International Journal of Surgery: Elroy Patrick Weledji, Marcelin Ngowe Ngowe

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International Journal of Surgery 11 (2013) 290e295

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The challenge of intra-abdominal sepsis

Elroy Patrick Weledji*, Marcelin Ngowe Ngowe
Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 28 January 2013
Accepted 18 February 2013
Available online 6 March 2013

An overview of intra-abdominal sepsis is necessary at this time with new experimental studies, scoring
systems and audits on management outcomes. The understanding of the pathophysiology of the peritoneum in the manifestation of surgical sepsis and the knowledge of the source of pathogenic organisms
which reach the peritoneal cavity are crucial in the prevention of intra-abdominal infection. Interindividual variation in the pattern of mediator release and of end-organ responsiveness may play a
signicant role in determining the initial physiological response to major sepsis and this in turn may be a
key determinant of outcome. The ability to identify the presence of peritoneal inammation probably has
the greatest inuence on the nal surgical decision. The prevention of the progression of sepsis is by
early goal-directed therapy and source control. Recent advances in interventional techniques for peritonitis have signicantly reduced the morbidity and mortality of physiologically severe complicated
abdominal infection. In the critically ill patients there is some evidence that the prevention of gut
mucosal acidosis improves outcome.
The aim of this review is to ascertain why intra-abdominal sepsis remains a major clinical challenge
and how a better understanding of the pathophysiology may enable its prevention and better
Method: Electronic searches of the medline (PubMed) database, Cochrane library, and science citation
index were performed to identify original published studies on intra-abdominal sepsis and the current
management. Relevant articles were searched from relevant chapters in specialized texts and all
2013 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Localized peritonitis
Generalized peritonitis
Intra-abdominal abscess
Mannheim peritonitis index (MPI)
Early goal-directed therapy
Source control
Gut tonometry

1. Introduction
Intra-abdominal sepsis is one of the most challenging situations
in surgery and usually presents as peritonitis.1e5 Gastrointestinal
perforation, with leakage of alimentary contents into the peritoneal
cavity, is a common surgical emergency and may have lifethreatening sequelae. The mortality of perforated viscus increases
with delay in diagnosis and management.1e3,9e12 The recently reported 12-fold variation in the 30-day mortality rate following
emergency abdominal surgery in Britain ranged from 3.6% in the
best performing hospital to 41.7% in the worst.5 This would be
alarming in the developing world where an overall mortality rate of
less than 17% is reported.12 This shows that surgical outcome depends on a complex interaction of many factors and the success
obtained with the early onset of specic therapeutic procedures.

* Corresponding author. Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea & Department of Surgery, Regional Hospital, Buea, S.W.
Region, Cameroon. Tel: 237 99 92 21 44.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.P. Weledji).

Mortality is lower when operations are conducted by consultant

anaesthetists and surgeons rather than trainees and, where patients have ready access to treatment in intensive care following
surgery.9e11 The surgeon factor i.e. decision making on surgical
management of the acute abdomen is a critical determinant of
outcome.5 Patient factor is also important as most patients are
over 65 with co-morbidity and often seriously ill with internal
haemorrhage or a bowel perforation.5,13,14 Perhaps the variation in
surgical management outcome may also be partly explained by the
demography and health of the local population.5,12 A better understanding about susceptibility to infections (patient factor) will
explain why a patient with minimal bacterial contamination at
surgery may develop a pelvic abscess whereas another patient with
massive faecal contamination after stercoral perforation of the
colon may not develop infective complications. Inter-individual
variation in the pattern of mediator release and of end-organ
responsiveness may play a signicant role in determining the
initial physiological response to major sepsis and this in turn may
be a key determinant of outcome.1e5 Other key determinants of
outcome are the initial severity of infection e.g. colonic perforation,
the timeliness and adequacy of attempts at treatment and the

1743-9191/$ e see front matter 2013 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

