwoods, creepers, etc.,
which grow over and continually threaten to crowd out the teak costs money and as
the crop may not mature for many years expenditure must be kept down to a minimum or the finance of the forest will suffer. Thinnings and improvement fellings
may give an immediate return but the earlier sylvicultural operations are capital
expenditure on the forest and in their execution experience and judgment are needed.
Herein lies the art of successful forestry based upon years of close observation and
study. Different localities require special treatment.
The crop of seed varies from year to year and occasionally the very tree which is
to be cultivated fails to produce any seed. A heavy seeding often follows unfavourable climatic conditions or dama~e to a tree suddenly checking its normal growth.
The Bhils hack round the trunk of the Mowhra tree to make it produce more flowers
from which they distil liquor. This response to stimulus is nature's insurance policy
for the continuity of the species if the tree dies.
A severe winter or a severe drought is often followed by profuse seeding
of trees.
Sowing and Planting.
In Sind on the rich alluvial soil along the banks of the Indus regeneration by
sowing is a simple work.
In the majority of the teak forests from the Panch Mahals to the border of
Kanara the teak crop is raised from coppice supplemented by sowings in patches.
About 20 patches or more per acre are required to obtain a good stock of seedlings.
Though the teak has wonderful coppicing vitality it is necessary to renew the
stock gradually with seedling plants.
Natural seedlings of teak and other species appear after a few years' closure to
cattle and fire. The establishment of the. natural teak seedling is however a slow
process and frequently other less valuable and faster growing trees fill up the area to
the exclusion or suppression of the teak. A stunted, branchy ill-grown teak is
not wanted and to obtain good straight clean material nature must be given artificial
3ssistance. The process is as follows :Immediately after felling an area and removal of the timber all inflammable
material, branches, leaves and so on, is collected and closely stacked in heaps. These
stacks are fairly evenly distributed throughout the coupe. They must be well
stacked to obtain a thorough burning. The fire not only produces plenty of ash
manure but also kills off weeds right down to the roots. These patches, temporarily
~terilized as regards weed growth, are sown with teak seed which has been soaked
and steamed by the sun in heaps to hasten germination. The seed should be sown in
May and by the end of the monsoon each patch should contain a dozen or two strong
seedlings.. In th~ cold weather the soil is worked up round the seedlings to protect
them agamst dryIng up.
Many lakhs of teak seedlings are raised in this manner every year.




4.-A dearing planted up with Teak in Kanera.

"If the burning of the patches is thorough little or no weeding is necessary

during the first year but the two-year old plantS require 'attention or they may be
smothered by weeds and creepers. By the time the crop is five or six years old
weeding and cleaning is probably needed. Rank growth of useless species interfering
with the teak and other valuable species must be cut back.
Planting is expensive but years of experience show that it is necessary in the
Kanara forests where teak is mixed with several less valuable trees and where quick
growing valueless species and bamboos constantly threaten to overwhelm the naturally
prOduced teak seedling. It is the only method which has prOduced crops of teak
worth many times the value of the original natural stand of timber. Without
planting continual felling of teak would in time result in a serious reduction of the
supply, natural regeneration being insufficient. In Burma the difficulty is toa certain
extent surmounted by the taungya system, a shifting cultivation under which the
rice crops are grown together with teak, the teak coming up immediately after the
rice is harvested.
In an oak forest in Europe natural seedlings are obtained by gradua\!y thinning
out the mature trees, so opening the ground little by little to the sun. The process
however usually requires a period of 30 years before the area is sufficiently stocked
with seedlings to warrant the final felling of the mother trees. A similar system
cannot he adopted in the teak forests as there are so many other trees in competition
with the teak which in the best forests rarely forms more than ; per cent. to to
per cent. of the growing stock. Most of the forests too are full of bamboos




The large thorny bamboo cannot be cut

back except at a prohibitive expenditure.
It sends up a few new culms every rains
and these grow at the rate of a foot or
more in a day in favourable weather. A
shoot just budding at ground level about
the end of June mar be 60 feet or more in
height by the end 0 September. The big
bamboo seeds once only and then dies.
It lives about 50 years and when the
seeding period arrives all the clumps seed
over vast areas. A seeding was recorded
in 1864 and the last seeding was in
1913-14. It spread right through the
Presidency with the rapidity of a virulent
influenza epidemic. While it was seeding
in Kanara it was seeding in Thana, Surat
Dangs, etc.
At the end of the first rains after seeding
the forest is carpeted with a dense mass of
seedlings much resembling a crop of grass.
It is difficult to deal with a weed which
grows so rapidly and only flowers once in
50 years seeding so prolifically over very
extensive areas. The cause of this gregarious seeding at 50-year intervals remains
an unsolved mystery. Fortunately this
particular species of bamboo gives way in
some localities to other species which'seed
and die off in small patches at more frequent intervals giving the Forester an
FIC. 5.-View of four-year old plants in
opportunity to get teak seedlings estabKanara plantations.
lished in groups.
The process adopted is to select an area comparatively free of the large bamboo
and covered with timber ripe for felling. The valuable timber is taken out and what
remains is cut over and left to dry. In the hot weather the area is burnt and the ash
provides a manure for the plants put in as soon as the rains have set in.
Photograph No. 4 shows a clearing planted up and photographs Nos. 5 and 6 give
a near view of the 3 and 4-year old plants.
The process entails much labour and it is essential to get in the teak seedlings
as soon as the rains have set in after the burning. Delay or failure to plant at the right
time lets in weeds and the growth of weeds on areas cleared and burnt in Kanara is
luxuriant. Any attempt to plant after the weeds have got in generally results in a
poor crop which on maturity would hardly cover the cost of the work calculated at



4 per cent. compound interest. . Though intermediate thinnings will produce revenue
the final crop may be 100 years old before it is ready for felling.
Where the growth is rapid as in the babul forests in Sind and in Kanara forests
thinning becomes necessary about the seventh year.
In other forests the ' first thinning' may be at the age of 15 and perhaps again
at the age of 25 or 30 years.
Clumps of teak coppice, where often four or five shoots develop from one
sturn, require thinning as well as the seedling trees.
The early thinnings produce no material of much value but most of it is useful
to the villagers. The second and later thinnings bring in revenue but they must be
carried out solely for the benefit of the remaining growth. Too heavy a thinning

FIG. 6.-View of three-year old plants ",oming into leaf.

will spoil a promising crop and revenue from thinnings is a matter of secondary
importance. The whole object of the thinning is to give the best grown stems of
valuable species room for development.
Improvement Fellings.
In all the naturally.grown woods there are many trees which give timber of no
value interfering with the valuable kinds. The object of improvement fellings is to
remove the inferior species lind to clear overhead shade suppressing younger valuable
Very branchy trees with large spreading crowns and unsound crooked trees are
cut out so that well shaped teak and other valuable species may develop into
marketable dimensions
rapidly as possible.


