Nursing Management of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: A Refl Ective Case Study

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Nursing management of
subarachnoid haemorrhage:
A reflective case study
Fiona Lange is a clinical nurse and postgraduate student in the master of advanced practice (acute care) programme, Griffith University,
Queensland 4102, Australia

n most populations the incidence of subarachnoid

haemorrhage is 67 per 100 000 persons, although in
Finland and Japan the incidence is around 20 per
100 000 (van Gijn et al, 2007). Forty per cent of patients
with subarachnoid haemorrhage die, and 30% of survivors
are left with significant neurological disability (Edlow,
In this reflective case study Gibbss reflective cycle
(1988) is used in conjunction with the case study approach
of Aitkin and Marshall (2007) to critically reflect on and
analyse the care and management of an acutely ill neuroscience patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage (Figure 1).
The value of reflection and the usefulness of Gibbss cycle
in reflective nursing practice will be considered. The
patients history, diagnostic findings and nursing management of postoperative coiling will be discussed with reference to specific nursing roles for the care of a patient with
subarachnoid haemorrhage, such as the conduct of neurological observations using the Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) (Table 1), blood pressure control, Cushings triad,
pupillary assessment, fluid management, vasospasm and

What happened?

Action Plan
If it arose again,
what you do?

What were you
thinking and

What else could
you have done?

What was good
and bad about the
What sense can
you make of the

hydrocephalus management, as well as the psychological

support of patients and families.

Reflective practice
Reflective practitioners value reflection and use theory
and research findings to evaluate and decide best practice
within the clinical environment (Johns, 1995). These
skills are essential as advanced nurse practitioners must
be able to assess and analyse what they are doing and
critically reflect on their actions to improve patient outcomes. This challenging and complex role requires that
advanced practice nurses adjust the boundaries for the
development of future practice, pioneer and develop new
roles responsive to changing needs, advance clinical practice, research and educate to enrich professional practice
(Glaze, 2002).

Subarachnoid haemorrhage is a life-threatening event that presents with a
number of discrete signs and symptoms making diagnosis problematic. A
delay in diagnosis significantly increases morbidity and mortality and
therefore places vulnerable patients at risk. Advanced nursing assessment
and management is imperative to promote optimum patient outcomes and
therefore decrease morbidity and mortality in acutely ill patients.
In this article a case study is discussed with reference to relevant
literature to explore an evidence-based approach to the nurses role, care
and management of an acutely ill neuroscience patient with subarachnoid
haemorrhage. In keeping with the reflective case study approach, Gibbss
reflective cycle (1988) and case study guidelines by Aitken and Marshall
(2007) are used to identify areas of effective clinical practices and identify
gaps in the literature. On the basis of this evaluation, suggestions for
clinical improvements are made.
A reflective cycle can identify areas where clinical practice could be
improved. It is hoped that this article will help nurses critically reflect on
their own practice in the care and management of an acutely ill patient
with subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Key words
Subarachnoid haemorrhage Nursing Management Reflective case study
Advanced practice Vasospasm Hydrocephalus Nimodipine
Accepted for publication following double blind peer review 6 October 2009..

Figure 1. Gibbss reflective cycle (1988)

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

Vol 5 No 10



Table 1. Glasgow Coma Scale

Table 2. Mental Status Quotient (MSQ)

Eye Opening


Where are you now?

To Voice
To Pain


Which city is this?

What is todays date?

What month is it?

What year is it?

When is your birthday?

What year were you born?

How old are you?

Who is the current Australian Prime Minister?


Who was the previous Prime Minister?

Verbal Response
Inappropriate words
Incomprehensible words


Motor Response
Obeys Commands
Localises to Pain
Withdrawal to pain
Flexion to pain abnormal
Extension to pain


From: Princess Alexandra Hospital, 2007.

From: Teasdale and Jennett, 1974.

Gibbss reflective cycle is used in this study because it

encourages nurses to provide a clear description of a particular event and through analysis and evaluation of feelings, helps to develop an action plan and conclusion that
may be different as a result of the reflective process that
has occurred (Gibbs 1988). It is important to observe that
reflection does not always occur in the sequence of events
in which Gibbs has used in the cycle. Reflection as represented in this case study jumps from one component to
another to aid analysis, critical thinking and allow the
practitioner to draw conclusions through reflection on
relevant literature and nursing management.

