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Count of the Imperial Conitory
M.D., Eq. ex. &c


Printed by Hieronymous Gallerus

Publihed by1 Johann Theodor de Bry

*** ***** ***

Michael Maiers alchemical emblem book Atalanta fugiens was first published in Latin in
1617. It was a most amazing book as it incorporated 50 emblems with epigrams and a
discourse, but extended the concept of an emblem book by incorporating 50 pieces of
music the fugues or canons. In this sense it was an early example of multimedia.
An English translation exists in the British Library MS. Sloane 3645. Clay Holden was
kind enough to allow his transcription of emblems 1 to 10, and Hereward Tilton has
transcribed 11 to 34, and Peter Branwin has completed the work by transcribing 35 to 50.
Peter Branwin is currently working on a new translation of the discourses from the
original Latin. [There is another English translation in Mellon MS. 48 at Yale in the USA.]
Adam Maclean.
The text following is for the most part taken from the transcriptions mentioned above, as
posted on the Alchemy website; these gave Latin and English mottoes for emblems 1-10,
English mottoes only for 11-46 and none at all for the last four. The Latin epigrams were
only given for 1-10, of which only the first was translated. All the omitted Latin mottoes
and epigrams have been restored from the facsimiles published by H. M. de Jong in her
Michael Maiers Atalanta Fugiens: Sources of an Alchemical Book of Emblems (Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1969). I have interpolated de Jongs translation of the mottoes for 47, 49 and 50 and
given my own translation of 48. I have not yet begun to undertake a translation of
epigrams 2-50.
In the original print edition, each emblem was set out in a consistent format: on a left
page, the Latin motto, the image below it, the six-line epigram below that; on the facing
right page, a German translation of the motto, the musical score (in each case a 3-part

lit. at the expense of

setting of the Latin verse) and a free German translation of the epigram; on the two
pages following, the discourse. The present e-text omits the music scores (the only
copies I have are comparatively low-resolution images from a French translation) and
most of the prefatory matter (which as far as I can tell comprised a dedicatory epistle
and a general preface, totalling about 8 quarto pages).
De Jongs edition of Atalanta includes facsimiles (scaled down from quarto to octavo) of
the 50 figures with accompanying Latin motto and epigram, translations of the mottoes
and epigrams and a summary (i.e. a fairly free and possibly slightly abridged translation,
with a few parenthetical glosses) of each discourse. The musical scores, dedication and
introduction are omitted; the frontispiece plate and portrait of the author are retained. A
translation of the verse preface (Epigramma Authoris) appears in the commentary on
the frontispiece.
The emblematic plates were engraved from Maiers designs by Matthias Merian, who
also engraved the emblems for the Book of Lambsprinck.
The Scrutinium Chymicum mentioned by Crowley in the Curriculum of AA was an
incomplete 1687 reprint of Atalanta (Secretioris Natur Secretorum Scruitinium Chymicum,
per oculis et intellectui accurate accommodata, figuris cupro appotissime incisa, ingeniosissima
Emblamata, hisque confines, et ad rem egregie facientes sententias, Doctissimaque item
Epigrammata, illustratum &c. &c. &c. Francofurti, Impensis Georgii Henrici Oehrlingii,
Bibliopol, Typo Johannis Philippi Andre. 4to., viii + 150); the musical scores and some of
the front-matter were omitted. It seems likely that this version had a larger circulation
than the original; the Atalanta was cited under this title by Jung in his writings on
psychology and alchemy, for instance. In 1708 the publisher responsible for Scrutinium
Chymicum issued a German translation as Chymisches Cabinet. A facsimile of the original
issue of Atalanta was published in 1939. In 1986 Joscelyn Godwin prepared an English
translation which included the scores, re-set in modern notation, and sold with a cassette
recording of the music. It was reprinted by Phanes Press in 1991, but Phanes Press
ceased trading a few years later and it is now rare. I have not been able to examine a
copy, although the references to it I have seen indicate that it omits the discourses.

Heperii precium iuvenis tulit impiger horti
Dante De pomum Cypride tergeminum:
Idque equens fugientis humo glomeravit adora
Virginis, hinc tardas contrahit illa moras:
Mox micat is, micat hc mox ante fugacior Euris,
Alteratum pargens aurea dona olo,
Ille morabatur vetigia lenta puellae
Rurus at hc rurus dat ua terga fug;
Tertia donec amans iterrit pondera, ceit
Victori merces hin ATALANTA uo.
Hippomenes virtus et ulphuris, illa fugacis
Mercurii, in curu femina victa mare et.
Qui potquam cupido e complectuntur amore
In fano Cybeles corrigit ira Deam;
Pelle leonina vindex & vetiit ambos,
In de rubent pothac corpore, untque feri.
Huius ut exprimeret imulacra imillima curus
Voce tibi tern dat mea Mua fugaes:
Una manet implex pommque refert remorans vox,
Altera ed fugiens, tertia rit equens.
Auribus ita tuis, oculque Emblemata protent,
At ratio arcanas expetat inde notas:
Senibus haec objecta tuli, intellectus ut illis
Illicibus caparet, qu precioa latent.
Orbis quic quid opum, vel habet Medicina alutis,
Omne Leo geminus uppeditare potet.


[Explanation of Frontipiece]

Three Golden Apples from the Heperian grove.

A preent Worthy of the Queen of Love.
Gave wie Hippomenes Eternal Fame.
And Atalantas cruel Speed Oercame.
In Vain he follows till with Radiant Light,
One Rolling Apple captivates her Sight.
And by its glittering charms retards her flight.
She Soon Outruns him but freh rays of Gold,
Her Longing Eyes & Slackened Footteps Hold,
Till with didain She all his Art defies,
And Swifter then an Eatern Tempet flies.
Then his depair throws his lat Hope away,
For he mut Yield whom Love & Gold betray.
What is Hippomenes, true Widom knows.
And whence the Speed of Atalanta Flows.
She with Mercurial Swiftnes is Endued,
Which Yields by Sulphurs prudent Strength purued.
But when in Cybels temple they would prove
The utmot joys of their Exceive Love,
The Matron Goddes thought herelf didained,
Her rites Unhallowed & her hrine profaned.
Then her Revenge makes Roughnes oer them rie,
And Hideous feireenee Sparkle from their Eyes.
Still more Amazed to ee themelves look red,
Whilt both to Lions changed Each Other dread.
He that can Cybells Mytic change Explain,
And thoe two Lions with true Rednes tain,
Commands that treaure plenteous Nature gives
And free from Pain in Widoms Splendor lives.

Portavit eum ventus in ventre uo.
(The Wind carried him in his belly)

Embryo vento Bore qui clauditur alvo
Vivus in hanc lucem i emel ortus erit;
Unus is Heroum cunctos uperare labores
Arte, manu, forti corpore, mente, potet.
Ne tibi it Coeo, nec abortus inutilis ille,
Non Agrippa, bono ydere ed genitus.
Englihd thus:
If BOREAS can in his own Wind conceive
An offpring that can bear this light & live;
In art, Strength, Body, Mind He hall excell
All wonders men of Ancient Heroes tell.
Think him no Caeo nor Abortive brood,
Nor yet Agrippa, for his Star is good.

Hermes, the mot indutrious earcher into all the ecrets of Nature, doth in his
Smaragdine Table exquiitely thus uccinctly decribe the Natural Work when he ays:
Wind carried Him in his belly, as if he hould have aid that He whoe father is Sol &
mother is Luna mut, before he can be brought forth into the light, be carried by windy
fumes, even as a Bird is carried in the Air when it flies.
Now from fumes or winds (which are nothing ele but Air in Motion) being coagulated,
Water is produced, & from Water mixed with earth all minerals & metals do proceed.
And even thee lat are aid to conit of & be immediately coagulated from fumes, o that
whether He be placed in Water or fume the thing is the ame; for one as well as the other
is the mater of Wind. The ame the more remotely may be aid of Minerals & Metals, but
the Quetion is: Who is He that ought to be carried by Winds? I anwer: Chymically it is
Sulphur which is carried in Argent Vive (contained in quickilver), as Lully in his
Codicill cap. 32 & all other Authors attet. [Marginal note: Lully ibid: The wind carries
him in his belly; That is, ulphur is carried by Argent Vive; & Ch. 47: The Stone is Fire
carried in the Belly of Air.] Phyically it is the Embryo, which in a little time ought to
be borne into the light. I ay alo that Arithmetically it is the Root of a Cube; Muically it
is the Didiapaon; Geometrically it is a point, the beginning of a continued running line;
Atronomically it is the Center of the Planets Saturn, Jupiter & Mars.
Now although thee are different Subjects, Yet if they be well compared together they
will eaily demontrate what the offpring of Wind mut be. But this enquiry mut be left
to every man's own Indutry, be it remembered. But I hall point out the matter more
plainly thus: All Mercury is compoed of fumes, that is of Water elevating Earth together
with itelf into an aerial rarity or thinnes, & of Earth forcing Air to return into Watery
Earth or Earthy Water; for when the Elements are in it altogether & mixed throughout &
mutually blended, ubdued & reduced to a certain Vicous Nature, they do not eaily
recede from one another, but either follow the Volatile flying upwards, or remain below
with thoe that are fixed.
Nor is it indeed without reaon that Mercury is called the Meenger or Interpreter & as it
were the running intermediate Miniter of the other Gods & has Wings fitted to his head
& feet; for He is Windy & flies through the air as wind itelf, which many Perons are
really & experimentally convinced of, to their great damage. But becaue he carries a Rod
or Caduceus about which two erpents are twined acros one the other, by which he can
draw ouls out of bodies & bring them back again & effect many uch contrarities, He is a
mot Excellent figure or repreentation of the Philoophical Mercury. Mercury, therefore,
is Wind, which takes Sulphur, or Dionyius, or (if You pleae o to call it) Aculepius,
being yet an imperfect Embryo out of the Mothers belly or out of the Ahes of the
Mother's body burned, & carries it thither where it may be brought to maturity.

And the Embryo is Sulphur, which by the celetial Sun is infued into the Wind of
Boreas, that he may bring it forth in maturity. Who, after the complete time of his
Teeming, does bring forth twins, one with white Hair, Called Calais, the other with Red,
named Zethes. Thee Sons of Boreas (as Orpheus the Chymick Poet writes) were
Companions to Jaon amongt the et of the Argonauts when he went to fetch the Golden
Fleece from Colchis, for Phineas the blind Prophet, being infeted by the Harpies, could
not be freed from them but by thee Sons of Boreas, & for o great a benefit obtained by
their means, He out of gratitude howed the whole coure of their way to the Argonauts.
Thee Harpies are nothing ele but corrupting Sulphur which is driven away by the Sons
of Boreas when they come to full age, & from a thing imperfect and moleted with
noxious and hurtful Volatiles becomes perfect & not ubject to that Evil, & afterwards
hows Jaon its Phyician the way how to obtain the Golden Fleece.
Bail [Valentine] as well as other Authors takes Notice of thee Winds & in his ixth Key
ays thus: For there ought to come a double Wind named Vulturnus & a ingle Wind
called Notus which will blow impetuouly from the Eat & the South, upon the ceation
of whoe motion o that Water is made of their Air. You may confidently believe that a
Corporeal thing will be made of a Spiritual. & Ripley, Gate 8th, ays that our infant
ought to be born again in Air, that is, in the Belly of the Wind. In the ame ene may that
be taken which we find in Scala Philoophorum Degree the 6th: You mut know that the
Son of the Wie is born in the Air, & Degree 8th: Airy Spirits acending together into
the Air do love one another; as Hermes aid, the Wind carried him in his Belly, becaue
the generation of our Son is made in the Air, & being born in the Air is born Wiely, for
he acends from Earth to Heaven, & again decends to Earth acquiring both the uperiour
& inferiour Virtue.

Nutrix eius terra et.
(The Earth is his Nure)

Romulus hirt a lupae preie, ed ubera caprae
Jupiter, & factis, fartur adee fides:
Quid mirum, tener Sapientium vicera Prolis
Si ferimus Terram lacte nutrie uo?
Parvula i tantas Heroas betia pavit,
Quantus, cui Nutrix Terreus Orbis, erit?

It is determined by the Peripatetic & other Philoophers of ound Judgment that the
thing nourihing mut be converted into the ubtance of the nourihed & made like to it,
not before but after it has received an alteration, & this is admitted as an undoubted
axiom. For how hould the thing nourihing, uppoing it beforehand to be like to, or the
ame with the thing nourihed, have need of any change in its eence, which if it hould
happen would hinder it from remaining the ame or alike. For how hould thoe things
be received for nourihment which cannot be converted into a like ubtance with the
thing nourihed, as wood, tones, &c. As therefore the firt is vain o the econd is
contrary to Nature.
But for an infant newborn to be nourihed with the Milk of Animals is a thing not
repugnant to Nature, for milk will become of the like ubtance with it, but more eaily if
it be ucked from the Mother than any other Creature. Wherefore Phyicians conclude
that it conduces to the health & trength of an infant as likewie to the conformity of
temper & manners if it is always fed & nourihed by the milk of its own Mother, & that
the contrary happens if it is done by that of a Stranger. This is the Univeral Harmony of
Nature: That Like delights in its Like & as far as it can poibly follows its footteps in
everything by a certain tacit conent & agreement. The ame thing happens of coure in
the Natural work of the Philoophers, which is equally governed by Nature in its
Formation as an Infant in its Mother's womb. And although as Father, Mother & even a
Nure be acribed to it by way of imilitude, Yet it is not more Artificial than the
generation of every Animal.
Two eeds are by a pleaurable Artifice joined together by Animals & both the Human
exes which being united by ucceive Alteration produce an Embryo which grows & is
increaed, acquires life & motion, & then is nourihed by Milk. But it is neceary for a
Woman in the time of Conception & impregnation to be very temperate in heat, Food,
drink, Motion, Ret & all things ele; otherwie Abortion will follow & detruction of the
conceived Embryo, which Obervation in the ix non-naturals becaue it is precribed by
the Phyicians according to their Art is alo Artificial. After the ame manner, if the eeds
be not joined together in the Philoophical Work, they ought to be joined, but if they
could anywhere be found joined together as the eed of a Cock & Hen do ubit together
& are contained in one Egg, then would the Philoophers work be more natural that the
generation of Animals.
But let us grant (as the Philoophers do aert) that one comes from the Eat & the other
from the Wet & are made one: what more is as minitered to 'em than mixture in their
own Veel, Temperate Heat, and Nutriment. The Veel is indeed Artificial, but in this
there is no more difference than if the net were made by the Hen herelf or made for her
by the Country Dame in ome convenient place as commonly it is. The Generation of
Eggs & Hatching of Chickens from them will be the ame. Heat is a Natural thing,
whether it proceed from the Temperate Heat of furnaces, putrefaction of Dung, from the

Sun & Air, from the Bowels of the Mother, or otherwie. Thus the AEgyptian from his
Furnaces does by Art Adminiter a Natural Heat for the Hatching of Eggs. The eeds of
Silk worms & even Hens Eggs are aid to have been Hatched by the Warmth of a
Virgin's breats. Art, therefore, & Nature, do mutually join hands & officiate one for the
other. Nevertheles, Nature is always the Mitres & art the Handmaid.
But a doubt may [be] raied how the Earth may be aid to be the NURSE of the
Philoophical Infant, eeing it is the Element which is mot dry & void of Juice, inomuch
that Drynes appertains to it as its proper quality. It may be anwered that Earth
Elemented is to be undertood, & not the Element of Earth, whoe Nature we have fully
explained in the firt day of our Philoophical Week. This Earth is the Nure of Caelum or
Heaven, not by opening, wahing, or moitening the Infant, but by coagulating, fixing,
coloring and converting it into more Juice & Blood. For Nutrition implies an
Augmentation in length, breadth & Depth which extends itelf through all the
Dimenions of a Body, & eeing this can be afforded & adminitered to the Philoophical
Infant by Earth only, it can in no wie be improper to call the Earth by the name of his
NURSE. But this admirable Juice of Earth has a quality different from other kinds of
Milk which are converted & do not convert for this by reaon of its mot efficacious
Virtue does mightily alter the Nature of the thing Nourihed, as the Milk of the Wolf is
believed to have dipoed the Body of Romulus to a Nature that was Magnanimous &
prepene to War.


Vade ad mulierem lavantem pannos, tu fac imiliter.

(Go to the Woman Wahing Clothes & do after the ame Manner.)

Abdita quiquis amas erutari dogmata, ne is
Dees, in exemplum, quod juvet, omni trahas:
Anne vides, mulier, maculis abtergere pannos
Ut oleat calidis, quas uperaddit, aquis?
Hanc imitare, tu nec ic frutraberis arte,
Namque nigri faecem corporis lavat.

When Linen Clothes are oiled & made dirty by earthy Filth, they are cleaned by
the next Element to it: Namely Water; & then clothes being expoed to the Air, the
moiture together with the Faeces is drawn out by the heat of the Sun as by fire,
which is the fourth Element, & if this be often repeated, they become clean & free
from tains. This is the work of women which is taught them by Nature. For we
ee (as Iaac remarks) that the Bones of Beats if they are often wet with Rain & as
often dried by the heat of the Sun will be reduced to a perfect whitenes. The ame
is to be oberved in the Philoophick Subject, for whatever faeces or Crudities are
in it will be purged & taken away by the infuion of its proper Waters, & the
whole body will be brought to a great perfection & cleannes. For all Chemical
preparations, as Calcination, Sublimation, Solution, Ditillation, Decenion,
Coagulation, Fixation, & the ret are performed by wahing only. For whoever
wahes a thing unclean with waters does the ame thing as He that runs through
all thee Operations. For, as the Roary of the Philoophers [Roarium
Philoophorum] aith; "The Inner Clothes Prince Divinick, being oiled by weat,
are to be wahed by Fire & burned in Waters, o that Fire & Water eem to have
interchanged their mutual Qualities, or ele the Philoophic Fire is not to be
uppoed of the ame kind with the common Fire;" & the ame thing is to be aid of
the Philoophic Water.
As for the Calc Vive or Quicklime & Ignis Graecus, we know that they are kindled
by Water & cannot be extinguihed by it contrary to the Nature of other things
that will take Fire; o it is affirmed that Camphor over-kindled will burn in Water.
And Anel. de Bood ays that the Stone Gagates being et on Fire is more eaily
quenched by Oil than Water, for Oil will mingle with it and choke the fiery body.
Whereas Water not being able to mix with the fatnes yields the the fire unles it
totally covers & overwhelms it, which it cannot eaily do, becaue although it be a
Stone, it wims upon the top of the Water like Oil; o Naptha, Petroleum & the like
are not eaily quenched by Water. Some write that there are Subterranean Coals in
the Country of Liege which, taking Fire under the earth, cannot be extinguihed by
water, by by Earth thrown in upon them. Cornelius Tacitus mentions uch a ort of
Fire which cannot be quenched but by Clubs & Clothes taken from the Body &
thrown upon it.
There is, therefore, great diverity in Fires, both in their being kindled &
extinguihed, & there is no les in Liquors, for Milk, Vinegar, Spirits of Wine, aqua
fortis, aqua Regia and Common Water differ very much when they are thrown
upon Fire; ometimes the matter itelf will endure Fire, as thoe fine Linen Clothes

which were of great Eteem among the Ancients & were cleaned by Fire, their dirt
being burned away. What is aid of the Hairs of a Salamander, that they will make
the wick of a Lamp that hall be incombutible is not to be Credited. But there are
perons who really affirm that there was a contexture prepared from Talc,
Plumous Alumine & other materials by a Cunning Woman of Antwerp which he
aid to cleane by Fire, but that he of envy uffered that Art to die with Her, & the
Temperament could never be found out afterwards. We do not peak here of
combutible matters.
The Philoophical Subject, whenever it is prepared, mut be conidered under all
thee differences, for their Fire, Water & Matter itelf is not Common. But their Fire
is Water & their Water is Fire. Their Water at the ame time wahes & calcines, &
o does their Fire.; & the Clothes which mut be wahed have the ame nature with
the Fine linen before mentioned or Talk prepared; but the Tempering of it & the
Art in its preparation is not known to everyone. For the wahing of this Linen, a
Lye mut be made, not of Oak ahes or their Salt, but from Metals, which is more
durable than any other; and it mut not be Common Water, but Water Congealed
into Ice & now under the ign Aquarius, for this has finer Particles than the
tanding Waters of Fens and Marhes, & conequently can better penetrate into the
Recees of the Philoophic Body to wah and purge it from filth & Blacknes.


Coniunge fratrem cum orore & propina illis poculum amoris:

(Join the Brother & the Siter & drink to em in the Bowl of Love.)

Non hominum foret in mundo nunc tanta propago,
Si fratri conjunx non data prima oror.
Ergo lubens conjunge duos ab utroque parente
Progenitos, ut int faemina maque toro.
Praebibe nectareo Philotheia pcla liquore
Utrique, & faetus pem generabit amor.


Divine & Human Laws prohibit thoe Perons to intermarry who are joined by
Nature in too near degrees of Blood, whether in a Line acending, decending, or
collateral, & that for very jut reaons. But when Philoophers peak of the
Marriage of a Mother with her Son, a Father with his Daughter, or a Brother with
his Siter, thee neither peak nor act againt the Laws before mentioned, Becaue
the Subjects ditinguih the Attributes, & the Caue the Effects. For the Perons of
whom the Philoophers peak are as much at liberty as the Sons & Daughters of
Adam, who intermarried without the Imputation of any Crime. The chiefet reaon
eems to be that the Human Race might be more trictly United & aociated by
affinity & friendhip, & not be divided by enmities & Hereditary Factions of
families. So nothing hindered the Sons & Daughters of Adam, though Brothers &
Siters, to be joined in marriage, for mankind did exit in them alone & their
Parents, & therefore, although they were allied in blood, yet were they to be joined
in affinity.
But the number of men increaing & being ditributed into innumerable families,
the true & jut Caue was found, why Brothers & Siters hould not marry. The
Philoophers have a different reaon why the Brother hould marry the Siter,
which is the imilitude of their Subtance, that Like may be joined to its Like. Of
this kind, there are two which are alike in Specie but different in Sex. One of
which is called the Brother, the other the Siter. Thee therefore being in the ame
liberty & Condition as the firt kindred of men, are Lawfully indeed, & by an
inevitable neceity to be joined together in Matrimony.
The Brother is hot & dry, & therefore very Cholerick. The Siter is cold & moit,
having much Phlegmatick matter in her. Which two Natures, o different in their
Temper, agree bet in fruitfulnes, Love, & Propagation of Children. For as Fire
will not eaily be truck out of the hardet Bodies, Steel & Steel, nor out of thoe
brittle Bodies, Flint & Flint, but from the hard & brittle, that is, Steel & Flint, o
neither from a burning Male & Fiery Female, nor from both of 'em being cold (for
cold is the unfruitfulnes of the Male) can a living offpring be produced. But he
mut be hot & he more cold than he, for in Human Temperament, the hottet
Woman is colder that the coldet Man, uppoing him to be in Health, as Levinus
Semnius, in his book of the Hidden Miracles of Nature affirms. The Siter,
therefore, & Brother are rightly joined by the Philoophers.
If a man deire offpring from a Hen, Bitch, or Ewe, or other animal, He joins it to a
Cock, Dog, or Ram, every animal to that pecies to which it is mot like, & o he
obtains his End. For he does not regard the Conanguinity of thee Brutes, but the

generoity of each & agreement of their Natures. The ame may be aid of the body
of a Tree & the Hip that is to be ingrafted into it. So the Metallic Nature, which
above all things has a likenes or Homogeneity of Subtance, deires its like when
any thing is to be joined to it. But the Brother & Siter being married will not be
fruitful or long perit in their Love, unles a Philotheium or Cup of Love be
drunk to 'em as a Philtre. For by this, their minds being compoed & united, they
become drunk, & (like Lot) all hame being banihed, they are joined & produce an
offpring that is Spurious but Legitimate.
Who can be ignorant that Mankind is very much obliged to Medicine, & that there
are thouands of perons in the World who had not exited unles their Parents had
been freed from Barrennes, either by removing the Caue, or taking away the
impediment, either near or remote, and preerving the Mother from Abortion.
Therefore the Cup of Love is given to the new-married Pair for thee reaons
which are three: the Contancy of Love, the Removal of Barrennes, & the
Hindrance of Abortion.



Appone mulieri uper mammas bufonem, ut ablactet eum,

& moriatur mulier, itque bufo grous de lacte.
(Put a Toad to the Womans breat, that he may uckle him
till he die, & he become gros with her milk.)

Foemineo gelidus ponatur pectore Bufo,
Intar ut infantis lactea pocla bibat.
Crecat & in magnum vacuata per ubera tuber,
Et mulier vitam liquerit aegra uam.
Inde tibi facies medicamen nobile, virus
Quod fuget humano corde, levtque luem.


The whole body of Philoophers agree in this, that their work is nothing ele but
male & female; the man's part is to generate, & govern the wife, & Her part is to
conceive, impregnate, bring forth, uckle & educate the offpring, & be ubject to
the Commands of her Huband. For, as he nourihes the conceived Embryo before
it is brought forth with her blood, o he does afterwards with her milk. Hence,
Nature has prepared for the tender Infant a Digetible & well proportioned
Nutrient in the mother's Breats, which waits for his coming as his firt proviion &
utenance in his Coure of Life. By milk therefore He is nourihed, grows, & is
increaed 'till he be furnihed with teeth, his fit intruments to eat bread withal.
Then He is properly weaned, becaue Nature has provided him more olid food.
But here the Philoophers ay that a Toad mut be put to the Woman's breats, that
he may Nourih him as an infant with her Milk. This is a mierable & horrid
pectacle, & indeed, an impious thing, that milk deigned for an infant hould be
given to a Toad, being a Venomous beat & contrary to the Nature of Man. We
have heard & read of erpents and Dragons ucking the Teats of Cows, & Toads
perhaps might do the like if they could gain an opportunity.
There is a noted tory of a Toad that fixed himelf upon the mouth & outide of the
lips of a Country man that was aleep, & could not be removed by any contrivance
unles by Violence, which could not be attempted without the hazard of the man's
life, for he would then have pit his poion, which he ues as his offenive &
defenive weapon. A Remedy was found for this mierable man, from that
Antipathy which the Spider bears for the Toad, for they hate one the other
mortally. He was carried to the place where an overgrown Spider had made his
web, who, as oon as he aw the Toad, he let himelf down upon his back &
pinched him with his ting; but this doing no hurt, the Spider came down the
econd time, & truck him more violently, upon which the Toad immediately
welled & fell dead from the mans mouth without any harm to him.
But here the contrary happens, becaue the Toad does not eize the mouth, but the
Breat of the Woman, by whoe milk he increaes o much that he becomes of an
extraordinary trength & bignes; but the woman, having her pirits exhauted,
conumes & dies, for poion is eaily communicated to the Heart by the pectoral
Veins, & infects & detroys it, as it is evident in Cleopatra, who applied vipers to
her breats, that by a Voluntary death he might prevent her coming into the
hands of her enemies & being led in Triumph by them. [In margin: Theophilus in
Turba makes mention of a Dragon joined to a woman.]

But, let any man hould think the Philoophers o cruel as to faten a Venomous
reptile to a womans breat, it mut be known that this Toad is the offpring or Son
of this woman, brought forth by a montrous birth, & therefore by Natural Right
mut be fed with his Mother's Milk, & that it is not the Sons deire that his mother
hould die; for he could not infect his mother, eeing he was formed in her Bowels
& nourihed with her blood till the time of his birth. It is indeed a thing ominous
for a Toad to be born of Woman, which in our knowledge hath happened
otherwie: William of Newberry, an Englih writer, aith (how truly let others
judge) that in a certain Quarry in the Diocee of Vintonia, a great tone being plit,
there was a living Toad found in it, with a golden Chain, & it was by the Bihop's
command, hidden in the ame place & buried in perpetual darknes, let it might
bear an ill omen with it. Such alo is this Toad, for it is embellihed, although not
outwardly, with an artificial chain, but inwardly with natural Gold, to wit: that of
the Stone which ome call Borax, Chelonitus, Batrachites, Crapaudina, &
Garatronium, for this far excels Gold in Virtue againt the poion of all animals, &
is commonly et in Gold as a cae or Cover, that it may not be hurt or lot.
Regularly it ought to be had out of an Animal.
But if the Stone be taken out of ubterranean Caverns, as it is commonly, it may be
neatly contrived in that hape & ued intead of it, being choen from the bet
minerals & mot relevant to the Heart. For in thee the Philoophical Toad is really
found, not in the Quarry (as that fabulous author aerts), & has Gold in itelf,
though its pomp does not outwardly appear. For to what end hould a Toad adorn
himelf, eeing he lurks in darknes & ecret places? Perhaps that he might be very
magnificently accoted by the Beetle, if by chance he hould meet him in the
Twilight. What Subterranean Goldmith hould make him that Golden Chain?
Perhaps that Father of the Green children, that came out of the Land of St. Martin,
or rather from the Earth itelf, as the two Dogs came out of a Quarry, according to
the ame Author.



Seminate aurum vetrum in terram albam foliatam

(Sow Your Gold in the white foliate Earth.)

Ruricolae pingui mandant ua femina terrae,
Cum fuerit ratris haec foliata uis.
Philoophi niveos aurum docuere per agros
Spargere, wui folii e levis intar habent:
Hoc ut agas, illus bene repice, namque quod aurum
Germinet, ex tritico videris, ut peculo.