Large trees of
inferior species are
either felled or
girdled to death.
F req uen tl y the
crowns of promising
teak poles may be
freed from overhead
cover by loppin g
branches of inferior
MarkinB forimprovement fell i n g s
requires car e and
discriminat i n g i ntelligence. The leaf
canopy of the fo(est
must be preserved
as far as possible.
Skilled woodcrah
in this work will
increase the val u e
of the timber in the
final felling considerably while a
man who is unobservant and a bad
sylvicu It uri s t may
do more harm than
Well conducted
improvement fellings
increase the annual
FIG. 7 .-Natural Forest with the Teak. the treea with the big leavea.
increment of marketmuch overtopped and suppressed by less valuable specie.
able timber on the
_ground and trees instead of taking say 100 years to reach the dimensions required by the market. say.
6 feet girth. may attain that size in 80 years.
Photographs Nos. 7 and 8 show an area before and aher an improvement
felling. In the first picture the forest is a tangled mass and the straight young teak
have no space for development. whereas the area aher making the improvement
felling is well stocked with good species straight and sound and with space for
rapid development.

The object of these

sylvicultural 0 p erations is to obtain the
greatest pos$ible return in timber in the
shortest poss i b I e
tim e. The natural
growth, the soil and
the cI im ate need
careful scientific
study. The Forester
has to determine the
expectation value of
the area, that is, he
has to find out what
ret urn is possible.
The assessment 0 f
agricultural lands is
a comparatively
simple matter as
only a few months
are required to raise
and harvest the crop
whereas in Forestry
fifty to one hundred
years may be required to raise a
crop ripe tor the
IT\&JI(et and mistakes
at the beJinnill3 of
the period must be
reckoned at compo u n d interest for
very Ion If periods.
The utmost economy flc. B.-The same Forest u in rig. 7 .fter improvement fcUm,
is necessary in sowfreeins the Tw, which can now devdop into fine timber.
ing and planting and
lack of scientific Imowledge and practical experience make a serious difference in
forest finance. A rupee at five per cent. compound interest amounts to Rs. t31t
in one hundred years.

Ld NO/UTe be your Teaclau:

It may readily be understood that operations such as sowing, planting, thinning
and improvement fellings may make or mar the financial return from any forest.
The Forester must be a close observer of nature and must be endowed with physical



energy and activity to enable him to go through and through his forests day after day.
Constant close observation of what nature is doing enables him to decide correctly
upon the extent and nature of artificial help that must be given to get the best return.
Assume for instance that the market value of a natural forest is Rs. 1,500 an acre and
that 100 years is required to produce this forest. Good management and correct
treatment may easily quadruple the capital value. This is an obvious and indisputable fact to anyone who has made a study of the subject and has compared private
woods, where skilled Forestry has not been practised, with woods which have been
under skilled treatment for say a century. No amount of lecturing in the class room
can make a genuine Forester and Forestry has not been practised long enough in
this country to demonstrate fully the results of sound treatment. For this reason
men under training tour in F ranee and Germany where woodcraft during past
centuries has produced really fine forests and where the financial results of scientific
treatment are on record. The Black Forests in Germany have been worked for
production of timber for 700 years and they now produce more timber annually
than previously. Compare this with the American forests, millions of acres of which
have been cut over and destroyed under commercial management. The companies'
sole object was to work out all the valuable timber in the quickest possible time and
then move on to the next area. All the capital provided by nature is robbed and
forests which under sound treatment would have given a fine revenue to the State
for all time are rendered barren wastes; forests whose capital value was reckoned
in millions of dollars are now not worth five per cent. of their original value.
The man who is endowed with a natural aptitude for Forestry is a great asset
to the Department and to the country. His work may be worth a lakh of rupees a
year to the tax-payer while the man who enters the service without any natural
aptitude and is unable to develop the qualities needed is a mere obstruction and loss
to the country. Every precaution should be taken by Government to enlist the right
material and the best possible training should be given in countries where sound
Forestry has been practised for generations past.
The accompanying illustrations show the present methods of timber and fuel
extraction. Elephants are remarkably clever with logs and it is always interesting to
watch them dragging logs down the rocky bed of a nullah with the help of a fibre
rope (bast) which they pick up with the trunk and place in their mouth between their
huge Molars. Their movements are slow but with their weight of 3 tons or more
the log moves and is deftly guided to avoid rocks and other obstacles. They dam the
river shallows and guide the logs cleverly through a small opening in the dam. Figs.
9 and 10 illustrate them at work. Most of the elephant work is alon~ the Kalinadi
River which flows through a deep valley. In some places logs are dragged to the
edge of the precipitous slopes to the top of a straight trench down which the logs go
rumbling louder and louder as their speed accelerates until they dive into a pool and
the valley echoes with a noise resembling field guns in the far distance. As the
elephant brings the log to the very edge of the precipitous slope just balancing it at
the top of the trench he turns about and walking to the other end of the log gives it a



FIG. 9.--<:Ol1ltructing dam for 80ating tUnhcr with help of elephants in the Kane.ri River.

6nalkick which starts it on its headlon, journey of some 2.500 feet before it reaches
the river below. While watching the floating operations from a lofty rock logs each
containing one to two tons of timber accumUlated in the pool below look no bigger
than matches and the elephants attending the Boating operations appear to be little
bigger than rats. Unfortunately elephants are expensive in Kanan. There is not
muCh natural good food in the forests and besides collection of fodder by a.ttendants
.. cook is bus)' boiling large quantities of paddy for the Hatti's midday meal. The
owner of a well trained logging elephant expects Rs. 20 a day for its hire and a powerful
male who works well is worth Rs. 7.soo. It is obvious that the use of elephants in the
forests is limited to areas where buffaloes cannot work and to timber of considerable
value. An elephant while working requires several atte.ndants, two mahouts and coolies
for collecting fodder of which he consumes large quantities. In the natural statc he
keds most of the day and most of the night, only sleeping 2 or 3 hours out of the 24.
Mahouts are bro~ht from Malabar and the contractOR working with elephants at
times have trouble with these men who know they cannot be readily displaced.
On one occasion in the absence of .. contractor all the mahouts went on strike
demanding higher pay, the contractor sent .. message refusing any rise in wages.
The mahouts let the elephants loose, One elephant went into .. sUparl garden and



commenced demolishing the supari trees. plantains. etc. The~ardeners soon fetched
a mahout and told him to chain the elephant up to a tree. The mahouts who were
still on strike left the poor beast to starve to death. Such cruel treatment of one of
these splendid animals sounds incredible and this disaster is recorded as a warning
to contractors never to leave their elephants without making sure some responsible