Descriptive history
Mrs A is a 64-year-old lady who presented to a local hospital with a chief complaint of severe pain which was
measured at 6/10 using a visual numerical scale (with 0
meaning no pain and 10 meaning worst pain imaginable) (McCaffery and Pasero, 1999). Mrs A stated that she
had never had a headache like this before. The headache
had had a 3-day gradual onset with no associated symptoms and paracetamol gave her mild relief. Mrs A could
normally manage her duties at home, had no medical history, smoked half pack of cigarettes a day for 40 years and
was allergic to sulphur.
Mrs A scored 15/15 on the GCS: she opened her eyes
spontaneously, obeyed commands by poking out her
tongue and was oriented to time, place and person with a
full Mental Status Quotient (MSQ), answering all 10
questions as per hospital policy (Teasdale and Jennett,
1974; Princess Alexandra Hospital, 2007) (Table 2). Mrs
A was moving both upper and lower limbs spontaneously


with full and equal strength, and her pupils were equal and
reactive to light at 3 mm in diameter. Her vital signs
included a blood pressure of 138/69 mmHg, regular pulse
rate of 83 beats/minute, a temperature of 37.3C, a regular
respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute and an oxygen
saturation rate (SO2) of 96% on room air.
A non-contrast computed tomography (CT) scan of the
head was conducted and showed an 11x13 mm nodule in
the left posterior communicating artery, which was indicative of a large aneurysm. There was no evidence of subarachnoid or intraparenchymal blood. Mrs A was transferred to a specialized neurosurgical teaching hospital for
further imaging and treatment.

On reflecting on Mrs As condition, the author felt that she
was very fortunate and lucky to have presented to a hospital with CT imaging readily available over the weekend.
If Mrs As acute headache had occurred during the week
and she had gone to general practice, lack of access to CT
may have delayed treatment, particularly in the absence of
symptoms commonly associated with subarachnoid haemorrhage such as nausea, vomiting, neck stiffness and
photophobia (Wilson et al, 2005; Hickey, 2007). One in
20 people with subarachnoid haemmorrhage are missed
on their first emergency department presentation and the
risk is greater in patients with low acuity presentations
(Vermeulen and Schull, 2007). Unrecognized subarachnoid haemorrhage is often diagnosed as migraine or
headache, delaying diagnosis and increasing the risk of
mortality (Vermeulen and Schull, 2007).
Mrs A was haemodynamically stable, in good spirits but
very nervous about the uncertainty of her condition and
treatment. It is important to ensure that subarachnoid haemorrhage patients are kept calm, nursed in a quiet environment, and given adequate analgesia to decrease surges in
blood pressure and the stress response. This approach helps
minimize the risk of rebleeding (Wilson et al, 2005).

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

Vol 5 No 10

Computed tomography angiography
Computed tomograpy angiograpy (CTA) is a non-invasive
procedure that visualizes cerebral blood flow, abnormalities or obstructions but is thought to be only 90% accurate
(Scanlon, 2004). CTA made a positive diagnosis of a left
posterior communicating artery aneurysm, and Mrs A was
moved to the high dependency unit on 2-hourly observations overnight to detect transient neurological changes.
Mrs A was given analgesia for pain management, administered normal saline 125 ml/hour intravenously and was
made nil by mouth at 6 am for a high quality four-vessel
cerebral digital subtraction angiogram (DSA) in the
morning (Edlow et al, 2008).

Cerebral digital subtraction angiogram

A cerebral DSA is an invasive radiological procedure that
allows precise visualization of all intracranial vessels and
can clearly demonstrate any cerebrovascular abnormalities such as multiple aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations and cerebral vasospasm (Scanlon, 2004). Mrs As
cerebral DSA confirmed a left dominant oval shape posterior communicating artery aneurysm with a further small
2.5 mm anterior carotid artery aneurysm.