Plato ays that a City does not conit of a Phyician & a Phyician, but of a
Phyician & a Hubandman; that is, of men of divere Crafts & Profeions, & he
mentions then two more, epecially becaue their Labors are more viible in the
Imitation, Improvement, & Perfection of Nature. For they both take a Natural
Subject to which, according to their Art, they either add omething that is
necearily wanting or remove thoe things which are uperfluous. So that both
their Arts may (as medicine is by Hippocrates) be defined to be the addition of
what is wanting or Subtraction of uperfluity. For the Hubandman does no more
than add ploughing, furrowing, Harrowing, dunging or manuring, & latly
owing to the Land that is left in its Original State.
But as for the increae & produce of it he leaves that to Nature which adminiters
Rain to the Heat of the Sun, & by thee two Multiplies the eeds & improves them
into tanding Corn fit for reaping. While the blade is growing he weeds out the
thitles & throws out all other impediments. He reaps the Corn when it is ripe &
cleans it when reaped from its traw & Chaff. So the Phyician (likewie the
Chemit in a different repect) adminiters preventing Phyick to the Patient as
well as Retorative, removes the Caue, Cures the malady, auages ymptoms,
takes away uperfluous blood by opening a vein & if low retores it by a
Regulation of Diet, evacuates ill humors by purging, & o by a thouand methods
imitates, upplies & corrects Nature with the operations of Art & Undertanding.
Our preent Coniderations are not concerning thee things which are commonly
known, but of matters merely Chemical.
For Chemitry hows its Affinity to Hubandry even in its ecret Terms & coures
of Operation. The Hubandmen have their Earth into which they ow their eed &
o have the Chemits. They have their Dung with which they enrich their ground,
o have thee without which nothing can be accomplihed nor any fruit expected.
They have eed from which they hope for an increae, & unles the Chemits had o
too, they would be like a Painter (as Lully ays) endeavoring to draw the face of a
Man of whom he had never een o much as the leat reemblance. The Country
man expects Rain & Sunhine & o indeed the Chemits mut upply their work
with uch & Heat & Rain as is proper & convenient. What need of many words?
Chemitry runs entirely Parallel with Agriculture as its Deputy, & repreents it in
all things, but under a mot compleat Allegory. From hence the Ancients
produced their Cerereus, Triptolemus, Oirideus, Dionyius, Golden Gods, or uch
as had Relation to Chemitry, but at the ame time repreented them as teaching
mortals to cat their eed into the Earth & howing them Hubandry & the planting

& Cultivation of Vines & the ue of Wine. All which things the Ignorant falely
applied to their Countries Employment. For thee abtrue Myteries of Nature
under thee Veils are at the ame time explained to the Wie, whilt they are
concealed from the Vulgar.
Hence the Philoophers affirm it to be owed in White foliated Earth, as if they
would have aid that the owing of Wheat mut be looked upon as an example &
conequently imitated. Which the Author of Tractatus de tritico & Jodoc Greverus
have mot excellently performed in their Decriptions for they have very elegantly
adapted each Operation of Hubandry in the production of Corn to the
Semination of Gold & the generation of the Tincture. White Earth as being Sandy
yields little fruit to the Countrymen who eteem that which is black as being
fattet. But the other is of mot Value to the Philoophers if it be foliated, that is,
well prepared. For they know how to improve it with their Dung, which the
others do not. For emination is the propagation of the world by which Care is
taken that what cannot lat in the individual may be continued in the pecies. This
is in Men, Animals & Plants; in the firt, Hermaphroditically, in the two lat under
different exes, but in Metals it is far otherwie, for in them a Line is made from the
flux of a Point, a Superficies from the flux of a Line, a body from the flux of a
But the Stars produce that point before either the line, the uperficies, or the Body,
becaue it is the Principle of them all. Nature added the flux a long time
afterwards; that is, the Caeletial Phoebus generated a Son underneath the Earth,
which Mercury committed to Vulcan to be Educated, & to Chiron, that is, to
Manual operation, to be intructed, as it is reported of Achilles that he was
detained & Hardened in Fires by his Mother Thetis. Among other things He
learned Muic & the Art of playing on the Harp from his Mater Chiron. Achilles is
nothing ele but the Philoophic ubject, whoe Son is Pyrrhus, with red Hair,
without which two, Troy could not be ubdued, as we have demontrated in the
ixth Book of our Hieroglyphics.



Fit pullus nido volans, qui iterm cadit in nidum.

(A young eaglet attempts to fly out of its own net & falls into it again.)

Rupe cav nidum Iovis Ales truxerat, in quo
Delituit, pullos enutritque uos:
Horum unus levibus voluit e tollere pennis,
At fuit implumi fratre retentus ave.
Inde volans redit in nidum, quem liquerat, illis
Junge caput caudae, tum nec inanis eris.


That which Hippocrates, the tandard of all Phyick, affirms concerning Humors,
that they are different & many in the Body of Man, & not one only, otherwie
various dieaes would not arie, is found by us to be true likewie in the Elements
of the World. For if there was but one Element, there could be nom change of that
into another, no generation nor corruption would happen, but all would be one
immutable thing, and no meteors, minerals, plants or animals could be naturally
produced from it. Therefore the upreme creator compoed the whole ytem of
this whole world of divere & contrary natures, namely of light & heavy, hot &
cold, moit & dry, that one might by affinity pas into the other, & o a compoition
be made of bodies which hould be very different one from another in Eence,
Qualities, Virtues & Effects. For in things perfectly mixed are the light Elements,
as Fire & Air, & likewie the Heavy, as Earth & Water, which are to be poied and
tempered together, that one flies not from the other.
But the neighboring Elements eaily uffer themelves to be taken & detained by
their Neighbors. Earth & Air are contrary one to the other, & o are Fire & Water,
& Yet Fire maintains friendhip with Air by heat common to both, & does o with
Earth by reaon of drynes, & o Air with Water & Water with the Earth. By which
means they are joined in bonds of Affinity, or rather conanguinity, & remain
together in one compoition, which, if it abound with the light Elements, elevates
the Heavy with it; if with the heavy it prees down the light. This is illutrated by
two Eagles, one with Wings, the other without; the firt of which, endeavoring to
fly, is retrained by the econd. There is a plain Example of this Matter in the fight
between the Falcon & Heron, for the Falcon, oaring higher in the Air by his
peedy Flying & wift wings, takes & tears the Heron with his Talons, by whoe
weight, both fall to the ground. The contrary appeared in the Artificial Dove
which was an Automata or elf-moving piece of Workmanhip made by Architas,
whoe heavy things were carried upwards by light, that is, its wooden body was
lifted into the Air by the Spirit that was encloed within it.
In the Philoophical Subject, the light things are firt predominant over the Heavy
as to their quantity, but they are overcome by virtue of the heavy, 7 in proces of
time, the eagle's wings are cut off, & one very great Bird (namely an Otrich) is
made of two, which Bird can conume Iron, & being hindered by its own weight,
eems rather to run upon the Earth that to fly in the Air, although it has goodly
wings. Concerning this or one like it, Hermes (as the Author of Aurora, ch. 5th
affirms) writes thus: 'I have conidered a Bird Venerable to the Wie, which flies
when it is in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn,' & 'You will acquire it Perpetually

to yourelf out of mere minerals & Rocks of Mountainous places.' Senior in Tabula
relates to the ame thing, where two birds are een, one flying, the other without
wings, whereof the one holds the other's Tail by its beak, that they cannot eaily be
eparated. For this is the machination or device of Univeral Nature, always to
raie heavy things by light, & to depres light ones by heavy, as the Author of
Perfectum Magiterius declares: 'Who contitutes even Mineral Spirits, as it were
erratic or Wandering Stars, & o many Metallic Bodies & Fixed Stars, and enjoins
thee to be married to the others.' And thence Aritotle the Chemit ays: 'The Spirit
having diolved the Body & Soul o that they may exit in their form, does not
remain unles You Occupy it.'
Now this Occupation is that You join it with the Body from whence you prepared
it in the beginning. Becaue in that the Spirit at the uperexitences of the Body is
Occupied from flight. In Camphora, as Bonus oberves, the light Elements, that is,
Air & Fire, prevail over the Heavy, & therefore it is aid wholly to exhale &
evaporate into Air. In Argent Vive, the Flowers of Sulphur, Antimony, the alt of
Heart's blood, Sal Armoniac & uch other things, the Earth flies with the Alembic,
& is not eparated from it. In Gold, Glas, Diamonds, the Stone Smiris, Granite, &
the like, the Elements remain joined a long time notwithtanding the fire, without
any detriment. For the Earth retains the other Elements with itelf. In other
Combutibles, a eparation or diviion of one from another is effected, o that the
Ahes are left in the Bottom, & the Water, Air & Fire fly upwards.
We mut not therefore have repect to the unequal Compoition of thee lat, being
not o trongly mixed, nor to the Commixture of the firt, which is more deirable,
though compoed of Volatiles. But to the olidity, Contancy & Fixity of the middle
ones. For o the Bird without wings will detain that which hath, and the Fixed
Subtances will Fix the Volatiles, which is the thing that of neceity mut be



Accipe ovum & igneo percute gladio.

(Take an Egg & mite it with a fiery word.)

Et avis in mundo ublimior omnibus, Ovum
Cujus ut inquiras, cura it una tibi.
Albumen luteum circumdat molle vitellum,
Ignito (ceu mos) cautus id ene petas:
Vulcano Mars addat opem: pullater & inde
Exortus, ferri victor & ignis erit.


There are many & divere kinds of Birds whoe number is uncertain & their
Names unknown to Us. Story tells us of a very great Bird named Ruc [Roc?], that
appears at certain eaons of the Year in a mall Iland of the Ocean, which can bear
an Elephant up with it into the Air. India & America end us Crows & Parrots of
divere Colors. But it is not the Philoophical intention to enquire after the Eggs of
thee birds. The AEgyptians yearly perecute the Crocodiles Eggs with weapons
of Iron & detroy them. The Philoophers do indeed mite their Eggs with fire, but
it is not with an intent to mortify it, but that it may live & grow up. For, eeing that
an animate & living chicken is thence produced, it cannot be aid to be Corruption,
but generation. It ceaes to be an Egg by the privation of the Oval form, & begins
to be a two-footed & volatile Animal by the introduction of a more noble Form, for
in the Egg are the eeds of both male & female joined together under one Shell or
The Yolk contitutes the Chicken with its radical parts & Bowels, the eed of the
male forming it & becoming the internal Efficient, whereas the White...
[**Albumen materiam eu ubtegmen & incrementum dat rudimento eu tamini
pulli.] The external heat is the firt mover which by a certain Circulation of the
Elements & change of one into the other, introduces a new form by the intinct &
guidance of Nature. For Water paes into Air, Air into Fire, Fire into Earth, which
being joined together, & a pecific being tranmitted by the tars, an individual
Bird is made of that kind whoe Egg it was & whoe eed was infued into it. This
is aid to be mitten with a fiery word when Vulcan performing the office of a
Midwife as he did to Pallas coming from the brain of Jupiter, does by his ax make
a paage for the newborn Chicken. This is what Bail Valentine affirms, that
Mercury was imprioned by Vulcan at the command of Mars, & could not be
releaed before he was wholly purified & dead. But this death is to him the
beginning of a New life, as the Corruption or death of the Egg brings new
generation & life to the Chicken.
So an Embryo being freed from that human vegetable life which alone it enjoyed
in the Mother's womb, obtains another, more perfect one, by his birth & coming
into the light of the world. So when we hall pas from this preent life, there
remains for us another that is mot perfect & Eternal. Lully in many places calls
this fiery word a harp Lance, becaue fire as a Lance or harp word perforates
bodies & makes them porous & pervious [?], o that they may be penetrated by
waters & be diolved & being reduced from hardnes become oft & Tractable. In
the Stomach of a Cormorant, which is the mot voracious of all Birds, there are

found long & round worms which erve it as the intruments of Heat, & as we
have ometimes oberved, eize upon thoe Eels & other fih which he has
wallowed & Pierce them like harp needles, & o conume them in a hort time by
a wonderful operation of Nature. As, therefore, Heat pierces, o that which pierces
will ometimes upply the abence of Heat. Upon which Conideration, that
wherewith the Philoophical Egg ought to be mitten may not undeervedly be
called a fiery word.
But the Philoophers had rather have it undertood of Temperate Heat, whereby
the Egg is cherihed, as Morfoleus in Turba declares: It is neceary [that a] wie
mans moiture be burned up with a low fire, as is hown us in the Example of the
generation of a Chicken, & where the fire is increaed, the Veel mut be topped
on all ides, that the body of the Air (or bras) [aeris in original] & the fugitive
pirit of it may not be extracted. But what Birds Egg mut it be? Mocus tells us
in the ame place: Now I ay that no intruments are made except of our white
tarry plendid powder, & of the white Stone, of which powder are made fit
intruments for the Egg. But they have not named the Egg, nor what Bird's Egg it
mut be.



Arborem cum ene conclude in rorida domo,

& comedens de fructu eius fiet iuvenis.
(Shut up the Tree with the Old Man in a Houe of Dew,
& eating the fruit thereat He will become Young.)

Arbor inet hortis Sophiae dans aurea mala,
Haec tibi cum notro it capienda ene;
Inque domo vitrea claudantur, rorque plen,
Et ine per multos haec duo juncta dies:
Tum fructu (mirum!) atiabitur arboris ille
Ut fiat juvenis qui fuit ante enex.


All things that grow in length, breadth & Depth, that is, are Born, nourihed,
augmented, brought to maturity, & propagated, the ame things likewie decreae,
that is, have their trength diminihed, dice, fall away, as we ee in all Vegetables &
Animals. Wherefore man alo, when he arrives at full growth, admits of decay,
which is the ame thing as old age, whereby his trength is enibly diminihed 'till
he die. For the caue of old Age is the ame with that of a Lamp that burns dim for
want of Oil, for as there are three things in a Lamp: the wick, fatnes & flame, o in
a man the wick is the Vital members, the Bowels & Limbs. The fatnes is the
radical moiture, & the flame is the Natural Hat. The only difference is, the flame
of a Lamp hines bright, but the Natural Heat does not, it not being fire but only
Heat, & whereas that fatnes is oily, the Radical moiture is vicous, being of a
eminal principle. As, therefore, a Lamp is extinguihed for want of oil, o man by
old age, without any other dieae, falls into atrophy [maramus, lit. dying away,
from the Greek] & aged conumption, & latly into his grave. It is reported of the
Eagle, that when he grows old, his beak becomes o crooked that he would die
with Hunger, unles he could cat it. So Deer eem to grow young again by
throwing off their horns, Serpents their kins, & Crabs their hells; not that they
really do o, for their radical moiture is not retored to them, but only in
There is nothing that can retore Youth to man but death itelf, which is the
beginning of Eternal life that follows it. However, there are ome that ay as to his
external Form & the retoring of his trength in ome meaure, together with the
taking away of wrinkles, & changing of grey Hair, a proper remedy may be found
out, as Lully affirms of his Quinteence, & Arnold of prepared Gold. But here the
Philoophers ay that if the Old Man would become Young, he mut be hut up in a
Houe of Dew, & then he will eat of the fruit of the Tree, & o recover Youth. It is
carce believed by the Vulgar that uch Trees can be in Nature. The Phyicians
write wonders of Myrobalanis [literally: 'miracle fruit'], the Fruit of a certain Tree,
that they retore grey Hair to blacknes, purify the blood & prolong life. But this is
carce credited.
Marilio Ficino, in his book of preerving the health of tudents, recommends
ucking the milk of a beautiful young woman, others recommend the eating of
Vipers fleh, but thee remedies are more troubleome than Old Age itelf, & could
not be obtained by one in a thouand, although their effect hould be certain.
Paracelus, in his book of Long life, ays a ick man may attract to himelf the
Health of another by imagination only, & o an Old Man may gather Youth. But

in this he eems rather to be guided by his fancy than experience. It is certain that
the people called Pyllis, with their double pupils, & witches by their very apect
bewitch Cattle & Children, according to Virgil: Necio quis teneros oculus mihi
facinet agnos. Thee things are done without contact. But as for the Tree which
is to retore the Old Man, the fruit of it is weet, red & full ripe, turning into the
bet blood, as being eay of digetion, & affording the bet Nutriment, leaving
nothing in the body that is faecal or uperfluous. But the Old Man abound with
white Phlegm, has white Hair & Complection, which Humours, Color, & Hair are
changed into that Red which appears in Youth & Vigor.
Therefore the Philoophers ay their Stone is firt an Old Man that is white, & then
a Young man, which is Red. And they ay further that the Old Man mut be placed
together with the Tree, not in the open air, but in a Houe, & that not dry, but
moit, with Dew. It may eem trange that Trees hould pring & grow in a cloe
place, but if it be moit, there is no doubt of their continuance. For the Nutriment
of a Tree is moiture & Airy Earth that is fat, which can acend into the body &
Bough, & thee produce leaves, blooms & fruit. In which Natural work then is
the concurrence of all the Elements.
Fire gives the Firt Motion as the efficient, Air gives Tenuity & Penetrability,
Water Lubricity, & Earth Coagulation. For when any of their uperfluities acend,
Air turns into Water, & Water into Earth. By Fire, I undertand the Native Heat,
which being propagated with the eed, does by the Power of the Stars as if it were
a Smith, forge out & form uch fruits as are like to thoe things from whence the
eed arieth. But a Dewy Evaporation is not only Expedient, to moiten the Tree o
as to make it yield fruit, but likewie the Old Man, that he may the more eaily be
made Young again by that fruit. For the Dewy Vapors will mollify, fill up, &
retore his dry & wrinkled kin with temperate heat & moiture. Wherefore
Phyicians very rationally & with good ucces precribe Warm Baths for the
atrophy [maramo] or Conumption of Old Age.
But if the thing be well conidered, that Tree is the Daughter of the Old Man,
which as Daphne is changed into a Vegetable of the like ort, & therefore the Old
Man may not unjutly expect Youth from it, eeing He himelf was the caue of
their being.



Da ignem igni, Mercurium Mercurio, et ufficit tibi.

(Give Fire to fire, Mercury to Mercury, and you have enough.)

Machina pendet ab hac mundi connexa catena
Tota, Suo Quod Par Gaudeat Omne Pari:
Mercurius ic Mercurio, ic jungitur igni
Ignis & haec arti it data meta tuae.
Hermetem Vulcanus agit, ed penniger Hermes,
Cynthia, te olvit, te ed, Apollo, oror.


If this aying be taken literally, it only increaeth the quantity of Fire & Mercury,
but introduceth no new quality into the ubject. For every like added to its like,
makes it become more like. Hence Phyicians affirm that contraries are healed &
removed by contraries. So we ee Fire is extinguihed by Water, but fomented by
the addition of Fire. As the Poet ays: Venus in wine, as fire in Fire, does rage.
[Et Venus in vinis, ignis in igne furit.] But it may be anwered that Fire differs
very much from Fire, & Mercury from Mercury, for there are everal orts of Fire &
Mercury amongt the Philoophers. Moreover, the ame heat & cold, being ditant
only in place & ituation, differs from another of its own kind, o as to attract to it
that which is like to itelf.
So we ee that Heat fixed in any part is drawn forth by the ame Heat. Limbs
benumbed & almot dead with Frot & cold water will be retored by putting them
into cold Water rather than by the application of external heat. For as the greater
light obcures the leer, o alo greater heat or cold has power over the leer, o it
is neceary that the Cold or Heat that is outwardly applied hould be les than that
which was before imprinted or fixed in the joints, otherwie the ame impreion
would be made as before, & the like would rather be much more increaed than
drawn forth by the like.
This drawing out of cold by cold water, & of fiery heat by heat, is agreeable to
Nature, for all udden changes in contraries are dangerous & les acceptable to it,
but that which comes by degrees can more eaily be endured. So we ay there is
one internal Fire which is eentially infixed in the Philoophical ubject, & another
external. The ame may likewie be aid of Mercury. The internal Fire is
Equivocally o cold becaue of its fiery qualities, virtue, & operation, but the
External Fire is Univocally o. Therefore, External Fire & Mercury mut be given to
the internal Fire & Mercury, that o the intention of the Work may be completed.
For in boiling we ue Fire & Water to Mollify & mature any thing that has
crudities & hardnes. For Water penetrates into & diolves the parts contracted,
whilt the heat adds trength & motion to it. Thus we ee in the common coction of
Pule ["pult"], which, being hard in themelves, yet well are broken and reduced
to a pulp in Water, the heat of the Fire rarifying the Water by ebullition &
reducing to almot an aerial ubtance, o the heat of Fire reolves the crude parts of
Fruit or Fleh into water, & makes them Vanih into Air together with it.
After the ame manner, Fire & Mercury here are Fire & Water, & the ame Fire &
Mercury are the Mature & Crude parts, of which the crude are to be matured by
Coction, or the mature to be purged from uperfluities by the aitance of Water.

But we hall in hort demontrate that thee two Fires & thee two Mercuries are
principally & olely neceary to the completion of the Art. Empedocles was of
opinion that the Principles of all things were Friendhip & Dicord. That
corruptions were made by Variance, and generations by Love. This Dicord is
manifetly apparent in Fire & Water, Fire making Water evaporate & Water
extinguihing Fire when applied to it.
But it is likewie plain that generations will proceed from thee ame things by a
certain Friendhip. For by heat is made new generation of Air, & by the ame Heat
that induration of Water into the Stone is performed, & o from thee two as the
firt Elements are made the other two, & conequently from thence the production
of all things. Water was the Matter of Heaven & all Corporeal things. Fire as the
Form moves & informs this matter, o this Water or Mercury yields the Matter &
Fire or Sulphur the Form. That thee two may operate & mutually move
themelves by Solution, Coagulation, Alteration, Tinction & Perfection, there will
be a Neceity of external Helps, as intruments without which, no effect can
follow. For as a Smith cannot Work without Hammers & Fire, o neither can the
Philoopher without his intruments, which are Water & Fire.
This Water is by ome called the Water of Clouds, as this Fire is called Occaioned
Fire. It is without doubt called the Water of Clouds becaue it is ditilled as May
Dew, & conits of mot thin parts. For as it is affirmed that May Dew being
encloed in the Shell of a Egg will raie it up by the Heat of the Sun, o this Water
of the Clouds, or Dew, makes the Philoopher's Egg acend, that is, Sublimes,
Exalts & Perfects it. The ame Water is alo mot harp Vinegar, which makes the
body a mere Spirit. For as Vinegar has different qualities & can penetrate to the
bottom & bind, o this Water diolves & coagulates, but is not coagulated, becaue
it is not of a proper Subject. The Water is had from the Fountain of Parnaus,
which, contrary to the Nature of other fountains, is upon the Top of the Hill made
the Hoof of the flying Hore Pegaus.
There mut alo be actual Fire, which, notwithtanding, mut be governed &
qualified by its degrees as with Bridles. For as the Sun proceeding from Aries into
Leo, & o approaching nearer, gradually increaeth heat to things growing, o it is
here neceary to be done, for the Philoophical Infant mut be nourihed by Fire as
with Milk, & the more plentiful that is, the more he grows.



Dealbate Latonam & rumpite libros.

(Whiten Latona and tear your books.)

Laton obolem non novit nemo gemellam,
(Ceu fert fama uetus) qu Iove nata fuit.
Hunc alii tradunt cum Luna lumina Solis
Mixta, nigr cui sint in facie macl.
Latonam ergo pares albecere, damnaque dantes
Ambiguos, adit nec mora, rumpe libros.


There are uch great differences amongt authors that uch perons as earch after
Truth depair of finding any end of this Art. For Allegorical dicoures being in
themelves hard to undertand are the Caue of many Errors, epecially as the ame
words are applied to different thinges and different words to the ame thinges.
Whoever would free himelf from thee difficultyes mut either have a divine
Genius to perceive Truth through much darknee, or he mut have inexhautible
wealth and patience to find through experiment what is True and what is not.
But according to the Philoophers one will not do without the other; ingenuity will
do nothing without labour, and vice vera. For no man can have undertanding
enough to avoid a hundred thouand errors, obcurityes, digreions, ambiguityes,
and yet till perit in the true part of Nature. Wherefore the Philoophers ay, he
that hath not yet Erred hath not yet begun, and that Errors teach us what to do
and what not. And they likewie affirm that a man may pend his whole life
(though if it were poible he hould live a thouand years) in ditilling and
reditilling before he could attain to truth by experiments only. The Corrector of
Fools intimates that no progres can be made without tudy and reading of
Authors, for he ays tudy removes ignorance and brings human undertanding to
the true Knowledge of everything. It is therefore neceary in this work to quicken
the ingenuity by naturall Philoophye, the knowledge of Truth being contained in
it. Let not therefore operators depie tudy. But as for thoe who are avere to it yet
willing to operate, let them take care that their Art be the Imitation of Nature itelf,
which Art deires to amend becaue it is impoible for Her to prepare the
Philoophickal ecrets to a perfect End. The wie ay of thee men that they run to
practice as an As to Hay, not knowing what he puts his noe to, led to his food by
his ight and tate, to wit his exterior enes, without any undertanding. And o far
goes this Author.
But leat a man hould vex himelf with overmuch tudy, which is an immene and
profound Sea, and would bring every word (which perhaps may relate to quite
another thinge) into practice thereby wating and conuming his trength, time,
reputation, and riches, the Philoophers ue this Emblematicall peech, That
Latona mut be whitened and their books mut be torn leat their Hearts be
broken. For mot books are o obcurely written that they can only be undertood
by their Authors; indeed, everall of them are left out of Envy to educe others, or
rather to retard them in their Coure, that they may not attain to their end without
difficulty, or to obcure thoe thinges which they themelves had written before.

But the chief work and labour is how to whiten Latona. The book called Clangor
Buccin defines Latona as an Imperfect Body of Sol and Luna. The mot Ancient
Poets and writers affirm Latona to be the Mother of Apollo and Diana; others call
her their Nure, and tate that Diana was brought forth firt (for Luna and
whitenee do firt appear), who afterwards but the ame day performed the office
of a Midwife in bringing forth Apollo her brother. For Latona was one of the
twelve Hieroglyphicall Gods of the gyptians by whom thee and other
Allegoryes were propagated among other Nations. Very few even of their
gyptian Priets knew the true ene and meaning of them, the remainder of the
People applying them to other Subjects that were not in the Nature of thinges,
namely Gods, Goddees and the like. Wherefore Latona had the mot umptuous
Temple next to Vulcan adorned with gold becaue he was the mother of the
Philoophickal Apollo and Diana.
But this Latona is brown and blackih, and hath many moles in her Face, which
mut be taken away by Dealbation or blanching. Some make their dealbations of
Cerue, Sublimate Mercury, Talc reduced to Oyle and the like, by which they
encrut, cover and o would whiten the outide of her kin. But the whitening
encrutations fall off by every wind or liquor, becaue they do not penetrate the
inward parts, and o deceiving only their eyes by their fale Colours are not
regarded well by the Philoophers. For the Philoophers would have Latona's face
made white by penetration and by altering the kin itelf, that is truly and not
uperficially or by colouring alone. You may ak how this can be done? I anwer,
Latona mut firt be ought out and known, which though he be drawn from a
Vile place, yet he mut be ublimed to one more worthy. But if he be taken from a
more worthy place, he is to be ubmered in a place more vile- that is, into Dung.
For there indeed he grows white and becomes white lead, which being obtained
there is no doubt of ucces; for from White Lead proceeds the Red Lead, which is
the beginning and End of the Work.



Lapis, quem Saturnus, pro Ioue filio devoratum, euomuit,

pro monumento in Helicone mortalibus et poitus.
(The Stone which Saturn vomited up, being devoured intead of his Son Jupiter,
is placed on the Helicon as a Monument to Men.)

Noe cupis cauam, tot cur Helcona Pot
Dicant, quodque eius cuique petendus apex?
Est Lapis in ummo, Monumentum, uertice potus,
Pro Ioue deglutiit quem uomuitque pater.
Si ceu uerba onant rem captas, mens tibi lua est,
Namque est Saturni Chemicus ille Lapis.


We find the Allegorye of Saturn to be taken divere ways, for the Atronomers
reputed him the Highet of the Planets, and the tudents of chemitry the baet of
metalls, namely lead. The Heathen Poets ay he was the Father of Jupiter, the Son
of Heaven. The Mythologits explain him by the notion of Time. But though all
thee may eem to have a probable opinion according to their own ene, yet they
will never be able to explain certain thinges which are elewhere poken of Saturn;
uch as why he hould devour his Sons and Vomit up a Stone intead of Jupiter. Or
why he hould be the Finder Out or Dicoverer of Truth; why he hould be
remarkable for his Scythe and Serpent, or his Blacknee, moroenes and ditorted
feet. The Mythologits think they give the bet interpretation when they ay Time
reveals and manifets Truth out of Darknee, that it rolls itelf around and glides
away like a Serpent, and that it cuts all thinges down with Death as with a Scythe.
That he devours his Sons, to wit all beings that he ever begot, but that he cannot
conume or diget hard Stones, and therefore may be aid to Vomit them up again.
Thee may in part have ome reemblance to the Truth, but they do not agree in the
Truth of the thinges in all its Circumtances. But the experienced Philoophers ay
that Saturn is firt in their work, and that if he be really preent they cannot Err, for
Truth is dicovered in darknee, and nothing comes into exitence without
blacknee. Wherefore they ay in the Turba Philoophorum, whatever Colour
comes after blacknee is praieworthy, becaue it is the beginning of the Work.
And the Roary out of Arnoldus ays, when it firt glows black we ay it is the Key
of the Work, becaue that cannot be made without blacknee. And out of the
Speculum when you are working ee that in the beginning you obtain a black
colour, for then you will be certain that you caue putrefaction and proceed in the
right method. And again, that blacknee is cold Earth which is made by a light
decoction and is often reiterated till blacknee be mot eminent. Hence they ay
that Saturn poeed the Earth, Mercury the Water, Jupiter the Air, Sol the FireBlacknee therefore is Saturn, the Dicoverer of Truth who devours a Stone intead
of Jupiter. For Blacknee is a dark cloud covering the Stone at firt o that it cannot
be een.
Thence Morienus ays each body that wants a Soul is dark and obcure. And
Hermes precribes thus, Take his brain and wear or rub it with Sharpet Vinegar or
Urine of Boys till it becomes dark. This being performed he lives in putrefaction,
and the dark clouds that were upon him and in his Body before he died are
returned. This Stone is again cat up by Saturn when he becomes White, and then
it is placed upon the Top of Helicon as a Monument to Mortals, as Heiod writes.