IO.-Elephants passing logs through the dam on the Kalinadi River.

persons are watching them. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the professional
mahout is devoted to his charge and sickness among the establishment was probably
more or less the cause of the disaster.
Exploitation in Kanara.
From 1884 to 1888 the revenue in the Southern Circle d~rived almost entirely
from the Kanara and Belgaum forests was equal to that of the rest of the Presidency
including Sind. All the logging work was carried out by Waddars. a fine sturdy
hardy people. who in other parts of the Presidency are well known as the best labourers
available tor stone quarrying and heavy earth works. With the CDnstruction of the
Southern Mahratta Railway and development of Hubli as an industrial centre these
Kanara Waddars who lived mainly along the Kanara-Dharwar borders deserted



eir hamlets and moved into the open


country. It has proved difficult to obtain

ufficient logging carts and axemen since, but timber contractors managed to bring in
ufficient carts and woodmen until the rise of wages towards the end of the war and
e severe outbreak of influenza in 1918. This outbreak was disastrous in the above
at areas of Haliyal, Supa, Yellapur and Mundgod and it spread with extraordinary
r pidity in spite of the sparse population scattered in small villages and. hamlets often
s e miles apart. Many of the best workmen were carried off by this scourge in the
prlple of life. This thinly populated country has never recovered and many villages
ha~e remained unoccupied ever since the outbreak. Acres and acres of good well~
watered rice lands still remain as grassy wastes, a depressing sight to those who have
seen year after year fine crops of rice and sugarcane occupying these same wastes.
Some of the Kanara logging contractors, who in most cases owned some of these
lands have never recovered and though most of them have struggled on with their forest
work scarcely any have been able to command sufficient labour and capital to carry out
more than a fraction of the work undertaken. This has prevented any development in
forest exploitation during subsequent years in Kanara, what is worse it has resulted in
the contractors falling into debt and in some instances to their inability to work off.
advances made to them for logging work. The Divisional Forest Officers have found
it difficult to carry out the usual logging operations and depots are rapidly becoming
depleted of stock for the annual sales. In recent years little more than 25 per cent. of
the c@antity of timber which should be exploited has been delivered at the depots.
To remedy matters a special exploitation staff of Forest officials has recently
been sanctioned by Government and the Engineering branch is preparing to assist
in the logging work. Special hauling machinery has been purchased from America
and it is interesting to see in the' Indian Forester' for December 1923 an account
of successful logging operations at Sukna in the Kurseong Division of Bengal where
mechanical methods of extraction on American lines was successfully carried out last
season by the Forest Engineer and Divisional Forest Officer.
Labour saving methods are badly required in Kanara without which the quantity
of timber exploited must remain far short of the possible yield of the forests.
An American winch worked by a Fordson tractor engine promises to be useful
for hauling logs out of difficult places.
It is encouraging to learn that in Bengal mechanical methods have proved
financially successful. Sal torests which gave a return of Rs. 750 per acre worked
by the bullock cart now give a return of Rs. 1,280 per acre using a steam skidder.
With the rise in wages labourers are more independent, more difficult to secure
and work for shorter hours than formerly. The logging work is not so well done.
The standard of living is perhaps a little higher and where the Forest Department
set up a sawmill shops may be found with a considerable variety of articles. During
the heavy monsoon little work can be done in the forests and in the fair season the
demand for carts and woodcutters is generally far in excess of the supply. In Kanara
the lack of labour is a permanent obstacle to progress. Here the population is
sparse and in the adjoining districts, Belgaum and Dharwar, the cultivators are better
off than formerly and can afford to enjoy an easy time after the harvesting. From
Goa too less labour is available than formerly.



Cartmen who do come on hire are mainly from the poorer hilly areas where
cotton and jawari are not grown and the lands cultivated yield chiefly nagli and
sawa (wari) crops that give a poor return quite insufficient for the maintenance of the
ryot and his family.

With the completion of survey of several roads and the construction of important
bridges the Engineering staff is now able to devote more attention to sawmills and
logging engineering.
The main object of setting up sawmills in the forests is the prevention of waste
.of timber in the fellings. Practically every mature teak tree has at some time in
its life of perhaps 100 or 150 years suffered damage by fire and the butt ends and tops
could not be placed on the market without conversion in the forest. Transport charges
of material worth in the sale depot perhaps only Rs. 40 a ton would often leave no
profit but when converted in the forest sawmills perhaps 50 per cent. of the material
is worth transporting a long distance.
Small transportable sawmills help materially in making the best of the timber
felled. Sound logs are usually taken to the railways and sea-ports for sale in the log.
Seven Government sawmills are working in the forests. four in Kanara. two
in the Surat Dangs and one in Peint (Nasik). The main product from the mills
is railway sleepers for which there is of course a constant demand. The mill hands
are recruited locally and considerable difficulty is found in maintaining the full staff.
Trained benchmen fall sick and leave; fresh men have to be trained. Progress
under such conditions is difficult. Saw sharpening. tempering and tensioning is
another obstacle as good sawing is impossible unless the saws are kept in order and
failing proper treatment expenditure on saws becomes very heavy. Since a Saw
Doctor (why isn't he called a Saw Dentist) from England has been employed. the
condition of the saws and the sawing is much improved. Even Bhils have been
trained in the art of saw sharpening. From time to time private persons have started
sawmills in the forest but usually without success and the outturn of these private
mills compares unfavourably with the Forest Department mills. though the plant
laid down is in no way inferior. The contractor's sawmill at Waghai in the Surat
Dangs has been better equipped than the Government mills; the outturn however
is inferior.
It is hoped that all these Government sawmills will in the near future be taken
over and run by private agencies who will undertake the felling and collection of
material to feed the mills. With good management there is money in the business
and the Forest Department should merely be the pioneers in it, It may be asked
if the Forest Department has for years been running sawmills in the forests and there
is good money in it, why has private enterprise not stepped in long ago. The answer
to this is that the men who have attempted the business do not live in the forests but
try to manage the mill from the nearest town perhaps 40 miles distant. This is
another instance of the innate dislike of the educated Indian to real forest life. Wild
nature so attractive to educated people in many countries has no attractions to young
men in this country but rather the reverse.



