Social Psychology Syllabus

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Introduction to Social Psychology

Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
Course Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Course Number: Psych 08
Course Units:4 units
Requisites: English Writing 1A or English as a Second Language 5
Office Info:

Joshua W. Avera, M.A. Psychology, M.A. Communication, M.A. Philosophy

[email protected]
T-TH 3:30-6:30

Course Description:
This course will explore social psychology from a multidimensional, bio-psycho-social
framework with emphasis on understanding and applying psychological theory and research in
its relation to social forces. Topics will include a historical background and psychology as a
science, cross-cultural perspectives, conformity, obedience, cooperation, social perception,
attitude formation, prejudice, the self, and the social construction of reality.
Course Learning Objectives
A. Recognize the historical and philosophical background of psychology
B. Critically evaluating the historical development of social psychology as an interdisciplinary
C. Recognizing the interdisciplinary character of Psychology and identifying the subfields of
D. Critically evaluating and explaining the nature of theory and the methods of inquiry used in
psychology as a discipline
E. Critically analyzing the nature of social perception in relation to the self, other persons, and
F. Critically analyzing social interactions
G. Critically evaluating the research relating to conformity, obedience, competition,
cooperation, and persuasion
H. Critically evaluating the application of social psychological principles and theories to the
legal system, business, and the medical profession
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Student Learning Outcome: Discuss the historic relevance of social psychology as a sub
discipline of psychology as a science.
Student Learning Outcome: Identify the methodologies used in social psychology.
Student Learning Outcome: Apply knowledge of conformity, the self, group process,
and conflict as abstracts to personal life.
Required Text
Aronson, E., Wilson, T., & Akert, R. (2013). Social Psychology (8th Ed.). Pearson.



Introduction & History to Social Psychology

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Social Cognition

Chapter 3

Social Perception

Chapter 4

The Self in Social Context

Chapter 5

Attitudes and Attitude Change

Chapter 7

Conformity: Influencing Behavior

Chapter 8

Interpersonal Attraction

Chapter 10

Interpersonal Attraction

Chapter 10


Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help?

Chapter 11


Prejudice: Causes and Cures

Chapter 13


Review & Final Exam

Grading Assignments

There will be up to 5 objective exams to test your knowledge regarding the theory, research,
and application of psychology. You will need a scan-tron #882 and a #2 pencil. Exams will
be on specific chapters covered in lecture and the textbook. You are expected to read the
covered chapters and understand the key terms, concepts, and overall content. Exams will
consist of 20-40 multiple choice questions and may contain short essay questions as well.
A research paper that examines a significant contemporary issue or problem in social
psychology selected by the student or instructor. The focus of the research paper will be on the
summary, integration, critical analysis and/or synthesis of the theoretical perspectives and/or
body of empirical data germane to the explication of the problem or issue examined. The
majority of the source material for the research paper must be derived from primary sources
and relevant psychological journal articles. The research paper should be 5-10 pages in length
and follow the style and format of the American Psychological Publication Manual or other
standard research paper format.
In Class Activities
We will engage the material through in-class group activities that are designed for you to
brainstorm and discuss various issues in developmental psychology in small teams. These will
be unannounced pop activities.
Research Paper
In Class Activities

5 @ 35 points each
1 @ 50 points
5 @ 10 points each


Total Points = 275

A- = 247
B- = 220
C- = 193
D- = 166
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Absences will likely lead to
misunderstanding of deadlines, assignment instructions, and important lecture content as much
of this is given in class. I purposefully set deadlines for exams, highlight important
information, and cover assignment instructions in class as a way to encourage attendance.
Late Work Policy
Late work is credit. If you have an extreme situation (NOT a family emergency that you
constructed) you must let me know right away (i.e. as soon as you know you wont be in
class). Documentation and prior arrangements are necessary to make up work at full credit.

Cheating and Classroom Behavior Policy

I take plagiarism and cheating very serious. You must cover your exam answers AT ALL
TIMES during the exam a demonstration will be given before taking it. Any cutting and
pasting or summarizing work without proper citations is academic dishonesty and will be
confronted directly with reduced points or an automatic F. Please have professional respect
for the learning environment. Side conversations, excessive tardiness, texting, cell phones on,
or other disruptive behavior is not condoned.
Additional Policies
In the event of unforeseen circumstances, I reserve the right to modify, add, or delete
assignments or any other aspect of the course if I see it of intellectual, practical, or
professional value to the students. I will inform students of any changes ahead of time and
will not radically deviate from this course guideline.

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