For Whitenee is really hid in blacknee, which is extracted out of his belly, that
is, out of the Stomach of Saturn. Therefore aith Democritus, Cleane Tin with a
peciall abolution, extract from it its blacknee and obcurity, and the whitenee
of it will appear. And in the Turba it is aid join the Dry with the moit, that is the
black earth with its water, and decoct it till it becomes white. Arnold in his work
called Novum Lumen, chapter 4, very well exprees the ame thinge when he
ays, That moiture therefore which cured the blacknee in the decoction hows
itelf to be dried up when the white Colour begins to appear. And a little after:
And my Mater aid to me that Brownee acended becaue the whitenee was
drawn out of the Belly of the Blacknee, as is aid in the Turba. For when you ee it
black, know that whitenee is hid in the belly of the blacknee firt appearing.
As this blacknee is called Saturn, o it is likewie called Lead. Thence Agadimon
in the Turba ays decoct the s or brae till the blacknee which they call money
comes forth, and mix well the materials of our Art, and then you will preently
find blacknee, which is the Lead of the Philoophers o much poken of in their
books. Emigamus has relation to this when he ays that the Splendour of Saturn
when he acends into the Air appears no otherwie then Darkened. And o Plato in
the Roary: The firt Regimen of Saturn is to putrefye and put it upon Sol. From all
of which it is evident that the ene of the Philoophers when they peak of Saturn
is quite different from the Vulgar acceptation. This Saturn generates Jupiter which
is an obcure Whitnee, and Jupiter begets upon Latona firt Diana which is
perfect Whitenee, and then Apollo which is Rednee. And this is the ucceive
permutation of perfect Colours. This Stone cat up by Saturn is aid to be placed
upon the Top of a mountein as a monument for men, which is a thinge mot True.



s Philoophorum hydropicum et, & uult lauati epties in fluuio,

ut Naaman leprous in Iordane.
(The Philoophers Brae is Dropicall and deires to be wahed even times in a River,
as Naaman the Leper was in Jordan.)

Prtumido languens s turget hydrope Sophorum,
Inde alutiferas appetit illud aquas.
Unque Naman Iordane lepr contigia mouit,
Abluitur lymphis terque quaterque uis:
Ergo prcipites in aquam tua corpora dulcem,
Moxque feret morbis illa alutis opem.

That Namaan the Syrian hould at the Prophet's command take a journey into
Judea to wah himelf even times in the River of Jordan is to be acribed to the
confidence he placed in the Prophet's words. But that he was freed from Leproy

by that wahing is a miracle of the Divine Omnipotence. For the Leproy, being
eated in the blood and radical parts of a man's body, is as it were an univerall
Canker, which cannot be taken away or cured by any externall wahing, much
lee by cold water uch as that of the Jordan.
So likewie that the Philoophers Brae, labouring under the dieae of a Dropie,
hould be freed from it by wahings of water, and that even an imperfect thinge
hould be made perfect and a ick thinge healthy, and that to o great a degree as
to be able to impart its health to ick bodyes, mut be next to a Miracle. For uch an
example is not elewhere extant in Nature; nor is it indeed the ordinary coure of
Nature to produce the Philoophers mot abolute Tincture unlee it be governed
by Art, and fit ubjects be adminitered to it with the externall efficient. So the
retitution of luxations, that is, thinges dilocated or out of Joint, is not peculiar to
Nature but to Art. Neverthelee, the Os Sacrum opens itelf miraculouly at the
birth of a Child, that the Infant may come forth thereby as through a door, and in
this the mot great and mercifull God operates by Nature above Nature.
So that the Stone hould be perfected eems a thinge upernaturall though it really
be Naturall. From whence the Roary: You mut know, ays he, that our Airy and
Volatile Stone, according to that which is manifet and apparent, is cold and moit,
but according to that which is occult and hidden, is hot and dry. And that
coldnee and moiture which is manifet and is a Watery Fume, corrupting,
blackening, and detroying itelf, flees from it by the Fire. But the Heat and
drynee which is occult is Hot and dry Gold and a mot pure Oile able to
penetrate bodyes, and is in no way Fugitive, becaue the Heat and drynee of
Alchemy tingeth, and no other thinge whatever. See therefore that the coldnee
and moiture which is manifet be equall to the heat and drynee which is in the
Occult, o that they may both agree and be joined together, being at once made
one penetrating, Tingeing and Fixing Body.
But thee moitures mut be detroyed by Fire and degrees of Fire with a oft
Temperament and an agreeable and moderate Digetion. If this be True, how hall
it be from waters? It may be anwered, there are certain Waters of Hot and dry
qualityes, uch as are many Baths, in which it mut be Philoophically wahed. For
this is the meaning of what they ay, wah with fire and burn with water, for that
Fire which wahes and that water which burns differ in Name only, but agree in
effect and operation. Therefore with this water or this Fire the Philoophickal s
or Brae mut be wahed from its uperfluous Humors: that is, it mut be dried.
We have known Experiments of Dropicall Bodyes cured by ix months abtention
from all manner of Drink; or by burying them in Hot and and Cow dung, or by
putting them into a Hot Furnace and letting them weat, and innumerable other

helps as likewie by drying Baths uch as thoe of Carlbad or Wiebaden. By the

ame methods mut this patient be cured; ometimes by waters, ometimes by the
Hot Air of Furnaces; now with Cow dung, then with Sand and Abtinence from
Drinking. For thee are the mot effectuall Remedyes in both Caes, ome at one
time are to be ued and ome at another. But in all thee thinges Heat is the
Operator which, by the Emunctoria or pores of the Body, draws out the
uperfluous waters. For the outward heat quickens the inward, that is the Vitall
pirits, that they may expell that moiture which is hurtfull to them as an
unprofitable excrement, by which the Naturall Heat was before uppreed as by
an Enemy.
In this Cure there is need of great diligence and precaution, leat whilt one bowell
is relieved another may be hurt. In a Quartan (which according to the Platonits
will try the kill of a Phyitian) we have experienced that thick Vicous humor, like
the Gum or Glue of Trees, being gathered together from all the veins or Mae of
blood, and decending through the Vena Cava or great Vein even to the bottom of
the back, where it obtructs the emulgent Veins which draw the erous matter out
of the blood or the paages of them. Thus they are lee able to operate, and more
of the erous matter remains in the Body, and o in a hort time if care be not taken
a Dropie may happen, the other Bowell being in no way hurt at the firt. Here
Diuretica do little or no good, Purgatives yet lee unlee Diminution or eduction
be made in ome certain eries of time. Sudorificks manifetly do harm becaue
they draw out the more ubtile parts and leave the thicker, and if they are
continued will weaken the body, for Nature's cutom is to find that way of
evacuating the erous matter through the Pores only when he is obtructed about
the Bladder. One therefore is Scylla, the other is Charybdis, both of which he that
hall hath a mind to preerve himelf ought to avoid.
That Dropie which proceeds from an impaired Liver or pleen is the mot difficult
to be cured; but in the Philoophickal Brae the Cure is not impoible, the
ditemper being rather by Accident and econdary than Eentiall and primary.
This is provided it be undertaken cautiouly, as we have aid concerning the
plenty of Serum in a Quartan, to wit that it may not by too much excitation fall
into a Conumption or by too much moiture fall into uch a Dropie as may be
difficult to be Cured.



Hic et Draco caudam uam devorans.

(This is the Dragon that devours his Tayle.)

Dira fames Polypos docuit ua rodere crura,
Humanaque homines e nutriie dape.
Dente Draco caudam dum mordet & ingeret aluo,
Magn parte sui fit cibus ipe ibi.
Ille domandus erit ferro, fame, carcere, donec
Se uoert & reuomat, se necet & pariat.


It is the aying of the Ancients that a Serpent that has devoured a Serpent becomes
a Dragon, for like a Thief or a Murderer it preys upon its own kind. There were
uch Serpents in Africa, of a vat bignee and in great numbers, which devoured
part of Alexander's Army- the larger are bred among the Achans, a people of
Ethiopia, which being placed together after the manner of herds do with their
heads erected make their way to better Patures. It is reported that the Kings of
India nourihed two Dragons, one of eighty the other of ninety Cubits in bignee.
It is remarked by the obervations of later writers of thee times that there are
erpents found near Angola which equall the main mat of hips. So there is a
report that in ome mounteins of India and Africa there is greatnee of gold, but
that it is kept by Dragons leat any peron hould come and take it away. For at the
founteins or Rivulets which fall from the mounteins the Dragons meet, and o by
Accident are aid to keep watch over the gold encloed in them.
For this reaon do the Philoophers aign o many Dragons to their Treaury, as to
the Golden Fleece, the Garden of the Heperides, and the others perons or
chymicall ubjects uch as Cadmus, Saturn, culapius and Mercury, whoe
Caduceum is bound with two erpents, a male and female. For they mean nothing
ele by Dragons but Chymicall ubjects. Hence they ay, Dant Rebis montes
dracones terraque fontes: Dragons to Rebis do give mounteins, And the earth does
give him Founteins. And they denote his extreme hunger by his devouring his
Tayle, which though ome may interpret this as the year returning into itelf and
reembling a Circle, yet it was firt applied to their work by the Philoophers, who
by this Dragon would have uch a Serpent undertood as devours another of its
own kind, and which is properly called Sulphur, as all of them Attet in
innumerable places.
Thus Lully ays in his Codicillus, chapter 31: This my on (aith he) is Sulphur, and
this the Serpent and Dragon devouring his Tayle, the rearing Lyon and harp
word cutting, mortifying and tearing all thinges. And the Roary ays the Dragon
does not dye unlee he be killed with his Brother and Siter. And a little after: the
Dragon is Argent Vive, extracted out of Bodyes, having in itelf a Body, Soul and
Spirit. This in the ame place by another Name is called Stinking Water, which is
to be had after the eparation of the Elements. Now the Dragon is aid to devour
his Tayle when he conumes the Voluble, Venomous and moit part, o that
afterwards being without a Tayle he may eem more corpulent and lower, as if
his Motion and Volubility had in a great meaure conited in his Tayle.

Other animalls move upon their Feet, but Serpents, Dragons and uch like
Vermine ue the contriction and explication of their bodyes intead of feet, and
like flowing water incline themelves ometimes this way, ometimes that, as may
be een in mot Rivers which run obliquely in Circuits and turn their coures like
Serpents. The Philoophers therefore did not without reaon call Argent Vive by
the Name of a Serpent and give Serpents to Mercury, eeing that alo does as it
were draw its Tayle and run ometimes this way and ometimes another with a
Voluble Weight. For as a Serpent moves o alo does Mercury, who therefore has
Wings upon his feet and Head. It is reported that in Africa there are flying
Serpents which would depopulate all places if they were not detroyed by the Bird
called Ibis. Wherefore Ibis is placed among the acred Images of the gyptians, as
much for the manifet good that it does to the whole Country as for a ecret reaon
which very few of them undertand.
This Dragon having devoured his Tayle and cat his Old Skin is aid to acquire
both a new kin and new youthfulnee; thus Nature has granted longer life not
only to Crows, Ravens, Eagles and Larks but likewie to the Race of Serpents. The
Ant when it grows old has wings; o have many other Worms. Man growing old is
put into the Earth, but brought upward from the Earth is conecrated to Eternall
There is a powder made of Every Serpent when it is burnt which is afely taken
againt all poions, and that with very good Effect. Such an Alexipharmacum
ought alo to be made of this Dragon when he hath devoured his Tayle (which is
likewie uually cut off in Vipers) and it will prove a mot effectuall and preent
Remedy againt the adverityes of Body and Fortune.


Emblema XV.

Opus figuli, conitens in icco & humido, te doceat.

(Let the work of the Potter, coniting of drynee and moiture, intruct you.)

Apice qum celeri figulus ua uaa figuret
Axe rot, argillam dum pede micet aqu:
In binis illi et fiducia rebus, ut humor
Pulueribus iccis temperet arte itim.
Sic quoque tu facies exemplo doctior isto,
Terram aqu ne uperet, nec uperetur humo.


As this terretrial Orb is made into one Round Body by a complication of Earth
and Water, o likewie the Potter's work eems to be compounded of the ame
particular Elements; that is, the Dry and the Moit, o that one may temper the
other. For if the Earth hould be without Water and no Ocean, Sea, Lake, River or
Fountein hould be near it, the earth could bring forth nothing of itelf but mut
perpetually remain unfruitfull. So if water hould not be received into the cavities
of the Earth but tand round about it, it would eaily cover the whole face of it and
o it would remain uninhabitable. But one entering amicably into the other, and
water moderating the drynee of the Earth and Earth the moiture of the Water,
by a mutual commixture the Fruitfulnee and advantages of both Elements do
very peedily appear.
In like manner the Potter mixes Clay with Water, and that o he may make the
mae tractable which he hapes upon his wheel, and he ets it in warm Air o it
may drye leiurely. Then he adds the Violence of Fire, that his veells may be well
hardened and condened into a durable Stone which can reit both Water and
Fire. So the Philoophers ay we mut proceed in the naturall work, and they
therefore et the Potter before us as an example; for it is certain as to the dry and
moit, that is the Earth and Water, that they have a very great Affinity. But there is
alo no doubt they have many differences in their way of Coction and in the
matter and form of the Elements that are to be compounded. For the Potter's
Veells have a Form that's artificiall, but the Philoophick Tincture has one that is
altogether Naturall and o much Nobler than Theirs, as alo the matter of it is more
excellent than theirs. Each of them is indeed the Work of Earth, but there is
nothing aid to be in the Philoophickal which hath not acended and attained to
the Heaven of Air, whereas in the other a thick and foeculent Earth is
predominant. The effect of both is a Stone- this a Common, that a Philoophickal
By which imilarities a certain Peron being educed put a great Number of
Artificiall Stones or Tiles into one chet and the whiter ort of flints into another,
uing diabolicall conjurations over them that one might be turned into Silver, the
other into pure Gold. But when thee were imagined to be the Stones of the
Philoophers, and after a great um of money has been expended in purchaing
everall thinges, the new gold and ilver which were expected at a certain time did
not appear, and none of the Stones as it was hoped received converion. Death
came very opportunely to put an end to his hame and Folly; for Gold and Silver is
not to be ought for in the thinge wherein they are not implanted by Nature, and

Diabolicall magick is o far from having any place in thee works that it is as
ditant from them as the Author of uch acts is from a devout and pious man, or as
Hell from Heaven.
So although a man hould have the True Philoophickal Stone, yet let not any one
imagine that impoibilities can be performed by it, as Iaac admonihes us: no
man by Law of Nature or Policy can be bound to thinges impoible. As for the
Tranmutation of Gems and making Glae able to endure the Hammer, any man
may know whether they are poible by invetigating if they are agreeable to
Nature. Geber affirms concerning the Philoophers that they peak many thinges
by allegoryes; and he ays of himelf, that when he has poken clearly he has aid
nothing, but when under a figure, there he has hid the Truth as Wheat under
Thoe thinges which a man ows, the ame he hall reap, which aying takes place
in vegetables and Animalls, though different pecies may ometimes proceed from
the thinges owed. But whether thee thinges ought to be applied to Mettalls,
which are not propagated by eed, is worthy of conideration. In thee the parts are
only Homogenous, as Sulphur and Argent Vive; in thoe they are Heterogeneous
or organicall. In thee are no receptacles of eed; in thoe there are. In thee is found
no Nutrition, Augmentation or Extenion into all Dimenions; but thoe have them
all to the greatet degree. Latly, thee are Elemented Weights admitting nothing
ele but mixture: whereas they beides Mixture have alo a Vegetative or enitive
Soul. Neverthelee it is True without doubt that there is omething in places
under the Earth which as yet is not Gold, but by nature will become gold after a
thouand years. And who will deny this to be the Analogicall Seed of Gold? Both
Gold and the Aurifick Nature are of one originall, though the latter be of the more
Noble form; and therefore the eed of Gold being known, the eed of the other will
likewie be known. The Philoophers affirm that it is the Dry and Moit that is
Sulphur and Argent Vive, and that it is to be extracted out of two Mounteins in
the greatet Purity.


Emblema XVI.

Hic Lo, quas plumas non habet, alter habet.

(One Lyon hath wings and the other hath none.)

Victor quadrupedum Leo pectore fortis & ungue
Abque metu pugnat, diimulatque fugam:
Aligeram cui tu pedibus coniunge Lenam,
Qu uolat & ecum uult releuare marem:
Ille ed immotus tat humo, retinetque uolantem,
Hc tibi natur mostret imago uiam.


It is a thinge known by experience that a Lyon does not o much excell other
animalls either in bignee and trength of body as in the generounee of his
Nature. When he is hunted, being ahamed to run away, he makes his retreat
leiurely if he finds himelf oppreed by multitudes; when he is out of the view of
his Puruers he makes hate away, thinking the baenee of his flight is atoned for
by his endeavour to conceal it. He leaps upon the Prey that He follows, but He
never ues that motion in his retreat. His bones are olid, without any vacuity, and
are aid to be o hard that Fire will be truck out of two of them as from a Steel and
Flint. He fears Fire above all thinges. He eems to derive his Subtance from the
Nature of the Sun, for in force and heat he excells other animalls as the Sun doth
the Starrs. He always appears with fiery and open Eyes, as the Sun beholds the
Earth with an open fiery Eye.
A Lyonee fighting for her whelps fixes her Eyes upon the Ground, leat he
hould be afrighted at the Hunter's pear. When the Lyon perceives the coition of
the Panther he takes revenge upon the Lyonee for Adultery and inflicts evere
punihment. She therefore wahes away the cent in a River, or being concious of
her offence doth follow the Adulterer flying for fear of the Mate.
The Philoophers therefore oberving the wonderfull Nature of this Beat have
made divere Allegories from Him, which they ue as o many Hieroglyphicall
writings relating to their ecret work. And finding the Lyon to be a firm and
contant animall void of deceit himelf- and conequently of upicion of othersthey reemble the bet part of their Philoophickal work to o noble a Character.
For as he flyes not, o neither does that; as his bones are olid, o that is fixed and
knows no Conqueror. But as the Lyonee is not always innocent and free from
Adultery, o neither is Luna or Mercury without ome pot or blemih, but by the
Ignorant is joined ometimes to one ometimes to another ort of Matter, from
whence an adulterous conjunction of thinges different in Nature may be aid to
proceed, rather than a true Matrimony to be contracted. For the products of the
Lyonee and the Leopard have no comely Manes about their Neck and houlders,
which is the ignall Ornament of the Lyon's legitimate offpring. Therefore let the
Philoophickal Lyonee be joined to her proper Male, and there will be born a
whelp that is genuine and generous, which may eaily be known by his paw. But
this hould not be any ort of Lyonee, but one that has wings, which may be able
to fight and contet with the Lyon as relying upon the wiftnee of her plumes that
he may not be uppreed by the violence of his wrath, but may be prepared for
flight if at any time he become furious without jut reaon. For when he is about

to flye away and He retards her, He is incited with a greater Love towards her,
and a firmer friendhip is contracted after uch a Variance.
But you will ak, whoever aw a Lyonee with wings? Or what ue can be made of
her plumes? There is a deep Valley near the Mountein Cythronem in which are
een none but flying Lyonees. But to the Top of that Mountein there reorts a Red
Lyon, of the ame kind as that which was lain by Hercules. The Lyon therefore
mut be taken and brought into the valley, and then immediately He will be
coupled with the winged Lyonee. She alo will eaily uffer herelf to be
overcome, becaue like will be educed by like. Afterwards they mut both be
advanced out the aid Valley to the Top of the Mountein, and henceforth they will
never deert one another but will always remain together in inviolable wedlock.
The taking of thee Lyons I confee is not eay, but Lyable to many dangers. But
neverthelee it mut be attempted. A Lyon feeds not with the Lyonee, but
wanders apart as Tradition relates; therefore they are to be ought and hunted for
in different places. But if thee two Lyons can be taken when they are Whelps,
when their Claws firt appear and they begin to walke which is two months after
their Birth, then afterwards they may be joined upon their coming to riper Age,
and the whole matter will be effected without any danger. But they are born in the
Spring time, which requires the cloet obervation; eeing the Lyons after
whelping ue croe and winding wayes leat their Den hould be found out, great
Care and diligence mut be ued to eek them and deprive them of their whelps.


Emblema XVII.

Orbita quadruplex hoc regit ignis opus.

(Four Orbs govern this work of fire.)

Natur qui imitaris opus, tibi quattuor orbes
Qurendi, interius quos leuis ignis agat.
Imus Vulcanum referat, bene monstret at alter
Mercurium, Lunam tertius orbis habet:
Quartus, Apollo, tuus, natur auditur & ignis,
Ducat in arte manus illa catena tuas.


The Philoophers in many places make mention of four orts of fire neceary to the
Naturall work, namely Lully, the Author of the Scala, Ripley, and many others.
The Scala ays that Raymund peaks thus of fires: It is to be remarked that here lye
contrary operations, becaue as the fire contrary to Nature doth diolve the pirit
of a fixed body into the water of a Cloud, and binds the body of a volatile Spirit
into a congealed Earth, o contrarywie the fire of Nature congeals the diolved
pirit of a fixed body into a Globular Earth, and reolves the body of the volatile
Spirit fixed by the fire contrary to Nature, not into the water of a Cloud, but into
Philoophickal water.
Ripley peaks more clearly of thee fires.
Gate 3, Stanza 15:
Foure Fyers there be whych you mut undertond,
Naturall, Innaturall, againt Nature, aloe
Elementall whych doth bren the brond.
Thee foure Fyers ue we and no mo:
Fyre againt Nature mut doe thy bodyes wo;
That ys our Dragon as I thee tell,
Ferely brennyng as Fyre of Hell.
16. Fyre of Nature ys the thyrd Mentruall,
That Fyre ys naturally in every thyng;
But Fyre occaionat we call Innaturall,
And hete of Akys and balnys for putrefying:
Wythout thee Fyres thou may not bryng
To Putrefaccyon for to be eperat,
Thy matters togeather proportyonat.
17. Therefore make Fyre thy Glae wythin,
Whych brennyth the Bodyes more then Fyre
Elementall; yf thou wylt wyn
Our Secret accordyng to thy deyre
Then hall thy eeds both roote and pyre,
By help of Fyre Occaionat,
That kyndly after they may eparat.

They are called Fires becaue they have a Fiery Virtue; the Naturall in coagulating,
the Unnatural in Diolving, The Fire againt Nature in corrupting and the
Elementary in adminitering heat and the firt motion. And there is an order
oberved in them like that of a Chain, that the econd may be incited to action by
the firt, the third by the econd, and the fourth by the third and firt, o that one be
both Agent and Patient in a different repect. That which is oberved of Iron rings
held together by a Magnet and joined by mutuall contact may be een likewie in
thee Fires. For the Elementary like a magnet doth end forth its virtue through the

econd and third even into the fourth, and joins one to the other by mutuall
operations, and caues them to cohere together till internall action be effected
amongt the uppermot. The firt is Elementary Fire both in Name and ubtance,
the econd is riall or volatile, the third is watery or of the Nature of Luna, the
fourth is Earthy. There is no need of peaking of the firt becaue it is preent to
every man's ight and feeling. The other three are the Dragons, Mentruums,
Waters, Sulphurs or Mercuryes. Dragons becaue partaking of venom they devour
Serpents of their own race and alter whatever bodyes are mixed with them, that is,
diolve and coagulate them. They are called Mentruums becaue the
Philoophers Infant is produced and nourihed from them till the time of his
Birth. Lully in his book of Quinta Eentia, vere 3, has a double mentruum, a
Vegetable and a Minerall. Ripley in the preface to his Gates has three which agree
and are but one in reality. For the generation of the Infant is made from them all,
and white water precedes its birth which is not of the ubtance but of the
uperfluity of the Infant, and therefore is to be eparated.
They are waters becaue in Fire they how a watery Nature, that is they flow and
are liquid which are propertyes of water. It is certain that the propertyes of Water
are divere and wonderfull, ome whereof do petrifye, being coagulated into hard
tones uitable for building. Not unlike thee are the minerall waters of the
Philoophers, which grow harder and turn into a tony reitance.
They are likewie called Sulphur from the Sulphurous virtue which they have in
them. For the Sulphur of Nature is mixed and made one with the other Sulphur,
and the two Sulphurs are diolved by one, and one is eparated by two and the
Sulphurs are contained by the Sulphurs, as Yximidius ays in the Turba. Now
what Sulphurs are Dardaris in the ame place declares in thee words: Sulphurs
are ouls hidden in the four Elements, which being extracted by Art do naturally
contain one another and are joined together. But if you can by water govern and
well purifye that which is hidden in the Belly of the Sulphur, that hidden thinge
meeting with its own Nature rejoineth it, even as water with its like. Moius alo
ayeth: I will now tell you what it is. One indeed is Argent Vive and that Fiery, the
econd is a Body compounded in it, the third is the water of Sulphur by which it is
firt wahed, corroded and governed till the whole work is perfected. What has
been aid of Sulphurs, the ame mut be undertood of o many Mercuryes, for o
ays the ame Moius: Argent Vive, Cambar, is Magneia, but Argent Vive or
Orpiment is Sulphur, which acends from a mixed compound. But I hall produce
no more Tetimonyes becaue they are infinite. Thee four Fires are included in
four Orbs or Spheres; that is, each has its particular Centre from which and to
which their motions tend. But neverthelee they are kept o bound together,
partly by Nature and partly by Art, that the one can operate little or nothing
without the other, o that the Action of the one is the Paion of the other, and o
the contrary.

Emblema XVIII.

Ignire ignis amat, non aurificare, ed aurum.

(Fire loves making thinges fiery, but unlike gold, it does not make gold.)

Si quod agens fuerit natur, mittit in orbem
Vires atque uas multiplicare cupit.
Oba sic ignis facit ignea cuncta, nec et res,
Abque ua caua, nobile qu det opus.
Aurum nil ignit per se, nilignis inaurat,
Quodlibet agnocit quod ibi emen inest.


Nature's way of working in all individualls of the univere is to ue one ingle
procee to complete and perfect one ingle motion. As appears in the Anatomy of
man's body, in which one Mucle only erves for one motion, that is the Attractive,
but another oppoite to the firt for the Expanive, o that if any member is to be
brought into a bending motion it mut be effected by various mucles put into a
Circle. So the operation of fire is one and ingle, that is, to make hot or be fiery and
to Aimilate to itelf and burn all thinges to which it is applied if they be
Hence Avicenna ays in his book of Congelation of Stones, What falls into alt pits
becomes alt, and what falls into fire becomes fire, but ome thinges ooner, ome
more lowly according to the Power of the Actives and reitance of the Paives.
And there is a place in Arabia which coloureth all bodyes which exit in it of its
own colour. So each Naturall thinge poees a virtue infued into it by Nature by
which it acts upon thoe thinges which are mixed or applied to it by aimilating or
altering their Nature and form. That which in Vegetables and Animalls is
generation by the propagation of eeds, the ame procee in imple and imply
mixed bodyes is the infuion of Virtue and Aimilation.
Thus the Sun, the light of heaven, cats its rayes upon the Earth which, when
collected into concaves or burning glaes, demontrate themelves to be produced
from uch a caue and to eem as if they were the projectible forms of the Sun.
From whence it is evident that the Rayes of the Sun are nothing ele but a fiery
flame extended and dipered into an ample latitude, which being collected and
condened again into itelf by concavous, Diaphanous, circular and repercuive
intruments uch as Concavous and Steel mirrors, do hine forth as a flame and
burn all that approaches it.
In the ame manner there is a certain Virtue dipered as a Vapor throughout every
Elemented body which, if it be gathered together and attracted into one, turns into
water, and from that water into earth. Hence Avicenna in the place quoted before
ays that water becomes Earth when the Qualities of Earth overcome it, and o on
the contrary. But there is a certain matter which ome ingenious men ue when
they would coagulate to form a thinge that is Dry; this matter is compounded of
two waters and is call Lac Virginis. So far that Author. There are ome who think
themelves able to double or further multiply the Virtues of the Loadtone, one of
which kind we have een et in Silver of carce a pound weight which attracted
and held up an Iron Anchor of eight and twenty pound; which it was impoible
for it to have done if its force had not been increaed and trengthened, which

undoubtedly was effected by the revocation of the dipered virtues into one
point, or by the attraction of them from a greater body into a lee.
There are others who affirm that a Leadmaking Stone may be made of the
Sulphurous breath of Saturn, infued and retained by common Mercury, till it be
coagulated; which immediately turns Common Mercury into Lead. Some boat
that they can from Antimony or its Stellated Regulus make Copper from the Fume
of Copper in as hort a pace as a man can eat an Egge; and further, that they have
made all metalls in uch a way. I will not detract from their reputations, though to
me it does not eem probable. I know not whether they are more confident or
uccefull who endeavour to deduce gold from gold, according to the aying of
the Porta Aureus: He that deires Barley owes only Barley, In Gold are the eeds
of Gold. Every naturall thinge hath indeed a virtue of multiplying itelf, but this is
brought into action in vegetables and Animalls only, not in Metalls, Mineralls,
Earthy Foils or meteors. Some plants prung from a mall grain of eed do often
times yield a thouand eeds or more, and o multiply and propagate themelves;
and o yearly Animalls alo have their product in greater or leer Number,
according to each of their Natures. But Gold, Silver, Lead, Tin, Iron, Copper or
Argent Vive are never known to multiply themelves or their kind after that
manner, although it is often found that one may be commuted into another and
made more noble. Nevertheles the Philoophers affirm that the principle of
ignifying is in fire, and o that of Aurifying is in Gold. But the tincture mut be
ought for by whoe Intermediation Gold is to be made. You mut earch for this in
its own proper principles and generations and not in thinges of another Nature;
for if Fire produceth Fire, a Pear a Pear, a Hore a Hore, then Lead will generate
Lead and not Silver, Gold will Generate Gold and not the Tincture. But beides all
this the Philoophers have a peculiar Gold which they do not deny mut be added
to the Aurifick Stone as a Ferment at the End of the Work, eeing it leads the
thinge fermented into its own Nature, without which the whole compoition
would never return to Perfection.


Emblema XIX.

Si de quattuor unum occidas, ubit mortuus omnis erit.

(If you kill one of the four, they will all uddenly dye.)

Bis duo tant fratres longo ordine, pondera terr
Quorum unus dextra utinet, alter aqu:
Aris atque ignis reliquis est portio, i uis
Vt pereant, unum tu modo morte premas:
Et conanguineo tollentur funere cuncti,
Natur quia eos mutua uincla ligant.