E.P. Weledji, M.N. Ngowe / International Journal of Surgery 11 (2013) 290e295

patients general health and consequent ability to withstand the

process.9e16 Surgical peritonitis may emanate from perforation,
ischaemia (mesenteric or strangulation), pancreatitis and anastomotic leakage.11 Intra-abdominal abscesses may also occur within
an intra-abdominal organ. These include pyogenic abscess in the
liver from portal pyaemia when in a septicaemia organisms
and neutrophil polymorphs embolize to the liver e.g. following
appendicitis or a perforation (now fortunately rare because of the
use of antibiotics); pancreas from acute pancreatitis, and in the
fallopian tube (pyosalpinx) following adhesions in the mbrae from
an ascending infection.19 Infections above an obstructing calculi
may include an empyema of the gallbladder or in the renal pelvis.
A complicated abdominal infection extends beyond the hollow
viscus of origin into the peritoneal space and is associated either
with peritonitis or abscess formation.
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency
with a life time risk of w7%, and it is one of a relatively dwindling
number of conditions in which a decision to operate may be based
solely on clinical ndings.10 There are undoubtedly specic features
associated with all acute abdominal conditions which are well
established. The aim of both the history and examination is to
determine a diagnosis and clinical decision. It remains the ability to
identify the presence of peritoneal inammation which probably
has the greatest inuence on the nal surgical decision.7,18 Regular
re-assessment of patients and making use of the investigative options available will meet the standard of care expected by patients
with acute abdominal pain.7
2. Pathophysiology of sepsis
Sepsis is an evolving process. It is the systemic inammatory
response to infection frequently associated with hypoperfusion followed by tissue injury and organ failure. Therefore, its sequelae
reect increasing severity of the systemic response to infection and
not severity of infection.1e3 Infection is enhanced by the synergy
between aerobes e.g. Escherischia coli which reduce oxygen content
and facilitates growth of obligate anaerobes e.g. Bacteroides fragilis,
and by the presence of adjuvant substances e.g. faeces, bile or urine.25
There is a balance between excessive and inadequate responses
to infection. Some production of mediators is needed to combat
infection but an excessive or prolonged activation of such cellular/
humoral mediator pathways is thought to contribute to the
development of multiple organ failure (MOF) in patients with major
sepsis.1e3,42 Mortality increases with the degree of the systemic
inammatory response syndrome (SIRS). The mortality following a
bacteraemia is w5%, sepsis (infection SIRS) w15%, septic shock
(sepsis hypotension (systolic BP < 90 mmHg) w50%, severe SIRS
w80%, multiple organ failure (MOF) w90%.1e3 SIRS is a massive
systemic response comprising an evolution of a cytokine cascade
(TNF, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8), and a sustained activation of the reticuloendothelial system. It nally leads to the elaboration of secondary
inammatory mediators causing cell damage. These mediators
include arachidonic metabolites (prostaglandins and leukotrienes),
nitric oxide (vasodilator), oxygen free radicals, platelet activating
factor causing increase platelet deposition, vasodilatation, increase
capillary permeability and activation of coagulation pathways
which results in end-organ dysfunction by formation of microthrombi. When three or more systems have failed the ensuing
mortality approaches 80e100% and once one organ system has
failed, others typically follow (organ failure amplication).5 Thus it
is important to strive to support as far as possible each organ system to avoid each further adverse event (e.g. ventilation, haemoltration/haemodialysis, inotropic support, use of blood products).
Organs vary in their ability to maintain their own perfusion
(through autoregulation) and generally, measurements relate the