An intracranial aneurysm, as defined by Wagner and
Stenger (2005), is as an abnormal outpouching or dilation
of an intracranial artery. Risk factors such as cigarette
smoking, history of hypertension and the consumption of
alcohol can increase the risk of rupture. Wagner and
Stenger (2005) reported that females have a higher risk of
rupture than males and patients who harbor multiple aneurysms are at higher risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage
than those with a single aneurysm. Yasui et al (1997)
found that the average annual rupture rate for a single
aneurysm was 1.9% compared to 6.8% for multiple aneurysms. Wagner and Stenger (2005) also demonstrated that
aneurysms that were more than 10 mm in diameter had
rupture rates that were about twenty times higher than
those of smaller aneurysms.
As a result of the evidence presented, Mrs A was at high
risk of aneurysmal rupture: she is female, a smoker and had
two aneurysms with the dominant one >10 mm in diameter.
Mrs A needed to be monitored closely by experienced neuroscience nurses to detect any transient neurological changes in her condition (Stevens and Moat 1996).

Endovascular coiling
Endovascular coiling provides a lower short-term risk
alternative to surgery (Wagner and Stenger, 2005). A
microcatheter is placed under radiographic guidance
within the aneurysm and multiple platinum coils are
inserted until a thrombus forms in the aneurysm (Kaptain
et al, 2000; Wagner and Stenger, 2005). The only multicentre prospective randomized controlled trial comparing
surgical clipping and endovascular coiling of ruptured
aneurysm is the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm
Trial (ISAT). This study of 2143 patients found that the

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

relative risk of death or significant disability at 1 year for

patients treated with coils was 22.6% lower than in surgically treated patients (Molyneux et al, 2002). Because of
the size of the aneurysmal neck and the position of the
aneurysm in the posterior circulation, Mrs A was suitable
for coiling of her left posterior communicating artery
aneurysm (13x10x8 mm). During the procedure, there
was clear evidence of a left anterior cerebral artery aneurysm at 2.5 mm, which was not treated immediately as the
left posterior artery aneurysm was a higher priority owing
to its size and risk of rupture.

Nursing management
On return to the high dependency unit, Mrs A was acutely
confused and drowsy with a GCS 13 (E3 V4 M6) and
answering one of the ten MSQ questions. Pupils were both
sluggish and unequal with the left size 3 and right size 2,
limb strength on both upper and lower limbs was 4/5 on the
muscle strength grading scale (Cauthorne-Burnette and
Estes, 2006). Vital signs observations included a blood
pressure of 177/64 mmHg, regular heart rate of 50 beats/
minute, respiratory rate 1620 breaths/minute, temperature
37C, and an oxygen saturation of 100% with 2 litres oxygen via nasal prongs, as minimal oxygen was required to
achieve a good saturation level for brain perfusion.
Mrs A was commenced on appropriate analgesia for
headaches and stool softeners for the prevention of constipation, as when patients perform the valsalva manoeuvre
ICP increases (Keenan, 2006). A heparin infusion was
commenced to prevent the formation of thrombo-emboli
forming at the neck of the embolized aneurysm, thus preventing stroke, and intravenous sodium chloride 0.9% was
given for adequate hydration (Stevens and Moat, 1996).
Mrs A had an indwelling urinary catheter draining
>100 ml/hour of yellow-coloured urine to maintain adequate fluid balance. Neurovascular observations were
performed according to protocol to detect neurovascular
compromise and revealed good capillary return, 2+ dorsalis pedis pulses, whitish/pink coloured toes at a warm
temperature with normal sensation and no visible exudate
or haematoma development on the right groin site.
Nursing care of patients who have undergone endovascular embolization includes checking skin integrity every
2 hours to prevent pressure areas, applying compression
stockings for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis and
pulmonary embolism, and keeping the patient supine with
the affected leg in a straight position to facilitate healing
of the puncture site and prevention of hematoma or bleeding at the angiography site (Keenan, 2006; Stevens and
Moat, 1996; van Gijn et al, 2007).

Subarachnoid haemorrhage
A subarachnoid haemorrhage is any bleed underneath the
arachnoid meninges of the brain and is most commonly
related to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm (Scanlon, 2004).
Subarachnoid haemorrhage can also occur as a result of
trauma, stroke, and arteriovenous malformation, or an
unidentifiable cause (Scanlon, 2004).