Forest Engineering.
The Forest Engineering Branch is in its .infancy. Development of much of the
finest forests is dependent on the efforts of the Forest Engineer. As yet the time
of the staff has been fully occupied with road construction, often in difficult hi!ll'
country where mountain torrents are to be crossed and the roadway has to be hewn
out of solid rock along the precipitous hill sides. The rainfall in these hills is often very
heavy and at times it amounts to 10 to 15 inches a day for two or three days in succession and occasionally 100 inches fall in one month. Road construction under such
conditions needs experienced Engineers or \:>ridges constructed will be constantly
carried away and landslips will render the roads impassable. So far the works carried
out under the advice of the Engineering Branch have proved eminently successful.
Houses for the Forest staff are now built of solid lasting material and are of good
workmanship considering the difficulty of obtaining artisans in the wild remote areas.
The construction of most of these works is carried out by the Divisional Forest
Officer and his staff with surveys, plans and estimates provided by the Forest
Among the roads recently opened to timber traffic the Subir road in the Surat
Dangs leading to Nawapur Station is a heavy bit of work carried out mainly with the
help of Bhillabour requiring close supervision, patience and tact on the part of the
supervising officers.
This road which leads to Nawapur Station on the Tapti Valley Railway enhances
the value of the Dang timber enormously and the money spent on the road will be
more than covered within two or three years of its construction. Where roads have
been opened in this rugged Dang country teak has been sold for over Rs. 100 a ton
standing in the forests while not many years ago contractors would not pay more than
Re. 1 a tree and even in Nawapur taluka contractors years ago paid only 4 annas a
tree for conversion into railway sleepers which they sold to the Railway at
&.4 each, Government getting about 1 per cent. of what the trees would be
worth now.

Sind Forests .
.The area of forests in Sind is 1,119 4 square miles and the chief species are babul,
lye (Tamarix), kandi (Prosopis), bahan (the Poplar) and tali or shisham. Areas
which are inundated by the river annually are generally under lye and babul and
the Forest Department are gradually extending the area under babul.
Extensive areas in Upper Sind get little or no rain and no inundation, and kandi
is practically the only tree that survives.
Cultivation of the babul commenced about 1858. The seedlings suffer much
from frost but with careful cultivation dense crops are raised. There is not much
demand for babul timber; the market for fuel and charcoal however is constant and
the forests are fully worked.
The timber is used in local buildings, for country carts, agricultural implements
and a small quantity is taken forthe Gun Carriage Factory at Jubbalpore. The fuel
and charcoal which is of good quality is exported to the Persian Gulf and considerable
quantities go to Cutch, Kathiawar, Quetta and the Punjab.


II and 12.-Methods of transport in Sind.

The babul forests are worked on a 30-year rotation. The bark is used for dyeing
and tanning, the pods and seed are a valuable cattle food, the leaves also are eater.
by cattle. The gum serves various purposes and the root bark is used in the preparation of country spirit. The babul is the host plant of the lac insect. It is in fact
a tree of considerable economic importance.
Wherever fellings are in progress the sound of the axe is the signal for goats to
collect for browsing the leaves from the felled trees. Cattle and camels also browse
on the green leaves and a felled tree is soon stripped of all its leaves.
A babul 1elling entails much labour. Axemen, sawyers, charcoal burners,
cartmen, camelmen, donkey boys are busy all over the coupe and boats are employed
in carrying the material across the Indus. A contractor paying Rs. 1,000 for a coupe
must spend more than Rs. 3,000 on labour. Every available source is tapped and



it is a surprise to hear people t.Jking Kanarese, imported all the way from South
Kanara District. Figures II and 12 show the means of transport, camels doing
most of the work. even children ply their donkeys.
Nothing remains in a coupe but small branches which are heaped up and burnt.
Occasionally the area is given out for cultivation of field crops for one year and the
.babul is sown as soon as the crop is harvested. Figure 13 is an area cleared and ready
for sowing. in the background is a two-year old plantation. A dense thorn fence round
the coupe protects the young seedlings from damage by cattle and goats. Only a short
period of closure, two or three years, is necessary so far as homed cattle and goats ar~
concerned, but camelmen and their beasts must be excluded for longer periods.
The sowing is done in May just before the floods and the seed may remain under
water a fortnight to six weeks.
Fi~re 14 shows a portion of a coupe in which the seed has failed to produce any
crop WIth a 17-year old plantation in the background. In such J?laces the ground is
lightly ploughed in strips after the floods have receded and the drills are sown with
babul. The small seedlin~ in the drills show only an inch or two above ground in
February and escape damage from frosts .. Figure 15 shows a babul plantation, 20 feet in height. 21 years old. partly cleaned.
This cleaning gives the young growth space to develop rapidly so that at 7 years of
age the trees are about 26 feet in height and a thinning yields 225 c. ft. of fuel an
acre giving a net return of Rs. 7 to Rs. 8.



FIC.14.-Area drilled for sowing Babul seed. Seventeen-year old Babul Forest .in

The second thinning is carried out at ten years and yields 250 to 300 c. ft . net
value about 12 rupees per acre. Further thinnings at the age of 15. 20. and 25
years give about 15 to 20 rupees an acre. net royalty. and the final felling at 30 years
yields 160 rupees an acre.
The net annual return from the babul forests of Karachi and Hyderabad Divisions
including minor produce. pods. seeds. lac. etc . averages about Rs. 8-4-0 an acre.
The lye forests at Sukkur are cut over at about 15 years of age and poplar which
coppice freely and grows very fast could be cut over at 7 or 8 years of age for rafters
and for matches. Young poplar appears to be a more promising wood for a match
factory than any found in the Presidency proper. There is a local industry at Khanote
and Halla where cots and other articles are made from bahan and are lacquered.
The cotton mills in Larkana and other parts of Sind use babul and lye fuel.
SatpuTas in East arul West Khandesh Divisions.
The Khandesh forests cover a large area of the Satpura hills. In East Khandesh
about 400 square miles form one solid block in the Satpuras and in West Khandesh
873 square miles.

In both districts the forests were until recently given up more or less to the Bhih..
Not until 1911 was the privilege of bringing down cartloads of wood for sale stopped.
The T advi Bhils in East Khandesh cleared most of the valuable material and in West
Khandesh where there are a very large number of Bhils the forests were also pretty
well exhausted. With the advent of the G . I. P. Railway in the sixties there arose
a demand for timber and .Railway contractors were allowed to get the wood. mainly
for railway sleepers. free from the Satpuras. Special privileges were allowed the
Bhils to keep these turbulent people quiet. Their means of livelihood was the supply
of timber and firewood to the inhabitants in the Tapti Valley plain. If deprived of
this. robbery was their only means of support and they were only too ready to resort
to it. Gradually the inhabitants in the hills in East Khandesh found work in the
plain and in West Khandesh also where cultivation is extending many now work in
the fields. cotton presses. etc. The forests at last have some rest and are in West
Khandesh rapidly recovering. The Nawapur and T aloda forests are beginning to
attract the attention of Gujarat timber merchants. Owing to constant fires which
rage over the hills when the hot dry winds are blowing the recovery of the East
Khandesh area is checked and the yield of useful timber is extremely small.

