Embedded Systems Model Question Paper

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B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Sixth Semester End Examination (SEE) - 2015


(Model Question Paper 1)

Time: 3 Hours ]

[ Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:

Answer FIVE FULL questions.

Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 4 and 5
Question No. 1, 2 and 3 are COMPULSORY
Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 6 and 7

1. a) What is a design metric? Mention the design metric and explain them.
b) Prove that for any rise angle the percentage revenue loss is
{D(3W-D)/2W2} X 100%

[6 marks]
[6 marks]

c) Determine the percentage of revenue loss if the products lifetime is 86 weeks and
the delay in the market is 8 weeks. Derive the formula used for this calculation.[8 marks]

2. a) Design a single purpose processor that outputs FIBONACCI numbers upto n

places. Start a function computing the desired result. Translate it into a state
diagram and sketch a probable datapath.
[10 marks]
b) Design a combinational logic for y and z where y is 1, if a is 1, or b and c
are 1 and z is 1 if b or c is 1, but not both(or a, b and c are all 1).
[10 marks]

3. a) The analog input range for a 8-bit ADC is from -2.5V to 8.5V. Determine the
resolution of the ADC and digital output in hexadecimal, when the input voltage is
1.2V. Trace successive approximation steps and show the binary output of the
[6 marks]
b) Explain how UART is used for communication .List its advantage.

[6 marks]

c) What is memory hierarchy? How does the cache operate? Discuss the cache [8 marks]

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru 560056

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belgaum)

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mapping techniques. List their merits and demerits.

4. a) Explain shared data problem with an example, show how interrupt facility can be
used for solving the problems.
[10 marks]
b) Explain interrupt handling procedure, context switching and critical

[10 marks]


5. a) Briefly compare the methods for intertask communication.

b) Explain interrupt routines in RTOS environment.

[10 marks]
[10 marks]

6. a) What is meant by encapsulating the semaphores? Bring out the need for

[6 Marks]

b) Give drawbacks of 'malloc' and 'free' library functions of C in real time

systems. Explain getbuf and regbuf using program code.

[6 marks]

c) Explain how memory space can be saved in hard real time scheduling with an
[8 marks]


7. a) What are RTOS queues? Explain the use of queue, with sample codes


b) Explain the techniques to save code space

[6 marks]

c) Explain the methods to save memory power.

[6 marks]

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B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Sixth Semester End Examination (SEE) - 2015


(Model Question Paper 2)

Time: 3 Hours ]

[ Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:
1.Answer FIVE FULL questions.
2.Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 4 and 5
3.Question No. 1, 2 and 3 are COMPULSORY
4.Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 6 and 7

1. a) What is the ' Market Window ' and why is it so important for products to reach the
market early in this window?
[6 marks]
b) List and define the 3 main processor technologies. What are the benefits of using each
of the 3 different processor technologies?
[8 marks]
c) Explain how the top-down design process improves the productivity.

[8 marks]

2. a) Develop an efficient algorithm for GCD, convert it to FSMD and show the [10 Marks]
optimized FSMD.

b) What is a single - purpose processor? What are the benefits of choosing a

single purpose processor over a general purpose processor?

[10 Marks]

3. a) Compute the hexadecimal value that need to be loaded onto duty cycle register
of 8-bit PWM module in order to run the motor at a speed of 8050rpm,which
needs 4.375 volts
[6 Marks]
b) Describe the working of PWM unit with timing diagrams. How can it be used
for speed control of DC motor?
[6 Marks]
c) Briefly explain OTPROM, EEPROM, RDRAM, and FPM DRAM.
[8 Marks]

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4. a) Explain with the help of codes. Round Robin interrupt architect.

[10 Marks]

b) What are RTOS queues? Explain the use of queue, with sample codes.


5. a) Discuss the methods of protecting shared data. Write a short note on

b) Explain I2C and CAN protocol.

[10 Marks]

6. a) What is meant by encapsulating the semaphores? Bring out the need for it
[10 Marks]
b) Explain the software design tools that are used to design, test and debug the
embedded software.
[10 Marks]


7. a) Explain the methods to solve memory space and methods to save power.
[10 Marks]
b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using large number of tasks.
[10 Marks]

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B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Sixth Semester End Examination (SEE) - 2015


(Model Question Paper 3)

Time: 3 Hours ]

[ Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:
1. Answer FIVE FULL questions.
2.Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 4 and 5
3.Question No. 1, 2 and 3 are COMPULSORY
4.Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 6 and 7

1. a) Explain the main characteristics of embedded systems, with examples.

[6 Marks]

b) Derive an equation for percentage revenue loss for any rise angle rather than just for
45 degrees.
[8 marks]

c) Using the Revenue Model compute the percentage revenue loss if D=5 and W=10.If
the company whose product entered the market on time earned a total revenue of
$25 million, how much revenue did the company that entered the market 5 weeks late
[6 marks]

2. a) Design a combinational logic for y and z where y is 1, if a is 1, or b and c

are 1 and z is 1 if b or c is 1, but not both(or a, b and c are all 1).
[10 marks]

b) Design a single purpose processor that outputs FIBONACCI numbers upto n

places. Start a function computing the desired result. Translate it into a state
diagram and sketch a probable datapath.
[10 marks]

3. a) Explain the features of flash memory, SRAM, OTP ROM.

[6 marks]

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b) Explain memory hierarchy and cache operation.

[6 marks]
c) Explain the different cache mapping techniques with suitable diagrams.
[8 marks]

4. a) Explain the need for interrupts in processors and mention briefly the various events
that take place when a processor is interrupted.
[10 marks]
b) Explain the problems of shared-data interrupts and suggest the solution to solve the
[10 marks]

5. a) Mention the two rules of interrupt routines m an RTOS environment

With an example, briefly explain, what happens when each rule is

[10 marks]

b) Describe the use of message queues. Explain any six problems of


[10 marks]

6. a) Explain how memory space can be saved in hard real time scheduling
with an example.

[10 marks]

b) List the characteristic of four software architectures available for

building embedded software.

[10 marks]


7. a) What is meant by encapsulating the semaphores? Bring out the need for it. [10 marks]
b) Explain the hardware and software co-design aspects in an embedded
system design.

[10 Marks]

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