Vol 5 No 10


Owing to Mrs As poor neurological progress after the
endovascular coiling procedure, the neurosurgical team
ordered a postoperative CT head scan that confirmed subarachnoid haemorrhage, intraventricular haemorrhage,
hydrocephalus and cerebral oedema (Table 3).
On evaluation, this outcome was very unfortunate,
because it significantly worsened Mrs As prognosis40%
of patients die within 1 month of a subarachnoid haemorrhage, 30% of patients who survive the subarachnoid
haemorrhage remain dependent, and of those who recover
to an independent state, 5070% report a decrease in quality of life (Wilson et al, 2005). Detailed observation and a
proactive response to Mrs As signs and symptoms led to
a quick diagnosis of the aneurysm and referral for the
coiling procedure, but it was unfortunate that the second
aneurysm could not be treated immediately.

Nursing management of subarachnoid

Neurological observations
The GCS is a standardized tool for the assessment of neurological function and progress after trauma (Hickey,
2007). Close neurological observations in neurosciences
critical care or high dependency is essential for prompt
treatment and management of subarachnoid haemorrhage
(Wijdicks et al, 2005). It is essential to enable nurses to
make precise comparisons between the data collected at
different times (Keenan, 2006). A fully conscious person
is awake, alert and oriented to time, person, place and current circumstances, and although consciousness may be
suddenly and completely lost, the decline is usually progressive (Copstead and Banasik, 2005). On return to the
ward after the coiling procedure, Mrs A was severely confused and becoming increasingly drowsy. Cortical neurons are very sensitive, and cognitive and memory functions can be impaired early. Moreover, as the function of
the reticular activating system becomes compromised the
patient becomes more difficult to arouse (Copstead and
Banasik 2005).

Table 3. Mrs As pathway

1 Presented to hospital with severe headache: GCS 15/15
2 CTA indicated left posterior communicating artery (LPCA)
3 Transferred to HDU for DSA which confirmed diagnosis
4 Underwent endovascular coiling for LPCA. A left anterior
cerebral artery aneurysm was observed but could not be
treated immediately
5 Returned to HDU: GCS 13/15 and MSQ 1/10
6 Postoperative CT showed subarachnoid aneurysm, intraventricular haemorrhage, hydrocephalus, cerebral oedema
CTA = computed tomography angiogram; DSA = cerebral digital
subtraction aneurysm; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; HDU = highdepenency unit; MSQ = Mental Status Quotient


A change in level of consciousness is one of the most

sensitive indicators of altered brain function therefore
meticulous monitoring of warning signs that could contribute to early detection of secondary insults is of great
importance in the management of a subarachnoid haemorrhage patient (Copstead and Banasik, 2005; Hedlund et al,
2008). Hedlund et al (2008) also report that monitoring of
vital physiological parameters to draw correct and prompt
conclusions from collected data to alert physicians is
essential nursing care and this was conducted effectively
in the high dependency unit.

Blood pressure
Hypertension is common following subarachnoid haemorrhage. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system
provides a compensatory mechanism to maintain adequate cerebral blood flow in the presence of impaired
autoregulation (Copstead and Banasik, 2005; Wilson et
al, 2005). Autoregulation is pressure controlled to maintain adequate cerebral blood flow, taking into account
ICP values and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (Cook,
2004). Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is the pressure
required to maintain cerebral blood flow and is measured
by subtracting the ICP from the MAP (CPP=MAPICP)
(Sheppard and Wright, 2006). In general, the MAP
should not fall below about 70 mmHg and a MAP
between 105120 mmHg is recommended for subarachnoid haemorrhage patients to maintain intravascular volume and minimize delayed ischemic deficit (Copstead
and Banasik, 2005; Ohkuma et al, 2000). It is reported
that blood pressure should be kept in the high normal
range for a secured subarachnoid haemorrhage patient in
an attempt to maintain CPP and improve patient outcomes (Wilson et al, 2005).
Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
have shown improved outcomes with the reduction of
vasospasm when on calcium antagonists such as
nimodipine, with an absolute risk reduction of 5.1%
according to a Cochrane review (Rinkel et al, 2005).
Hypotension as a possible side effect of nimodipine needs
to be recognized and treated early and this may be
achieved easier if patients are on a nimodipine infusion
that can be titrated according to blood pressure parameters. Hypotension is poorly tolerated in subarachnoid
haemorrhage patients and must be promptly detected by
nurses and managed to prevent further brain ischaemia
(Copstead and Banasik, 2005).
In Mrs As case, systolic blood pressure was maintained
at 130160 mmHg as ordered and documented by the
medical team. MAP, however, may be a more appropriate
clinical measurement of brain haemodynamics than systolic blood pressure alone, and if patients are monitored for
ICP, CPP is easily calculated to determine adequate cerebral blood flow. On analysis and critical reflection, documentation of MAP parameters instead of systolic blood
pressure may need to be changed in current practice to
accurately manage brain haemodynamics in subarachnoid
haemorrhage patients.