total body picture, rather than adequacy of perfusion of specic

viscera. Renal failure is common in MOF and often established
during the early stages. Renal function will return when perfusion
and oxygenation are adequate and until this occurs, renal
replacement therapy is needed.1e4,23 Certain organs, notably the
gut, are more prone to covert hypovolaemia and the consequent
hypoxia may continue to drive the inammatory process (including
multiple organ failure) probably via bacteria translocation even
when the initial causal factors are dealt with.1 To overcome this,
one approach has been to try and ensure that the critically ill patient with MOF has a circulation which provides an oxygen delivery
greater than normal, thus minimizing the chance of occult hypoxia.
A related approach has been to monitor plasma lactate and/or
negative base excess as elevated values suggest that tissue hypoxia
may be present.2,3 An alternative strategy is to try and measure
specic visceral perfusion in suspect viscera such as gut mucosa pH
tonometry particularly in the preoperative preparation of the critically ill surgical patient.4
2.1. The Mannheim peritonitis index score
Many scoring systems have been created for assessing patient
risks of death during an event of peritonitis. The Mannheim peritonitis Index (MPI) is a reliable predictor of the peritonitis outcome
as the increase of MPI scores is proportional to that of morbidity
and mortality. MPI adverse factors include presence of organ failure, time elapsed >24 h, presence of malignancy, origin of sepsis,
the presence of faecal peritonitis and generalized peritonitis.12,13
3. Early goal-directed therapy
It is not possible to practice fully the ideal management of early
diagnosis and surgery for the acute abdomen, thus reducing
morbidity and mortality to zero, because patients and the disease
are variable. However, because infection, inadequate tissue perfusion
and a persistent inammatory state are the most important risk
factors for development of multiple organ failure it seems logical
that initial therapeutic efforts should be directed at their early
treatment or prevention (early goal-directed therapy).20,21
Early initiation of broad spectrum antibiotics has been shown to
be critical during the SIRS phase for prevention of sepsis and septic
shock. It has been shown clearly that patient mortality is signicantly lower when appropriate antibiotics are prescribed early in
the course of the patients illness.24 It is also important to appreciate that fungi and atypical organisms can contribute to the sepsis
syndrome, and to take cultures and prescribe appropriately.17
Prolonged prophylaxis is detrimental as superinfection by fungi,
antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas, Enterococci and Staphylococci is
encouraged.17,41 These infections carry a high mortality and are
difcult to treat. Enteric streptococci account for 10e20% of severe
infections related to the abdomen and are not sensitive to all
common prophylactic antibiotics.15e17
Early goal-directed resuscitation during the rst 6 h after
recognition of shock has moved towards the use of whole blood as
it appears to eliminate the problems of expansion of extravascular
volume and marked uid retention seen with crystalloid on a
background of leaky capillaries, and also appears to provide a lower
incidence of organ failure.20
Adequate replacement of uid loss via oesophageal doppler
monitoring of left atrial lling, stroke volume and aortic ow (goaldirected uid management) avoids the complications of uid
overloading or under-lling and thus favour faster recovery.42e44
Critically ill patients who are either physiologically unstable or at
high risk of failed source control especially following septic shock