The Poets feign that Geryon, King of Spain, conited of three bodyes, and that he
had Oxen of a Purple Colour and that a Dogg with two heads and a Dragon with
even were et over them to watch them. The ame Geryon is reported to be the
Son of Chryaor, prung from the blood of Medua as the Dragon was from that of
Typhon and Echidna. But ince all thee agree neither with Hitory nor the Truth,
and yet fall in exactly with the Chymicall Allegories, we think we have reduced
them to that proper head by applying them to that Subject. For by the threefold
body of Geryon we undertand three Faces beheld in one Father according to the
ene of Hermes, or as others would have it four Faces, they having regard to the
four Elements, for a Triangle mut be made of a Quadrangle as that was made of a
Circle, and o this mut return into a Circle. Now there is o great a conanguinity
and naturall conjunction of the Bodyes of Geryon or the Elements that one being
overcome and lain, the ret alo dye of themelves and putrefye without the
application of any Manuall Force.
As to thinges with two bodyes, it is well known that one being dead the other
Wates and conumes, as we aw in Italy of a boy of four years old who had two
bodyes: the head of one Brother was hid within the body of the other, and was
fixed to him jut at the Navel, and o hung down from thence, and being much
lee than him was carryed about by him. If you preed the hands or feet of the
leer more hard than ordinary, the bigger felt the pain; nay, and hunger too, when
the belly of the latter was Empty for want of Sutenance. And this is the
Combination and Sympathy of Nature, whereby the members and parts of one
and the ame body, or of a body joined and born with another, are mutually
moved and affected together, whereof if one be ound and unhurt it is not
neceary that the others hould o remain. But if one be grievouly hurt, the ret do
alo ympathie and perih by the ame malady. So if one Neighbour gains much
money, yet no profit accrues thereby to another of his Neighbours, but if he uffers
loe by Fire his neighbour receives much damage- for your affairs are in danger
when the next houe has taken fire. Therefore it is in no way repugnant to Truth
that from the death of one of thee brothers, the detruction of the ret hould
happen. This may come to pae by divere means, either becaue they were born
at the ame birth from one father and mother, and therefore as they had the ame
beginning, o likewie they have the ame period of their dayes- which thinge (as
we have read) has happened to ome perons. Or perhaps by the inclination of the
Starrs, or by being joined together not only in their Souls but alo in the Ligaments

of their bodyes, or by a conternation of mind uch as trong imagination in time of

petilence, or by the Vow of a League.
In the Indies, under the Dominions of the great Mogul (he that now reigns being
the ninth ucceor from Tamerlane), there are certain Gentiles who go by the
Name of Pythagoreans, among whom this Ancient cutom is oberved: that if the
Huband dye, the wife is burnt with fire, or lives in perpetuall infamy deerted by
all and eteemed as a Dead woman. Which was therefore ordained that wives
might be afraid of poioning their Hubands unlee they alo are reolved to dye
with them.
So in the Philoophickal Work when one brother is dead, the others perih by
Fires, not compelled but Voluntarily, that they may not urvive in infamy and
orrow. Or if one be aaulted with a Club, Sword or Stone he will raie a Civil war
with his brethren, as in thoe Gyants prung out of the Earth who were born from
Dragons Teeth to oppoe Jaon, and who at another time and place roe up to reit
Cadmus. In this manner will all of them fall by a mutuall detruction of one
another. For touch or hurt him that carryes Air, and he will rie up againt two
together that are nearet him, namely againt him which carries Water and him
that carries Fire. And thee will on both ides oppoe themelves againt him that
carries Earth and him that firt promoted the quarrell, till they have received
mutuall wounds of which they will dye. For it is thus reolved among the brothers
that the more earnetly and vehemently they love one another, o if once they
begin to hate their anger hall be more implacable and not be appeaed but by
death. This can be compared to the weetet honey which, in a Stomach too hot or
Liver corrupted, is turned into the mot bitter Gall.
Kill him therefore that is alive, but o that you may bring him to life again when he
is dead, otherwie his death will not avail you. For his death will be an advantage
to him after his reurrection, and Death and darknee and the Sea will fly from
him as Hermes tetifies in Capitulum 3 of the Tractatus Aureus, vere IX: And the
Dragon which oberved the Holes will fly from the rayes of the Sun, and our dead
on liveth and the King cometh from the Fire. Belinus in his Metaphor in the
Roary mentions the ame thinge: And let this be done when you have drawn me
partly from my Nature, and my wife partly from her Nature- you mut then alo
kill the Natures, and we are raied up with a new incorporeall reurrection o that
afterwards we cannot dye.


Emblema XX.

Naturam natura docet, debellet ut ignem.

(Nature teaches Nature how to ubdue Fire.)

Flamma, uorat qu cuncta, uelut Draco, grauiter urit
Virginis eximium ui uperare decus:
Hinc lachrymis uffusa uiro dum forte uidetur,
Ille fuit mier ferre paratus opem.
Protinus hanc clypeo uelans contendit in hostem,
Et docuit tantas pernere mente minas.


The common token and ymbol by which the Philoophers may know one another
is: That Nature is guided, taught, governed and ubdued by Nature, as a Schollar
by a Mitree, a Waiting Maid by her Lady, a Subject by a Queen, a Daughter by a
Mother or a Kinwoman by a Kinwoman. The truth of this appears by daily
experience in the Education of Youth amongt men, the Intitutions of Learning,
Government and the like. Pliny writes of Nightingales that one teaches, attends,
oberves, imitates and overcomes another in inging, or being overcome laments,
and that ometimes being Vanquihed in the conflict and her throat torn with her
notes he perihes and falls down dead in the midt of her inging. We ee alo how
all orts of birds begin to intruct and accutom their young ones, being yet tender
and not quite fledged, how to flye. So it is not only Nature but Art and Ue that
brings them to the habit of flying, though Nature alone gave power and organs for
the exerciing of that Action, without which no Art or Intitution can find place or
Foundation. So Colts are taught to run by the Mare, Whelps to bark by the Bitch,
and young Foxes to be cunning by their Den. Nor is there any animated or
enitive Nature or pecies of Nature which does not guide, intruct and govern
another Nature, which is its offpring, or ele uffer itelf to be overcome by
another Nature as a Parent.
We do not find uch dicipline in Vegetables, but the ue and handywork of Man is
oberved to prevail much upon them. For whilt the Corn is in the blade it may be
cleaned from Tares and unprofitable Thitles; whilt a tree is yet a Twig it may be
bent and made to grow as you pleae; and o in Metalls and Philoophickal
ubjects, one nature keeps, preerves and defends another Nature in Fire, as is
known to Founders and Refiners but epecially to Maters of Naturall thinges.
Iron added to ilver or gold, being yet very tender and pirituall, mixed in its
mines with Cadmia, Arenick or depredating, devouring Antimony, becomes very
helpfull and performs the part of a midwife if it be cat upon the minerals to be
burnt in the Fire of Furnaces. After the ame manner, when Iron itelf is to be
changed into Steel, it is aved from burning by ome white Stones that are found
upon the Seahore. Some do cat the powders of Chrytall glae or the gall of glae
upon metallick powder to be diolved, that they may not perih by overmuch
Fire. For this purpoe the Philoophers ue Eudica, which Morienus Romanus ays
is the gall of glae and to be had in glae veels. For the heat of Fire conumes the
body with haty burning, but when Eudica is applied it will cure bodyes changed
into Earth from any burning. For when bodyes do no longer retein their ouls they
are oon burnt. Eudica (the Faex of Glae) is indeed agreeable to all bodyes, for it

revives and prepares them and defends them from all burning. This therefore is
the nature which teaches another Nature to fight againt Fire and to be inured to
Fire; this is the Mitree that intructs the Schollar, and if you conider well, the
Queen governing the Subject and the Daughter giving Honour to her Mother. This
is the Red ervant which is joined in Matrimony with his Odoriferous Mother, and
of her begets a progeny far more noble than its Parents. This is Pyrrhus on of
Achilles, the young man with Red Hair, golden vetments, Black Eyes and white
feet. This is the Knight that has the Torque or Collar about him, armed with a
word and hield againt the dragon that he may recue from his jaws the pure and
unviolated Virgin named Albifica, Beya or Blanca. This is the monter-killing
Hercules who freed Heione the Daughter of Laomedon from that montrous
whale which he was expoed to. This is that Pereus who, by howing the Head of
Medua, defended Andromedes the Daughter of Caiope and Cepheus King of
the Ethiopians from a ea monter, and having freed her from her chains
afterwards married her. This is He that may be compared with thoe Ancient
Romans, the Retorers and Deliverers of their Country: M. Curtio, L. Scvola,
Horatio Coclite, Manlio Capitolino and the ret, who can free a city as well as his
mother from Dangers. For this is the way and method of Nature, tending to the
perfection of any work. She deduces one thinge from another and a more perfect
thinge from an imperfect, making an Act out of a Power; but he does not finih all
in a moment, but by doing one thinge after another at lat arrives at her End. Nor
does he do this alone, but he likewie in the firt place contitutes herelf a Deputy
to whom he leaves the Power of life and death, that is the power of Forming other
thinges. For example, in the generation of a man he ues a long procee of ten
months. But according to Aritotle he firt frames the Heart as her Deputy and
the Principall organ, and then the Heart delineates forms and perfects the other
members which are neceary to nutrition, life, ene and the generating power,
and imparts to them life and vivifying pirits by its Sytole and Diatole; that is, by
the dilating and compreing of Arteries, o long as it is not hindered by dieaes
and violence. And o one nature teaches another, which you mut remark and
follow as the mot clear example of the Philoophickal Work.


Emblema XXI.

Fac ex mare & fmina circulum, inde quadrangulum, hinc triangulum,

fac circulum & habebis lap. Philoophorum.
(Make of the man and woman a Circle, of that a Quadrangle, of this a Triangle, of the ame
a Circle and you will have the Stone of the Philoophers.)

Fmina masque unus fiant tibi circulus, ex quo
Surgat, habens quum forma quadrata latus.
Hinc Trigonum ducas, omni qui parte rotundam
In phram redeat: Tum Lapis ortus erit.
Si res tanta tu non mox uenit ob uia menti,
Dogma Geometr i capis, omne ceies.


Plato that mot Excellent Philoopher was of the Opinion that thoe notions or
Ideas which are the Foundations of Arts and Sciences are as it were actually
engraved and imprinted upon the mind of Man, and that by the Repetition and
remembrance of them he can apprehend and know all manner of learning. To
prove this he introduced a young Lad, rude and unintructed, and aked him uch
Geometricall Quetions that the Youth might be perceived to anwer right whether
he will or no, and although before he undertood nothing of the matter, yet by
thee anwers eemed to have penetrated into the Depths of o abtrue a Science.
From whence he concluded that in children all Dicipline and Doctrine is not at
firt taken in and learnt, but called to mind and brought by the memory, alluding
by this to his Annus Magnus or Great Year, of which he ays that forty eight
thouand olar Years agoe, before the Revolution of the Heaven, the ame perons,
thinges and actions were then in being which are at the preent time, whenoever
that is. But every peron may perceive that thee thinges have no more
foundations of truth in them than mere dreams. We do not deny that there are
ome parks of notions and mere powers imprinted in us, which mut be reduced
into act by intitution, but we utterly deny that they are uch or o great as to be
the Summaries of Arts and Sciences without any precedent intruction.
It will then be aked from whence Arts and Sciences have proceeded if men have
not invented them, or whether they were not at firt delivered from Heaven by the
God of the Nations. I anwer by aying that burning Coals may lye hid under
Ahes in o great a quantity that if the Ahes were but removed they would be
ufficient for the dreing of meat or warming oneelf; but this is a different thinge
from affirming that only ome mall park lyes there, which before it can be of ue
and adminiter a ufficient heat mut be cherihed and nourihed with freh fewell
by human Act, Care and Indutry, or otherwie it would be eaily extinguihed.
The Aritotelicks aert the latter as the Platonicks do the former. Reaon and
Experience eem to agree with this latter, whereas the firt depends only upon
Imagination and Phany. Here it may be aked why Plato wrote over the Door of
his chool that no one ignorant of Geometry was there to be admitted, eeing he
affirmed that little boys did actually know it. Are men more unlearned than boys?
Or when they grow up, do they forget what they knew when children? That
cannot be uppoed, for we ee that Brutes do by the intinct of Nature as oon as
they are brought forth abhor and avoid the danger of Fire, Water, Precipices and
the like. Yet an infant neither knows nor huns uch thinges. Why do not the Bee,
Fly and Gnatt precipitate themelves into the Fire, eeing that they cannot know by

experience that danger will arie from it? Becaue nature has taught them, but he
has not done o by man when he is newly born. If Geometry is o eay and naturall
to children, how comes it to pae that Plato did not know the Quadrature of a
Circle, o that Aritotle who was his chollar affirms that it might be known but
was not yet known?
But that this was not unknown to the Philoophers of Nature is apparent from
this: That they command a Circle to be turned into a Quadrangle, and this by a
Triangle to be reduced again to a Circle. By a circle they undertand the mot
imple body without angles, as by the Quadrangle they do the four Elements. It is
as if they hould ay: The mot imple corporeal Figure that can be found is to be
taken and divided into four Elementall Colours, becoming an Equilaterall
Quadrangle. Now every man undertands that this Quadration is Phyicall and
agreeable to Nature, by which far more benefit accrues to the Publick, and more
light appears to the mind of Man, than by any meere Theory of Mathematicks
when abtracted from Matter. To learn this perfectly a Geometrician acting upon
olid bodyes mut enquire what is the depth of olid Figures, as for example the
Profundity of Sphere and Cube mut be knowne and tranferred to manuall ue
and practice. If the Capacity or Circumference of the phere be 32 foot, how much
will one of the ides of the Cube be to Equalize the Capacity of this Sphere? On the
contrary, one might look back from the Meaures which the Cube contains to the
feet of each Circumference.
In like manner the Philoophers would have the Quadrangle reduced into a
Triangle, that is, into a Body, Spirit and Soul, which three appear in the three
previous colours before Rednee: that is, the Body or earth in the Blacknee of
Saturn, the Spirit in the Lunar whitenee as water, and the Soul or air in the Solar
Citrinity. Then the Triangle will be perfect, but this again mut be changed into a
Circle; that is, into an invariable rednee, by which operation the woman is
converted into the man and made one with him, and ix the firt of the perfect
numbers is abolved by one, two having returned again to an unity in which there
is Ret and eternall peace.



Plumbo nabito candido fac opus mulierum, hoc et, COQUE.

(Having acquired White Lead, do the work of women, that is: Cook.)

Quisquis amas facili multum prtare labore,
Saturni in faciem (qu nigra) parge niues:
Et dabitur tibi materies albiima plumbi,
Pot quod, fmineum nil nisi retat opus.
Tum coque, ceu mulier, qu collocat ignibus ollas,
Fac ed ut in propriis Truta liquecat aquis.


As the tatues of Mercury ued to be erected where three ways met, with
incriptions upon them to guide dubious Travellers into the true way, o there are
everall remarkable entences delivered by the Philoophers (although they be
cattered up and down in their obcure books and allegorical writings) which will
direct the Inquirers after Truth and lead them as it were by the hand into the right
path. The preent Emblematicall incription is one of thee. The meaning whereof
is that Lead mut be made of the Philoophickal Brae, and Tin of that Lead which
by Geber is called White Lead, who likewie teaches us how, by wahing, Saturn
together with Mercury may pae into Jupiter.
Wherefore credit is to be given to this Index or direction, although it is poken by
Battus: if at any time thou wouldt dicover the Philoophickal Oxen and what
place they frequent, they are in the mounteins and under the mounteins. For
many men affirm this, as Arnold in his Novum Lumen, Capitulum 1: That Perons
wandering in the mounteins know not thee Animalls, but they are openly old at
a very mall price. In the Highet mounteins Snow and Clouds are mot commonly
found even in Summer, by which as it were by vapour and water, black lead is
wahed and turned into whitenee. But in the lowet Valleys and their mines their
Chrytalls are found congealed and hardened out of ice, i.e. the Lapis Specularis,
which with Talc is commended for making the Face white and beautifull if an
Oyle be made thereof.
But chiefly there is to be found clear and running Mercury, which being well
prepared mends the Blemihes of Saturn and advanceth Him into the Throne of
Jupiter. However, this is not to be undertood of Saturn and Jupiter as they are
commonly found (for common Mettalls do not enter into the Phyicall work). But
it is aid of them, when purged by a long preparation and made Phyicall, that
Saturn is the Father of all the Gentiles or rather of all earchers after the Golden
Work and the firt Gate of Secrets. By him (ays Rhais in his Epitle) the Gates of
Sciences are opened, to him ucceeds his on Jupiter who expelled his Father out of
his Kingdom and dimembered him leat he hould begett more Sons, and from
that member cut off and thrown into the Sea Venus the mot Beautifull of females
is born. From Jupiter, who is White Lead prepared, the ret of the planets are
produced; as Mars from Juno, Mercury from Maia the daughter of Atlas (a
mountein in Mauritania), Luna and Sol from Latona. Which four are brought into
the Light by Coction only, which is the work of women.
By Coction is undertood the Maturation and Diperion of the more Crude parts,
which is performed by Vulcan in the Veells of Philoophye. For it is not to be

uppoed that it is common boyling which is the method of operation; it agrees

with that only as to its end or intent. For as a woman Matures Fih in waters- that
is, by reolving all uperfluous moiture from them into Waters and Air, oftens,
boyles and eethes them- o the philoopher handles his ubject in proper water
which is tronger than the Sharpet Vinegar by Macerating, Liquifying, Solving,
Coagulating and Mixing it in the Veell of Hermes, the joints of which as it is
requiite are mot trictly cloed, leat the water exhale and that which is in the
Veell be burnt. This is that Veell above the Veell, and the Philoophers Pottthe Balneum Laconicum or Vaporous Bath- in which the old man weats.
Some there are who Boyle Fih, Lobters, Crabs and Green Peas in a double Pott, o
that the thinges before mentioned are placed in the upper Pott, Water being only
in the Lower, and the Potts placed one above the other with orbs leat the vapour
hould come forth. By which means the Vapour of the Water acending only
penetrates and matures the thinges contained, and makes them much more
perfectly oft and tender than if they had been boyled in water. This is the mot
Laudable way of the Philoophers, whereby they often that which is hard, diolve
that which is compact and rarifye that which is Thick. For it is Air or an inenible
Vapour which matures, decocts and perfects the fruit of Trees, and not water
Crude and Cold as it is. It is Air alo which Tinges and Colours the Golden Apples
in the Garden of the Heperides. For if it is well conidered, the Ebullition of Water
whereby raw fleh is boyled till it be fit to eat is nothing ele but rarefaction of
waters; which bubbles eaily vanih away, the Air betaking itelf from the Waters
to its own Sphere, and the Water ubiding into its own Centre.



Aurum pluit, dum nacitur Pallas Rhodi, & Sol concumbit Veneri.
(When Pallas was born and Sol was in Conjunction with Venus it rained gold at Rhodes.)

Res et mira, fidem fecit ed Grcia nobis
Eius, apud Rhodios qu celebrata fuit.
Nubibus Aureolus, referunt, qud decidit imber,
Sol ubi erat Cypri iunctus amore De:
Tum quoque, cum Pallas cerebro Iouis excidit, durum
Vae uo pluui ic cadat intar aqu.


Unlee it were to be undertood Allegorically it would be madnee to affirm that
Gold ever rained upon the Earth. For there are no Gold-bearing Rivers, nor Mines
in the Clouds that it may poibly be aid to be produced there; nor is gold of o
little a weight that it may be thought to be attracted thither by Vapours. But a
Trope admitts and excues all thee thinges. For o truly as Pallas actually prang
from the brain of Jupiter and Sol was joined in Adultery with Venus, o truly alo
fell Golden Showers- not as if we any ways doubt that both thee have happened,
but that we may remove the literal and vulgar ene from thinges that are poken
Allegorically. For if we follow the plain words of this Emblem there is nothing
more aburd, but if we attend to the meaning there can be nothing more true. Now
Rhodes is an iland, at firt called Ophiua from the Multitude of Serpents, then
Rhodes from the Gardens of Roes which flourihed there, and latly Coloicola
from the Colous of the Sun, which being there was eteemed one of the even
wonders of the world. Hence the Ancient Philoophers, eeing that their Mercuriall
matter when it is Crude has the reemblance of a erpent, but after it is prepared
and decocted aumes to itelf the purple colour of a Roe, have taken everall of
their Similitudes from this Iland of Rhodes, and for the ame reaon acribed to it
that Golden hower which fell upon Apollo's conjunction with Venus.
This being at firt poken figuratively gave the Rhodeians a pretence to grow
Naughty upon their imagination that uch great Deityes hould deire to have an
offpring conceived upon their Iland, and therefore they erected an Idol to the
Sun of a mot Stupendous Value and Magnitude. For that Colous as Hitory
relates was eventy Cubits high, and o placed that hips under full ail might pae
between the legs. Its fingers were as big as ordinary Statues, and few men could
embrace its thumb. The Artit was Chares Lyndius the Diciple of Lyippus who
was twelve years in the finihing of it. After it had tood fifty and ix years it was
overthrown by an Earthquake, and yet as it lay protrate was till thought
wonderous. When the Soldan of gypt conquered Rhodes he is reported to have
laden nine hundred Camells with the Brae of this Statue.
What Sol is among the Planets, ay the Philoophers, that is gold among the
Metalls; and this is chiefly appropriated to the Sun in the repect of its Heat,
Colour, Virtue and Eence. Hence a golden rain is acribed to the generation of the
Sun, and little Suns are conceived by Venus. For Venus has a Roy colour in her
Face, which if it be infued into the eed of Sol the offpring which is hence
produced mut really be born at Rhodes. For the Son of the Philoophers is
beautifull, and like Roes He draws and allures the Eyes and minds of all men. He

deerves love, therefore it is not trange that at his birth Miracles hould happen,
for he is afterwards to be miraculous in all his works and to raie up a hower of
Gold. He is brother of Augias the Son of Sol who had oxen for his patrimony, the
Dung of whom in one dayes time was purged away by Hercules. He is alo the
Brother of etes who poeed the Golden Fleece later obtained by Jaon.
It is reported of Pallas that he was born from the Brain of Jupiter without a
Mother, and that he was called Tritonia becaue he was brought forth near the
River Triton. She is feigned to be the Goddes of Widom and is not undeervedly
o eteemed, eeing he prings from the Brain which is the Seat of it. Golden
howers did likewie ignifye her birth day at Rhodes, that o the time of her
coming into this Light might remain in the memory of mankind. For as at the time
of a publick rejoycing, whether it be the Coronation of a King or the Birth of a
Prince, there are gold medalls thrown among the people, o the ame was done at
the birth of Pallas. For Pallas is Sophia or Widom, who carries health in her right
hand and riches in her left, providing at the ame time both for man's eae and
plenty. To Her Pereus brought the head of Medua which turned all thinges into
Stone, and was horrid in its appearance with erpents and vipers intead of Hairs;
which he afterwards placed in her hield to ue it againt her Enemyes, that is to
ay Rude and Barbarous people who are therefore to be turned into Stones. And in
truth Widom or Naturall Philoophye renders its incredulous and envious
condemners quite tupid and void of ene and undertanding by the means of that
ame thinge, from whence Chryaor was borne who was the father of Geryon who
had three bodyes. That is by the means of the Lapiditick Gorgonian blood, which
is nothing ele but the Tincture of the Philoophick Stone.



Regem lupus uorauit, & uit crematus reddidit.

(A wolf devoured the King, and being burnt it retored him to life again.)

Multi uorum captare lupum tibi cura it, illi
Proiiciens Regis corpus, ut ingluuiem
Hoc domet, hunc diponme rogo, Vulcanus ubi ignem
Exicet, in cineres belua quo redeat.
Illud agas iterum atque iterum, ic morte reurget
Rexque Leonino corde uperbus erit.


The Hunger and Voracity of a wolf is remarkably knowne to be very great,
inomuch that when his prey is wanting he will feed even upon the Earth; with
which he is likewie aid to fill his belly when he is about to et upon large herds of
Cattle, that o being made heavier by that burden he may reit more trongly and
not eaily be haken off from his hold. When he enters a fold he doth not only kill
enough to atifye his hunger but through greedinee detroys the whole flock. He
is Sacred to Apollo and Latona becaue he tood by her when he was in Labour,
for Latona could not have delivered young unlee he had been preent. Hence
likewie the wolf is thought acceptable to Apollo becaue he celebrated his
birthday, as alo becaue his Eyes hine and cat forth light in the midt of the
night. Therefore the breathlee body of the King is thrown to the wolf when he is
ravenouly hungry, not to the end that the wolf hould wholly conume and
annihilate the King, but that by his own death the wolf hould retore trength and
life to him. For there is a certain amatorious Virtue in the Tayle of the Wolf which
is infued into the half dead King which makes him very deirable to all men upon
the recovery of His former Health and Beauty.
The Hyrcanians nourihed Doggs for no other Ue but that they might cat their
Dead Bodyes to be devoured by them, as Cicero tells us. And o the Maagetes
give men that dye of dieaes as a prey to doggs. But the Philoophers give their
King to a Wolf, nor indeed are they pleaed with the Cutom of the Sabeans, who
carryed out their dead in the ame manner as dung and threw their King upon the
Dunghills; nor that of the Troglodytes of the Red Sea, who tyed the Necks of their
dead men to their feet and hurried them along with Jets and Laughter, and o put
them into the ground without any Conideration of the place of Buriall. But the
Philoophers choe to follow the Cutom of the Magi, who did not bury their dead
bodyes till they had firt been torn to pieces by wild beats; or of the Indians, who
being Crowned and inging the praies of the Gods commanded themelves to be
burnt alive, leat old age hould come upon them. But thee cutoms were impoed
upon them all without any hopes of Reurrection or Renew all of Life. Thinges are
far otherwie dipoed among the Philoophers. For they certainly know that from
their King devoured by a wolf there will appear one that is Alive, Strong and
Young, and that the wolf mut be burnt in his tead. For when the belly of the
wolf is o gorged he will eaily be lain, but although the King be dead he hath a
Martiall or Cygnean Virtue that he can neither be wounded nor conumed.
But where is this Wolf to be hunted, or whence this King to be taken? The
Philoophers anwer that the wolf wanders up and down in the Mounteins and

Valleys that he may eize his prey, which mut be drawn out of their dens and
preerved for Ue. But the King being fatigued with the long journey he has taken
from the Eat at length falls down, and his death is then hatened by his grief
eeing himelf among Strangers, deprived of all his Honours and o little eteemed
as for a mall price to be old into lavery. But it is neceary that the Wolf mut be
taken out of a Cold Region, for thoe that are bred in Cold Countryes are more
fierce than in Libya or Egypt by reaon of their greater hunger occaioned by the
externall cold. Hence the devoured King revives with the heart of a Lyon and is
able afterwards to conquer all beats. And although he is the meanet in Apect
among his ix brothers, being the Younget of them all, yet after many mieries and
tribulations he hall at lat come to the mot powerfull Kingdom. Hereupon
Gratianus in the Roary aith: In Alchymy there is a certain noble body which
moved from Mater to Mater, in whoe beginning there hall be Miery with
Vinegar, but in the End Joy with Gladnee. And Alanus in the ame place ays:
There is one thing to be choen out of all, which is of a Livid Colour, having a clear
liquid metallick Species, and is a thinge Hot and Moit, Watery and Combutible,
and is a Living Oyle and Living Tincture, a Minerall Stone and Water of Life of
wonderfull efficacy.
It is not always afe for Kings to travell out of the Confines of their Kingdoms, for
if they endeavour to conceal themelves and yet happen to be known by their
Adveraries, they are taken for Spyes and imprioned; if being known they would
proceed without an Army they are in the ame manner of danger. And o it has
happened to this Indian King, or if he had not been prevented by death it would
o have happened. This capture is the firt Sublimation, Lotion and Nobilitation
which the Philoophers ue, that the econd and third may be performed with
more happy ucces. For the econd and third without the firt are of no moment,
the King being as yet Puillanimous, Drowy and Sick. For He mut firt require
Subidies and Tributes of his Subjects by which he may purchae himelf garments
and other necearyes, and afterwards he will be rich enough and able to new
clothe all his Subjects as often as He pleaes. For great thinges being generally
prung from mall beginnings can afterwards raie up mall thinges, or even
uppree great ones if uch their pleaure be. As appears by ome Cities, which at
firt were mall but were governed by mighty Kings, and o from Villages became
populous and Magnificent Towns.



Draco non moritur, nii cum fratre & orore ua interficiatur,

qui unt Sol & Luna.
(The Dragon does not dye unlee he be lain by a Brother and a Siter, which are Sol and Luna.)

Exigu et non artis opus, trauie Draconem
Funere, ne erpatr mox rediuiuus humo.
Frater & ipa oror iuncti imul illius ora
Fute premunt, nec res fert aliena necem.
Phbus ei frater, oror et at Cynthia, Python
Ill, at Orion hac cecidre manu.