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

Vol 5 No 10

Cushings triad
Neuroscience nurses need to monitor for Cushings triad
which is observed in acute ICP and presents with three
signs (Crimlisk and Grande, 2004):
Increasing systolic blood pressure with widening pulse
Irregular breathing patterns.
These three manifestations are late signs of increased ICP
and indicate that the brain is about to herniated (Lower,
2002). Biots breathing, which is irregular breathing with
apnoeic episode may be seen in raised ICP (Crimlisk and
Grande 2004). Nurses are required to describe the breathing pattern as it is seen and assess for specific changes
When Mrs A returned after the coiling procedure she
had signs of raised ICP with a pulse rate of 50 beats/
minute and temporarily developed a widening pulse pressure and increased systolic blood pressure which was
resolved. On reflection, her respiratory rate was between
1620 breaths/minute with no evidence of respiratory
rhythm or pattern in the medical notes. Control centres for
blood pressure, heart rate and respiration are all located
within the brainstem and these vital signs are therefore an
indication of brainstem function (Shah, 1999). There is
evidence that nursing staff may be reluctant or resistant to
correctly assessing and documenting patients respiratory
rate (Considine, 2005; Cretikos et al, 2008). Yet, this
important vital sign remains the most sensitive indicator
of an adverse event. This is an important sign of Cushings
triad and therefore an indication of raised ICP.

Pupillary assessment
Pupillary assessment needs to be recorded individually. It
provides important information about the function of the
brainstem and cranial nerves II (optic) and III (oculomotor) (Copstead and Banasik, 2005; Sheppard and
Wright, 2006). Careful nursing monitoring of pupillary
response to light in acute neurosurgical patients is critical,
as failing response may be the first indication of brain
compression (Copstead and Banasik 2005). On analysis of
the case study, Mrs A acutely developed sluggish, unequal
pupils which evidence suggests is ominous and results
from pressure on the oculomotor nerve by lateral displacement of midbrain structures (Copstead and Banasik,
2005). This displacement was evident owing to her subarachnoid haemorrhage and intracranial haemorrhage
after the coiling procedure.
On reflection on the interventions given, nurses intervened early and medical staff were informed of the
changes promptly as a result of strict postoperative observations according to organizational policy and procedures.
Notification of early neurological changes prompts for
early interventions and can improve patient outcomes.

Fluid management
Nurses need considerable knowledge in how to manage
fluid and hydration in patients suffering from subarach-

