Sentence Against The

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Sentence against the "Three Chapters"

Our great God and saviour Jesus Christ, as we are told in the parable in the gospel, gives talents to each one
according to his ability, and at the proper time asks for an account of what has been done by each one. If the person to
whom only one talent has been given is condemned because he has not worked and increased it, but has only
preserved it without diminishment, how much more serious and more frightening must be the condemnation to which
the person is subjected who not only fails to look after himself but scandalizes others and is a cause of offence to
them ? It is clear to all believers that when a problem about the faith comes up it is not only the heretical person who
is condemned but also the person who is in a position to correct the heresy of others and fails to do so. To those of us
to whom the task has been given of governing the church of the Lord, there comes a fear of the condemnation which
threatens those who neglect to do the Lord's work. We hurry to take care of the good seed of faith protecting it from
the weeds of heresy which have been planted by the enemy. We observed that the pupils of Nestorius were trying to
bring their heresy into the church of God by means of the heretical Theodore, bishop of Mopsuestia and his books as
also by the writings of the heretical Theodoret and the disgraceful letter which is alleged to have been sent by Ibas to
Mari the Persian. Our observations prompted us to correct what was happening. We assembled in this imperial city,
summoned here by the will of God and the command of the most religious emperor.

The most religious Vigilius happened to be present in this imperial city and took part in all the criticisms against the
three chapters. He had frequently condemned them by word of mouth and in his writings. Later he gave a written
agreement to take part in our council and to study with us the three chapters so that we could all issue an appropriate
definition of the true faith. The most pious emperor, prompted by what was acceptable to us, encouraged a meeting
between Vigilius and ourselves because it is proper that the priesthood should impose a common conclusion to
matters of common concern. Consequently we asked his reverence to carry out his written undertakings. It did not
seem right that the scandal over these three chapters should continue and that the church of God should be further
disturbed. In order to persuade him, we reminded him of the great example left us by the apostles and of the traditions
of the fathers. Even though the grace of the holy Spirit was abundant in each of the apostles, so that none of them
required the advice of another in order to do his work, nevertheless they were loathe to come to a decision on the
issue of the circumcision of gentiles until they had met together to test their various opinions against the witness of
the holy scriptures.

In this way they unanimously reached the conclusion which they wrote to the gentiles: It has seemed good to the holy
Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; that you abstain from what has been
sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what is strangled and from unchastity.

The holy fathers, who have gathered at intervals in the four holy councils, have followed the examples of antiquity.
They dealt with heresies and current problems by debate in common, since it was established as certain that when the
disputed question is set out by each side in communal discussions, the light of truth drives out the shadows of lying.

The truth cannot be made clear in any other way when there are debates about questions of faith, since everyone
requires the assistance of his neighbour. As Solomon says in his proverbs: A brother who helps a brother shall be
exalted like a strong city; he shall be as strong as a well-established kingdom. Again in Ecclesiastes he says: Two are
better than one, for they have a good reward for their toil. And the Lord himself says: Amen I say to you, if two of
you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three
are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Vigilius was frequently invited by us all, and most
distinguished judges were sent to him by the most pious emperor. Eventually he promised to give judgment
personally on the three chapters. When we heard this promise, we remembered the warning of the Apostle that each
of us shall give an account of himself to God. We were afraid of the condemnation which threatens those who
scandalize one of the least important, and of the much more serious one which threatens those who scandalize so very
christian an emperor, the people and all the churches. We also remembered what was said by God to Paul: Do not be
afraid, but speak, and do not be silent; for I am with you, and nobody shall be able to harm you. When we met
together, therefore, we first of all briefly made a confession of the faith which our lord Jesus Christ true God, handed
down to his holy apostles and by means of them to the holy churches, the same faith which those who afterwards
were holy fathers and doctors handed down to the people entrusted to them. We confessed that we believe, protect
and preach to the holy churches that confession of faith which was set out at greater length by the 318 holy fathers
who met in council at Nicaea and handed down the holy doctrine or creed. The 150 who met in council at
Constantinople also set out the same faith and made a confession of it and explained it. The 200 holy fathers who met
in the first council of Ephesus agreed to the same faith. We follow also the definitions of the 630 who met in council
at Chalcedon, regarding the same faith which they both followed and preached. We confessed that we held to be
condemned and anathematized all those who had been previously condemned and anathematized by the catholic
church and by the aforesaid four councils. When we had made this confession in this way, we made a start on the
examination of the three chapters. First, we considered Theodore of Mopsuestia. When all the blasphemies in his
works were exposed, we were astonished at God's patience, that the tongue and mind which had formed such
blasphemies were not straightaway burned up by divine fire. We would not even have allowed the official reader of
these blasphemies to continue, such was our fear of the anger of God at even a rehearsal of them (since each
blasphemy was worse than the one before in the extent of its heresy and shook to their foundation the minds of their
listeners), if it had not been the case that those who revelled in these blasphemies seemed to us to require the
humiliation which their exposure would bring upon them. All of us, angered by the blasphemies against God, burst
into attacks and anathemas against Theodore, during and after the reading, as if he had been living and present there.
We said: Lord, be favourable to us; not even the demons themselves have dared to speak such things against you.

O his intolerable tongue! O the wickedness of the man ! O the proud hand he raised against his creator! This
disgraceful man, who had made a promise to understand the scriptures, did not remember the words of the prophet
Hosea: Woe to them, for they have strayed from me! They have become notorious because of their impiety towards
me. They spoke evil things about me, and after they had considered them, they spoke even worse things against me.
They will fall into a trap because of the depravity of their tongues. Their contempt will be turned inwards on
themselves, because they have broken my covenant and acted impiously against my law. The impious Theodore
deserves to come under these curses. He dismissed the prophecies about Christ and he vilified, as far as he could, the
great mystery of the arrangements that have been made for our salvation. In many ways he tried to demonstrate that
the divine word was nothing but fables composed for the amusement of the gentiles. He ridiculed the other
condemnations of the impious made by the prophets, especially the one in which holy Habakkuk says of those who
teach false doctrines: Woe to him who makes his neighbours drink of the cup of his wrath, and makes them drunk, to
gaze on their caverns. This refers to their teachings which are full of darkness and quite separate from the light.

Why ought we to add anything more? Anyone who wishes can consult the volumes of the heretical Theodore or the
heretical chapters from his heretical books which have been included in our acts. Anyone can see his unbelievable
folly and the disgraceful utterances made by him. We fear to continue and to rehearse again those shameful things.
The writings of the holy fathers against him were also read out to us. We heard what had been written against his
folly which was more than all the other heretics, and the historical records and imperial laws which set out his heresy
from its beginning. Despite all this, those who defended his heresy, delighting in the insults offered by him to his
creator, declared that it was improper to anathematize him after his death. Although we were aware of the
ecclesiastical tradition concerning heretics, that they are anathematized even after death, we deemed it necessary to
go into this matter as well and it can be found in the acts how several heretics were anathematized after they were
dead. In many ways it has become clear to us that those who put forward this argument have no concern for God's
judgments, nor for the pronouncements of the apostles, nor for the traditions of the fathers. We would willingly
question them concerning what they would say about the Lord, who said of himself: He who believes in him is not
condemned, he who does not believe in him is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the
only-begotten Son of God. And about that claim of the Apostle: Even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach
to you a gospel contrary to what you have received, let him be accursed. As we said earlier, I repeat once more: If
anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to what you have received, let him be accursed.