In the acquiition of the Golden Fleece the Dragon was firt to be killed, which
Labour having been in vain attempted by many men, they were overcome by the
Dragon and detroyed with his deadly poion. The reaon was becaue they were
not ufficiently armed againt his Venom, nor intructed by what device he might
be lain. But Jaon the Phyitian neglected no manner of Remedies, everall of
which he received from Medea (the counel of his mind) and among them the
Images of Sol and Luna, by the true ue of which he obtained the victory which
was the Golden Fleece. Therefore the Dragon was lain by Sol and Luna, or by
their Images, as the Philoophers often oberve.
So the Author of the Roary out of other Writers as Hermes ays: The Dragon dyes
not unlee he be killed by the Brother and Siter; not by one alone but by two
together, to wit by the Sun and Moon. The Philoophickal Mercury never dyes
unlee it be killed with his iter; that is, it is neceary to congeal him with the
Moon or Sun. Note the Dragon is Argent Vive extracted from bodyes, having in it
Body Soul and Spirit; whereupon he aith the Dragon dyes not unlee with his
Brother and Siter, that is Sol and Luna, that is Sulphur extracted, having in itelf
the Nature of Moiture and Coldnee by reaon of the Moon. With thee the
Dragon dyes, that is Argent Vive extracted from the ame bodyes at firt, which is
the Aqua Permanens of the Philoophers, which is made after putrefaction and
after eparation of the Elements, and that water by another Name is called Aqua
Foetida. So far he goes, with whom all the ret do agree, and therefore I think it
unneceary to quote them.
The People of Epyrus worhipped a Dragon in the Temple of Apollo in memory of
Python that was lain by him. There is by Nature a continuall war between the
Dragon and the Elephant, at whoe eyes and throat he always trikes, till the
Elephant falling upon the ground kills the Dragon with his Weight, from whence
by many is aid to come that Dragon's Blood which is imported into thee parts.
The Dragon's Eyes are of equall Value with Jewells. His ight is very harp and
clear, and therefore he is placed as a guard over Treaures, as to the Garden of the
Heperides and the Golden Fleece at Colchis. The Ancients alo joined him to
culapius as a Hieroglyphick.
But the chemits appropriate Dragons to their Work not in reality but as an
Allegorye. For a Dragon always denotes Mercury, whether he be fixed or volatile.
Hence Mercury has two erpents about his Caduceus (for a dragon is a great
erpent), and Saturn has but one which devours his Tayle, as alo has Janus. A
Serpent is dedicated to culapius, the on of Apollo and the Inventor of Medicine

(the Philoophick Medicine), and it is believed that he was carryed in that hape
from Epidauros to Rome, and there always worhipped for the ceation of the
petilence which (as they thought) was effected by him.
Now the Philoophick Dragon is always mot Vigilant and Lively, not eaily to be
wounded both by reaon of the thicknee of his kin and harpnee of his teeth
and Venom with which he is armed: for although the common Dragons are aid to
be without poion, yet this is not without it, venting it upon any one that comes
near unlee he be managed warily. He therefore can rarely be overcome by Force,
unlee the Craft of thoe who are related to him by conanguinity be added to it.
For it is truly oberved by an Author that it is a afe and uuall way to deceive
under the name of a Friend; but how afe or uuall oever it may be, it carries a
Crime along with it. It may be o in other affairs, but it is not o in this. Jugglers
and mountebanks are aid to kill worms and drive them out of children by a
powder made of uch worms, that is to kill brothers with their brothers and iters:
o here the Dragon is to be killed with the Brother and Siter, which is Sol and
Luna. Whence it appears that the Dragon is alo one of the Planets, to wit (as
before howed out of the Roary) Mercury extracted out of Bodyes.
Some of the Grecians have told us that in the Reign of Herod King of Judea a
Dragon fell in love with a beautifull maid who was marriageable, and lay with her
in bed; and that Tiberius the Emperor delighted in another which he commonly
fed with his own hand. So alo the Philoophickal Dragon if he be rightly handled
leaves his fiercenee and becomes a friend to man, but he is dangerous if ued
otherwie. Xanthus the hitorian as Pliny relates it, tells us that a Dragons young
one being killed was by his parent brought to life again with the Herb called Balin,
which notwithtanding I acribe to a Philoophickal Allegorye rather then a true
Hitory. For only in Chymicall procee Death happens to the live Dragon and life
returns to the dead one, and that by turns alternately.
But it may be enquired where and how the Dragon may be taken. The
Philoophers anwer: The Mounteins give Dragons to Rebis and the Earth
Founteins. But in Tacitus may be een the way of taking him, and with what Care
and Indutry many men watched to eize a very great Dragon which had been
oberved in Africa, that o he might be carryed to Tiberius. For they found his
accutomed path among Stones; this they encloed, and having educed it to a
narrow compae they then included him in bands and netts, and tamed him by
Clubs and Stripes till at lat by the help of many Land Carriages He was brought
to the hip which conveyed him to Rome.



Sapienti human fructus Lignum uit et.

(The Tree of Life is the fruit of Human Widom.)

Maior in humanis non et apientia rebus,
Qum qu diuiti uitaque ana uenit.
Dextra alubre tenet paciosi temporis uum,
Illius at cumulos lua recondit opum.
Si quis ad hanc ratione manuque acceerit, illi
Vit fructus in hac arboris intar erit.


Tullius has excellently decribed the Eentiall difference of Man whereby he is
ditinguihed from all other animalls after this manner: As a Bird for flying, a
Hore for running, o a Man is born for Reaoning. For as Lyons, Bears and Tigers
do exercie and delight themelves in fiercenee, Elephants and Bulls in trength of
body, Eagles, Falcons and other Hawks in preying upon birds and wiftnee of
wings, o Man excells them and all other Creatures in Reaon, Inferences and
Undertanding. So there is no fiercenee, no trength of body, no wiftnee in
Brutes o great, as not to be tamed, ubdued and outdone by Man's Reaon only.
For reaon is not a thinge humane or proceeding from the Earth, but as the Poet
aith a particle of divine breath ent from heaven into Man. It is ometimes called
memory, ometimes the intellectuall virtue to which, if ue or experience be added,
Widom prings from thence; which is the mot precious thinge that a man can
obtain. For ue is aid to be as the Father and Memory as the Mother of o generous
an offpring. But the Quetion is, what is true widom? and mot worthy of man's
enquiry, ince the opinions concerning it are infinite, every man tranferring it to
their own imaginations? It may be anwered that Widom (exception being always
made of that which in divine thinges relates to the Welfare of the Soul) in human
thinges does not conit in Sophiticall Arguments, Rhetoricall Speeches, Poeticall
Sound of Veres, Criticall Subtility of the Grammarians. Nor in the craft of heaping
up Riches by violence, lyes, deceit, perjuryes, oppreion without any regard to the
cryes and labour of the Poor. For widom is nothing ele but the true knowledge of
Alchymie joined with practice, which is of the greatet benefit to mankind. This is
the Widom urpaing all thinges, which with her right hand penetrates the Eat,
with her left hand the Wet, and Embraceth the whole Earth.
Tis of this Widom that Solomon dicoures o excellently in his Book of Widom
and hows us how They that are acquainted have Eternall pereverance, and Her
friends partake of incere pleaures. And he that diligently enquireth after Her
hall receive much Joy, for there is no tediounee in her converation, but to be
preent with Her is mirth and gladnee. And though wine and muick cheer the
heart of Man, yet Widom is pleaanter than both, for he is the Tree of Life to all
that lay hold upon Her, and happy is every one that reteineth her. Lactantius
therefore calleth her the food of the Soul. The wie hall inherit Glory, and He that
eteems widom hall be exalted and honoured by Her. She is more powerfull then
all thinges and comforts a wie man more then ten mighty Princes that are in the
city. And to this worldly widom may be applied what is aid by the Prophet
Baruch: Where is Widom, Where is trength and Where is undertanding that

thou mait know alo Where is length of dayes and Life, where is the light of the
Eyes and peace. And as Solomon affirms in the Book of Widom, Great Pleaure it
is to have Her Friendhip, and in the works of Her hands are infinite Riches, and
in the exercie of conference with Her is prudence, and in talking with her a good
Morienus the Philoopher peaking of it ays: This is knowledge which draws him
that poees it from the miery of this world and brings him to the knowledge of
thoe good thinges that are to come. And he Affirms it to be the Gift of God: For
this is nothing but the Gift of God mot High who committs and reveals it to uch
of his ervants and faithfull as He pleaes. They therefore ought to be Humble and
ubject in all thinges to the Omnipotent God. And in another place: For it is
convenient for you to know, O King, that this Magitery is nothing ele but the
Arcanum and ecret of ecrets of the mot High and Great God, for he hath
recommended this ecret to his Prophets whoe Souls he hath placed in his
Paradie. It is alo called the Tree of Life; not that it hath Eternall Life in it, but
becaue it doth as it were how the way to it, and bears fruit profitable for this Life
which it cannot be without, uch as Health and the Goods of Fortune and Mind.
For without thee a Man living is as if he were dead, and not unlike to a Brute,
although outwardly he repreents him that he ought to be, but is not in his better



Qui Roaroum intrare conatur Philoophicum abque claves,

aimilatur homini ambulare uolenti abque pedibus.
(He that endeavours to enter into the Philoophers Roarye without a key,
is like him who would walk without feet.)

Luxuriat Sophi diuerso flore R O S E T U M ,
Semper at et firmis ianua claua eris:
Vnica cui clauis res uilis habetur in orbe,
Hac ine, tu capres, cruribus abque uiam.
Parnai in uanum conaris ad ardua, qui uix
In plano ualeas te tabilire olo.


They write of Erichthonius that He prang out of the Earth whilt Vulcan wretled
with Pallas the Goddee of Widom, and was born not with the feet of a man but
formed like a erpent. Such are thoe Perons who by the means of Vulcan alone,
without the Widom of Pallas, do beget Offpring that are montrous, without feet
and abortive, which can neither profit others nor benefit themelves. It is a
mierable thinge for men to go upon all four, that is upon his hands and feet; but
wore altogether are thoe detitute of feet who ue Arms intead of them, for they
eem to have degenerated into the Nature of Worms who go after the manner of
But the two legs are the two organick members of man, without which there can
be no true walking, no more then eeing without eyes or graping thinges tangible
without hands. So likewie medicine and every operative Art are uppoed to have
two legs, namely Experience and Reaon, upon which they are to tand and
without either of which their Art is lame and imperfect in its Traditions and
Precepts, nor can it arrive at the End it propoes. But Chemitry chiefly has two
ubjects as its two legs, one of which is the key, the other is the bolt. With thee the
Philoophick Roary although locked on every ide may be opened, and free
admittance given to uch as have a Right to enter. But if one of thee be wanting to
him that is about to enter therein, it will be the ame thinge as if a Cripple hould
endeavour to outrun a Hare. He that without a key enters into the Garden which
is every way encloed is like a Thief who coming in the dark night can dicern
nothing that grows in the Garden, nor enjoy what he teals thence.
But the Key is a thinge of the meanet Value which properly is called a Stone,
known in the Chapter X as the Root of Rhodes, without which no Twig is put
forth, nor doth a Budd well, nor a Roe pring and end forth leaves in a thouand
fold. But it may be aked where this Key is to be ought for? I anwer with the
Oracle: it is there to be looked for where the Bones of Oretes are aid to be found,
DESTRUCTION OF MEN may be found together. That is, as Lychas interpreted it,
in a Braier's Workhoue. For by the Winds is meant his Bellows, by the Striker the
Hammer, by the Striker Back the Anvill, and by the Detruction of Men, Iron
eems to have been meant by the Oracle. If a man knows how to number well and
ditinguih the igns he will certainly find this Key in the Northern Hemiphere of
the Zodiack, and the bolt in the Southern; and being Mater of thee it will be eay
to open the Door and enter.

And in the very entrance he will ee Venus and her beloved Adonis, for he hath
tinged the White Roe of a Purple Colour with her Blood. In the ame place a
Dragon alo is obervable- as in the Heperian Gardens- who watches over thee
Roes. And the cent of the Roes is aid to be increaed by Garlick planted near
them, and that by reaon of the exceeding degree of Heat which is in Garlick
whereby it reits cold poions, for the Roes want the Heat of the Sun and Earth
before they can acquire a colour and mell that is mot Gratefull to the Eyes and
Notrills. Moreover the Fume of Common Sulphur makes Red Roes White if it
touch them, and o on the contrary the Spirit of Vitriol and Aqua Fortis refrehes
them with a deep or full Red Colour which endureth. For common Sulphur is an
Enemy to the Philoophickal Sulphur though it cannot detroy it, but the olutive
water is friendly to it and preerves its Colour.
The Roe is acred to Venus in regard of that Beauty in which it urpaeth all
Flowers; for it is a Virgin which Nature hath Armed that it might not be violated
without revenge and punihment. Violets are unarmed and trod under feet, but
Roes lye among Prickles and have Yellow Hairs hidden within and a Garment of
Green without. No man can pluck them and eparate them from the Prickles but
he that is Wie; if otherwie, he hall feel a Sting in his fingers. So none but the mot
Wary Philoophers will crop their Flowers, leat in the Hives He hould find Stings
as well as Bees and Gall intead of Honey. Many have ecretly and like Thieves
entered the Roary but have reaped nothing from thence but Miery and Loe of
Time and Labour. Whereupon Bacuer aith in the Turba: Our Books eem very
injurious to thoe who read them only once or twice or perhaps thrice, for they
will be frutrated in their Undertanding and whole Study. What is wore they will
alo loe all their money, pains and time which they have pent in this Art, and a
little afterwards, when a man thinks he has perfected and has the World, he will
find nothing in his hands.



Rex balneatur in Laconico edens, atrque bile liberatur Pharut.

(The King is itting in a Vaporous Bath, and is freed from the Black Gall
by the Phyitian Pharut.)

Rex Duenech (uiridis cui fulgent arma Leonis)
Bile tumen rigidis moribus uus erat.
Hinc Pharut ad ee medicum uocat, ille alutem
Spondet, & arias fonte mintrat aquas:
His lauat & relavat, uitreo ub fornice, donec
Rore madenti omnis bilis abacta fuit.


As there are three concoctions in man, the firt in the Stomach, the econd in the
Liver, the third in the Veins, there are likewie as many univerall Evacuations of
Excrements which are correpondent to them and daily carry of their
uperfluityes; namely, the firt by tool which is proper to the firt concoction, the
econd by Urine which belongs to the econd, the third by Expiration through the
pores of the Whole Body or by weat which is peculiar to the third. In the firt the
Chylus, in the next Chymus, in the third a Dew or dewy ubtance is Elaborated
and applied to every part of the Body. The Excrements or Faeces of the firt are
Thick, Bilious and Fat, which are carryed through the Bowells backward, and if
they be at any time obtructed they are gently, moderately or trongly expelled by
purgations. The Excrements of the econd are liquid, more thin, bilious and altih,
which are brought out of the Veins by the Kidneys and Bladders as Aqueducts.
The uperfluityes of the third are yet more thin and therefore do for the mot part
expire of themelves through the mallet pores, or are carryed out together with
the Serum of the Humors as weat. Thee are helped by Sudorificks, as the former
are by Diureticks. The Ancient Greeks and Romans took a great deal of pains for
the evacuating of this latter ort of Faeces, and to this End did o many ports and
exercies, uch as the Chafing of all parts in the morning, Anointing with oyle and
Wretling, Fencing, Running, Hand-ball, Tennis, daily Wahing and Bathing in
Rivers or Artificiall Baths. And for the convenience of thee thinges o many
Magnificent tructures were built at Rome, which we may rather admire than
imitate; uch as were the Baths of Diocleian, which are for the mot part till
remaining (and unlee I am mitaken dedicated to the Arch Angels), an Apiring,
Superb and Splendid Work.
The ame kinds of concoction as we have before mentioned are likewie in the
Elaboration of Metalls. For the firt is made after its manner in the Magnus Annus
or great year, that is in the Revolution of the Highet Sphere, the econd in the
Revolution of the lowet phere, the third in that of the middle one. But that the
Philoophers may by the help of Art more Eaily draw forth this mae of
Excrements and Superfluityes, they invent everall methods uch as Wahings,
Purgations, Bathings and Laconica or Vaporous Baths, by which they perform that
in the Philoophickal Work which Phyicians do in human Bodyes. Duenech
therefore is by Pharut introduced into his Laconicum that there He may weat and
evacuate through his Pores the Faeces of the third concoction; for this King's
ditemper is melancholick or atrabilious by which he is in lee Authority and
Eteem than all the other Princes, as being charged with the moronee of Saturn

and the Choler and Fury of Mars. He therefore has a deire to dye or be cured if it
be poible. Amongt many Phyicians one is found who undertakes this charge,
being induced to it by rewards and entreatyes. This Allegorye is very frequent in
the writings of the Philoophers, as of Bernhardus, Alanus in the Treatie of
Duenech, and innumerable others.
Therefore we don't add everall other Circumtances which may be found in them,
but would here oberve only what Excrement and of which Concoction it is that
ought to be evacuated by Bathing, for hereupon the whole matter will turn. In
Stoves or Hot Baths that Heat which is included in the Body is uually, together
with the Blood, brought to the uperficies of the kin whereby a Beautyfull
complexion is made in the Face and whole Body; and if this appears it will be a
ign that the Melanchollye Blacknee which infects the kin may inenibly be
evacuated, and all the humors corrected o that a pure and Roy blood may
afterwards be generated. For it is neceary that the whole temperament of his
body be amended, becaue being Cold and Dry it is repugnant to the bittering of
his blood, whereas He on the contrary is Hot and Moit; and whether this can be
done or no it is neceary for the Philoopher to foreknow and foretell by
There have been ome men who have taken a Cobbler for a great Prince or King's
Son, but they have at length from certain igns perceived what he was in his
Decent and Education. Leat this hould happen the Artit in the firt place mut
be carefull to chooe the true offpring of the King, who although he does not
appear plendid with golden Attire, but is depicable and mean in his clothing as
likewie of a Livid and Melanchollye complexion, yet let him not reject him or take
another in his tead. For if he be very well wahed his Royall Genius will oon
appear, as in Cyrus, Paris and Romulus who were educated among Ruticks. But it
is further to be oberved that the Bath mut be a Laconicum, that is Vaporous and
Sudorifick, leat the water hould parch his Tender fleh or obtruct the Pores, from
whence would proceed more Harm than Advantage, nor could the Effect of it be
remedied. Let no peron be ollicitory what clothes the King hould put on after his
bathing; for as the Daughter of King Alcinoi preented Garments to Ulyes who
was hipwrecked and naked, o there hall be one who will end him thoe which
are mot precious, whereby he may be acknowlegded deervedly to be the
offpring of the Sun.



Ut Salamandra uiuit igne ic lapis.

(As the Salamander lives in fire, o alo the Stone.)

Degit in ardenti Salamandra potentior igne,
Nec Vulcane tuas timat illa minas:
Sic quoque non flammarum incendia va recuat,
Qui fuit aiduo natus in igne Lapis.
Illa rigens tus extinguit, liberaque exit,
At calet hic, imilis quem calor ine iuuat.


There are two Elements in which Animalls live, Air and Water, and as many in
which nothing that is Animated can remain, to wit, Earth and Fire; for as the
former are of a temperate and middle Complexion in the firt and econd
qualitiyes, o thee latter are of an extreme one, or are bodyes either too thick or
too ubtile, o that the thicknee does not admitt ome bodyes, and the ubtilety
does indeed admitt ome but then it penetrates and burns them. But that men can
live in Subterraneous Caves is occaioned by the Air decending thither and filling
thoe places leat there hould be any Vacuum. But here we peak of every Element
apart. In the Water Fihes live in incredible numbers, variety and fruitfulnee, and
even the bigget of all Animalls. In the Air live Men, fourfooted Beats, Birds,
Worms and Inects. Whatoever is aid of Spirits wandering in the ecret parts of
the Earth is another thinge, for they are not Animalls.
But as for the Fire, there are no Animalls aid to live in it except the Salamander.
Now the Salamander is a creeping worm not much unlike a Lizard, but of a lower
pace, bigger head and different Colour, uch as I remember eeing in the Alps
under the mountein Spulga coming out of the Rocks after Thunder and Rain and
lying in the way. And a Country man of the place told me it was called Ein
Molch; it had round about it a clammy and vicous moitnee, by the Virtue of
which it freely paes though the Fire without Harm.
But the Salamander of the Philoophers is very different from this, although it be
likened to it. For that of the Philoophers is born in Fire. This is not o with the
common Salamander, but if it falls into the Fire by reaon of its extreme coldnee
and moiture it is not preently burnt, but can freely pae through the Flame that
is Hot and Dry. This common Salamander is Cold and Moit, for every thinge
participates of the Nature of the Mothers womb and reembles the place and
country of its production. Fire produces nothing but what is Hot and Dry as
being like to itelf; on the contrary, the Moit and Cold Caverns of Rocks being full
of water end forth this moit and cold Vermin. The Philoophickal Salamander by
the Similitude of its Nature rejoyces in Fire; the common Salamander by the
Contrariety of Nature extinguihes it or for ome time repells its force.
They ay that the Fly Pyrautes is generated in Fire and flyes out of the Bras
Furnaces in Cyprus. But no man has believed this to be true but in an Allegorye.
For Fire if it be continued detroys and corrupts the bodyes of any Animalls
whatoever, eeing it can burn Earth into Glae and the mot olid Timber and all
other compounded thinges into Ahes, ome few excepted to wit uch as are
Mercuriall, which either wholly remain or wholly fly away out of the fire without
any eparation being made of their parts. For Vulcan is a mot cruell Executioner
who calls all thinges that are mixed and compounded of Elements to his Tryall
and Judgement. Some few only are excepted from his Tribunall by the peciall

Privilege and Indulgence of Nature, who is Empree of all thinges. Over thee he
has no right by himelf alone, unlee he joins to him the Areopagites as other
aitant Judges. And Salamanders are uch as are above his Violence, which they
do not fear.
Avicenna in his Porta reckons up the various Temperaments of bodyes which are
all unequall and therefore corruptible by Fire and other injuries. But He affirms
that there is one exactly equall which has as much Heat as Cold and as much
Drynee as Moiture, not according to Weight but Jutice as the Phyitians term it;
and this is that which is more Patient then Agent, in which if Fire endeavours to
reolve Water its adverary into Air which is its Familiar, the Earth does not admitt
this Reolution becaue it is incorporated with Water. And the Internall Fire of the
Compound doth by its uffrage approve this pretence of the Earth, becaue he is
the intimate Friend of the Earth. Therefore Vulcan's Judgement ceaes, and he ues
yet another Intrigue by endeavouring to burn the Earth into cinders as he is
accutomed to do. But Water adhering to Earth brings exceptions againt him and
hows that he is united to the Earth and the Air, as the Fire by one ide is to the
Earth. Therefore he that would reduce the Earth to Ahes would likewie reduce
the other Elements, and o Vulcan being diappointed upends his Judgement
leat He hould become ridiculous.
This Body is like the Truet Salamander, in which the Elements are Equalled by
the Balance of their Powers. Concerning this Roarius out of Geber aith: Likewie
the Philoopher would have the Subtances of Mercury mortified, but naturally his
Mercury is in that Venerable Stone as is plain to all men. And a little further on:
Alo the Philoopher would have the Subtances of Mercury Fixed, as is evident
becaue he teacheth the ways of Fixing with many Cautions and Devices. But who
can doubt the Subtance of that Precious Stone to be mot Fixed? Certainly no man
that knows it. By which it appears that the Stone is by Fixation to be reduced to
the Nature of the Salamander, that is to the greatet Fixednee which neither
declines nor refues Fire. For it is no Salamander till it has learnt to endure Fire
with the utmot patience, which mut of neceitye be effected in long procee of
Hereafter in the 35th Emblematicall dicoure it will be howne how Achilles and
Triptolemus were by night placed under embers of Fire till they could endure the
mot Vehement Heat, thus by ue and cutom attaining to the propertyes of a
Salamander. For Cutom is a econd Nature. But unlee Nature communicates
the Power and as a Mitree begins the Alteration, Cutom will be able to do little
or nothing. And thence it is impoible to fix Ice at the Fire, but to fix Chritall is
poible becaue Nature has begun it. The ame mut be thought of Watery and
Volatile Mercury, which in its own Nature cannot be Fixed but by the Marriage
and Coition of Sulphur, which is the Philoophickal Tincture and Fixes all flying


Sol indiget Lun, ut gallus gallin.

(Luna is as requiite to Sol as a Hen is to a Cock.)

O Sol, olus agis nil, i non uiribus adim,
Vt ine gallin et gallus inanis ope.
Auxiliumque tuum prens ego Luna uiciim
Potulo, gallin gallus ut expetitur.
Qu natura imul coniungi flagitat, ille et
Mentis inops, uinclis qui religare uelit.


Avicenna in his Book de Anima does everall times offer us this admonition: That
no Eggs hould be taken by the Artit unlee they were of uch Hens as had been
trod by a Cock. That is that the Female ubject is of no Value without the virtue of
the Male, and o on the contrary that the Cock is of no ue without the Hen. For
thee two exes are to be joined in the Philoophickal Coop, and that o
multiplication may from thence proceed. But the Philoophers do more epecially
ue this imilitude of a Cock becaue he has a nearer correpondence with the
Power of the Sulphur than the Male of any other kind of Bird, eeing one Cock can
preide over many Hens and does not eaily endure any Rivall upon the
Territoryes of his own Dunghill, for He knows and eteems himelf to be ufficient
for all his mates. He is the Bird of Mars, made as the Poets feign by the
tranformation of the boy Gallus, whoe buinee it was to watch the Sun leat he
hould epye the Adultery which Mars committed with Venus; and He is very
Martiall in war, for He will fight with his Enemy even till death. In the
Philoophickal work he repreents the Sun, as the Hen does the Moon For there is
the ame neceitye of joining Sol with Luna as the Cock with the Hen. The Cock is
likewie raied to the Sun, with whom He both ries and goes to leep. He often
looks up to Heaven and erects his Tayle on high, which falls in the hape of a
ickle. He fights for his Hens againt Serpents, He is the forerunner of Light and is
Loved by Latona becaue he was preent at her delivery. For Latona brought forth
Sol and Luna, from whence the Cock is appropriated both to the Mother and the
But Sol, Luna and Latona agree with Chymicall ubjects and o do the Cock and
Hen, for thee two came out of Eggs and do likewie produce eggs, from whence
their Chickens may be Hatched. So likewie the Philoophers have their Eggs,
which will pae into birds of the ame kind if they are nourihed with a temperate
heat uch as the heat of a Hen that etts, remaining upon them continually. For
whereas among other Birds the male etts upon the Eggs, the Cock only hows
himelf to be free from that Office and Burden, and all the care and labour of
hatching the Chickens and breeding them up mut lye upon the Hen. Wherein her
Diligence and Indutry is very remarkable; with what hate he eats and drinks
and performs all the necearyes of Nature, that he may run back to her Eggs leat
they hould grow cold. Then with Force and Eagernee he defends her Chickens;
with how loud a voice like that of a Bell he calls and clucks them together; with
what Endeavour he Bruies and Cutts with her Bill as with a Knife the harder
crumbs or grains which he adminiters to them. All of which is the work of
Nature, and worthy of our admiration. And all this is done leat Eggs hould be
wanting for the food of mankind or the production of Chickens.

After the ame manner the Philoopher or Artit makes like proviion for all his
operations. For he gathers his Eggs from uch places where a Cock has been
treading and diligently earches leat there be joined eggs; after that he cleanes,
eparates and dipoes them in his Veels, as in Nets; he adminiters proper heat
to them by which from day to day the ubjects commixed among themelves do
mutually Act and Suffer, till after a long time paing through various colours they
at lat arrive at one Colour and Eence. In which work Solution, Coagulation,
Sublimation, Acenion, Decenion, Ditillation, Calcination and Fixion mut be
performed as intermediate operations. For what is hard and compact cannot be
altered, therefore Solution mut precede and that o it may grow oft and liquid.
But when a thinge is diolved then it mut be Coagulated not to its former
Hardnee but to a Tractablenee proportionate to that of Honey. Then
Sublimation eparates the Pure from the Impure and makes what was Vile become
Honourable, advancing inferiour to a uperiour. Whence this cannot be wanting,
but is like the mitree and governee of all the ret. While this Sublimation is
performed ome parts mount upwards, which is Acenion, and others fall
downwards which is Decenion: afterwards, Ditillation being often repeated
clarifies the whole, and that which remains at the bottom is Calcined. Then both
are fixed and the work is perfected. But a man may in truth reduce all thee
peciall operations to one generall, which is Coction. For as everall Chickens
which run about are clucked together under one Hen who is their Mother and
Nure, o thee various coures and methods of operation run all into one, which is
the work of the woman: that is, Coction.
It is the Moon that mut be exalted to the Sublimenee of the Sun, and all thee
thinges are tranacted for her ake. That is the finall intent: a durable Marriage
between the Sun and Moon, and when that is accomplihed all embaies,
contracts, congrees, mitruts hall have an End. There will be one bed and one
fleh, the love mutuall and contant, the league indiolvable, the peace eternall.
The Sun without the Moon is of no great Eteem, and the Moon without the Sun is
of an abject condition and Vile Originall. But it is from her Huband the Sun that
he receives Splendour, Dignity and Strength or Firmenee both of Mind and
Body. And the Sun obtains from the Moon the Multiplication of his Offpring and
the Propagation of his Kind. Hence Roarius ays, if there were only one of them in
our Stone the Medicine would never flow eaily nor give the Tincture; nor if it did
give it, it would not Tinge but for as much as was in it, and the remainder and
Mercury would Fly away in Smoak, becaue a Receptacle of the Tincture would
not be in it. And Geber in Libro Examinum proves that if Sol and Luna are
incorporated together with Art they are not eaily to be eparated.



Rex natans in mari, clamns alt uoce: Qui me eripiet, ingens prmium habebit.
(The King wimming in the Sea cryes out with a Loud Voice:
He that delivers me hall have a great reward.)

Rex Diadema caput cui prgrauat, quore uato
Innatat, atque altis uocibus uus ait:
Cur non fertis opem? Cur non accurritis omnes,
Quos ereptus aquis orte beare queo?
In mea, i apitis, me regna reducite, nec uos
Pauperies premet aut corporis ulla lues.