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

noid haemorrhage (Hedlund et al, 2008). Early research

indicates that patients with a daily fluid intake of a least
3 litres, withholding of any antihypertensive medications,
reduces mortality alone by 10% (Cook 2004; Weir and
MacDonald, 1993). While no human randomized trials
have been undertaken to validate triple-H therapy (hypervolaemia, hypertension and haemodilution), as difficult
to blind with complicated ethical issues, strong evidence
exists that such interventions can reverse delayed ischaemic deficit through restoration of cerebral blood flow
(Cook, 2004; van Gijn et al, 2007; Wilson et al, 2005).
Wilson et al (2005) reported that non-randomized controlled trials in which patients were given at least 3 litres per
day of saline 0.9% have indicated a decreased rate of
delayed cerebral ischaemia and a better overall outcome.
If vasospasm is confirmed or suspected in the presence
of neurological deterioration, triple-H therapy may be
instituted (Wood and Nowitzke, 2005). Wilson et al
(2005) reported that triple-H therapy is only initiated after
definitive treatment of the aneurysm because of an
increased risk of rupture. Mrs A had 0.9% normal saline
running 125 ml/hour, nimodipine 10 ml/hour with coinfusion 0.9% normal saline at 40 ml/hour, giving a total
of 175 ml/hour.
When systolic blood pressure dropped below 120 mmHg,
Gelofusion was given to improve intravascular volume.
Tseng et al (2008) outlined the uncertainty about the best
choice of fluids owing to a lack of well-powered randomized controlled trials. One randomized controlled trial
had larger doses of synthetic colloid fluids, which was
correlated with increased haemodilution, elevated systemic inflammation and reduced strength of cerebral
autoregulation on the ipsilateral side of the ruptured aneurysm, where a maximal subarachnoid haemorrhageinduced inflammation is most likely to occur (Tseng et al,
2008). Therefore intravenous fluid therapy using synthetic
colloids or blood transfusions may be associated with
increased unfavourable outcome following subarachnoid
haemorrhage (Tseng et al, 2008).
Critical analysis of this study shows two closely scrutinized randomized controlled trials although the weakness
is its nonrandomized nature and the relatively small sample size, which limits the validity of any subgroup analysis. Nurse practitioners must be open to critiquing the literature, and to evaluating and challenging practices with
reference to research, including being prepared to make
changes in practice to improve patient outcomes.

Cerebral vasospasm typically develops several days after
the initial subarachnoid haemorrhage, peaking 710 days
after and lasting up to 2 weeks (Wood and Nowitzke,
2005). Vasospasm is described as a prolonged period of
constriction of blood vessels in response to irritants in the
subarachnoid space (Cook, 2004). Cook (2004) highlighted the main consequences of vasospasm as:
Delayed ischaemic deficit
Altered cerebral blood flow

Vol 5 No 10



Decreased CPP.
Thirty per cent of patients with vasospasm die, 34% have
permanent deficits, and the remainder make a good recovery with appropriate treatment (Cook, 2004).

Patients are at risk of developing acute hydrocephalus or
intraventricular blood after subarachnoid haemorrhage
and neuroscience nurses need to monitor and assess signs
of these (van Gijn et al, 2007). Patients with acute hydrocephalus often present with a reduced level of consciousness, headache with associated nausea and vomiting, and
gait or walking difficulties (Keenan, 2006). If a patient
becomes drowsy, is haemodynamically stable and has
evidence of dilated ventricles (hydrocephalus), a policy of
wait and see for 24 hours by the medical team is justified
because spontaneous improvement can be expected in
about half of patients (van Gijn et al, 2007).
Four days after the coiling and bleed, Mrs A suddenly
dropped her GCS to 10, opening eyes to speech, obeying
commands, but unable to give a verbal response, resulting
in global aphasia. CT head results and angiogram with
vasodilating agent verapamil intra-arterially confirmed
vasospasm and acute hydrocephalus. An external ventricular drain was inserted in the lateral ventricle allowing
cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) to flow into a closed external
system for measurement and close nursing management
and assessment of CSF colour, clarity and volume (Hickey,
2007). After surgery, Mrs A went to the intensive care unit
for strict arterial blood pressure monitoring and inotrope
support for the management of vasospasm (Smith, 2007).
On reflection and analysis of this case study it was noted
that Mrs A had been awaiting an intravenous re-site for
4 hours. Although nursing staff monitored and maintained
systolic blood pressure above 130 mmHg, the decreased
intravascular volume and cerebral perfusion may have
resulted in the development of vasospasm. This demonstrates that, although these patients appear to be improving, they remain at significant risk of acute life-threatening deterioration, and effective, timely and appropriate
nursing assessment and observation is imperative.