Flc. 15.- Two and half year old Babul showing portion cleaned and portion to be cleaned

Forest D~lopmmt in
the Surat Danas.

FIG. 16.-Lime muonry culvert wilh T~." timMr top in tb~

Surat Danga. Spana 14 ft .. c1~ar h~.dw.y 8 ft . road
width 16 ft. CoSI RI. 1.700.

The Dangs forests are

not State forests but are
leased to Government
under a treaty with the
Dang Chiefs made in
1844. by virtue of which
Government own the
right to the forest
produce. This area of
660 square miles of
rugged mounta.m and
valley is situated between
the South Gujarat plain
and the crest of the
Western Ghat.'1 in Nasik
and Khandesh. Inacces~
,ibility and the malarial
climate have been the

FIe. 17.-R~tllininl wall 3n the Subir-Nawapur Road (Sural Dan,-). Conatrud~ with Bhil
labour. unst!> 103 ft . Micht 174ft.. and top width of wall2i fJ. Co.t R.. 1.121.


chief obstacles to the development of the forest industry, but from about 1820 to near
the end of the century was carried on an almost continuous extraction for the Navy
of the fine large tealc for which this tract was famous and the high value of which

compensated for the great expense and difficulty of its removal. All the time that
the forests were being depleted of their picked timber with no measures for its
reproduction. they were also bein$ burned over annually" by the BhiI aborigines who
practised the destructive syst.em ot cultivation Icnown as Kumri. i.e., cutting down and
burning the junglo and sowing their crops in the ashes, by which practice the older
trees even it not hacked over were scorched and hollowed out by the Sre. It will
not then be wondered at that the later decades_of last century which saw the introduction of systematic conservancy found the forests more or less a wreck, from which
they are now steadily recovering.
The following extracts from old forest administration reports of 1860-70 may
be of interest as shewing the difficulties of the country :. .. The Dangs are little known, the deadly effect the climate has on the
European constitution deters anyone resorting to it except on duty. At the
end of February it is. tolerably aafe from fever and continues so till the end of

lB.-Road c:onstruckd .Jonl precipitou. roclcy hill side. The entire width of the road
i. carried on a stone c:on.t.TUclioD lenatJ> 110 ft., heiaht 12~ ft.. Cost Ro. 711.

FIG. 19.-Karanjara sawmill in North Dangs cutting up waste material Jeh by

contractors in their coupes.

April when the rivers dry UJ> and water becomes scarce; Cholera then prevails.
In all other seasons the climate is deadly to Europeans. The features of the
country consist of a succession of hill and dale covered with forests . The
Dangs.climate has so shattered Mr. Muller's constitution that he will not return
to this country for active duty ...
.. The difficulties attending the survey cannot be denied. Besides the
impenetrable nature of the country there was a total absence of labour so that
the efforts of the Forest officers and the Dang Diwan failed to produce a single
Bheel. Mr. Dalzell had, therefore. to engage men from the Surat Collectorate
and as soon as they saw the country they threatened to return if not paid at the
_ rate of annas 5 per diem. In addition to this the unhealthiness of the place was
a serious obstacle to progress. Mr. Dalzell's men were breaking down rapidly
and he had to beat a retreat. his field season having lasted only 21 months...
It may be asked, what has happened to make the Dangs less inaccessible and the
climate less deadly? How is it that a considerable staff of officials manages to live
there the whole year round in reasonable health. and how is it that these partially
ruined forests produce a revenue of about four times what they did when they
contained much bigger timber jI



The answer is that it is the Forest Department which has worked such changes
and improvements as have come about.
The climate is probably as malarious as ever. But whereas in the time of Dalzell
there were no buildings and the staff was exposed to all the rigours of alternating
heat and cold, drou1!ht and damp, there are now well on for a hundred pucca build~
ings, including a Government dispensary.
The Forest .Department has also constructed over two hundred miles of
fair~weather roads and a number of bridges and causeways, all of which besides
making it possible to extract timber of moderate quality at a profit, have helped to
make the country less cut off from outside communication and supplies. The
addition to {lay of a small local allowance has also helped to reconcile the Forest and
other officials to . -the want of the amenities of more civilised life, but for all these
things the fact remains that service in the Dangs is notoriously unyopular aI:ld if
Government wish to make the most of the great revenue possibilities 0 the tract they
oUl!.ht to increase these allowances so that they really will compensate for the
undoubted hardships of t~e life.

FIG. 2O.-Devipara Bridge S. Dangs. The Local Forest Officer in 1916 enticed a Railway
E,!gineer to the spot by inviting him to come and shoot a panther. The latter got
hIS panther and the Forest Dept. obtained the Engineer's advice free of charge,
so panthers are useful at times.



21.-Government Sawmill at Chikhalda. South Dangs. ulili~ing waste material from

logging operations.
Chikhalda is in the midst of very hilly country and all the machinery had to be transported
under considerable difficulties along rough tracks through many miles of rody
hills and over nallas.


In spite of the condition to which unsystematic working and the destructive

habits of the Bhils had reduced the forests. these are still of great commercial
value and are rapidly taking their place among the richest teak forests of India. They
still contain great quantities of old and middle-aged teak which though partially
unsound yield good marketable timber much prized in the coast towns of Gujarat.
Effective protection for over 30 years has also resulted in the natural growth of a
magnificent crop of teak seedlings and poles which will in the course of the next
50 years produce a growing stock of immense value. if only tunds are provided for
its proper treatment now: that consists in removing the inferiot species and damaged
trees retarding its development.
An enormous lot of work has still to be done before the forest resources of the
Dangs can be worked to their full capacity. It is obvious that the sooner the present
old and damagt'd stock of timber is removed and marketed the quicker the money
returns will be realised by the State to the benefit of the tax-payer. and the sooner the
promising young growth will develop into marketable timber in its place. But the
only way to effect the above is to improve and extend the system of roads and buildings



and devise mechanical means for quick and- economical transport of the timber:1
moreover as so many of the trees are unsound they will not repay their haulage over
long distances in their present form; they must be cut up near the spot in sawmills
so that only the net sound produce (in the form of standard sizes, boards, planks,
sleepers, etc.) will have to bear the transport cost.
Considerable progress has been made already as the photographs here reproduced
will shew. Nos.-16 to 18 are of various works erected duri!!J the construction of a
road from Subir in North Dangs out to Navapur on the Tapti Valley Railway.
This road which is about 11 miles long passes through what was formerly
considered absolutely impossible country but the difficulties were solved with the
help of the Forest Engineer. Some idea of them may be gauged from the fact that
ittook a party of two Forest Officers and two Forest Engineers an hour to force their
way on foot through the mass of rocks and debris and tangled jungles which now form
one mile of the finished road illustrated in photographs Nos. 17 and 18. The road
has cost about Rs. 60,000 without metalling. The result is that timber can now be
conveyed over 20 miles of easy gradient to the railway which formerly had to find its
way out through Baroda territory 32 miles. There is a sawmill of which the material
is removed by it, shewn in Fig. No. 19. It is estimated that this road will eventually
save Government Rs. 14,000 a year in reduced cart freight not to mention saving in


