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Let us Come Forward to God through Christ to be Saved from any By-Products of Death

Christ in His ascension is a divine High Priest who is able to save us to the uttermost if we come forward to
God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for us (Heb. 7:25). Let us therefore come forward with
boldness to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 7:26)!
Christ in His ascension is the High Priest according to the order of Aaron, according to the order of
Melchizedek, and a divine High Priest.As a high priest according to the Aaronic order, Christ offered Himself
as the all-inclusive sacrifice for all our sins; He entered into the holy tabernacle in the heavens and made
propitiation for our sins, being the sin offering for all mankind.
As the High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, Christ is the kingly high priest. As the kingly
High Priest, Christ ministers the processed and consummated Triune God into us as our life supply (typified
by the bread and wine offered by Melchizedek to Abraham).As the divine High Priest, Christ is saving us the
uttermost all those who come forward to God through Him; He is saving us from death and all the byproducts of death and, in this process, His divine life swallows up all the death and fills our whole being with
Gods life!
Hallelujah for our Christ in ascension who is the great High Priest ministering God into us as our life supply
and saving us to the uttermost in His life! If we come forward to God through Christ, He is able to save us to
the uttermost from any aspect of the effect of death on our life and living; He is able to save us from any
decay, sighing, groaning, moaning, complaining, vanity, and corruption.By coming into us as the divine life
in resurrection, Christ has started a process of swallowing up any aspect of death in our being and in our
living. The more we come forward with boldness to the throne of grace, the more we receive mercy from the
Lord and we find grace for timely help! Lord Jesus, we come forward to God through Jesus Christ to be saved
to the uttermost today!
Sin brought in death (Rom. 5:12), and death is not only physical but also psychological and spiritual, and
death has many by-products. Both sin and death are terrible, and they have a great impact on man.
When we believe into the Lord, He washed away our sins and came into us with His divine life to deliver us
from the power of sin; however, even though sin is finished, death still operates and the by-products of death
still affect us. According to the broadest understanding in the Bible of death, death includes vanity,
corruption, sighing, groaning, and decay (see Rom. 8:20-23).The by-products of death are such things as
vanity (the feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness), corruption (the feeling and reality that youre decaying
and eventually dying), bondage (the fact that youre bound, unable to do what you want to really do), sighing
(reacting with hopelessness to things beyond your ability to handle), groaning, pain, and decay.All these are
the by-products of death, and they operate in all human beings; when we received Christ as life, he came into
us and His life started working within us day by day to swallow up all the by-products of death. When
we come forward to God through Christ by coming to the throne of grace, Christs life in us swallows up any
death and any by-products of death.
As we live by the Spirit and walk by the law of the Spirit of life, we have no more vanity, no more corruption,
sighing, groaning, and decaying. This is what the Bible tells us, this is what we believe, and this is what
actually happens.All mankind is polluted by corruption and decay, and every person is groaning deep within;
even though many try to find some comfort and happiness with sports, entertainment, cars, and other things
in the world, the sense of vanity and corruption is still within them and the inward groaning is present with
everyone.As believers in Christ we can also be affected by this; if we are not touching the Lord and living by
the spirit, we are touched by death and the by-products of death operate in us.Because of these issues of
death, we need the salvation that comes through the divine priesthood. Christs divine priesthood doesnt just
save us from sin but also from corruption, decay, vanity, sighing, and groaning; furthermore, His divine
priesthood is not only restitutional but constitutional we are being constituted with Gods life!

As the life of Christ spreads in us and swallows up death and its by-products, we are being constituted with
Christ to be the same as He is. Through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and
resurrection, Christ has been fully perfected forever; in Him theres no groaning, sighing, corruption, decay,
vanity, or any other by-product of death. Christ in His ascension is fully perfected and fully able to save us to
the uttermost if we simply come forward to God through Him!
Lord Jesus, we come forward to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help. Lord,
thank You for Your death-swallowing life in us. Keep us coming to You again and again so that Your life may operate
in us and swallow up any by-product of death. Lord, save us to the uttermost a little more today! We want to live by the
spirit and walk by the law of the Spirit of life in our spirit so that we may be delivered from vanity, corruption, sighing,
groaning, and decay!
The Bible promises us that Christ is able to save to the uttermost all those who come forward to God
through Him; we simply need to come forward to God through Christ and the divine priesthood will operate
in us to deliver us from any death or by-product of death and save us to the uttermost!
An aspect of being saved to the uttermost is being saved from remembering others mistakes; we may say
that we forgive others of their mistakes, but we still remember their mistakes this is not real forgiveness.
When God forgives us, He forgets (Heb. 8:12), and when we are one with the Lord to forgive others, we will
also forget their mistakes.
We need to come forward to God through Christ, coming forward with boldness to the throne of grace, so
that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help. When we come forward to God through Christ,
our divine High Priest, He saves us in the power of His resurrection and by the law of the Spirit of life (Phil.
3:10; Rom. 8:2).Unbeknownst to us, when we come to the throne of grace and contact the Lord in our spirit,
the law of the Spirit of life operates in us spontaneously and automatically to save us from death and the
issues, the by-products, of death. At the same time, when we touch the Lord in our spirit and come forward to
Him, the power of Christs resurrection operates in us to deliver us from any death and any by-product of
death so that we may be saved to the uttermost.
In Hebrews we are told four times to come forward: we need to come forward with boldness to the throne of
grace (Heb. 4:6), come forward to God through Christ (7:25), come forward to the Holy of Holies (10:22), and
come forward to Mount Zion (12:22).Our Christian life is a life of coming out of ourselves, our situations, our
opinions and thoughts, and our feelings and come forward to God through Christ; a normal Christian life is
a life of enjoying Christ and having His life operate and grow in us to save us to the uttermost.
Lord Jesus, we come forward to You to be saved to the uttermost! We refuse to stay in our situation, our condition, our
feelings, or our way of thinking; we come forward to God through Christ so that we may enjoy the Lord and be saved to
the uttermost by His death-swallowing and life-imparting divine life! Lord, we come forward with boldness to the
throne of grace. We come forward to God through Christ. We simply come forward to You so that You may save us to
the uttermost!

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