E.P. Weledji, M.N. Ngowe / International Journal of Surgery 11 (2013) 290e295

where resuscitation with crystalloid will likely lead to an abdominal compartment syndrome may benet from a laparostomy.34,35
Source control dened as any procedure, or series of procedures that eliminates infectious foci, controls factors that promote on-going infection and corrects or controls anatomic
derangements to restore normal physiologic function.21,22 Source
control failure is more likely in patients with delayed (>24 h)
procedural intervention, higher severity of illness (Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score or APACHE > 15),
advanced age (>70 years), co-morbidity, poor nutritional status,
and a higher degree of peritoneal involvement (i.e. a high MPI
score), and is heralded by persistent or recurrent intra-abdominal
infection, anastomotic failure, or stula formation.12,13,16,21,22 Untreated, colonic perforation with faecal peritonitis is rapidly fatal e
death results from septicaemia and multiple organ failure caused
by the absorption of pathogenic bacteria load and their toxins from
the peritoneal cavity.3,5
3.1. Implications on surgical management
Localised peritonitis occurs because peritoneal resistance to
infection relies upon localization rather than dispersal of a
contaminant.28,29 The inhibition of peritoneal brinolysis permits
stabilization of brinous exudates and limits the spread of infection. The omentum abdominal policeman and the intraperitoneal
viscera also have a remarkable ability to conne infection as seen
for example in acute appendicitis, perforated duodenal ulcer/
diverticular disease.29e31 Thus, localised peritonitis implies either
contained or early perforation of a viscus or inammation of an
organ in contact with anterior parietal peritoneum. For instance, a
palpable mass in the right iliac fossa represents either an inamed
mass of adherent omentum, appendix and adjacent viscera, or an
abscess. Conservative treatment with later drainage of any abscess
had been the standard and diffuse peritonitis was usually fatal.30,31
Surgery for appendicitis evolved when the mortality associated
with perforated appendicitis was high. Although only a few patients progressed to the potentially lethal complications, early
surgery for all patients with suspected appendicitis became the
denitive method of preventing severe peritoneal sepsis.10 The
prognosis after appendicectomy is excellent.30 An appendix mass is
often detected only after the patient has been anaesthesized and
paralysed. Thus, the differentiation of a phlegmonous mass from an
abscess is not a practical problem because surgery is the correct
management for both. Such a policy renders any debate on interval
appendicectomy redundant. Operation during the rst admission is
expeditious and safe, provided steps are taken to minimize postoperative sepsis. The consequences of missing a carcinoma in the
elderly patient or other pathology including ileoecaecal TB, lymphoma etc are also abolished.10
Generalised peritonitis will occur when there is failure of
localization. Failure of localization may arise for the following reasons: a) a rapid contamination that does not permit localization as in
a perforated colon/anastomotic leak, b) persistent or repeated
contamination that overwhelms an attempt to overcome it, c) a
localized abscess that continues to expand and ruptures into the
peritoneal cavity (e.g. appendix, diverticular abscess).26,30,31 The
peritoneal cavity becomes acutely inamed with production of an
inammatory exudate which spreads through the peritoneum
leading to intestinal dilatation and paralytic ileus. Early denitive
primary or re-operative surgery leading to the removal of necrotic
tissue, the drainage of abscesses, and the control of peritoneal
soilage (source control) may be effective in the intra-abdominally
septic patient.12,21,49 Ongoing intestinal ischaemia with doubt
about intestinal viability is best managed by exteriorizing the bowel
ends after resection of the ischaemic bowel and a second-look

laparotomy undertaken 24-48 h later.9 Diffuse peritonitis from

perforated appendicitis, which has been diagnosed preoperatively,
should be dealt with by formal laparotomy, rather than by making a
gridiron incision, to allow thorough peritoneal toilet and lavage.30
3.1.1. Acute colonic perforations
It may be difcult to reach the correct pre-operative diagnosis in
many patients with colonic perforations. As patients often present
with generalized peritonitis, the diagnosis is being established only
at laparotomy.7,9 There may be clues in the history e.g. known
diverticular disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease, collagen
disorder; a recently altered bowel habit or rectal bleeding suggesting carcinoma, or there may be a short history of severe diarrhoea in patients with infective colitis.11 Patients with faecal
peritonitis are more severely ill with signs of septic shock than
those with a purulent peritonitis from a small perforation.2,3 As the
most common operative nding in patients with a colonic perforation is a perforated inammatory mass in the sigmoid colon,
differentiation between diverticular disease and carcinoma may be
difcult.9 Current opinion favours resection of the inammatory
phlegmon and its perforation, with or without primary anastomosis.11 The former policy of peritoneal drainage, construction of a
proximal defunctioning stoma and subsequent colonic resection at
a second operation carries a postoperative mortality of 30%.9,13 The
stoma does not protect against continued faecal contamination
from the perforated segment. Thus, the importance of source
control of sepsis.19 Many surgeons favour a Hartmanns procedure
with excision of the diseased bowel, construction of an end colostomy and closure of the rectum, or alternatively exteriorization
as a mucous stula.26 Reversal of Hartmanns is a difcult procedure however with increased complications including anastomotic
leakage. Thus 30e50% of Hartmanns procedures are never actually
reversed.26 The recent systematic review comparing outcomes
following primary resection and anastomosis (PRA) and Hartmanns procedure in emergency surgery for acute diverticulitis
conrms the above observations. The mortality after PRA was 7.4%
and Hartmanns 15.6% and these results have not improved over the
intervening 25 yrs.27 Patients with a toxic megacolon as a complication of inammatory bowel disease or infective colitis require a
subtotal colectomy with preservation of the rectal stump and formation of a terminal ileostomy. This allows the option of construction of an ileo-anal pouch once the sepsis has resolved.9,11
However, light clothing, hot climate, high residue diet (vegetables) and poor availability of appliances all make the management
of an ileostomy more difcult in the tropics and so ileorectal
anastomosis is preferred unless the rectum is extensively diseased
with stricture formation.8 Sepsis also induces high ileostomy
output.36,37 Careful resuscitation in order to avoid congestive heart
failure from the toxic myocarditis of typhoid and prompt surgical
intervention has reduced the mortality rate from typhoid perforation from 50% to 20%. The perforated ulcer is excised by wedge
excision, a single area of diseased bowel may be resected or, in the
very ill patient, exteriorization of the small bowel may be the best
3.1.2. Is there a role for abdominal drains?
It is generally futile to attempt to drain an anastomosis or the
general peritoneal cavity as an enterocutaneous stula may
ensue.46 The evidence is that drains may cause more problems than
they solve if they are placed just in case of a leak. The adhesions
that occur in the healing process of the anastomosis or general
peritoneal cavity will attract the peritoneal drain (foreign body)
which may physically damage the anastomosis or small bowel.
Secondly, the anastomosis needs to gain some extra blood supply,
which it does by forming adhesions to adjacent vascular structures.