23.-Departmental fellings in North Dangs-Bhils preparing logs.

time and a greater output of timber. The bridge shewn in Fig. No. 20 was constructed
in 1915.16 before the rates for labour and all kinds of material had increased. It has
helped to render possible motor traffic far into the heart of the South Dangs where
ten years ago it was impossible to takea loaded cart. This road is 30 miles in length
and when completed will establish communication ri~ht from the Nasik boundary
through the Dangs to Jharya where an extension of the Baroda Light Railway will
connect it with the main line at Billimora. Already material from two sawmills i.
worked out along this road which will eventually transport several thousand tons of
timber annually.
Nos. 21 and 22 shew a sawmill lately erected 14 miles from Jharya along the, above
road. at Chikhalda. Two years ago this busy site was a lonely maidan. It now hums
to the tune of four saw benches to which a fifth will shortly be added. The whole
plant cost about Rs. 50.000. It is now cutting teak pillars for railway waggons.
metre-gauge sleepers. and scantlings. boards and battens for the Gujarat market.
Photograph 20 gives a good idea of the interior of a Dang forest. A" clear
felling" is in process. These fellings are a new and economical method whereby
everything on the ground is cut over excepting promising saplings and groups of
young teak poles which will form a portion of the next crop. The people engaged
on these feUings are now principally Dangis-Bhils and Kokanis. Twenty years



ago not a single Dangi took part in such work. They have been gradually trained to
it by the patient efforts of the forest officials hel{led to a great extent by the industry
and enterprise of a forest contractor Mr. Ardeshir Kolabhai of Bulsar. Needless to
say their condition has improved beyond knowing by participation in forest work,
for they are also employed on roads and buildings, fire lines and other things.
Roughly two lakhs rupees of wages are earned by the Dangis in a year.

The Bhil.
Is he the most miserable or the happiest man in India ~
He may be depicted as ill-clad, underfed, ignorant, hopelessly addicted to
excessive drinking, living in wretched little huts not fit to kennel a dog, eking out a
precarious existence by laboriously scratching up little patches of rocky land dotted
about in the midst of wild rugged hills where every human being suffers much from
malaria, his water supply is a contaminated pool in the bed of a nalla and often he has
to scratch up the gravel ~o get a pittance of water in the hot weather, in years of
scarcity he wanders through the forests living on wild fruits, tubers, rats, squirrels
Imd so on. In fact his life may be regarded as the limit of human misery.

flc. 24.-Dangi families on road coDstruction.




23.-Departmental fellings in North Dangs-Bhil. preparing logs.

time and a greater output of timber. The bridge shewn in Fig. No. 20 was constructed
in 1915~16 before the rates for labour and all kinds of material had increased. It has
helped to render possible motor traffic far into the heart of the South Dangs where
ten years ago it was impossible to takea loaded cart. This road is 30 miles in length
and when completed will establish communication right from the Nasik boundary
through the Dangs to Jharya where an extension of the Baroda Light Railway will
connect it with the main line at Billimora. Already material from two sawmills i.
worked out along this road which will eventually transport several thousand tons of
timber annually.
Nos. 21 and 22 shew a sawmill lately erected 14 miles from Jharya along the, above
road, at Chikhalda. Two years ago this busy site was a lonely maidan. It now hum.
to the tune of four saw benches to which a fifth will shortly be added. The whole
plant cost about Rs. 50,000. It is now cutting teak pillars for railway waggons,
metre-gauge sleepers, and scantlings, boards and battens for the Gujarat market.
Photograph 20 gives a good idea of the interior of a Dang forest. A" dear
felling" is in process. These fellings are a new and economical method whereby
everything on the ground is cut over excepting promising saplings and group. of
young teak J.loles which will form a portion of the next crop. The people engaged
on these feUings are now principally Dangis-Bhils and Kobnis. Twenty year.



ago not a single Dangi took part in such work. They have been gradually trained to
it by the patient efforts of the forest officials helped to -a great extent by the industry
and enterprise of a forest contractor Mr. Ardeshir Kolabhai of Bulsar. Needless to
say their condition has improved beyond knowing by participation in forest work,
for they are also employed on roads and buildings, fire lines and other things.
Roughly two lakhs rupees of wages are earned by the Dangis in a year.

The Bhil.
Is he the most miserable or the happi~t man in India ~
He may be depicted as ill~clad, underfed, ignorant, hopelessly addicted to
excessive drinking, livin~ in wretched little huts not fit to kennel a dog, e\cing out a
precar!ous exist~nce by ~aboriously ~ratching up little patchel!. of rocky land dotted
-about m the midst of Wild rugged hills where every human bemg suffers much from
-malaria, his water supply is a contaminated pool in the bed of a nalla and often he has
to scratch up the gravd to get a pittance of water in the hot weather, in years of
scarcity he wanders through the forests living on wild fruits, tubers, rats, squirrels
and so on. In fact his life may be regarded as the limit of human misery.

Flc. 24.-0angi ~aies on road construction.

Flc. 25.-The Rajah of Pimpri (on the right) with hi, Bhils dancing during Divali festival.

As a matter of fact he is a happier man than the average cultivator in this country
or in any other country. He never allows himself to become a slave to his work
and he enjoys a good proportion of his days in contented indolence. He is cheery
and laughs lustily at any little incident that tickles his fancy. He enjoys his hunting
and fishing, will dance with great gusto for many hours on end and thoroughly
enjoys his drink. Even when exerting himself in removing large boulders for making
a timber track along the hill side the Bhil shouts with laughter as he sends a big boulder
bounding down the hill side crashing through the undergrowth.
In spite of his low standard of living he can and does enjoy life. Figs. 24 and 25
show the Bhils at work and at play.
Dutiel 0/ t~ FOTelt Officer.
What do you do in the forests ~ Co about shooting ligen?' The work of the
Forest Officer is away in unfrequented hills and few people outside the service have
any idea of forest work. What does the Forester do ? Wood in some form or
other is required by most people in the country and many like to help themselves
free .of charge. Forests are soon destroyed by theft of wood, fires and too heavy



Checking destruction of forests gives every Forest Officer constant employment.