Since the Lord declares that the person is judged already, and the Apostle curses even the angels if they instruct in
anything different from what we have preached, how is it possible even for the most presumptuous to assert that these
condemnations apply only to those who are still alive? Are they unaware, or rather pretending to be unaware, that to
be judged anathematized is just the same as to be separated from God? The heretic, even though he has not been
condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of
truth by his heresy. What reply can such people make to the Apostle when he writes: As for someone who is factious,
after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and
sinful; he is self-condemned.

It was in the spirit of this text that Cyril of holy memory, in the books which he wrote against Theodore, declared as
follows: "Whether or not they are alive, we ought to keep clear of those who are in the grip of such dreadful errors. It
is necessary always to avoid what is harmful, and not to be worried about public opinion but rather to consider what
is pleasing to God". The same Cyril of holy memory, writing to bishop John of Antioch and to the synod which met
there about Theodore who was condemned with Nestorius, says, "It was necessary that a brilliant festival should be
kept since all those who had expressed opinions in accordance with Nestorius had been rejected, whoever they were.
Action was taken against all those who believed, or had at any time believed, in these mistaken views. This is exactly
what we and your holiness pronounced: 'We anathematize those who assert that there exist two sons and two Christs.
He who is preached by you and us is, as was said, the single Christ, both Son and Lord, the only-begotten as man, as
learned Paul says'". Moreover in his letter to the priests and fathers of monks, Alexander, Martinian, John,
Paregorious and Maximus, and to those who were living as solitaries along with them, he says: "The holy synod of
Ephesus, meeting in accordance with the will of God, has pronounced sentence against the heresy of Nestorius and
has condemned according to justice and with accuracy both Nestorius himself and all those who might later, in inane
fashion, adopt the same opinions as he held, and those who had previously adhered to the same opinions and who
were bold enough to put them in writing, placing upon them all an equal condemnation. It was quite logical that when
a condemnation was issued against one person for such stupidity in what he said, then that condemnation should
apply not only to that person alone but also, so to speak, against all those who spread the heresies and untruths. They
express these falsehoods against the true dogmas of the church, offering worship to two sons, trying to divide what
cannot be divided, and introducing to both heaven and earth the offence of the worship of man. But the sacred band
of heavenly spirits worship along with us only one lord Jesus Christ". Moreover, several letters of Augustine of
sacred memory, who was particularly outstanding among the African bishops, were read in which he indicates that it
is correct to condemn heretics even after their death. Other most reverend bishops of Africa have also observed this
church custom; moreover the holy church of Rome has issued anathemas against certain bishops even after they were
dead, although they had not been accused on matters of faith while they were alive; the acts of our deliberations bear
witness to both these cases. Since the followers of Theodore and his heresy, who are plainly opposed to the truth,
have tried to adduce some sections of the writings of Cyril and Proclus of holy memory, as though these were in
favour of Theodore, it is appropriate to apply to these attempts the observation of the prophet when he writes: The
ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them. These followers have
willfully misunderstood what the holy fathers wrote, even though it was true and appropriate; they have quoted these
writings, dissembling excuses for their own iniquities. It seems that the fathers did not lift the anathema against
Theodore but rather used the language of concession in order to lead away from their mistake those who offered some
defence of Nestorius and his heresy; their aim was to lead them to perfection and to instruct them that not only was
Nestorius, the disciple of heresy, condemned but also his teacher Theodore. The fathers indicate their intention in this
matter despite the conciliatory forms used: Theodore was to be anathematized. This has been very clearly shown to
be the case by us in our acts from the works of Cyril and Proclus of blessed memory in respect of the condemnation
of Theodore and his heresy. This conciliatory attitude is also to be found in the holy scriptures. The apostle Paul
employed this tactic at the start of his ministry when he was dealing with those who had been Jews; he circumcised
Timothy so that by this conciliation and concession he might lead them to perfection. Afterwards, however, he ruled
against circumcision, writing on the subject to the Galatians: Now I Paul say to you that if you receive circumcision,
Christ will be of no advantage to you. We found that the defenders of Theodore have done exactly what the heretics
were accustomed to do. They have tried to lift the anathema on the said heretical Theodore by omitting some of the
things which the holy fathers had written, by including certain confusing falsehoods of their own, and by quoting a
letter of Cyril of blessed memory, as if all this were the evidence of the fathers. The passages which they quoted
made the truth absolutely clear once the omitted sections were put back in their proper place. The falsehoods were
quite apparent when the true writings were collated. In this matter those who issued these empty statements are those
who, in the words of scripture, rely on lies, they make empty pleas; they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity,
they weave the spider's web.

After we had investigated in this way Theodore and his heresy, we took the trouble to quote and include in our acts a
few of Theodoret's heretical writings against true faith, against the twelve chapters of holy Cyril and against the first
synod of Ephesus. We also included some of Theodoret's writings on the side of the heretical Theodore and Nestorius
so that it would be made clear, to the satisfaction of anyone reading our acts, that these opinions had been properly
rejected and anathematized.

Thirdly, the letter which is alleged to have been written by Ibas to Mari the Persian was brought under scrutiny and
we discovered that it too ought to be officially read out. When the letter was read out, its heretical character was
immediately apparent to everyone. Until this time there had been some dispute as to whether the aforesaid three
chapters ought to be condemned and anathematized. Since the supporters of the heretics Theodore and Nestorius were
conspiring to strengthen in another way the case of these men and their heresy, and were alleging that this heretical
letter, which approves and defends Theodore and Nestorius, had been accepted by the holy council of Chalcedon, it
was therefore necessary for us to demonstrate that that holy synod was unaffected by the heresy which is present in
that letter, and that clearly those who make such allegations are doing so not with the assistance of the holy council
but so as to give some support to their own heresy by associating it with the name of Chalcedon. It was demonstrated
in our acts that Ibas was previously accused of the same heresy which is contained in this letter. This accusation was
levelled first by Proclus of holy memory, bishop of Constantinople, and afterwards by Theodosius of blessed memory
and Flavian, the bishop there after Proclus, both of whom gave the task of examining the whole matter to Photius,
bishop of Tyre, and to Eustathius, bishop of the city of Beirut. When Ibas was later found to be blameworthy, he was
deposed from the episcopate. This being the state of affairs, how could anyone be so bold as to allege that that
heretical letter was accepted by the holy council of Chalcedon or that the holy council of Chalcedon agreed with it in
its entirety? So as to prevent those who misrepresent the holy council of Chalcedon in this way from having any
further opportunity to do so we instructed that there should be a formal reading of the official pronouncements of the
holy synods, namely the first of Ephesus and that of Chalcedon, on the subject of the letters of Cyril of holy memory
and of Leo of blessed memory, formerly pope of older Rome. We gathered from these authorities that nothing which
has been written by anyone ought to be accepted unless it has been shown conclusively that it is in accord with the
true faith of the holy fathers. Therefore we broke off from our deliberations so as to reiterate in a formal declaration
the definition of faith which was promulgated by the holy council of Chalcedon. We compared what was written in
the letter with this official statement. When this comparison was made, it was quite apparent that the contents of the
letter were quite contradictory to those of the definition of faith. The definition was in accord with the unique,
permanent faith set out by the 318 holy fathers, and by the 150, and by those who gathered for the first council at
Ephesus. The heretical letter, on the other hand, included the blasphemies of the heretical Theodore and Nestorius
and even gave support to them and describes them as doctors, while it condemns the holy fathers as heretics. We
make it quite clear to everyone that we do not intend to omit what the fathers had to say in the first and second
investigations, which are adduced by the supporters of Theodore and Nestorius in support of their case. Rather these
statements and all the others were formally read out and what they contained was submitted to official scrutiny, and
we found that they had not allowed the said Ibas to be accepted until they had obliged him to anathematize Nestorius
and his heretical doctrines which were affirmed in that letter. This was the view not only of the two bishops whose
interventions some have tried to misapply but also of the other religious bishops of that holy council. They also acted
thus in the case of Theodoret and insisted that he anathematize those opinions about which he was accused. If they
would permit the acceptance of Ibas only if he condemned the heresy which was to be found in his letter, and on
condition that he subscribed to a definition of faith set out by the council, how can an attempt be made to allege that
this heretical letter was accepted by the same holy council? We are rightly told: What partnership has righteousness
with iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what has a
believer in common with an unbeliever? What participation has the temple of God with idols?