E.P. Weledji, M.N. Ngowe / International Journal of Surgery 11 (2013) 290e295

If a piece of corrugated plastic is placed beside an anastomosis it

will be unable to do this and a leak will be encouraged. The only
exceptions to this are where the anastomosis is not watertight, such
as with bile and urine, and a collection will interfere with healing.
Most surgeons are wary of the potential danger suction may do to
an anastomosis. Redivac drains are deliberately not placed in the
vicinity of anastomoses and are removed after 48 h.47 Drains can
indeed mislead the surgeon as they easily get blocked. It is preferable for an anastomotic leak to reveal itself so that it can be
managed accordingly. If there is no drain you can tell if an anastomosis has leaked by clinical signs backed by a water-soluble
contrast study e the denitive investigation to determine if there
is a leak.32,33 Vigilance in the post-operative period is the key, and
to remember that anastomotic failure can occur. Large bore drains
are useful in sepsis following inadequate peritoneal lavage or residual sepsis. These should be placed in the appropriate dependent
areas of the abdominal cavity such as the paracolic gutters, pelvis
and subphrenic spaces away from the intestine.
4. Post operative sepsis
Postoperative sepsis is usually caused by a failure to eradicate
infection at the original laparotomy or anastomotic breakdown and
can be extremely difcult to diagnose.
4.1. Anastomotic leak
Interestingly, postoperative mortality from post operative sepsis
due to anastomotic leak is higher than any natural condition.32 The
mortality rate of individuals who developed an anastomotic
disruption was 39.3%, and anastomotic leak was found to be an
independent predictor of mortality.15 This may be due to the fact
that sepsis is the leading cause of death following an anastomotic
leak and corroborated by the fact that delayed diagnosis worsens
the prognosis. The acute onset of abdominal pain and generalized
peritonitis is a serious manifestation of an anastomotic leak and,
these patients may quickly progress to septic shock, requiring
intensive care monitoring and resuscitation with uids and
inotropic agents.1,2,40 Patients with diffuse peritonitis from an
anastomotic leak or perforated viscus cannot be fully resuscitated
until ongoing soiling has been controlled.12,13,19 In such patients
resuscitation should be continued intraoperatively (resuscitation
surgery) with exteriorization of bowel ends as stomas.11,26,34 Laparostomy as opposed to primary closure of abdominal fascia may be
indicated if there is a risk of developing an abdominal compartment
syndrome from severe sepsis and septic shock.36 For haemodynamically stable patients without generalised peritonitis e.g. abscess, a delay of up to 24 h may be appropriate to allow further
clinical assessment and image-guided minimally invasive interventional therapy.22,23,39,40
Intra-peritoneal abscess should be suspected in any patient who
develops signs of sepsis 7e10 days after a laparotomy.7 CT or Ultrasound e guided percutaneous drainage of abdominal abscesses
via a pigtail catheter has emerged as the procedure of choice in many
circumstances as morbidity and mortality is lower than following
operative drainage.38e40,49 Laparoscopy if available or laparotomy
should be undertaken if doubt remains despite negative radiology.
Operative drainage is necessary for those abdominal abscesses
which are multiple, isolated but cannot safely be approached
percutaneously, and/or are associated with systemic sepsis unresponsive to percutaneous drainage.22,39 Occasionally, a pelvic abscess bulging into the rectum may be drained through it. The
mortality from post operative intra-abdominal abscess is greater
than 50% and the mortality increases with each operation to treat
recurrent or persistent sepsis.15,22 This is due to the deteriorating