Psychological support
Nurses are faced with and have both the worries and
thoughts of relatives with different types of questions on
the long-term outlook, with respect to psychic and physical disability (Hedlund et al. 2008). In a study nurses
viewed providing support to patients with subarachnoid
haemorrhage as a process ranging from highly advanced
technological care to softer more emotional care
(Hedlund et al. 2008).
There have been reports of increased vulnerability to
developing depression after subarachnoid haemorrhage
(Hedlund et al, 2008). This highlights the importance of
nurses being able to distinguish between sadness and
depression and why an interdisciplinary approach is
essential to offer the patient and family the best care after


trauma. Social workers, occupational therapists and physiotherapists are needed to provide ongoing emotional,
cognitive and physical support to effectively treat and
manage neurosurgical patients with impairments due to
cerebral insult. It is important for nurses to provide ongoing consistent and repetitive information to the patient and
family about possible complications after subarachnoid
haemorrhage and prevention techniques to better prepare
them for the onset of cerebral vasospasm which can occur
up to 21 days after the initial bleed (Twedell, 2004). In a
qualitative study of the views of 18 nurses (17 female and
1 male), changes in cognition and perception such as
memory loss, concentration difficulties, hallucinations
and loss of insight were regareded as obstacles in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage patients (Hedlund et al,
Mrs A and her family went through times of sadness,
hopelessness and disappointment after the complications
of the subarachnoid haemorrhage, and Mrs As lack of
insight, confusion and memory loss proved stressful for
the family.
Mrs A spent 57 days in hospital after further complications during her stay, including infection, falls and the
insertion of a ventricular peritoneal shunt. Her determination to get home with the help of physiotherapists and
occupational therapists proved successful and she was
able to be discharged home on 24 hour supervision with
the appropriate follow-up including physiotherapy, neuropsychiatry and neurosurgical outpatient appointments.

A reflective framework and case study approach can identify key discussion points and recommendations for
changes in practice as well as make a meaningful contribution to the literature (Gibbs, 1988; Aitken and Marshall,
2007) (Table 4). On reflection, the MSQ tool used in the
authors health-care setting may not be the most appropriate and valid assessment for nurses to use for assessment
of orientation. According to the research, for a patient to
be fully orientated he/she must be able to tell the assessor
who he/she is, where he/she is, what day it is (day, month
and year), and why he/she is where in he/she is (Teasdale
and Jennett, 1974; Shah, 1999). Asking a patient what is
todays date? has been argued as an invalid question as
everyone may not know the date on a daily basis.
Orientation to person, place and time is sufficient (Lower,
The orientation assessment of the GCS looks at a higher
function controlled by the reticular activating system in
the brainstem (Lower, 2002; Hickey, 2007). Orientation
has four components of awareness including orientation,
memory (short and long term), calculation and fund of
knowledge (current prime minister) (Lower 2002). The
MSQ achieves all these requirements except for calculation, which could be addressed with the inclusion of an
additional test. Consistency is the key when educating
nursing staff and assessing neurological function. A set of

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

Vol 5 No 10


Table 4. Action plan

case study guidelines. Advanced nurse practitioners are

required to use and critique the literature, and with further
education, nurses will understand the acute role they play
in the management of postoperative coiling, subarachnoid
patients and the intense monitoring for signs of cerebral
insult using basic neurological assessment skills.
The reflection discussed in this article has identified
areas of practice that need to be investigated. As a result
an action plan has been developed to improve nursing
practice. It is hoped that the application of this approach
will improve patients morbidity and mortality after subarachnoid haemorrhage and lead to better outcomes in the

Investigate the currently used MSQ tool: find out what other
facilities use, and consider the need to modify the MSQ to
accurately assess orientation in neuroscience patients
Affirm the need for accurate documentation of respiratory
rate and rhythm to assess brainstem function with nursing
staff when assessing neuroscience patients
Highlight the point that mean arterial pressure is a more
accurate measurement of brain haemodynamics than systolic
blood pressure alone when managing the fluid status of
subarachnoid haemorrhage patients
Improvements in nursing competency for peripheral
intravenous cannulation will decrease the risk of compromised
patient care for subarachnoid haemorrhage patients owing to
medical workload demand or inefficiency

Acknowledgment: The author would like to acknowledge Debbie

Massey, lecturer, Griffith University, for her continual support and
encouragement throughout her postgraduate studies.
Conflict of interest: none declared

Education for nursing staff in the value of case study analysis

and reflective practice will encourage critical thinking and
changes in clinical practice to improve patient outcomes