Teak and sandalwood are valuable and in every district there are plenty of people
ready to carry off what they can at any time of the year.
Detection of theft and punishment of the offender when caught entails
considerable work.
Fire-tracing and watching for fires from hill tops and extinguishing fires in many
districts keeps the forest staff on the.ftn for weeks together in the hot weather.
Forest fires have a way of breaking out on the hottest days in the afternoon.
To extinguish a forest fire is generally an-exhausting and unpleasant job. Where
coarse dry g!ass is abundant counterfiring may be necessary, relays of men often are
required. They must be collected during the night and the work continues in the
early morning.
A few thunderstorms are longed for and what a relief to the Forester when they
do come sufficiently often in the hot weather to check fires I
The regulation of grazing is another matter that requires close attention.
F ellings are arranged as far as possible for the convenience of grazing. When the
forests on one side of a village are,c1osed the adjoining forests on the other side are
left open to grazing.
Rough thorn fences are laid down where stray 'cattle are likely to enter a closed
area. To protect the young growth on a felled area closure must be continued until
the plants are sufficiently developed to be safe from being trampled and broken
down by cattle. With teak coppice the closure period is usually 10 to J2 years.
Besides protection various technical works must be carried out. Coupes must
be surveyed and demarcated, trees marked for felling or reservation.
There is the tending of nurseries, preparation of soil in recently felled areas for
seed and seedlings.
The lJJanting and tending of young crops is carried out during the monsoon.
This is followed by weeding or the young plants may be completely killed off by
coarse grasses.
Thinnings and improvement fellings must be marked and carefully carried out.
There is constant war to be waged against creepers and weeds that damage young
growth especially.
Arrangement and control of contracts, feeding sawmills, supplies to railways,
etc., measurement and registering of timber in depots, auction sales, issuing and
checking passes for removal of forest material along roads leading from the forests,
collection of fees and other forest revenue, surveying, construction and repairs of
roads, timber slides, construction of buildings and wells for the Forest staff, collection and sale of minor produce such as myrobolans used for tanning, arranging for
local supply, permits, etc., these and many other matters help to keep the Forest staff
busy. Correspondence and accounts require daily attention.
A Divisional Officer usually has charge of 300,000 acres of forest and a Ranger
has 50,000 or more. In extensive forest areas labour is difficult to obtain and there
are no artisans locally available. For construction of buildings, bridges and culverts
stone cutters, masons and carpenters have to be brought from long distances and even
for felling and logging works local labour is rarely sufficient. Cartrnen before leaving



their homes to come and work in the forests require advances to/rovide for their
families in their absence. Considerable sums must be advance and even aher
receiving advances workmen frequently delay in coming on to the works, putting
forward excuses and when they do come they frequently leave before work is
completed. To get a small work carried out in the hills far from centres of labour
supply entails much trouble and worry. The men rarely stay more than two or
three months and half completed works, buildings, bridges, are liable to damage in
the monsoon floods.
Batches of labourers obtained with difficulty ohen leave without any warning,
logging works are left half finished and fires may get in and destroy much valuable
The conditions under which the Forest Officer has to work are difficult and
discouraging and a man to show any .progress must have energy, grit and
determination besides being blessed with a strong constitution.

Protection 0/ Agricultural Crops against Damage by Wild Animals.

It may not be generally known that up to the year 1903 no wild elephants had
been seen in North Kanara by the oldest inhabitants, excepting one stray animal,
which soon felt lonely and returned to Mysore. In 1903 a small herd came into
Siddapur and Sirsi forests from Mysore. This incursion proved a misfortune to the
country. The Kanara ryot's lot has always been an unending struggle against
malaria and wild pig. Night aher night when his crops are ripening in October he
would be perched up in his little machan down in the damp cold paddy fields scaring
away the pig, this too at a season when the malarial mosquito abounds. With elephants about he felt unsafe on his flimsy platform supported by four sticks and in most
cases he took refuge in a big tree somewhere along the boundary of his field where
he was unable to guard his crops efficiently from the pig. Consequently several of
the small isolated fields had to be abandoned. The destruction of wild pig in these
extensive forests, some 3,000 square miles, seems impossible. The pig are seldom
seen in the daytime, they will travel long distances at night, they are not easily
trapped and are extraordinarily immune from poison and diseases. Even in the
Poona District in localities where there is no forest, crops are frequently damaged and
the wily pig escapes destruction. The following notes are taken from an official
account of an attempt to hunt them down in the neighbourhood of Malegaon, Poona
District :.. The rate of payment then settled was Re. 012-0 for the man and Re. 0-6.0
per dog for the working day only.
.. In our present gang, we had only seven good dogs, three small and four
big. Out of these seven only three were the best ones. There are two t)'];>es of
shikari dogs-{I) small dogs, (2) big dogs. The small dogs trace out the ammals.
If there be no animal in the crop, these dogs will simply move inside the crop, but
will not bark at all. If they find any animal, then and then only they bark and thus
we know approximately the position of the animal. We had only one remarkably
best dog of this type. The big dogs catch hold of the young ones, females and even
the males one or two years old. We had two very best dogs of this type and these


belonged to Mr. Bajirao Shelke a sugarcane-grower of Malegaon. He is very foncl
of hunting and had kept eight dogs and has newly purchased two small barking
dogs. He himself used to accompany our party very often. All the pigs killed by
dogs as shown in the accompanying statement are killed by these two big dogs and
spears and the success of the campaign is partly due to these dogs
.. The total number of animals killed during 66 shikar days from 23rd
March to 22nd August 1919, is 193, the average per working day being nearly
three .
.. Some of the pregnant female pigs were killed and each female bears 6 to 12
young ones at a time and thus it will be seen that a great check is also put to the future
progeny. Amongst the females killed, pregnant ones were found only' from July
onwards. The cost of killing one animal has beim worked out to be Rs. 6-12-9
and the damage done by one animal will not at any rate amount to less than Rs. 100
per annum. The Superintendent of the Victoria Gardens, Bombay, has given me
to understand that 2 Ibs. of wheat bran is the daily ration of one wild pig, but we
have considered that the. wild pigs in the canal area feed on sugarcane and other
grain crops, and the more important thing to be remembered is that they spoil and
damage qluch more (perhaps twice or thrice the quantity) than what they require for
their consumption .
.. If the life of pig is then taken into account, one can easily imagine what amount
of loss is done by a single animal. The cultivators who take agriculture in the light
of business realize this amount of loss and therefore strongly desire that the campaign
should be continued till the trouble of pig is nullified.
.. I beg to propose that two parties for killing in the Nira Valley may be
maintained for a few years. Each party should consist of 20 men and 12 dogs
. For the maintenance of one party about Rs. 5,000 will be required per year
as detailed below :-



Wages of 20 men and 12 dogs

Halting allowance of 20 men
Compensation if required to pay for damage



.. I make here some remarks for future guidance regarding qualifications of the
individuals engaged. Out of the men employed, only 10 were really useful, while
the rest were required to make the total of the beaters to make sufficient noise inside
the crop. The names of the useful members of the party are :(I) Shripati Bayaji Ramoshi. He shoots better than other shikaris in the
present rarty, but he is a slow man, being lame by one leg. He possesses the
power 0 tracing out the animal by footprints. He has one small barking
(2) Motya Aba shoots the animal on the spot, inside the crop if it is spied.