Now that we have given the details of what our council has achieved, we repeat our formal confession that we accept
the four holy synods, that is, of Nicaea, of Constantinople, the first of Ephesus, and of Chalcedon. Our teaching is and
has been all that they have defined concerning the one faith. We consider those who do not respect these things as
foreign to the catholic church. Furthermore, we condemn and anathematize, along with all other heretics who have
been condemned and anathematized by the same four holy councils and by the holy, catholic and apostolic church,
Theodore, formerly bishop of Mopsuestia, and his heretical writings, and also what Theodoret heretically wrote
against the true faith, against the twelve chapters of holy Cyril and against the first synod of Ephesus, and we
condemn also what he wrote defending Theodore and Nestorius. Additionally, we anathematize the heretical letter
which Ibas is alleged to have written to Mari the Persian. This letter denies that God the Word was made incarnate of
the ever virgin Mary, the holy mother of God, and that he was made man. It also condemns as a heretic Cyril of holy
memory, who taught the truth, and suggests that he held the same opinions as Apollinarius. The letter condemns the
first synod of Ephesus for deposing Nestorius without proper process and investigation. It calls the twelve chapters of
holy Cyril heretical and contrary to the orthodox faith, while it supports Theodore and Nestorius and their heretical
teachings and writings. Consequently we anathematize the aforesaid three chapters, that is, the heretical Theodore of
Mopsuestia along with his detestable writings, and the heretical writings of Theodoret, and the heretical letter which
Ibas is alleged to have written. We anathematize the supporters of these works and those who write or have written in
defence of them, or who are bold enough to claim that they are orthodox, or who have defended or tried to defend
their heresy in the names of holy fathers or of the holy council of Chalcedon.

These matters having been treated with thorough-going exactness, we bear in mind what was promised about the holy
church and him who said that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing
tongues of heretics); we also bear in mind what was prophesied about the church by Hosea when he said, I shall
betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord; and we count along with the devil, the father of lies,
the uncontrolled tongues of heretics and their heretical writings, together with the heretics themselves who have
persisted in their heresy even to death. So we declare to them: Behold all you who kindle a fire, who set brands
alight! Walk by the light of your fire, and by the brands which you have kindled! Since we are under command to
encourage the people with orthodox teaching and to speak to the heart of Jerusalem, that is the church of God, we
very properly hurry to sow in righteousness and to reap the fruit of life. In doing this we are lighting for ourselves the
lamp of knowledge from the scriptures and the teachings of the fathers. It has therefore seemed necessary to us to
sum up in certain statements both our declarations of the truth and our condemnations of heretics and their heretical

Anathemas against the "Three Chapters"

