Year 2 Summer Newsletter 2016

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20th April 2016

Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to your childs final term in Year Two. The children are continuing to
make good progress and are eager to learn all about our new topics.
This terms topic is linked to The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. The children
will be given the opportunity to explore the story through Science,
Geography, Art, Music and Computing. The book also provides the basis for
much of our English work where the childrens creative talents will be
As we approach the end of Year Two, your child will be working towards
completing the national SAT assessment tasks. There will be six assessments
in total which will look at a range of the skills your child has explored this
The first assessment will test your childs ability to apply word rules to
different spellings. Examples were given to you last term so that you could
look at them together at home. The second assessment will cover the
punctuation and grammar elements. It would be beneficial for you to look for
verbs, adverbs, nouns, adjectives and apostrophes whilst your child reads to
you at home. The children are brilliant at looking for these in their reading, we
think you will be very impressed! Your child will complete two separate reading
comprehensions which are similar to the ones that they have been completing
throughout the year. The final assessments will be looking at the range of
mathematical concepts taught this year. The two elements to this paper
include an arithmetic section focusing solely on number and a reasoning paper
where the children will decipher word problems to answer questions.
Alongside what promises to be a very busy term, the children will learn lots of
new skills in the foundation subjects. During Computing, we will be introducing
algorithms in the coding section of our curriculum. The children have already
showed great promise in this subject and they have been using their vast
knowledge to teach the Teachers too! In Science we will be looking at plants
and habitats which we are sure the children will enjoy whilst exploring the
school grounds. We will be learning mapping skills in Geography which coincides
with The Gruffalo and we have planned an Educational Visit to enhance this
part of the curriculum. We will keep you informed of this and send you
information closer to the time. In Art we will be revisiting colour mixing skills
and looking at different patterns. During RE we are looking at Special Places,
focusing on the church and the children will be going to visit our local church.
We will be making healthy Gruffalo Soup as part of our DT curriculum which
will build on childrens knowledge of basic cookery skills.

With the better weather approaching (we hope!) we will endeavour to have lots more PE
outside focusing on games and athletics. Please make sure that your child has a full,
appropriate PE kit including trainers as plimsolls can be very slippery on the playground.
Health and Fitness week will take place on the week commencing Monday 20th June 2016.
We will look at the wants and needs of humans alongside healthy living. During this week, the
children will take part in a Katie Morag themed day at Preston Park as well as sports
afternoon. We will be exploring different Rights throughout the term and this week will be a
platform to discuss Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. Article 24
(health and health services). Every child has the right to the best possible health.

Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean
environment and education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy.

We would like to thank you for your continued support in reading with your child at home and
sending their reading books back into school every week. We have seen significant
improvements in the childrens reading and their thirst for reading is a joy to see.
On May 27th 2016, Miss Turners class will be presenting their class assembly at 9.45am in
the main hall. You are more than welcome to come along and celebrate your childs learning.

Yours sincerely

Year Two Teachers

Mrs Brown,

Miss Carter,

Miss Turner

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