The firt Rudiments of all Dicipline were anciently the knowledge of wimming
and the intitution of letters; and from thence it ued to be aid of a rude
unpolihed man that he could neither wim nor read. For the Ancients conidered
that wimming would of ten times prove a means to ave and deliver the Body
from the dangers of the Water, as the knowledge of letters would the mind amidt
all the waves of Fortune. Swimming is as neceary in War as Learning is at home
in times of peace. And as we oberve that Brutes have their Weapons in readinee
and provided by Nature, but that Man intead thereof has his wit and hands given
him againt all externall Force, that as one contrives his Arms o the others may
ue them, o the ame beats have the faculty of wimming naturally implanted in
them, which man has not. For the very Young often will ecape from thoe waters
in which the tronget and mot killfull man will be drowned. It was therefore
needfull to enjoin the exercie of wimming to children, it being uefull towards
the preervation of their lives, o that what was wanting by Nature might be
upplyed by the Ue of Art.
The ame Exercie has been ued by Noblemen, Princes and Kings for the
afeguard of their Perons, for they who are decended from Noble blood are not
wholly Exempted from the chances of fortune, but expoed to them as well as
other Men. If Dionyius had neither undertood wimming nor letters when he
was driven out of his Kingdom of Sicily as a Tyrant, he would have perihed in the
waves of the Sea when he was hipwrecked in the Corinthian gulf. Neither could
he have come to Corinthus, there to et up a School to teach boyes and profes
humane learning. From a King being made a Schoolmater and wielding a rod
intead of a Scepter, the proverb originated: 'Dionyius of Corinth'. In like manner,
if the Royall Son of the Philoophers had not been able to wim, no man would
have heard his Voice nor retrieved him, he being long ince drowned in the
Waters. Swimming therefore is neceary and uefull to all degrees of men, for
altho' it cannot preently deliver a man from the urges of the Vat Ocean, yet it
gives him time of Life whereby he may be aved by others.
But this King of whom we peak utains himelf the longet time of all and cryes
out even to this day, tho' he be een or heard by a very Few, by reaon of the
Vatnee of the Sea and his remotenee. For by chance in wimming he hath
touched upon a Rock or a Very great Stone where he may remain if the Waves
prevail. But it may be aked what kind of Sea this is? I anwer it is the Erythran
or the Red Sea, ubject to the Tropick of Cancer, in whoe Bottom there lies the
mot abundant Quantity of Magnets. It is not afe for hips compacted of or laden

with Iron to ail in it, for they may eaily be drawn to the bottom by the Force of
the Magnets. Which the King before mentioned being ignorant of, and the ret
perihing when their hip ank, he alone ecaped by wimming. A Crown till
remained upon him, hining like Glorious Rubies, by which he might eaily be
known and retored to his Kingdom.
But what are thee good things which this Royall Son is able and willing to betow
on him by whom he hould be retored to his own Kingdom? Certainly not uch
rewards as Ptolemy the lat King of Egypt betowed on Pompey, by whom his
Father was retored to that Kingdom; to wit, Perfidiounes and Death. Rather, he
betows Health, the removall of dieaes, the preervation of life free from the
burden of things neceary, and the Horn of Plenty with Love and Honour- which
being things not mean and ordinary, but the chief Vitalicks and ornaments of this
Life. Who, except he be tupid would not deire them? Who would not wim to
Him? Who would not tretch forth his hand and draw him into the Boat? But care
mut be taken leat in recuing this Prince his Diadem hould fall into the Sea. For
then He would carce be acknowledged for the King or received by his Subjects,
becaue then would perih the Pyropus Venerabili, and the Bezoar Stone auring
Health to all men would Vanih quite away. Hence the Roary quotes Aritotle in
thee Words: Chooe Thyelf a Stone, that by which Kings are revered in their
Diadems, and by which Phyicians can cure their Patients, becaue it is near to the
Fire. For without a Medicinall Virtue a Crown would be of no Value.
But what is to be done to the King when he is o delivered? Firt from thoe Waters
he had received in He mut be relieved by Sudorificks, from Cold by the Heat of
Fire, from the Numbnee of his Limbs by Baths moderately Hot, from Hunger
and want of food by the Adminitration of a convenient Diet and from other
externall maladies by their contraries and Health-retoring Remedies. Then mut a
Royall match be provided, from which in due time there hall arie from him an
offpring mot deirable, mot beloved by all men, mot beautifull and mot
fruitfull, who hall excell all his Ancetors in Strength, Kingdom, Dominions,
People, Riches and Wealth, and hall ubdue his Enemyes not by War but
Gentlenee, not by Tyranny but Clemency, which is genuine and peculiar to Him.



Corallus ub aquis ut crecit & are induratur, ic lapis.

[As Corall grows under Water and is hardened by the Air, o alo is the Stone.]

Planta maris uegetans Siculi ub fluctibus uda
Ramos ub tepidis multiplicauit aquis.
Illa, CORALLUS, habet nomen ibi, durior exit,
Cum Boreas rigido mittit ab axe gelu:
Fit lapis, & rubeum mult cum fronte colorem
Poidet: hc Phyic et apta figura Petr.


The Philoophers call their Stone a Vegetable becaue it Vegetates, grows and is
increaed and multiplies like a plant. This indeed to the ignorant eems trange
and contrary to the Truth, it being as they think manifet that Stones do neither
Vegetate nor grow after this manner, nor that this can any ways appertain to uch
Metalls as may be liquefied or melted. But they are deceived in their Judgements;
for whatever is unknown to them, that they believe not to be in Nature, meauring
the immenity of the Univere by their own Capacities. For who would ever have
believed that a Stone hould grow under waters or a plant there generated hould
become a Stone, unlee Experience and the credible tetimony of Writers had
confirmed it? Where does that petrifying, where does that tingeing Virtue which
hardeneth and tingeth Corall, Exit? Whether in that Water or in the Air? We may
reaonably believe it to be as they affirme a oft and flexible plant whilt it is under
the Waters, yet of a Very earthy Nature, which when it is cut and expoed to the
cold winds becomes hard and may be broken like a Stone. For the watery parts
which abound are dryed up by a cold and dry Air (for Northern Winds bring
drynee along with them), and the Earthy body which remains, having cold and
drynee as its qualities, is congealed. For contriction or the binding faculty is the
Earth's alone; it does not exit in the Water or Air, as each element has its genuine
or proper qualities.
The Sea likewie in other places produces three Medicinall Stones, taken partly
from the Vegetable kind, partly from the Animal, or rather from the hidden
Secrets of Nature, as Pearl, Amber and Amber Grye. The Production of Pearls
and the way of taking them is known to Us, but not of the ret. Amber is gathered
upon the Sea Coats of Scandinavia after a mot Vehement north-weterly wind
has blown, which without doubt drives it through the Waters to the Shore after it
has boyled out of the Earth into the Veins of the Sea. For we have een ome Veins
of Iron and Silver growing in the Amber, which thing could not be done but in the
Earth. But that Flies, Gnatts, Spiders, Butterflies, Froggs and Serpents hould be
een in ome pieces of it (we ourelves having had 120 beads turned out of Amber,
which did every one contain ome Flies, Gnatts, Spiders and Butterflies; and one of
them, not without a ingular miracle of Nature, had nine of them together)
happens by the influence and imagination of the Heavens, as we have elewhere
demontrated. That Amber Grye is found after the ame manner upon the Shores
of the Eat and Wet Indies cannot be denyed, and tho' ome declare it to be the
Juice or Gum of Trees (as they do the Amber before mentioned) yet they who
conceive it to be produced out of the Veins of the Earth do judge more probably.

For Trees that bear Amber or Amber Grye have not been een in any place,
although if uch Trees be they mut certainly grow in open Air, and not under
water. We therefore acribe both orts of Amber to Subterraneous Veins or Stones,
as we do Pearls to Zoophyra or Plant-animals, and Corall to the Vegetables.
The Stone of the Philoophers is likened to thee, and epecially to Corall. For as
Corall grows in the Waters and draws Nutriment from the Earth, o alo the
Philoophick Stone is concreted out of Mercuriall water and has taken thence
whatever is worthy in it towards its own Augmentation, the Superfluous Moiture
having expired. The Red Colour likewie is raied upon the Corall by the
coagulation which the Ancients call the Tincture of Coralls, and o it is in the
Phyicall Stone, which becomes red in the lat Congelation and appears like the
red Corall which is the Tincture. But the Corall grows hard by the Cold and drye,
the Stone by the Hot and drye, which being augmented it likewie diolves:
contrary to the Nature of other Stones, which do indeed diolve, but run into
glae, which thinge is in no wie agreeable to this.
And as Corall is prepared into everall Medicines of great Virtue, o alo hath the
Philoophickal Corall tranferred into itelf the virtues of all Herbs, and can alone
performe as much as the medicines of all Vegetables. For the Celetiall Sun who
infues a medicinall Virtue of Efficacy to Vegetables has given more to this Son of
his than to all others. This is the Philoophickal Corall, vegetable, animall, and
minerall, which lyes hid in the Vat Ocean and is not known, unlee it be put into
the hands and expoed to the Eyes of the Ignorant. But it mut be cut off whilt it is
under the Waters, and that with Very Great Caution leat it loe its juice and blood
and nothing remain but a Terretriall Chaos without its True Forme. For herein
conits all the difficulty of gathering Corall. By thee Waters I undertand the
Superfluous humidity which kills the Stone, which does not uffer the Coralline
Rednee to appear and which admitts of no Coagulation, unlee it be eparated.



Hermaphroditus mortuo imilis, in tenebris iacens, igne indigit.

(The Hermaphrodite, lying like a dead man in darknee, wants Fire. )

Ille bicpes gemini exus, en funeris intar
Apparet, potquam et humiditatis inops:
Nocte tenebros i conditur, indiget igne,
Hunc illi prtes, & modo uita redit.
Omnis in igne latet lapidis uis, omnis in auro
Sulphuris, argento Mercurii uigor est.


It is remarkable in Nature that at the coming on of Winter Froggs and Leaches lye
under Water as if they were dead, and in the Spring by the Operation of the Sun's
heat recover ene and motion o as to be able to perform the Actions of a enible
life. But if in the Winter time they be found in the Waters and brought into Warm
Air or a Stove, immediately they begin to move as in Summer. From whence it
appears that nothing is wanting to them but Externall Heat to excite the Naturall
Internall heat and bring it to Action.
After the ame manner do the Philoophers peak of their Hermaphrodite. For if he
appears dead as he lyes in darknee he then requires the Heat of Fire. But he is
aid to lye in darknee as being left in a dark and mot cold Winter's night, that is
he remains in Blacknee, which is a ign of Cold, from which he ought by a
greater intenity of Fire to be brought to Whitenee and by a greater till to
Rednee. For without Heat, as Bodillus in the Turba ays, nothing is generated.
And a Bath of intene heat caueth a Body to perih, but if it be cold it drives it
away. But if it be temperate it becomes agreeable and pleaant to the Body.
Bonellus likewie ays: All things that live do alo die according to God's pleaure.
Therefore that Nature from whom moiture is taken, when it is expoed by night,
eems like a dead man; and then that Nature wants fire till the Body and Spirit of
it be turned into Earth, and then it becomes dut like a dead man in his Tomb.
Thee things being accomplihed God retores the Spirit and Soul to it, and all
infirmity being taken away our Nature is comforted and amended. It is requiite
therefore to burn that Matter without fear. Fire therefore, which detroys all other
things, repairs this and is its life as it is their Death.
One only Phoenix there is, which is retored by Fire, renewed by Flames and
revived out of Ahes; and this, being known only to the Philoophers, is burnt and
retored to life, whatever others fabulouly may report of a certain Bird that never
yet was een or had any Being. Likewie, the Hermaphrodite of which the
Philoophers peak is of a mixed Nature, Male and Female, one of which paes
into the other by the Operation of Heat. For from a female it becomes a male,
which ought not to eem trange in the Work of the Philoophers, ince if Hitory
may be Credited everall examples of it may be found. The Poets mention the ex
changes of Cenea, Iphin and Tireiam, as decribed by Pontanus and Auonius.
Likewie, when Licinius Craus and C. Caius Longinus were Conuls a boy was
made of a Virgin, and Licinius Mutianus as he is quoted by Pliny relates that he
had een one Aritontem whoe name had been Arituae and that he had been
marryed, but that he oon after had a beard, and manhood appearing the ame

peron became a Huband. Pliny himelf ays that in Africa he aw Lucius

Coicius, a Citizen of Tidritanum, changed into a man upon the day of his
Thee things are true and might be proved by many other Examples if there were
occaion, for it is certain that by the increae of heat the genitall parts are thrut out
of the Body: for eeing a Woman is much colder than a male, and has thoe parts
hidden within which a man has outwardly, hereupon Nature being dubious
whether he hould generate a man or a woman exprees a woman outwardly,
tho' inwardly he intended a man. For which reaon as heat and motion increae
with Age the hidden parts break forth and become apparent. After the ame
manner it is with the Philoophers, for by the increae of heat their woman
becomes a man; that is, their Hermaphrodite loes the female ex and becomes a
man tout and grave, having nothing in him of Effeminate Softnee and Levity. So
we ometime ince aw a noble youth that was an Hermaphrodite changed, or
rather promoted into a perfect man not uncapable (as it was hoped) of getting
Children, for a New Paage was made through the Yard which wanted one, and
the other appertaining to the Woman was topped. And this piece of Surgery was
performed by Capar Tagliacotio, that famous Surgeon of Bologna.
The Philoophers are not without thee manuall operations, for when the coldnee
and the moitnee of the Moon appears, that they call the Woman; and when the
heat and drynee of the Sun appears, that is the Man. When all thee four qualities
are preent together that is their Rebis or Hermaphrodite, and thus converion of
the Woman- that is, of coldnee and moiture- may Eaily be made into the Man,
which is done by the Sole Heat of Fire, as hath been aid. For Heat equeters and
eparates the uperfluityes of Moiture and will Etablih the Idea of the
Philoophickal Subject, which is the Tincture.



In balneis concipitur, & in are nacitur, rubeus uero factus

graditur uper aquas.
(He is conceived in Baths, born in the Air, and being made Red
he walks upon the Waters. )

Balnea conceptu pueri, natalibus ar
Splendet, & hinc rubeus ub pede cernit aquas.
Fitque uper montana cacumina candidus ille,
Qui remanct doctis unica cura uiris.
Et lapis, & non et, cli quod nobile Donum,
Dante DEO felix, i quis habebit, erit.


The Opinion or Flattery of men has attributed everall wonderfull Births or
Originalls to ome perons above others, but they are certainly fabulous. So it is
aid that Alexander the Great was not begot by Philip King of Macedonia but by
Jupiter Hammon, Romulus and Remus were begot by Mars, and Plato prang
from the Virgin Perictio, who conceived by a Phantame of Apollo. So the
Heathens would demontrate themelves to be born from the Gods, as alo
Thealus the Son of Hippocrates the Phyician would among other things
peruade the Athenians that he was born from Apollo. But we give no credit to
thee things, for we know that they from whom they would deduce their Originall
were neither men nor Gods, and if there were any Heroes among Mortalls who
might have been reputed Divine we think it to have proceeded from the flattery of
their ubjects or diciples, peaking and writing great things of them however fale
to gain a reputation of them in the world.
But it is a different thing that the Philoophers acribe an unuuall Conception and
Nativity to their Son, for he hath omething above all other things born in the
World; for he is conceived in Baths, and born in the Air. We know that Women
being barren by reaon of too much coldnee and drynee are much helped by hot
baths, o as to be made able and fit for conception, but that uch conception ought
to be or can be in uch Baths is a thing unheard of that eems to be peculiar to him
alone from the wonderfull power of Nature, which is far different from all others.
In other places they ay that his conception ought to be in the bottom of the Veell
and his birth in the Alembeck: which opinion is till more clear. For the waters of
the Baths, if there be any, will neither be in the top nor in the middle but in the
bottom of the veell, and in the Alembeck will be vapours that are aeriall.
Therefore when conception is made he acends into the Alembeck and his Birth
appears in a White Colour. Blacknee rules in the bottom, of this aith the Roary:
It is conception when the Earth is diolved into a black powder and begins to
retain omewhat of the Mercury, for then the male acts upon the female, that is,
Azoth upon the Earth. And a little after: Conception and Dipenation is made
in Putrefaction in the bottom of the Veell, and the generation of things is made in
the Air, to wit, in the Head of the Veell that is the Alembeck. And conception in
Baths is nothing but putrefaction in Dung, for the ame Roary proceeds, The
Body does nothing unlee it be putrefied, and it cannot be putrefied but with
Mercury; and again, Let putrefaction be made with the mot gentle heat of
warm and moit dung, and by no other thing o that no thing acend, for if any
thing doth acend there would be a eparation of the parts, which ought not to be

till the male and female be perfectly joined together and one receives the other,
whoe ign of perfect olution is blacknee in the uperficies. His birth is white,
which is made on the Top of mountains, that is, in the Air or the Alembeck. This is
explained by Roinus ad Euthiciam: After this manner the wie man aid, take
things out of their mines and exalt them to higher places, and end them from the
Top of their Mountains and reduce them to their roots. By Mountains he ignifies
Cucurbites, and by the Tops of Mountains Alembecks, and to end after that way
of peaking is to receive the Waters of them through an Alembeck in a Receiver,
and to reduce to their roots is to carry back to that from which they proceed. And
he calls Cucurbites mountains becaue Sol and Luna are found in mountains; o
alo in their Mountains, which are Cucurbites, their Sol and Luna is generated.
And o far this Author. Afterwards: The Son of the Philoophers becomes red and
begins to go upon the Waters, that is upon Metalls melted by Fire which tand in
the form of a Mercuriall Water. For he is the Lord of Waters, upon which he
exercies Authority as Neptune is King of the Sea and poeor of Mountains.
Stories tell us of Xerxes King of Peria, who being upon an expedition into Greece
ent an Embay to the Sea and to the Mountain Athos, o that they would do him
no wrong, either that by its waves or this by the force of Fire, otherwie he would
be revenged upon them both. But the Tale was told to them that were deaf, for the
ea drowned ome of his Ships, and Athos detroyed not a few of them by Fire.
Hereupon the King being angry did as Lord of the Sea and Mountains command a
certain number of Stripes to be inflicted upon the firt, and a great part of the
mountain to be cat into the Sea. But thee things demontrate rather the rahnee
than prudence of o great a King.
But he concerning whom we peak purgeth all Waters from Obtacles and
Impurities, not only by his Command but by his Actions, and freely paes
through them; and what is till more wondrous congeals them, that the ame
Waters in which Ships ailed before may by their hardnee endure his charriot
wheels. He levels Mountains with Valleys and fears not the flames of Fire, and
therefore marches without oppoition from the Columns of Hercules to the utmot
coats of India, where are eated the Columns of Dionyus.



Ceres Triptolemum, Thetis Achillem, ut ub igne morari auefecit,

ic artifex lapidem.
(As Ceres accutomed Triptolemus and Thetis accutomed Achilles to abide Fire,
o alo doth the Artit the Stone.)

Repice Triptolemum, durumque in prlio Achillem,
Matre docente, tus ut didicre graues.
Illum Diua Ceres, Thetis hunc durabat in igne.
Noctu, lacte ferens ubera plena die:
Haud ecus auecat medicina beata Sophorum,
Qum puer ad mammas, ut queat igne fruit.


Lycurgus that Famous Lawgiver of Sparta explained to the people in the Theater
by a familiar intance how prevalent Cutom will be, whether it is good or bad. He
brought two whelps, both from one litter, and between them placed a pot full of
pule and a Hare. One immediately left his Food to follow the Hare becaue that
had been his Cutom as well as Nature, the other fell on and dipatched his
porridge becaue that was what he had been bred to do. Behold, aid he, what
Education and early Cutom from youth upwards can effect in thoe whom
Nature hath produced both Equall and alike.
After this manner, therefore, it is convenient to amend and direct Nature to the
bet things, for he is pliable as Wax either to Vice or Virtue. What they
demontrated to be true in Politicks, the Philoophers do agree to be true alo in
Phyicks. The Examples of the whole world how how cutom prevails over Man
and Beat, and everall occur likewie in Vegetables, but in Mineralls and Metallick
bodyes we have not o much experience. Neverthelee it is by much Ue and
Cutom that the Philoophers fix their Stone in Fire proper for it, and this they
declare in abundance of their Writings. For it mut be nourihed by fire as a child
by milk upon its mother's breats. Hence Emiganus ays, Behold the Infant
ucking and hinder him not. And Bodillus ays, The babe being born is
nourihed by Milk and Fire alone, and by little and little whilt he is Very Young,
and the more he is burnt his bones are trengthened untill he is brought to Youth,
and having attained to that he is able to provide for himelfe. Arnold in the
Roary, Book 2 Chapter 7 ays, Yet the Medicine mut be long time roated by Fire
and nourihed as a child by the breat.
The Ancient Philoophers would demontrate thee very things by the Allegories
of Triptolemus and Achilles, and their lyeing under Fires to be hardened by them,
ince each of them denote nothing Ele but the Chemicall Subject, for otherwie it
would be an inipid fable unfit to be applied to morality and not worthy of the
conideration of the learned. Ceres as a Nure nourihed Triptolemus all day with
her milk and at night placed him in the Fires, by which means the boy being very
well grown his Father Eleuius at a certain eaon took notice of it. Hence Ceres
killed Eleuius and gave the boy Triptolemus a charriot drawn by Serpents, in
which he paed through the Air into all parts of the world and taught Mankind
how to ow Corn. Now this Triptolemus is the Philoophick Tincture nourihed by
Fire after the ame manner, which being carried by erpents, that is Mercury,
taught men how the Philoophers hould cat their eeds into the Earth.

Thee ame things are acribed to Oiris, who went round the Earth for the ame
reaon as we have demontrated in another place, and to Dionyus who travelled
through the world to teach men the Ue of Wine. For thee three, Triptolemus,
Dionyus, and Oiris have one deign and office and indeed are one thing, as is
likewie Achilles, who was the tronget man that was ent to the Trojan War. His
Father was Peleus, that is the Earth or the Mountain Peleus. His mother was
Thetis or the Goddee of the Sea or Waters, and from thee Achilles was born. But
at their Nuptialls the Apple of Eris or dicord was produced which was the firt
caue of the Trojan War. Achilles therefore being prung from uch a marriage, no
wonder if he be the chief Intrument of that war. Achilles is likewie aid to be
hardened by his Mother after the ame manner as Triptolemus was before, and of
this we have treated at large in the ixth book of our Hieroglyphicks.
Therefore the Nutriment of the Stone is Fire, but it is not from thence as ome
Vainly think that it is extended into length, breadth, and depth, nor receives
increae in weight, for it acquires only Virtue, Maturity and Colour from the Fire.
All other things are Vitalicks and Proviion that it brings along with itelf. For
when from divere places its parts are gathered, purged and conjoined, it has all
things requiite for it in itelf. Whence this vere of the Philoopher in the Roary:
This tinking water contains everything it needs. For from the Beginning to the
Very End nothing that is foreign is added to it, unlee it be Homogeneous, and
nothing is eparated but what is Heterogeneous. But every man ought to take care
that he be very well acquainted with thoe Dragons that are to be joined to the
Charriot of Triptolemus before he undertake any thing, for they are Winged and
Volatile, and if you deire to know them you will find them in the Philoophickal
Dung. For they are Dung and generated from Dung, and are that Veel which
Maria affirms not to be Necromantick but that Regiment of your Fire without
which You will effect nothing. I have dicloed the Truth to You which I have
gathered out of the monuments of the Ancients by incredible labour and the
expene of many years.



Lapis projectus et in terrras, & in montibus exaltatus, & in are habitat,

& in flumine pacitur, id et, Mercurius.
[The Stone that is Mercury, is cat upon the Earth, exalted on Mountains,
reides in theAir, and is nourihed in the Waters.]

Vlle recrementum fertur LAPIS atque iacere
Forte uiis, ibi ut hinc diues inopsque parent.
Montibus in ummis alii tature, per auras
Aris, at paciper fluuios alii.
Omnia uero uo unt enu, potulo ed te
Munera montanis qurere tanta locis


All perons that have once heard of the name or power of the Stone, unles they
are altogether incredulous, ak preently where it may be found, that o they may
run directly to it. The Philophers anwer is twofold: Firt Adam brought it with
him out of Paradie, that is, in you and in me, and in every man that, birds flying,
bring it with them out of far countries. Secondly, it may be found in the Earth,
Mountain, Air and Rivers. Which path therefore mut be taken? I ay, both, but in
a different repect, although the lat pleaes us bet, and eems mot afe.
It is aid to be thrown upon the Earth, becaue the Element of Earth does firt
appear in an obcure and black body. Then, becaue it is vile and of mall price, is
trod upon in the path of the Traveller, and in the very dung itelf. Hence Roarius
ays, Although I hould name it by its Name, the fools would not believe it to be
the Thing. And Morienus, in his anwer to Calis,
Whither is much of it to be found? If this: It is not there unles, as the wie man
ays, it be both to the Poor and Rich, to the Liberal and the Covetous, to him that
goeth as well as itteth. For this is thrown in the way and is trampled on in it's
dunghills, that they might extract it to themelves, but they have been deceived.
Mundus likewie in the Turba ays, If they who ell it but did know it, they would
not ell it o cheaply. And Arnoldus affirms that the Stone may be had gratis, in
as great plenty as any man can deire, neither will he be forced to ak for it. All
which things are true; for who but a Churl will deny Earth and Water to him that
aks for it? The ancient Cimbri, as hitory tells us, when they were denied the
benefit of thee two things by the Romans, entered Italy with large Armies, and
lew everal thouands of the Romans, together with the Conuls. For the Earth as
the Mother of all things, is mot precious as it is. The lat Matter of things
putrefied, is mot vile; for nothing can be viler than mud or dirt, which yet is
nothing ele but Earth mixed with Water. What is more common than a Clod of
But Euripylus, the on of Neptune, offered it to the Argonautical Heroes as a
Preent, and they not refuing it, but accepting it gratefully, and Medea having
diolved it in water, divined many good things by it; for it is neceary that Earth
be diolved in water, otherwie neither one nor the other will be of any value.
After this manner, the Stone is aid to be cat upon the Earth, in which
notwithtanding, it does not remain as a thing abject, but is exalted into the
Mountains, uch as Athos, Veuvius, Aetna and others, that end forth Flames,
many whereof are to be een in divere parts of the World; for in thee burns a

perpetual Fire, which ublimes the Stone and exalts it to the highet dignity. As it
grows in mountains in a rude form, from Sulphur and Argent Vive, o it is
perfected and brought to maturity upon the tops of mountains, where alo grows
that Herb without which the Fire cannot be tempered, becaue this, being cold and
moit, and o thrown into the Fire, repels the vehemence of it by its contrary
nature. From the mountains it paes into the Air, where it finds a habitation. For
the Air is its houe that encloes it, which is nothing ele then that it is carried in
the belly of the wind, and is born in the Air, which ways of peaking we have
explained before.
At lat he is fed in Rivers, that is: Mercury is fed in waters; and then, as the
Athenians celebrated certain Feats in his honour, which they called Hydrophoria.
For the matter of the Philoophical Stone is water, as the Roary aith, and is
undertood by the waters of thoe three; for which reaon Mercury is aid to have
three heads, as being Marine, Celetial, and Terretrial , becaue he is preent in the
Water, Earth and Air.
He is aid to be educated by Vulcan, and given to thievery becaue Mercury is
taught to be accutomed to Fire, which is volatile and carry away whatever is
mixed with it. He gave Laws and Dicipline to the Egyptians, and anciently
intituted the religion of the Theban priets, and the great part of the world
beides. For the Egyptians had this policy and acred rites from Chemical
Intitutions, from them the Grecians received them, and latly the Romans, as we
have in other places abundantly demontrated.
He lew Argus with a piece of a rock or Stone, and turned Battus into a Touchtone
. What need of many words? All the volumes of the Chemits are nothing ele but
repetitions concerning Mercury, and they ufficiently confirm his power by this
Mercury is found.
Here therefore he mut be ought, for ill he may be found, whether he remain in
the Air, the Fire, the Water, or the Earth. For he is wandering, now running hither,
now thither, to perform the Services of the Chemick Gods:
He is their Footman, which is declared to be his proper Office, hence ome men
acribe to him a Daughter called Anglia.



Tria ufficiunt ad magiterium, fumus albus, hoc et, aqua, leo viridis,
id et, s Hermetis, & aqua ftida.
[Three things are ufficient for the Magitery: The White Fume that is Water;
The Green Lion that is the Bras of Hermes; and Aqua Faetida.]

Terna magiterii unt emina, ftida Lympha,
Et niueus uapor, ac pelle LEO uiridi:
Vnda parens peperit, retant qu elementa, Sophisque,
Vt lapidem faciant, ultima primaque ea et.
s Hermetis at et uiridis LEO, petraque nota
Librorum capitlis, Fumus & albus aqua.


As there are three things eentially neceary to the building of a Fabric, o that
either of them be abent, there can be no perfection in it, and thee are the
Foundation, the Walls, and the Roof, o the ame number is requiite for the
compounding of the Philoophic compound, which are here named by their
proper names. The author of Aurora, peaking of the eparation of the Elements in
his 20th Chapter ays, The Earth is left there that the other three Elements may be
rooted in it. For if that were not there, they would have no foundation whereupon
they might build a new repoitory for their Treaures.
This Foundation is here called Aqua Faetida, which is the mother of all Elements,
as Roarius declares, from which, by which, and with which the Philoophers
prepare It, that is their Elixir, both in the beginning and in the End.
Their water is called Faetida, becaue it ends forth a Sulphurous Stink, like that of
Sepulchres. This is the water which Pegaus truck out of Parnaus with his hoof (
which Nonacris, a mountain of Arcadia, produces guhing out of a Rock at the
Top of it ) and can be perceived as nothing but by the hoof of a Hore, by reaon of
its mot exceive Strength.
This is the water of the Dragon ( as Roarius calls it ) which ought to be made by
an Alembic, without adding any other thing, in the making wherof there is an
extraordinary tink. Some perons, miundertanding thee words, have betook
themelves to the ditillation of the Dung of Man, or other animals, in which
operation they perceived a very vehement Stink, but found nothing ele but dung
in their dung.
But do not uppoe the Philoophers to be Beetles that work in Dunghills, for you
mut know that the tink, if it be any, is preently changed into a great Fragrancy,
as Lully aerts of his Quinteence, to which, if it be rightly made, he acribes o
weet a avour that, being placed on the top of a houe, it allures to it Birds that are
upon the wing, and caues them to tay there.
But he places his Quinteence in Dung, by whoe temperate Heat the Fragrancy
follows. Some men have tried this with wine, but in Vain, and therefore have
accued Lully of vanity, whereas they were rather to be reproved for their Folly,
that never talked of this wine of Lully. But the Aureus Poeta undertood Lully
much better when, in the eleventh book of his Chryopae, he ings thus, Give
after the Aqua Faetida comes, the Green Lion. Concerning which, Roarius ays,
You have ought after Greennes uppoing that Bras was a Leprous body,
becaue of that greennes which it hath, and therefore I declare to you, that

whatoever is perfect in Bras, is that greennes alone which is in it, becaue that
Greennes is, by our Magitery, uddenly turned into our mot true Gold, and this
we have experienced.
But you can no way prepare the Stone without Duenech, green and liquid, which
is een to pring in our mines. O Bleed Green that dot generate all Things! For as
you know that no Vegetable or Fruit appears in its Bud without a green Colour, o
in like manner the generation of this thing is Green, wherefore the Philoophers
call it the Bud, and o far Roarius, This the Philoopher's Gold and Bras and
Stone. noted in Chapters, A Fume Vapour and Water; the Spittle of Luna,
which, joined to the Light of Sol, this Green Lion fights with the Dragon, but is
overcome, and in proces of time devoured by him; and the Lion being putrefied,
Sweetnes is expected to proceed out of his mouth ( as if had been lain by Samon
), the Dragon getting the upper hand, to fill himelf with the Lion's fleh, and a
while afterwards to burt of himelf and Die. From which, eeing the Lion's Fat can
daily, by itelf, cure Fevers, and make Grace and Favour mutually pring up
between King and People that are anointed therewith, there may be made of it a
mot excellent Medicine, which will be mot healing in many Maladies.
In the third place follows the White Fume, which if it be coagulated, becomes
Water, and performs the Office of Water, in wahing, diolving, and taking away
pots, like Soap. This, the Fire Againt Nature, which take care that you find out, is
o called becaue it is contrary to Nature, undoing and detroying that which She,
with her diligent Care, hath compounded.
This is a Fire not kindled from a pirit of wine, or oil, but from an incombutible
matter of Equal duration and Heat, and is a Fire without Light and combution, of
great Virtue and Efficacy, which eeing it does not hine, cannot without difficulty
be found in the Dark, but it is till more hard to apply it rightly to the work, whoe
circumtances and properties we have ufficiently decribed in divers places.



