Wizard Path School of Summoning 5e
Wizard Path School of Summoning 5e
Wizard Path School of Summoning 5e
A Path for Wizard Characters
Starting at Level 2
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Masters Transposition. If you possess a Summoning
Stone, you can use your action to choose a space within 30ft.
that is occupied by a creature you have summoned or created
(with Spontaneous Summoning or a Conjuration spell or ability).
You teleport to that space, and the creature that occupied that
space teleports to the space you were in. You cannot use this
ability again until you complete a long rest or until you summon
another creature.
Summon Steed. If you possess a Summoning Stone, you
can cast Find Steed without expending a spell slot, even if it is not
in your spellbook or prepared. The summoned mount has the
elemental type if summoned with the Water, Earth, Wind or Fire
stones, the celestial type if summoned with the Celestial stone,
and the fiend type if summoned with the Fiend stone. Once you
have used this ability, you cant use it again until you have finished a long rest.
School of Summoning
Wizards who focus on the art of conjuring monsters from the
outer planes are called Summoners. They learn early on in their
studies the secrets of the Summoning Stones, magical conduits
to the planes that infuse the Summoners with planar powers as
well as the ability to summon and empower their own minions.
Accompanied by their enhanced Elemental, Fiendish or Celestial
allies, a Summoner is indeed a magical force to be reckoned with.
Summoning Stones
Starting when you select this school at 2nd level, you can spend
8 hours creating a Summoning Stone that focuses summoning
magic. You and your summoned monsters created by Spontaneous Summoning are the only ones who can benefit from the
abilities of the stone, and only while it is in your posession. When
you create the stone, choose one of the following options: Water,
Earth, Wind, Fire, Celestial, or Fiend. If you create another
Summoning Stone, the previous one ceases to function. The benefits of each type of stone are unlocked as you progress, but they
are all explained below:
Water. Proficiency in Primordial (Minor), Waterbreathing
and 30ft. swim speed (Lesser), resistance to Acid damage (Major)
Earth. Proficiency in Primordial (Minor), proficiency in
Constitution saving throws (Lesser), resistance to Poison damage
Wind. Proficiency in Primordial (Minor), 10ft. fly speed
(Lesser), resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage (Major)
Fire. Proficiency in Primordial (Minor), proficiency in Dexterity saving throws (Lesser), resistance to Fire damage (Major).
Celestial. Proficiency in Celestial (Minor), proficiency in
Wisdom saving throws (Lesser), Resistance to Radiant damage
Fiend. Proficiency in Infernal or Abyssal (your choice at
creation, Minor), Darkvision out to a range of 60ft (Lesser),
Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from
non-magical weapons that arent silvered (Major).
Major Summoning
Durable Summons
At 14th level, creatures you summoned or created (with Spontaneous Summoning or with a conjuration spell or ability) have 30
temporary hit points.
New Spells
Conjuration cantrip
Minor Summoning
You infuse a creature you summoned or created (with Spontaneous Summoning or with a conjuration spell or ability) that is
within range with a temporary burst of power, producing one of
the following effects:
The creature moves up to half its movement speed.
The creature makes a single attack.
The creature gains a bonus to its Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), or Perception (Wisdom) checks equal to your
Intelligence modifier until the beginning of your next turn.
The creature gains 10 temporary hit points. If a creature
benefits from this effect multiple times with a single casting of
Empowerment, the temporary hit points stack.
The spell can produce multiple effects at higher levels: two effects
at 5th level, three effects at 11th level, and four effects at 17th
level. You may choose multiple different effects or the same effect
more than once. You may empower a creature with multiple
effects or empower several different creatures with individual
effects, provided that they are within range.
Lesser Summoning
At 6th level, you learn more secrets of the art of summoning, and
unlock the Lesser properties of the Summoning Stones. As long
as a Summoning Stone is in your possession, you benefit from its
Minor and Lesser properties.
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Summoned Monsters
These statistics apply to creatures summoned with the Spontaneous Summoning ability. The creature is friendly to you and
your companions. It obeys any verbal commands issued by you
(no action required by you). If you dont issue any commands to
the creature, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise
takes no action. For each creature summoned, the player should
feel free to name it and give a description of it that fits its type,
subject to DM approval.
Note that the Summoning Stone used to summon each creature does not affect its base statistics. However, the creatures
Planar Being ability and the benefits granted by each Summoning
Stone serves to differentiate the creatures summoned with different Summoning Stones.
10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
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Masters Will. The summoned monster always uses its summoners save bonuses. For example, if a Wizard has an Intelligence save bonus of +5 and a Strength save bonus of -1, her
summoned monster has an Intelligence save bonus of +5 and a
Strength save bonus of -1. This does not change any of the summoned monsters ability scores or modifiers.
Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+1
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