Modern Diamond Cutting and Polishing
Modern Diamond Cutting and Polishing
Modern Diamond Cutting and Polishing
By Akiva Caspi
o many, a rough diamond looks like any transparent crystal or even a piece of broken glass. When
cut as a faceted gemstone, however, it becomes a
sparkling, shimmering object that is unique in appearance.
Yet most of the people who are involved with gem diamondsjewelers, gemologists, and the jewelry-buying publicare unfamiliar with many of the details involved in that
transformation (figure 1).
The manufacturing of gem-quality diamonds has
advanced more since 1980 than in the preceding 100 years.
During the past two decades, a quiet revolution has taken
place in much of the diamond-manufacturing industry. By
adapting computer-imaging techniques, precision measurement systems, lasers, and other modern technological
equipment, many manufacturers have improved their ability to cut gem diamonds in ways unimaginable only a few
short years before. A significant result of this revolution is a
diamond industry that is now better able to operate profitably. In addition, modern manufacturers can handle rough
diamonds that would have been difficult, if not impossible,
to cut by traditional manufacturing techniques.
This article has two purposes. The first is to describe
this technological revolution by discussing the key steps in
the manufacturing process and describing the recent technological improvements that have been made at each step.
Although this article is based primarily on the authors
experience in the Israeli diamond industry over the last 10
years, most of the advanced technology discussed can now
be found in major manufacturing centers worldwide. The
second purpose is to discuss the critical decisions that a
manufacturer must make during the cutting process to
obtain the maximum value from the finished stone.
The manufacture of a diamond into a faceted gemstone (figure 2) presents some very special challenges, including:
1. As the hardest known substance (10 on the Mohs
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scale), diamond is also one of the most difficult gem materials to facet.
2. Although diamond is optically isotropic
(i.e., it has only one refractive index), its
hardness varies with crystallographic orientation, such that it can only be polished in
certain crystallographic directions. These
directions have traditionally been referred
to as the grain (see, e.g., Vleeschdrager,
1986, p. 37).
3. The cutting process seeks to take advantage
of the critical angle of total light reflection
within the faceted diamond to achieve the
maximum amount of light return through
the crown facets. Diamond has a very high
refractive index (2.42), and a mathematical
basis for the shape and facet arrangement of
the round brilliant cut was established
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Figure 3. This economic "conveyor belt" illustrates the added value that a diamond attains as it passes
through the manufacturing process from the mine to the retail jewelry store. Typically, within this
conveyor belt, the diamond manufacturers component is only a very small portion of the ultimate
retail value, about 2%. Within this narrow range, all manufacturing costs must be included as well as
some profit for the manufacturer.
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sawable rough and have a lower yield. Sometimes their grain structure cannot be determined
easily. Both macles and flats would typically
fall within this group.
3. Cleavageirregularly shaped rough that requires
special attention, as was the case with the original Cullinan rough diamond.
Sorting by shape enables the manufacturer to
decide how best to cut the diamond and which
manufacturing process to use.
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Figure 5. These graphs show the relative prices per carat and per piece for cut diamonds with weights
primarily below (top) and above (bottom) approximately 1.00 ct. Note how the price differential
increases significantly as carat weight increases (assuming other factors are identical; for the purpose of
this illustration, the diamonds are all round brilliants and all have the same color and clarity grades).
At certain key points (such as near 1.00, 2.00, and 3.00 ct), price jumps sharply. In the diamond-manufacturing process, the price per piece of the single stoneor total price for the two stonescut from the
original piece of rough is the crucial value to maximize. Even though case B will yield a 0.75 ct stone,
case A provides the greater total value for the original piece of rough. However, the added value for the
1.15 ct stone that case C will yield makes it the better choice than the two equal-size stones in case D.
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Cut quality
Price per
Stones price
$ 9,300
$ 10,416
$ 20,181
$ 22,660
$ 22,322
For an assumed cutting style and color and clarity grades, the system has made three recommended options (labeled
A, B, and C) for manufacturing cut stones from the sawn pieces of this crystal. Cut quality is defined by the operator,
and price per carat is taken from a table in the system. With this information, the system calculates the two weights
for each option. Thus, the operator can see the results for each of the three marking options.