Rebis, ut Hermaphroditus, nacitur ex duobus montibus, Mercurii & Veneris.

[Rebis is a Hermaphrodite produced from the two mountains of Mercury and Venus.]

Rem geminam REBIS ueteres dixre, quod uno
Corpore it mas hc fminaque, Androgyna.
Natus enim binis in montibus HERMAPHRODITUS
Dicitur, Hermeti quem tulit alma Venus.
Ancipitem exum ne pernas, nam tibi Regem
Mas idem, mulierque una eademque dabit.


Socrates being aked what Countryman he was, anwered that he was
Comopolite, or a Citizen of the World, by which his intention was to ignify that,
though he was born at Athens as to peron, yet in his mind he could freely run
through the whole world, all things contained in it, and look upon that as his
Country. For the wie man that lives well is at home everywhere.
So if any man ak the Philoophers what Countryman their Hermaphrodite is, they
anwer that he belongs to the World, or is in all the Corners of the World where
the Elements can be found as being the Sons of the Wie, and conequently has a
Country common with them.
But in as one man is not born twice or oftener, nor enters into this light in divere
places, but in one only, as Socrates the Athenian is acknowledged to have done, o
Rebis is thought to be the Inhabitant of Two mountains, to wit, of Mercury and
Venus, from whence the Name of Hermaphrodite is derived to him, from both his
His houe is Mountainous, and his Country is high, and therefore he exits by
things got in a High place. A Noble and large Country are no mall helps towards
the performance of great Actions, for thee men are promoted to public offices and
need not lie in obcurity, as it happens to Perons born in mean places, where it is
difficult by their proper merit and Virtue, to arie from a mall fortune to be a
glory to their Country.
In this manner thee mountains, unknown to many men, acquire fame from the
Hermaphrodite, by reaon of his Illutrious actions and Name, famous throughout
all the world. For who, though never o little vered in the Books of the
Philoophers, hath not heard of the name of Rebis? Who hath not een and
conidered Angrogynus with two heads? His fame has been known even amongt
the Indians, and is dipered farther than that of Alexander. Many go from far
Countries to ee and dicoure with a learned man, or one particularly famous for
War, or any other Art or Science. But many more would travel to the Mountains of
Rebis if they could know where they may be found.
Morienus tetifies in his book, with what Care and Study he departed from Rome,
to make diligent earch after Adfeus Alexandrinus, and at lat found him, and is
therefore to be accounted more happy and acceptable to God, in that he had a
Living Teacher, and not Dumb Maters, whereby he might learn and behold this
thing which is the Native place of Rebis.

Nor mut they ue les diligence and aiduity who by themelves, through Reaon,
and out of books, would eek for this Country. For though there eem to be ome
clearnes in them ometimes, yet are they o Veiled and clouded with intricacy and
Obcurity, that it is very difficult to ditinguih one thing from another. Wherefore
we mut cautiouly proceed with them, let they which are prepared for remedies,
may be ued for poions.
They are an immene Ocean, in which expert mariners, ailing by Atronomical
Intruments, may know the Latitude or the Elevation of the Equator above the
Horizon, the Magnet howing the North Pole. But as for the Longitude, or how
many degrees they are ditant from the firt meridian which is next to the
Fortunate Ilands, they cannot dicover. From whence they are uncertain in what
place they are between Eat and Wet. What is therefore to be done?
That which the ame Mariners ued to do: conult Experience with Reaon, and
thereby learn how to determine a long Voyage by particular Signs, Promontorious
Ilands, and other things that they may not, for want of conideration, fall upon
Sands and Rocks.
But here is les danger if the thing do not proper, but if it does, thee are hopes of
greater gain, than thoe whoe goods and life are all lot in an hour.
Now this mountain of the Philoophical Mercury is not Nonacris, nor Atlas, where
ometimes it is reported to be brought forth, but Parnaus with two Tops, in one
of which Hermes, and in the other Venus. Here alo is Apollo and the Mues, and
Hippocrene the Fountain of Pegaus, and Laurels that are always green. It is one
mountain in Name, but in reality it is two, as Hermaphroditus is beheld with two
heads and two members in one Body. But what Man of a Thouand perits in the
acending to the Top of this Mountain? Who does not top at the bottom being
hindered by variety of Obtacles? Who is there almot that attains to the Middle of
Wherefore it is no trange thing if one in Ten thouand undertake thee Herculean
Labours, o as to et their Foot on the Top of the Mountain, and enjoy the immortal
reward of a Laurel garland.
Which all thoe that are upright, ducible, and addicted to Learning and Virtue,
may receive with Joy; but that thoe that are [not] may be deprived thereof, is alo
much to be hoped for and deired.



dypus Sphynge uperata & trucidato Laio patre matrem ducit in uxorem.
[dipus having overcome Sphinx and killed his father Laius, married his mother.]

Sphyngem nigmatico Thebis ermone timendam
dypus ad propriam torerat arte necem:
Quitum et, cui man pedes int bis duo, luce
Sed medi bini, tres, ubi ueper adet.
Victor abhinc Laium nolentem cedere cdet,
Ducit & uxorem qu ibi mater erat.


Bacaer the Philoopher in the Turba, That which you eek for, ays he, is of no
mall value, for you eek the greatet Treaure and mot excellent gift of God. And
learn ye, Students, that which the Philoophers have longtimes intimated, aying
that Truth is not dicerned but by Error, and that nothing begets more grief to the
Heart than Error in this work, for when a man thinks he has done and hath the
World, he hall find nothing in his hands.
The Ancient Philoophers would intimate the ame things, under the Emblem of
Sphinx, and her propoitions whereby the might et forth the Obcurity amd
intricacy of this Art. Hence the Egyptians, in their Sacra Iiaca, which were
celebrated in Honour of Oiris, by mitred Priets with their heads and all parts of
their body haved, and clothes with a white and linen garment down to their
heels, that thee olemnities night not be known or dicovered to the common
people, they erected a Statue of Silence, which was called Sigalion, in the front of
the Altar, the aitants being enjoined to keep ilence and turn their eyes to that
Image. And for the ame reaon they added the Effigies of Sphinx at the Corner,
which did repreent the phyical knowledge of acred things, as Boiardus does
from Ancient writers demontrate.
For Sphinx is a kind of monter, propoing the mot obcure Riddles to the
Thebans, and not only to them, but as he had done before to the Egyptians.
So afterwards to others that apire to Art, he lies watching in the Philoophical
books, as he did before the gates of Thebes: If anyone pas by the monter, he
uffers no harm by it, but if through the preumption of his Wit and Courage he
endeavour to reolve its riddles, and cannot perform it, he acquires his own
detruction which is grief to his heart, and damage to his affairs by his error in this
He that refers the Allegories to true Hitory is utterly mitaken, for they will eem
to be childih and Foolih tales if they be taken literally, but otherwie they are
igns and Tokens of profound learning. ( There are aid to be in Africa certain wild
beats that have the name of Sphinx, but our dicoure is not concerning them,
though the enigmatical denomination of this fiction eems to be derived from
them. )
The Sphinx of the Philoophers both ued and undertood human peech, namely
the Greek, and otherwie propoed ubtle entences and enigmatical quetions, in
which appears a ingular harpnes of undertanding and learning, and uch as are
uncommon to men, from which conequently, Brutes mut be very far ditant.
All that are converant in the aertions of the Philoophers, will eaily dicover
them to be of this nature. For where one thing is poken and another thing is
meant, there Equivocation will beget Error, and this not only familiar to the

Philoophers, but likewie the City of Thebes, having been long perplexed with the
Riddles of Sphinx, at lat one Oedipus appeared, who gave uch anwers that
Sphinx could not retrain from throwing herelf down from a Rock.
But who is this Oedipus? The on of the King of Thebes, who was foretold by an
Oracle that he hould be lain by his on, and therefore when Oedipus was born he
commanded him to be killed, who having a Cord run through his feet and hung
upon a tree and there left, was freed from thence and educated by a Countryman.
He therefore growing to man's etate, had wollen feet, but ufficiently declared
the quicknes of his wit before other men by reolving this riddle which Sphinx
had propoed. Sphinx is indeed reported to have had many Riddles, but this
offered to Oedipus was the chief,
What is that which in the morning goeth upon four feet; upon two feet in the
afternoon; and in the Evening upon three?
What was anwered by Oedipus is not known. But they who interpret concerning
the Ages of Man are deceived. For a Quadrangle of Four Elements are of all
things firt to be conidered, from thence we come to the Hemiphere having two
lines, a Right and a Curve, that is, to the White Luna; from thence to the Triangle
which conits of Body, Soul and Spirit, or Sol, Luna and Mercury. Hence Rhais
in his Epitles, The Stone, ays he, is a Triangle in its eence, a Quadrangle in
its quality. ( And our 21t Emblem and its Expoition relate to the ame matter.)
But Oedipus moreover, notorious for Parricide and Incet, which are two of the
mot detetable Vices that can ever be thought of, nevertheles they promoted him
to a Kingdom otherwie due to him, he having unawares killed his Father refuing
to give way to him, and married the Queen, the wife of Laius, his own Mother.
But this is not written for Hitory or Example, it being only feigned and
Allegorically introduced by the Philoophers, to dicover the ecrets of their
doctrine. For in this work both thee things happen: For the firt Efficient the
Father is killed, and thrown out by his effect that is his on, and afterwards the
ame Effect couples econd Efficient to himelf, o long till it becomes one with
him. Thus the Son is joined to his Mother by Matrimony, and enjoys his Father's
Kingdom, as it were by a Triple Right of Arms, Wedlock and Succeion.
He has wollen becaue he cannot run, and is like a Bear as having the Greatet
Secret, or a Toad going with a Slow Pace becaue it is Fixed, fixing Another, and
not flying or dreading the Fire, which though it be a medium of a Mean repute,
yet the Philoophers can by no means be without it.



Ex duabus aquis, fac unam, & erit aqua anctitatis.

[Out of two Waters make One, and that will be the Water of Sanctity]

Sunt bini liquido alientes gurgite fontes,
Hinc Pueri calidam uggerit unus aquam:
Alter habet gelidam, qu Virginis Vnda uocatur,
Hanc illi iungas, int aqu ut una du:
Riuus & hic mixtas uires utriusque tenebit,
Ceu Iovis Hammonii fons calet atque riget.


The miracles of water are o great and o many that they can carce be
comprehended in a large volume, concerning which everal Authors have treated
up and down in their writings. But above all there are Two Philoophical waters,
which are celebrated with that name, becaue they do not only Rival, but alo
exceed the Virtues and properties of all the ret.
The Rivers Sybaris, Axus of Macedonia, and Melas of Boetia make cattle Black if
they drink of them. But the Rivers Crathis Clitumnus of Mevaenia, and Cephius,
make black cattle White. The waters of Sinuea in Campania take away barrennes
from both Sexes. The River Aphrodiius makes women barren. Cabiera, a
Fountain of Meopotamia, hath a Sweet mell. The water of Anyger, in the
Peloponneus, Stinks very much. The Fountain of Jupiter Ammon is cold in the
Day time, hot in the Night, in the evening and morning lukewarm by Turns; not
to mention many more.
All things although they be contrary one to the other, are performed by the waters
of the Philoophers. Lully peaks of them in his book, De Quinta Eentia ditin: 3
de Inarratione. And o there is, aith he, a double conideration in Art, that is,
from one Nature of one metal, to make two contrary liquors in compoition: One
that has a fixing, congealing and hardening quality, the other that is Volatile,
unfixed and oft. But the econd liquor is hardened, fixed and congealed by the
firt. From both which liquors there reults one Stone, congealed, fixed and
hardened, which hath the Virtue of congealing that which is not congealed, of
hardening what is mollified, of mollifying what is hard. From whence it appears
what thee two waters are, and why they are to be reduced to One water. For the
Stone is aid to be Water becaue it is fuible, and on the contrary the water is
called a Stone becaue it is frangible. But thee waters are drawn out of different
places, ometimes by a long tract, as may be een in Rome, by the Aqua Virginis,
and other Artificial Fountains, and then they are to be mixed by the confluence of
their water, that from two may be made one. For if one be of a hot, and the other
be of a cold Virtue, when thee are mixed together they will acquire mixed
Virtues, and will temper themelves after a wonderful manner. From hence will
arie the mot excellent Baths and medicinal Water, which will dipell all orts of
Maladies and dieaes, and retore ound health to mankind.
Nature does indeed by her hidden Artifice of Compoition, confound and mingle
many waters with the Virtues of divere minerals in the bowels of the Earth,
which are beneficial to many ick and infirm perons. But if Art be added to with
due Rules, o that not only the Evacuations of Nature that have been before, but

thoe of Art which are to come before, are totally effected o that thoe things
which hould be mixed are mixed among themelves, the compoition will become
far more efficacious. Which although it may eem Artificial, yet is merely Natural
becaue one imple Homogenous thing is made out of divers, which can never be
effected by Art.
Art may caue a mixed ue and confuion, but without the help of Nature there can
be no true and natural Union, for that is made by Nature only. In Treacle there is
an Artificial mixture of Various imples, which is made by contrition and
fermentation, but no man will affirm it to be a Natural compoition, much les to
be an Homogenous Medicine.
As to the Artificial mixture of Subtances, it is manifet that the leat particles do
not enter one into the other, which cannot be divided and eparated again by the
Indutry of any man whatoever.
But as to the mixture of all Qualities, we mut enquire whether the firt Treacles of
all imples may pas into one Quinteence, or whether they remain till in their
firt ubtances or powders, as they did before as Accidents in their Subjects, or
Colours upon a wall. And then what mut be aid of the econd, third, and fourth
It is probable that all Qualities do till adhere to their proper Subjects, and that
they are not compounded among themelves with a true and natural mixture;
otherwie if the qualities hould leave their bodies, there would be four
Quinteences in every Artificial compound, according to the number of the Order
of the Qualities firt, econd and etc., that mut be without their bodies, and
eparable, which thing is not o.
They write of the Coagulation of the Hare's Blood, that in a flux occaioned by
thinnes of blood it do top, and as it were, coagulate, but in coagulation and
commixtion it cuts and diolves the ame, o there are contrary operations of
Vinegar, and Lead, and many other things, according as their Ue is divere,
becaue Nature has mixed them o wonderfully. And thus the Philoophical water
has divere and contrary Virtues, becaue Nature by the help of Art, has out of
contraries mixed it into one indiviible Subtance, which is nothing ele but a
Quinteence, in repect of other things that are to be mingled with it.



Adonis ab apro occiditur, cui Venus accurrens tinxit Roas anguine.

(Adonis is killed by a Boar, to whom Venus hating, tinges the Roes with her Blood.)

Ex patre, Myrrha uo pulchrum ucepit Adonim:
Delitias Cypri, quem nece trauit aper.
Accurrit Venus & pede la cruore ruborem
Contulit ipa ro, qu prius alba fuit
Flet Dea (flent Syri, luctus communis in orbe et
Illum lactucis mollibus & pouit.


Some of the Mythologits, when they would explain the Allegory of Adonis, ay
that He is the Sun, and that the Boar by whom he is lain is the Winter eaon,
Hairy with Frot. Others ay that He is the eed of the Corn, which is ix months
under the Earth with Proerpine, and ix months above the ground with Venus.
But how improperly this is done has been ufficiently hown by us in other places.
For we affirm, and that by univeral conent, that by Adonis is to be undertood
the Sol of the Philoophers, according to this vere:
Dionyus, Sol and Adonis are the ame.
And Orpheus:
Adonis Honoured by a Various name,
Author of Buds thou art both Maid and Boy.
Now all thee things cannot be undertood of the Celetial Sun, but may be
undertood of the Philoophical one: For this exprees both Sexes, whereas that
does not, and o thee Mythologits attribute the ame thing to Dionyus and Sol, as
they do to Adonis; and on the contrary and o likewie, to Oiris.
But Adonis is lain by the Boar, ( that is, by the harpnes of Vinegar, or diolving
water, which hath terrible teeth like a Boar ) and has his members looened and
cut off. But Venus endeavours to help her Lover; and when He was dead, laid out
and preerved him among Lettuces. In the ame manner Oiris is lain by Typhon
and cut into everal pieces, which Iis the wife of Oiris gathered up, and having
joined them together, buried them. The ame Mourning which Yearly followed the
Death of Oiris in Egypt, was alo celebrated after the Death of Adonis, in Syria
and neighbouring Kingdoms when, after Weeping and Lamenting for everal days
together, there were great expreions of Joy, with Dancing and other Ceremonies,
as if he had been Conveyed into Heaven. From hence aroe the Vanity of the
Heathen Religion, or Supertition, which was vatly increaed by the Devils who
thence took occaion to promote it and to procure fale Miracles.
Adonis was born of Cinyras ( according to the Fable of the King of Cyprus and his
Daughter Myrrhas. ) He is aid to be prung from a detetable Incet, if we look
upon the Hitory; but if we regard the Allegories, it was o far from being

unlawful that in fact it was abolutely Neceary. For in this Art nothing can be
perfected unles it be born from a conjunction between the Mother and the Son,
and the Father and his Daughter. For here, by how much nearer in blood, whether
in the Firt or Second degree of Conanguinity, the married couple may be o
much more fruitful they will prove; and on the Contrary, the farther remote, o
much the more barren, which if taken literally is not to be uffered.
Hence Oedipus married his mother; Jupiter his iter; and o did Oiris, Saturn, Sol,
Servus Rubeus or the Red Servant, and Gabritius.
Sol peaks thus of Adonis, that is concerning himelf, in the Metaphor of Belinus,
in the Roary: Know ye ays he, that my Father Sol hath given me Power above
all Powers, and Clothed me with new garments of Glory, for I am his Only Son,
and more like my Father, and I divet my ervants from their power and Nature,
and clothe them with my Beautiful plendour and Light which my Father gave
me. For I am excellent and do Exalt and Depres all, and none of my ervants is
above me, but One, who is permitted to be repugnant and Contrary to me, and to
Detroy me, yet he does not detroy my Nature: He is Saturn, who eparates all my
parts; afterwards I go to my Mother who gathers together all my divided and
eparated members. I Illuminate all thoe things that appertain to One, and caue
Light to appear openly in the way from my Father Saturn, and alo from my
mother who is an Enemy to me.
Thee words are o clear that they may dipel any Darknes that is before the mind
of a peron, never o little vered in Reading, who may behold the agreement that
there is between Things and Perons. For truths, although hid under the Veils of
Allegories have a wonderful conent among themelves, whereas thoe things
which are fale are repugnant and inconitent, both in themelves and in others.



In Chymicis ueranti Natura, Ratio, Experientia & lectio,

int Dux, cipio, perpicilia & lampas.
(Nature, Reaon, Experience and Reading mut be the Guide, Staff, Spectacles and Lamp
to him that is employed in Chemical Affairs.)

Dux Natura tibi, tuque arte pediequus illi
Eto lubens, erras, ni comes ipa ui et.
Det ratio cipionis opem, Experientia firmet
Lumina, quo poit cernere pota procul.
Lectio it lampas tenebris dilucida, rerum
Verborumque trues prouidus ut caueas.


There are innumerable accidents which may happen to Travellers, epecially if
they are to walk in the night time through dangerous and lippery places. But
beides Proviions and Strength of Body, there are four things that are extremely
neceary: In the firt place a Skilful Guide or Companion, for if the ignorant lead
the ignorant it may happen either as to the Blind that they may both fall into the
Ditch, or at leat they both may run into difficulties and Errors. In the next place, a
Staff, by which a Remedy may be provided againt the lipperines of the way.
Thirdly, good eyes, for ele the way is almot as dangerous to thoe that are dimighted as to the blind. Fourthly, a Lamp or lighted Torch, by which everal
obtacles may be avoided, o that if any Peron applies himelf to the earch of the
Philoophical Medicine, beides trength of Body, and Money ufficient for his
expenes, there are four other things requiite, to wit: Nature, Reaon, Experience
and Reading; for if any of thee are wanting the others will be of little prevalence.
For thee are the four Wheels of the Philoophical Chariot, for which one of them
cannot be wanting, and if it be left out it avails nothing.
Nature preuppoes Natural Bodies; and Spirits as the Subjects; firt minitered by
Nature, upon which Art may afterwards exert itelf by Preparing, Purifying, and
rendering them Capable of having that produced from them, which Art propoes
for its end. So the Potter takes Earth and Water; the Glamaker ahes and Sand; a
Smith Iron, Bras, Lead, Tin, Copper, Silver and Gold; a Tanner raw Hides; and o
other Artits take other things.
The Chemit has regard to his Materials; theirs are known to them the very firt
day, but when he Begins, his are utterly unknown to him for many years, and
perhaps for his whole life. Nature does indeed lay its finger upon the matters; but
there are many things which obcure the impreion of Nature, that it cannot be
Therefore the firt intention mut be to intimately contemplate Nature and to ee
how he proceeds in her operations, to this end that the natural Subjects of
Chemitry, without defect or uperfluity may be attained to. From whence let
Nature be thy Guide and Companion of o great a journey, and follow her
Footteps. In the next place, let Reaon be like a Staff which may keep the feet
teady and Firm, that they may not lip nor Waver; for without reaoning, any
peron will be apt to fall into Error. Whence the Philoophers ay, Whatever you
hear, reaon upon it, whether it can be o or no.


For no man is forced to believe or Act Impoibilities, unles he be of a Weak

memory, Dull genius, and foolih Imagination to impoe upon himelf by taking
fale thing for True, and rejecting true things as Fale. They ay likewie that they
take no care of the Words that are aid, but rather of the Things as they may be
Undertood; and that words are for Things, and not things for Words. As for
example, if any man hould ak if Glas may be made malleable by the
Philoophical Tincture? Well, why hould I not believe it, provided reaon vitiates
Thirdly, Experience will be as pectacles by which things may be een at a ditance.
Thee are Optic intruments invented and made by Art, to help and amend the
weaknes of mens eyes. Not unlike thee are all Experiments of every kind, that
have been tried about the Mineral matter, whether een or truly related, and the
more thee remain in the Memory the more will be drawn from thence by a man of
Reaon, who will compare them with themelves, and other things, that he may ee
what is truth, and what is not.
Fourthly, Reading does as it were, kindle a clear Lamp in the Undertanding,
without which there will everywhere be darknes and Thick Clouds. But the
reading of Good Authors ought to be often repeated, otherwie it will not be
Kenar Bacaar in the Turba aith, He therefore that is of an even Temper and
exercies Patience without regret, will go in the right path of this Art. But he that
thinks himelf able ooner to reap benefit from our Books, is deceived, and it had
been better for him not to have looked into or touched them.



Audi loquacem vulturem, qui neutiquam te decipit.

(Give ear to the Vultures words, which are in no wie fale.)

Montis in excelo conitit uertice uultur,
Aisdu clamans; Albus ego atque niger,
Citrinus, rubeuque feror nil mentior: idem et
Coruus, qui pennis abque uolare olet
Nocte tenebros, medique in luce diei,
Namque artis caput et ille uel ite tu.


We daily in many places hear Birds uch as Parrots, Ravens, Daws and Pyes that
prattle and imitate a Human Voice. Pliny writes that at the ame time that he
publihed his Hitory, Agrippina the wife of Claudius Caear had a Thruh that
could peak, and that the young Caears had a Starling and Nightingales that were
accutomed to the Greek and Latin tongues, and daily poke new things in a long
thread of words or entences. But in as at this time uch Birds are more frequently
to be met with, they are now les wondered at, for ue and Cutom will make any
Birds capable of peaking, if their Tongues are more broad than ordinary.
But that Vulture which the Philoophers mention, has not learnt his words if he
utters any by ue: His own Nature exprees them tacitly. But the Philoophers ay
that he continually cries out with a loud voice, who and What he is, in which he
imitates great Princes, who in the beginning of their public pronouncements will
always make known what are their inheritances and Titles; not out of Pride, but
that others, ( as well as themelves ) may know what Principalities they govern (
or what rights of Inheritance they pretend to. ) So it is very neceary to know
what colours as Enigns of Arms and Titles the Philoophic Bird enjoys, and
wherein he excels all others.
I aith he ( as the Roary hath it from Hermes ), am the Black of white and the
Citrine of Red. And uch he really is: For though he doth not as yet actually
poes thee lat Colours, yet he expects the Inheritance of them. Hereupon aith
Roinus in his book Divinarum Interpretationum, Take aith he, the Stone
which is Black, white, Red Citrine: That admirable Bird which flies without wings
in the Darknes of the night, and in the Clearnes of the day. For Colouration is
taken from bitternes exiting in his Throat; but more water is taken from his
Blood, as Alexander aith, Take O my Son the Stone of four Colours. The books
of the Philoophers do abundantly declare that the Stone has all thee colours,
which are Principations in a ucceive order.
But it may not be improper to declare why the Philoophical Subject is called a
Vulture: Thoe vultures which are Black, have mot Force and are rapacious, but
they fly lowly becaue of the bulk of their bodies. They ay this bird conceives
without the help of the Male, and generates without coition, and their offpring
arrive to a great age; even an hundred years. They build in high Rocks, and no
man has touched their nets. Seldom more than two of their Young ones are een.
They are an aitance againt Serpents. They conceive by the Eat Wind. When
they begin to lay Eggs, they bring a thing out of the Indies, which as a Nut has
omething within it that may be moved, and forthwith yields a Sound, which

when they have applied it to themelves they produce many young ones, but one
only remains, which is called IMMUSULUS. We have the tetimony of
Hermodorus Ponticus in Calius, that Vultures are the mot innocent of all Animals
becaue they touch nothing that Mankind ows, plants or feeds; beides, they kill
no living creature. They abtain from birds, though dead, by a certain intinct of
Affinity. For this reaon they were accounted the Signs in Divination, as the
Foundation of the City of Rome may declare. The Philoophical Bird, expreing
almot all thee Qualities of the Vulture, is therefore not undeervedly called a
Vulture by Hermes and others. He is low in flight and of Colour Black. He
conceives from himelf ( for o Roarius towards the End . ) And he is the Dragon
who marries himelf and impregnates himelf and brings forth in his own Seaon.
And Roarius to Sarratanta, " And that is the Serpent, Luxuriant in itelf,
impregnating itelf, and bringing forth in one day. " It lives and endures a very
long time, and multiplies itelf. For what Virgil writes concerning the Phoenix
agrees likewie to this, for it is the ame Bird.
It is very difficult to climb the net of this Bird. It fights with the Mercurial
Serpent, and overcomes it, that is Sol. With Luna it is conceived by the wind and
carried in its belly, and born in the Air. The Stone Aetites, containing within it the
little tone ounding, is by many men called Totium. One only IMMUSULUS is
found in the net of the Philoophers. The Philoophic Bird is alo mot Innocent
becaue it hurts no body; it is beneficial to all that know it, and mot excellent in
But does he make a Net on the mountains and itting there cry out? Roinus
according to Rhais, gives this anwer, Contemplate the Highet mountains, both
thoe on the Right hand and thoe on the Left, and climb up thither. There our
Stone is found, and in another mountain which produces all orts of Printer's
colours, and Spirits or pecies, there it is likewie. Likewie Morienus ays,
Acend the High mountains covered with Trees, becaue there our Stone is found
and hidden. And Hermes ays, Take you the Bleed Stone and break it to mall
pieces, and wah the Red Stone from which is extracted that which is found in
Mountains, and Epecially in old Sinks or Shores.



Dolo Typhon Oyridem trucidat, artuque illius hinc inde diipat,

ed hos collegit Iis inclyta.
(Typhon kills Oiris by deceit, and diperes his limbs. But the famous Iis
gathered them together.)

Syria Adonidem habet, Dionyum Grcia, Oirim
gyptus, qui unt nil nii SOL Sophi
ISIS adet oror, & coniunx ac mater Oiris,
Cuius membra Typhon diecat, illa ligat.
Defluit at pudibunda mari pars, para per undas,
Sulphur enim, SULPHUR quod generauit, abet.