1. If anyone will not confess that the Father, Son and holy Spirit have one nature or substance, that they have
one power and authority, that there is a consubstantial Trinity, one Deity to be adored in three subsistences or
persons: let him be anathema. There is only one God and Father, from whom all things come, and one Lord,
Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and one holy Spirit, in whom all things are.
2. If anyone will not confess that the Word of God has two nativities, that which is before all ages from the
Father, outside time and without a body, and secondly that nativity of these latter days when the Word of God
came down from the heavens and was made flesh of holy and glorious Mary, mother of God and ever-virgin,
and was born from her: let him be anathema.
3. If anyone declares that the [Word] of God who works miracles is not identical with the Christ who suffered,
or alleges that God the Word was with the Christ who was born of woman, or was in him in the way that one
might be in another, but that our lord Jesus Christ was not one and the same, the Word of God incarnate and
made man, and that the miracles and the sufferings which he voluntarily underwent in the flesh were not of
the same person: let him be anathema.
4. If anyone declares that it was only in respect of grace, or of principle of action, or of dignity or in respect of
equality of honour, or in respect of authority, or of some relation, or of some affection or power that there was
a unity made between the Word of God and the man, or if anyone alleges that it is in respect of good will, as if
God the Word was pleased with the man, because he was well and properly disposed to God, as Theodore
claims in his madness; or if anyone says that this union is only a sort of synonymity, as the Nestorians allege,
who call the Word of God Jesus and Christ, and even designate the human separately by the names "Christ"
and "Son", discussing quite obviously two different persons, and only pretending to speak of one person and
one Christ when the reference is to his title, honour, dignity or adoration; finally if anyone does not accept the
teaching of the holy fathers that the union occurred of the Word of God with human flesh which is possessed
by a rational and intellectual soul, and that this union is by synthesis or by person, and that therefore there is
only one person, namely the lord Jesus Christ, one member of the holy Trinity: let him be anathema. The
notion of "union" can be understood in many different ways. The supporters of the wickedness of
Apollinarius and Eutyches have asserted that the union is produced by a confusing of the uniting elements,
as they advocate the disappearance of the elements that unite. Those who follow Theodore and Nestorius,
rejoicing in the division, have brought in a union which is only by affection. The holy church of God,
rejecting the wickedness of both sorts of heresy, states her belief in a union between the Word of God and
human flesh which is by synthesis, that is by a union of subsistence. In the mystery of Christ the union of
synthesis not only conserves without confusing the elements that come together but also allows no division.
5. If anyone understands by the single subsistence of our lord Jesus Christ that it covers the meaning of many
subsistences, and by this argument tries to introduce into the mystery of Christ two subsistences or two
persons, and having brought in two persons then talks of one person only in respect of dignity, honour or
adoration, as both Theodore and Nestorius have written in their madness; if anyone falsely represents the
holy synod of Chalcedon, making out that it accepted this heretical view by its terminology of "one
subsistence", and if he does not acknowledge that the Word of God is united with human flesh by subsistence,
and that on account of this there is only one subsistence or one person, and that the holy synod of Chalcedon
thus made a formal statement of belief in the single subsistence of our lord Jesus Christ: let him be anathema.
There has been no addition of person or subsistence to the holy Trinity even after one of its members, God the
Word, becoming human flesh.
6. If anyone declares that it can be only inexactly and not truly said that the holy and glorious ever-virgin Mary
is the mother of God, or says that she is so only in some relative way, considering that she bore a mere man
and that God the Word was not made into human flesh in her, holding rather that the nativity of a man from
her was referred, as they say, to God the Word as he was with the man who came into being; if anyone
misrepresents the holy synod of Chalcedon, alleging that it claimed that the virgin was the mother of God only
according to that heretical understanding which the blasphemous Theodore put forward; or if anyone says
that she is the mother of a man or the Christ-bearer, that is the mother of Christ, suggesting that Christ is not
God; and does not formally confess that she is properly and truly the mother of God, because he who before
all ages was born of the Father, God the Word, has been made into human flesh in these latter days and has
been born to her, and it was in this religious understanding that the holy synod of Chalcedon formally stated
its belief that she was the mother of God: let him be anathema.
7. If anyone, when speaking about the two natures, does not confess a belief in our one lord Jesus Christ,
understood in both his divinity and his humanity, so as by this to signify a difference of natures of which an
ineffable union has been made without confusion, in which neither the nature of the Word was changed into
the nature of human flesh, nor was the nature of human flesh changed into that of the Word (each remained
what it was by nature, even after the union, as this had been made in respect of subsistence); and if anyone
understands the two natures in the mystery of Christ in the sense of a division into parts, or if he expresses his
belief in the plural natures in the same lord Jesus Christ, God the Word made flesh, but does not consider the
difference of those natures, of which he is composed, to be only in the onlooker's mind, a difference which is
not compromised by the union (for he is one from both and the two exist through the one) but uses the
plurality to suggest that each nature is possessed separately and has a subsistence of its own: let him be
8. If anyone confesses a belief that a union has been made out of the two natures divinity and humanity, or
speaks about the one nature of God the Word made flesh, but does not understand these things according to
what the fathers have taught, namely that from the divine and human natures a union was made according to
subsistence, and that one Christ was formed, and from these expressions tries to introduce one nature or
substance made of the deity and human flesh of Christ: let him be anathema. In saying that it was in respect
of subsistence that the only-begotten God the Word was united, we are not alleging that there was a confusion
made of each of the natures into one another, but rather that each of the two remained what it was, and in this
way we understand that the Word was united to human flesh. So there is only one Christ, God and man, the
same being consubstantial with the Father in respect of his divinity, and also consubstantial with us in respect
of our humanity. Both those who divide or split up the mystery of the divine dispensation of Christ and those
who introduce into that mystery some confusion are equally rejected and anathematized by the church of God.
9. If anyone says that Christ is to be worshipped in his two natures, and by that wishes to introduce two
adorations, a separate one for God the Word and another for the man; or if anyone, so as to remove the human
flesh or to mix up the divinity and the humanity, monstrously invents one nature or substance brought
together from the two, and so worships Christ, but not by a single adoration God the Word in human flesh
along with his human flesh, as has been the tradition of the church from the beginning: let him be anathema.
10. If anyone does not confess his belief that our lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified in his human flesh, is truly
God and the Lord of glory and one of the members of the holy Trinity: let him be anathema.
11. If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius Nestorius, Eutyches and
Origen, as well as their heretical books, and also all other heretics who have already been condemned and
anathematized by the holy, catholic and apostolic church and by the four holy synods which have already
been mentioned, and also all those who have thought or now think in the same way as the aforesaid heretics
and who persist in their error even to death: let him be anathema.
12. If anyone defends the heretical Theodore of Mopsuestia, who said that God the Word is one, while quite
another is Christ, who was troubled by the passions of the soul and the desires of human flesh, was gradually
separated from that which is inferior, and became better by his progress in good works, and could not be
faulted in his way of life, and as a mere man was baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the holy
Spirit, and through this baptism received the grace of the holy Spirit and came to deserve sonship and to be
adored, in the way that one adores a statue of the emperor, as if he were God the Word, and that he became
after his resurrection immutable in his thoughts and entirely without sin. Furthermore this heretical Theodore
claimed that the union of God the Word to Christ is rather like that which, according to the teaching of the
Apostle, is between a man and his wife: The two shall become one. Among innumerable other blasphemies he
dared to allege that, when after his resurrection the Lord breathed on his disciples and said, Receive the holy
Spirit, he was not truly giving them the holy Spirit, but he breathed on them only as a sign. Similarly he
claimed that Thomas's profession of faith made when, after his resurrection, he touched the hands and side of
the Lord, namely My Lord and my God, was not said about Christ, but that Thomas was in this way extolling
God for raising up Christ and expressing his astonishment at the miracle of the resurrection. This Theodore
makes a comparison which is even worse than this when, writing about the acts of the Apostles, he says that
Christ was like Plato, Manichaeus, Epicurus and Marcion, alleging that just as each of these men arrived at his
own teaching and then had his disciples called after him Platonists, Manichaeans, Epicureans and Marcionites,
so Christ found his teaching and then had disciples who were called Christians. If anyone offers a defence for
this more heretical Theodore, and his heretical books in which he throws up the aforesaid blasphemies and
many other additional blasphemies against our great God and saviour Jesus Christ, and if anyone fails to
anathematize him and his heretical books as well as all those who offer acceptance or defence to him, or who
allege that his interpretation is correct, or who write on his behalf or on that of his heretical teachings, or who
are or have been of the same way of thinking and persist until death in this error: let him be anathema.
13. If anyone defends the heretical writings of Theodoret which were composed against the true faith, against the
first holy synod of Ephesus and against holy Cyril and his Twelve Chapters, and also defends what Theodoret
wrote to support the heretical Theodore and Nestorius and others who think in the same way as the aforesaid
Theodore and Nestorius and accept them or their heresy and if anyone, because of them, shall accuse of being
heretical the doctors of the church who have stated their belief in the union according to subsistence of God
the Word; and if anyone does not anathematize these heretical books and those who have thought or now
think in this way, and all those who have written against the true faith or against holy Cyril and his twelve
chapters, and who persist in such heresy until they die: let him be anathema.
14. If anyone defends the letter which Ibas is said to have written to Mari the Persian, which denies that God the
Word, who became incarnate of Mary the holy mother of God and ever virgin, became man, but alleges that
he was only a man born to her, whom it describes as a temple, as if God the Word was one and the man
someone quite different; which condemns holy Cyril as if he were a heretic, when he gives the true teaching
of Christians, and accuses holy Cyril of writing opinions like those of the heretical Apollinarius ;which
rebukes the first holy synod of Ephesus, alleging that it condemned Nestorius without going into the matter
by a formal examination; which claims that the twelve chapters of holy Cyril are heretical and opposed to the
true faith; and which defends Theodore and Nestorius and their heretical teachings and books. If anyone
defends the said letter and does not anathematize it and all those who offer a defence for it and allege that it or
a part of it is correct, or if anyone defends those who have written or shall write in support of it or the heresies
contained in it, or supports those who are bold enough to defend it or its heresies in the name of the holy
fathers of the holy synod of Chalcedon, and persists in these errors until his death: let him be anathema.
Such then are the assertions we confess. We have received them from

1. holy Scripture, from

2. the teaching of the holy fathers, and from
3. the definitions about the one and the same faith made by the aforesaid four holy synods.