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Figure 9. In this photo of a mechanical sawing operation, two machines are shown. The sawing machine controls the lowering of the crystal, attached
to a dop, onto a thin copper blade that is revolving
at a high speed. Photo by James E. Shigley.
Crystal Grain. Before examining the actual manufacturing of the cut diamond, we must first understand how the crystal grain affects the cutting process (Bruton, 1981, p. 238; Watermeyer, 1991, p. 18).
Because of crystal grain (in this context, directional variations in hardness relative to crystallographic orientation), a mechanical operation (such as
polishing) on a diamond often can take place only in
certain directions. In some rough diamonds, these
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(sawing) plane
(sawing) plane
Figure 10. The sawing plane used for an octahedral diamond crystal is indicated by outline B.
Mechanical sawing commonly takes place along
such planes (ones parallel to cubic faces). This
plane is also known as the "four point" plane,
because the sawn surface has four equidistant
corners. Outline A indicates another sawing
plane, a two-point plane; such planes are parallel to dodecahedral crystal faces.
(yttrium aluminum garnet) laser with a computercontrolled sample holder and a lens that can focus
the laser beam up or down. As figure 13 illustrates,
in the special holder or cassette (which may hold
several diamonds), the diamond can be moved in a
two-dimensional, or X-Y, plane (i.e., side to side or
back and forth) under the fixed position of the laser
beam. Once the laser beam strikes the diamond, it
heats that spot to a very high temperature, burning or vaporizing it. As the rough diamond moves
beneath the laser beam, a narrow slice through the
diamond is created.
Laser sawing has the following important
advantages (see also Cooper, 1991; Davis, 1991;
Prior, 1991):
Laser Sawing. Laser sawing, in which a laser replaces the metal blade to saw the diamond crystal
(figure 12), was first introduced 20 years ago (see
Cooper, 1991). The equipment consists of a YAG
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Figure 14. A diamond is cleaved along a different grain orientation than it is sawn. Compare,
for example, the cleaving plane marked on this
octahedral diamond crystal with the sawing
planes marked on the illustration in figure 10.
(Note that the cleaving plane is also known as
the "three point" plane because of the three corners of the cleaved surface.)
Cleaving the Rough Diamond. Cleaving is the traditional method for dividing a rough diamond into
two parts (see Bruton, 1981; Ludel, 1985; Vleeschdrager, 1986; Watermeyer, 1991). Cleaving is performed along a different grain orientation than sawing, as seen in figure 14 (compare with figure 10).
The markers decision to cleave rather than saw a
diamond depends on the shape of the rough and the
location of inclusions.
The cleaving process has two stages. The first is
preparing the kerfa small V-shaped groove carved
into the diamonds surface along a specific direction. The laser kerf is the best, as it is a narrow,
straight-sided groove that is squared off at the bottom. The second stage is splitting the rough diamond with a special knife. The cleaver taps on the
shoulder of the blunt blade with a small hammer,
and the diamond is divided instantaneously.
Kerfing. Traditionally, kerfing was a very fatiguing
process that was done totally by hand. The cleaver
first glued the diamond to a special rod and then
used another diamond with a sharp edge to scratch
the surface of the first diamond until a groove (the
kerf) was created. Preparing the kerf in this manner was an exacting occupation that required years
of study. In addition, the procedure was very timeconsuming.
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Laser Bruting. In 1992, a new, laser method of bruting emerged. The main advantage of this method,
which is used primarily for fancy cuts, is that the
shape is symmetrical and exactly as planned by the
bruter or marker. In Israel, most fancy-shaped diamonds with rounded outlinessuch as marquises,
ovals, and pear shapesare bruted by this method.