In the firt book of our Hieroglyphics we have fully explained and reduced the
Allegory of Oiris to its true Original, which is Chemical. And though we hall not
repeat that, yet we hall make a dicoure parallel to it, whereby we may retain
Oiris within the bounds of Ancient Chemitry, all which has been o often ung of
and figured out by the Ancient Poets. For you can never poibly peruade me that
Oiris was a God, or a King of Egypt. For to me the contrary to both eems
apparent from everal circumtances. He is indeed the Sun, but it is the
Philoophical one. Now that name being often attributed to him, the Vulgar who
read it, and knew of no other Sun but that which gives light to the World,
interpreted it in that ene.
The Sun of the Philoophers has its denomination from the un of the World,
becaue it contains thoe properties of Nature which decend from the celetial
Sun, or are agreeable to it. Therefore Sol is Oiris, Dionyus, Bacchus, Jupiter,
Mars, Adonis, Oedipus, Pereus, Achilles, Triptolemus, Pelops, Hippomanes,
Pollux. And Luna is Iis, Juno, Venus the Mother of Oedipus, Danae, Deidaneira,
Atalanta, Helena; as alo Latona, Semele, Leda, Antiope, Thalia. Thee are the parts
of that compound which before the Operation is called the Stone; and by the
Name of every metal, Magneia.
After operation it is called Orcus, Pyrrhus, Apollo, Aeculapius. The Adjuncts are
Typhon, Python, the Boar. The Artits are Hercules, Ulyes, Jaon, Perithous. And
the labours and dangers which thoe Artits underwent were innumerable. We
may ee the Labours of Hercules, the Errors of Ulyes, the Dangers of Jaon, the
Endeavours of Theeus, the Remore of Perithous. This is the great volume of
Matter and Doctrine, through which in every page, Saturn, Mercury and Vulcan
do often occur: The firt as Father of all, the Caue without which nothing can be
effected; the econd as the matter or form; the third as the Efficient. Sol takes Luna
his Siter to be his wife, Jupiter takes Juno, as Saturn Rhea, and Oiris does Iis.
Dionyus is natched out of his mother Semele, who was burnt by the thunder of
Jupiter, that o he may come to maturity in the thigh of his Father Jupiter.
Aeculapius from his Mother Coronis; Dionyus being grown up hows men the
Ue of Wine, making an Expedition as far as the Indies; Oiris and Triptolemus
that of Corn, and how to ow it; and Aeculapius that of Medicine. The Greeks call
him Dionyus, the Latins Bacchus, the Egyptians Oiris, and the Syrians Adonis.
Oedipus killed his Father and married his Mother. Pereus lew his Grandfather;
Typhon his brother Oiris; and the Boar, Adonis; Ceres the Nure of Triptolemus,
his Father Eleuiris. Hippomanes overcame Atalanta by a Golden Apple; Tantalus

the father of Pelops, obtained Hippodamia by overcoming her in a race of

Chariots. Oiris being cut in pieces, was joined together again by Iis, his mother,
iter and wife. The child Pelops was boiled and dreed, his houlder eaten by
Ceres and again returned to life, an Ivory houlder being added to him. Achilles
and Triptolemus were put under coals of fire by Night, and in the Day time
nourihed by milk; one by Ceres his nure, the other by his mother Thetis. Achilles
and Helena were the Caues of the Trojan War: She as the Impulive, he as the
Efficient caue. Helena was hatched from an Egg, and at the Nuptials of Peleus
and Thetis from whom Achilles decended, that apple of Eris [Dicord] which was
the the firt caue of the Rape of Helena, was thrown about. Pollux was aiting to
the Argonauts, who are uppoed ( if ever they lived at all ) to have lived at leat
fifty Years before the Trojan War began, and both he and Helena were produced
out of one Egg, therefore Helena was an old woman when he was ravihed by
Paris. Medea when an old woman, and without a tooth in her Head, was married
to Achilles in the Elyian Fields ( unles he retored youth to herelf, as he did to
Aeon the father of Jaon, and as Ceres did to Pelops, for which reaon he is aid to
have been twice Young. ) Pereus received a flying Hore from Pallas, and in
recompene brought the head of Medua to Her to whom Mercury gave a
Scymiter, and the ret of the gods other Weapons. Ceres gave Triptolemus a
Chariot with flying Dragons. When Pallas was born of the Brain of Jupiter, and Sol
was in conjunction with Venus, it rained gold at Rhodes. And Jupiter in the form
of a golden Shower lay with Danae, as a Swan with Leda; as a Cuckoo with his
Siter Juno; as a Bull with Europa; as a Satyr with Antiope.
And o there is a concord in them all.



Sol & eius umbra perficiunt opus.

(The Work is perfected by Sol and his Shade.)

Sol, fax clara poli, non corpora dena penetrat,
Hinc illi adveris partibus umbra manet:
Vilior hc rebus quamuis est omnibus, usu
Attamen Astronomis commoda multa tulit:
Plura Sophis ed dona dedit SOL, eius & umbra,
Aurifer quoniam perficit artis opus.


As a light kindled in a Round or Spherical Palace enlightens all the wall above or
below, except where ome Table or utenil in the middle obtructs its influences, o
likewie the Sun being placed in the vat Arch of Heaven illuminates with its Rays
all the concavity of Heaven, and thoe Bodies which are contained in it that are
Diaphanous and capable of receiving light; that is all the Stars, both the
Wandering and the fixed, except where the Thicknes of the intermediate Earth
prohibits it. For there a black hade or Darknes, which is called Night, remains o
long till it is driven away by the Sun, and light is poured out and beheld in its
tead. Shade therefore, or Night, is the Privation or abence of Solar Light, and Day
on the contrary is the irradiation and Circumfuion of it. Shade is that which
cannot endure the apect of the Sun, and therefore abconds itelf, and avoids it,
ometimes in this, ometimes in another part of the Earth, according as the Sun is
in oppoition to it. The Sun and Shade never yet aw one another, although if
Nature would admit it they might do it every moment. But the Sun conidering
her as an Enemy to himelf, always purues her whilt he flys o that he can never
weary her o as to overtake her, as Buchannan ays in his Book of the Sphere. After
the Image and example of that great Sun and his hade, the Philoophers have
oberved that their Sun likewie has a black cloudy flying hadow. Hence Hermes
aith, My on, extract its hadow from the Ray. That is, ee that you bring your
Sun round about by the Primum Mobile over which Vulcan preides, that that part
of the earth which is now covered with a hady night may enjoy the clear light of
the Sun. For if the whole Firmament of Heaven, with all that is contained in it,
were not carried round in each Natural day, that is in the pace of four and twenty
hours by its firt motion, but the Sun hould move by its proper motion, which is
called the econd or annual one, thoe Antipodes who are below us would have
night for almot the pace of ix months, and we in the meantime hould have
daylight, and o on the contrary o that the whole Year would conit of One day
and One night, as it is now under both the poles as Reaon and experience hows
us. But it hath pleaed Divine Providence to order it otherwie, which therefore
ordered Two motions of the Planets: The firt and econd, and o ditributed the
Year into many days.
Now the Shade and the Sun do together make a day and night, which the Sun by
itelf alone could not do. It is its property to Illuminate all Bodies and places that
are oppoite to it, but it is by accident only that its abence makes a Shade. So alo
the Philoophical Sun with its hade make a day that is Light, and Darknes or
night. To wit, Latona or Magneia, whoe hade (as Democritus ays in the

beginning of the 3 books of his Mena Aurea) mut be emeted and burnt up by a
Fiery Medicine.
The ue of Shadows in Atronomy is o great that without them that Science can
carce be accomplihed. It is to hade likewie that the Chemit acribes the
perfection of his Art. For what is this Sun without a Shadow? The ame as a
Clapper without a Bell, that indeed makes the firt motion to a ound; that is the
Quill, this the Intrument of Muic; that the Tongue, this the great Mouth . A
Shade is the mot contemptible thing, and next to having no Being. So alo the
Philoophers hadow is a thing Black; blacker than Black as they call it, or viler
than a Weed, ( not in repect of itelf, but in the opinion of men and the plenty of
it. ) What more ueful than Fire? More precious than Water? More amiable than
Earth? Which yields flowers and all things that are lovely? What more delightful
than Air? Which if it once be obtructed will make all things ceae to be pleaant,
but becaue in their Vat pheres they are expoed to the common ue of mankind
by a prepoterous imagination, they are thought to be of no value. In like manner
both the common and Philoophical hade are dieteemed. They who have lived
long in ubterranean hades, loe their eyeight if they are brought uddenly to the
clear light of the Sun; o they who remain and work only in the Philoophical
hade, and do not join the Sun to it are deprived of their judgement, which is the
guide of their mind, and o can bring nothing to effect.
When the Celetial Sun is elevated to the Height of Noon, the Heat is greater and
the Shadows les, o here when the heat is mirrored the hade is les, and likewie
on the contrary. We mut therefore begin when the Sun from the Meridian call ide
bends itelf again to the Top of our Head in Capricorn, and the firt operation even
to Aries will be finihed. There begins the work of Women even to Leo, and
afterwards Labour proceeds from Labour, till the Year as a Serpent takes hold of
the Tail with the Head; that is to ay, is completed.


Aquil du, una ab ortu, altera ab occau conveniunt.
[Two Eagles come together: One from the Eat, and the other from the Wet.]

Iupiter DELPHIS aquilas miie gemellas
Fertur ad Eas Occiduaque plagas:
Dum medium explorare locum deidereat Orbis,
(Fama ut babet) Delphos h redire imul.
At ill lapides bini sunt, unus ab ortu,
Alter ab occau, qui bene conveniunt.


Ciaro, in his book of the Nature of the Gods, declares the mot Ancient Apollo to
be the Son of Vulcan, the Defender of Athens; which opinion is very true, when as
it ought to be, it is tranferred to an Allegory. For Vulcan produces the
Philoophical Sun which is Apollo. But the opinion of his being the on of Jupiter
has prevailed. For when Latona has twins in her womb, that is Apollo and Diana,
which he had conceived by Jupiter, Juno being jealous, ent Python, a Serpent of a
Vat magnitude, to perecute and Vex her whilt he was with child. The mierable
woman, after many and tedious wanderings, was at length carried by a hip into
the Iland of Ortygia, to her iter Ateria, who governed thee and that Iland,
being almot wholly overflown with the Sea; yet afforded place for Latona whilt
he was in Travail; from whence it was called Delos or, Manifet, which before
was, [here a word in Greek] or Not manifet.
There he brought forth her children: The firt that came forth was Diana, and he
did the office of a Midwife to her Mother, who laboured in the birth of her brother
Apollo. From whence it came to pas women in Travail call upon her Deity by the
names of Diana, or Ilithyia, becaue he hows Light to Infants newly born, their
Eyes being opened. Apollo therefore being born and grown up, lew Python the
Tormentor of his Mother, with his Arrows. He likewie lew the Cyclops, becaue
they made Thunder for Jupiter to detroy his Son, Aeculapius: For it was with
Thunder that Jupiter truck him down to Hell becaue he had retored Hippolitas
to life, that had been torn in pieces by Hores.
That thee things are merely Chemical we have demontrated in many places. For
Latona, Cynthia, Apollo and Python are requiites of this Art, which have uch
relations one to another, as have been declared before. For thee ame things, being
divulged in the Writings of the mot Ancient Poets, as Orpheus, Linus, Mueus
and Homer, they gave occaion to the Ignorant to acribe religious worhip and
Veneration to Apollo, and to erect Innumerable Temples to him, both in Europe
and Aia. But that which was mot celebrated was at Delos, where there was a Vat
number of Statues made of Solid gold and ilver, of great weight and Artifice,
being there epoiled by many Kings and Princes, with other mot precious gifts
[which had been] preented by all orts of perons out of their peculiar devotion.
Pauanius relates that there was a Bronze Skeleton of admirable workmanhip
hung up at the Top of the Temple by Hippocrates. There was likewie that famous
Tripos, which Mulciber made and gave to Pelops, that was afterwards conecrated
to Apollo by Pelops, when he married Hippodamia, the Daughter of Onomeus,
King of Elis. This was erected in the middle of the Temple where Pythia, itting

upon it, received the Inpiration of the Devil breaking forth from a profound
Hollow, and being filled with it, propheied and gave anwers to thoe who
enquired after the events of things to come. Delphos was eated near the foot of
Parnaus in Boetia; not far from the Temple was the Divining Fountain named
Caietis, which extinguihed uch burning Torches as were brought near it, but if
they were removed afar of, they uddenly took fire and were rekindled. The water
of the ame fountain gave a power of propheying to uch as drank of it, but then
their lives were hortened by it. There being a concoure therefore from all parts of
Europe and Aia to the Delphic Oracles, the Poets feigned that Parnaus was in
the middle of the Earth, and that they proved by an example of Jupiter, who had
made experiment of it by ending forth two Eagles. But this thing not being
upported by the Credit of any Hitory it may not be repugnant to the Truth to
acribe it to Chemical matters, epecially in as Apollo, in all his Circumtances and
his Original, has before been declared to be Chemical; although afterwards the
Devil confirmed the upertition of men, and under that Name gave forth
The two Eagles are two Stones, one of which comes from the Eat, the other from
the Wet, as the Philoophers have many ways demontrated. Jupiter has ent them
forth as his Enign-bearers. The Eagle eems indeed to be the Friend of Apollo, or
Sol, becaue he proves her young ones by the Sunbeams, and diowns thoe as
illegitimate who cannot endure them. Its feathers are reputed not to putrefy,
although mixed with other things, and that they devour the feathers of other
birds, and that they eaily admire of being gilded. It does not die of old Age or
icknes, but of Hunger. For the upper part of his Beak grows o crooked that he
cannot feed himelf, which having cat off, he plunges himelf three times in a
fountain, and is aid by thee means to be retored to Youth again. Hence the
Palmit ays, Thy Youth hall be renewed like that of an Eagle.
This of all birds is never affected with Thunder. It has war with the Dragon who
therefore hunts after its Eggs. All thee endorements of its Nature have given
occaion to the Philoophers in their Art, to extol the Eagle and liken their Stone to
it. There are innumerable Examples of this Kind in their Books, which at preent
we Shall not Mention.



Lupus ab Oriente & Canis ab Occidente uenientes e inuicem momorderunt.

[The Wolf coming from the Eat and the Dog coming from the Wet
have bitten each other.]

Hinc, ubi Sol oritur, Lupus aduenit, at ubi Ponto
Mergitur, inde canis, qui duo bile tument:
Hunc is, & hic illum, stimulate furore momordit,
Et rabidus rictu uius uterque fuit.
Sunt gemini hi lapides, gratis qui dantur ubique
Omnibus atque omni tempore, quos teneas.


The Philoophers in many places make mention of two Stones that are freely given
to us, as Arnoldus, Iaick, and others. Avicenna amongt the ret affirms that they
are thrown out in the Dung, neglected by the Vulgar, but if they be joined
together, they perfect the magitery. Some extol the Occidental Mercury, which
hath proffered itelf before Gold, and overcome it. But the author of the Conilium
Conjugi Solis and Luna, out of the Epitle of Aritotle, does bet of all decribe the
two Stones, when he aith there are Two Stones, principals of this Art, white and
red, of wonderful nature. At the Setting of the Sun the white begins to appear
upon the urface of the Waters, hiding itelf till Midnight, and afterwards decends
to the Bottom. But the red Operates otherwie, for it begins to arie upon the
Waters at the riing of the Sun till noon, and afterwards decends to the bottom.
Thee Stones therefore are the two, Sent by Jupiter out of Delphos, as we aid
before. Thoe alo are the Wolf and Dog coming from different parts of the Earth,
which Bite and worry one another, and both become Mad. As Rhais declares in
his Epitles, Thoe Stones are the mot true Bezoar, which comes from the Eat
Indies, taken out of the Bellies of wild Bets. The Wet Indies yield another, but of
les Efficacy, and is called That of Peru, and taken out of Tame animals. So, the
Eat affords a mot fierce Wolf, the Wet a Dog Familiar to man. That is: Sulphur
comes from the Eatern as Mercury does from the Wetern Regions; of which the
one is oft and tractable, the Other is Choleric and fierce. As oon they meet they
fall upon one another. But the Dog, being of a remarkable Size, obtains the firt
Victory by Protrating the wolf, and almot killing him. Then the wolf recovering
his trength, Overthrows the Dog and never Suffers him to rie again, but kills him
in the main. The Wolf receives uch wounds from the Dog, that are not les mortal
than thoe he gave him, and o they are wounded to death by one another.
Roinus to Euthicia ays, concerning the Wolf, that, He is a Stout Soldier,
Conqueror of Two, and of much Eteem and mot intene Strength, that can
perforate Bodies when he meets with them, and is white in Appearance, red by
Experiment, and is the male that took Luna to wife (which ome men uppoe to be
Gold of a mot precious Connection, whoe Congelation is never diolved, nor
footteps or Imperfections ever defaced ) which God has betowed upon the holy
and Elect Philoophers. You mut know that Nature has taken an Equal as an
And a little after he ays, that, Sulphur is mot Strong, and fights againt fire that
it contains and is contained; for a mot precious Colour proceeds from the two
conjoined together, and that Sulphur, which is Naturally Volatile, can never

afterwards fly away, becaue the Soul hath Perforated it. And in like manner, the
Tincture of the oul hath perforated and Mixed with the Body, and the Body hath
contained the Soul and refrains the Natural flying of it.
And then to one demanding which of the two Stones was Stronget, he anwers,
That tone which is No tone, is tronger than the Other Enemy. But if Red is
Stronger than that which hath Strengthened his Companions by his Fortitude, the
Oriental Wolf is therefore Stronger than the Occidental Dog, although he does not
obtain the Effect of his Victory but by falling Together with his Enemy.
For the tingeing poion is produced from both. The Differences therefore between
the Wolf and the Dog is but mall, for a Matiff or dog may appear with the form
or kind of a Wolf, o as to eem to have been a wolf Originally, but to have become
tame running through many Generations. After the ame manner, Sulphur and
Mercury differ but little from one another, becaue That proceeds from This, and
This from That: Mercury indeed begat Sulphur, but Sulphur Purged Mercury, and
rendered it to itelf.
The ame Roinus aks thee quetions,
Whence comes its Colour?
And anwers, From its Mot intene bitternes.
Whence comes its bitternes and Intention?
Anwer, From the impurity of the Metal.
Is its red Colour never Suporeminent?
He anwers, Yes.
And again he aks, Is it never hotter than fire?
Anwer, Fire in repect of it is as water in repect of fire.
Again, Quetion, Is it not tronger then fire?
He anwers, Not, when then do you aert it to be tronger than fire.
He anwers, Becaue Fires meeting together do detroy one another.
It is therefore manifet that one is the food and aliment of the other. And o much
as the one Increaes, the other Decreaes, till that which increaes, Prevails, and the
Dragon devours the Serpent.
In great Battles it Often happens that they who undergo the greatet Slaughter,
win the field and Victory. So alo, though the Dog lie Protrate, yet he was not o
Overcome at his death but that he could [not] hold his Enemy o fat, that as the
other could not live without Him, o neither could he without the Other.



Rex ab aquis potatis morbum, medicis curatus anitatem obtinet.

[The King obtains Sicknes from drinking of the Waters;
from the Care of the Phyitians, Health]

Diuitiis populique potens Rex fontis amauit,
Portari eruis quas ibi pocit, aquas:
Has bibit & rebibit uenas mox inde repletus
Dicolor claris uipitur medicis;
Aquibus ut purgatus erat udoribus, aluo,
Oreque, mox tincta est utraque mala rois.


Xerxes, that mot powerful King of Peria, Leading his Army through dry and
uninhabited Countries, in the midt of Extreme heat, being very thirty did not
refue a draught of Muddy water Offered him by a Soldier, but drank mot
plentifully and gave a Very large reward to him that brought it. And indeed if a
man at this time (as ome of our Latet Hitorians affirm) hould travel through the
Domains of Peria, he would eldom meet with fountains of Freh Water, for their
Standing Waters are Brackih, and the Soil itelf upon the urface has a very great
After the ame manner, the King of the Philoophers, being tormented with thirt,
Commands his ervants to bring him plenty of freh Water, which being brought
him, he drinks till he is Satiated, as appears by the Allegory of Merlin: Divers
Phyicians undertook the cure of the King that was Sick and dicoloured. The
Egyptians adminitering their Medicine, tirred the Humours whilt they were yet
crude; whereas Hippocrates ays they mut be concocted before they be purged,
unles [they] be tirring and fluxible, for then they mut Immediately be Expelled,
let they make an Effort and fall upon the more Noble parts: Hereupon [are]
dangerous Symptoms as Happen to the King.
But the Phyicians of Alexandria coming afterwards, and being Eteemed more
Succeful in Chronic dieaes, retored the King to his former health.
(It is very well worthwhile to cure o great a King, who being made healthy,
Extends a Liberal hand, and a Serene apect to his phyician. We have read how
many men's cures have been Nobly rewarded by everal Kings, as that of
Demonides by Policrates; Tyrant of Samos with two talents Eraitrati, who as
Pliny writes, was the diciple of Chryippus and the on of Aritotle's Daughter; as
likewie Jacop Coeterius, phyician to Louis the 2nd, King of France, from whence
he received a Salary of four Thouand crowns a Month; not to mention more
Modern intances.)
But the cure of this King is accompanied with a reward that is till far greater. For
as Hermes and Geber in the Roary, He that can once complete this Art, if he
hould live a thouand Thouand Years, and Every day hould feed four Thouand
men, he could not want. And Senior confirms this by aying, He that has this
Stone from which the Elixir is made, is o rich that he can, like the man that has
fire, give to whom he will, and when he will, and as much as he will, without his
own Danger, or the want of it.

The Father of Democritus was o Rich that he gave a Feat to the Army of Xerxes;
and Pitheus, a man Exceedingly wealthy, offered the ame prince that he would
pay his whole Army and find them proviion for five Months, provided that the
Younget of his five Sons, who was the Comfort of his Old age, might Stay at
home with him and not be forced to go into the King's Army. But the Barbarous,
Baely rejecting his petition, commanded the Youth to be cut in two pieces and
impaled on Either ide of the Highway through which the whole army was to
pas, as Sabellicus relates in the Second Book of his EnneadsBut the wealth of thee Men are Nothing to the Riches of this King, which are
without Number or Dimenion. Being cured and freed from the waters all the
Kings and potentates of Other Regions have Honoured and feared him, and when
they would ee any of his wonderful works, they put one ounce of Mercury, well
wahed, in a Crucible, and cat thereupon as it were, one grain of Millet eed of his
Nails or his Hair or his Blood, and blowing gently with coals, they let it cool with
them, and found uch a Stone as I know.
This is he of whom Count Bernard makes mention, that he can give to his ix
courtiers as much of his Kingdom as he himelf poees, provided they wait till
he recovers his Youth, in the Bath, and be adorned with various Garments, to wit:
a Black breatplate, a White Shirt, and Purple Blood. For then he promies to give
ome of his blood to Every One of them, and make them partakers of his riches.



Infans Philoophicus tres agnocit patres, ut Orion.

[The Philoophical Child acknowledges three fathers, jut as Orion]

Fabula narratur, Phbus, Vulcanus & Hermes
Inpellem bubulam emina quod fuerint;
Treque Patres fuerint magni simul ORIONIS:
Quin Sobolem Sophi ic tripatrem esse ferunt:
SOL etenim primus, Vulcanus at ee ecundus
Dicitur, huic prtans tertius arte pater.


Women that keep Company with many Men, Seldom conceive Living Children,
for Nature Very eldom admits of a Superftation; Hence whatever Offpring is
born, whether it be one or More individuals, they proceed from one Father and
There is a Remarkable intance in Hitory, of Margaret the wife of Herman, Earl of
Henneberg, who in the Year 1276, bore 365 children, which were all Chritened;
the males by the name of John, the females yet of Elizabeth. All died and were
buried in the Church of Lauden in Holland, about a mile from the Hague,
towards the ea. And in the ame place may till be een the Brazen bain in which
they were baptied, with an incription of the whole tory. The reaon given for it
is that the Countes, eeing a poor woman with twins in her arms, called her an
Adultres, as if it were impoible for more than one [child] to be conceived at one
birth from one man. But yet they Necearily pring from Divers; whereupon the
poor woman, knowing herelf clear from any guilt, made this imprecation: that the
Countes herelf might at one time by one man conceive as many Children as there
were Days in the Year. This is a Miracle; but [yet] a Natural work, which
happened by the Divine Vengeance.
But in the Philoophical work, that which is Otherwie contrary to Nature, is Eaily
admitted under the Veil of an Allegory. For here One offpring is aid to have
Three Fathers, and likewie o many Mothers. Hence Raymond, as cited by the
Roary, ays, Our infant has two Fathers and two Mothers, and becaue he with
his whole Subtance is tenderly Nourihed in fire, therefore he never dies: So
Dionyus or Bacchus is called Bimatur: as having two Mothers; who when his
Mother was burnt, before the time of his Maturity was taken out of her belly and
owed into his Father's thigh, who thereupon became Father and Mother, too.
But thee things are better declared in the Conception of Orion, who is aid to have
been produced by the eeds of Apollo, Vulcan and Mercury mixed together, and
preerved in the hide of an Ox for ten Months. Now all this would not Only be
fabulous, but Montrous, unles the Secret of Nature, that is not Obvious to all
men, lay hid under it.
Lully in his Theoretica Tetamenti, attributes as many and almot the ame Fathers
to his Philoophic birth, to wit: Sol who is Apollo or the Celetial Sun, the firt
Author of this Generation, who by his unpeakable Occult and Atral power,
works upon a Contained Matter known to the Philoophers, as upon the Matrix of
a Woman, and in that produces a Son or Offpring like himelf, to whom

afterwards he will leae and reign his Arms and Enigns of Virtue as belonging to
him of by right of Inheritance, that is: the Faculty of Maturating things immature,
and the Energy of Tingeing and purging things Not tinged or purged. For
whatoever Sol perfects in a Thouand Year, his Son can perform in half an Hour.
Therefore that his Virtue may be 1000 times Stronger then that of Sol, his father
delivers him to Vulcan, and the Artit for Education, that his generous dipoition
may be improved and multiplied in Strength by their Means and Aitance. For it
is Manifet to be very Advantageous to be accutomed to a thing from [the time of]
a child. So Achilles, Jaon, and Hercules were for the ame intent committed to
Chiron to be intructed. For Milo the Crotonian, who carried a Calf when he was a
boy, by cutom came to be able to carry an Ox when he grew to be a Man.
Therefore, tis not without reaon that Vulcan and the Artit are aid to be the
Fathers of this Child, as well as Sol. For as he was the caue of his Being at firt, o
thee Make him uch as he is and o great as he appears to be. No Equivalent
Reward can be made to Maters for Intitution, no more than to parents for
Generation. Thee dipoe the Body; they the Mind. And o no les recompene is
due to one than to the Other of them.
In the production of Orion, Mercury contributes matter; Apollo the form; and
Vulcan the Heat or Efficient caue. And o it is likewie neceary in the Philoophic
work that thee Three Fathers hould eem to Conpire together for the Birth of one
offpring, that is to be the Darling of the Philoophers.


Draco mulierem, & hc illum interimit, imulque anguine perfunduntur.
[The Dragon kills the woman, and he kills it, & togther they bathe in the blood]

Alta uenenoso fodiatur tumba Draconi,
Cui mulier nexu it bene uncta uo:
Ille maritalis dum carpit gaudia lecti,
Hc moritur cum qua sit Draco tectus humo.
Illius hinc corpus morti datur, atque cruore
Tingitur: Hc operis emita ueratui est


The Manion of Dragons is in Caverns of the Earth; but of Men upon the Earth, in
the Immediate Air; which two Elements are contrary and yet are appointed by the
Philoopher to be joined together, that one may act upon the Other. But by the
Woman, Others undertand the Eagle, as Bail in his Second Key, for tis not
convenient ( ays he ) for an Eagle to place her net upon the Alps, becaue her
Young ones would die by the coldnes of the Snow upon the top of the Mountains,
but if you add to the Eagle a cold Dragon, that hath a long time had his Habitation
in the rocks, and is crept out of the caverns of the Earth, and put them both into an
infernal Cell, then will Pluto blow, and by his lat, draw a Fiery Volatile Spirit
from the cold Dragon, which with its great Heat will burn the Eagle's Feathers and
Excite a Sudorifick Bath, as will melt the Snow upon the top of the Mountains, and
turn it into Water, from whence a Mineral Bath may be well prepared, to
contribute health and Fortune to the King.
This reward is wonderful, that a cold Dragon hould Yield a fiery Spirit, yet
Experience declares it to be true: in Burnt Serpents that end forth a venomous
flame, poioning thoe that tand by it. Nor is it without reaon that preervers of
the Chemical treaures hould be called Flaming Dragon; and Keepers of the
Golden Fleece; [of] The Garden of the Heperide; and that of Cadmus and
For this Dragon lives in Strait places of Subterranean Rocks, which you mut take
[of or from] there, and join it to the Eagle, or Woman to her in her grave, or to the
Other ( if you would rather have it o ) in her net. For tis the Nature of the Dragon
ometimes to lie in wait for the Eagle's Eggs, and wage Mortal war with the Eagle.
There are Some Greek writers that Report that in times pat, a Dragon fell in love
with a Maid, and lay with her. What wonder then if the Philoophers would have
their Dragon Shut up in the ame cavern with the woman? Greverus joins Red and
Black Dragons together in the Deep gulf of the mountains, and burns them with
fire, and the black ones perihing he aith, " The Keeper of the mountain Searcheth
for them everywhere, and he brings them to the Mountain. " Merlin, in his Viion,
if it be not Suppoitious, makes Mention of a White and Red Dragon. Thee
Dragons, whatoever they be, whether one be a Woman, or female Dragon, do act
Mutually until they both die, and Emit blood from their wounds wherewith they
are both Embued.
But hereby the Dragon is undertood [to be] the Element of Earth and Fire; and by
the Woman thoe of Air and Water. Whence the Clangor Buccin aith, The
Dragon is the Matter remaining in the Bottom, after the water is ditilled from it.

And according to Hermes, The water of the Air, being between Heaven and
Earth, is the Life of Every thing, for that water diolves a body into a Spirit, and
makes a live thing of a dead thing, and contitutes Marriage between Man and
Woman, for it makes the whole Benefit of the Art. And of the Earth he ays thus,
And moreover, undertand that the particular earth which we tread upon is not
the true Element: Yea, it is Elemented from its true fifth Element. Nor doth the
fifth Elemental Subtance recede from its Elemented Body from which the Earth is
formed. And a little after, But the Virgin and true Element, which Fire cannot
burn, is in the Center of the earth. This is the Dragon whereof we peak,
ininuating itelf, even into the Center of the earth, where the heat being great, it
conceives within itelf a Flaming heat, wherewith it burns the woman or Eagle.
But the woman or Eagle is an airy water, which ome call the white or Celetial
Eagle, and Endeavour to make it the Common Mercury or Sublimed Salt, for there
Men that feign themelves as Quick Sighted as Lineus, [are] but indeed blind in
this Art. But Count Bernard ays in his Epitle, Verily I ay unto You, that No
water will diolve a Metallic Species by Natural reduction, but that which
continues with it in matter and form, and which the Metals themelves can
recongeal, and a little after. Nor doth that water pertain to bodies in Solutions
which doth not remain with them in congelation. And not far after, Verily I ay
unto you, that the Oil which Naturally incerates and joins Natures together, and
Naturally introduces the Medicine into Other bodies that are to be tinged, is not
compounded of any Other Extraneous thing, but only of the Bowels of the Body
that is to be diolved.
The Eagle therefore and the Woman, as likewie the Dragon with almot all the
Severals of the whole Art, are Undertood by thee precepts; which by opening the
Boom of Nature We have perhaps o far Explained and declared to the Sons of
Learning, that o Glory might be given to God.


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