(3) Soma Gena is very bold and his sight is well trained for spying the animal
stealthily while sitting inside the crop and he shows the animal to Motya
who shoots on the spot.
4~ Badu Subhanya is bold to enter the crop for beating out the animal.
5 Jayappa Tuka is very bold to enter the crop for beating out the animal.
6 Laxuman Babu. Dasari is a shikari. most active and bold. He is a fast
runner and traces out the animals by footprints. He is the most useful
man for pig hunting.
(7) Arnbu Dasari is bold to enter the crop and possesses the best small barking
dog named Motya. This dog was exceedin~ly useful and was the only
one best dog of this type for tracing out the ammal inside the crop.
(8) Chandu Dasari is a very fast runner to pursue the animal and to keep an
eye on it.
(9) Margya Shetiba Dasari boldly enters the crop.
(10) Musalya Dasari is also a beater.
.. The rest of the men used to follow the beaters mentioned above and to
encourage them by making noise. There is one Gangaram Ramoshi at Baramati who
is said to be a good shot and is likely to be available. He possesses a single barrel
muzzle-loading gun."
This campaign against pig was in open country with no forests in the
neighbourhood within 30 miles and it shows the difficulty of driving out this pest.
Proposals have from time to time been made to exterminate pig in Kanara and
along the adjacent Dharwar country, a Herculean or rather an impossible task.

FIG. 26.-Typical of the ruined condition of many of the Teal< Forcou.



27.-The two Teak trees on the left of the picture are hollowed out from top to
bottom by jungle fires.




Three or four expert guns with 50 to 100 beaters out all day would often fail to get
even one pig in these extensive forests.
Government treasuries would be exhausted long before the pig become extinct if
hunting parties were entertained at the expense above suggested. The rearing of
shikar dogs too would be a profitable business hiring them out at 6 annas a day.
In Ratnagiri District, a non~forest district, an agricultural committee report wild
pig have effectively stopped the cultivation of groundnuts, a very paying crop, and
stray cattle cause much damage and prevent people from attempting to grow second
crops though water is available. The committee suggest that punishment to the
owner of stray cattle must be made more deterrent.
The wild pig is not only one of the most intelligent animals in the forests but he
is undoubtedly the most courageous. The pig would develop intelligence as he is
in constant opposition to the ryot, the brainiest creature on earth. His courage is
needed to protect him against his enemy, the panther, and he is quite capable of
fighting a panther to a standstill. A boar may be chased by men, horses and dogs
until he can hardly get along but no matter how many people are after him he will
suddenly tum with a grunt or two charging into and scattering the lot. He will even
charge elephants, drive off panthers. Their intelligence, boldness, freedom from
deadly epidemic diseases render extermination extremely difficult. Their numbers
are kept down by tiger and panther. A panther will not tackle a boar but will kill
sows and the young.
An increase in the number of pig and damage to crops is often due to tigers and
pilnthers being killed out and as man~eating tigers in this Presidency are practically
unknown, though there are occasionally man~eating panthers, the tiger, by keeping
down the number of pig and nilghai probably does the ryot more good than harm on
the whole. There is irrefutable evidence in India that the extinction of tigers in
certain localities has led to an increase of damage to crops by pig and nilghai.
In heavy forest areas protection of crops from wild animals is a matter of vital
importance and it is remarkable that ditches and walls which were formerly kept up
are now allowed to go out of repair throughout the Kanara District. The following
remarks in the Forest Administration Report of Bengal are worth attention:
.. the fencing of planatations with combined barbed wire and wov~wire
Hercules fencing is completely justified, more especially as the cost of the
material has been greatly reduced in the last two years ...
These plantations are mainly sal plantations and the pig uproot the seedlings
unless the areas are fenced.

The Forests are improving and becoming more valuable.

After centuries of neglect and constant damage by forest fires raging through
every acre each hot weather the Forest Department took over the forests in a wretched
condition. The stock of timber was sparse and much damaged by hacking and
hollowed out by fire.
Figures 26 and 27 show the teak hollow and crooked and practically worthless.
Figure 28 shows straight young teak twelve years old. This photograph was
taken on the same spot as photograph No. 27 and it clearly demonstrates the conversion



of almost valueless forest into very promising forest. Improvement of the forests
in this manner is going on all over the Presidency. Very little money need be spent
on planting but successful protection from fire, loot and overgrazing is essential.
By replacing crooked burnt unsound trees by straight sound material the capital
value of the forest is greatly enhanced and future generations will benefit thereby.
Much depends upon the behaviour of the public regardi~ protection of the forests
from fire. Forestry is a sound swadeshi business and the Forest Department appeals
to the public for reasonable support. Why spend lakhs and lakhs of rupees on large
quantities of imported foreign timber which could be produced in the country if the
people did not bum the forests ~ Why waste .in forest fires a large proportion of the
wood produced by nature ~ The more timber grown in the forests the more money
circulated among the poor hill cultivators. When the latter have no work in their
fields they can earn ~ood wages in the forests, felling can be carried on any month
of the year and the fitty lakhs now spent on timber extraction and forest works must be
ot considerable economical value to the country.
It is the poorer class of cultivators who depend to a large extent on the forests
and every forest fire by reducing the quantity of timber in the forests takes away
the means of livelihood from these people. In Europe a considerable proportion of
the population is dependent throughout the winter on the forests and industries fed
by timber obtained from the forests.
If the people took an interest in the protection of the forests the quantity of
timber produced would soon be double what it is at present and with this increased
yield the sum spent annually in the forest would rise to a crore of rupees a year and
imports of foreign timber would decrease. All people who have the good of their
country at heart should encourage the protection of the forests, one of nature's
greatest gift& to the country.


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