Aitken LM, Marshall AP (2007) Writing a case study: Ensuring a

meaningful contribution to the literature. Aust Crit Care 20(4): 1326
Cauthorne-Burnette T, Zator Estes ME (2006) Clinical Companion to
Accompany Health Assessment and Physical Examination 3rd edn.
Thomson/Delmar Learning, Clinton Park, New York
Considine J (2005) The role of nurses in preventing adverse events
related to respiratory dysfunction: literature review. J Adv Nurs
49(6): 62433
Cook NF (2004) Subarachnoid haemorrhage and vasospasm: using
physiological theory to generate nursing interventions. Intensive Crit
Care Nurs 20(3): 16373
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key questions to assess orientation that may need to be

modified according to the research is important to identify
transient changes that lead to confusion and neurological
Mrs A did not have an intra venous cannula sited when
she required one. On reflection this may have contributed
to a lower intravascular volume and therefore the development of vasospasm. Subarachnoid haemorrhage patients
who have at least 3 litres of fluid per day have a decreased
the rate of delayed cerebral ischaemia with a better overall
outcome (Cook, 2004; Wilson et al, 2005). Although Mrs
A obtained an overall fluid intake above 3 litres, it is best
to prevent a delay occurring so patients receive the best
patient care. On reflection, this could be rectified through
increased awareness for staff to obtain competence in
peripheral intravenous cannulation so that when doctors
are busy with other patients and medical emergencies,
patient care is not compromised. Increased nursing competence in peripheral intravenous cannulation will allow
nurses to actively respond to acute neurosurgical patients
and this may decrease the potential for complications after
subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Key Points
Morbidity and mortality as a result of subarachnoid haemorrhage

remain high, and signs and symptoms can be easily misdiagnosed

resulting in delayed treatment
Accurate assessment and documentation of vital signs including

respiratory rhythm is essential in detecting early complications after

subarachnoid haemorrhage

Caring for a neurosurgical patient involves intense nursing care in an acute neurosurgical unit to achieve the best
possible outcome after subarachnoid haemorrhage. Nurses
require an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms,
which underpin the physiology of subarachnoid haemorrhage in order to provide appropriate nursing care based
on the evidence (Cook, 2004). This reflective case study
demonstrates to nurses the value of reflective practice in
critically analysing the literature and questioning clinical
practices to improve patient outcomes using Gibbss
(1988) reflective cycle and Aitken and Marshalls (2007)

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

Reflective practice and critical analysis of current literature is vital to

improve clinical practice and patient outcomes

Strict fluid management and continual intravascular volume support

is critical in subarachnoid haemorrhage patients for the prevention of

Psychological support from an interdisciplinary team is essential to

Vol 5 No 10

effectively manage patients and families after subarachnoid



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October diary: The family perspective
Dear Diary
I am the Yorkshire Regional
Co-ordinator for Headway
the brain injury association,
and the mother of a brain
injured son. For the last 3 years
I have been delighted to accept
the invitation to present The
Family Perspective to the
Neurology Nursing Students at
the Royal Hallamshire
Hospital, the Regional Unit in
This year I was asked to
present my piece in the second
slot of the day instead of the
last, which reflects the growing
awareness of the needs of
families and the value of good


My presentation consists of
an overview of our own
experience of service provision
coupled with case studies
gleaned over the last 10 years
of working throughout
Yorkshire. Issues covered in
my presentation include:
Quality information
Early family/peer support
Delivering bad news
Differing professional
Need for clarity of
information delivered by
named nurse
Transparent consultation
from the beginning
Need for specialist services
Ongoing support from

acute-to-community with
re-access at times of crisis.
Unless families are
welcomed, included and
enabled by education to come
to terms appropriately with the
situation, there is likely to be
Conflicting opinions only
serve to confuse the already
exhausted and traumatized
family and this wastes valuable
nursing time.
As the leading charity
offering support for those
affected by brain injury,
Headway is well placed to
work with nursing staff to offer
quality support
For more information please

contact myself or Mandy

Hassall, visit the Headway
website, or call the dedicated
helpline (Further information).

Ann Hurley
Yorkshire Regional
Co-ordinator, Headway
email: [email protected]

Further information
Email services.director@
Helpline: 0808 800 2244

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

October 2009

Vol 5 No 10

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