Chapter - Iii Theoretical Background

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Meaning of Direct Marketing:
Direct Marketing is a channel agnostic form of advertising which allows
businesses and nonprofit organizations to communicate straight to the customer,
with advertising with techniques that can include cell phone, text messaging, Email, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, database marketing, fliers,
catalog distribution, promotional letters, targeted television commercials, response
generating newspaper/magazines advertisements and outdoor advertising.
Amongst its practitioners, it is also refer to as direct response.

Direct marketing is attractive to many marketers because its positive results

can be measured directly. For example, if a marketer sends out 1,000 solicitations
by mail and 100 respond to the promotion, the marketer can say with confidence
that campaign led directly to 10% direct responses. This metric is known as the
'response rate,' and it is one of many clearly quantifiable success metrics employed
by direct marketers. In contrast, general advertising uses indirect measurements,
such as awareness or engagement, since there is no direct response from a
Benefits of direct marketing:
Measurement of results is a fundamental element in successful direct marketing.
The Internet has made it easier for marketing managers to measure the results of
a campaign. This is often achieved by using a specific website landing page
directly relating to the promotional material. A call to action will ask the
customer to visit the landing page, and the effectiveness of the campaign can be
measured by taking the number of promotional messages distributed (e.g.,
1,000) and dividing it by the number of responses (people visiting the unique
website page). Another way to measure the results is to compare the projected
sales or generated leads for a given term with the actual sales or leads after a
direct advertising campaign.
Popular Methods of Direct Marketing:
Direct response television.
Direct response magazines and newspapers.
Direct mail.
Direct response radio.
rect Marketing:

Direct Marketing is a channel agnostic form of advertising which allows

businesses and nonprofit organizations to communicate straight to the customer,
with advertising with techniques that can include cell phone, text messaging, Email, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, database marketing, fliers,
catalog distribution, promotional letters, targeted television commercials, response
generating newspaper/magazines advertisements and outdoor advertising.
Amongst its practitioners, it is also refer to as direct response.
Direct marketing is the use of consumer-direct channels to reach and deliver
goods and services to customers without using market middlemen, wholesalers,
advertisers and retailers. Direct selling can be conducted one-on-one, in a group
or party format, or online. According to the World Federation of Direct Selling
Associations (WFDSA), 87 million people, roughly the population of Vietnam,
are part of the global, direct-selling sales force. Direct sellers around the world
have $132 billion in sales annually.
Direct marketing is a channel-agnostic form of advertising which allows
businesses and nonprofit organizations to communicate straight to the customer,
with advertising techniques that can include cell phone text messaging, email,
interactive consumer websites, online display ads, database marketing, fliers,
catalog distribution, promotional letters, targeted television commercials,





advertising. Amongst its practitioners, it is also referred to as Direct Response.

Direct marketing messages emphasize a focus on the customer, data, and
accountability. Hence, besides the actual communication, creation of actionable
segments, pre- and post-campaign analytics, and measurement of results, are
integral to any good Direct Marketing campaign. Characteristics that distinguish
direct marketing are:

A database of names (prospects, customers, businesses, etc.), often with

certain other relevant information such as contact number/address, demographic
information, purchase habits/history, company history, etc., is used to develop a
list of targeted entities with some existing common interests, traits or
characteristics. Generating such a database is often considered part of the Direct
Marketing campaign.
Marketing messages are addressed directly to this list of customer and/or
prospects. Direct marketing relies on being able to address the members of a
target market. Addressability comes in a variety of forms including email
addresses, phone numbers, Web browser cookies, fax numbers and postal
Direct marketing seeks to drive a specific "call to action." For example, an
advertisement may ask the prospect to call a free phone number, mail in a
response or order, or click on a link to a website.
Direct marketing emphasizes track able, measurable responses, results and
costs from prospects and/or customersregardless of medium.
Direct marketing is practiced by businesses of all sizesfrom the smallest
start-up to the leaders on the Fortune 500. A well-executed direct advertising
campaign can prove a positive return on investment by showing how many
potential customers responded to a clear call-to-action. General advertising
eschews calls-for-action in favor of messages that try to build prospects
emotional awareness or engagement with a brand. Even well-designed general
advertisements rarely can prove their impact on the organizations bottom line.
The demonstrable result of Direct Marketing is the reason for its increasing

Measuring the results of direct marketing

Whereas it can be difficult to measure the effects of advertising or
sponsorship, in contrast, direct marketing is totally accountable. With any direct
marketing campaign, you can calculate a break-even point - the number of sales
you need to make to cover the cost of the marketing. In addition, you can work
out the cost per response and the actual return on investment.
This simple analysis will enable you to tweak your campaigns in order to
improve your results. You can also identify those that are most responsive and
target them again in future.
Channels of direct marketing:
Direct marketing uses a variety of different methods. Direct mail, mailshots and
leafleting are widespread, and other forms of direct and integrated communication
are growing in popularity. Telephone marketing, mobile marketing, email and
texting offer more opportunities to reach your target market.

E-mail marketing:
Sending marketing messages through email or email marketing is one of the most
widely used direct-marketing methods. One reason for email marketing's
popularity is that it is relatively inexpensive to design, test, and send an email
message. It also allows marketers to deliver messages around the clock, and to
accurately measure responses.


Through mobile marketing, marketers engage with prospective customers and

donors in an interactive manner through a mobile device or network, such as a cell
phone, Smartphone, or tablet. Types of mobile marketing messages include: SMS
(short message service) marketing communications are sent in the form of text
messages, also known as texting. MMS (multi-media message service) marketing
communications are sent in the form of media messages.
Another common form of direct marketing is telemarketing, in which marketers
contact customers by phone. The primary benefit to businesses is increased lead
generation, which helps businesses increase sales volume and customer base. The
most successful telemarketing service providers focus on generating more
"qualified" leads that have a higher probability of getting converted into actual
Voicemail marketing:
Voicemail marketing emerged from the market prevalence of personal voice
mailboxes, and business voicemail systems. Voicemail marketing presented a cost
effective means by which to reach people directly, by voice. Abuse of consumer
marketing applications of voicemail marketing resulted in an abundance of
"voice-spam," and prompted many jurisdictions to pass laws regulating consumer
voicemail marketing. More recently, businesses have utilized guided voicemail
(an application where pre-recorded voicemails are guided by live callers) to
accomplish personalized business-to-business marketing formerly reserved for
telemarketing. Because guided voicemail is used to contact only businesses, it is
exempt from Do Not Call regulations in place for other forms of voicemail
Direct response marketing:

Direct Response Marketing is designed to generate an immediate response from

consumers, where each consumer response (and purchase) can be measured, and
attributed to individual advertisements. This form of marketing is differentiated
from other marketing approaches, primarily because there are no intermediaries
such as retailers between the buyer and seller, and therefore the buyer must contact
the seller directly to purchase products or services. Direct-response marketing is
delivered through a wide variety of media, including DRTV, radio, mail, print
advertising, telemarketing, catalogues, and the Internet.
Direct response mail order:
Mail order in which customers respond by mailing a completed order form to the
marketer. Mail order direct response has become more successful in recent years
due to internet exposure.
Direct selling:
Direct selling is the sale of products by face-to-face contact with the customer,
either by having salespeople approach potential customers in person, or through
indirect means such as Tupperware parties.
Other popular methods are:
Direct response television.
Direct response magazines and newspapers.
Direct mail.
Direct response radio.

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