Moreover, condemnation has been passed by us against the heretics and their impiety, and
also against those who have justified or shall justify the so-called "Three Chapters",
and against those who have persisted or will persist in their own error. If anyone
should attempt to hand on, or to teach by word or writing, anything contrary to what
we have regulated, then if he is a bishop or somebody appointed to the clergy, in so
far as he is acting contrary to what befits priests and the ecclesiastical status, let him
be stripped of the rank of priest or cleric, and if he is a monk or lay person, let him be
anathema. Exposition of faith

The only Son and Word of God the Father, who became a man like us in all things but sin, Christ our true God,
proclaimed clearly in the words of the gospel; I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me shall not walk in
darkness but shall have the light of life, and again, My peace I leave to you, my peace I give you. Our most mild
emperor, champion of right belief and adversary of wrong belief, guided in godly wisdom by this teaching of peace
spoken by God, has brought together this holy and universal assembly of ours and set at one the whole judgment of
the church.

Wherefore this holy and universal synod of ours, driving afar the error of impiety which endured for some time
even till the present, following without deviation in a straight path after the holy and accepted fathers, has piously
accorded in all things with the five holy and universal synods: that is to say, with

1. the synod of 318 holy fathers who gathered at Nicaea against the madman Arius, and
2. that which followed it at Constantinople of 150 God-led men against Macedonius, opponent of the Spirit,
and the impious Apollinarius; similarly too, with
3. the first at Ephesus of 200 godly men brought together against Nestorius, who thought as the Jews and
4. that at Chalcedon of 630 God-inspired fathers against Eutyches and Dioscorus, hateful to God; also, in
addition to these, with
5. the fifth holy synod, the latest of them, which was gathered here against Theodore of Mopsuestia, Origen,
Didymus and Evagrius, and the writings of Theodoret against the twelve chapters of the renowned Cyril, and
the letter said to have been written by Ibas to Mari the Persian.

Reaffirming the divine tenets of piety in all respects unaltered, and banishing the profane teachings of impiety, this
holy and universal synod of ours has also, in its turn, under God's inspiration, set its seal on the creed which was
made out by the 318 fathers and confirmed again with godly prudence by the 150 and which the other holy synods
too accepted gladly and ratified for the elimination of all soul-corrupting heresy

We believe in one God ...[Creed of Nicaea and of Constantinople 1]

The holy and universal synod said:

This pious and orthodox creed of the divine favour was enough for a complete knowledge of the orthodox faith and a
complete assurance therein. But since from the first, the contriver of evil did not rest, finding an accomplice in the
serpent and through him bringing upon human nature the poisoned dart of death, so too now he has found instruments
suited to his own purpose--namely Theodore, who was bishop of Pharan, Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul and Peter, who were
bishops of this imperial city, and further Honorius, who was pope of elder Rome, Cyrus, who held the see of
Alexandria, and Macarius, who was recently bishop of Antioch, and his disciple Stephen -- and has not been idle in
raising through them obstacles of error against the full body of the church sowing with novel speech among the
orthodox people the heresy of a single will and a single principle of action in the two natures of the one member of
the holy Trinity Christ our true God, a heresy in harmony with the evil belief, ruinous to the mind, of the impious
Apollinarius, Severus and Themistius, and one intent on removing the perfection of the becoming man of the same
one lord Jesus Christ our God, through a certain guileful device, leading from there to the blasphemous conclusion
that his rationally animate flesh is without a will and a principle of action.

Therefore Christ our God has stirred up the faithful emperor, the new David, finding in him a man after his own
heart, who, as the scripture says, did not allow his eyes sleep or his eyelids drowsing until through this holy assembly
of ours, brought together by God, he found the perfect proclamation of right belief; for according to the God-spoken
saying, Where there are two or three gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.

This same holy and universal synod, here present, faithfully accepts and welcomes with open hands the report of
Agatho, most holy and most blessed pope of elder Rome, that came to our most reverend and most faithful emperor
Constantine, which rejected by name those who proclaimed and taught, as has been already explained, one will and
one principle of action in the incarnate dispensation of Christ our true God; and likewise it approves as well the other
synodal report to his God-taught serenity, from the synod of 125 bishops dear to God meeting under the same most
holy pope, as according with the holy synod at Chalcedon and with the Tome of the all-holy and most blessed Leo,
pope of the same elder Rome, which was sent to Flavian, who is among the saints, and which that synod called a
pillar of right belief, and furthermore with the synodal letters written by the blessed Cyril against the impious
Nestorius and to the bishops of the east.

Following the five holy and universal synods and the holy and accepted fathers, and defining in unison, it professes
our lord Jesus Christ our true God, one of the holy Trinity, which is of one same being and is the source of life, to be
perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, the same truly God and truly man, of a rational soul and a body;
consubstantial with the Father as regards his divinity, and the same consubstantial with us as regards his humanity,
like us in all respects except for sin; begotten before the ages from the Father as regards his divinity, and in the last
days the same for us and for our salvation from the holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, who is properly and truly called
mother of God, as regards his humanity; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only-begotten, acknowledged in two
natures which undergo no confusion, no change, no separation, no division; at no point was the difference between
the natures taken away through the union, but rather the property of both natures is preserved and comes together into
a single subsistent being [in unam personam et in unam subsistentiam concurrente]; he is not parted or divided into
two persons, but is one and the same only-begotten Son, Word of God, lord Jesus Christ, just as the prophets taught
from the beginning about him, and as Jesus the Christ himself instructed us, and as the creed of the holy fathers
handed it down to us.

And we proclaim equally two natural volitions or wills in him and two natural principles of action which undergo no
division, no change, no partition, no confusion, in accordance with the teaching of the holy fathers. And the two
natural wills not in opposition, as the impious heretics said, far from it, but his human will following, and not
resisting or struggling, rather in fact subject to his divine and all powerful will. For the will of the flesh had to be
moved, and yet to be subjected to the divine will, according to the most wise Athanasius. For just as his flesh is said
to be and is flesh of the Word of God, so too the natural will of his flesh is said to and does belong to the Word of
God, just as he says himself: I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of the Father who
sent me, calling his own will that of his flesh, since his flesh too became his own. For in the same way that his all
holy and blameless animate flesh was not destroyed in being made divine but remained in its own limit and category,
so his human will as well was not destroyed by being made divine, but rather was preserved, according to the
theologian Gregory, who says: "For his willing, when he is considered as saviour, is not in opposition to God, being
made divine in its entirety." And we hold there to be two natural principles of action in the same Jesus Christ our lord
and true God, which undergo no division, no change, no partition, no confusion, that is, a divine principle of action
and a human principle of action, according to the godly-speaking Leo, who says most clearly: "For each form does in
a communion with the other that activity which it possesses as its own, the Word working that which is the Word's
and the body accomplishing the things that are the body's". For of course we will not grant the existence of only a
single natural principle of action of both God and creature, lest we raise what is made to the level of divine being, or
indeed reduce what is most specifically proper to the divine nature to a level befitting creatures for we acknowledge
that the miracles and the sufferings are of one and the same according to one or the other of the two natures out of
which he is and in which he has his being, as the admirable Cyril said. Therefore, protecting on all sides the "no
confusion" and "no division", we announce the whole in these brief words: Believing our lord Jesus Christ, even after
his incarnation, to be one of the holy Trinity and our true God, we say that he has two natures [naturas] shining
forth in his one subsistence[subsistentia] in which he demonstrated the miracles and the sufferings throughout his
entire providential dwelling here, not in appearance but in truth, the difference of the natures being made known in
the same one subsistence in that each nature wills and performs the things that are proper to it in a communion with
the other; then in accord with this reasoning we hold that two natural wills and principles of action meet in
correspondence for the salvation of the human race.