Polishing. This is the final stage in diamond cutting. The polisher uses a special tool called a tang
(figure 20) to hold the diamond and polish it on a
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Figure 21. The Dialit GS7000 automated polishing machine (left) can polish the crown (excluding the stars)
and pavilion facets on a stone. The control panel is on the left. The holder is set in the machine, with a few
additional holders in the wooden cassette. The Dialit GSB800 automated blocking machine (right) can block
eight facets on the crown or the pavilion. Photos courtesy of Dialit Ltd.
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Figure 23. This diagram illustrates how a diamond is set in a holder (left, full holder; right, upper part) for automatic polishing. The angle for polishing the 16 lower-girdle facets is indicated. When the ring comes into physical
contact with the scaife, and electrical contact is made, the computer automatically halts the polishing of that particular facet and moves on to the next. When the 16 half-facets are completed, the angle is lowered by approximately 1 and the eight main pavilion facets are polished. For this procedure, an electrical contact is made (and
the computer moves to the next facet) when the pot comes into contact with the scaife.
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Naated stones
Two- or three-point stones
Four-point stones that have been sawn offgrain
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The revolution in diamond cutting started less than
two decades ago, but already it has completely
changed the diamond industry in several major cutting centers. With such advances as the decision support system for marking, laser kerfing, mechanical or
laser sawing, automatic bruting machines, and automatic polishing machines, diamond manufacturers
can obtain better-quality diamonds, with a higher
yield per stone, in a more productive operation (figure
24). The main disadvantage of these modern systems
is their cost: The capital investment required to start
up a modern factory is usually 10 times more than
that needed to set up a traditional factory. In most
cases, however, the cost of producing an individual
diamond with this technology has gone down,
Bruton E. (1981) Diamonds, 2nd ed., M.A.G. Press, London.
Caspi A. (1991) Methods for improving automatic bruting. In
Cooke P., Caspi A., Eds., Proceedings of the International
Diamond Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv, 2024 October
1991, De Beers CSO Valuation AG, London, Chapter 13.
Cooke P. (1991a) Bruting machines currently available. In Cooke
P., Caspi A., Eds., Proceedings of the International Diamond
Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv, 2024 October 1991, De
Beers CSO Valuation AG, London, Chapter 14.
Cooke P. (1991b) Automatic polishing machines. In Cooke P.,
Caspi A., Eds., Proceedings of the International Diamond
Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv, 2024 October 1991, De
Beers CSO Valuation AG, London, Chapter 18.
Cooke P., Caspi A. (1991) Proceedings of the International
Diamond Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv, 2024 October
1991, De Beers CSO Valuation AG, London.
Cooper M. (1991) Laser technology in the diamond industry. In
Cooke P., Caspi A., Eds., Proceedings of the International
Diamond Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv, 2024 October
1991, De Beers CSO Valuation AG, London, Chapter 6.
Cukrowicz L., Jacobs L. (1991) Laser cleaving: A producers overview. In Cooke P., Caspi A., Eds., Proceedings of the
International Diamond Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv,
2024 October 1991, De Beers CSO Valuation AG, London,
Chapter 8.
Curtis A. (1991) Scaife technology: Polishing powders and
binders. In Cooke P., Caspi A., Eds., Proceedings of the
International Diamond Technical Symposium, Tel Aviv,
2024 October 1991, De Beers CSO Valuation AG, London,
Chapter 19.
Davis S. (1991) Laser sawing. In Cooke P., Caspi A., Eds.,
Proceedings of the International Diamond Technical
Symposium, Tel Aviv, 2024 October 1991, De Beers CSO
Valuation AG, London, Chapter 7.
Doshi S. (1991) Laser cleavingIndia. In Cooke P., CaspiA., Eds.,
Proceedings of the International Diamond Technical
Symposium, Tel Aviv, 20 24 October 1991, De Beers CSO
Valuation AG, London, Chapter 9.
GIA Diamond Dictionary, 3rd ed.(1993) Gemological Institute of
America, Santa Monica, CA.
Grochovsky A. (1991) Sawing review. In Cooke P., Caspi A., Eds.,
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