septic state of the patient superimposed on the stress of surgery and,

the increased dissection required by re-operative surgery with
increased risk of injury and ischaemia to tissues.33,40 Therefore, the
best opportunity to eradicate infection is the rst operation.
4.2. How important is the intensive care unit (ICU)?
Recent studies show that some 30e40% of patients admitted to
ICU received suboptimal care on the ward at some stage. Too many
deaths or unplanned admissions to ICU occur because appropriate,
thoughtful and early action was not taken.10,11,16 Consideration
should be given to early ICU admission for patients with signicant
co-morbidity, since ICU can then play a prophylactic role. Nevertheless, despite the poor prognosis of MOF with a 10% survival rate
in ICU, for there to be any real prospect of recovery, the underlying
cause or source of sepsis must be dealt with.16,20e22,48 Determining
whether or not an unstable patient on ICU has an abdominal process which requires intervention can be difcult as the usual signs
may be absent due to sedation and paralysis. Distension, appearance of wounds, stomas, drain efuent and any systemic deterioration may give clues. Joint management (intensivist, surgeon and
the radiologist) offers the best chance of success.48,50 Further surgical intervention for an unstable patient with a recurrent problem
e.g. further sepsis in patient with recent faecal peritonitis or a new
complication e.g. acalculous cholecystitis in patient with a head
injury can be hazardous yet vital.50 Even in the former case, there
will usually be alternative sources of sepsis (chest, urine, lines, etc.)
which need quite different treatments with no less urgency.
However, missed signicant abdominal sepsis in a patient with
organ failure is almost always fatal.4,21e23 The aim should be to
operate in a timely manner on as well prepared a patient as
possible although it may not be possible to make the patient stable
until the underlying cause is dealt with.48,50
4.2.1. Energy requirements
As sepsis potentiates the catabolic response in the critically ill
patient and contributes very signicantly to the clinical picture,
nutritional support is frequently needed.1,23,36,37,42 Although some
of the exaggerated muscle protein breakdown might be due to the
catabolic hormonal environment and insulin resistance, the release
of cytokines e.g. IL-1, 6 and TNF may also play a part.1,16 Energy
requirements are highly variable and difcult to predict, especially
in critically-ill ventilated patients. Historically, critically ill patients
have been given large amounts of energy, often far in excess of
requirements. This resulted in complications, particularly related to
excessive lipid deposition within the liver. In critically ill patients,
intolerance to glucose, may result in inability to meet these energy
requirements if glucose is used as the principal calorie source.
Glucose administration also leads to increased respiratory workload for critically ill patients due to production of more carbon
dioxide and should be avoided as far as possible. These difculties
can be avoided by using lipid emulsions in total parenteral nutrition
(TPN) and lipid-rich enteral feeding solutions. At least 50% of the
energy requirements should be administered as lipid which further
reduce the volume of feed required signicantly.37 Some glucose,
however, is required in all feeding regimens to prevent ketosis.
Overall, the effect of feeding the critically ill is to halve net protein
catabolism. However, positive nitrogen balance (indicating repletion of visceral and muscle protein) is unlikely to be restored to
septic patients unless the underlying cause of sepsis is dealt with.23
5. The dilemma
Despite modern surgical techniques and signicant improvements in the peri-operative care of the surgical patient, the