So now that these points have been formulated by us with all precision in every respect and with all care, we
definitely state that it is not allowable for anyone to produce another faith, that is, to write or to compose or to
consider or to teach others; those who dare to compose another faith, or to support or to teach or to hand on another
creed to those who wish to turn to knowledge of the truth, whether from Hellenism or Judaism or indeed from any
heresy whatsoever, or to introduce novelty of speech, that is, invention of terms, so as to overturn what has now been
defined by us, such persons, if they are bishops or clerics, are deprived of their episcopacy or clerical rank, and if they
are monks or layfolk they are excommunicated.

Anathemas concerning holy images

1. If anyone does not confess that Christ our God can be represented in his humanity, let him be anathema.
2. If anyone does not accept representation in art of evangelical scenes, let him be anathema.
3. If anyone does not salute such representations as standing for the Lord and his saints, let him be anathema.
4. If anyone rejects any written or unwritten tradition of the church, let him be anathema.


For those to whom the priestly dignity is allotted, the guide-lines contained in the canonical regulations are
testimonies and directives. We accept them gladly and sing out to the Lord God with David, the revealer of God: In
the path of your testimonies I have taken delight, as with all manner of wealth; and, You have enjoined justice, your
testimonies are for ever; instruct me to give me life. And if the prophetic voice orders us for all eternity to observe the
messages of God and to live in them, it is obvious that they remain unshakeable and immoveable; thus Moses, who
looked on God, declares, To these there is no addition, and from these there is no subtraction. The divine apostle
takes pride in them when he cries out, These things which the angels long to gaze upon, and, If an angel brings you a
gospel contrary to what you have received, let him be accursed.

Since these things really are such and have been testified to us in these ways, we exult in them as a person would if he
were to come across a great mass of booty. We joyfully embrace the sacred canons and we maintain complete and
unshaken their regulation, both those expounded by those trumpets of the Spirit, the apostles worthy of all praise, and
those from the six holy universal synods and from the synods assembled locally for the promulgation of such decrees,
and from our holy fathers. Indeed all of these, enlightened by one and the same Spirit, decreed what is expedient. In
the case of those whom they sent away under an anathema, we also anathematize them, those whom they suspended,
we also suspend; those whom they excommunicated, we also excommunicate; those whom they placed under
penalties, we also deal with in the same way. Let your conduct be free from avariciousness, contenting yourself
with what you have, cried out with all explicitness the divine apostle Paul, who mounted to the third heaven and
heard words that cannot be uttered.

Since we make an undertaking before God as we sing, I shall meditate on your judgments, I shall not neglect your
words, it is essential to our salvation that every Christian should observe these things, but more especially those who
have been invested with priestly dignity. Therefore we decree that

 everyone who is to be advanced to the grade ofbishop should have a thorough knowledge of the psalter, in
order that he may instruct all the clergy subordinate to him, to be initiated in that book.
 He should also be examined without fail by the metropolitan to see if he is willing to acquire knowledge--
a knowledge that should be searching and not superficial--of the sacred canons, the holy gospel, the book of
the divine apostle, and all divine scripture;
 also if he is willing to conduct himself and teach the people entrusted to him according to the divine

"The substance of our hierarchy are the words handed down from God", that is to say, the true knowledge of the
divine scriptures, as the great Dionysius made plain. If someone is doubtful and ill at ease with such conduct and
teaching, let him not be ordained. For God said through the prophet: You rejected knowledge, and I shall reject you,
so that you may not serve me in a priestly function.

Any election of a bishop, priest or deacon brought about by the rulers is to be null and void in accordance with the
canon that says: "If any bishop, through the influence of secular rulers, acquires responsibility for a church
because of them, let him be suspended and let all those who are in communion with him be excommunicated".

It is necessary that the person who is to be advanced to a bishopric should be elected by bishops, as has been decreed
by the holy fathers at Nicaea in the canon that says: "It is by all means desirable that a bishop should be appointed by
all [the bishops] in the province. But if this is difficult because of some pressing necessity or the length of the journey
involved, let at least three come together and perform the ordination, but only after the absent bishops have taken part
in the vote and given their written consent. But in each province the right of confirming the proceedings belongs to
the metropolitan".

The herald of the truth, Paul, the divine apostle, laying down a sort of rule for the presbyters of Ephesus, or rather for
the whole priestly order, declared firmly: I have not coveted silver or gold or anybody's clothing; I have made
completely plain to you that it is by working in this fashion that we should provide for the weak being convinced that
it is blessed to give.

Therefore we also, having been taught by him, decree that a bishop should never have any sort of design on foul
profit, inventing excuses for his sins, nor demand any gold or silver or anything similar from the bishops,
clerics and monks subject to him. For the apostle says: The unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God; and, It is not
children who should heap up treasures for their parents, but parents for their children.

So if it is discovered that somebody, because of a demand for gold or something similar, or because of some
private infatuation of his own, has excluded from the liturgy or excommunicated one of the clerics under his
authority, or has closed off one of the holy churches, preventing the celebration of God's liturgies in it, pouring
out his own madness against insensible things, then he is truly senseless himself and he should be subjected to
suffer what he would inflict and the penalty imposed by him will turn upon his own head, because he has
transgressed both the law of God and the rulings of the apostles. For Peter also, the spokesman of the apostles, urges:
Be pastors to the flock of God entrusted to you, not under compulsion, but willingly as pleasing to God, not for sordid
gain but with enthusiasm, not as men who lord it over those entrusted to you, but as being models for the flock. Then
when the chief shepherd is disclosed, you will carry off the imperishable crown of glory.

It is a sin leading to death when sinners remain uncorrected, but still worse is it when people flaunt their sin as they
override holiness and truth, both preferring mammon to obedience to God and neglecting his legally formulated
instructions. The Lord God is not present among such persons unless they humbly turn from their fault. Their duty is
to approach God with a contrite heart and implore his forgiveness for their sin and his pardon, rather than to take
pride in an unholy distribution of gifts: For the Lord is close to the contrite of heart. Therefore in the case of those
who boast that they have been appointed in the church by distributing gifts of gold, and who pin their hopes on
this evil custom, which alienates a person from God and from all priesthood, and who take this as a reason for
deriding quite shamelessly and openly those who have been chosen by the holy Spirit and appointed for the virtue of
their lives, without any distribution of gifts of gold, when they first do this each should take the lowest rank in his
order, and if they persist they should be corrected with a penalty.