E.P. Weledji, M.N. Ngowe / International Journal of Surgery 11 (2013) 290e295

colorectal anastomosis still has an anastomotic leak rate reported

to range from 3% to 22%.32,33 This wide variation indicates that the
pathogenesis for leakage is probably multifactorial. Impaired
microcirculation from life-style related factors such as smoking
could be another reason.45 However, the prevention of sepsis from
adequate attention to technique, and correct surgical decision
making from the ndings at operation, (surgeon-related factor)
remains the single most important factor that can inuence the
morbidity and mortality in bowel surgery.11,15,26,32 Also, despite
improvements in resuscitation techniques, antibiotic therapy and
anaesthesia, the mortality associated with a perforated peptic ulcer
has not changed over the last two decades. It remains around 25%
almost certainly due to the fact that the age-mix of the disease has
changed during this time with more elderly (female) patients with
the increasing use of non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs
(NSAIDS) presenting with perforated peptic ulcers and many of
whom have serious concomitant medical illnesses (poor American
society of anaesthesiologists score e ASA).6 Similarly, the mortality
of appendicitis is associated with the age of the patient and
delayed diagnosis.14,30 The overall mortality for appendicitis is less
than 1%, but it rises to over 5% when perforation is present and
most deaths occur in the elderly.10,30 The most important prognostic factors in emergency colorectal surgery are again the preoperative status e age and faecal peritonitis. Together the
mortality is greater than 60%.26 Thus, peritoneal sepsis is seldom
the sole cause of death, but compounds coincidental cardiovascular, respiratory or renal pathology. When severe SIRS is in
progress, prognosis is poor and surgical intervention may be late as
the cascade is fully in progress. Gut mucosal hypoperfusion as an
early consequence of hypovolaemia may continue to drive the
inammatory process even when the initial causal factors are dealt
with. Supportive treatment may be all that is required as there is as
yet no known drug to abort this cascade.3,5 Several multicentre
randomized trials using monoclonal antibodies or antagonists to
endotoxin, TNF and IL-1 as adjuvant to the established basic
principles of management have not reduced mortality and it is
now recognized that the redundancy in the inammatory response
is such that if one component is removed, another mediator will
continue the response. Moreover, if the pool of endogenous antagonists (e.g. IL-1 receptor antagonist or soluble TNF receptors) is
replete, addition of exogenous antagonists is unlikely to be
6. Conclusions
The understanding of the pathophysiology of the peritoneum in
the manifestation of surgical sepsis, and knowledge of the source of
pathogenic organisms which reach the peritoneal cavity are crucial
in the prevention of intra-abdominal surgical infection. Interindividual variation in the pattern of mediator release and of
end-organ responsiveness may be a key determinant of outcome.
The ability to clinically identify the presence of peritoneal inammation probably has the greatest inuence on the nal surgical
decision. The Mannheim peritonitis index score may assist surgeons in identifying and aggressively managing high risk patients
so as to improve outcome. Early recognition, prompt resuscitation,
early judicious and appropriate antibiotic treatment and, prompt
diagnosis and eradication of the source of sepsis (i.e. early goaldirected therapy and source control) should abort the evolving
process of sepsis. The prevention of gut mucosal acidosis in critically ill patients may also improve outcome. Established septic
shock or multiple organ failure is thus really only treatable by
prevention through attention to detail. Sepsis represents a major
clinical challenge and their management continues to demand a
multidisciplinary approach.

Ethical approval
No ethical approval was required as it is a simple review article.
A quarterly research allowance to university lecturers from the
Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon.
Author contribution
Dr Elroy Patrick Weledji (FRCS) e Senior Lecturer, Anatomy &
Surgery in the Department of Clinical Sciences is the main Author
and Researcher.
Prof Marcelin Ngowe Ngowe e Professor of Surgery and Dean of
the Faculty provided facilities and contributed ideas to the
Conict of interest
There is no conict of interest.
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