If someone is found to have done this at any time in connection with an ordination, let matters proceed in accordance
with the apostolic canon which says: "If some bishop or priest or deacon has obtained his dignity by means of
money, let him and the person who performed the ordination be suspended, and let them be excluded
completely from the communion, as Simon Magus was by me, Peter".

Similarly, in accordance with canon 2 of our holy fathers at Chalcedon, which says "If any bishop performs an
ordination for money and puts the unsaleable grace on sale, and ordains for money a bishop, a chorepiscopus, a
presbyter or deacons or some others of those numbered among the clergy; or appoints a manager, a legal officer or a
warden for money, or any other ecclesiastic at all for personal sordid gain; let him who has attempted this and been
convicted stand to lose his personal rank, and let the person ordained profit nothing from the ordination or
appointment he has bought; but let him be removed from the dignity or responsibility which he got for money. And if
anyone appears to have acted even as a go-between in such disgraceful and unlawful dealings, let him too, if he is a
cleric, be demoted from his personal rank, and if he is a lay person or a monk, let him be anathematized".

Although there is indeed a canon which says, "In each province the canonical investigations should take place
twice yearly by means of a gathering of the bishops", because of the trouble and because those attending the
meetings lack the resources for such journeys, the holy fathers of the sixth synod decreed "they should be held in any
case and despite all excuses, once a year, and all that is incorrect should be put right". We also renew this canon,
and should a ruler be found who prevents its observance, let him be excommunicated; however if one of the
metropolitan bishops neglects its fulfillment, let him be subject to canonical penalties, unless it is a case of necessity,
constraint or some other reasonable cause.

When such a synod is held to discuss canonical and evangelical matters, the gathered bishops should pay particular
care and attention to the divine and life-giving laws of God: There is a great reward for their observance; for a law is
a lamp, a regulation is a light, and reproof and discipline are the path of life indeed the law of the Lord gives light to
the eyes. However, the metropolitan bishop does not have the right to demand anything that a bishop may have
brought with him, such as a beast or some other thing; and if he is convicted of doing so, let him pay back fourfold.

The divine apostle Paul said: The sins of some people are manifest, those of others appear later. Some sins take the
front rank but others follow in their footsteps. Thus in the train of the impious heresy of the defamers of Christians,
many other impieties appeared. Just as those heretics removed the sight of venerable icons from the church, they also
abandoned other customs, which should now be renewed and which should be in vigour in virtue of both written and
unwritten legislation. Therefore we decree that in venerable churches consecrated without relics of the holy
martyrs, the installation of relics should take place along with the usual prayers. And if in future any bishop is
found out consecrating a church without relics, let him be deposed as someone who has flouted the
ecclesiastical traditions.

Since some of those who come from the religion of the Hebrews mistakenly think to make a mockery of Christ who
is God, pretending to become Christians, but denying Christ in private by both secretly continuing to observe the
sabbath and maintaining other Jewish practices, we decree that they shall not be received to communion or at
prayer or into the church, but rather let them openly be Hebrews according to their own religion; they should not
baptize their children or buy, or enter into possession of, a slave. But if one of them makes his conversion with a
sincere faith and heart, and pronounces his confession wholeheartedly, disclosing their practices and objects in the
hope that others may be refuted and corrected, such a person should be welcomed and baptized along with his
children, and care should be taken that they abandon Hebrew practices. However if they are not of this sort, they
should certainly not be welcomed.

All those childish baubles and bacchic rantings, the false writings composed against the venerable icons, should be
given in at the episcopal building in Constantinople, so that they can be put away along with other heretical books. If
someone is discovered to be hiding such books, if he is a bishop, priest or deacon, let him be suspended, and if he is
a lay person or a monk, let him be excommunicated.


As some clerics, who despise the canonical ordinance, abandon their own dioceses and run off into other dioceses--
something that happens with special frequency in this imperial, God-guarded city--and there they lodge with rulers,
celebrating the liturgy in their chapels, let it not be permitted for them to be received in any house or church
without the approval of their own bishop and that of the bishop of Constantinople. If they do so and persist
therein, they are to be suspended.

In the case of those who do this with the approval of the above-mentioned prelates, it is not permitted for them
to assume worldly and secular responsibilities, since they are forbidden to do so by the sacred canons; and if
someone is misled into occupying himself with the responsibility of the so-called high stewards, he is to desist or be
suspended. Rather let him busy himself with the teaching of the children and servants, lecturing them on the divine
scriptures because it is for such activity that he received the priesthood.


Since we are obliged to observe all the sacred canons, we ought also to maintain in all its integrity the one that says
that there should be administrators in each church. Therefore if each metropolitan bishop installs an administrator
in his own church, that is well and good; but if not, the bishop of Constantinople on his own authority has the right to
appoint one over the other's church, and similarly with metropolitan bishops, if the bishops under them do not choose
administrators to hold these posts in their own churches. The same rule is also to be observed with respect to


If it is discovered that a bishop or a monastic superior is transferring episcopal or monastic farmland to the
control of the ruler, or has been conceding it to another person, the transaction is null and void in accordance
with the canon of the holy apostles which stipulates: "Let the bishop take care of all ecclesiastical affairs, and let him
administer them as if under God's inspection. It is not permitted him to appropriate any of these things, nor to make a
present of the things of God to his own relatives. Should the latter be poor, let him care for them as for other poor
people, but let him not use them as an excuse for selling off the church's possessions." However, if he pretends that
the land is a loss and brings in no profit at all, let him make a present of the place to clerics or landworkers, but even
in these circumstances it should not be given to the local rulers. If they use evil cunning and the ruler buys up the land
from the landworker or the cleric in question, this sale shall also be null and void in such circumstances, and the land
should be restored to the bishopric or monastery. And the bishop or monastic superior who acts thus should be
expelled, the bishop from the episcopal house and the monastic superior from the monastery, because they wickedly
waste what they have not gathered.

On account of the disaster which came about in the churches due to our sins certain venerable houses--episcopal
buildings as well as monasteries--were seized by certain men and became public inns. Now if those who hold them
choose to restore them, so that they are established once more as formerly they were, this is good and excellent.
However if such is not the case, should they be inscribed in the list of priests, we order that they be suspended, and
if they are monks or lay persons, that they be excommunicated, seeing that they are criminals condemned by the
Father, the Son and the holy Spirit, and let them be assigned there where the worm does not die and the fire is not
quenched, because they oppose the voice of the Lord declaring, You shall not make my Father's house a house of


It is perfectly clear to everyone that a certain order has been established in the priesthood, and that it is God's good
pleasure that the appointment to priestly offices should be observed with care. However we have noticed that some,
without the imposition of hands, are adopting the clerical tonsure while still youngsters, and without having
received the imposition of hands from the bishop they are undertaking to read publicly from the ambo during the
church service, even though they are acting uncanonically. We urge therefore that this be discontinued, and that the
same regulation be observed among monks.

Each monastic superior has permission for the imposition of hands on a reader for his own monastery, and only for
that monastery, provided that the monastic superior has himself received from the bishop the imposition of hands to
rule there, and obviously provided that he is himself a priest. Similarly it is an ancient custom that chorepiscopi, with
the permission of the bishop, should appoint readers.


From now on, no cleric should be appointed to office in two churches. Such a procedure savours of commerce and
sordid profit-making, and is quite foreign to ecclesiastical custom. We have learned from the Lord's own voice: No
one can serve two masters, because either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and
despise the other. Therefore, following the advice of the apostle, Each should stay where he has been called, and
remain in one church. In ecclesiastical matters, whatever is done for the sake of sordid gain constitutes
something alien to God. But as far as the needs of this present life are concerned, there are various gainful
occupations; each may use these, as he prefers, to procure what is needed for the body. As the apostle said: These
hands of mine have provided for my own needs and for the persons accompanying me. These are the regulations for
this God-protected city; for what concerns places in the country, a concession may be granted because of the lack of


All indulgence and adornment bestowed on the body is alien to the priestly order. Therefore all those bishops
and clerics who deck themselves out in brilliant and showy clothes should be called to order, and if they persist let
them be punished. The same holds for those who use perfumes. However, since the root of bitterness has sprouted,
there has appeared in the catholic church the plague of a heresy which delights in the defamation of Christians. Those
who adopt this heresy not only heap insults on representational art, but also reject all forms of reverence and make a
mockery of those who live pious and holy lives, thus fulfilling in their own regard that saying of scripture, For the
sinner piety is an abomination. So if persons are found who make fun of those who wear simple and respectful
clothing, they should be corrected with punishment. Indeed, from the earliest times all those ordained to the
priesthood have been accustomed to present themselves in public dressed in modest and respectful clothing, and
anyone who adds to his apparel for the sake of decoration and not out of necessity deserves, as the great Basil
remarked, to be accused of "vainglory". Neither did anyone dress in variegated clothes made of silk, nor did they add
various coloured ornaments to the fringes of their garments. They had heard the tongue that spoke God's words
declare, Those who dress in soft clothes are in the houses of kings.


Some monks abandon their own monasteries because they desire to be in authority and disdain obeying others, and
then they attempt to found houses of prayer, although they lack adequate resources. If somebody undertakes to
do this, let him be prevented by the local bishop. If someone possesses adequate resources, however, his plans
should be brought to completion. The same ruling holds for both laity and clerics.


Be irreproachable even for those outside, says the divine apostle. Now for women to live in the houses of bishops
or in monasteries is a cause for every sort of scandal. Therefore if anybody is discovered to be keeping a woman,
whether a slave or free, in the bishop's house or in a monastery in order to undertake some service, let him be
censured, and if he persists let him be deposed. Should it happen that women are living in the suburban residence and
the bishop or monastic superior wishes to journey there, no woman should be allowed to undertake any sort of work
during the time that the bishop or monastic superior is present; she should stay on her own in some other area until
the bishop has retired, in order to avoid all possible criticism.


The blight of avarice has spread to such an extent among ecclesiastical authorities that even some so called pious men
and women, forgetting the Lord's commands, have been tricked into authorizing, for the sake of cash payments,
the entry of those presenting themselves for the priestly order and the monastic life. Thus it happens, as the great
Basil says, "when people begin wrongly, all they do is to be rejected", for it is not possible to serve God through
mammon. So, if somebody is found out to be doing this, if he is a bishop or a male monastic superior or one of the
priests, let him stop or be deposed, in accordance with canon 2 of the holy council of Chalcedon. If the person is a
female monastic superior, let her be expelled from the monastery and put under obedience in another monastery, and
similarly for a male monastic superior who has not received priestly ordination.

With regard to gifts given by parents under the concept of dowries for their children, or with regard to the personally
acquired goods that the latter present provided that those presenting them declare that these are gifts offered to God,
we have decreed that these gifts are to remain in the monastery, whether the person stays or leaves, in accordance
with their explicit undertaking, unless there is a reprehensible cause on the part of the person in charge.


We decree that from now on no more double monasteries are to be started because this becomes a cause of
scandal and a stumbling block for ordinary folk. If there are persons who wish to renounce the world and follow the
monastic life along with their relatives, the men should go off to a male monastery and their wives enter a female
monastery, for God is surely pleased with this.

The double monasteries that have existed up to now should continue to exist according to the rule of our holy
father Basil, and their constitutions should follow his ordinances. Monks and nuns should not live in one monastic
building, because adultery takes advantage of such cohabitation. No monk should have the licence to speak in private
with a nun, nor any nun with a monk. A monk should not sleep in a female monastery, nor should he eat alone with a
nun. When the necessary nourishment is being carried from the male area for the nuns, the female superior,
accompanied by one of the older nuns, should receive it outside the door. And if it should happen that a monk wishes
to pay a visit to one of his female relatives, let him speak with her in the presence of the female superior, but briefly
and rapidly, and let him leave her quickly.


It is not right for a monk or a nun to leave his or her own monastery and transfer to another. However should
this occur, it is obligatory that hospitality be given but such a person should not be accepted as a member without the
agreement of his or her monastic superior.


It is very important to dedicate everything to God and not to become slaves of our own desires; for whether you
eat or drink, the divine apostle says, do all for the glory of God. Now Christ our God has instructed us in his gospels
to eradicate the beginnings of sins. So not only adultery is rebuked by him, but also the movement of one's intention
towards the performance of adultery, when he says: He who looks on a woman lustfully has already committed
adultery with her in his heart.

Thus instructed we should purify our intentions: For if all things are lawful, not all things are expedient, as we learn
from the words of the apostle. Now everybody is certainly obliged to eat in order to live, and in the case of those
whose life includes marriage and children and the conditions proper to layfolk it is not reprehensible that men and
women should eat in one another's company; though they should at least say grace to thank the giver of their
nourishment, and they should avoid certain theatrical entertainments, diabolical songs, the strumming of lyres and the
dancing fit for harlots, against all such there is the curse of the prophet which says, Woe on those who drink their
wine to the sound of lyre and harp, those who pay no attention to the deeds of the Lord and have never a thought for
the works of his hands. If ever such people are found among Christians, they should reform, and if they do not, let the
canonical sanctions established by our predecessors be imposed on them.

Those whose mode of life is contemplative and solitary should sit and be silent, because they have entered into a
contract with the Lord that the yoke they carry will be a solitary one. Indeed, all those who have chosen the life of
priests are certainly not free to eat privately in the company of women, but at the most in the company of certain
God-fearing and pious men and women, in order that such a meal taken in common may draw them to spiritual
betterment. Let the same be done in the case of relatives.

As for another situation, if a monk or even a man in priestly orders happens to be making a journey and is not
carrying with him his indispensable provisions, and then wishes to satisfy his needs in a public inn or in someone's
house, he is allowed to do so when it is a case of pressing necessity.

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